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Written Assignment

Rules of the assignment writing:

• Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5 line spacing

• Each team should submit at assignment of total 6000 words including references.
• Each team comprises of 3 members.
• Each assignment should have at least 50 references, taken in the range of 2019-2024, (follow APA citation).
• Each citation should match each reference (cross check to be done by the team).
• Plagiarism in free software should be zero percent.
• AI generated content should be avoided.
• Tables and figures should have source mentioned and referred in the reference section.
• Date of submission- 15 April, 2024.

Students’ names and topics for assignments

S. no. Students’ Names
This is
(Three members in
chronological order from
team register)
1.Sec A V.S Sharada The Digital Transformation of HR
Lakshmi Hari Chandana • Technological Advancements in HR
Sruwa Kesiraju • AI and Machine Learning in Recruitment
• Virtual Reality for Training and Development
• Blockchain in HR: Ensuring Data Security
Digital Recruitment Strategies
• Social Media Recruitment
• Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)
• Video Interviews and Assessments
2. Vyshnavee Virtual Onboarding
Pallavi • Online Induction Programs
Sec B Venigalla Pranavi • Virtual Mentoring and Buddy Systems
• Gamification in Onboarding Processes
Digital Training Platforms
• Overview of Digital Training Platforms
• Features and Benefits
• Comparison of Popular Platforms
Innovation and Creativity in HR Leadership
• Fostering Innovation in HR Practices
• Creative Problem Solving in HR Leadership
3. Sudha Reddy Data-Driven Decision Making in HR
G Mahima • HR Analytics
Sec A Harshita Vupthpala • HR Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
• Predictive Analytics for Talent Management
• Text Analysis for Employee Sentiment
Predictive HR
• Forecasting Workforce Trends
• Predictive Succession Planning
• Predictive Performance Management
4. Jameela Performance Metrics
Sec B Sereena Sarayu • Balanced Scorecard Approach
Neha Kharidehal • Continuous Performance Feedback Systems
• Data-Driven Performance Reviews
Performance Analytics and Reporting
• Using Data Analytics to Analyze Performance Trends
• Generating Performance Reports
• Communicating Performance Results to Stakeholders
• Leveraging Data for Strategic Decision Making
5.Sec A Syed Manishad Enhancing Employee Experience through Technology
Lakshmi Anusha 1. Personalized Learning and Development
Soumya Bhargavi 2. Adaptive Learning Platforms
3. Microlearning for Skill Development
4. Learning Experience Platforms (LXPs)
Employee Engagement Platforms
1. Real-Time Feedback Tools
2. Social Recognition Platforms
3. Virtual Team Building Activities
Wellness Apps and Programs
1. Mental Health Apps and Support
2. Fitness Tracking and Wellness Challenges
3. Remote Health Consultation Services

6. Swetha Automation in HR Processes

Sec B Madhavi Streamlining Administrative Tasks
Meghana 1. Automated Payroll Systems
2. Digital Employee Records Management
3. Self-Service HR Portals
Chatbots and AI in HR Service Delivery
1. AI-Powered HR Helpdesks
2. Chatbots for Employee Queries
3. Virtual HR Assistants
Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
1. Automated Candidate Sourcing
2. RPA in Performance Appraisals
3. RPA for Compliance Reporting
7. Goda Ashmitha Yadav Cybersecurity and Data Privacy in HR
Sec A Preeti Srivastava Protecting Employee Data
Navya Budhiti 1. Data Encryption and Tokenization
2. Secure Cloud Storage Solutions
3. Compliance with GDPR and Other Regulations
Cybersecurity Best Practices
1. Employee Cybersecurity Training
2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
3. Incident Response Planning
Managing Risks of Digital HR
1. Data Breach Prevention Strategies
2. Cybersecurity Audits and Assessments
3. Cyber Insurance for HR Data Protection
8. Tanmay sree The Future of Work: Adapting HR to Changing Trends
Sec B Pravallika Remote and Hybrid Work Models
Abhinaya 1. Remote Work Policy Development
2. Virtual Team Collaboration Tools
3. Managing Remote Employee Performance
Gig Economy and Contingent Workforce
1. Gig Worker Engagement Strategies
2. Freelancer Management Platforms
3. Compliance with Labor Laws for Gig Workers
Upskilling and Reskilling
1. Skills Gap Analysis
2. Online Learning Platforms for Employees
3. Corporate Learning Culture Development
9. Sai Soudamini Agile Methodology Overview
Asiya Khan 1. Agile Manifesto and Principles
Sec A Niharika Natcharaju 2. Agile Practices in Software Development
3. Adaptation of Agile in HR
Benefits of Agile in HR
1. Increased Flexibility and Adaptability
2. Faster Response to Changing Needs
3. Improved Employee Engagement and Satisfaction
Challenges and Considerations
1. Cultural Shift and Change Management
2. Alignment with Traditional HR Processes
3. Agile Implementation Roadblocks
10. Shireen Agile Recruitment and Selection
Vasudha Agile Talent Acquisition
Sec B Deekshitha 1. Agile Job Descriptions and Requirements
2. Iterative Candidate Screening and Selection
3. Collaborative Hiring Decisions
Building Agile Talent Pools
1. Continuous Sourcing and Networking
2. Agile Recruitment Marketing Strategies
3. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM) in Agile Context
Onboarding in Agile Organizations
1. Agile Onboarding Practices
2. Agile Buddy Systems and Mentoring
3. Continuous Feedback and Improvement in Onboarding
11. Dwaraka Datta Sai Agile Performance Management
Swarthik Reddy Setting Agile Goals and Objectives
Sec A K.V. Harish 1. Agile Goal Setting Techniques (e.g., OKRs)
2. Continuous Feedback and Performance Discussions
3. Iterative Performance Reviews
Agile Performance Metrics
1. Outcome-Based Performance Measures
2. Team-Based Performance Metrics
3. Real-Time Performance Dashboards
Agile Development and Coaching
1. Agile Coaching Techniques
2. Continuous Learning and Development Plans
3. Supporting Agile Mindset and Behaviors
12. Agile Team Dynamics and Collaboration
Building Agile Teams
Sec B Nikhila 1. Cross-Functional Team Structures
Srujna 2. Team Formation and Dynamics
Pranay Kumar 3. Agile Team Roles and Responsibilities
Agile Communication and Collaboration
1. Daily Stand-Ups and Check-Ins
2. Agile Project Management Tools
3. Virtual Collaboration in Agile Teams
Agile Conflict Resolution
1. Handling Conflict in Agile Teams
2. Building Resilient and Adaptable Teams
3. Learning from Conflict in Agile Context

13. Vajrapu Sunil Agile HR Operations and Processes

Sec A Adarsh Pradip Bordoloi 1. Agile HR Planning and Budgeting
G. Sai Karthik 2. Iterative HR Planning Cycles
3. Agile Budget Allocation and Resource Management
4. Flexibility in HR Operations
Agile Policy Development and Implementation
1. Agile Policy Creation and Review Processes
2. Agile Policy Communication and Training
3. Continuous Improvement of HR Policies
Agile HR Analytics and Reporting
1. Real-Time HR Data Analytics
2. Agile HR Metrics and Dashboards
3. Data-Driven Decision Making in Agile HR
14 Tarun Leading Agile HR Transformation
Sec B Aayush Agile Leadership in HR
K.Sai 1. Agile Leadership Behaviors and Mindset
2. Leading Agile Teams and Projects
3. Sustaining Agile Transformation in HR
Change Management in Agile HR
1. Agile Change Management Principles
2. Engaging Stakeholders in Agile Transformation
3. Overcoming Resistance to Agile HR
Measuring Success and Continuous Improvement
1. Key Success Factors in Agile HR
2. Agile HR Maturity Models
3. Continuous Learning and Adaptation in Agile HR

15. Abhinav Prakash Understanding Employee Well-being

Vasudeva Reddy Concept of Employee Well-being
Sec A Moparthy Rajesh 1. Definition and Components of Well-being
2. Importance of Well-being in the Workplace
3. Link Between Well-being and Organizational Performance
Well-being Models and Frameworks
1. Theoretical Models of Well-being (e.g., PERMA Model)
2. Well-being Assessment Tools
3. Developing a Well-being Strategy
Business Case for Well-being
1. Cost of Poor Employee Well-being
2. Benefits of Investing in Employee Well-being
3. ROI of Well-being Programs
16. Prajwal sai Creating a Well-being Culture
Sagnik 1. Leadership and Well-being
Sec B Hemanth Kumar 2. Role of Leaders in Promoting Well-being
3. Leading by Example: Executive Well-being Practices
4. Building a Well-being Vision and Strategy
Organizational Values and Well-being
1. Aligning Well-being with Organizational Values
2. Communicating the Importance of Well-being
3. Integrating Well-being into Organizational Policies
Employee Engagement and Well-being
1. Engaging Employees in Well-being Initiatives
2. Employee Involvement in Well-being Program Design
3. Recognizing and Rewarding Well-being Champions
17. G. Shreedhar Well-being Programs and Initiatives
Abhinay Paul Physical Well-being Programs
Sec A Kanungo Srinivas 1. Health and Wellness Initiatives
2. Ergonomic Work Environment
3. Nutrition and Fitness Programs
Mental Health Support
1. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)
2. Mental Health Awareness Training
3. Stress Management and Resilience Programs
Work-Life Balance Strategies
1. Flexible Work Arrangements
2. Paid Time Off and Sabbaticals
3. Remote Work Policies and Practices
18. Sai Vivek Vardhan Well-being Assessment and Measurement
Shreyas Assessing Employee Well-being
Sec B Mayank 1. Well-being Surveys and Assessments
2. Psychosocial Risk Assessments
3. Using Data to Inform Well-being Strategies
Measuring the Impact of Well-being Programs
1. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for Well-being
2. ROI Calculation for Well-being Initiatives
3. Continuous Improvement of Well-being Programs
Creating a Well-being Dashboard
1. Visualizing Well-being Data
2. Tracking Progress Over Time
3. Communicating Well-being Outcomes to Stakeholders
Hrishikesh Goud Well-being and Organizational Performance
19. Kasimalla Akhil Well-being and Productivity
Sumedh Panse 1. Impact of Well-being on Employee Performance
Sec A 2. Creating a Productive and Healthy Work Environment
3. Well-being as a Competitive Advantage
Well-being and Employee Engagement
1. Link Between Well-being and Engagement
2. Well-being's Influence on Employee Motivation
3. Building an Engaged and Well Workforce
Well-being and Talent Management
1. Attracting and Retaining Talent Through Well-being
2. Well-being's Role in Talent Development
3. Well-being Considerations in Succession Planning
20. Praveen Future Trends in Employee Well-being
Venkateswara Nayak Technology and Well-being
Sec B Karthikeya 1. Digital Well-being Tools and Apps
2. Wearable Technology for Well-being Monitoring
3. Virtual Well-being Support Services
Global Well-being Trends
1. Cultural Differences in Well-being Practices
2. Globalization's Impact on Employee Well-being
3. Well-being Strategies for a Diverse Workforce
Sustainable Well-being Practices
1. Environmental Well-being in the Workplace
2. Social Responsibility and Employee Well-being
3. Creating a Sustainable Well-being Strategy
21. Partitala Taatvik The Role of Leadership in HR
Boddu Babu Defining Leadership in the HR Context
Sec A Shyam Prajapati Importance of Effective Leadership in HR
Evolution of HR Leadership
• Historical Perspectives on HR Leadership
• Modern Trends in HR Leadership Development
Challenges and Opportunities for HR Leaders
• Current Challenges Facing HR Leaders
• Opportunities for HR Leaders to Drive Change
Key Leadership Skills for HR Professionals
• Communication and Influencing Skills
• Emotional Intelligence and Relationship Building
• Strategic Thinking and Decision Making
22. Kesav Krishna Ethical Leadership in HR
Veer Raghav Reddy • Ethical Dilemmas in HR Leadership
Sec B Prem • Principles of Ethical Leadership in HR
• Developing Coaching and Mentoring Programs
Leadership Styles in HR
• Different Leadership Styles and Their Impact on HR
• Adaptive Leadership in HR
Future Trends in HR Leadership
• Emerging Trends in HR Leadership
• Skills Required for Future HR Leaders
• Role of Coaching and Mentoring in HR Development
23 Hassan Khan Leading HR Teams Effectively
Ruthwik Bharadwaj • Building High-Performing HR Teams
Sec A Nishanth Reddy • Team Dynamics and Team Building
Developing a Positive Team Culture
• Managing Conflict in HR Teams
• Conflict Resolution Strategies
• Building Resilient Teams
Empowering HR Teams
• Delegating Responsibilities Effectively
• Encouraging Innovation and Creativity
• Coaching and Mentoring in HR

24 Santhosh Future Trends in HR Leadership

Nikhil • The Future of HR Leadership
Sec B • Emerging Trends in HR Leadership
• Skills and Competencies for Future HR Leaders

Digital Transformation and HR Leadership

• Impact of Digital Transformation on HR Leadership
• Leveraging Technology for HR Leadership

Globalization and HR Leadership

• Leading Global HR Teams
• Cultural Intelligence in HR Leadership
Sustainability and Social Responsibility in HR Leadership
• Sustainable HR Practices
• Corporate Social Responsibility in HR Leadership

25 Sahil Jain Ethical Leadership in HR

Punith Korimilli • Ethical Dilemmas in HR Leadership
Sec A Sai Prakash • Principles of Ethical Leadership in HR
• Developing Coaching and Mentoring Programs
Leadership Styles in HR
• Different Leadership Styles and Their Impact on HR
• Adaptive Leadership in HR
Future Trends in HR Leadership
• Emerging Trends in HR Leadership
• Skills Required for Future HR Leaders
Role of Coaching and Mentoring in HR Development

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