VOCAB - Research, Discoveries and Inventions

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Vocabulary C11 Research, discoveries and inventions

1 (§) Play Track 45. Listen to the words in Vocabulary reference.

Vocabulary reference

Research methods
case study experiment fieldwork questionnaire survey trial

Outcomes of research
information - data findings figures / statistics (stats) results report recommendation
products - discovery invention innovation design

Verbs connected with research

analyse investigate explore produce examine conduct carry out

2 Complete the definitions using words from Vocabulary reference: Research methods.
1 A (n )..................... is a scientific test done in order to discover what happens to something under certain
2 Detailed information about a person, group or thing and their development over a period of time is a

3 When you collect information in the real world, rather than in a laboratory, this i s .......................
4 If y o u ..................... a number of people, you try to find out information about their opinions, usually
by asking them questions.
5 A ..................... is an experiment to test something to see how well it works.
6 A ..................... is a list of questions answered by a lot of people in order to provide information.

3 Match the definitions with words from Vocabulary reference: Outcomes o f research - information.
1 information in the form of facts or numbers that you can study .....................
2 information from research or experiments .....................
3 facts which come from studying information shown in numbers ....................
4 what you get at the end of a calculation or experiment
5 an official document after studying an event or situation .....................
6 advice to take specific action

4 Match the examples from Vocabulary reference: Ou

1 Galileo looked through a telescope and found
Jupiter’s moons.
2 Both Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz made a new
kind of engine - the internal combustion engine.
3 Jony Ive drew the plans for the iPod.
4 Momofuku Ando took traditional noodles and
used them in a new way to make instant noodles.

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5 Complete the sentences using words from Vocabulary reference: Verbs connected with research.
1 to consider something carefully or look at it using scientific methods in order to understand it
The researchers..................... the causes of the disease.
2 if you do this, you think about an idea in detail and comment on it
On Wednesdays, special w orkshops..................... a particular theme through the work of modern artists.
3 to make or create something
The new medicine will b e ..................... for the market after testing has shown how effective it is.
4 to look at something very carefully
The d octor..................... his patient very7carefully to find out what was wrong with her.
5 to organise and complete an activity or task
The centre will ..................... a survey to look at the engineering industry in the area.
6 to do something according to instructions, to complete something
All government departments have t o ........................ staff reductions.
7 to examine something thoroughly to find the truth
The scientists at CERN a r e ..................... why the Large Hadron Collider broke down.

6 Complete the table.

verb: investigate analyse explore produce examine

noun: investigation 1 2 3 4

7 Tick the verbs that go with these nouns.

analyse examine explore conduct carry out
an idea ✓
an experiment

8 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the passage.

This year’s (1) data / numbers / recommendations from a (2) report / survey / questionnaire of over
40,000 businessmen and -women suggests that the UK's executives are willing to risk their job security.
The number of executives who resign from their job is currently at 6.5%. The survey, done by
(3) findings / questionnaires / statistics on the Internet and followed up by interviews, asked companies
why their employees left. (4) Production / Analysis / Completion of the (5) findings / innovation /
recommendations showed that three-quarters (75%) of organisations blamed competition from other
businesses. The (6) recommendation / statistics / innovation showed that almost half (48%) of
businesses recognise that they do not provide adequate career opportunities or development
programmes. Further (7) survey / examination / discovery of the results shows that one in ten
admit that employees left because of frustrations with the working environment (9%). The
(8) report / numbers / examination also showed similar proportions leaving due to ‘bureaucratic
leadership styles' (8%) and (9) recommended / examined / explored that, to keep the best talent,
businesses needed to provide good working environments and good long-term career opportunities.

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