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Compass Safe Distance for marine electronics

Compass Safe Distance for marine electronics

Compass Safe Distance is defined to be the minimum

distance which a marine electronics device may be
installed within proximity to a magnetic north seeking
device (ex. instrument compass, autopilot fluxgate
compass, etc.) without causing deviation in the magnetic
field sensed by the magnetic north seeking device. When
a value for Compass Safe Distance is not specified by the
manufacturer of a marine electronics device, it is
generally the device not installed within 3' of a magnetic
north seeking device when conditions permit doing so.
That said, it is not uncommon for equipment to be
installed within the Compass Safe Distance to a vessel's
compass located at the helm or binnacle. In such cases,
it is recommended that the vessel's compass be
corrected for any resulting changes to the sensed
deviation field. Most vessel compasses may be adjusted
for sensed deviation and will be supplied with instructions
addressing how to perform deviation adjustments.
Alternatively, the services of a professional compass
adjuster may be obtained for such purposes.

When to adjust a magnetic compass. If the observations for a

magnetic compass on a vessel show a deviation of the compass
on any heading of more than 5 degrees, the compass must be
adjusted by a qualified compass adjuster or the master of the vessel
to correct the deviation.
: a deviation of a compass due to a ship's heeling which causes
vertical magnetic forces to have a horizontal component and
transverse horizontal magnetic forces to have a vertical
A permanent magnet placed vertically in a tube under the center of a
marine magnetic compass, to correct for heeling error.

The Principle of the Compass

It points North because of the forces caused by the Earth's

magnetic field. After knowing North, the other directions are easily
found. A magnetic compass works because the Earth is like a very big
magnet and surrounded by a huge magnetic field.

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