2022 DRRM-H Plan

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Public Health DRRM-H Plan


I. Cover Page

II. Title Page

Signatures of the Head of Institution and DRRM-H Manager/ Focal Person and the
DRRMO (for LGUs)

III. Message from the Head of Institution/ LCE

The Head of Institution shall sign a letter of approval in support of the DRRM-H Plan

IV. Vision /Mission/ Goals of the Health Sector on Emergencies and Disasters

This section highlights the 3 DRRM-H Plan Goals, namely:

1. To guarantee uninterrupted health service delivery during emergencies and disasters

2. To avert preventable morbidities, mortalities and other health effects secondary to
emergencies and disasters
3. To ensure that no outbreaks secondary to emergencies and disasters occur

V. Background

A. Geographic Description

B. Geographic Description
1. Topography
2. Geo-hazard mapping (i.e., areas prone to erosions and flooding, presence of fault
lines and volcanoes)
3. Location of communities and health facilities vis-a-vis this map

4. Risks or hazards (i.e., occurrence of typhoons, storm surge, disease outbreaks)

5. Disasters that have occurred with lessons learned and gaps in response
DRRM-H Plan_Page 2

A. Public Health - Previous Disasters and Lessons Learned

What were the actions/ interventions done What were the

Effects before, during and after the disaster learnings/
(Who were (event/incident, victims, service providers, information realizations from
Disaster affected? system, non-human resource)
What were managing this
natural, Who were the
Ye the effects? disaster?
biological, players at each
societal, ar How much Specifically, what
was the specific time frame?
technologica Before During After are the gaps and
damage in
l disasters)
peso weaknesses that
terms?) need to be
Typhoon 201 People – -Incident - active - - IC with ICS -Relief goods e.g.
Josie 8 Command monitoring of monitore members rice was purchased
Activated thru water level in the d sick - DRRM barangay not in Alcala
meeting river and low children point officers and & -There is no proper
reminded of lying barangays & adults barangay council coordination among
functions/resp -monitoring of their - Grocery/rice the ICS members
onsibilities people in the health retailer owners -Conduct of
-activated evacuation conditio succeeding meeting
DRRM center ns. after initial shall be
barangay -daily visit and -monitor set so all ICS
point officers conduct of Health health members will be
& barangay teachings on conditio informed, activities
council usage of Rest n& will be informed and
-activated rooms, maintain environ concerted effort will
health sanitary and ment be done
personnel and orderly situation -periodic meeting
BHWs evacuation - shall be conducted
especially low center evaluate especially during
lying/flood -consultation d health disaster
prone done to sick status of After disaster
barangays of evacuees, evacuee meeting is a must to
the coming distribution of s and evaluate actions and
typhoon Doxycycline to the activities done.
-reminded wading commun -Share lessons
them to report population ity learned & improve
what is -distributed filled affected ICS
happening in up Gerry cans for - -weighing scale
their barangay safe drinking disinfect (salter & platform
-prepared water ed water balance) shall also
logistics, Distributed sources be in the evacuation
medicines, Hypochlorite with centers
- solution chlorine -there should be
(Hyposol) in designated area for
flooded pets – dogs, cats
baranga away from the
ys sleeping area
DRRM-H Plan_Page 3

B. Demographic Profile

The municipality of Alcala is made up of 21 barangays with total population of 126,705

(projected based on NSO 2015). There are 21 barangays divided into 3 Rural Health
Units with 6 Barangay Health Stations providing promotive, preventive and curative
services. The Main Health Centers of each RHU is manned by medical doctors, 5
nurses, 2 medical technologists, 1 sanitary inspectors, 1 pharmacists and 2 consultant
dentists .1 Main Health Center and 6 barangay health stations is visited by 6 permanent
rural health midwives and 5 casual midwives as seen on Table 1.

Table 1. Alcala Demographic Profile, 2022-2025

2022 2023 2024 2025
Population 46,482 49,242
Number of Households
Number of Barangays 21 21
Number of Rural Health Units 3 3
Number of Barangay Health 6 6
Number of Physicians 3 3
Physician to Population Ratio 1:15,494 1:15,494
Number of Nurses 5 5
Nurse to Population Ratio 1:9,296 1:9,296
Number of Midwives 9 9
Midwives to Population Ratio 1:5,165 1:5,165
Source of Data: 2022-2025 FHSIS Demographic Profile

C. Health Statistics

Table 2. Alcala Vital Health Indices, 2022-2025

Health Outcome 2022 2023 2024 2025

Total Population 46,482 49,242
Total Live Births
Crude Birth Rate
Total Deaths
Crude Death Rate
Total Foetal Deaths
Foetal Death Rate
Total Neonatal Deaths
Neonatal Death Rate
Total Infant Deaths
Infant Death Rate
Under-Five Deaths
Under Five Death
Total Maternal Deaths
DRRM-H Plan_Page 4

Maternal Death Rate 0 0 0

Source of Data: 2022-2025 FHSIS Demographic Profile

1. Vital Indices

Vital Health Indices include the following health rates which measure the health status
of Alcala or any other area or locality. It will be the basis of prioritizing health programs
and projects to be implemented to improve the health conditions of the municipality.
These are the following:

 Crude Birth/Death Rate

 Infant Mortality Rate
 Under-five Mortality Rate
 Leading Causes of Morbidity
 Leading Causes of Mortality
 Leading Causes of Infant Mortality
 Leading Causes of Under-five Mortality
 Leading Causes of Maternal Mortality
 Nutritional Status/Malnutrition Rate
 Fully Immunized Child (0-11 months)
 Indicators for Basic Health Services and Preventive Health Programs
 Environmental sanitation, sources and status of potable water
 Health Human resources
 Health Facilities
 Hospitals, Lying-in, Diagnostic Laboratories
 Hospitals with Special areas and services

The above health statistics are the basis for prioritizing health programs and projects, for
targeting barangays and for planning and most especially monitoring and evaluation.

1.1 Crude Birth and Death Rate

The municipality has a crude birth rate (CBR) in 2018 and 2019is 19.3 meaning there
are 19 births for every 1000 population or 2,373 and 2,440 respectively. In 2020 CBR is
17.8 there is decrease or a total of 2,228 birth for the year. This can be due to increase
of women using modern family planning method.

On crude death rate (CDR), there is a decrease of 1.1 percent from 4.5 to 3.5 per 1000
population from 2018 to 2020.

Figure 1 Crude Birth and Death Rate, 2018-2020

DRRM-H Plan_Page 5

Crude birth
25 Crude Death

19 19.7
20 17.8


4.8 4.4
5 3.7

2018 2019 2020
Source of Data: 2022-2025 FHSIS Demographic Profile

1.2 Infant Mortality

Infant mortality rate is one of the health indicator that reflects health services and health
seeking behavior of the community. With the three years it is increasing from a low rate
of 4 (11) in 2016 it doubled in 2018 with 9.2 (22) per 1000 live births. The increase can
be attributed to lack of trained medical practitioners to deal with infant illnesses and
health seeking behavior of parents or guardians. Problem is worth mentioning that
mothers are very young thus do not know how to take care of their infants these
definitely need action to reduce infant mortality.

The trend is the same with under-five mortality rate that is from 3.2 (8) in 2016 to 10.2
(25) per 1000 live births in 2018. These is alarming where it can be attributed to
programs implemented where parents do not embrace health changes, parents are not
knowledgeable of the nutrients of food, do not go to barangay health stations to be
measured and projects such as micronutrient supplementation or supplemental feeding
is not welcomed. Parents and guardians complain of getting the food in the barangay
hall where it is quite far.
DRRM-H Plan_Page 6

Figure 1.2 Three Year Infant and Under-Five Mortality

Rates Alcala,Pangasinan

14 12
12 10
10 8
8 7
6 6
2 Ten Leading Causes of Infant Mortality
Table 3 2018 2019 Mortality, 2019-2021
Leading Causes of Infant 2020
Source of Data: 2019-2021
Rank 2019 FHSIS Demographic
Total Profile 2020 Total 2021 Total
Causes Infant Under Five
Causes Causes
1 Pneumonia 3 Pneumonia 2 CAP 2
2 Neonatal Death 2 Neonatal Death 2 Heart Dis. 1
3 Neonatal 1 Prematurity 1 Encephalophy 1
4 Congenital 1 Prematurity 2
Acute 2


Source: 2019-2021 FHSIS Annual, Rate per 1000 live birth

As the table above depicts for 3 years infectious disease which is pneumonia is the
leading cause of infant mortality. This can be attributed to the attitude of people of taking
things for granted that is people do seek early medical attention when it is already serious.
This can also be attributed to financial constraints and ignorance of existing Point of
Service in the hospital and benefits of PHIC cards they may be have.
The health personnel have tediously went to all barangays from 2018 to 2020 to
inform people of the PhilHealth benefits and privileges, use of PhilHealth Member Date
Record (MDR) that they have. This was done by the nurses under the Nurses Deployment
Program of the Department of Health thus there is decrease in infant mortality due to
pneumonia. Parents/guardians seek early medical consultation in the rural health units
and hospitals.

Table 4 Leading Cause of Under-five Mortality

Rank 2019 Total 2020 Total 2021 Total

Causes Causes Causes
1 Pneumonia 7 Pneumonia 2 CAP 7
2 Neonatal Death 2 Neonatal Death 2 Heart Dis. 1
DRRM-H Plan_Page 7

3 Neonatal 1 Primaturity 1 Encephalopath 2

Asphyxia y
4 Sepsis 1 Congenital 1 Prematurity 2
5 Pespiratory 1 Electrolte Embalance 1 Acute 3
Failure respiratory
Sepsis 1 Sepsis 1

Table 5 Leading Causes of Maternal mortality

Ran 2019 2020 2021

Causes No. Causes No. Causes No.

There is massive dissemination that home-delivery is prohibited. Midwives if

called by the relatives they are directed to take these women to the main center of rural
health unit I to deliver their baby or are brought directly to hospital. Hospitals and RHU I
offer maternal delivery free of charge she may be it PHIC member or not. Tracking of
pregnant women was intensified and massive with birth plan filled up and discussed with
the pregnant during antenatal visits.

Table 6 Ten Leading Causes of Morbidity, 2019-2021

2019 2020 2021
Rank Causes No. Causes No. Causes No.
1 Acute Respiratory 6571 Acute Upper 1552 3549
Infection Respiratory Open Wound
2 Body/muscle pain 2686 Open wound 1080 HPN 1712
3 UTI 2328 Cough 1019 Acute Respiratory 1482
4 Allrgic 1331 UTI 967 UTI 883
5 Dental Carries 1121 Acute Lower 769 Denbtal Disorders 781
6 Acute Tonsilitis 1037 Chronic apical 575 Cough 587
7 Hypertension 483 Post trumatic 527 Post traumatic 448
wound infection Wound Infection
8 General signs & 427 Acute Rhinitis 482 Acute Lower 323
DRRM-H Plan_Page 8

symptoms Respiratory
9 Wound/injuries 350 Vertigo 340 Hyperlipidemia 250
10 Vertigo 314 Boil, Carbuncle, 308

Source of Data: 2019-2021 FHSIS Demographic Profile

Table 7 Causes of Under-five Mortality, 2019-2021

Rank 2019 2020 2021
Causes No. Causes No. Causes No.
1 Pneumonia 7 Pneumonia 2
2 Neonatal Death 2 Neonatal Death 2
3 Neonatal Asphyxia 1 Primaturity 1
4 Sepsis 1 Congenital 1
5 Pespiratory Failure 1 Electrolte 1
Sepsis 1
Source of Data: 2019-2021FHSIS Demographic Profile

1. Nutritional status/ Malnutrition rate

2. Vaccination coverage

3. Indicators for basic health services and preventive health programs

4. Environmental sanitation, sources and status of potable water

5. Health human resource (number and capacity for health)

6. Health facilities

a. Hospitals, lying-in, laboratories, blood banks

b. Hospitals with special areas and services

c. Three-year leading causes of morbidity and mortality
DRRM-H Plan_Page 9

Table 2 Three-year Leading Causes of Mortality

2019 2020 2021
1 Pneumonua 83 Heart Dis. 153 Heart Diseases 172
2 Cardiovascular 80 CVD 71 HPN 104
3 MI 75 CVA 54 Acute Myocardial 87

D. Socio-Economic Situation

1. Major economic activities

2. People’s sources of income

3. Poverty incidence and areas of concentration

4. Education

5. Peace and order

6. Source(s) of food such as agricultural or fishing industry

7. Support facilities such as transportation, communication, access to information

VI. Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment

1. Hazard Prioritization Matrix

Hazard Severity Frequency Extent Duration Manageability Total Rank

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (a+b+c+d-e)
Typhoon 3 4 4 4 4 17 2nd
Flooding 4 4 4 4 4 20 1st
Fire 4 1 1 1 4 11 3rd
Earthquake 4 1 1 1 3 10 4th

2. Vulnerability Assessment Matrix

Hazard Vulnerable Areas
People Properties Services Environment Livelihood
Paragos, San
-Limited access -Poor drainage -Interrupted or
Gabriel 2nd, Iton, -Health -Interrupted
to toilet system no source of
Manambong Sur facilities near health services
facilities -Overflowing income
and Parte, Ambayat river banks -No access to
-High incidence drainage
1st and 2nd, -Lack of cold garbage
of diarrheal system
Managos, Warding, chain for collectors
diseases -Breeding place
Tampog, Darawey, vaccines -Lack or far
-Crowding in of vectors
Wawa, Pangdel, water testing
the evacuation
Flood Carungay, San laboratory
Vicente, Inirangan, services
-High incidence
Apalen, Bongato
East & West,
Tanolong, Idong,

Typhoon Whole Bayambang -Limited access -Houses -Interrupted -Fallen or -No source of
to health facility made of light health services uprooted trees income
-Increase materials or -Lack of access or branches on
incidence of low quality to garbage the roads
diseases collectors -Overflowing
DRRM-H Plan_Page 11

cannot go to
-Depending on
damage from -Loss of
-Lack of water
Homes using homeless to property
hydrant -Thinning of the -No source of
Fire candles and partial damage -Damaged
-Water source ozone layer income
kerosene lamps -Respiratory property
is inaccessible
illness, burn or
-Limited access -Damage to -Interrupted -Destruction of -No source of
Earthquake Whole Bayambang
to health facility property health services environment income

3. Health Risk Assessment Matrix

Hazard Vulnerabilities Health Risk
Strengths Weaknesses
-Low FIC coverage
-No DRRM-H Plan
-High malnutrition rate
-No trained Barangay -Death
-High incidence of
-Presence of trained Sanitary Volunteer (BSV) -Communicable
diarrheal diseases
MDRRM officer and WASH response team disease outbreak
-Lack of cold chain for
-Existing inter-regional -Limited supply of measles -Injuries
support network vaccine -Damaged water
-Lack of water testing
Flood & Typhoon -alert health workers -Limited trained health pipes/facilities
-enough stock pile of emergency responders
-Poor access to water
medicines -No trained hygiene
and sanitation facilities
-with standby Gerry cans promoter
-Poor drainage system
-water testing laboratories
-Breeding place of
are in urban areas

-Homes with no
electric supply -limited number of fire
-houses made of light hydrant
-Fire department available -Death
material -2 fire trucks one very old
Fire -Emergency hotline is in -Injury - burn
-electricity installed by more than 20 years but still
place #4357 -lung diseases
non-professional functional
individuals -Office is very old also
DRRM-H Plan_Page 12

-Damaged properties
-Not all populace is
-Interrupted health
Community trained on what trained/oriented -Injury
Earthquake services
to do during earthquake -Limited trained personnel -Death
-homes made of light
on health emergency
Change of national agency
Proactive members of the assigned in the LGU
-vulnerable are groups local IATF. Strong No testing center near the
Biological Hazard the very young and coordination, collaboration area
disease outbreak
very old and support among Capability of health workers
members and the LCE to combat

VIII. Plan Per Thematic Area

A. Prevention and Mitigation Plan

Describes applicable strategies and activities to reduce the likelihood of emergencies, and will be based on the Hazard and
Vulnerability Assessment.

Resource Agency/
Strategies and Office/
Hazard Vulnerability Time Frame Indicator
Activities Required Source Person-in-

Vulnerability Reduction Strategy 1: Increase knowledge among households on proper hygiene practices

Typhoon -Poor Activity 1.1 June 2nd week 2021 Time of Health MHO, Solid Departments
hygiene Coordinate with partners Budget Waste MO, committed schedule
other partners/ for IE IEC MLGOO, on the conduct of
practices campaign materials MSWDO IEC
Activity 1.2 June 3rd week 2021 TEV, Health MHO, RHMs, Letters distributed and
Coordinate with PB gasoline Budget Driver received by PB.
on the conduct of allowance Community aware and
will attend IEC
Activity 1.3 June 4th to July 2021 Transport GSO budget MHO, Solid Number of
Conduct of IEC on vehicle Waste MO, vulnerable
proper hygiene Trained staff MLGOO, participants attended
practices, proper on IEC MSWDO
DRRM-H Plan_Page 13

waste disposal
Increased Activity 1.1 June 2nd week 2021 Time of Health MHO, Solid Departments
communicable Coordinate with partners Budget Waste MO, committed schedule
diseases such other partners/ for IE IEC MLGOO, on the conduct of
as water borne campaign materials MSWDO IEC
diseases, Activity 1.2 June 3rd week 2021 TEV, Health MHO, RHMs, Letters distributed and
dengue, Coordinate with PB gasoline Budget Driver received by PB.
leptospirosis on the conduct of allowance Community aware and
will attend IEC
Activity 1.3 4th week of June to Laptop, wide Health MHO, PHNs, Number of IEC
Conduct IEC on August 2021 screen TV, budget, JO nurses, conducted.
health messages, TEV, Percent of
promotion of early Personnel, barangays covered.
consultation to be Posters on
incorporated in dengue,
above activities leptospirosis,
-Increase Activity 1.3 4th week of June to Laptop, wide Health RSI 100% coverage of
breeding place Same as above August 2021 screen TV, budget barangays
of vectors Incorporate in the TEV,
IEC destruction of Personnel,
breeding places and Posters on
practice 4S dengue,
Activity 1.4 3rd week to last Fogging and Health S Number of personnel
Same as above week of June 2021 misting budget anitary trained
Train personnel on machine Inspector,
how to operate Insecticides
Fogging/misting Diesel,
machine gasoline
-Houses made Activity 1.1 All year round Use of Engineering Engineer and Number of newly
of light materials Adherence to galvanized Office inspection constructed houses
building code iron roofing. team with building permit
Flood -Poor hygiene Activity 2.1 June 2nd week 2021 Time of Health MHO, Solid Departments
practices Coordinate with partners Budget Waste MO, committed schedule
other partners/ for IE IEC MLGOO, on the conduct of
campaign materials MSWDO IEC
DRRM-H Plan_Page 14

Activity 2.2 June 3rd week 2021 TEV, Health MHO, RHMs, Letters distributed and
Coordinate with PB gasoline Budget Driver received by PB.
on the conduct of allowance Community aware and
will attend IEC
Activity 2.3 June 4th to July 2021 Transport GSO budget MHO, Solid Number of
Conduct of IEC on vehicle Waste MO, vulnerable
proper hygiene Trained staff MLGOO, participants attended
practices, proper on IEC MSWDO
waste disposal
-High incidence Activity 2.1 June 2nd week 2021 Time of Health MHO, Solid Departments
of diarrheal case Coordinate with partners Budget Waste MO, committed schedule
other partners/ for IE IEC MLGOO, on the conduct of
campaign materials MSWDO IEC
Activity 2.2 June 3rd week 2021 TEV, Health MHO, RHMs, Letters distributed and
Coordinate with PB gasoline Budget Driver received by PB.
on the conduct of allowance Community aware and
will attend IEC
Activity 2.3 June 4th to July 2021 Transport GSO budget MHO, Solid Number of
Conduct of IEC on vehicle Waste MO, vulnerable
proper hygiene Trained staff MLGOO, participants attended
practices, proper on IEC MSWDO
waste disposal
-Limited access Activity 2.1 June 2021 to Sanitary MDRRM Engineering Number of functional
to sanitary toilet -Repair/rehabilitate November 2021 toilet bowls, Funds, office, toilet facilities in
facility existing non- doors, water MDRRMO, every evacuation
functional toilet faucets, RSI center
facilities in all 9 light, water repaired/rehabilitated
Evacuation Centers facility with
water source
Activity 2.2 December 2021 to MOU, LGU Fund, Municipal Number of TF to be
Endorse January 2022 laptop, MDRRM Administrator, endorsed per
repaired/rehabilitate projector, Fund MDRRMO, barangay/Evacuation
d toilet facilities to snacks, RSI, center
PB and barangay venue Municipal
council Engineer,
Activity 2.3 During endorsement MOU, Policy Health Fund, MDRRMO, All sanitary Toilet
Discuss roles and of TEV, MDRRM RSI, MHO facilities functional,
responsibilities of repaired/rehabilitated snacks, Fund doors still intact
barangay, health facilities venue

Vulnerability Reduction Strategy 2: Mapping out of water sources

DRRM-H Plan_Page 15

-Limited access Activity 1.1 4th quarter 2021 Meals, Health Provincial Number BSV team
to sanitary water Organize Barangay Budget, WASH organized
supply Sanitation MDRRM Coordinators
Volunteers (BSV) fund
Activity 1.2 3rd to 4th quarter Meals, TEV MDRRM Provincial Number of water
Conduct capacity 2021 fund WASH sources according to
mapping of water Coordinators level identified
Activity 1.3 1st to 2nd Quarter and Chlorine Health RSI, MDDRM Number of flooded
Disinfect/chlorination every after flooding granules, budget, WASH water sources
of water sources in affected areas TEV, MDRRM trained chlorinated
fund, personnel
Activity 1.4 Every 2 months PHC bottles, Health RSI Number of water
Examine water chlorine budget sources
sources if safe for examined/sampled
human consumption
Earthquak Buildings/houses Activity 1.1 Quarterly all year Building Mayor’s Municipal Number of IE
e built with no Conduct IEC round Code of the budget, Engineer Campaign
Building Permit regarding Philippines Developmen conducted
importance of t Fund
securing Building

Activity 1.2 Quarterly List of clients Engineering Engineering Number of

Advise house who secured Fund inspection buildings/houses
owners to seek building team/staff checked/inspected
Building Permit (BP) Permit without BP (building
from the engineering permit)

B. Preparedness Plan
Contains strategies and activities that will be carried out to build and strengthen capacity to respond to emergencies.

It shall address the identified risks and focus on minimizing/ improving the identified weaknesses and strengths.

Risks Strategies and Activities Time Frame Resource Agency/ Office/ Indicator
Required Source Person-in-
DRRM-H Plan_Page 16

Strategy 1 – Ensure a responsive DRRM-H Plan
Activity 1.1 4th quarter LCE time, MDRRM fund Municipal Health MDRRM-H Plan
Death Formulate realistic DRRM-H 2021 meals, or Health Fund Office approved by LCE
Plan and present to LCE for
Communicable Activity 1.2 2nd quarter Meals and MDRRM fund MHO and RHP MDRRM-H Plan
Disease outbreaks Disseminate through the 2021 venue integrated in the
( diarrheal cases, MDRRMC and integrate to whole MDRRM
measles, dengue, the MDRRMO Plan 2019- Plan 2019-2022
leptospirosis) 2022
Activity 1.3 3rd quarter Training and LGU fund MHO MDRRM-H
Roll-out MDRRM Planning workshop planning rolled out
Injuries workshop to municipality materials.
Meals, snacks,
Increase incidence venue
of under 5 Activity 1.4 4th quarter Snacks, meals, Health budget MHO, MDRRMO Health personnel
malnutrition Disseminate to health projector, wide knowledgeable on
personnel the MDRRM-H screen TV, the MDRRM-H
Plan Plan
Activity 1.5 Every 2 Inventory check MDRRM MDRRMO
Periodic inventory of months list budget/Health
logistics, medicines, budget
Strategy 2 – People – Capability building for BSV and WASH Response Team
Death Activity 2.1 1st quarter Training needs Health budget Training Officer Training schedule
Conduct learning and 2021 assessment and identified
Communicable development activities participants
Disease outbreaks Activity 2.2 3rd quarter Training LGU Fund WASH trained Number of BSV
( diarrheal cases, Conduct WASH in 2021 workshop RHU personnel, and WASH
measles, dengue, Emergencies training for materials MHO, PHN responders
leptospirosis) Barangay Sanitation trained
Volunteers and WASH
Injuries responders

Strategy 3 – People Capability Building for Health Emergency Response Team

Activity 3.1 4th quarter Training needs, Health Budget MHO, Med. Tech Health Personnel
Conduct SFAT-BLS training 2021 venue, lecturer, II, PHN trained can
for health personnel snacks, meals, respond
transportation, confidently to
Activity 3.2 2nd to 3rd Training venue, Health Budget CHD, DMO, MHO, Health and non-
Conduct Health Emergency quarter 2021 Lecturers, health personnel
training for all health workers snacks, meals trained as Health
and emergency
DRRM-H Plan_Page 17

transportation responder

C. Response Plan
Plots out the utilization of the existing capacities to deliver response using the Problem and Gap Analysis and Risk Analysis.

Steps to be Undertaken Responsible

Activity Pre-Impact Impact Post-Impact
(0 Day) (0-48 Hours) (>48 Hours)
Management of the Event/ Incident
Raise appropriate code alert 1.Receive /validate Depends on type
information from of disaster
2.Notify the Monitor compliance 1.Monitor compliance MDRRM-H Focal
Head/LCE with Code alert raised with Code alert raised person
3.Issue order 2.Issued order Incident
activating code alert deactivating code commander
Activate Emergency/Incident Command 1.Assume as Incident 1. Transfer Command Senior Officer on
System and Operations Center on a 24/7 Commander (as need arises) Duty
basis 2. Declare activation 2.Prepare incident Incident
of OpCen on a 24/7 Brief Commander
basis and activate 3.Conduct initial Incident
command center meeting Commander (IC)
4.Develop incident IC and Planning
Objective section chief
5.Conduct tactics Operation Section
meetings 1.Continually conduct Chief
6.Conduct planning meetings Planning section
meeting 2.Review plans, chief
7.Conduct operational revise if necessary
DRRM-H Plan_Page 18

period meeting 3.Prepare

demobilization plan
8.Execute plan and 4.Execute Operation section
assess progress demobilisation Plan chief & Planning
Section Chief

Coordinate with partners (catchment Inform higher level of 1.Attend coordination 1.Attend coordination MDRRM-H Focal
areas, local, and regional, national) as OpCen/partner meetings meetings person
need arise. hospital about the 2.Present results of 2.Present results of
incident meeting meeting MDRRM-H Focal
Management of Information System
Gather information and data regarding 1.Ensure collection & 1. Coordinate with 1.Records must be MDRRM-H focal
the event/incident dissemination of partners and call for secured and kept in a person
information to cluster meeting for safe place
partners by OpCen planning health
2.Identify high-risk 2.Activate Health
areas based on pre- Cluster Response
event data to Plan
determine areas to
prioritize in logistics &
human resources

Ensure proper documentation, 1.Inform all concern 1. Ensure submission 1.Ensure proper IC
confidentiality of reports and records regarding of reports to documentation of all
confidentiality and Operations Head & health responses
privacy HEMS Operation provided, lessons
Center learned and
recommendations for
the improvement of
future response
Management of Service Providers
Activate Health Management Response 1.Have standby 1.Ensure assessment 1.Ensure adequate IC,
Teams medical teams and of all affected health and timely provision
public health teams facilities of different health
2.Conduct pre- 2.Deploy medical & services in areas
deployment public health teams affected: medical
orientation to teams depending on needs consultation &
DRRM-H Plan_Page 19

of the assessed areas treatment,

3.Map out partners 3.Decide activation of measles/tetanus
(Who, What, When, Surveillance during vaccination,
Where) Post-Extreme 2. Ensure
Emergencies and assessment of all
Disaster (SPEED) damaged health
3.Map out Health
Cluster Response
using 4Ws
Management of Non-Human Resources
Ensure availability of medicines, 1.Check inventory of 1.Coordinate with Provide CAMPOLAS OpCen
resources, and logistics medicines, resources partners and call for a Plus kits and other
and prepare logistics cluster meeting for logistics
planning health 2.Map out health
response cluster response
2.Check inventory of 2.Augment logistics using 4Ws
resources and such as medicines,
prepare logistical medical supplies,
needs: CAMPOLAS WASH supplies
Plus kits, Hygiene
kits, Family Kits,
WASH supplies
Management of the Victims
Provision of medical/clinic/consultation 1.Identify high-risk 1. Deploy medical 1. Augment medical OpCen,
areas based on pre- teams and public and public health
event data to health teams teams based on the
determine areas to depending on needs assessments done
prioritized in logistics of the assessed and surge of patients.
& human resource areas.
Provision of emergency 1.Identify vulnerable 1.Provide necessary 1.Follow up status of Midwife in the
needs/interventions age group protection victims area or nurse
2. 2.Keep vulnerable 2. Health
age group at bay assessment, other

D. Recovery and Rehabilitation Plan

Specifies activities to restore services and replace damaged facilities during the disaster. The post-incident evaluation shall
be used to prepare this.
DRRM-H Plan_Page 20

Steps to be Undertaken Agency/ Office/ Person-in-

Within 1 Year 1 to 3 Years
Post Disaster Needs 1.Convene assessment team 1.Repair/rehabilitate priority health MDRRM-H focal person
Assessment (PDNA) within 1 day structure based on assessment
2.Conduct on site assessment 2. Construct health needed
of health facility damaged infrastructure
infrastructure and equipment 3.Monitor and evaluate
within 3 days rehabilitation/construction of health
3.Prepare cost of needs infrastructure and equipment (as
4.Submit report needed)
4.Request and procure needed health
Reconstruction of damaged 1.Prepare building plans and 1.Actual construction of physical Engineer
WASH facilities estimates facility
2.Prepare program of works 2. Installation of health facility
and bidding documents equipment Engineer

3.Conduct procurement
procedures Municipal Administrator
Retrofitting of establishments 1.Inspect establishments and 1.Declogging of drainage system Municipal Engineering
in accordance with DOH- recommend necessary changes 2.Cleaning of surroundings office
engineering 2.Prepare program of work, 3.Construction/repair of CR facilities
recommendations materials and manpower needs in all evacuation centers MDRRMO
3.Emphasize decontamination
to be done periodically and the
whole establishments (inside
and outside)
DRRM-H Plan_Page 21

IX. Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Contains the systematic monitoring and evaluation plan that shall be based on the indicators, targets and activities in the four
thematic areas.

Also contains monitoring and evaluation on DRRM-H Institutionalization down line.

DRRM-H Operational Plan Matrix

Office: ____RHU________________
DRRM-H Plan_Page 22

Financial Year: ______2021________

Source Responsible
Performa Physical Targets Total Cost
Time Frequ Unit of Fund Person
Priority Activities nce
Frame Tota ency Cost
Indicators Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
1. Meeting with April PB in the 40 40 80 2 250.00 50,000.00 Health Grace
PB who are 2021 flood Abiang
most prone
vulnerable areas
2. Identify Feb. BSV in 77 77 154 2 250.00 77,000.00 Health Danilo
Barangay 2021 every Rebamontan
Sanitation barangay
Volunteer identified

3. Identify training Feb. Training 90 350.00 200,000.00 Health Grace

needs of health 2021 needs Abiang/Erik
personnel identified Macaranas

4. Capability March Set 90 350.00 150,000.00 Health Susana

building – Dec. schedule Sison/Jessie
2021 and Herrera
X. Annexes

May include but not limited to the following:

A. Planning Committee Structure and Roles and Responsibilities

Draft and Office Order/ Executive Order listing the names of the Planning Committee
Members (may include but not limited to):
 DRRM-H Manager/s
 LGU Health Officer
 DRRM Officer
 Program Managers or Focal Point Persons of the Quad Cluster
 Planning and Development Officer
 Administrative Officer
 Technical Documenter – keeps record of meeting agreement and to document
the DRRM-H planning

Roles and Responsibilities of the DRRM-H Planning Committee

 Develop, review and update the previous plan
 Gather required information and gain commitment of key people and
 Initiate testing of the plan for its functionality and adaptability to current situation
 Develop annual operational plans relevant to health emergencies and disasters
 Monitor and evaluate the plan

Roles and Responsibilities of the Chairperson

 Preside the meeting and facilitate planning
 Provide feedback to the Head of Institution in relation to progress of planning

Roles and Responsibilities of the Vice-Chairperson

 Assist the Chairperson
 Take over the role of the Chairperson in his/her absence

Roles and Responsibilities of the Members

 Provide necessary technical inputs

 Attend meetings regularly
 Assist the Chairperson in advocating the plan

Roles and Responsibilities of the Secretariat

 Document minutes of the meetings
 Is responsible for safekeeping of documents and records
DRRM-H Plan_Page 24

B. Inventory of Resources and Possible Partners in DRRM-H

Government Agencies/ Services/ Products that

Non-Government may be Utilized in
Contact Person/s Contact Details Focal Person
Organizations/ Civil Times of Disasters/
Society Organizations Emergencies
Bayambang District Health services Dr.Neil Stachy Espino 09159963235 Dr. Macrina Iglesias
Hospital 5922958
Pangasinan Provincial Moderate to severe Dr. Aurelio Carino 09237066344
Hospital health emergencies 5322603
Region I Medical Center Severe to special health Dr. Roland Joseph Mejia 5158916/5237922 Dr. Jocelyn Angeles
emergency needs
RHU I BHW Association Surveillance in the Mrs. Laura Ocfemia 09395231357 Mrs. Laura Ocfemia
RHU II BHW Association Surveillance in the Mrs. Helen Diaz 09487457207 Mrs. Helen Diaz
PNP Chief of Police Peace and Order, PCL Vina De Leon 09989672994 PCL Vina De Leon
BFP Fire emergency

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