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Preserving the planet:


Alba Castro
Back to basics and tough
Back to basics
We get to take care of our out basic needs: food, water,
But, what about our air?
•The Air conditioner prevents dust partially and the air purifier
stops us from breathing bad air temporarily.
• However the both of them cannot remove carbon dioxide
and other gases from air..
• So, we’ve been breathing in our own exhalation for years
Tough facts
• We are facing an excess concentration of Carbon dioxide all
over the world. So, all of us are technically living in exhalation for the
last three decades!
• Also, the air blanket around the earth is becoming thicker and
thicker making the earth warmer and warmer at a very fast rate.
Termed as ‘Global warming’
• It is the industrial waste that is causing this!
• Every industry uses fossil fuel like coal, disel, gas or biomass. All
contian carbon and result into emission of carbon dioxide. This is
known as carbon footprint.
Carbon Credits
Carbon Credits
• Modern life is based on industrialization. We can’t stop industrial
development. We can't stop use of electricity, can’t stop using fuel,
can't stop emissions (zero emission vehicles use batteries which are
charged using electricity produced by power stations)
• Developed countries are called as developed for their industrial
development only.
• They will continue to emit more carbon and put the burden of
reduction of emission on developing countries like India.
They have stared paying to those agencies
who can absorb CO2 by mechanisms like
planting trees or using solar farming.
Such trading of CO2 emissions is called as
carbon trading or Carbon Credit.
India has a good potential of earing carbon
So people started earning it.
But selling Carbon credits has now stopped.
What does this mean for
India has worst scenario of air pollution
• The HEI index of India is highest in the world. This means that India is
the most polluted country.
• So whoever wants to earn carbon credits should sell within the
country. (China is not doing that)
• Whether you own a factory using fuel or not, you can still earn
carbon credits.
• You must have a plant (not tree) which can consume carbon
dioxide in atmosphere.
Next steps

• Predict the efficiency, prove it and earn carbon credit

from the company you work with.
• Best is to place an plant in the factory itself next to the
stack (chimanes), pass aii the emissions via your plant so
the total emission is ‘zero’.
• You are successful in mission zero emission
You are free
• Though it is mandatory for any factory to undergo
A new
routine testing, way of
now they are fearless relating to
• No punishment, payment and shutdowns by Pollution the planet
• No complains of air spoilage by the people staying
• Happy “ Atmosphere” within the factory.


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