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9-10 7-8 5-6

Understanding of The group has clearly The group is only The group is
the Task practiced their fairly familiar with obviously not
presentation their presentation. familiar with their
repeatedly, They pronounce presentation
demonstrating a deep many points
understanding of their correctly, but there
role as tourism are also several errors
Comprehensive The presentation The presentation is The presentation
Speech includes diverse somewhat lacks depth and
elements such as comprehensive, but coherence
culture, natural the organization is
beauty, historical less coherent, and
sites, and hospitality. engagement
It is well-organized fluctuates
with a logical flow,
engaging the
audience throughout.
Persuasion and The group effectively The group attempts The group struggles
Engagement uses persuasive persuasion, but it to persuade, and the
language to convince lacks consistency and presentation lacks
participants to visit may not fully compelling elements
the Philippines. captivate the
audience. The group
struggles to persuade,
and the presentation
lacks compelling
Group Coordination Transitions between Transitions between There are noticeable
speakers are speakers are difficulties in
seamless, and the somewhat smooth, coordinating between
group demonstrates a but the group's unity speakers, impacting
united front is less apparent the group's unity.
Overall Impression The group's delivery The group's delivery The group's delivery
is memorable and is average, and the lacks impact, and the
impactful, leaving a overall impression is overall impression is
positive impression somewhat forgettable weak.
on the audience


TITLE: Group Presentation on Philippines Tourism Promotion


1. Students from Grade 11 TVL and ABM will have a work collaboration for their performance
task at ORAL COMMUNICATION subject.
2. They will present a PowerPoint Presentation promoting the Philippines and its positive image
to local and foreign visitors.
3. They are tasked to prepare a presentation and deliver to a World Tourism Expo in London to
convince the participant to visit the Philippines

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