Est MCQ CH 3

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1) Energy flow in an ecosystem is always

a) unidirectional b) cyclic c) reversible d) multidimensional
2) An ecosystem may not undergo changes because
a) it is in state of homeostasis
b) is has plants and animals both
c) it gets solar energy continuously
d) the decomposers are present in it
3) Conservation of biodiversity outside the natural habitat is
a) ex-situ b) in-situ c) conservation d) in-vivo
4) The type of diversity including all the different kind of living things found in na certain habitat is called
a) species diversity b) genetic diversity c) ecosystem diversity d) population diversity
5) Which ecological pyramid is upright?
a) Pyramid of number b) pyramid of energy
c) pyramid of biomass d) pyramid of number and biomass
6) Levels of biodiversity include all but on
a) genetic b) species c) population d) ecosystem
7) An ecosystem gradually merges with an adjoining one through a transitional zone called as
a) ecological niche b) ecological footprint c) ecotone d) biodiversity loss
8) How is lithospere, atmosphere and hydrosphere connected?
a) hydrological cycle b) Nitrogen cycle c) oxygen cycle d) carbon cycle
9) Study of interrelationship between organism and their environment is
a) ecology b) ecosystem c) phytogeography d) ethology
10) Zoos are example of
a) insitu conservation b) invivo conservation c) exsitu conservation d) envivo conservation
11) Each organism in an ecosystem is at specific feeding stage called as
a) climate level b) producer level c) tropic level d) consumptive level
12) The destruction of habitat of plants and animals is called
a) endemism b) endangered species c) habitant loss d) flood
13) Habitat of dog fish is
a) river b) pond c) lake d) sea
14) A set of organism that resembles one another is appearance and behaviour is called
a) exons b) prions c) species d) none of the given
15) The area to which a species is biologically adapted to live is known as
a) niche b) habitat c) succession d) all of the given
16) The process in which green plants and few organisms use sunlight to synthesize nutrients is known
a) chemosynthesis b) photosynthesis c) food chain d) food web
17) Which of the following is not an important hotspot in India?
a) Himalayan b) Western ghat c) Indo-Burma d) Central ghat
18) Which leads to over exploitation of natural resources?
a) greed b) ecofriendly c) need d) all of the given
19) _______ called Lungs of Planet ?
a) Sahyadri rain forest b) Kokan rain forest c) Amazon rain forest d) South Africa rain forest
20) Which of the following is not a cause of biodiversity?
a) over exploitation b) ecofriendly c) Co-extinction d) habitat loss and fragmentation
21) The biodiversity contained in an ecosystem provides forest dwellers with all their daily needs is
______ use value.
a) Ethical and moral b) Consumptive c) Aesthetical d) Social
22) Which ecosystem produce the highest annual net primary productivity?
a) Tropical evergreen forest b) Tropical rain forest c) Tropical deciduous forest d) Temperate
evergreen forest
23) In ecosystem, standing crops refers to
a) All the green plants b) All the non-living materials c) All living and dead animals d) All living
materials both animals and plants
24) The type of ecosystem with highest mean plant productivity is
a) Tundra b) Temperate grassland c) Desert d) Tropical rain forest
25) Transfer of energy from source of plant through a series of organism is known as
a) Food web b) Energy cycle c) Food chain d) Biological System
26) Bharatpur bird sanctuary is situated in
a) Kerala b) Karnataka c) Rajastan d) Gujrat
27) In a national park protection is given to
a) the entire flora b) the entire fauna c) plants and animals d) entire ecosystem
28) The Red Data Book maintains a record of the
a) Plants and animals present in the whole world b) Relationship between man and biosphere
c) Plants and animals are known to be endangered d) Forest wealth in the whole world
29) Pick up the correct food chain
a) grass-chameleon-insect-bird b) grass – fox – rabbit – bird c) fallen leaves-bacteria-insect-larva
d) Phytoplankton-zooplankton-fish
30) The food chain in an ecosystem helps to maintain
a) The feeding relationship in nature,thus biodiversity b) Passage of nutrients in the ecosystem c)
Flow of energy in the ecosystem d) all the given
31) The graphical representation of the interrelation of producer and consumer in an ecosystem is
termed as
a) Ecological niche b) Ecological pyramid c) Food web d) Trophic level
32) In Alpine, Animals have _ _ _ _ blood vessels
a) More b) Large c) Thick d) None of the above
33) The percentage of forest cover recommended by the National Forest Policy(1988) is
a) 33% for plains and 67% for hills b) 37% for plains and 63% for hills
c) 20% for plains and 70% for hills d) 23% for plains and 77% for hills
34) Extinction of a weaker species by an aggressive alien species is the result of
a) endemisim of weaker species b) habitat loss c) the Domino effect d) all of the given
35) Protection of endengered species by preserving the entire ecosystem is known as
a) in-situ conservation b0 ex-situ conservation c) biodiversity conservation d) none of the given
36) Which of the following is major biodiversity in Maharashtra?
a) Deccan Peninsula - Chhota Nagpur b) Deccan Peninsula - Deccan South c) Deccan Peninsula -
Central Highlands d)None of the above
37) A world map of hot spots with details of Flora & Fauna is prepared by
a) The national geographic society b) Scientific Organizations c)Environmentalists
d) None of the above
38) The phenomenon of the entry of toxic chemicals into the food chains and more concentrated at
higher trophic levels is called
a) Biological control b) Biomagnification c) Algal bloom d) Red tide
39) What are 'keystone' species in an ecosystem?
a) The species whose elimination can seriously affect the ecosystem.
b) The species whose elimination can benefit the ecosystem.
c) The species whose elimination would not affect the ecosystem.
d) None of the above
40) Which element is a building block of both animals and plant tissues?
a) Sulfur b) Carbon c) Nitrogen d) None of the above
41) The type of forests grown in the Himalayan mountain region is called:
a) Broad-leaved forests b) Coniferous forests c) Deciduous forests d) None of the above
42) Which of the following factors leads to Eutrophication?
a) Excessive use of fertilizers b) Increase of plant nutrients c) Both (a) and (b) d) None of the above
43) Hailey national park established in 1935 was renamed as
a) Jim Corbett National Park b) Sunderban Natioanl Park c) Kanha National Park d) None of given
44) The Global Zoo Ecoregion is a system derived to conserve biodiversity. Which of the following has
taken the initiative?
a) Africa b) Latin America c( World wild life fund d) World ecological fund
45) Decomposer help to send ________ to plants.
a) Components b) Nutrients c) Constituents d) None of the given
46) The species with thin population localised within restricted area is said to be
a) Rare b) Threatened c) Endangered d) Vulnerable
47) "Genetic Pollution" may be originated due to one of the following. Which of the following may be
possible reason ?
a) Uncontrolled Hybridization b) Unprofitability c) Natural Phenomenon d) None of the above
48) The total area of India is classified into following number of biogeographical zones
a) Six b) Eight c) Nine d) Ten
49) Which of the following is not a biogeochemical cycle in an ecosystem?
a) Carbon cycle b) Phosphorus cycle c) Nitrogen cycle d) Sulphur cycle
50) The initiative of biodiversity assessment focuses on which type of ecosystem?
a) Forest b) Marine c) Wetland d) All of the given

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