Sixth Monthly Exam in Reading 6

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1. Who is the author of the poem?


2. How would you describe the bug in the first stanza?


3. What is a metamorphosis?


4. Do you have any similarities with the butterfly?


5. If you were metamorphose into something else, what would it be and why?


6. What is the moral lesson of the poem?


Identify the following figures of speech. Write SIMILE, PERSONIFICATION,


________________1. An expression giving the characteristics of human beings to an inanimate

object or an animal.

________________2. A figure of speech in which one object is likened to another by talking

about it as if it were that other. It does not use “like” or “as” or any word comparison.

________________3. A poetic exaggeration that is intentional but not intended to be taken


________________4. A figure of speech in which two different things are compared using the
“like” and “as”.
________________5. The noise at the concert is music to his ears.

________________6. The teacher’s eyes are twinkling with joy.

________________7. His mind is as sharp as a samurai’s sword.

________________8. The wind whispered secrets to my ears.

________________9. Life is but a dream.

________________10. A helicopter hovered above like a giant humming bird.

________________11. The tsunami ate the whole village.

________________12. Her teeth are like sparkling pearls.

________________13. A rainbow is a bridge across the sky.

________________14. The handsome man is like a butterfly fleeting from flower to flower.

________________15. The man thinks with ten brain.

Onomatopoeia Consonance

________________________1. It is the formation of a word from a sound associated with what

is named.

________________________2. It is the repetition of consonant sounds within words, often

with a variation on adjoining vowels.
________________________3. The bee buzzed over my head.

________________________4. The angry cat hissed at me to stop tormenting her.

________________________5. Mike likes his new bike.

________________________6. The best part about music class is that you can bang on the

________________________7. The large dog said, “Bow-wow!”

________________________8. Fair is foul and foul is fair

________________________9. Did you forget to flush the toilet?

________________________10. He gives his harness bells a shake

Irony Euphemism Ellipsis

________________________1. It is a mild, polite, or inoffensive word or phrase, used when

the real word or phrase might be embarrassing or offensive to some people.

________________________2. It is the statement with opposite meaning.

________________________3. It is the omission of words from a sentence or phrase.

________________________4. A fire station burns down.

________________________5. She isn't sick- she's under the weather.

________________________6. Passed away instead of dying.

________________________ 7. A pilot has a fear of heights.

________________________8. He didn't break up with her- he needed some space.

________________________9. A librarian yells across the library: “keep your voices down!”

________________________10. John can speak seven languages, but Ron can speak only two

________________________11. The police station gets robbed.

________________________12. She wanted to go bowling, so she did.

________________________13. I'm wearing Julie's coat, and you're wearing Kelly's.

________________________14. People don't go to prison; it's a “correctional facility.”

________________________15. A traffic cop gets suspended for not paying his parking


1. Who is the author of the selection?


2. What is a junk food?

3. Give three examples of junk food.


4. What are effects of eating junk food?


5. Why is eating junk food hazardous to one’s health?


6. Why do you think children love eating junk food?


7. Do you think junk food should be banned?


8. What is the moral lesson?


A. Add one of these prefixes to the root words below to form new words – re, un, de, dis, im, in.
1. Place _______________ 11. Possible _______________
2. Connect _______________ 12. Integrate _______________
3. Materialize _______________ 13. Mortal _______________
4. Afraid _______________ 14. Planned _______________
5. Name _______________ 15. Read _______________
6. Measurable _______________ 16. Accurate _______________
7. Created _______________ 17. Agree _______________
8. Changed _______________ 18. Happy _______________
9. Courage _______________ 19. Appear _______________
10. Arranged _______________ 20. Complete _______________

B. Add one of these suffixes to the root words below to form new words – tion, ation, sion, age, al, ance,
ence, d, ment, ed, ure, ing.
1. Embarrass _______________ 11. Expand _______________
2. Addict _______________ 12. Interrogate _______________
3. Parent _______________ 13. Use _______________
4. Break _______________ 14. Emerge _______________
5. Connect _______________ 15. Short _______________
6. Perform _______________ 16. Appoint _______________
7. Educate _______________ 17. Avail _______________
8. Close _______________ 18. Imitate _______________
9. Sensitive _______________ 19. Pollute _______________
10. Communicate _______________ 20. Direct _______________

Direction: Identify the prefix and suffix in each word.

Prefix Suffix

1. Insensitivity _______________ _______________

2. Pollution _______________ _______________

3. Reconnection _______________ _______________

4. Miscommunication _______________ _______________

5. Immortality _______________ _______________

6. Misdirection _______________ _______________

7. Inappropriate _______________ _______________

8. Preparation _______________ _______________

9. Inaccurate _______________ _______________

10. Imprisonment _______________ _______________

Direction: Write a prefix or suffix to complete the sentence.

1. The kids were very _____ happy when their soccer game was rained out.

2. Mom had to _____ heat the oven before she could bake the cake.

3. I had to _____ read the question so I could understand it.

4. The firefighter was fear_____ as he ran into the burning house to save the family.

5. We had to _____ ware of snakes while we were hiking through the woods.

6. She was the young _____ girl in the whole class.

7. The ground was complete _____ covered with snow after the blizzard.

8. The lights added a magic _____ touch to the play.

9. Callie had to _____ tie her shoes so she could take them off.

10. Our teacher told us to be care _____ with the pottery we made.

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