S3 GilliamAutismRatingScale SampleWriteUp

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Gilliam Autism Rating Scale -3rd Edition (GARS-3)

The GARS-3 is a norm-referenced screening instrument that is designed to identify individuals 3

through 22 years of age who have severe behavioral problems that may be indicative of autism. The
GARS-3 is composed of 58 clearly stated items divided into six subscales that describe specific,
observable, and measurable behaviors. The subscales include: restricted/repetitive behaviors, social
interactions, social communication, emotional responses, cognitive style, and maladaptive speech.

Subscale Teacher scaled Parent scaled

scores/percentile scores/percentile

Restricted/Repetitive Behaviors

Social Interaction

Social Communication

Emotional Responses

Cognitive Style

Maladaptive Speech

Sum of Scaled Scores

The sum of **’s scaled scores of * and * convert to an Autism Index of ** and ** which indicates the
probability of ASD to be “***” with a severity level of * indicating that s/he requires “**” within the
school setting and a severity level of * indicating that he required “***” within the home setting.
The following questions were reported to be “Very much like” *** by his parents. The areas in bold
indicate teacher agreement.
Restricted/Repetitive Behaviors

Social Interactions

Social Communication

Emotional Responses

Cognitive Style

Maladaptive Speech

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