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Rubric: Group Presentation on Philippines Tourism Promotion

Criteria: Content (40 points)

1. Understanding of the Task (10 points):

- Clear demonstration of understanding the role of tourism ambassadors.
- Accurate identification and emphasis on the best features of the Philippines.
2. Comprehensive Speech (15 points)
- Inclusion of diverse elements such as culture, natural beauty, historical sites, and local hospitality.
- Coherent organization of ideas with a logical flow.
3. Persuasion and Engagement (15 points):
- Effective use of persuasive language to convince participants to visit the Philippines.
- Engagement of the audience through compelling anecdotes, statistics, or visuals.
Criteria: Delivery (30 points)
4. Oral Presentation Skills (10 points):
- Clarity, tone, and pace of speech enhance understanding.
- Effective use of voice modulation to emphasize key points.
5. Body Language and Presence (10 points):
- Confident and positive body language.
- Maintaining eye contact with the audience.
6. Visual Aids (10 points):
- Integration of visually appealing and relevant slides or props.
- A balance between visuals and spoken content.
Criteria: Collaboration (20 points)
7. Group Coordination (10 points):
- Seamless transition between speakers.
- Demonstration of a united front among team members.
8. Question Handling (10 points):
- Ability to respond confidently and informatively to potential questions from the audience.
- Demonstrated knowledge and preparation for potential queries.
Criteria: Overall Impression (10 points)
9. Creativity and Innovation (5 points):
- Unique and creative approaches in presenting the best features of the Philippines.
- Innovative ideas to capture the audience's attention.
10. Overall Impact (5 points):
- Memorable and impactful delivery that leaves a positive impression on the audience.
TOTAL: 100 points

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