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The Gap Between You and Me

Author: Chaekyanggi


Harrieta, the eldest daughter of a Viscount from the countryside, has a crush on Edwin, the
heir to the most influential and wealthiest family in the kingdom.
She knew it was a futile dream, so she didn’t say a word to him.
And then the news of his engagement came suddenly.
When Harrieta, who had been suffering from a broken heart, finally began to recover, she
“Learn their faces. From now on, these slaves will live with us together here.”
Edwin had come as a slave to Harrieta’s house.
“The more the restriction, the more the oppression will be. But Miss Harrieta… I’d be glad
to accept it, if it were by you.
“Wha… what?”
Suddenly talking about restriction and oppression. Harrieta couldn’t understand Edwin’s
strange request and asked him what he meant with a puzzled look. But instead of
answering her question, Edwin silently pulled her hand close to him.
“’I, Edwin, recognize you as my only lord and purpose of my existence….”
Edwin bowed his head and kissed carefully on the back of her hand. His breath that
brushed her hand, was hot.
“…So please do not hesitate to wield me, as I am your faithful sword and your faithful
It was part of the Knight’s pledge, the Pledge of Allegiance, that the knighted person would
recite to his future lord.
The noble and high Edwin, with whom she couldn’t even make eye contact once, was now
at her feet.

I hoped.
I hoped that the star floating high in the sky would come to me.
I hoped that one day, I would be able to reach that beautiful star.
Even though I did not know what it meant at that time,
I was so naive that I just wished for it.
Harrieta, who was lying on the field, looked at Edwin. Even though there was no way he
couldn’t have noticed her gaze that mercilessly stabbed the back of his head, he didn’t look
back until the end.
She pouted.
You’re so stubborn.
His demeanor was absolutely repugnant. Harrieta opened her mouth to say something to
But she closed her mouth again without saying anything.
His fine-grained hair that sparkled like gold fluttered in the wind and his straight neckline
that led to his broad shoulders seemed to embrace the whole world. And whenever he
moved, the well-knit muscles hidden under his thin clothes danced and rippled.
It didn’t matter that she was only looking at his back. She knew him well enough to draw
his face on paper with her eyes closed if she wanted to. His face, which featured eyes that
were as blue as sapphires, was hard to describe with words alone.
A beautiful man.
To Harrieta, Edwin was always shining like a star and was like a mirage that she would
never reach. How much she hoped and longed for her image to be reflected in his two eyes.
How desperate she was when she thought that no matter how hard she tried; their lives
would never intersect.
Harrieta reached out and looked at Edwin. She knew that she was far enough that the gap
between them would never close, but she didn’t care.
Again, her faintly trembling fingertips couldn’t reach him, and it merely hovered forlornly
in the air.
Today, just like yesterday.
And tomorrow, just like today.
Harrieta slowly removed her hand. She felt as if she had swallowed a handful of dry sand.
Her throat throbbed. She felt like she was about to cry, so she buried her face in her hands.
“Miss Harrieta?”
A soft and calm voice, like a spring breeze, called out to her.
“Miss Harrieta. Are you okay?”
Was it strange that the sudden change in atmosphere calmed her down? Edwin hurried to
Harrieta’s side. She grinned while she hid her face.
What is it? He always noticed and reacted like he had seen a ghost, no matter how small the
change was about Harrieta. Thinking about it now, she must have been very annoying, but
he couldn’t pretend he didn’t know her until the very end.
Everyone looked at him and said he was cold and aloof, but he was just a person with a
warm and tender heart to her more than anyone else.
“If you are teasing me, please stop. Otherwise, I might get really mad.”
You’re not going to get mad at me, you’re just saying that.
“Raise your head. Is it because I’m too blunt? Is that why you did it?”
Look at that. Your voice is already falling apart.
“I must have acted too harshly. I’m just worried…I’m sorry. I was wrong, so please don’t
feel bad.”
His tone was rather business-like at first. However, it did not take long for him to give in as
always. It didn’t matter what the cause was or what the reason was. He was always careful
around her as if he were holding his breath.
At first, she was thrilled with that fact, but now it was just sad.
Can I leave him alone without letting him know about my feelings? Is that even possible? The
more he valued her, the more he brought out her heart, which broke little by little even
though she thought that it had already been broken.
“Miss Harrieta. please…”
Edwin, who was unaware of Harrieta’s intentions, once again fervently asked.
“Please show me your face.”
They stood close enough to feel each other’s breath. It wasn’t that difficult to reach out and
caress her if he wanted to. Still, he didn’t place a single finger on her.
A gap that could not be narrowed no matter how close it was.
A gap that will never be narrowed no matter how much you want it.
Harrieta lowered her hand. Then, she saw Edwin looking at her worriedly. The star, as
beautiful as when she first saw it, was even more beautiful than ever.
Edwin. You know, I… you, I…keep you…
Harrieta managed to swallow the words that were threatening to come out of her mouth. It
was painful as if her head had been submerged in water, but she endured it. She took a
deep breath and suppressed the overwhelming emotions. She then laughed as she forced
up the corners of her lips that kept going down.
“It’s a joke. Have I fooled you again? Don’t keep on ignoring me.”
No man could reach the stars, and no moon could reach the sun. But it was fine. Even
though her heart couldn’t accept it, her mind head was able to understand. That day,
Harrieta decided to bury a piece of her heart that was lingering in her mouth somewhere
deep inside her.
Chapter 1

I’m going to die of boredom.

Harrieta, who had been passing time by looking out from the veranda, let out a deep sigh.
White breath rose through the cold night air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.
It would be nice if she could disappear from here like her breath. Having been thinking
nonsense, she stretched her body out.
Her back and shoulders were a little sore. It was natural.
This was because Lilian said that she had to prepare meticulously from head to toe for her
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so she had so many ornaments on her hair that it was hard
to find an empty spot in it. The weight itself was so heavy that just standing with her head
upright seemed to give her a headache.
It’s just useless.
Harrieta furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at the long white lace sleeves that hung
below her wrist. Seeing Harrieta who had finished dressing up, Lilian was very moved, but
Harrieta herself was dissatisfied. It was because she was unfamiliar with the reflection in
the mirror and did not like it. She was forced to wear clothes that did not suit her, and she
looked rather tacky due to being overdressed.
She wanted to rip off the lace on the cuffs, as well as all the ornaments on her hair. But she
managed to put up with it after thinking of her parents back in her hometown.
Four months have already passed since Harrieta came to Lavant. Appalled at her self-
indulgent, free-spirited behavior and her complete ignorance of manners or her dignity as a
lady, the Mackenzie couple had sent Harrieta to Lavant.
Although Lavant was not the capital of the kingdom, it was nonetheless a large city
incomparable to her hometown, Philioche. They believed that as their daughter interacts
with more people and attends social gatherings, the way she thinks and behaves will
change. The Mackenzie’s were desperate to correct her behavior even though it was
Lilian was Harrieta’s aunt whom she had never met since birth. Harrieta was unfamiliar
with the person she was suddenly meeting, and she was worried that Lilian might treat her
However, Lilian welcomed her so warmly even though it was their first time meeting that
her worries were overshadowed. On the contrary, she looked very happy. And Harrieta
soon realized why.
She didn’t even have time to unpack and adjust to the new environment. The night she
arrived in Lavant, Harrieta was led by Lilian to attend social gatherings. This was possible
because she was not yet sixteen, and she did not have to make a formal debut yet.
So she attended social gatherings, from small tea times with fewer than ten guests to
dazzling balls with hundreds of guests. The number of times the two of them have attended
social gatherings over the past four months had become too many to count with ten fingers.
As time passed, Harrieta grew weary of her busy lifestyle day in and day out.
On the contrary, Lilian grew more and more lively and her enthusiasm burned. She was
looking forward to seeing her niece who came from the countryside to meet someone from
a decent family at the party at least.
But contrary to her wishes, Harrieta, who was still young, was not very popular with men.
Moreover, her free-spirited and innocent words and behavior could not be easily accepted
by the nobles who grew up in a rigid and formal environment.
Harrieta was naturally alienated from the group, and when she attended social gatherings,
she was more likely to spend time alone in the corner of a room or on a balcony than
converse with others.
She was cheerful by nature, but it was difficult for her to bear the loneliness she was
feeling. She endured it day by day, looking forward to the day she would return to her
beloved hometown, Philioche.
‘One full moon ahead. All you have to do is wait for one full moon.’
Harrieta hardened her heart. She put her body slightly forward and leaned against the
balcony railing. The feel of the cold marble passed through her palms, and a cool but
pleasant wind stroked her hair.
She lifted her head and looked up at the night sky which was like a dark indigo scarf, where
countless stars were densely packed like a dazzling powder made of diamonds.
She truly admired the scenery of the beautiful, clear night sky.
The night sky in Philioche was also pretty.
Harrieta, who was looking at the night sky, slowly stretched out her hand towards a
twinkling star. The desire to hold that beautiful star in the sky in her hand surged for a
However, her fingertips, though containing her earnestness, were only wandering in the air
without reaching the stars. Somehow, the longing spread to her heart.
How much time had passed? Judging that it was time for her to return home, Harrieta left
the balcony and entered the ballroom. Although it was quite late, there were still many
nobles inside. They seemed to be in a very good mood for the most part, as they were
drunk with alcohol and entertainment.
Harrieta, who exchanged eye contact with several people she knew, cautiously walked
around looking for Lilian. Coincidentally, the ball she attended today boasted the largest
scale and number of guests at any social gathering she had ever attended. It was not as easy
as she expected to find Lilian who had a small stature among so many people.
Wouldn’t it be better to stand by the entrance and wait patiently for her? As Harrieta
pondered, someone grabbed her elbow. Startled, she looked back.
“Harrieta. Where in the world have you been hiding? I’ve been looking for you all night.”
Lilian frowned. Her cheeks were stained red, perhaps due to the excessive amount of
champagne she had drunk.
“Auntie, actually I…”
“Let’s talk about it later. Come with me first. I have someone I want to introduce to you.”
Lilian mercilessly cut off Harrieta’s words. It was clear from the beginning that the other
person’s words did not matter.
She took her hesitant niece’s hand and headed somewhere. When they arrived, a friendly-
looking middle-aged woman and a short young man were waiting for them.
Lilian pushed her niece forward. Harrieta was confused and could not understand the
“Harrieta, say hello. This is Baroness Welch and Sir Derek Welch, the eldest son of the
Welch Barony.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. My name is Derek Welch.”
The man named Derek took a step closer and gave Harrieta a greeting. Perhaps around
twenty-five, the man had dark brown hair and eyes that looked a little ferocious. Although
short, he had an average appearance.
“I am Harrieta Mackenzie.”
Harrieta bowed slightly and greeted politely. Derek discreetly looked her up from head to
“I was told you’re from Philioche. Is life in Lavant uncomfortable?”
“My aunt took such good care of me, so there was no room for discomfort.”
“That is a relief. Lady Jenner said Miss Harrieta sings well?”
“It’s… She’s just calling it whatever she likes. It’s not to the point of showing off.”
“Ah, so you’re saying you didn’t learn it formally?”
Derek politely continued the conversation. However, he couldn’t hide the disappointment
on his face. Was it because she was younger than he thought? Or did she not live up to his
Harrieta, who was still only fifteen, held back her desire to run away immediately and
answered his questions.
Dry questions and dry answers went back and forth. It was the kind of conversation that
would pose no regrets even if the conversation was cut off right away. Had it not been for
Lilian and Baroness Welch, who was looking at her and Derek with happy eyes, they would
have parted ways sooner.
Derek kept his gaze away from her while he was talking to her. It was evident that he too
had long since lost his interest in her.
Harrieta let out a sigh. Even if it was rude, she couldn’t stand this situation any longer. She
opened her mouth, determined to leave the place under a reasonable excuse.
“Excuse me, Sir Welch. I’m sorry, but I’m very tired right now.”
Derek looked over Harrieta’s shoulder and exclaimed. His eyes widened.
“It’s Redford…”
In response to Derek’s astonished reaction, Harrieta naturally turned and looked at where
his gaze was directed. Soon, she noticed that the mood inside the ballroom had changed.
The noisy ballroom earlier had become enshrouded in a heavy stillness that it felt strange.
The noblemen got up from their seats and hurriedly fixed their disheveled clothes, while
the noblewomen, blushing, each covered their mouths with half-open fans and whispered
in secret.
Who is it that they’re reacting like this?
The atmosphere was so solemn that it seemed as if the king of a country had appeared.
Harrieta tilted her head. As if attracted by an invisible magnet, she unwittingly moved
towards the place where the people’s eyes were directed to.
Many people had gathered by the entrance of the ballroom and were all eager to talk to
“Sir Edwin. Thank you so much for attending. I sent you an invitation just in case you were
going to stop by, but I didn’t know you would respond.”
The young Count who hosted the ball tonight said. Although he was quite young, he was
known for being arrogant and vain. It was unbelievable how his attitude had turned a
complete 180. It was at this moment that she wondered if the king had really come.
The crowd split into both sides of the room. And at that moment, she was able to glimpse
the figure of the mysterious newcomer that caught everyone’s attention.
He was a tall, well-built man. The first thing that caught her eye was his brilliant blonde
hair, which seemed to have been made by melting high-purity gold that had not been
tainted by any impurity. It was so wonderful and unique that it could easily draw people’s
attention from afar.
The next thing that caught her attention was the robes he was wearing. The blue fabric
embroidered with gold thread looked very luxurious despite its relatively simple design. At
a glance, it seemed to have been through the hands of a seamstress who was quite famous
in the kingdom.
As he listened to someone, his face was slightly bowed. Then, he nodded and straightened
his body and looked straight ahead. As a result, his face, which had been hidden earlier, was
caught in Harrieta’s field of vision. Upon seeing his face, Harrieta unconsciously held her
Is it okay to describe a man as beautiful? Harrieta asked herself.
But other than that, she couldn’t come up with an appropriate word to describe his
appearance. His face featured a broad forehead, two serious-looking eyes, and a straight
nose that ran between them. Lastly, beneath it lay perfectly symmetrical red lips.
If there was something that the Creator worked so hard at day and night, it must have been
that man. And if a person could charm another person just by looking at them, then it
would also be none other than that man.
Harrieta was so stunned and stared at the man’s perfect-looking face with admiration.
Is he really just twenty years old? His calm eyes and serious mood only made him look
mature, but on closer inspection, he looked a little younger than she had initially thought.
His perfectly shaped lips moved as he started speaking. But no matter how much she
listened, she could not hear his voice.
Suddenly, Harrieta wondered if his voice would be as cool as his perfect appearance.
While the young Count was delighted with the appearance of the unexpected big shot, he
seemed anxious to monopolize him at any moment. The Count swept away those around
him with his sharp-edged eyes and whispered something into Edwin’s ear.
Edwin, who had been quietly listening to the Count, nodded once. Then the Count led him
away excitedly. Those who were murmuring around them turned back with regretful
“This is it.”
Harrieta stood blankly and saw Edwin following the Count. Curiously, the Count was
guiding him to where she was standing. With each step they took, the gap that existed
between him and her gradually narrowed.
Ten steps.
Seven steps.
It was as if both of her legs had been rooted and embedded on the ground. She could not
move even a single step. Her thought circuit stopped, and the world also seemed to have
stopped with it. The people who existed in the enormous ballroom disappeared, and only
she and Edward were left.
Two steps.
They were so close that If he took a step closer, then she would be very close enough to
reach out to him.
Chapter 2

Harrieta’s eyes fluttered. Her heart twitched like a fish taken out of water. Her hands
trembled at the uncontrollable tension. She was so nervous that she couldn’t even fathom
whether she was inhaling or exhaling.
Everyone paved the way for the two men. But Harrieta was immobile and stood glued to
the ground. Could it be that her existence was questionable? Edwin’s eyes turned to her as
he followed the Count.
Their eyes only met for a moment. But that brief time was enough. An intense tremor, as if
she were struck by lightning, spread throughout her body. His eyes were the same color as
the deep blue sea. His blue eyes with long eyelashes were breathtakingly seductive. Her
legs trembled.
Her knees suddenly bent, and at some point, Harrieta sat down on the floor. Because of the
extreme tension, it seems that her legs did not even have enough strength left to support
her light body.
The people saw her crumple and sink to the floor, but they didn’t care. They only cared
about Edwin. He was the only one who possessed a splash of color in the room that seemed
to have turned monochromatic as he entered. Everyone was fascinated with him.
Edwin’s gaze, which had passed Harrieta earlier, fell back on her.
“Ah… th, that.”
Harrieta’s mouth trembled. Her head went blank when she realized he was looking at her.
She knew she was acting like a fool but she really couldn’t think of anything.
“Ov, over there, that’s…”
That was the moment Edwin stopped walking.
Everyone held their breath as he stopped. He looked at Harrieta for a moment. His inner
feelings were not understandable with such a strange look.
Then he turned and approached her, leaned over, and extended his hand towards her.
Harrieta looked at his long fingers covered by the white gloves. Maybe she was dreaming
with her eyes open. Or she was lost in an imaginary land.
The distance was so close that they could feel the breath of the other person. Edwin had a
faint musk scent. Harrieta grabbed his hand as if she were possessed by something.
Warmth passed through his thin gloves.
For a moment, she was terrified. It was because she was afraid that he might laugh at her or
despise her.
But upon making eye contact with him, she soon realized that her expectations were
completely wrong. He did not ridicule her or despise her. He was neither pitying nor
disdainful. There were no emotions there. He was looking at her but not looking at her
It was indifference. There was only complete and utter indifference towards others.
Thud. It felt like she had been hit in the head with a big hammer. At the same time,
something that was trying to penetrate deep in her heart was mercilessly trampled on.
Edwin helped Harrieta stand up. Like a doll hanging from a thread, she moved without
power as he held her up. She wondered if her body was floating, but at the next moment,
she was already standing on her two feet.
“Are you okay?”
Edwin looked into Harrieta’s eyes and asked quietly. But he didn’t seem to ask for an
answer. As proof of that, as soon as he confirmed that she had gained her balance, he took
back the hand he had extended to her. After giving a polite nod, he went back to the Count
who was waiting for him.
She didn’t even have time to say thank you.
Click, clack
The sound of his heavy footsteps moving away from her was unrealistically loud in
Harrieta’s ears. She looked back at him, as hard as a piece of stone. There was still warmth
in the hand she touched him with.
‘Are you alright?’
It was a soft but stable voice. It was so wonderful that it perfectly matched his beautiful
‘Are you alright?’
The word kept echoing in her head. Her thoughts went into overdrive. She wanted to face
Edwin once again, at any cost. She wanted to see her image in his eyes and engrave herself
in his mind. As long as she could confirm her existence through him, nothing else mattered.
When Harrieta unconsciously chased after Edwin, Lilian, who ran after her, grabbed
Harrieta’s shoulder.
Harrieta was startled. The moment she felt Lilian’s hand on her shoulders, she realized
what she was trying to do. It felt as if the magic spell had been broken. Colors were applied
to the gray world, one by one, and a sound began to fill the quiet hall. Her eyes widened in
“Au, Auntie?”
Seeing Harrieta’s confused look, Lilian put on a worried expression.
“Harrieta! What happened? Why were you sitting on the floor? Did you get anemia?”
“No. It’s not like that…”
“Rose argued that I wouldn’t have to worry about your health, but what is this? I guess I’ll
have a doctor see you when we get home.”
“By the way, don’t you know how surprised I was that you suddenly went away like that? It
seems that the Baroness and Lord Welch have become embarrassed by your sudden action.
When we meet them later, make sure to sincerely apologize to them… Harrieta, Harrieta!
Are you listening to me?”
Frowning, Lilian scolded her niece, had her mind elsewhere. But Harrieta did not listen to
her. She kept her head straight and desperately looked at one spot in the room.
“Aunt. Who was that person?”
“That person?”
Lilian glanced at where Harrieta’s gaze was directed.
“Are you talking about Count Shanks?”
“No. The young man who was with the Count.”
He was the one who helped me up. Harrieta thought, blushing. Then, Lilian’s expression
changed as if she understood what was happening.
“You are talking about Sir Edwin. The tall and blonde gentleman.”
Harrieta nodded eagerly at the familiar name. Edwin. Even the name was charming. Her
eyes shone with the most life since she came to Lavant. Seeing this, Lilian made an
ambiguous expression. Lilian, who seemed to be thinking of something, asked.
“Do you know the Duke of Redford?”
“Yes. The Duke of Redford. Their family has a long history because it had existed since the
founding of Brimdel, and is considered one of the most influential and wealthy families
among all the nobles in existence. It is said that they have the noblest bloodline in Brimdel,
except for the royal family. In fact, most of the heads of the Redford family have married
women of the royal family, so it’s no wonder that they are known as such.”
In the back alleys, there were even jokes that the legitimate heirs of the Redford family had
purer royal blood than the current royals. But there had never been a person powerful
enough to question whether it was true or not.
“Sir Edwin is the heir to the Duchy of Redford. He is, in a word, the next duke.”
“The next duke…”
Harrieta repeated Lilian’s words. A duke. To the daughter of a Viscount who was at the
bottom of the noble class, he was a very distant and high-ranking person. Only then did she
understand why Count Shanks was so happy to see Edwin.
“Auntie. How can I see Sir Edwin again?”
“Sir Edwin?”
Lilian’s tone of voice rose even higher. She asked while observing Harrieta. After a while,
she shook her head.
“You poor child…”
“What do you mean?”
“Your poor heart. Don’t foolishly fall for something that’s not within your grasp.”
It was said in a soft tone, but the meaning contained within it was sharp. Harrieta’s
expression hardened.
She bit her lower lip. It felt like someone had covered her face with a pillow.
“What are you talking about?”
“Harrieta. Don’t you think I’ve seen women with a face like you once or twice in my life? It
would be more difficult to read an open book.”
It meant that her longing was useless. Harrieta gave her aunt a bitter look. She looked once
more to the place where Edwin had disappeared to. But he had long since gone from the
ballroom. Lilian turned Harrieta’s head to face her again.
“Harrieta Mackenzie, my dear niece. Don’t you know that the Redford family is famous just
for that one duke? He is indeed famous because of the immense wealth and honor he was
given from his birth, but he is also famous for his outstanding individual abilities. Not only
is he knowledgeable and proficient in martial arts, but his appearance is also so beautiful
that it will blow your mind. You don’t know how many talented people the Redford family
has produced. It is also said that the most valuable of Brimdel’s treasures was the Redford
family. It is the people of Redford that make you think life is so unfair just by looking at
them, and Sir Edwin is the most unrivaled of them all.”
“How do you think you compare?”
Lilian asked bluntly. Harrieta could not readily answer.
Philioche is a small rural village that is not well marked on the map. She is eldest daughter
of Viscount Mackenzie who rules the territory. Far from wealth and fame, it would be much
easier to find someone who didn’t know her family than someone who did.
Seeing her hesitation, Lilian sighed.
“Even if we are also nobles, our standing in society is not the same. Low-ranking nobles like
you and me cannot even exchange words with important nobles like him. He probably sees
us as not much different from mere commoners.”
“It’s not unheard of that you shouldn’t even look at a tree you can’t climb.”
Even if it was advice to her niece, it was a bit harsh. Harrieta’s face turned red. Her stomach
boiled as she looked straight at her aunt.
“Auntie. So, who should I have in mind? Sir Welch, who is short and ordinary? Or Baron
Marlon, who is thirty years older than me?”
Harrieta asked in a rising tone of voice.
“If you decide that you want to have it with all your heart, can you stop it? If so, can you
really say that it is the absolute truth?”
“Don’t even look at a tree you can’t climb? But isn’t there a saying that you can achieve your
goals when you have big aspirations and aim for more than you hope for? To dream and to
be able to follow through with it, you don’t have to get someone else’s permission, don’t
Lilian looked at her courageous niece, who openly exhibited her anger as if she were
wronged. She thought that the mother and daughter weren’t similar, but now that she saw
it, Harrieta was exactly like her younger sister, Rose, when she was younger.
Rose said that she would marry the prince of a country no matter what. But as she grew
older, she understood the laws of this world, and in the end, she gave up that marriage to a
poor Viscount in the countryside.
Lilian, who had recalled the past, responded to her niece in an even softer tone.
“Harrieta, I apologize if my words hurt you. I also want you to have big aspirations and I
want you to achieve more. This is what I sincerely wish for you, no matter what anyone
Lilian stroked Harrieta’s head.
“As you said, no one can stop you from dreaming and chasing after it. But unfortunately,
there are things in the world that are impossible no matter how hard you try, and there are
things you cannot have.”
“…You mean Sir Edwin?”
Harrieta asked with sad eyes. Lilian nodded.
Chapter 3

“Even if the sky fell, it would still be impossible.”

Even the last hope she held onto was utterly shattered. Harrieta lowered her head. She felt
as if she had been sentenced to death.
She looked down at her hand with eyes full of regret. It was the hand that Edwin had held a
while ago. The warmth from his hand still lingered.
“However… I don’t think it will be easy for you to forget.”
15, It was fleeting, yet everlasting. There had never been anything in her life that she had
been so strongly drawn to and wanted more than ever. And it seemed like it would be the
first and the last.
Lilian gently raised Harrieta’s head and made her look at her.
“You will forget. The world is big, and there are countless wonderful men in this big world.”
“Are those guys more handsome than Sir Edwin?”
Harrieta asked. Lilian, who looked down at her clear eyes, hesitated to answer for a
moment. Her niece’s eyes were full of trust and faith. After a moment, Lilian nodded.
“Of course.”
15. At a young age, she hadn’t even made her debut. Lilian firmly believed that Harrieta
would soon forget Edwin’s existence and it would merely be like a midsummer
night’s dream.
Time passed smoothly. It had already been a year since Harrieta came to Lavant.
Once she turned 16, she made her debut to commemorate her coming of age. It was a once-
in-a-lifetime debutante party that any noble woman valued. But she wasn’t very interested
in that as she was still heartbroken. She couldn’t even remember the name of the man who
had escorted her.
Still, she had only one reason to attend the ball.
‘Maybe we can meet today.’
Although she knew the odds were slim, Harrieta did not give up even though she went
home disappointed every night. She repeated endlessly to torture herself with hope.
On the way back to her house, Lilian clicked her tongue as she saw her niece getting into
the carriage, feeling depressed. Even with her strong self-esteem, she now had to admit
that she was completely wrong with her expectations.
Half a year had already passed. Nevertheless, Harrieta was still unable to escape from
Edwin’s shadow.
Lilian couldn’t understand her niece. No matter how attractive he is, how could she be so
fascinated by just seeing him once? In the past, she introduced several children from a
wealthy family to her, but it was all in vain. Except for Edwin, Harrieta did not show any
interest in other men.
“Rose sent a letter. She was wondering when you would come back.”
As usual, Harrieta should have returned to her hometown long ago. However, she refused
to leave Lavant after she had lost her heart to Edwin. It was amazing how she could be so
determined while she missed Philioche so much.
“I’ll stay a little longer.”
Harrieta responded helplessly, leaning her body against the back of the chair. Rattle, rattle.
The carriage running on the stone road swayed rhythmically.
“A little longer. How long is a little longer? Until Sir Edwin leaves Lavant and heads for the
“Sir Edwin is notorious for not attending social gatherings. As proof of that, you haven’t met
him once since that night until now, haven’t you?”
“That’s not it. I saw him a while ago.”
Harrieta answered with a stern expression on her face. Then Lilian snorted at her.
“Are you talking about the day you waited and waited in front of the Marquis of
Richconell’s mansion?”
“It was a long shot, but… I saw him.”
Harrieta’s voice became smaller.
She trembled with impatience, as she had not seen even a strand of Edwin’s hair for quite
some time. Then, when she heard that Edwin was starting to visit Marquis Richconnell
often, she eventually set out to visit the mansion. Of course, she didn’t know anyone in the
Marquis’ mansion, so she had to wander in front of it, unable to step through the high grate
She had already gone to the Marquisate every day for fifteen days. When she began to feel
deeply skeptical of her own actions, Harrieta finally saw Edwin. When she saw a horse-
drawn carriage approaching with a crest of a golden lion, the emblem of the Redford family,
she leaped with joy.
But it was only for a moment that she basked in joy. She hurriedly hid nearby, fearing that
she would look suspicious wandering around for no reason.
The grate that seemed to never open opened, and the carriage slid into the garden. Then it
stopped in front of a mansion so large and majestic that it could not be compared to the
Mackenzie’s mansion.
Perhaps anticipating Edwin’s visit, Marquis Richconell came out of the mansion himself and
waited for Edwin.
Soon the carriage door opened, and a tall man got out of it. She couldn’t see his face
properly because he was far away, but she could tell who it was without having to check it.
The time it took for him to disappear into the mansion was really short, but Harrieta was
satisfied with that. It felt like rain had finally fallen on dry land after a long and severe
“Harrieta. I’m really worried about you. I am afraid of the loss and pain you will experience
when you finally realize that you cannot be with him.”
Lilian said to Harrieta, who was preoccupied with memories of their meeting. She was
genuinely worried about Harrieta. She had long ago given up telling her not to dream. She
just wanted her niece not to be hurt.
‘I would like to stop my heart if I can.’
Harrieta muttered in her mind. She didn’t know how reckless and ignorant she would
appear to be. But if she could have stopped herself through sheer willpower, she would
have stopped it sooner.
Leaning helplessly against the back of the chair, she closed her eyes. Another day passes
like this yet again.
Most people like to interfere and get involved in other people’s affairs. And even more so
when the subject is a very famous person.
One day, the news of the engagement of the perfect heir of the Duchy of Redford to the
beautiful and only daughter of the Marquisate of Richiconell spread quickly throughout the
kingdom like wildfire. It was then that people understood why Edwin had left the capital
for so long and stayed in Lavant, including his frequent visits to Marquis Richconell.
The combination of the two was absolutely perfect. Although they do not stand out as much
as the Redford family, the Richconell family was also known to be one of the most
prestigious families in Brimdel. What’s more, Vivian, the only daughter of Marquis
Richconell, was so beautiful that rumors circulated about dozens of men waiting in line to
propose even before she made her debut.
Everyone in the kingdom sincerely offered their congratulations and rejoiced in the union
of these two wonderful people.
Except for one person.
And that person was Harrieta Mackenzie.
When she first heard the news, Harrieta felt like the world was falling apart. Her eyes
darkened and it felt as if the floor was going to explode. If this was a terrible nightmare, she
just wished she would wake up as soon as possible. But unfortunately, she wasn’t
dreaming; it was the harsh reality.
The wounds of her broken heart which she got from being unable to confess her love
properly were so deep that it could not be expressed in words. It was not enough to
describe it as just sad and empty.
“That’s why I warned you earlier. It’s useless.”
“Time will take care of everything, Harrieta. No matter how sad and difficult it is for you
right now, nothing in this world lasts forever. Soon, you too will forget all this sadness and
get over it, and wonder when it happened. Then nothing will happen again.”
Lilian comforted Harrieta with a pitiful, sweet gaze as her niece kept crying.
Harrieta refused to eat, and she cried every day and night, exhausted. Several times, she
even lost consciousness. Realizing that the situation was worse than she thought, Lilian
turned to the Viscount Mackenzie couple for help.
Viscountess Rose Mackenzie, who immediately traveled to Lavant after receiving the call,
was terribly surprised. No matter how long a year has passed, it was difficult to recognize
the appearance of her daughter, which had changed for the worse.
“Harrieta, daughter, how did you become like this? There really won’t be any left of you at
this rate.”
Rose was truly sad.
“Would you like to return to Philioche with me? The air is clear and clean there, so it will
help heal your weary mind and body.”
Rose suggested. She knew that her daughter was struggling with a broken heart, but she
didn’t know exactly who it was. It was because Lilian deliberately kept quiet because she
was worried that it would just cause trouble.
“Besides, we all miss you. Without you, who used to be a troublemaker, the mansion seems
too quiet. Especially Hugo, that kid misses you a lot.”
Harrieta, who was lying on the bed with a blanket over her, responded to the name of her
younger brother whom she had not heard from in a long time. He was six years younger
than her, and he was only nine when she left Philioche.
Harrieta recalled Hugo chasing after her while calling out ‘sister, sister’ like a duckling in
the water. Then, the affection and longing for her hometown, which had been buried
somewhere in the depths, welled up like a spring of water.
It was all because of Edwin that she insisted on staying in Lavant from the beginning
anyway. However, he was now another woman’s man, and he left for the capital
immediately after his betrothal. Now, there was no reason for Harrieta to remain in Lavant.
Soon after that, Harrieta and Rose boarded the carriage heading to Philioche.
Harrieta sat by the window of her room and looked out of the window. It had already been
a year since she returned to Philioche with Rose.
The time she thought would never flow, eventually flowed like water. Has she gotten used
to the flow?
As the days went by, the sun seemed to set faster and faster. Sometimes she wondered
when the day had even passed.
Harrieta began to read the letter she was holding in her hand. It was a letter from Lilian in
After she returned to Philioche, Lilian regularly sent her letters of greetings. To Lilian, who
had no children due to her husband’s early death, Harrieta was the closest thing to her own
The letter, filled with small stories from her daily life, ended with a promise, that was not a
promise at the same time, that she would visit Philioche soon to see Harrieta, as always.
Harrieta grinned. She could still guarantee that when the next letter from her aunt arrived,
she still wouldn’t have visited Philioche.
As Harrieta tried to fold the letter with a smile on her face, she saw a postscript added to
the bottom of the letter.
[PS: Recently, strange stories have been circulating in the kingdom, Harrieta, I hope you
didn’t hear it.
Even if you heard it, it probably doesn’t matter now, but just in case.]
Harrieta tilted her head. It was an odd postscript, and she didn’t know what it meant. It was
like Lilian had hesitated several times to write it, as there were ink marks as if she had
pressed a pen with force.
Harrieta couldn’t even guess what the strange story Lilian was talking about. Philioche was
a very small town with a population of less than five hundred, and because it was located
far away from the capital as well as downtown, interaction with the surrounding area was
How serious is that? Most of the people here don’t even know how old the current king
was, or how many wives or children he had. Other villagers would be surprised to hear it,
but at least it wasn’t unusual here.
Chapter 4

A boy entered through the crack in the slightly open door. He had the same auburn hair as
Harrieta, and was a child who had not yet undergone puberty.
“Hugo! How many times have I told you to knock first when entering the room?”
“What is a knock between you and me? Were you doing something interesting without me
Hugo, the Mackenzies’ youngest son and Harrieta’s younger brother, lit up his playful eyes.
He spoke in an old-fashioned tone that did not match his age.
“So what is it?”
Hugo found the letter in Harrieta’s hand and asked. Harrieta shrugged her shoulders.
“A letter from Aunt Lilian. Would you like to read it too?”
“No. If I read it, it must be something similar to the twelve letters she sent you the other
“Well… You’re not wrong.”
Harrieta meekly admitted. She folded the letter and put it in the drawer of her table.
“But what happened?”
“Oh right, sister. Didn’t you say you’d teach me how to ride a horse without a saddle?”
Did she?
Harrieta traced her memory.
“The weather is nice today, so I thought if sister had time, I would like to take a lesson.”
“Of course I have time. But I don’t think it will be right now. Not long ago, didn’t father
impose a curfew on you for causing a commotion because of a small mistake?”
“Oh, I was going to try that new bow, and then I broke the window...”
Hugo murmured as if she had a point. Then he was truly discouraged. Harrieta patted him
on the shoulder as he looked very gloomy.
“It’s okay. It’s just we’re not doing it today. I’ll teach you everything you want as soon as the
ban is lifted. Ah! If possible, I’ll teach you how to catch a rabbit with the bow you were
trying first.”
Hugo’s expression brightened. He smiled broadly, as if his gloomy expression before was
just a lie.
“You promised me. You mustn’t forget it.”
“Hugo. Of course I will. Have I ever deceived you? Don’t worry.”
Harrieta smiled as she watched Hugo ask her several times. He jumped and jumped like
As he began to leave the room with a lighter step, he stopped at the door. Then, he looked
back with an expression that seemed as if he were contemplating something. He looked at
Harrieta and called out again,
“It’s great to be able to hang out with you again like this.”
Hugo chuckled.
“It’s like going back in time.”
After adding his last words, he bade Harrieta goodbye and left the room.
Tap. Tap. She could hear his footsteps moving away. Harrieta looked at the door he had left
for a moment, then laid her back and leaned against the back of the chair. Then she tilted
her head back and looked up at the white ceiling.
[‘Time will take care of everything. Harrieta. No matter how sad and difficult it is right now,
nothing lasts forever in this world.’]
Lilian’s words were sometimes right and sometimes wrong.
As she said, time certainly helped heal the wounds of her broken heart. She thought she
would never get out of the abyss of despair, but as time went on, she found her way little by
As evidence of that, she can now smile again and find joy in her life. Confining herself in the
room and living, cut off from the world, that past was long behind her.
But if she was asked if everything is completely the same as before, it wasn’t.
She certainly spoke fewer words than before going to Lavant, and her activity level had
greatly reduced. She also learned to enjoy time spent idly staring out the window, as she
did today, and that she enjoys time alone as she reads books. If her past self had seen it, she
would have been astonished at the nonsense.
Did she become more mature because of the pain of a broken heart? As they said: failure is
the mother of success; she did not expect that she would mature as an adult like this.
But what is certain is that Edwin’s existence left a small but clear mark on her. And the
traces probably won’t be erased for a very, very long time.
Harrieta closed her eyes. A small sigh left her lips.
It was an ordinary day, just like any other day. The Mackenzies were getting together for an
early lunch.
Because they lived a life far from wealth, the food on the table was rather simple. Still, no
one complained. Clatter, clatter. There was a small conversation on the table along with the
sound of moving tableware.
“Harrieta, do you have any plans for this summer?”
Rose asked, using the butter knife to butter her bread. Then Harrieta, who was sitting
across from her, raised her head and looked at Rose.
“I don’t have any plans yet. I think I might just stay in Philioche and spend the summer.”
“It seems that your aunt is quite lonely. She seems very curious when you will visit Lavant
“Yes. Lilian seems to have liked you very much.”
Rose implied. Hugo, who was sitting next to her, gave her a look. Each time, their aunt
wrote in her letter that she would go to Philioche, but her prediction that Lilian would
never come to a rural village like this came true.
“As you know, from the end of this month, the social circle in Lavant will be active, right?
Why don’t you go to Lavant to attend a social gathering, to be the companion of your lonely
“But it’s only been a year since I came back from Lavant.”
Harrieta answered reluctantly.
“If possible, I want to spend this summer in Philioche.”
“I am not saying that you should stay for a long time. If you don’t like it, you can just stay
there for a short time, even for a month or so. That will be enough.”
Rose did not give up and continued to persuade her. Harrieta then set her bread down on
her plate. Lavant. Although she missed Lilian, it was still a place she did not want to go to if
possible. Noticing that she was hesitating, Rose opened her mouth again.
“Aren’t you seventeen now? Of course, it’s not urgent, but it’d be good to start planning for
the future sooner or later.”
“The future?”
“Yes. Your marriage partner.”
Rose said it as if it were obvious.
“As someone who was once in the same position as you, if I could give you some advice, the
more people you interact with, the more you will benefit. That way, you’ll have a better
idea of who’s right for you and who’s not for you.”
Harrieta was lost for words. It felt like her throat was clogged. She turned her gaze to the
bread on the plate.
“But I have no intention of getting married yet.”
“I didn’t mean that you had to get married right away. But shouldn’t you at least try to find
potential partners?”
Rose said convincingly to Harrieta.
“Philioche is certainly a beautiful place, but it is not a place for a woman your age now.
Because we, the Mackenzie, are the only noble families here. If you keep wasting your time
here, you will surely become an old virgin in the blink of an eye.”
“It’s not such a bad idea.”
Harrieta muttered as she cut the bread into small pieces with a butter knife.
“No man is crazy enough to want me to be his wife anyway.”
“Oh, Harrieta. What’s wrong with you? It’s because you don’t like to dress up so much, but
the original you resembles me, so it’s okay. Sister Lilian said that too.”
Rose said with a confident face. Hugo grinned and laughed, but soon caught Rose’s sharp
gaze and his laughter stopped. Hmmmm. He wiped the area around his mouth with a
napkin and cleared his throat.
“Anyway, let’s talk about this later. Even if you want to go anyway, you can’t go right now.
Your father needs to come back soon so we can use the carriage as soon as possible…”
Rose glanced through the window and her words faded into a whisper.
Twenty days have already passed since Viscount Baodor Mackenzie had been away from
home. It was not uncommon for him to be away from home for such a long period of time.
A long time ago, at the urgent call of the Marquis whom he had become close friends with,
he had to leave without knowing anything. He reassured his wife not to worry because it
wouldn’t be a big deal, but as time passed without any contact, Rose kept getting anxious.
“Do not worry. There is a saying that ignorance is good news.”
Harrieta, noticing Rose’s feelings, quietly comforted her.
“How about playing the piano after dinner? It has been a long time since we did that last. As
always, Hugo will play the violin, and I will sing next to him.”
The Mackenzies loved music. It may seem like a funny skill to the experts because it wasn’t
formally learned, but they didn’t care. Their ears enjoyed their preferred instruments and
songs, and they especially liked to make a single song while playing together.
“Yes. That’s a good idea.”
Rose nodded in agreement. At that moment, Hugo’s eyes widened and a look that seemed
to be guessing something appeared on his face. Blinking, he turned his head toward the
“I think father is here!”
He jumped up from his seat and shouted.
Father? Only then Rose and Harrieta listened. Along with the sound of the horseshoes,
there was the sound of the wheel of a cart rolling along the rough road. Whoaa. They could
hear the coachman’s voice calming the horse as he was stopping the carriage.
The faces of the three people sitting at the table brightened. They ran out of the mansion.
Baodor, who got off the carriage, looked up and looked at them as a warm smile spread
across his eyes.
“Oh no, don’t run. You’ll fall!”
As the horse stopped, Baodor greeted them with his arms wide open. The four of them got
tangled together. As always, his arms were wide and warm.
“Rose what would the children say if you are like this too? We should be setting a good
example for them.”
“How could you not have contacted me before? I was worried about what might have
happened to you!”
Rose pouted and complained. Baodor chuckled.
“Even if I did send a letter, I didn’t feel the need to, because I’d get back before the letter got
here. But I’m sorry for making you worry.”
“It’s okay. Because you came back safely.”
The two exchanged affectionate glances. Baodor lightly kissed his wife on the head.
Although they had been married for twenty years, the love that had grown between them
never stopped.
“Come in. Are you tired from your journey?”
“Ah. Before that, there is someone I need to introduce you to.”
‘Who are you going to introduce?’
The three people’s curious eyes turned towards the carriage. But it was empty inside.
Baodor released his hand holding them and went to the back of the carriage. Thump.
Thump. A muffled sound was heard from the rear of the carriage.
What the hell is this? They were bewildered as Baodor brought a man in front of them.
“It’s a little sudden, but I’ll introduce him. This is...uh...11542.”
Baodor said the number with a slightly embarrassed expression on his face. A man stood
quietly behind him.
A man wearing shabby clothes with worn shoes was very tall and had a strong physique. He
had thick chains wrapped around his hands and ankles.
“Remember this face. He is a slave who will be living here with us from now on.”
Harrieta saw the face of a man her father called a slave. As if to prove the road of a long
journey, there was dust all over the face of the man with yellow blonde hair. But that didn’t
mean she couldn’t recognize the face.
The man who had his gaze on the floor glanced straight ahead. At the same time, his and
Harrieta’s eyes met. His eyes were deeper than the sea and bluer like the sky.
‘Oh. Oh my God.’
Harrieta was so surprised that she was at a loss for words. It felt as if the blood was drying
up all over her body from head to toe. Denying the unbelievable sight before her, she
checked and checked again, but it was clear. It was the same face she had seen in her
dreams every night, which made her longing overflow to the limit.
‘… Sir Edwin?’
As she called his name in her mind, a buzzing sound echoed in her ears. Her fingers were
numb and she felt nauseous. The world unfolding in front of her was spinning and blurring.
Harrieta fainted on the spot.
Chapter 5

She could feel the sun’s rays shining on her even as her eyes were closed. The birds
perched on the branches chirped and showed off their sweet voices. Hearing the sound of
curtains fluttering lightly in the summer breeze, Harrieta inhaled and exhaled slowly. The
soft bed and soft sheets felt comfortable against her body.
Harrieta wiggled and rolled around the bed. Laying on her side with her eyes closed, she
thought quietly. She seems to have been dreaming something absurd. Such an absurd,
absurd dream.
‘Right. Sir Edwin is here.’
Harrieta thought. Edwin often appeared in her dreams, so it wasn’t unusual.
‘But she didn’t know that he would come out as a slave.’
Harrieta grinned. She didn’t know how she could have such a bizarre dream. The way he
looked, how vivid it was, she almost believed that it was a reality and not a dream.
‘It’s been a while since I last saw him. It seems that he is a little different from what I
Harrieta drew a picture of Edwin from what she had seen in her dream. Tall, broad
shoulders. and a strong body. At first glance he looked similar to what she remembered, but
he must have lost more weight than she last saw him. His face was also thin, so his
impression was sharper than before. Besides, his blue eyes are like…
“Sister. Are you awake?”
The thoughts that were running on her mind were stopped by the voice coming from
beside her. Squeak. She heard the creaking of the old wooden frame as if someone sat on
the bed. Before long, a dark shadow fell over her face.
Harrieta opened her eyes and looked. She then checked what was hovering over her face.
The first thing she saw were two large brown eyes that were looking straight at her.
“You’re awake!”
Hugo exclaimed. A deep sense of relief spread across his face. Harrieta closed her eyes
several times before she opened them. He had his back against the sun, so she couldn’t see
his face very well. She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.
“Hugo? What are you doing here early in the morning?”
“What do you mean early in the morning? Sister, it will be time for the sun to go down in a
little while.”
“It’s almost sunset?”
Harrieta was bewildered and asked about what she had just heard from Hugo. He nodded.
She got up and sat down, then looked out the window. Even though the dark evening light
had descended, it was still bright outside.
‘What happened?’
Harrieta was confused. Maybe she was so tired that she overslept until early evening? But
to say that, her body was too refreshed and relieved. What’s more, Rose, who hates people
being lazy, couldn’t have let her do it.
“You don’t know how surprised everyone was when you suddenly passed out. Even our
dear mother almost collapsed from shock.”
Hugo spoke like an old man and handed Harrieta the cup he had prepared beforehand. It
was a mixture of honey and lemon juice. Without a word, she took the cup and tried to
drink the water from it, but she got a sense that something was wrong. She pondered over
his words for a moment before she lifted her head.
“Wait, Hugo. Did you say I passed out?”
“Yes. Didn’t you lose consciousness in the front yard earlier?”
“So I’m not waking up now, but I passed out and then woke up?”
“That is correct… ”
Hugo frowned. He could not understand Harrieta’s reaction. Perhaps when she fainted, she
banged her head hard on the floor. He looked at his sister with a worried look.
He wondered if he should let someone know in case they didn’t know, but Harrieta, who
had been rolling her eyes dizzy, opened her mouth.
“Then… Did father bring home a slave… ?”
“Ah! I’m going to die of a headache because of it. My father said he needed a room for him,
so he told me to give him my study room. No matter how much I think about it, I can’t
understand it. How can I give my room to a slave who isn’t someone… Oh! Sister! What are
you doing now?”
Hugo, who had been grumbling in a loud voice, shouted in surprise. It was because
Henrietta had let go of the cup she was holding. Fortunately, it did not fall on the duvet and
break, but the contents inside spilled out. A thick lemon honey tea soaked the bedding and
her clothes, but Harrieta was completely unaware of it.
Harrieta covered her face with her hands.
“…It… It can’t be.”
She was deeply doubtful whether she was still dreaming. She felt like she was about to faint
again, so she grabbed hold of a part of her consciousness tightly.
The door swung open like it was about to break. Baodor, who was sitting in front of the
desk organizing his papers, was startled by the commotion. He raised his head and saw an
uninvited guest entering the study. And after confirming who the unexpected person was,
he stood up.
“Harrieta? What happened?”
“What happened, Dad?”
Harrieta cut Baodor off, and hurriedly asked her question first. She strode closer to him.
Her cheeks were very flushed, as if she had been suffering from a high fever and her eyes
were blazing. Meanwhile, the top of her skirt was spotted and wet from the drink she had
spilled earlier. Baodor was only bewildered by his daughter’s abnormal behavior.
“What do you mean?”
“Sir Edwin! Why is he, who should be in the capital, here, in Philioche!?”
Harrieta struck the desk as if she were frustrated.
“Besides, why did he wear such a shabby outfit...!”
“Sir Edwin? Sir Edwin? Who is that?”
“Sir Edwin! Sir Edwin! Don’t you know Sir Edwin?”
Harrieta shouted the same name over and over like a parrot. Even so, Baodor still had a
clueless expression on his face.
She ripped her hair out of frustration.
“It’s the one you brought with you!”
“I brought… ? Ah! Are you talking about 11542?”
“11… ?”
Unknowingly, Harrieta, who followed the number that Baodor had called, frowned.
“What the hell is that?”
“It’s the slave’s unique number.”
“Unique number?”
“Yes. It is said that every slave has a unique number given to them. And they say they can
use it to find out information about their origins, background, or who currently owns them.
Perhaps in the world of slaves, it is a concept similar to identification.”
Baodor shrugged his shoulders and said. Although a noble, he was only a poor Viscount. He
could not have had a slave, a symbol of wealth, as he could not afford many servants or
maids. So, all these situations were very unfamiliar to him.
Harrieta’s face turned white while listening to Baodor.
“What do you mean slave!? Father! Don’t even say such terrible things! Do you know who
he is? That’s Sir Edwin! He is the only heir to the Duchy of Redford!”
“The Duchy of Redford?”
Baodor’s eyes widened at the unexpected name. No matter how much he lived his life in
Philioche, that didn’t mean he didn’t know the famous Redford family. He looked at his
daughter, panting as if out of breath. Then, he started laughing out loud.
“Oh dear, oh dear. Are you still dreaming? Heir to the Duchy of Redford. There is no way
that 11542, who is only a slave, is such a great being.”
Baodor lightly patted Harrieta’s shoulder, who was looking at him with a confused face.
“Listen to me, Harrieta. That slave was a gift from someone I’ve known for a long time. In
the past, I happened to grant him a request, and he gave it to me in return as a thank you. If
you don’t believe me, you might want to see this.”
He pulled something out of the second drawer of the desk and handed it to Harrieta. It was
a fairly thick parchment, rolled up.
Harrieta hesitated a little, then took the parchment. She untied the parchment straps and
unfolded it with a careful hand. Her eyes moved left and right following the words written
on the parchment. Little by little, her hands were shaking.
Harrieta couldn’t finish her sentence. What she was holding was a complete slave
document. The royal coat of arms was clearly engraved on the lower right edge of the
parchment. It was a mark to prove that this was a legally produced document.
There were no names like Edwin or Redford to be found on the parchment. Instead, at the
top, as Baodor said, ‘Product No. 11542’ was written on it. If one was to read it roughly,
they wouldn’t even know it meant a person. She felt suffocated.
“Now will you believe me?”
Baodor asked, rolling the parchment from Harrieta’s hand. But Harrieta did not respond.
She was still floundering in the sea of great shock.
“Would you like to go and get some rest? Your pale complexion looks like you haven’t
recovered yet. You’ll feel a little better when you take a nap.”
Baodor clapped his hands and called one of the maids, who was waiting outside. With a
gesture of his eyes, he ordered her to support Harrieta. Then the maid approached
Harrieta. Harrieta, who was dazed and lost in her thoughts, did not dare to shake away the
hand guiding her away.
Stop. Harrieta, who was about to go out helplessly, supported by the maid, stopped in front
of the door. She turned her upper body halfway to look at Baodor.
“Father. Who was the one who gave you that as a gift?”
“Marquis Macnot, he is the owner of a large estate near the capital. He is a very influential
person within the kingdom, but Harrieta, you probably don’t know him.”
Marquis Macnot. As Baodor said, it was a name Henrietta had never even heard of.
Chapter 6

“You mean he really gave you the slave as a gift for nothing?”
She asked again to confirm.
She was told that slaves were quite expensive, if not as much as a thoroughbred stallion.
Especially if it’s a strong young male slave. He gave such an expensive slave free of charge.
No matter how wealthy the other person was, something was suspicious.
Baodor, stroking the brittle beard that had grown on his chin, recalled the conversation he
had with Marquis Macnot a few days ago.
[Careful. You must not hand over that slave to anyone else for at least thirty years. If someone
asks you to hand over that slave, you’ll have to tell me right away. And tell me at least once a
month about how the slave is doing. Of course, this is a temporary request, not permanent. As
time goes on and everyone gets used to this new life, I plan to reduce the number of times you
update me.
And lastly, take extra care so that the slave never leaves Philioche. If anything happens that
causes him to leave this place, you will have to inform me immediately. Keep that in mind.]
Although he refused several times saying that there was no need for a slave, Marquis
Macnot did not give up. The Marquis almost forcibly handed over 11542 to Baodor,
relinquishing ownership of it. Still, he added some conditions, which were both strange and
It wasn’t just that. Later, in the end, he made Baodor write a memorandum that he would
abide by the conditions he had stated.
Baodor thought that the Marquis’ attitude was strange, but soon dismissed it as just having
an unusually picky disposition.
‘Well, it shouldn’t be a big deal.’
“Yes. Harrieta.”
The atmosphere was uncomfortable, but Baodor decided to pass it on without a big deal
this time as well. Harrieta bit her lower lip at his answer. Her eyes looked as if something
was still not clear. But she eventually left the study without saying anything more.
Scratch, scratch.
The piles of dry straw scattered on the floor were raked to one side. A tall man was
working hard alone. His wrists and ankles were loose, revealing that he was wearing
clothes not of his size.
And not far from him, a woman was spying on him, hiding her body behind. Every time he
lifted his rake, the muscles hidden under the rough cloth moved enchantingly, and as he
bent down, his strong muscles were sparsely revealed through the gaps in his clothes. The
blonde hair, neatly tied at the back for easy activity, attracted enough attention, even if the
splendor was not the same as before.
When Edwin paused raking for a moment and wiped the sweat from his forehead and neck
with the back of his hand, Harrieta gulped without realizing it. She was so afraid that her
heart might come out of her mouth.
She could neither notice the characteristic stench from the nearby stable nor the crowing of
chickens screaming freely in the yard. Was the Mackenzie mansion such a beautiful place?
Even though she had lived her whole life here, by standing in this landscape, everything felt
different. It was really surprising.
Harrieta didn’t know what to do. She felt like she didn’t want to approach him right away
and let him know of her existence. But the possibility that he might fly out of her eyes
terrified her.
In the end, she hesitated, and even though five or four days had passed since he came here,
she still had not appeared in front of him. She blamed herself for being a serious idiot, but
she couldn’t help it. The size of the heart she had been holding for two years seemed to be
much larger than she had imagined.
“Sister. What are you doing here?”
“Oh God!”
Harrieta was startled by the voice coming from behind her back and screamed. It was
because she was so nervous that Edwin would be able to find out about her.
When she turned around, she saw Hugo staring at her with his eyes wide open. She
hurriedly shut her mouth, but it was already too late. Flap, flap. Just then, the birds that
were sitting on the trees flew into the sky.
“I didn’t mean to surprise you… Hrmmmph!”
Hugo hurriedly tried to explain, but his mouth was closed by Harrieta’s hand.
She rolled her eyes and made a gesture for him to be quiet. Her eyes were so ferocious that
he had no choice but to nod his head without even knowing what was going on.
After letting Hugo go, Harrieta stuck her head out to see what Edwin was doing. She
thought he might not have heard her scream because he was so busy with work. But that
was for a moment. She quickly hid again.
‘Damn it!’
Because Edwin was looking straight at them. Her heart was beating fast, like a bomb. She
couldn’t decide if she should run away from this spot right now, or if she should stand up in
front of him proudly. If she could, she would dig a tunnel and be buried in it.
“Isn’t that the slave father brought with him this time?”
Behind Harrieta, Hugo poked his head out and murmured. Then he walked out without a
chance for her to stop him.
“Hu, Hugo!”
Harrieta hurriedly called out his name and tried to catch him, but to no avail. Hugo walked
up to Edwin and cleared his throat.
“Hey. What are you doing now?”
Hugo, who was still only eleven years old, was just a little over Edwin’s waist. He strained
his neck as he lifted his head up to see the servant’s face, as the man was taller than most
adult men.
“Can’t you hear me? I asked what you are doing now.”
When there was no answer, Hugo asked again, in a slightly annoyed tone. Even though he
knew Edwin was much older than him, Hugo didn’t hesitate to call him ‘you’. It wasn’t rude,
it was normal. From Hugo’s point of view, he was a nobleman, and Edwin was just one of
the properties his father owned.
Edwin looked down at Hugo. It was difficult to read the emotions on his blunt face. Still,
when he received his full gaze, he felt a little creepy. His body trembled as if he had been
pinched hard by someone.
Hugo was perplexed. He didn’t frown or raise his voice. He just stared at him, but his body
curled up on its own. Is it just because of his mood that the air surrounding this slave feels
heavier than anywhere else?
Edwin’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at Hugo for a long time without saying a word.
At the same time, Hugo stopped his breathing. The atmosphere seemed heavier than
earlier. At that moment, he looked like the king of beasts. If he wanted to, he seemed to be
able to get rid of Hugo with his sharp claws on his front paws.
“You, you, you know…”
“I was working.”
Hugo, whose face had become pale, stuttered, while Edwin replied calmly.
“Because they told me to sweep the floor and clear the stables by the end of the day.”
Hugo tilted his head. The moment Edwin opened his mouth, the heavy air that relentlessly
pressed down on him disappeared like a lie. It wasn’t that hard to breathe anymore.
‘What happened?’
Hugo looked at Edwin who was standing in front of him. With a calm expression on his face,
he didn’t feel any energy. The change was so great that Hugo wondered if he had just
woken up from a moment’s sleep.
The proud eleven-year-old boy could not tolerate the fact that he had been frightened by a
mere slave. He quickly put on an expression to cover up the fact.
“Who, who made you do that?”
“Anna, the maid.”
Hugo frowned at the familiar name. Anna was a newcomer maid who started working at
Mackenzie’s late last year. She was also one of Mackenzie’s few low-level manpower.
“You are more stupid than you look. Anna cannot give orders to anyone in this mansion.
Rather, everyone gives her her orders.”
Hugo said with a snort. From an objective point of view, it was natural for Edwin, a slave, to
follow Anna, a commoner and a regular employee of the Mackenzie, but he overlooked that
“By the way, how do you feel about occupying my room?”
Edwin was perplexed with Hugo’s question.
“The room you are using now was my study room until recently. My father told me to give
you the room, so suddenly I had to share my sister’s study room.”
Edwin then understood what Hugo meant. So, is that why he was acting like a hedgehog
with a lot of thorns? Edwin thought about the interior of the room he was given. A small
room surrounded on all sides by a cold stone wall except for one of the windows on the
“It seems normal.”
“You think it’s normal?”
Edwin replied silently. But his answer made Hugo’s face look as if he had been slapped. You
think it’s normal? Edwin didn’t know, but in fact, Hugo had a special attachment to his study
room. Soon, Hugo blushed.
“So the room looks normal? Originally, slaves are not given rooms but are made to stay in
the stables, so you should be thankful for that… I don’t know what kind of luxurious life you
were leading until you came here, but it would be bad if you continue to be arrogant like
“Hugo! Stop it!”
Harrieta, unable to listen any longer, ran out and stopped her brother.
Chapter 7

“What rudeness is this? Can’t you apologize right away?”

Hugo turned his head and looked up at Harrieta’s angry face. But he couldn’t understand
why she was so angry with him. She was originally on the broad-minded side, but she was
still kind to him.
“What do you mean? Why do I have to apologize to this slave? On the contrary, even if this
guy asks for forgiveness, it would not be easy.”
“Stop! Can’t you stop?”
Harrieta put on a stern expression on her face and threatened him. Then she turned around
and looked at Edwin, who was looking at the two of them, and bowed deeply.
“I’m sorry. I apologize on behalf of my brother. He’s still immature, but he’s a good kid with
a good heart.”
Hugo screamed in surprise. He looked as if he had witnessed the sky fall.
“What are you doing now? Why are you bowing down to a mere slave? Father would have
been angry if he had seen it!”
“Shut up! Do you know who this person is?”
“Who is he? Isn’t he a slave? Slave 11542!”
“No! He is not a slave…!”
Harrieta, who was trying to reveal the truth out of agitation, stopped in the middle. She felt
as if she had suddenly taken control of something in her that was running rampant.
‘Can I reveal the truth like this?’
Edwin, the great and only heir to the Redford family, appeared as a slave in Philioche, out of
nowhere. It was an absurd and ridiculous development that could not be imagined by any
normal person. Aside from being told she was crazy, talking about it in front of the person
itself felt a bit awkward.
As she hesitated the strange postscript that was written in a letter from Lilian not long ago
came to mind.
A strange rumor has been floating around the kingdom lately.
Harrieta sent a quick letter to Lavant, thinking that she might know something since her
network was relatively wide and she’s socially nimble. But, unfortunately, she had not
received a reply yet.
Shaaa. The leaves hanging from the branches danced in the strong wind from somewhere.
Harrieta turned her head to see the man standing in front of her. He was taller than she
Although she was by no means short for a woman, her eye level barely reached his chest.
With his back against the sun, a dark shadow was cast on his face. His hair, which was
roughly tied at the back, was hung over one of his shoulders, and it looked like gold thread.
Harrieta’s gaze slowly moved upward along his hair. Wide shoulders and a thick, smooth
neck. A clearly protruding neck which led to the tip of his slender chin. It was the moment
when her gaze, which was gradually moving upwards, reached his red lips.
“Long time no see.”
The lips that had been tightly shut before began to move.
“I think it’s the first time we’ve seen each other properly since I helped you.”
It was a voice that felt stable enough without even trying. It’s not that different from the
one in the memories she’s been holding for a long time.
Harrieta’s eyes widened in surprise.
No way.
Harrieta’s eyes wandered in his eyes. Beneath the long eyelashes, a wall deeper than the
sea and blue like the sky was nestled. Eyes like glass beads. In those breathtakingly
seductive eyes, her surprised look was reflected on its surface.
“Do, do you remember me?”
“I, I thought, you, you wouldn’t, wouldn’t remember...”
She was so startled that she couldn’t even utter her words properly. She didn’t even know
what to think. That night, she thought he hadn’t seen her she wasn’t even reflected in his
There was so much joy and hope that she couldn’t control it. The corners of her lips rose
upwards, drawing a curve. On the contrary, Edwin frowned.
“My memory is not so bad that I can’t remember what happened a few days ago.”
‘A few days ago?’
The corners of her lips, which soared rapidly, stopped. No way. She noticed something was
wrong with his expression and tone of voice.
“A few days ago…?”
“The day I first arrived here. Did you not lose your consciousness in front of the house?
Don’t you remember?”
Edwin awakened her memory.
“I tried to not touch you as much as possible, but I had no choice but to do it. At that time,
there was no one other than me who could move you from the spot.”
He explained in a calm voice. And Harrieta’s expression, who had been listening to the
story, gradually collapsed. Because she realized that he and she were talking about
different memories.
“Then… You don’t remember?”
Harrieta asked with a trembling voice. She had such a desperate look in her eyes that she
seemed more like begging than asking a question.
Edwin looked at her quietly. His gaze was much more cautious than before.
“Have we seen each other before?”
‘You don’t remember either.’
Harrieta clenched her fist. Her heart was bitter and painful. It was like being pulled up to
the highest place in the world and then being pushed back to the end of the abyss. He didn’t
do anything wrong, and even knowing that, she seemed to resent him.
Harrieta took a deep breath, trying to regain her composure. She forcibly hid all the
negative emotions from her face.
“No. Looking back, I think I was wrong.”
Harrieta shook her head and frowned. But even after hearing her answer, Edwin continued
to watch her. Her gaze at him was much colder than before. But her mind was elsewhere
and she didn’t realize it.
“By the way, I haven’t been able to say thank you yet.”
“Don’t worry. I just did what I had to do.”
“No. Still, you did help.”
Harrieta did not back down and she made her point clear.
“Thank you. I owe you, though it was coincidental. Please let me know if there is anything I
can do to help you in the future. Whatever it is, I will try to listen as much as possible.”
Harrieta expressed her gratitude with sincerity. She tried to keep her smile as pleasant as
Next to her, Hugo was watching the scene, with a puzzled expression on his face. He didn’t
like how his sister acted like a dragon that spit fire from her mouth to him, but was
infinitely kind to a humble slave.
On the other hand, Edwin’s eyes narrowed as he looked at the sullen Harrieta. He looked
like he had something that wasn’t quite clear. His tightly closed mouth slowly opened.
“Ah! Excuse me, but I suddenly remembered what I had to do.”
Harrieta clapped her hands, interrupting him.
“My mother had called me to see her earlier, but I forgot.”
She said as she moved in a hurry. He looked awkward, but she didn’t even have time to care
about it.
“I’m sorry, but let’s talk another time. Then I’m leaving.”
“Sister. That’s not true. Mother is out for a while now… Ouch.”
Hugo suddenly squeaked and jumped out when Harrieta tightened her hold on his arm
after blurting out something unnecessary.
“Sis, sister?”
“Hugo, would you like to go too? Come to think of it, mother told me to bring you too.”
“Yes? Me too?”
Harrieta said calmly, ignoring Hugo’s gaze at her as if he couldn’t believe her. Wait a
minute, sister, no! Hugo screamed bitterly as he was dragged by Harrieta’s hand.
It felt like a storm had gone. The noisy surroundings became quiet, and the silence was so
thick that even the sound of breathing could be clearly heard.
Edwin stood there for a long time even after the two had left, looking in the direction where
Harrieta had disappeared. His eyes gleamed coldly.
Chapter 8

After that, a strange atmosphere flowed between Harrieta and Edwin. Harrieta avoided
meeting him as much as possible, and he searched for traces of her. It was like they were
playing hide-and-seek without agreeing to play.
Of course, that did not mean that Harrieta completely ignored Edwin. She avoided him only
whenever he looked around for her. Otherwise, her eyes followed him from a distance, as
she had always done.
How many days have passed like that? Mail had arrived from Lavant. It was Lilian’s reply
that Harrieta had been waiting so eagerly for. She was full of impatience as she quickly
opened the envelope.
The letter that began with the phrase, “Dear Harrieta” was now familiar. Harrieta’s eyes
moved from side to side following the words on the letter. The initial content did not seem
so different from the letters she had sent Harrieta before. Lilian revealed that her parents
had asked her to look after Harrieta and were looking forward to the day she comes to
Harrieta’s eyes moved even faster. As she read the middle part of the letter, the word
‘Redford’ caught her eye. After that, it seemed like a typhoon had hit. Her eyes fluttered as
she read the letter. As her gaze went down, her hands holding the letter began to tremble
more and more.
After reading the letter, Harrieta murmured as she lowered the hand holding the letter. She
looked into the distant space as if she had lost her mind.
“This cannot be true.”
A blank smile escaped her slightly gaping lips. Surrounded by the shock, she unknowingly
gave strength to her hand. The soft letter was crumpled so easily that it crumbled. Before
long, it left her hand.
A few words could be seen on the letter that had fallen to the floor.
‘Treason’, ‘Destruction’, and ‘Extermination’. Horrible words that gave her chills just
looking at them.
Because it was summer, the yellow gold calliopsis flowers were in full bloom. It has strong
vitality and is easy to grow, making it a flower that decorates many people’s gardens in
summer. The unique scent of callipsis was carried in the breeze and spread softly.
Hiding behind the entrance to the garden, Harrieta looked around cautiously. Apparently,
she had seen Edwin heading here through the second-floor window a while ago. However,
no matter how much she looked, the garden was empty, and Edwin could not be found.
‘Did you go somewhere else?’
She leaned her body forward for one last time, looking at the garden, then someone
suddenly grabbed her shoulder from behind. Startled, she took a short breath and
hurriedly looked behind. And there stood the object she had been looking so hard for.
“Who are you looking for?”
Edwin asked. However, while he was asking some questions, it seemed that he already
knew the answer. Harrieta stroked her chest to calm her fluttering heart. She was terribly
embarrassed because she never thought she would run into him this way.
“Oh, no. I just happened to pass by… I thought I wanted to go out to the garden for a
“Is that so?”
He didn’t ask any questions, despite the most suspicious answer. He lowered his hand that
he had placed on her shoulder.
“Sorry. It looked like you’re going to fall forward.”
“Oh, it’s okay.”
There was a strange atmosphere that could not be described in words. Harrieta avoided
Edwin’s gaze. Still, she could tell that he was watching her.
Harrieta rolled her eyes with her gaze down. It was weird. While he showed a respectful
and gracious demeanor toward her, he also exuded intimidation towards her for unknown
reasons at the same time. Moreover, even though he seemed to take her word with ease on
the surface, for some reason, she couldn’t shake the feeling that she was playing into his
Alarm bells were going off inside her. Harrieta was still here, but before something went
wrong, she decided that she had to get out of the place early.
“Keep, keep working. I will get going.”
“Maybe it’s just me.”
As she rushes past Edwin and tries to leave the place, he grabs her arm. Her body was
turned halfway towards him by the sudden force. Thanks to this, he and she naturally
formed a face-to-face posture. He looked into her eyes.
“Do you happen to know me?”
“I asked if you knew me.”
He asked again. Perhaps because of his slow tone, it sounded threatening somehow. Her
mouth was dry at the tension.
“I, I don’t know.”
Before she could think any further, the lie came out first. Edwin narrowed his eyes.
“… really?”
“Yes, that’s right!”
Harrieta raised her voice involuntarily in a sense of crisis that seemed to have driven her
into a corner. She struggled to get her arm out of Edwin’s grip. But it didn’t budge as his
grip was so tight as if it were made of cast iron.
“Let me go!”
“Let go of my hand!”
As Harrieta shrieked at him, Edwin released her. There was no notice that he would let her
go, so she almost fell on her behind. As she stumbled heavily backwards, she managed to
keep her balance. Her body swayed to and from, and a few strands of her hair that had been
pulled up and secured with pins flew down in front of her.
She didn’t know what she looked like in Edwin’s eyes now.
‘This is going to be troublesome.’
Harrieta lifted her head and saw him standing in front of her. As expected, unlike her, he
was breathing calmly.
After all, it’s always been like this. This is a perfect one-way direction. She had him in her
heart, but he didn’t even give her a glance. She carefully nurtured her affection for him,
even though she was sometimes frustrated, but he didn’t even know she existed in this
He didn’t ask her to do those things, she had started it on her own. But even though she was
aware that the Edwin in her mind was different from the real thing, she couldn’t help but
feel a small tingle somewhere inside her heart.
‘Come to think of it, he’s just a slave now, just as Hugo said.’
The more she felt the plight of her own situation, the greater the desire to dig into Edwin’s
indifferent face grew in Harrieta’s mind. She wanted to make him react by any means.
“What do you want to know?”
There was no time to think twice. She asked provocatively.
“Did you want to know if I knew you were originally a nobleman, or, to be precise, someone
from the Redford family? What would you do to me if I did?”
As the word ‘Redford’ came out of her mouth, Edwin’s face, which looked like it was
covered with a mask, stiffened. His eyes opened wide. It looked as if someone had poured
cold water over him. A moment later, his well-groomed lips twisted into a frown.
“As expected, you knew.”
His voice got lower. On the contrary, the energy surrounding him rose sharply.
Harrieta trembled in surprise. She had chills as she did in the middle of winter when she
went out in thin clothes. The atmosphere was unusual. She soon realized she had made a
mistake, but it was already too late.
“How did you find out? I heard that people here are very slow to the social flow of the
outside world, so I expected that no one would know about me.”
He asked with a dry smile.
“Did someone tell you something beforehand?”
“Does everyone else know?”
At Edwin’s question, Harrieta shook her head vigorously. She wanted to say no, but her
voice didn’t come out because his fierce gaze seemed like he was about to catch her and kill
“I didn’t completely believe it anyway. But… Still, why do you make fun of people like this?”
He smiled coldly as he mumbled something. His tone was either angry or pessimistic.
“I thought you were worn out, but I have no idea what you are up to this time.”
“What… what am I up to?”
Harrieta, who had managed to regain her voice, asked. But instead of answering her, Edwin
took one step closer to her.
He was exuding a menacing force as he inched closer to her, and he did not try to hide it.
Harrieta instinctively stepped back. But the hard wall behind her back blocked her
“Do you want me to crawl like a dog?”
‘A dog?’
Harrieta’s eyes widened as the unexpected words came out of his mouth.
“Or is it that you want to drug me to satisfy your sexual desires?”
‘Drug? Sexual desire?’
Harrieta was speechless at the words that came out of his mouth. What was she hearing
now? Her mind went blank. She was so shocked that she wondered if she had heard him
Seeing the frozen Harrieta without saying anything, Edwin moved closer to her. It was close
enough to reach her with outstretched arms. He held one hand against the wall and with
the other hand he lifted her head up, which was frozen in place.
Blue eyes that were as blue as the deep, cold sea met auburn eyes that trembled anxiously.
“What are you pretending to be so nervous about?”
Chapter 9

“Or are you doing it on purpose? Does this make your body warmer or something like
Edwin looked at Harrieta and laughed. It didn’t suit him; he spoke like a gigolo. Harrieta
couldn’t think properly. The one in her memory and the one in front of her eyes
overlapped, and her mind was all mixed up. It felt like being slapped in the face by a
The hand that had been resting on Harrieta’s face gradually went down. His hands, which
had reached the edge of her chest, were clenched and stopped in front of her dress.
“By the way, you’ll have to use a very strong drug to get my mind moving. I’m sorry, but
you’re not my taste.”
He tilted his head at an angle and rolled his eyes down to look at her. One of the corners of
his lips went up. It was dazzlingly attractive and sensational.
“It doesn’t matter because they will all look the same when you’re drunk.”
He fiddled with the laces that held the front of the dress tightly and then fumbled around as
if he were about to untie them. Ziipp. She felt her breathing loosen when the string holding
her corset together unfastened. And thanks to that very alien feeling, Harrieta was able to
come to her senses.
“Sto, stop!”
Harrieta pushed Edwin away as hard as she could. The gap between the two widened.
“You, what, what are you trying to do to me now?”
Harrieta stared at Edwin, her eyes wide open in disbelief.
“What… What the hell are you going to do?”
She tried to argue again, but her throat choked and she couldn’t finish her sentence. She
was so shocked that she couldn’t even cry. This is a nightmare, she seriously thought.
Edwin stood a little away from Harrieta and stared at her. Her hands, which fastened back
the loose front sash, were trembling uncomfortably. Her eyes, which had a warm light like
the sunlight of the spring day, fluttered like a shipwreck swept by a storm.
Edwin’s expression, which had only been so cold, looked disturbed. Just as there are
different kinds of people, different reactions can come out in the same situation. But what is
this? Her reaction was something he had never expected.
She might be acting, Edwin thought. But he immediately questioned his thoughts. Is she
really acting when she is trembling this badly? He frowned.
“You don’t want to subdue me.”
He said. However, he said it in a slightly softer voice than before.
“You don’t want to see myself succumbing at your feet in such a wretched manner that I
can no longer be uglier.”
“What did you say? Me, you?”
As Harrieta let out her breath, she cut him off.
“Are you crazy? What kind of pleasure would I get from seeing you bowing down to
someone like that!”
“I don’t want to see that, even if you pay me millions!”
As terrifying it is to imagine, she trembled like an aspen tree and felt a chill run down her
spine. It was a strong reaction. So much so that she thought she might pass out again.
It was an unexpected development. Although he had an indifferent expression on the
outside, Edwin was confused on the inside. Wasn’t she a great actress? If she puts her mind
to it, she can deceive even him and get over it.
No, that’s not it. She’s not lying now. The instinct that had been with him since birth
whispered in his ear.
But it didn’t make sense. Harrieta knew his past. And, as the Marquis Macnaught said, no
one in Philioche should have known his true identity. He had already done all the pre-
checks; didn’t he say that? He was sent to this unheard-of country village for that reason
Even if he thought about it two or three times, the circumstances did not line up. So, of
course, he had no choice but to be suspicious.
“Hey, why are you like this?”
Harrieta asked sarcastically.
“Why, why are you, when you’re so much nobler than anyone else?”
It wasn’t a criticism; it was a look of pity. Edwin’s expression darkened at that.
Yeah. Why did this happen?
He asked himself. He was no longer the same. The life he had lived for the past year had
gnawed at him both on the outside and the inside. The twenty years of life he had lived up
to that point did nothing to help him survive that year.
It is said that you can estimate a water’s depth, but you cannot estimate the depth of the
human mind. There is a saying that white is black and black is white, but to Edwin, white is
white, and black is only black.
My happiness is the unhappiness of others, and my unhappiness is the happiness of others.
Edwin had recently felt that those words were true. The people who smiled softly and had
good smiles when he was the heir of the duke family, turned one hundred and eighty
degrees the moment he became a slave and was anxious to plunge his head into the mud
before anyone else. It is said this was how nature works, but this was more than that. The
sudden downfall of someone who was originally born stronger than them was sweeter and
more addictive than any other alcohol in the world.
[‘Let’s take a look at you.’]
That person who once claimed to be an old friend of his father. But when he saw Edwin
held captive with a rope, he didn’t help, he just giggled sarcastically.
[‘Well. I mean, look at what happened to your father’s head; he used to hold his head high in
the sky.’]
Edwin saw where he was pointing and closed his eyes at the terrible sight. But he couldn’t
stop the demonic laughter from ringing in his ears. That was the beginning. It had nothing
to do with his own will.
Under the name of treason, everything changed overnight. Everyone with the last name of
Redford was annihilated, and only Edwin survived.
There were two reasons. The first is that when this happened, he was out on the outskirts,
not the capital, so it was unlikely that he was directly involved. And the second was because
of the various achievements he made for the country.
But Edwin knew. The king’s final decision to keep him alive was influenced by the Crown
Prince, whom he had known for a long time.
‘Should you go that far? If you go that far, the history of the Redford family will be over.’
The son of whom had ordered to slaughter every Redford, pathetically persuaded Edwin
who begged to kill himself.
‘Think carefully. What he, your father, would have wished for you to choose at this moment.’
Edwin didn’t know the answer to that. Even at the moment when he was deprived of his
nobility, his surname of Redford was taken away and he was given a new life where he was
only known by the number 11542 instead of the name he had shared all his life with; he did
not know whether he had chosen the right path.
It was a hellish time. It was such a terrible time that he wondered how a person could fall to
the bottom like this. Countless enemies that were invisible when he was living in Redford,
rushed to him, who had become a slave.
The mental fatigue and physical pain were at least tolerable.
[‘How I have been looking forward to the day you come into my hands.’]
What he couldn’t stand was the humiliation, the shame, and the destruction of his ego. They
wanted to punish him who was inferior to even beasts dozens of times a day, and they
wanted to kill him. Yet he survived.
[‘You must survive. Survive, and live by apologizing for this indelible sin that your family
committed to the royal family. That’s the only thing you can do for your family.’]
The crown prince’s last words kept coming to mind. He didn’t know if what the Crown
Prince was saying was right or wrong. Still, the words floated through his mind like a curse.
The days he endured became a month, and a month became a year. And over the years he
slowly crumbled and ripped apart. The man who reigned at the top of the world suddenly
got stuck in a dirty gutter and had to look up from the bottom of the world.
At first, he despised and hated those who made fun of him, but now he was not convinced.
Was it they who did the wrong thing, or was it him who had fallen so horribly and accepted
If their purpose was to lose himself in this way, they had already achieved the goal, he
laughed. He laughed at himself, saying that sooner or later he wouldn’t even remember
what he was like in the past.
And it happened. He really did forget about how he was in the past.
“Sir Edwin. I met you at a ball in Lavant.”
The woman with clear eyes confessed.

“That day, you shined brighter than anyone else in the ballroom. No, you were the most
brilliant person I’ve ever met in my life. Looking at you, I realized that a person can be so
strong, beautiful, noble, and unique at the same time. Even if the stars in the night sky were
to come down to the ground for a short time, it wouldn’t be as wonderful as you, I thought.”
“I followed your trail, not forgetting that unique experience. Who knew that just seeing it
once would enchant me for so long. But it was worth it to me at the time. And no one will be
able to refute it.”
As she recalled the events of that day, there was longing in her eyes. Her voice was soft as
she spoke.
“I only found out a few days ago through my aunt in Lavant that a lot has happened in your
life. As you said, Philioche is very insensitive to the flow and change of the outside world.
Until you showed up, I thought you were doing well in the capital.”
Harrieta said calmly. At the same time, Edwin’s chest plummeted. If what she said was true,
it was highly likely that all of this was coincidental, not planned. Then she probably didn’t
approach him deliberately to achieve any purpose.
He rolled his eyes. After arriving at the mansion, he remembered her actions, where she
hung around him and continued to do him favors. At no point did she ever show any sign of
trying to satisfy her self-interest.
Edwin then thought about what he had done to Harrieta a little while ago. The moment he
thought that even the last faith he had left behind had been broken, he let go of his unstable
sanity. Now it was just what it was. In desperation, he didn’t think about it and acted like a
madman at his own will.
The vulgar, lewd words he said to Harrieta, and the rude touch he had given her. And
because of that, her face was in despair while falling into a crucible of shock. He
remembered it all in such detail that it hurt. His throat was dry with shame.
Chapter 10

‘She will hate you, despise you.’

Edwin thought.
‘She will come to her father and ask him to give me a severe punishment.’
But who can blame her for that? Even when he thought about it, he knew he deserved to be
treated that way, and she had the right to do so.
But the words that came out of Harrieta’s mouth were not what he expected at all.
“I’m sorry.”
Harrieta said gloomily.
“I never knew your life would change so much. I never knew your life would be so hard. I
just thought that you were living happily in a distant place like before. I believed so, and I
hoped so. Of course, if I had known, I wouldn’t have been of any help either.”
“I was arrogant, and I imagined it one-sidedly. Without knowing your inner thoughts, who
must have lived a hard life, I assumed that you would just be living happily somewhere… So
I thought it was just me, haa, that was the only thing that was difficult for me. I don’t know
anything; I was so carefree…”
“I sincerely apologize.”
Harrieta looked down. Edwin looked at her without saying anything.
He couldn’t understand why she was apologizing instead of him. The woman who had done
nothing wrong, the woman who deserved an apology, yet she was the first to apologize to
him for her sin.
‘What the hell? You have no reason to apologize to me now. Besides, you’re in a position
where you don’t have to apologize to me anymore.’
She felt like someone holding a key that didn’t fit in the key hole. She longed for an answer,
but she couldn’t get it out of his mouth.
Harrieta stood up. He raised his head and looked at her face. A face that seems to be holding
back on something. Suddenly, tears fell from her eyes.
“I’m, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do this.”
Embarrassed, Harrieta quickly wiped away the tears with the back of her hand. At first she
tried to wipe it down with her sleeve, but soon she covered her face with her hands and the
tears flowed uncontrollably.
“But it’s too harsh. How can this nonsense be? For such a terrible thing to happen to you…”
She couldn’t speak anymore. Her skin was stained red as she cried and cried. Edwin
couldn’t take his eyes off her.
‘Everyone says it’s my fault. I’m not even sure it isn’t. Why, why are you being like this to me?’
He doesn’t remember crying since he grew up. Because he learned that the future head of
the family should not easily shed tears in front of others. Yet now, when he looked at her so
sadly sobbing in front of him, he, too, seemed to want to cry.
After becoming a slave, something in his heart that he had built up little by little fell apart.
Neither Harrieta nor Edwin himself noticed the change at the time.
‘Stupid idiot!’
Harrieta, who was lying on the bed, rolling over, ripped off her hair and blamed herself.
‘Suddenly crying over there! How embarrassed must he have been?’
Since she received the letter from Lilian, Harrieta had always felt sorry for Edwin’s
situation. But the moment she saw him behaving like a wounded beast, she realized that his
life was harder than she had imagined.
A tired face with no will to live. Eyes dull and lifeless like those of the dead. The emotions
she had kept deep in her heart exploded at the sight of him, who had changed so much from
her memories. She didn’t even know how to stop it.
But that was the way it is. She never thought at that moment that so many tears would flow
from her eyes. The flowing tears soon fell like a waterfall, and in the end she literally wept
and wailed.
And while she cried madly, Edwin watched her in silence without saying a word. His face
was obscured by her vision that was blurred by her tears, but he must have had a puzzled
look on his face.
Come to think of it, all she did to him was get angry, give lectures, and then cry blindly.
Thinking about it herself, it was just absurd.
‘If he sees me in the future, he might avoid me.’
Harrieta nervously bit her nails.
‘Are you okay? I wish I had asked calmly and casually. If I had, I might have looked more
mature. No, at least it wouldn’t leave a bad impression.’
She once had a greedy desire to impress Edwin as she acted like a noble lady being mature
and polite. But now that greed seems to be water under the bridge. To be honest, the fact
that he didn’t treat her like a crazy person was something she had to be proud of.
Harrieta, who was lying on the bed, kicked into the empty space.
She drowned in embarrassment the whole night long.
“Sister, is it just me?”
Hugo tilted his head and entered the stable. Harrieta, who had been combing the horse’s
hair with a brush, lifted her head and met his eyes.
“That slave. Somehow, these days, I feel like I’ve been seeing him everywhere.”
Harrieta looked at where Hugo was pointing. Edwin was ten steps away from them, not too
far away. Since when was he there? He wasn’t there when she arrived at the stable a little
while ago. She was a little surprised because she didn’t feel that there was anyone nearby,
but Harrieta immediately schooled her features.
“It must just be your feeling. The mansion is so small that if you don’t see each other often,
that would be weird.”
“I also thought it was just a coincidence, but as I keep observing, it doesn’t seem to be the
Hugo said with a serious look on his face.
“What’s really strange is that when I’m alone, I can’t even see a single strand of that slave’s
hair, but when I’m with you like I am now, I see him several times a day.”
“It must be a coincidence.”
“It’s not a coincidence. Look at that. He’s sweeping the floor over there right now. But that’s
the place Anna already cleaned up earlier. See? The floor is clean.”
Hugo said with a frown on his face. With that said, Harrieta looked around where Edwin
was standing. As Hugo said, the floor had already been cleaned. Looking here and there, it
didn’t seem like he needed to brush here now.
If it had been before, she would have started to let her imagination run wild. Maybe he’s
interested in her. So maybe he’s just circling around her. She would have never expected
such a thing.
“Someone must’ve told him to do it?”
Harrieta turned her head away and passed it on indifferently. Then she worked her hands
again and started combing the horse’s fur.
After that, she deliberately kept her distance from Edwin. It wasn’t because she hated him.
Rather, it was the opposite. She thought he might be reluctant to be with her.
Edwin was no longer in power. He fell under everyone’s feet, and even the smallest thing
could feel violent to him. He had already been forced to do many things before he came
here, and because of that, he suffered and suffered. So Harrieta vowed, at least for herself,
she shouldn’t make such a mistake.
“Still, something is strange…”
Hugo glanced at him, still dissatisfied. But Harrieta didn’t respond to him. When she had
finished combing the horse, she fitted the reins and saddles with a skillful touch.
“If you keep saying useless things, I will leave you behind.”
“Ah! Please wait, sister!”
Harrieta’s threats, which were not-really threatening, brought Hugo to his senses and he
started to climb the horse in a hurry. Meanwhile, Harrieta, who had even lowered the
stirrups on the saddle, hurriedly got on her horse. Rather than sitting at an angle to her side
with her legs together like most of the ladies, she opted to sit with her legs spread out like a
“Sister, here you go.”
Hugo, who had not yet mounted his horse, approached Harrieta and handed her a bow and
“How are you going to hunt rabbits without tools?”
Hugo said with a smile. Yes. Harrieta grinned and took them.
A light kick on the side led the horse to walk forward. Hugo rode on the horse and followed
her. The sound of the horse hooves studded with the horseshoe rubbing against the hard
dirt road echoed.
Harrieta, coming out of the front yard, tilted her head and looked into the distance to
decide which direction she should go.
‘The road in the east and north forests is rather rough, and in the south, a large tree fell down
and the road was blocked.’
With the flow of her thoughts, she naturally looked west.
‘It would be better to go west.’
It had been quite some time since she last visited the West Woods. She wondered what the
geography of the forest was like. But it didn’t seem to matter. She doesn’t know if there’s an
animal like a deer or a fox. Small rabbits are often caught near villages, so there is no need
to go deep into the forest.
“Don’t look away and follow me. Listen to everything I say. Otherwise, I will never take you
with me next time.”
“Sister. Am I a child?”
“Be it ten years ago, or ten years later, you will always be a child in my eyes.”
Harrieta smiled and looked ahead. Thinking that all the preparations had been made, she
tried to run forward.
But all of a sudden, she felt a serious gaze clinging to her. She turned her head to check the
source of the gaze, and unexpectedly, Edwin was standing there. He stopped brushing and
was staring at them.
At first, she wondered if their eyes met by chance, but he didn’t look away. He smiled
awkwardly, wondering if he wanted to say hello, but he just kept his expressionless
‘What’s wrong with him? Is it the first time he’s seen me wearing a riding suit?’
She couldn’t understand why Edwin was staring at her so blatantly. He stood so motionless
that at first glance, he could be mistaken for a statue.
After a moment’s hesitation, she looked towards him and bowed her head. Then she kicked
the horse in the side harder than before. Neeiighhh. The horse, who had been with her for
many years, understood what she wanted and ran fast forward.
Two young riders ran swiftly down the dirt road. A cloud of smoke rose behind them.
Edwin’s gaze followed them for a long time until they became tiny dots and completely
disappeared from view.
‘She will hate you, despise you.’
Chapter 11

Sassaak. A gray-haired rabbit ran through the long bushes. Although it had a fairly large
body, its movements were extremely agile, perhaps because of its instinct to survive. Hugo,
who followed closely behind, screamed urgently.
“Sister! Sister! That way! It went there!”
“Do not worry! I’m not called a great archer for nothing!”
Harrieta chuckled as she pulled out a bow from the quiver she was carrying behind her
back. It’s been more than half a year since she last did archery, but it didn’t matter. With a
confident expression on her face, she notched an arrow on the bow.
“Look, Hugo! It’s your turn next time!”
Harrieta shouted out loud and took a stance.
“When you pull an arrow like this, the chords should be pulled all the way back, and your
elbows should be a little higher than your shoulders!”
The bowstring was pulled taut under her grip. Then, the bow flexibly curved and bent
greatly. The feeling that passed through her fingertips was perfectly familiar.
“Aim at the prey with the arrowhead.”
Harrieta was infinitely cautious. Her eyes turned to the target. Lately, she has been livelier
and more alive than ever. She held her breath when she thought that the bouncing bunny
and the tip of the bow had matched.
Pang. As she released her bow, the arrow left Harrieta’s hand as if waiting. She thought she
was aiming perfectly.
Unfortunately, however, the arrow that flew through the air missed and landed on the
ground next to the rabbit. Startled by the dull sound and the recoil of the arrow shaking,
the rabbit started to run away. Perhaps because it felt that its life was under threat, the
speed was so fast that it could not be compared to before.
‘I almost hit it!’
Harrieta lowered her bow and bit her lower lip, feeling sorry.
‘It must have gone awry because it was an old bow.’
Blaming her pitiful tool, she quickly drew another arrow from the quiver she was carrying
on her back. However, the second and third attempts, contrary to her wishes, just kept
going sideways.
“Sister! I’ll drive it! I’ll drive it towards you!”
Excited, Hugo spurred the horse’s flank, speeding up. And Harrieta followed closely behind
They were frantically chasing after the rabbit, and without realizing it, they went deeper
and deeper into the mountains. Swish. Branches and vines swept past them quickly. The
sparse trees became dense, and the intensity of the sun’s rays over their heads began to
Before long, Harrieta, noticing that it was unnaturally dark around her, slowed her horse.
‘Where are we?’
She looked around the unfamiliar background and unfamiliar geography. When she
entered the forest, he could no longer find the path she had been following.
‘We must have gone too deep.’
She thought it happened in a very brief moment of negligence. She knew she had to go back
the way they came before it was too late.
Harrieta raised her head to call up her younger brother, who was running ahead of her. But
soon she saw something unfolding in front of her, and her complexion turned white.
“Hugo! You can’t go there!”
A flat, smooth circular terrain spread out among the sloppy piles of bushes. Those who
have explored the forest to some extent could recognize at a glance that the unnatural
terrain was artificially created. But there was no way Hugo could see it in his trance,
chasing after the rabbit.
“Hugo! Wait! Wait for me!”
Harrieta shouted once more. But Hugo’s actions showed no momentum to slow down. Her
heart was pounding, and she hurriedly started chasing after Hugo. Her horse ran like the
Did he hear the horseshoes approaching quickly from behind? Hugo, who was ahead,
slowed down and glanced back.
Seeing Harrieta’s pale face, he knew something was wrong.
“Sister? Why are you…!”
At the same time as Hugo shouted at Harrieta, the rabbit he was chasing stepped on the
terrain in question. Wooduduk. With that as the starting point, the neatly piled pile of
bushes collapsed down. Eventually, a trap hidden under the bushes was revealed.
Hugo realized the situation late and screamed. He quickly shifted his center of gravity
behind him and pulled the reins. But that alone couldn’t stop him in time.
Harrieta drove her horse towards Hugo’s horse without hesitation. The two horses
collided, causing a strong clash. Hugo’s horse was smaller than hers, so it could not
withstand the recoil and was pushed back. At the same time, Harrieta let go of the reins and
pushed him to the side with as much force as she could with both her hands.
Hiiingg. Harrieta’s horse stood still on the spot. Harrieta, who had to shift her center of
gravity to push Hugo, couldn’t withstand the counter-movement caused by her sudden
movement. Eventually, her body, which flew through the air, fell into the trap.
Hugo, who witnessed the spectacle right in front him, screamed. It felt like his heart had
dropped to his toes. He jumped off his horse and ran near the trap. Then he knelt down on
the ground and looked through the inside of the trap.
“Sister! Sister! Are you okay? Please answer me!”
He shouted loudly. Tears welled up in both his eyes.
“Sister! Sister! Please!”
Harrieta, who was lying on the bottom of the trap, let out a groan.
“Sister! You are alive!”
Hugo sighed with joy. Harrieta, who had been trying to move, slowly raised her body. Her
body throbbed here and there, as if she had been beaten. But luckily, nothing seemed to be
broken. It was fortunate that there was soft mud on the floor instead of hard stones.
She looked around, frowning and sweeping the tangled hair behind her back. It was made
to catch small beasts rather than large animals, and the inner area was not very large. She
lifted her head to get a rough idea of the depth of the trap. It was much taller than she was
and had a steep wall, so it didn’t seem like it would be easy to climb out of.
Harrieta looked up.
“Hugo! You know that if I go up here, I’ll come and beat you once! I told you to follow me,
when did I tell you to jump out on your own?”
“Not one, but ten! Please come up safely!”
Hugo immediately responded to Harrieta’s threat.
“Do you think you can come up here?”
Harrieta touched the wall with her hand. It had rained the day before, so the mud that
made up the wall was wet and a little soft.
She tried to find a place where the groove was, stepped on it and climbed up. But it wasn’t
as easy as she thought. Besides, the tingling in her right ankle made her think it was slightly
sprained when she fell. She couldn’t move completely, and no matter how hard she tried,
she couldn’t even climb two steps, and she slid down.
Her ten escape attempts were unsuccessful. In the end, she accepted that with her own
strength she would not be able to get out of this trap.
“Hugo! I think it would be unreasonable to climb without equipment! Do you have any
lanyards or ropes nearby?”
At Harrieta’s words, Hugo quickly looked around.
“I don’t think so!”
“At least something like tree trunks or vines?”
“I don’t know about that… Shall I look for it?”
Harrieta pondered Hugo’s question. Finding vines shouldn’t be too difficult.
However, it was not easy to find a vine thick enough to support her weight, and to cut it as
needed, it required quite a high level of skill. It seemed rather unreasonable to entrust to a
boy who was only eleven years old. Moreover, there would be no knife in his hand.
Harrieta decided to change her plans.
“Hugo! Can you go and call people?”
“Yes! I fell into a trap in an accident, so tell them to help me out! If possible, please bring
some ropes and knives, too!”
“But, sister, it would be dangerous to be here alone…”
Hugo hesitated. Seeing that, Harrieta snorted.
“What difference does it make when you are here? If we stay like this at night, we’ll both
become wolves’ food forever!”
“Wha, what wolf?”
Hugo screeched and freaked out. She guessed he hadn’t even thought of that. Harrieta
nodded her head.
“Yes! So go fast! You have to come back before it’s too late!”
“Bu, but…”
“Would you like to be wolf’s food?”
“I’ll go and come back as soon as possible!”
Hugo jumped to his feet at Harrieta’s threat. Even if he pretended to be daring, he didn’t
want to be food for the wolves. From above, she heard a bustling sound as if he was
preparing to return to the village.
Harrieta looked at the sky. Is it because it is in the middle of a dense forest? It felt like it was
getting dark already.
“Hugo! Run towards the trampled grass or broken branches!”
Worried about leaving her little brother alone, Harrieta shouted into the air. But no answer
came. Then, in the distance, the sound of horseshoes was heard. It looked like Hugo was
heading to the village.
“I wish father would not come if possible.”
The Mackenzies were the ones who didn’t like Harrieta going out. They wanted her to
pursue more ladylike hobbies rather than focus on martial arts like archery or
What would they say if they found out about her current situation? The bow and arrow that
she had been cherishing for a long time were sharp and broken in half, and she didn’t know
if she could use it any more by the end of today.
“Well, I’m not in a position to choose, beggars can’t be choosers.”
She muttered to herself. As the sound of the horse hooves disappeared, there was silence
around her. For some reason, she could hear the faint sound of the wind blowing from
above. It was still early, but she was afraid that she might hear the cry of a hungry wolf
from somewhere.
‘What kind of thing is this when you set it up just to catch one rabbit?’
Harrieta let out a deep sigh.
Chapter 12

It seemed like it had been a while since Hugo had left to call someone. What time was it?
When she looked up, it was already getting dark.
In terms of distance, it was not very far from the village. But finding the right path might be
quite tricky.
No matter how old-fashioned he was, Hugo was a young boy of only eleven years of age.
Moreover, unlike her, who wandered outside when she had spare time, he spent most of his
time indoors. Will he be able to follow the trail safely? As time passed, Harrieta became
more and more concerned about the well-being of her younger brother.
Hoot hoot. The owl woke up in the evening and cried sadly. As if implying that night was
coming soon, the temperature of the air became even cooler. The riding clothes she was
wearing weren’t that thick, so the warmth wasn’t great. She was shivering, so she wrapped
her arms around her body, leaned against one of the walls, and sat down on the ground.
Although there is a fairly deep and dense forest around the village, Philioche was generally
evaluated as a safe area. This is because most of the animals living in the forest were
herbivores such as rabbits and deer.
Of course, this did not mean that wild beasts did not inhabit it at all. There are no large
beasts such as tigers or bears, but sightings of small beasts such as wolves, foxes, and
wildcats have been constantly heard. So, if she spent the night like this, there was a
possibility of her becoming a target of those hungry beasts.
‘Come to think of it, one of the villagers recently said that he went into the woods at night and
met a pack of wolves and was in trouble.’
Harrieta paled at the ominous rumor she suddenly remembered. She hoped that the
rumored forest wasn’t the one around here.
Shaaa. The sound of the leaves brushing could be heard as if the trees were dying due to
the strong wind blowing. Normally she would have passed it on without much thought, but
today, that sound sounded eerie.
In the forest, where the energy of night had descended, the appearance of the forest during
the night was different from that of the day she knew well. Harrieta gulped nervously. No
matter how adventurous and curious she may be, she was, after all, only a 17-year-old girl,
just as Hugo was an eleven-year-old kid. To say she wasn’t afraid would be a blatant lie.
“It snowed on top of a misty ridge.”
Harrieta started humming the familiar melody, hoping that she would be less frightened if
she sang.
The blizzard was so fierce that she couldn’t see an inch ahead.
Did it say that winter would be colder than ever?
Thanks to the warmth from you, I thought spring had already arrived.
The day the whole world turned white with wrinkled snow.
They ripped through the darkness and came to us.
Try to remember. Seeing the flames burning in purple
Finally, we saw ourselves drinking wine together.
What has changed? I didn’t know winter could be this cold.
In the black smoke, the blue sky is covered with gray
In front of the fragments of the vow that we will enjoy spring together again
Only the cups you and I haven’t finished yet are lying around.
My dear spring,
After this long winter passes, will you come back to me someday?
Spring I loved,
Just as I remembered you, please remember me too.
Rustle. Harrieta heard a rustling sound while she was singing her song. She shut her mouth
at once, held her breath, and listened intently to it.
Drop. Thump. Above she heard the stomping of dry branches. Squash squash. She could also
hear the sound of the soft bushes being trampled under the feet. Sitting on the ground, she
quickly stood up.
Hugo had summoned the villagers. Harrieta’s face was dyed with hope.
“Hugo? Are you there Hugo?”
Harrieta hurriedly shouted upwards.
“Hugo! Hugo! I’m here! This way! Hugo!”
Her voice was loud enough to echo. But no matter how many times she shouted; the other
person didn’t answer.
The sound had also ceased. A suffocating silence was spread between the gentle breezes.
Harrieta bit her lower lip. Was it a wild beast passing, by chance? Her disappointment
surged in waves when she realized it wasn’t the rescue team she had been waiting for. She
waited patiently after that, just in case, but in the end they never came.
‘I can’t do this anymore.’
Harrieta rolled up the sleeves of her clothes. Instead of waiting like this, she felt that she
should do something. She limped up and faced the wall. Looking up and estimating the
distance to the ground, she tried to climb up the wall using a groove in the wall. But this
time too, she slipped to the floor, not even halfway up.
‘I need something to support me.’
Harrieta thought intently as she was covered in dirt. In her eyes, a pile of bushes and
branches that had fallen on the floor came into view. Most of them were thin and small
branches, but some of them were thick and short. She soon picked up two of the strongest-
looking branches and examined them.
‘If it’s good, I think it will hold up…’
Harrieta found a soft place, and inserted the branch she was holding deep into it. After
leaving only a branch long enough for her to step on, she shoved another branch a little
higher than that. She repeatedly inserts the branches like that to make a stairway for her to
It was quite high, so she couldn’t climb to the end with this alone. But Harrieta was satisfied
with it, thinking that she would be able to climb at least half way up. She took a few more of
the twigs and put them in her arms. It was all or nothing. After taking a couple of big, slow
breaths, she started climbing the wall slowly, using the branches she had stuck on the wall
as a stepping stone.
Wobble. Wobble. She sprained one of her ankles and her shoes were full of mud, so her
soles were slippery.
Still, Harrieta did her best. For half of the day, she starved and had no energy, but her spirit
was remarkably clear. After stepping on all the branches she had placed in advance, she
took out the branches she had prepared from her arms and put them on the wall.
So slowly, she climbed up and up again.
‘Almost, almost there!’
Seeing the ground getting closer and closer, Harrieta rejoiced. It was as if she could reach it
if she stretched out her hand upwards.
She held the center of her body with one hand and with the other took out the last twig
from her pocket. It was only a matter of time to escape outside if this succeeded.
Harrieta looked at the branch in her hand. It was a branch with a rather blunt tip. It seemed
that strong force was needed to stick it to the wall.
“There is no such thing as failure in my dictionary.”
Harrieta, who had her heart ahead of her head, swung her arms wide. Slap. The tree branch
stuck to the wall. Harrieta’s expression brightened when she thought had been successful.
But just as she was about to celebrate her success, her foot, which was barely stepping on
the tree branch, slipped due to the mud clinging to the sole of her shoe.
The collapse of her center was instantaneous. Her reaction was noticeably slow because of
a sharp pain in her right ankle.
Her body was already falling down before the thought of falling down crossed her mind.
Her eyes turned black and her head turned white. An eerie feeling as if her internal organs
were soaring upward against gravity enveloped her whole body. Her displaced hands
whirled through the pitiful air, and she closed her eyes tightly in preparation for the shock
to be inflicted on her body, which was soon to be thrown onto the ground.
Whoop! Someone grabbed Harrieta’s hand. It was large enough to completely grab her
wrist, and was strong enough to hold her full weight.
Startled, Harrieta opened her eyes and raised her head. She could see a figure holding her
with their back against the dim sky.
At first she only registered the silhouette. However, just as the shadow dispersed and the
light illuminated the outline of his face which was hidden in the shadows, she finally
recognized her savior.
“Yo, you!”
Harrieta let out a shriek because it was someone she never expected.
“Why, why are you here!”
“Questions later.”
Edwin frowned slightly.
“It’s pretty slippery.”
At Edwin’s words, Harrieta looked at the hand he was holding. She could see her hand,
covered in dirt, slipping out of his grasp.
“I’ll pull you up, so don’t struggle.”
At Edwin’s words, Harrieta nodded once to signify that she understood as she looked at
him blankly. After confirming that an agreement had been established between the two of
them, he pulled her upward with a strong force.
Her vision changed with the sensation of her body floating. She wondered if the dark
surroundings would become brighter, and then she came up to the ground. It happened in
an instant.
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
Chapter 13

Edwin asked Harrieta, who was lying on the ground and gasping for breath. He had a blunt,
business-like tone.
“Uh, how did you know that I was here?”
“Your brother told me.”
“Hugo? Is he okay?”
“He seemed very surprised, but he didn’t seem to be hurt.”
Edwin recalled Hugo running into the mansion with a confused look in his face and asking
for help. Because of how startled he was and how urgent the matter was, he didn’t seem to
even notice that the person he was asking for help was Edwin, whom he had always
‘The forest…! The wolf…!’
Hugo was speaking gibberish, unable to properly explain what had happened. As a result,
Edwin wasted much more time than he expected to find Harrieta.
“He returned safely! What a relief! I was worried that he might have lost his way.”
Even though it was her who had fallen into the trap in the forest, Harrieta breathed a sigh
of relief at the news that Hugo was safe. Her face seemed to melt away the worries and
anxiousness she had accumulated over the past decade.
“First of all, we better go back as soon as possible. It seems like it will be quite difficult to
find the way back when it gets darker than it is now.”
At Edwin’s words, Harrieta nodded. It was already too late for her with the moon in the sky.
Edwin approached Harrieta’s horse, which was leisurely grazing grass. Judging by the
physique and leg line, it wasn’t a very good breed. Even though it had been left alone for a
long time, its training must have been good, given that it stayed there.
Harrieta limped and picked up her bow and arrows that had fallen to the ground while he
checked the gear on her horse.
After checking the gear, he grabbed the reins of the horse and approached her. But soon he
saw her crippled leg.
“Your leg…”
Edwin looked at Harrieta’s right leg, his sentence unfinished. Eventually, having grasped
the situation, he frowned.
“Are you hurt?”
He uttered his question in a slightly sharp tone, as if he were arguing. HIs face also had a
look of displeasure. Harrieta hesitated at the unexpected reaction.
“Didn’t you say you weren’t hurt?”
“I never said anything like that. I just accidentally missed an opportunity to answer…”
Harrieta quickly defended herself. Edwin strode towards her.
Standing in front of her, he lowered his posture as he knelt down on one knee. Then,
without stopping, he reached out and began examining her right ankle.
“Excuse me for a moment.”
Harrieta blushed at the sudden touch of his hand. Seeing her heart beating even in this
situation, she thought that she was seriously ill.
But after a while, the pain brought by his hand touching her ankle without hesitation was
unstoppable. Her face began to contort little by little.
“Ah! Ouch!”
“Ouch! Gently! Gently!”
“It’s very swollen.”
Edwin did not blink an eye even with Harrieta’s fierce whining. After examining the injury
with a blunt face, he released her ankle.
“The ligaments were stretched, but not broken. If you refrain from strenuous activities and
get proper rest, you will probably be well within a week.”
“How do you know that, even if you’re not a doctor?”
Harrieta, who had stifled her tears, asked with a cheeky tone. Edwin then raised his head
and met her eyes. He looked at her for a moment, then sighed.
“… Even if you’re not a doctor, you have a lot of chances to come across a minor injury like
Edwin muttered a little and stood up. Then, he supported Harrieta, who was unable to
move, so that she would not fall. After helping her get onto her horse, he grabbed the reins
of the horse. Several times she offered to ride the horse with her, but he refused.
Except for the sounds of nature, the forest was relatively quiet. It was so quiet that the
sound of footsteps of one person, the sound of a horse’s hoof, and the sound of breathing of
two people could be heard. For some reason, neither of them opened their mouths hastily
for quite some time.
Buzz buzz. An unknown grass beetle wept sadly in a pile of bushes.
“Excuse me—“
“By any chance—“
Breaking the silence full of awkwardness, the two of them opened their mouths at the same
time. Then they stopped. Even if it was intentional, it would be difficult to achieve such
perfect timing. They looked into each other’s eyes.
“You say it first.”
“No. You speak first.”
“No, don’t do that …”
The two agreed to give the other the chance first. They struggled for a while, but in the end
it was Harrieta who lost. It was because Edwin kept his mouth shut like a clam. It made her
realize that his stubbornness was far greater than she had expected.
Harrieta wet her dry lips with her tongue and opened her mouth.
“Thank you for your help today. Just like the first time we met, I’m always indebted to you.
If you hadn’t helped me a little while ago, I might have been seriously injured. Maybe I will
be food for animals.”
“It’s embarrassing to say thank you over and over again.”
Harrieta lowered her gaze. Then she inhaled and exhaled a little.
“You know. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I can’t do much, but if
there’s anything I can do, no matter what, just say it.”
“Do you always endanger yourself like this?”
Edwin, who had been silently listening to Harrieta, asked at once. She blinked. Was he
trying to criticize her for not being careful?
However, with a glance at his face, he looked calm. Harrieta, who had tilted her head for a
moment, smiled vaguely.
“As you can see, I prefer outdoor activities to indoor activities. Thanks to that, my parents
were quite upset with me from a young age.”
[‘If you had been born as a man, you would have become a great master.’]
After leaving the house to find a legendary treasure, Rose rebuked the young woman who
returned with all the dirt on her face. Since then, she hasn’t said anything, but Harrieta felt
the way she looked at her that day, Rose’s eyes looked very sad.
Every time she thought about it, the memory somehow made a corner of her chest feel
stuffy. Harrieta struggled to erase it from her mind.
“Sir Edwin must have been surprised. When you were in the capital, you would hardly have
seen a young lady like me.”
“Surely… It seems uncommon.”
Edwin did not deny Harrieta’s words. At his candid reaction, she smiled weakly.
“They would be elegant and noble. Every word, every action. They would be completely
different from me in everything.”
The many noble women she had seen in Lavant were as beautiful as flowers and
overflowing with elegance. So, it was not necessary to ask what the level of the girls Edwin,
who had spent most of his time in the capital, the pinnacle of the social world, would have
been with.
“Oh right. What were you trying to say a little while ago?”
“Sir Edwin?”
Some time ago, Edwin had obviously wanted to tell her something. But he was hesitant to
answer the question. hesitating. That wasn’t his attitude. So he was puzzled. Whenever he
tried to spit it out, something seemed to bother him.
“If it’s hard for you to say, you don’t even have to say it.”
“What happened that day?”
‘That day?’
At the words, Harrieta’s eyes widened. Edwin’s gaze turned to her. His eyes were full of
determination, as if he had decided on something. There was a question after he took a
“Are you mad at me?”
“Or do you feel uncomfortable seeing me?”
“…Come to think of it, this is a very stupid question. I will make up for it.”
He let out a deep sigh as he was bewildered with her not understanding what he was
saying. His expression darkened as he was thinking of something.
Edwin, who was rolling his eyes, stopped moving forward. Then, the horse that followed
him also stopped in place. He turned to face Harrieta.
Chapter 14

Edwin, unaware that Harrieta was thinking like that, made a gloomier expression on his
“Of course, it’s okay to say you won’t accept my apology. Even if you say you hate me, I
understand. Because I disrespected you, a lady, with my actions the other day. If you say
you don’t want to meet me in the future, I’ll do my best to fulfill that wish as much as
“What are you talking about? What do you mean I don’t want to meet you?”
Harrieta, who had been completely intoxicated by this situation, suddenly came to her
“Why would I not want to meet you?”
“Didn’t you avoid me? From that day onwards.”
“What? Did I avoid you?”
Harrieta’s voice rose. Edwin nodded.
“I felt you were reluctant to even be around me.”
“Wait, wait! That’s a misunderstanding! I just purposely distanced myself from you because
I thought you might be reluctant to be around me…”
Harrieta said with a sincere absurdity. Then, this time, Edwin rolled his eyes and was
somewhat stupefied with her reaction. Judging from his reaction, it seemed like that was an
unexpected answer. Then he frowned.
“Why did you think that way?”
“That’s because…”
Harrieta’s words trailed away as she answered. She took it for granted, but when she
thought about it, she couldn’t find an answer. Come to think of it, why did she really think
that way? He never showed any sign of reluctance or avoidance of him being with her, no
matter how much she thought about it.
‘By the way, why does this man look so upset?’
She only knew that he was indifferent to the point that he didn’t even notice her efforts. But
what did that look mean? His gaze wasn’t gentle, it even felt like he was blaming her. She
asked as she tilted her head.
“Did I get it wrong?”
“Of course…!”
Edwin, who was about to reply immediately, trailed off too. A look of bewilderment was
evident on his face. Harrieta did not miss the look on his face.
“Of course? Of course what? Are you saying you were reluctant to see me? Or am I wrong?”
“Hey, which one is it?”
“Well… I do not know.”
Hesitating, he gave her a bland answer. Yes, he looked confused. Harrieta, who was going to
keep asking what that meant, immediately bit the inside of her mouth. His outward
appearance was unchangingly superior and perfect, but on the inside he looked like a child
who was clumsy in understanding and expressing his feelings.
‘That slave. I seem to be seeing him everywhere these days.’
It reminded her of what Hugo said as he tilted his head as if he found the coincidence
‘Whenever I’m with you, I keep seeing him several times a day.’
‘No way…’
She thought it was absurd, but the question that came to mind suddenly snowballed.
Harrieta’s eyes narrowed.
“No way… Were you sad? You thought I was avoiding you?”
“So, that’s why you have been hovering around me lately? You want to figure out what I’m
thinking and apologize again?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Edwin was frank and denied it. He didn’t hesitate for a second to answer. His face, which
looked human for a moment, hardened like a marble statue. At first glance, it was an
attitude that could be misunderstood as being very indifferent and cold. But seeing him like
that, Harrieta smiled.
She accepted it gently. In the moonlight, his hair shimmered like gold. And his earlobes,
visible through them, were dyed redder than usual.
That night, Harrieta, who returned home safely to her mansion, was scolded by the
McKenzie couple, who had been waiting for her late at night in front of the gate. Upon
learning that she had fallen into a trap dug by a hunter, Rose nagged to the point that her
mouth foamed. This is because, in some cases, things like sharp poles were installed in
traps to catch large animals or wild beasts. If she was unlucky and she fell into the same
trap, she could be seriously injured and even lose her life.
Baodor forbade her to go out of the house as punishment, which she accepted silently. She
almost put her younger brother, Hugo, in danger, so she couldn’t say anything even if she
received a harsher punishment than that.
If it were before, then she would have objected. However, Harrieta wasn’t at all sad if she
wasn’t going out for half a year, not a month. Because there was someone within this
mansion that entertained her and touched her heart a lot more than going out.
And it didn’t take long for the Mackenzies and the people in the mansion to know about it.
Edwin sighed deeply as he was transporting packages of food ingredients from the
warehouse to one place. The gaze on the back of his head was so stinging that it was hard to
pretend he didn’t know. He lowered what he was holding onto the floor with a slightly
rough motion.
Crash. The raw potatoes in it dropped and made quite a loud noise, but he paid it no mind
and stood up.
“Stop it.”
As if she had been waiting the whole time to talk to him, the answer came back
immediately. Edwin turned and looked behind him. Harrieta was sitting on a wooden box
heaped in one corner of the warehouse. She was staring at him without looking at the book
in her hand, but when she realized that his gaze was on her, she hastily turned her gaze to
the book.
Her bent back was straightened, and her neck and shoulder lines were also straightened.
She was so slow and clumsy that he doubted if she was doing it on purpose.
‘I don’t know what to say.’
Edwin sighed again.
“Why are you hovering around me like this?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.”
Harrieta pretended not to take her eyes off the book. She turned over the pages with her
other hand that was not holding the book.
“I was just reading.”
“You mean here?”
Edwin asked with a surprised face. There was a musty smell from the wet trees, and there
were spider webs in every corner. It didn’t make sense to leave a sunny place to read here.
But, despite his question, Harrieta only had a gloomy expression on her face.
“A true reader doesn’t dwell on places.”
“…is that so?”
“Of course.”
Harrieta nodded and answered. Her eyes were still on the book, but a look of
embarrassment prevailed on her face.
Edwin’s eyes narrowed as he stared at her.
“You’re holding the book upside down.”
Harrieta, who was pretending to be noble with her words, was taken aback. She hurriedly
checked the cover of the book. As he said, she was holding the book upside down, and she
had a look of embarrassment on her face.
“Oh, I knew it! I did that on purpose!”
Harrieta pretended to be okay and raised her voice. But she did after her face was already
as red as a ripe tomato.
“How exciting and new to read a book upside down!”
“There are a lot of people around me who read books like this! Did Sir Edwin not know
about it?”
“Yes. It’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”
Chapter 15

“It may be too late, but I still wanted to make a formal apology.”
She lifted her head and saw him. She could see his deep, serious eyes through his soft hair.
He had clear and beautiful eyes like the ice of a lake. The more she looked, the more
helpless she seemed. At one time, he was a person whom she could not even stand side by
side with, let alone exchange a single word with. She felt thrilled and even terrified to think
that his eyes would contain only her image now.
Edwin ruthlessly trampled Harrieta’s attempt to jump over with an expressionless
expression. She didn’t know if she would rather see him smile. She was perplexed by his
iron-like attitude. No, she was more than embarrassed, she was insanely embarrassed.
Eventually, Harrieta closed the book and placed it on her lap. She set her gaze down,
creating a gloomy atmosphere. After being silent for so long, she helplessly opened her
“You don’t like me being around?”
It was a more depressed voice.
“If so, please tell me. As I said before, if that’s your will, then I won’t bother you anymore.”
Harrieta looked away anxiously. Because she was afraid that Edwin would answer yes even
if she had said it herself.
Edwin looked at her without saying a word. He thought that if she had ears like puppies, it
would have drooped down already. He stood at an angle with his arms crossed and his back
against the wall of the warehouse.
‘Is she bothering you?’
To say no would be a lie. Whenever there was a chance, her presence, sneaking up and
clinging to him, made him feel heavy at times. Still, for some reason, he didn’t say yes to her
“Aren’t you afraid of people’s gazes?”
Instead, an odd question arose. Then Harrieta looked at him with big eyes.
“People’s eyes? Who?”
Your family, the workers of this mansion, or the villagers.”
In a word, it meant everyone. But even so, Harrieta continued to blink. She turned her head
to the side.
“What did those people do?”
“They would think it was strange.”
“A noble girl being close to a mere slave. Your reputation will be ruined.”
It was a world where even talking with the bastard of a plausible noble family would make
words come out. She was not a commoner, and yet this woman, who was from a noble
family, wants to hang out with slaves. Half of the people who hear about it would be unable
to believe it, and the other half would despise her as lowly and filthy.
‘If I had said this much, she would have understood.’
Edwin thought silently. But contrary to his thoughts, she burst into laughter, hahaha.
“What about my reputation? Not anywhere else but this Philioche? No matter how unusual
it is, my parents would be the only ones nagging at me.”
Harrieta shrugged and waved it over insignificantly.
“You don’t have to worry. My reputation in the social world is not very good. So there is no
need to panic and worry about such useless things.”
In the first place, her reputation wasn’t good enough to lose, so she didn’t have to worry
about her reputation going down. It was a simplistic way of thinking. The daughter of Count
Bolero, who was known for being a great tomboy and ruthless in social circles, was not
even this much.
Edwin observed the woman sitting in front of him slowly. She said that she was already
seventeen. She was a little too young to be called mature, but she was also too feminine to
be called a girl.
Harrieta, with her dark auburn hair and pale brown eyes, was taller for a woman. Her skin
was clean, but not as white as white jade, and her features, which were in perfect harmony
with her, boasted an elegant beauty, but were not so glamorous as to stand out to his eyes.
In other words, there were no particularly ugly corners, but that didn’t mean she was a
great beauty either.
Edwin was always surrounded by outstanding beauties. Including his family, who was said
to be all born with great looks, the women who approached him based on his background
and appearance, and even his ex-fiancé, who is considered to be Brimdel’s most beautiful
woman. His eyes must not have been set high, but it could not be helped that his
expectations were set to such a standard.
To him, Harrieta’s appearance certainly did not impress him strongly either at first glance
or now. Had she mingled among the many noble maidens, he most likely would not have
found her at her first glance.
And to prove it, she said she had met him before, but he had no memory of her.
Harrieta, who was trying to get down from the wooden box and approach Edwin, stumbled
over her feet, unable to find anything under her feet and fell down. Her hair was pulled
forward and scattered, and she fell so loudly that her skirt was turned over.
‘In that sense, she falls quite often.’
Edwin clicked inwardly and got up from leaning against the wall. It was amazing how she
could shoot an arrow on a horse with such a sense of balance.
Edwin approached Harrieta with a leisurely gait. When she put her hands on the floor and
tried to get her body up, she lifted her head.
He went right in front of her and naturally bowed down and reached out his hand towards
“Are you okay?”
It was just a courtesy question. Still, surprise spread across Harrieta’s face when she heard
his question. She looked at him with an astonished face, as if he had scorched her on fire, or
covered her in cold water. Her body had stiffened like plaster.
Because it was a question that he posed without much meaning, her reaction like this made
him bewildered.
“Is something wrong?”
Edwin asked. But Harrieta continued to stare blankly at him. In her eyes, there was an
image of him being a little perplexed.
No matter how much he waited, no answer came, so Edwin called Harrieta. When she
returned to her senses, her gaze seemed to be lost in a daydream. And her body, which had
stiffened like plaster, also softened.
A bright smile spread across her eyes and lips as if the frost that fell on the leaves on an
early spring day melted in the warm spring breeze. The white, well-groomed teeth hidden
under her red lips were gently revealed.
Edwin saw this and held his breath without realizing it. He had just rated her face as
normal a little while ago.
However, the moment she smiled brightly and clearly, a very soft and warm spring flower
bloomed on her ordinary face. The black dust on the tip of her nose didn’t even catch his
At that moment, it was a fleeting moment, but it seemed as if time had stopped. It felt as if
he had been swept away helplessly by a strong wave from somewhere.
Thud. A still unknown emotion knocked on the door of his dull heart. Even so, he was
mesmerized and just looked at Harrieta’s smiling face.
“I remember the first time I met you. Even then, you lifted me up from the floor. “Are you
okay?” you asked.”
Harrieta said while holding Edwin’s hand that had been extended to her. His stiff body
trembled very faintly as she touched it. And that brought him to his senses.
‘What was that just before?’
It was a dazed feeling. It was as if he had suddenly regained his senses from being drunk in
a good mood. It wasn’t like himself, to the point that he wondered if she had used a strange
drug secretly. He was hopeful, and he checked her face again, but she was as normal as
‘It was probably because I was tired.’
Edwin struggled to convince himself, and quickly captured his expression. Then,
pretending nothing had happened, he supported her and lifted her up.
Harrieta stood up from her spot and looked up at Edwin.
“You know. I still vividly remember the moment you walked into the ballroom that day.”
Harrieta’s eyes looking up at Edwin twinkled like stars in the night sky.
“Everyone’s eyes were on you, and so was mine. What should I say? It was like seeing a
prince from a fairy tale book.”
“… But I am not a prince.”
He was known as the heir of the Duchy of Redford, when he commanded the Knights of
Demner protecting the borders before, and he was now known by a number when he was
reduced to slavery without being able to keep his original castle. But never had he been
called a prince since he was born. Although he may have once been regarded as the closest
person to him, now he couldn’t be any further away.
Harrieta looked at Edwin silently. She bluntly told a slave no nobler than her that she
thought he was a prince nobler than her, and he blinked his eyes a couple of times as if
trying to understand what the woman was saying.
Soon, she smiled at him bashfully.
“I know. You are so much cooler than that.”
Chapter 16

Time passed. Day and night passed as if they were kissing each other, the seasons changed
and autumn came, then winter, and finally spring. Green buds began to sprout on the
branches that had been bare over the past few months. Flocks of migratory birds that had
left for winter seemed to be returning home.
Harrieta opened her window wide and stuck her upper body out of the window. The spring
wind, which had not yet completely shaken off the scent of winter, blew and caressed her
face and hair. Not long after waking up from her sleep, she, in her thin pajamas, trembled
She can’t even remember the name of the novel, but in the story, the female lead
romantically enjoys the winter breeze as she looks out of the window. But why is she
always failing when she tries to do it?
As Harrieta tried to close the window while muttering to herself she suddenly caught
something in her peripheral vision. Turning her head, she saw her father, Baodor, standing
in the middle of the yard. As if he were trying to explain something, Baodor’s arms were
moving around in large movements.
Another man was standing next to Baodor. Unlike Baodor, who was busily moving and
gesturing as he spoke, the man hardly moved.
Harrieta was pouting just a while ago, but upon seeing the man, a bright smile bloomed on
Harrieta’s face.
Harrieta shouted as she raised her hand and waved at him. If she could, she would jump out
of her window and run over to him, but alas, she was too high up to do so.
Hearing her voice, the two men looked up at the window on the second floor. One man was
looked surprised and unsure about what to expect if she were to fall over the window sill,
while the other man frowned.
“Harrieta! What are you doing there! It’s dangerous!”
Baodor shouted. But she didn’t care. All of Harrieta’s attention was on Edwin. His figure,
standing tall under the sun, was so perfect that it was unbelievable that she was seeing it so
early in the morning.
“Wait! I’ll get ready and go down soon!”
Harrieta slipped back into her room without listening to her father’s warning and stillness
settled down in the noisy yard. Baodor looked at the now empty window with a bewildered
expression on his face.
Harrieta hesitated as she looked at Edwin. He didn’t say anything, but she could tell from a
glance that he wasn’t in a good mood. Creases formed between his brows, his eyes were on
anything else but her, and his beautiful lips were tightly shut like a door that had not been
opened for a hundred years.
It was obvious that he didn’t want to deal with her right now.
“Is something… wrong?”
Harrieta asked cautiously. But Edwin pretended not to hear Harrieta at all and focused on
what he was doing. She could be angry at him for ignoring her so openly, but he was such in
a bad mood that she couldn’t even be angry.
‘Did I make another mistake?’
Harrieta thought carefully. She did nothing except get up in the morning like usual, change
her clothes, and come down to meet Edwin. In other words, if she wanted to make a
mistake, she didn’t have the time to make one.
After organizing her thoughts, Harrieta went to Edwin’s side and grabbed the hem of his
robe. Rough, bulky clothes which were once white had faded to a dim gray.
She gently shook the hem of his robe.
“Edwin, tell me. Are you really not going to talk to me?”
“Edwin, I want you to look at me.”
She wasn’t crying, but she continued to badger him in a pleading tone. After a while, Edwin,
who had been ignoring her all the time and doing his job, stopped what he was doing. As if
arguing with his inner self, complex emotions flashed across his face.
Then he sighed and closed his eyes. Upon seeing his reaction, Harrieta was convinced that
her magic had worked.
He opened his eyes again, and he turned his body to face her. His expression was blank and
unsmiling, but his gaze didn’t look as cold as it did a while ago.
“Does Miss Harrieta have ten lives?”
“Do you have ten lives? You’re always doing something so risky.”
He seemed to be asking and not asking a question at the same time. Edwin’s reproachful
gaze was directed at Harrieta.
Harrieta rolled her eyes. How can he say that she did something dangerous? She thought
she was just being her everyday self; she couldn’t understand what he was talking about at
Reading her expression, Edwin frowned.
“Didn’t I tell you that sticking your body out of the window is dangerous? Why the hell are
you ignoring me every time? When you fall from there, will you listen to me then?”
Edwin quietly spouted off Harrieta’s mistakes one by one. His tone was so calm that if
anyone else heard him, they wouldn’t even notice that he was nagging her.
But Harrieta was different. She quickly noticed that his tone of voice was half a tone higher
than usual and that he spoke slightly faster than usual.
Harrieta waved her hand as if to dismiss what he was saying.
“Edwin, you’re worrying about nothing. What am I? A little girl? Did I fall outside just
because I looked out the window?”
“That’s what it looks like to me. You don’t seem to know yourself very well.”
Edwin mumbled as he shook his head. He sounded like he had already given up trying to
reason with Harrieta.
“What do you mean? Who knows me better than myself?”
“Shall we list all of the things you have been through so far?”
He interrupted her and asked provocatively. Harrieta, who was about to challenge him to
do so, stopped.
She went into the forest to find good materials to make a strong bow and got lost. She got
on a horse to show her riding skills without a saddle and reins and then fell in the process.
She cut her finger while wielding a cleaver saying she could cut faster than a chef.
When she thought of one incident, other things came to mind like fish being caught in a net.
In this case, Harrieta, who decided that it was best for her to just admit her mistake,
secretly avoided Edwin’s gaze.
“I’m sorry, Edwin. As you said, I guess I was wrong.”
“So I will be careful not to do that in the future.”
“Do you think I haven’t heard that before?”
“This time I really mean it! I’ll be really careful!”
When Edwin responded cynically, Harrieta responded strongly. When she clenched her
fists and made a determined expression on her face, she looked like a warrior determined
to save her country.
Edwin thought for a moment. Even if he left it that way, it was clear that she was going to
do it again the next day.
“You’re not upset anymore, right? Right?”
Harrieta asked again. There was an eagerness in her eyes as she looked at him. If he didn’t
respond to her, then she would look depressed again.
Since when have I been like this? Edwin realized that he was becoming more and more
drawn into Harrieta’s pace. Like water flowing from top to bottom, or like the change of
seasons, it was a very natural change. But what was even more surprising was how she
didn’t take any action against him even after realizing it.
Even though he knew it, he continued to fall for her. And this time too. Despite knowing
that he would be deceived in the future, he continued to go with the flow of things.
“Yes, I’m not upset anymore.”
His hard expression softened even more.
Clink, clink. The sound of tableware was deafening. The McKenzie family was getting
together for a meal.
Baodor gave lengthy explanations of how he would soon renovate the mansion’s front yard.
Rose listened to him and chimed in from time to time, but his two children were distracted
and their thoughts were elsewhere.
Harrieta and Hugo, who were arguing over who would get the last piece of bacon,
eventually agreed to make a decision using rock-paper-scissors.
The Mackenzies, who value dining etiquette, would be astonished to find out that the two
were about to play rock, paper, scissors under the table without them knowing.
“Harrieta, I hardly see you around these days. Where have you been going and what have
you been up to recently?”
As if he had finished talking about the yard, Baodor changed the subject. When she
suddenly found herself the center of the conversation, Harrieta was surprised and sat
“I’m not doing anything special. I have been spending time at home for a while.”
“Really? That’s weird. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you any time except for dinner.”
“What do you do when you are home? We must know where you are even if you’re at
Hugo mumbled as he quickly brought the bacon to his plate. Harrieta glared at him, but that
didn’t mean she can’t take back the food on his plate.
“What do you mean? Where does she spend time at home?”
“Sister usually spends her time in the workshop, in the warehouse, or the stable. You
wouldn’t normally go to places like that, would you?”
Hugo said, slicing the bacon with a knife. Upon hearing his words, the McKenzie couple’s
expressions looked strangely disturbed. Workshops, warehouses, and stables. Since she is
the daughter of a nobleman, she had no reason to go there.
But of course, they weren’t ignorant as to have no idea what that meant.
“Harrieta. Are you still hanging out with 11542?”
Rose asked. A dark shadow fell over her youthful face, which looked much younger than
her actual age.
“His name is Edwin, not 11542.”
Harrieta corrected Rose with a sullen expression. She hated seeing others call Edwin by his
item number.
“He is a very nice person.”
Harrieta added as if to emphasize that fact.
“Yes. As you said, he’s a good man. He doesn’t talk much and is shy, so it’s hard to know
what kind of person he is. From what I’ve heard, it doesn’t seem like he’s caused any
problems or anything since coming here.”
Rose meekly affirmed her words.
But Harrieta was waiting for what her mother was going to say next. She knew her mother
well, so she could guarantee that this was not the end of the conversation.
“Harrieta. Why don’t you spend a little less time with 11… no, Edwin?”
And there it was. Harrieta thought as she looked at Rose, who was revealing her secret
“He must be busy with a lot of work, so wouldn’t it be a hindrance to him if you were
around like that?”
“It’s okay. Edwin has a great ability to learn and gets things done quickly, and if he thinks I
get in the way, he doesn’t hesitate to express it to me.”
At Harrieta’s unobtrusive answer, Rose’s face spread with embarrassment.
She didn’t know if she should worry about her daughter knowing Edwin as well as she
does, or if she should be angry with Edwin, who was a mere slave, for reproaching Harrieta,
his master’s daughter, whenever she was a nuisance to him.
“Rose. Don’t worry too much. I think he is a very good person. Although he is a slave, he
speaks and behaves differently, and he seems to have a rather good head. Besides, he looks
good and has a very strong physique. If you think about it, it is a pity that he was born as a
Baodor, unaware of Edwin’s past, sincerely felt sorry for him. But hearing those words,
Rose’s heart became more complicated. Just because Edwin is a good person, why doesn’t
Baodor get that she cares more about her daughter’s conduct?
“Honey. Harrieta will soon turn 18. She’s going to be the same age as I was when I got
engaged to you.”
Rose put on a frustrated expression.
Chapter 17

“When you debuted, you only spent a year attending social events as a proper member of
society. After that, you continued to be stubborn and stayed only in Philioche. If you go on
like this, there won’t be a single suitor who will ever get married to you.”
“I don’t care if I’m not married. It’s nice to continue living with mother and father in
Philioche like this.”
Harrieta quickly intervened and explained her point of view. However, it only served to
frustrate Rose more as she quietly wore a bitter expression.
“Harrieta, listen to me. We love you, but you can’t live here for the rest of your life. One day
you too will have to leave this place and start your own family. Whatever anyone says, it’s
the right thing to do, and that’s what you have to do in the future.”
“But mother…”
“Stop, don’t try to complicate this anymore. To you, my words may sound awful right now,
but I am saying all of this for you. On the contrary, you know that we’ve been letting you go
too far.”
Rose cut her off. Her decisive attitude forced Harrieta to keep her mouth shut because it
was true that they had become lax towards her after she returned from Lavant with a
broken heart.
Meanwhile, Hugo, who was about to finish eating the bacon, put his knife and fork down as
the atmosphere at the dining table turned heavy in an instant. Then, he looked down as if
he were poking his nose at his plate. He couldn’t even look his sister in the eye because he
had caused the current situation after carelessly opening his mouth. The side of his face
tingled as he felt Harrieta’s scorching gaze on him.
“Rose, my love. Do you have any plans in mind?”
Baodor asked. Rose nodded as if she were waiting for him to ask.
“Well, there is Lilian. She knew that Harrieta was coming last year and was really looking
forward to it. But Harrieta ended up not coming over in the end, so she must have been
very disappointed.”
“But Lavant…”
Baodor trailed off as he glanced in Harrieta’s direction. He still vividly remembered how his
daughter had a hard time dealing with a broken heart after she returned from Lavant that
It wasn’t like he didn’t try to find out what happened to her. But no matter how many times
he asked, it was no use because Harrieta kept her mouth shut like a clam whenever he tried
to get her to talk about it.
Lilian, whom he trusted, also declined to provide information, saying that she could not
reveal anything unless Harrieta consented.
And so, to this day, they still did not know who had broken Harrieta’s heart.
“It doesn’t matter if it’s not Lavant. If Harrieta doesn’t want to go to Lavant, I can try
contacting my friend in the capital. If I set my mind to it, then we can still find you a suitor,
Harrieta’s expression soured at Rose’s words.
The capital of Brimdel was very far from Philioche. Compared to Lavant which could be
reached in three days by traveling in a horse-drawn carriage, it would take at least a week
to reach the capital through the same means. Thinking that she might have to travel that
far, Harrieta felt the food she had eaten earlier go back up.
“Then what do you want to do, Harrieta?”
Rose asked. This time, there was a determination in Rose’s eyes that her daughter would
not be able to change her mind in getting her to socialize with other nobles no matter what.
“Oh my, my! Look at that, sister! Look at those arm muscles! I told you that slave is in good
“I know! The last time I talked to him, I also found that he has a nice voice.”
Two young maids, standing a few steps away from the workshop, chattered like sparrows.
They were spying on someone and their faces were bright red as they looked on. Thwack.
The blunt sound of chopping wood echoed throughout the workshop. The maids were so
absorbed in watching the man do his chores that they didn’t even notice Harrieta
approaching from behind.
“It might just be because his hair has grown shaggy, but if you look closely, his features are
“Whose features are what?”
Harrieta asked quietly. My God! The two maids, startled, let out a small scream. After
confirming that the speaker was Harrieta, both of them quickly shook their heads.
“Oh, Miss! Since when were you there?”
“Well, I just wanted to get some fresh air…”
Though they pretended to be calm, there was a look of embarrassment on their faces.
Noticing their unnatural behavior, Harrieta glanced over their shoulders. Upon seeing who
they were spying on, she looked back at them as if she understood.
“Did you mean Edwin?”
“What? What? No! Of course not!”
“Oh no, no way! We were just getting some fresh air as well!”
They screamed and strongly denied it. Anna, the younger of the two, had turned into a
bright shade of red up to her neck. Not knowing what to do in front of Harrieta, they
suddenly remembered their chores and fled from the place in a hurry as if they were being
chased by a criminal.
‘Oh no. What did I do…’
Harrieta was confused. She had just asked out of pure curiosity, but she didn’t know how to
respond to them when they reacted like that. Seeing the maids running away in such a
panic, she felt like she had become a villain all of a sudden.
Harrieta, who stood still for a moment in embarrassment, raised her head and looked at
Edwin. The work was quite arduous, so his breathing was a little rough. He put down his ax
and wiped his forehead with the back of his arm. It wasn’t a big deal, but in her eyes, even
that figure was fascinating.
‘Yes. If you have eyes, it’s impossible not to be mesmerized with this sight.’
Harrieta understood how the maids felt a hundred times and a thousand times more as she
moved toward him. Step. Edwin looked up when he heard her footsteps.
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin recognized Harrieta and greeted her with his head bowed down. It was a greeting
far from friendliness. Therefore, it must just be her illusion that his eyes, which had looked
at her indifferently, seemed to have slightly changed.
Harrieta walked over to Edwin’s side and flopped down next to the stump where he was
chopping wood. It was certainly not a behavior that should be displayed by a noble girl, but
she didn’t mind. Besides, Edwin didn’t say anything about whether he’d gotten used to her
like that either.
Harrieta raised her knees to her chest and placed her chin and arms on top of them. She
then stared at him as if to kill the distant air. Her thoughts were intricately tangled like a
tangled thread.
A sigh came out of her suffocating heart.
“What are you doing?”
Edwin asked slyly.
“You don’t look happy.”
At Edwin’s words, Harrieta raised her head and looked up at him. His hair, which had
grown long, was half-covering his beautiful face. She pondered for a moment. She was
originally a person who didn’t like to hide things from anyone. Even more so if that person
is Edwin, whom she cherished, so she was frustrated.
‘My mother is telling me not to hang out with you anymore because you are not a noble but a
slave called 11542.’
Those were words that would hurt anyone who heard it. She wouldn’t have dared to tell
him that. Besides, didn’t he warn her from the beginning that it would be like this? It was
she who did not heed his warning and was blinded by her feelings.
‘I don’t know. He might just be overjoyed instead.’
She clung to Edwin’s side to such an extreme extent. He didn’t openly say he was bothered
or told her to stop, but she knew what he was thinking.
Harrieta unconsciously imagined him looking overjoyed about finally escaping her grasp
with the news. At the same time as her irritability grew at the thought, she became more
“Miss Harrieta?”
When she did not answer, Edwin came up to her and leaned over to match her eye level. He
tilted his head at an angle. His blue eyes could be seen through the golden hair that fell
casually over his face.
“You’re not going to answer me?”
Normally, he would not have asked so tenaciously. However, because Harrieta was acting
differently than usual, he seemed to be quite concerned.
Harrieta, who was looking at Edwin, reached out her hand and ruffled his hair that had
flowed out in front of her. Then, his face, which she thought was more perfect than anyone
else in the world, was revealed in front of her.
Was he really a human just like her? Or is he the devil who wears a beautiful mask to lure
humans in? He was too beautiful and charming enough to raise such absurd suspicions.
If only he hadn’t been a slave. Or if only he could take care of and decorate himself like he
used to.
Harrieta imagined Edwin’s appearance when he still had his noble status. It was much
more natural for him to rule over people rather than stand at the feet of others.
‘You are not the kind of person who deserves this kind of treatment.’
Harrieta swallowed her bitter thoughts as she recalled Rose’s expression at the mention of
Edwin as if he was just an insignificant being.
‘Originally, I would not have dared to even speak with him if he were still a noble. He’s really,
really, really precious.’
As she continued to look at him, she remembered how she felt back then and wondered
why she was terrified.
Harrieta saw a star that had fallen from the sky. He was everyone’s star, but at some point,
he became her own star. He was on this earth, not in the sky to which he should belong.
Falling into the filthy muddy waters, losing the brilliance that once fascinated everyone.
She didn’t want this. She admired and cherished him, but that didn’t mean she wanted him
to fall so horribly.
Harrieta’s expression darkened.
‘If you were the way you used to be. If you were still a Redford, then you wouldn’t even look at
Her stomach churned at the undeniable truth. She hated seeing herself feel relieved that
things had happened and that he had come to her side. How can a person be so selfish and
“Come to think of it, your hair has grown too long.”
Chapter 18

Edwin did not avoid her touch and merely said,

“I guess I have to cut it today.”
He seemed to have interpreted her actions differently. Harrieta stared at Edwin. The two
conflicting thoughts that came to her mind caused her to struggle for a moment. After a
while, she took away her hand that had been brushing his hair.
“No, don’t cut it.”
When it comes to Edwin, she turns into a selfish and greedy person to the bone. She didn’t
know when she became this twisted, but she prayed that Edwin wouldn’t know this ugly
side of her.
“I think I will have to go to Lavant soon.”
Harrieta changed the topic. Edwin looked a little surprised.
Harrieta nodded at his question.
“I told you before. My aunt lives in Lavant. She lost her husband early and had no children
with him, so she seems to have been very lonely. She wanted me to visit her as soon as
“I don’t think I’ll stay for a very long time. At the most, I think I will only stay there for a few
months. I will probably be back by the time fall begins.”
“Three or four months. Fall…”
Edwin’s expression gradually hardened as he silently repeated Harrieta’s words. It was
because he remembered that summer is the most active time for social gatherings in
Lavant and that it would roughly last for three or four months.
Seeing the change in his eyes, Harrieta’s heart sank. And so, without knowing why, she
hurriedly began to explain.
“I think my mother was very worried about me. She has been wondering if I’m going to die
as an old maid if I went on like this and was seriously concerned. But going to Lavant
wouldn’t change anything.”
“I’m just going to pass my time blankly again. Like a flower hanging on the wall, that’s it.
Though, even I am embarrassed to call myself a flower.”
Harrieta tried to lighten the mood by making jokes. But no matter how much she waited,
Edwin showed no sign of smiling. The sound of her lone laughter gradually diminished, and
then disappeared. An uncomfortable aura descended around her.
“So… It’s to find a suitor.”
Edwin mumbled softly to himself. Even as he was looking at her, he seemed to have lost his
focus somewhere, as if he had been distracted. It seems that he was a little shocked judging
by how he looked. Harrieta nodded, slightly puzzled.
“Well… yes, that’s right.”
“Then, if you find that person…”
Edwin’s voice was a bit harsh as he continued his question.
“Then you may not come back here.”
“What? What do you mean…?”
Harrieta opened her mouth. What did he mean by her never coming back? How did the
story suddenly turn out like this? She immediately smiled as if it was a ridiculous idea.
“Edwin, no matter how tiring I am, why are you making it look like I’ll never come back
after going there when I said I’d come back? That’s too much.”
She teased him playfully.
“Think about it. What kind of crazy noble’s son would like to marry me? If I look around,
there are a lot of girls who are much prettier and more elegant than me. Besides, no matter
how crazy they are, even if there are talks about getting married, it doesn’t mean we’re
getting married right away. There is an engagement period, and I have to prepare for the
wedding. So no matter what happens, I will come back here.”
Harrieta rose from her seat. Edwin then followed her about a beat later and raised his body.
They both faced each other.
“Isn’t this good for you, Edwin? You will be free for a while because there will be no one
around to bother you, and no one to get upset with.”
“Still, you can’t get used to it. When I come back, I might feel sad to see how well you are
Harrieta grinned and joked around more.
She wanted to ask Edwin to go to Lavant with her. But she struggled to give up her heart.
No matter how much time passed, it was because she did not know what kind of ripple
would happen if he, a famous socialite, appeared in Lavant. What’s more, Edwin himself
didn’t seem to want that either.
Edwin licked his lips. His thoughtful eyes looked at her as if longing for an answer, and his
breathing trembled slightly. He looked confused as he couldn’t think of what he should be
He shouldn’t care whether she was there or not, so she thought his reaction was a bit
surprising. As she looked at him, vain hopes sprouted, and she wondered if she should ask
him to go with her or not.
Her mouth was dry. If he says so, then maybe he’s definitely…
“… Have a safe trip.”
After hesitating for a while, Edwin said softly. Even though he was praying for her safe
return, it sounded somewhat gloomy, as if he was giving her a last goodbye.
Harrieta blinked. Edwin kept his mouth shut as if she had nothing more to say. His energy,
which was swaying precariously like a ship caught in a storm, had calmly subsided. That
momentary hesitation made her wonder if she was dreaming.
‘That’s right.’
Recognizing that her hope was still in vain, Harrieta put on a hopeful smile. She didn’t think
she was lucky that she didn’t say anything strange to him. She slowly inhaled and exhaled,
clearing her mind.
Harrieta glanced at the trees planted around the workshop. The branches that have just
begun to sprout will soon be adorned with green leaves. And even then, Edwin would be
where he is now, but she would be in Lavant.
“When the leaves turn red, see you then.”
She greeted him a little early.
Edwin was sitting alone in the room. The soft moonlight shone through the window, but
that alone could not illuminate the darkness that filled the room.
Yet he didn’t care. He didn’t even think to light a candle. He was accustomed to the
darkness, and the darkness did not go against his nerves.
‘Don’t blame the Crown Prince. He also suffered very much.’
A piece of faded memory suddenly became a thought and appeared in Edwin’s mind.
In front of him, who had lost his vitality to the point where he was much closer to being
dead than alive, Marquis Macnaught let out a deep sigh. What a terrible life he’s had over
the past year. Even if he doesn’t fully understand it, he could have guessed what he had
gone through.
‘If you go to Philioche, you will be much better than you are now. At least no one knows you
It was more like a bit of advice than a promise. What is going to get better? Where and to
whom is he going? No detailed explanation of the situation was given.
Still, Edwin didn’t ask. He just remained silent with a clouded look in his eyes.
As if he had become a living, breathing doll. Or as if he has forgotten how to think.
Ever since he was branded as a slave on his left chest with a red-hot iron, he has been
treated more like livestock than a human.
He was a high-ranking aristocrat, but he became a man of misfortune who fell into slavery
overnight. It was as rare as a two-headed beast, and that’s why many coveted him. In a
short period of only one year, he had passed through the hands of so many people, he could
not even remember them all.
He thought it would be the same everywhere he went. The only difference is the type and
degree of bullying. He truly believed that nothing would change as long as he had the slave
brand on his chest.
He remembered Harrieta’s voice calling his name in a voice full of affection.
Every time she called his name, a pale smile appeared on her face.
‘I think the way it rolls in my mouth is really good.’
She used to say that often. No matter how sincere she was, when he saw her like that,
Edwin felt as if his name had become the most special name in the world.
Come to think of it, Harrieta liked to call his name. It was no longer his name as long as he
was a slave, but she didn’t mind. And even when she didn’t have to call his name, she called
him Edwin.
When asked what the reason was, she said, after pondering.
‘When I call your name, it feels like the distance between you and me is getting closer.’
She said it as if she were telling him a great secret with a very proud expression.
Harrieta, who had a very ordinary first impression, wasn’t so ordinary after all. She was
candid, bold, lively, and adventurous.
When she rode the horse without any equipment, she said it was a special show to him
only. She did not properly control the horse and eventually rolled down the ground. Edwin
wondered if there was any person like this. But that was only the beginning.
Harrieta has done countless more extraordinary things since then, and she’s been causing
problems day by day.
From the beginning, he had no intention of helping her. It’s just that he accidentally helped
her because he was by her side every now and then.
He didn’t know then but little by little, coincidences will become habits, and habits will
become duties.
No. Even though he said it was a duty, no one ever forced it on him. He was the one who set
out to prevent things from completely going out of control, not anyone else.
At first, he moved consciously, and later he reacted almost unconsciously. Even after he had
promised many times that he wouldn’t do anything to take care of a grown-up child, seeing
her in danger, his body moved before his head.
He wondered why he did that, but seeing that she was safe, he was relieved inside. He
shook his head as if he was a fool, but to no avail. From start to finish, the whole process
went round and round like a non-stop wheel.
‘You don’t know how lucky I am to have you.’
Just as he was getting used to the life where she was, she was also getting used to the life
where he was.
‘Did you know that meeting you is the greatest luck of my life?’
Harrieta, who smiled and confessed shyly, was exceptionally beautiful. Luck. Luck. Edwin
repeated the word in his head. The word “luck” was a word that didn’t quite suit him today.
Chapter 19

Even so, he didn’t hate to hear that he was someone’s luck. No. He seemed to like it too. The
fact that someone needs him, and at the same time can be counted as that person’s luck.
So it might have been an excuse. Without knowing why he had to live, he was unable to die,
but he continued to stay by Harrieta’s side, talking about coincidences. Which of the two
really needed the other? Edwin closed his eyes tightly at the sharp pain that ran through
his chest.
‘I’ll just pass the time blankly again. Like a flower hanging on the wall, that’s it. Well, even
though I am embarrassed to call myself a flower.’
Harrieta chirped like a lark. Although she pretends to be arrogant for nothing, he noticed
that she was shy inside.
‘Think about it. What kind of crazy son would want to marry me? If I look around, there are a
lot of ladies who are much prettier and more elegant than me.’
‘Yes. Some crazy person in the world…’
But Edwin couldn’t hold back anymore. Harrieta’s hair, which shone softly under the
sunlight, came to mind.
Her slender face surrounded by lush hair. And on top of that, the dense facial features that
seemed to have been drawn with sincerity came to mind. With flawless, smooth skin, she
has a very fine line from her neck to her shoulders. Not only that, the overall line that made
up her body was very soft and feminine.
With her pinkish cheeks and red, plump lips, Harrieta was lively and far more attractive
than she thought. She was barely crossing the border between a girl and a woman, and
when he came to his senses, he realized that she had become a woman. Now no one would
ever call her a girl anymore.
Edwin’s eyes darkened. Change might have come gradually, but the realization was always
A few days after telling Edwin that she was going to Lavant, Harrieta visited him. Because
she knows she won’t see him for a long time, she wanted to at least get some kind of
memento from him. However, when she had the person in front of her, it was difficult to
ask openly.
After hesitating for a while, Harrieta suddenly offered Edwin a haircut. She had told him
not to cut it, just leave it long. He was puzzled by the different attitude from before but did
not object. He handed her a blunt-edged pair of scissors, and used it to cut a bit of his back
‘There, all done.’
Edwin was taken aback by the sight of Harrieta putting down the scissors with a satisfied
‘What did you cut?’
He touched the back of his head with his hand to see if anything had changed from before,
just in case. Thinking that he looked very lovable, Harrieta confidently nodded.
‘That’s enough.’
Then she went straight back to her room and secretly placed the stolen lock of hair inside a
locket necklace.
Harrieta was stared intently at the hair in the necklace. His hair resembled the dazzling and
beautiful light of the noon sun floating on a clear summer sky.
However, she was in a bad mood as the day was coming when she had to leave Philioche
and go to Lavant. She told Edwin that she would be back in three or four months, but
depending on the circumstances, she might have to stay in Lavant for longer.
She thought it would be more than half a year at the longest, but she couldn’t even
guarantee that. She sighed deeply.
Harrieta loved her hometown Philioche very much. So she often told the people around her
that there could be no better place to live in the world than there. But she didn’t want to
leave simply because she was attached to her hometown. She thought of the man who was
like a treasure that she had to leave soon.
Before Edwin arrived, Harrieta had fantasized and longed for him. Like a star or an oasis in
the desert that you can’t reach no matter how hard you try, in her imagination, he was
more perfect than anyone else, and Harrieta believed that she could never find anyone
more attractive than him.
‘But I was completely wrong.’
Harrieta thought as she lowered her eyes slightly.
The Edwin in real life, was very different from the one Harrieta had envisioned. Obviously,
he was still beautiful and charming, but he wasn’t the perfect prince on a white horse like
she had imagined. He was rather blunt and indifferent to others, so he was far from the
prince in fairy tales. Sometimes Harrieta sees him like that, and even if the person next to
him was out of breath, she wonders if he will bat an eyelid.
‘But he always cared about me.’
Harrieta recalled the past year she spent with Edwin at Philioche.
Edwin secretly seeks her out whenever Harrieta doesn’t show up even though he is
bothered that she comes and talks with him all day long.
He would get worried that Harrieta would catch a cold in the middle of winter, so he would
make her lemon tea mixed with honey and would make her drink it all even though she
tells him she doesn’t like sweet and sour drinks.
He might seem displeased with her whenever she gets involved in dangerous affairs, but
when he sees her in danger, he is the first to help her.
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin calling her name was sweeter than the song of the legendary siren. Harrieta closed
her eyes.
“Miss Harrieta.”
The figure of a man with eyes like sapphire was so vivid in her mind that it seemed like he
were in front of her. Just thinking about him made her breathing quicker and made her
heart pound.
“… Edwin.”
Harrieta quietly called out Edwin’s name. She always thought that she couldn’t love Edwin
more than she already has, but every day she spent with him proved her wrong.
This was what Harrieta thought, but at the same time, she knew people would call her
reckless. She wondered if this was how it felt like jumping off a cliff with her eyes wide
open. Nobles and slaves. No matter how earnestly she wants him, is there any chance that
this love will come to fruition? And even if it bears fruit, would it be a happy ending? She
thought about it for quite some time, but Harrieta never found an answer.
“I want you, but…”
Harrieta mumbled so softly that only she could understand. Her longing, which she could
not express, boiled over, and at some point burned black, leaving a mark on her heart. And
one day it would burn to black without leaving a single intact corner.
‘But, I can’t stop this feeling. My heart aches as if it were broken.’
Harrieta closed the lid of the locket with a bitter smile.
Having given her heart first, she had no choice but to become the underdog in this
relationship. But she didn’t care because she was willing to accept that.
The day had come when she had to go to Lavant. Before her departure, final preparations
and inspections were made. The Mackenzie’s preparations were not very smooth as it
wasn’t common for people to live away from Philioche for long periods. However, over
time, everything for the journey was slowly but surely completed.
Everyone was busy moving. To see Harrieta off, who will be in Lavant for quite some time,
the Mackenzies and Hugo and the employees of the mansion were all out in the front yard.
Unlike the Mackenzies, who pretended that they were not sad, Hugo looked gloomy in the
long absence of his older sister, which would last all throughout summer.
“Don’t forget to write a letter, sister. Tell me what kind of place is Lavant and tell me what
you did there. You must tell me all the details.”
Hugo made a request. Harrieta looked at him and smiled, because she had already heard
the same thing from him a dozen times.
“I know. I’ll write it in such detail that you would think you were there.”
“Really, sister? I’ll hold you to that promise.”
“Yes. So, listen carefully to mother and father, and don’t cause trouble while I’m away.”
“What? As long as you are not here, there will be no problems.”
Hugo smirked and pouted. It wasn’t wrong, so Harrieta laughed out loud. She pretended to
be stroking his hair and messing it up.
“The carriage is ready.”
A middle-aged man with a round belly came up to Harrieta and announced. He was the
coachman who would take her to Lavant on this journey. Rose and Baodor, who stood a few
steps away from him, also approached Harrieta.
“Take care of yourself. Say hello to your aunt for us,”
Rose took Harrieta’s hand and said. Harrieta nodded in agreement.
“Yes, mother. Please stay in good health too.”
“My dear daughter. When did you get so big?”
Moved with her daughter’s appearance, Rose looked at Harrieta and hugged her tightly.
After that, Baodor also gave her a long hug. Short farewells came and went. After the
farewells were over, Harrieta around to get into the carriage.
As she approached the front of the carriage, she opened the carriage’s door as the
coachman had been waiting for her. But she didn’t immediately climb in. As if she were
waiting for something else, she hesitated and stood in front of the carriage.
She turned and looked around. Her eyes were full of desperation as she searched for him all
Eventually, her expression darkened and she clenched her fists as she realized that what
she was looking for was not here.
“Harrieta. What’s wrong? Is something bothering you?”
Rose asked, noticing that Harrieta’s expression was not good. Her throat was dry as though
she hadn’t had water for a long time. Why? Harrieta gulped. She then shook her head,
forcing the corners of her lips as it was about to go down.
“It’s nothing. I was just thinking about something else…”
Harrieta, who gave a rough excuse to Rose who looked worried, moved on slowly. It felt as
if a heavy piece of iron had been attached to her feet.
Is this what cattle feels like being led to the slaughterhouse? As she reluctantly climbed onto
the carriage, the coachman closed the carriage’s door. The sound of the latch locking was
heard along with a dull sound. At the same time, Harrieta’s heart was thrown into a swamp
of despair.
After a while, she felt the presence of the coachman riding on the coachman’s seat. Giddy
up. The two horses that had been quietly bound by the reins began to move. The carriage
rattled and moved forward. Then, the familiar houses and people quickly disappeared
behind them.
Harrieta captured her trembling heart. She then looked out the window and waved her
hand until she couldn’t see them anymore.
Chapter 20

Rattle, rattle.
The carriage swayed along the unpaved slope. No matter how badly it swayed, it was
difficult to protect her buttocks with a cheap cushion on the seat.
Even so, Harrieta managed to doze off in such a carriage. Right now, it was more difficult to
endure the pouring sleep than the pain in the buttocks.
Tung! The carriage swayed loudly as it passed over a stone that protruded from the side of
the road. Harrieta’s body, which was half asleep, floated in the air and then landed. She
banged her head hard against the window in the recoil of the shaking.
Surprised, she regained her senses and looked around because she was worried that there
might be other eyes that saw her in a messy state.
After a while, Harrieta, reminded of the fact that she was alone in the carriage, relaxed her
tense mind. Breathing in a sigh of relief, she looked out the window.
‘What time is it now?’
Evening had passed, and it was already dark all around. Harrieta rubbed her eyes with the
back of her hand. As her mind began to clear, she began to feel the pain in her hip that she
had forgotten for a moment. She wiggled her buttocks in place.
‘Do we still have a long way to go?’
She had only been travelling for one day, and she already felt exhausted.
Before leaving Philioche, Baodor told her about the plans for where to rest and where to
But she had her mind elsewhere, and unfortunately she couldn’t listen to him. So all she
knew was that it would take her about three days to reach Lavant, and that she would be
accompanied by only a coachman and two porters on her journey this time.
‘Aren’t we supposed to be camping on the street like this? Either that or going all night…’
Without realizing it, the color of her face turned pale as she remembered the worst. She
couldn’t stand it, so she tried to ask the coachman to stop the carriage so she could rest for
a while.
Harrieta, who was about to get up from her seat, stopped. This is because after she left
Philioche, the speed of the carriage, which had been running relentlessly, began to
noticeably slow down. Along with that, the surrounding landscapes that were passing by
quickly were captured in her eyes in more detail.
A pile of overgrown trees and bushes that have not been maintained. The dirt road is still
full of small stones. No matter how much she looked at it, it didn’t look like it was near a
village where people lived.
“We will be staying here overnight.”
The coachman opened a small window leading to the inside of the carriage and said.
“There is a hut built for travelers nearby. Of course, it’s not comparable to a decent inn, but
it has everything you need, so it won’t be too inconvenient for an overnight stay.”
‘A hut?’
Harrieta rolled her eyes. It was much better than camping on the street, but she was a little
surprised because she thinks she’ll still be staying at a village inn, of course.
But whatever she thought, the coachman didn’t care. This is how they had to go, and he was
able to reach Lavant the fastest, and since he had already received Baodor’s permission, it
was decided that there would be no problem.
No matter how familiar he was, running the horse all day was physically exhausting. He
desperately wanted to get to his destination as soon as possible and drink a cold beer.
The coachman signaled to the two horses and pulled the reins he was holding towards
himself. The carriage, which was running slowly, came to a complete stop at one point.
Harrieta opened the window and looked out, sticking her head out. Just in front of the
carriage, as the coachman said, a small hut was built. There was no one inside, and not a
single light leaked out, giving off a slightly eerie atmosphere.
‘Are we staying here? From this place where a ghost is likely to pop out from somewhere right
Harrieta had a shaky expression on her face. In that case, wouldn’t it be better to camp
outside with the moonlight as a friend? Besides, she was the only woman in the group.
Originally, it was common to have at least one maid along on such a trip, but Harrieta went
out alone. They said they would pay them for all the hard work, but no one applied for the
long-term trip.
But even so it was a short trip of about three days. So she had one thought for that brief
period: she didn’t want something big to happen.
But now that she thinks about it, she regrets a little about why she did it. If she had at least
one maid by her side, she would be less frightened.
Suddenly, the coachman who got off the coachman’s seat approached and opened the
carriage door.
“We’re here, Miss. Get off.”
He said it quite politely. But to Harrieta, who was very nervous, it only sounded harsh and
crude. She gripped the hem of her skirt and gulped. When she saw him in the morning, she
must have had a good impression, but it was difficult to see because she was in the dark.
“Aren’t you going to get off?”
He even opened the door, but the coachman asked, puzzled by the mumbling Harrieta. She
seemed to think he would really think she was really weird if she mumbled more.
Harrieta quickly got her supplies and got out of the carriage. She was so flustered that she
almost fell without noticing the footstool that the coachman had prepared for her.
“Wait a minute. I’ll go in first and take a look inside.”
Harrieta nodded as she understood the words of the coachman. As it was a traveler’s hut,
he immediately turned the handle and opened the door, making sure the door was not
locked. So he went into the hut, and Harrieta was standing alone in front of the carriage.
Whooo. A cool breeze blew through her hair and hem.
Squeak. Squeak.
There was the sound of rusty wheels turning from somewhere. Harrieta looked at the
direction where she had heard the sound. A large object was moving in the dark.
Harrieta narrowed her eyes to see what it was. After a while, she realized that it was a cart
that followed the carriage.
It stopped at a distance from the carriage. When the cart stopped completely, the two men
sitting on it jumped off. It must have been the porter that Baodor had hired for this trip.
The moonlight was obscured by the clouds, and only their shapes were visible, but their
faces were not visible.
‘He’s pretty tall. He seems to have a good physique.’
Harrieta, who was observing them quietly, thought. Haha, he has a good physique and good
strength, so he must be doing manual labor to carry loads.
One of the two porters bowed their head towards her, perhaps sensing a gaze from
Harrieta looking at them. Harrieta, too, suddenly raised her hand to them.
‘I don’t know who they are, but they are pretty decent people… Huh?’
Harrieta stopped her thoughts. Because it wasn’t the one who greeted her, but another
porter started walking towards her.
‘Why, why are you coming this way?’
She thought it was an illusion at first, but apparently he was coming straight towards her.
Because he was tall, the gap between the two quickly narrowed with every step he took.
Harrieta’s body stiffened. It is unlikely that Baodor would have hired an unverified person,
but she was compelled to raise her vigilance in the first place.
The man’s gait had no hesitation. What do you want? The closer he got to her, the more she
realized that he was a lot bigger than she first thought he was. The unknown intimidation
emanating from him made her unknowingly take a step backwards.
Breaking the suffocating silence, the coachman opened the hut door and came out. Harrieta
unconsciously turned her head to look at him.
“Come in, Miss. I have a lamp lit inside.”
Said the coachman. As he said, a faint light seeped through the crack in the open door.
Harrieta, looking at the coachman and the hut, turned her head again and saw the porter
approaching her. Was he even surprised by the appearance of the coachman? He didn’t
come any closer to her, and he stood still. Its appearance, not even moving, resembled a
piece of stone.
“Do you know who they are?”
Harrieta asked at once. They? The coachman glanced at where her gaze was headed.
Ahh. The porters, he murmured.
“I don’t know. Because they were hired separately by Viscount Mackenzie. I only heard that
they were going to Lavant with us.”
The coachman who was talking to her raised an eyebrow. He tilted his head.
“By the way, I thought there was only one porter, but now I see he has hired two. I must
have misunderstood.”
Even as he spoke, his tone was surprised. Harrieta could understand his reaction. Harrieta
was traveling alone, she didn’t have much luggage with her. And yet, the Mackenzies,
whose finances are not very good, hired two porters. Something wasn’t quite right.
“Anyway, come in. The night air is cold.”
The coachman opened the door a little wider and suggested. Another long way to go
tomorrow. Therefore, he also felt like taking a break as soon as possible.
Harrieta, who had been staring at the man standing in the dark for quite some time,
struggled to turn around. All of this is just mere delusion. Let’s not think about anything
useless. She told herself.
But the man stood there and watched her until she entered the hut and completely
disappeared behind the closed door.
Chapter 21

Harrieta was never a morning person. It was only because the diligent Rose hated lazy
people that she woke up early every morning. But if she had her way, she would have
overslept without waking up until the sun had risen.
“It’s never a fault to love sleep. Rather, it is a healthy habit!” She often made these nonsense
claims, trying to get her younger brother to agree to it. Although she later heard Rose
nagging her when she found out about it.
But today Harrieta woke up early for some reason. It was a bluish hour when the moon had
not yet completely disappeared from the sky.
After tossing and turning for a while on the bed and trying to fall asleep again, she finally
realized that it was impossible and got up. The quilt she had been covering herself with fell
on the floor. Even though it was summer, the early morning air that touched her skin was
quite chilly.
I wish I could have a cup of hot tea.
Harrieta looked inside the hut. But she couldn’t afford luxuries like tea in the shelter that
was built for travelers. She expected that it would, but she still couldn’t help but be very
disappointed. As she lamented being unable to drink tea, an idea popped into her mind as
she wondered whether to just warm up the water and drink it.
Wait. I might have brought some tea leaves from Philioche.
Harrieta walked over to the window and looked out. Through the hazy morning mist, she
could see the carriage parked in front of the hut and the cart behind it. However, no matter
how carefully she looked, she could not find the presence of the person guarding it.
The coachman must be sleeping in the wagon, but where did the two porters go?
Aren’t they supposed to be sleeping in front of it?
Even though it was a hut, it was a small space with only one room. There was no way that
Harrieta, who had held her coming-of-age ceremony, could share a room with healthy adult
What should I do? Harrieta pondered for a moment, but she soon made up her mind and
changed her clothes. Aristocratic women, accustomed to being served by others, would
have a hard time putting on and taking off clothes by themselves, but Harrieta was
different. She quickly changed her clothes and draped over her shoulders a cream shawl
that was hung on the wall.
She snuck to the door, careful to make a sound with her footsteps, and pulled the doorknob
as carefully as possible.
The cold wind blew in through the cracks of the open door with the sound of an old tree
creaking. Harrieta first opened the door halfway and made sure there was no one in front
of it. After confirming several times that she was the only one here, she sighed in relief and
came out the door.
Chirp, chirp. An unknown mountain bird chirped and chirped while hiding somewhere in
the tree. Harrieta began to move her steps carefully. Rustle, rustle. The grass frozen in the
morning dew was gently trampled under her feet.
The cart, which was made of birch wood, was barely half full. And still, as she had thought,
it was lying on the side of the road without a single guard. Of course, there are no valuables,
so it didn’t matter anyway.
Harrieta looked at the objects piled up on the cart one by one. But since she didn’t pack the
stuff herself, she had no way of knowing what was inside.
‘It’s not this one… Not this one either…’
Harrieta frowned because she couldn’t find the item she was looking for. Where the hell is
it? Her hands picking up things got faster and faster. She had completely forgotten that she
had tried to move secretly without making as much noise as possible.
Soon, Harrieta found a small box lying in the corner. As soon as she opened the lid of the
box, her expression brightened.
‘Found it!’
Harrieta gave an unspoken cheer and pulled out a bottle of tea leaves from the box. The
fragrant scent of the tea leaves tickled her nose. She was so happy that she lifted the bottle
as if it was the Holy Grail.
Just then, someone standing behind her grabbed her shoulder with a large hand.
Harrieta, who didn’t know who was standing behind her, was startled by the sudden touch.
She was so startled that she didn’t even think to turn around and check who the opponent
A shrill scream escaped Harrieta’s lips. But it was stopped in the blink of an eye by a hand
covering her mouth. Her body seemed to be dragged behind by a strong force, and then her
back was leaning against someone’s arms.
“Quiet. Calm down.”
A soft, low-pitched voice whispered into her ear. The voice was so gentle and carried no
hostility at all.
“It’s me, Miss Harrieta.”
‘Miss Harrieta?’
Harrieta held her breath and sighed. There was only one person in this world who called
her that way. Even though she thought it was nonsense, she slowly tilted her head to look
above her. Then she saw two blue eyes looking down at her.
Deeper than the sea and blue as the sky.
Harrieta screamed at him a second time. Of course, it was swallowed back into her throat
by the large hand that covered her mouth. Convinced that she recognized him, he
graciously let her go.
“Sorry. I think you must have been very surprised.”
Edwin politely apologized to Harrieta. Harrieta turned her body at the speed of light to face
Maybe she was just dreaming of him right now. Maybe she is seeing a fantasy. After
blinking several times and rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand several times, she
accepted the fact that she was facing Edwin.
Her mouth hung wide open.
“Nonsense. Edwin? Really...Is it really you?”
“Yes. Miss Harrieta.”
“Are you really Edwin?”
“Yes. It’s me… !”
Edwin, who answered calmly, was stopped mid-sentence as Harrieta suddenly grabbed his
face with both hands and pulled him towards her.
His upper body was sharply bent, and his face naturally drew closer to hers. She looked
carefully at his face. Eyes, nose, mouth, skin, everything, as if she were analyzing each detail
on his face.
“It’s really… Edwin. It’s really him.”
Harrieta muttered as if she were talking to herself. His face was reflected in her brown
eyes, still full of surprise. She let him go.
“How are you here? Shouldn’t you be in Philioche right now?”
“Edwin, what happened?”
Edwin did not immediately respond to Harrieta’s urging. His eyes seemed to be thinking
about something. After a while, he opened his mouth.
“I will go with you to Lavant.”
Harrieta’s eyes widened at his answer.
“You, Lavant? You?”
“Are you going to Lavant with me?”
“Yes, Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin replied like a parrot. Harrieta didn’t know what to say. She was horrified by his
unexpected appearance, but she didn’t understand what he meant when he suddenly said
that he would go with her to the big city.
Harrieta stepped on a hard object as she looked dumbfounded. It was the bottle containing
the tea leaves she had dropped out of surprise. Looking at it, something came to mind.
“No way… Are you one of those two porters I saw last night? Were you the man who was
just about to approach me?”
“Yes. I don’t think you knew I came along, so I approached you to say good morning… But it
seems that I unintentionally surprised you.”
“That’s right. Of course, I would be I never thought it would be you!”
Harrieta said with a smile.
“No. But still… You’re a porter… Did my father ask you to come along?”
Her father didn’t know about Edwin’s past. If she were in Edwin’s position, he would want
to avoid going out into the big cities. So there was no way he had come here voluntarily.
Edwin remained silent without answering Harrieta’s question. Hesitation passed over his
straight face, but she didn’t notice it. She was furious as she accepted his silence as an
“Why on earth did my father do that to you? Even if you are a slave, he should have asked
the other person’s opinion and respected it!”
“Sorry. Edwin. I apologize on behalf of my father. He’s not like that… I can’t understand this
either. I will talk to my father when we meet, so you must return to Philioche first.”
“Miss Harrieta. I was not forced to come here.”
Edwin calmly corrected her thoughts.
“I came here of my own will, voluntarily.”
“You’re here… at your own will?”
“That’s right. So please don’t just tell me to go back to Philioche.”
He bowed his head slightly and asked. It looked very sincere. Harrieta’s thoughts became
Did he follow her of his own will? But why? Hasn’t he always tried to avoid people who
might recognize him?
“But if you go to Lavant, people might recognize you. There’s no way you wouldn’t know
Harrieta looked at Edwin worriedly. He shook his head, understanding what she was
worried about and wanted to say.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It doesn’t matter?”
“Yes. Right now, there are more things to worry about than that.”
What are you more concerned about than being noticed by other nobles?
“What is it?”
Harrieta couldn’t hold back her curiosity, so she asked. He glanced at her. He looked calm
as usual. But it was strange. She felt like he was a little different from usual.
“Edwin? What is it?”
When there was no answer, Harrieta asked again. Then, he silently reached out his hand
and ran his fingers in her hair, then along her cheeks, and behind her ear. It was a hand full
of calluses, but the hand that touched her hair was as careful as if he were handling a fragile
piece of glass.
“… Miss Harrieta.”
He who had kept his silence slowly called out her name. His gaze continued to rest on her.
“Miss Harrieta.”
“Miss Harrieta.”
“What is it, Edwin?”
Edwin didn’t answer her but merely called her name over and over again. Harrieta tilted
her head. Maybe it’s still too early for me to wake up. Edwin looked at Harrieta’s confused
face and smiled,
“It’s nothing.”
It was a powerless reply mixed with a sigh.
Chapter 22

“Harrieta! Welcome!”
Lilian ran out of the mansion with arms wide open and greeted Harrieta who had just
arrived. Harrieta, who got off the carriage with the help of the coachman, was held in her
aunt’s arms. The hug was so intense that she couldn’t even breathe properly. Lilian did not
let her go until Harrieta struggled with the pain.
“The last time I saw you was two years ago… Time flies so fast. Right. How have you been?”
“I’ve been doing fine. What about you, Aunt Lilian?”
“I’m fine too. Nothing special happened.”
Lilian shrugged her shoulders and frowned.
“I’ve been inviting you to come and play, but you only came now. If you were doing it
intentionally, then that’s really heartless.”
Lilian made a face look of disappointment and clicked her tongue. Harrieta smiled softly at
the exaggerated expression and took her hand.
“What are you saying? According to the original plan, you were supposed to come to
Philioche to see me.”
“Haah. Oh you. Can’t I make empty promises? Why would I crawl to the valley where I have
nothing to do? It’s really a matter of life and death.”
She had a very dignified attitude for admitting that she had lied. However, because the
figure was so Lilian, Harrieta just smiled.
“By the way, is that all your luggage?”
Lilian looked at the cart that had arrived in front of her mansion and asked. At a glance,
Harrieta didn’t have much luggage with her. She nodded, indicating that it was right.
“It’s useless if you don’t like it if I bring this and that. I only brought the things I would
“Yes. Well thought. Rose has a good sense of fashion by the way, but she must have lost her
senses by now since she’s been living in Philiore for the past two decades.”
“Yes, Philioche.”
Lilian waved her hand in annoyance.
“Your room is already prepared. It is a place with a very good view of the garden. You will
like it.”
At Lilian’s beckoning, the butler, who was waiting behind them, approached. He looked
quite old for his age and Harrieta had already met him once when she had stayed here
before. He bowed his head towards her and greeted her.
“Take the luggage from that carriage to the room where Harrieta is staying. Then show her
where the room is.”
“I will do as you have ordered, Lady Jenner.”
The butler, who responded politely, immediately moved to the cart. Then he started talking
to the two men who were standing next to it. By pointing his fingers at the luggage, he
seemed to be giving instructions on how and where to move them.
“But are they staying here too?”
Lilian, who was watching the butler’s actions, asked. Harrieta noticed that the “they” she
meant were the coachman and porters who came with her.
If the staff belonged to the family household, it would only be natural for them to stay
together with Harrieta even after the journey, but if they were only under a temporary
contract, then it was correct to say that they would be leaving after they send Harrieta to
her destination. The coachman and the porter were hired by Baodor, so it was expected
that they would now go on their way.
Except for one.
Harrieta’s eyes found him involuntarily.
“Just one person. He’s a Mackenzie person.”
“Really? Who?”
“… That blond-haired guy over there.”
Harrieta pointed to Edwin with a reluctant expression on her face. She was nervous,
wondering if Lilian would recognize him. Fortunately, however, he had half turned away
from them. Lilian glanced at him with uninterested eyes and then looked back.
“Then I’ll have to tell the butler to provide a place for him to stay. There are a few vacant
rooms in the employee’s residence, so he can use one of them.”
“Thank you auntie.”
“You’re thankful for everything.”
Drip. Drop drip. A fat drop of water fell on Lilian’s head. She lifted her head and looked at
the sky. Although it was only noon, the weather was very gloomy. There were so many dark
gray clouds that the blue sky could not be seen, and it looked like it was going to rain soon.
“Let’s go in, Harrieta. I’ll have to ask them to bring us something to drink while we wait.”
Lilian took Harrieta’s hand and led her into the mansion.
Before entering the mansion, Harrieta turned her head to look behind her. She saw Edwin
trying to lift the things in the cart. Did he feel her gaze? Even though he was looking down,
he suddenly lifted his head and looked towards her.
It was such a short time that it could be called an instant. But Harrieta, at that moment,
believed that their eyes met.
The summer social gatherings in Lavant were quite popular. Some of the events were said
to be of excellent quality even within the kingdom, so people came from the capital to
attend the event. Of course, there were many other events, both large and small, that could
not be counted one by one.
Lilian chose a countess’ birthday party for her first social gathering this season. It wasn’t a
big event like a banquet, but Lilian knew this Countess quite well, and judged that those
who were invited to her personal events like a birthday party, at least to some extent,
would be verified.
Moreover, even if she did not meet directly with men, there were many ways to use close
friends to form the first bond of a relationship. She was skilled enough to see through them,
and she had good tools.
Lilian asked if Harrieta would be okay with it. But to be honest, Harrieta didn’t think much
of it. Whether it was a gathering for any purpose or by whom it was hosted, they simply
looked the same to her.
She turned her back on the people around her saying that she has to do so, but she has no
choice but to follow and take this opportunity to find her future husband.
The next day, Edwin visited Harrieta. She always visited him first, so she was pleasantly
surprised by his visit. She has everyday conversations such as ‘Have you had a good night
and a good sleep?’ and he secretly asked her about her plans for the future.
Before long, he seemed relieved to learn that she would be attending the Countess’s
birthday party and not a banquet. When she asked him why it was so strange, he thought
for a moment before answering.
“If it was the Countess’s birthday party, wouldn’t it have a lot more female guests than male
“At this point, it will be helpful to watch and learn what kind of tone they use and what kind
of mannerisms they show.”
Harrieta was startled by Edwin’s words. To learn the tone and mannerisms of other female
guests? Is this man openly slandering her now? No matter how far she was from a young
lady, she still felt crossed.
“Are you telling me that I’m a little less out of place now?”
“What does that mean?”
“Are you doing this out of fear that I might damage the family by acting against etiquette?”
She usually lives a free-spirited life. She was confident that she could act as a plausible lady
if she made up her mind. Besides, if they didn’t like her, even if she just kept her mouth
shut, she would go in the middle of the group.
Harrieta sulked. She snapped and turned her head to the side.
“That’s enough. I will soon prove how wrong you are.”
She herself didn’t know what she was going to prove, and how she would prove it, but she
didn’t want to take back what she said, which had caused some ill-will. Meanwhile, Edwin,
who was looking at her softly, quietly said,
“No. You don’t have to.”
“Why? Do you think I can’t do it?”
Harrieta, who was already hurt from his sarcasm, responded sharply without realizing it.
She crossed her arms and raised her chin with an arrogant expression.
“Edwin, I think it’s because you don’t know much about me. I can be the perfect lady to
make your eyes widen if I wanted to.”
“You are already perfect.”
“Yes. I’m already perfect… What?”
When the unexpected answer came back, Harrieta was perplexed.
‘I am already perfect? What is he up to?’
Edwin, out of all people, praised her for being perfect. Does this make sense? She couldn’t
believe it easily because he was the one who was nagging her every day, and picking on
every single thing she did.
She wondered if he was being intelligently sarcastic, but she looked at his expression and it
seemed that it wasn’t the case. He continued speaking while Harrieta shook her head
quickly to try to understand what he meant.
“Miss Harrieta. You are perfect to me. So there is no reason to prove it.”
“… Are you teasing me now?”
Harrieta asked, frowning.
“You just told me to learn by looking at the tone and mannerism of other noble women. Is
that what you say to someone who you think is perfect?”
Harrieta thought it was just Edwin’s way to appease her for his blunt words.
Edwin paused for a moment. He lowered his gaze slightly. Then his long eyelashes cast a
shadow over his blue eyes.
“Because I had to tell you the reason.”
“If I dare, I hope you don’t change, Miss Harrieta. For a long time to come, I want you to be
just like you are now.”
“But it’s impossible, isn’t it?”
He looked very serious and did not seem like he was joking. His appearance was somewhat
tragic, and at the same time, it seemed unfair. It’s like someone who has to stand still and
watch someone take their things right in front of their eyes.
Harrieta stared blankly at Edwin. Outwardly, he looked as calm as the surface of a lake, as
usual. But when she looked closely, something seemed unstable and precarious. If anything,
did something happen?
Edwin let out a long breath when Harrieta, who was at a loss for words, said nothing. Then
he asked softly,
“… Please pretend you didn’t hear the last thing I said.”
Edwin raised his gaze and met Harrieta’s eyes. There was a longing in his eyes that he
couldn’t express. He was considered to have a very cold impression if he did not smile, but
she felt a strange heat from him.
Without knowing why, her heart sank.
Chapter 23

After talking to Edwin, Harrieta could only think about him. He said that he wished she
would not change in the future because she was perfect as she was now as if he were
confessing his secret.
She was going to die of confusion because of his unusual attitude, but he went further and
asked her to forget what he said at the end. What the hell was he thinking? And what did he
want from her?
She tried hard to think about it, but the riddle he had thrown her way showed no sign of
As a result, Harrieta could not focus at all on what was happening in front of her when she
was at the Countess’s birthday party. There were a few people who came to her saying that
they had a son or nephew, but she couldn’t even remember their names.
Lilian poked her in the side to warn her, but that also had no effect. In the end, the two of
them had no choice but to return home completely in vain.
She felt sorry for Lilian after she deliberately provided an opportunity for her, but she had
no choice. Now, Harrieta’s head had no room to think of anything else except for Edwin. She
wandered through her room alone, contemplating.
She wanted to immediately run to Edwin and ask him what the hell he meant that day. If he
didn’t answer again, she wanted to grab him by the collar and shake him. She wanted to put
a threat to his handsome face, telling him to just say it directly rather than talking in circles
and frustrating her.
‘No way… Does Edwin like me?’
It was an idea that flashed through her mind. But Harrieta immediately shook her head.
Even though he became a slave, it didn’t mean that he also became blind. It was unlikely
that he, who had once been nobler than anyone else, would take in her heart, who was less
noble than anyone else.
‘Then what? Didn’t he know that I had a crush on him?’
As a slave, Edwin might have found it entertaining to see that Harrieta, the daughter of the
master, had a crush on him. Although she may not be of much help, she can provide
convenience in many ways. But she shook her head again. Because he didn’t seem like a
person to take advantage of that fact.
Harrieta, who thought about this and that, ripped her hair out with both her hands. Even if
she thought about it for a thousand or ten thousand years, it was unlikely that she would be
able to solve this problem on her own. Even if she didn’t like the answer she got back, it
seemed like she had to ask him first.
Harrieta opened the door and went out. She then rushed forward, stomping like an angry
bull. People working nearby were wide-eyed as they looked at her, but she didn’t care.
Even if this story later made it into people’s mouths, it wasn’t something to think about at
that time.
After leaving the mansion, Harrieta headed straight to the residence of the employees
located near the garden. It was a very small building compared to the original Jenner
mansion, but it was not difficult to find.
Now almost running, she crossed the backyard, and in the distance, she saw people
huddled together. Judging by their attire, most of them seemed to be maids doing chores in
the mansion. They were looking at something and whispered among themselves.
Are there any good sights? Harrieta held her breath unknowingly and drew closer to them.
After some distance had narrowed, she could naturally overhear their conversation.
“Oh, I must be crazy! I think I’m going to fall ill after getting lovesick. Should I just pretend
I’m crazy and go talk to him?”
“Hey, Arthur, Arthur. What are you doing in the yard where even sister Venice was
rejected? Don’t go out for nothing and show your disgrace, just stay still.”
“How? How can he be so handsome? His eyes, his nose, his mouth, everything seems
“Yeah. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the most handsome person I have ever seen.”
There were only words to praise someone’s appearance. Harrieta’s face hardened at that.
She had experienced a similar situation a while ago, to the point that she thought it might
be deja vu. So, without even looking at who it was, she could guess “who” they were
And again, at the end of their gaze stood someone very familiar to her.
Perhaps from washing his body, Edwin’s golden hair was darkly wet, and a few buttons on
his clothes had not been fastened, and the front of his shirt was wide open. Like other male
employees working here, he was wearing a white shirt and black trousers made of rough
Far from wearing accessories, he did not have even a small pattern on his clothes, which
could make him look plain. Yet, instead of looking plain, it was conspicuous enough to catch
the attention of those around him at once, and he was charming. Every time he moved, the
necks of the maids who looked at him with hazy eyes also moved.
‘That man is really…!’
Like a spider with a wide web, Edwin swallowed the hearts of the women around him this
way. Of course, she knew that wasn’t what he intended, but she had to blame him
Harrieta deliberately coughed exaggeratedly. The maids, unaware that she was standing
behind them, jumped in place like frogs.
“Oh, God!”
“Oh! Oh, Miss! What, what brings you here?”
After checking Harrieta’s face, they quickly bowed their heads. Her expression didn’t look
very good.
“Don’t you have a lot of work to do right now?”
“Yes, yes? Did you need anything, Miss?”
“Oh right. Isn’t this the busiest time for you right now? And yet, you’re all dawdling here, so
I can’t help but wonder if you’re free.”
Harrieta said with a rather chilly expression. She didn’t raise her voice, but the meaning
behind it was clear. In a nutshell, it meant that they should go quickly and do their work
instead of fussing around.
The maids who understood the meaning of her words turned pale. Each of them made
excuses by saying that they were just about to go to work, but then they quickly ran away
like lightning.
A dark shadow fell behind Harrieta’s back, watching them run away.
“How scary. I wonder if you’re the Miss Harrieta I know.”
It was a playful, friendly tone, but to Harrieta, it only sounded like a rebuke.
And whose fault was it?
“So, did I disappoint you like this?”
Harrieta, who turned her body around and faced Edwin, narrowed her eyes and looked at
him. Her words came out sharper than she intended, but she didn’t care. Edwin looked
down at her and tilted his head to one side.
“How is it possible? But…”
“I was just afraid that Miss Harrieta would scold me too.”
The man who didn’t seem likely to be easily frightened by anyone’s eyes responded
sensibly. Harrieta smiled unknowingly at the answer that didn’t suit him so well, but she
hurriedly captured her expression. She couldn’t let it go like this. She pretended to clear her
throat, hmmmm.
“Don’t joke around. I am very serious now.”
“I see.”
“Really. The anger went all the way to the top of my head.”
“I know.”
“Why do you keep playing with words? Do you want me to show you how scary I can be
when I’m really angry?”
“If you wish. I will do as Miss Harrieta wills.”
Whatever Harrieta said, Edwin accepted it gently. It was like a flexible reed swaying in the
Harrieta, who had thorns sharp as a hedgehog, was at a loss for words. When the other
person surrendered, why did she keep fussing by herself? The emotions that had been
boiling with disappointment and jealousy slowly subsided like a volcano after an explosion.
She closed her eyes and then let out a deep sigh.
“I really can’t win against you. I wonder if the day will come when I will be able to defeat
you even just once in my life.”
Edwin’s expression distorted a little at her murmuring, but she didn’t notice it. She looked
straight into his eyes.
“Edwin. I have something to ask you.”
“… please ask.”
Edwin stared at her without averting his gaze.
“That’s it. Last time you…”
‘Wait a minute. What should I ask here?’
Harrieta, who was trying to quietly express herself, pondered. When she asked why he said
that last time, it seemed like he would slip away like a loach again. But that said, she wasn’t
even sure if she was going to ask him straight up if he liked her.
‘Are you crazy?’
She imagined Edwin answering her as he looked at her with his cold eyes. Harrieta gulped.
Even though she thought it was impossible, it would be embarrassing and heartbreaking if
she saw his reaction.
Her confidence, which made her raise her head bravely, shrank like a ball of air. Harrieta bit
her lower lip.
“Miss Harrieta?”
Harrieta was unable to continue her words, and as she sighed, Edwin called her again. He
bent over and brought himself to eye level with her. The smell of clean soap wafted from
his wet hair as he got closer. As she sniffed it, Harrieta somehow felt as if she was doing
something shameful that she should not have done.
Embarrassed for nothing, she couldn’t face Edwin, so she lowered her gaze. Then she saw
the smooth nape of his neck.
As if possessed by something, she followed the nape of his neck and lowered her gaze even
further. A protruding collar bone. Distinct shoulder blades. Wide shoulders. And a firm
chest that could be seen through the gaping front…
Gulp. Harrieta’s neck moved as if she had seen something tempting.
‘… How does it feel to be in those arms?’
“Are you okay?”
Harrieta shrieked and pulled away from him. The startled Edwin looked at her, frozen in
that position, with his eyes wide open.
‘Crazy! Crazy! Harrieta! You…! What are you thinking of doing with the person in front of
Harrieta pressed her hands against her heart. Her face was hot as if it were about to
explode. She felt as if she were a thief or a molester, and her feet were numb. If he could
look into her head now, how shocked and terrified he would be? She got chills just thinking
about it.
“Why, why is it so hard to see your face these days?”
Confused, Harrieta’s words came out of nowhere and were completely different from what
she intended to say.
“I, I, I couldn’t see you, so I was worried that something might have happened!”
Harrieta rolled her eyes as she spoke uncontrollably. What should I do? Should I be honest
with him that I got the wrong words out of embarrassment? But it seems ridiculous to admit
my mistake now. Besides, if he ever asked me why I was so upset…
As Harrieta imagined the worst, Edwin stood up and frowned.
“You couldn’t see me?”
He repeated her question. He spoke in a tone that did not understand her question.
“Lady Jenner might recognize me, so didn’t Miss Harrieta tell me not to stand out as much
as possible?”
“Don’t you remember?”
The tone of Edwin’s voice as he asked the question became lower. There was a mixture of
eyes of suspicion, saying, “How can you forget what you said?” Harrieta was sweating
“Well, that’s not important. Because there is something I want to ask you.”
“So what is it?”
A sharp gaze like a peregrine falcon followed Harrieta tenaciously.
“What does Miss Harrieta want to ask? I want to hear too.”
As if he would never lose sight of his target. Or as if he was looking through her insides.
“Well, that’s it… So, that’s… There, uh…”
And under that gaze, Harrieta could not come up with a proper excuse for herself. Because
she couldn’t easily spit out any of the things that came to her mind. Even if she had
misunderstood his words, it was certain that the situation would worsen beyond her
‘If I can dig a tunnel. Or if I could just pass out and get out of this place!’
Harrieta blamed herself for not thinking about her actions thoroughly. So, she smiled
awkwardly, hoping for a miracle that would never happen.
Chapter 24

It had already been a month since Harrieta came to Lavant. During that time, she had
attended five or six banquets and ten small social gatherings. Each time, Lilian stood by
Harrieta’s side, trying to introduce her to numerous unmarried men of marriageable age.
And as if in response to Lilian’s efforts, three men showed interest in her. All of them were
children of the Viscount family or higher, and they had a good reputation. Lilian was
overjoyed with the outcome and decided that they were good enough for her niece.
But her joy was short-lived. They all stopped their advances after only two or three
meetings and even after deliberately stepping to the Jenner’s mansion to see Harrieta.
When Lilian asked them what the problem was, they hesitated and answered.
“Unfortunately, your niece doesn’t seem to be very interested in me. Whenever we are
together, she always seems to be thinking about other things, and even when I try to talk to
her, I barely get a response from her.”
Upon realizing that the source of the troubles was Harrieta, Lilian was furious. You have to
clap both hands to make a sound. No matter how fervently courtship was made by one side,
if the other side did not respond, it was a futile effort.
Harrieta sighed as Lilian threatened her that she would die of old age if she continued to
behave like that.
“I know they are good people. But I don’t feel any rational attraction to them at all.”
“Harrieta, are you in a position to choose between cold and hot meals now? How many
couples in this world do you think will be in a relationship solely because of love? You don’t
know yet because you are young, but there are appropriate times in life, and there’s such a
thing as timing. Youth doesn’t last forever.”
Lilian tried to convince her while holding onto Harrieta’s shoulders. It wasn’t that she
didn’t like the innocent side of her niece, but for this moment she wished Harrieta was a
little cleverer. But contrary to Lilian’s wishes, Harrieta just shook her head quietly.
“Auntie, I don’t want to have a loveless marriage. If I have to, I’d rather just live alone.”
“Still, I didn’t mean to be rude to them. It happened by chance…”
Harrieta, who was about to say something to her, trailed away and bit her mouth. She
looked like she was thinking deeply. After a while, she finalized her thoughts and opened
her mouth again.
“Anyway, I will apologize to them later. Whether it was intentional or not, what I did to
them was wrong.”
If she knew that, she shouldn’t have been rude in the first place. Lilian licked her lips and
gave a smile, but Harrieta just smiled bashfully. She knew well that this came out of love for
“I was scolded by my aunt today because of you.”
With a sulky look on her face, Harrieta complained. Edwin, who was absorbed in work,
raised his head and looked at her.
“Because of me?”
“Without realizing it, it seems that I have been neglecting them and treating the gentlemen
badly whenever they visited. I heard that they were very upset.”
Edwin smirked at Harrieta’s words. The corners of his lips rose upward as if he liked what
he was hearing. He took his eyes off her and went back to what he was doing.
“But why is that because of me?”
“Are you thinking of denying it now?”
Harrieta was furious.
“You kept interrupting every time they visited! An important letter arrived from Philioche;
Aunt had a big problem. Do you know how much I tried to pay attention the entire time
they talked? The last time we talked, I had something on my face and before that, the knot
at the back of my dress had come undone.”
“Tell me, Edwin! How can I properly pay attention to them in that condition? My mind is
somewhere else, and my insides are burning black!”
“If they can’t afford that, they will never be able to handle Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin replied indifferently. There was no trace of guilt. Harrieta looked at him with a
shocked expression. Shameless. Yet she knew he wasn’t wrong, so she couldn’t argue with
what he said.
“Are you being mean? Or are you just proud?”
Harrieta asked gently. Edwin thought for a moment before answering.
“It’s greed.”
A letter flew in from Philioche after a long time. And on the red wax used to seal the
envelope was the Mackenzie family’s crest. Harrieta was overjoyed as she opened the
envelope. Then she pulled out a piece of stiff yellowish letter paper from the inside.
It was a letter from her father, Baodor, Viscount Mackenzie. As with any letter, it began
with the first sentence, “Dear Harrieta.” However, the amount of text in it was much less
than she expected. At most, it would only fill half of the letter paper.
In addition, Baodor’s writing, which usually uses a relaxed and stylish typeface, seems to
have been written very clumsily as if he couldn’t get the words out fast enough. There were
several parts of the letter that were written unusually. She had a bad feeling.
Harrieta, who tilted her head in an unusual atmosphere, slowly read the letter from top to
bottom. After reading her father’s message, her expression hardened like stone.
Harrieta swung the door open without knocking and promptly trudged in with her back
straightened. Normally, she would have asked for permission to enter first, but she
currently had no time for such pleasantries.
“Edwin, tell me.”
Harrieta skipped the morning greeting and rushed to Edwin with her business. Fireworks
flashed from both of her eyes. She was ready to push him even if he said no.
“Miss Harrieta?”
Edwin got up from his seat and greeted Harrieta. He stopped smiling, unconsciously when
he saw that her expression was grim. It wasn’t hard for him to guess that something bad
had happened to her.
“I got this from Philioche this morning.”
Harrieta held out the crumpled letter to Edwin. Edwin’s expression turned cold when he
saw it.
At the same time, he understood why Harrieta was in such a state. He didn’t take the letter
but just looked down without a word.
“Aren’t you reading it?”
“… Even without reading it, I can guess what it is about.”
Edwin replied quietly. Harrieta let out her breath briefly. She didn’t expect it, but she
couldn’t believe it was true. She withdrew the hand which held the letter.
“I heard Father didn’t send you here? They said you suddenly disappeared without a word,
and the house was turned upside down when they thought you had run away! It seems like
he even sent someone to find you!”
Harrieta raised her voice. Her hand, which was holding the letter, trembled.
“Edwin! Why would you do that!? You know that a slave-branded person shouldn’t be
moving recklessly this way! If you’re treated like a fugitive, you don’t know how dangerous
it would be for you!”
It felt like her stomach was sizzling. When she first read the letter, she thought she was
going to faint. Baodor confessed that Edwin had long since disappeared, but he knew that
she and he were quite close to each other, so he had never been able to tell her about it.
What does this mean? At first, she didn’t understand the content of the text, and then she
denied it, and now, she was engulfed in outrageous rage.
Harrieta thought that Edwin had, of course, come to Lavant under Baodor’s orders. When
he told her he had come voluntarily, she took it to mean that he wasn’t just being dragged.
She did not even dream that those words meant he was acting alone without the
permission of Baodor.
“Edwin! Say something!”
Harrieta pressed him. But Edwin kept his mouth shut like a stubborn clam. He didn’t even
try to excuse his actions. He just waited patiently for her anger to subside.
Harrieta, who was out of breath from frustration, threw the crumpled paper on the floor
and buried her face in her hands.
“I don’t understand. You are more rational than anyone else and have good judgment. Why
would you do such an absurd thing? Edwin, I don’t understand.”
Like dying embers, Harrieta’s voice lost its power. Edwin watched her with a gloomy look
in his eyes.
Chapter 25

Edwin did not know what happened to escaped slaves. If they were lucky, they would end
up with one limb cut off, but if they weren’t, they risked losing their necks. Brimdel
generally had good human rights compared to other countries except for slaves who were
not treated as human beings.
Edwin was not particularly interested in the law concerning commoners. Since he was the
heir to the Redford family, he had to learn the teachings of law worthy of the position, and
he just took those things for granted.
“The law is the cornerstone of the kingdom. And our Redford men built thick pillars upon
them for the king and his people. But yes, Edwin. No matter how hard we try, if the foundation
under our feet is weak, everything will crumble.”
“People who want to avoid typhoons will naturally see the roof above them, but we are
different. When they look up to the sky, we have to look at the floor. To find out what the
problem is, we have to go through the basics.”
As far as Edwin can remember, all the people of Redford, including his father, loved
Brimdel and were loyal to the royal family, and took pride in their name. Because he and
the men that came before them carried the name of Redford, those many teachings became
the bones and flesh that made up his existence, imprinted in his mind, and bound him.
Maybe that’s how it was.
Abandoned by the king, having everything taken from him, and being dragged down into
the filthy muddy water, he did not react once. Even though he saw the people of his proud
family turn into wretched and filthy people outside the castle, he obeyed the last command
of the king. This was unfair, and he never followed those who said they would help him find
the truth.
Although his name was taken away, Edwin was still a Redford. The only Redford left in the
world. So his instincts were to submit to the royal family as if he were bound by their laws.
Even after the ugly stigma was put on his body, that didn’t change.
That is until he met her. Harrieta Mackenzie.
Edwin saw Harrieta in a crucible of shock and fear. She seemed very surprised, but she
probably wasn’t as surprised as he was.
When he heard that she was suddenly leaving for Lavant and when he found out what the
reason was, the instinct that had been with him for over twenty years weighed him down.
When he woke up, he was already in front of Viscount Mackenzie and after a very long time,
he asked him for a favor.
“I’m sorry. I would like to grant your request, but you must remain in Philioche.”
Baodor was truly sorry, but in the end, he turned him away with a word of refusal. Yes, it
was unavoidable, but even though he accepted it so calmly, seeing Harrieta shook his heart
He thought the days he would spend were going to be dull if he couldn’t see her. Like
everything, he thought she would be forgotten with time. The strange feeling he feels when
he thinks of her. The passionate affection she shows towards him. Everything will be
useless and forgotten.
‘I don’t want to be forgotten.’
He didn’t want to be forgotten, not as a Redford, but as Edwin. He raised his head.
‘I don’t want to lose her.’
Even though he knew he couldn’t have her, he couldn’t control his desire. His body
preceded his head. It was an unfavorable act, but when it was related to Harrieta, he let
himself go to the extent that he was confused.
It was not right and infinitely ugly to expose his desires as they are as he lost control even
though he grew up listening to the law as if he were being brainwashed. He couldn’t quite
remember what happened after that. His judgment was clouded by emotion, and not even
reason could stop him from going to her.
Closer to Harrieta, he wanted to go where she was.
Whatever may happen, whatever punishment would be inflicted on him for his actions, he
only wanted to be where she was.
He wanted to say those words to Harrieta, but Edwin had no choice but to swallow those
words and remain silent while suppressing his boiling emotions. He didn’t want to hurt her,
but he couldn’t help her either.
For the first time since becoming a slave, Edwin had to rethink his own worth and position.
A week had passed since the commotion caused by the letter. Harrieta didn’t say a word to
Edwin during that week. While others would say, ‘it’s only been a week’, that time seemed
like an eternity to Harrieta.
There must have been a reason he couldn’t tell me. Without realizing that she was only
making excuses for Edwin, she soon realized her actions and shook her head. What’s wrong
is wrong. No matter how much she put forth various reasons, that fact did not change.
Edwin didn’t even come to visit her, knowing that Harrieta’s anger had not yet dissipated.
She couldn’t find him anywhere, to the point that she wondered if he really had come to
Lavant with her.
Only the purple flowers placed in front of her door every day confirmed his existence.
Anemones. In the language of flowers, they meant faith or waiting.
Harrieta couldn’t bear to throw them away, so she put them together and put them in a
vase. Where did he find these flowers that have already passed their season? The flowers in
full bloom quietly showed off their beauty.
She let out a long sigh as she gently stroked the flowers with her fingertips.
Rustle, rustle
Behind him, he heard footsteps treading on the soft grass. The sound of the footsteps and
the speed at which they went was very familiar to Edwin. His breathing slowed. He knew
who the owner of the footsteps was without even looking back.
“Flowers alone are not enough.”
As if they were spitting, a piercing voice spoke to him.
“I don’t think I should see you.”
Without hesitation, he acknowledged his defeat.
Edwin slowly stood up and looked behind him. As expected, Harrieta was standing there.
Her hair, which was usually neatly curled up, was hanging out.
Harrieta, who had lowered her eyes and stared at the ground, raised her gaze and met
Edwin’s eyes. A supremely warm light permeated her eyes that contained him.
“If you do this again next time, I will really scold you.”
A faint smile spread across her hazy lips.
Chapter 26

Even though Harrieta had made her intentions clear regarding marriage, Lilian still showed
no signs of giving up.
“You are still young. When you are a little older, I’m sure you’ll appreciate me.”
Lilian shrugged her shoulders and muttered to herself. She completely ignored Harrieta’s
words, pretending that she never heard them.
“I heard that there will be a banquet hosted by Count Shanks in a few days. Do you
remember him? He hosted the big ball you attended with me last year. He likes fancy
things, so he always throws grand parties, so in terms of size alone, it ranks among the top
five in Lavant.”
Lilian already knew the list of people who were invited to the ball. She was delighted that
this year, many single men from decent families had been invited.
This is it! This is it! She was very excited, confident that this time she would catch a big fish.
“Throw away all your dresses that are out of fashion. I’ve already requested a seamstress
who is known for her skill in town to make a dress for you in a trendy style. You just have
to go in and get your measurements taken.”
It’s a custom dress.
Harrieta shook her head. The dress was sure to be beautiful, but the price tag that came
with it wouldn’t. Harrieta said Lilian didn’t have to do that, but Lilian, who had already
made up her mind, refused and insisted on having clothes made for her niece. She reasoned
that it could not be canceled because she had already paid the down payment anyway, so
she almost kicked Harrieta out.
It was a game that Harrieta had little chance of winning from the start. Realizing that it was
impossible to convince her aunt, Harrieta gave up fighting. She trudged outside and got
onto the carriage waiting by the front door. She didn’t even ask if they had been instructed
by Lilian in advance and didn’t ask where the coachman was going.
As the coachman was about to close the door, a large hand appeared out of nowhere and
stopped it. The bewildered coachman tried to protest, but when he saw something, his
mouth twitched as if he had become mute.
‘What’s going on?’
As if answering Harrieta’s question, Edwin appeared from behind the carriage door.
“Where are you going?”
He asked, narrowing his eyes as he frowned. Harrieta didn’t go out very often, so he found
it strange that she tried to go out without saying anything to him. He completely blocked
the entrance to the carriage door with his body to prevent the coachman from closing the
Harrieta rolled her eyes. She hadn’t noticed he was nearby so she was a little startled, but
she shrugged in response.
“Downtown. I’m going to the dress shop at the request of my aunt.”
“The dress shop?”
“I’m going to have my measurements taken. Do you think it would be fun?”
Harrieta murmured with a look of joy. Edwin then looked down at her without saying a
word. His expression seemed to be immersed in thought. Next to him, the coachman tried
to push him out of the way, but he didn’t budge.
“Can I come with you?”
“Edwin, you?”
Harrieta’s eyes widened at the unexpected request.
“Why do you want to go? It would be a boring outing for you.”
“I thought it would be reassuring to see that Miss Harrieta is safe.”
Edwin answered, bowing his head slightly. Safe? Harrieta, who heard his answer, laughed
“Edwin, what are you going on about now? I’m just going to the dress shop, not a war. Is
there any reason why I can’t be safe?”
Harrieta tried to discourage him with a joke, but Edwin seemed unwilling to step back. He
kept his silence and looked at her. And she waited. In his clear gaze, what he wanted was
‘This man is very stubborn.’
Harrieta clicked her tongue. She had never imagined that he would have this side to him.
“Fine. But you can’t complain later because you’re bored.”
In the end, Harrieta gave him the seat next to her and permitted him to get inside the
carriage. Then, Edwin, as if waiting for that very moment, scrambled to board the carriage.
She smiled unconsciously upon seeing him like that. He looked arrogant and feisty, but his
behavior was like a dog that listened to everything his master said without fail.
This, too, would never have been imagined by her former self. At the same time, it was also
her little secret that should never be revealed to Edwin.
While Harrieta was getting her measurements taken at the dress shop, Edwin offered to
wait outside. He blushed at Harrieta’s mischievous comment that he was trying to follow
her inside the store and watch her. Seeing him like that, she thought it would be good to
teach him a lesson, but then she found out that he was sulking and teased him.
Contrary to expectations, the shopkeeper was a woman who looked quite young for a
seamstress. Just as Lilian claimed, the seamstress was very skilled and it didn’t take long
for her to take Harrieta’s full measurements. She was stunned that the work was finished
much sooner than expected, and she left the shop in a light mood afterward. The store door
closed behind her back with a cheerful sound.
‘Where is he?’
Harrieta looked around. The street was full of people who were busy walking past, but she
couldn’t find the one she was looking for.
‘He was supposed to be around here.’
Did he go to see the city streets? Harrieta thought of Edwin wandering in the area around
the store. It was hard to imagine because the appearance didn’t suit him well, but that
didn’t mean it was impossible.
‘I finished sooner than I expected anyway.’
Having some free time to herself wouldn’t be a bad thing either. Perhaps after he was
demoted to slavery, he had never been free to wander the streets of the city alone. Harrieta
thought she should first go back to the carriage and wait for him, so she was just about to
walk away when…
Someone who was in a hurry to go somewhere bumped into Harrieta’s shoulder. The
impact wasn’t strong, so she wasn’t hit hard enough to push her body back. The delicate
scent of flowers tickled the tip of her nose.
“Excuse me.”
It was a soft voice that seemed as if a jade bead was rolling on a silver tray. Harrieta
naturally looked behind her, and she checked the face of the person who bumped into her
and was surprised.
The person who bumped into her was a slim woman who had beautiful black hair tied into
a single braid. She had shiny dark green eyes fringed with long eyelashes, smooth and fair
skin like milk, pink cheeks and lips, and a long, thin neckline that led to a slender face.
Harrieta had never seen such a beautiful woman in her life. She was pushed by Lilian to
attend various social gatherings so she had seen many beautiful noblewomen, but the
woman standing in front of her was different.
If the moon goddess manifested in human form, would it be like this?
Isn’t she a beautiful fairy who lives in the forest?
The woman looked like she was in a hurry as she slightly bowed to Harrieta. The woman
then turned around and hurried back on her way. Harrieta was so speechless that she could
only stare at the woman’s back in disbelief.
She felt as if she were possessed by something.
“Miss. What are you doing here?”
When she tried to follow her, the Jenner’s coachman spoke to Harrieta. Harrieta, whose
thoughts were elsewhere, was awakened by the sound of his hoarse voice.
“Ah, that… a while ago…”
Harrieta, who was about to explain to the coachman, trailed off. She was such a beautiful
woman, but she was still of the same sex. If she confessed that she was standing
dumbfounded by the woman’s beauty, it would be something strange to admit. If she said
something strange, strange rumors might spread in Lavant.
After she thought about what she had to do next, Harrieta decided to change the subject.
“Hey, the man who came with me. Where is he now?”
“Oh, that guy? He was here a little while ago.”
The coachman frowned and answered. He really didn’t know where Edwin was.
‘Then it means he didn’t go that far… Shall I go look for him?’
Harrieta told the coachman to wait for a while and started walking along the side of the
road. She was looking for Edwin, but in her mind, she remembered the woman she had
bumped into a while ago. As far as she knew, Edwin was the only one in her life who had
shocked her with his appearance.
‘As a woman… For my heart to beat like this… Had I been a man, I would have fallen in love at
first sight.’
She thought it might be a good thing that Edwin wasn’t nearby. What if he saw the woman
and acted as crazy as she was? Just thinking about it made her angry.
‘No. But Edwin, where did this man go? You didn’t go this way; did you go the other way?’
She seemed to have walked quite a bit, but when Edwin was nowhere to be seen, Harrieta
thought she might have taken the wrong direction. As she contemplated whether she
should turn back and retrace her steps, something came into her sight.
It didn’t take long for her to realize that it was the woman whose looks she had admired so
much earlier.
‘What is she doing over there?’
The woman was standing in the middle of the street. Like Harrieta, she was wandering
around the streets as if she were desperately searching for something.
‘That looks kind of dangerous.’
Harrieta’s heart started beating a little faster. As if an ominous foreboding had hit her, she
heard a harsh sound of hooves approaching from far away.
It was a messenger in armor. Riding on a huge horse, he drove quickly as if he had some
news he needed to deliver urgently. When the people heard the sound of his galloping
horse, they quickly opened the way one by one.
The crowd that filled the roadside split apart.
‘Of course she would avoid it.’
Harrieta thought as she looked at the woman and the messenger.
‘At least one of them will definitely notice the other.’
But contrary to her thoughts, the woman was still standing in the middle of the road, and
the messenger showed no sign of slowing down. Whether it was because they didn’t find
each other or because of the arrogance of believing that the other would avoid the other,
Harrieta couldn’t tell.
She held her breath unknowingly at the tension caused by the scene.
‘No way… No way, really…?’
Chapter 27

The distance between the two of them sharply narrowed. Without even realizing what she
was trying to do, Harrieta was already running towards the woman. The sound of her
rough breathing echoed in her ear, and all other noises disappeared.
She didn’t even have time to think of Edwin, who had been begging her to take care of
herself as she was about to jump into something dangerous. Her shoes that were
cumbersome to run in had long since been removed.
The woman’s eyes widened in great amazement as Harrieta suddenly rushed at her.
Harrieta’s face was reflected in her eyes, which had the same color as a thick forest, for a
As if she was about to say something, she moved her lips, but it couldn’t even wait for that.
Harrieta jumped right in front of her just as the running horse approached and pushed her
away without hesitation.
They didn’t know whose mouth the scream came from. The two women scrambled to the
floor as the messenger passed by them. Perhaps it was a short-lived moment, and the wind
he had created blew as he passed.
Harrieta raised herself and saw the messenger running in the distance.
If she had been a little more hesitant… If she had delayed acting, what could have
Just thinking about it gave her goosebumps.
“Excuse me...are you okay?”
A soft voice asked from right next to her. Turning her head, she saw the woman she had
Like Harrieta, her hair and dress were very messy after rolling on the ground, but even that
couldn’t hide her beauty. As she reached out her hand to support Harrieta, she looked very
“Sorry, because of me… Are you injured anywhere?”
Even though her clothes were torn and she was bleeding in several places, she only worried
about Harrieta. She took a closer look at Harrieta who went to stand up.
“Oh no. Your clothes are all damaged. What should I do?”
The woman murmured as she frowned.
“I hope it’s not the clothes you particularly cherish. Of course, I’ll compensate you, but I
don’t know if I’ll ever be able to build a perfectly identical outfit.”
“It’s okay. Are you okay? You rolled over on the ground just like me.”
“Don’t worry about me. It’s all my fault.”
The woman smiled faintly.
“If it wasn’t for you, it would have been really bad. It must have never been an easy decision
to jump in front of a running horse… I owe you my life. Thank you so much, I don’t know
what to say.”
Whether those words were sincere or not, she bowed deeply toward Harrieta. From her
appearance to the way she dressed, she was undoubtedly a nobleman from a wealthy
family. In a way, it was a great thing to show such respect to someone whom she didn’t
even know.
Of course, Harrieta’s outfit was too luxurious for a commoner, so it may be that the woman
is vaguely considering her to be a fellow aristocrat.
“But it looks like you were looking for something…?”
At Harrieta’s question, the woman took a deep breath and exhaled. A deep sadness hung on
her face, but she was still as beautiful as a lily of the valley.
“Well. I’ve been missing it for a long time, so I guess I’ve seen something in vain. As soon as
I saw it, I was startled and ran out of nowhere, but when I went to look for it, it was gone.”
“Are you looking for a person?”
Instead of answering, the woman smiled sadly. Harrieta felt very sorry for her. She
wondered who might have been the lucky person the beautiful woman missed so much that
she even thought she saw them in broad daylight.
“Oh, we haven’t introduced ourselves yet.”
The woman seemed to suddenly remember and said. She extended her hand towards
“My name is Vivianne. Vivianne Antoine Richconnell. But, please, just call me Vivianne.”
“Oh, I’m Harrieta Mackenzie.”
Harrieta said her name haphazardly. But at the same time, she tried to sift through her
Richconnell? It was a name that she seemed to have heard somewhere before.
However, it seemed that Harrieta was not alone in thinking that way.
“… Mackenzie?”
Vivianne’s face hardened as if she couldn’t believe her ears.
“Did you say, Mackenzie? That Mackenzie of Philioche?”
“Huh? How…?”
Harrieta, who had never expected the name of her hometown to come out of Vivianne’s
mouth, asked in amazement. As Vivianne was about to answer her, someone grabbed
Harrieta’s wrist. Suddenly, her body was pulled back by a strong force.
A warmth passed through her back, and at the same time, she smelled the familiar body
“Miss Harrieta.”
It was Edwin. He held Harrieta in his arms and called out her name. Maybe he had been
running all the way looking for her without resting since she could feel his heart beating
“When I went to the front of the store, I was worried because I couldn’t see you.
Slowly taking deep breaths, he gently pulled her away from him. Then he began to carefully
examine her from head to toe.
“What happened? Why are your clothes like this again?”
He frowned at her as if he already had an idea of what happened even before she could
answer. His soft expression turned harsh in an instant. Harrieta gulped.
“Edwin, that’s…”
“Sir Edwin?”
Vivianne, who was standing behind Harrieta, quietly called Edwin. She called him in a
familiar tone like he was someone she knew. Harrieta looked behind her and saw that
Vivianne was shaking. She looked shocked as if she couldn’t believe the scene in front of
When his name was called, Edwin casually raised his head to look at Vivianne. The moment
he checked her face, he too, seemed very surprised. But before long, his handsome face
The tight hold he had on Harrieta’s hand loosened.
“… Lady Vivian.”
He called out Vivianne’s name softly as if he was groaning. It was the name of the woman
who was once his fiancée.
Vivianne Antoine Richconnell.
The only daughter of the venerable Marquisate of Richconnell, she was arguably the most
beautiful woman in the kingdom.
Even Princess Leisha, who is praised for being so elegant and beautiful, could not keep up
with Vivianne’s beauty, nor the young Countess of Sicilia, who was said to be so beautiful
that even the king of the neighboring country had proposed to her, also could not compare
even with Vivianne’s toes.
Thousands of men have come all the way to see her, and many of the men have knelt in
front of her and fervently courted her.
Her suitors ranged from men who were known on the continent for their wealth to
members of the royal family that people expected that she would surely lead a happy life no
matter who she chose.
But even so, Vivianne did not choose anyone for a long time. When Marquis Richconnell
asked what she was waiting for, she just smiled quietly.
One, two years passed. As time went by, Vivian’s beauty grew more and more, and rumors
about her spread widely.
People wondered. Who will be the lucky man to be chosen by the beautiful and elegant
But when Vivian turned 20, a man came to the Richconnell mansion.
Although he was neatly dressed and wore no special ornaments, his appearance looked
very splendid, and at the same time, he had a charm that caught people’s eyes.
Unlike his predecessors who brought precious jewels as gifts, he didn’t even bring a single
flower. He looked out of the window without a word, waiting for her to come to the parlor.
His back looked very straight as he turned away from the sun to face her.
‘Lady Vivianne.’
She couldn’t find any affection from the man who called her name. Even looking at her, he
did not give her even a hint of a smile.
‘My name is Edwin Benedict Debuer Redford.’
It was a voice that barely showed any emotion, and was quite business-like. Calmly
speaking his name, he leaned over and pretended to kiss the back of her hand.
‘I have come to propose to you.’
His hand, which looked cold, was surprisingly warm.
Chapter 28

‘Did you know that the Marquis Richconell has a daughter? I’ve met her once, and as rumored,
she’s a very beautiful Lady. To the extent that it is not a waste to say that she is the best in the
When Edwin was troubled by his father’s words that he should find the future Duchess of
Redford, the Crown Prince quietly spoke up.
‘I was talking to her and strangely, I kept thinking of you. I don’t know the specific reason…
But, well, I think it was pretty similar. You and her.’
The Crown Prince, who threw in a meaningless word, laughed.
They were pretty similar. At first, he was a little curious, but that was all. He was in the
capital, and she was in Lavant. He never had a chance to meet her. As time went on, he
forgot about her little by little.
‘Marquis Richconell’s daughter is very good.’
Until the former Duke of Redford and his father, Eorn, spoke up.
‘If you don’t have a woman in particular that you think about, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to
consider her at least once.’
Eorn didn’t say any more. Like other Redford’s, he wasn’t very talkative either. However,
the message he wanted to convey was clear.
Edwin thought silently. She is the daughter of Marquis Richconell. There was no way Eorn,
who had a cautious personality, would have said so much without recognizing him
He suddenly remembered that the Crown Prince said that he had met a woman with a
similar atmosphere to him.
Since he was born as a Redford, it was right to put the prosperity and well-being of his
family first rather than the joy of life.
Sometime after that, Edwin got into the carriage headed for Lavant.
‘Nice to meet you. My name is Vivianne Antoine Richconell.’
It was a sudden visit from a stranger she had never met. Nevertheless, Vivianne remained
calm, and she did not show any signs of discomfort.
Vivianne was on the quiet side. She preferred to listen rather than lead the conversation,
and she didn’t say anything unnecessary.
‘Where is the resemblance?’
Edwin looked at Vivian and wondered.
Her way of speaking, her actions, and everything. She had no blemishes anywhere. Whether
she was accustomed to looking into the other person’s eyes, her gaze was straight at him,
and her posture of standing with her back straight was dignified and elegant.
‘May I dare ask you what the purpose of finding me like this is?’
At first glance, it seemed polite, but if one looked closely, she was expressing her thoughts
without hesitation. She had a calm face, but, of course, the answer to his question was the
look in her eyes. There was no sign of blushing or shyness on her face when she saw him.
How interesting.
Edwin looked at Vivian. She was not at all dismayed when she saw him in front of her. She
must have been more accustomed to making others bow to her than to bow to others. She
was a nobleman through and through.
He thought that she would be a good fit for his spouse. No, it would be more than enough
for all his needs. To be honest, he didn’t even have to worry about it from the beginning.
He didn’t care anyway, because all he wanted was a woman who can serve as a mistress to
the Duke of Redford, and not a lover to have a fiery love affair with. And Vivianne, the
famous only daughter of Marquis of Richconell, could do it.
‘I have come to propose to you.’
So Edwin proposed to the woman he had met for the first time in his life. In the meantime,
he didn’t worry that she would reject him. As the Crown Prince said, she had a lot in
common with him. He knew that she would look at him in the same way that he saw her as
a good spouse.
‘If it’s okay with you.’
And again. After contemplating for a moment, Vivianne nodded and accepted Edwin’s
proposal. It was the moment when this couple’s engagement, which had made the kingdom
abuzz for a long time, was established.
At first, Edwin had no plans to have a long engagement with Vivianne. He was told to get
married at the soonest possible time, so he was going to get married right away because he
didn’t think delaying it would do any good.
However, although unintentional, the couple’s engagement lasted for nearly a year. Shortly
after the engagement ceremony, he was dispatched to the Demner Order stationed on the
‘Please come back safely, Sir Edwin.’
To Edwin, who had left for the outskirts, Vivianne calmly prayed for his safe return. She
said yes to him, but he couldn’t keep his word. By the time the war on the frontier came to
an end, his family was suddenly annihilated under the charge of treason. Edwin’s status
was also demoted to slavery, and their betrothal was naturally broken.
If someone asked him if he felt sorry for breaking his relationship with Vivianne, he would
say no. It was just a relationship that was formed to achieve a purpose from the beginning,
after all. He’s never had any more feelings than that. And now that the reason to achieve the
purpose is gone, there was no need for the two to maintain their relationship.
He believed that Vivian would have the same idea as him. She never showed her feelings to
him more than what was expected from a formal fiancée, just as he did.
So when Vivian, who he happened to meet again, jumped into his arms, Edwin had no
choice but to panic. She was a woman who maintained a distance of about one step away by
being so polite to the point that it felt a little stiff. Then, as she held him in her arms, her
body shook.
“I missed you, Sir Edwin. I missed you so much.”
She whispered while sobbing.
“I missed you a lot, a lot more than I thought.”
Vivianne’s eyes were red as she looked up at Edwin. Her appearance, which revealed her
feelings for him without restraint, was clearly unlike the noblewoman he remembered. The
difference was so great that Edwin didn’t know what to do.
And that was the moment when…
Harrieta, who was standing next to them, muttered in silence as if she had remembered
“No way…!”
Harrieta, whose expression looked confused at one point, quickly hardened like stone as
the shock crept upon her. Edwin and Vivian were reflected in her eyes as she stared at
them and her slightly parted lips began to tremble.
While unconsciously trying to move away from them, Harrieta tripped and fell on her
behind. Edwin, who saw it, pushed Vivianne away from his arms without any hesitation.
“Miss Harrieta!”
He hurriedly approached Harrieta, who was sitting on the floor. He reached out his hand to
support her, but she didn’t take his hand. She just stared blankly at him with a face that
looked as white as a sheet.
Harrieta’s eyes, which always had a warm energy like spring, were empty, like an empty
world of nothingness. The way she looked at him was unfamiliar.
It’s too late. His instinct whispered.
Edwin’s heart sank.
On the way back to the mansion, there was a suffocating heavy stillness inside the carriage.
Harrieta turned her head to the side and just stared out the window without saying a word.
Harrieta wanted to ignore the fact that Edwin was sitting across from her. She had turned
her head to the side for so long that her neck was hurting, but she still did not look ahead.
She’d rather suffer from muscle aches for a few days than make eye contact with him right
Time passed so slowly that she wondered if the distance from the city to the mansion was
this far. Rumble rumble. The carriage passing over the square stones on the side of the road
shook slightly. Harrieta, who was looking at the scenery passing by quickly, took a deep
breath and sighed.
It doesn’t look like it’s going to rain, but why? The blue sky, which she thought was pretty
until this morning, seemed to have faded to gray.
The carriage stopped in front of the mansion. The coachman who was sitting on the driver’s
seat jumped down to open the door. But Harrieta did not wait for him and opened the door
by herself because she couldn’t wait for the brief moment it took her to reach the door.
She felt choked as if her throat was tightening, and her chest was stuffy.
“Miss Harrieta.”
Harrieta, who got off the carriage and was about to enter the mansion, was called in a rush
by Edwin from behind.
“Miss Harrieta. Talk to me for a moment.”
“Later, Edwin.”
Harrieta refused the offer without hesitation.
“I am so tired right now. We’ll talk later.”
It was a lame excuse, but for now, it was the best. Her mind was all messed up, and she
didn’t know what to think. She just felt that she needed to get out of this place as soon as
Edwin called her again, but she ignored him. Without looking back, she almost ran into the
Chapter 29

A few days after that, Harrieta did not find Edwin. Rather, it wasn’t that she just didn’t look
for him, but she blatantly avoided him. Whenever she spots him walking towards her
direction, she would either turn back the way she went, or wander around a random room,
and whenever he knocks on her door, she would be as quiet as a rat.
It was as if they were water and oil which could not coexist in one place, or spring and
autumn that could never exist at the same time.
When was the last time he talked with Harrieta with a smile?
Edwin was very nervous. She unilaterally refused to communicate with him, and there was
nothing he could do in that situation.
No matter how close they were, their relationship was firm. She was the master’s daughter,
and he was just a slave. He didn’t dare go against what she wanted to do. It was a moment
when he felt his own powerlessness.
Edwin took a deep breath. It was not that he could not guess why Harrieta, who always
showed great interest and affection to him, suddenly changed and kept trying to distance
herself away from him.
Vivianne. It must be because of her.
Edwin’s eyes darkened.
His ex-fiancée, Vivianne, who he met by chance in town. And Harrieta, who seemed to have
realized who she was only later. When the past and the present collided together, he, who
did not easily lose his composure in most matters, was also bewildered.
Harrieta looked at him and Vivianne with bewildered faces. It was only for a moment that
his expression darkened noticeably. The temperature he felt on his face dropped sharply.
His spine grew cold, and his head turned as white as a blank sheet of paper.
Even though he thought he had to make an excuse, nothing came out of his mouth.
He vaguely noticed what kind of feelings Harrieta had for him. Although she did not speak
directly, she always expressed her feelings without hiding it and acted recklessly, so it was
stranger to not know what she was thinking.
At first, he was indifferent to her emotions, so he believed that if he kept ignoring it, she
was bound to stop, so he just passed over it casually.
But her heart was much harder than he thought, and as time went on, it took on a more and
more firm form.
Harrieta would always call his name in a loving voice.
‘Edwin. Did you know that meeting you is the greatest luck of my life?’
There was heat in Harrieta’s eyes whenever she looked at him. And the heat was so intense
that it could no longer be dismissed as just a crush from the girl’s youthful heart.
Yes, it’s just a useless, useless heart.
Despite his negative thoughts, Edwin’s eyes followed Harrieta, and he wandered in search
of that heat in her eyes. Unbeknownst to him, there was also a little heat rising inside him,
but he did not realize it for a very long time.
‘Maybe you’re tired of me…’
Edwin ground his molars tightly at the thought of his heart breaking.
But at the same time, he felt sad as Harrieta tried to keep away from him after approaching
him like that.
Originally, he was quite indifferent to the extent that he didn’t care whether others liked
him or not, but now, just imagining Harrieta’s eyes turning cold as she looks at him made
him breathless.
If Harrieta decides to leave him, will he be able to stand it? Will he ever be able to return to
his former self, when he was blunt to everything, as if nothing happened?
Edwin lifted his head and looked up at the window of Harrieta’s room on the second floor
of the mansion. She was still awake, and a faint light was seeping through the closed
Like there was really no relationship from the very beginning
Snap. Something inside of him broke. Edwin’s energy, which had been running wildly here
and there, froze. His eyes looking upwards became cold.
Knock, knock
There was a knock on the door. Harrieta, who was lying on her bed and trying to extinguish
the lamp on the night table, raised her head. Who is it at this time? She glanced at the clock
on the wall and it was already late enough for most people to fall asleep.
“Who is it?”
She tilted her head, wondering if she had heard anything wrong, and once again heard a
loud knock on the door.
“Who’s there?”
Again, she was met with silence.
What’s going on?
She had a feeling that something was not quite right. But they knocked twice and she
couldn’t keep ignoring it. Besides, seeing that they came so late, it must have been for some
important reason.
Harrieta got out of bed and put on the gown she had hung in the closet. She then walked
towards the door slowly, with a lamp in one hand.
“Heather? Is it you, Heather?”
Suddenly, she remembered that the old maid, who had been taking care of her room for
several days, had very bad ears. Did she suddenly think of something to bring to her late at
Harrieta unlocked the door and opened it slightly. Through the gap in the doorway, she
could see that the corridor was covered in pitch-black darkness. She felt a chill in the eerie
Tak! A large hand came unannounced through the crack in the door, and it grabbed the
edge of the door to keep it from closing.
Startled, Harrieta almost dropped the lamp she was holding. It was an uneasy atmosphere.
She was about to start screaming as she sensed the danger.
The intruder who had been hiding quietly in the dark came forward. Under the dim light,
his figure was slowly revealed.
“Ed, Edwin?”
With a look of surprise, Harrieta called out Edwin’s name. Although he was currently a
slave, he was originally a man born into a high-ranking noble family. She didn’t expect him
to come to her room this late at night.
Edwin, who had his head bowed down, slightly raised his eyes and looked at Harrieta.
“Are you disappointed? It’s not Heather.”
He asked in a low, growling voice. His gaze towards her was not gentle.
“In the future, never open the door blindly like this. You never know who will be standing
outside it.”
Edwin quietly scolded Harrieta and applied force to his hold on the door, opening the gap
between them.
Realizing that he was about to enter her room, she hurried to the door and applied force in
the opposite direction to keep him from entering.
Edwin saw it and frowned, but a cold smile spread across his handsome face after.
“What useless effort.”
He murmured as if he were talking to himself, and in an instant, applied a tremendous
amount of force that could not be compared with before. No matter how hard she tried,
Harrieta alone was not enough to stop him. Her body pushed back helplessly and the door
opened wide. Then, as if he were waiting for this moment, Edwin strode into the room and
closed the door so she couldn’t escape outside.
Clank. The locking of the door was particularly loud.
“What is this now?”
Harrieta asked, trying to hide her trembling voice as much as possible.
“Go back, Edwin. If you go back now, I’ll pretend nothing happened tonight.”
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think that’s possible.”
Edwin said, tilting his head to one side.
“I have no intention of taking a single step out of this room until I solve the problem that
came to me.”
“A problem?”
“I want to have a conversation, Miss Harrieta. About what happened that day.”
That day. Harrieta knew immediately what Edwin was talking about. At the same time, bad
memories came flooding in. Her expression darkened.
“We’ll talk later. I am so tired right now.”
Hearing her answer, Edwin snorted as if he was expecting that answer.
“When is this later?”
“Edwin, it’s not something that’s important enough to come here this late at night.”
“It’s important to me.”
Edwin corrected Harrieta.
“No matter how many times I come, you don’t meet me, so I couldn’t wait until Miss
Harrieta will find me first.”
“Then wait a little longer.”
“I came here because it was impossible. Because I ran out of patience.”
The tone of his voice became even lower.
“Besides, no matter how long I wait, it doesn’t seem like you will find me.”
Edwin took a step closer to Harrieta. At that, Harrieta almost unconsciously took a step
back and maintained the distance between them.
“Do, don’t come any closer.”
“… Do you think I will do anything for you?”
Edwin asked. Harrieta didn’t say anything, she just stared at him. It felt like it was
scratching his silent heart. His expression darkened a little.
“Don’t worry. No matter how crazy I am, I’m not crazy enough to harm Miss Harrieta.”
“Why are you doing this, Edwin? This isn’t like you.”
“Didn’t I tell you?”
My patience ran out.
He swallowed the next word and strode towards Harrieta. She tried to step back again, but
she soon hit the wall behind her back, unable to move any further and he came closer.
Harrieta flinched and closed her eyes. She didn’t think he would harm her, but she still
didn’t know what was going to happen especially since he was in such an unstable state.
However, contrary to Harrieta’s thoughts, nothing happened. She thought he would reach
out to her straight away, but he didn’t lay a single finger on her.
In the stillness of the room, only the sound of her rough breathing could be heard.
Chapter 30

‘What happened?’
Harrieta, who thought it was strange, opened one of her eyes.
She couldn’t see Edwin who should have been standing in front of her. Surprised, she
opened her eyes wider this time. Where did he go? As she quickly looked around her, she
soon noticed that he was kneeling in front of her.
“Ed, Edwin?!”
Startled, Harrieta squealed. But Edwin didn’t even move.
He was kneeling on one leg while his other knee was up. With both hands on the floor, he
bowed his head deeply, as if a knight was setting the utmost respect for his lord.
Although it was not an easy posture to maintain, he did not look uncomfortable.
“What are you doing now? Come on, get up!”
“You can hit me, or you can call someone out. But Miss Harrieta, for today, you should listen
to me.”
“I will listen! I’ll listen, so get up first!”
Harrieta did her best to help Edwin up. But he did not move like a heavy rock. He took a
deep breath and opened his mouth.
“Miss Harrieta. Lady Vivianne and I have nothing to do with each other. I once promised
her a future, but I also did it because the circumstances and conditions matched, and I
swear I never had any feelings more than that.”
Edwin confessed bluntly while maintaining his gaze on the floor.
“The same goes for the day I met her again. I was surprised and embarrassed by the
unexpected meeting, but that’s all. Miss Harrieta, I didn’t even realize she was there at first.
All my attention was on you. Besides…”
Edwin sighed as he trailed off. He looked like he was contemplating whether to say what
was on his mind or not. But as if he had made up his mind, he spoke again.
“… All of this happened before I met you, Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin’s voice as he spoke the last words lost power. It was as if he was appealing to her.
I never betrayed you, so please reconsider. Please don’t throw me away like this and give me
another chance.
Harrieta, who was holding the hem of his robe, was speechless. Although she couldn’t see
his face, she could tell just by hearing his voice. How desperate he was now.
With the always invisible wall around him, he lowered the gates for this moment and
revealed his true self to her.
Harrieta saw a man kneeling at her feet. The man she had always considered strong and
solid seemed infinitely precarious and weak at this moment.
Her heart was pounding. She clenched her teeth. She then squatted down and she brought
her eye to him.
“Edwin. Why are you saying that? If anyone hears it, it will look like you are making excuses
for me.”
“It doesn’t matter, because this is an excuse.”
He replied with a weak smile.
“I don’t want to be hated by you, Miss Harrieta. I don’t know about anyone else, but never
as much as you…”
“Edwin, please stop! Stop it!”
Harrieta raised her voice as she cut Edwin’s words. Her breathing became irregular and
rapid. Edwin lifted his head and looked at Harrieta’s face. But she was burying her face in
her hands.
“I can’t hate you. Besides, as you said, you did nothing wrong, so why would I hate you?”
“I never avoided you because I hated you. Rather I…”
Harrieta, who had been speaking as if she were overwhelmed by her emotions, stopped
speaking. Her shoulders slightly trembled.
“Edwin. That is… I am afraid of myself.”
After hesitating for a while, Harrieta said in a small voice.
“I’m really out of my mind. If you knew what I was thinking whenever I looked at you, you’d
be fed up.”
Harrieta’s eyes darkened.
Each night, Harrieta could not sleep easily as she tossed and turned on the bed for a long
time. And when she does fall asleep, she would invariably flounder in a terrible nightmare
and wake up drenched in a cold sweat. It wasn’t the first time she woke up crying.
‘… Lady Vivianne.’
She remembered Edwin, who was calling Vivianne’s name as if he were groaning. Then her
mouth dried up and her stomach became stuffy. She breathed, but she felt like nothing was
coming in.
Harrieta gasped at the anguish. It was as if she had gone back to the day she heard the news
of Edwin and Vivianne’s engagement two years ago. She thought she had come a long way,
but now that she sees it, she still seems to not have moved a single step from the same spot.
‘Does he still love her?’
Every time she saw Edwin, she wanted to ask him. But in the end, she never asked. In fact, it
was unavoidable. As much as she wanted to hear his answer, she also didn’t want to hear it.
Harrieta shook her head. She wanted to shake off all those unpleasant and dreadful
thoughts that kept popping up in her mind regardless of her will.
‘Let’s not be ahead of ourselves.’
Harrieta whispered to herself.
It’s just an accidental encounter. She knew it before, so it was a proper reaction.
Besides, even though they were engaged in the past, they aren’t now. There is no link between
those two now. So sooner or later, he will return to Philioche and he will never see Vivianne
She thought boldly.
‘Yes. Soon, he will return to Philioche.’
But what if Edwin says he doesn’t want to go back?
Her inner voice asked softly.
‘What if Edwin wants to stay here in Lavant and stay with Vivianne? If so, what are you going
to do, Harrieta?’
She remembered the two of them together again. Vivianne was in Edwin’s arms, and he
looked at her lovingly.
Fireworks flashed in front of her. Her heart burned black with jealousy and rose beyond
her control.
‘It’s no use even if Edwin loves Vivian, even if he wants to be with her. He’s a slave and belongs
to Mackenzie. It doesn’t matter what he wants or who he longs for. If it doesn’t work out, you
can forcefully hold him and lock him by your side.’
Harrieta clenched her fists.
‘No matter what anyone says, he is mine now. He belongs to me. After all, no one else has the
right to remain by his side until the end…’
Harrieta, who had been thinking about it, was startled and came to her senses. Belongs?
Rights? She wondered what she was thinking now. She slowly went back to the thoughts
that came to mind. Meanwhile, her complexion gradually became paler.
Before long, fat tears flowed from Harrieta’s eyes.
How could she be like this? How could she be so ugly?
It was terrifying even just thinking about it. When she found out that Edwin’s former
masters had insulted him and wielded him against his will, she rebuked them with scorn.
She also had a firm vow that she would never be so much like them, no matter what
happened in the future.
‘But what makes me different from them now?’
Her shoulders shook and she sniffled, but eventually ended up crying out loud as the night
gradually got deeper.
Harrieta quietly finished her words. It was much more difficult than she had thought to
reveal the truth about what she wanted to hide and to reveal her ugliness and her
ignorance. Because of that, she stumbled several times during the course of her story,
forced to subdue her feelings.
‘But since I told him the truth, just that alone…’
She tried to think positively and tried to calm herself, but a drop of water fell on the floor.
Harrieta looked down at the water marks on the carpet, curious about what that was. No
way. She patted her face once more with her hand. As expected, both of her cheeks were
damp. Her face was contorted. It seems that she was crying without knowing it.
Harrieta looked down. She didn’t want to show Edwin how foolish she was. And at the
same time, she was afraid to see his face.
It was a dark inner heart that she wanted to hide so much, and it was a selfish desire. Now
that Edwin knew her true nature, she couldn’t even imagine what kind of eyes he was
looking at her with.
‘If you say you don’t want to talk with me now.’
Harrieta trembled, assuming the worst-case scenario.
‘Then what should I do next?’
But at that very moment, she felt a warmth on her hand that was on her lap.
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin took Harrieta’s hand and quietly called her name.
“Miss Harrieta, look at me.”
She couldn’t feel negative emotions such as hate or anger from him at all, and his tone was
friendly. Harrieta looked down at Edwin’s large hand that covered hers. His hand seemed
to encourage her and gave her strength as she feared to face the truth.
At first, she hesitated, but then she slowly lifted her head. Edwin was looking straight at her
from a distance so close that it would not be an exaggeration to call it right in front of her.
He was no longer passionate, nor did he look sad. Unlike when he had lost his composure,
there was no wavering in his gaze as he looked at her.
“You don’t have to feel sorry for me. Don’t feel any guilt. There is no need for that, Miss
“Edwin. I told you. I tried to restrict and oppress you. I deeply hated those who blasphemed
and wielded your character, but in the end, I was no different from them.”
Harrieta said with a very contorted face.
“If it’s because of some sympathy.”
Harrieta had no choice but to stop her words in the middle. It was because Edwin, who had
been listening intently to her, suddenly grabbed her hand.
“It’s not out of sympathy.”
He answered quietly but firmly.
“Restrict me more, oppress me more. Harrieta, if it is by you, I will gladly accept it.”
“What… did you say?”
Restrict and oppress. At Edwin’s incomprehensible request, Harrieta asked with a puzzled
look on her face. But instead of answering her question, Edwin silently pulled her hand
closer to him without saying a word.
“I, Edwin, acknowledge you as my only lord, and the reason for my existence…”
Edwin lowered his head and gently kissed the back of Harrieta’s hand. His breath on the
back of her hand was hot.
“…Please do not hesitate to wield me, your faithful sword and servant.”
It was part of a knight’s oath, an oath of allegiance uttered by the recipient of the
knighthood to the lord he would serve in the future.
It was Edwin, who was once a knight capable enough of leading the Knights of Demner. The
fact that he voluntarily recited the words of that vow to Harrieta had a huge meaning.
However, Harrieta was not very familiar with the culture of chivalry and monarchy. In the
end, she didn’t fully understand what he meant by the vow in the end.
Chapter 31

An invitation has arrived at Jenner’s mansion. The smooth red envelope containing the
invitation looked luxurious at first glance. The butler, of course, thought that it had come to
Lilian, the owner of the mansion, so he brought it to Lilian without much thought.
This was the most active time of the year for the social circle in Lavant. Every day, letters
were delivered to the mansion saying that she was invited to social gatherings and proms.
Lilian accepted the invitation with a sullen face. But the moment she saw the sentence on
the envelope, her eyes widened.
A crest with a stag, a shield, and a crossed spear.
It was a pretty famous family crest not only in Lavant but also in Brimdel.
Lilian’s hand shook as she opened the envelope and hurriedly pulled out an invitation from
it. The name of the recipient was written on the top of the invitation, which had a faint
floral scent. When Lilian saw her name, she was surprised a second time, and she quickly
began to read the words on the invitation.
“No, what is this…?”
After reading the contents of the invitation, Lilian raised her head and pursed her lips. It
was a very ambiguous expression, neither happy nor sad.
“What does it say, Lady Jenner?”
When his master showed a surprised reaction, the butler, who could no longer hold back
his curiosity, asked quietly. But Lilian did not answer his question. She jumped up from her
seat, took a couple of deep breaths, and screamed.
Lilian’s loud voice echoed through the mansion.
“It came this morning.”
Harrieta showed something to Edwin. A red envelope. It was used among nobles to convey
something to celebrate, to bring happiness, or to invite a loved one.
As Edwin was about to ask what this was, a sentence stamped on the envelope came into
view. It was a crest with a stag boasting stylish horns standing over the shield and spear.
Most nobles drew fantasy animals such as wild and violent beasts and dragons in their
coats of arms to show off their family’s strength and bravery. That’s why herbivores tagged
as weak prey were not very popular among them.
For that reason, the stag crest on the envelope was quite famous in Brimdel. Of course, it
was the crest of a family that Edwin knew very well.
“It was from the Marquisate Richconnell. It’s an invitation to the masquerade next week.”
However, Harrieta, unaware of this fact, kindly explained it to Edwin.
Edwin took Harrieta’s envelope. When he opened the envelope, he could smell the sweet
scent of flowers inside. There was no doubt that it was scented with saffron that was in full
bloom at the back of the Richconnell mansion. He took the invitation out of the envelope
and read it slowly.
Eventually, he raised his head and looked at Harrieta.
“Why are they inviting Miss Harrieta?”
Edwin’s eyes were wary as he asked the question.
Marquisate Richconnell was one of the most prestigious families in Brimdel. Although
Marquis is the second-highest in the ranks, they were second to none of the dukes in terms
of the prestige of the family. Perhaps because of that, they acted with a high nose even
among nobles of the same rank and were famous for not even having any dealings with
families below the rank of count unless there was a special reason.
Richconnell used to host a ball every summer. The ball held at their summer villa is
considered to be of very good quality, and in Lavant alone, it was called the best. Naturally,
many aristocrats were eager to attend the ball, and their popularity was so great that they
even went back and forth to bribe. But Marquis Richconnell didn’t even bother with them.
‘If you want to receive an invitation, come up to the appropriate position.’
These were the words of Marquis Richconnell to a Viscount who was begging that he would
like to attend the Marquis’ ball no matter what.
Because of that, the nobles living in or around Lavant sometimes joked that they were
divided into two classes: those who were invited to Marquisate Richconell’s ball and those
who were not.
It was completely different from Count Shanks’ ball, which was merely large and invited
almost all nobles.
By the way, why was Harrieta, the daughter of a Viscount, invited to such a huge gathering?
Wasn’t she from Philioche, a powerless family in the countryside?
It didn’t make sense to anyone.
“Edwin, you asked the same question as my aunt.”
Harrieta smiled softly. She was thirsty, so she poured water into a glass and placed it on the
“Maybe it was done out of gratitude for helping Lady Vivianne, the daughter of Marquis
“Otherwise, the person they want to invite might be someone other than me.”
Harrieta pretended to be calm and said thoughtfully. Edwin, who had been listening to her,
soon frowned because he understood what she meant and what she was trying to say.
“As I said before, I have nothing to do with Lady Vivianne.”
“I know, I know. As long as you have no feelings for her.”
Harrieta, who intercepted Edwin’s words and finished them instead, took the glass and
drank its contents. It had no taste, but just drinking water made her complicated thoughts
feel refreshed.
She set the empty glass down on the table.
“Actually, I received another letter besides that. It was a letter direct from Lady Vivianne.”
“A letter?”
“Yes. But I didn’t bring it here. She asked me to burn the letter as soon as I read it, just in
case anyone might read it.”
Upon hearing Harrieta’s words, Edwin was confused. Why did Vivian send a letter to
Harrieta? Maybe she was grateful for the day, and she had sent a thank-you letter. But if it
was for that reason, she wouldn’t even have asked for it to be burned.
“Aren’t you going to ask what it is about?”
Edwin stood still, with a serious face, and Harrieta glanced up at him. After thinking for a
moment, he raised his head and met her eyes.
“Is it something I need to know?”
“Well… Maybe?”
“Then, is it something that could endanger Miss Harrieta’s life?”
Harrieta once again recalled the contents of the letter she had received. She shook her head
“No. It’s not like that.”
“Then that’s all that matters. I don’t see any reason why I need to know.”
Edwin readily answered. Then, as if he was no longer interested in the subject of their
conversation, he began to resume what he was doing. It was so simple and clear that she
was stunned. Harrieta hurriedly grabbed the hem of his robe.
“Wait, wait, Edwin. It was something you needed to know.”
“It doesn’t matter if I don’t know, as long as it doesn’t cause harm to Miss Harrieta.”
“But aren’t you curious about what Lady Vivianne wrote about you?”
Harrieta asked persistently as if she were trying to pull a reaction out of him. Did he notice
Edwin grinned.
“But Miss Harrieta is aware of it, so if you thought that it would cause problems, you would
have informed me.”
In other words, he would completely trust her judgment. Harrieta felt that his words were
somehow heavier. As she rolled her eyes, she let out a deep sigh.
I guess I’m just like a big fish in a small pond, huh.
He must have done it on purpose, knowing that she would not be able to bear the weight
and would confide in him. Harrieta eventually had no choice but to raise the white flag to
She opened her mouth
“Lady Vivianne would like to see you again, Edwin. The invitation to the ball is just a tool
that allows her to arrange a meeting for two people.”
“… It would have been better if I hadn’t listened.”
Edwin muttered with a hardened expression. Harrieta hurriedly added to his reaction, as if
he didn’t want to hear any more.
“Hold on, Edwin. She thinks it wouldn’t hurt to see you one more time.”
“The two of you couldn’t even have a proper conversation because there was so little
business that day. So, on this occasion, meet Lady Vivianne and tell her more about what
had happened.”
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin interrupted Harrieta. His smile was nowhere to be seen. For some reason, he looked
very uncomfortable.
“What are you talking about now? See Lady Vivianne again? Didn’t you hate me more than
anything because I was with her? Have you changed your mind?”
“Well, it’s not like that.”
“That’s enough. I don’t want to leave any room for anything, so I’ll pretend I haven’t heard
of this story at all.”
Edwin tried to put an end to the situation quickly. From Harrieta’s point of view, this kind
of attitude may seem disappointing, but he saw it differently. When he thought she might
not see her not long ago, he feared every day.
Chapter 32

Some days, it felt like his blood was going to rush upside down just thinking about it. It
wasn’t that he didn’t feel sorry for Vivianne, but that didn’t mean he wanted to cause
trouble with Harrieta either.
He didn’t know what would happen if he stayed here longer. Edwin decided it would be
better for him to leave this place before things got any worse.
“If that’s all you have to say, then I’m fine.”
“Edwin, she said your family might have been framed.”
As Edwin pretended to leave the place at any moment, Harrieta, who was impatient,
shouted at his back. Edwin paused and stood there.
‘Framed? Who?’
“That is… What are you talking about?”
Could it be that he heard it wrong? But as he looked back at her, Harrieta’s expression was
too serious.
“Lady Vivianne wrote that in the letter. What happened to the former Duchy of Redford
was too sudden and one-sided. It is said that the execution was carried out immediately
without even conducting a proper investigation. Still, it’s a family that has long been
considered the best in Brimdel… It’s weird. As if someone was trying to hide something.”
Harrieta bit her nails. She had previously thought that something had happened to the
Redford’s, but reading Vivianne’s letter doubled her suspicions.
It was said that the head of a family known to be the most loyal and capable in the kingdom
was preparing to assassinate the king, and evidence and witnesses to back it up were said
to have appeared one after another as if it had been prepared beforehand.
Everyone with the surname Redford was sentenced to death in one day and was executed
the very next day, including Iorn, the former Duke of Redford and Edwin’s father.
It had only been three days since they were accused of conspiring to commit treason.
Harrieta continued her speech.
“It was said that Count Jinrei, who had staged a coup d’état in the past, was sentenced to
death only after being imprisoned for a month. But your father, who was framed rather
than being involved in a coup, was sentenced to death much sooner than that. Edwin, even
though I am ignorant of politics, this is suspicious. It’s clear that something or someone is
behind this.”
Edwin quietly listened to Harrieta. Contrary to her, who suggested this and that with a
fervent face, she could not easily read the emotion he had on his face.
Harrieta thought that Edwin’s reaction was unexpected. Hearing the story, she thought he
would react emotionally and be angry just like her. But, far from being emotional, he
became rather calm and apathetic than usual.
It was like he was listening to someone else’s story, not his own.
“Edwin, don’t you think so? Am I the only one who thinks all of this is suspicious?”
As Edwin continued to remain silent, Harrieta, who became frustrated, asked him again.
Then after he thought for a moment, he answered quietly.
“To be honest, I don’t know now.”
“You don’t know?”
Harrieta, who was startled by the unexpected answer, stared at him with a wide-eyed look.
Edwin nodded his head.
“It’s not that I haven’t noticed anything odd about it either. As Miss Harrieta said, all cases
were resolved in just three days, and during that time, I heard that the Redford’s were
never given a chance to defend their position. In addition, everything they owned during
their lifetime, including the mansion, was also burned. It was as if they were trying to erase
the fact that they existed from history.”
“Then it’s even more suspicious! This is something we have to get to the bottom of no
matter what!”
Harrieta ran wild and became angry. But the party involved, Edwin, only looked at her with
a smirk.
Harrieta called Edwin. He seemed to be in deep thought.
“It is just a thing of the past. Besides…”
Edwin blurred his words, and the impatient Harrieta urged him.
After a while, he put his hand on his forehead as if he had a headache. Then he inhaled and
exhaled slowly, and answered softly.
“It was the king’s decision.”
Edwin kept his mouth shut as he uttered only those brief words. It was as if there was
nothing more to explain.
Harrieta looked at him with a blank expression on her face. It felt as if the thinking circuit in
her brain had been blocked. She narrowed her eyes at him.
‘What is this man talking about now? It’s the king’s decision. That’s impossible…’
Although the king was the ruler of his country and the lord they once served, he was
nonetheless the one who brought death to everyone in Edwin’s family, including Edwin’s
parents. He was also the one who ordered Edwin to be branded as a slave for his allegiance.
If Edwin was a normal person, he should have had some ill-will towards such a person. But
she couldn’t find that side of Edwin at all. As if he had been thoroughly brainwashed to
think and act that way.
Suddenly, she remembered that she had heard that the people of Redford had been the
most loyal of the Brimdel noble families and their greatest supporters from generation to
Harrieta’s eyes darkened. If they were all like Edwin, they would never have rebelled
against the royal family.
“Still, I don’t understand.”
Harrieta frowned and said.
“Edwin, meet Lady Vivianne at least once. She is asking you to listen to her. There’s nothing
wrong with deciding what to do afterward.”
Harrieta made a proposal to lure Edwin in. No matter how much she doubted it, if he didn’t
agree, then it was useless.
Edwin seemed to think about her words and asked,
“Is that an order?”
‘It’s an order…’
Harrieta, who had been silently repeating her words, shook her head.
“No. It’s a request.”
In a place near the Richconnell villa.
A carriage was parked in a dark alleyway where people rarely passed. The figure of the
coachman who had to drive the carriage was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was only a
single, well-dressed, noblewoman standing in front of him. She looked around, checking
several times that no one was around her.
“Edwin. Are you still far away?”
Harrieta whispered secretly to the back of the carriage.
“The coachman will be back in a little while. Contrary to how he looks, he acts very
“Almost done.”
Unlike Harrieta, who was very impatient, a calm reply came from behind the carriage. She
unconsciously bit her well-kept nails. She was worried that the coachman who she had sent
on an errand forcibly was about to pop out of nowhere at any moment.
In fact, it had only been a little over five minutes since Edwin had gone behind the carriage
to change his clothes. Besides, when she left the mansion, she was in a rush to bring no
plausible tools, let alone a common table mirror. In the end, all he was given was a change
of clothes, a small hand mirror the size of a palm, and an old comb.
Harrieta somehow felt sorry for Edwin. Although she was pushed around by Lilian, who
spent all day decorating herself with the help of various employees, Edwin, unlike her, had
no choice but to prepare in secret.
‘I should have prepared more properly.’
Vivianne was Edwin’s former fiancée, no matter how deeply he didn’t feel for her. She went
to meet him, but he wouldn’t want to appear in shabby clothes. Harrieta regretted it later,
but what’s done was already done.
“Edwin. Let me know when you’ve changed your clothes. I’ll go over there and take a look.
If possible, I’ll even help you with your hair.”
“Yes. I’m almost done.”
Edwin was ready and walked out from behind the carriage. When she heard the sound of
his footsteps, Harrieta unconsciously looked behind. When she saw him, her eyes widened.
Her mouth opened on its own. An exclamation flowed through her gaping lips. Edwin, who
had been buttoning his sleeve in front of her, lifted his head and looked at Harrieta.
“Do you think it’s okay?”
He asked. But Harrieta couldn’t answer right away.
Do you think it’s okay? No. That wasn’t the level to just say it’s okay. Harrieta gulped.
‘This man must have forgotten how attractive he is.’
Edwin, with his long, golden hair tied back loosely, wore a clean ironed dress instead of his
usual old clothes. It belonged to the former Count Jenner, but it wasn’t a fancy outfit.
A plain white shirt and black trousers that were tightly ironed. And on top of that, he was
casually wearing a long jacket of a single color. It was the most basic garment commonly
worn by aristocrats or upper-middle-class men.
Even so, why does Edwin look dazzling when he’s dressed like that? He didn’t look dull at
all, even though he didn’t wear a single accessory other than the really basic ones. No
matter how clothes define a person’s status, he still looked like the nobleman that he once
was even though his clothes were not that fancy.
“Miss Harrieta?”
Edwin called out to Harrieta as he took out the white gloves from his pocket and put them
on. It seemed strange to see her just standing there blankly without saying anything.
“Miss Harrieta. Are you okay?”
“Edwin, I am really surprised.”
Harrieta did not listen to Edwin until the end and said abruptly. Edwin slightly frowned.
Chapter 33

“Is it that weird?”

“Is it strange? No! You’re amazing! It’s so wonderful I can’t even put it into words!”
Realizing that he had misunderstood what she was saying, Harrieta burst out laughing and
waved her hands. He seemed a little nervous, but when he heard that, his eyes looked
relieved and his expression loosened.
“Edwin, let me ask you. How can you look so much more perfect after only five minutes of
changing clothes than I did after a day and a half of preparing and dressing up?”
“You are exaggerating.”
“But I’m not exaggerating at all.”
Harrieta insisted with a straight face.
“I can’t describe how cool you look right now.”
Her eyes scanned him up and down. Who could see that man now and think he was a slave?
His figure, with his shoulders outstretched and his back straight, seemed more like a noble
leader than a mere slave. Again, she remembered how great this man standing in front of
her was originally.
Hearing Harrieta’s words, Edwin looked as if he was thinking about something for a
moment. Then, he tilted his head to one side.
“Do you like the way I look?”
“Of course. A young girl who wouldn’t get her heart pounding by seeing Edwin now is
probably non-existent.”
“That’s not…”

Edwin sighed and continued.

“I was just asking if Miss Harrieta liked me this way.”
Edwin answered briefly and concisely. When he looked down slightly, long eyelashes hung
over his eyes. Both his expression and his actions were very relaxed. There was an
atmosphere like that of a beast who was full and drowsy.
‘Isn’t that what it is?’
Harrieta could not fully comprehend Edwin’s question. She even said that all the young
girls in Brimdel might admire him, but why was he more interested in her thoughts than
With a puzzled expression, she nodded without saying a word. Then, a faint smile spread
across his lips which had been a little stubborn until now.
“That’s a relief.”
He said in a whisper.
The summer cottage owned by the Richconnell family was far more luxurious and grander
than Harrieta had imagined. Clean, white marble floors and elaborately carved statues. A
pillar that stands as tall as the ceiling. And even a crystal chandelier that sparkles like stars.
Harrieta was so confused whether she was standing in a villa or a palace. Everywhere she
looked, she saw a bunch of precious and expensive things. During her stay in Lavant, she
visited the mansions of some quite wealthy aristocrats, but this one was particularly
Harrieta was busy looking around the inside of the villa with her eyes wide open.
“Look at this. Edwin. Don’t you think the color of the painting is so pretty?”
Harrieta, looking at a painting hanging on one of the walls, whispered to Edwin. Standing
about a step behind her, he glanced at the work she was talking about with an indifferent
“It is the work of Mateo Den.”
“Mateo Den?”
“Yes. He was a painter that Lindel III was particularly fond of, and he was more famous for
his abstract paintings than his portraits or his landscapes.”
‘Mateo Den?’
Edwin spoke as if he was a very well-known figure, but it was the first name Harrieta had
ever heard of. She tilted her head and pointed to the picture next to it.
“What about that?”
“It is a work by Denzel Vanha. It’s called, ‘Lovers Under the Sunset’.”
“Then the one next to it?”
“It is the work of Mikhail Sendiz. He was also one of the painters whom Lindel III was fond
of along with Matteo Den.”
Despite Harrieta’s successive questions, Edwin explained it smoothly and without pause.
Harrieta opened her mouth. She may have been that way because she was not very
interested in art, but Edwin, who recognized these paintings at a glance, seemed strange
and wonderful.
“You must have been interested in painting since you know so much.”
“Ah. That’s not it. It’s just that I’ve grown up watching their work since I was little, so it’s
just something I’m used to.”
At Edwin’s words, Harrieta gave an understandable expression. No matter how great the
Richconnell family’s wealth and fame were, they could not compare to that of the Redford’s
before their downfall. So, there must have been many more valuable works displayed in the
mansion where he lived.
“Would you like some champagne?”
A well-dressed attendant carrying a tray of champagne glasses approached and asked.
Instead of picking up hers, Edwin looked at her as if to ask Harrieta’s opinion. When she
nodded that she would like one, he grabbed one of the champagne glasses and handed it to
“How about Edwin?”
“I am okay. Don’t mind me .”
“Still, you came all the way here…”
Harrieta had a sad expression on her face as she trailed off. But she could also guess why
Edwin said he wouldn’t drink. She was not willing to drink the champagne, so she only
fiddled with the pitiful glass.
Edwin spoke as if he had read her thoughts.
“Miss Harrieta, you don’t have to worry about me. Besides, I’m not that fond of drinking, to
begin with.”
“Well, let me be clear, I’m not a big drinker either. It was recommended from the other side
first, so I couldn’t refuse and just accepted it.”
Concerned that she suddenly looked like a drunkard to Edwin, Harrieta quickly laid out her
excuses. Edwin smiled faintly.
“Is that so?”
“Of course!”
Harrieta answered confidently. A strong force stopped her hand which was holding the
“Be careful. You will spill it.”
Edwin who saw her unknowingly tilt her glass hurriedly warned her.
“Ah. I’m a little excited…!”
Harrieta immediately straightened her back. This saved her from the embarrassing mistake
of spilling her champagne on the floor.
Tiny bubbles rose from the yellow liquid in a long, narrow glass of champagne. With that, a
sweet, sweet smell tickled the tip of her nose.
Harrieta took off the mask she was wearing to drink her champagne. Then her face, hidden
behind her mask, was revealed.
Maybe it was because of the hot breath blocked by the mask, but both of her cheeks were
beautifully tinted with a rosy color.
Harrieta tilted the glass she was holding and took a sip of the champagne in it. Then the
bitter-sweet scent reached the tip of her tongue and spread into her mouth. Contrary to the
tangy first taste, it was very soft in her throat.
‘Do the rich insist on the highest quality even for the drinks served in the hall like this?’
Harrieta, who was slowly savoring the taste of champagne, thought in admiration.
However, Edwin, who was standing next to her, quickly turned his head and was staring
intently somewhere. Suddenly, tension began to spread through his body.
“Edwin? What’s wrong?”
Harrieta, noticing Edwin’s change, asked carefully. At the same time, she noticed that a
strange person had come close to them.
“Excuse me, but are you the Mackenzie’s Miss Harrieta?”
The man asked quietly. Whether he was conscious of the gaze of the people around him, his
attitude was very secretive. Who is it? She never met him before, but he didn’t seem to be
hostile to her. Harrieta nodded to confirm, and he leaned slightly towards her.
“Lady Vivianne wants to see you for a while.”
Knock, knock.
When he knocked on the door, permission was granted to come in from the inside. The man
who guided them all the way here opened the door as if waiting. Then, the door was
opened and revealed a room as spacious as the hall of the Mackenzie mansion.
There was a coffee table made of solid oak in the middle of the room. And in front of it was
a young woman sitting alone.
“Miss Harrieta. Come in, I was waiting.”
Vivianne stood up and greeted Harrieta. Harrieta hesitated for a moment before entering
the room. A pleasant scent permeated the room.
“Did you feel uncomfortable on your way here?”
“Ah, no, I came in a carriage…”
Harrieta, who was about to answer Vivian’s question, trailed off. Then, without realizing it,
she held her breath. It’s because Vivianne’s full-fledged appearance was so beautiful that
she was speechless.
As she entered the room, she was so nervous that she didn’t even notice it, but as her mind
calmed down a little, she began to notice her dazzling beauty detail by detail.
She looked like a moon fairy the other day, but today she looked like a goddess of the night.
She was so beautiful that it could not be compared with her, who spent all day decorating
and dressing. No. Not only her, but within this kingdom or on the continent, there must
have been few women of beauty who could stand up to her and her beauty.
“Wow. You… are too beautiful.”
Harrieta let out an exclamation without knowing it. Hearing that, Vivian made a face that
seemed a little perplexed. She’s met a lot of people of the opposite sex who praised her
beauty, but it was the first time for a person of the same sex to praise her openly like
Vivianne briefly smiled brightly like a flower.
“I’m flattered. Besides, Miss Harrieta is much more adorable than someone like me.”
“No way. What do you mean? If they had eyes, they would know it’s a lie.”
Chapter 34

Harrieta blushed and became embarrassed. Vivianne looked at her happily. Aside from her
outward appearance, she looked really lovely.
After a while, Vivianne raised her head and saw the man standing behind Harrieta. She
could recognize at a glance who he was, even though he was wearing a mask. She bowed
briefly towards him.
“Sir Edwin.”
“Lady Vivianne.”
Edwin also respectfully responded to Vivianne.
“Thank you for coming, Sir Edwin. It must have never been easy to decide to come here in
this situation.”
“I just followed Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin replied in a tone that seemed a little blunt.
“And I am no longer a duke. So there is no need for Lady Vivianne to address me with the
title of Sir, and you can be less respectful.”
At Edwin’s words, Vivianne bit her lip. They were all right things and things they ought to
agree on. But why does it sound so cold to her? It was as if he wanted to ensure the sense of
distance that existed between the two of them.
“Of course, in crowded places, I will be careful.”
Vivianne said quietly.
“But that doesn’t mean I want to treat you like that right now. Even for a moment, we were
once engaged, weren’t we?”
‘Even though I don’t know what that meant to you.’
Vivianne thought as she swallowed the bitterness in her heart.
“Lady Vivianne, in your last letter, you wrote that you had a story to tell about the Redford
family, can you tell me what it is?”
Harrieta, noticing that the atmosphere was moving strangely, hurriedly tried to change the
subject of the conversation. Vivianne nodded.
“Of course, Miss Harrieta.”
She turned her gaze to Edwin and looked at Harrieta.
“I’m sorry, Miss Harrieta, would you mind stepping out for a moment?”
“Yes? Out…?”
“I think Sir Edwin and I should share this story alone.”
Harrieta, who thought she would join the conversation with them, was perplexed. But
Vivianne’s attitude was firm. Hearing her words, Edwin took a step forward and stood next
to Harrieta.
“There is nothing I need to hear from Lady Vivianne that Miss Harrieta should not hear. If
that’s not allowed, I don’t think I need to have this conversation either.”
“Don’t get me wrong. I am not doing this to distrust or reject Miss Harrieta.”
Vivianne maintained her calm demeanor and explained.
“This is purely for Miss Harrieta. Miss Harrieta, I don’t want to put you in danger. This is
not a small private talk. It’s not just a conspiracy theory. It’s not a very pleasant story about
those who sit at the top of power. If this story leaks and things go wrong, people who know
about it will be in big trouble. You never know what dangers will come in the future.”
“I don’t mind though. If I can help in any way, I am willing to accept whatever happens
Her expression showed enthusiasm as she spoke with eyes full of determination and
sincerity. But Vivianne only shook her head silently.
“I know your feelings well, but my thoughts remain the same. There is an old saying that
sometimes not knowing is medicine. If you had been so precious to me, I would never have
wished you would have known about it.”
“Even if it were…”
Harrieta trailed off and clenched her fists.
“Sir Edwin, I’ll let you decide. I will follow your will.”
Vivianne, who had a foreboding that the difference between Harrieta and her would not be
able to narrow it, passed the decision over to Edwin. There were three people currently
present in the room. If the will could not be united, someone had to take responsibility and
draw the line.
Edwin was worried. This was not something that could be easily answered without
Naturally, he wanted to say that he would listen with Harrieta. But he knew Vivianne well.
She was very careful and logical in everything she did.
He thought that Harrieta might be in great danger because of her hasty reply, so he couldn’t
say anything.
Edwin looked at Harrieta. Harrieta was also looking at him. She had very troubled eyes. She
had a lot to say, but it was clear that she was holding off because she didn’t want to cause
‘Maybe it’s better to choose to not listen to both.’
After all, she was reluctant to come here from the beginning. He would be lying if he said he
wasn’t curious about what Vivianne was trying to say about his family, but he wasn’t even
sure if he wanted to find out the truth about it.
Edwin, who had decided in his mind, was just about to speak his mind when…
“That’s fine. I’ll just walk away.”
Harrieta spoke before him,
“Miss Harrieta?”
Would she like to go? Edwin was bewildered by Harrieta’s sudden change in attitude. But
she was a quick-acting person. As soon as she showed her intentions, she quickly curtsied
simply to Vivianne and strode towards the door.
Edwin, who was looking at her blankly, quickly followed after her.
“I will go with you.”
“No, Edwin. You must stay here and listen to Lady Vivianne.”
“All I have to do is stay by Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin insisted. Harrieta, standing in front of the door, turned around to face him. She lifted
her head and met his eyes. Eyes that look somewhat anxious. His eyes moved to and fro as
if examining her intentions.
He is a man who appears bold to anyone, but why does he look so pathetic in my
eyes? Harrieta shook her head.
“Edwin, I know your heart. And thank you. But this won’t do. What you need to do right
now, you know better than I do.”
“Because I can’t make decisions quickly…”
Is that why you are doing this? Are you doing this out of regret? The questions hung over the
tip of his tongue.
“You know it’s not like that.”
Harrieta took a deep breath. She then took Edwin’s hand.
“I’ll wait. So, just take your time and talk.”
Harrieta looked directly into Edwin’s eyes and said. And when she said that she would wait,
she deliberately gave him strength.
Edwin was speechless. As if he was still in conflict, the inside of the blue wall visible
through the eyes in the mask trembled. But he soon accepted her will and nodded
“Could you take the mask off, Sir Edwin?”
These were the first words Vivianne spoke to Edwin after only the two of them were left.
But Edwin did not grant her request. He didn’t even respond in any way. He was just
standing still, like a stone sculpture carved out of a thousand-year-old rock.
Vivianne narrowed her brow that was as white as white jade.
“I know that you don’t like the situation right now. But believe me nonetheless. It’s just that
in my opinion, this is the best option for everyone.”
“Sir Edwin, don’t make me say it three times. Please take off your mask. You can have that
kind of courtesy.”
Vivianne expressed her thoughts to Edwin over and over again. Even in the face of his
energy, which had sunk as low as the mist of dawn, she didn’t shudder at all. Her gaze on
him was straight.
After thinking for a moment, Edwin slowly put his hand behind his head. Then he untied
the string that held his mask on. The mask was removed, revealing his handsome face
hidden behind it. His soft hair ran down his forehead.
“Now… It really feels like I’m seeing you again.”
Edwin raised his head to face her, and Vivianne muttered with a faint smile on her face.
“I never thought the day would come when I could stand here again, Sir. No, I thought we
might never see each other again.”
She thought a lot had changed, but looking at Edwin standing in her room, he looked
exactly the same way she remembered. Time passed, but it seemed as if the space in the
room had slipped away. He was as cool as ever, and he had an unusual atmosphere. He had
that kind of power that was hard to find in men of his age.
Unlike most people who flirt, joke around, and have fun, Edwin always seemed calm and
indifferent. There was a sense of distance as if he had isolated himself, the people around
him, and everything.
Someday, as time goes by, when she spends the time together with him, then maybe she
can narrow the sense of distance little by little.
It seems that she once had a wish like that.
“I know it will sound rude.”
Edwin opened his mouth. A cold voice as if ice water was dripping down. He was quite
different from the appearance she had shown in front of Harrieta.
“Tell me simply, Lady Vivianne. I don’t have time.”
“I don’t have time… Are you in such a hurry to go to Miss Harrieta?”
Seeing Edwin’s urging, Vivianne asked with a smile. Seeing that he didn’t respond, she
realized she was right.
‘He has changed, Vivianne. You are wrong. Even if you got it wrong, it’s too wrong.’
The smile disappeared from Vivianne’s face.
‘I don’t know of a man who is so unreasonable and emotional. I swear I’ve never seen this man
burn with such a desire for another person.’
“She’s a very lovely woman, Miss Harrieta.”
Vivianne rolled her eyes and said.
Chapter 35

“Even I, who doesn’t know her well, could feel how genuinely she cares for you.”
“… She doesn’t know that there’s no benefit in doing it for me as a slave. It’s because she’s
an immature master who doesn’t know much about the world yet.”
Edwin openly criticized Harrieta. That was a bit harsh. Vivianne was slightly puzzled and
glanced up at him. Upon seeing the expression on his face, she smiled silently.
“Is that so?”
Vivianne already knew that Edwin’s true heart meant the exact opposite.
“… It is now entirely up to Sir Edwin what to do with the information I have given him.”
Vivianne finished her speech with a slightly troubled expression on her face. A feeling of
relief as if she had just passed through the great ordeal she was carrying and the feeling of
anxiety as if she had acquired a new ordeal that she had never seen before overcame her at
the same time.
But now, it was too late to turn back. The die had already been cast, and she would have to
step back and wait for the storm to come sooner or later.
After a while, Edwin, who had only listened in silence the whole time, spoke up for the first
“… It would not have been so easy to find out.”
His voice was rough and low, like waves crashing against rocks.
“Why are you doing this to me?”
Wasn’t it in vain that there was once a name-only betrothal between us? His eyes seemed to
“Well, let’s just call it a meaningless whim.”
“Or let me say it’s my way of saying goodbye.”
The size of the mind is different and the depth of memory is also different. Even if she
didn’t want to admit it, she had to admit it. The time has come to let go of the bond of
emotion that she couldn’t let go of even though she knew it was useless. Feelings that he,
and even herself, didn’t know had started.
Vivianne got up from her seat.
“I should go now, Sir Edwin. I’ve been away too long, so I’ll have to go back before people
At Vivianne’s words, Edwin also stood up obediently. This could have been their last
meeting, but there was no regret.
Edwin thanked Vivianne and put on the mask he had brought. He pretended to kiss her on
the back of her hand and moved away to leave.
“Sir Edwin.”
Vivianne called for Edwin who was about to come out the door and stopped him. Then he
turned his head halfway and waited for her next words.
“Just tell me. You … Do you feel something for Miss Harrieta?”
Vivianne asked quietly.
A long silence passed between the two. Edwin didn’t open his mouth for a long time, as he
couldn’t find the right words to answer. Outwardly, he did not seem to have changed much.
But Vivianne thought that his energy had been greatly disturbed.
Eventually, Edwin broke the silence that felt like an eternity, and he answered softly,
“… It’s not like that.”
He lowered his head slightly. He even seemed a bit troubled, as if he had been forced to say
something he didn’t want to say. Vivianne looked back at him.
Then, she smiled sadly.
“I hadn’t noticed until now.”
She whispered as if she were talking to herself.
“Now that I see it, you’re really bad at lying.”
The exhalation was longer than the inhalation.
As expected, the banquet was amazing. Much more than any other banquet Harrieta had
ever attended. But that wasn’t surprising. Because the host was none other than the famous
Marquisate of Richconell.
Harrieta was standing in the corner of the ballroom with a glass of red wine. It’s been a
while since she picked up the glass, but she hasn’t even drunk half of the wine in it.
Originally, she wasn’t a big fan of wine and even less of the bloody dark red wine.
After she left Vivianne’s room, she thought she was half out of her mind. Seeing as she
entered the ballroom, the attendant offered her a drink, and she picked up the glass
without knowing what it was.
It wasn’t until the attendant went away that she realized that the drink in her hand was red
wine. It was a mistake, but it was too late to change the glass.
Harrieta glanced at the large clock hanging on the wall. Eight forty. It seems like it’s been a
while since she had left Edwin and Vivianne alone to talk, but it had only been a little over
twenty minutes.
Time was passing so slowly that even the second hand of the clock seemed to stand still.
She let out a deep sigh.
‘Did I make a mistake?’
Harrieta gently swirled the glass of wine in her hand, watching the wine swirl into a small
circle in it.
‘I want to satisfy my greed for no reason…’
Edwin didn’t want to dig deep into this in the first place. He was the least happy to hear
that there was a clue about what happened to his family.
Rather, he seemed confused and uncomfortable with the words. Had he been able to, he
might have gotten out of the spot right away.
‘It is the king’s decision.’
She remembered Edwin trying to dismiss everything, saying it was the king’s decision. For
that moment, he looked as if he had lost his freedom to think.
Harrieta frowned. She thought once, thought twice, and found it strange. As if she ate
something wrong, she felt stuffy and bloated. She felt that the king’s character was very
shady, even though she had never met him before in her life.
‘How the hell did it happen?’
Just like everyone else, Harrieta first thought that the former Duke of Redford had rebelled
against power. She thought it was nonsense, but she didn’t want to look further into it.
There are reasons for trying to cover up an incident, and those who violated the power had
to pay a harsh price. It was just that, and it was easy to pass it on. They could have lived like
a skeleton hidden in a closet, thinking that everything would be okay as long as it was
‘But in that case, Edwin would have to live a miserable life as a slave for the rest of his life.’
Harrieta bit her lower lip.
Is there no other person in the world who does not fit the status of a slave more than that?
Right now, she is staying by his side and taking care of his well-being to some extent, but
she doesn’t know how long that will be possible. She recalled how exhausted and unstable
he looked when she first met him.
‘You have to find a way, Harrieta. A decisive way to help him. For him, and also for you.’
If she could help Edwin, she thought she could give her all. As Vivianne said, it didn’t matter
if she was in danger. It didn’t matter if he found his place again and naturally moved away
from her.
At that moment, an inner voice quietly asked.
‘Really, Harrieta? Does it really matter if he gets away from you? Once you’re happy, you don’t
mind if he forgets you as it is?’
Harrieta’s face contorted. Yes, she couldn’t readily answer the question that popped into
her mind. She pretended to be good, pretended to be just, and pretended to be a good
person, but her insides weren’t that clean. Possessiveness and jealousy toward Edwin, as
well as various other dirty emotions, made her completely black.
A trembling breath escaped between her lips. She wanted to cool the blazing heat quickly.
She mindlessly drank the red wine she was holding. The alcohol in the wine made it even
more bitter, but she didn’t mind.
‘I need something more to drink.’
Harrieta wiped the corner of her mouth with her sleeve and looked around. Just in time,
she saw the attendant serving drinks glasses from the other side of the ballroom. Without
hesitation, she moved towards the attendant.
On one side of the ballroom, a beautiful song was being played under the direction of the
band leader, and the center was full of people who were obsessed with dancing. Harrieta
walked around the edge of the banquet hall so as not to disturb their good time.
She was about to pass by the door leading to the terrace when the curtain that had been
hanging there suddenly pulled back. Suddenly, she turned around at the sudden movement,
and at the same time, a man walked out through the rolled-up curtain.
There was someone else on the terrace. He turned his head and giggled, and Harrieta was
starting to get drunk and her reflexes were dulled.
Without knowing what to do, the two just collided. No matter how small Harrieta’s stature
was, it could not be compared to that of a strong man. Besides, the other person’s height
was about an inch taller than her.
Harrieta fell to the floor.
“Ohh, what the hell, how annoying.”
Not as much as she was, but the man also faltered in the recoil.
He muttered violently. He was busier checking the condition of his clothes than taking care
of her as she fell to the floor. He looked worried about whether something got on his
clothes due to the crash a while ago.
Chapter 36

Harrieta groaned and sat up. She looked up and saw a young man brushing off his clothes.
Although he looked agitated, he looked like a son of a fairly wealthy family, and his whole
body was decorated in expensive jewels.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay, Shawn?”
Another woman secretly appeared from the terrace where the man came out from.
“The crashing sound was very loud; did you get hurt?”
She was wearing a very sensually styled dress that cut through her chest. Perhaps they
were quite close, and she didn’t hesitate at all when she put her hand around his waist. He
quickly pushed her hand away.
“Be careful. There are many eyes around us.”
“Everyone knows, so what?”
The woman snorted and scoffed. A corner of the man’s mouth curled up.
“Still, there shouldn’t be any blatant disgrace. At least until the day we get married.”
The manner in which the man who spoke incomprehensible words was not well-dressed.
The front had several buttons unbuttoned, and his shirt and jacket were wrinkled. It’s as if
he hastily took off his clothes and put them back on.
Moreover, his combed hair was also messed up somewhere as if someone had run through
it several times by hand.
Harrieta slowly looked at him and the woman standing next to him. A man and a woman
with slightly reddish faces. It wasn’t hard to guess what they were doing on that terrace a
while ago.
“Shawn. The woman in front…”
The woman whispered to a man named Shawn. Then Shawn saw Harrieta lying on the
Harrieta trembled without realizing it. It was creepy that his gaze scrutinizing her seemed
to stick to her like a snake.
“It’s the first time I’ve seen your face.”
Shawn, who was looking at Harrieta, grinned with an unpleasant smile.
“Then it must be one of the two. Either you’re not from this area, or you’re from a lesser-
known family.”
Harrieta listened to him and groped her face. Soft skin was touched under the palm of her
hand. She then realized that the moment she fell, the mask she was wearing had come off.
Harrieta hurriedly looked around and started looking for her mask that might have been
lying somewhere. She didn’t know why, but her instincts were saying that she shouldn’t be
involved with the man in front of her.
“Are you looking for this?”
At Shawn’s question, Harrieta looked at him. Suddenly, her mask was in his hand. He flicked
his hand holding her mask at her.
“Give it back.”
“Of course I should.”
He replied with a smirk.
“But I think the first thing to do is get up first. There is also the gaze of the people around
As Shawn said, the people around her began to murmur. Well, it must not have been
common to see a noble girl lying on the floor like this in a ballroom.
Harrieta was forced to stand up with Shawn’s support. She then snatched back the mask he
was holding in his hand.
“Let me be clear, this is the fault of both parties. It was a coincidence that we did not
properly check each other, that is.”
Shawn didn’t apologize until the end.
“Well. If you hadn’t been too distracted by the other side, you would have been able to
recognize who was passing in front of you.”
And Harrieta had no intention of offering her apology to him.
“And when a person falls, isn’t it the first thing to check how they are? It’s not about
checking the condition of your clothes.”
She glared at him and fired fiercely. He laughed at how interesting her reaction was.
“I’m sorry, but these are pretty expensive clothes. Unlike your clothes.”
What’s wrong with that?
When she got an answer that was too common sense, Harrieta thought she had only heard
it wrong.
‘Is this man treating me like a poor person now?’
She gasped and her nose was stuffed. Soon, her eyes sharpened.
“Ahh. So that was it. Now I know.”
Harrieta clapped her hands and said. Shawn furrowed his eyebrows.
“What do you know?”
“Yes. I originally thought that people wear clothes, but in your case, clothes wear the
people. So you have no choice but to show such a lowly attitude.”
Shawn frowned at Harrieta’s sarcastic remark.
“Miss, it would be better to be careful. Do you know who I am?”
“I don’t have to know about that. But you, you buttoned your clothes wrong. From the
middle to the bottom.”
Harrieta said while pointing her finger from his upper belly to his lower belly. Embarrassed
by her words, Shawn hurriedly checked the buttons on his clothes. She was sneering at him
when he glanced back at her
“Those are such expensive clothes. You didn’t even have time to check that you were
wearing it properly, did you?”
“Wh, what?”
“Were you doing something fun out there?”
Shawn screamed as he couldn’t stand it any longer. His face twisted like a beast. It seemed
that he was angry to the top of his head. He trembled as his neck was dyed red.
“This cheeky woman!”
Unable to contain his anger, he raised his hand upwards. Surprised by his reaction, which
was much harsher than expected, the people around him held their breaths. But no one
came forward to stop him.
Harrieta flinched as she looked at his bear paw-sized hand raised high. Even thinking about
it herself, she too, was agitated that she was a bit sarcastic. Still, she didn’t expect that he
would scold a woman in such a public place.
Seeing the hand slamming towards her, Harrieta tightly closed her eyes and waited for the
pain that would soon overtake her.
Tak! A loud clap of skin against skin was heard. At first, Harrieta thought it was Shawn’s
hand hitting her cheek. But it felt too dull for that. Moreover, the pain she was expecting did
not come.
Was it because she was hit so hard that she passed out? Harrieta, who was breathing a little
quickly and thinking about everything, opened her eyes and looked. The first thing that
caught her eye was Shawn’s face that was as hard as a stone. And next to him was the face
of a woman with a surprised expression on her face.
Shawn’s hand, which was about to hit Harrieta, was still in the air. It didn’t stop voluntarily.
It was forced to stop due to the intervention of others.
Since when was it? Another man stood next to them. It was a man wearing a mask. He
grabbed Shawn’s wrist as he was about to hit Harrieta, stopping him from moving.
“What, what, this bastard?! Let, let me go?!”
Shawn complained.
“Let go! This bastard! Hurry this...Acckk!”
Shawn’s face was crumpled as he let out a scream of pain. The masked man must have
applied force to the hand holding his wrist.
“St, stop it!”
Harrieta stopped the man as Shawn whimpered like a dying beast because she thought that
something really big would happen if it went on like this.
Then, the blue eyes of the man, visible through the eye sockets of the mask, turned towards
her for a moment. His eyes were as cold as ice. Just the touch of his gaze caused chills to run
along her spine.
The man released Shawn’s wrist. He held it so tightly that there were red handprints on his
Bam! The man grabbed Shawn by the collar and pushed him against the wall. Then he put
his masked face very close to Sean’s face and looked into his eyes. He didn’t say a word, but
what he meant was clear.
It was an implicit warning.
“Da, dare you...who I am...”
Sean tried to threaten him, but it didn’t even reach the power of a knife made of wet paper.
He struggled to get out of the man’s grasp, but he wouldn’t budge.
‘What kind of monster is this?’
Shawn was choking and gasping, but he couldn’t believe the situation. Of course, the man in
front of him had a very good physique. But he was not a weak person. Yet, how could there
be such a difference in power?
‘Who the hell are you?’
Feeling increasingly confused, Sean tried to figure out who the man was. Golden hair that
the mask couldn’t cover. And he could see blue eyes staring at him through the eye sockets
of the mask.
It was both cold and hot. If there is a flame that burns with blue light in this world, he
wondered if it would be like that.
‘Wait a moment. Those eyes, somehow they look familiar…?’
When a little doubt began to creep into Shawn’s head, the man let go of his collar.
“Cough! Cough”
As his tight airway opened again, Shawn took a quick breath in. The man who was staring
coldly at him as he experienced great pain turned back and grabbed Harrieta’s hand as she
stood there blankly.
“Wa, wait!”
Harrieta rushed to say something. But the man’s patience was not very much. Without
waiting for her next words, he led her out of the ballroom.
Chapter 37

Either his walking speed was very fast, or she may be half running.
Edwin looked ahead and walked swiftly with his long legs, and Harrieta, who was holding
his hand, tried with all her might to keep pace with him. She called him several times and
asked him to slow down, but he didn’t even listen.
When she got out of the ballroom and out of the mansion, her breath was up to the tip of
her chin. Harrieta was now almost dragged along by Edwin.
What the hell happened now? Blood drained from her face as she chewed through her mind
what had happened in the ballroom.
Harrieta forcibly pulled her hand out of his.
“Stop… Stop it, Edwin!”
Harrieta exclaimed sharply.
“Are you crazy? Have you become crazy because you wanted to die?”
A slave physically oppressed the nobility and threatened them. Even in a public place called
a ballroom.
“I was wearing a mask, so it was a good thing! If people knew who you were!”
“If people knew?”
Edwin asked. The energy surrounding him burned fiercely. He roughly ripped off the mask
that was covering his face. Then, under the bright moonlight, his beautiful face was widely
“If they knew, what would you do?”
The dazzling blue eyes were cold. The fact that he was angry could be known without
having to say it. Harrieta’s complexion turned pale. As she looked around, making sure
there were no prying eyes, she tried to cover his face with both of her hands.
“What are you doing now? What are you going to do when people see you?”
“Tell them to look. It doesn’t matter.”
Edwin took her hand and said coldly.
“Did you get harmed by him?”
He growled like a beast and asked in a low voice.
“He didn’t touch Miss Harrieta before I came, did he?”
Impatient that she might have been hit, he grabbed her chin and turned her face toward
him. His eyes scanned her face and all over her body.
“Let go! That’s not the problem now!”
Harrieta shook off Edwin’s hand, which was holding her chin.
“Edwin! Why did you intervene? What the hell were you thinking! It would have been
better if you hadn’t intervened! No! Even if it’s no one else, especially if it’s you, you
shouldn’t have intervened!”
“Why did I intervene? Are you asking because you really don’t know that?”
Edwin had a shocked expression on his face.
“You almost got hit by him. Still, are you saying that I should stay still and watch it
“What’s wrong with getting hit? Just one or two hits doesn’t kill you! But Edwin, in your
“What are you saying now!”
Edwin raised his voice. The anger he had been holding back forcibly exploded. Harrieta’s
momentum was crushed by his very angry momentum. Her mouth shut on its own.
“Getting hit once or twice won’t kill you, I can’t believe you said that! Is your body made of
cast iron? Even if it’s true, is it okay to be that kind of person who doesn’t know that getting
hit hurts!?”
Edwin’s breathing was rough as he poured out his anger.
“Why! Why the hell are you…!”
Unable to bear the surge of emotions any longer, Edwin stopped talking immediately.
As he looked at Harrieta with eyes full of emotions, he raised one of his hands and covered
both of his eyes. He began to breathe slowly and deeply. With each breath, his shoulders
and chest moved noticeably up and down.
Edwin usually doesn’t show his emotions well. It was an exception in front of her, but even
she had never seen him lose his composure and become so angry.
He was so emotional and passionate that she wondered if this man standing in front of her
was really the Edwin she knew.
Harrieta didn’t know what to say to him.
“No, I didn’t mean it was okay to get hit.”
Harrieta stuttered and said.
“But your identity could have been revealed. If that happened, something really big would
have happened. Do you think they’ll just skip it even if they know about it? Not at all! You
might even be severely punished. You could have been whipped, or your limbs could have
been severed. You could have even lost your life.”
“It doesn’t matter whatever they do.”
Edwin replied and lowered the hands that were covering his eyes.
“He should be grateful that he hasn’t touched you. If he did, I would have twisted his neck.”
Harrieta jumped at the sight of Edwin babbling eerie words with a strange look in his eyes.
How proudly he was declaring the murder of a nobleman. Fearing that more terrifying
words would come out, she covered his mouth with her hand.
“I know! I got it! I’ll be more careful in the future, so stop! I’m afraid someone will hear
Harrieta cried and whispered urgently. Edwin still looked like he didn’t like the situation.
But fortunately, he felt her earnestness and did not shake her hand.
There was a sudden silence between the two who seemed to be in the middle of a raging
storm. It was a quiet night with no wind blowing. Only the whispering of the other person’s
breathing could be heard in the other’s ears.
The two remained silent. Neither of them opened their mouths. Their gazes were entangled
as they faced each other from a distance.
Edwin didn’t take his eyes off Harrieta. His eyes, frozen in anger and threatening energy,
began to melt little by little as he stayed in front of her. His body, which had been rigid as if
he would jump into the mansion at any moment, was also gently relaxed. Harrieta, who felt
his change, also slowly released the tension in her body.
Edwin, who was taller than Harrieta, naturally lowered his gaze down to her, making eye
contact with her. His long eyelashes shone strangely, and a smooth nose stretched between
his eyes.
Although his mouth was covered, Edwin’s figure was still attractive. Every time he exhaled;
she felt a warm breath on the palm of her hand.
It’s nothing special, but why is her face burning so hot? Harrieta gulped nervously without
realizing it.
When she thought about it, she was amazed. When she saw him for the first time, he looked
so cold that even if he was poked by a needle he wouldn’t bleed out. Then he burned hot
like fire.
Nothing else fazed him, nothing except when it involved Harrieta.
When she realized that, Harrieta suddenly thought she was more madly in love with Edwin.
From the depths of her heart, she wanted to be closer to him than she was.
Why? Edwin just stood still. Still, she felt like he was seducing her. Just as a bee visits a
flower, she too was drawn to him by an inexplicable power.
‘Just once. Because it’s okay if it’s just once.’
Harrieta lowered her hand which was covering Edwin’s mouth as if she were possessed.
Then she saw his soft lips. It would feel very good to put her lips on it.
Harrieta unconsciously tiptoed to reach Edwin. Edwin’s eyes widened a little as he looked
down at her as if he knew what she was trying to do. But even so, he didn’t push her away
or step back from her.
Harrieta put her hand around Edwin’s neck. No one told her, but she instinctively seemed
to know what to do. Her lips parted slightly. And at about the same time his lips that were
clenched opened a little.
Crunch. Breaking the silence that seemed to last forever, they heard the sound of the grass
moving behind them. It was a very small sound, but it was enough to catch their attention.
Harrieta, startled, hurriedly backed away and pulled herself away from Edwin.
After a while, an unknown bird fluttered and flew from among the round bushes.
‘What was I just about to do earlier?’
Harrieta rolled her eyes as she stared at the flying bird in the distance with a dazed face.
‘Just now I ...Was I going to kiss Edwin?’
It was as if cold water had been splashed on her face as realization dawned on her and she
came to her senses. Harrieta’s face turned bright red in an instant. It was so hot that her
cheeks hurt.
How could she be so bold? No. She’s never kissed before, and she doesn’t know how!
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin looked at Harrieta who was very embarrassed and opened his mouth. As if his neck
was slightly tight, his voice was hoarse.
“Miss Harrieta. Just now…”
“There you are!”
A man suddenly entered the private space of the two of them. They were so engrossed in
each other that they didn’t even know that someone was approaching, so they looked at the
new uninvited guest in surprise. It was the same man who had come to find them on
Vivian’s errands when they first arrived at the mansion.
“What, what’s going on?”
Harrieta struggled and asked the man while pretending to be calm. The man bowed his
head politely towards them.
“Lady Vivianne has ordered me to find the two of you in a hurry and deliver a message.”
“A message?”
“She said her advice for both of you was to return home as soon as possible. In particular,
she added that there was a small commotion in the ballroom, so you should never step in
Chapter 38

Harrieta and Edwin exchanged meaningful glances. They could guess what kind of “little
commotion” the man was talking about.
“That… Is the disturbance in the ballroom very serious?”
Harrieta asked quietly. The man shook his head.
“It is not. It seems that one of the noble people there was very excited, so we were worried
that sparks could come flying out if they stayed in the same place longer. Then, I’ll get
When the man had finished speaking, he bowed to them once more and left the place. Thud,
thud, thud They heard his footsteps moving away.
‘He’s a noble.’
Harrieta remembered the disgusting man she had met at the ballroom. Contrary to his low-
quality behavior, his status itself seemed quite high. Besides, his self-esteem seemed so
high that it seemed to be boundless. Will he really let go of Edwin and her, who have
shamed him in front of so many people?
Harrieta thought about it and quickly looked around. It was because it seemed as if soldiers
would appear and arrest the two of them at any moment.
“Edwin. We’d better go before it’s too late.”
Harrieta looked worried and whispered secretly. The memory of what had just happened
between the two of them had long since been completely erased in the face of anxiety.
Edwin, who remained silent and did not utter a word, let out a small sigh while looking
somewhat dissatisfied. But he soon nodded and agreed to her will.
It wasn’t until their carriage escaped the gates of Richconell’s villa that Harrieta was able to
breathe a sigh of relief. It was a night full of talk and troubles. However, Edwin’s identity
was never revealed, and the first purpose of making him visit the villa seemed to have been
accomplished to some extent.
The villa on Richconell Street, which was gradually getting smaller as they moved away,
was shining brightly even in the middle of the night. Suddenly, Harrieta remembered once
again the stupid man she had met at the ballroom by the name of Shawn. Then, she felt
dirty enough to frown.
‘It’s okay. It’s not like we’ll see each other again anyway.’
Harrieta shook her head lightly, trying to shake off the unpleasant memories of him.
But after a fortnight, she realized that her thoughts were completely wrong.
The Jenner family was a County family with a history of one hundred and fifty years. In
Brimdel, four hundred years after the founding of the country, the history of one hundred
and fifty years was neither very long nor very short, it was a very ambiguous time.
The title of count was also the same. The title of count, considered the third highest in a
society of aristocratic classes divided into six major divisions with the exception of
knighthood, was regarded as neither very high nor very low among them.
Therefore, Lilian had been living as if she and her family were to some extent average in the
social world.
The history of the family is fine. The size of wealth and fame is okay. Even her reputation in
society was pretty decent.
There wasn’t a single thing that stood out, but there wasn’t a single thing missing either.
Nevertheless, Lilian was satisfied with her life. She was also born as a daughter of a
Viscount, though she was only one step forward, and she rose to status as a Countess.
So she reckoned her situation was much better than her sister Rose, who had married the
man of the same Viscount class who she had never seen or heard of before.
Then one day, she received a letter from Rose, whom she had not been in touch with for a
long time. Worried about the future of her daughter, who is approaching her coming-of-age
ceremony, she tells Lilian, who lives in Lavant, a town that is much bigger than Philioche, to
help her daughter get her foot into the social circle.
Lilian had lost her husband early anyway, and she had no children, so her life was about to
get a little boring. Lilian readily accepted Rose’s request, and shortly thereafter her niece,
Harrieta Mackenzie, arrived at the Jenner’s mansion.
Lilian’s first impression of Harrieta was that she didn’t look very much like her sister Rose.
Rose was the most beautiful among Lilian’s siblings. But unfortunately, her niece didn’t
seem to have fully inherited Rose’s beauty.
But that didn’t mean she was ugly. She was quite attractive because her facial features were
dense and her body shape was also slim. Even if she wasn’t exactly a rough diamond, her
niece was more similar to a gem of some value if it was polished.
From that day on, Lilian’s goal was clear. Her goal was to tie Harrieta to the son of a decent
family to help her live a decent life just like hers. That was it.
And Lilian went out of her way to achieve her goal. If there was a family with children who
had reached the age of marriage, she would unconditionally check first, and if the partner
were in the same class as Harrieta, she made it possible for the two of them to meet.
Although Harrieta reacted bitterly to all of this, she only dismissed it as her being too
young. Lilian firmly believed that if she is successful, then the day will come when Harrieta
will thank her from the bottom of her heart.
‘What kind of lightning bolt struck this time?’
Lilian thought as she walked to and fro in front of the parlor. After a long time, a young son
of a nobleman came to the Jenner’s mansion to meet Harrieta. But Lilian wasn’t happy
about it.
‘I tried to make connections with the children of decent families, but that didn’t mean I was
planning on reaching out to such high-profile personalities as this!’
Lilian glanced at the tightly closed door. Beyond that door, in the parlor, she couldn’t
imagine what was going on. Suddenly, the old saying that excessive greed will destroy the
family came to mind. Besides, the man who visited this place today was none other than…
Lilian let out a deep sigh. Not too long ago, she was invited to the Marquisate of Richconell’s
ball. It was all just incomprehensible.
‘Harrieta. What the hell are you doing outside without me knowing?’
Lilian threw a question in her mind towards her young niece. She had a look of concern on
her face.
“How did you know?”
Harrieta looked at the man sitting across from her with cold eyes. Shawn seemed very
comfortable with the fact that he had rushed into someone’s house in broad daylight while
stating his dazzling identity as the heir of the Duchy of Rowani.
“What are you talking about?” He asked, casually stirring the teacup with a teaspoon.
“I’m asking why you’re here. I remember we didn’t even say each other’s name that night.”
“Ah. Those are things that you can easily figure out with a little bit of help. Besides that, I
know quite a bit about you. Well? If you don’t believe me, shall I list them?”
If left alone, it seemed as if he was really going to try to list them one by one. Harrieta
stopped him with an annoyed face.
“I don’t understand. You wouldn’t just come here to casually drink tea with me, would you?

“Why not?”
“Don’t you remember what you were about to do to me a few days ago?”
No matter how bad their personality is, male nobles would not typically raise their hands
on women’s bodies. Even more so in a ballroom where there are many watching eyes.
Shawn smirked, noticing what Harrieta was trying to say.
“At that time, you were doing something deserving of that. Well, I was a little too drunk.”
Harrieta was speechless at his brazen reply. She didn’t even expect him to say a polite
apology, but she didn’t expect him to blame her anyway. It was so absurd that she couldn’t
even think of what to say to counteract.
“How dare you be so rude to me? It’s very difficult to hear.”
Harrieta was open to reveal a deep hostility towards Shawn. If she could, she would have
left this place right now or she would have ripped his hair out.
Then, as if something was so funny, he giggled and laughed.
“It’s hard to pretend to be sassy when you are only the daughter of a Viscount. Hey, do you
know how big the class gap is between you and me? Even if we are of the same aristocracy,
don’t you know that not all are the same? But why do I have to respect you, who is just a
country peasant? Normally, I wouldn’t have even talked to someone like you.”
Shawn flattered himself openly about how proud he was of his background. Harrieta
looked around nervously. Anyone who saw him would have mistaken him as the prince of
this country.
“If you’re such a great person, can’t you turn your attention away from such a lowly thing
as me?”
“I can’t. Because you have what I want.”
Shawn took a sip of his tea and said naturally.
“What do you want?”
Harrieta narrowed her brow at the meaningful words.
“What… ?”
“Don’t pretend. Because I already know everything.”
Shawn leaned forward and set the half-empty mug cup on the table. His eyes, which had
only smirked before, became quite sharp.
“Where is he?”
“The bastard who strangled me at the banquet that day.”
Shawn pointed to his neck and ground his teeth.
“You know who I’m talking about. Where is he?”
Chapter 39

Harrieta was so nervous that she held her breath without realizing it. Seeing this, Shawn
laughed wryly. His gaze, sticky like a snake, stuck to her mind. He already knows
everything. His eyes were saying so.
‘Harrieta, calm down.’
She whispered to herself.
‘No matter what, you must not reveal Edwin’s identity to this man.’
She suppressed her trembling chest and urged herself to act as calmly as possible.
“How do I know who the man is? I met him for the first time at the ball that day.”
“You met him for the first time?”
“Yes. He was the one who helped me because you were so rude to me that he couldn’t see it.
But I didn’t know who he was or what family he was from. It was so busy that day.”
Shawn’s eyes widened at Harrieta’s sly words.
“Really? You don’t know?”
“That’s right.”
Harrieta pretended to pour milk into her cup, avoiding Shawn’s gaze. She couldn’t say her
performance was perfect, but it seemed enough. As Shawn didn’t seem to take any
suspicion on her words, she became more and more convinced that she had succeeded in
tricking him.
Until he, who had been sitting still, suddenly tilted his head back and burst into laughter.
“Aren’t you a very funny girl?”
He said. In contrast to his lips which were curved into a smile, his eyes were very ferocious.
“Do you see me as an idiot? Did you think I would be deceived by such nonsense?”
“It’s not nonsense.”
“Edwin Benedict Debuer Redford.”
Harrieta was frozen on the spot as the unexpected name came out of Shawn’s mouth. Her
vision went white, and it felt as if her thought circuit had stopped.
‘What did this man just say?’
Harrieta couldn’t keep her mouth from hanging open, and she stared blankly at Shawn.
‘Am I hearing him right?’
While she denied reality, she was convinced that she could not have heard wrong.
Suddenly, fear overcame her. Her mouth was dry like a desert that had not experienced
rain in years.
Seeing Harrieta visibly shaken, Shawn laughed even more deeply.
“Is that a name you know well?”
He asked softly as if he were enticing her.
“You don’t have to deny it. I already know everything.”
It wasn’t a statement he was hoping to be answered.
Clank. The teaspoon in Harrieta’s hand fell onto the table, making a loud noise. But she
didn’t even know she had dropped the teaspoon.
Her heart was beating like crazy. There was a buzzing sound in her ears, and her limbs
tingled. Even with her eyes open, it was as if all of this was just a dream.
Shawn stared at Harrieta. Her face and posture were stiff as if she were paralyzed by
poison. Still, her hands were shaking like aspen trees. Seeing it, he smiled slyly.
“Oh dear. It’s too easy to see through you. You’re no fun.”
“N, no, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Let it go. Don’t waste your time.”
Harrieta, who had managed to gather her thoughts, once again tried to pretend, but Shawn
coldly interrupted her.
“I kindly told you that I knew everything. Are you still going to lie to me?”
“I don’t know how I will act if you keep behaving like that. Would you like to try it?”
Shawn gave Harrieta a soft warning. Although he appeared to be calm, he seemed to be able
to act violently in an instant. Harrieta shook her head. Judging from the attitude he showed
at the ball a few days ago, it was quite possible.
Seeing Harrieta stay quiet, he put on a satisfied expression.
“Alright. At least you understand what I’m saying.”
It was as if he was dealing with a domestic animal rather than a human being.
Shawn crossed his arms and leaned against the back of the chair. Then, he half-crossed his
legs, and slowly, rhythmically swung the leg on top of it.
His gaze began to scan her slowly.
“How old are you? Seventeen? Eighteen?”
Shawn asked a silly question.
“You’ve at least celebrated your coming-of-age ceremony, right?”
“… Why are you asking that?”
Harrieta asked, showing vigilance. Shawn then tilted his head to the side.
“No matter how much you think about it, it’s surprising. It’s hard to believe that that proud
Redford whose blood has not dried yet* (T/N: means to be young) is serving you as his
“I am not his master.”
“Well, I don’t know what you think, but he seems to think differently.”
Shawn muttered, tapping his forehead with his finger. The image of Edwin, who was angry
like a raging fire, came to his mind vividly when he acted as if he was going to slap Harrieta.
He had known Edwin for over a decade, but he had never seen him so emotional. So he was
very confused when he suspected that Edwin might be the man wearing the mask.
‘Is that Edwin? The Edwin who was indifferent and kept his cool in everything?’
He couldn’t even imagine Edwin’s anger, since he had never even seen Edwin genuinely
“Was it about a year ago? Was he sent to Philioche?”
Shawn asked.
“The capital was turned upside down when he disappeared overnight. There were a lot of
people who were looking for an opportunity to make him theirs, even if it wasn’t openly
revealed. At first, there were rumors that he might have run away, but it soon disappeared.
Count Vincent, his master at the time, was silent, and the royal family had nothing to say.”
Shawn recalled the incident at the time. Count Vincent kept silent about Edwin’s
disappearance, no matter how much money he put in his pocket or put pressure on.
‘Even if you give me ten million, I can’t tell you. Because I promised to go to the grave while
keeping everything a secret about him.’
And it seems that was not a bluff. Shortly after Edwin’s disappearance, the lively Countess
Vincent suddenly lay in bed.
She was a wife thirty years younger than the count. She used to be triumphant to those
around her that she had finally got the man she had longed for. But when Edwin
disappeared, she withered faster than the winter leaves.
‘Well, how great the sense of loss must be to be by the old earl from now on.’
Shawn snorted and sneered, ridiculing the foolishness of the unmatched Countess Vincent,
and of her husband, Count Vincent, who cared for her without knowing anything about her.
He giggled as he thought, how ugly he must be to protect his woman.
But soon a woman’s face was pictured in his mind. It was the face of a woman he never
wanted to recall at this moment.
‘If you look at it that way, it might be the same for each other.’
The smile faded from Shawn’s face as he remembered pitiful thoughts. When will he be able
to free himself of this dirty feeling? Clench. He ground his teeth. His eyes also appeared
even more bitter.
“Where is he now?”
“He is not here.”
“Whenever you open your mouth, all you say are lies.”
Shawn didn’t believe Harrieta at all. Harrieta clenched her fists. The atmosphere was not
serious, but the moment the two met, it seemed as if something bad was bound to happen.
She rolled her eyes.
“If it is because of what happened that night, I’ll apologize for it. I’ll admit that what I said to
you was harsh. So can’t we just forget about it and move on?”
Harrieta asked with earnest eyes.
“Think of your old friendship with Edwin.”
“Old? Old friendship?”
Shawn asked with a shocked expression on his face.
“Listen. To be clear, I hate Redford, I’m sick of that bastard. He’s terrible. I hate him.”
He rolled his eyes. His voice was also getting louder and louder.
“Do you think I would have been sad because of him? Snap out of it. It felt like a sick tooth
had fallen out. It was the first time in my life that I felt so refreshed. If I could, I wanted to
scorch his chest with my own hands.”
Harrieta was astonished at his terrible words.
Chapter 40

“How… How could you say such a terrible thing!?”

“Terrible? Me?”
Shawn asked with a cold smile.
“Yes. In your eyes, I will look like a monster. In your eyes that know nothing, that is.”
He mumbled as if he were talking to himself. It was a very brief moment, but a deep
emptiness permeated his eyes. However, Harrieta, who was greatly shocked by his words,
did not notice it. She trembled as she stared at him.
“Get out.”
Harrieta ordered, pointing to the door.
“I said, get out of here right now!”
“There are a few things I found out while researching.”
Instead of obeying Harrieta’s orders, Shawn leaned his back further and leaned deep into
the backrest. He tapped his finger on the armrest of the chair.
“Two months ago, there was a missing report that a slave had disappeared from Philioche.
Although it was later withdrawn by the complainant.”
At Shawn’s words that struck like lightning in a clear sky, Harrieta opened her eyes.
‘How did that man even know that?’
Shawn grinned as he looked at Harrieta whose face was as white as a sheet of paper.
“Your father didn’t know? That Redford was headed for Lavant?”
“Did he run away?”
His eyes, as he asked the questions one after another, shone like a peregrine falcon that
found its prey. Harrieta, on the other hand, felt more and more cornered.
Her heart plummeted. Her head was so messed up that it was hard to think straight.
“No, he didn’t run away! He just came here with me!”
Harrieta quickly laid out excuses for Edwin.
“I told him to go with me! He kept saying he didn’t want it, but I forced him to go with me!
It’s not his fault!”
“Hmm, well. No matter how much you excuse yourself, who will people believe…”
Shawn made an exaggeratedly thoughtful expression on purpose. He raised his upper body
and leaned forward. Then he placed his interlaced hands on his half-crossed legs.
“Hey, do you know what happens to a runaway slave?”
His eyes narrowed as he asked the question.
“The most recent escaped slave was put in a wild beast’s cage with both his ankles severed
and was fed to it alive, you know?”
“No, no!”
Harrieta screamed at his terrifying words.
‘He’s not kidding.’
Harrieta knew intuitively that Shawn was not lying. No matter how ruthless he may be, he
is still an heir to the Duchy. If he made up his mind, it would have been very easy to harm
“Please, please.”
She had to somehow turn Shawn’s heart.
“If you want anything, I’ll give it to you…”
Harrieta, who was desperate, was about to kneel at his feet and beg.
Bump. The tightly closed door swung open and someone entered the room. She had
previously said not to let anyone in the room until they got her permission.
Their heads turned to one side almost at the same time. Mixed emotions flashed across
their faces as they identified the uninvited intruder.
“I heard that a tiger will come if I tell his story.”
The corners of Shawn’s lips twisted.
“You’ve been very slow lately, Redford.”
“No. The name Redford doesn’t exist in this world anymore, so should I call you by
He asked sarcastically. Edwin’s expression as he stared back at him was as hard as a stone.
“…Sir Shawn.”
Edwin whispered Shawn’s name. The atmosphere was so harsh that it could not be
considered a moment of reunion with an old acquaintance.
“Sir Shawn.”
Shawn repeated Edwin’s words quietly. A nervous smile spread across his face. Grasping
the armrest tightly, he stood up. Whispering, he walked towards Edwin.
Shawn stopped in front of Edwin. He was also quite tall, so his eyes roughly matched
Edwin’s eye level.
Shawn looked into Edwin’s eyes defiantly and called his number. Then, Edwin’s expression,
which had hardened, became a little disturbed. He looked like he didn’t expect to be called
that. Seeing this, Shawn grinned.
Bugh. Shawn blew his fist away without any warning. Edwin’s face turned to one side with
a dull sound. Unable to withstand the recoil of the strong blow, Shawn’s body also
staggered and leaned as if he was about to fall to the floor.
“What are you doing!”
Harrieta, who hesitated, screamed. She got up from her seat and ran to them. She then
stood in front of Edwin and she separated him and Shawn.
“What is wrong with you? Are you crazy? Why did you suddenly hit him?”
The veins on Harrieta’s neck appeared as she strained and pushed Shawn back. She had no
time to think and somehow thought that she had to protect Edwin.
Shawn patted his fist and grinned.
“How dare slaves that don’t even know their place call a nobleman ‘Sir’! How can I stay
“But this is a very different situation!”
“What is the difference? He’s a nameless slave, and I’m the heir to the Duchy of Rowani.
From my point of view, there doesn’t seem to be anything more important than that fact
right now, right?”
How big is the difference between us two? Are you so stupid that don’t you understand?
Shawn’s eyes seemed to be asking. Harrieta was frustrated. She shook her head from side
to side.
“Edwin is no ordinary slave! He was also in the same position as you not long ago! You
know that too!”
“Yes, it’s just a thing of the past. It is of no use now.”
Shawn nodded coldly.
“You should be grateful that I didn’t order to have his tongue cut off. Of course, I can change
my mind at any time.”
Hearing the clear threat, Harrieta trembled. How can a person be so evil? In her mind, she
wanted to slap him on the cheek just as he hit Edwin. But she knew well that there would
be no benefit in doing so, so she had no choice but to hold back.
“You are… such a terrible person.”
“That’s lame. Why don’t you tell me something I don’t know?”
At Harrieta’s words, Shawn scoffed at her. Shawn saw Edwin standing over her shoulder.
Edwin suddenly straightened his posture and stood upright. The cheek Shawn had hit
became red and swollen, and his lip was also ripped open, dripping fresh blood from one
end. He wiped the blood with the back of his hand.
An unknown euphoria spread across Shawn’s face as he looked at him intently with wide-
open eyes.
“Life is so ridiculous. Who would have imagined that you, who people admired for being so
great, would end up like this?”
Even though they came from the same duke family, the status of Redford in Brimdel was far
higher than that of Rowani. As Rowani’s successor, his status as the successor did not go
unnoticed, but he was different when he was with Edwin.
People have always compared the two people who grew up in similar environments. And
naturally, Shawn always stayed in second place. He pretended not to care too much, and he
rebelled against it, living a more crooked life for nothing. But in fact, he hated it so badly
that he couldn’t stand it.
‘I heard that Edwin of the Redford family was recently promoted to Demner’s deputy
commander. It must be only a matter of time before he succeeds to the position of commander
of the Royal Knights of this country. Of course, he can’t just be satisfied with his position as a
knight commander with such outstanding abilities.’
Duke Rowani, his father, seemed to have some words left to say but thought better of it and
stayed quiet.
‘Sir Edwin proposed to me a while ago.’
And Vivianne, who lowered her eyes down and spoke as if she were sighing.
‘I don’t know him very well yet, but he feels right. For the first time in my life, I had the feeling
that it would be okay to be with him. So I accepted the proposal.’
Chapter 41

Shawn screamed at Vivianne in his mind. He had no intention of revealing his bitter feelings
to her, so he left the place without looking back, saying that he would meet a good partner
The pain of his broken heart did not make him grow but only ruined him even more. He
was wasting his time with alcohol, drugs, and women until he ran into Edwin at a social
gathering that his father forced him to attend.
Unlike him, who stumbled while drunk, Edwin looked fine. There was not even the slightest
disturbance in him standing upright.
[‘Congratulations. You’re going to marry a woman who is known as the most beautiful
woman in the kingdom. You must be very happy.’]
The Crown Prince smiled and said. He is considered the second most noble person in the
kingdom after the king and has long been known to be quite close with Edwin.
[‘So what’s the secret, Sir Edwin? What is the secret to stealing the heart of Lady Vivianne,
who had been refusing all marriage proposals for years?’]
[‘There is absolutely nothing. It’s just a relationship that I started with the thought that she
and I both met the conditions we wanted. It’s not because I’m being dictated by my emotions.’]
It was a dry, emotionless reply. Edwin didn’t even wiggle an eyebrow. At the unexpected
answer, the Crown Prince seemed a little perplexed.
[‘Isn’t it nice to be able to have her as her wife though, that beautiful woman?’]
Edwin seemed to think for a moment at the question and answered immediately,
[‘She is a very wise woman and she will certainly make a good Duchess. She expects nothing
more from her mate, so for me, she must be the best match.’]
A wise woman? Good Duchess? Sean overheard the two of them talking next to him, and he
ground his teeth as anger welled up inside him. How could someone so easily take what he
had wanted for so long without even realizing how valuable it was? The world is so unfair.
Shawn suppressed his desire to run towards Edwin while he was drunk. Deciding to get out
of the place before anything happened, he hurriedly moved away, stepped on his foot, and
stumbled heavily. Edwin saw him as he almost fell and said from behind,
[‘Sir Shawn. You better go back to your mansion. In your current state, you will only cause
trouble for the Duke Rowani and to the people around you.’]
Edwin’s eyes were expressionless and showed no emotion as he spoke. To others, it could
be seen that he was just advising a fellow noble, but in Shawn’s twisted eyes, it looked
different. He believed that Edwin only pretended to be noble or superior. He believed that
the indifferent look in those eyes must have been because Edwin despised him.
‘How funny.’
Shawn thought.
‘You, who used to hold your head up high, became like this, while I…’
“So, do you think I was wrong too?”
“Answer me. Slave.”
Edwin remained silent, and Shawn pushed him back once more. Shawn took a step closer to
him and pushed Harrieta aside as she stood in front of him. Harrieta refused to give way,
but it was not enough to stop Shawn’s grip.
Edwin, who had been silent, grabbed Shawn’s wrist and stopped his actions. Edwin’s eyes
glared at him.
“Do not touch Miss Harrieta recklessly.”
His eyes were like that of a hunting dog that suppressed his deep aggression. If he were
agitated a little more, it seemed like he would bite the opponent in front of him. Seeing this,
Sean grinned.
When they met at the banquet hall, he also had that fierce look in his eyes. It’s so different
from the indifferent and bored expression he always showed before.
“What if I put my hands on her?”
Shawn provoked Edwin by shaking his hand away from his grip.
“If I lay my hand on her, so what? What are you going to do? Are you going to hit me? How
dare a slave bastard like you threaten the Duke’s heir!”
“Are you still not aware of your place? Huh? Is that so?”
Riip. Shawn ripped open the front of Edwin’s shirt with one hand. Through the hem of his
long torn shirt, a dark red scar engraved on his left chest appeared.
It was a number familiar to all three of them in the room.
“Look Carefully. You are now just a lowly being with a label on your body like a cow or a
Shawn smirked with a satisfied expression on his face.
Edwin immediately grabbed the hem of his torn robe as if he were trying to cover up his
ugly scar that was suddenly exposed to everyone. His gaze naturally turned to Harrieta,
who was standing next to Shawn. Edwin secretly hoped that Harrieta didn’t see it even
though he did not let it show in his face. However, judging from her shocked expression, it
seemed that his wish had been unheard.
Harrieta covered her mouth with her hand and suppressed the scream that was about to
come out of her throat. She vaguely knew that the slave number was engraved on Edwin’s
body, but today was the first time she actually saw it.
A scar left by a severe burn. It was so deeply engraved that it would never be erased from
his chest for the rest of his life unless the whole skin was cut out.
“When I met you at the ballroom some time ago, I thought the masked guy was like you. But
back then, I wasn’t quite sure. Because I knew you couldn’t be here. No, to be more precise,
you shouldn’t be here right now.”
“That is… What do you mean he can’t be here?”
Harrieta asked. Shawn turned his head and looked at her.
“Ah. It seems you don’t know.”
He had a look on his face that seemed like he found something funny.
“You know very well that the Redford’s conspired to commit treason and were destroyed
as a result, right? Although he was spared his life because of the Crown Prince’s mercy, he
was the son of a traitor who would one day become the head of the family. No one in this
world would let him free without any surveillance or restrictions.”
‘Surveillance? Restrictions?’
Harrieta looked at Shawn with a blank expression on her face when she heard it. She had a
bad foreboding as she looked at his unusually happy face.
“Listen. When Marquis Macnaught ceded the ownership to your father, there were three
conditions that he imposed as he handed him over.”
Shawn said with three fingers spread out.
“One. Report his every move at least once a month. Two. Don’t hand him over to anyone
else for at least the next thirty years. And three. Whatever happens, make sure he never
leaves town.”
Shawn said, slowly folding his fingers one by one. Still, he carefully observed the changes in
the emotions that surfaced on Harrieta’s face.
“Unfortunately, it seems that your father recently made a false report to Marquis
Macnaught that everything’s the same. It seems he didn’t realize how serious this was.
Well, maybe he simply didn’t want to cause any concern for Marquis Macnaught, or maybe
it was because he didn’t want to worry you, his daughter.”
“But I mean, if this reaches the ears of the Marquis and the Crown Prince… No, when it
reaches the ears of His Majesty the King who still regards the existence of the last
remaining Redford as a thorn in his eyes… ”
A mischievous smile spread across his face.
“What will happen then?”
No one can guarantee his safety.
Not only is Edwin in terrible danger, but even your family is at the risk of meeting a terrible
fate as well.
Chapter 42

Shawn’s snake-like eyes seemed to say.

Harrieta’s breath hitched as her chest tightened. No matter how indifferent she was to the
world, she knew at least that Shawn’s threats weren’t just bluffs. She was glad she was
wearing a long dress. Otherwise, she would have almost shown this man her trembling
“No way… Are you going to report this to the king…?”
Her voice cracked as she spoke because her mouth suddenly turned dry. Shawn, on the
other hand, slowly folded his arms.
“Well, that’s up to you.”
At his words, Harrieta gulped. Her heart was pounding.
“Sir Sean. Please. Please, please, don’t tell anyone about this.”
“Oh my, so when you noticed you were cornered, your attitude shifted quickly, huh?”
Shawn smirked sarcastically, but Harrieta didn’t care. Before he left this mansion, she had
to somehow win a promise never to break the secret. She took one step closer to him.
“Sir Shawn, please help me just this one time. Just pretend you don’t know and close your
eyes. It’s not that difficult from your point of view.”
“Well, you still can’t go unscathed.”
“Then what shall I do? Shall I kneel before you?”
“If you’ll kneel…”
Sean snorted at Harrieta’s question and then bit the inside of his mouth. His eyes seemed to
be contemplating on something. Soon, a light appeared on his face as if a good idea had
come to his mind.
“If someone were to get down their knees, it shouldn’t be you.”
Shawn paused for a moment, then turned his head to see Edwin standing in front of him.
His eyes gleamed with the same cruelty as that of a predator.
“If you kneel in front of me like a dog and beg, I might just consider it.”
The downfall of Edwin, who was known for being so proud and noble, drew the attention of
many. It was human psychology and the desire to want to break something that could not
be broken at least once. Shawn was no different from the others.
“Well? Can’t you?”
When no answer came, Shawn asked as he narrowed his eyes.
“Sir Shawn, I’ll do it. I will do it.”
Harrieta, restless as she watched the two of them, was about to kneel in front of Shawn.
But Edwin, who had been quietly standing like a stone, bent down slowly, and then fell to
his knees. He was like a mountain that slowly collapsed after standing firmly for a long
time. He leaned his upper body and placed his hands on the floor as he bowed his head to
“Please, Sir Shawn.”
Edwin said.
“Please do as Miss Harrieta asks.”
Even though he knew Shawn wanted to humiliate him, Edwin silently complied with his
He had no hesitation. He had no cowardice. Even though he was lying face down in front of
others and bowing his head, his appearance was to the point of being proud in some way.
Shawn looked at him and smiled briefly.
Shawn ordered.
“Bow lower.”
Edwin bowed his head further and lower as he asked. It was around the time his forehead
was about to touch the floor that Shawn leaned over him and grabbed the back of his head
with one hand.
Thud. Shawn relentlessly pushed Edwin’s head down. Edwin’s smooth forehead slammed
into the floor roughly. A low-pitched moan that seemed to suppress the pain came out of
Edwin. They couldn’t see his face, but it must have been very painful.
Harrieta, who witnessed the scene, screamed in surprise. She hurriedly tried to get Shawn’s
hand off Edwin’s head, but she couldn’t.
Shawn smirked and muttered,
“At least this much should be enough for me to be satisfied, right?”
“The people who praised you for being so precious should see you like this.”
Various emotions flashed through Shawn’s eyes as he looked at Edwin. He felt regret at
some point, but the feeling of satisfaction was greater than that.
After a moment, he lowered his head and whispered into Edwin’s ear,
“Remember that. Now you know where you are.”
After Shawn left, there was a heavy silence in the room. Harrieta was sitting on the floor,
sitting tightly and burying her face between her knees. Her shoulders shook slightly. She
was sobbing, and an occasional sniffle was heard.
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin approached Harrieta and cautiously called out her name.
“Miss Harrieta, please raise your head.”
“Miss Harrieta. please…”
An earnest request that was close to begging followed. Harrieta had no choice but to slowly
raise her head. Edwin saw her face and clenched his molars tightly. It was because her face,
which was flushed from crying, appeared sad to him.
Harrieta’s eyes looked over Edwin. His face was reflected in her wet eyes. A red, swollen
forehead and a face with messy hair. His lips were covered in blood and his clothes were
torn at random. It was different from his usual appearance, which he kept as neat as
possible even though he was a slave.
It felt like there was a big hole in the middle of her chest. The tears that she had been
holding back fell again. Edwin’s expression softened a little when he saw that. Harrieta
hurriedly covered her face with her hands.
“Sorry. Edwin. I’m really sorry.”
Harrieta apologized.
“All of this is my fault. The fact that you came here, that you went to the banquet hall, and
that you were discovered by that man. It’s all my fault.”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m sorry that I don’t have enough strength to properly
fight him. I’m sorry that you suffer such humiliation before my eyes.”
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin quietly called Harrieta who was out of breath.
“It’s not your fault. don’t you remember? It was by my will, not your wish, that I have
followed you this far.”
It was a very soft and friendly voice as if he was trying to comfort a frightened child.
Edwin wanted to embrace Harrieta who looked as precarious as a candle in front of a
typhoon. To hug her, to protect her. He wanted to reassure her that everything would be
fine. However,
‘Remember that. Now you know where you are.’
Shawn’s whispers which poured out like curse words still lingered in his ears. Edwin
hesitated for a moment, and instead of hugging Harrieta, he dropped his hand.
“I’m fine.”
Edwin’s hand gently touched the edge of Harrieta’s skirt, which was spread across the floor.
He gripped it tightly.
“If only I could stay by your side.”
If it were possible.
“I would be happy to do more than this.”
It was a realization that even Edwin himself had not been aware of until it came out of his
Chapter 43

Shawn swore as he sat on the chair in the study and stared blankly at the ceiling. Every
time he closed his eyes, Vivianne’s beautiful face always came to mind. In his mind, she
frowned slightly while still looking pretty and gave him a reproachful look.
[‘You must have forgotten your promise to me, Sir Shawn.’]
She did not raise her voice, but she was very upset about the situation.
[‘If I accept your proposal, you will never touch him in the future. You promised me that.’]
Bang. Shawn couldn’t contain his growing irritability and kicked the desk. His face
contorted relentlessly.
Even before his family fell to ruin, you were already having a hard time finding a marriage
partner anyway.
The Redford family went down the path of collapse overnight for treason and created
problems for those who were close to them, and even the Richconnell family, who had an
in-law relationship with them, was no exception.
Vivianne, the ex-fiancée of Edwin, the son of a traitor, was mentioned for unsavory things
in social circles just for her relationship alone. For the first time in her life, people would
frown upon her name. There were also dangerous rumors circulating that she might have
known about the treason early.
Once upon a time, the Richconell mansion, where many people came and went until the
threshold was worn out, now had fewer guests. And when they became increasingly
isolated, it was Shawn’s family, the Duchy of Rowani, who secretly reached out to them.
As the situation changed, the Duchy of Rowani took the place of the Redford’s and emerged
as a new powerhouse in the social world. Marquis Richconell, whose position was unstable,
could not refuse their help. Even if the price was to give his precious daughter to Shawn,
who was known as a social mess.
‘I have no reason to be intimidated.’
Shawn clenched his fists and ground his teeth. But he couldn’t help it. It wasn’t because he
didn’t know.
From the first time he met Vivianne, proposed to her the first and second time, and even up
to the moment where he was able to take her fiancé’s place, he still couldn’t completely
replace Edwin in her heart. After all, he was the one who stole her heart, so it was expected
that it was not going to be that easy.
How the hell did she find out? He enforced a thorough crackdown so that his visit to the
Jenner family did not spread far.
Although he hated to admit it, Shawn was afraid of being hated by Vivianne. He was
terrified that she would go against her father’s will and declare a dissolution behind his
back. His stomach twisted at the thought that the only way to prevent that was to leave
Edwin alone.
Too many people cared and worried for him, so Edwin was untouchable even with his
current status.
‘Is there any other way to get rid of him?’
Knock, knock. There was a knock on the door. Shawn, who was leaning on the chair and
pulling his hair out, straightened his back and hurriedly fixed his messy hair.
“Come in.”
When he permitted the other person to enter, the door opened with a click, and a middle-
aged man entered the room. He was one of the servants working in the Rowani household.
He bowed slightly towards Shawn and said,
“The Duke is looking for you.”
“I’m going to die of a headache. His Majesty is also very worried about this.”
Duke Rowani walked around the room. He looked so unstable that he couldn’t even sit still.
Shawn sat in the parlor chair in front of his father and put on a sulky expression.
“What’s the matter, Father? It’s a diplomatic marriage to Velicia. Isn’t that something that
should be rejoiced?”
Velicia. It was a far richer and more powerful country than Brimdel, and it was in the ranks
of the Empire. The Velicia side had first asked for a diplomatic marriage to Brimdel. He
doesn’t know the details, but in Shawn’s eyes, this must have been good news.
“It would be, normally. But the other person should be a normal person.”
Duke Rowani sighed deeply.
“The other person they are proposing is Prince Bernard. Prince Bernard. You’ve heard the
rumors about him, haven’t you?”
Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt. He was the second son of the current King of Velicia and
was a famous playboy and fighter despite being a prince. He likes women and has flirted
with numerous women every day, and because of his fierce temper, he was also famous for
pulling out a knife even if something bothered him a little.
He was even nicknamed the ‘Prince of Disaster’ because it seemed like a violent typhoon hit
him wherever he went.
Shawn gave his father a look of understanding when he realized what his father was
agonizing about.
“So, who did they name as the bride?”
“No one was specifically pointed out, but it must be a woman from the royal family who
inherited His Majesty’s blood. But, among His Majesty’s daughters, the only one who has
reached marriageable age and is still single is Princess Leisha.”
Duke Rowani felt deeply sorry for the princess. Princess Leisha, who was known for being
pretty and smart, was the pride of not only the Brimdel family but of all the people of
Brimdel. If she was going to be wed to someone with a bad reputation like Bernard, then it
was understandable if the king was fuming inside.
“If they don’t like it that much, why not just say no?”
“Did you think it’s that easy? Recently, the situation has been unstable due to reports that
the Kustan guys in the north are acting suspiciously.”
Duke Rowani shook his head.
“I wish there was a daughter, an illegitimate child hidden from His Majesty at the very
He rubbed his forehead and lamented. He was stuck in a dilemma.
Shawn looked at his father and thought. An illegitimate daughter, huh. He thought about
the appearance of the current king.
The king had soft brown hair and pale amber eyes. Considering that most of the kings in
history were blonde and had blue eyes, it was evident that the current king was an unusual
case. Because of that, there was a lot of talk about the authenticity of his lineage.
He wondered if there was even a story that said that the people from the Redford
household were more similar to the previous kings than the current king.
Then, Shawn opened his mouth.
“If they don’t have an illegitimate daughter… Can’t we just make one?”
“What do you mean? Make one?”
Duke Rowani asked. His eyes opened wide when he realized what his son was trying to say.
“Are you trying to set up people with lies now?”
“That’s right, father.”
“It sounds dangerous! If we are discovered, we will not be able to escape from Velicia’s
“Well, there’s nothing you can’t do, right? If our side insists on that, how will Velicia know?”
Shawn shrugged his shoulders.
“And even if things go wrong, we can just use our connections before they even find out the
Duke Rowani seemed to be shaken by his son’s confident attitude. He still thought it was an
absurd plan, but he decided it wasn’t bad to hear what Shawn was planning.
After a while, Duke Rowani asked.
“Who is it? Is there someone you are considering?”
The corners of Shawn’s lips rose crookedly at the question.
Shortly thereafter, a messenger visited the Mackenzie mansion. He introduced himself as a
messenger from the royal family of Brimdel. The royal family. The Mackenzies were filled
with trepidation as they welcomed the unexpected guest.
The messenger handed Baodor a letter he had brought. Baodor untied the string that had
bound it and unfolded the letter. In the lower right corner of the letter, the royal coat of
arms was engraved in large letters.
{My dear people and faithful subjects, House Mackenzie.}
The first words of the letter began.
“What does it say?”
Rose, who was standing next to Baodor, asked curiously. But Baodor did not reply, and his
eyes moved faster as he scanned the text. His hands began to tremble, and his breaths
became harsh.
“Baodor, my love?”
Noticing that something was wrong, Rose cautiously called out to her husband. Baodor
crumpled the letter he was holding and lowered his arm. He glared at the messenger with a
fierce look.
“What does this mean? Conscription?”
Rose was startled by the unexpected word. Isn’t it a system that forcibly imposes obligations
on a specific person to defend the country? She hurriedly grabbed Baodor’s arm.
“Baodor. What do you mean? Are you saying that the royal family has given you a
conscription order to go to the battlefield?”
Baodor turned to look at his wife. She was looking at him with eyes full of fear. He knew
what she was worried about. He bit his molars tightly. How should he answer?
Then, he slowly shook his head.
“Rose. I am not the target of conscription.”
“Not you? If it’s not you… then who is it?”
Rose was confused. There was only one person who could be drafted from the Mackenzies.
No, of course, she believed there was only one. But when it finally dawned on her, she
turned as white as a sheet.
Hugo Mackenzie.
The state imposed military service on the next Viscount Mackenzie, who was only twelve
years old.
Chapter 44

As soon as Harrieta heard about Hugo, she immediately packed up and went back to
Philioche despite the social activities lining her schedule. Knowing why she was in such a
hurry, Lilian also let her go without a word.
The journey from Lavant to Philioche usually takes about four or five days, but because
they had gathered enough money to pay the coachman extra, she was able to arrive in
Philioche in three days.
As the carriage slowed to a stop in front of the mansion, Harrieta hurriedly opened the
carriage door. Impatient, she jumped outside before the carriage could come to a complete
stop. Edwin, who was riding in the carriage with her, tried to stop her, but it was not
Harrieta entered the mansion without looking back.
Rose, who was sitting and embroidering alone in the hall, was startled with her daughter’s
arrival and stood up. She checked again to see if it was just her imagination, but it was her
daughter Harrieta.
“Harrieta? Why are you here…?”
She placed her things on the table and walked towards Harrieta who looked uneasy.
“You didn’t even tell us you were coming. When did you arrive?”
“Just a while ago. I’m sorry, mother. As soon as father contacted me, I headed straight
home, so I didn’t have time to contact you.”
Harrieta hugged Rose. This was the first time she had seen her in four months. Rose still
looked the same as Harrieta remembered, but she had dark circles under her eyes and her
face looked a little thinner, perhaps because of the worries she had been through.
“Where is father?”
“After contacting you, he left the next day. He wants to know something.”
At Rose’s words, Harrieta nodded. She could guess what Baodor was trying to figure out.
Harrieta looked around. The house was quiet.
“…And Hugo?”
At Harrieta’s question, Rose put on a complicated expression. Harrieta seemed to have
touched a sore spot. She let out a small sigh.
“Probably in his room upstairs.”
Knock, knock.
Harrieta knocked on her door. Rustle, rustle. She heard something moving quickly inside
the room.
“Come in.”
A voice called from inside the room. It sounded a little husky, but it was still the voice of a
boy with a sweet voice. Harrieta slowly turned the doorknob and opened the door.
The curtains were drawn, and even though it was still broad daylight, the room was quite
dark. Unlike her, Hugo likes keeping things neat, so his room was always well organized
and kept clean. Even though they came out of the same stomach, the lifestyles of the two
were so different that people wondered how they came from the same household.
Harrieta’s eyes scanned the room. It was just a little past lunchtime, but contrary to her
expectations that Hugo was probably standing in front of a desk or window, he was
nowhere to be found.
Harrieta called her brother’s name. Then, the blanket covering something on the bed
When she called again, the blanket was lifted and Hugo, who was hiding under it, appeared.
He jumped up and sat down.
Hugo opened his eyes which were round like a rabbit’s and looked at Harrieta with a
surprised expression. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand, wondering if he had
seen it wrong. But when he saw her still standing by the doorway, he realized that he was
actually seeing his sister.
Hugo jumped out of bed and ran towards Harrieta. Then, without breaking his momentum,
he plunged straight into Harrieta’s arms. The two hugged each other tightly.
“Sister! I missed you! I thought I was going to die missing you!”
“Hugo, me too! How have you been?”
He buried his face in Harrieta’s arms and Harrieta patted her brother’s back as he mumbled
and shook his head sulkily.
“You promised to write me a letter every day, so why did you have so little news? All I have
received is five letters.”
“What? Weird. I wrote and sent you a letter every day.”
Harrieta exaggerated, but her brother saw through her excuse.
“Did the messenger lose it on the way?”
“… pfft, you’re lying.”
Hugo laughed. As if his mind had calmed down a little, he pulled away from Harrieta and
lifted his head to look at her. Like siblings who shared the same blood, they both had very
similar eyes.
“You haven’t changed at all. I thought something would have changed if you went to
“You seem to have changed a bit though. Have you always been that tall?”
Harrieta tilted her head and measured his height by placing her hand on top of Hugo’s
head. Looking back, his body line seemed to also have gotten thicker than before, and his
voice sounded a little different.
Hugo chuckled.
“I will probably catch up to you soon.”
“That’s funny. It will take a hundred more years for you to reach the same level as me.”
Harrieta playfully ruffled Hugo’s hair.
“But have you been sleeping all this time? It’s already past noon, you know?”
“I’m just a little tired…”
Hugo looked awkwardly as he responded. Harrieta looked at her brother and walked to the
window. She then opened the curtains which he had closed and then opened the
windows. Creak, creak, it was late summer, and the cicadas sang loudly as they hung from
the trees.
“Did your business in Lavant go well?”
“Can’t you see? So many people courted me that I couldn’t choose in the end.”
In short, it was a fierce failure. Hearing her sister’s joke, Hugo grinned.
Harrieta took a seat by the window. Then, as if Hugo was waiting for it, he pulled a chair
next to her and sat down.
“So, Hugo?”
“How have you been?”
Harrieta asked again. Hugo rolled his eyes and shrugged.
“Well, what do you think? Life in Philioche is the same.”
“I’ve only been away for four months, but it seems like a very long time, isn’t it?”
“I know. It’s so quiet here that it felt like time was going much slower.”
“Are you being sarcastic to me now?”
The two of them occasionally joked while catching up with each other. He joked around as
if nothing had happened. A familiar landscape under the warm sunlight. The person he
missed. Everything seemed perfect.
How long has it been? There was a small gap in their conversation, and it was the moment
Harrieta had been waiting for, an opportunity to speak about the reason she was here. She
cleared her throat.
“Yes, sister.”
“I heard… the news.”
At Harrieta’s words, Hugo’s expression became disturbed. He looked like he didn’t know
how to react.
His eyes darted around with a bewildered look on his face for a moment, and immediately
raised the corners of his lips unnaturally and smiled.
“You mean the news that I have been called to service by the country?”
“The opportunity has come. A way to raise the prestige of the Mackenzie family,” said Hugo.
“I will come home after defeating the Kustans in the north. I will flatten their nose so hard
that they cannot cross the border of Brimdel again.”
Kustan is a country located to the north of Brimdel which was established by gathering
nomads who wandered here and there. Despite the barren land which was mostly
composed of stony fields, they had excellent living skills and succeeded in transforming it
into a livable place. As a result, they were able to take root in one place for a long time.
The people of Brimdel ignored the people of Kustan. They didn’t like the fact that the
nomads who wandered around founded a land, but what they didn’t like even more was
their wild and selfish nature.
Because the land was very scarce in resources, it was a normal belief in Kustan that the
strong survive and the weak die. Their beliefs were despised by the Brimdel people and
they regarded them as uncivilized. But because of this, they didn’t realize that Kustan was
getting stronger.
Not long after reports were made that Kustan’s movements were unusual, the army sent by
their king crossed the northern border. But the king of Brimdel did not turn a blind eye this
time. It was known that the Kustans had been coveting the fertile land of Brimdel for a long
time, and this was not the first time they had attempted to cross the border.
Brimdel was confident that they would be able to defeat them easily this time as well.
“Did they tell you where you are going to be drafted?”
At Harrieta’s question, Hugo silently nodded.
“… I’m going to Bangola village.”
Chapter 45

Harrieta’s eyes widened at his answer. If it was Bangola village, then it was the village
located closest to the northern border. It was also the place where the defenders guarding
the northern border were stationed.
To put it simply, Hugo was being dragged to the place where the actual battle was taking
place. Harrieta’s lips trembled in shock.
“Don’t worry, sister. I’ll be fine. If I go to Bangola, won’t I have a chance to make a big mark
in history?”
Hugo said with a forced smile.
“I will do my best to dedicate my whole body so that our mother, father, and you can be
proud of me. The name Mackenzie will be widely known, then I…”
Hugo’s voice trembled as he continued to speak.
“Then I will return to this place, back to Philioche…”
In the end, Hugo couldn’t speak any more. His brave front collapsed as his lips trembled
and he looked down.
His little shoulders trembled. He clenched his fists so tight that his bones were almost
showing. The brown hair that ran down to his eyes swayed as he shook.
He was sobbing in silence.
“I am afraid, sister.”
Hugo confessed in a sobbing voice.
“I am not as courageous as you, nor am I as ambitious as you are. I’m just a little coward.
Don’t you know me well?”
Harrieta felt like her heart would be ripped apart by Hugo’s helpless appearance. He was
her younger brother who behaved like a grown-up and spoke with an old-fashioned tone
that was not appropriate for his age, and always had a dignified posture. But the heart he
showed her was very soft and young.
Not knowing what to say, Harrieta reached out and took Hugo’s clenched fists. His hands
were much smaller than those of an adult male’s.
“Sister, I want to live.”
“I don’t want to die.”
Drip. Hugo’s tears fell on the back of Harrieta’s hand.
After leaving Hugo’s room, Harrieta took a few deep breaths and cleared her throat. Sob. It
felt like the tears she had been holding back were about to fall.
How can life be so harsh?
However, she could not be caught crying by her troubled brother. She had to pretend to be
determined and strong in front of him until the very end.
She couldn’t stand it any longer, and she hurriedly ran down the hallway and ran to her
“Miss Harrieta?”
While waiting for Harrieta to return from Hugo’s room, Edwin noticed that something was
wrong. He called out her name, but she didn’t stop. He hurried after her.
“It has to be stopped somehow.”
Harrieta murmured as she buried her face in her hands.
“I can’t let Hugo go there. It’s a battlefield where hundreds of people die every day. He is
still too young to be sent to such a place.”
Harrieta was genuinely concerned for her brother’s well-being. It was too much. He had
been following her like a duckling since he was little, but Hugo certainly had a personality
closer to a scholar than a warrior. If he had to go to the battlefield for a month, it was clear
that he would not last more than a week.
“How could there be no way?”
Harrieta raised her head and looked at Edwin. Her face, which was wet with her tears, was
a mess.
“The king’s order…”
The king’s orders are absolute. Edwin, who was about to say that like a puppet, shut his
mouth. He couldn’t finish his sentence when he looked at Harrieta who was trembling in
fear. It was hard for him to say anything hastily because she looked like she would
disappear with a single stroke.
His heart was as heavy as cotton in water.
“I heard that the Kustans are very ferocious. Even though they are known for not taking
unnecessary prisoners…”
Harrieta trembled.
“Hugo won’t be able to stand a chance against them. He will die at their hands.”
“The Demner Knights defending the outskirts are very good knights.”
Edwin said while consoling Harrieta.
“With them, Master Hugo will be safe too.”
“No, Edwin. He won’t.”
Harrieta helplessly shook her head.
“Although he carries the title of successor, no one has ever heard of the surname
‘Mackenzie’. Nobles without power and money are no different from commoners. Rather,
they are in a worse situation than the wealthy commoners. They won’t care about Hugo.”
It was overly pessimistic, but on the other hand, it was a reasonable statement that
reflected reality. Therefore, Edwin could not readily refute her words.
No one is relaxed enough to look after Hugo when he arrives in Bangola. He would
probably have to get through those difficult times alone and survive.
Edwin’s expression darkened.
It was impossible for Hugo, who was only twelve years old, and had never really mastered
martial arts, to survive the battlefield. And that fact was something that Edwin, who had
once commanded the Demner Knights while guarding the frontier, knew best.
‘What should I do?’
Edwin agonized. If half of his head thought that it was the king’s order, the other half
thought that he should come up with a way to help Harrieta somehow.
Harrieta cried and called for Edwin. She didn’t say a word, but he could tell she was asking
for help. He inhaled and exhaled slowly.
“Miss Harrieta. The king’s order is absolute. Therefore, no matter how powerful a high-
ranking nobleman is, he cannot overturn it. However…”
Edwin paused for a moment. He didn’t know if he would regret it if he uttered the following
words. It was not without hesitation about the uncertain future.
But what to do? After all, there was only one answer from the beginning.
“If the king, or the one who will become king, overturns that order himself, that would be a
different story.”
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised.”
Marquis Macnaught sighed and said.
“I didn’t expect you to come to me like this. Rather, how did you even come here? I haven’t
heard of you coming here yet.”
“Viscount Mackenzie is out for a while. Therefore, it wasn’t possible for me to contact the
Edwin explained as he knelt in front of the marquis and bowed.
“Of course, he doesn’t even know that I have left Philioche.”
Hearing Edwin’s quiet remark, the Marquis was startled. At first glance, his words may
seem indifferent, but he was openly criticizing his current master.
The Marquis slowly looked at Edwin’s expression. It was not so different from the one he
remembered, the one where he couldn’t understand what the young man was thinking. It
seemed like something had changed, but it didn’t seem to have changed at all.
The Marquis’ eyes narrowed.
“Did you know? About the conversation between Mackenzie and me?”
“… I just found out about it by accident.”
Edwin nodded and admitted.
“I am not blaming the Marquis. To be honest, it was too sloppy to be monitoring anyone.”
“That’s because I know you’re not going to run away.”
Marquis Macnaught said with a bitter smile.
“If you had tried to run away, you would have run away sooner. If you put your mind to it,
who in this kingdom can stop you?”
“You are overestimating me.”
“It’s true, that’s why I said it.”
Chapter 46

The Marquis pulled out a pocket watch from his chest pocket. Tick tock. The clock hand was
pointing to two in the afternoon. Normally, it was the time when he was called to the royal
castle to discuss national affairs, or when he went outside to work.
It must not have been a perfect coincidence that the man kneeling in front of him came to
visit him on such an exceptionally empty day. How long and how close had he been
watching him?
Checking the time, the Marquis put the pocket watch back into his pocket. He looked up and
looked at Edwin.
“It isn’t your style to talk in circles. Alright, what made you want to see me?”
“I would like to ask you for a favor.”
“A favor?”
The Marquis raised one eyebrow and asked. How dare a slave, which occupies the very
bottom of class society ask for a favor?
Still, he didn’t look timid or intimidated at all. Rather, he gave off an atmosphere as if he
was convinced that the Marquis would grant his request unconditionally. Even though he
was kneeling in front of him, somehow, it didn’t feel so different from the past when they
were at eye level and talking confidently.
“What is that favor?”
Edwin paused for a moment at the Marquis’ question. Then, he lowered his head slightly.
“Please help me to meet Lord Duon.”
At Edwin’s words, the Marquis’s face contorted.
Duon. It was such a rare name. And among the people they knew in common, there was
only one person with that name.
“That would be impossible.”
The Marquis turned it down with a straight face.
“Are you still not aware that your situation has changed? It may have been like that in the
past, but now you are not someone he would dare to see.”
“I must see Lord Duon.”
“Ohho! That is not going to happen just because you’re stubborn!”
The Marquis raised his voice.
“And he won’t be happy to see you either. Didn’t I tell you how hard it was for him after
your family became like that?”
“You have been quiet all this time. You didn’t cause any problems, and you just lived quietly
as if you either didn’t exist or not. Everything is getting better, so why are you doing this all
of a sudden?”
This time, his tone seemed like he was coaxing a sulky child. Please, I’m begging you, with
the eyes begging him to give up on that will.
Edwin exhaled. Then he slowly cleared his mind. Once he spat it out, there was no turning
back. He didn’t even know he was caught up in an uncontrollable storm. But he came this
far knowing that, and he ended up standing here.
Edwin lifted his head and made eye contact with the Marquis. Eyes that have sunk as dark
as the night sea. Although he was taking a low stance, he felt a strange sense of
“Serronac? I know what prophecy she made.”
The moment he heard the name ‘Serronac’, the marquis’s body stiffened as if it had been
stabbed by a sword. His face turned black.
“How, how do you…?”
His jaw, which was slightly opened, trembled.
“I am not trying to blame him. I don’t mean to question him. I just want to discuss
something completely different from that.”
Edwin said. Unlike the stiff and rigid Marquis, his expression was so calm that it was like
the surface of a calm lake.
“But if you knew about the prophecy.”
Edwin quietly made eye contact with the Marquis.
“Can you at least arrange a meeting with Lord Duon?”
He pretended to be asking, but it wasn’t a request.
Edwin was now demanding his rights from the Marquis.
Shaaaaa. The wind blew and shook the leaves of the great willow. It was as if they were
dancing as they moved to and fro. Known to have stood in one place for over two hundred
years, this willow tree was much taller than several adult males combined.
As the branches drooped down, rustling in the wind, a man with brown hair could be seen
through the cracks. He was standing facing the willow tree.
He stroked the wooden pillar gently with one hand.
“Long time no see.”
He said, still facing the willow tree.
“Should I ask, ‘How have you been?”
Even though he knew he was obviously not doing well.
“Or should I apologize and say I’m sorry for not looking for you?”
He muttered to himself, closing his eyes and opening them. In the midst of the still silence,
the occasional sound of the wind rustling the trees was heard. His neck, which had been
listening to the sound, moved.
“I heard that you suffered a lot. With the fall of the Redford family, those who coveted the
Sir must have rushed at you like hungry wild dogs.”
“It will not be enough to say that I have not thought about it. Sir must have felt
disappointed at me.”
“It’s not like that, Lord Duon.”
Edwin, who was a little further away from Duon, answered.
“And now I have no titles. So, Sir Duon should not call me ‘Sir’ anymore.”
“Oh yes. It was.”
Brimdel’s only crown prince, who once called Edwin his best friend, smiled bitterly.
How can he forget? It was his father who took away the name and the whole life from
Edwin. Besides, he, who was no other than a bystander, could not say that he was not
responsible for it.
“Lord Duon. I have one thing I would like to ask of you.”
Edwin said, bowing his body low.
“Hugo McKenzie, the eldest son of Viscount Mackenzie, who is my current master, has been
ordered to be drafted.”
“Ahh. It was inevitable because the Kustans crossed the border without notice. We had to
gather the necessary troops in a short time.”
Duon, who was lost in thought, nodded and said.
“But don’t worry. If the Viscount’s son hadn’t been awarded the knighthood, he wouldn’t
have been sent to battle in the first place. At the very least, he will be assigned to a clerical
position near the capital.”
“Hugo is twelve years old now. I knew the age limit for conscripts was 16, am I wrong?
Besides, he was sent to Bangola village and nowhere else.”
“Twelve years old? Bangola?”
This time, Duon made a surprised expression. No matter how tough the wartime situation,
he had never heard of a 12-year-old child being drafted.
Moreover, as Edwin said, there was an age limit in selecting conscripts. And he was twelve,
he was a lot younger than that. Besides, the son of a noble family, who did not even have a
knighthood, was sent to the forefront, where the fiercest battle is currently taking place.
“That sounds a bit odd to me.”
Duon narrowed his brows and said.
“I’ll have to get someone to find out. If that statement turns out to be true, I will give him a
hand so that he can be freed from his conscription duty.”
“Thank you. Lord Duon.”
At Duon’s words, Edwin bowed his head once more to thank him.
Duon gave an ambiguous expression. Was the man in front of him the type of person who
went out to help others like this? Even if it was because of Viscount Mackenzie’s orders, he
could tell from his tone and actions that Edwin was genuinely relieved.
It has been two years now. For two years, it was long and short, Edwin had lived a life
completely different from the life he had ever known.
That, too, would have changed him. As if he had no choice but to change.
‘What should I say?’
Standing on the borderline between lies and truth, Duon hesitated.
“To be honest, I didn’t want to meet you. I was very afraid to stand face to face with you and
see my reflection in your eyes.”
“You know that apologizing for something that I can’t change with my own strength just by
saying I’m sorry will not do you any good in the end. And if I was given the power to
change, I would gladly do it, because I know myself.”
Duon slowly turned to face Edwin.
Edwin’s hair shone like gold, standing in the bright sunlight. His appearance seemed more
like a perfect statue than a living person. He easily caught the attention of those around him
without saying a word. He resembles the appearances of the previous kings in the portraits.
As a child, he was jealous of Edwin, but as he grew older he recognized and cherished him.
Edwin had been by his side for a very long time, and he was hoping that one day Edwin
would help him achieve his dream of becoming a king.
“I heard you know about Serronac. About the prophecies she made.”
Duon first brought up the name like a taboo.
Chapter 47

“If you want to ask anything about it, you can ask. It would be ridiculous to come here and
hide it as a secret.”
“There is none.”
“Yes. Even if I come to find out the truth now, nothing will change.”
Edwin replied with a calm face. As if he had mastered the complicated history of the world
long ago. Duon narrowed his eyebrows at the unexpected answer. There’s no way his offer
to tell the truth as he pleases wouldn’t have appealed to Edwin.
After that, Duon sighed deeply.
“Yes. If I had heard such nonsense that the family had collapsed at the mere whispers of a
prophet, I would have been speechless.”
“But Serronac is not just a prophet, is she?”
Edwin asked quietly.
Serronac. The people called her that way. Whether it’s her name, her maiden name, or a
pseudonym. No one knew about her.
Her hometown, her origin, and even her age were unclear. Little was known about her, and
the only thing known about her was that she suddenly appeared at some point and that she
had entrusted herself to the royal family of Brimdel.
She seldom appeared before the public for a long time, and the people even regarded her as
something from mystical legends.
Edwin had only seen Serronac once. It was the day he entered the royal palace to fulfill the
king’s command to send him to the outskirts.
The prophet, who was wearing a black coat from head to toe, looked at him quietly from
behind the king. The presence of her looking at him, hiding her face in the shadows without
saying a word, felt very foreign to him.
But it was the first and the last time he saw her. The meeting between Edwin, the next head
of the Redford family, and Serronac, who was known as the most outstanding prophet in
the Kingdom of Brimdel. So it was something he just ignored.
“You are right. She is a very talented prophet. We actually haven’t found anything wrong
with what she prophesied yet.”
Duon said with a bitter smile.
“But unfortunately, that excellence has become poison. For my father… The king of this
country now believes that everything she says is true, and has trusted her so blindly that he
hangs his neck to her.”
“He is no longer a leader who is careful and wise and knocks on the stone bridge two or
three times before they cross. Brimdel is no longer under the rule of the king; it lies at the
feet of Serronac, who sits on top of the king’s head.”
Duon remembered the image of his father who supported and worshiped Serronac like a
goddess. His trust in her was so blind that he wondered if he would cut even him, his child
and successor, at her word.
He heard that the current king was also wary and suspicious of Serronac like he was now
when the king was young. But at some point he began to listen to her, and he became
seriously dependent on her prophecies.
And it would not have been only the current king. The countless kings of Brimdel in the
past may have walked the same path. As he doesn’t know Serronac, the time she spent in
Brimdel and assumed the role of the king’s prophet was at least twice as long as the
lifespan of an average human.
‘Maybe one day I will be like that too.’
A thought that had haunted Duon for quite some time came to erode him again.
‘Like them, under her spell. I would become a puppet.’
His eyelashes trembled as he opened and closed his eyes.
“… I said I wouldn’t ask anything, but can I ask you one thing?”
Edwin, who had been silent, asked softly. Duon nodded to indicate that it was okay. Edwin
waited for about a beat before opening his mouth.
“Did Lord Duon… believe that?”
“Serronac’s prophecy that Redford will destroy Brimdel and eventually lead them to the
path of ruin.”
The cursed prophecy that made the King of Brimdel order the annihilation of all the people
of the Redford family, whom he had loved so much. That terrible prophecy that completely
changed the situation in the kingdom like turning the palm of his hand overnight.
A secret prophecy that he didn’t even know existed until Vivianne gave him a hint.
[The end of Brimdel, which has endured a long period of five hundred years, is coming.
Catastrophe is coming. Destruction is coming. The whole country will be engulfed in fire and
become ashes, and the blood of those who tried to stop it will flow as a river. Ahh. This is my
song to mourn for a country that will soon be on the road to ruin.
My king. My king, who will be remembered as the last king of the deceased who will disappear
without a trace from the map. Kill Duke Redford right now. Otherwise, Brimdel’s future will
be scattered like a handful of sand in the wind.]
Due to this, the former Duke Redford, Iorn, who was more loyal to the royal family than
anyone else, was falsely accused of treason and died under the cold blade. Rather than the
hound biting the master, the king did not hesitate at all to cut off his neck, even though the
Duke had devoted all his loyalty to the end.
It was a future that had not yet happened. Or it was a future that could never happen. But
the king, afraid of that uncertainty, made a mess of the present and cut it mercilessly.
Why? On what grounds?
The answer to that was simple and clear. Because Serronac, the great prophet of Brimdel,
prophesied so.
The moment the prophecy left her lips, the prophecy was true to the king. Before the word
took shape and bit him, he had to kill it first. There was no room left for investigation and
He ordered the capture of Iorn, to which Serronac’s prophecy pointed, before the sun went
down, and he wanted his neck to fall to the ground before a week had passed. Also, fearing
that there would be a backlash against him in the future, he wished for the death of
everyone with the surname Redford.
[‘It’s good not to leave any kind of spark behind.’]
The noblest being in Brimdel murmured with a flash of madness in his eyes. And his cruel
wish came true.
Duon, reminiscing about the past, looked down at the ground for a long time.
“What would you like me to say?”
“Whatever it is, I want you to tell the truth.”
“The truth…”
Duon, who was silently repeating Edwin’s words, sighed. He felt like he was being asked a
very difficult question. But he had to answer. Because it was Duon himself who allowed
Edwin to ask any questions.
“There are only a few families with a history as long as Brimdel’s, including the Redford
family. And among them, the Redford family was the only one who stayed by the royal
family for a long time and showed unchanging loyalty.”
Duon gazed into the distance over Edwin’s shoulder.
“Weren’t the Redford’s’ loyalty to the royal family famous from the beginning? Even I, who
was watching from the side, could affirm that. Your father, Iorn, the former Duke Redford,
had a character that lived up to his reputation. He was loyal enough to be old-fashioned,
and applied it so well that it was boring. He was a great man who would rather betray
himself than betray the king of Brimdel. Then he suddenly changes and destroys the
country and overthrows the kingship? A passing dog would laugh.”
Duon laughed, as if it was ridiculous just thinking about it. He also seemed to ridicule an
invisible object. But after a while, his laughter gradually subsided.
“Yes, right. It was such nonsense that a passing dog would laugh at…”
Duon’s eyes, who were looking at a distant place without focus, darkened.
He remembered the figure of Serronac who was prophesying. She always covered her face
and her entire body with a black coat, so it was unknown whether it was an old woman, a
young woman, or a young girl who was hiding inside.
The moment she uttered her prophecy, her voice was mingled with various sounds, and her
gray eyes gleamed so beautifully that even a shadow could not be hidden. It made him feel
both fearful and awed at the same time, to the extent that his legs trembled and his body
sweated coldly just by looking at her.
‘It’s definitely not human.’
Instinct whispered to Duon, who was unable to move because of fear. And he realized. In
the royal castle, something other than humans lives. No. A parasite.
Something that shouldn’t exist in this day and age.
Duon, unable to withstand the fear that was approaching, ran away from the spot. There
was not even time to worry that he would look ugly or clumsy. He just wanted his legs to
take him as fast and as far as possible.
“Then why did you keep me alive?”
After reading Duon’s hesitation, Edwin asked.
“Aren’t I also a Redford?”
“Yes. You were a great Redford, too.”
Duon smiled weakly and nodded.
“But Duke Redford in the prophecy was not you, but Iorn, your father. So I had no reason to
take your life.”
Chapter 48

Although he was the king who was swayed by Serronac’s persuasions and uprooted his old
friend’s life as well as his family, that didn’t mean he truly enjoyed the process. In hindsight,
until that day, Iorn was the king’s most loyal servant and close friend.
Edwin, who was Iorn’s only son, had nothing to do with Serronac’s prophecy. Nevertheless,
even though the king had a heartless decision to kill him at first, he soon changed his mind.
It was because of Duon’s earnest request that he would do whatever the king asked, as long
as he spared the life of his innocent friend.
In the king’s eyes, the relationship between Duon and Edwin looked very similar to the
friendship that he and Iorn had when they were young. A faint light of regret and longing
permeated through the fiercely hot madness and heat in his eyes. Iorn, whose neck fell off
under his command, showed his best manners towards the royalty until the last moment.
To the king’s question as to whether it would be okay, Serronac, who was silent, answered:
‘My King. Kill Duke Redford. That would be the only way to stop my prophecy.’
Serronac responded like a parrot. But the king accepted it as permission. Thus, he declared
that he would spare Edwin’s head, but strike everyone with the last name of Redford down.
Instead, he took his name and stripped him of his position to prevent any unfortunate
incidents, and then reduced him to the lowest level of slavery in the world.
‘With this, I have done all I have to do.’
The king said with a tired and old face as if he was several decades older than his age.
“I deeply regret that I spoke hypocritical words to you that day.”
‘Sir Edwin has to survive. Survive, and live by apologizing for this indelible sin that your
family committed against the royal family for the rest of your life. That’s the only thing I can
do for you, Sir Edwin.’
“But that didn’t mean I couldn’t tell you these facts. At that time, I was just as confused as
“I just hope that someday you will understand me a little, if not completely.”
Duon said with a bitter expression. The weight of life weighing down on his shoulders
seemed heavier today.
Duon sent Edwin back after promising to help Hugo. And he was going to keep his promise
to Edwin anyway because that was the least tolerance he could now bestow on his old
Duon stood in place for a long time as he watched Edwin’s retreating figure as it went
farther and farther away. A strand of memories that he could not even tell Edwin was
slowly seeping into his mind.
‘Crown Prince. Are you afraid of me because I am very different from you?’
On a gloomy night. Seronnac, who came suddenly like darkness, asked Duon who was alone
in the room.
‘I know what you think of me. You think of me as a poison that possessed the king and drove
him into madness. But you are wrong. I was just telling the truth, it’s always up to him to
make the decision.’
Every time Seronnac moved, Duon got goosebumps. No matter how much he paid
attention, he couldn’t feel her presence at all. Moreover, even as she stood under the
moonlight, he could not find the shadow that should have been under her feet.
‘Crown Prince. Are you going to ask the king to spare your friend?’
At Seronnac’s question, Duon trembled. As she said, he planned to go to the king at dawn
the next morning and beg for Edwin’s life.
She was a despicable existence. Duon didn’t like Seronnac very much. It was as if she was
seeing through the thoughts in his head. He glared at her with much greater vigilance than
‘If your close friend survives, I will die at his hand.’
Seronnac said calmly.
‘But even if that were the case, I don’t think you would change your mind. No. Rather, you may
be hoping for my death.’
It was a strange word. Even though she hinted at her death, there was no trace of regret or
anxiety in her. Rather, she spoke softly, as if she understood that Duon might put her on the
road to death.
‘I am different from my father, so I won’t be swayed by your tongue. You might call it a
prophecy, but to me, it’s just nonsense.’
Duon answered with a hard face. Seronnac sighed. She knew that no matter how she
persuaded him, he would never listen to her; he was denying her existence.
‘I have been with Brimdel for a long time. Also, I am the last remnant of the now-forgotten
distant past. If I die like that, the aftermath of it will be very great. And you will lose a lot.’
She prophesied quietly.
‘Crown Prince. Please do not regret it.’
The warm sunlight pleasantly warmed her face as a cool breeze gently brushed her hair
while the sound of a flowing stream could be heard near a small garden located south of
Philioche. Harrieta was lying on the green grass that stretched out over the garden.
If Rose had seen this, she would have nagged her, saying how frivolous she was acting, but
luckily she wasn’t here.
As she tried to close her eyes, her complicated mind felt calmer. The smell of fresh grass
tickled the tip of her nose. She inhaled and exhaled slowly and deeply. For this moment, she
just wanted to be assimilated, as if to become one with this peaceful nature.
Shaaaa. The branches of the tree that had been shadowing Harrieta’s side gently swayed in
the breeze. After a while, something tapped and fell lightly on her head.
Harrieta opened her eyes and saw the object that had fallen over her head. It was a maple
leaf dyed red. As she looked at the maple leaf in her hand, she turned her gaze upward. The
yellow leaves hanging from the trees were changing into different colors.
Harrieta realized something while admiring the beautiful scenery.
That summer is gone and autumn has come.
She remembered saying goodbye to him before she headed for Lavant, knowing that she
was going to be away from Edwin for a while. When the fallen leaves turned red, she said
then that she would see him again.
A lot has happened since then. She couldn’t imagine the time when she said her goodbye to
Edwin while pretending to be cheerful.
Harrieta frowned. It seems that she was more likely to feel bad than good.
But she quickly shook her head. She didn’t have to think about useless things.
Edwin said that he had received Duon’s promise to keep Hugo from going to the battlefield
and that documents from the capital would be sent to revoke his conscription order soon.
She was anxious and nervous while waiting for him to return. Her heart only calmed after
hearing the good news.
‘Everything will be the same as before. As if nothing had ever happened. Just like those days
when waking up every morning was just fun and exciting.’
Harrieta struggled to gather positive thoughts. But once it began to sink in, her mood was
like a sinking stone in the water, and it hardly showed any sign of rising.
What should I do? Harrieta, who was worried, opened her mouth.
[Lance. That summer we carved a secret.
Under the maple tree in the forest, where no one knows.
The day that the afternoon sun was so dazzling.
The promise that started as a joke was engraved there.
Lance. You ride a black horse like always
I will run forward through that wide field.
This small town can’t hold your big dreams.
So you won’t come back here someday.
Lance. Oh my Lance. Remember the day I first met you
You are like me; nothing can stop you
Lance. Oh my Lance. Remember the day I let you go.
You are different from me. Like flowing water, you will go too.]
“Who the hell is this Lance?”
She heard the voice of a man approaching her. Harrieta, who was singing quietly, was
startled and half rose from her spot. Then she saw Edwin leaning on the tree and looking at
Chapter 49

Seeing the familiar face, Harrieta smiled broadly.

“Since when have you been there? If you were there, you should’ve called me.”
“I didn’t want to disturb your singing.”
Edwin straightened his back and walked over to her.
“Is the Lance in the song Lance Elliot perhaps? The one who unified the South Continent in
the past?”
“Yes. I know it’s a song about a time when he lost his memory for a while after being
Harrieta nodded and answered. She tapped her hand on the ground, beckoning Edwin to sit
next to her. He obediently followed.
“Did you like the song?”
Harrieta asked. Edwin tilted his head to the side as if he were thinking. Then he said,
“Lance Elliott was such a great man that he was considered one of the greatest conquerors
of all time. Naturally, many poems and songs were created to commemorate his
“… So are you saying that you like it or do you not like it?”
She tilted her head in response to the elusive answer. He smiled.
“I like it.”
Then he added,
“But even if it wasn’t the song Miss Harrieta sang, I would’ve probably have liked it.”
Harrieta did not immediately understand the meaning of Edwin’s words. Even if it wasn’t
that song, he would have liked it?
She blinked and then started to laugh. Because, in a nutshell, it meant that he would have
liked anything she had sung. She lay flat on the grass with her arms laid out to the sides.
“It’s not that surprising. It’s hard to say things like this to others, but I’m very good at
Harrieta boasted and puffed her chest up like a peacock.
“Many people have said that my singing voice is as beautiful as a nightingale or something.”
“Ah, it sounds like you’re only good at singing, then.”
“I beg your pardon!”
Harrieta, who was furious at Edwin’s playful remark, raised her chin and looked up at him.
The sun was beating down on his head. He sat with his body leaning loosely back, with one
leg bent and the other straight.
His fine hair fluttered softly in the wind. Overall, it looked kind of languid. Like a beast
lazing around, or an adventurer returning from a long journey. His appearance blended
very well with the landscape around him now.
Sensing the gaze from Harrieta, Edwin turned his head to look at her. Her bright eyes
locked into Edwin’s blue eyes which seemed to be carrying heavy thoughts. His lips, which
made him look a little stubborn, curved upward in a soft curve.
“It’s a joke, Miss Harrieta.”
He said in a whisper. As he said so, there was a slight playfulness in his eyes.
Harrieta looked at Edwin silently. When was it? When had this man sitting next to her, who
was blunt as if he had been cut with a knife, and who was known as being indifferent to
those around him, secretly started pranking her like this?
Harrieta thought she wanted to get closer to Edwin than she ever did.
“Why aren’t you lying down?”
“I feel much more comfortable sitting like this than lying down.”
“Is it more comfortable to sit down?”
When Harrieta asked, Edwin nodded in agreement. Harrieta had a look on her face that said
that she couldn’t understand. How can he say that sitting is more comfortable than lying
down? He’s not even a pony sleeping standing up.
Harrieta let out a long hum. There was a look in her eyes as if she had sensed something.
She called him while she was thinking about this and that.
“Edwin, let me borrow your ear for a second.”
“I want you to listen for a moment. I have something to tell you.”
If she has something to say, she just has to say it. There are no people around, so why do I
have to lean in? Edwin was skeptical of her request, but he silently complied with her wish.
He leaned his body slightly towards her.
He was just about to ask what she was going to say when Harrieta stretched out her hand
abruptly and grabbed his collar. Then, with a thud, she pulled him towards her with a fairly
strong force.
It was a sudden move, and his upper body was leaning at an angle, making it difficult to
keep his balance. He fell over her too easily.
Just before his body crushed Harrieta’s, Edwin quickly reached out to the sides and touched
the ground with his hands. Then he put a strong force on his arms and managed to
withstand the weight of his body.
The gap between their faces was less than a cheek. If he had been a little low, then they
would have smashed onto each other hard.
“What are you doing!? That’s dangerous!”
Edwin, who barely managed to focus, raised his voice and asked. Then Harrieta laughed.
“Why are you so serious? It doesn’t mean you’re going to die just because you’re lying
“You could still get hurt!”
“What do you mean hurt? What kind of elephant are you? How much do you weigh?”
Harrieta said, pinching his nose.
“Don’t do that, lie down. Edwin, lie next to me. Look at how pretty the autumn sky is.”
“You’re already half-lying anyway. Hurry up, Edwin.”
Harrieta persuaded him gently. Edwin sighed more deeply than she did. It’s so sloppy that
it’s not convincing at all, but why does he keep wanting to listen to her? In the end, he lay
down next to her just as she asked.
A cool feeling passed through his head and back. There was also the smell of fresh grass
and warm earth. Long leaves of grass gently caressed the side of his face and his ears.
“Isn’t the color of the sky really pretty?”
Harrieta, who was lying next to him, asked. Edwin looked at the sky that spread out in front
of him.
A few white clouds were floating in the blue sky. His eyes narrowed. Although it was a clear
day, it was not impressive enough to talk about. To be honest, it didn’t even look that
different from the sky he had seen every day.
“Yes, it’s pretty.”
“It doesn’t feel sincere at all.”
Harrieta grinned at Edwin’s reckless agreement.
“Look, Edwin.”
She pointed her finger at a cloud in the sky.
“See that cloud over there? Doesn’t that look like a goat’s head?”
‘A goat?’
“It’s like horns sticking out of the head.”
Edwin saw the cloud Harrieta was pointing at. A goat. He looked for the shape of the
animal she was talking about in the shape of a cloud. After a while, he replied with a grin.
“A goat with very short horns.”
“Right? Ah! Doesn’t that look like a teacup? It’s a little squished to the side, though.”
“Is it a teacup with a broken handle?”
“Yes, it is. But it would be difficult to use if the handle was broken… Ah. And there, there!
The one at the end.”
For a while, Harrieta pointed to this cloud and that cloud and shared her impressions of
them. And Edwin, without being annoyed, responded to her patiently. Rather than being
annoyed at her, he rather smirked at her absurd expressions.
It was a peaceful day. He and she, and the calm and beautiful scenery that surrounded
The tension that had been ingrained in his body for a long time, like a habit, was released.
Edwin listened to Harrieta’s babbling, but at the same time, he had a different thought.
Has he ever spent such a relaxing time lying on the ground without hesitation? Has he ever
been happy while enjoying the beauty that nature has to offer without being bound by
“Look at this tree. It’s a maple tree.”
Harrieta said, pointing to the tree that was giving shade over their heads. Edwin’s eyes
looked at the shape of the tree.
“The tree in the song was also a maple tree.”
Harrieta muttered as she recalled the lyrics of the song she had sung a moment ago. She
turned her head to the side and looked at Edwin.
“Edwin, shall we carve a promise on the tree just like Lance Elliot did?”
“A promise?”
“Yes. just like the one in the song. A promise that started as a joke was carved into a tree.
The promise they make to each other. What do you think?”
Harrieta said with an excited face. If he agreed to it, she would jump right in and start
writing on the tree. Edwin gave her a subtle expression.
“But Miss Harrieta, can you remember where this place is? Isn’t it like making a promise
somewhere to check it again in the future?”
Chapter 50

“Of course! What, do you think my memory’s that bad? If it’s Philioche, I can figure out
where and how even a single grass grows!”
At Edwin’s question, Harrieta snorted and said confidently.
“Come quickly!”
Without waiting for his answer, Harrieta jumped up from her seat and ran to the tree.
Edwin looked at her with a puzzled face and shook his head lightly. He forgot for a moment
how hard it was to discourage her once she decides to do something.
Edwin slowly stood up and followed Harrieta. She stood in front of the tree and looked at
the trunk. She held a blunt twig in her hand that she picked up somewhere. As she moved
passionately, he thought she was already engraving something.
“What are you doing?”
“I was thinking about what to engrave. Once you write it down, you can’t take it back.”
In response to Edwin’s question, Harrieta said with a stern look on her face. It was a
meaningless, graffiti-like joke, but she seemed to take it quite seriously. The look on her
face as she looked at the wooden trunk was like that of a priest who was about to write a
Bible to be enshrined in the temple.
“Ah! Something good came to mind!”
Harrieta let out an exclamation and moved her hand. Using the tip of the branch she was
holding; she began to engrave something on the tree trunk. The blunt tip was so blunt that
the words engraved on the pillars were very faint even though they were pressed firmly.
She had to overwrite it several times.
Edwin, who was silently standing behind Harrieta and watching her movement, read the
words she had carved on the tree and smiled.
I’ll be more careful in the future.
“What is this?”
“What is it? This is my promise to you.”
Harrieta said in a tone that sounded as if she was stating the obvious.
“The same thing goes for what happened earlier. You say that I’m so clumsy and careless
that your blood seems to be drying up. So, I promise to be more careful in the future.”
“I understand that, but… Why did you write the ‘probably’ here?”
Edwin asked, pointing his chin to the inscription on the wood. Harrieta smiled
“In case there is an unavoidable circumstance where I cannot be careful…”
“In case you cannot be careful. What the hell kind of case is that?”
“I don’t know yet. So I wrote it down. ‘Probably’.”
Harrieta shrugged her shoulders. It was a reckless logic of saying that if you put it on the
ear, it would be an earring, if it was hung on the nose, it would be a nose ring.
“I see.”
“Would you like to write too, Edwin? Here.”
When Edwin showed a sign of refusal, Harrieta quickly put the branch in his hand. She
must have tried to silence him before the annoying words came out.
“It’s just for fun, don’t take it too seriously.”
‘Who was so serious like she was deciding the most important thing in life?’
Edwin looked at Harrieta with amused eyes. Then she secretly avoided his gaze to see if
there was any place to carve.
I won’t look until you’ve written it all down. She mumbled in an expectant voice.
‘A promise.’
Edwin thought for a moment. He glanced at Harrieta, who was pretending not to look but
was inwardly wondering what he was going to engrave.
He turned his gaze forward again and read Harrieta’s engravings on the tree. Then he
smiled silently and began to move his hand. Scratch, scratch. In the quiet space, only the
sound of scraping could be heard.
“I wrote it.”
“Already? What did you write?”
Harrieta was startled by Edwin’s words and turned around. She checked the words he had
engraved with eyes full of anticipation.
It was engraved just below the words she had engraved. Unlike her, which had crooked
letters and lines, it was written correctly in line with each other.
I will always be by your side.
Harrieta’s face, which was smiling just a while ago, looked disturbed. Her twinkling eyes
sank, and her open mouth was also closed. She looked at the words quietly.
It felt like she had swallowed a handful of hard-boiled eggs. Edwin would have engraved it
playfully, as she did. It wasn’t even a sad phrase. It was a sweet phrase with a joke. Still, for
some reason, as she read the words he engraved on the tree, her heart sank.
“You don’t like it?”
Edwin, who had misunderstood Harrieta’s silence to mean something else, asked her
quietly. He narrowed his eyebrows a little nervously.
“‘Maybe’ is a joke.”
Worried that it might have offended her, he added a stern explanation.
Harrieta’s neck moved. She shook her head from side to side.
“It’s so perfect.”
Harrieta whispered as if she were speaking to herself, and turned around to see Edwin
standing next to her. And she realized it naturally. Now, she can no longer express her
feelings for him with just one word.
“You have to keep your promise, Edwin.”
Harrieta smiled like a flower in full bloom.
Time passed, and the date of Hugo’s enlistment came. The Mackenzies and Hugo, who do
not know the details of the story, broke into tears as they parted ways without promise. It
was because they weren’t sure if they would be able to live and meet again if they parted
like this. However, only Harrieta had a calm face.
“Do not worry, Hugo. You will be back soon.”
Harrieta told Hugo. There was still no news from the capital, but she firmly believed that it
was only a matter of time before the documents bearing the royal coat of arms arrived.
“It won’t take long. So, hold on a little longer.”
Harrieta gave Hugo a light kiss on his round forehead and she said her goodbyes to him.
A few days after Hugo left for Bangola, a messenger came to Mackenzie’s mansion. Harrieta
was delighted and she welcomed him, but she soon hardened her expression as she read
the letter he had given her. Coincidentally, the sender of the letter was not the Brimdel
royal family she had been waiting for.
As Harrieta entered the room, the man standing by the window greeted her. It was such a
friendly greeting that anyone who didn’t know anything would have mistakenly thought
that they got on well. Harrieta frowned at that. For the rest of her life, she never wanted to
see this man again.
‘Nothing’s going to happen with the leech.’
Harrieta muttered inside. When she left Lavant, she thought that her bad relationship with
Shawn was over. But she could not understand why he was in Philioche of all places.
“You don’t look so happy with me.”
“When did we start welcoming each other?”
Harrieta responded coldly to Shawn’s smirk. It wasn’t wrong, so he chuckled.
“Would you like to sit down?”
“I don’t want to have long conversations with Sir Shawn that require me to sit down. You
will just be talking about things right?”
“Whether you like it or not, the conversation is going to take a while, that’s why I told you
to sit down.”
Shawn pointed to the chair placed in the room with his chin and suggested it again. His eyes
were full of certainty. Harrieta looked at him distastefully, but she soon accepted his
invitation. He came all the way here so she had to at least hear what he was trying to say to
As Harrieta sat down, Shawn slowly walked over and sat across from her.
“Your town is seriously small. You don’t have anything. Even the inns that exist are so
cheap that it’s a waste to give them money.”
“Of course, it’s not a town that people like you often visit.”
Harrieta let out a short breath. She wanted to leave this place as soon as possible.
“So what’s the matter, Sir Shawn?”
“Aren’t you in too much of a hurry? I have come a long way to meet you.”
“So, I have answered your call. There’s no way you’d have run that far for nothing.”
Harrieta clearly explained what she meant without getting caught up in Shawn’s words.
“Just tell me. Otherwise, I will go back.”
Despite Harrieta’s non-threatening threats, Shawn did not lose his composure. What’s so
interesting, he had a cynical smile on his lips as he leaned back and sat comfortably. Then,
he raised his upper body and leaned forward.
“As I told you, you didn’t tell that bastard Redford about this meeting?”
“… Not yet. I don’t know what will happen later depending on the situation.”
“Well done. It doesn’t matter if that bastard knows, but it’ll be easier for him to just stay
unaware of this thing.”
Harrieta narrowed her eyebrows at the inexplicable words.
“How long ago was your brother conscripted and taken away? And to Bangola, where the
skirmish is taking place?”
Harrieta didn’t feel well at Shawn’s tone, as if he was thinking about something. No. Most of
all, she hated the fact that he knew about her brother, whom he had never met before.
“How does Sir Shawn know that?”
“Have you not heard of the saying that birds hear the words of the day and mice hear the
words of the night? Fortunately, I have a lot of birds and mice.”
“You care so much about the Mackenzie household that I don’t know where to put myself.”
Harrieta blatantly ridiculed Shawn. There’s no way he wasn’t aware of that, but Shawn
didn’t seem offended in the slightest and laughed out loud.
“There are a lot of guys in the Bangola area who are my ears. Information is power.”
Chapter 51

“I heard that the number of confirmed casualties over the past three days alone is over
1,500. There are much more injured. Unfortunately, it seems that our commander is not
that talented.”
“If you knew that, shouldn’t you change the commander?”
Harrieta asked with an absurd expression on her face. Because of the incompetent
commander, only the pitiful soldiers under him are dying. She couldn’t understand Shawn,
who came to Philioche like this, rather than try to fix it even though he knew about it.
“Well, it’s because the commander came from a fairly powerful and prestigious family. On
the other hand, his lieutenant commander is from a family of knights. So I’ll probably leave
it alone until the commander gets mixed up a bit more.”
“But people are dying because of that incompetent commander!”
Harrieta, who was so angry at Shawn’s casual expression, raised her voice.
“A person’s life is at stake, but what is the importance of going to a prestigious school and
“A person. Yes, it is only the lives of commoners and slaves.”
Shawn said with a smirk.
“Oh, right, I forgot. That includes the children of the penniless and powerless aristocrats.
Yes, it’s…”
Shawn’s snake-like eyes turned to Harrieta.
“… just like your brother.”
Between his gaping lips, he flapped his tongue as if to lick his lips. Harrieta suddenly felt
short of breath. She jumped up from her seat.
“I thought so, but coming here was a big mistake.”
She said, glaring fiercely at Shawn.
“I’ll get going. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I’ll be able to pray for your safety on the way
“Your brother, don’t you want to save him?”
Shawn asked as he watched Harrieta angrily head out.
Don’t you want to save him? It was as if his tone was suggesting that Hugo would die if she
didn’t make the right decision now. When she said nothing, he spoke again.
“If it goes like this, you better stop thinking about meeting your younger brother again. He
will die on the battlefield soon.”
“Hugo will not die.”
Harrieta declared. She tried to resist her desire to run right away and strangle Shawn.
“He will come home safely no matter what you say.”
Because someone who held a higher rank than him had promised to do so.
But there was no reason to explain it to Shawn. Harrieta, not wanting to interact with him
any longer, quickly walked towards the door. She then placed her hand on it to turn the
doorknob he had locked.
“Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t be so sure.”
Behind her back, Shawn said monotonously.
“Especially if this was the corner you believe in.”
It was a meaningful word. Harrieta unknowingly turned her body to look at Shawn. In his
hand was a sheet of paper she had never seen before. He was waving it towards her as if he
wanted her to see it.
“What is that?”
Harrieta asked. Then Shawn grinned as if he caught his prey in a net.
“Read it for yourself.”
He said in a whisper.
Harrieta looked at him warily, but she couldn’t resist her natural curiosity. She approached
him and snatched the document he had taken out. She then began to look down as she read
its contents
‘This is…?’
Harrieta’s body stiffened as she held the document. She thoroughly read every single letter
written on the paperwork.
“This… Why is this?”
Harrieta asked in a trembling voice.
“Why is this in your hand…?”
“You didn’t think it was foolish to think that the Crown Prince would personally step in to
get things done, did you?”
Shawn asked with a low smile.
“I didn’t see it that way, but you used a really cute trick. I almost made a mistake, well.
Fortunately, His Highness had entrusted the work to someone on our side, so there were no
The document Shawn handed over was written by Duon, the Crown Prince of Brimdel. The
written content was concise and the meaning of the message was clear.
Investigate the reasons for the conscription of Viscount Mackenzie’s son, Hugo McKenzie,
and, if he falls out of the conscription restrictions, immediately release him from
It was what Harrieta had been waiting so long for. It was embarrassing that it landed in the
hands of someone she didn’t expect at all.
“Now you know the gravity of it. That all of this was a mistake.”
Harrieta said, stroking her surprised chest.
“Hugo is only twelve years old. He is much younger than the age limit, sixteen. There is no
reason for such a child to accept this conscription duty.”
“Yes. As you say. It all comes from a mistake.”
Shawn readily agreed, and Harrieta raised her head with eyes full of anticipation. But soon
she realized that something was wrong. Because he was smiling with a sense of
accomplishment as if he was very happy with the situation.
“But do you really think that was a mistake?”
He asked.
“Among many, your brother Hugo McKenzie, who is ridiculously young, was drafted, and
then sent to Bangola… Do you really think it was a mistake?”
Harrieta looked at Shawn with a blank expression on her face.
‘No way…’
“Don’t tell me you…?”
Harrieta’s chin trembled. Her breath sped up and her eyes fluttered at the insecurity, which
came rushing in like waves.
“You… Hugo…?”
“Did you like my gift?”
Shawn asked with a smile. There was no sign of guilt or regret on his face.
Snap. The moment she heard his answer, something broke in Harrieta’s head. Her eyes
were burning white. At the same time, anger soared out of control.
“You… How dare you!”
Harrieta, whose eyes were overturned in her anger, rushed to Shawn with the goal that she
would break his neck. Unfortunately, he was one step ahead as he grabbed her hand with
ease as if he had anticipated her next move.
“Let go! Let go of me!”
Harrieta, caught by Shawn, put a strain around her neck and cursed him. But Shawn didn’t
“Shut up. Unless you really want to see your brother die.”
He growled softly.
“I don’t make verbal threats. I have the personality to do it. If you still don’t believe it, you
can try it.”
Harrieta glared at Shawn, breathing heavily at him. She wanted to immediately dig his eyes
out with her fingers. She wanted to kick him relentlessly with the legs hidden under her
But what if what he said was true? What if Hugo was endangered because of her crazy,
thoughtless behavior?
The strength slowly drained from her hand, which was trembling and shivering against his
grip. Her anger was still at the top of her head, but her reason slowly returned. Shawn gave
a satisfied look upon seeing it. He let go of her hand.
“I will spare your brother. I will go to Bangola, as His Highness commanded me, to
represent that all this was a mistake and that your brother will never have to do military
service. That is, on the condition that you have to accept my deal.”
“… deal?”
“Yes. I need you to help with the national marriage to Velicia this time.”
Velicia? National marriage?
These were unfamiliar words that had nothing to do with her. Harrieta looked at Shawn
with suspicious eyes. Then he raised the corners of his lips crookedly.
“You are going to become the daughter of an illegitimate child hidden by His Majesty King
Brimdel and marry the prince of Velicia instead of Princess Laysha.”
Harrieta opened her eyes.
What is this man saying now?
“I am the King’s illegitimate child… ?”
“The illegitimate daughter. More specifically, take on the role of an illegitimate daughter
who is not yet known to the public because His Majesty has hidden your existence until
Unlike Harrieta, who was stiff, Shawn spoke fluently.
Harrieta was speechless. The words that came out of Shawn’s mouth were something she
could never have imagined. Embraced in a crucible of the shock, she could not easily come
to her senses.
“I don’t think that’s a bad offer for you? On the contrary, it’s a proposition that should be
overwhelmingly good.”
Shawn said with a smirk.
“Usually, low-ranking aristocrats like you wouldn’t even be given a chance to meet the
royal family of Velicia. I’m telling you now that I’m going to give you a chance to transform
into a member of the royal family of Brimdel and marry the prince of Velicia. Born as the
daughter of the Viscount, I will give you a chance to become the princess of a country.”
Chapter 52

He said proudly. He acted as if he had done something really good.

“You’re crazy. You… You’re out of your mind.”
Harrieta was fed up.
“If it’s such a good position, then shouldn’t Princess Laysha take it?”
“Princess Laysha can’t. The person whom Velicia brought up as the groom was Prince
Harrieta was not very good at social rumors. She was even oblivious to the news that was
taking place in Brimdel, so she had no way of knowing about things that occurred in Velicia,
a neighboring country. After reading her expression, Shawn explained,
“Bernard Chenchila Shane Pascourt. He’s the second prince of Velicia, and although he’s the
prince, the rumors aren’t all that great. Thanks to him, his right to the throne was also
taken away by the First Prince.”
“Well, don’t worry too much. At least he’s not an old man in his seventies. It’s not the
Seeing Harrieta’s expression getting worse and worse, Shawn chuckled and added,
“I still don’t understand your suggestion. Since he’s not a good person, I can understand His
Majesty’s desire not to send Princess Laysha to him. But why me? If you think about it a
little bit, there must be a lot of young ladies in this country who are much more suited to
the position than me.”
“You’re not well known to the public. The problem is that young ladies living in capitals or
large cities are too well known in society, and to use commoners who had neither heard
nor seen of them, the risk of being discovered later is too great as they are not educated as
aristocrats. They could be educated, but it would take too much time.”
Shawn skillfully explained the reasons for choosing her. Upon listening to his explanation,
she almost thought that his story was so believable that he might have been telling the
truth and not a lie.
But it didn’t matter anyway. Harrieta didn’t even have the slightest bit of heart to accept his
“Don’t tell me you’re thinking that I’ll agree with you?”
“Why not? As I said before, this would be a great opportunity for you.”
“What is a good opportunity? Do I look stupid enough to take a risk like this? If things go
wrong, and my identity is revealed, then how are you going to take responsibility for it? It’s
not just me who’s going to be punished, it’s going to shake the whole Mackenzie family.
Otherwise, I could be executed for deceiving the royal family.”
“So, you have to be careful not to get caught.”
“Do you think it’s easy?”
Harrieta, who could not stand it, burst in anger. Even if she can’t clearly get her thoughts
through words, it should have worked to some extent. It felt like she was talking to a wall
instead of a person.
“And even if I don’t get caught, I can’t accept such a ridiculous offer. So don’t waste your
time and find someone else.”
“Well. Can you really disobey me?”
Despite Harrieta’s stubborn attitude, Shawn did not lose his composure.
“Have you not forgotten? The document I showed you earlier. And where is your poor little
brother now?”
“On a battlefield where it is difficult for even an experienced military commander to stand,
how long can your little brother hold a sword properly?”
Shawn whistled and muttered. Harrieta’s face turned an earthy color.
“Now… Are you threatening me?”
“Yes. If you do not accept my offer now, your brother will soon end his short life in
“Do you think I’ll stay quiet enough to do that?”
“What if you don’t stay quiet?”
“I will go to the capital immediately and report your conduct to the Crown Prince. Then he
won’t leave you alone. You could be punished severely for deceiving the royal family.”
Harrieta said boldly. Because she believed he would feel threatened if she offered to tell the
Crown Prince the truth. Contrary to her expectations, however, Shawn only laughed out
loud with his head tilted back.
“You still don’t seem to understand the situation. Could it be that I did all this on my own?
Is it a serious matter for the marriage between the royal family?”
“What is that… ?”
Harrieta asked nervously. The self-confidence of the other person for no apparent reason
created an ominous energy in her heart.
Shawn, who had been sitting there all along, got up. The eye level, which was relatively
slightly lower, suddenly changed upward.
“It’s no use complaining to the Crown Prince. As long as I have my backer’s permission,
there’s nothing he can do. I mean, you still don’t know what I mean?”
A black shadow fell in front of her with his back to the window.
“And if he ever asks you about your brother… Well, it’s a little annoying, but I can just say
that I was late for getting things done due to unavoidable circumstances in the middle.”
Shawn clicked his tongue and muttered to himself. Then he looked at Harrieta.
“But I mean. How long do you believe your brother can survive on the battlefield?”
“It will take quite some time for you to see the Crown Prince and settle this matter again.”
He paused for a moment and then tilted his head to the side and narrowed his eyes.
“Are you really okay?”
A picture of Hugo flashed in Harrieta’s mind.
‘Sister. I want to live.’
‘I don’t want to die.’
The tears that flowed from her eyes and wet the back of her hands.
It felt like she was short of breath.
Harrieta was sitting by the window of her room gloomily. The scenery outside the window
was as calm and quiet as usual. The room was also so quiet that the sound of the ticking
clock and the regular breathing were all the noise there was, so it was so quiet that even
the sound of a needle falling could be heard.
Everything is as usual, but her mind was not. It was as if a strong storm had raged and a
tidal wave had come. The whole thing turned into a mess, as if it had been deliberately put
If the state of a person’s mind can be embodied in the weather, there will most likely be no
one who could survive in it.
But all of this was an inner conflict that only Harrieta knew of, and on the surface it was
Through the closed window, the faint sound of the horse’s hooves could be heard. Harrieta
naturally lowered her gaze and looked at the source of the sound. She saw a man pulling a
horse out of the stable.
Horses that are normally ridden by humans need regular exercise, so it was a common
sight around this time.
A faint smile spread across Harrieta’s numb lips. It was all too easy to figure out who the
man leading the horse was, even from quite a distance.
Even though the weather was getting colder, he rolled up the sleeves of his clothes to the
middle of his forearms, rather than hiding in a coat. He hopped on the horse and began to
ride the horse with great skill. So his figure disappeared from her view.
Harrieta, who was looking at the empty space, quickly closed her eyes. The warm heat that
had arisen for a moment cooled her down.
It wasn’t that she didn’t know what to do. She knew well enough to be hurt that she had to
make the right choice. But the situation was not so simple. Because she couldn’t judge
based on what was right and what was wrong, or just what she wanted.
No. To be precise, it has become impossible to do so now.
It felt as if both of her wings were cut off and her limbs were tied up and she was driven to
the edge of a steep cliff.
Harrieta tilted her head back and rested her head against the window frame. Then, slowly,
she inhaled and exhaled. She hoped that her heart, which as heavy as stone, would be as
light as her breath.
Chapter 53

The weather had turned quite chilly. As early autumn came and each day passed, winter
soon approached.
Nevertheless, the sky was still clear, blue, and beautiful and it overshadowed the summer
sky which most claim is the most beautiful among the four seasons.
Edwin paused for a moment and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Naturally, his gaze
turned to the sky. White clouds were floating in the clear, wide sky.
‘It looks like a mouse. The long clouds of thread behind it look like rat tails…’
Edwin who looked at one of the clouds and thought absently became perplexed.
Mouse? Rat tail? He wondered what he was thinking now.
He remembered having a conversation with Harrieta some time ago. They were lying on
the lawn and watching the clouds floating around. He didn’t think deeply about it that time,
but it seems he had been tainted by her way of thought unconsciously.
He grinned. It was clear that people who knew him in the past would be terrified if they
saw him.
Edwin turned and looked up the window on the second floor of the mansion. Just like
yesterday, the windows in her room were tightly closed. A thick curtain was also drawn so
that one could not see inside.
The smile on his lips disappeared. His encounters with Harrieta these past few days were
so scarce that he could count the times they met with his fingers.
‘It’s probably because she’s worried about her brother.’
Edwin thought.
The friendship between the two siblings was so good that they made him jealous. Perhaps
because of their age difference of six years, Hugo often treated Harrieta like an idol. Acting
like an old man, he even made a fool of himself in front of her. Harrieta was also familiar
with him, so she accepted and guided him well.
Although Harrieta’s only outward expressions were smiles, she was still an innocent child.
It was understandable that such a Harrieta was worried that her brother would be dragged
into a life-and-death battlefield overnight.
‘Still, I thought she was getting better lately.’
After meeting Hugo, Harrieta had been muttering that she must find a way to save him
somehow. He only knew that her anxiety had subsided a lot after he managed to meet
Duon, and she obtained his verbal promise that he would fix the situation.
Well, she probably wouldn’t be able to relax for a second until her brother returns safely to
Philioche. It wasn’t unusual. It was a situation anyone could understand.
So Edwin was just hoping that Duon would do what he had promised him as soon as
‘The Duke of Redford in the prophecy was not you, but Iorn, your father. So there was no
reason to take your life.’
Suddenly, he remembered Duon talking while looking at him with bitter eyes.
‘I deeply regret that I said hypocritical words to you that day.’
A man who was destined to become a king who could not even properly say he was sorry.
At one time, there was a time when he promised to keep this country by his side and make
this country more prosperous under his rule.
Perhaps, it is not much different from what his father, Iorn, promised when he saw the
current king.
Edwin’s expression hardened.
Everyone asked how he could not lose his composure in this situation. They also asked why
he wouldn’t want to find out more about this. Wasn’t he curious about the story behind it?
No matter how much it was ordered by the master, he didn’t even get angry when his
whole family was brutally murdered. Some people asked why he acted like that and
scorned him.
Even in Edwin’s eyes, he was very different from others. Most people looked at him and
praised him for being the perfect and wonderful next-generation head, but very rarely,
some considered him like a puppet with no emotions.
Even though he was given the freedom to think, he was like a being who never learned how
to use it.
Iorn said the uneducated people were foolish. He also said the people can’t see others doing
well, and will somehow find fault with them, no matter how perfect they may be because of
their twisted personality.
Iorn’s attitude was so firm that Edwin remained silent. He knew that what he was saying
wasn’t quite wrong, but he was not as perfect as Iorn thought. He couldn’t pinpoint it, but
something was lacking.
However, he didn’t know what it was, and even if he did, he didn’t know how to fix it, so he
just stood by.
The rebellion of a great noble family, known to be more loyal than any other family in
history. And, as if waiting, the order was given to them without a proper investigation. The
irreversible fall of the family.
There were not one or two suspicious parts. But even so, Edwin did not actively seek out
the matter.
The reason was simple. To do something, he needed a purpose for doing it, and appropriate
measures to counteract the consequences.
However, that action was the problem here.
What if he finds out the truth?
What if everything turns out to be wrong?
So what should he do?
‘Love your family, take care of your people, and defend your country. But more important
than that is to obey the king’s will.’
Edwin had been educated in this way from a very young age as if he was brainwashed.
He was curious, but he did not dare to find out what it was. He was angry, but he couldn’t
get it out, so he had to swallow his emotions.
Whatever the reason, it was the king’s will. But if he had to find out what happened to him
and he came now, what could he do by himself?
He had such clogged up emotions that it was frustrating to even think about it. Even though
he was called the best fool, it was a stupid idea.
However, it was very difficult for him to change the way he thinks in an instant.
Even now, after finding out that all this was due to just a few words from a prophet.
‘Serronac. Why you had to make such a prophecy, I do not know.’
Edwin said to Seronnac, who was somewhere in the distance.
‘But you are wrong. My father, Iorn John Debussy Redford, was never one to go against the
current royal family and destroy his country. He loves Brimdel more than anything, and I do
not know anyone who has been as blindly loyal to the king as he was.’
A cold wind blew from somewhere and stroked Edwin’s hair.
Soon, the wind blew away the fallen leaves around him and the leaves seemed to move
along a circular line was as if they were dancing round and round.
‘But I guess it doesn’t matter now.’
He thought, swallowing his bitter thoughts.
‘Because the dead cannot speak.’
Chapter 54

Rattle, rattle.
She seemed to be quiet, but the sparse wind shook the open barn door. It would be nice to
close the door and hang the lock, but it was impossible to lock the door at will because of
his place as a slave.
Besides, Edwin had another reason why he wouldn’t lock the barn door.
Edwin felt slightly excited. He could feel Harrieta looking at him from behind. She was lying
comfortably on the hay he had piled to one side as if she were in her room.
Normally, he would have told her to sit down with something underneath, but today he
kept his mouth shut. He didn’t want to offend her by saying something wrong.
It had been a week since Harrieta went to see him like this.
Meanwhile, he was starting to get nervous and was wondering if he had done something to
her. Although he was acting as if nothing had happened, he couldn’t be more pleased with
her sudden visit, she asked him, ‘What are you doing?’ It was a pain to hold back his
laughter that was struggling to leak out like a fool in front of her.
Harrieta was very curious about him. Since she went to Lavant she had been depressed
because a lot has happened to her, but originally she used to snoop around.
She came over to him and watched closely what he was doing. She then rolled up the
sleeves of her clothes and said that she would help with the job.
Edwin turned down her offer. The reason was that it was too dangerous.
The tool he was using was common to many people’s daily life, but the thought of it being in
her hands made him feel uncomfortable. Even though he knew he was being
overprotective, he couldn’t help it. Since she wasn’t a very attentive person, she could have
turned her eyes elsewhere and she could have been cut.
He mentioned to the promise engraved on the maple tree and said that this was too much
for her. He thought her rebuttal would follow, but his expectations were wrong. Harrieta
gave up much more easily than he thought. She pouted at one point, but that was all.
She lingered around him for a moment, and then she climbed onto the hay piled up behind
him and settled down.
Rustle, rustle. Behind him came the sound of the hem of her clothes rubbing against the
hay. Whoo. The sound of her breathing sounded like a small animal that found a nest after a
hard day’s work.
As he listened to the sound, the corners of his mouth curled up even though it wasn’t really
a big deal. It was a feeling that was blooming in the corner of his heart, an emotion that
could not be expressed in words.
Edwin didn’t look at Harrieta for a long time. It wasn’t because he was mad or upset at her.
He just didn’t want her to see himself smiling like a fool. It was because he didn’t want to
show this face of his.
With every step he took, her gaze moved with it. While he was working, he thought it was
cold in the barn, but from the moment she walked in, it became somewhat warm. It felt as if
the empty space was filled with her presence.
Edwin turned around. He couldn’t concentrate on the task in front of him.
The silence between the two continued to grow infinitely longer. She seemed to have
something to say to him. But at the same time he felt that he did not want to break this
He just loved the moment she was standing here like this, and she was lying comfortably
not far from him. The present moment when they can focus on each other while forgetting
everything, the past and the future, even for a moment.
Edwin straightened his body. It was because Harrieta’s gaze, which had been looking at him
for a long time, suddenly ceased to be felt.
Or maybe she fell asleep while lying down. Come to think of it, the clothes she was wearing
were not that thick. He was worried about what to do if she fell asleep in that state and
later caught a cold.
Edwin looked carefully behind him. He was contemplating whether he should wake him up
if she really fell asleep, or if he should bring her a blanket.
But seeing Harrieta, his expression hardened. For some reason, she was burying her face in
her hands.
‘Are you crying?’
Edwin was perplexed. He never expected that she would be crying behind him. After all,
she had no reason to cry now. She was a little bit too sulky, but she was very lively just a
moment ago.
While he took his eyes off her for a moment, maybe she got hurt. His heart plummeted.
Edwin threw the tool he was holding onto the floor. It was quite noisy, but he didn’t care.
He approached Harrieta with a quick gait.
“Miss Harrieta. Are you okay?”
He asked. Then he quickly took a look at her condition. Fortunately, she did not appear to
have been injured. But no answer came back. She just lay still, not even moving, as if she
couldn’t hear him.
He felt a wall he had never seen before as she closed her eyes and refused to face him.
“If you are teasing me, please stop. Otherwise, I might get really angry.”
Edwin said with strength in his voice for no reason. It was because he was wondering if she
was doing this because she was upset that she couldn’t help with his work a while ago. It
was nothing else, it was related to her safety. Looking back, he didn’t make the wrong
Still...Could it be that he was too cold-hearted when he refused her?
Another suspicion arose in his mind. Come to think of it, she must have just wanted to help
out with pure intention.
“Please raise your head. I was too blunt, is that why?”
Edwin’s voice softened. No, he thought it wasn’t it, but as time passed, he became more and
more withdrawn. Even though he thought he was not wrong, little by little he began to be
“I must have acted too harshly. I’m just worried...I was wrong. I was wrong, so please don’t
be upset.”
He could have said it better.
Edwin now regrets his own actions and begins to blame himself.
It’s only been a minute since the moment when he confidently said he didn’t do anything
wrong. Even from his own perspective, the speed of his collapse was so fast.
Edwin clenched his teeth. He felt like he wanted to remove the two hands that were
covering Harrieta’s face. He wanted to check her face hidden behind it and her expression.
Edwin’s hand hovered close to Harrieta’s face. But he couldn’t touch her so easily.
She wouldn’t be offended if he had held her hand if it was the woman he knew. She might
not have cared so much as if she didn’t even know he had held her.
But nonetheless, he was cautious with everything. It was because he was worried, but he
didn’t know if she would look at him like that. Still, maybe she was crying because of his
What if she forcefully accepts my actions?
What if the situation gets worse than it is now?
If she hates him even more.
If so, what should he do?
“Miss Harrieta. Please...”
“Please show me your face.”
Edwin began to plead with Harrieta. It became so flat that I thought I couldn’t go down any
His mouth was dry and his stomach was burning. Although the moment waiting for her
response was actually very short, it felt as long as eternity.
Edwin couldn’t stand it any longer and was about to grab Harrieta’s hand. Harrieta slowly
lowered her hand that was covering her face.
Her hidden face, and the clear, clean brown eyes set on it, turned towards him.
Harrieta was not crying. There were no tears in her eyes, but her face was just dry.
But why? He thought she was crying. He thought she was sad and mourning. This strange
feeling that could not be easily explained made Edwin bewildered once again.
‘What is it that makes you so sad?’
Edwin was about to ask, but the corners of Harrieta’s lips rose. As if it was very enjoyable.
She smiled but she looked numb, yet even looked sad.
“It’s a joke. Have I fooled you again?”
She said so.
“So, don’t keep ignoring me.”
She added a grin lightly.
The face that gave him the impression that she looked sad was no longer there.
As if nothing had happened from the beginning, only a bright smile remained.
Chapter 55

A few days later, Harrieta came to Edwin’s room. When he asked her what was going on,
she held out a document she was holding.
Above the document was an inscription stating that Mackenzie’s eldest son, Hugo
McKenzie, would be freed from military service because he did not meet the age
requirements for conscription. In the lower right corner, the coat of arms of the Brimdel
family was engraved in a large size.
Duon kept his promise. He was starting to get worried as it took quite a bit longer than
expected to get things done. Edwin was relieved and overjoyed. But Harrieta, on the other
hand, only smiled vaguely.
“Aren’t you happy?”
“Of course I’m happy.”
Edwin was puzzled to see Harrieta not as happy as he thought.
Was she startled by the sudden news? Or did her heart become dull after waiting too long?
It was different from what he expected, but it was an understandable reaction if anyone
tried to understand it.
“Edwin. I have a favor.”
Harrieta handed Edwin the second document. It was a document containing Hugo’s birth
“Could you bring these two documents to the military base stationed in Bangola? Show
them to the person in charge there and they will send Hugo home.”
Most of the troops currently stationed in Bangola were under the command of the Knights
of Demner. Edwin was also a member of the Knights of Demner in the past and had been in
the northern region for over a year. Because of that, he knew quite well the area around
Bangola village, and he also knew the Knights of Demner well.
Who is the current commander of the Knights of Demner? Edwin recalled the days when he
was a member of the Knights of Demner.
“I’m sorry, Edwin. I know it’s quite a long way from here to Bangola. But I have no one to
ask but you.”
“Is Miss Harrieta going with me?”
Edwin asked. At that, Harrieta quietly shook her head.
“Unfortunately, I don’t think I can go. This is where the two countries’ forces are fighting.
My parents would never allow it.”
“I’m relieved. If you tell me that you are going, I am going to stop you.”
Edwin said with a faint smile on his lips. He rolled up the documents he had taken from her
and put them in his hands.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be back soon. Perhaps, I will be able to come back within a fortnight.”
At Edwin’s words, Harrieta put on a surprised expression.
“A fortnight? Doesn’t it usually take 10 days to get to Bangola? Then it would take twenty
days to estimate.”
“Usually it is.”
Edwin nodded his head.
“I’m a fast rider, so maybe I can get to Bangola in five days.”
“Five days?”
“Yes. Oh, but it might be a little late on the way back. It will be with Mister Hugo then.”
Still, he could come back in a week. No matter how much Hugo whined that he was having a
hard time, he wasn’t going to pay attention.
The appearance of Edwin declaring that he would cut the travel time by as much as half
was very calm. Had someone else said it, she would have laughed at it, thinking it was just
an absurd bluff. Harrieta looked at him with a bewildered look.
“Edwin. However, when you come, don’t be in a hurry and take it easy. No one is chasing
you from behind, so there is no need to rush.”
“It’s fine. I am trained for this kind of thing.”
“But still, five days is too tight.”
Harrieta frowned and said.
“If you drive a horse too hastily, you may have an accident. Edwin, you know how many
people have been seriously injured by falling off horses, right? Besides, Hugo isn’t even
very good at horseback riding yet...”
“Even if you come back a little late, I hope that both of you will return with your limbs
intact. After all, protecting your health and safety is the most important thing.”
Harrieta said with a serious expression on her face. As if to awaken a very important truth
of the world for Edwin who was standing in front of her.
Edwin blinked his eyes as he looked at Harrieta.
Health and safety is the most important thing? Now, was that really the little master that he
knew of?
After a while, he realized the situation and started laughing out loud.
“To be honest, I never imagined those words would come out of Miss Harrieta’s mouth.”
His pleasant laughter echoed through the room.
“It feels like the roles have changed somehow. Health and safety. Isn’t that what I usually
say to Miss Harrieta?”
“...I know. How paradoxical my words will sound to you now.”
Harrieta made a stern expression and muttered a little. Embarrassed in her heart, her
earlobes were dyed red.
“But it makes me feel uncomfortable. Even though I was sending Edwin to such a distant
place, if you come back hurting yourself, I really...”
Harrieta blurred her words and bit her lower lip. When he looked at her at first glance, her
complexion was noticeably darkened. Her eyes, looking at Edwin, were filled with a sense
of worry and guilt that could not be hidden.
“Sorry. Edwin. I have to apologize to you.”
After thinking for a while, Harrieta immediately apologized. Edwin narrowed his brow.
“Why are you saying that?”
“I heard that a lot of knights were dispatched to Bangola this time. Rumor has it that not
only the Knights of Demner, but more than half of the Knights of Brimdel are stationed
there. If that’s true, maybe someone you used to know might be there. Because you once
joined the Knights Order.”
Hearing Harrieta’s words, Edwin’s expression was slightly disturbed. As she said, he had
once joined the Knights Order. It wasn’t just a Knights Order at that level, but Demner, who
was known as the most elite Knights Order in the Kingdom.
But, apparently, Harrieta was unaware of such specific facts. It was nothing surprising.
Because she was here, in Philioche, while he served as vice-commander of the knights of
Demner. And Philioche was so isolated that it was impossible to even know who the next
king would be, unless there was a deliberate effort.
Edwin pondered for a moment whether he should let Harrieta know about it. But he soon
gave up. It wasn’t really something to hide from her, but that didn’t mean he didn’t see any
reason to remind her of it.
Edwin looked down at Harrieta. A look of guilt, insecurity.
Without saying more, he could guess what Harrieta was worried about. She must have been
worried that he would probably go through something bad when he went there.
He wanted to tell her it was okay, but he couldn’t. In fact, it was a very realistic and valid
If he headed to Bangola now, so he went in search of the Knights of Demner, who would be
garrisoning there, he would most likely run into someone he knew. No matter how many
years have passed, the personnel change would not have been very big. Those who joined
the Knights Order with him would still remain in the Knights Order.
If a man who was the heir of the most powerful family in the kingdom returns one day as a
slave, the lowest rank in the kingdom, how will they react?
Surely there will be people who have the same attitude as in the past, but there are only a
few. Edwin has come to know very well how much the attitude of the other person can
change depending on the position and situation of the other person.
In the past, taking on this task might have been something he was reluctant of. No matter
what anyone said, he was a person of high self-esteem and spirit.
But now it was different. It seemed that he would not care if he was given any sympathy or
scorn because of someone who recognized him.
If only he could help Harrieta. (no prefix here)
if only he could.
Before he knew it, his values and priorities changed. Focusing on a woman, he revolves
around her helplessly.
“Miss Harrieta. Do you remember?”
Edwin asked quietly, putting down the document he was holding in his hand.
“The oath I made to Miss Harrieta in Lavant.”
‘acknowledge you as my only lord, and the reason for my existence. Please do not hesitate
to wield me, your faithful sword and servant.’
“My oath that day was sincere, without a single lie.”
Edwin took a step closer to Harrieta. His serious gaze, which had no joke at all, turned to
“It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it is to accomplish your will.”
“I will gladly follow, I will.”
If allowed, I will be a knight just for you without hesitation.
Edwin slowly knelt down in front of Harrieta. Then he gently brought her hand, which had
been drooping weakly, toward him.
“Even if it breaks my body and sets it on fire.”
He lowered his head and kissed the back of her hand.
“All for my lord, Harrieta Mackenzie.”
Chapter 56

Edwin pulled one of the horses out of the stable. Although it was a little older, it was the
fastest and most sturdy of all the horses Mackenzie owned.
He checked the condition of the horse one last time once more. As it was a long journey,
there was nothing more important than the condition of the horse to be a means of
“Are you all ready?”
Harrieta, who was standing behind Edwin, asked him quietly. Her worried eyes looked over
“Aren’t your things like clothes and luggage too light? You would have to spend 15 days on
the road.”
Did you bring food? You can eat all three meals a day, right?
Edwin laughed silently at the murmur from behind.
“Don’t worry, I have everything I really need.”
He had to minimize the volume and weight in order to travel long distances as quickly as
possible. So Edwin really literally packs the bare minimum.
He would be able to reach Bangola in five days if he ran nonstop. It wouldn’t be easy for
him, no matter how experienced he was in long-distance travel, but he couldn’t afford to
pay attention to the details. He’ll go even faster to Philioche. No, to be more precise,
returning to Harrieta in Philioche was his main concern.
After the saddle was placed on the horse’s waist and the stirrups were tuned, Edwin stood
up straight. He put the small load he had prepared in advance on the back of the saddle and
secured it, and now everything was really ready.
Edwin turned to face Harrieta. She stood there, about two steps away from him. Two large
eyes turned to him as he stood under the blue sky.
‘What should I say to you?’
Edwin thought for a moment. However, no matter how much he thought about it, he could
not come up with a proper greeting for Harrieta.
No matter what word he uses, how short or long he says it, goodbye is, in the end, only
goodbye. He would not see Harrieta for a while until he returned to Philioche.
Recognizing that fact again made Edwin feel even worse. At the same time, he was ignorant
of himself. Since when did he become so weak and dependent? He just can’t see her for
about a week or so. He was sure he’ll see her again soon anyway.
He wanted to keep on talking here and indefinitely delaying his farewell to Harrieta, but he
knew he couldn’t. If it can’t be avoided anyway, he’d rather look at it positively. He
comforted himself, saying that the sooner he leaves, the sooner he can come back here.
“Then I will go.”
Edwin said. It was an absurdly simple greeting for what he was thinking about, but he
couldn’t think of anything else to say. The reined horse grunted as if to urge him.
Harrieta glanced at Edwin. Now it was her turn to greet him and return a formal greeting.
But for some reason she just kept her silence.
“Miss Harrieta?”
Edwin called out Harrieta’s name. His expression looking at her was vague. She seems sad
and also confused. No. Was she hesitating about something? There were so many mixed
emotions that it was impossible to pinpoint exactly what.
“Miss Harrieta. Are you okay...?”
Edwin felt something strange and was about to ask Harrieta to check. Standing like a stone,
she slowly approached him. The gap between the two of them narrowed and a strange aura
Harrieta took Edwin’s hand and called out to him.
A warm temperature. A soft touch. A friendly voice.
Edwin held his breath unknowingly.
“Look up.”
Harrieta said, raising her head slightly.
Edwin was puzzled by the absurd remark, but then he followed her.
A large zelkova tree hung over their heads. It was a tree with countless leaves. The leaves,
which were once green and fresh, were already dyed with a reddish color.
“When I was young, I used to lie down under this tree often. On a sunny day, the magic that
this tree spreads out was very attractive.”
“Yes. A magic that allows you to see the stars even in the middle of the day.”
Harrieta raised one of her hands and pointed upwards at her.
“Look. Those countless stars.”
Edwin looked at where Harrieta’s fingertips were pointing.
Densely nestled leaves. And the small gaps formed between them. Bright sunlight was
streaming in through the small crevice.
Every time the leaves swayed in the wind, the sunlight streaming in through the crevices
swayed slightly as well. As Harrieta said, it looked like the twinkling stars in the night sky.
Edwin involuntarily admired it. They were just standing under a usual tree. Nevertheless,
the scenery unfolding before their eyes was so beautiful and fantastic that it could be called
“If you think about it, I think I really liked looking at the stars since I was a kid. It’s a pity
that it’s so far away that I can’t reach it, but the twinkling is so pretty that it makes me feel
good just looking at it.”
Harrieta, who was looking at the same place as Edwin, said. Looking back on the past, her
eyes looked distant.
“Maybe that’s why. I was attracted to you at first sight.”
Harrieta turned her head to look at Edwin.
“It is. Edwin. You are like a star in the sky. You’re beautiful, you’re attractive, you’re
superior to anyone else.”
At her Harrieta’s words, her Edwin lowered his gaze and looked at her.
‘Attractive? Superior?’
Edwin, who quietly chewed Harrieta’s words in his head, gave her a puzzled expression. He
doesn’t know if it was before. Those were definitely words that didn’t suit him at all now.
“Miss Harrieta always tends to overestimate me.”
Edwin said with a bit of embarrassment.
“Come to think of it, I told you, I thought you were a prince before.”
She confessed without hesitation that she thought he was the most noble person after the
king in this country, who was just a slave. When he said that it was nonsense, he made an
even more absurd claim that he was, in fact, a prince and more handsome.
He didn’t know at the time. That he would fall for her like this, helplessly.
“Yes. Miss Harrieta.”
“What kind of person have I been to you over the past two years together?”
‘What kind of person were you?’
Edwin was bewildered for a moment at the unexpected, random question. But for a while.
He pondered her question.
What kind of person was Harrieta Mackenzie, the daughter of the Viscount Mackenzie, to
Mackenzie’s slave named Edwin?
Her question was very simple. Still, it wasn’t easy for him to answer. His eyes narrowed.
Mackenzie’s daughter named Harrieta Mackenzie, and Mackenzie’s slave named Edwin.
A woman named Harrieta Mackenzie to a man named Edwin.
Harrieta Mackenzie to Edwin...
“I would call it a magician.”
After thinking about it, Edwin answered her.
Perhaps it was an unexpected answer, Harrieta opened her eyes a little wider. Edwin
nodded his head at him.
“Things that are usually overlooked as just common and ordinary, when with Miss Harrieta,
they look more special and beautiful than anything else.”
Like the paintings that express the clouds floating in the sky.
Or like a starry sky that spreads out under the sun.
After a while, Harrieta smiled as if she understood what he meant.
“I guess it wasn’t bad.”
“It wasn’t bad.”
Edwin smiled and agreed.
At that moment, a strong wind blew from somewhere. Whoosh. The leaves on their heads
swayed violently, and Harrieta and Edwin’s hair and hem fluttered in the wind.
Her vision was obscured by fluttering hair. Edwin lowered his head slightly and naturally
covered her face with one of his arms.
“The wind is strong today.”
Edwin said, waiting for the wind to subside. But Harrieta did not respond. Could it be that
the wind blows so hard that she can’t open her mouth? All she could hear was the sound of
the wind blowing in her ears.
Chapter 57

How long has it been? The wind that was blowing hard here and there quietly subsided as if
it had never been there. Edwin slowly lowered his arm and ruffled the back of his hair that
ran down his forehead.
Without a second thought, he turned to look at Harrieta beside him and was surprised at
what he saw.
“Miss Harrieta?”
Edwin was flustered and called Harrieta.
“Miss Harrieta? Why are you crying?”
Harrieta was crying. For some reason, tears fell from her eyes and rolled down her cheeks.
How could she cry so sadly without a sound? Both of her cheeks, which were flushed red,
were wet from the tears she had shed. As if she was suffocating, her shoulders shook
violently while she took in a quick breath from time to time.
Is she simply sad that we are separating? Or is she doing this out of guilt for sending me to
“Don’t cry. The distance to Bangola isn’t that far.”
Edwin whispered to Harrieta as if he were trying to comfort her. He carefully wiped away
her tears and tucked her messy hair behind her ear.
“I will be back soon. I’ll be back so soon that you won’t even notice I was gone.”
“Aren’t you glad that if I’m not around you, there will be no one to nag you and you will be
free for a while?”
“Miss Harrieta, please… If this continues, it will be difficult for me to leave.”
In the end, Edwin asked almost pleadingly. But no matter what he said, Harrieta’s tears
seemed to break his heart.
Even though he knew he had to go, his steps did not fall. No matter how firmly he made up
his mind, as soon as he saw her standing in front of him, everything shook and collapsed.
Edwin thought, “If she tells me not to go or if she asks me not to leave her, then she just has to
say that one word.”
In front of her, he is bound to be an infinitely weak person.
“Edwin, I hope you are happy.”
Harrieta, who had only shed tears without words, whispered.
“Wherever you are, whatever you do, always be happy.”
She said in a hoarse voice as tears continued to fall down her cheeks.
Harrieta wrapped her arms around Edwin’s waist and she hugged him tightly. Naturally, in
her arms, she turned her head to the side and leaned her face against his chest. The warmth
from the spacious arms. And now the familiar body smell.
Even though they were so close that they couldn’t get any closer, it just felt infinitely far
away. It’s an invisible wall. Also, something that will never be crossed in the future.
“Remember me, Edwin.”
Thump. Edwin’s heartbeat could be heard through his clothes, a small but regular beating.
Harrieta quietly listened to the sound and she closed her eyes helplessly.
“No matter what anyone says, you are the most precious person to me.”
A small town on the outskirts of Brimdel. A carriage ran at a fairly high speed on the
smooth, dirt road. It was a very luxurious-looking carriage, but there were several armed
guards in the front and back as if a fairly high-ranking person was riding inside.
A fluttering flag was held in the hand of a man riding the horse from the side of the
carriage. A crown, a sword, and a dignified lion roaring. It was a unique emblem that
symbolized the royal family of the Kingdom of Brimdel.
Most people noticed it right away.
The fact that the royal family of this country was riding in that carriage.
Royalty. Infinitely noble, beings who stand in a position that is too high to even dare to
imagine. But at the same time, they are also beings who will often drag in troublesome
things if they get involved for nothing. Because of that, everyone who saw the carriage was
busy clearing the road quickly, bowing their heads.
Boom, boom. The ground seemed to vibrate at the sound of the heavy footsteps of the
armed soldiers. So they marched forward in silence. There was a solemn atmosphere. In
any case, their appearance even seemed wretched to the extent that they wondered if they
were heading to the battlefield.
Only after the carriage had moved far away did the people start to stand up one by one. The
buzzing noises returned to the quiet street, and the vitality was revived.
People tilted their heads.
Who the hell was in that carriage?
It was a person who was protected by about 20 or so guards. Twenty. From an objective
point of view, it was certainly not a small number. However, it was also true that in the case
of escorting the king, queen, or immediate royal family of a country, the army was absurdly
Was an important guest of the royal family on board?
Or maybe they were on a mission to a neighboring country?
Many speculations have come and gone, but it was difficult to find out which one it was.
But their curiosity did not last long. It was a busy life even thinking about what to eat today
and tomorrow. Wherever the high-ranking people of the country were doing what they
were doing, it had nothing to do with them.
In the end, when the running carriage that was trailing dust behind it became a small dot
and disappeared from view, people also began to gradually forget about the existence of
the carriage that passed by their village.
Soon, as if nothing had happened, the village returned to its normal appearance.
Rattle, rattle. The carriage swayed to and fro as if it was still running on an unfinished stone
road. The movement was so strong that it was difficult to sit with the buttocks in the seat. If
they kept going like this, it was worrisome that the wheel of the carriage might break
sooner or later.
But even so, the speed of the carriage was hardly reduced. There was still a long way to go,
and the time allotted to them was so small that it felt like they were tight.
Either way, they needed to get to their destination within the given time to accomplish the
mission assigned to them.
The coachman driving the wagon, the guards escorting the wagon, and even the two
passengers in the carriage were all aware of that fact.
But, no one complained. They just wanted to reach their destination as soon as possible.
“The road is very rough.”
Said a woman sitting in the carriage. She was a young woman in her mid-to-late twenties.
She was dressed very well, and she didn’t get distracted even inside the carriage, which
was swaying pretty roughly.
“But that means we are getting closer to the border. Things will get a lot better once we get
to the border. Velicia must have sent someone to meet the princess, and they must have
prepared a place to rest.”
Harrieta, who was staring blankly out the window, turned her head to see the woman
sitting across from her. This woman named Janice, was a handmaid in the royal palace in
Brimdel. She said that she is the second daughter of Barony Dalmoran. She said that she
was born and raised in the capital.
‘Rather than me, Janice in front of me is more suited to the princess role than me.’
Harrieta, who was looking at Janice carefully, sighed deeply. She had a throbbing headache.
‘Princess! What do you mean princess!’
Harrieta clenched her fiery fists.
‘I’m from Brimdel…! What nonsense is this!’
The more she thought about it, the more ridiculous and angrier she got. Also, she was
terrified of the unstable future that was to come.
No matter how she was labeled the king’s hidden illegitimate child, a princess was a
princess. Since she was officially recognized as a royal bloodline, she had to show a level of
speech and behavior that was commensurate with it.
But how? Harrieta, who had only lived as the daughter of a Viscount all her life didn’t know
how to act like a royal.
Harrieta recalled the story of her birth that Shawn had prepared. She was born to the
current king and a handmaid who served him in the past, and such a cliché birth story.
It seemed that Shawn had worked hard to make it up, but to Harrieta, it was just a very
lame story, with holes and completely inconsistent.
‘Please, may the Velicians be great fools.’
Chapter 58

Harrieta prayed earnestly to God. Otherwise, it was all over.

‘Don’t worry. Because they don’t want you, just the title of direct blood to King Brimdel. They
probably won’t pay much attention to you.’
Shawn swore to Harrieta, who was worried that such a ridiculous operation would not
‘Just shut up and live like a mute. Don’t even think about causing problems. If you live as if you
were dead there, I will take care of your family in return. Then your father or younger brother
will never go to the battlefield again.’
‘But if things go wrong… You know what’s going to happen, right?’
Harrieta remembered the man whose eyes flashed like a snake’s, and clenched her teeth.
The culprit behind all of this. An enemy that made her shiver just by thinking of him.
Shawn was proposing a risky deal with her only brother’s life as collateral. He acted so
proudly from start to finish, knowing that she would never be able to turn him down. What
the hell was wrong in the past? Whenever she thinks of his face, a fire burns inside her.
‘Since I’m going to leave like this, I’m going to scratch that disgusting face with my
Harrieta ripped off the pitiful sheet with sincere regret. The white bones on the back of her
hand were exposed from how tightly she gripped and ripped it off.
“Are you okay, Princess? Are you experiencing motion sickness?”
Janice, who had witnessed this, came to ask.
“Would you like me to tell them to stop the carriage for a moment?”
“Oh no! You don’t have to!”
Harrieta was bewildered and waved her hand.
“I just got a little cramp on my leg… But I’m fine now! Look, I’m fine!”
Harrieta said as she waved her legs. Janice frowned.
“Princess, I know I’ve already told you, but you don’t have to be so polite to me. His
Majesty’s daughter, the princess, speaks respectfully to a mere maid. If other people hears
this, they will be horrified.”
“Ah, sorry… No, forgive me.”
“And to show off your legs in this way is not suitable for the dignity of the royal family.
Please don’t do anything that would diminish the prestige of the Brimdel family.”
“That, yes… I understand.”
Harrieta looked at Janice’s eyes and answered cautiously. She had a polite personality.
Harrieta on the other hand, had a free-spirited personality and was not compatible with
her from head to toe, but she had no other options.
‘Maybe this is for the better. If someone like Janice stays by my side, I might be able to
avoid making a big mistake in the future…’
Harrieta gulped as she tried to think positively. She smiled awkwardly at Janice, then
slowly turned her gaze back to the window. As the sun went down, it gradually got dark
‘They must be very worried.’
Harrieta sighed as she remembered the Mackenzies in Philioche. She left a vague letter
saying that she was looking for Lilian in Lavant, but it would soon be revealed to her that it
was a lie, not a fact.
‘If possible, you should not try to find me.’
Will she be able to meet them again someday? Will there ever come a day when she will
return to her homeland, the old Philioche? She couldn’t be sure of anything right now, and
her situation was so pitiful that it was almost funny.
‘Has Edwin arrived safely in Bangola by now?’
Eventually, Harrieta remembered Edwin, who had gone to Bangola to do her a favor.
‘If he returns to Philioche, he will be very surprised. He might be sad. Or maybe he’ll be upset
that I didn’t tell the truth to the end…’
Edwin looking at her with eyes full of anger and disappointment. Even though it was just an
illusion drawn by her imagination, his face came to life as if it were right in front of her.
‘Why did you do that, Miss Harrieta? Why?’
The man who looked at her with infinite tenderness and gentleness was nowhere to be
found. There was only a man, trembling at the realization that he had been betrayed by
someone he trusted. Harrieta shut her eyes tightly.
‘Edwin. I didn’t want to leave you behind.’
Harrieta made excuses for the one who could no longer hear her voice.
‘But how could I do that? I will live as another man’s woman in the future… I ask you to keep
an eye on me, but how, how can I tell you…’
Harrieta leaned her head against the window. Tears welled up as gloom bloomed in her
‘If possible, I want to be with you forever.’
It was a feeling she had never been able to convey to that person. It became a handful of
breath and flew away.
The border between Brimdel and Velicia. The two countries have maintained friendly
relations for a long time. For that reason, there was only a vague line drawn on the border,
and there was no wall separating the two countries or the troops guarding the border.
Harrieta stood behind the border. It was weird. According to the plan, the Velicians who
were coming to meet Harrieta had to meet her here. They had already made an
appointment to meet at the eastern border and hand over Harrieta to Velicia.
However, no matter how wide her eyes were opened, she could not see a single soul, let
alone a Velician, around. A gentle autumn wind blew across the open border area.
“Is the time wrong? We arrived earlier than the promised time.”
Janice asked the man who served as the guide of the group. Then he shook his head.
“It cannot be. I checked the date several times before departure, and I don’t know how
many times I checked the time all the way.”
“Then why can’t we see the faces of those who should be here?”
Janice frowned and asked.
“Obviously something must be wrong. Otherwise, there is no way that the other side will
not show up without a message.”
“What if Velicia changed their minds about the national marriage… ?”
The guide, who had been secretly revealing his suspicions, immediately answered and bit
his mouth. Because Janice was looking at him with her ice cold eyes.
“No matter how small it is compared to them, Brimdel is a solid country, and this is a
solemn promise made between the two countries. Do you think the Velicians are foolish
enough to change things so important without consulting us?”
“I, I guess I made a mistake. I, I don’t know anything, please…”
The guide staggered and begged for forgiveness. Despite her small stature, the energy
emanating from Janice was enormous. If he makes one more mistake, I’ll show him
something really bad, Janice’s eyes threateningly gleamed.
“Miss Janice.”
A middle-aged knight approached them. He was the person who, at Shawn’s
recommendation, took command as the guards on this journey.
“I don’t know what happened, but it’s getting dark, and we can’t stay here like this all the
time. We’ll take a look at the situation later, but I think it’s better to keep moving forward
“Keep moving forward? Do you mean to cross the border?”
“That’s right. After all, the princess is heading to the capital of Velicia, isn’t she?”
The knight frowned and said.
“If something is wrong with Velicia which caused the delay… Then we have to move. Don’t
you think so?”
“I don’t know. However, I don’t think it’s a very good idea to cross the border without
Janice shook her head and discouraged it.
“I think it would be better to wait for them here as promised.”
“No. Are you saying we should wait until they arrive?”
The knight asked in a slightly nervous tone.
“Don’t tell me, Miss Janice, you… You don’t want the princess to camp here, do you?”
Janice bit her lower lip. Looking around, it was a barren land with only stone fields. Would
she dare to serve the royal blood in a place like this? Instinct was telling her to follow her
first intuition, but she couldn’t readily express it.
Chapter 59

“If you move a little further across the border, you will come to a small village. If you’re
going to wait for the delegation to arrive anyway, wouldn’t it be better to stay in that village
rather than here? If it’s because you’re worried that you might cross the border without
notifying them, don’t worry. I will leave a few soldiers here.”
“We would have to march for several more days to get to the capital of Velicia. Shouldn’t we
be concerned about the health of the princess as well? If the bride who arrives with great
effort got bedridden, the Velician side will definitely not like it.”
The knight coaxed Janice a little by arguing with plausible words.
‘It’s a village.’
Janice glanced at the carriage parked behind her. Harrieta must be very tired. She didn’t
complain openly, but she too, would most likely be desperate to rest with her legs stretched
‘Is that okay?’
Janice questioned her intuition.
It was Velicia, not Brimdel, who broke the time they had agreed to meet. It was just before
the marriage between the two countries took place, but she wondered if there would be
any big deal if she crossed the border between the two countries.
No. Rather, as the knight said, if there was something wrong with the health of the future
princess Harrieta, that might be a bigger problem.
“… How long will it take? How do we get to the village you are talking about?”
After hesitating for a while, Janice asked carefully. Then, as if the knight had been waiting,
he had a smile of determination.
“It takes half a day.”
A confident answer came back.
Chirp, buzz. The grass bugs woke up early in the night and started singing together one by
one. Although the sun had not yet set completely, there were also a few fireflies emitting a
faint light. The day was setting and night was coming. It was no different than any other
Harrieta and Janice stuck to the window of the carriage and looked at the scenery outside.
How long has it been since they moved across the border? The appearance of the barren
wilderness that had spread near the border could no longer be found.
The sparsely visible number of trees was increasing, and at some point they were crossing
the middle of a dense forest.
Rattle, rattle.
Every time the wheel of the carriage went over a protruding stone, it made a loud noise.
When she glanced down at the floor below, she saw weeds and wildflowers overgrown. It
looked like it had never been touched by a human. At first glance, this place did not look
like a road that many people pass by.
‘Didn’t he say we were going to the village?’
As time passed, Harrieta tilted her head at the forest scenery that grew thicker and thicker.
‘I was told we would be able to get there before the sun went down.’
Harrieta saw Janice sitting across from her. A stiff face. Upright rigid posture. She hasn’t
said anything to her yet, but she must have been skeptical of the situation now.
‘We must have lost our way… Don’t you think so?’
Harrieta recalled the knight who swore that he knew the shortcut to the village and that he
would guide them there safely. With a confident face, he raised his voice.
She wanted to stretch out her legs and rest as soon as possible, so she agreed to it, but as
she slowly thought about it, there was more than one questionable thing.
They should just wait patiently for the Velician delegation at the border as originally
planned. Harrieta frowned at the belated regret.
‘If Edwin had been by my side, he would have nagged again, saying that she made a hasty
decision without thinking carefully.’
Harrieta smiled softly, remembering Edwin’s face that was holding back his bubbling anger.
But the happy thought only lingered for a while. A beat later, her smile disappeared, and
her expression darkened.
Don’t think about him now. Rather, she shouldn’t think about him in the future. Although
she promised herself several times, she kept failing. Unbeknownst to her, he had naturally
incorporated himself into many parts of her life.
‘How can I forget?’
Harrieta rested her head helplessly against the window of the carriage.
Will I be able to forget if I try?
Will I be able to forget it over time?
They were questions that no one could answer. A heavy sigh flowed from her lips. Janice,
who had only looked out of the window attentively, glanced at her.
“Don’t worry, princess. It may take a little longer than expected, but we will be able to get
to the village soon.”
Janice said in a rather friendly tone. It was clear that she had mistaken Harrieta’s sigh for
some other reason.
She contemplated whether she should give Janice an explanation about it for a moment. But
she eventually decided that she would just keep her mouth shut.
When she met the Velician delegation, Janice would return to her homeland with the
Brimdel soldiers who had escorted her this far. They were separating soon anyway, so she
didn’t need to explain everything.
“Sorry to trouble you. Originally, we would have been together only up to the border and
you would have returned to the capital by now…”
Harrieta apologized. Janice shook her head.
“No, Princess. You don’t have to apologize to me. It’s all the fault of the incompetent
Velician delegation for not keeping up with the promised time.”
She looked very displeased.
“Even though Brimdel is a relatively small country compared to Velicia. It’s an official
promise made by the two countries, but it’s a bit disappointing to see that even that hasn’t
been properly kept. Since this is the first step, honestly, I am worried about the future.”
“It’s okay. There must have been a reason out there.”
“I don’t know. To be honest, I don’t really like just sending an envoy to meet them. It’s not
just a lady, it’s about welcoming the future princess. Since that is the case, isn’t it proper
that not only the delegation but also the groom and the person in charge should come to
meet you?”
‘I guess. If the two countries had been on an equal footing in many ways.’
Harrieta thought.
Brimdel’s national power was far behind that of Velicia. No matter how bad this situation
was, they did not have the strength to argue with the other side. So the Brimdel royal family
must have given it permission. Harrieta was passed into their hands as if she were being
Well, in her situation, she had sold herself to that side too.
Harrieta smiled bitterly.
“I’m sure there’s a lot of work to do. Velicia is a country that has risen to the ranks of an
empire. To be a princess in such a place, there must be an uncountable number of
“I don’t know. If all the rumors are true, I don’t think you have too many obligations.”
Janice, who knitted her brows as she sarcastically commented, put on an ‘oh dear’ look on
her face when she realized what she just did. It seems she had just remembered who she
was talking to and what kind of relationship she had with the person she had criticized.
She hurriedly looked into Harrieta’s eyes and lowered her head.
“I’m sorry, Princess. I didn’t even know my place and made rude remarks. Please forgive
“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. Because I don’t really care.”
Harrieta said, lightly ignoring it. Janice was not easily relieved by her words, but it was true.
Whatever the reason, it was the man who was going to be her husband. Even if it’s just a
name, it’s a relationship between a married couple. Still, she didn’t feel much about the
words that criticized him. She wouldn’t have blinked an eye if Janice had cursed worse than
Was it because she was given a false identity? All of this was obviously happening to her,
but at the same time it seemed like a story that was completely unrelated to her.
Chapter 60

Bernard Chenchila Shane Pascourt.

He is the second son of the King of Velicia. At the same time, he is the only prince who is an
immediate member of the royal family.
He was the only child between the king and the queen. Nothing was more important than
bloodline when it came to determining rank and legitimacy in the royal family, and because
of that, everyone had naturally expected that he would be crowned the next Crown Prince.
But about three years ago, contrary to everyone’s expectations, the King of Velicia crowned
his first son as Crown Prince. His mother was a handmaid of the queen. Since he came from
a fallen family, he was only a nobleman in name.
To choose a son born by a handmaid as successor instead of the son born to the queen. It
didn’t make sense to anyone. A great controversy ensued, and a strong backlash followed.
The Nobles who value legitimacy as their life insisted that the successor be changed day by
day. And because her son had been pushed aside in favor of the handmaiden’s son, the
queen completely refused food and drink and showed her displeasure to the king.
People thought as they looked at the troubled queen, it won’t be long until the king changes
his decision.
But there’s one thing they overlooked, and that was the prince himself.
[‘Inherit the throne? I must be crazy to accept that. I have no desire to be king. Why would I
take on such a troublesome position?’]
Bernard. The main character in the controversy had no interest in the throne at all.
[‘Didn’t brother say he’ll do it? Then it’s all over, isn’t it? Please, I beg you, just leave me alone.
After all, life is short, I just want to enjoy it to my heart’s content.’]
And the fact that he is the prince that is unbelievably unruly, promiscuous, and badly
behaved beyond belief.
Bernard was always surrounded by a lot of rumors and had multiple tags attached. Of
course, most of them were not very good.
As time passed, his reputation grew worse and worse, and later, even the royal family gave
up. At first, the nobles who insisted that Bernard should be the next king no matter what,
secretly began to bite their tongues.
In this way, he was not only known as the prince who was next in line to succeed to the
throne of Velicia but he was also established as the biggest troublemaker rotting the heart
of the Velician royal family.
‘So I’m the poor scapegoat getting married to that rotten egg, huh.’
Harrieta thought with a small sigh.
The royal family, who believed that raising an heir was the most important thing, often
married at an early age.
But Bernard, who turned 25 this year, was still single. This is because no one wanted to
marry their precious daughter to him, a prince who had been pushed out of the throne and
a well-known reveler.
[‘He’s taking medicine for alcoholism. Did I mention that there are countless children born
out of wedlock due to his promiscuous relationships with women?’]
Harrieta recalled Shawn’s chatter as he would tell her about her future groom. He was so
excited that he his saliva flew as he continued to babble. There could be no one better
suited to the saying that the misfortune of others is one’s happiness.
‘If there are so many women as the rumors say, he wouldn’t even care about me, would he ?’
She had no intention of sharing a relationship with the one who would become her
husband anyway. She’ll just be like she was never there. As Shawn said, she was going to
live like that and wait for time to pass.
Harrieta wanted Bernard not to pay any attention to her. Continuing the name and façade
as his wife, she hoped to live her life the way she was, and he the way he was.
The figure of a bride-to-be who thinks she is lucky because the person she is going to marry
is a promiscuous and badly behaved man. It was absurd to even think about it.
The carriage, which had been rolling endlessly, abruptly stopped in place. The bodies of the
two of them, who had been relaxed sitting inside, were slightly shaken by the recoil. They
straightened their posture.
“Have we reached the village?”
Janice asked with a puzzled expression on her face. Not long ago, they were passing
through the middle of a dense forest. No matter how she looked at it, it didn’t seem like
there was a village where people lived nearby.
The two began to look outside through the window. It was late in the evening, and the
surroundings were quite dark. The forest was dimly lit by the light of the moon and the
stillness was so deep that they thought it was unnatural.
The sound of horses squealing could be heard from the front of the carriage.
‘What’s going on?’
As they listened, they heard the murmur of soldiers from outside. Somehow, an ominous
feeling came over Harrieta.
“I’ll go and find out what’s going on.”
Harrieta nodded at Janice’s words.
Creak. That was when Janice turned the doorknob and opened the carriage door a little.
A tearing scream echoed through the night sky. Thousands of birds sitting on the tree flew
into the sky at the same time.
Janice, who was trying to widen the gap in the door, and Harrieta, who was sitting on the
other side of it, froze on the spot at the sound of a scream that came out of nowhere.
That was a scream, no? But more than that, whose scream was it?
“Just, now… ?”
Harrieta, who was about to ask what that was, stopped. The murmur grew louder and
louder, and then shouts and screams erupted from all sides. A loud crashing sound. And the
sound of a sharp wind that cuts through the air.
A chill ran up her spine. Her body stiffened with fear and tension. The two of them looked
at each other before nervously looking at their surroundings and their breathing became
‘Could it be an attack… ?’
Harrieta’s mouth became dry and she felt nauseous at the horrible thought. What she
always thought was just a story far from happening to her suddenly became a reality right
before her eyes. Her heart started beating fast.
Harrieta glanced at Janice. She had gone pale. She looked terrified and she had gone as stiff
as a plaster statue.
There was no time. If her predictions were true, she was in a situation where she didn’t
know who would pop out from where.
After Harrieta removed Janice’s hand that was resting on the doorknob, she carefully
pushed the door open and opened a small gap to look through. She then peered through the
slit of the moderately gaping door and looked outside.
Harrieta held her breath. As she expected, Brimdel’s men were tangled up fighting with a
masked horde. At first glance, it was by no means a small number. In addition, they were
not phased at all while dealing with well-trained soldiers.
To think that they were group of bandits that happened to be on the road, they were well
prepared in many ways. With careful planning, it was clear that they had been waiting for
them to pass by.
‘Were they aiming for the dowry? Or did they have any grudges against Velicia?’
Several speculations ran through her mind. But Harrieta shook her head. Whatever the
reason, it didn’t matter now.
‘I have to get out of here.’
She left Philioche with a heavy heart.
It was not the norm for her to be killed in a foreign country other than her hometown in
this way. Harrieta gritted her teeth. She quickly turned around while thinking of a way to
“Miss Janice. Miss Janice. Snap out of it. We have to go outside.”
Harrieta shook Janice who was currently blanked out. Then, the focus of her blurry eyes
became a little clearer. Janice’s unstable gaze turned to Harrieta.
“Hey, see that bush? When I count to three, run over there with all you might. Got it?”
“Bu, but just now, outside.”
“But what? Listen to me. Otherwise, we will both die.”
Harrieta said firmly. It was a group that attacked the carriage of the royal family. There will
be only two endings in their heads.
Either they fail catastrophically to carry out their plan and the horde was annihilated on
the spot, or kill everyone present, completely eliminating any witnesses or clues.
In some cases, they kidnapped others for a ransom or to achieve a clear purpose. But that’s
only when the person was worth it. She couldn’t have been worth much, as she was only
pretending to be a princess.
Chapter 61

Janice looked at Harrieta with trembling eyes. She nodded after a while, indicating that she
“Good. Then get ready to run.”
Harrieta poked her head through the crack in the door again and looked at the situation.
Fierce battles were still taking place on all sides. She saw them slowly tumbling over.
“One… Two…”
Counting quietly, she gulped. Her heart was beating so hard that it felt like it was about to
Harrieta pushed the door of the carriage open and ran out. The loud noises surrounded her.
She didn’t have time to look around and think about whether she was right or not. With all
her mortal strength, she sprinted towards the overgrown bushes.
Ragged leaves and inflexible branches caught on to her clothes, but she didn’t care. Red
lines were drawn on her bare skin and her skin was torn, but she didn’t even notice.
Perhaps because of the atmosphere, the shouts coming from behind her seemed to get
louder and louder.
Her nostrils widened and her pupils dilated. Both legs moved freely as if they were not part
of her, and she felt as if she was floating in the air.
She has to live. She had to live.
A strong desire completely took over her head. She couldn’t think of anything else.
How far had she gone? A large thicket entered Harrieta’s field of vision as she ran
frantically. It was a little shorter than her stature, but it was so dense that it seemed just
right to hide her body. She couldn’t even run anymore; her breathing was so fast that it felt
like she was drowning.
It was all or nothing. Harrieta hastily hid her body behind the thicket. And Janice, who had
followed after her, hid her body behind the bushes.
“Did… Did they notice?”
Janice asked, breathing heavily. Instead of answering, Harrieta used the crevice between
the thickets to look around.
It was a quiet night. Had she come much further than she thought? Or is the battle between
the two groups over? The noise that had been so loud was no longer audible.
“We might have won. There’s nothing like the mess again…”
Janice said, shaking her body.
“Let’s wait here for a bit and then go out and check.”
Harrieta hurriedly warned Janice to keep quiet as she heard the sound of footsteps
approaching them faintly.
Judging from the sound of footsteps interspersing, it was not only one person. Maybe it was
the soldiers who came to find them. But that vain hope soon disappeared altogether.
Several masked men emerged from the indigo-blue darkness.
Janice’s body trembled.
Don’t make a sound.
Harrieta made a gesture towards Janice to be quiet.
“Where did they go? Fuck. Are you sure they went this way?”
One of the crowd swore and asked. The torch in his hand flashed orange in his eyes.
“Yes. I saw them with my own eyes. The two suddenly got out of the wagon and ran away.”
“That’s why you should have hit that bitch on the neck first! Don’t you know why we are
here? Don’t you know that there’s no benefit to us if we deal with it like this!”
The man stomped his foot, not sure if he was very happy with this situation. Then another
man standing next to him persuaded his agitated colleague.
“Aren’t we supposed to annihilate them all anyway? It will be very troublesome if you keep
a random witness alive and wonder when they’ll show up and talk.”
He looked around with the torch he was holding.
“Don’t worry, Captain. Even if they run away, it is in our palms. They wouldn’t have gone
that far. They must be hiding somewhere around here.”
“That damn bitch bothers people for no reason.”
A man called the captain groaned nervously and clicked his tongue.
“Look thoroughly around the area. Sweep through everything so that not even a single ant
can escape. Got it? Find the bitch before the sun rises. Do it now.”
Starting from his words, the masked people scattered in various directions as if they were
waiting. Their movements were so agile that they disappeared somewhere in the blink of
an eye.
Harrieta was desperate. Judging from the conversation between the two men, it was clear
that Brimdel’s soldiers had been wiped out. Also, she was now sure that they were not
simply trying to kidnap her, but that they were aiming for her life from the beginning.
‘Why the hell? For what reason?’
As she questioned it, she heard the sound of another footstep. The man who had been left
alone in the dark looked back as if he felt a presence.
“Did you find them?”
It was a very familiar voice. Janice turned her head to look at Harrieta.
‘No way.’
The man held out the torch he was holding and checked the face of the person who was
talking to him. Perhaps they knew each other well, so he loosened his guard.
“Not yet. They were a lot faster than they looked.”
“I hired you because I heard your skills were at a high level. You are struggling for not being
able to handle the two girls properly. Disappointing.”
“Isn’t this all because they veered off the route without warning? It means that our side had
a hard time relocating the place urgently.”
The masked man said, very displeased.
“Don’t worry. It’s just a matter of time anyway. I’ll get you what you want before dawn.”
“You just need to confirm. After that, put the body on the side of the carriage. You have to
pretend that they were slaughtered after being attacked by a horde of bandits they
stumbled across on the way.”
The man coldly gave his instructions and turned to the side. Unlike the others, he was not
wearing a mask, so Harrieta could see his face.
She was astonished because it was the knight who had commanded Brimdel’s escort from
the capital to here.
“Do it right. Because the next Duke of Rowani likes certain things.”
“Absolutely. In return, I hope that you will be sure to take care of the promised
“Of course.”
After the conversation, the two men moved and left the place. It wasn’t until the sound of
their footsteps, which were getting smaller and smaller, could not be fully heard, that
Harrieta let out the breath she had been holding back.
What did she just see? What did she just hear?
If it was the next Duke of Rowani, then there would be only one person in this world.
Harrieta’s face contorted in anger.
‘Shawn. That jerk …!’
“Princess. How did this happen? Why is Lord Bizen talking to them? Besides, if it’s Rowani’s
next duke…”
Said Janice, who was as shocked as Harrieta.
“No way… Sir Shawn’s plotting treason… ?”
Janice still thought that Harrieta was of the royal bloodline. So naturally, she would have
had no choice but to think of treason. But Harrieta was different. She could understand why
Shawn would want to get rid of her.
He had no intention of sending Harrieta to the royal family of Velicia from the beginning.
No matter how careful she was, if she made a single mistake, diplomatic relations between
the two countries could spin out of control. He couldn’t have been willing to take on such a
huge risk.
‘Stupid! Stupid! You knew what kind of person he was, but you never doubted him!’
Harrieta blamed herself, ripping her hair off. At the same time, for the first time in her life,
she felt a strong will to kill someone.
‘Shawn. I’m not going to let you have your way. Either way, I’m going to survive.’
Harrieta ground her teeth angrily and a firm determination reflected in her eyes.
Chapter 62

Birds chirped in the trees. White sunlight poured through the leaves. The night had passed
and the morning had come.
Harrieta sat with her knees up and her head resting on it. She stayed up all night, worried
that the masked men might come back. However, no matter how much they turned on the
lights and looked, they did not appear again.
Janice said they had given up looking for them and left the place. But Harrieta shook her
head. It seems like Shawn placed a huge reward on her head.
It was a group that only moved because of money. They couldn’t have given up so easily.
They would be willing to sit still for days in order to live. Harrieta didn’t know what kind of
thoughts were going through Janice right now.
Rustle, rustle.
There was the sound of something moving in the bush, and a rabbit with gray fur jumped
out. It woke up early in the morning, and it rubbed its ears and face with its cute paws.
Harrieta grinned and stared at the scene.
A peaceful forest. A quiet morning. The fresh smell of grass.
Her eyelids kept closing. Looking to the side, Janice had already fallen asleep.
‘I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep…’
It was as if a large boulder hung over her eyelids. In particular, she felt even more tired
because she had been very nervous all night. Before long, Harrieta began to doze off.
After an uncertain number of hours passed. She once again heard a rustling sound nearby.
It was louder and more clunkier than before.
Are there any other wild animals nearby? Harrieta thought as she continued to keep her
eyes closed.
And then…
She woke up to Janice’s sharp scream. She looked up and saw a man in a mask standing in
front of the bushes.
“Hi, good morning.”
It was the same man who stood next to the man called Captain last night.
“Were you still hiding here? I didn’t know that, and I looked for you somewhere else for a
He said, his eyes arched into a smile while his tone was friendly.
Thump. Her chest fell. Harrieta was so startled that she couldn’t even scream.
“So, which of the two will be the princess of Velicia?”
The man’s eyes scanned Harrieta and Janice. It wasn’t the eyes that looked at equal human
beings. It was the eyes of someone that looked at their prey as if they were drawing them
Janice, who was trembling with fear, shouted.
“Are, are you doing this for the dowry? Well then, it’s just in vain! Not, nothing worth the
money for us!”
“Is it you?”
“What, what… Ackk!”
The man made a sudden move. He reached out over the bush and grabbed Janice’s hair. She
had no way of escaping. Janice screamed in pain as her hair was being ripped out.
“I heard you weren’t even twenty yet.”
The man muttered while scanning Janice’s face. Then he looked at Harrieta, who was still
sitting there.
“Then it must be you. The target that was requested by the next Duke of Rowani.”
“How… How dare you guys do this and hope to stay safe!”
Janice contorted her face in pain, while shouting and admonishing the man. He frowned.
“How noisy.”
He pulled an elongated object from his waist. It flashed eerily in the sunlight, and then
completely penetrated Janice’s body.
Slash. There was the strange sound of cutting flesh and bone. The sharp blade protruding
from Janice’s back was reflected in Harrieta’s eyes, which grew bigger from fear and shock.
“Kuhk… Kuhuk.”
There was the sound of rising phlegm in Janice’s mouth. She tried with all her might to push
the man away from her but to no avail. Her body trembled.
“That’s better.”
The man chuckled softly. He pulled out the sword that was in Janice’s body. Splash. Dark
red blood gushed out from the spot where the sword was drawn. Then, her body, which
had been sitting upright, slowly collapsed like a sand castle hit by the waves.
Harrieta stared blankly at Janice, who had fallen in front of her. Breathing in wildly and
trembling, she vomited blood a couple of times before she lay still and ceased to breathe.
The fishy smell pierced Harrieta’s nose. A thick, hot liquid wet Harrieta’s palms. It was the
life of someone who had lived by her side just a moment ago.
A nightmare. This is just such a terrible nightmare.
It happened in the blink of an eye. Born and raised in the peaceful Philioche, Harrieta had
never witnessed anyone die, or even be brutally murdered, before her eyes. As she
witnessed the horrific scene, her thoughts stopped.
She had to move, but she couldn’t. She was supposed to help, but she couldn’t.
The man’s eyes turned to Harrieta.
“Have you waited long? It’s your turn now.”
He said menacingly. The sword in his hand was stained with bright red blood.
Harrieta suddenly snapped out of her trance. She sat still and was helpless at his hands and
she was about to be killed. But what could she do about it? She had no weapon to protect
herself. Even if she got up and ran, she probably couldn’t get away from him.
Harrieta instinctively pulled back from her seated position. He smirked coldly as he saw
her backing up, crawling on the floor, staggering.
“Yeah, it’s no use.”
He enjoyed and savored her horror. Thump. Thump. As if there was no need for him to
hurry, he walked slowly around the bush and approached her.
“Don’t worry. If I had been the captain, I would have killed you as painfully as possible, but I
am not that cruel. I will send you off as soon as possible, painlessly, and as quickly as
It was a tone that seemed to show great mercy to the other party.
His shadow hung long over Harrieta’s body. His eyes, exposed over the black mask, flashed
with murderous intent. Drops of blood fell on the blade that hung downward.
Harrieta had a hunch that the end of her life was not far off. Her death was close enough
that she could smell it.
As she thought that she had little time left, her past moments flashed like a panorama
before her eyes. Places where life was long and short. People who spent time together with
The rapidly changing scene stopped at a person’s face.
A man looked at her with his deep blue eyes.
The person she pined for and longed to be with forever.
Even though she was able to keep him by her side, in the end, she let go of that person first.
Harrieta bit her lower lip. As she stood in the face of death, everything she had considered
complicated seemed to be in vain.
What she wanted and wished for. What was really important in life.
A deep regret came over her.
If only I could turn back time. If only I could go back to the past.
She thought.
Then she will tell him how she felt. And no matter what happens, she will not let go of his
“I’ll send you off in one strike. So don’t move.”
The man warned. He raised the hand holding the sword upward.
Harrieta looked up from afar. She has grabbed something as she fumbled on the ground. It
was a stone with quite sharp edges.
“Good bye.”
To say goodbye.
Just once is fine. If only she could see him again. If only she could see Edwin again.
Her fervent wish caused something to burn up inside her. She didn’t know what she was
thinking after that. The man moved to cut Harrieta, and she quickly rolled her body aside to
dodge his attack. Instead of soft skin, he frowned as he took the pitiful ground.
“I told you not to move.”
He turned his head to the side to look at Harrieta. And at that moment, Harrieta went for
his face with all her might, wielding the stone she was holding.
He screamed, unable to defend himself from the unexpected attack. Red blood dripped
down his forehead.
“This crazy… You crazy bitch!”
The man yelled at her in anger and waved his hand to grab her. However, it was difficult to
see properly because of the flowing blood. The man’s hand swerved and grabbed the
necklace from her neck instead of her. With a tink, the small silvery object fell to the floor.
While the man paused for a moment, Harrieta got up and started running without knowing
where she was heading to or where she was going. In her ears, the sound of her rough
breathing was unnaturally loud.
‘Please. Please.’
Chapter 63

While running frantically, Harrieta desperately searched for a place to hide around. She had
to live. She had to survive somehow and return to her hometown of Philioche. They’ll be
waiting for me; I have to live.
“You little rat!”
Suddenly, the man who followed Harrieta grabbed her hair. He threw her to the floor with a
strong force. Crack. Her ankle was bent at an odd angle, and excruciating pain came rushing
in. A moan escaped between her lips.
“Damn bitch. You tried to kill me, how dare you!”
The man rolled his eyes and shouted. He had a pretty deep cut on his forehead.
Harrieta crawled on the floor, trying to run away from him. But he never made the same
mistake twice. He slashed through her back relentlessly with the sword. Her eyes gleamed
More pain than she could have imagined came. It was as if the cut was burning. Hot blood
gushed from her torn back and wet her clothes.
Harrieta couldn’t even move properly and grunted. It was painful to breathe and move.
The man looked down at her, and once again wiped the blood flowing down his forehead
with the sleeve of his robe. Then, he turned her over with a rough hand and made her look
at him. A long groan escaped between her lips, but he didn’t care.
He threw away the sword, climbed on top of her, and began to strangle her with both
“Kuk… Kuhk.”
Her airway was completely blocked under his hand. She raised her hands to somehow
escape from his grasp and scratched his hand, but he didn’t budge.
Harrieta’s body, which had been tormented by the suffering, began to lose strength
gradually. Her vision was blurred, and her arms and legs tingled. The severe pain was gone
and intense tiredness came over her.
“See you later in the other world.”
The man who foresaw that she would soon be out of breath whispered.
But at that moment, a large figure appeared behind the man’s back. Harrieta, who was
looking up at the man’s maddened face, looked beyond his back. The person’s face and
clothes were hard to see because of her blurred vision.
The man sensed something was strange and turned his head to look behind him. At the
same time, something flashing was swung at him, and his neck was separated from his
body. His head rolled over the floor like a fruit that had fallen from a tree. Red blood gushed
like a fountain from his body, which had lost his head.
Harrieta saw the man’s blood spewing out of the sky. The strong smell of blood, not
unknown to whom it belonged, was carried in the wind.
And she lost consciousness.
Flap, flap. The crows that were sitting on the tree suddenly flew into the sky in unison for
no reason. Caw, caw. They flew away and wept bitterly.
Edwin glanced upwards. The blue sky was full of black birds.
There is an old saying that the crow is a messenger of the gods who brings death. Is that
why? Maybe it was because of the mood, but somehow, something ominous seemed to
happen sooner or later.
‘Nothing will happen in Philioche.’
There was only one thing Edwin was worried about at this moment.
‘However, I am still in a place where I cannot see you, so my heart is still not relieved.’
Harrieta’s face was pictured in his mind. She looked at him and smiled innocently.
He wanted to get back to her as soon as possible. He expected the times he was not by her
side would not be easy, but he didn’t expect it to be this hard.
He suddenly wondered. Does she miss him as much as he misses Harrieta? Knowing he
shouldn’t wish for anything; it was getting harder and harder to control himself.
Feeling frustrated, he wiped his face dry. It feels like he was facing a problem that he
cannot find an answer to. All he had to do was take Hugo and return to Philioche.
Squeak. A large door opened. Edwin hurriedly straightened his posture.
“You’re here to find Hugo Mackenzie?”
A young knight stepped out through the open door and asked. He was wearing the clothes
of the Demner Knights. Is he a new recruit? It was a knight Edwin had never seen.
“Yes. As the document states, his assignment here was the result of misunderstanding and
Edwin was polite to the knight and explained. The knight nodded.
“Yes. From what it said on the paperwork, Hugo McKenzie was not obligated to do military
“Then, I look forward to your cooperation. Please take action so that Hugo can return home
“I wish I could do that too.”
The knight said with a puzzled expression on his face.
“You came too late. It would have been better if you had come a few days earlier.”
The knight shook his head and said. It sounded like he was lamenting something deeply.
Edwin’s face stiffened.
“That is… What are you talking about?”
Edwin asked slowly. The ominous energy he had been trying to shake off came back in
The knight came up to him and returned the documents he was holding in his hand.
“There was a great battle here the day before yesterday. The Kustans, who had been quiet
for a while, suddenly attacked. We suffered a great loss as a result.”
He looked straight into Edwin’s eyes, which had hardened on the spot. Then he took a deep
“Hugo McKenzie was also involved in that battle.”
Rumble, rumble. Rough movements like the ground shaking followed one after another.
Feeling her body shake, Harrieta came to her senses for a moment. Her mind was hazy as if
she were suffering from a fever.
‘Where am I? Am I already dead?’
She can’t remember the last thing she saw before losing consciousness, except that she just
ran away with all her will to survive and was eventually caught by the man who came to kill
In time, Harrieta told herself that she had not died. Her whole body ached as if she had
been severely beaten, and her back and ankles were burning as if it were on fire. If she did
go to heaven, then she couldn’t have felt the pain so realistically if she was already dead.
Harrieta tried to open her eyes, but it seemed that she was so exhausted that she had no
strength left to even lift her eyelids. Only a faint light could be seen through her forcibly
opened eyelids.
“Ah. Are you awake?”
Someone spoke to Harrieta. It was a low-pitched, male voice. She trembled in surprise.
Maybe he was the masked man who tried to kill her. She became so afraid that it felt like
she was suffocating every time she took a breath.
“What is wrong with her of a sudden? Has her condition gotten worse than before?”
“I think she’s having a nightmare. She almost just died and came back to life, so maybe she’s
still having a nightmare.”
The man was not alone. There was another woman by his side. Perhaps she was old
enough, she could feel the traces of the years in the voice of the woman who answered.
“It’s a hallucination…”
At the woman’s words, the man seemed to be in deep thought.
Harrieta moved her eyes to see the owner of the voice, but no matter how hard she tried,
she could only see a couple of blurry imprints, and couldn’t see any more detail. Her vision
was fuzzy and she was feeling dizzy.
“What are the chances that this woman will survive?”
“Do you want to save this woman?”
“She has to live. She is the only witness who survived the chaos.”
Said the man firmly. Harrieta’s eyelids trembled as she heard his words.
She is going to survive.
No matter what happens, she must survive…
“Phi… Li…”
Harrieta moved her parched lips. Rather than a voice, it sounded more like a leaking wind.
“What is she saying?”
The man who noticed Harrieta’s efforts asked. She moved her eyes and looked in the
direction the male was supposed to be.
He repeated what she said. To him, it sounded as if it was an unfamiliar word he had never
“Go… to… Phili… oche. To… that… person.”
Harrieta gasped at the burning heat. Contrary to her longing heart, her body did not follow.
‘He would be waiting. He must be waiting for me to come back.’
The face of the one she longed for flashed before her eyes. When she reached out her hand,
he was so close that it seemed like she was able to touch him. Yet he could not be reached
like a mirage in the desert. Tears streamed down from the corners of her eyes.
Harrieta lost consciousness again.
Chapter 64

When Harrieta opened her eyes again, she was lying on a bed.
Soft pillow. Cozy blanket. The faint scent of cotton tickled the tip of her nose.
Harrieta, who was still in a dreamy state, blinked her eyes several times. Then, her blurry
vision became clearer and clearer. As she turned her head and looked around, she saw the
white wall surrounding the room and the high ceiling hanging over it.
‘Where am I?’
It was an unfamiliar place in Harrieta’s memory. Is it because there were only a few pieces
of furniture to fill the space? The size of the room seemed so large that it could not even be
compared to hers. White sunlight shone through the half-rolled curtains.
Harrieta tried to get up. But the pain soon came to her, and she cried out in pain and had to
lie down again. It hurt as if her back had been torn. Moreover, it felt as if the tendons in her
limbs had been cut off and her limbs trembled from the loss of strength.
What happened to me? Harrieta thought. And then, with a click, the door opened and a
woman stepped in.
“Oh. You’re finally awake.”
She found Harrieta with her eyes wide open and walked over to her. Harrieta, startled by
the stranger’s appearance, tried to get up again, but the woman rushed and stopped her.
“Don’t get up. The wound hasn’t healed yet. If you move too quickly, the wounds that I
painstakingly sutured might burst again.”
“Where… is here?”
Harrieta confusedly asked. Maybe it’s because she hasn’t talked for a long time, but the
voice that came out of her sounded hoarse.
“Who… are you?”
“I’ll give you something to drink first. You probably haven’t had a proper sip of water in
Instead of answering Harrieta’s questions, the woman supported her carefully and put
three or four pillows behind her back. It was to help Harrieta sit up to some extent without
forcibly getting her body up.
“Here, keep drinking. It will help you feel refreshed.”
Noticing that Harrieta didn’t even have the strength to hold the glass, she brought the glass
closer to her lips. As she tilted the glass a little, the tepid liquid it contained spilled out and
wet her dry lips and flowed into her mouth.
Harrieta was weak in both mind and body. She wondered for a moment if what the woman
had given her was poison, but she didn’t have the strength to think further.
Without any resistance, she gulped and drank what the woman gave.
“Good job.”
When Harrieta emptied the glass, the woman smiled. She spoke as if she were praising an
immature little child.
The woman stood up to clean the empty glass. Harrieta looked at her back.
In her simple blue dress, white apron, and even a thin bonnet, her attire seemed to belong
to an impeccable maid. Nevertheless, her tone and actions looked elegant and classy, unlike
ordinary maids.
Harrieta was even more curious. Who owns this place? And who did she get help from?
Despite all that, she was certain of one thing. If someone owned a mansion with such a
large room and would hire a maid of that level, they would certainly not be a typical person.
“Where… is here?”
Harrieta asked again. Perhaps it was because her throat was quenched a little, a softer
voice came out than before. Then the maid glanced back at her. It was only for a moment,
but various emotions flashed across her face.
“Valputis. It is the capital of Velicia.”
Harrieta’s eyes widened at the maid’s answer.
‘Valputis? The capital of Velicia?’
She had apparently lost consciousness near the border far from the capital, so Harrieta
thought at best she was in the area around it, so it was quite a surprise that she had ended
up in the capital city. But if that were the case, how much time has passed since then?
“Then this is… ?”
The maid nodded while watching the very confused Harrieta.
“This is the royal castle of Velicia.”
In the library, a man was sitting in front of a desk. Although he was very young, he had an
unusual atmosphere.
The room was absolutely silent. Tick tock. The only regular sound was the ticking of the
clock on the wall. The man who was looking forward with his elbows crossed on the desk
opened his mouth and asked,
“She woke up?”
“Yes. She woke up around eleven today.”
Another man standing in front of him responded politely. Silver armor and a red cloak. The
long sword fastened to his waist indicated that he was a knight.
“She didn’t die.”
The man grinned and muttered.
He remembered a woman who showed a strong desire for something even though she was
standing at the crossroads of life and death. Even when she was precariously close to dying,
she had a strong will to not lose to anyone.
‘Did she say Philioche?’
Looking back, it was a very unfamiliar name. He thought he had memorized all the names of
Velicia and most of the places in Brimdel. But now that he sees it, it seems that he was
“So, what’s her name?”
He asked the knight standing in front of him. The knight slightly bowed and answered,
“Her name is Harrieta.”
Hearing the knight’s answer, the man frowned.
‘Harrieta. Harrieta…’
Just as he thought over the word Philioche, he thought over the name Harrieta once again.
An unfamiliar, unknown name to him.
“It’s different from the Princess of Brimdel’s name.”
“Unfortunately… I don’t think it’s the same person.”
The knight nodded and answered. The knight’s face was quite complicated. However, the
man who should have been affected more than that just made an indifferent expression.
The man who had been contemplating something suddenly got up from his seat.
“Where are you going?”
As the man strode towards the door without saying a word, the knight asked. As far as he
knew, his master had nothing else planned for today.
The attendant, who was standing by the door, pulled out the man’s robe that was hung on
the hanger and approached him. However, the man waved his hand to signify that it was
not needed. His mother made it for him as a robe so he had to wear it, but he didn’t like the
clothes with jewel buttons.
“The princess of Brimdel was a woman who almost would have become my wife, even if it
ended without us seeing each other. And the only one who knows what her end was like is
that woman lying on the bed now.”
“… Are you sure you’re going to question her?”
She’s still not in good shape, you know? He didn’t dare spit it out, but the knight’s eyes were
saying so.
The man was mostly laid back, but sometimes, he was as impatient as he was today. Thanks
to that, the knight was often confused about him even though he had been by the man’s
side for a long time.
The man picked up a gray cloak with a simple design over the flashy outerwear. Then he
draped it roughly over his shoulder.
“Rather than that, let’s call it a visit.”
Bernard, the second son of King Velicia and the only prince of the royal family, replied with
a strange smile.
Chapter 65

Brimdel’s side said Velicia had not kept the promise, but that was wrong. They arrived at
the point where they were supposed to meet with Brimdel’s group on time, as promised in
advance. However, it was Brimdel who did not show up in the end no matter how much
they waited.
They thought something was strange and started looking around the area based on the
border. Soon, they found traces of what seemed to be a fairly large group of people. It was
quite a distance from where they had originally planned to meet. Was there a mistake in
exchanging information between the two countries?
It was a bit of a strange situation, but the Velicia delegation hurriedly began to pursue the
trace. When they realized that it was not in the direction of the capital, but in the dark,
sparsely populated forest, they doubted whether this was really the trace left by Brimdel,
until they found the guards mercilessly killed in the sea of blood.
No one was alive. It was only corpses that had cooled down.
Was it an attack by a swarm of thieves? Or was it the work of an assassin hired by
Recognizing that the carriage, where the princess was supposed to be, was empty, the
delegation immediately searched the area. And not too long after, they were able to find an
unidentified female body that had been killed and a woman who was half-dead.
Between the two women in front of them, they wondered,
Which one is the Princess of Brimdel?
Everyone was curious. Some immature people even bet on it. But anyway, it was all to no
avail. The dead were silent, and the living were so seriously wounded that they could not
be considered alive. An emissary was sent to Brimdel to report this tragic news, but no
reply has come yet.
So they waited. May the young woman with brown hair wake up. The only survivor who
survived the horrific incident had to wake up.
So, it was only natural that the people’s attention within the Royal Castle was focused on
Harrieta anxiously looked around her. Outside the window the birds chirped leisurely, but
her mind was not at peace. If she could, she wanted to scream with all her might as she was
covered with a blanket.
Harrieta was able to hear the story about what had happened from the maid who took care
of her and realized.
That it was Brimdel, not Velicia, who did not appear at the meeting place.
That it was never a mistake, but a deliberate, planned action in advance.
Harrieta had been judging Shawn for being impatient and not meticulous. But in fact, he
was a much more patient and meticulous human being than she had thought.
Shawn was able to get rid of Harrieta much earlier than this. Even within the realm, as heir
to the Duke’s family, secretly using his hands would have been easier than breathing. But
he dared to wait until they crossed the border.
The reason was clear. If the Princess of Brimdel had been murdered within the estate of
Brimdel, all responsibility for it would fall on Brimdel’s side. Then it was clear that Velicia,
who had not yet received what they wanted, would demand another bride from them.
But what if the princess of Brimdel was murdered in the land of Velicia and not anywhere
Just with one border, everything changes.
Harrieta shook her head. To whom should she turn this arrow of anger? No matter how
arrogant Shawn was, there was no way he could have done anything like this without the
permission of the royal family. Who was involved and how much?
She had been proud of being a citizen of Brimdel all her life, but she was abandoned by her
motherland when she needed it most.
She remembered the soldiers who died without even being able to defend themselves
properly against the sudden attack, and Janice, who vomited blood and died without even
closing her eyes.
Harrieta grabbed the blanket tightly. What the hell did they die for? They should be grateful
that they didn’t know until the last minute that it was none other than their country behind
their deaths.
‘From the looks of things, they might have already been notified that I was still alive by now.’
Harrieta’s expression darkened. She suddenly remembered the knight who commanded
the escort all the way to Velicia. It was no one else, but a person who joined the group at
Shawn’s recommendation.
‘Will they harm the people around me or what…?’
They were the ones who did not choose any means to achieve their goals. Enough to kill the
many for her. Will they ever calmly stop at this point? Suddenly, ominous thoughts began
to pop up in her head one by one.
The Viscount Mackenzie couple in Philioche. Hugo on the front lines in Bangola. And Edwin
and the others who set out to find Hugo.
She thought she couldn’t sit still like this. She had to somehow inform and warn her loved
ones of what had happened to her. No. At least she had to make sure they were okay.
‘There is no time.’
Harrieta, who was in a hurry, got up from the spot without realizing it. But the moment her
feet touched the floor, a throbbing pain shot up and strength drained from her legs, and she
stumbled and fell to the floor.
It was a hard marble floor. Harrieta groaned at the strong blow that hit her body. It hurt so
much that tears welled up in her eyes.
After a while, Harrieta, who gathered her strength, carefully tried to lift her body up. But
her arms only trembled. She couldn’t fully support her weight. Besides, she had already
sprained her ankle once and fell this time and she sprained it again, making the pain
stronger than before.
Harrieta, who had been trying for a long time to get up from the floor, had to accept that it
was impossible. It was a difficult situation. She couldn’t get out as she wanted, but she
couldn’t get back into bed either.
‘What should I do?’
Harrieta was worried. It was unreasonable to get out of this place on her own. If so, can’t
she just find someone who can help her after learning about the situation? Or is there
anyone she can call to help?
Harrieta knew nothing about the interior of Velicia’s royal castle. Still, she was sure that
people would come just beyond that tightly closed door.
Harrieta tried to guess the distance between the door and her with a rough glance. A
distance of less than twenty steps. It would take some effort, but it seemed possible
enough. Taking several slow, deep breaths, she slowly started crawling on the floor using
both her hands and one strong leg.
Slide. Slide.
There was a strange sound as the surface of her clothes and skin brushed over the smooth
floor. The figure of Harrieta crawling on the floor while lying flat was very similar to that of
a snake crawling on the ground. Moreover, her clothes were wrinkled and her hair was
scattered all over. She was worried that someone who didn’t know anything would scream
in surprise if they saw her.
But Harrieta didn’t care. She was solely focused on achieving her purpose. Every time she
moved her arm, a stinging pain flooded her back, but she ignored it too. Beads of sweat
formed on her forehead.
How much time has passed? After many twists and turns, Harrieta managed to get to the
front door.
‘The doorknob. The doorknob…’
Harrieta lifted her head and looked up at the door. Seeing that the doorknob was just
hanging overhead, she wrinkled her face.
It was obviously of a height that normally she would not have thought much of. But when
she was lying on the floor like this, it seemed to be very high, like the top of a cliff. She
wondered if she would be able to reach it even if she gathered all of her energy and
stretched out her hand.
‘Let’s try and think about it first.’
Harrieta firmly made up her mind. Her goal was ahead. She had come here and she couldn’t
give up. She stretched her upper body as far as she could and reached her hand towards the
doorknob. Her back was bent like a bow, and her arms were trembling as they paddled
through the air.
‘Just a little bit… A little bit more…’
Harrieta opened her eyes and bit her lower lip. Her fingertips were enough to touch the
doorknob. She was looking at it, so she was anxious. Her upper body lightly pounded
against the door as she exerted herself and missed her mark.
‘Ah. Almost …!’
After a few more tries, the cold touch of the doorknob reached her fingertips. It was a
splendid achievement after putting in so much effort. Her face brightened with joy after she
finally succeeded after all that hard work.
Chapter 66

The tightly closed door opened wide. As a result, Harrieta, who was just about to grab the
doorknob, lost her focus and fell forward.
A cool breeze blew in through the gap in the door, cooling the room.
“...What is this?”
Someone muttered above her head. As if the situation in front of them was so absurd, she
could even hear a short laugh.
Harrieta lifted her head and looked up at the owner of the voice. He was a tall, young man.
He seemed to have passed the age of 20, but somehow she felt a sense of intimidation.
“What are you doing there now?”
The man frowned slightly and saw Harrieta lying on the floor. Her figure was completely
contained in the subtle gray eyes that were neither blue nor gray.
Harrieta quickly looked at the man’s appearance. He wore a gray cloak, and his skin was
white, but his hair was black as chestnut.
Is it because of the combination of two opposing colors? Although he has a pretty
handsome appearance, he has a cold and strong impression overall. Besides, his shoulders
were wide open and his physique seemed to be familiar with using quite a bit of power.
‘Is he the bodyguard who was patrolling the castle?’
Harrieta thought.
She hit the door several times as she tried to grab the doorknob. That would have caused
thumping outside the door. From his point of view, who happened to be walking down the
alley, the sight deserved to look suspicious enough.
The man took turns looking at Harrieta and the bed on which she had just been lying.
Regardless of her clothes and hair, her figure was a mess. In addition, the blankets that fell
on the floor beside the bed were also stretched long toward the side she was on. As if
someone had dragged it around.
The man looked like he couldn’t believe his eyes.
“Did you come all the way by crawling on the floor?”
“I had no choice. I can’t get up..….”
Harrieta answered, holding her breath.
“I have to call someone for urgent business...It seems like no one is around...”
Harrieta explained with a pathetic expression on her face.
“So if I go out the door...I thought someone might pass by.”
“So you were going to go out in this state?”
The man asked.
“Crawling on the floor like a slug like this?”
Then he confirmed it again.
Harrieta did not answer his question. Because she didn’t have time to answer.
The man’s well-groomed lips twitched. Eventually, he couldn’t stand it any longer, and he
burst out laughing. No. He was literally joking around rather than just laughing out loud.
Harrieta rolled her eyes and looked at the man who was laughing in front of her with her
head tilted back. He was so cool and was just laughing so loud that it made her confused.
Harrieta lost her words at the unexpected reaction.
‘What’s with this person?’
Her eyes sharpened sharply. No matter how messed up she was, when he heard that she
had urgent business, instead of asking her what she needed, he laughed openly like this.
Harrieta didn’t even want sympathy or mourning from the stranger standing before her.
She just wanted to understand her dire situation and to have an attitude appropriate for it.
Is it because she was very tired? It was not easy to get over things like normally. Besides,
now that she sees it, he doesn’t seem like a very helpful person to her.
After a brief thought, Harrieta decided to ignore the man standing in front of her. And she
made a decision that she immediately decided to put it into her practice.
She procrastinated and started crawling the floor again. She was about to pass him so
slowly, very slowly.
“Where are you going?”
The man moved his long legs and blocked Harrieta’s way. Seeing his feet in front of her,
Harrieta frowned.
Harrieta gave an order coldly. She spoke respectfully a little while ago, but she won’t
anymore. He was rude to her. There was no need for her to treat him like that.
The man seemed to have noticed that her words had been shortened. Still, he was not at all
offended by that fact. Rather, he raised one eyebrow as if she was interesting.
“Don’t want?”
He also spoke briefly. With eyes that somehow seem to provoke the other person.
Harrieta rolled her eyes.
“I don’t have time for jokes.”
“Where are you going in such a hurry?”
“That’s not for you to know.”
“Then I can’t get out of your way.”
He shrugged his shoulders and said.
“I don’t want to clean up a corpse.”
Was he doing this on purpose? The man continued to grab Harrieta’s words. Although she
made it clear that she didn’t want to talk to him anymore, he didn’t give up.
Unlike her, who was restless and impatient, he was peaceful. It was natural. For him, today
would be a day like no other. So he had no reason to rush.
“Go back to bed first. I don’t think your body is strong either, but if you keep lying face
down on the cold floor like that, you’re really going to kick the bucket.”
“Did you not hear me? I...What are you doing?”
Harrieta, who had raised her voice as if frustrated, was startled and asked. Because the man
leaned over her and took her into his arms. His two arms, as hard and strong as cast iron,
supported her body.
Before she was even aware of what was happening, her body floated in the air.
“Excuse me.”
He whispered lightly to Harrieta. It was a very sudden move. She panicked and didn’t know
what to do, but she hurriedly tried to push him away.
“Let go! Let go!”
“Don’t be stubborn. I don’t know where you’re going, but in that state you won’t be able to
even get out of this castle, let alone the capital.”
Despite her efforts, he didn’t budge. It was like throwing an egg on a big rock.
“By the way, do you know what floor this room is located on? How are you going to crawl
down those many stairs?”
“If you are quiet, I will listen to you. Understand? If it’s okay, I may help you achieve what
you want.”
The man said as if coaxing Harrieta.
Harrieta’s complexion darkened. She was resentful, but she knew he wasn’t wrong.
She clenched her teeth. It wasn’t that she didn’t know that her actions were reckless. Even
though she knew she was reckless, she was just so desperate that she couldn’t help it. The
hand that had been pushing him down slowly slipped away.
Perhaps noticing the change, the man glanced down at Harrieta in his arms.
“Does it hurt a lot?”
As she grimaced slightly at the pain radiating from her back, he asked, noticing it.
“Hold on a little bit. I cannot move you without pain.”
Then he added so. He didn’t even pretend to be sorry for hurting her or sorry for her pain.
As if his words are law and truth. Or as if he hadn’t even thought of any other possibilities.
Harrieta looked up at the man.
A straight look without shaking. blunt nose. Soft-looking lips. And even his strong jaw.
She had been so distracted so far that she had not noticed, but the man’s appearance was
very beautiful. Moreover, he showed no sign of distress, even though his strength was so
good that her body became as light as a feather.
‘Pleasant scent...’
Did he spray perfume on it? There was a faint scent in the man’s arms. Perhaps he could
feel her looking at him, he laid his gaze down on her.
The two’s eyes met. It felt like she was doing something she shouldn’t have done. Harrieta
hurriedly turned her gaze away. And seeing that, he just smiled silently.
The man put Harrieta down on the bed and said. Contrary to his coercive tone, the way he
handled her was quite cautious.
“Wait a minute.”
After Harrieta had taken a somewhat stable posture, the man stood up. As he turned
around and walked away, she quickly grabbed the hem of his robe.
The man saw Harrieta’s hand holding the hem of his robe.
“This. You are more foolish than you look.”
“No matter how good I am. You shouldn’t be riding on loneliness like this already.”
“Help me.”
Harrieta, ignoring the man’s vain voice, looked straight into his eyes and demanded.
Chapter 67

“You said you would help.”

“Did I?”
He widened his eyes a little like he had heard it for the first time.
“You’re mistaken. I just said I would listen. I never promised to help.”
The man drew the line without any hesitation. Harrieta’s face got distorted.
“You mean you won’t help?”
Even the slightest hope left behind by his cold words seemed to disappear without a trace.
Harrieta looked as if she had rolled down a cliff. The man’s eyes softened slightly when he
saw that.
“Yes, you need to heal your body a bit. However, since I can’t help you with that myself, I
have no choice but to call the right person for the job. I’m usually quite insensitive to
people’s appearance and looks, but even taking that into consideration, you really don’t
look well.”
“When everything is sorted out, then I’ll come back to hear about your situation.”
The man quietly delivered the word of promise. Even though it wasn’t a big deal after all, he
acted as if he was showing great generosity.
Harrieta looked at him with suspicious eyes. Will he really come back here? Harrieta wasn’t
100 percent sure.
“Don’t worry. I will be back.”
The man, who was looking at Harrieta, smiled.
“Even in a country where we grew up seeing all sorts of strange things, it’s not very
common to run into a woman crawling on the floor trying to escape the castle.”
The man kept his promise. Shortly after he left the room, the maid who looked after
Harrieta came. Unlike when she left the room, she looked a little startled at Harrieta. But
maybe it’s because she’s a castle worker who always has to be careful with her words. She
didn’t say anything.
The maid skillfully and quickly took care of Harrieta. She carefully wiped Harrieta’s body
with a sponge moistened with lukewarm water, changing the blood-soaked bandages from
her open wounds.
Clean clothes were given instead of her dirty ones, and her hair, which had been sparsely
messed up, was combed and then braided long to one side. A white sheet and a new, dry
duvet covered Harrieta’s body. The new duvet smelled of soft, clean cotton.
“Sorry. I bothered you.”
Harrieta paused and apologized as she watched the maid pick up the blanket that had fallen
on the floor and put it in the basket. How shocked must she be when she heard about this
situation from the man.
The maid cared for Harrieta, who was half-dead, and while she opened her eyes for a
moment, she crawled on the floor and tried to escape. Moreover, although it was not
intentional, it was as if she had unintentionally doubled the maid’s work.
The maid raised her head and looked at Harrieta. The maid shook her head as she smiled
“No. Rather, I should apologize.”
Harrieta squinted her eyes.
“You’re still not well, yet I haven’t been paying attention.”
“You must have been very thirsty because you hadn’t had a proper sip of water for several
days. I should have expected that and left a glass of water next to you...These are all my
faults that I didn’t even think about until then.”
The maid said with a very sorry look.
“I will be more careful in the future.”
She then added, as if promising. Her gaze at Harrieta seemed sincere.
‘You didn’t tell the truth.’
Then Harrieta noticed that the man had not told the truth about what had happened to the
Even if he just told the truth, it had nothing to do with him. Rather, he should have done so.
It wasn’t her intention to run away, but it must have been that her actions look suspicious
in his eyes. In such a situation, did he dare to lie and defend someone he saw for the first
‘Wouldn’t that cause a problem?’
Harrieta thought of the man who was arrogant. From the first meeting with him they have
firmly pressed the wrong button on each other’s bond.
Whatever problem she faced, it had nothing to do with him. But still, if it was because of
her, she would feel a little uneasy.
“Oh yes. I have something to ask you.”
Harrieta, who suddenly remembered something more important in her mind, said to the
“I have a message that I must convey to Brimdel, my hometown. It’s okay to send a letter
through a carrier bird. If only I could deliver the message to the other person as quickly as
As she spoke her words, her mind once again became impatient. If possible, she wanted to
take her horse to Philioche right now. Harrieta continued to speak her words while
suppressing her rushed heart.
“Can you that?”
“I’m in trouble without a superior’s permission...”
The maid, who had been listening to Harrieta, frowned slightly and murmured. She didn’t
say it out loud, but it was nothing short of a refusal. Angrily, Harrieta leaned her body
slightly towards the maid.
“It’s really urgent. If I don’t tell them sooner, it could be a disaster.”
“I’m sorry. But that’s something I can’t do.”
“Please. Please please, huh? I beg you so earnestly. What do you want? Money? Jewel? If
that’s the case, just say it. Even if it’s impossible right now, when things get better later.”
“No matter how much you tell me, it’s no use. I have no authority whatsoever.”
The maid shook her head. It was polite, but there was a firmness in the voice as if her
answer would never change.
Harrieta stared at the maid. The mixture of frustration and impatience simmered, but just
before she exploded, she held back.
Even if she didn’t like it, because she knew the maid wasn’t in the wrong. It was just a waste
of time trying to convince the maid.
Harrieta let out a heavy, long sigh.
“Then can you tell me? How can I meet that ‘superior’ person?”
“Yes? Do you want me to tell you?”
In response to Harrieta’s question, the maid opened her eyes and asked again. She had such
an expression as if she could not fully understand her question.
“You’ve already met.”
“My superior.”
A strange silence passed between the two of them. They looked at each other blankly. Both
of them looked puzzled, as if they could not understand the other person’s words.
“He said he would come back a little later to see Miss Harrieta...Maybe I’m wrong?”
The maid asked cautiously. At that, someone flashed into Harrieta’s mind.
The man who was bold and confident enough that it was unlikely that he was a soldier who
came by chance while on patrol.
A knock was heard on the door. After a short polite wait, the door opened. A tall man came
in through the crack in the open door and went across the room. It was a familiar figure.
The man saw Harrieta sitting quietly on the bed. He was looking different from before. He
raised the corners of his lips and smiled.
“Now you look a little more human.”
“I’ve been waiting for you, knight.”
Harrieta greeted the man with a polite attitude. The man raised an eyebrow at him.
Then he asked her the title by which she called him. With an expression that seems to be
out of focus somewhere.
After a while, he grinned.
“Who said that? Am I a knight?”
The man asked.
“Did the maid say that earlier?”
“No. But she said you were in a high enough position to help me if you wanted to.”
She asked about the man’s identity, but there was only one answer that came back. ‘Don’t
ask me, ask him directly.’ For whatever reason, the maid seemed reluctant to talk about the
Harrieta worked her head eagerly.
Among the people who patrol and guard the castle, who is evaluated as sitting in a high
position? The only thing that immediately came to mind was a knight that was praised as
noble by most people.
Seeing that the maid was so proud of him, he couldn’t be just a knight. She does not know
what kind of hierarchical organization exists in the Knights Order, but this man must have
been sitting in a fairly high position among them.
The man approached Harrieta and sat down on the chair next to the bed.
“How interesting. Well, that’s fine. Let’s say that’s it...Why are you suddenly speaking
respectfully again? You were openly speaking casually before?”
Chapter 68

“I was out of my mind then.”

It was a moment when she desperately needed the man’s help. At the most, she couldn’t
throw away the opportunity that was given to her. Without further ado, Harrieta lowered
herself in front of him.
“Knight. I have a message that I must convey to Brimdel right now.”
“Wait a minute. You are going too far.”
The man slightly raised his hand and cut off Harrieta’s words.
“Isn’t it a bit too much to start talking about what you want as soon as we meet?”
“...I told you. It’s really urgent.”
“Even so. There will be time to explain.”
Even with Harrieta’s excuses, the man did not fall for it. Harrieta had a stern face. She could
not have looked at the situation with such ease. It was a feeling that every second was a
But still she kept her silence. No matter how she felt, in the end she had no choice but to
obey the man. In the current situation, she’s the one who will regret it. And because it was
the man who took the initiative in things.
A satisfied smile spread across the man’s face, confirming that Harrieta had implicitly
agreed with him. He opened his mouth
“So what is your name?”
“What are you so vigilant about? Just because I know your name doesn’t mean I’m going to
eat you.”
Harrieta kept her mouth shut like a clam, the man urged.
“Is there any reason why you shouldn’t give me your name?”
The man’s eyes narrowed in the silence that continued. Suspicion began to form in his eyes.
At that moment, Harrieta was experiencing a serious internal conflict. She hoped her choice
would be right. Hundreds of thoughts rushed in all at once and confused her. It was as if her
future was decided by the words she said next.
After hesitating, she parted her lips. Thump thump. Her heart was beating so hard that only
she, she herself could know.
A second felt like a year.
A familiar yet unfamiliar name came out. The conscience she had buried deep in her chest
stinged. At the same time, the face of the woman who was bleeding and dying in front of
her flashed before her eyes.
“Who is Janice Dolmoran?”
The man narrowed his brow.
“Others say that you introduced yourself as Harrieta?”
At the man’s words, Harrieta took a short breath. She remembered telling her real name to
the maid who asked her what her name was.
‘As expected, rumors spread quickly.’
“Harrieta is my middle name.”
It was something she was prepared for anyway. Harrieta tried not to show surprise as
much as possible, and she answered calmly.
“My full name is Janice, but since I was little, I was called more by my middle name,
Harrieta. That’s why I’m more familiar with the name Harrieta than Janice.”
The man’s eyes looked at Harrieta. With an expression like that, she can’t tell what’s inside
‘Did you notice?’
She was afraid that her lie might have been exposed. But, like the water that had already
flowed between her fingers, she couldn’t pick up the words that came out of her mouth and
put them back.
It was already too late to turn around. So, she had to keep going to the end. Harrieta hid her
anxiety and waited for his next words. Her mouth was dry from the tension.
“I know a few of them too. Those who prefer to be called by their middle name rather than
the real name.”
After a time that felt like eternity passed, the man opened his mouth.
“Then let me call you Harrieta instead of Janice from now on.”
Maybe it was because of the casual acting? Fortunately, he no longer questioned her.
Harrieta secretly breathed a sigh of relief into her.
“Then I will ask. Harrieta, whose name is Janice.”
In an instant, the mood changed.
“What happened to you the day the Brimdel delegation was attacked in the forest?”
Leaving the capital of Brimdel to reach the border crossing between the two countries. Due
to the unexpected absence of the Velicia delegation, they decided to head to a nearby
village. And encountering bandits who appeared in an unknown forest as if waiting for
Harrieta told the man about the things she remembered. Of course, she didn’t forget to
adapt the story as seen from the point of view of the maid, not Brimdel’s princess. As she
spoke, the man did not say a word and listened quietly. Occasionally, as if there was
something he didn’t like, and he frowned.
But nevertheless, he never interrupted until the end of her story.
“Something...It seems that there are a lot of things that are not clear.”
Only after Harrieta had completely finished her story did the man mutter slowly.
“To be clear, it was Brimdel’s side, not Velicia, who didn’t show up at the promised place. I
followed the trail later and it looked like they had passed quite a distance from the meeting
“Unless the person in charge of the delegation’s guide is a novice, there is no way they
could have found the wrong place. Besides, a knight with a certain amount of experience
would have been able to find that level of terrain with a rough guess.”
Harrieta shut her mouth at the man’s words.
She knew he wasn’t wrong. The guide who was in charge of guiding their way was by no
means a novice, and the knight who commanded the escort was also a person of some skill.
However, the position given to the guide was wrong from the beginning, and the knight
knew that fact, but silently led them into the depths of the trap.
Knowing all that, Harrieta kept her silence.
“If you were the maid who followed the princess.”
He turned her attention back to Harrieta.
“In other words, the princess...”
“The princess.”
Harrieta took a break, swallowing a gulp. Then she looked straight into the man’s eyes.
“She lost her life at the hands of bandits that day.”
Her words, which felt heavier than iron balls, left her. With this she crossed the river of no
return. The princess, who did not even exist in Brimdel from the beginning, met her death
at this moment.
She was afraid. But at the same time, she felt a sense of relief.
Harrieta felt the shackles that bound her shatter to pieces. The ties between the past and
the present were broken, forcing her to become the person she never wanted to be.
So she threw off the bridle that had been forcibly placed on her. Then she proclaimed the
freedom that only she alone could know and enjoy.
“She lost her life.”
The man muttered as if talking to himself.
“On that day, only two women were found at the scene. You and a corpse. Two, You were in
a state of unconsciousness, and it was difficult to recognize the impression of the body as
the face was damaged a lot. I tried to check the belongings of you and her, but there was
nothing that could clearly prove their identity.”
“I wasn’t sure. Which one is the princess, and which one is the maid who followed her to
take care of her?”
“I was the only maid who followed the princess. I have witnessed her slaughter with my
own eyes.”
Harrieta spoke quietly, but firmly.
“I’m sorry, but the body that you found that day must be the princess.”
Then she took a break, and added.
As if she didn’t want to leave any more room for controversy. The fact that the princess
apparently had crossed the river of death, she wanted to nail it that way.
The man looked at Harrieta.
“It’s unfortunate. Also for Brimdel. Also to Velicia.”
It sounded like a sigh, but his expression wasn’t very emotional. Indifferent eyes and tone
of voice. Besides, he seemed a bit sloppy. When she heard the news that her neighbor’s dog
had died, perhaps she would be more emotional than he was now.
“We will surely find the group that attacked the delegation that day. If they dare put royal
blood on their hands, I will tell them clearly what words await them.”
For a brief moment, a spark of anger flashed over his indifferent face. It wasn’t for his
fiancee, who had died without ever meeting. It was directed towards a terrifying crowd
who did not know their place and rebelled against the noble lineage.
Soon, the man got up from the seat.
“You must be very tired, so let’s stop here for today. Instead, tomorrow, I’ll send someone.
All you have to do is report back to him the same things you told me today. Do you
“Then the message to send to Brimdel is...?”
Harrieta asked, hesitating. The man replied as if it didn’t matter.
“You don’t have to worry about that. We have already delivered the news of the raid to the
Brimdel family, and I will send a letter to inform them that you have survived the attack.”
“Oh, you can’t do that!”
Harrieta, startled by the man’s words, shouted urgently. The man frowned.
“Can’t? Why?”
“That, that...”
Harrieta did not readily answer, and her words stuttered.
Chapter 69

If they heard that one of the handmaid had survived the attack, the Brimdel royal family
and Shawn would know at once that it was Harrieta. And she didn’t know what would
happen after they found out.
Harrieta was the only survivor who knew of their dark motives and dirty tricks. So it was
only obvious that they wanted her death more than anyone else.
Harrieta quickly shook her head. She had to stop this man. To do that, she needed to give
him a good reason and plausible reason to believe.
“The Princess lost her life, and I was the only survivor.”
Harrieta looked at the man’s eyes and said.
“The royal family I was serving by my side lost her life, and when it became known that I
was still alive...Then, not only me but also my family will be severely punished. In the worst
case, the family itself may be wiped out.”
“But it wasn’t your fault. If necessary, I can tell them separately.”
Harrieta’s eyes widened at the man’s words.
It was surprising. The man is good at making jokes, but that doesn’t mean he was a warm-
hearted and compassionate person. Rather, it occurred to her that he might be so cold-
blooded that he would not care at all whether someone died by his side. Then, for some
reason, he showed a little concern for her.
However, after deliberation, Harrieta shook her head.
“Thank you for your words, but it will be of no use.”
“Anyone can be overly emotional in the face of grief of losing a loved one. I just hope you
won’t do it and the risks are too great to take on.”
“Then what are you going to do? Do you mean to send a false report that you died?”
He asked, frowning.
“Then you are alive, but you’re dead. You’re like a living ghost, don’t you think it’s ignorant
how sinful it is to deceive the country and even the royal family? You will never be able to
set foot on your homeland again with an honorable status during your lifetime.”
“As a Brimdel, it is certainly sad that I will never again set foot on my homeland.”
Harrieta hesitated for a moment. As a person of Brimdel, the times of her life when she was
born and raised passed before her eyes. And that was all she knew, still only 18 years old.
But in the end, only one thing matters.
Harrieta’s eyes darkened.
It was the only wish that she realized late only after experiencing death in front of her nose.
She could do anything to make that wish come true, and she was ready to throw anything
Harrieta, having gathered her heart, slowly inhaled and exhaled a breath.
“But even if it is a foreign country, I think it is much better to stand on it and breathe, than
to die and be buried under the ground of my homeland. That’s how much I am attached to
my life.”
Bernard looked at Harrieta quietly.
‘That’s how much I am attached to my life.’
Bernard pondered what Harrieta had said in his head. He still didn’t know much about her,
but two things were clear.
One is that she is far more clumsy with her lies than she thinks.
And the second, he doesn’t know why, but she’s hiding a lot of things from him.
Nevertheless, it did not seem false when she spoke of her attachment to life. It was a brief
moment, but there was truth in her eyes as she looked at him.
He had a strange feeling. The sight of her talking about life with a face that was completely
precarious, pale and bloodless. Even though it was clear that by his standards, she would
not have been able to lead a very special life, she steadfastly values her life very much.
“Why do you think I will do you a favor?”
Bernard asked.
“It may seem insignificant at first glance, but now you are asking me to tell a lie to the
Brimdel royal family. If things go wrong, the friendly relationship between the two
countries may collapse. Why do I have to do such a dangerous thing for you, whom I do not
know well?”
“So...In short, it is possible.”
“You’re asking me why you should, but you didn’t say you couldn’t.”
Harrieta explained step by step.
“At the end of the day, I’m saying that it’s something that the Knight can fully solve.”
At Harrieta’s sharp point, Bernard shut his mouth. His eyes narrowed.
‘What an interesting woman.’
Bernard thought. All his life he has considered himself to be quite tactful. Also, in a short
time, he was confident that he was excellent at identifying the tendencies in others.
But at this moment, he was very confused. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t figure
out what was inside the woman in front of him.
It was like looking at a sheet of paper with different front and back sides, each side painted
black and white. It felt like both blades were a double-edged sword.
It was not limited to just personal circumstances. It was a serious matter that could even
spread to diplomatic issues between the two countries. Not a knight, but even a knight
commander. No, even as a high-ranking minister, it wasn’t something he could decide on
his own.
Still, Harrieta asked. It was an appearance that had no idea how foolish she was.
From there, Bernard would have judged that Harrieta was just a stupid and ignorant
person. And he would have lost his interest in her faster than light.
But he couldn’t. Because she showed an extraordinary side of her in an unexpected
Even though it’s just a word that can be said easily, the core was hidden in it. The power to
not give up until the end even though she knew that she was in a disadvantageous
Bernard agonized. He decided that Harrieta could not be fully trusted. He didn’t know what
was hidden under that harmless, fragile-looking appearance.
“What message do you want to convey to Brimdel?”
Bernard asked. Looking at the situation a little more, it didn’t seem like it would be too
dangerous. After all, he was given a long and boring time. So this much, he’d be fine with a
little fun.
Harrieta’s expression brightened after reading the positive affirmation in Bernard’s
“I want to tell my family in my hometown and my precious person that I am safe.”
As if she had been waiting, she replied coldly.
“And there’s also a warning to be careful just in case.”
Bernard remembered when he first discovered Harrieta. She muttered breathlessly in the
carriage heading to Valpoutis.
‘ Phili...oche. To...that...person.’
“Does that precious person mean your lover?”
Bernard asked. Harrieta’s complexion, which had brightened for a moment, darkened
“...not a lover.”
She replied with a stiffened face.
“But it is true that he is the most precious person.”
It was a powerless voice, like a sigh.
Shortly thereafter, an official document arrived in Brimdel. It was about the Brimdel
delegation who was attacked by a group of bandits while heading to the capital of Velicia
for the national wedding.
Document bearing the royal coat of arms of Velicia revealed that the only survivor found at
the attack site was not the Princess but the handmaid, Janice Dolmoran, who also lost her
life due to injuries sustained during the attack.
Upon hearing the news, Brimdel royal family was deeply saddened. And they deeply
mourned the two young women who had died at such an early age when they had yet to
open their buds properly.
Although not well-known to the public, and of a half-blood, the Princess was still a royal
family. To commemorate the tragic death of the Princess, the King ordered the people to
wear black mourning clothes for three days. In addition, Baron Dolmoran, who lost his
daughter suddenly, was given a small estate and the title of a Viscount.
‘I can best understand the sorrow and pain you are going through right now than anyone
The King himself called his subject and offered him words of consolation.
‘But the living should live. Your daughter, who went first, will also want you to endure this
sorrow and move forward. Just like my dead daughter does.’
Baron Dolmoran accepted the King’s warm consolation. No, the man who was now
Viscount Dolmoran lowered his head and wept.
Janice Dolmoran. His daughter’s face, who smiled brightly as she looked at him, shimmered
in front of him, now crumbled and disappeared like white bubbles.
Chapter 70

Harrieta had a dream.

It was a rainy day. The sky was overcast with dark clouds, and no matter how much she
rubbed her eyes, there was no light. Everywhere she looked, there were only gray clouds.
A dark forest with no people. An urgent sound of horseshoes resounded. A figure, which
seemed small like a dot, grew bigger and bigger, and soon became the shape of a rider on a
It was a man in a black cloak. He was drenched in rain like a drowning mouse, but he didn’t
He roughly stopped his horse, and jumped off. It was common sense to tie the horse
somewhere to prevent it from escaping unless it was urgent. But now he didn’t seem to
have the time to take care of the horse.
“Miss Harrieta!”
The man shouted.
“Miss Harrieta!”
The man’s mournful voice echoed through the pouring rain. The rain kept running down
his wet face. His hand trembled.
The man wandered around like a madman. His soft skin had scratches and bruises from
sharp branches here and there, and muddy water splashed on his face and clothes.
But he didn’t care at all. The man’s clear blue eyes scanned the surroundings quickly.
For such a long time he wandered among the thick bushes, crawling on the muddy floor
without hesitation. He looked like he was ready to dig a tunnel with his bare hands on the
spot if he could find what he was looking for.
“Miss Heri...!”
The man who tried to shout Harrieta’s name once again did not see the tree roots
protruding under his feet. With his foot caught in the root, his body leaned forward. The
muddy water that had been still in the puddle splashed in all directions with a popping
The man lifted himself up with both hands against the floor. As he was about to stand up,
something caught his eye. About three or four steps away from him, there was a shiny
object, half-buried in the soft mud.
The man hurriedly crawled towards the place where he could see the object. Then he took
what had been buried in the mud and washed it with rain water.
It was a silver oval locket necklace. Coincidentally, it is very familiar with the man’s.
He clenched his teeth to keep himself from screaming. Still, a low moan leaked out through
his tightly closed teeth.
He opened the lid of the locket with trembling hands.
Click. A small space hidden inside the locket was revealed. Soon, in his blue eyes, the
colored hair pictured within the rocket shone.
Had it not been for the rain, the hair would have boasted a brilliant golden color.
It was as if he had seen a ghost, the man had a pale face.
The man’s face contorted.
His hand holding the locket trembled even worse. His breathing became rough and
irregular. Looking precarious as if he was about to collapse, he grabbed the locket tightly.
The man, who had been sitting on the ground, kneeling, seemed unable to bear it any
longer, tilted his head back and vomited his anger toward the sky. It was more of a cry than
a shout. It is so painful and difficult that it hurts her heart just listening to it.
Cold rainwater ran down the man’s handsome face. No. Obviously, it wasn’t all rainwater.
His broad shoulders shook. Between the sound of the wind and the rain, his desperate
screams resounded one after another.
With that sound behind her, Harrieta opened her eyes.
She saw a white ceiling. The ceiling was built much higher than that of the Mackenzie’s
mansion. It was something she had seen every day when she opened her eyes recently.
‘It was a dream.’
Harrieta, who had closed her eyes as she lay on the bed, sighed in relief. Her back was damp
and it must have been that she was sweating while sleeping.
It was a weird dream.
A gray sky overcast with dark clouds. A landscape in the forest on a rainy day. And the
figure of a man who struggled and screamed in agony. She remembered all the scenes too
clearly to dismiss it as just a meaningless dream.
Harrieta’s face contorted a little. His screams were still vivid in her ears.
He started showing various emotions little by little while with her, but he was originally
calm by nature. There are a few times she has seen him sad and angry, but it’s nothing
compared to what she had seen in the dream a while ago.
Even though she knew it was a dream, it broke her heart. If possible, she wanted to go back
into the dream and convince him not to suffer too much, and that she was fine.
‘It must have been because I was upset that I lost the necklace.’
Harrieta struggled to shake off her anxious mind.
‘It’s a valuable thing, where did I put it?’
She bit her lower lip, recalling the lost locket necklace. When she wore the necklace around
her neck, it felt like he was there for some reason. So she always tried to carry it with her
whenever possible.
Harrieta let out a sigh.
After all, it has been a little over half a year since she went to Lavant with Edwin. It wasn’t
that long ago, but it felt like more than ten years had passed.
Because the size of her longing was great, her loneliness was also great.
Harrieta inhaled and exhaled her breath slowly. By now, Edwin would have returned from
Bangola with Hugo. And he would have noticed that she was no longer there.
A place she missed so much, Philioche. It made her feel even more gloomy when she
thought that all the precious people except her would be gathered there.
‘I wish we could meet sooner.’
Harrieta placed her arm over her eyes and closed it. Like cotton soaked in water, her heart
was heavy.
The fragrant scent of flowers prevailed. Everywhere the eyes see, there are beautiful
flowers in full bloom. It was a garden that was carefully maintained throughout the four
seasons by a skilled gardener. And in the middle of it sat a pair of young man and woman
facing each other.
“Did you get in contact yet?”
Harrieta asked quietly. Bernard, who was sitting across from the table, sighed deeply. How
many times already?
There was no need to ask what kind of contact she was talking about. It’s a question he had
heard dozens of times since he sent a messenger to Philioche. Like a parrot, she asked and
asked the question she had asked him before.
Aren’t women generally fond of flowers? He felt sorry for her for being confined to the
room all day, so he brought her here on purpose, but nothing changed from usual.
“I told you before. As soon as I get contacted, I will let you know first.”
Bernard answered, struggling to suppress the growing irritation.
“I haven’t told you anything yet, so doesn’t that mean I haven’t been contacted?”
“I wonder if you forgot...”
Seeing Bernard’s sullen reaction, Harrieta shrugged and mumbled an excuse. Bernard let
out a breath briefly, as if the words made no sense.
“Even if I try to forget it, I can’t forget it. Every day, someone next to me nags me.”
“Who told you to come? Even though I didn’t invite you, Sir Knight kept coming.”
“Look at that. Contrary to your appearance, you are quite cold.”
Harrieta rolled her eyes and glared at him, and Bernard replied with a smile.
“I’m afraid that next time I’ll have the door in my face.”
Harrieta frowned at Bernard’s words. Next time. He had so naturally scheduled his next
“Will you come again?”
“Why won’t I come?”
Bernard responded to Harrieta’s question with another question.
“You’ve got everything you need, so now I’m useless? You are being too much.”
Bernard looked pathetic for no reason. As if he had been mercilessly abandoned by his
lover, whom he had devoted himself to for a long time.
Harrieta looked at him with a shocked face.
“You know I don’t mean that.”
She said so.
“I don’t understand why you keep coming back for no reason. Even if you come to me like
this, there would be no benefit to Sir knight.”
“I don’t mind. I do it because I like it.”
“You like it...?”
Harrieta, who was repeating Bernard’s words, frowned. What kind of unexpected
confession is this? This was very out of the blue.
Chapter 71

Harrieta looked at Bernard with deep, wary eyes. Then she secretly pulled away from him.
Seeing that, he laughed out loud.
“Wait a minute. It wasn’t that I liked you that way, it just meant that I liked you as someone
I could talk with freely.”
Bernard explained. But Harrieta hardly showed any signs of trusting his words.
“What’s with those eyes? You don’t believe me?”
“It really is, truly. I swear to God, I’ve never seen you with any other intent.”
Bernard waved his hand and emphasized it again and again. It seemed very unfair that she
misunderstood what he meant. His figure trying to make her understand somehow even
made him look somewhat reverent.
As Bernard continued his firmness, Harrieta relaxed her body a bit. Her sharp eyes
softened, and her stiff shoulders started to descend.
“Then you should have said that from the beginning. I was surprised when you said
something strange.”
“I admit I was a bit vague, but it is. But isn’t it also wrong for you to interpret it that way
“Ask the people on the street. One hundred out of one hundred would have misunderstood
you like me.”
Bernard complained that it was unfair, but Harrieta did not lose. She shrugged her
shoulders casually and started looking for sugar for the tea. Noticing what she was looking
for, Bernard, without a word, pushed the sugar, which had been placed in front of him,
towards her.
“By the way, isn’t Sir Knight busy?”
Harrieta said with a smile in her eyes as a thank you.
“I don’t know much about that, so...Aren’t knights usually so busy that they don’t even have
time to close their eyes?”
“What are they so busy with?”
Bernard raised an eyebrow and asked back.
“That’s, I don’t know. Whether it’s morning training, a meeting, or performing a given task.
There must be such things.”
“No. Everyone just pretends to be busy. No matter how busy they seem, there are a lot of
people in this world who live without doing anything.”
Bernard snorted, and leaned against the back of his chair. His arms crossed and one leg
folded and placed obliquely on top of the other leg looked very arrogant. Harrieta, who had
been pouring sugar with the teaspoon, narrowed her eyes a little.
“I don’t know. I think that might be too extreme.”
“It’s not extreme, it’s true.”
“Well. There was an old saying. You see what your eyes see...”
“...You are very ignorant of people.”
The man wrinkled his face and muttered in a growl. But Harrieta pretended to ignore him
and scooped out two tablespoons of sugar and poured it into her cup.
The white sugar melted in the clear brown tea. Harrieta stirred the tea in the teacup using
the teaspoon.
“The tea must have been cold?”
It’s been a while since the maid brought the tea out. The tea in the teapot was cold, not to
mention the tea in the cup.
As Bernard wondered if he should order the maid to bring a new tea, Harrieta picked up
the cup without hesitation.
“It’s okay. I also like cold tea.”
Then, without time to stop her, she put her lips to the cup. Gulp. She drank the tea in one
gulp. It was like drinking cold water.
Bernard looked at Harrieta with a puzzled face. Her beauty didn’t stand out, but she was
decent enough to look at. But that thought shattered the moment she opened her mouth.
“What’s wrong?”
Harrieta, who had emptied the teacup in an instant, asked, wiping her mouth with the
sleeve of her clothes instead of the prepared napkin. Whoever looked at it, it was far from
elegance and nobility. Her behavior was so natural that it was doubtful whether all of
Brimdel’s nobles were the same as her.
Bernard pictured in his mind the women that he knew. No matter how, he was royalty. He
was also the only royal family to be born with a deficit among his brothers. No one had ever
been so rude and selfish in front of him.
‘That’s why you misunderstood that I like you.’
Bernard chuckled. And in his heart, unless Harrieta was the only woman left in this world,
he was confident that he would never fall for her.
After leaving the garden, Bernard went straight to the study. His study was located in a
little corner of the castle. He used it often as he did not want to be disturbed by others.
Bernard opened the door and entered the study. Inside the study, which he thought would
be empty, there was a guest who came first. Noticing the presence of the uninvited guest,
he paused and stopped walking.
“You’re here?”
A man wearing Velicia’s knight uniform greeted Bernard with a polite manner. It was
Jonathan Coopert, one of Bernard’s escort knights.
Bernard’s expression softened as he checked the other person’s identity. He walked at a
leisurely pace across the study to his desk.
“Since when have you been here?”
“Not long.”
Jonathan immediately answered his master’s question.
“In that case, where did you come from, Your Highness?”
“Ah, I did some flower viewing. To get some fresh air.”
Bernard, who answered indifferently, sat down. Flower viewing. Jonathan’s eyes narrowed
at the words that didn’t suit him at all.
“Were you seeing that Brimdel’s handmaid by any chance?”
Janice Harrieta Dolmorran.
She was the handmaid who accompanied the princess of Brimdel, who was to marry
Bernard. She is the only survivor of the gruesome attack.
They never exchanged words, but Jonathan saw the woman a few times. When he first
discovered her, she looked so terrible that he thought she was already dead. Even if she
was treated, he wondered if she could survive.
However, it was probably thanks to the medical staff of the Velicia’s royal family who had
excellent skills. Contrary to his expectations, her body seemed to be recovering little by
Bernard did not answer Jonathan’s question. Instead, he thought quietly about something
and grinned as if something interesting came to mind.
“She treated me like a loafer.”
“She said I keep coming to her for no reason, and she treated me like I have nothing to do.”
The royal family is a loafer! Jonathan was a little startled. It was true that Bernard, who was
frankly indifferent and ruthless, had time to spare, but still there were things to say and
things not to say.
“So did you charge her with the offense?”
“Aahh. I thought I should, but I lost track of time because I was just thinking about it.”
Bernard answered naturally to Jonathan’s cautious question.
Jonathan tilted his head. It was clearly a grave sin to utter a remark that was degrading to
the royal family. He was worried that Bernard’s knight, him, might have to step forward
and catch her.
Still, Jonathan couldn’t move. Because Bernard, who was the person involved, didn’t seem
to feel bad at all.
What should I do? Jonathan pondered seriously, as Bernard tilts his head back and opens
his mouth.
“Sir Jonathan.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Are you always busy?”
Bernard left no other explanation and asked only the main point. It was a question that he
could hardly guess what was behind it. Jonathan blinked his eyes at him with a slightly
dazed face.
“What do you mean?”
“She said that. She said that it is normal for Knights to lead a busy life.”
When Bernard refers to the person as ‘she’, he must also mean Brimdel’s handmaid again.
“She kept asking me why I was seeing her when I was always busy living my life as a
“...Obviously we don’t have enough time.”
‘Especially, from a position where I have to assist you, Your Highness Bernard.’
Jonathan added quietly to himself. Hearing his words, Bernard exaggerated and gave a
surprised look.
“Oh my. I guess I’ll have to give you a vacation first before you collapse from overwork.”
Bernard said with a playful look.
“If you look at all the laws, you don’t know how lucky I am to be a prince and not a knight.
Even if I wake up from death, I will not be able to live as diligently as Sir Jonathan.”
Chapter 72

“But Your Highness’ position is also heavy and difficult enough, isn’t it?”
Jonathan said, his face stiffening. He had been by Bernard’s side for quite some time. He
knows what kind of rumors are spreading around. However, those rumors did not properly
express who Bernard really was.
“I’ve said it many times, but if Your Highness puts your mind to it, definitely.”
“Aahh. Here we go again. Such a pain.”
Bernard waved his hand in annoyance and cut off Jonathan’s words. Then, showing he
didn’t want to discuss it any further, he put his head back and closed his eyes.
Denial. Evasion. Disconnection. The meaning of Bernard’s actions was clear.
Jonathan was frustrated. It’s always been like this. Even if he’s good at telling pointless
stories, when he wants the atmosphere of the conversation to get even a little more serious,
Bernard shuts his mouth. Of course, he wasn’t completely clueless.
“Your Highness. Why do you want to break your own wings?”
Jonathan asked.
“If it’s because of Crown Prince Sjorn.”
“No. You got it wrong, Sir Jonathan.”
Bernard denied it.
“It’s just because I can’t find any reason why I should.”
Because he was born that way. Because it’s his duty.
These were stories that Bernard had heard countless times since he was a child. And at the
same time, it was all the things he struggled to get out of.
“Will Sir say that’s not enough?”
There was no great reason. Just so simple, plain. But it was also hard to believe.
Bernard smiled bitterly.
Time has passed.
Harrieta was slowly but clearly recovering. The long cut on her back also healed a lot.
The maid, who applied medicine, said it would leave a big scar later, and she was very
sorry, but Harrieta didn’t care. It’s a good thing her neck didn’t get cut off, so a scar is
nothing. Besides, it was in a place that would not be visible unless she took off her clothes
Harrieta glanced down at her legs first. A thick bandage was rolled up around one of her
ankles, which had been padded with a splint. When she first opened her eyes, she thought
she had just sprained her ankle. But soon she realized that her injuries were more serious
than that.
The time it took for her broken bones to reattach and recover was much longer than she
had thought. She was glad that the broken parts didn’t cross over. Had she had to align her
bones or if there was a crack, the recovery period would have taken twice as long as it is
Harrieta gently moved her ankle up and down. The tingling pain ran up her leg, but not as
much as it used to be. It was too much for her to move freely alone, but it was not long
before she could stand on her own two feet.
“Are you sitting there alone and fussing?”
A man’s voice came from behind her. There was one figure who would always visit
Harrieta’s room around this time. That’s why she didn’t have to look behind to see who the
guest was.
“You’re here?”
“The weather is still chilly, so why are the windows wide open?”
Bernard asked as he strode into the room. He seems to be coming and going to her room so
casually now, that he didn’t even ask for a knock or a word of permission.
“Can I close it?”
“No. It’s okay. I had a bit of a headache, so I left it open on purpose to get myself together.”
“Rather than getting yourself together, you would get yourself a cold.”
Bernard clicked his tongue and threw a sneer at Harrieta’s words. Still, he respected her
will and did not close the window.
“But what map is this?”
He sat down and frowned as he looked at the large map spread out on the floor. It was as
tall as an adult male, and the geography and topography of the western continent were
recorded in detail. Besides, there were several thick books lying next to it. All were books
on the history and geography of the continent.
“Are you suddenly studying geography?”
“I have to prepare.”
“I can’t live here for the rest of my life. So I have to find a place to live in the future.”
Harrieta answered indifferently.
No matter how much she wanted, she could not live in her homeland, Brimdel. She was
prepared to do so from the moment she spit out the name Janice Dolmorran instead of
Harrieta Mackenzie. Having spent most of her life in Philioche, it took courage to just accept
that fact.
But she wasn’t afraid. Everything would be fine. She had such an easy thought. It didn’t
matter where she lived. Who she was with was the most important thing.
Although many parts of her future were still uncertain, she must be brave. She would lift
her chin up and step forward.
With Edwin.
“Are you going to leave this place?”
Bernard asked, puzzled. Harrieta nodded her head.
“Yes, I think so. In fact, I sensed that it is uncomfortable for me to stay here for such a long
“Sense? Who is telling you that?”
Listening to Harrieta’s words, Bernard frowned.
“Tell me. I’ll deal with it right away.”
“It’s not that someone hinted that at me, it’s just that I sensed it myself. The truth is, Sir
Knight. I haven’t even greeted the owner of this castle properly yet.”
The owner of the castle must have been referring to the royal family of Velicia. That’s
Bernard, him.
Bernard’s rough, crumpled expression softened. He looked at her slowly, folding his arms.
Was she one to care about things like that?
“You care about useless things. You don’t have to worry about that. There are so many
people here, and there are so many vacant rooms, so even if you stay here, people won’t
even notice.”
“Thank you for your concern. But still, my opinion remains the same.”
Harrieta said.
“I will leave this place as soon as I recover enough to ride a horse.”
“Horse? Do you know how to ride?”
Bernard’s eyes widened slightly in surprise.
Horseback riding was a sport where speed and balance were important. Although women
could sit somewhat on the side and ride the horse, they still had to sit with their legs wide
apart in order to speed up properly and gain complete control over the horse. Therefore,
unless there is a special reason, most women are not even given the opportunity to learn
horseback riding.
Oh, of course, Harrieta was a bit unusual in many ways. Bernard thought, narrowing his
Harrieta, who had not yet read Bernard’s thoughts, felt proud. He was surprised in another
sense, but she mistakenly thought he was admiring her hidden talent.
She chuckled as if she was a courting peacock.
“Sure. I have been the best rider in my hometown since then.”
“Right. Besides, that’s not all. I was also good at shooting bows and made a name for myself
as a great archer.”
“A great archer? That’s great.”
“Whatever I say with my mouth, I had a knack for it. I didn’t learn it formally, but that’s
about it. If you take me and go hunting, we will catch a lot of expensive prey such as rabbits
and marten with soft fur.”
As Bernard responded appropriately, Harrieta, unknowingly, began to chatter with more
and more excitement.
From the little things in everyday life to the brave saga where she surprised everyone in
the village. It’s been a long time since he’d seen her face come to life as she spreads
exaggerated tales for fun.
Bernard leaned his chin and listened to Harrieta’s story. He then laughed at her absurd
remarks. From time to time in the room, the cheerful and cool sound of his laughter
resounded. Even though it was the middle of winter, the atmosphere in the room was as if
early spring had arrived.
Harrieta, who had been immersed in the story for a long time, suddenly felt a strange
feeling. She stopped what she was doing and looked at Bernard sitting in front of her.
He was always the kind of person who was cynical. Yet at this moment, he was looking at
her quietly with a very soft smile on his face.
Chapter 73

His unusual atmosphere made Harrieta feel strange.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“You’re interesting.”
Bernard quietly answered Harrieta’s question. She was reflected in his gray eyes.
“Are all Brimdel women as aggressive and active as you?”
‘Was the Princess of Brimdel like you?’
In his mind, Bernard asked Harrieta the question he really wanted to ask.
Unpretentious, uncalculated. So, if it went wrong, it may look stupid.
But at the same time, she is the purest and most passionate of anyone else, so sometimes,
very often, she looks attractive.
“I feel a little sad.”
After a while, Bernard, who had been thinking about this and that, muttered to himself.
Harrieta’s eyes widened at that.
“If only the Princess of Brimdel was like you...Then she could have been pretty fun.”
Since it was a relationship made purely for the political gain between the two countries,
rejection occurred before the desire to know each other. Even if they live next to each
other, they will not share their life. It seems like it was destined to be that way.
But seeing Harrieta chattering in front of him, his hardened heart softened a little. If only
she was like Harrieta. Had it been so, although he might not have shared a fiery love with
her, he might have enjoyed a marriage not as dry as he first thought.
But now it’s just a mystery that Bernard will never find the answer to.
“Sir Knight is funny, why are you asking this? It must have been for the prince who
welcomed the princess as his wife and will live face to face with her.”
Harrieta, who did not know Bernard’s identity, rolled her eyes and jeered at him.
“Come to think of it, I haven’t even seen the prince yet. I thought that if I lived in the castle, I
would see precious people every day, but now that I look at it, it seems that is not the case.”
As Harrieta said lamentably, Bernard gently raised the tips of his lips.
Was she naive or was she dull? She had already spoken to the prince several times, and he
was right in front of her nose, but in the end she didn’t even notice it.
“Are you sad that you didn’t meet the prince?”
Bernard asked sensibly. His heart swelled a little at this unknown expectation. If she said it
was a pity, it wouldn’t be too bad to tell her that he was the prince and surprise her.
But before he could speak again, Harrieta first shook her head.
“No. Not at all.”
It was a firm answer, with zero hesitation.
The tips of Bernard’s lips came down from its raised position. He wondered if he would
finally reveal his identity, and he had prepared his heart, but the tension collapsed at her
‘You’re not sad at all?’
It’s not that he wanted to hear her say that she wanted to meet the prince. It might have
been more of a headache if she had made a fuss about wanting to meet the prince. So it was
rather a good thing.
Bernard said to himself like that, and tried to calm himself.
“Why aren’t you sad?”
Bernard’s eyes rose sharply. Without realizing it, he began to question her.
“It’s no one else, the prince. The Prince. The King’s son. One of the most noble figures in the
country after the king. Isn’t it normal to want to meet him at least once just out of
When he said the word ‘Prince’, pressure entered his voice. He never took great pride in his
natural status, but for this moment, he wanted her to know his worth properly. He knew
that it was two-faced and contradictory, but he could not stop himself.
Harrieta looked annoyed.
“That...I don’t know what to say to Sir Knight, but there are some rumors about that
particular prince...”
“What rumors?”
“Ah. It’s nothing. Never mind.”
Harrieta glossed her words. It was because she remembered who the man in front of her
was, even if it was belatedly.
Bernard narrowed his eyes.
‘That’s why she was beating around the bush.’
It was clumsy, even more so.
“What do you mean nothing? Tell me. It’s okay. I’ve actually heard a lot about that prince.”
Bernard said innocently and persuaded Harrieta.
“I won’t tell anyone.”
He insisted for a long time. Until she opened her mouth, he wouldn’t move a single step
from here.
Harrieta gave a look of disapproval, and she spoke carefully.
“From what I’ve heard, this isn’t the only time he’s been humiliated in public because he’s
always drunk and on drugs.”
‘Ah. That!’
Bernard showed a sullen attitude. It was a rumor he had already heard many times. An old
rumor that has been floating around since time immemorial. In a nutshell, nothing new.
“It doesn’t matter age or gender, he enjoys a very impure and promiscuous bedroom life,
where he drags people into his bedroom if he likes them, so there is a saying in Velicia that
finding someone who hasn’t seen his naked body is like picking the stars in the sky.”
He was sick and tired of the same...repertoire...?
Bernard’s relaxed expression began to harden.
“Anyway, that’s why there are more than dozens of extramarital affairs he had in Velicia
from whom he has slept over the past few years.”
“Who says such nonsense!”
Bernard jumped up from his seat and shouted.
“Doesn’t care about age and gender? Naked body? Extramarital affairs? Who the hell
believes such nonsense?!”
His voice, filled with anger, echoed through the room. He was so outraged that veins were
standing on his reddish neck.
Harrieta looked at Bernard with a startled rabbit-like face. What just happened? She
thought her ears were going to fall off as he suddenly shouted out without warning.
‘Wait. But why is this man yelling at me?’
Harrieta thought for a moment. She only told him what she knew because he was persistent
in asking.
“No, why is Sir Knight so angry?”
Harrieta rolled her eyes at Bernard.
“That’s why I said I wouldn’t tell you!”
“It’s because it’s too much! Do you think there is anything to believe in such absurd
“When did I say I straightforwardly believed such rumors? It was just a rumor!”
“Looking at your expression and tone of voice, you already believed in that! How are you
going to live in the future because you are so easily swayed?”
“What the! Whether I am easily swayed or not, Sir Knight doesn’t need to worry, right?”
“I’m disappointed, disappointed! More than getting stabbed by a trusted ax, I got chopped
It just wasn’t a stab. This place, where a tense quarrel took place, was no different from a
battlefield. The heat they radiated seemed to heat up the room.
In the room, screams like thunder and lightning erupted non-stop. As if to judge which of
the two has the louder voice.
While waiting for Bernard to come out of the door, Velicia’s loyal knight, Jonathan,
accidentally overheard their conversation. His calm face gradually became conspicuously
‘Your Highness. What on earth is this?’
The level of conversation was very childish. A part of him really wondered if it was the
Bernard whom he knew. Jonathan, who had been listening to the two arguing like a child,
could no longer bear the embarrassment and buried his face in his large hands.
A sigh escaped from his mouth.
Chapter 74

In the backyard behind Velicia’s royal palace, there was a training ground that only
authorized people could use. It had better facilities than any other training ground in the
kingdom, but unfortunately it was rarely used.
This is because the king, the owner of the training ground, was constantly busy managing
state affairs, and most of his children did not show much interest in martial arts.
A man walked there after a very long time. He was a man with jet-black hair. Even though it
was still quite cold, the man dressed in a fairly thin material hung an arrow on the bow he
had prepared and pulled the bow towards a distant target.
One two. The number of arrows contained in the quiver gradually decreased.
Every time he pulled the bowstring, the bow was gently bent, and the moment he released
the bowstring, a sharp arrow that flew out in a flash was stuck in the center of the target.
White breath came out between his lips, but drops of sweat were forming on the straight
An unpredictable arrow flew through the air. Did his arms lose strength after a long period
of shooting? Unlike before, the arrow was stuck at a point slightly off the center. The man
who saw it looked displeased.
Clap clap clap.
A sudden applause came from behind him. The man who didn’t know there was another
person in the training ground, turned his body and confirmed the person who was
“That’s great.”
Unlike the black-haired man, he was a man with dark auburn hair.
“I thought you had lost interest in practicing martial arts in recent years. But Bernard, your
workmanship is still there.”
“Brother, you’ve come?”
Bernard lowered the hand holding his bow and bowed silently to his older brother, Crown
Prince of Velicia, Siorn. Siorn lightly raised his hand and accepted his greeting.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve held a bow. As a member of the royal family, I was forced to
learn at least basic martial arts, but that was the end of it. No matter how good the master
is, what can they do? I am not good at it.”
Siorn approached Bernard and looked at the bow his brother was holding. Hearing this,
Bernard held out his bow to him.
“Since you’re here, would you like to try the bow again?”
“Don’t mind it. I’m going to be humiliated in front of you for nothing.”
Siorn smiled softly and declined Bernard’s offer. His thin hair fluttered in the wind.
Even if he said it lightly as a joke, Bernard, who knew that it was sincere, did not
recommend it any more.
“Bernard. Not long ago I met the Queen.”
“Is that so?”
Bernard’s voice subsided even more with Siorn’s voice. On top of the awkwardness, his
expression was also hardened. But Siorn pretended not to see it and continued talking.
“She said that you don’t see her often, so it’s very unfortunate.”
“...I greet her every day.”
“I know. But she’s probably hoping for a private visit, not a formal one.”
“As you know, the Queen is not a person with a lot of affection.”
Siorn spoke as he patted Bernard.
‘She has a lot of affection.’
Bernard looked at Siorn and sighed. Who is saying what to whom?
At the same time, he felt strange. No matter how much she is the Queen of this country, she
was the mother who gave birth to him. Still, it’s hard to see her on his own.
In many ways, this was clearly not a proper family.
“Yes, Brother.”
“It’s about time...There is talk to find your next marriage partner.”
Siorn looked at Bernard’s eyes and carefully spoke his words. Next marriage partner.
Bernard made a sharp impression on the word, which he did not like at all.
“How long has Princess Brimdel passed, should you have already been looking for the next
one? If she knew, she would most likely turn around in her grave.”
“I understand. Because my heirs are precious, everyone is worried about it.”
Siorn replied.
“I know what you are thinking, but aren’t you also a member of this royal family? It is your
responsibility and duty to welcome a princess as soon as possible and pass on an heir.”
“I’m like a stallion sowing seeds.”
Bernard spoke openly sarcastically. He felt so upset.
“I don’t like it, Brother. Besides, Brother is here, so what’s the point of having an heir?
There is no reason why there should be two suns in the sky.”
“Please, just leave me alone. My goal is to live each day like this and go without regrets
when the time comes.”
“Bernard. I still think you, not me, should have taken over.”
Siorn quietly but stubbornly expressed his opinion.
“There is an important time ahead for Velicia. And depending on how we overcome that
time, we may be reborn as a great Empire that commands the western continent, or we
may remain as such and disappear like dew in one day.”
Like many countries in history.
“Bernard. You will be able to lead this Velicia well. If you, not the weak me, rule as the king
of this country, then Velicia will surely be able to leap forward into a more developed
Even though they had the same father, the two were as different as black and white. Unlike
Siorn, who was weak and timid, his younger brother was bold and confident.
The power that holds people together. Didn’t they say that those who had that power, could
build a country even in a wasteland? Bernard inherited the power from the current king.
Siorn was ignorant and jealous of Bernard when he was young, but as he got older, he
naturally accepted it.
There were some things that were comparable and some that didn’t. A tiger who hides its
own teeth and a fox that roars under the generosity of the wild beast. That was exactly
what Bernard and him were.
“If it’s because of me that you are doing this.”
“Brother always thinks of this foolish little brother too much.”
Bernard interrupted Siorn’s words and said.
“If a fool like me were to become the king of this country, Velicia would be erased from the
map of the continent faster than the petals fall. On the other hand, you will be a saint who
leads this country to the right path.”
“And as I said many times, I am not broad-minded enough to put the safety of this country
ahead of my own happiness. Unlike Brother, I am a selfish creature to the bone.”
Bernard hesitated and patted Siorn’s arm. Then, as if reassuring him, he grinned.
“So don’t worry about me, Brother. I am satisfied with my life now.”
He was going back from the training ground. The familiar sound of footsteps followed
Bernard’s back.
“Your Highness. I have something to tell you.”
It was Jonathan, one of his escort knights. Bernard stopped and looked at his knight. As a
skilled knight, Jonathan didn’t show much emotion as usual, but Bernard, who had known
him for a long time, could immediately notice. Jonathan was more impatient than usual.
“What’s going on?”
“The messenger sent to Philioche has returned.”
Bernard’s eyes grew serious at that familiar name.
“Philioche, the one in Brimdel...?”
“Yes. The very place where the Brimdel’s handmaid said that those who should receive her
letter resided.”
Jonathan nodded his head in reply.
Bernard naturally remembered the woman who had been parroting the words Philioche,
Philioche, Philioche over the past few weeks. She would stand by the window and wait for
the news to come until her neck would fall off.
‘Did you really send a messenger?’
When she didn’t hear anything from him, she would look at him with suspicious eyes.
‘Did you send a cow instead of a horse? You said they’d be back in a full moon?’
The wait was getting much longer than she had expected, which made her more and more
‘But now I can say something else.’
Bernard smiled contentedly.
“Harrieta will be happy to hear this.”
“Your Highness. I’m sorry, but that’s...I don’t think it’s that good.”
Jonathan carefully said again. A very dark complexion. Looking back, his face was full of
unprecedented worry and concern.
“Your Highness, there is something you should know.”
The smile on Bernard’s face slowly disappeared at Jonathan’s words.
Even without anyone telling him, he could instinctively foresee it. Things went wrong. And
in a very big way that he didn’t expect.
Chapter 75

Knock, knock.
There was a polite knock on the door. Harrieta, who was arranging all the things spread out
on the floor one by one, raised her head. Through the gap in the half-open door, she could
see a man standing still in front of the door.
“You’re here, Sir Knight?”
The corners of Harrieta’s eyes, looking at the man’s face, were curved. Love it or hate it,
they were quite familiar with each other now.
“Come on in. I was wondering how I would be able to contact you, but it turned out well.”
Harrieta welcomed Bernard naturally. She then put down the things she was arranging
down on the table.
“Actually, my body has improved a lot now, and it seems that I can walk and run without
much problem, so I was thinking about leaving this place soon.”
“Before I left, I wanted to meet Sir Knight one last time and formally thank you for your
help. But when I thought of seeing you, I didn’t know anything about SIr Knight. I don’t
even know Sir Knight’s name...”
“Sir Knight?”
Harrieta, who had been talking, tilted her head. Bernard was still standing at the door, not
saying a word.
It was strange. As usual, he would have stroded into her room before she even gave
permission. Then he would have said what he wanted to say, regardless of what she said.
But what is it? Today, he was not willing to step into her room, even though she had told
him to come in.
Cold gaze. Tightly closed mouth that cannot be seen as a smile. It was quite different from
his usual playful and relaxed appearance.
Or, did anything happen?
“Why do you look like that? Did something bad happen to you?”
“Sir Knight?”
Bernard, who was standing motionless like a statue, opened his mouth.
“I have some news to tell you.”
He said slowly. It was a blunt, formal-like voice.
“The messenger sent to Philioche has returned.”
Harrieta took a short breath. Her eyes widened in surprise, and her mouth went wide open.
‘Messenger? The messenger sent to Philioche?’
Harrieta let out a scream inside. The messenger’s return was much later than expected, so
she was about to give up. Her heart began to beat fast as the sudden news that she had
been waiting for so long had returned.
“What, what? How, how is everyone all doing?”
Harrieta, who ran to Bernard, grabbed his clothes and asked urgently.
“Is everyone okay? Are they doing well?”
“Maybe, a letter. Is there something they want to tell me from there? A letter, a word.
Her heart, overflowing with anticipation and joy, collided with a heart that was sinking
with fear and worry. What to say first? What to ask first? Her mind was all messed up, and
the words couldn’t come out.
“Sir Knight. Don’t keep quiet and say something.”
Bernard grabbed Harrieta’s shoulders with both hands.
“Calm down and listen to me.”
He looked straight into her eyes. Although it was a short and simple word, there was an
irresistible power in his voice. She had been rambling at him, but gradually began to regain
her composure.
Her breathing was still one beat faster, and her eyes moved to and fro in anxiety, but she
quietly waited for his next words.
“First, I’ll give this to you.”
Bernard took something out of his pocket and handed it to Harrieta. Harrieta took it
casually and looked at it slowly.
It was an ivory envelope. From the outside, there’s nothing special about it, it was an
unusually ordinary envelope. But she was very familiar with the handwriting on it.
Harrieta, who was staring down at the writing on the envelope, raised her head and looked
at Bernard. There was a very confused look on her face.
“Why is this...In the hands of Sir Knight?”
It was a letter she herself wrote. By now, this should have reached her family in Philioche
through the messenger’s hand. But it came back. There was no sign that it had been opened
as well.
“The messenger eventually failed to deliver your letter.”
Bernard said.
“They went to the place you pointed out, but unfortunately there was no recipient there
who could receive your letter.”
“That is...What do you mean? There was no recipient?”
Harrieta’s voice trembled greatly. She wasn’t sure if she had heard Bernard right.
“May, maybe the messenger went to the wrong place?”
Harrieta asked, hugging her desperation.
“It is the largest mansion in Philioche. It’s not fancy, but it’s a building that can be
recognized at a glance from a distance. If you cross the river flowing to the southwest and
go to a place where a large zelkova tree is planted, it will definitely be there.”
“The mansion you mentioned has been found. Once, the nobles with the surname
Mackenzie lived there.”
“Right! That mansion! That mansion is my...!”
Harrieta, who was relieved and rejoicing at Bernard’s answer, lost her words. There were
thorn-like things sprouting in his words.
Once. Lived. The words that came out of his mouth were a little strange.
“’once’...What do you mean?”
Harrieta asked.
“Why ‘lived’?”
“You said it wrong, right?”
His words were ominous, speaking as if something had happened in the past, not the
present. What’s more, the letter in her hand has returned without ever reaching her family.
Harrieta’s complexion, which was bright for a moment, darkened again. The corners of her
lips that went up also came down. A great uncontrollable anxiety overtaken her like waves.
“Sir Knight. Please, please, say something.”
“Harrieta. The mansion was empty.”
After hesitating for a while, Bernard opened his mouth. His eyes looking at her were very
“There was no one living there.”
Drop. The letter in Harrieta’s hand fell helplessly to the floor.
It felt like the ground that supported her, collapsed beneath her feet. The beating heart
stopped in an instant.
“The Mackenzie’s eldest son was killed in battle.”
Harrieta stared blankly at Bernard.
“The eldest daughter suddenly disappeared.”
Like a gentle flowing stream, his words were uninterrupted and his tone was very soft.
“Late Viscount Mackenzie died of a mysterious death on the way to the capital to find his
Just as Harrieta looked at him, he also looked at her. Her face was as white as a blank sheet,
her body trembling like a tree standing precariously.
“After that, the late Viscountess, left alone, could not bear the sorrow, and took her own
Harrieta let out the breath she had been holding back. Her mind was clouded like a mist.
She couldn’t think any more. With a ping, the thin cord she was barely holding on to broke.
A strange buzzing noise was heard in her ears. Bernard’s voice was no longer heard.
The images of those who looked at her and smiled warmly and kindly flashed in front of her
Harrieta collapsed.
Chapter 76

It was often said that way. Mental health and physical health are two different domains, but
at the same time, they are inextricably linked by a single line. Therefore, if either one of
them collapses, the other must also collapse someday.
But Bernard did not fully believe it. If the mind is sick, the body is also sick. What nonsense
is that?
No matter how heartbroken it is, it was ultimately decided by one’s own choices to destroy
the body and make it sick. So, those words were merely invented by the weak and
powerless to make excuses.
Bernard was sitting on the seat next to the bed. He stared at the woman lying on the bed
with a complicated look. With a pale complexion and endless sweating, he could see she
was clearly ill.
As if she had had terrible nightmares, she would sometimes speak gibberish, spew
nonsense, and sob helplessly.
Sometimes, the closed eyes opened, and she stared blankly into the void. Her tear-soaked
eyes lost their focus.
Harrieta, who was shocked by Bernard’s words and lost consciousness, has never been able
to come to her senses after that.
The royal medical staff shook their heads. She was apparently recovering quickly and
without any problems recently. Then she suddenly suffered from high fever, and they could
never figure out why she was so ill.
‘It’s strange. There is no reason for the condition to be this bad now.’
Said a doctor, who is said to be the best in Velicia.
‘From the outside, she looks fine, so I think she may have a mental illness.’
At his cautious observation, Bernard remained silent. If it was the usual him, he would have
scoffed saying what nonsense that was, but his mouth remained shut.
Just before she lost consciousness, he vividly remembered Harrieta’s face looking at him.
He had never seen a person’s face lose their color so quickly. Her eyes, overflowing with
vitality, were empty in an instant, as if all meaning of her life had been pulled out.
‘I wonder if I should have refined my words a little more.’
Bernard seriously questioned his own actions. No matter how good Harrieta was, he knew
that her body had not really fully recovered. He knew it well, but he didn’t think he had to
be careful. He simply thought that he should give her the news he heard.
‘No. It wasn’t something that could be delayed anyway.’
Bernard held back the guilt that rose from the depths of his heart and corrected his
No matter how much he wished, he could not change the truth. And he had no way to
sweeten the bitter. If it was the truth that she had to face someday anyway, it might have
been better to face it a day earlier.
He did nothing wrong. Harrieta was lying on the bed like this. Her mind was going back and
forth and she was drying up day by day. All of it was because she was weak.
Yes, it is.
It was just that.
Looking at Harrieta, Bernard took a deep breath. His heart was heavy, like a large stone
was tied onto and tossed under the lake.
Returning to the study, Jonathan was waiting outside the door. He doesn’t know how long
Jonathan had waited, but his posture like a true knight to the bone was not disturbed in the
slightest. Bernard, who exchanged eye contact with him, entered the study.
“Is there any improvement?”
Jonathan asked as he followed Bernard into the study. He didn’t ask where Bernard had
gone. It’s because he knows well where his master comes and goes from time to time these
Bernard answered in silence. Then he floundered and sat down on the chair.
The dark eyes looked grave. An atmosphere that has sunk as low as the bottom of the deep
sea. Even without words, Jonathan could guess what it meant.
“Don’t be too upset, Your Highness. It’s just a moment’s surprise. She will soon regain her
spirits. Didn’t the doctor say that?”
Jonathan said, consoling Bernard.
“It’s not your fault that she lost her mind.”
“I know. That it wasn’t my fault.”
Bernard, who was sitting in a relaxed posture, looking into the distance and said
“But it’s also true that I could have been a little more careful.”
“I lacked consideration for others.”
What would she think when she hears the news? And how will she react?
He vaguely guessed it, but that was it. He never thought of changing his behavior. Even
though he knew that ‘ah’ was different and ‘uh’ was different, he didn’t even think about
how to approach that sensitive topic.
Bernard inhaled and exhaled slowly. Every time he saw Harrieta, the scene of her trembling
like a tree and collapsing in front of him was replayed over and over again. As if there was a
lump in his throat, he felt uncomfortable.
“It’s presumptuous, but when I see her, I think Your Highness has given her enough
Jonathan said.
“Your Highness. There is no way in this world to deliver bad news in a good way. So, even if
Your Highness had been considerate somehow, the result would have been the same as it is
“Your Highness just did what you had to do. The handmaid was upset because she couldn’t
bear the truth herself, and that’s on her.”
“Yes. Sir is right. All of this is due to Harrieta’s weakness.”
Bernard grinned and muttered. However, contrary to the answer he agreed with Jonathan,
his expression was not so bright.
“Oh right. I have the answer to what Your Highness has ordered me to find out.”
With Jonathan’s words, Bernard turned and looked at him. Seeing that his eyes became
clearer, he seemed to immediately understand what he was saying.
“As Your Highness expected, Janice Dolmoran did not use the middle name ‘Harrieta’. No,
she didn’t even have a middle name from the beginning. Legally too. And to her
acquaintances, she was known only by the name of Janice Dolmoran.”
Jonathan reported everything he had found out to Bernard. The situation was so
complicated that both the speaker and the listener were confused. Therefore, the story
naturally grew long.
In the meantime, Bernard only nodded occasionally, but he never stopped or interrupted
Jonathan’s report.
“Based on all these circumstances, that handmaid is definitely not Janice Dolmoran.”
After the long report, Jonathan said with strength in his voice.
“She must be Harrieta Mackenzie, the eldest daughter of the Mackenzie family who was
suddenly missing, not Janice Dolmoran.”
“Everything is as you expected.”
“I don’t know if I should be happy or sad about that.”
Bernard smiled bitterly and muttered half-jokingly.
‘Harrieta Mackenzie...’
Bernard imagined Harrieta’s face in his head. Maybe it’s because he has always associated
her with the name Janice Dolmoran. The name, Harrieta Mackenzie, sounded a bit
“Did you find out about the Brimdel delegation?”
“Yes. The log clearly stated that there were two women on the delegation. Princess of
Brimdel, Sabriel, and her handmaid, Janice Dolmoran. Two people.”
Jonathan answered. Bernard’s eyes narrowed at that.
That day, they found only two women in the forest. Harrieta and a corpse.
“Are you sure Janice Dolmoran was with her?”
“Yes. I looked in various ways, just in case, and there was evidence that she had left the
capital with Princess Brimdel as a member of a delegation.”
“What does she look like?”
“Overall she was a woman of thin stature, not very tall, with dark brown hair and dark
‘Brown hair and dark eyes.’
Bernard frowned at the unsolvable riddle. He felt like he was missing something important.
Chapter 77

Jonathan, who was watching his master, said quietly.

“Your Majesty. The body we found in the woods that day also had brown hair.”
“Yes. But Princess Sabriel also had brown hair.”
The same goes for Harrieta MacKenzie, who was found in that place that day.
Two women left, and two women were found. But one of them was someone that shouldn’t
have been there in the first place. That meant that the one that should have been there
originally disappeared halfway through.
Perhaps they changed in the middle. Or they didn’t exist at all.
“Sir Jonathan.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Is it possible that the time when Harrieta Mackenzie was known to have gone missing
from Philioche coincided with the time when Princess Sabriel appeared and was
recognized as the daughter of the king?”
With Bernard’s meaningful question, Jonathan’s expression stiffened. He couldn’t answer
right away, and only looked at his master’s face. He didn’t know what Bernard was
doubting right now. Because Jonathan was also looking into this, the same question came to
his mind.
But that couldn’t be true. It shouldn’t have been true. No matter how stupid the king of
Brimdel was, he would not have dared to cheat the Velicia royal family.
“Sir Jonathan. The answer?”
As there was no reply for a long time, Bernard urged. Jonathan licked his dry lips and
answered reluctantly.
“...It coincides.”
“It coincides.”
Even after hearing Jonathan’s answer, Bernard didn’t show the slightest surprise. Rather,
whether he had already expected it, he had a very calm look. He leaned his back to his chair,
clasping his hands.
“Things are going to be a lot more interesting than I thought.”
He spoke calmly, but Bernard’s eyes were glaring. Jonathan was unfamiliar with the energy
emanating from Bernart. Jonathan bowed his head towards him.
“If Your Highness grants permission, I will investigate this matter in more detail and report
“Yes. In particular, focus on Princess Sabriel’s past.”
“I will do as you have ordered.”
After saluting Bernard, Jonathan left the study.
Harrieta was standing alone on the wide field. It was a sunny day with the sun shining
brightly. The wind that touched her skin was cool and soft.
‘Where am I?’
Seeing the unfamiliar scenery, Harrieta tilted her head. It was as if she had lost her way,
and yet as if she had not too. It was a strange feeling that cannot be easily described in
“Harrieta. Did you come back after going out again?”
Someone spoke from behind the bewildered Harrieta. It was a very familiar voice to her.
She looked back. A few steps away from her, her father, Baodor, stood with his hands on his
“You’re being unreasonable. If your mother finds out, she’ll scold you, so go to your room
quickly. I’ll pretend I didn’t see you.”
Tsk, tsk, he was clicking his tongue at Harrieta but his eyes looking at her were soft and
sweet. He pretended to scold Harrieta in front of his wife when Harrieta came back after an
accident. Then, behind her mother’s back, he would take care of her and help her secretly.
“Harrieta. My dear daughter.”
A voice came from another direction. Turning her head, this time her mother, Rose, was
standing there.
“Sometimes when I see you, it feels like I’m looking at my childhood.”
Contrary to her rather strict appearance, Rose’s face as she looked at Harrieta had a kind
smile. Rose looked at her daughter with eyes full of infinite affection.
When did you get so big? It seems like it was just yesterday that you, who was this short, went
about every day and had accidents.
This time, a young voice came from right next to her. Hugo, whose face looked somewhat
annoyed, was looking at her with his arms crossed.
“Didn’t you promise to take me with you this time?”
He protested loudly.
“I am no longer a child who knows nothing. I can’t be sure that the hunt will be successful,
but I’m confident that it will help Sister.”
As if to support his argument, Hugo stretched his body and tried to force himself to look
taller. Contrary to his old-fashioned tone of voice, his actions were still quite young. The
warm, cozy feeling that tickles her heart. Harrieta looked at him and smiled.
‘Yes. Let’s go together this time.’
Harrieta, who had made that promise, was about to reach out her hand to Hugo. A cloud of
smoke came from somewhere like a mist. It grew darker and then it completely obscured
her vision.
What happened? While Harrieta, startled by the sudden change, was bewildered, the mist
slowly began to clear. By the time the mist had completely disappeared and her vision was
clear again, Harrieta realized that the landscape around her had completely changed.
She was no longer standing on the field. She was standing in a room surrounded by walls
on all sides. It looked like it was still daytime outside, but it was dark from the window with
the curtains drawn.
Harrieta rolled her eyes and looked around. A small desk and chair attached to the wall. A
bookshelf full of colorful books. A simple bed placed across from it. Even the blue carpet on
the floor.
It was a very familiar place to Harrieta.
‘This place...?’
She was puzzled by how she ended up here, but there was a rustling somewhere and a sign
of presence. She inadvertently turned to the side of the sound and saw a boy standing
there. He was still a young boy, about an inch taller than her. For some reason he was
hunched over and he grabbed his stomach with both hands.
The boy, who had been trembling in fear, raised his head and looked at Harrieta. The tear-
soaked eyes fluttered uncontrollably.
“Sister. I want to live.”
The boy, Hugo, begged.
“I don’t want to die.”
As he spoke his last words, he slowly lowered his hand, which was holding his stomach. A
sharp piece of metal was sticking out of the abdomen, which was supposed to be flat. It
didn’t take long for her to realize that it was a blade that pierced his body. The white
clothes he was wearing started getting redder, and then a thick pool of blood began to form
on the floor.
Harrieta screamed as her face turned blue. She hurriedly reached for her hand towards
Hugo. But no matter how much she reached out, she couldn’t reach him.
“Hugo! Hugo! NO! HUGO!”
Harrieta shouted madly. Hugo looked down at his stomach and raised his head to look at
Harrieta. His face was contorted into a mess.
His eyes and nose. And red blood gushed out from between his lips. At that terrible sight,
Harrieta covered her face with her hands and kept screaming.
The blood that Hugo shed rose and turned into a hot flame. Whoosh, whoosh. With the
sound of burning, the flames grew out of control. Hugo’s surroundings turned into a sea of
fire in an instant. Hugo was nowhere to be seen.
The fire flapped its tongue and swallowed everything around it, and the burning flames
began to approach Harrieta. Bright flames flashed over her terrified face. Her breathing
was suffocating and her skin was burning.
She needs to get out of here quickly, but her body doesn’t move like her will. No. It felt like
someone grabbed her leg and wouldn’t let her go.
[Harrieta. It’s all your fault.]
In the scorching flames, Baodor and Rose’s bitter voices were heard.
[It is because of you that we all met such tragic deaths.]
As soon as those words fell upon her, the flames blazed up to the ceiling in anger. And hot
tears flowed nonstop from Harrieta’s eyes as she watched the scene.
Guilt, fear, sadness, sorry, and countless other emotions were entangled in her breathing.
She couldn’t move. As they said, it was all her fault. It was not them that had to get burned,
but her.
Before long, the raging fire came over her.
Chapter 78

Bernard stood next to Harrieta and looked down at her quietly. Although she was so skinny
and her complexion was pale, her figure as she fell asleep looked calm. It couldn’t compare
to when she was awake.
Harrieta Mackenzie. Mackenzie’s eldest daughter, who has gone missing.
Found in a place where she shouldn’t be, she might be the only key that will tell him how to
solve this troubling riddle. At the same time, she was also the woman who dared to lie to
him skillfully.
‘If you’re going to cheat, do it right.’
Bernard thought with a displeased look.
‘Why did you tell a lie that will soon be revealed after a little investigation?’
When the name Dolmoran was mentioned, Harrieta always showed a sign of discomfort.
Like she’s forcing herself to wear clothes that don’t fit her.
In her letter to her loved ones, she also sent them to Philioche, a place far away from
Chelsea where Dolmoran mansion is located. She was subconsciously mentioning that her
family lived there.
Bernard took a long breath in and exhaled. She said that Mackenzie was the only noble
family that resided in Philioche. This was a puzzle that even a child who was not good at
reasoning could easily solve. Harrieta, did she really believe that he wouldn’t doubt her in
the slightest?
He felt complicated. Whatever the reason, Harrieta deceived the Velicia royal family. And as
a member of the royal family, it was his duty to condemn her for such a crime and to give
her the due punishment.
He would normally have acted without hesitation, but this time for some reason he couldn’t
make decisions easily.
Funnily enough, he also wished she wouldn’t wake up for a long time like this.
Harrieta, lying still on the bed, muttered quietly. He wondered if she had woken up, so he
glanced over to see if she had woken up, but her eyes were tightly closed. She seemed to be
talking in her sleep.
“’t, don’t come. Don’t...”
Harrieta continued to mutter. The peaceful expression on her face grew more and more
distorted, and she finally began to cry. Her breathing became rough and cold sweat ran
down her forehead. She seemed to run out of breath if left like this.
Bernard decided he had to wake up Harrieta. The moment he approached her, her eyes
Harrieta let out a shriek and jumped to her feet. She then scrambled her hands and feet and
tried to stand up.
“Calm down.”
Bernard quickly stopped Harrieta from doing such a thing. Her eyes were out of focus
because she didn’t seem completely awake yet.
“Calm down, Harrieta.”
Bernard once again ordered her. But Harrieta couldn’t hear him, and she kept trying to get
her body up. No matter how she was, it was of no use talking to her. It was astonishing to
see where this energy came from in her half-dead appearance. He forced his hand to press
down on her shoulder.
Harrieta frowned, perhaps the place where he had pressed hurt a little. She sees Bernard’s
hand that rests on her shoulder. She then looked at his face as she moved her gaze along his
hands, arms and shoulders, as naturally as flowing water.
Bernard’s face was reflected in Harrieta’s eyes, which had faded with a hazy gleam. She
rolled her eyes and looked at him blankly. Soon, surprise began to spread across her face.
Harrieta’s lips twitched and she called out an unfamiliar name.
“Edwin? Edwin, right?”
Her slightly chapped lips trembled as the emotions swelled up. She grabbed Bernard’s
clothes with both hands. It was a very earnest touch, as if it was a lifeline lowered down the
“Where have you been?”
The tears that had stopped for a moment burst again.
“While you’re away, it’s been hard for me to be alone.”
Harrieta lowered her head helplessly and rested her forehead on Bernard’s arms. Her fever
seemed to have risen again, he could feel a burning sensation.
‘You must be looking at things because of your high fever.’
Bernard brought the drooping Harrieta into his arms a little.
“Harrieta. I...”
“Edwin, what do I do? What would be better”
As Bernard was about to remind her of the truth, Harrieta began to weep bitterly.
“He clinged to me and begged. I don’t want to die. I want to live. That child, that child with
strong self-esteem...”
“It is no coincidence that Father and Mother became like that. All must have been planned
by them in advance. From the moment I came to Philioche, they had already planned to do
Harrieta’s body shook as if the anger could burst out just thinking about it. Although it was
gibberish, she didn’t seem to be talking nonsense. Soon, Bernard noticed that she was
talking about her now dead family.
“I should have died, not them.”
As she gasped for breath, she scolded herself. Tears flowed non-stop on her reddened
“It’s my fault. It’s all my fault that they died...”
“It’s not your fault.”
Bernard said without realizing it. It seemed that he would not be able to forgive himself for
not giving her a single word of comfort after seeing her who was in so much pain and was
trying to destroy herself.
“Shh. It’s not your fault.”
Bernard whispered to Harrieta in a much softer voice than before. He wiped the tears from
her cheeks with a careful hand.
“Close your eyes and get some rest. Because the day is still far away.”
“But I am scared. If I close my eyes...their...Their appearance...”
“It’s okay. There is nothing here that can hurt you.”
As Harrieta became visibly restless, Bernard tensed his voice to give her confidence.
“As long as you are here, you are under my protection. So you will be safe. Harrieta. I
Harrieta looked up at Bernard without a word. There was still an anxious look in her eyes,
but somehow she had calmed down, and she no longer tried to stand up. The strength
drained from her rigid body.
Harrieta brought her face closer to Bernard’s hand caressing her cheek. A cool sensation
was felt on the heated skin.
Harrieta closed her eyes.
“You can’t go anywhere. You can’t go away again...leaving me alone.”
A sigh-like exhalation flowed through Harrieta’s lips. Bernard looked down at her. It was a
brief moment, but ten thousand emotions crossed over. She still mistook him for someone
else, but he didn’t feel bad about it at all. Rather, he was relieved to see her managing to
find rest because of that illusion.
“Yes. I’ll stay by your side until you fall asleep.”
He gently stroked Harrieta’s hair and promised quietly.
When Harrieta regained consciousness, she had no memory of what had happened that
Bernard was a little saddened by that fact, but at the same time he felt that it was for the
better. It was sad that she cried and struggled with shame, so he thought that he had gone
too far with his actions.
So he decided to bury what happened that night deep in his heart.
Chapter 79

Time passed. When the sun rises and morning comes, after a while the moon rises and
night comes. For some, the days seemed as short as a fleeting moment, but for others, those
days felt like an eternity.
Harrieta suffered a lot for a very long time due to mental stress. She suffered from the same
nightmare every night, and sometimes ran rampant, unable to distinguish between reality
and dreams. She also often made a fuss, often wept bitterly and fainted at the smallest
Harrieta stared blankly out of the window all day long. A skinny body with two hazy eyes, a
bluish complexion. She was breathing, but she was more like a dead person than a living
The doctor saw her and described her as a flower wilting, and said that no potion in the
world would be able to save her.
And Jonathan asks, ‘Why do you have to pay so much attention to her when she’s only a
sinner guilty of lying to Velicia?’
Everyone gave a pessimistic answer, saying that she would eventually collapse. Harrieta
herself acted as if she had let go of her will to her own life.
Still, Bernard did not make a hasty decision. He just kept his silence. Bernard didn’t even
know who he was doing this for.
Those were the days when everything seemed to slowly sink. A sudden turning point came
to his life, which seemed like an endless downhill road.
After a day’s work, Bernard, as usual, stopped by Harrieta’s room to check on her condition.
He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. There was nothing strange about it, as
she had been quiet and helpless.
He carefully opened the door and stepped in, finding the bed Harrieta was supposed to be
lying on empty. Besides, the air in the room was much cooler than in the hallway. He was
startled as he glanced at the window, perhaps the maid had accidentally left it open.
A figure was sitting on the wide open window sill. She had both legs out the window. It
looked like she was going to jump forward.
“...What are you doing there now?”
Bernard asked. His heart raced with the fear that if he made a mistake, something
irreversible could happen right in front of his eyes. Harrieta slowly turned her head to look
at him. Blurry eyes. Closed lips. Emotionless doll-like face met him.
“There must be many ways to get some night air without having to sit in such a place.”
“That’s enough for now, so let’s get down. If you accidentally fall, it will be quite painful.”
Bernard knew well why Harrieta was sitting on the window sill, but he deliberately acted
like he didn’t know. Her eyes narrowed a little at his pointless remarks that didn’t fit the
situation. He didn’t even know why he was behaving like that either.
“But just in case, I’ll go to you. Don’t be hasty and stay still.”
Bernard warned her as he walked very carefully towards Harrieta. Then she leaned her
torso forward, tightening her hands on the window sill. Her thin body staggered
precariously. If she lowered her upper body a little more, she would dive forward.
When the situation deteriorated sharply, Bernard had to stop. No matter how swiftly he
moved, she would fall onto the ground first before he could reach her. He put both hands in
front of his chest.
“Stop. I get it. I won’t move a single step until you say yes, so don’t try to do anything
Seeing his gesture of surrender, Harrieta stopped tilting her body. But she had only
released the strength temporarily on her arm, and she still seemed unwilling to come down
from the window sill.
After confirming that Bernard had come to a complete stop, Harrieta turned her head again
and looked up at the night sky. Every time she exhaled, white breath spurted between her
tiny lips, and her long hair fluttered freely with every gust of wind.
Watching her, Bernard held his breath unknowingly. It was a brief moment, but Harrieta’s
appearance in the moonlight looked like a painting. The figure of a woman who had lost her
enthusiasm and purpose for life looked so dry and pitiful that words could not describe it.
Such a creepy yet captivating atmosphere.
Bernard opened his mouth slowly.
“Harrieta Mackenzie.”
“I feel sorry for what happened to the Mackenzie people, to your family.”
Harrieta responded to Bernard’s words first. She looked only at the distant emptiness, then
turned her head to look at him. The lifeless face stiffened in an instant. Two puffy eyes. Lips
tightly shut.
“How did you get that name...?”
Harrieta asked with a trembling voice. She looked suspiciously at him, wondering if she had
heard him wrong.
Bernard thought it was a good sign that she reacted to what he said. He spoke calmly.
“No matter what I say now, it will not comfort you. Because only you can understand the
magnitude of the sadness you are going through.”
“But just for a moment, think rationally. If you threw yourself out the window like this,
what would you gain? Just because you die doesn’t mean the dead will come back alive.”
“You know nothing. Nothing...”
Harrieta glared at Bernard and replied coldly. Her mouth was dry and a hoarse voice came
“Tell me. Why the hell do I have to live?”
Harrieta asked.
“People I love have died. Because of me, not for any other reason. Yet, did you think that I
would be able to live in this world casually? You thought I would be able to live so
shamelessly, as if nothing had happened, with the weight of their death on my back.”
“Did they die because of you? Why? Did you stick a knife in their back? Or did you hand
them a poisoned chalice?”
Bernard raised an eyebrow in response. Harrieta opened her mouth with a rage at the very
direct question. But she couldn’t think of anything to refute, and she ended up saying
Of course, she didn’t put a knife on their backs. She never handed them a poisoned chalice.
If it was to be taken seriously, it was probably because she brought the wrong relationship
into their lives.
She mumbled several times, but in the end she shut her mouth without uttering a word.
Then Bernard made an expression for her to realize.
“It was an accident that they died, and it was their choice. Harrieta, it’s not because of you.”
“ It was never an accident.”
Harrieta, who muttered softly, grinded her teeth.
“Everything was planned in advance. No doubt.”
“What do you mean? Planned in advance?”
Bernard asked, narrowing his brow.
“Then you mean they were killed by someone?”
As Bernard asked again, Harrieta shut her mouth again and remained silent. Although she
did not answer him, her eyes gleamed with intense anger. He knew without even having to
listen. She was now burning silently.
Bernard’s eyes narrowed.
Come to think of it, he remembered that when Harrieta had a high fever, she said
something similar to that.
“If what you say is true, I can’t understand your decision even more.”
Bernard crossed his arms and tilted his head to the side.
“If there is someone behind your family’s death, and you know who it is, why would you
throw your life away so easily?”
“That ...What do you mean?”
“If I were you, I wouldn’t try to die in vain like this. Rather, I will do whatever it takes to
survive and take revenge on them.”
Bernard replied. Unwavering eyes. A voice without hesitation. Dignified attitude.
Chapter 80

There was nothing to hide. He wasn’t even lying. He was a man who had lived a life of
superiority and nobleness to others from the time he was born. It wasn’t that difficult to
express and realize what he wanted.
Harrieta looked at Bernard with trembling eyes. She felt as if she had been stabbed by his
words. Unexplained embarrassment and anger came at the same time. She clenched her
“It’s because you don’t know what they are. They’re not the kind of person who I can easily
get revenge on just because I want to.”
“Of course, I didn’t say it would be easy. No matter how hard you try, you may fail.”
Bernard shrugged his shoulders and murmured.
“But at this point, is it that important?”
“If you were to throw away your life like this anyway, even if you fail later, you won’t have
much to lose.”
Hearing Bernard’s words, Harrieta got quiet. She opened her mouth several times to say
something, but she ended up closing it back without her saying anything. She felt as if she
was faced with a fact that she had never thought of.
Little by little, her breathing lengthened. Rolling her eyes to and fro with a thoughtful face,
she lifted her head and looked at him.
“Even so, my strength alone is not enough.”
Harrieta gave her his view.
“I wouldn’t be able to touch even a single hair of theirs by myself.”
“Who said that? Do you have to deal with it on your own?”
Bernard raised his eyebrows and asked back. It was a question, but it has more meaning to
it. Harrieta hardened her expression.
“What does that mean?”
“I’m saying I’ll help you.”
Bernard said. Then his lips curled upwards and he gave a supremely gentle smile.
“I, Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt, the second prince of Velicia, will help you, Harrieta
Mackenzie of Brimdel.”
Harrieta slowly recovered. Unlike before, when she was reckless in eating and drinking, she
ate her meal on time and full. She was trying to go out and participate in activities rather
than spending her time in her room and wasting her time. did. Her thin body, which only
had bones left, began to gain weight little by little, and even her pale complexion began to
turn bright.
The light of life fell upon Harrieta’s face, that used to have the shadow of her death. The
royal doctors who had been shaking their heads, saying she was hopeless, saw her change
and said she overcame a big hurdle and put a very optimistic prognosis in their mouths.
Everyone tilted their heads and wondered at her sudden change, but the person standing at
the center of the change kept her silence.
“Your Majesty really makes me raise a white flag.”
Jonathan said, shaking his head softly.
“Why would you make such an absurd promise without a plan?”
“Why do you think it’s absurd?”
Bernard asked without moving his gaze.
“I didn’t say that I would pick up the stars in the sky, and I didn’t say that I would split the
sea in two.”
Bernard stood by the window of the study, looking down at Harrieta as she strolled
through the garden in the sunshine. There was a faint smile on his lips. Even from a
distance, she was clearly in an incomparably healthier state than before.
Hearing Bernard’s words, Jonathan’s complexion darkened.
“No way...You’re not trying to keep your promise, are you?”
“How can I do that?”
“Isn’t your opponent a Duchy of Brimdel? Moreover, the royal family of Brimdel may have
intervened directly. Are you going to undermine the friendly relations between the two
Jonathan asked with a puzzled look. Then Bernard laughed it off.
“Why, there’s nothing I can’t do.”
“Your Highness!”
Astonished by Bernard’s dangerous remarks, Jonathan jumped. It was not the kind of
behavior that could be evaluated as calm and cool. Bernard grinned as if his knight’s
reaction was interesting.
“Calm down. It doesn’t mean I’m going to Brimdel and mess around right now.”
“Then, aren’t you saying that one day it could happen?”
“Well. What will happen in the future, no one knows.”
With Bernard’s natural answer, Jonathan’s complexion turned blue. His master was a
bubbly person who joked about something so serious. He still looked relaxed, as if enjoying
the cool breeze of the early evening, but Jonathan didn’t know what he was thinking inside.
“...I feel like my life has been cut in half because of your jokes.”
“Oh no. I wasn’t joking.”
Bernard mumbled to himself.
“Sir, which do you think is more dominant, Velicia or Brimdel?”
“Isn’t that, of course, Velicia?”
Jonathan answered with a straight face.
It wasn’t out of patriotism. It wasn’t something Bernard said so it would be nice to hear.
Velicia, who has risen to the ranks of an Empire, and Brimdel, a small kingdom on the
outskirts of the continent. It wasn’t something that could be compared from the beginning.
Bernard smiled bitterly.
“I mean. I think Velicia might be eaten by Brimdel sooner or later.”
“Velicia is eaten by Brimdel?”
“Yes. Although Velicia is now considered a more powerful country than Brimdel, the
positions of the two countries may change soon. Although the country is small in size,
Brimdel is surrounded by sea on two sides and is rich in mineral resources. On the other
hand, Velicia is an open land, half of which is an uninhabited wasteland.”
To Jonathan, who looked at him with a bewildered face, Bernard explained step by step.
“In terms of resources alone, we will never be able to keep up with Brimdel. Exchanges and
trade activities with other countries cannot be matched by Brimdel and their sea routes. Sir
Jonathan. In the future, Brimdel will develop more and more national power. On the other
hand, Velicia will not develop and will fade away in isolation from the old days.”
“Then...In the future, Velicia’s national power will inevitably decline, are you saying this?”
“No way.”
Bernard chuckled.
“If something is missing, fill it in. If you need something, you can get it.”
“But with the resources and years you mentioned, to get what you want to get...”
Jonathan, who had been speaking as if he was complaining with a grim expression, clouded
his words. If you need something, you can get it? Realizing something, his expression
changed suddenly.
Hard, stiff facial muscles. Jonathan’s neck moved slowly.
“Don’t tell are going to break the peace treaty with Brimdel and invade them?”
Jonathan asked.
“It has been more than 100 years since the two countries signed a peace treaty and
remained friendly. The consequences of breaking a long-standing treaty are unpredictable
on Velicia. Don’t you know?”
“Sir Jonathan. Nothing is forever. A peace treaty, a friendship only lasts until one of the two
countries breaks it first.”
Bernard said firmly. Then he looked forward and saw the Velicia capital stretched out
beyond the walls. The image of the country where he lived was reflected in his gray eyes.
The sun was setting. The appearance of the capital city at dusk is beautiful and lonely, as
“The treaty will be broken someday anyway. If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be a bad idea to
make the first move from our side first?”
Jonathan looked at Bernard without a word. It was neither happy nor sad, it was an
ambiguous expression. Sensing his gaze, Bernard turned his head to look at his knight.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Your Highness looks different all over again.”
Jonathan answered.
“Even though I have been by your side for over ten years, I didn’t know that you had such
great ambitions.”
It was as if he was looking at someone other than his master. He was full of surprise and
worry. However, his admiration for a man with great aspirations and unstoppable
determination is not small. Suddenly, Jonathan felt like he wanted to watch the country
where he reigned and ruled as king by his side.
Bernard laughed lightly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I was just making a small talk.”
A golden twilight fell upon his head.
Chapter 81

There was a large garden within Velicia’s Royal Palace. It was built for the previous queen,
who was known to have loved flowers and nature, and it boasted such a huge scale that it
was said that three full days would not be enough to look around properly. In addition, the
interior is so complicated that it is easy to get lost for guests that wander around at will.
In recent years, Harrieta has spent most of her time in this garden. From sunrise in the
morning until sunset. Even though it was over half a day, she did not show any signs of
exhaustion and worked hard around the garden.
However, it did not mean that Harrieta was wasting time there, looking at flowers. She was
studying herbal medicine. Proving it, she held a thick book in her hand. It was a book full of
various plants and herbs that could be found on the continent.
‘To hunt a prey bigger and stronger than you, you need to be fully prepared. You will only get
one chance to aim at your opponent’s neck. In order to seize that opportunity, you have to
raise your ability to the maximum.’
Bernard gave that answer when she asked how she could get revenge on the next Duke
‘It may be difficult to defeat him by force. The probability of failure is high, and
unpredictable variables may arise. So we have no choice but to find another way.’
Then the suggestion was herbal medicine. Knowing how to identify herbs and use poisons
was useful knowledge in many ways. Of course, he didn’t believe that she could overthrow
Duke Rowani by just a single herbal medicine. But, as Bernard said, it could be the starting
point of the road ahead.
Once she made up her mind, there was no need to hesitate. Harrieta’s efforts and
enthusiasm to acquire studies and knowledge were terrific. She studied nonstop day and
night, learning information like a sponge. Seeing her like that, even those who taught her by
the side were tongue tied.
A tree with red flowers came into Harrieta’s view, who was searching through the books
and learning about plants. It was a small tree, a little smaller than her height. Harrieta’s
eyes were thinly curved. The flowers on the twigs were familiar to her eyes. Like possessed,
she approached the tree and picked one of it.
It was a flower consisting of red petals. At the center of the five petals spread out like a star,
there was a long yellow stamen. Its shape was very similar to the stellite flower, which is
said to have a sweet taste due to its high honey content.
‘What are you doing? If you eat the bianche flower, your tongue will be paralyzed.’
When Harrieta, who accidentally mistook the bianche flower she found in the forest for a
stellite flower, tried to suck its nectar, Edwin smirked and stopped it.
‘Even if two flowers are very similar, there is a clear difference. Look. The stamens of the
bianche flower have such a deep yellow color. On the other hand, the stamens of stellite
flowers are close to white.’
He pointed to the flower he was holding and explained to her one by one. Still, he looked at
her condition with a worried look, gauging if she had already consumed the poison. As she
listened to his explanation, she said, “Wow,” in admiration.
‘How does Edwin know that? When I talk to you, I think you really know everything.’
Harrieta let out a heartfelt exclamation. Edwin gave her a stranger look as she looked into
his eyes full of her respect. The face seems shy and bitter.
‘It’s not that great. I only know some very basic herbal medicine knowledge.’
Recalling her past, Harrieta slowly clenched her fist. She felt the bianche flowers getting
crushed in her hands.
That eventful night, she pondered whether she should throw herself out the window and
end her life. There were two reasons Harrieta abandoned her resolve. Vengeance towards
those who pushed her family to the brink of death, and a longing for Edwin, who lives
somewhere in Brimdel.
When the time is right, if the opportunity comes, she will go find him no matter what.
The most beautiful star of her life.
Harrieta looked down at the crushed flowers and made a promise.
Hermann calendar Year 4731.
513 years from the founding of Brimdel.
December is said to be particularly difficult due to the severe cold.
The invaders from the North broke through the defense walls of the Demner Knights, which
seemed impossible to be breached and crossed the border.
As a result, a total of nine percent of prominent armed forces were lost, including Sir
Sherrett Billiett, Sir Gillian Monroe, and Sir Lewis McBridge, who were on the front line.
Hermann calendar Year 4732.
513 years from the founding of Brimdel.
February is the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
Gillion Samuel Rongo van Babilius, the 18th king, who reigned for over 30 years as the
monarch of Brimdel, passed away.
Gillian’s son and the 19th king, Duon Gilbert Benjamin van Babilius was recorded as the last
Prince left behind.
The year when the situation on the continent began to tilt to the east due to a sudden wind
blowing from the west.
Leaving behind a long history of half a thousand years, Brimdel meets an end that is no
different from any other ruined country.
― A History for the Forgotten, Excerpts from the Western Continent ―
An audience room in the center of Brimdel Palace. Hot torches were burning everywhere.
The place that normally had a soft and fragrant scent, was filled with a fishy and damp
It had been a long time since the surroundings, which had been noisy enough to be
deafening, had already become quiet. A storm that was never seen before passed, leaving
nothing but ruins.
Dozens of people were kneeling on the hard, cold marble floor, bound by ropes. From a
young boy who hasn’t had his coming-of-age ceremony yet to an old man with gray hair.
The group was made up of various people, but they were all from high-ranking families,
and they all wore luxurious outfits. Their hair was scattered, and their face was covered
with black dust, but it couldn’t hide their good complexion.
The audience room was full of armed soldiers. There was no smile on their faces, equipped
with iron armor, spears, and shields. The soldiers watched their surroundings with sharp
eyes. Aiming the pointed spear at the group, seemingly to warn the group that they would
wield it mercilessly if the group did anything stupid.
The group trembled in fear. They couldn’t even open their mouths for fear that something
would go wrong.
In the silence, in the midst of only rough breathing, there was a sniffing sound from
somewhere. A boy, kneeling on the floor, couldn’t stand it any longer and began to cry.
“Philip. Stop crying? You, a proud royalty, show tears in front of your enemies. Aren’t you
A man kneeling next to the boy quietly urged him.
It was the Crown Prince of Brimdel, Duon. Contrary to his usual neat appearance, he was
also a mess. He had bruises here and there on his face, as if he had been in a fight, and there
were dried blood on his lips.
“Bro, Brother Duon.”
The boy called Phillip trembled and said.
“Are, are we going to die like this?”
“Who is going to die? Stop talking nonsense and stop crying.”
“Bu, but.”
Philip looked around him with wet eyes. The eyes of the enemy, seen through the eye holes
in their helmet, were unusual.
“They, they won’t leave, leave us.”
“Don’t worry. They will never be able to take our lives.”
Duon said, grinding his teeth gently.
“They were lucky enough to get us captive, but after all, they are just dogs. They cannot do
anything without the permission of the king they serve.”
“Do, dogs?”
“Yes. Even if the King of Kustan is of barbarian origin, he knows that it is foolish to harm the
royal family of another country.”
Duon didn’t say that just to reassure young Philip. He was a hundred times convinced that
he was right.
Chapter 82

Even if the country was invaded, the royal family was still the royal family. A living one
would be much more valuable and useful to their king than a useless corpse. Moreover, at
this point in time when the victory was decided anyway, there was no reason to make it
more emotional.
Although the Brimdel royal family are now on their knees in such humiliating captivity, it is
because these are little bastards who do not know the situation well.
The situation would change if a person sitting in a higher position or a person with a more
proper mind would come. It was undoubtedly.
“Where, where is His Majesty?”
Philip sniffed and whispered. There was only one person missing in this place, where all
those who inherited the blood of the Brimdel royal family were captured, and that was
Gillion, the king of Brimdel.
Asked by his younger cousin, Duon inhaled and exhaled slowly. No one has seen the king
since the castle fell and the Kustans flooded in through the open gates.
“Maybe...He had escaped safely through the chaos.”
There were several secret passages in Brimdel’s castle. It was secretly designed in case of
any unforeseen circumstances, and it was a top secret that only a few people knew about in
Duon also tried to escape from the castle using the secret passage, but failed. Before he
opened the door to the passage, the Kustan soldiers came into his room.
“Will he come back?”
“Yes. He will come back safely when the situation is rectified. So don’t worry.”
Hearing Duon’s words, Philip seemed to have regained his composure to some extent.
‘If only Gillion, the king of Brimdel was alive.’
Duon gritted his teeth and vowed.
‘One day, I will repay them for this humiliating disgrace.’
The soldiers, who had been standing still like statues, suddenly began to stir. In silence they
exchanged glances with each other. Eventually, they turned their heads towards the door in
a coordinated move.
No one said a word, but everyone in the audience room could feel it. The atmosphere that
had spread in the air changed in an instant.
For what? The Brimdel people naturally followed the Kustan soldiers’ gaze. They were
curious. But at the same time, greater tension and fear came.
“These, these guys why, why all of a sudden...?”
Philip did not finish the question. Because someone’s footsteps could be heard from behind
the tightly closed door.
Thump. Thump.
Perhaps it was a person who was armed like the soldiers, the sound of his footsteps was
quite heavy. Philip’s eyes widened at the same time.
‘Is it the commander of these guys?’
Duon stared at the door that had not yet been opened and guessed. Seeing that thousands
of soldiers fought and lost their lives in this place, the owner of the leisurely footsteps was
obviously not a normal man of any kind.
As expected, the sound of footsteps stopped in front of the audience room door. Duon’s
breathing accelerated. It was only a few seconds, but for some, a long silence passed like
eternity. All eyes were focused on one place.
Two Kustan soldiers standing close to the door hurriedly opened the door. The door swung
open on both sides. Then, a figure standing quietly in front of them appeared.
‘The Black Knight!’
When Duon saw the person standing in front of the door, he was startled and shouted
He had a black helmet, black armor, a black cloak, and even black boots. He was covered in
black from head to toe so the name Black Knight came to mind. If he had stood in the dark,
it would have been hard to tell.
Duon swallowed a gulp. Everything was black, so it was more like seeing a ghost or a
reaper of death rather than a human. Just by looking at it, Duon felt a chill in his spine.
“That must be...”
“That must be the rumored enemy. No doubt.”
Those who were sitting on their knees next to Duon took short breaths and exhaled one
word at a time.
Black Knight. In fact, his presence was quite popular within Brimdel. Unlike other Kustan
knights who wear green cloaks over silver armor, the story of a knight cruising around the
battlefield with his body armed in black alone attracted many people’s attention.
The battlefield was such a fierce place that life and death are decided by only one thin
difference. The less they were noticed by others, the more likely they were to survive. So,
when the battle started, there were a lot of people who purposely painted their armor with
mud and put on blood.
In such a situation, instead of trying to hide himself, he deliberately wore clothes that
would draw people’s attention. Those who heard the story laughed at the Black Knight’s
stupidity and sarcastically said that he would last a week at best.
But their expectations were wrong. The Black Knight did not die after a week passed as
they had expected. Not only that, but all the battles he participated in ended in Kustan’s
At first, some said it was just a coincidence, but those faded away as time passed. This is
because those who managed to come back alive from the battle all spoke together.
‘They say that the Kustan, whose eyes were blinded by victory, summoned the devil.’
He pierced the necks of soldiers who were watching at the Bangola fortress with his
ghostly archery skills. He led the Kustan army to victory by using nonsensical tactics in a
battle where there was a difference of about twice as many troops.
And more than half of the heads of famous Brimdel masters were cut off.
All of these were achievements known to have been accomplished by this man standing in
front of Duon in a short period of time.
The Black Knight looked inside the audience hall without saying a word. Even if it was an
invaded enemy country, it was an audience with the royal family. As a courtesy, he should
show some respect for them by giving them a silent tribute first, but he didn’t seem to have
any intention of doing that. The eyes that could be seen through the helmet were very cold.
“You’re here?”
Among the soldiers guarding the audience, one knight, who seemed to have the highest
rank, greeted the Black Knight with a brief silence.
“Did the plan go well?”
“As you have commanded, we have captured all the royal families of Brimdel and put them
here. Also, the person you mentioned earlier was also captured not far from here.”
Despite the knight’s report, the Black Knight was silent. His gaze showed no sign of
departing from the royal family of Brimdel gathered in the middle of the audience.
“The Crown Prince of Brimdel.”
As the knight continued to explain, the Black Knight raised his hand to interrupt him. It was
a gesture telling the knight there was no need to listen to detailed explanations.
The Black Knight slowly began to move. With each step he moved, the connecting parts of
the iron armor rubbed against each other, making a clicking, thin metal sound. An eerie and
gloomy energy that could not be expressed in words surrounded Duon.
He was reluctant when he first saw the Black Knight. But when he looked closer, the Black
Knight really looked more like a dead ghost than a living person. He appeared like a
nightmare to drag another scapegoat into the hell he was in.
As the Black Knight approached, the terrified royal families of Brimdel faltered in terror.
Some of them turned their heads in nausea. The Black Knight was wearing black
equipment, so they didn’t know it until they looked closely.
His whole body was drenched in red blood.
As he appeared to have no problem in moving, it was obviously not his blood. The strong,
pungent smell of blood pierced the tip of Duon’s nostrils.
The Black Knight stopped his footsteps in front of Duon. He couldn’t find any hesitation as
the Black Knight scanned the captives one by one. From the moment he entered the
audience room, the Black Knight seemed to know Duon’s identity.
Duon raised his head and looked up at the Black Knight. Then he swallowed a gulp. He felt a
strong sense of intimidation that it was suffocating him, who was exuding a vicious energy
while covered in blood.
“Long time no see. Your Highness.”
The Black Knight, who had been silent the whole time, finally opened his mouth. It was a
much more polite tone than Duon expected. Besides, his voice is also very young, so Duon
was a little surprised.
“Forgive me for not being able to visit you often.”
“You...know me?”
Chapter 83

Duon asked while glaring at the Black Knight with wary eyes. The Black Knight of Kustan. A
demon summoned by Kustan.
Little was known about him, but as far as Duon could remember, today was the first time
the two had met face-to-face.
The Black Knight made no reply. Instead, he lowered his head slightly and moved his hand
upward to remove the helmet he was wearing. Flutter. His golden hair, which seemed to be
made of gold, flowed down gently.
Seeing the Black Knight’s face that was hidden under his helmet, Duon’s eyes went wide.
What was he looking at right now? What was standing in front of him now?
His jaw trembled at the unbelievable thing he was seeing. His brain felt like it had gone
Duon called out the name he had buried in his memory.
“Edwin? Why are you, why are you here?”
Like this.
Duon looked at Edwin with shaking eyes. Edwin was the kind of person Duon would never
have imagined to encounter, especially like this. As far as Duon knew, Edwin should have
been living quietly somewhere in the country by now.
Several months had passed since he hadn’t heard about Edwin as he was busy with work
due to the wartime situation. Duon didn’t think it was a big deal, he considered the news as
good news.
Why is Edwin in the capital? Why is he in this castle that has fallen into the enemy’s hands?
Duon looked at Edwin’s appearance once again. Unlike him, who was confused and at a loss
by Edwin’s sudden appearance, Edwin looked rather indifferent and calm. Despite the fact
that the castle was captured by the Kustan. Despite the fact that Duon is kneeling in front of
him in such a humiliating manner. Edwin didn’t look surprised or apologetic at all.
Like he already knew that things would turn out this way.
Like it was Edwin himself who planned and ordered all this.
The moment the thought came to Duion, shivers ran up on him.
“No. No. No!”
Duon shook his head in denial.
“Something is wrong! Something is wrong with this! Am I right, Edwin? There’s no way you,
Edwin, you, no one else, could be the Black Knight! You who used to be Redford, the royal
family! There’s no way Redford betrayed Brimdel!”
Duon’s cries that were close to howls, echoed in the silent audience hall.
“Edwin! Say something! Don’t stand still like that, say something!”
“Are you doing this because of what happened to your family? Because His Majesty ordered
the Redford family to be annihilated. That’s why you plotted such a huge thing to get
revenge on us.”
Duon asked. No matter how much he squeezed his brain, there was no other reason to
come to mind.
‘But why?’
Many years have already passed since that happened. And he heard that Edwin has been
living a quiet life as if he was dead, obediently obeying all the royal family’s orders. Then
why did Edwin come and rebel against the royal family now? Why did he side with the
enemy and drive his country to the brink?
‘Maybe he’s been looking for an opportunity for revenge while lying low and sharpening his
blade for revenge.’
Duon asked himself. But he soon gave up on that idea. Edwin was a Redford man, even if he
is not now. Duchy Redford has been regarded as the most faithful sword of the royal family
and a capable hunting dog.
Their loyalty to the royal family was blind and absolute, that it could even be said as
excessive. The public joked that if the King ordered them to die, they might not hesitate to
jump off the cliff.
‘No matter what, they’re human.’
Many people shook their heads and said it was nonsense, but Duon knew it wasn’t that far
from the truth. As proof, most of Redford’s people did not resist the King’s arrest order and
walked into the prison obediently. They did not utter a single curse against the King even
until the day they were beheaded.
They could fight or they could run away. But the Redford people didn’t. Like moths that
voluntarily flew into the fire, even though they could fly freely high in the sky, they
disappeared instead.
Duon looked up at Edwin again. Golden hair and prominent brow bones. Blue eyes like the
sea and a straight nose. And even the slightly stubborn-looking closed lips and strong
Edwin looked a little more emaciated than before, but he still had the look of a close friend
Duon had known since childhood. Also, Edwin’s father and the King’s most loyal servant,
the former Duke Redford, Iorn, looked exactly like Edwin.
There was no way he, Edwin, and no one else, would have truly betrayed Brimdel and
rebelled against the royal family.
“Edwin. Listen to me. You are making a big mistake.”
Duon persuaded him with a desperate look.
“I don’t know what they said to lure you in, but think again. There’s nothing to benefit from
this. At best, you will be abandoned after being used by the King of Kustan.”
“You betrayed your old master, so do you think their king will accept you fully? How funny.
If they made a mistake, you might even point your sword at them, so there’s no way they’d
accept such a dangerous person without any countermeasures. They need your abilities
right now, so they’re going to say nice things for you to hear, but that ends when the war
ends too. You will be abandoned like an old shoe.”
Duon appealed sincerely. There were sharp glances coming from around him, but he didn’t
care. What was urgent right now was to change the mind of the man standing in front of
“Edwin, at least now before it’s too late.”
“Your Highness. You don’t have to worry about me.”
Edwin quietly interrupted Duon’s words.
“Because the relationship between the King of Kustan and me was only established to
thoroughly achieve my purpose.”
“Your purpose?”
“Yes. I made a deal with the King of Kustan.”
Edwin nodded his head. His eyes, looking at his old master, were infinitely cold.
“If I give him this country, he promised to give me anything I want in return.”
“Give want?”
Duon’s complexion rapidly turned pale as he slowly repeated Edwin’s words. To give the
country to the King of the enemy country. What more explanation does he need for that
The situation was pretty bad. Duon clenched his fists.
“Don’t tell me, are you coveting the throne?”
“If I wanted something like that, I wouldn’t have to borrow Kustan’s hand.”
Edwin said with a cold smile.
“I don’t want the throne. I don’t want to become a nobleman of Kustan like Your Highness
Edwin brushed back his hair, which flowed down his forehead, and wiped the sweat from
his face. Then the blood from his hands was all over his handsome face.
“There are three conditions I have presented to him.”
The bloodstained face was frighteningly eerie yet alluring.
“The first is the destruction of this country.”
“The second is the neck of the King of this country.”
“What, what?”
Duon screamed in fright at Edwin’s tremendous words. But Edwin went on, completely
ignoring Duon’s reaction.
“And the third is that this country will never be able to rebuild again...”
Edwin glanced at the captured Brimdel royalties with cold eyes. His blue eyes were stained
with cruelty.
“...Brimdel will be dried of all the royal seed.”
Duon roared.
“Now that I see it, you are really crazy! How dare you wish for the destruction of your
country? How dare you ask for the head of the neck of your country! To make such
ridiculous conditions! Do you think the King of Kustan will listen? Be real! Edwin, you are
tricked! You’ve been tricked by their king!”
“It has already been done.”
Edwin said calmly. With that, Duon, who had been yelling his heart out, was startled. It’s
done. His face hardened. He felt terrified, the words felt like they were full of negative
“Where do you think I stopped before I came here?”
Edwin asked quietly.
“Does Your Highness really not know why the King is not here?”
At that moment, Duon felt his body stiffen.
Chapter 84

Where Edwin stopped before coming here. The reason why the King is not here, unlike
other members of the royal family. Those things were like two distant things. Was there a
line connecting them?
Duon slowly rolled his eyes and looked at Edwin again. Bloodstains on his face. Drops of
blood ran down his armor and dripped onto the floor. And the thick smell of blood wafting
from him.
Thud. His heart came crashing down. A realization he hadn’t even thought of came raining
down on him like a wave. He vaguely assumed that it was the blood of one of the soldiers,
but it might be of someone of his kin. He felt sick to the stomach.
“Stop, please. Don’t tell me….… His Majesty...?”
Duon began to tremble hard. Was he trembling out of fear? Or was he trembling with
anger? He didn’t even know anymore.
Edwin looked at Duon quietly. Duon understood what Edwin was saying. And Edwin
himself noticed that fact. It was something he didn’t have to say.
“You don’t have to be sad. You won’t be apart for very long.”
“That...What are you talking about?”
Duon forced his voice and asked. He must have felt the growing heat of death, so Philip,
who was by his side, pressed his body against Duon. He was like a frightened baby bird
digging into its mother bird’s arms.
Sensing that, Edwin’s gaze turned to Duon’s younger cousin. Was he thirteen or fourteen?
Another boy’s face floated on top of the boy looking up at Edwin with a youthful face. It was
a fleeting moment, but a piece of faint emotion emerged in Edwin’s eyes. It seemed that the
face, which was like a statue carved out of ice, had a thin layer of human color applied to it.
But that’s only for a moment.
When Edwin turned his gaze back to Duon, all emotion was gone from him. Looking down
at Duon, his expression was as cold and indifferent as before.
“Didn’t I tell you? My third condition.”
This country will never be able to be rebuilt again, Brimdel will be dried of all the royal seed.
Edwin took his hand to the sword slung around his waist.
“Unfortunately, Your Highness Duon.”
Then, slowly calling out Duon’s name, he drew the sword from the scabbard. The long,
sharp sword screeched bitterly at its master’s hand. The light of the torch was reflected on
the well-forged blade, emitting an eerie light.
“You are included in it.”
Edwin’s eyes burned with even more coldness.
Like everything in the world, the noise that seemed to go on endlessly came to an end soon.
The thumping sound that seemed to destroy the castle had stopped, and the tearing
screams had long since died down.
When the chaotic time ended, an unusually thick silence and stillness came. Only black
smoke remained in the place where it had been roaring with destruction and chaos.
A person stood in a spacious room filled with extravagant ornaments and luxurious
furniture. Covering her face with a deep gray hood, she had a small and diminutive
physique to be called an adult.
She stood by the window and stared out of it. The clear sky turned hazy due to smoke rising
from the ashes of the capital.
“Was it to your liking?”
Someone asked behind her back. It was a cold voice like a blizzard in the middle of winter.
Seronach took her eyes off the window and slowly turned to look at the man who was
talking to her. Edwin, wearing dark red armor, was standing leaning against the doorway,
looking at her.
How long has he been standing there? Even though he was wearing a lot of equipment that
looked heavy at first glance, she didn’t feel any presence from Edwin. Still, Seronach was
not surprised. Edwin was a man who could hide his presence if he wanted to.
“Brimdel faced catastrophe, and the capital burned to ashes. Everything is as you
Edwin said slowly.
“I wonder what it feels like to see a country you so much wanted to protect collapse right in
front of your eyes.”
“...Did you kill the King?”
Despite Edwin’s provocation, Seronach did not sway easily. Edwin stared blankly at her as
he asked without any change of expression, like an emotionless doll. The shadow cast
under the hood attached to the robe was absolutely black.
Before long, Edwin chuckled.
“Strange. Aren’t you the one who knows everything?”
The great and wise prophet of Brimdel, Seronach. An existence that can destroy the most
powerful family in the Kingdom with just one word. Also, a magical being who has been by
the side of the royal family and has protected this country for a long time. Living twice as
long as an ordinary human’s lifespan.
Edwin’s eyes darkened as he looked at Seronach.
After inheriting the will of his family and spending about a year in a desolate outskirts to
protect his country, the news that came back to him was that all members of his family had
been executed. That too, for the ridiculous charge of trying to rebel against the royal family.
He didn’t even think to protest the King’s order. From the day he was born until now, he
has been a loyal dog to the royal family. So even though he was beaten with a mace for no
reason, he never thought of biting his master.
However, the person who put the mace into the King’s hand was the prophet in front of
him, Seronach. Why on earth? The Redford’s had no reason to quarrel with Brimdel’s great
prophet, Seronach. Both sides sacrificed themselves for the safety and prosperity of the
royal family.
Questions followed one after another. But he couldn’t find any answer at all.
“Do you think you will be safe even if you have the King’s blood on your hands?”
Seronach asked.
“He was your King. You and your family have supported and protected them for half a
thousand years.”
Edwin’s expression hardened at Seronach’s words. He recalled the image of Gillion, the
King of Brimdel, whom he had been alone with a while ago.
As the Kustan soldiers who had crossed the collapsed walls rushed into the castle like a
swarm of ants, Gillion tried to get out of the castle through the royal family’s secret passage.
But he couldn’t get far. Edwin, who knew about the existence of the secret passage, had
placed his soldiers there in advance and blocked the way.
‘Please save that child, save Duon.’
Kneeling on the cold stone floor, Gillion pleaded with Edwin. It seems that he didn’t have
time to take the crown as he ran away in a hurry, so his empty head looked very shabby.
‘He was the child who begged to save you. He’s the lifesaver who saved your life.’
He wasn’t asking the enemy general who captured him as the King of a country. It was a
request made with a father’s heart begging for the life of his child, to someone he had
known for a long time.
‘He is more precious than my life. He is a child who will carry on the history of this country.
Please. I don’t care if you kill me right now, so please let him live.’
‘So, did His Majesty protect the things that are precious to me?’
Edwin, who had been listening to Gillion quietly, asked.
‘Did Your Majesty ever give me a chance to protect her?’
Edwin endured even when he was robbed. He wasn’t completely greedy, he didn’t want too
many things either. Even though he was pushed into a cramped cage with his wings broken,
he tried to live with gratitude for the single ray of light that shined on him.
Harrieta MacKenzie. As long as he had her. If only she could have stayed by his side. If that
was the case, he would have lived content enough with his life. No matter how gutter-like
his life was, he would have endured it somehow.
Was he asking for too much?
‘You can’t kill me.’
Gillion glared at Edwin and assured him.
‘I am the King of Brimdel. Am I not your king?’
Gillion raised his chin slightly and said. It was a shabby figure sitting on the floor without
even wearing his crown, but his attitude couldn’t be more arrogant and confident than that.
It was as if he was reminding the other person of an obvious fact.
Edwin looked down at Gillion like that.
King of Brimdel. The master of the Redford family.
That had strangled and gnawed at his family for hundreds of years.
‘Wrong, Your Majesty.’
Edwin corrected Gillion’s words. It all started with a false belief that he had forced himself
to do.
‘You are no longer my master.’
If only he had realized that fact a little sooner. Edwin deeply regretted it. If he did,
something might have changed. He might not have lost her.
His Harrieta.
Chapter 85

But no matter how much he regrets it, the past won’t change.
“He is not my king. Because my king and my master are separate.”
Edwin looked at Seronach with cold eyes.
“The King of Brimdel is dead. And those who are said to have inherited the lineage of the
first king of Brimdel were also caught and killed.”
“Brimdel will never be able to rebuild forever.”
“Your will will be done. But that will put the blood of many on your hands.”
Seronach said with a sigh.
“You always had a clear energy, but now there is only a cloudy and heavy energy.”
“Is that how you say ‘go to hell’?”
Edwin muttered with a short laugh and continued.
“It does not matter. The world I live in right now is like hell to me.”
Whether he opens his eyes or closes them. It didn’t matter whether he was asleep or
awake. No matter where he was or what he was doing, the same thoughts always came to
his mind.
Why is she not with him now?
Why does she no longer exist in this world?
Why does the world, this world without her, run so smoothly as if nothing had happened?
And above all, Edwin himself, why is he still breathing and living in this empty world
without her?
The sense of loss radiating from losing a most precious person aroused deep regret. And
that regret became guilt. Guilt became denial. Finally, denial became an uncontrollable
For whom or what is the anger? His heart was boiling hot like lava, and it was suffocating
He hated it to the point that he was starting to lose his mind, and he hated it again. At the
same time, he couldn’t understand. That such a precious and important existence has
disappeared, but no one but himself recognizes the fact.
“Even though I came to Brimdel as a knight of the enemy country, you don’t seem too
“As you said, I am a prophet.”
“If you already knew everything, why didn’t you run away?”
Edwin asked.
True to her words, Serenach never tried to escape from this castle. Even while everyone
was running around in panic, Seronach remained in her room. Furthermore, perhaps she
had waited for the soldiers to come and catch her, she hadn’t even locked the door.
“There is no reason to run away, is there?”
Seronach answered calmly.
“I am also God’s chess piece. We just move forward slowly, step by step through the fateful
procedures set by God.”
God’s chess piece.
Edwin narrowed his eyes. She could have said that she was a representative or messenger
of God, but she referred to herself as a chess piece. Edwin thought her words were a little
“Then...You know what I’m going to do from now on.”
Edwin said, straightening his body that had been leaning against the doorway.
“You know why I came to you.”
Edwin slowly moved his steps toward Seronach.
One step. Two steps. As if playing with a prey he had caught, Edwin’s gait was infinitely
leisurely. His eyes, like those of a beast, flashed ferociously.
Edwin’s limbs were tingling with murderous energy. It would be a wonder if there was
even a strong military commander who could dare to stand face to face with him now.
However, there was no sway in Seronach’s posture, who had a slender body.
“Do you resent me for making such a prophecy about your family?”
“I’d be lying if I said I never did.”
Edwin said with a cold smile.
“But as a result, your prophecy is not wrong, so should I honor you as a great prophet?”
As in other countries, in Brimdel, the title of nobility was inherited as a legacy to the next
designated heir. The moment the inheritance takes place is when the breath of the former
generation stops.
There was no need for a succession ceremony as long as they had formally followed the
procedure for designating a successor in advance. In a time when wars often broke out, it
was made so to fill the position of the head of the family who might die at any moment.
Because of this, the very moment Iorn was executed under the king’s orders, Edwin
automatically inherited the title and became the new Duke Redford. Although no one, not
even Edwin himself, realized the fact because of the relentless tragedy, Edwin himself was
the last Duke Redford right before the Redford’s were stripped of their status as nobles.
Duke Redford, the one who was said to destroy Brimdel and lead it to ruin.
Could it be a coincidence? Or was it intentional?
But Edwin soon corrected his thoughts. Seronach couldn’t have known. If she had foreseen
the really distant future, she couldn’t have let Duon save Edwin’s life. She would have done
everything in her power to end Edwin’s life.
Before long, Edwin stopped in front of Seronach. Seronach was about two heads shorter
than Edwin. She seemed too dwarfed and insignificant to be called a person who controlled
the fate of the country and destroyed the most powerful family in the kingdom with only
“...I will not ask for forgiveness.”
“I never wanted it. I am not going to ask you for forgiveness either.”
Edwin answered without hesitation towards Seronach. His gaze was on her. The shadows
cast under the hood were pitch black and cavernous.
She was the subject of much speculation. Some said she was not human, others said she
was an illusion created by the royal family. Wearing a robe with a large hood, Seronach hid
herself under it, not revealing any flesh. It made him wonder if even the king had ever seen
her face.
Edwin slowly reached out. Then, he grabbed the hood that Seronach was wearing.
He was always curious. What kind of ancient creature, what kind of monster is hiding its
face under that hood? He wouldn’t be surprised if it was a shapeless shadow.
By his touch, the hood slid down. Then Seronach’s face, hidden in the shadows, was
revealed in front of him.
Seronach’s face was reflected in Edwin’s eyes. Her face, illuminated by the shimmering
lanterns, was dyed orange like the setting sun.
“So...this is what you look like.”
Edwin, who looked at Seronach for a moment, muttered quietly.
The prophet Seronach, who was said to be wiser and greater than anyone else.
The reality was a monster that was thought to have been hidden tightly in a closed closet.
“I’m about to laugh.”
Edwin laughed weakly and let go of Seronach’s hood.
“What on earth have I been afraid of?”
Years later, when the closet was opened again, there was nothing in it. When reality was
revealed, there was no reason to be afraid. Vague fear and awe of the other person. Where
did they really come from?
“Seronach. You were also just an extremely ordinary human being.”
Edwin’s eyes darkened.
“Did everything go well with your plans?”
Someone spoke to Edwin as he walked out of the room. Edwin glanced up and checked the
other person’s face. A young woman was standing there. Although she was a woman, with
her restrained posture, she was as tall as a grown man, and she wore the uniform of a
knight of Kustan.
Lionelli Bahat. She was the one who stayed by Edwin’s side and assisted him throughout
the period of invasion and destruction of Brimdel.
Most countries had an atmosphere that restricted women from entering the political or
military world, but in Kustan, where superiority and inferiority were determined only by
the size of strength and ability, the fact that she was a woman was not a problem.
Edwin averted his gaze and answered insincerely. He handed his sword to one of the
apprentice knights waiting by his side. It meant to wipe off the blood on the sword before it
hardened and caused trouble.
“Dame Lionelli. What happened to the work entrusted to you?”
“There is no need for concern. Lord. It worked out smoothly.”
“That’s a relief.”
Contrary to him saying ‘relief’, his expression was dry. Lionelli thought that even if she gave
the opposite answer, the reaction of the man in front of her would not be very different
from now.
He was a capable and intelligent man, but he was as dry as the bottom of an empty well. He
was like a well-made doll, unable to feel the joys and sorrows that humans should normally
Chapter 86

Lionelli followed Edwin, who led the way. The sound of their footsteps echoed through the
empty hallway.
“Are there any problems?”
Lionelli, who was watching Edwin, asked cautiously. Edwin turned his head to look at her.
“Why do you ask that?”
“Forgive me. Because your expression isn’t that bright.”
This was not the first time Kustan had invaded Brimdel.
The people of Kustan, who lived in the barren land, envied the people of Brimdel for their
rich land, and attempted invasions to take away their land several times. But maybe it was
because of Brimdel’s military strength, which was stronger than expected. Each attempt
failed. The Kustan army had to withdraw in tears.
But finally, the Kustan army crossed the border. They won the battle against Brimdel’s
army, captured the castle, and even cut the heads of the king and his family.
It was something that had been desired for hundreds of years. They finally did what their
ancestors couldn’t do. It was a huge achievement to ignore.
But Edwin’s reaction was lukewarm. She even wondered if he’d be happier if the garbage
he threw inadvertently went into the trash can.
“There were no problems. Dame can stop and rest too.”
“Yes. Lord.”
There were many things that were unclear, but Lionelli was very sensitive to the military
rank. She had no intention to speak carelessly to a superior. She bowed politely to him and
went on her way.
Edwin, who roughly finished the things he had to deal with immediately, headed straight to
the room given to him. The soldiers guarding the door recognized him and corrected their
posture and saluted him.
Respectful eyes. Admiring face. Edwin, who made what was considered impossible
possible, was already being praised as a great hero among the Kustan soldiers. He couldn’t
have not felt their gaze, but he completely ignored them and entered the room without a
It was dark inside the room. They didn’t know when Edwin would come, so it seemed that
they hadn’t properly prepared for him yet. The soldiers who followed him suggested a lamp
to light up the darkness. But he gestured that it was enough and then dismissed them.
Click. The door closed behind his back. The light and sound were blocked. Edwin stood
alone behind the door and looked around silently.
The darkness was so thick that he could only tell the outlines of the shapes.
A heavy silence that made it seem like he could hear even his breathing in detail.
Even though there was only a door between the spaces, it contrasted with the noisy
outside. It was as if he had entered a very different space. He felt completely cut off from
the world and from everyone except himself.
Edwin leaned his back against the door. Then, slowly collapsing, he sat down.
The fatigue, which he hadn’t noticed before, came all at once. He lowered his head. Both
physically and mentally, he was very exhausted.
‘If only I could stop everything as it is now.’
Edwin clenched his fists. He wanted to close his eyes and fell asleep, never waking up. He
wished to never face this world again, that was only full of suffering.
If he can’t turn back time, he’d rather just have it stop like this.
He earnestly prayed to God every night, but his wish did not come true. After staying up all
night when he opened his eyes, morning came without fail. He just went through the
nightmare-like day again, like he was running around in circles.
The screams of people in terror echoed in his ears. The flames that soared to devour
everything shimmered in front of his eyes. The capital was burned, the castle collapsed, and
countless people lost their lives in the war.
Edwin inhaled and exhaled slowly with a grim face. This place he once defended at all costs.
The place those who died under the sword he wielded, gave their life to defend. It was
destroyed today under his direction.
Irony. There could be no other word that accurately describes his situation.
Edwin buried his face in his hands. The foul smell of blood stung his nostrils. It was a mark
of what he had accomplished. It was also the weight of his sins. His throat moved. No
matter how many times and thoroughly he washed his body, he would never be able to
completely get rid of this smell.
He laughed at himself. It couldn’t be more fortunate that Harrieta couldn’t see him like this.
She, who has a clear and pure soul, always looked at him and compared him to a beautiful
star floating in the sky. While it was none other than her that shone more brilliantly than
anyone else. But she seldom noticed it.
Before long, Edwin pulled something out of his arms. In his hand was a silver locket
necklace with a long chain. He looked down at it for a long time with longing eyes.
The heart he wanted to hand over, but couldn’t hand it to the end.
Edwin gritted his teeth.
He always said that he would protect her, but in the end, he couldn’t keep the promise.
The day Edwin was heading to Bangola. Harrieta shed tears in front of him. As she was held
in his arms, she cried sadly until she was out of breath. At the time, he didn’t know the
reason for her tears. He couldn’t guess how she felt when she said goodbye to him.
His heart felt crushed. Nothing’s going to change after he returns from Bangola. There
would be a long time ahead of him and her. They could be together forever. He believed so.
He never really imagined that it would be his last day with her.
‘If only I had been a little more selfish. If only I had had a little more courage.’
Edwin grabbed the locket from the necklace. The desire and longing for another future that
did not happen grew more and more as each day passed. And in line with that, he hated the
reality he faced more and more.
‘Ah. That Mackenzie family bitch? I know very well where she is now.’
After returning to Philioche and realizing that Harrieta was gone. He went to see Shawn
and he said so.
‘You’ve probably heard of the Princess who went on her way to marry a foolish prince from a
neighboring country not too long ago, right?’
‘Then, did you know that the Princess had brown hair and auburn eyes?’
His heart sank when he listened to Shawn’s words. Edwin immediately rode madly to the
border. And he followed the trail he found near the border into a forest.
And there he...
Edwin stopped his flashbacks. The weight of the locket in his hand felt heavier than ever.
After that, Edwin did not return to Philioche. Instead, he headed for Duchy Rowani. He
couldn’t think rationally. As the saying goes, an eye for an eye. That was all he could think.
Shawn, who killed Harrieta, should die the same way.
But the moment Shawn’s breath stopped, struggling in pain, what Edwin felt was not
satisfaction, but emptiness. Even with the corpse cooling down with a miserable face in
front of him, even with the death of his enemy, Edwin was not satisfied at all.
‘Is this the end?’
Frustrated by the revenge that ended so easily and quickly, he soon realized another fact.
That the weight of life given to each person is never the same. Just as everyone has their
own life, the value of that life is also different.
The price of Harrieta’s life. The responsibility for her death. The price for it.
His mind, which had been boiling hot, cooled down. She was a woman so precious that even
if he gave everything in the world, it would not be enough. What can compensate for her
death? What will he be able to fill this void with?
In time, Edwin’s gaze, sharp as a hunting falcon, shifted to things that Shawn might have
treasured in his lifetime. The murderous energy directed towards the vague object came
out so intensely that it was uncontrollable.
That was the beginning.
Edwin opened his hand holding the locket and looked down at his palm. There were dark
red blood stains on the locket, which was tinged with soft silver. His face twisted slightly
when he saw that.
He already knew without anyone having to tell him. That he is becoming a monster.
Chapter 87

Like the moon that was never full for a very long time, Edwin suffered from a vengeance
that could never be satisfied. He kills, kills, kills, and it’s not enough. He felt lonely rather
than happy when the plan was carried out without error. It felt like he was walking slowly
into a bottomless swamp.
Even so, Edwin couldn’t stop himself. His identity had long since been lost. The anger and
hatred stemming from the sense of loss that was deeper than the abyss and wider than the
sea blinded his eyes and clouded his mind. He no longer even knew for whom all this was
for. A broken machine with a broken control. That’s exactly what he looks like now.
‘Edwin. I want you to be happy.’
Under thousands of leaves blowing in the wind, Harrieta had whispered to him who had to
go on a long journey.
‘Wherever you are, whatever you do, just be happy.’
Edwin threw his head back and leaned against the door. In the darkness, in the empty
space, the face of the person he missed the most flickered. Harrieta, who was widening her
eyes and looked around. Then, when she saw him looking at her, she smiled as blooming as
a flower.
Even though he knew it was an illusion, he couldn’t take his eyes off it. If he stretched out
his hand, he wouldn’t reach her. If he tried to talk to her, she wouldn’t answer, but that was
fine. In his memory, she will always smile at him. Without knowing that he had become a
terrifying and terrible monster.
There was a gap between her and him.
A lifelong gap that cannot be narrowed no matter how hard he tries and struggles.
The heart that he couldn’t hand over to her became lingering and longing. It tightened his
breath. The longing came rushing to him. His face twisted in agony, and he closed his eyes
with difficulty.
The Bahat family was a famous knight family with a long history in Kustan. Under the strict
guidance of her parents, who wanted her to continue the family’s reputation, Lionelli Bahat
had to attend rigorous early-morning training every day.
Unlike the daughters of other families, who were given dresses or dolls, she was given a
sharp sword and heavy shield. It happened when she was only seven years old.
Rain or shine, training continued. Even when Lionelli got the flu and had a high fever, the
Bahats drove their daughter outside. In this world, only the strong can survive in the end.
They used to say that often.
When she was young, she was resentful of her parents. However, as she got older, she was
just grateful for their choices and teachings. Whatever the process, she was able to enter
the difficult Kustan royal knights at a fairly young age. And she was able to grow into a
great knight.
Lionelli’s appearance was quite different from that of girls from other families. Her hair cut
short like a man. Eyes that give a sharp impression. Strong chin. And broad shoulders.
At first glance, it was difficult to tell whether she was a woman or a man. Perhaps because
she has led a rather rough life alongside sword-holding warriors, she exudes an unusual
aura that intimidates her opponents just by standing still.
But Lionelli didn’t care about that at all. Because the most important thing in her life was to
be a good knight, not a beautiful young lady.
‘Lionelli, you’re a woman.’
‘No matter what, you’re not a man.’
Lionelli hated these words terribly. Even so, there were not just one or two colleagues who
could not even beat her, yet talked about it.
They said it as if it were for her sake, but she knew full well that it was not at all what they
meant. They would hate it to death for admitting that they had lost to her. She was getting
sick of the duplicity of their attitude.
Although Kustan is more tolerant of women entering the military than other countries,
discrimination against gender clearly existed. Even looking at the high-ranking positions in
the military, the proportion of men was far higher than that of women. Also, promotion was
much faster for men than for women.
It was said that it was a reasonable treatment given by calculating individual skills and
achievements, but no one believed it straight away.
Therefore, Lionelli tried hard. So that she won’t be caught by anyone. To become far
superior than anyone else. She was one of the few people who had experienced firsthand
effort really mattered.
Lionelli’s skills improved day by day. In particular, in terms of agility and skill, it was said
that no one in the Knights Ordercould match her. There were people who envied her and
were jealous of her, but they didn’t openly argue with her. It was because they knew that
even if they threw her a challenge, they would not be able to defeat her easily.
Still, Lionelli was always dissatisfied. Everyone acknowledged her skills, but the dangerous
or important missions were always given to her other colleagues. Even when she protested
that it was an unfair decision, no one listened to her.
“Don’t be too impatient. Won’t your turn come someday?”
When Lionelli protested loudly after confirming that her name was not on the list of
knights to go to war against Brimdel, the knight commander replied with a sullen face.
“You were excluded from this list, but you will definitely be on the next list. So wait a little
It wasn’t a promise of when that would be. It was just a word without a promise. But the
words of the knight commander with a clear rank order were absolute. No matter how
unfair it was, Lionelli, a mere knight, did not dare to rebel. She had no choice but to let go of
her anger and step back.
Time passed just like that. More than half a year had passed since the war started but
Lionelli was still unable to appear. No matter how much she polished her skills, her chance
never came.
At some point, she stopped listening with anticipation to see if her name would be on the
military dispatch list sent by the upper management every month. With a feeling close to
desperation, she just watched her comrades excitedly preparing to dispatch.
Then one day, the news came that the knight commander had changed last night.
“Everyone gather at the training ground right now.”
Instead of a friendly first greeting, the young man newly appointed as the knight
commander gave a coercive order. The knights groaned.
One, they were surprised that he was a completely unfamiliar person, not from the knights
order. And two, surprised that his appearance was so mesmerizingly attractive. And three,
surprised that he challenged the previous commander in one-on-one combat and won.
In order to rise to the position of knight commander, the principle was to join the Knights
Order, accumulate years of experience, and climb the hierarchy step by step. Of course
there were exceptions. Either they were a talented enough person to ignore the principle,
or, as the man standing in front of them did: face the current knight commander, risking the
position of knight commander and win.
If these two conditions were satisfied, they could be promoted to the position of knight
commander at once without going through the above complicated procedures with the
permission of the superiors.
Although the previous knight commander had reached the age of 40, he was still
considered the strongest in the Knights Order. Those who were blinded by power and
applied for a confrontation for his position were eventually decapitated. It was a fact that
every knight in this place knew.
Was the previous knight commander’s condition in a bad shape?
Could it have been some dirty trick?
Seeing his handsome appearance, the knights whispered among themselves. Their eyes
were full of deep suspicion. He was tall and well-boned, but a little thin and did not look
very strong. It was even more so, when the comparison was done with the previous
commander who had a very good physique.
No matter how much they rubbed their eyes, he looked more like a beautiful artist than a
military commander who had lived a rough life. Sitting by a sunny window and playing a
harp would be more suitable for that kind of image.
Why did the superiors condone this?
Could it be that he bewitched an important person from upper management with that face?
Could it be that the superiors have finally gone mad? She was starting to get worried.
Chapter 88

“Compete in pairs. Come out one team at a time from the right.”
The new knight commander immediately gave orders to the knights gathered at the
training ground to spar against each other. The knights made disapproving faces at the
order. They were still tired from training in the early morning, so what kind of lightning
strike was this all of a sudden?
The knights let out a deep sigh and set the order of the sparring. They showed signs of not
wanting to do it, but they couldn’t openly say they didn’t want it. They didn’t like it, but first
of all, it was the knight commander’s orders. Those who were lower in rank had no choice
but to silently follow his orders.
One two. Paired knights began sparring. The sound of swords clashing echoed under the
blue sky. And the knight commander watched closely with his arms crossed.
The move from team to team was very short. Even if it was sparring, it was only about five
minutes. Looking at the knights with a hawk’s eye, when the commander judged that he
had seen enough of the match, he stopped the match without hesitation and passed it to the
next team.
It was a light sparring like scratching the surface of a watermelon. However, thanks to that,
he was able to observe all of the sparring of close to fifty knights in a very short time.
“Everyone must have heard that the performance of the soldiers dispatched to Brimdel is
not good.”
After the sparring time, the new knight commander gathered the knights together. Then he
spoke to the knights, who wondered why he was taking all this time.
“In the next two days, I will head to Brimdel with reinforcements.”
“The knights who will go to Brimdel with me this time are Lionelli Bahat and Theodore
Armstrong. These two.”
The knights were stirred up once again by his sudden declaration of war.
As soon as he took office, he went out. No. Rather than that, is it okay to arbitrarily choose
the knights to go to war without consulting the superior?
“Excuse me, Lord. Withdraw that order.”
Unable to bear it any longer, one of the knights took a step forward and said:
“It seems that you don’t know much yet because you took office without following the
proper procedures. But it is the authority of the superiors to select the knights to be
appointed. It is not something the Lord can decide alone.”
“Are you the superior?”
The knight commander asked.
“It is me who heads to the battlefield, not them. Standing on the front line and fighting
against the enemy is also my job, not theirs. So shouldn’t it be my authority to choose the
people to go there with me, not theirs?”
“Ideals and reality are different, Lord. It has been that way since the beginning.”
The knight crumpled his face.
“And to be honest, I’m not even sure why the Lord chose Dame Lionelli.”
Lionelli’s face stiffened when her name was suddenly mentioned in this serious
atmosphere. Glance, glance. She could feel the eyes of her colleagues looking at her. Many
emotions were mixed on their faces. Lionel’s face turned red.
“You don’t know?”
Answering the knight’s words, the knight commander raised an eyebrow. The knight shook
his head.
“Yes. When it comes to supporting the Lord by his side, there are many better-suited
people than Dame Lionelli. Sir Byers and Sir Lian, for example, have been in the Order for
much longer than Dame Lionelli. In the case of Sir Pierce, his family.”
As the knight began to give out names one after another, the knight commander raised his
hand and cut off the knight’s words. He only frowned slightly, but his languid face changed
to a cold one in an instant.
“I told you quietly, but you must have misunderstood something. I’m not asking for Sir’s
permission right now. I am informing you of the decision I made as superior.”
The cold eyes turned to the knight. The knight, who had been talking well, clamped his
mouth shut without even realizing it. It felt like his tongue was tied by a string. An
indescribable sense of coercion emanated from the knight commander.
“The reason I picked those two was purely based on their performance. Any other details
are irrelevant.”
“Bu, but Lord! In terms of skill alone, I am no less than Dame Lionelli!”
“Sir does?”
The knight commander asked while looking at the knight that was protesting. He didn’t
seem angry, but he didn’t seem impressed either. The knight swallowed a gulp. In the
suffocating silence, he couldn’t understand why he felt like a rabbit standing in front of a
bird of prey when he was only receiving the gaze of that beautiful knight commander.
After a while, the knight commander’s eyes were strangely curved. He smiled briefly.
“Dame Lionelli.”
“Yes, Lord.”
Lionelli, who had been standing there blankly watching the scene, hurriedly responded
when her name was called. His deep blue eyes turned to her. Tingles, like electric currents,
ran down her spine.
“What do you think, Dame?”
The knight commander raised his head slightly and asked. Like the king of beasts waking
up from a nap and growling. His appearance is suffocatingly indolent and dangerous.
What do you think? Lionelli was momentarily shocked. It was difficult to understand the
meaning because he cut off the explanation and asked the question directly.
“I ...”
Lionelli, who was about to spit out a rough answer, paused. Then, conscious of the stares
pouring down on her, she looked around.
All of her colleagues were staring at Lionelli. Most of them seemed quite surprised by the
unexpected development. But among them, there were also people who looked at her
mockingly and people who seemed uncomfortable with her. Her eyes met with those who
had been cutting her down while talking about her family and gender.
At that moment, Lionelli realized. That this knight commander wasn’t really asking because
he was curious about her thoughts. He was giving her a chance to show her worth in front
of everyone.
I chose you, so now you have to prove in front of everyone that you are worthy of it.
Her heart was pounding. Her breathing quickened slightly due to the unknown tension and
“He is no match for me.”
Lionelli replied with strength, one word at a time. Then she slowly brought her hand to the
sword at her waist. If anyone dares to claim that she was wrong, she will not tolerate it any
It was Lionelli’s final warning to those who doubted her worth.
Chapter 89

“Why did you do that?”

After the confrontation, Lionelli chased after the knight commander. He paused and turned
his head to look at her. Her face was reflected in his empty, dry eyes.
“What do you mean?”
“I asked why you helped me. As Sir Ivan said, there are several knights in this order who
are better suited to the role of Lord’s aide than I am.”
Lionelli said cautiously. She honestly didn’t understand. He and she met for the first time
today. He had no reason to go so far as to help her by causing a stir On his first day in
office .
“Help you? Did I help you?”
The knight commander asked. He wasn’t acting like he didn’t know what he just did. He
really didn’t understand.
“I have never helped you. As I already said, I only picked the two most skilled knights in the
group. If it had been someone other than Dame, I would have picked them without
A crude and truthful answer that was not packaged with good intentions.
“I must defeat Brimdel no matter what. To do that, I need more competent and skilled
subordinates who can help me by my side.”
The knight commander, who had lowered his eyes for a moment, looked ahead again. The
blue eyes were as cold as ice. He narrowed his eyes slightly.
“Do you think choosing Dame was a mistake?”
He asked slowly. What do you think, along with that unclear expression.
Lionelli felt her mouth go dry. She clenched her fists. She then spoke back to him.
“It is not a mistake. Lord.”
The answering voice trembled a little.
He didn’t help her. He just picked the most skilled knight in the group.
“I will give my life to help fulfill Lord’s will.”
It was the biggest compliment to Lionelli.
Lionelli opened her eyes. She saw a high ceiling painted white. Lying on the bed and
blinking her eyes several times, she turned her head to check out the window.
There was a blue light in the sky. It was early in the morning when the sun hadn’t risen yet.
Most people are still wandering in the land of dreams at such a time.
‘It must have been a dream.’
Lionelli lightly rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand.
Dreaming about the day she first met the Lord. It’s inappropriately sentimental.
Lionelli laughed. Apparently, because of the successful capture of Brimdel’s capital
yesterday and their victory, it seemed that she had been filled with emotions.
It was only a few months ago. However, perhaps because so many big and small incidents
have happened in the meantime, it now feels far away as if it happened a very long time
At that time, Lionelli had no time to care about anything. She was preoccupied with
rejoicing that someone who finally recognized her worth had appeared after a long time.
She had never imagined that half a year later, she would wake up and greet the dawn like
this in a room in Brimdel’s palace.
Lionelli slowly raised her body. Perhaps it was because she had been drinking late last
night among her fellow knights and Kustan soldiers, she felt even more sore and heavy
‘What would the Lord be doing right now?’
Lionelli recalled Edwin, whom she briefly met last night. Even though he achieved great
achievements that will go down in history, he did not show any sign of joy at all.
As expected, he did not show up at the party where the Kustan soldiers celebrated their
victory last night. Even though he was the person who made the biggest contribution to
winning this war.
Lionelli’s eyes darkened. Soon, another fragment of memory flew into her confused mind.
‘Edwin? Why are you, why are you here?’
The last Crown Prince of Brimdel recognized Edwin, who had come to take his life in the
last moments. With his complexion as white as a sheet of paper, he couldn’t get out of the
great shock.
‘There’s no way you, Edwin, you, no one else, could be the Black Knight! You who used to be
Redford, the royal family! There’s no way Redford betrayed Brimdel!’
The Crown Prince couldn’t give up hope that he might be able to live even when he was
surrounded by soldiers with sharp swords and spears. By the time he realized that his
hopes were futile, it was already too late.
Lionelli replayed the name the Crown Prince had uttered before he died. Come to think of
it, she remembered something vaguely. Rumor has it that a few years ago, one of the
venerable families of Brimdel rebelled against the royal family and was destroyed.
Little was known about Edwin. She only vaguely heard that he was from a foreign country,
not from Kustan, and that he had fled to Kustan for some reason. She wondered, but wasn’t
really sure he was from Brimdel.
‘No wonder, he knew much about Brimdel’s internal circumstances.’
Lionelli rolled her eyes in deep thought. Revenge on the royal family that destroyed his
family. What better motive could there be?
It was only then that she understood why Edwin had been so engrossed in invading
Brimdel, and why the superiors accepted him relatively easily, even though he was not
from Kustan.
‘Since you have achieved what you wanted, will you feel a little relieved? If not...?’
Lionelli, who had thought that far, stopped thinking.
What is Edwin thinking? Or what was he feeling. She didn’t need to know about him. No
matter what the past was, he was now the knight commander of the Kustan Knights, and
she was one of the knights under his command. If he goes, she goes, and if he comes, she
That’s all that matters. Everything else didn’t matter much.
Even though the fire was lit, the dawn air that touched her bare skin was cold. Lionelli
shuddered and got up and threw a cloak over her shoulders. Then she walked over to the
window and opened it wide.
Cooler air flowed in, clearing Lionelli’s mind even more. She inhaled and exhaled her breath
slowly. She then looked out the window.
A world of blue light. A faint light was falling on it little by little. Lionelli’s eyes narrowed as
she pursued the line between darkness and light.
Soon the sleeping world will wake up. The long night is over and the morning will come as
A new day was about to begin in this ruined country.
Chapter 90

“This is nonsense. The soldiers are very tired because the war has been going on for over a
year. Moreover, most of the weapons are worn out, and the number of war horses is not
enough. So are we going to invade Velicia in this state?”
A strong-built young knight raised his voice and protested. In his hand was a message from
the central government of Kustan. He was so angered that he unknowingly crumpled the
message he was holding.
“As they sat leisurely in the conference room and only read reports that came up from time
to time, it seems that they did not properly grasp the situation here. I’d rather go back to
Kustan myself.”
“Sir Theodore.”
Edwin, who was sitting with his elbows on the desk and his hands clasped, opened his
mouth. It was a low, quiet voice, but it was enough to stop Theodore from being very
agitated. The angry Theodore quickly stopped his words and answered his superior’s call.
“Yes. Lord.”
“Invasion of Velicia is not a decision made by the superiors.”
“What do you mean, Lord? Wasn’t it decided by the higher ups?”
“I told them first. After invading Brimdel, we will immediately attack the neighboring
country, Velicia.”
Theodore’s eyes widened at Edwin’s words. He seemed to have been hit hard in the back of
the head with a sledgehammer. What did he just hear now?
“So Sir, tell your soldiers that they will soon be on their way to Velicia.”
Hearing Edwin’s strong command, Theodore was startled and jumped up. Creaak. His chair
was pushed back and scraped the floor roughly.
“What are you talking about? This is nonsense! If we head to Velicia like this, our odds of
winning are slim! Lord knows that too!”
Theodore’s words became faster and faster. A vein popped up in his thick neck.
“Lord. Why don’t we go back to Kustan first and make up for the shortcomings? It won’t be
too late to invade Velicia after reorganization.”
“Yes. But by now they’re probably thinking the same thing. They wouldn’t expect us to
attack like this.”
Edwin said, resting his chin on his clasped hands. His gaze, looking somewhere in front of
him, was heavy and serious.
“Let’s assemble a reconnaissance team to look at the internal circumstances of Velicia. If no
problems are found there.”
Edwin paused for a second. Then, he declared to the knights who were waiting for his next
“We are advancing to Velicia as it is.”
“Lord! Please! No matter how great the opportunity, this is too risky!”
Theodore was appalled.
“Velicia is a far more powerful country than Brimdel! Even if we were fully prepared, there
is no guarantee that we would be able to win against them. They are a country with a very
strong force!”
“Sir Theodore. When did I ask for your opinion?”
Edwin rolled his eyes and glared at Theodore. Even though it wasn’t a big deal, the look was
very threatening.
“Sir, remember your position. The commander here is me, not you.”
“I won’t say it twice.”
Edwin quietly cut off Theodore and warned him. At the same time, he openly gave off a
terrifying murderous energy to anyone who dared to challenge his authority.
In an instant, the energy of the air surrounding them changed. Theodore got startled, and
his body trembled. Like sharp blades had been thrust into his throat, he got goosebumps.
Theodore shut his mouth tightly. This situation was very disappointing and hurt his pride,
but he knew it well. The man sitting in front of him was a monster. A ruthless monster
covered in a beautiful shell.
No matter how wild he was, he would never be able to match Edwin.
Theodore, who was breathing heavily with a pale look, was unable to say anything in the
end. Perhaps he couldn’t stand it any longer, he showed Edwin a salute and strode out.
As Edwin tapped his feet and looked at Theodore’s back as he disappeared, he then turned
his head to Lionelli sitting next to him. Unlike Theodore, she remained silent throughout
the meeting, not saying a word.
Like Edwin, she wasn’t the type to show her emotions too much on her face.
“Will you not object to me?”
“I’m just following Lord’s decision.”
Lionelli answered Edwin’s question without hesitation.
“Give me an order. I will abide by the Lord’s will.”
“Will you obey my orders?”
“Yes. Lord.”
“Because the Lord is my superior, and like you said, you are the commander of this place.”
Lionelli’s attitude was firm. The perfect faith and unwavering conviction in her superiors
were all over her face. A belief that, if told to walk into a fire, she would really go.
Edwin stared blankly at Lionelli. Unlike Theodore, she was always the same. From the
moment he first met her to this moment, she has been unwaveringly loyal. His eyes
narrowed as he judged her intentions for a moment.
“Even if the Kustan army is annihilated because of me?”
The question was terrifying. Lionelli’s expression, which had been maintaining her poker
face so far, collapsed and a small surprise spread across her face. It was a brief moment, but
their eyes met in the air. There was a tense, dangerous aura between them.
Before long, the surprise was erased from Lionelli’s face. She regained her composure
much sooner than expected. Looking at him with straight eyes, she slowly nodded her head.
“...Then I will be with you until the end.”
Lionelli answered with strength in her voice. She did not escape Edwin’s gaze. She had the
solemnity of a priest serving God with all her heart.
‘That’s foolish.’
Edwin smiled self-deprecatingly at Lionelli.
Seeing the figure of her blindly following him, he saw his old shadow who blindly followed
the old royal family of Brimdel. Just as he deeply hated the Brimdel family for ruining his
life, Lionelli will one day hate him deeply for leading Kustan to ruin and sharpen her blade
for revenge.
He was inheriting the bad relationship. Like a wheel, it seems that it would just be an
endless cycle of mistakes getting made and regrets appearing over and over again.
But even so, what does all of this mean at this moment?
Edwin leaned against the back of his chair. He would not be able to stop even if he was
going to turn the whole world against him.
“It’s convenient.”
His world, which lost the only light of life, was still gray.
Chapter 91

The winter that year was exceptionally cold. No matter how many layers of clothing was
worn, the biting cold did not go away. Since it snowed so much almost every day, people
refrained from outdoor activities as much as possible. As a result, the streets of the city,
which were always lively and noisy, were very quiet.
People waited. May this cold winter, which seems to continue endlessly, pass, and a warm
spring comes to announce a new beginning. The scenery of this world covered with white
snow was beautiful enough to be called spectacular. But on the other hand, it was so clean
that it felt foreign somewhere.
The longer the wait, the more grumpy they seemed. As each day counted, time seemed to
pass more slowly. Even the children who were happy to see the white snow seemed to have
grown tired of the long winter.
If only they could run and play freely out there. They huddled together in front of the
window, looking out and fumbling with their lips.
Little by little, the days lengthened and the nights shortened. The piled up snow began to
melt, and the frozen ground gradually softened. Waiting for the day to become warmer,
green sprouts sprouted on the desolate land.
Migratory birds that spend the winter in warm southern regions are beginning to return in
groups. Bathed in the dazzling sunlight, they sat on a tree and chirped songs. It seems like
they were happy to say goodbye to the year and welcome the new year. Or, they were
enjoying the fact that they have returned to their old homeland.
The end of winter has passed, and early spring is coming.
It was a cloudy day. The sky looks like it will rain as it was tinted with gray. Even though it
was past noon, it was difficult to find the sun that should be visible. The weather is finally
getting better now, but the wind was chilly enough to make the thoughts go unnoticed.
Harrieta was in the middle of the garden. While looking at the plant encyclopedia,
examining and collecting various plants, she immediately raised herself up with a pained
sound. Even with the gloves on, her hands were frozen and the sensation made her
fingertips feel blunted.
Harrieta brought her hands close to her face, rubbed them together, and blew into it. Warm
energy flowed from her parted lips, her breath formed white clouds.
She tried wrapping a thick shawl, which she had draped around her shoulders to escape the
cold, over her face. But that wasn’t enough. The red-hot ears throbbed like they were about
to fall to the floor.
“Miss Mackenzie.”
Someone behind her back called Harrieta’s name. A quiet, respectful voice. Harrieta, who
did not know who was approaching, turned with a slightly surprised face to check the
A neatly dressed knight stood three or four paces away from her. When she saw his face,
her expression softened. He was a familiar figure who she had already met many times.
“Sir Jonathan.”
Harrieta greeted Jonathan with a light bow.
“It’s been a while. I don’t think I’ve seen you often in the meantime, but I guess you went
somewhere far away?”
“Yes. There were several missions to be dealt with away from the capital.”
Jonathan gave a brief nod. These were several missions to be dealt with away from the
capital. Perhaps she had guessed something from his voice, Harrieta’s complexion
darkened a little.
“Wasn’t the situation good?”
“I don’t know. I don’t think I can confirm it yet.”
Jonathan shrugged his shoulders at Harrieta’s cautious question.
“Still, it’s clear that the tide is veering to one side faster than first expected.”
“Have they already reached the capital?”
“Not yet. I’m not sure how much longer they can hold out.”
Jonathan glanced at the thick books and notes lying beside Harrieta’s heel. When he first
saw it in her hand, it must have been as clean as a new book. Showing how many times she
had read and used it, the cover of the book and even the inside of the book were tattered.
“Anyway, Miss Mackenzie is still as keen as ever.”
Jonathan said with a look of admiration.
“I am envious of your hard work and persistence.”
“Oh. Sir Jonathan. You’re mistaken.”
When Jonathan gave the unexpected praise, Hrrietta waved her hand. This knight, as big as
a bear, was unexpectedly very friendly and kind.
“To be honest, I’ve been slacking a lot these days. Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I
used the cold as an excuse to stay in my room.”
But you managed to find me at just the right time.
Harrieta smiled and added a joke when she suddenly noticed that Jonathan was staring at
her face. With eyes of not the slightest hint of laughter. An indistinguishable, vague
expression spread over his face.
She was about to ask why, but Jonathan opened his mouth first.
“Your voice...It seems that there is still no improvement.”
It wasn’t until after hearing what he said carefully that Harrieta realized why he was
making that face. At the same time, she was reminded of the fact that she had forgotten or
wanted to forget. She thought she was used to it by now.
Harrieta put on a bitter smile.
“The doctor said it doesn’t look like things will get much better in the future.”
On the way to Velicia, Harrieta was strangled by an assassin hired by Shawn and injured
her vocal cords in the process. Until then, her condition hadn’t been very serious, so her
body was recovering and her original voice was gradually returning.
However, shortly thereafter, Harrieta heard the tragic news that had happened to her
family. After collapsing from the shock, she fell seriously ill for several days, and as a result,
her vocal cords became abnormal.
There was no problem with her talking and conversing, but her voice became lower in tone,
and became a husky nasal voice. Her voice was so different from her old one that no one
could even tell it was her just by hearing her voice.
“...Is that so?”
“It’s okay. Sir Jonathan. I really like my voice now.”
As Jonathan couldn’t hide his mixed feelings, Harrieta hurriedly explained.
“It’s not that I didn’t like my old voice, I was often told that it was young and light. But now,
even if I say the same thing, it feels much heavier and more serious than before. Besides,
sometimes it seems oddly enchanting.”
Chapter 92

“The monsters that were known for captivating the other person’s heart with their voice,
were actually said to have a husky, low-pitched voice. Not a bright voice that sounded like
jade balls rolling.”
She had no hesitation in praising her own voice. Harrieta’s appearance could have been
overly arrogant in other’s eyes, but Jonathan quietly overlooked it. He knew why she was
making such a fuss about it and behaving brightly.
“What are you doing here anyway?”
Feeling that the atmosphere had become awkward, Harrieta subtly changed the topic of the
“Not anyone else but Sir is here. So there’s no way Sir would have stepped all the way here
just to see the garden.”
“Ah, yes. Miss Mackenzie, I have a message for you.”
“A message?”
Harrieta asked again, widening her eyes.
Anyone who dares to use Jonathan Cooper, a high-ranking knight of the royal family of
Velicia, as a messenger...
Jonathan nodded his head, perhaps reading the thoughts on Harrieta’s face.
“His Highness Bernard is looking for you.”
Knock, knock.
Harrieta knocked on the door.
“Come in.”
As soon as she knocked, the permission came straight from inside the room. It was a calm,
languid voice.
Harrieta slowly grabbed the doorknob and turned it. The door opened, revealing the
admirable spacious interior.
Harrieta went inside, and looked around, searching for the owner of her voice. She scanned
the parlor sofa, desk, and window where he was likely to be, but he was nowhere to be
A few papers lying under the desk caught her eye.
“Your Highness?”
Harrieta quietly called Bernard, but this time she didn’t answer.
‘Are we going to play hide-and-seek?’
Harrieta’s eyes stopped in one place as she looked around the calm room. She saw two legs
sticking out of the bed. Two legs wearing leather shoes that look very expensive at first
Harrieta’s eyes narrowed.
“You haven’t gotten out of bed yet?”
No matter how tired he is, he should probably not go to bed with his shoes on. Harrieta
slowly stepped toward the bed.
She moved the thin canopy curtains around the bed and saw a man lying still on the bed.
She couldn’t tell if he had his eyes open or closed, as he was covering his face with one arm.
Wheeze. Each time he breathed, his chest swelled and subsided in a regular manner. Ebony-
black hair lay in a mess on the bed.
“What are you doing there?”
Harrieta said, “I didn’t know you slept a lot.”
“I am not sleeping.”
Bernard, who had been lying dead, moved his mouth.
“I was worried about something, so I was organizing my thoughts for a while.”
A prince living a decent life is worried. Harrieta tilted her head, feeling the answer didn’t
suit him.
“What are you thinking about, why are you lying down like this?”
No matter how long she waited, Bernard gave no answer. So Harrieta, who couldn’t wait,
moved secretly. Then she lowered his hand that was covering his face. A stern face was
“I worry about how I can change your mind.”
Bernard answered, closing and opening his eyes slowly. The two eyes, which normally
glowed lively and passionately, were dark and heavy today. His face, which always had a
mischievous smile on it, was hardened.
The unexpected reply made Harrieta momentarily speechless. She thought he was thinking
of something great because he looked like he carried all the worries in the world. But it was
actually about her.
Bernard, who had been staring at the bewildered Harrieta, sat up.
“Should you go?”
He said again with an anxious look.
“Not this time, you can go next time.”
“...Next time it’s too late. Your Highness knows that well.”
With Bernard’s begging tone, Harrieta put on a puzzled look,
“This time or never.”
It was a soft, but firm answer at the same time. No matter what he says, her thoughts won’t
Bernard stared blankly at Harrieta. There were many things he wanted to say to her, but he
couldn’t open his mouth. He knew she was just as stubborn as him.
Before long, Bernard silently reached out and grabbed Harrieta’s hand. Then he gently
pulled her closer to him.
“Kustan forces were on the verge of sweeping the capital of Brimdel. By the time you get
there, it might already be a mess.”
Bernard, sitting on the bedside, raised his head and looked up at Harrieta. It was never the
attitude a country’s royalty should take toward a non-royalty. But at some point, such
formalities became unimportant to the two of them.
“I heard that many high-ranking nobles of Brimdel lost their lives in this war. Most of those
with a title of marquis or higher have been decapitated.”
Bernard’s eyes, conveying the bleak news, were infinitely serious.
“Harrieta, the same goes for the next Duke Rowani you are looking for. As one of the few
Ducal heirs, there is a high possibility that he has already died at the hands of the Kustan
“So, just wait a little longer. I’m going to send someone to Brimdel to find out about the
current situation of Duchy Rowani. I’ll find out if the next Duke is alive or dead. You can
investigate them first, then you decide whether to go to Brimdel yourself or not.”
“No. Your Highness.”
Harrieta, who had been listening to Bernard’s words, quietly interrupted him.
“If we keep waiting like this, we will be really late.”
You know that. Harrieta’s eyes said that. And Bernard, knowing what she meant, had no
choice but to keep his mouth shut.
In fact, this wasn’t the first time Bernard had stopped Harrieta from going to
Brimdel. Because she is not ready yet. Because things are unstable right now. There were
various excuses he brought out every time. And with that, Harrieta has remained here ever
But she couldn’t wait any longer. Harrieta looked determined. There was very little sand
left at the top of the hourglass.
“I know it may be futile.”
Harrieta said.
“But I can’t give up without even trying.”
Even if the result she faces at the end is her own end.
“Your Highness. I don’t want to regret it again.”
Chapter 93

She will never live a life where she tried nothing, just lamenting and regretting her
Bernard looked up at Harrieta’s face without a word. Her face was dazzling with
determination. He wondered if it was the woman who was at risk at the time when she lost
her enthusiasm for life and walked a tightrope at the boundary between life and death.
Can he stop her?
No, should he stop her?
Bernard, engrossed in complex thoughts and was contemplating, called Harrieta’s name.
His face was reflected in her eyes, which were warm and friendly.
“If you go this time, you might really die.”
“Are you going to say it’s okay?”
Bernard asked. He tried to hide it, but a look of uneasiness was evident on his face.
Harrieta looked at Bernard without saying a word. Since when? Since when did he start
caring about her well-being? The two people who were nothing special started to share
such a unique and strong friendship.
He and she.
Bernard and Harrieta.
“Have you already forgotten, Your Highness?”
Harrieta asked with a weak smile.
“It’s a life that I had tried to throw away once. Although it failed because Your Highness
stopped it.”
Then she added, pretending to roll her eyes mischievously at Bernard. Perhaps trying to
lighten up the heavy atmosphere.
“That’s what I’m saying. Your Highness.”
Harrieta tightened her hand as she faced Bernard.
“I have no reason to keep my life.”
She wanted to share her energy with him who seemed gloomy.
Even so, Bernard’s expression showed no signs of brightening. He just stared at her with a
dark face.
Harrieta tilted her head slightly to the side. It really didn’t suit him at all, who was cheerful
and confident all the time.
“Are you sad that I have to go like this?”
Harrieta asked him softly. Thinking that he would scold her for saying that is nonsense.
Contrary to expectations, however, Bernard did not respond and remained silent.
As she watched him intently, she smiled.
“I am surprised. I thought you would deny that.”
“I thought you would feel refreshed as if you lost a sick tooth you had been suffering from.”
“...Do you think I am a cold-blooded man with no blood or tears?”
Bernard, who had been stubbornly keeping his mouth shut, replied curtly.
“I’m sorry, but I also have a thing called humanity.”
“Well. I do not know. You’re not well-known in that area.”
Harrieta tilted her head exaggeratedly.
“The best playboy in Velicia, drug addict, and scoundrel. And what else?”
“Are you really going to keep doing this?”
As Harrieta listed the words attached to Bernard’s name one by one, he frowned and
growled. Perhaps his reaction was amusing, she laughed out loud.
The sound of her cheerful laughter filled the large room. Bernard, who at first had a
disapproving look, raised his lips a little, like infected by her clear laughter. He smiled
thinly as if he would not accept it. There was a warm and cozy atmosphere around the two
of them.
Even though winter is not completely over yet, it seems that spring has come here for a
“You know, Your Highness Bernard, a playboy and a scoundrel.”
“Why, Harrieta, merciless and unmatched?”
When Harrieta playfully called out to Bernard, he smiled and replied in the same playful
way. There was not the slightest sign of displeasure or anger. She smiled as she looked into
his eyes.
“Thank you for stopping me from jumping out of the window that night.”
Then she uttered to him what she wanted to say.
“Thank you for staying by my side so that I wouldn’t feel weak after that.”
“Why...Are you suddenly getting serious?”
Bernard asked with a straight face.
Like this was the last.
Bernard could not bear to say it. Harrieta looked at him and smiled.
“Nothing. Come to think of it, I’ve never really thanked Your Highness before. Even though
His Highness has worked hard for me more than once or twice.”
“Don’t mind it. I just did it out of a whim.”
Bernard grumbled.
“And if you really appreciate me, then you should just think about coming back safely. It’s a
bit annoying, but life in the castle is a little bit boring without you.”
“You will get used to it in no time. Everyone is like that.”
As the saying goes, forgetting is a gift from God to humans, and her vacancy will soon be
filled. It would overshadow Bernard who said goodbye to her in a sorry way today.
“You’ll see. Your Highness will soon be unable to even remember my name.”
“Your name?”
“Yes. As in the past, many more and more important things will happen in Your Highness’s
life in the future.”
“What nonsense is that...”
Bernard, who had been laughing in amazement, stopped talking. He thought it was a joke
close to nonsense, but looking at Harrieta’s face, it seemed like she was serious.
‘What the hell do you think I am?’
Even a prince of a country was a man made of flesh and blood. No matter how hectic his life
gets, there’s no way he can easily forget someone he once opened up to.
Bernard, who took offense to Harrieta’s thoughts and ideas, narrowed his eyes.
“Then shall we bet?”
Bernard gave such a sudden suggestion, Harrieta widened her eyes and asked again.
“Yes. A bet on whether or not I remember you properly.”
He nodded.
“If I still remember your name, Harrieta McKenzie, ten years from now, then I win, and if
not, you win.”
“But what if Your Highness doesn’t remember me?”
Harrieta asked again.
“In that case, even if I win, there is no way to prove that I won.”
She was imagining herself trying to remind Bernard of her existence ten years later. A
smirk escaped from the tip of her pursed lips. It was fortunate if she wasn’t dragged out of
the castle without having even spoken to him properly.
“No need to worry about that.”
Bernard said with a confident smile.
“Not just ten years, but twenty years, I won’t forget your name, Harrieta.”
Harrieta hadn’t even said she would accept the bet yet, but Bernard was already confident
of his victory.
Should she say that he was full of confidence, or should she say that he was arrogant to the
A smile slowly spread across Harrieta’s face, who was looking at Bernard with a puzzled
look. He is full of confidence and arrogant. Yes, this was the real Bernard she knew.
“Then you must keep your word.”
A man who is confident that he will never forget her name no matter how many years pass.
Seeing him like that, Harrieta smiled like a flower.
Chapter 94

This small village in the west of Velicia had only a little over 20,000 residents, but it was
always bustling with travelers traveling between Brimdel and Velicia. For this reason,
Balesnorth was often referred to as the ‘traveler’s village’.
Although the lord of Balesnorth lived in a nearby village rather than here, he valued the
village’s proximity to the border. His concern was that even if Velicia and Brimdel had a
friendly relationship, no one could know what would happen in the future.
He conveyed his concerns to the central government of Velicia and requested troops to
defend the village. However, Velicia’s central government, which judged that it was not a
big problem, did not accept his request. In the end, the lord of Balesnorth had no choice but
to bring his own privates and deploy them in the village.
It was a garrison of only two hundred soldiers. It was the best the current lord could handle
on his own. But it was so small that he wondered if he would be able to stop a fairly large
band of bandits if they were to attack the village.
But even so, the security of the village was quite good. In this place, only unknown travelers
passed by, so there were just the occasional problems. But the atmosphere of the village
was generally bright and peaceful.
Balesnorth, a village formed by people who traded with travelers that crossed the border. It
has already been over 150 years since it was recognized by the central government of
Velicia and incorporated as a formal village. During that long time, the people of Balesnorth
lived in a peaceful era without experiencing major turmoil.
Until news spread that the neighboring Brimdel, with a single border between them, had
been invaded by Kustan and perished.
A thick hand hit the table hard. The blow caused the table to shake and the utensils placed
on it rattled loudly.
“Shit! How many times do I have to say?We have to run away right now! This is not the
time for us to be here!”
The man who hit the table shouted at the top of his lungs.
“They’re coming! They’re coming! I’m sure they’ll come crashing into this Balesnorth soon.”
The man’s red-faced cry was close to screaming. The eyes of the people in the shop
naturally turned to him. On the table where the man, who was so drunk that he couldn’t
even control his own body, was sitting, there were several empty bottles of alcohol that he
seemed to have drunk.
“Guest. You must have drunk a lot...Why don’t you stop here for today?”
The shop owner approached the man and made a suggestion. Then, the man who was
staggering as if he was about to fall opened his eyes and glared at the owner.
“Drunk! What do you think of me as to say nonsense like that?”
“No. I mean.”
“I’m fine! I’m fine!”
The man seemed unwilling to listen to the owner. The owner sighed and shook his head as
customer continued stubbornly insisting and shouting.
“Look! The Kustans aren’t called wild hyenas for nothing!”
“No. Look. Stop it. You’re being noisy, we should be able to drink.”
A merchant sitting at the table next to the man scolded him with a furrowed eyebrow.
“Why would they invade Velicia? It may be in the distant future. But right now, not long
after the fall of Brimdel, the won’t be able to advance here without going crazy.”
“Ha! You don’t know how greedy the Kustans are! They are like hungry beasts! They’ve
tasted blood once, do you think they can easily stop here? No!”
“This man writes good stories. Go write a novel.”
“It’s true!”
The voices of the two men arguing louder and louder. The atmosphere quickly turned
violent enough to escalate into a fist fight. Shrimps get hurt when caught in a fight between
whales. The owner who was caught between them broke down in a cold sweat, unable to
do anything about it.
‘Should I get out of here?’
Sitting alone in the corner of the restaurant, Harrieta was seriously troubled. As soon as the
man who was making a fuss entered the store, she was worried that something might
happen when she saw that he was emptying his glass one after another as if he was being
chased by something.
‘My forebodings always come true.’
Harrieta frowned.
‘Where did Sir Jonathan go at a time like this?’
She remembered the knight of Velicia who accompanied her.
Jonathan Cooper. He, who is also Bernard’s escort knight, has been following her to this
place under the orders of his master to help Harrieta reach Brimdel safely. Even though she
tried to dissuade him several times saying that this was enough, Jonathan insisted that his
master’s order was absolute and showed no signs of backing down.
After they arrived at Balesnorth, he left her here. He said that he needed to find out about
something for a while, and disappeared somewhere. Contrary to him saying that he would
be back soon, there was no news for an hour already. Harrieta felt a little worried, but she
soon got rid of that feeling. No matter how, Jonathan, an elite knight of the royal family,
would not easily fall into danger.
‘Anyway, what am I supposed to do now?’
Harrieta inhaled and exhaled her breath slowly. She felt stuffy inside, like someone had
grabbed her heart.
‘I’ve heard that the situation is bad, but I don’t expect them to get captured soon after...’
Harrieta clenched her fist, which was resting on her lap. She wondered if the word ‘a mess’
meant exactly this kind of situation.
It wasn’t long after Harrieta arrived in Balesnorth, that she received news that her country,
Brimdel, had been destroyed. It took her only ten days to get here from the capital of
Velicia. But in the meantime the capital of Brimdel has fallen. Taken by the Kustan Army,
which showed incomparable mobility and power.
‘The King of Brimdel, as well as the Crown Prince and all other royal family members, were all
killed on the spot, and the capital city was completely ruined. It was hell on earth.’
Chapter 95

Harrieta recalled the words of a traveler who had told her of the great news. He said that he
had just arrived from Brimdel to Velicia, and his face was filled with fear that he could not
‘Brimdel is completely over now. There is no possibility of a re-establishment in the future as
there are no royal descendants left. Either they will be eaten by Kustan, or they will just
scatter. It must be one of the two.’
She sighed.
‘Don’t even think about going to Brimdel. The heinousness of the Kustans is beyond
imagination. Anyone who bothers them in the slightest way, everyone, regardless of gender or
age, will be cut down. You can follow the trail of corpses if you want to find them.’
Harrieta took the glass in front of her and gulped down the water to calm her nerves. The
liquid wet her lips and trickled down her throat. When her thirst was quenched, her
parched heart calmed down a little.
‘That guy...’
Harrieta’s expression darkened.
‘Shaun, is he still alive?’
He’s something she doesn’t ever want to remember forever, but she would never forget
him. A man who trampled on and ruined her life without hesitation. Her life which she
thought was fulfilling and happy in its own way.
Is it possible to hate someone this much? How can she hate someone so much?
When she thought of Shaun, who in an instant pushed her life and the lives of those who
were dear to her into the pit of despair, uncontrollable rage boiled over.
‘He should be alive.’
Harrieta’s eyes were filled with an incomparably stronger murderous energy.
‘So that I can kill him with my own hands, he must be alive no matter what until I find him.’
Harrieta, who was grinding her teeth softly, squeezed the glass in her hand without
realizing it. The goblet made of thin glass shattered with a loud noise. Shards of shattered
glass dug into her palms, causing a stinging pain and dripping blood.
“Gu, guest! Are you okay?”
The startled owner rushed over. Then he groaned at the amount of blood that ran down the
“Oh my! It looks like you’ve been cut deep!”
“So, sorry. I must have put my mind elsewhere for a moment.”
Harrieta, as surprised as the owner, was greatly flustered and quickly apologized.
“I will pay for the broken glass.”
“No. Is the glass a problem now? The guest’s hands became rags!”
The owner hastily brought dry bandages and a medicine box. He carefully wiped off the
blood. As the owner had feared, there was a rather deep cut on her right palm. It didn’t
need sutures, but it seemed like it would take quite a while to heal completely.
“Be careful. It’s very troublesome when the wound gets worse.”
The owner murmured as he applied the translucent-colored medicine over her wounds
after stopping the bleeding.
“I once cut my palm like the guest did while cutting in the kitchen. Because this part is used
so often, the speed at which the wound heals is slow, and it often gets worse. You will have
to take good care of it well in many ways.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“I gave you first aid, but you have to go to the clinic right away when your party returns.
There may be pieces of glass left in the open wound.”
“I will. Thank you.”
Harrieta, who had nothing to say, answered obediently. The owner, who bandaged her
hand and cleared all the broken glass from the table, lifted himself up with an anguished
“Can I bring you something else to drink while you wait?”
“Please add half a spoonful of honey to the warmed milk.”
“Yes. Guest. Please wait. I will bring it to you soon.”
When the owner who had received her order left, Harrieta looked down at her palm in
silence. The bandaged palms burned as if they were on fire. It was all cleaned, but the sharp
smell of blood still lingered in the air.
Harrieta, who wrinkled her nose at the unpleasant smell, suddenly noticed that many
people in the store were staring at her. Well, it must have seemed very strange to see a
well-looking young woman suddenly breaking her glass.
Harrieta, burdened by the people’s gazes, slipped the hood on the cloak she was wearing.
She hoped that Jonathan would return as soon as possible.
“It’s hot. Drink with care.”
The owner, who had prepared Harrieta’s drink before she knew it, set the glass down to
her left. He seemed to have decided that since she had injured her right hand, she would
use her left hand to drink.
Harrieta stared blankly at the glass in front of her. It was a glass made of much thicker and
stronger material than the glass she had just broken. She doesn’t know if the master did it
because he gave something hot, or if he was afraid she would break it again. White steam
was rising from the glass.
‘I’m not used to using my left hand.’
Something came into Harrieta’s field of vision as she was awkwardly trying to grab the
handle of the glass. A boy with a skinny body. Across from her sat a young boy, no more
than ten years old, all alone.
His presence did not fit at all with the noisy, somewhat rough atmosphere of this place.
‘Could he have come alone?’
It wasn’t too late yet, but it wasn’t a place for a child to wander alone. She looked around to
see if the child’s parents were around, but there were no such people.
‘Whatever? It has nothing to do with me.’
Harrieta tried to take her attention away from the boy. But at the same time, the boy raised
her head. With a pale skin and lanky face, he looked younger than she first thought.
As if something was unsettling him, the boy bit his fingernails and looked around
repeatedly. Even then, if there was a slight loud noise next to him, he would be startled.
Two black button-like eyes swayed here and there.
‘You must have been terrified.’
Actually, there was nothing surprising. Even she herself, who was of age, felt anxious. So
what about that little boy? Although not exactly, she could have vaguely guessed. Besides,
she did not know what kind of disaster he would face if he sat alone like that.
‘But it is none of my business...’
Chapter 96

Her head was already complicated. At this point there are so many things to think about
and so many things to organize, she didn’t want to get caught up in useless things.
Harrieta’s complexion darkened. As she looked into the terrified boy’s black eyes, she
thought of her younger brother, who always followed her. Hugo, who went to Bangola,
must have been very afraid and had a hard time adapting to the surrounding environment.
“Hey, kid.”
Harrieta, who could not bear to turn away from the boy who reminded her of Hugo, had no
choice but to talk to him. The boy, who was scanning the store with his wide eyes, turned
his head to look at her. The two eyes met.
“Would you like to come over here?”
Harrieta beckoned and called out to the boy.
“Don’t worry about it. Sister is not a suspicious person.”
When the boy did not readily approach and looked at her warily, Harrieta quickly defended
herself. She quickly regretted it though. Isn’t she a suspicious person herself? Could there
be anything more suspicious than this?
“I just needed someone to talk to because I was bored sitting alone. You don’t have to
“It’s true. If you want, I’ll share some of these snacks here.”
Hearing Harrieta’s words, the boy’s gaze turned to the snacks in front of her. It tasted
rather bland, as if almost no seasoning was added. But she still thought it was worth eating
thanks to the crispy texture. It wasn’t a very expensive meal, but it was unlikely that a child
born into an ordinary commoner’s family would often taste it.
The boy, who had been hesitating while rolling his eyes here and there, quietly stood up
from his spot, perhaps enchanted by her words about sharing the snack. He hesitated and
came slowly, very slowly, to the table where she was sitting.
“Now, sit here.”
Harrieta offered him a seat across from her. The boy, who had been watching her,
cautiously sat down on the chair. She pushed the plate of snacks in front of him.
“What’s your name?”
Harrieta, who was watching the boy pick up a snack with his small hand, asked
“Lucas? Wow, that’s a cool name! It suits you perfectly!”
Harrieta feigned exaggerated admiration. Lucas, who had been munching on the snack,
gulped down what was in his mouth.
“What about Sister?”
Harrieta pointed her finger at her and he nodded. Harrieta’s eyes narrowed.
“My name is Ciela.”
She spat out a pseudonym, which she had prepared beforehand. Mackenzie’s eldest
daughter, Harrieta Mackenzie, was said to be missing from Brimdel, so she had to be
cautious of everything. Of course, now that Brimdel has been destroyed, she doubted what
the meaning of these actions would be.
“Lucas, are you here alone?”
“I came with my dad.”
“Dad? Then where is your dad?”
Hearing Harrieta’s question, Lucas pointed his finger toward the kitchen of the shop.
Through the half-open door, she could see the chef preparing the food.
“Then what about your mom?”
“I don’t have a mom.”
‘Ah. Therefore...’
Only then did Harrieta understand why Lucas was sitting here alone. Lucas was too young
to be home alone all day. So, did he come here every day following his father on the way to
Harrieta felt sorry for the boy that was sitting in front of her. He was the son of the chef, so
he wouldn’t go hungry, but he was very small.
She opened her mouth slightly as she watched the snack in his hand get smaller and
“Lucas. Can Sister tell you a funny story?”
“Yes. A story about a girl called Lynn, a wizard, and the magic flower she grew.”
Lucas’ expression brightened at Harrieta’s words. Regardless of nationality, all children
seemed to like stories about magic. She smiled at him as he nodded vigorously and
expressed his willingness to.
“Once upon a time there lived a girl named Lynn in a village.”
Harrieta, who moved to be next to Lucas, started talking.
“Lynn was a little girl about this tall, maybe like Lucas. She was just your age. Little Lynn
lived on a round hill with lots of green grass. Her cottage, where she lives, was very popular
in town, and this is why.”
Harrieta gently continued her story. sometimes quietly. sometimes dramatically.
Harrieta’s effort to change her expression and voice to match the flow of the story made
Lucas seem immersed in the story. He listened to her story with both hands propped up on
his face with his mouth open, as if he had forgotten to eat the snack.
Around the time the story reached its climax.
The shop door opened and a clear bell rang. The eyes of the people sitting in the store
naturally turned toward the door. Harrieta, who was talking to Lucas, also unconsciously
turned her head and glanced at the same place.
Three people entered the store. All of them were tall, sturdy adults. They were clad in gray
cloaks, and the hoods attached to their cloaks were pulled, so their faces could not be seen.
However, is it because of their physique that is very large and sturdy even for an adult?
Even without saying a word, an indescribable sense of intimidation flowed from them.
Their appearance instantly quieted the noisy shop.
‘Are they travelers?’
It was a common outfit for travelers traveling long distances. Drops of water trickled down
from the cloaks they were wearing. The long brown boots, down to just below the knee,
were also a little wet.
The person standing on the right of the crowd whispered something to the person in the
middle, probably feeling the attention focused on them. There was no sound of
conversation, but it was clear that they were debating whether to stay here or go
somewhere else.
Chapter 97

After a while, the man standing in the middle of the group seemed to have made up his
mind and began to move into the store. The other two quickly followed after him.
“Oh, welcome!”
The store owner, who had been standing blankly behind the bar, suddenly came to his
senses and came forward to greet them.
“Three of you?”
“A seat in a corner, please.”
One of the group members answered the owner’s question.
“We’re a little tired after riding a horse for a long time.”
“Ah, yes yes. Please come this way.”
The owner directed them to a seat at the back of the store. Clank, clank. Every time they
moved, there was a small sound of metal. It was invisible because it was hidden by the hem
of their long cloak, but it was clear that they were wearing a sword at their waists.
‘Hunter? Or mercenary?’
Each of the people in the store looked at the three strangers and made a guess at their
identity. However, they moved silently, not paying attention to the gaze of the people
around them. Draag. There was the sound of chair legs dragging across the old wooden
floor, and then they sat down unpacking their things.
Coincidentally, it was not too far from where Harrieta was sitting.
“Can I get you something to drink?”
“Three double scotch. Without ice.”
It was a very short and concise order. The owner scribbled something on a yellow piece of
paper, replied in affirmation, and walked quickly behind the bar.
The eyes of the people who had been focused on the new guests were scattered one by one.
The store, which had been quiet for a while due to their appearance, became more and
more noisy. Finally it became noisy again like before. It was as if nothing had happened in
the meantime.
“From now on...? This place...Aftermath...It seems bigger than...”
“Think...history...tomorrow evening...”
Harrieta heard the sound of the conversation behind her back. However, due to the loud
ambient noise, it was difficult to understand what was going on.
“Sister! Sister!”
As Harrieta sat still without saying anything, Lucas, who was by her side, raised his voice
and called out to her.
“Huh? Huh, sorry. What did you say?”
Harrieta, who had been listening to the conversation of the three people sitting behind her,
turned her head and looked at Lucas with an apologetic look. He had a pouty face as if he
didn’t want her to turn her attention to something else.
“So what happened to Lynn?”
“Lynn...? Ah, Lynn!”
Harrieta then remembered that she had been telling Lucas a story.
‘What was I doing? Trying to eavesdrop on someone else’s conversation.’
It was an unconscious act, but she couldn’t help but feel guilty.
‘Let’s just ignore it. They must have nothing to do with me anyway.’
Harrieta struggled to suppress her growing curiosity as she looked at Lucas, who had
twinkling eyes in front of her. The child looked very anxious in a harrowing atmosphere.
She opened her mouth slowly, clearing her mind.
“Then Lynn looked through the rocks in the forest and found a small cave in between them.
There is a lot of green moss at the entrance of the cave, perhaps in a place that is hard to
reach by people.….”
Harrieta continued her story, speaking calmly. The curiosity that kept coming gradually
In the fireplace, the wood burned with a crackle.
A young woman and a young boy, completely engrossed in a fairy tale of magic told in a low
voice. Like white ink accidentally dropped on black paper, the appearance of the two did
not match the noisy and boisterous atmosphere of the store at all.
“Is this a true story?”
As Harrieta finished her story, Lucas asked, with twinkling eyes. Anticipation, like an
inflated soap bubble, was in his eyes. She chuckled.
“Of course. Lucas, this is our secret...Actually, Sister’s grandmother knew that girl named
“Yes. When my grandmother was the age she is now, she met a girl she named Lynn by
chance. It happened that she was on her way back from a trip, and my grandmother was
running away because she didn’t want to go to a meeting she was invited to. Anyway, she
was lucky enough to meet Lynn, so I could directly hear all the stories I told you a moment
ago from my grandmother.”
Lucas exclaimed.
“I envy you. I hope to meet Lynn someday too.”
Lucas murmured with a slightly flushed face. The eyes were really envious. It was an
absurd story, but as a child, he seemed to sincerely believe in Harrieta’s words. The anxious
look on his face a moment ago was no longer to be found.
“Yes. Lucas. Did you know that there is also a song about Lynn?”
“A song?”
“Yes. It’s a simple song, would you like to listen to it?”
Hearing Harrieta’s words, Lucas nodded vigorously again. Seeing him pull his chair closer
and closer to her, Harrieta smiled softly.
‘It would be fine if I sing it quietly.’
After looking around her, Harrieta opened her mouth after a little hesitation.
[A small cabin on top of a round hill.
A girl with green eyes full of freckles.
A skirt one size too big fluttered in the wind.
Red shoes worn on both feet, walking often.
A gentleman who came with clouds on a rainy day.
Tall as a pole, dressed in soft silk.
A long staff held in a white gloved hand.
Eyes deeper than the deep sea, blacker than darkness.
Come, come come to me.
That beautiful flower you have.
Though your flowers will wither over time.
My gold never loses its light.
Come, come come to me
The one and only flower you have.
Just as flowers bloom and wither, your life will also end.
My magic will make you a legend.
The wind. Oh, my wind.
Blow that gentleman far away.
With that black rain cloud he brought.
Fly him far away, where he will never come again.
The wind. Oh my wind.
Blow us away.
Far away where that gentleman won’t find us.
To the end of eternity, where no one will ever find us.]
Chapter 98

“Guest, you sing very well.”

As Harrieta uttered the last line of the song and closed her mouth, she was praised by the
owner, who passed by. Judging from the empty tray he was holding, it seemed that he had
just delivered the drinks to the guest from the table behind.
“I don’t normally like nasal voices, but the guest’s voice is very soft even though it is nasal.
Maybe that’s why I don’t feel reluctant to hear your singing.”
“Thank you.”
“Perhaps the guest is a minstrel...?”
The owner asked, glancing at Harrieta’s appearance. Harrieta smiled shyly.
“No. It’s just that I sing occasionally as a hobby.”
“I see. It’s a rare voice, and it’s very charming.”
The owner, who gave her a few more words of compliments, rushed over when a customer
at another table called him.
Hearing the unexpected compliment, Harrieta looked slightly embarrassed. In fact, she had
been reluctant to sing since she injured her vocal cords and her voice was deformed. She
had no trouble singing, but the voice in her ears sounded unfamiliar. As if it was someone
she didn’t even know. She felt repulsive without even realizing it.
Although she didn’t mean to, it was a pleasure to be acknowledged by someone.
Harrieta laughed silently, but the inside of the store was in a commotion.
“Hey! Why are you all so stupid? You never know when the Kustans might come!”
It was the man who had just been drinking and creating an atmosphere of fear. They
thought he had calmed down a bit, but it seemed that he couldn’t stand it and caused
trouble again.
“If we stay here, we would be sitting ducks! Do you think we can stop them if they’re
determined to come? Wake up!”
He groaned and shouted.
“They’re bastards who will split open your stomachs and chew on even the bones! They’re
ignorant guys who won’t even look at the other people, even if they’re women or children!
If you don’t want everyone to die, hurry up...!”
Harrieta frowned at the excessive drunkenness. Aside from her, there is also young Lucas
She couldn’t stand it anymore, and she was about to say something. But at that moment, a
loud noise came from behind her. She was startled and looked behind to see that one of the
chairs had fallen on the floor.
“ quiet. it’s not like you’re alone here.”
It was a quiet, yet haunting voice. These were the words uttered by one of the three people
who had just entered the store with an unusual atmosphere. Judging from the
circumstances going on, it seemed that the chair had also been kicked by him.
In an instant, the store became quiet. It was so quiet that a needle dropping could be heard.
“Kustan or whatever. Keep talking like that. You don’t have to wait for them to come, I’ll slit
your throat first.”
“What, what?!”
The man whose ego was about to be crumpled screamed out loud.
“Look, look at you, how dare you!”
“Look at me?”
The man screamed out loud, but the man who threatened him cut him off.
“Look at me...”
Once again, the man, who was slowly repeating the other person’s words, lowered his head
and gave a low laugh. Like a predator waking up from a nap grunting when it finds its prey
pushed in front of it, like that.
Then he slowly raised his head.
“Yes. Go on.”
He laughed like he was having fun and taunted the man.
“Look at me...What?”
Then, he leaned his upper body slightly forward. It was just a small gesture. It might not
have meant much. Still, those who saw it felt a strong fear for some reason.
An ominous feeling, like something terrible is about to happen.
A chilly, cool aura ran down the man’s spine and spread throughout his body.
The drunken man stuttered, unable to speak properly. He didn’t want to back down like
this, but he was too short-lived to ignore that blatant warning and continue to endure.
Instinct whispered to him who was stiff as a stone.
Even if you die and wake up, you can’t be that man’s opponent.
The man, whose face was so red that he blushed, couldn’t resist and closed his mouth.
There was a line he shouldn’t cross no matter how proud he was. And he had no intention
of crossing that line. No matter what anyone said, his life was the most important thing to
He can’t defeat what he can’t defeat, so the man’s spirit faded. Those who saw it naturally
noticed it. Now that the man has declared his defeat in front of everyone.
The drunken man jumped up from his seat and walked toward the door of the store. His
unsteady balance and staggering gait looked very dangerous, but there was no one to
support him.
The bell on the door rang alone, sending the man off. Click. The door closed, and there was
an uncomfortably thick silence in the store. People only looked at each other.
“Oh, guests. I apologize for the inconvenience. He’s not like that, but the atmosphere in the
village is so turbulent...”
The owner, who was invisible during the eerie atmosphere, appeared out of nowhere and
“As an apology and compensation, we will provide snacks for free. Well, is there a menu
you want?”
“That’s enough. Because we’re going to leave anyway.”
The man who easily subdued the other person with a few words refused the owner’s
proposal with a fairly calm attitude, as if he had created a threatening atmosphere. While
the owner was taken aback by the sudden change of attitude, the man stood up. Then the
two people who were with him also got up after him.
As the three packed their bags and prepared to leave, everyone else in the store let out a
sigh of relief. They weren’t the ones who caused the controversy, but that didn’t matter at
this moment.
‘If only the drunken man had gone wild without knowing his place.’
People swept their hearts out in surprise.
‘His head, which would fall on the floor, must be rolling somewhere by now.’
Chapter 99

It was amazing. Even though they just stood up, it felt like the presence of three people
filled the inside of the store, perhaps because of their large size.
Who on earth are they?
The people who had been looking at the three with curious eyes hurriedly turned their
gazes to other places as they began to move their steps, pretending to be having a
conversation. It was because of the concern that if they did something wrong, they might
spark a fire instead.
As they turned their gazes one by one, only one person was still looking at them.
‘That man...’
Harrieta looked at them carefully. Or, more precisely, she looked at the man who had just
kicked the chair and threatened the drunk. His face was obscured by the deep black
shadows under the hood, but somehow she couldn’t take her eyes off him.
‘His voice is...?’
Harrieta stared blankly at the man.
It was the voice of someone she never imagined she would encounter here, in Balesnorth.
At the same time, it was the voice of the one she had met in her dreams night after night.
The face of the person she had never forgotten for a moment formed like a mirage before
her eyes and then disappeared. It felt like someone was choking her.
‘No. Edwin can’t be here.’
Harrieta strongly denied it.
He, Edwin, couldn’t have been here. There was no way he would use such a harsh tone and
spit out terrifying words of threat to others without hesitation. The man she knew was
always courteous, polite, and someone who knew how to keep his way no matter what the
odds are.
It was definitely different from that dangerous man in front of her.
Harrieta bit her lip.
‘How can a person’s voice be the same no matter how similar it is?’
Her eyes, a mixture of rejection and earnestness, despair and hope pursued the man. Even
as she kept repeating to herself that it couldn’t be, her fingertips trembled with
The man who had been looking straight ahead turned his head towards Harrieta, perhaps
feeling the gaze on him. Anticipating that his eyes would soon be on her, Harrieta gulped.
The decisive moment, when both of them would become aware of each other’s existence at
the same time, was right around the corner.
Harrieta was about to call Edwin by name, but another person standing next to the man
spoke to him first. As a result, the head that was trying to face Harrieta turned back to the
other side.
“Please leave first. I will pay the bill and leave.”
It was a very dignified and formal tone, like a subordinate. And Harrieta, who overheard
the words, was startled.
‘I thought all three of them were men!’
The person who spoke to the man was a woman, not a man. It was something she could
never have imagined. She naturally thought they were all men, as they boasted very strong
physiques, but now that she sees it, she was completely wrong.
‘Besides, it’s amazing.’
Harrieta narrowed her brows.
Judging from what she has observed so far, they must have been warriors holding swords.
‘I knew they were unusual people, but I didn’t expect them to be knights.’
Upon her realization, she was deeply disappointed. It was because there was no way
Edwin, who had fallen into slavery, was hanging out with knights. The man does not seem
to be on equal footing with them, rather he was superior to them.
‘That’s right.’
Harrieta swallowed the bitterness and gave up even the last hope she had. Seeing how
much she missed Edwin, she now thought that it was a really ridiculous imagination.
“Sister! Sister Ciella!”
Lucas, who was sitting next to Harrieta, tugged at her sleeve. When she turned her head to
look at him, he was looking at her with a grim look.
“Where do you keep looking?”
“What? Oh sorry.”
Harrieta quickly apologized. She didn’t mean to, but she was sorry that she had called Lucas
and got distracted herself elsewhere.
“I just had something to think about. But I won’t anymore.”
“Hmm. If you’re really sorry, just sing one more song. Then I will forgive you.”
“A song?”
“Yes. Something incredibly good.”
Lucas’ eyes twinkled. It seems that he quite liked the song about Lynn that Harrieta sang to
Harrieta thought for a moment. Originally, she was just trying to tell a funny story to calm
the frightened child, but now she feels like she was stuck.
‘What to do?’
Harrieta looked out the window. Jonathan, who had disappeared saying that he had
something to look into for a while, still gave no sign of returning. She had no intention of
staying here long, but she couldn’t leave alone without waiting for Jonathan.
‘Well, at least one song would be fine.’
As she had been quiet for some time, the surroundings were noisy again due to the sound
of people talking. Even if she sang, it seemed impossible to hear unless they were standing
right next to her. Having made a decision, Harrieta leaned over the table and looked at
“Okay, what song do you want to hear?”
“A hero! A song about a hero!”
Lucas shouted excitedly.
‘A hero.’
After thinking about it for a while, a certain scene came to Harrieta’s mind.
A day when autumn leaves were beautifully hanging over her head.
It was such a perfect day that everything seemed to be okay.
“Lucas. Do you happen to know who Lance Elliot is?”
“Lance Elliot?”
“Yes. He is a hero who was said to be one of the greatest conquerors in the history of the
continent. Such a great hero who conquered the Southern Continent, which everyone
considered impossible, in a very short time.”
After hearing the brief explanation of Lance Elliot, Lucas opened his mouth in admiration.
He seemed very fond of being told about the story of the greatest conqueror in the history
of the continent.
Chapter 100

‘How did the first lyrics of the song start?’

After humming softly to match the opening note, she soon began to sing out loud.

[Lance. That summer we carved a secret.

Under the maple tree in the forest, where no one knows.
The day that the afternoon sun was so dazzling.
The promise that started as a joke was engraved there.
Lance. You ride a black horse like always
I will run forward through that wide field.
This small town can’t hold your big dreams.
So you won’t come back here someday.
Lance. Oh my Lance. Remember the day I first met you
You are like me, nothing can stop you
Lance. Oh my Lance. Remember the day I let you go.
You are different from me. Like flowing water, you will go too.]

After singing the final verse of the song, Harrieta sighed slowly. Was it because too many
things have happened these days? It felt like tears were forming in her eyes.
‘I like it.’
Under the bright sunlight, a man who was dazzlingly beautiful heard that song and said.
‘But even if it wasn’t the song Miss Harrieta sang, I would’ve probably have liked it.’
With a charming smile that makes her heart tremble just by looking at it.
She believed then, that Edwin and she would be together forever. She by his side. He by her
side. Like that, she firmly believed that no matter what kind of relationship they formed,
they would eventually be together until the end.
She did not anticipate the impending catastrophe.
Harrieta, who recalled her past and memories, suddenly felt strange. It was like someone
was staring at her. Captivated by the strange feeling, she turned her head and surveyed her
surroundings, as if possessed by something. Even though she looked closely, she couldn’t
find any eyes watching her.
‘Is it because of my feelings?’
Harrieta tilted her head. A lot has happened these days, so it could be that she overreacted
to just insignificant things.
Harrieta, who tried to ignore it, caught something in her view.
A man stood at the door of the store. It was the same man, with a voice very similar to
Edwin’s. Perhaps he was about to go out, he held on to the doorknob with one hand. But for
some reason he did not move as if he was frozen.
‘I thought he had already left this store a long time ago.’
Harrieta’s eyes followed his broad back. The scene inside the lively and bustling store and
the man standing motionless were alien. As if the two spaces were completely separated
from the beginning, as if they were in completely different spaces.
The flow of time seemed to have stopped only around him.
It seemed that everything around him had lost its color.
Harrieta held her breath. Why? Her heart started pounding again.
There was no great reason. He looked for a shop that seemed suitable to quench their
hunger and thirst, and only entered the first place that caught his eye. He was annoyed by
the chatter of the people filling the store, but he ignored it anyway because he wasn’t
planning to stay long anyway.
It seemed that he was quite tired without realizing it because he rushed his schedule.
Everything bothered him, and he was not interested in anything.
It feels like he was the only one isolated from the lively interior. Even when Siodor and
Lionelli were privately discussing the future, Edwin took a step back, not willing to
“It was very damp and dark inside the cave. She can’t see an inch ahead without a torch. But
Lynn didn’t give in. She...”
Amidst the chaotic noise that gave him a headache, he heard a calm female voice.
“The wizard came after her! His obsession with the magic flower was beyond what she
could have imagined! Lynn and her friends, who did not expect that he would follow them
It was a quiet, monotonous voice that could be drowned out by the surrounding noise if he
wasn’t paying close attention. The voice could have sounded harsh because of her nasal
voice, but it didn’t feel that way at all.
Edwin turned his head slightly to check the direction the voice was coming from. A woman
and a young boy were sitting at a table not far from where he was sitting.
Unlike the red-haired boy, who showed his face, the woman was wearing a hood attached
to her cloak, just like him, so her face was not visible. However, judging by the youthful
voice, she seemed quite young.
Are they brother-and-sister? Edwin quietly observed the two of them. The figure of a
childish woman with red hair like the boy’s was automatically pictured in his mind.
‘Looks like she’s telling her younger brother old stories.’
Having overheard part of the story, he roughly guessed the situation.
The tone of the woman speaking to the boy changed from time to time, as if to arouse the
boy’s interest. And as he listened to her story, the boy’s eyes twinkled like stars. As if there
is no more exciting and fun story in the world.
‘In a way, it’s a pretty obvious story.’
Edwin rested his elbow on the table and rested his chin.
He wasn’t the type to pay attention to other people, but strangely, those two kept taking his
attention. Their space, which seemed small and peaceful, did not match at all with the
rough and rugged atmosphere of this shop.
Edwin looked away from them. But his ears still subconsciously followed the woman’s
The story goes on. Then, when a funny part came up, he would smile without knowing it.
Especially when she used her voice to play a dark, evil wizard.
Noticing that Edwin was smiling, Lionelli called out to him with a puzzled face.
“Are you okay?”
Usually, far from smiling, he didn’t even show his emotions. Now he was smiling like a
madman, it was only natural that he looked strange.
“Ah. No big deal. Don’t mind me.”
Edwin knew what his subordinates were thinking, but he didn’t bother to explain why.
Instead, he took the glass in front of him and leaned back against the chair.
Chapter 101

The brown liquid in the glass gave off a strong scent of alcohol. It must have been a drink
made just to get people drunk. If they drink three or four glasses, even those who claim to
be strong against alcohol will not be able to stay awake.
‘It’s just right.’
Edwin took a sip of it with a self-deprecating smile. A hot, tingling sensation like burning
his throat. Unlike the past, when he didn’t like the feeling and didn’t get close to alcohol,
now he drinks alcohol almost every day to get that feeling. He couldn’t even close his eyes
for a short while without drinking.
Edwin lowered his gaze, feeling a warm aura spread through his body. He knew he was
getting sicker and more self-destructive. But now it didn’t matter anyway. He was willing to
give up a limb if it could alleviate the pain of his rotten heart.

[A small cabin on top of a round hill.

A girl with green eyes full of freckles.
A skirt one size too big fluttered in the wind.
Red shoes worn on both feet, walking often.]

Suddenly the woman was singing a song to her brother. She had lowered her voice, perhaps
because she was worried that it might be overheard by the people around her. But Edwin,
who had better hearing than others, could hear the song quite clearly.

[Come, come come to me.

That beautiful flower you have.
Though your flowers will wither over time.
My gold never loses its light.]

It wasn’t a fancy song. Rather, it was a calm and peaceful song like a lullaby. Nevertheless,
Edwin continued to listen to her singing. Even though she was singing without an
instrument, and in the middle of a noisy store, it didn’t feel lacking or annoying at all.
He was feeling a bit drowsy. His heart, which had been tangled like a ship in a storm,
gradually sank. The feeling of his body floating away from being trapped in a reality full of
pain. His mind flew back to a moment in the past, retracing the flow of time that had
already flowed.
And there was a woman there.
‘Since we’re bored, shall I sing a fun song?’
Like her song was the panacea for all, a beautiful woman hummed a tune with a goofy smile
whenever she felt like it.
Edwin closed his eyes.
‘I hope it doesn’t end.’
He hoped that the unknown woman would continue to sing her song. It was a little peace
that he hadn’t gotten in a very long time. Even this small peace felt so sweet to him who
was fighting against the terrible loneliness in the endless darkness.
So that was why. The reason why he reacted much more sharply than usual when a certain
man got drunk and made a loud fuss.
Edwin reacted emotionally, forgetting that he should be careful not to attract attention as
much as possible. He kicked a chair and threatened the man’s life.
Lionelli and Theodore, who were sitting next to him, were greatly surprised by his sudden
action. People’s eyes were focused on him, but Edwin didn’t care. Had the situation
worsened a little more, he would have drawn his sword and decapitated the man.
“You don’t look like Lord.”
Lionelli said with a serious expression. She was taken aback because she had only seen her
superior act like an emotionless doll. Edwin did not offer any excuses. In fact, he also
couldn’t understand his actions a moment ago.
“Please leave first. I will pay the bill and leave.”
Lionelli said as Edwin got up to leave the store. She nodded her head.
Untidy and noisy surroundings. It was as if nothing had happened. Still, there was a thick
fear in the air. Edwin knew that it was because of him.
“Sister! Sister Ciella!”
Hearing the boy’s cry from the side, Edwin stopped his steps for a moment. A hoarse voice
as if something was not right. When he turned his head, he saw the brother and sister
having a conversation.
It was an uncommon name. Edwin’s gaze naturally turned to the woman. Left-handed, the
cup from which she was supposed to drink was placed to her left.
“I just had something to think about. But I won’t anymore.”
The woman who had been singing her song a while ago seemed bewildered that she had
done something wrong to her brother.
Edwin stared blankly at the woman for a moment. The figure of another person overlapped
on top of the woman’s back as she sat with her back turned to him. His eyes darkened even
It was so weird. There was little resemblance between the woman sitting in front of him
and the Harrieta in his memory. Her voice, name, and even being left-handed were different
from Harrieta’s.
Still, for some reason, he thought they resembled each other. For no particular reason, she
reminded Edwin of Harrieta.
Harrieta that was more precious than anything else. But as much as she was precious, so
was the fear. What if he gets rejected? Because of that vague fear, he hesitated and
eventually couldn’t even confess his feelings.
Cowardly idiot. That was Edwin.
The days when he became the most miserable existence in the world. Who would have
known that he would miss those days so deeply.
“Okay, what song do you want to hear?”
The woman asked the boy. It seemed she was trying to sing one more song for her pouting
Edwin took another step. He wanted to stay there a little while longer and hear her sing,
but he soon suppressed the desire.
Now, even if he recalls and chews on the memories of the past, nothing would change. The
past is the past. All that was left for him was the hellish reality he had to face.
Just like that, it was around the time Edwin reached for the door.

[Lance. That summer we carved a secret.

Under the maple tree in the forest, where no one knows.
The day that the afternoon sun was so dazzling.
The promise that started as a joke was engraved there.]
A soft singing voice came from behind. Edwin, who was about to push open the door and
step outside, paused.
‘That song...?’
At the same time as he thought it was impossible, his heart sank with a thud. It felt as if
someone had hit the back of his head hard with a heavy piece of metal.
Chapter 102

Edwin slowly turned around. The brother and sister were sitting in the corner of the store.
A boy with a face obsessed with the singing and a woman wearing a hood sitting across
from him. Edwin’s gaze went straight to the woman.
[Lance. You ride a black horse like always
I will run forward through that wide field.
This small town can’t hold your big dreams.
So you won’t come back here someday.]
He couldn’t hear it clearly because of the raucous background noise, but it wasn’t so much
that he couldn’t tell what the song was about.
Lance Elliot. A great conqueror who unified the southern continent.
It was a song that Edwin knew well.
‘It’s not that surprising. It’s hard to say things like this to others, but I’m very good at singing.’
The scene of the day when the white sunlight felt exceptionally warm unfolded before
Edwin’s eyes. When he said that he liked the song, Harrieta raised her chin and was proud
of herself.
‘Many people have said that my singing voice is as beautiful as a nightingale or something.’
How lovely she was when she smiled brightly.
Edwin turned away from the woman. He could no longer face the Harrieta of his memories.
His chest throbbed as if it had been torn out, and his breathing quickened.
‘It’s not her.’
He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes.
‘She, Harrieta McKenzie, no longer exists in this world.’
Then he tried to even out his breathing. Memories like distorted scars that he wanted to
forget but never could. It became a strong noose and choked Edwin.
He clenched his fists with such force that the veins on the backs of his hands stood out blue.
He could feel his nails piercing his palms and digging into his skin, but it was nothing
compared to the anguish and frustration in his heart. He bowed his head helplessly.
As Edwin stood hard as a rock, Theodore, who was standing behind him, called to him
“Lord, something wrong...?”
Theodore asked cautiously. It was a worried look, wondering if something was wrong.
‘Something wrong...’
Edwin silently repeated Theodore’s question. It was a very simple question that could be
answered with a ‘yes’ or ‘no’. But he couldn’t answer right away. If he said there was no
problem, it would be a blatant lie.
So what about that woman singing the song about Lance Elliot? Is the problem with that
woman who chooses that song out of many songs and stirs up his painful memories?
No way. Edwin smiled bitterly and laughed at himself.
If there was a problem, it was not that woman but with Edwin himself. He wants the
woman to be what she will never be. The stupid and foolish Edwin, who somehow wants to
find her in the shadow of her existence somehow.
As deep as the sense of loss, the period of wandering was also long. Something must be
wrong. Thousands of times he denied reality and hoped for a miracle to happen. Tens of
thousands of times he wished that all of this was just a terrible nightmare and that one day
he would open his eyes.
However, in the end, the miracle did not happen. Nor did he wake up from the nightmare. It
was a vain dream, a futile hope.
Wishing did not bring the dead back to life.
Edwin raised his head and answered curtly. His eyes, which had been tinged with chaotic
light, became colder than ever before.
Edwin opened the store door and went out. Ring-a-ling~ The bell rang, and a cool breeze
caressed his face. The warmth that had settled around him for a moment also disappeared
in the blink of an eye.
In early spring, a chilly breeze hung over the rough stone road. Edwin and Theodore, and
Lionelli, who had followed after paying the bill, stood on the side of the road that was as
quiet as it was bleak.
Edwin, who was slowly examining the street scene in silence, raised his head and looked up
at the sky.
A clear blue sky. The sun seemed to be setting, and the western edge of the sky was turning
a pale pink. And Edwin saw in it the embers of the flame that would devour this place in the
near future.
For a moment, the image of the brother and sister he had just seen came to mind. The
image of young siblings sitting neatly and spending a peaceful afternoon.
But Edwin soon erased the image from his mind. It was a strange feeling, like grains of
coarse sand rolling under the sleeves of his clothes, but he tried to ignore it.
He had something to do. Everything else had no meaning and was only temporary.
Edwin inhaled and exhaled slowly.
He has already come too far to turn back now. And he didn’t know the way back anymore.
He was just blindly moving forward.
Even if what spreads out in front of him is a thousand-mile cliff.
Three days later, in the night of pitch-black darkness.
Large-scale Kustan army crossed the borders of Velicia and entered Balesnorth.
It was an ordinary day, no different from any other day. It was late at night when thick
darkness fell over the barren land. They came to Balesnorth without any warning.
In the dark blue western sky, colorful flowers of flame bloomed.
Grotesque shouts resounded in all directions, like the sound of a dreary wind. As if to
indicate that something huge was approaching, the small stones that were lying on the flat
earth began to shake slightly.
Seeing that, a sentry soldier who had been half asleep near the border of the village
suddenly opened his eyes.
‘What is that?’
He rubbed his eyes when he saw something that looked like a black shadow moving in the
distance. He heard that there was a group of hunters who went hunting to the east not long
ago. Did they just return to the village?
‘But it’s too big to be them...’
The soldier narrowed his eyes even more. Even though it seemed to be still quite far away,
the size was insignificant. Rather than a group of many people, it looked more like a huge
forest moving as a whole.
‘What is it? What the hell is that?’
The soldier’s face, which had been staring into the distance with his eyes wide open, soon
hardened like a stone.
Chapter 103

“Oh my God!”
The soldier who belatedly grasped the situation was greatly astonished. He ran frantically,
thinking that he had to tell others about this right away. In his haste he twisted his foot and
almost fell forward, but he managed to avoid an accident.
The soldier climbed onto the watchtower where the emergency bell was hung and held the
rope attached to the bell with a strong hand. Then he pulled on the line with all his might.
The faded emergency bell swayed slowly from side to side and made a low ringing. It was a
bell that had never been rung once since it was installed here a hundred years ago.
The village that had fallen asleep in the darkness soon awakened. They saw a faint light
leaking through the dark windows. But soon, the doors opened one by one and people
poured out. What was going on, they looked puzzled.
The soldier gritted his teeth. His palms tingle as it got scratched by the thick rope, but he
didn’t care and continued to pull on the rope. Please, he hoped someone soon recognizes
what is about to happen.
After pulling the rope several more times, the soldier turned his head and looked outside
the borders of the village. The group that seemed to be very far away was suddenly right
around the corner.
Fires of various colors began to burn here and there. As a result, the group’s appearance
that has been shrouded in darkness was revealed.
An innumerable number of cavalrymen. And the infantry followed them. The flag fluttering
in the wind had ancient characters depicting the eyes of a beast. It symbolizes a northern
nation known for being ferocious and savage, rooted in the barren land.
Whiip, whiipp. With the sound of the wind being cut, thousands of lit arrows flew. The
pitch-black sky turned red and brightened as if it had become a bright day for a moment.
‘It’s already too late.’
The soldier took a deep breath and swallowed a gulp. A light of despair fell in his eyes, filled
with fear.
At that very moment, unaware that a sharp arrow was flying straight through his throat.
A royal castle built in the center of the capital of Velicia. Inside the castle, there was a
garden boasting an enormous scale.
A garden full of colorful flowers and green trees throughout the four seasons. A young man
stood alone in the middle of the garden.
He was a man with a handsome appearance. At first glance, the clothes and accessories he
was wearing looked simple and modest, but upon closer inspection, they were all expensive
His posture, standing with his chest out and back straight, was impeccable. He didn’t have
to worry about what other people’s eyes looked like, but he’d been forced to do so since he
was a kid. So it became a habit.
It was clear that he was a person of high status. And yet, for some reason, he was
wandering the garden alone, without a single companion. His fine black hair flowed down
his straight forehead.
The man who was slowly walking, looking around him suddenly stopped. He looked at the
ranunculus in full bloom in front of him. A flower with hundreds of overlapping orange
petals, as if dyed by the setting sun. The ranunculus in full bloom under the sunlight was
showing the peak of splendor.
‘I think it’s a greedy flower. This ranunculus flower.’
It seemed that a familiar voice came through the fragments of time that had flowed away.
‘It looks so pretty, and even the name is noble. Ranunculus. How can it be so difficult to write
and pronounce?’
Once, there was a woman who spent most of her day in this garden. She is madly engrossed
in her studies of flowers and plants. The woman struggles to acquire more knowledge.
‘Oh. However, unlike the pretty appearance, ranunculus is a toxic plant. Of course, you
shouldn’t ingest it, and they say that just touching it can cause skin irritation.’
Said the woman who had been babbling with a pouty face, and a slightly serious expression
on. It was as if she was nagging an ignorant child.
‘So, Your Highness, you can’t touch it recklessly. Understand?’
The man, who was about to reach his hand out to touch the flowers without much thought,
hesitated when the woman spoke her next words. Then, he remembered grumbling, saying,
‘Do you think I’m a fool?’. She only smiled and added.
‘Just in case.’
The man smiled and pulled his hand.
‘I thought it was arrogant of you to act like you knew better.’
A bitter smile spread across his lips.
What was the point of admitting that she was right now? The person who needed to know
that fact was no longer by his side.
A friendly voice called him from behind. While recalling his memories, he didn’t realize
someone was approaching and looked back with a little surprised face. Someone very
familiar to him was standing in the distance, looking at him.
Bernard bowed lightly to Siorn. Siorn raised his right hand slightly and accepted his
“What is Brother doing here?”
Bernard asked Siorn, who was walking towards him at a leisurely pace. Siorn just shrugged
his shoulders.
“I feel stuffy after being buried in piles of paperwork all day. I came out because I wanted to
get some fresh air.”
“In this garden?”
“Is there any reason why I shouldn’t come to this garden?”
As Bernard asked with a surprised face, Siorn raised his eyebrows and asked back. Bernard
shrugged his shoulders.
“It’s not like that, but for some reason this place doesn’t suit you very well.”
“No matter how it is, Bernard, it’s better than you.”
Siorn laughed softly.
“I wouldn’t say anything if I had seen you at the training ground or gambling hall. I couldn’t
have imagined you walking leisurely in a flower field like this. Those who asserted that you
were the best playboy in Velicia should have witnessed this.”
“...I just wanted to get some fresh air too.”
Siorn’s joke made Bernard excuse himself with an embarrassed face. Yes. Because everyone
can feel that way once in a while. Siorn smiled and walked over.
Chapter 104

Standing next to Bernard, Siorn looked at the flowers Bernard was looking at a moment
ago. A sea of flowers were in full bloom creating a spectacular view. Every time the wind
blew, the sweet scent of flowers tickled the tip of his nose.
“It is a beautiful flower.”
“It is called Ranunculus.”
Seeing Siorn’s admiration, Bernard informed him of the flower’s name. Siorn looked at
Bernard with a slightly surprised look. He wondered when Bernard had been interested in
flowers. He tried to think hard about it, yet the combination of the two doesn’t match at all.
Siorn repeated the name Bernard had given him. Both the appearance and the tone were
unfamiliar to him. Silently repeating the word Ranunculus several times in his mouth, he
turned his head to look at his younger brother.
Unlike Siorn , who has a quiet and calm personality, Bernard was always energetic and full
of confidence.
No matter what troubles or mischief he faced, Bernard never flinched. He had the
pompousness to ignore things when others took them seriously. He had the cool-
headedness to solve problems step by step without panic, no matter how troublesome it
Siorn didn’t show it outwardly, but deep down, he was always jealous of Bernard. And he
secretly wanted to be like Bernard. If the people around him knew, there would be words,
but it was true.
But what had happened? A light of concern flashed in Siorn’s eyes. Bernard, who was
standing next to him now, looked somewhat helpless and even gloomy. He didn’t seem like
the brother Siorn had known.
“Yes, Brother.”
“You seem to be out of energy these days. Is there something going on?”
Siorn asked cautiously. Bernard turned his head and looked at him. Many indescribable
emotions swirled in Bernard’s eyes.
Before long, Bernard turned his head again to stare straight ahead.
He just answered insincerely.
“It’s just, it seems like the season is out of place.”
“You mean the seasons?”
Siorn laughed, finding it absurd.
“Since when have you been so sensitive?”
Bernard was silent as Siorn questioned him. He didn’t express it openly, but it was clear
that he didn’t want to talk about it any more.
Siorn let out a long sigh as Bernard kept his mouth shut like a clam. Bernard was stubborn
and had a strong sense of pride. There was no way he would voluntarily confide his
problems to others.
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“It’s okay.”
“Sheesh. I was asking because you don’t look okay.”
Siorn said with a pitiful look. Bernard was still silent.
He could tell without even checking. Most likely his older brother, Siorn, was looking at him
with worried eyes.
Siorn, the first born, and Bernard, the fittest, had to keep each other in check over the king’s
successor position. However, despite this, Siorn always cared for Bernard with all his heart.
A good and upright person. He wasn’t just pretending on the outside, Siorn was truly a
person with a pure and clear personality. Is that why? No matter how harsh and precarious
life was, Bernard could not hate Siorn in the end.
“As time goes on, I will get better little by little.”
Bernard lowered his gaze and said.
“In that case, everything will be the same as before. As always.”
Someone said so. The vacancy that feels empty now will be filled with something else
He wouldn’t even know that the vacancy would be filled with such a natural change.
He wouldn’t even remember the fact that the place was vacant afterward.
“By the way, what happened to her?”
Siorn, who was standing still, asked as if he had suddenly remembered.
“You know. The woman from Brimdel with auburn hair.”
Concerned that Bernard might not understand what he was saying, he even added a brief
Bernard recognized at once who the person Siorn was referring to was. He couldn’t not
know It. It was none other than Harrieta Mackenzie, the one who made him feel so low.
“She ...”
His voice slightly cracked. It was as if he had swallowed a handful of soaked wads of cotton.
He couldn’t understand it at all. He didn’t even get a question that was difficult to answer,
so why did he keep feeling complicated like this?
He quickly cleared his throat and gathered his expression before Siorn’s gaze turned
“She went back to her hometown.”
“Hometown? To Brimdel?”
Bernard nodded to Siorn’s question. Siorn tilted his head and narrowed his brows.
“I don’t know the circumstances, but it seems a bit sudden. To think that she decided to
return at a time when her country’s situation was not so good...”
“So, did she say she would come back here later?”
Will she ever come back? No, can she come back?
“Well...I don’t know.”
Nothing was certain.
He should have asked her more. He should’ve been more persuasive.
But he knew that whatever he did in the past, the result would not have been different from
now. Still, the lingering regret remains.
“Yes. It must have been difficult for her to give a definite answer.”
Siorn muttered with an affirmative look.
“You must have been pretty sorry. It seems like the two of you got along quite well.”
Despite saying so, Siorn’s attitude seemed insignificant. It was as if he was talking about
overdue work. It even had that kind of businesslike feeling, like spitting out what had to be
said formally.
Bernard shut his mouth. He didn’t really like Siorn’s reaction much, but he couldn’t just
blame him for that. There is a difference in opinion between the person who speaks and the
person who accepts it.
Bernard was well aware. It wasn’t that Siorn was mean. If there was a problem, it would be
with Bernard himself, not with Siorn.
Chapter 105

‘It must be difficult.’

Bernard silently repeated Siorn’s words. Of course. He would feel depressed even if the dog
he had been raising had disappeared. So there was no way he wouldn’t be sad that the
person he had a good relationship with had left him.
‘Still, there must be something.’
Looking at himself, even he thought his current condition was strange. Unbeknownst to
him, he was sensitive and gloomy. He clenched his fists hard.
When Harrieta told him that she was leaving for Brimdel soon, he was saddened by the fact.
Moreover, he felt a little depressed that it was a farewell without a promise.
They had a slightly special relationship stemming from a misunderstanding. They were also
able to share fun puns without hesitation in their boring daily lives in this relationship.
But that’s all. Their relationship was nothing more nor nothing less than that.
That is why Bernard did not stop Harrieta to the end. He didn’t want her to leave, but he
didn’t force her anyway.
As time passed, most wounds were bound to heal. So he believed that he too would heal
from this. He believed so vaguely that over time, this bitterness would blunt and he would
gradually adapt to life without her by himside.
Like Harrieta told him that day.
‘But yet, it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.’
Bernard frowned.
‘Rather than adapting, I feel her vacancy getting bigger and bigger.’
He ran his hand around his torso. Like something invisible was pressing against his chest. It
was too heavy to dismiss it as nothing. At the same time it was a little vague to call it pain.
Bernard was breathing slowly when he heard footsteps coming from the distance. It
sounded like half-running perhaps, something was urgent.
Bernard and Siorn looked in the direction of the sound. They looked at the sound of
footsteps getting closer and closer, seeing if the runner was coming at them.
Before long, a knight wearing Velicia’s garbs appeared in front of the two of them. Perhaps
knowing that they were here, the knight didn’t seem surprised at all when he saw them.
The knight politely saluted.
“What is going on?”
“Forgive me. I have something I need to tell you urgently.”
To Siorn’s question, the knight asked for a formal understanding.
“His Majesty wants to see the Crown Prince.”
“His Majesty?”
“Yes. He asked you to come as soon as possible.”
The knight’s words left Siorn in bewilderment. If the king had said that, something big must
have happened. In addition, the knight standing in front of him also pretended to be calm,
but his eyes were somewhat uneasy.
“Has His Majesty said anything else?”
“He told me to deliver this letter.”
The knight took out the letter from his chest and handed it to Siorn.
It was a letter made of thick parchment. It was the same material used to send news over
long distances. Siorn, who looked down at the letter with a doubtful face, accepted it
without saying a word.
Before long, Siorn opened the rolled up letter. Then he slowly began to read the text
written on the letter.
As his eyes moved down the letter, his face, which had been as calm as the surface of a lake,
became more and more distorted. His calm and rational eyes darkened, and his breathing
‘Things went very wrong.’
Bernard, who had been standing by Siorn and watching his reaction, immediately noticed.
“Brother, what is it?”
After reading the letter, Siorn raised his head and looked at Bernard. His face hardened like
a stone. Eyes full of worry and fear. His thick eyelashes quivered faintly.
His hands were also shaking. The letter that was held in his hand was crumpled.
“They say that Kustan crossed the border and attacked Velicia.”
Bernard’s eyes widened at the news Siorn had given him. His expression hardened in an
“It looks like they attacked a village on the outskirts a few nights ago. Apparently, they
moved as stealthily as possible, taking advantage of the dark. But they moved so quickly
that when the situation was grasped and reinforcements sent, the situation had already
Bernard didn’t say anything, just staring at Siorn. To think that Kustan is attacking Velicia.
He had said it as a joke, but he never imagined it would actually happen.
Bernard’s throat moved. No matter how aggressive Kustan is, they were not a very
outstanding country when looking at the economic conditions and the development of
civilization. To think that such a Kustan would attack two countries in a row.
Even Velicia, which was considered to have risen to the ranks of the empire, was not
spared. Was this something fathomable by common sense?
‘They won’t do that unless they’re crazy.’
Bernard exhaled heavily.
A properly sane mind would know how dangerous and foolish it was to wage a war with
Velicia like this at this point. In this position, no matter how lucky they were, they would
lose far more than they gained.
There’s no way they wouldn’t know that.
Yet, why.
“I must see His Majesty.”
Siorn, who could no longer remain still, declared.
“Guide me to His Majesty.”
“I will, Your Highness.”
Perhaps the knight had waited for Siorn’s order, he answered immediately. Just like that,
the two were hurrying to leave.
Bernard, who had been standing there blankly, suddenly came to his senses and hurriedly
grabbed Siorn. Because of the great news, something that he couldn’t grasp right away
came to my mind belatedly.
“Brother, the village on the outskirts that was said to have been attacked...?”
Bernard couldn’t finish the question, and his words went blurry. A place where Brimdel
and Velicia’s territory face each other. The boundary line between them.
‘No way...’
Chapter 106

Bernard’s heart pounded with anxiety. It didn’t feel right.

Siorn, who asked with a puzzled look, glanced at the contents of the text written on the
letter once again. Then he handed it to Bernard.
“To be honest, it feels like a village I’ve never heard of before.”
“They say it’s a village very close to the western border.”
As soon as he heard Siorn’s words, the name of a familiar village written on top of the letter
caught his eye. Bernard held his breath. The feeling was equivalent to the ground he was
stepping on had collapsed. Even though it was still clearly a bright day, his eyes went dark
as if night had come in an instant.
“Bernard, have you ever heard of it?”
Siorn asked. But Bernard gave no answer.
It was the name of the village written in the letter sent by Jonathan a few days ago, where
he had arrived safely with Harrieta.
Inside a damp, dark cave.
Twenty or so people huddled together with frightened faces. It was so deep inside the cave
that little light from the outside world could penetrate. Three or four torches were lit, but
they were far from enough to illuminate the inside of the cave. They had to narrow their
eyes and concentrate, but they could barely see the face of the person next to them.
It was a dangerous situation where they could step on the moss between the wet rocks and
slip. Still, no one suggested adding more fire. They only looked at each other, but eventually
chose to refrain from moving in the cave as much as possible.
Harrieta was sitting in one corner of the cave. Leaning her head against the damp wall, she
glanced down at the puddle of black water at her feet. The puddle was formed over a long
period of time from the dripping water on the ceiling due to moisture.
Water droplets fell to the floor drop by drop at regular intervals. Each time, the calm
surface of the water was rippled and a circular wave occurred.
‘Kustan is attacking Velicia.’
Harrieta let out a long sigh as she gazed at the water that shone red from the reflection of
the torchlight. Even though she had witnessed it with her own eyes, she still couldn’t
believe it.
It was a day like any other. It was night. It was also the night where Harrieta had made up
her mind to leave Balesnorth as soon as the sun came up and crossed over to Brimdel. It
was such an ordinary day, with nothing special or odd signs, except as her symbolic last
night in Velicia.
And that very night. After a long day, a large-scale Kustan army suddenly attacked the
village of Balesnorth, which was enjoying a peaceful and quiet night. The troops that
Kustan had were huge enough to make her wonder if they had brought all of them.
Hearing the sound of the emergency bell ringing from afar, the Velician soldiers rushed out
of the fortress, but it was already too late. They were not even given time to properly arm
themselves, let alone prepare to face the enemy. In addition, the number of troops differed
by dozens of times.
Wouldn’t it be more difficult to break a child’s hand? The Velician soldiers fell like paper
dolls in front of the Kustan soldiers who were running with their cavalry soldiers at the
fore. The village of Balesnorth, which had been spending a peaceful night, became a mess in
an instant.
It happened literally in the blink of an eye.
Harrieta’s complexion darkened as she recalled the past.
Deafening roar and tearing screams. The sound of thousands of horses’ hooves, so loud that
the ground shook. And the fierce flames that soared high into the sky and engulfed
everything around them. Scenes that seemed like a terrible nightmare passed before her
It seemed that the distant sound of horns still echoed in her ears. A thick and ominous horn
that seemed to be calling from the depths beneath the abyss.
It was already late when she got out of bed and checked out the window, wondering what
was going on.
Had she left Balesnorth as originally planned.
Had she left Balesnorth a day sooner.
After being semi-forcibly trapped in this cave, Harrieta has regretted it countless times.
They say that there is a proper order and timing for everything in the world, but
unfortunately she missed both of them.
‘No. If so, I might have faced a worse situation.’
Harrieta worked hard to turn her negative thoughts into positive ones.
‘No matter what the place is, first of all, it’s important to be alive and well. There must have
been several people who died without being able to leave the village. I’m very lucky.’
Harrieta saw Lucas, who was sitting not far from her.
It was by sheer chance that she ran into him in the middle of the village, where the sudden
attack had turned the place into a sea of fire. He managed to recognize her in the midst of
the chaos, and thanks to that she was able to take refuge here, following his father and
some people who knew of the cave’s existence.
It was fortunate indeed. Otherwise, it would have been almost impossible to get out of that
hellish scene unscathed, no matter how nimble and brave Jonathan was.
‘Anyway, where is Sir Jonathan by now?’
Harrieta suddenly remembered the knight, who left her here two days ago. He politely
declined her request to go inside with her.
‘Not far from here is Arrowfield. If I keep going, I’ll probably be able to get there in half a day.’
Then he added:
‘I will inform the Lord of Arrowfield about this and ask him to send troops. If I go there, I will
also be able to find a messenger, to get in touch with the capital.’
Although he was ordered by Bernard to escort Harrieta safely to the border, he was a
Velician knight first and foremost. He could not stand still and watch as his country was
mercilessly trampled under the feet of the enemy.
Chapter 107

Jonathan said he didn’t care if he couldn’t obey Bernard’s orders, even if he lost his life.
Before the Kustan army infiltrated even deeper into Velician territory, he had to inform the
superiors of this fact somehow.
Because that was his duty and responsibility.
‘Then I’ll go too.’
‘That won’t do.’
Jonathan shook his head when Harrieta said she would go to Arrowfield together with him.
‘I’m sorry, Miss Harrieta, but it’s much easier for me to go alone than with you. The situation
is like this, so I can’t afford to travel to my destination while worrying about your safety.’
So with Jonathan’s words, Harrieta kept her mouth shut. Because she knew he wasn’t
wrong in the slightest.
‘Miss Harrieta. If I don’t get back here in three days, I’ll probably have failed in my plan.’
Jonathan looked at Harrieta with serious eyes.
‘So after that, you must not wait for me. No matter how long you wait, I will never come back.’
‘Then what should I do?’
Harrieta asked. Jonathan thought for a moment before continuing.
‘Get out of here and head to Arrowfield. And report this situation to the Lord of Arrowfield
instead of me, and request that an emergency contact be made to the capital. Please.’
With those words, Jonathan left. He was half-running, knowing that he had a long way to go
in the given time.
He disappeared somewhere through the dense forest.
Two days have already passed since then, and he still has not returned here.
‘Wherever he is, he should be safe.’
Armed Kustan soldiers were scattered everywhere. She had no doubt that Jonathan was a
brilliant knight, but it was clear that sneaking out of here to avoid the eyes of close to ten
thousand soldiers would be a very difficult task.
Drip, drip-
The sound of water drops falling on the water echoed in her ears. Harrieta closed her eyes
while looking at the corner leading outside.
Time seemed to pass so slowly.
Three days had passed since Harrieta had hidden herself in a cave in the forest with the
villagers of Balesnorth. It was short yet long. For those three days, Harrieta quietly waited
for Jonathan inside the cave, as he had promised.
However, even though the promised time had passed, Jonathan did not return to this place
in the end.
The fourth day after he left. Harrieta accepted that the situation she feared had eventually
become a reality.
“Must you go, sister?”
Lucas approached Harrieta as she prepared to leave the cave and asked cautiously.
“Just in case, you can wait a little longer.”
Lucas looked at Harrieta and cried. He was still young enough to not be able to discern the
situation properly, but even he knew how dangerous it was to go out of the cave.
‘He would think it would be the same as walking into the fire with my eyes open.’
Harrieta knew that not only Lucas, who was stopping her, but everyone else here was
thinking the same way. But she had no desire to correct them. Because she knew very well
that they were not wrong.
Jonathan Coopert had been formally trained as a knight since he was a child. After he
became an adult, he was so talented that he was appointed as a Royal Guard Knight. Even
he was unsuccessful in his mission. Indeed, just because Harrieta tried, what percentage of
success would there be?
“Why does Sister have to go?”
“It’s not like Sister has to go.”
When Harrieta went silent, Lucas, who took it as hesitation, whined. His large eyes were
filled with concern about the dangers ahead of her.
‘Why me? As Lucas said, is it something I have to go to?’
Harrieta repeated Lucas’s words to herself. It was something she had already thought
about and asked herself many times.
Velicia was not her homeland. It was just that one of many countries that had friendly
relations with Brimdel, which was her homeland.
Moreover, she had many reasons for not having good feelings for Velicia. After all, the
beginning of the misfortune that befell her life came from Velicia, this country.
If only Velicia didn’t ask Brimdel for a bride, if only the person they proposed as the groom
wasn’t the infamous 2nd Prince, Harrieta wouldn’t have to pretend to be the fake princess
and come over to Velicia.
It was Shawn and the King of Brimdel who poured oil into the fire, but the person who
provided the fire was none other than Velicia. Even if it wasn’t intentional, they obviously
did something.
Whether Velicia was invaded or destroyed by an enemy country, what does that have to do
with Harrieta Mackenzie? What’s more, there was something else she had to do.
This was not something she would clap her hands in joy about, but certainly not something
she would risk her life to help with.
There were people that came to Harrieta’s head.
The maids of Velicia who treated her wholeheartedly and took care of her even though they
were seeing her for the first time. Several teachers stepped out of their way to help her
grow and gave her many lessons. Even though it must have been a nuisance, Jonathan and
others who escorted her to this place without showing their expression.
She remembered their kindness and the big and small considerations she had received
during her stay in Velicia. The faces of the people she was grateful for who helped her rise
up and lead her who had been in tatters as both her body and mind were in ruins.
And above all.
‘I’m saying I’ll help you.’
There was a man who smiled, showing his neat white teeth in front of Harrieta, who was
struggling in the pit of despair.
Chapter 108

‘I, Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt, the second prince of Velicia, will help you, Harrieta
Mackenzie of Brimdel.’
There would be no one in the world to help her, yet there was a man who reached out his
hand without hesitation to her, who was so discouraged.
Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt
Someone who would have married Harrieta and become her husband had things not gone
As a result, her life became more miserable, but because of that, she was able to rise again
over the misfortune. He was both the problem provider and the solver. Thinking back, it
was ironic.
‘No need to worry about that. Not just ten years, but twenty years, I won’t forget your name,
Despite being notified of the sudden separation, Bernard was confident that he would not
forget her for a very long time. Above all else, Bernard was nobler than anyone else while
Harrieta was a mere daughter of a fallen nobleman.
Bernard was always like that. He reached out to Harrieta, who was of no use to him, and
helped. He was brusque and sometimes played practical jokes, but looking back, he was
always there to help her.
The kind of person who she had received so much from that she never dared to give it back.
“I’m sorry, Lucas.”
Before long, Harrieta stroked Lucas’ head and apologized to him.
“But I must go. I already made a promise.”
If Jonathan doesn’t come back within three days, then Harrieta will go to Arrowfield and
tell the situation.
Even if it is a path of suicide with little chance of success.
“So until I come back, you should stay quiet here and listen to the adults. Got it?”
She wouldn’t know unless she tried it.
After getting out of the cave, Harrieta eagerly walked in the direction the villagers had
given her. But the forest was much bigger than she expected, so the way to get out of it was
also very complicated.
It seemed that she had walked for three or four hours, but she still couldn’t see the end of
the forest. The scenery around her also looked similar, so she couldn’t even tell if she was
moving forward or if she was just going in circles.
As time passed, Harrieta grew more and more anxious. She, of course, thought it would not
be an easy journey, but she never knew that she would struggle so much just to get out of
the forest.
Harrieta looked around as she wiped the sweat from her forehead.
It was a very dense forest with small gaps between trees. If she was a native of the village,
or someone unfamiliar with the geography of the forest, it seemed likely that she would
wander deeper and deeper into the forest for a long time.
Suddenly, she remembered Jonathan, who was trying to get out of this forest before her.
She wondered if he, like her, had lost his way while wandering in the woods. Moreover, he
had to leave as soon as possible, so he headed into the forest without even receiving proper
directions from the villagers.
‘I don’t think I’ll run into Sir Jonathan, who hasn’t left the forest yet.’
If so, how embarrassing would that be? While Harrieta was imagining such an absurd idea,
a strange sound came from somewhere.
At first she thought it was the wind noise. Or maybe it was the sound of leaves shaking in
the wind. But she soon realized that wasn’t the case.
Wooo, woooo.
It was the sound of an animal howling. Along with that, she also heard a sound like the
wind getting cut violently. Aside from the chirping of grass insects and the tweeting of
birds, it was a sound that did not go well with the quietness of the forest.
‘What is that sound?’
Harrieta tilted her head. It must have been a big wound, as the sound of the animal crying
was unusual.
Did it get caught in a trap set by a hunter? After thinking for a while, Harrieta took out the
head covering she had prepared in advance from her chest and put it on her face.
Her face and head were completely covered except for her eyes, so it was a little stuffy, but
she couldn’t help it. She could not completely rule out the possibility of encountering
unwanted people. There was nothing wrong with being cautious at this point when
everything was confusing.
‘This should be enough.’
Harrieta, who had finished her preparations, began slowly moving her steps. If her
predictions are correct, there must be a trail marked by hunters going in and out of the
woods around here. If only she could find that path, getting out of this maze-like forest
would have been a piece of cake.
Rustle, rustle
Harrieta, keeping her footsteps as quiet as possible, approached the source of the sound. As
she approached, the animal’s howl grew louder and louder. The sound of the wind, which
she felt was foreign, also grew louder.
Wooo, wooo!
The cry she thought was one was suddenly divided into several. In addition to the tearing
howls, there were also ferocious growls and aggressive sounds.
Harrieta stopped her steps. Maybe her prediction was wrong? If it was simply caught in a
hunter’s trap, there was no way she could hear so many cries. Unless some foolish beasts
were entrapped en masse.
‘Should I turn around and get out of here now?’
When she was seriously thinking about it. The sound of something moving quickly and
violently came from beyond the bush.
The sound of something sharp cutting.
The sound of something being stabbed.
It was an artificial, strange sound that could not be expressed in words. And the more she
heard the strange sound, the more and more often the animals howled.
‘This sound must be...?’
She could tell by listening closely. The identity of the sound of the wind that Harrieta
thought was alien. At the same time, she had some idea of what was going on beyond the
bush. And if that prediction was correct, a situation completely different from what she had
initially thought would be unfolding.
Harrieta, who had hardened like a statue, immediately pulled out the dagger from her
chest. Before she left the capital, Bernard had forcibly placed it in her hand, telling her to
take it just in case.
Harrieta took a deep breath to calm her trembling heart. Then, after a moment of
hesitation, she slowly parted the bushes that were blocking her path. Before long, her eyes
Beyond the bush, there was a man.
Chapter 109

A tall man with armor from head to toe.

Harrieta was a little nervous as she wondered if the man might be someone from Kustan,
but she soon gave up on that idea. Unlike the garbs of a Kustan knight, who is known to
wear a green cape over silver armor, the man’s armor was all black.
Moreover, with common sense, there was no way that a knight from Kustan could have
entered far deep into this forest alone without a particular reason.
The man was alone, but he’s actually not alone. Three huge wolves surrounded him. It was
the gray wolf, known as the fiercest and most violent of wolves.
The wolves showed their hostility toward the man by baring their sharp teeth. They were
all so big that if people were to see them from a distance they might have mistaken them
for a tiger rather than a wolf.
‘Oh my God.’
Harrieta was silently shocked.
‘Could it be that he took care of all those wolves by himself?’
Wolf carcasses were strewn about as far as the eye could see. Like the wolves surrounding
the man, they were also very large. There were so many of them that it was difficult for her
to count them individually.
‘To think he survived being attacked by a pack of wolves of that size.’
Harrieta lost her words. She didn’t know what that man was, but one thing was certain: he
was an incredibly talented person. A hunter may be skilled, but they will have a hard time
defeating a dozen gray wolves on their own.
All around the forest, it is full of green light, but all around the man is red. The contrast
colors made her shudder. There was a sharp, unpleasant smell of iron mixed in the air full
of the smell of grass.
‘If it’s someone with such skill, I don’t have to step in and help.’
Even if she offered to help anyway, she wouldn’t be of much help. She was about to turn
around, thinking that she should go her own way without interfering unnecessarily, but the
wolves growling and tensing their fur all at once rushed at the man.
A shrill voice flowed from between Harrieta’s lips, startled. As the wolf’s massive body
leaped high into the air, the recoil dug grooves in the ground and splashed dirt.
She was subconsciously trying to shout at the man to be careful, but before that, the man’s
sword moved first.
The sharpened sword drew a silver curve in the air. It was so fast it was hard to follow with
the eyes. With each movement of his sword, a terrifying sound rang out and blood gushed
out of the wolf’s body.
Simple, clean movements.
But at the same time, each one was precise and effective.
With a scream of pain, the wolves that had attacked the man fell one after another. One
seemed to have died on the spot, probably from a vital cut, while the other wriggled on the
floor and soon stopped moving. And the last wolf, who was alive until the end, was cut in
half by the sword he swung once again.
The wolf collapsed onto the floor. A cloud of dust rose with a thud, but it slowly settled
down due to the force of gravity.
That was the last. There were no wolves whining pathetically, no wolves growling
menacingly. After a terrible struggle between man and beast, the only one who survived
was the man in black armor.
Harrieta covered her mouth. What did she just witness now? She couldn’t believe it even
when she saw it with her own eyes.
Following Bernard, she had often watched the best knights in Velicia sparring swords
against each other, but none of them wielded swords like that man.
No. It seemed that even Jonathan, who was considered one of the top in Velicia, would have
a hard time following that man’s strength and speed.
Harrieta held her breath. Even after defeating more than a dozen gray wolves, the man
showed no signs of getting tired. He obviously had a hard time, but not a single breathing of
his was disturbed.
Is he really the same human as her? An ominous and eerie feeling. Standing tall in a place
where the aura of death was thick, it was as if the man was the god of death, Hyterous, had
Leaving the wolves’ corpses cooling down behind him, the man wiped the blood from his
sword. The red-painted blade of the sword returned to its original color with a silver tint.
Then he put it into the scabbard he wore around his waist. He then looked like he was
about to leave.
Realizing that the man was heading in the opposite direction to where she was hiding,
Harrieta sighed in relief.
She couldn’t be sure he would hurt her, but she couldn’t be sure he wouldn’t either. It was
better not to take unnecessary risks from the beginning. She waited for that man to
disappear, and then she decided to leave this place.
As she thought so.
One of the wolves she thought was dead opened its eyes. A long cut was visible in the
middle of the body, but luckily it seemed to have avoided the vital point. The wolf’s bright
yellow eyes turned to the man with his back to the wolf. Its eyes blazed fiercely at the one
who had brutally cut down the wolf and the group.
The wolf opened its mouth and charged at the man. The wolf was really trying to bite him,
even if it had to use up its last strength. Dozens of sharp teeth were exposed between the
gaping muzzle.
“Watch out!”
Harrieta, who was watching the scene, automatically shouted at the man. She didn’t have
time to reconsider if the man knew about her existence. She hurriedly ran through the bush
in front. Her body moved before her head.
An opportunity given only once.
Harrieta gripped the dagger with both hands. Then she swung it as hard as she could and
drove it down into the wolf’s torso.
The muscles of the predator, which had been running wild in the forest all its life, were as
hard as a rock. But even so, it was nothing compared to the dagger in Harrieta’s hand.
The blade of the dagger sliced through the wolf’s skin and muscle, deeply embedded in the
middle of the back of the neck. With a tingling sensation, hot blood gushed out from the
wolf’s body.
Chapter 110

Harrieta pushed the dagger deeper and deeper, ignoring the blood soaking her hands. Then
she twisted it diagonally. At that time, she felt like something was disconnected.
The wolf, that had been flinching and groaning, trembled and then drooped. That was the
last moment. The vessel that contained the soul did not move anymore. She couldn’t even
see the slightest movement like breathing.
Harrieta was convinced. This time, the wolf’s breath was completely cut off.
‘Thank goodness.’
Harrieta was deeply relieved. The unpleasant smell of blood stung her nostrils, but she
didn’t care. Confirming once again that the wolf was really dead, she let go of the dagger
she was holding tightly.Two bloody hands fell helplessly to her side.
‘I’m really glad...’
Harrieta tried to calm herself down by sweeping away her surprised heart, but suddenly
she felt a chill from somewhere.
A black shadow fell over her head.
Harrieta immediately raised her head. And she stood stiff in the spot.
A sword was thrust right in front of her face. The tip of the black-edged blade was
threatening as if it was about to pierce her throat.
Harrieta realized it deep down. If she moved rashly, her neck would be cut off by that
The tension made the inside of her mouth dry. Her gaze slowly moved upward along the
As expected, a man in black armor stood across from her.
The man was wearing a dark gray helmet close to black. Because the design was covering
all sides, his face was not visible. The only hole left was the eye socket at the front of the
helmet. But even then, because of the dark shadows, she couldn’t see anything properly.
Harrieta gulped dryly. She had to explain that she was only trying to help him, but she was
silent. It felt like the tongue was stuck to the roof of her mouth. Like it had been raining in
the middle of winter, her body shuddered.
Even though she was just standing in front of him, she couldn’t even breathe properly due
to the intimidation he radiated. The loud thumping of her heart was enough to deafen her
She could feel the man’s eyes hidden in the shadows watching her closely. Wherever his
gaze landed, goosebumps rose. She was hot as if she had been burned.
It was a strange feeling. A feeling that can’t be easily expressed in words.
“Ex, excuse me.”
Harrieta, who had managed to get her heart together, opened her mouth.
And at that very moment, the man who had been standing like a rock moved. He twisted his
sword, which was aimed at her, at an angle. A tendon bulged on the back of his hand that
was holding the handle of the sword. It looked as if he was about to wield it.
Harrieta’s eyes widened.
Was he trying to stab her like this? Startled, she quickly sat down in place, cupping her
head with both of her hands. She then curled her body into a circle. It was an instinctive
gesture in preparation for the danger that would soon befall her.
A light breeze blew up showing that the man was moving quickly. There was no time to
scream. She closed her eyes hard.
Along with a dull sound like a hammer hitting a pumpkin, an animal’s shriek came. The
unpleasant, sharp smell thickened once again. There was no need to visually confirm that it
was the smell of blood.
Before long, the sound of something heavy falling to the floor came behind Harrieta’s back.
The ground seemed shaking with the recoil.
Harrieta took a deep breath, still closing her eyes. Before crouching down, she was sure the
man would cut her with a swing of his sword. But the pain did not come.
‘What happened?’
Harrieta trembled and wondered at the unexpected development. Moreover, what is the
source of the sound she had just heard, she wasn’t sure. After hesitating for a while, she
opened her eyes and looked around.
The man was still standing in front of Harrieta. But the tip of the sword aimed at her neck
was no longer visible. His gaze was also not on her, but on something behind her.
What the hell are you looking at?
‘No way.’
Harrieta slowly twisted her upper body and turned her head away.
Behind her, about a step away, a huge wolf lay down. It was the body of a dead wolf with its
tongue sticking out. Like it had been cut with an ax, the center of its head was mercilessly
It was only then that Harrieta realized what had happened. It seemed that there was
another wolf besides her.
Harrieta, who had been staring blankly at the wolf’s corpse, straightened her body and
looked straight ahead. The sword the man was holding was covered in red blood. The blood
must have belonged to the wolf that was trying to attack her from behind.
‘He helped me.’
Just as Harrieta had helped him, he had only helped her. It happened so quickly that he
wouldn’t have time to warn her.
“Tha-Thank you.”
Harrieta stuttered and thanked him. She blushed that she had completely misunderstood
his intentions.
“I lived thanks to you...”
As she continued her words, the man put his sword into the scabbard. It was a simple
movement, but even that was as smooth as a calm stream.
Eventually, the man bent down. Then he got down on one knee and stretched out his hand
towards Harrieta.
‘What are you trying to do?’
Harrieta trembled and crouched her body. She knew he wouldn’t hurt her, but it was too
early to put her mind at ease.
He must have seen that she was very nervous, so his hand hesitated. That was weird. Even
though she couldn’t see his face because he was wearing a helmet, she sensed that he was
But that’s for a while. He moved his hand again. His big hand passed her as it headed
towards Harrieta. He then grabbed something and pulled it out.
Chapter 111

A small exclamation escaped Harrieta’s lips. Her dagger was clutched in the man’s hand.
The dagger she had thrust deep into the wolf’s scruff to save him.
The man silently looked down at the dagger. The originally small dagger looked even
smaller now that it was held in the man’s large hand.
The man’s attitude as he looked down at the dagger was too cautious. It naturally arouses
curiosity in those who look at it.
It was a gift from Bernard, a member of the royal family, so she thought it would be of some
value, but that was all. The blade was exceptionally sharp, but in terms of appearance, it
was closer to being simple and rugged rather than flashy.
‘Could he be asking me to hand over that dagger in return for saving my life?’
But if that’s the reason, since she saved his life, wouldn’t they be on equal ends? Harrieta
vigorously shook her head as the man took a dry rag from his chest and wiped the blade of
the dagger. Then he turned the dagger so that the hilt was pointing towards her and slid it
toward her.
As Harrieta didn’t immediately take the dagger and stared blankly at him, the man shook it
slightly. Perhaps telling her to take it quickly before he changes his mind.
Seeing that hand gesture, Harrieta suddenly woke up. Anxious for fear of offending the man
by fumbling around, she quickly took the dagger from his hand.
“Thank you.”
She bowed her head almost automatically, thanking him once again. This was already the
second time since she faced him.
The man said nothing. He just kept his eyes on Harrieta, remaining silent. There was an
awkward, uncomfortable silence that took her breath away.
‘I think I need to say something more.’
Harrieta was seriously thinking about whether she should say something, but the man
suddenly stood up. As the tall man stood in front of her, a shadow naturally fell over her
Then he disappeared.
Step, step. Along with the sound of footsteps, the man’s presence faded away.
Harrieta raised her head quietly. Then, with his back turned to her, she saw the man’s back
moving far away. There was no hesitation in his gait, as if he had nothing to do here
Harrieta looked at the man with a slightly lost face. What just happened? Before she could
grasp the situation, he completely disappeared among the bushes. He didn’t say a word to
As soon as the man’s presence disappeared, a calm silence came. Even so, she did not know
how to get up, sitting there for a long time.
It felt like a midsummer night’s dream.
After she parted ways with the enigmatic man, Harrieta continued walking in the direction
the villagers had pointed out before. Even so, she wondered for a while whether she was
going the right way or not. Because it seemed that whenever she walked, only the same
scenery unfolded.
But she didn’t give up. She remembered that in order to get out of the village limits through
the woods, she would have to walk steadily for at least half a day.
Besides, she has come too far to go back now. Even if she wasn’t sure, she had no choice but
to move forward first.
Harrieta, who had been walking hard for a long time without stopping, noticed something
in the distance and stopped. A large tree planted beside a flowing stream. And two
elongated rocks that stand beyond it.
The two rocks seemed similar in size and shape to each other. Standing side by side, they
reminded her of rabbit ears standing upright. Harrieta narrowed her eyes. Before she left
the cave, the villagers explained.
‘If you go a little further past that rock, you can go straight out of the forest without going
through the village.’
Harrieta took another step again, recalling what she had heard from the villagers. Her
heart, which had sunk infinitely heavy, became a little lighter. Like she had found a dim
light as she walked through a dark tunnel.
‘After leaving the forest, first go to a nearby farmhouse and get a mount.’
She hurried her steps, planning for the soon-to-be future, when a strange sound came from
The strange sound carried by the wind was thin and dangerous, so thin it would break at
any moment. And it caught Harrieta’s ankles. The flow of her thoughts was interrupted. She
stopped in place and looked around.
‘This sound is clearly...’
Harrieta frowned as she listened.
It was faint, but she could make out right away. It was a human groan. It sounds like they
are gritting their teeth and trying to endure the pain somehow.
Who was seriously injured? At first glance, the sound was not unusual. Although nothing
was visible, it must have been coming from somewhere nearby.
Harrieta soon realized that the sound was coming from the rock. For some reason, she felt
chilly. Suddenly, she saw a stream flowing beside it. The color of the water, which should
have been clear and transparent, was red and muddy.
‘Did they get attacked by a wild beast?’
She remembered the pack of gray wolves she had just seen.
‘If not...’
Harrieta cautiously moved her steps. Slowly. Very slowly
Keeping a certain distance from the rock, she went around in a circle. She was prepared for
the unexpected.
Harrieta’s eyes widened as she spotted a person sitting leaning against a rock.
Silver armor and a green cloak. A familiar ancient pattern elaborately embroidered with
gold thread and a long sword lying on the floor.
Harrieta was greatly frightened. And she was sure at the same time.
That this is a knight of Kustan.
Harrieta held her breath and hid herself behind a tree.
Chapter 112

Although located not far from the border of the forest, it was quite far from the village of
Balesnorth. There are only one or two shabby farmhouses in the vicinity. It was the kind of
place they wouldn’t go to unless there was a special reason.
‘Are they alone?’
Harrieta, clinging to the back of a tree, watched it cautiously. She was afraid that the fellow
knights or soldiers might be nearby. However, when she looked closely, she couldn’t see a
single ant, let alone a soldier.
Whether it’s a knight or something, they’re usually a group of people moving together.
Harrieta rolled her eyes. She wondered if that person had accidentally lost their way while
wandering in the woods.
After confirming several times that there was no one here except her and that Kustan
knight, Harrieta relaxed a little. She pokes her head out of the tree. Then she started looking
at the knight again.
The knight was sitting almost sprawled with their back against the rock. They lowered
their head weakly, so she couldn’t see the face, but she could tell the knight was awake by
the rare groans.
‘They’re hurt.’
Perhaps it had been a difficult battle, the knight’s appearance was beyond words. Dark red
bloodstains were smeared here and there on the armor that was supposed to shine with a
brilliant silver light. The green cloak that symbolizes Kustan was also ripped. To their right
lay a dented helmet, and to their left lay a long sword.
But there was something else that caught Harrieta’s attention.
Her eyes moved to the knight’s leg. A thick arrow was lodged in the right thigh. Judging by
the length of the protruding shaft, it seemed to be quite deeply embedded even though the
knight was wearing armor.
‘Why didn’t they take it out?’
Harrieta was puzzled. The arrowhead could have rusted, or debris could have fallen off, so
the longer the wound was left in that state, the more likely it would become infected with
germs. Moreover, it was very difficult to stop the bleeding while the arrow was stuck.
Therefore, when struck by an arrow, it was common sense to get rid of it as quickly as
However, unless there is some reason why it cannot be removed.
The arrow feathers at the end of the shaft stood out. It was a dark brown mottled pattern,
quite unusual in appearance.
Harrieta’s eyes narrowed as she carefully examined the feathers of the arrows. She had
seen an arrow very similar to that before.
‘These arrows look a little peculiar.’
The memory of the day she followed Bernard to the training ground located in the castle
came to mind.
‘The arrow feather is normal, but the shape of this arrowhead is particularly unique.’
Harrieta murmured as she picked up the arrows piled up in one corner of the training
ground. There were three small bumps attached to the pointed central arrowhead. It was
so distinctive that even those who didn’t know much about archery could immediately tell
the difference.
‘Ah, come to think of it, is this your first time seeing Destrude?’
Bernard, who glanced at the arrow in Harrieta’s hand, spoke indifferently.
As Harrieta tilted her head at the unfamiliar word, Bernard nodded once and explained.
‘Yes. It is often referred to as the devil’s hook. The arrowheads are designed to be difficult to
remove once they are lodged in the target. Like a fish hook of death.’
‘It’s a little...creepy. A devil’s hook.’
When Harrieta put down the arrow with a displeased expression, Bernard laughed.
‘Don’t worry. Destrude isn’t used very often. In fact, there are only a few people in Velicia who
are allowed to use it.’
As you can see, it’s pretty dangerous stuff, he added. Like he was trying to reassure her
‘I’m sure it’s that arrow.’
Harrieta frowned as she examined the arrow. It was quite far away so she couldn’t see it
closely, but she was sure nonetheless.
‘But why is it stuck in that knight’s leg?’
Bernard had said that there were only a few people in Velicia who could handle it. And
most of them were said to be members of the royal family or knights belonging to the royal
family. That would mean there is one of them around here.
When her thoughts reached that far, there was a person who came to mind.
Jonathan Coopert. A knight belonging to the royal family of Belicia, and a knight in charge of
the second prince, Bernard.
Before long, Harrieta silently convinced. Yes. If Jonathan was recognized as an elite even in
the royal knights, he would surely know how to handle that Destrude.
‘But it’s already been four days since Sir Jonathan left the cave.’
Then, suddenly, something unexpected came to mind.
‘Unless things went wrong, he’s still around here… … ?’
A feeling of uneasiness. Along with that, the existence of the Kustan knight sitting in front of
her collapsed, fueled her anxiety even more. Unless there was a special reason, they
deliberately chose this path because there was usually no one other than forest beasts to
come and go.
But Harrieta worked hard to get the negative thoughts out of her head. What’s the matter?
Anyway, she had only one choice now.
‘I’ll have to move carefully so I don’t get caught.’
Judging from the knight’s condition anyway, it didn’t seem like they would be a big threat
even if she got caught, but it was something she never knew. Harrieta moved slowly and
cautiously as she tried to get out of the spot.
“Who is there?”
The knight, who was hanging their head like dead, shouted while straightening their upper
body. With that, Harrieta froze in place. How did the knight notice? She tried to hide her
presence as much as possible and move carefully. But it seemed to have failed
“I know you’re there. So show yourself.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I just have something I want to ask of you. If you want, I will
compensate you accordingly.”
“Really. If there’s anything you want, just say it. I will do my best to accommodate your
Chapter 113

Harrieta continued to be silent, so the knight’s voice grew more earnest. They seemed
worried that Harrieta might just leave without listening to their story any more.
However, contrary to their thoughts, Harrieta was caught in deep confusion.
‘This voice is...’
She held her breath.
‘...a woman?’
Harrieta slowly turned her body to check the knight’s face. She had broad shoulders and a
stocky physique. But looking closely, she can tell that the lines that make up her face are
somehow feminine. Her eyes widened slightly at that unexpected realization.
‘A female knight.’
She was amazed. It was too amazing. Since this was a knight of Kustan, Harrieta naturally
assumed that it would be male, but she missed that expectation. In Brimdel and Velicia, it
was not common for a woman to be formally granted a knighthood.
‘What does it matter?’
Harrieta firmly fixed her mind after trying to back down for a while.
The knight was, after all, a knight of the enemy country Kustan. Whether the knight was
injured or died here had nothing to do with Harrieta herself.
Harrieta was about to leave the place after making up her mind and turning her body
“Don’t go.”
Perhaps the knight had read her thoughts, the knight begged desperately once more.
In a voice so pitiful as to make one wonder if she was weeping.
“I will do anything you ask me to do. So please...”
Obviously the knight was from a heinous enemy country.
Harrieta bit her lower lip. For some reason, she couldn’t walk. There was something
uncomfortable and unpleasant sticking to her ankle.
The knight’s breathing sounded sparsely through the silence, irregular and harsh. Although
she was barely holding her position, she must have been carrying a lot of pain that cannot
be expressed in words.
‘Wake up. Harrieta. You don’t know what you’re supposed to do now.’
Harrieta pushed herself for feeling pity. But even so, the figure of a pitiful knight with a pale
complexion flickered before her eyes. Even with death on the verge, the knight’s pupils did
not lose her aspirations for life.
If she continued to ignore it, the knight would most likely not survive.
‘Even if I kill the knight with my own hands, it won’t be enough.’
Harrieta raised her head as she pondered over many contradictory thoughts. Her eyes were
full of determination, as if she had decided on something. She turned and took a step in
front of her tree.
When Harrieta emerged from behind the tree, the knight gave a slightly surprised
expression. Even though it was only in response to the knight’s request to reveal her
appearance, the knight did not expect that Harrieta would obey her obediently.
“Don’t get me wrong. I cannot save you.”
Harrieta said bluntly with a cold face. So she wouldn’t give the knight any hope.
She pointed with her finger at the arrow lodged in the knight’s leg.
“That...won’t come off easily.”
The knight inadvertently looked at her leg at Harrieta’s words. The wounds that didn’t hurt
and now tingle. Her injuries were so wide and deep that it seemed likely that she had
suffered bone damage.
“So you’d better just give up at this point.”
“Even if I take it out, I won’t be carrying you out of this forest.”
“Yes. It doesn’t matter if you leave me here as it is.”
The knight answered coldly. Harrieta frowned at that.
“It doesn’t matter?”
“Yes. Instead, just give me a word.”
When Harrieta asked back, the knight hurriedly nodded her head.
“No matter what happens, there is something I must tell him.”
“My superior, Ed, commander of Kustan.”
“I can’t do that.”
Harrieta didn’t listen to the knight until the end, and she flatly refused.
“I can’t do that even if you give me all the gold and silver treasures in the world.”
In fact, she didn’t even have to listen. She doesn’t know what the knight wants to convey,
but whatever it is, Harrieta will not go to the enemy’s camp. Besides, as of now, the
commander, who leads the Kustan army, is the first person she should avoid the most.
The knight’s complexion darkened visibly with Harrieta’s resolute refusal. A look as if she
had witnessed the sky fall in front of her eyes.
Did the knight really believe that Harrieta would do her favor? A vivid look of
disappointment spread over the knight’s haggard, weary face.
Harrieta thought the knight was absurd, but on the other hand, she couldn’t erase her pity
feeling. How earnest the knight must have been, did she really believe that Harrieta would
grant such a ridiculous request?
“Anyway, you said it doesn’t matter if I leave you here.”
Harrieta, who was looking at the knight with a dejected face, opened her mouth.
“Is the word that you have to tell your superior that important? That your life and death are
less important?”
“Yes. That’s how important it is.”
Harrieta responded coldly.
This woman was a knight of Kustan. She has no blood or tears, and is a vicious and cruel
knight of the enemy country. To such a knight, what was more important than life.
A monster had to act like a monster. Don’t spit out such noble words that she will sacrifice
herself for a cause.
“Loyalty, patriotism. It’s all just words.”
Harrieta deliberately provoked the other person with even more grumpy sarcasm.
“It’s a world where you do everything you can to live.”
“There are so many things in the world that are more important than my life.”
The knight did not give in to Harrieta’s provocation and answered calmly. Was it because of
the pale complexion? The knight’s blue eyes looking at Harrieta seems clearer.
“Then you didn’t have a single thing?”
The knight asked.
“DId you not have a single thing that was so precious that you would want to protect it at
the cost of your life?”
To want to protect it even at the cost of her life. More precious than life.
Chapter 114

Harrieta’s eyes darkened. There were moments where she was infinitely joyful and
beaming. At that time, she didn’t know how precious those moments were and she let it slip
It was good even just once. If only she could go back to those days and be with those who
made those moments shine. She would give anything and everything if she could.
But Harrieta was well aware. Even if she regrets it now, it’s too late. Even if she hoped and
hoped, she would never be able to go back to those days.
Harrieta saw the knight. She felt strange. Even though she and the knight don’t have a
single part that resembles each other, Harrieta felt a strange sense of kinship at this
moment. To the knight who would give her life without hesitation in order to protect her
precious things.
“Can you promise not to lay a finger on me?”
“What do you mean?”
The knight narrowed her eyes at Harrieta’s sudden question. Perhaps Harrieta was up to
some trick, the suspicious eyes turned to her.
But Harrieta didn’t give in. She didn’t even feel intimidated. She just hoped that she would
not regret her actions later.
With both her back and her head straight, she approached the wounded knight.
“The arrow stuck in your leg.”
Then, with a silent gesture, she pointed at the arrow lodged in the knight’s leg.
“I’ll get rid of that arrow, so don’t even think about harming me.”
Pulling out Destrude was far more complicated than she thought. The tips, like hooks bent
in the opposite direction, were lodged in the knight’s muscles and did not come off easily.
However, if she pulled it out recklessly, all of the leg muscles would be destroyed.
Velicia designed something really terrible, Harrieta silently hated it.
“It will hurt a little.”
She spat out a warning that wasn’t actually a warning, and started disassembling Destrude
in earnest. It was fortunate that Bernard had taught her, who had shown interest in
Destrude, how to get rid of it as a pastime. Otherwise, she would have been at a loss as to
where to start with this monstrous weapon.
“You can scream if it hurts. There is no one here to belittle you for doing that.”
Every time her hand touched it, the knight flinched and broke out in a cold sweat. Harrieta
tried to speak as bluntly as possible without emotion, but she couldn’t help but notice the
sympathy in her voice. But even so, the knight stubbornly swallowed her screams.
“Should we take a little break?”
“ continue...”
The knight gasped and urged. The person whose face was white like a sheet of paper. Now
that she sees it, the knight fainted and woke up but wouldn’t say anything about the pain
with her mouth.
Isn’t it pointless to try to protect her pride? No matter how careful Harrieta may be, it
would sure to hurt because the raw flesh was exposed.
Harrieta clicked her tongue as she looked at the knight. Her hands, which had been loose
for a moment, became busy again.
“Are you a healer?”
The knight asked, breaking the stillness. Harrieta, who was diligently applying medicine to
the wound, raised her head slightly and met the knight’s eyes. After completely removing
Destrude and applying an excellent medicine to stop bleeding and relieve pain, the knight
looked much more comfortable than before.
“To be called just an ordinary villager, you are good at handling herbs and seem to know
that strange arrow well.”
When Harrieta made no reply, the knight continued.
“You don’t look like someone from here. Your appearance, your accent.”
“I wonder if your true identity...”
“That’s enough questions.”
Harrieta coldly cut off the knight’s words.
“Aren’t you the one who trusts people too easily?”
“Trust people easily?”
“Yes. How do you know if what I have in my hands is medicinal or poisonous?”
Harrieta waved the homemade herb at the knight. The green herbs placed on the broad
leaves gave off a scent similar to that of mugwort.
“I said it’s good for pain, but how do you know it’s true? It might be a paralyzing drug
strong enough to take your breath away.”
“No way.”
The knight laughed, finding Harrieta’s words absurd.
“I would have died if I was left alone anyway, so why would you go to such trouble and
poison me?”
“Maybe I’m trying to make the death as painful as possible.”
Harrieta muttered in a sullen voice. The knight flinched and trembled as Harrieta’s hands
tightened as she reapplied the medicine. She didn’t mean to, so she stopped touching it and
exclaimed in surprise.
A face stained with guilt asking does it hurt a lot? Harrieta carefully examined the knight’s
face. But she soon realized that the knight was looking at her, and she quickly calmed her
expression. She resumed her actions as if nothing had happened.
“As I said before, I will only treat your wounds. After that, you take care of yourself.”
“If I ask you to point a colleague to my location, will you refuse?”
“Of course. It is absolutely forbidden to get involved with the Kustan Army.”
Harrieta flatly refused. The knight didn’t expect Harrieta to agree from the beginning, but
she didn’t seem to be very sorry.
“You seem to hate it quite a bit.”
The knight said.
“But then why are you helping me? You probably know that I belong to the Kustan army,
too, right?”
‘I know.’
Harrieta retorted in her heart. It was a twisted and self-deprecating mind.
‘A knight from Kustan. A knight from the enemy country.’
Harrieta felt bitter, repeating the fact. She could see as clearly as black and white what the
relationship would be like between the knight of Kustan, and her, a native of Brimdel and
helped by Velicia. If Harrieta had seen the knight from a distance, she would not have
hesitated to draw her bowstring towards the knight when she needed it.
But the more Harrieta talked to the knight, the more she realized that she was a human
being just like her. Able to speak, think, and agonize. A person who bleeds when injured
and suffers when wounded.
“Keep quiet before I change my mind, get it.”
Chapter 115

It was a realization she didn’t want to realize. So she deliberately acted even colder. Like a
hedgehog that curls up and puts up its thorns for fear of getting hurt.
Riiip. Harrieta tore the knight’s cloak across with a dagger. She then used it instead of a
Harrieta’s behavior of damaging the knight’s clothes without permission was annoying, but
the knight quietly condoned it. She watched Harrieta as she wrapped a piece of cloak
around the wound.
“ are from Brimdel?”
The knight asked quietly. Harrieta, who was skillfully putting on the bandage, lifted her
head. In a quiet forest where they can clearly hear each other’s breathing. The eyes of the
two intertwined.
“No. If you were really from Brimdel, you wouldn’t be treating me like this right now.”
However, before Harrieta had time to reply, the knight smiled and denied the possibility of
her own guess. Of course, the situation would be the same even if she was from Vellicia, but
she added as if talking to herself.
Harrieta stared at the knight’s face in silence for a long time.
Brimdel. A country she called her motherland and loved with all her heart until the year she
turned eighteen. A country where she would have lived her life and died had it not been for
things going awry midway through.
“Come to think of it, that it true?”
Harrieta lowered her head and asked softly. She pretended to be as indifferent as possible
to avoid arousing the knight’s suspicion. The knight raised her eyebrows.
“Rumors that Kustan destroyed Brimdel.”
Harrieta replied.
“There are rumors that Brimdel has killed all the royals so that they can never be rebuilt.”
“Aah. Is that what you mean?”
With Harrieta’s explanation, the knight looked like she finally knew what Harrieta was
talking about. The knight nodded her head.
“That’s right. It is true.”
Harrieta’s voice trembled as she repeated the knight’s words. She let out a short breath
without realizing it.
‘Really...All the royals are dead? The royal family...Brimdel...’
She had already heard rumors about that, but hearing that it was true made her feel
different. The feeling of having been splashed with cold water. Or even the feeling of being
slapped on the cheek.
The out-of-control emotions ran wild in Harrieta. Fortunately, however, the knight did not
seem to notice the change in Harrieta.
“At first, there were a lot of concerns about whether it was an extreme choice. But now it’s
different. Everyone says it was a very wise choice.”
“A wise choice?”
“Yes. Because we don’t have to worry about what kind of tricks the Brimdel people are
doing behind the scenes to get the throne back.”
The knight said indifferently. She was unstoppable in speaking and expressing himself.
Well, there was no reason not to. The knight couldn’t imagine that Harrieta, who was sitting
in front of me, was from Brimdel.
Harrieta gulped. Fidgeting with the knot in the bandage, she opened her mouth.
“It’s stupid. The country has collapsed, but do you think only the royal family will rebel?”
She tried to pretend nothing was wrong and reprimanded the knight.
“Even if it wasn’t the royalty, how many powerful nobles are there? If they make up their
minds and unite their strength.”
“That won’t happen.”
The knight cut off Harrieta’s words in the middle and asserted.
“Because it will be difficult to find a family with plausible power among the surviving
It was a heavy statement. Harrieta jerked her head up to see the knight. Her eyes were
filled with confidence, not even a hint of hesitation.
“What are you talking about?”
Harrieta asked in a slightly urgent tone.
“It will be difficult to find a family with plausible power?”
Please no.
Her long eyelashes quivered. The knight, who was staring at her, said.
“We got rid of them too. All of them, including families with a title of Marquis or higher, as
well as those with some degree of fame.”
“Judging from your expression, it seems that the news has not reached this far yet.”
The knight muttered with a surprised face. It was a case that was talked about a lot
between them. Because of that, she naturally thought that the news would have spread
widely here, even in Velicia.
‘Did they get rid of them?’
Harrieta, who was staring blankly, slowly repeated the knight’s words.
‘All the families with a title of Marquis or higher?’
She blinked her eyes. She was so surprised that no sound came out at all. Thump. Her heart
raced and her breathing quickened.
In the midst of that, something suddenly popped into her head. The reason she decided to
die and wanted to live again. The reason why she was heading towards Brimdel, leaving
behind Bernard who was holding her back.
“Then Shawn...No, Duchy Rowani...?”
Harrieta managed to hold onto her shattering reason and put the cursed name in her
“Rowani, what about Duchy Rowani? Who is that successor? What has become of him?”
The knight tilted her head slightly to the side and repeated the name quietly. It’s a name
she was sure she had heard before somewhere. Her eyes narrowed as she searched
through her memories.
“Yes. Come to think of it, there was a family with the same surname as that.”
The knight muttered, slowly closing and opening her eyes.
“Of course, they too.”
“Not a single person survived.”
Hearing the knight’s words, Harrieta widened her eyes. It felt like the words had turned
into a huge mace and struck her in the head.
‘Dead? Shawn, him?’
Shawn’s face, who was laughing at her and accusing her, came to mind. He always used his
background as a weapon to oppress and threaten her.
‘He who trampled on my life and eventually ruined the lives of my family and my precious
people, is really...dead?’
“But...But why...?”
Harrieta asked, stuttering her words. Her eyes went dark, and it felt as if the bottom of her
feet had sunk.
Chapter 116

“Why on earth...?”
“As I said earlier, we were concerned that they might join forces and create trouble.”
“Nonsense. It can’t be.”
Her voice trembled louder and louder.
“Are you...misunderstanding something?”
Harrieta asked urgently. She said again,
“You might have heard false rumors or something.”
“I didn’t hear rumors, I saw it with my own eyes. Lord himself destroyed the royal family.
Dealing with high-ranking nobles, including Duchy Rowani you speak of. Everything.”
“Do you need more confirmation than this?”
The knight asked back. She frowned as if she was a little displeased that Harrieta seemed to
dare doubt the sincerity of her words.
Harrieta, who had been hardened like a stone, murmured softly.
“Your Lord...?”
“My superior, whom I mentioned earlier. He is the commander of Kustan.”
The knight answered. A smile spread across her lips for the first time. Showing she was
proud just by thinking about it in her head.
“It is all thanks to him that we have been able to come this far in this war. If he hadn’t been
there, we wouldn’t have been able to capture even Brimdel’s Bangola fortress, let alone
Harrieta’s eyes widened hearing the name of the familiar region come out of the knight’s
At the same time, a scene in her memory unfolded before her eyes like a hazy mirage.
‘Sister. I want to live.’
There was a boy who was trembling and crying.
‘I don’t want to die.’
A young boy who hadn’t even had his coming-of-age ceremony yet.
“Destroying the strong Bangola fortress.”
Harrieta kept her gaze on the knight who spoke with distant eyes. But she was looking at
something other than the knight.
“Destroying the Demner Knights stationed there.”
She saw Hugo wandering in the middle of the battlefield in chaos. His whole body was
covered with scars, and he trudged forward.
“All of these are achievements made by our Lord himself.”
Someone on horseback ran quickly behind Hugo. Then he swung his sword without
hesitation. A silver sword was drawn in the air, and red blood gushed out along the trail.
Harrieta let out her breath. Between the blood gushing out, she could see eyes like beasts
That was it.
There was a sound of something breaking through the bushes. The two looked at the
source of the sound almost at the same time.
Among the green leaves stood a man dressed as black as darkness. The man was covered in
black from head to toe.
‘That man I met a little while ago...’
Harrieta recognized the man at once.
‘Why is that man here?’
“You are here.”
She was about to ask how the man got here, but the knight in front of Harrieta suddenly
shouted at the man.
“Lord...Lord, why are you here?”
The knight seemed genuinely surprised by the man’s sudden appearance. Perhaps she was
looking at something, or if she had any doubts, she blinked her eyes repeatedly.
Harrieta looked back and forth between the knight and the man with a stiff face. It wasn’t
just the knight who couldn’t understand this situation.
‘The Lord?’
The man must be the traveler who she had run into some time ago. He was attacked by
gray wolves and cut them down one after another. The one who saved her from being
attacked by a surviving wolf, and who saved her from almost running into the same
situation right after.
“Then that person...”
‘...The commander of the Kustan Army?’
Like water and oil, Harrieta was greatly confused by the fact that the two people who had
been thoroughly separated as completely different people were actually the same person.
Where and how did it go wrong? As she blinked her eyes at the man, she heard another
movement from behind him.
The sound of stepping on the long grass. The sound of breaking through dense bushes
again. This time, it sounded like several people were moving, not just one person.
“Ah, Lord! You found Dame Lionelli!”
Suddenly, another figure jumped out beside the man. It was a man dressed like the knight
Harrieta had treated. Perhaps they were chasing after the man, dozens of soldiers appeared
in a rush.
“Dame! What the hell are you thinking?”
The newly appeared man strode forward with a very nervous face, like he had accumulated
a lot towards the knight.
“No matter how urgent the situation is. Shouldn’t you have left at least a mark? How much
time do we waste chasing Dame’s trail...”
The man who had been firing at Lionelli with a rapid-fire cannon slurred his words. His
eyes widened.
“No, Dame’s condition...?”
The man’s face turned white when he noticed her miserable condition belatedly.
“Da, Dame! What on earth happened?”
“It’s fine. Sir Theodore. I’m much better than it looks on the outside.”
“What do you mean fine! It would be no exaggeration to call you a corpse!”
Theodore screamed in frustration.
“This won’t do, call the medic right away!”
“It will be faster to go there from here.”
A man in black armor who stood like a shadow interrupted Theodore’s words with one
hand raised. It was a low and calm voice, but at the same time it was a voice that gave off a
deep sense of intimidation.
He didn’t even raise his voice, but the surroundings became quiet in an instant. Everyone
held their breath and waited for his next words.
“Dame Lionelli.”
“Yes, Lord.”
“You can ride a horse, right.”
With the man’s question, people’s eyes naturally turned to Lionelli’s legs. It was wrapped in
cloth, but the amount of blood spilled on the floor gave an idea of how serious the wounds
She seemed to have difficulty standing up, let alone walk with support. But to ride a horse
in that state? It was unimaginable if she could even center herself properly on top of it.
Chapter 117

“Of course.”
Contrary to everyone’s concerns, however, Lionelli nodded her head and answered in
Theodore clicked his tongue seeing his colleague. Even if she was going to die soon, she was
stubborn and would not show her weakness.
Under the man’s command, the soldiers brought a horse. Lionelli struggled to get on the
horse, aided by Theodore and the soldiers. It looked as if she would pass out at any moment
from the cold sweat on her pale face, but she did not lose consciousness until the end.
“Anyway, she’s pretty tough.”
Theodore, who was watching the scene, shook his head.
Lionelli’s horse was pulled by the soldier’s hand and rode in front. She had the soldier
pause the horse for a moment.
“Forgive me. Lord.”
Standing in front of the man, Lionelli managed to hold herself together and apologized to
“Really...I am ashamed of myself.”
“Who was Dame chasing?”
The man asked quietly.
“Did you kill him?”
“...I missed it.”
Lionelli gritted her teeth with a look of indignation.
“He was precise and quick on his feet. I haven’t been able to figure out his identity, but he
must be a knight belonging to Velicia.”
“Which way was he headed?”
“East. Lord.”
Lionelli’s complexion darkened.
“It looks like he headed there to call in reinforcements. Lord knows well that there is a
fairly large village not far from here.”
“Even so, I wanted to tell Lord about this as soon as possible. But even if I tried hard, I
couldn’t move on my own with these legs. I apologize.”
“I see.”
Despite hearing the news that the Velicia army might be coming soon, the man did not
respond. Far from panicking or getting impatient, he showed an infinitely indifferent
attitude, like he had heard that everything was going well.
The soldiers looked into each other’s eyes. At first glance, it sounds like a serious story, but
seeing the commander act so calmly, they wondered if they had heard it wrong.
“Who is this woman here anyway?”
Looking down at Harrieta, who was still sitting on the ground, Theodore asked right away.
“She is a benefactor who helped me. She pulled out that arrow that was stuck in my leg.”
Lionelli said, pointing at Destrude, who was lying on the ground with her eye. Theodore
frowned when he saw where her gaze was directed. A sharp piece of metal that has been
disassembled into several pieces. The outside of them had bloody flesh sticking to it.
“Is this an arrow? It doesn’t look like that at all?”
“It was a strangely shaped arrow with a hook bent in the opposite direction attached to the
arrowhead. Because of that, I couldn’t pull it out by myself.”
“By the way, this woman took it out for you?”
The tone of Theodore’s voice rose.
Lionelli and him were people who had lived their lives as knights. It’s a rare weapon that
even they don’t know much about, but this woman passing by just happened to know how
to remove it.
“No matter how you look at it, she’s suspicious.”
Theodore’s eyes narrowed.
“Why are you covering your face again?”
Theodore stretched out his hand towards Harrieta. He had the intention to take off the
hood she wore. Realizing his intentions, Harrieta trembled and quickly pulled her body
“Stop! Leave that woman alone!”
Lionelli raised her voice.
“She is a benefactor to me! I won’t lay a finger on her if she helps me, I promised!”
“That’s what Dame promised. It’s not what I promised.”
“Sir Theodore!”
“Calm down a little. Dame, you might have lost your reason from shedding too much blood?
If there is even the slightest suspicion, it is natural to investigate thoroughly.”
Theodore’s eyes flashed with strong tenacity.
“If you can’t do that, the only way is to kill it cleanly.”
The man who had been silent throughout the two knights’ squabbling and arguing, cut off
Theodore. Naturally, everyone’s eyes turned to him.
“Sir Theodore. Take Dame Lionelli to the medic right now. I will take care of this woman.”
“Lord, but...!”
Theodore was furious hearing the man’s order and tried to object. But that lasted for a
moment. For some reason, he couldn’t finish his words and it trailed into the air..
Theodore, who hesitated, finally shut his mouth. His eyes rolled back and forth. It was a
complex expression, showing there were many thoughts in his head.
“...I understand, Lord.”
Then he straightened up and lowered his head towards the man. Unlike a little while ago,
he seemed quite obedient.
An empty place where everyone has left. Only the man wearing the black armor remained
there with Harrieta.
There was no more whispering of conversation, no more tapping of footsteps. Only the
occasional sound of the wind came. It was so quiet that she wondered if she could hear
each other’s breathing clearly if she listened closely.
Harrieta kept her head down and looked up at the man standing in the distance, with only
her eyes raised. Leaning sideways against a tree with his arms folded, he did not move a
step from his place even after the men had left. He just stood still, motionless, like a rock in
the middle of the forest.
Harrieta’s neck moved. Even though he was right in front of her eyes, she still couldn’t
believe it. The fact that that man over there is the notorious commander of the Kustan
Rumors about that man were numerous and varied. Those who had him as enemies were
greatly afraid of him, portraying him as an evil demon, and those who had him as allies
admired him as a hero and showed infinite respect.
But Harrieta was neither of those. Her feelings for him were much more complex and
detailed than that.
‘That person...’
Harrieta, who was glaring at the man, clenched her fists tightly. The soft grass crumbled
helplessly in her grasp.
Chapter 118

‘The person who made a great contribution to destroying Brimdel...’

Harrieta had two wishes. One was to get revenge on Shawn and the King of Brimdel for
ruining her life, and the other was to find Edwin, who might be alive somewhere. Although
the odds of making that wish come true are slim, it has been the driving force of her life and
the reason she wants to open her eyes every morning.
But one of them was now forever unachievable. Because of that man standing in front of
She hadn’t even attempted it yet.
Although she feared that she might not succeed, she never imagined she wouldn’t even get
that chance in the first place. Was she thinking too complacently without even realizing it?
This situation was so absurd that it made her want to laugh.
In addition, the man was also the one who led the soldiers to occupy the Bangola Fortress.
Harrieta’s eyes widened.
She knew that man might not have killed Hugo himself. He only raised the sword for his
country, and Hugo was just unlucky to be sent to the area under that man’s attack. That
man might not even know that a boy named Hugo had served in the war.
‘But I hate him.’
Harrieta clenched her teeth and held her breath.
‘Why did you come forward now? Why do you have to...’
Had it not been for that, Hugo might still be alive. Both Shawn and the King of Brimdel must
have been alive and well until he came.
She wasn’t unaware that the idea wasn’t entirely correct, but Harrieta overlooked it. The
weight of anger and hatred that had lost its place was too heavy to let go. It seemed that she
couldn’t last a second without blaming someone.
Harrieta rolled her eyes and looked around. It was just him and her alone in the vast forest.
His men had long since departed by his orders.
It might be a rare, optimal opportunity. She moved her hand quietly and took it to the
handle of the dagger she had hidden in her chest.
“You’d better not.”
The man who had stood as still as a rock warned quietly.
“Otherwise, your neck will fall to the ground before that blade sees the light of day.”
The man’s tone was languid even as he spoke terrifyingly. Is it because of his confidence
that he can easily subdue her if he puts his mind to it? He seemed unfazed by the fact that
he knew she had tried to draw her sword at him.
Harrieta didn’t express it outwardly, but she was surprised inside. There was a distance
between them, but he wasn’t even looking at her directly. Even if he was looking sideways,
there was no way he could see her movements well. She flinched at the man’s superior
“You and I must have met before.”
The man said,
“There is a saying that if a coincidence repeats itself three times, it is meant to be.”
He tilted his head sideways.
“Do you think all three meetings were coincidences?”
Harrieta was confused by the man’s enigmatic words. Three meetings. As far as she knew, it
was her second meeting with him after the first meeting where he was struggling with the
gray wolves.
Did he just say the wrong thing? Or did he mistake her for someone else? Harrieta frowned.
‘Besides those two meetings, I’ve definitely never met that man...’
Harrieta, who was about to assert herself confidently, stopped her thoughts. Her eyes
‘Miss Harrieta.’
A quiet, low, but infinitely caring and gentle voice seemed to reach her ears. Everyone was
cold, but to her, the man’s voice was warmer and more affectionate than anyone else.
‘Miss Harrieta.’
She realized something she hadn’t noticed because of her extreme nervousness. At the
same time, her numb senses revived little by little. Edwin looked at her and smiled most
beautifully. His longing face flickered before her eyes.
‘No way, no way.’
Harrieta raised her head. Then she saw the man in black armor.
She thought it was nonsense, but her breath quivered. Why didn’t she immediately notice?
He was precious to her, and this is the voice of that precious person.
‘Are you really, Edwin, ...?’
“How is your brother?”
Harrieta was about to stand up as if possessed by something, but the man immediately
asked a question.
“Won’t he whine to you to sing you a song about Lance Elliott?”
‘Brother? Lance Elliot?’
Harrieta, who did not immediately understand the meaning of his words, blinked her eyes.
How is her brother? If that man was really Edwin, he wouldn’t not known what happened
to Hugo on his way to Bangola.
Harrieta gave a small sigh. She realized it belatedly. Who the man in front of her is.
“The one I saw at the store...”
A man who reacted quite tremblingly to the drunkard’s behavior. He was the man who had
made a strong impression on Harrieta because he had a voice very similar to Edwin’s.
The man laughed at Harrieta’s murmur. He must have been offended that she remembered
him only now, but that doesn’t seem to be the case at all.
He inhaled and exhaled slowly. He couldn’t not have felt her eyes on him, but he just stared
steadfastly forward.
He opened his mouth.
“We will head northeast. Because it is the capital of this country, and in the capital is the
royal palace where the king and royal family of this country stay.”
Harrieta was taken aback by the man’s words. She couldn’t figure out why the man was
giving her this information. No matter how gutsy he was, this is too much. Was he allowed
to talk about his tactics without hesitation to a stranger he doesn’t even know?
Just as she began to suspect that he might be questioning her, the man opened his mouth
“So, go down south with your brother.”
“If that happens, you and I will never run into each other again.”
Chapter 119

It was only for a moment, but Harrieta felt that the man’s voice was somehow lonely.
‘But why? He who has both strength and power has no reason to regret this situation right
Just then, when Harrieta was about to express her doubts. A strong wind blew through the
Whooosh. Thousands of leaves on the trees swayed in unison. The wind blew the long hair
down the hood. She automatically lowered her head to get out of the wind.
The man who had been leaning against a tree slowly stood up. He glanced at the woman.
Rounding her body, she took a low stance, her face down to the ground. Her face was not
visible because she was wearing a hood. He could only see vague shapes.
What about it? The man, who had been staring at the woman, immediately withdrew his
gaze from her. Except for one person in his life, everyone else was just the same.
“Ciela. This is the last time I pass on it as a coincidence.”
Horrified that the man knew her pseudonym, Harrieta lifted her head up as she
straightened her upper body. But he had already turned his back on her. She could see his
strong back, wide as the sky.
“Even so, you saved my life, so in return, I’ll just let you go today. But if I run into you again
at that time...”
The man paused for a moment. Then, he openly released the strong murderous energy he
had suppressed so far.
“...At that time, I will definitely cut your throat.”
The dagger that the woman stabbed the wolf to save him. He already knew that the dagger
was engraved with the symbol of the royal family of Velicia.
The news that the Kustan army, who had successfully raided Balesnorth and was rapidly
advancing towards the capital, spread throughout Velicia in the blink of an eye. Their
commander’s purpose was clear. All they wanted was is to cut down the master of this
country and annihilate all of their blood and relatives.
The people of Velicia were angry and afraid that the disaster that swallowed the
neighboring country of Brimdel was now about to swallow their homeland as well.
They say that the Kustans cut down all women and children without a glance.
They say that even crows don’t fly because of the disgusting smell of corpses piled up like a
mountain in the place where the Kustans passed.
Whenever three or more people got together, there was always talk of Kustan army. Of
course, the contents were only things that were not very pleasant to them, Velicians.
Most people trembled and hated the Kustan army for destroying the peace of their country,
but others worried about the future of Velicia.
Rumor has it that the Kustan leader is no ordinary person. People whispered that he had
three slit eyes like a snake and sharp fangs. A person who is a couple of heads taller than
most adult men and can break rocks with his bare hands.
The image of the enemy commander in their minds was nothing more than a ferocious,
ravenous monster.
Was it not enough just to destroy Brimdel?
How much more do the Kustans have to do to be satisfied?
People joked that they might not stop until they unify the entire continent. It would be
difficult to determine how much is enough for the Kustans because they are a people of
savage origin.
As the restless talks continued in people’s mouths, the Kustan army advanced steadily and
rapidly. If they are blocked, they cut, and if they are pierced, they advance. It was one of
their few iron rules.
The people of Velicia began to evacuate one by one. The number of those who assured that
the situation would soon be sorted out also decreased. Wherever they went, they were full
of worries and concerns, and it was hard to find anyone with a smile on their face.
It seemed that dark clouds had come bringing rain.
A solemn conference hall. Several people were seated around a wide table. However, the air
in the room was so heavy that no one dared to open their mouths. They only looked at each
other. There were various reasons for not being able to speak, but all of them hoped that
someone other than them would speak first.
Before long, a man dressed in a precious robe opened his mouth.
“I will go to Butron.”
Bernard, who was sitting across from Siorn, jumped up. He had a very distorted face. It was
as if he had heard a matter he should never have heard.
“Brother, you want to go by yourself? That is nonsense!”
“If that’s the case, I’d rather go to Butron. Brother, stay here, in the castle.”
Siorn, who was looking at his younger brother who was strongly against his will, called
him. A calm and clear voice. Bernard, who had been acting a little agitatedly, hesitated.
“Yes, Brother.”
“Do you know who I am?”
With Siorn’s meaningful question, Bernard was silent for a moment. The feeling that the
Siorn’s colors, who was always evaluated as weak, has deepened. His gaze at Bernard was
straight and unwavering.
Bernard answered with a slight bow of his head towards Siorn.
“Brother is the one who will one day ascend to the throne of this country.”
“Yes. As you say, this country will soon be mine.”
Siorn replied with a calm face.
“Then I’ll say it again. My Bernard. Will you just stand still when someone else threatens to
take yours? Do you really think you should?”
“I’m not saying you shouldn’t do anything. It’s just that you don’t have to go to that
dangerous place.”
Bernard explained.
“I will go in Brother’s place. I will go to Butron, subdue the riotous Kustan bastards, and
give them a hit.”
“Then for me.”
Siorn smiled helplessly.
“Is it okay if I hide behind you in the meantime?”
“Should I drive my younger brother to the battlefield and live alone?”
“Brother is not pushing me. I am willing to go myself.”
Bernard emphasized every word he said.
Chapter 120

“Brother has an obligation to pay more attention to his own safety. The country lives only
when the king lives, right?”
“I am not a king.”
“Not yet. But you will soon.”
Bernard, who spoke firmly, scanned the various high-ranking officials sitting around with
burning eyes. He wanted anyone to speak up right away, if there was anyone who had any
doubts about his words.
Siorn stared blankly at Bernard. The two people look alike but don’t look alike. Like the sun
and the moon, the two people had opposite tendencies.
“Bernard. My dear younger brother.”
Siorn called Bernard.
“Do you think I will lose?”
Bernard shouted out loud hearing Siorn’s question. With a wrinkled face, he was
wondering how Siorn could ask such a question to Bernard. When Bernard again showed
signs of protest, Siorn raised one hand to stop him.
“I know. That I’m not as strong or as brave as you.”
Bernard always genuinely cares about Siorn. The existence of such a younger brother was
both a blessing and a disaster for Siorn.
He believed that the one who was born with the qualities of a king was definitely his
younger brother, not him. Even before he was installed as crown prince, and even after he
was crowned.
Maybe that’s why. Siorn always found the seat he was sitting in uncomfortable. The feeling
of coveting something that is not his. Or the feeling of taking care of it for someone else for
a while.
“You said I would be the king of this country.”
“But if they see me sending you into battle instead of myself out of fear, what will the
people see of me as and will they follow me?”
Such a pathetic king who hides rather than taking the lead in the country’s crisis situation.
Understanding what Siorn meant, Bernard lost his words. He had a lot to say, but he said
nothing. He blinked several times, but as he finally closed his mouth, Siorn smiled lightly.
“As much as you believe in me, now I want to believe in myself too.”
Bernard’s face was reflected in his clear eyes.
“So Bernard. Please let me go this time.”
The wind blew. Could it be because of the heat? The dry air against the skin felt
warm. Beeee. A peregrine falcon circling overhead and crying sadly. A knight approached
Siorn, who raised his head and silently looked up at it.
“Your Highness.”
“Yes. I saw it too.”
Siorn replied, taking his eyes off the falcon. At this moment, no detailed explanation was
necessary. He followed the knight’s gaze.
In the distance, through the hazy wind of dust, he could see something like a dark shadow.
Siorn stared at it without blinking an eye.
Due to the distance, the smallest detail could not be seen. But even so, Siorn was not foolish
enough to not know what it was.
‘It’s finally here.’
His throat moved. It was the first time he stood at the front in his life. No, it was the first
time he faced a battlefield in his life. He doesn’t hide behind anyone’s back, and he stands
firm alone.
His heart was pounding like it was about to explode, and his legs were trembling like they
were about to break. It was the tension and fear he had already expected. Siorn clenched
his fists to avoid appearing weak in front of his men.
“Sir Bailey.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Order everyone to get ready for battle. As soon as we step out the door, we will be ready to
“What? Are you attacking right away? Aren’t you making a defensive formation?”
The knight asked with a bewildered face at Siorn’s command. They’re standing in the
empty plains and hiding in fortified fortresses. Anyone had to give an order to take a
defensive formation.
“Yes. Get ready to attack.”
Siorn nodded his head.
‘I will not lose.’
Enemy soldiers approached the fort little by little, holding flags waving in the wind. There
was a firm will in Siorn’s eyes as he looked at them.
‘If I can defeat them with my own strength in this war and return to the castle alive.’
He took a deep breath in and exhaled, promising.
“I will wage an all-out war with them.”
‘Then I will no longer deny that I am destined to become the king of this country.’
“They’re coming out like a herd of dogs.”
Theodore, who was staring into the distance with a hand placed near his forehead, whistled
and muttered. Even so, he was thinking about what to do with the fortress’ appearance,
which was much taller and stronger than expected. But he didn’t expect the other side to
come out of the fortress first.
“Ah. They change their formation.”
Theodore, who was closely watching the Velician’s movements, raised his eyebrows. A
formation reminiscent of a pointed wedge. There was only one reason to move the soldiers
into such a formation.
“To prepare for an attack in this situation. Are you planning on attacking first?”
Theodore burst out laughing, finding the situation absurd..
“I heard that one of the royal family was dispatched as a commander. I think it’s real. Seeing
that they made unwise decisions.”
Well, it’s rather a good thing for us. Theodore added quietly.
Edwin looked at the enemy without a word. New armor that hadn’t rolled across the
battlefield yet glistened in the sunlight. It feels quite different from that of those who have
come a long way and have been worn out from invading two countries in a row.
Edwin’s eyes skimmed over the Velician army, who were lined up in front of the fortress.
An army that could have been enough for 10,000 men. It was almost the size of Kustan’s
forces he had brought, Edwin thought.
Did the Velician judge that if they responded with roughly the same number of people, they
had a chance to win? He laughed
“Grease the arrows and light them.”
Edwin gave the order. Then, the waiting soldiers ran with torches and lit the beacons they
had prepared in advance. Flames roar.
Chapter 121

The archers took a step forward and hung arrows on their bowstrings. The archers, who
dipped their oil-soaked arrowheads in the flame of the beacon fire, stood in line. A fire
ignited by a thousand arrows. From a distance, it looked like a wall made of fire.
“We can’t show our shortcomings when it comes to welcoming someone special.”
Velicia rushes in with a dusty wind. Whooo. Hearing their shouts, Edwin smiled. He gave a
sign to Theodore, who was standing next to him.
Theodore called out to the archers in a booming voice. The bowstring was drawn, and the
lit arrowhead was hoisted high into the sky.
Scorching heat from the flames. And even more intense tension than that.
Edwin’s eyes, like a predator, narrowed. It was so quiet all around that he could even hear
the needle drop. Like the peace before a storm. The moment when an instant feels as long
as an eternity.
Edwin opened his mouth.
“Let it rain upon their heads.”
Thousands of arrows pierced the wind and soared high into the sky.
Knock, knock. There was a polite knock on the door. Harrieta, who had been sitting by the
window and looking out, turned her head. There was only one person in this place who
could come to her separately. When she allowed the guest to come in, the door opened with
a click.
“Sir Jonathan.”
Seeing the expected figure enter the room, Harrieta stood up from her seat and gave him a
slight bow. Jonathan also gave a knight’s salute toward her.
“Miss Harrieta. I apologize for suddenly coming without a message.”
“What do you mean? Come on in.”
Harrieta led Jonathan to the parlor couch in the middle of the room. He hesitated for a
moment, as he had no intention of taking too long. But when she persuaded him again, he
sat down on the sofa.
“Would you like some tea?”
Harrieta asked, sitting across from Jonathan.
“It’s a tea brewed from inkke petals, and they say it’s excellent for stabilizing the mind and
body. I also tasted it here for the first time, and although the scent is unique, I think the
taste is pretty good.”
Harrieta tilted the teapot and poured tea into a teacup with petals on it. Pour. With a
cheerful sound, the clear yellowish liquid filled the teacup.
“Oh no. It seems to have cooled down already.”
Noticing that white steam wasn’t rising from the teacup, she let out a small sigh.
“Sir Jonathan. Would cold tea be okay?”
“I’ll just ask the maid to make the tea again.”
“Miss Harrieta.”
Jonathan called to Harrieta, who was about to stand up. He was sitting with his upper body
leaning forward with his clasped hands resting on his legs, and he raised his head. Dark and
heavy eyes. A stiff expression.
“I want to apologize for not being able to keep my promise to you.”
Jonathan quietly apologized.
“As promised, I planned to return within three days. From a distance perspective, it was
quite possible. But on the way, I ran into unexpected obstacles, so I stopped...”
Jonathan blurted out his words. Guilt lingered in his gray eyes as he looked at Harrieta.
That obstacle would most likely refer to Lionelli, a knight of Kustan. Harrieta shook her
head as she remembered Lionelli lying in the woods with her leg wounded.
“No need for apologies. It’s not like you did it on purpose, it’s just that you couldn’t help it.”
“Thank you for your understanding.”
“Of course. I was worried that something bad might happen to you, but I’m glad to see you
again in such an unharmed state.”
Harrieta said with a thin smile. And it was sincere, without any lies.
What could be more important than the security of his country to Jonathan Coopert, a
knight of Velicia? She sure would have made that same choice had she been put in his
situation. Besides, no matter what the process was, in the end, he and she both survived
safely, so it was hard to expect a better situation than this.
Hearing Harrieta’s words, Jonathan’s face was more comfortable than before. He looked
down at the teacup in front of him and opened his mouth again.
“Actually, there is something else. I want to express my gratitude to Miss Harrieta.”
Harrieta asked with her eyes wide open. Jonathan nodded his head.
“That day, I asked you a favor.”
‘Get out of here and head to Arrowfield. And report this situation to the Lord of Arrowfield
instead of me, and request that an emergency contact be made to the capital. Please.’
This was his answer to her question: what she should do then if he did not return within
three days. He wanted the capital to know what had happened in Balesnorth instead of him,
who would have failed in his mission by death.
“Honestly, I asked for a favor, but I didn’t think you would really do it.”
“Sir Jonathan asked me so earnestly, and I can’t pretend I didn’t know.”
Harrieta shrugged her shoulders in response.
“I owe Prince Bernard a debt.”
“By the way, Miss Harrieta. Didn’t you have something to do?”
Jonathan said. He didn’t know the details of what happened to Harrieta. However, he has
collected a lot of information for Bernard in the meantime. When he put this thing and that
thing, one by one, he was able to guess the outline.
Bernard missed Harrieta very much, and stopped her several times as she tried to leave. He
wasn’t just royalty. He was, in a way, a one-of-a-kind prince. She would be able to live a
much richer and more leisurely life than most nobles.
It was Harrieta who shook off his dissuade and set out on her way. What she wanted to
accomplish in her hometown must have been as important to her as it was to him.
Chapter 122

“But you left all of that behind and went to Arrowfield single-handedly.”
“To be honest, I am genuinely surprised and amazed by your choice.”
Harrieta’s face was reflected in Jonathan’s gray eyes. She was a young woman, not yet
twenty years old. He wouldn’t have cared too much for her if he had passed her by on the
street. In a way she was ordinary.
Still, something changed inside him. Even if it wasn’t engulfed in a twinkling light, there
was a feeling that couldn’t be easily suppressed. Respect? Awe? He didn’t even know what
it was. Still, it was clear that it was a likeability of some kind.
“Miss Harrieta. I will help you.”
Jonathan said earnestly.
“If you want to cross over to Brimdel, I will help you do so, and if you want to find
something, I will help you find it even if I have to give a thousand gold.”
“Sir Jonathan...”
“Please tell me. How can I help you?”
In the past, he had helped her because he was carrying out the orders of his master,
Bernard, but it was different now. He sincerely wanted to help her. Even though he might
not be with her until the end of her journey, he wanted to be the stepping stones so that she
could safely take her first steps.
“If it’s help, I’ve already received more than I deserve.”
Harrieta, who was lost in deep thought for a moment, opened her mouth.
“Besides, the truth is.”
Harrieta let out a sigh and tried to speak, but Jonathan held up one hand to stop her. He
turned his head sideways and put his ear towards the outside. Careful eyes. Slightly parted
Harrieta wondered what was going on, and at the same time, his expression, which was
listening to it, was distorted. Whooom. A low, heavy sound like a boat horn. It was the
sound coming through the tightly closed window.
“No way.”
Jonathan jumped up. Then, without hesitation, he strode to the window and opened it wide.
Then a rumbling sound, like coming from the abyss, grew louder and louder.
Harrieta, who had followed Jonathan, peered over his shoulder and out of the window.
Surprise spread across her face as she followed where he was staring.
A group of dozens of riders were galloping towards the castle. Between them she could see
a golden flag fluttering in the wind. It was a flag with the coat of arms of the royal family of
A special visitor has come to Arrowfield Castle.
Harrieta and Jonathan hurried downstairs. Going outside through the wide open door, they
saw that many people were already waiting to greet the newly arrived guest. And among
them, the owner of the castle, the Lord of Arrowfield, and his family were also included.
The figure of the Lord, standing at the bottom of the steps and holding his hands together in
reverence, stood in stark contrast to the expensive fur coat he was wearing. Had they been
warned in advance that a guest was coming? It was a wonder how the Lord could move so
quickly at an advanced age of nearly seventy.
Most of the group consisted of fully armed knights. A red cloak was draped over their broad
shoulders, indicating that they were knights of Velicia.
There was a man standing at the front of the group. He was wearing a neat robe unlike the
others, and he stood out because of his different appearance.
The man gave the reins of the horse he rode to an attendant and had a conversation with
the Lord who came to welcome him. Then, perhaps he felt a presence, he turned his head
and looked up the stairs. His calm and indifferent expression suddenly brightened.
He exclaimed. Then he quickly ran up the stairs, sprinting on his long legs.
“Your, Your Highness?”
Harrieta was startled when she realized that the man was none other than Bernard.
“Your Highness? Why is Your Highness here...?”
You should be in the capital now. But Harrieta couldn’t utter those words. Bernard came and
hugged her first.
He called her name again.
“I missed you.”
“I really missed you.”
Bernard whispered like he was making a confession to a holy priest. His soft voice tickled
Harrieta’s ears. A refreshing menthol scent spread from his wide arms. It was a body scent
she had become quite accustomed to.
Harrieta was speechless seeing Bernard covering her whole body without even hiding it.
He looked at her with an expression so tender and affectionate. The sincere heart, unmixed
with a single lie, poured down like a waterfall.
But that’s for a while. Harrieta, who had blinked her eyes while being trapped in Bernard’s
strong arms, suddenly came to her senses. Dozens of eyes were on the two. Expressions of
those people showing they do not understand the situation that was unfolding in front of
them. Embarrassed, she hurriedly pushed Bernard away.
“Your Highness! People are looking at us!”
Harrieta gave him a small scolding.
“Someone would think that we separated and reunited again after 10 years.”
“Ten years? From my point of view, it felt much longer than that.”
Bernard did not hesitate in the slightest and confidently responded to her. He put both of
his hands on her shoulders and began to look around with serious eyes.
“Are you hurt?”
“As you can see, I’m fine.”
Harrieta shrugged her shoulders and said indifferently. Bernard looked a little relieved to
hear her answer.
“What brings you here?”
Harrieta asked.
“What about the capital?”
“I came to meet you.”
Bernard replied. With a confident look, without any hesitation.
Harrieta looked puzzled and pointed her finger at herself.
“Just that reason?”
“I told you.”
Bernard gently squeezed Harrieta’s hand.
“I missed you.”
In his deep eyes, Harrieta’s face was enveloped. She felt that his hand in hers was gentle yet
powerful at the same time.
Chapter 123

“You didn’t miss me?”

“Ah, I don’t mean that but...It’s dangerous.”
Harrieta quickly explained as Bernard looked visibly upset.
“What if something happens to Your Highness while you move hastily? Even so, the current
state of affairs is very dire.”
“Nothing happened.”
“You never know. Still, you’re a member of the royal family, so Your Highness has to be
mindful of your own safety.”
“Do you think I would pay attention to such details?”
As Harrieta continued to speak, Bernard just sneered. You don’t know who I am. His face
was arrogant and provocative as he looked at her with his head tilted sideways.
Harrieta stared up at his face. Before long, her eyes narrowed.
“You’re always like this.”
Harrieta let out a deep sigh and shook her head.
“Your Highness behaves as you please, that’s why you’re labeled a foolish prince.”
“Don’t blame anyone else. Listen. There is an old saying, ‘There is no smoke without fire.’
Now Your Highness...”
“...what’s wrong?”
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Harrieta, who had been yapping at Bernard for a while, tilted her head and asked. At this
point, he should retort, but he just stared blankly at her face without saying a word.
“I like it.”
Harrieta widened her eyes. Like, what is there to like? Bernard spoke again as she rolled
her eyes wondering if this was another plot.
“To be able to meet and talk with you like this.”
Bernard tucked the side of Harrieta’s hair behind her ear with his long fingers. He smiled
and said.
“I’m realizing all over again how I like it.”
“You said you met the commander of the Kustan Army?”
Bernard asked, setting the teacup down on the table. Perhaps he hadn’t expected it at all, he
looked very surprised.
“And he let you go without a hitch?”
Bernard’s gaze once again scanned Harrieta up and down. There was concern in his eyes,
thinking if there might be a wound that he hadn’t noticed yet.
Harrieta, who was sitting across from Bernard, glanced towards the door. Confirming that
the door was firmly closed, she slowly nodded her head.
“He warned me.”
Bernard furrowed his eyebrows at the unfavorable word.
“What do you mean warned?”
“He said he would cut me if I ran into him again.”
Harrieta’s words darkened Bernard’s complexion. Cold frozen eyes. Tightly closed lips. He
didn’t openly frown, but the fact that his mood had subsided considerably was evident
without anyone saying.
‘Should I not have said that?’
She just said it without much thought. But Bernard reacted much more strongly than she
had expected, and Harrieta wondered if she had made a mistake.
Bernard was still pondering something with his vicious eyes flashing. Then, perhaps he had
finished his thoughts, he spoke again.
“What kind of person was he?”
The ‘he’ that Bernard referred to must be the commander of the Kustan army.
“I don’t know.”
Harrieta hesitated before she answered. In her mind, she recalled the man in black armor
she had met.
“He didn’t talk much. He was someone with a strong sense of quietness overall.”
“Yes. But that doesn’t mean he’s weak.”
Harrieta added hastily.
The man stood quietly like a rock in the forest, like a shadow under a tree. Even then, if he
put his mind to it, he immediately attracted people’s attention, and with just a few words,
he completely subdued the people around him.
His murderous energy was intense enough to make spines run cold and senses tingle.
Although it was only for a moment, Harrieta still vividly remembered the thrill of the
terrible murderous energy he hurled at her.
“Oh, and his swordsmanship skills were quite high.”
Bernard asked back. Harrieta nodded her head.
“Yes. I saw him take down a pack of gray wolves alone.”
The gray wolf was the largest and most ferocious of all known wolf species. Furthermore,
not only the densely packed teeth, but also the jaws embedded with thick muscles were
strong enough to break a whole cow’s bones at once, so even the most seasoned hunters
found it difficult to handle even one.
But to be able to deal with not one, but several, of those notorious gray wolves at once.
Weren’t all the rumors about him false?
“Did he look stronger than Sir Jonathan?”
Jonathan Coopert. As a knight of Bernard’s personal guard, he was the best knight in Velicia
in terms of skill alone.
“Hmm. I don’t know.”
However, even so, Harrieta could not readily answer.
Jonathan wasn’t weak. It was just that man, the commander of the Kustan army, was strong.
It wasn’t that she was unaware of that fact.
“Then me?”
Bernard, who was looking at Harrieta with ambiguous eyes, asked stealthily
“Did he look stronger than me?”
“Your Highness?”
Harrieta asked, squinting her eyes. At first glance, he seemed unconcerned, but Bernard’s
gray eyes contained a sense of triumph that could not be concealed.
“Excuse me, but...Was Your Highness ever stronger than Sir Jonathan?”
“Oh my, oh my.”
Bernard laughed as Harrieta asked so while looking at him. In any case, does that mean she
won’t say anything she doesn’t mean even with a knife in her throat? He leaned back,
draped his arms across the back of the sofa, and assumed a relaxed posture.
“I’m sorry. Even if I look at it like this, when I was young, I was called a master of
“That’s when you were young.”
Bernard put on an exaggeratedly sad expression, but Harrieta didn’t blink an eye.
Chapter 124

“Besides, I’ve never seen Your Highness formally engaging in a fight.”

“I don’t like being surrounded here and there.”
Bernard clicked his tongue lightly and shook his head. But even so, he had no intention of
holding on to it any longer. He knew that there was some truth in Harrieta’s words, since he
had avoided sparring in public if possible after his coming-of-age ceremony.
‘Still, I don’t like letting you think of me as weak.’
Bernard stared at Harrieta and thought.
‘Should I grab someone soon and invite them to sparring?’
As Bernard thought of this and that and other useless thoughts, Harrieta, who was sitting
across from him, cautiously called him.
“Your Highness.”
“Where are...They now?”
Harrieta hesitated for a moment before asking. Bernard’s languid, relaxed expression
hardened immediately.
He remembered what had happened at the meeting a few days ago. The eyes that looked
straight at him, asking for a chance to prove his worth this time.
Bernard inhaled and exhaled slowly.
“Last news came that they were heading to the Butron region.”
Harrieta’s words trailed off. When she looked at him, his complexion darkened noticeably.
Bernard clasped his hands together and leaned his upper body forward. Without even
asking, he could guess what she was concerned about.
“Don’t worry. We won’t be sitting still.”
Bernard deliberately raised his voice and said so.
“In fact, my brother went out to Butron with 10,000 troops.”
“Crown Prince Siorn?”
Harrieta was taken aback.
“But he obviously...”
Harrieta was confused.
Siorn. Designated as the successor of King Velicia, was a person with a kind and gentle
image, unlike the passionate and free-spirited Bernard.
He seemed more suited to holding a pen than holding a sword. His public reputation was
also the same. But to think that he personally led his troops to the battlefield. It was truly
shocking news.
After getting to know Siorn, he might be a very talented person. As Harrieta thought of all
sorts of possibilities in her mind, Bernard spoke calmly.
“Brother is an exceptionally smart and insightful person. Also, those who assist Brother are
all people with a reputation for being skilled and competent.”
“So, good news will come from Butron soon.”
He turned his head and looked toward the window. Through the wide open windows, he
could see the endless blue sky. A clear sky without a single cloud.
But why is his heart so gloomy and anxious?
“It will be so.”
Bernard, who was quietly looking out the window, muttered like talking to himself. And
that was not only to Harrieta, but also to Bernard and himself.
Two days after that.
Late in the day, when the sun had already gone down. A messenger has arrived at
Arrowfield. He came running, waving his flag as black as night, and immediately asked to
see Bernard. Like the sky had collapsed, he was walking around with a very sad face. As
soon as he saw Bernard wearing a robe, he immediately knelt down.
‘I have something to tell Your Highness.’
With trembling hands, the messenger took a letter from his chest and presented it to
A black envelope embroidered with the royal family crest. And a black silk ribbon tied
finely on it. What they meant, Bernard knew.
His straight, well-mannered face contorted in an instant.
Siorn Violetta Shane Passcourt.
The noble star who was designated as the 17th king of Velicia, the son of 16th king of
Velicia, the eldest son of Roman Egilei Cenchilla Pascourt.
Hermann calendar Year 4732.
Spring in April, when spring flowers began to bloom.
While fighting against the enemy to prevent Butron Fortress from being occupied, he died a
heroic death with his throat cut by the enemy’s sword.
The unfortunate Crown Prince, whom people had high expectations to be a competent
monarch in the future.
Become a star in the eternal sky at the young age of twenty-seven.
― A History for the Forgotten, Excerpts from the Western Continent ―
The room was dark. All the curtains by the window were drawn, and it was dark as if night
had come, as no candles had been lit, let alone lamplights. There was no sound except the
occasional sound of the wind shaking the windows.
Lonely and desolate. There could be no better word to describe the atmosphere in the
With all passages leading to the outside world blocked, Bernard sat alone. He sat half-fallen
on his chair, silently staring at nothing but empty space. His shiny black hair was
disheveled, and his simple but neat dressing was visibly disheveled.
Two wide eyes. Pale skin. Chapped lips.
There was no more light to be found in the man’s eyes, which had always shone with a
“Your Highness.”
Harrieta slowly approached Bernard.
“Your Highness Bernard.”
He couldn’t hear even when he was called, and he didn’t seem to recognize even when she
approached him.
Bernard sat half-fazed. Harrieta clenched her fists at the sight of him who had changed 180
degrees overnight.
A regular sound of breathing.
Was he mourning the fate of his own flesh and blood who passed away too early? Or is he
denying the reality by holding on to irreversible time now?
It was a sadness that Harrieta had experienced before too. A shock as if she had been hit in
the head with a blunt weapon. Pain as if a large hole had been punched in the middle of her
chest. Even if she tried hard to understand it, she can’t understand it, and even if she tried
hard to fill it in, it would be a hole that can’t be filled.
Harrieta did not offer any vague words of consolation. Because she knew that nothing she
said would comfort him now.
Chapter 125

Instead, she knelt down in front of Bernard without saying a word. She then took his hand,
which was resting on the handle of the chair, and lightly laid her cheek on it.
Warmth passed over the back of the cold hand.
Before long, Bernard, who was sitting like a doll, was breathing hard. A suppressed moan
escaped from between his chapped lips.
He lowered his head helplessly. His body, which hadn’t even moved, trembled slightly.
Drop, drop.
Hot tears fell drop by drop on Bernard’s leg. Emotions once burst were like a collapsed
dam. A grown man cried like a child in the dark.
A man who has lost the person he held close, loved and cherished with all his heart.
The man who stood in the most noble position after the king in this country.
A rest for the dead.
A peace of mind for the living.
Harrieta, who had listened to Bernard’s muffled sobs, let out a long sigh and closed her
The sound of the wind was no longer heard.
“I will go to Siqman.”
Bernard, who was looking out of the window with his hands behind his back, declared
quietly. Harrieta, who was sitting behind him, looked at his back. Like the disheveled look
he showed a few days ago never existed, his outfit was spotlessly clean and tidy.
“They say the troops that survived the Butron battle are currently stationed there. It seems
that most of the people who could serve as commanders have died and they are having a
hard time.”
“Does Your Highness intend to lead them personally?”
“Well. We’ll have to see the situation, but maybe.”
Hearing Bernard’s answer, Harrieta lowered her gaze. Then she looked at her hand, which
was placed neatly on her lap.
It was an answer she had already expected of him to some extent. There was no reason to
be surprised now. Rolling her eyes as she thought of this and that, she opened her mouth.
“So, when are you leaving?”
“The day after tomorrow. I’m leaving as soon as we’re ready.”
Bernard turned to face Harrieta. Stretching his hands slightly behind him, he leaned against
the window sill.
Bernard called upon her name. She waited patiently for his next words.
“Do you still want to go to Brimdel?”
“Or do you want to remain here, at Arrowfield?”
Harrieta was silent.
“Tell me. Whatever decision you make is fine.”
Bernard, who interpreted Harrieta’s attitude in a different way, urged her to answer in a
more subdued voice.
“It’s fine with me. I will do whatever you want.”
“Your Highness.”
Harrieta lifted her head and looked straight at Bernard, who was standing by the window.
HIs eyes, bathed in sunlight, were as clear and bright as amber.
“Please allow me to go to Siqman with you.”
“To Siqman?”
Bernard was quite surprised by the unexpected request. Did she accidentally say
something wrong? However, Harrieta’s gaze at him was firm. He frowned.
“But why?”
Bernard asked.
“Siqman will soon become a battlefield. A chaotic and terrible hell will unfold, life and death
can be determined by a single tilt.”
“Harrieta. I don’t know why you ask me to do that, but I want to object to it first. Besides, if
you go there, I won’t be able to pay attention to you. I will be very busy just taking care of
the tasks given to me.”
It was a battlefield that anyone who was still alive wanted to avoid. The road to hell
stretched out above the ground. Those who participated in the war did not suffer from
trauma for nothing.
No sane person, with common sense, would ever ask to be taken there. Especially if they
have at least a little will to live.
“Then think again.”
Bernard straightened himself up.
“That is not a place to go lightheartedly.”
“No, Your Highness. You are wrong.”
Harrieta, who had been quietly listening to his words, smiled slightly.
“I am not asking you this lightly.”
She thought about it for days and days and thought about it again. She still didn’t know
what was right or wrong. The feeling is like swimming alone in the endless open sea.
‘Ciela. This is the last time I pass on it as a coincidence.’
A scene from the past that had been buried in her memory came to mind.
‘But if I run into you again after that...’
‘After that...’
‘At that time….’
The man’s warning, which was so cold that it gave an eerie atmosphere, seemed to echo in
her ears. A murderous energy so intense that her hair stood on end. Followed by deep fear.
Harrieta clenched her fists. Then, she looked at Bernard with the most determined eyes and
“I’m asking you because I have to go there no matter what.”
Somehow, she wanted to see him again.
The man who had kindly warned her that if he ever saw her again, he would undoubtedly
cut her throat.
Siqman Fortress.
Designed three hundred years ago under the direction of a famous architect, the fortress
was unusually built right under a sheer cliff.
Open tawny wilderness and head-breaking cliffs. And even the huge gray architecture
created by humans.
It was a combination that anyone would say to be unnatural. It’s really strange nonetheless.
Harrieta thought the scenery created by the combination of these three was very attractive.
Creak, creak.
As the pulley turned, the massive gate that had been closed began to open. Waiting for the
gates to fully open, Harrieta, sitting on the horse, glanced around the fortress walls.
Chapter 126
At first glance, the fortress walls, which were piled up with rectangular stones, looked solid.
Even if giants were to come in droves, the walls didn’t seem like it could be easily destroyed
with any force.
In addition, the wall looked so intact that it overshadowed the fact that it had been built
300 years ago. Of course, there were some faded parts and some scratches over time, but
other than that, there weren’t any visible flaws.
Harrieta’s gaze shifted to the statue standing in front of the castle gate. It was a statue three
times the size of an adult male.
A man with a solemn expression standing holding a book with a laurel tree in one hand and
holding out the other hand. It felt like a warning to intruders trying to enter the fortress
without permission.
“What are you thinking?”
As Harrieta kept silent for a long time, Bernard, who found it strange, spoke up.
“Did you find anything interesting?”
“I was just thinking that humans are amazing.”
Harrieta replied, still keeping her eyes on the statue.
“It is so amazing that a building like this was built in such a remote and desolate place. How
on earth did they transport the materials needed to build the castle? There doesn’t seem to
be any roads around here, let alone villages, that people can walk on.”
“Aahh. It wasn’t like this even a hundred years ago.”
After hearing Harrieta’s admiration, Bernard shrugged his shoulders and said,
“At that time, there was a village near here, and people lived there. As a result of a severe
drought, the canals were cut off and the people left one by one to other places, but now
they have disappeared without a trace.”
Thud. The sound of the pulley turning stopped with a heavy sound. The gates were
completely open.
Bernard kicked his horse on the side and rode forward. Harrieta and dozens of regular and
apprentice knights quickly followed suit.
Upon entering through the arched entrance, the vast interior of the fortress unfolded
before their eyes.
Harrieta looked around. Flags embroidered with the coat of arms of Velicia were fluttering
everywhere in the fortress. Perhaps something had been burned, faint smoke was burning
gently, and a deep silence filled the interior, making it almost lonely and desolate.
Prince of Velicia. The one who now stood closest to the throne had arrived, but no one
warmly welcomed him. There were no people who smiled warmly at him or expressed
Hundreds of eyes turned to them. It was a dry look, devoid of awe or respect.
Harrieta shuddered unknowingly. The soldiers watching them from a distance looked more
like broken dolls than living people. All the more because they were standing helplessly
with a sunken face and no clear emotions.
Survivors, yet not survivors.
That was what they looked like.
“Thank you for coming this far, Your Highness.”
The knight, Maxwell, lowered his head and said. Coming from a prestigious family, he was
one of the many knights who participated in the Battle of Butron to assist Siorn.
“Your Highness is here and everyone is very happy.”
“Are they happy?”
Bernard laughed quietly at Maxwell’s pretentious words. The distant faces of the Velician
soldiers he encountered at the gates were still clearly visible in front of his eyes.
“Well. It didn’t look like a very happy atmosphere to me.”
“Forgive me. Right after going through such a big thing...”
Maxwell showed a slight bewilderment at the sharp words. But that’s for a while. He
immediately took care of his expression and covered it with plausible words.
Bernard waved his hand as if he was going to listen no more. He had heard rumors about
him floating around in Velicia. Now, there was neither the desire nor the time to explain to
them about it.
He sat down in front of the desk in the room.
“The current situation?”
“There were 1,500 soldiers stationed in the fortress. There are about 4,000 soldiers who
participated in the Battle of Butron and then retreated here.”
Since the number of troops that Siorn had led to Butron was about 10,000, there was a loss
of about 6,000. Losing more than half of their troops in just one battle. It was astonishing.
“Then, what about the damage suffered by the Kustan Army?”
“I don’t know the exact number, but...”
Maxwell hesitated to answer the question. Maxwell, who was showing a puzzled face,
cautiously looked at Bernard and said,
“...I think I probably lost about 2,000 or so.”
Bernard raised his eyebrows at the figure, which was much smaller than he had expected.
Maxwell silently nodded.
“We lost 6,000 men.”
Bernard said with a snort as if he was stumped.
“They only lost 2,000.”
Even if they lose, there should be no such crushing defeat. Siorn did not go into battle alone,
and there were several seasoned knights by his side. Still, they retreated after losing three
times what their opponents lost.
If the situation is like this, should they be considered lucky that they weren’t wiped out?
He must change the direction of his thinking. Bernard murmured softly as if talking to
“If they lost 2,000 troops in the Battle of Butron, then there are still around 8,000 troops
left when you estimate it.”
“Since they captured Butron Fortress, they must have taken all the weapons and food
stored there.”
“As for the troops we have left, even if we combine the forces of the Siqman Fortress, it’s a
little over 5,000.”
Bernard, who was slowly organizing his thoughts, frowned.
“Now, looking at the military strength alone, there seems to be a difference beyond
“...I apologize, Your Highness.”
Chapter 127

Maxwell bowed his head deeply and apologized. Of course, it wasn’t entirely his fault that
things turned out this way. Judging from the conclusion alone, it was none other than the
Crown Prince of Velicia, Siorn, who was in charge of the overall command of the battle
against Butron.
But Maxwell was an experienced, seasoned knight. Even though he was helping Siorn by his
side, he couldn’t prevent the situation from escalating to this point, so he had some
Tick tock. The sound of the second hand on the table clock on the desk resonated
throughout the quiet room. Bernard opened his mouth.
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“Do you know how many troops were there when they first captured Brimdel’s Bangola
Maxwell narrowed his eyes. It was because, by his standards, it seemed a little out of the
blue. However, remembering that Bernard was waiting for an answer from him, he quickly
replied with a flat face.
“I heard about 14,000.”
“Then, how many troops are known to have been lost before that?”
“It will be about 5,000.”
“5,000? Then Kustan has deployed a total of about 20,000 troops for this war.”
Bernard spat out meaningful words and fell into deep thought. Tap, tap. His long fingers
tapped rhythmically on the desk.
Then Bernard pushed back his chair and stood up.
“Prepare to send a messenger.”
“A messenger?”
“Yes. If possible, ask for three or four people who can drive horses quickly.”
Bernard strode across the study toward the door. Then he picked up the overcoat he had
hung on the hanger by the door and threw it loosely over his body.
“Are you trying to request reinforcements from the capital?”
Maxwell, who was standing behind Bernard, asked.
Velicia was never a small country. Although they had given 10,000 troops to Siorn, they
could still gather more troops if gathered well.
If they ask for all those troops of the capital to be handed over, the situation will be
reversed. No matter how strong the opponent was, it would be difficult to deal with over
15,000 troops at once. In Maxwell’s gloomy eyes, a spark of hope was kindled.
“Sir Maxwell.”
“Yes, Your Highness.”
“They say you should always look at the forest, not the trees, when making a strategy.”
Tree? Forest?
Hearing Bernard’s enigmatic words, Maxwell tilted his head. But that’s for a while. Soon, his
expression slowly hardened.
“No way...?”
Maxwell’s face was stained with bewilderment.
“What Your Highness is saying now...?”
Maxwell, who belatedly noticed what Bernard was trying to do, blurted out his words. A
strategy that was never even conceived from the beginning, let alone considered. His face
went white.
“I will hit the forest. Not the tree.”
Bernard, who left a meaningful message, went outside.
There was an old fountain inside the fortress. There was a statue of a young angel holding a
pitcher of water in the center, but no water flow was visible. Perhaps it had been a long
time ago since it worked, the bottom of the fountain was dry.
Jonathan sat on the rim of the fountain, mending his weapon. Even though it was a simple
task of making the bowstring flexible, his expression was very serious.
The difference between life and death on the battlefield was literally a slight tilt. The
smallest thing could have decided whether they would survive or not. Knowing this well,
Jonathan has not been neglecting his weapon maintenance.
“Sir Jonathan.”
A few steps away, someone called Jonathan. He looked up and saw a middle-aged man in a
Velicia’s knight’s uniform, standing still and looking at him.
Henry Viatello. In terms of age and career, he was a senior who was far superior to
Jonathan, but the rank in the knights was not much different from him. Nevertheless,
Jonathan always treated Henry favorably, and Henry cared for Jonathan a lot.
Jonathan set his weapon down beside him and rose from his seat to take a knight’s salute.
“Sir Henry. It’s been a while.”
“I know. Was the last time when you saw Benji’s inauguration in the capital city?”
Henry also nodded to Jonathan, taking a knight’s salute. Henry approached Jonathan’s place
and glanced at the bow he was mending. Then he laughed lightly.
“I heard that it will still take some time for them to reach this place, are you already
refining your weapons?”
“Of course. No one knows when or where it will happen.”
“Anyway, whether in the past or now, you should know that thorough preparation is
Henry exaggeratedly pretended to click his tongue. Knowing it was a harmless joke,
Jonathan smiled silently.
“I heard a little bit about what happened. You must be very tired.”
“I think so, but it’s rather fine. Is it because of the tension or what?”
Jonathan shrugged his shoulders and replied.
“What about Sir Henry? I heard you fought before Butron?”
“What am I...It was a bit difficult at first, but now it’s a lot better.”
Is it because it reminds him of the past? Henry’s complexion, which had been having a
relaxed expression, darkened. He let out a long sigh.
“And in fact, the soldiers are more of a problem than me.”
“The soldiers?”
Unexpectedly, Jonathan asked. Henry nodded his head.
“Yes. Their morale has dropped a lot since the Butron battle.”
“...I heard that there was great damage there.”
Jonathan said cautiously.
“6,000 troops were lost.”
“Yes. That’s a really ridiculous number. It’s a really unbelievable...”
Henry murmured with a bitter smile.
“Sir Jonathan. As you know, I have been involved in many battles. But it was the first battle
where I felt as one-sided as the Butron battle.”
Chapter 128

Jonathan narrowed his eyes at Henry’s ambiguous words. However, Henry, who was lost in
thought, did not answer right away. A deep worry appeared in his eyes as he went back in
time and searched for memories of the past.
“It wasn’t that we were pushed by the Kustan army from the beginning. We were shaken a
little, but I still thought that we were in a somewhat tense confrontation. Even if we won’t
be able to win easily, I didn’t think we would be defeated this big. However...”
Henry blurred his words. A man who had lived to protect his honor as a knight for decades
had an emotion that should have never existed in his eyes.
“What is it, Sir?”
Noticing the change, Jonathan urged Henry. Henry’s neck, which was hesitant to continue
his words, moved slowly.
“...He appeared.”
“The commander of the Kustan Army. He wears pitch-black armor.”
After replying to Jonathan’s question, Henry inhaled and exhaled slowly and deeply. His
breath trembled, as if an invisible enemy was aiming at his neck.
“Even thinking about it now, I can’t fully comprehend it. What magic did he do? The front
line, which had been equal, collapsed like a sandcastle getting swept away by the waves the
moment he appeared on the battlefield.”
Henry crumpled his face as he recalled the situation at that time. As if representing his
confused state of mind, his eyes, which had been staring down, moved rapidly here and
“Wherever he goes, defenses are breached. No matter how skilled a person was defending
the front line, it was of no use. You can’t even imagine how fast it collapsed. We didn’t even
have time to do anything about it. If you think you have grasped the situation to some
extent, the next moment the opposite row is collapsing.”
Henry, who was quickly explaining the situation at the time, shut his mouth. Then he took a
slightly rougher breath.
Jonathan looked at his colleague standing in front of him in silence. Anyone can see that he
looks unstable. He said he was fine, but it didn’t seem to be true.
“Was he that strong?”
Jonathan asked.
“That he broke through the defense wall with his own power?
“Of course, he didn’t do it all by himself. But that was even more staggering.”
Henry shook his head and smiled dejectedly.
“Wherever he went, the morale of the soldiers increased immeasurably. Ordinary soldiers
acted as if they were elite soldiers. Their movement and aiming rate have become more
accurate. Like they knew they would win. They had no hesitation in moving forward at the
commander’s command.”
“It looks like they have unconditional trust in their superior.”
“Well. Whatever the reason, it must have been quite effective.”
Silence fell between the two knights. An unknown coolness ran down their spine. Perhaps
because of the atmosphere, they could sometimes even hear the ominous sound of leaves
shaking in the wind.
Jonathan, who had opened his mouth to say something, eventually closed it again without
saying anything. Various emotions that cannot be easily expressed in words were
entangled in each other.
“When I say this, you might think I am a coward.”
Henry looked up and faced Jonathan.
“Then I prayed to God that, if possible, I would never run into him again.”
He forced the corners of his mouth up, but his face was full of fear.
It rained incessantly.
Even in broad daylight, not a single ray of sunlight shone, and the sky was filled with gray
dark clouds. On that day, just looking out the window felt depressing. The enemy appeared
silently from the west, like a mist at dawn.
Boom, boom, boom.
A low and heavy drum sound came, like the heartbeats of giants who were said to have
disappeared from the continent a long time ago.
On the distant horizon, something whitish like a shadow slowly appeared. Like a candle in
front of the wind, distant objects also shimmered and moved.
Boom, boom, boom.
The regular sound of drums grew louder and louder. Every time the drums sounded, it felt
like the ground was shaking too.
Black smoke rose. Soon after, red torches burned in the rain and colorful light began to
bloom here and there.
A grotesque atmosphere was formed as the shouts of thousands of people gathered
together. It sounded like a dead person’s, not a living person’s. No, it felt like the cry of a
ghost that climbed to the ground to take the living.
Standing on the fortress and watching this scene, each of them swallowed a gulp. Despite
being hidden behind the walls of a high and fortified fortress, they were not at all relieved.
It seemed as if that large monster would soar high into the sky and grab their neck at once.
Their bodies shuddered like they had a cold. They didn’t know if it was because of the
agitation of the upcoming battle, or because of the body temperature cooled by the rain, or
because of the fear of having to fight against that terrible monster.
“Stay where you are! Don’t mess up!”
At the firm order, the soldiers straightened their posture. Then they gave strength to the
hands holding the spear and shield.
The feeling of their heart sinking endlessly. Even if they want to avoid it, the inevitable fate
is right in front of them. The smell of death spread thickly through the heavy rain.
They’re here.
The soldiers looked out of the fort with hard faces. They couldn’t even breathe properly.
The being that gave Butron a nightmare they would never forget.
They arrived here right now, in Siqman.
Chapter 129

“It doesn’t seem like they have any intention of launching an all-out war.”
After examining the situation of the fortress, Theodore entered the barracks and said.
“Instead of coming out, they hid very tightly inside the fort. The prince who joined this time
doesn’t seem to be an idiot unlike the last prince.”
High-rise walls. A tightly closed gate. And even the soldiers of Velicia camped on the wall.
The number of them trying to defend and preparing for the upcoming siege was clearly
read. Theodore let out a short sigh. This battle might be much longer than first expected, he
“If you permit, I will tell the soldiers to prepare the siege weapons for shipment.”
said Theodore, straightening his posture.
“The catapult seems to be the most suitable method, but it is so heavy that it takes twenty
soldiers to move it. Even if you aim at it from a distance, you never know if the ripple effect
will be enough.”
“Then it would be better to devise a strategy to go over the wall using a ladder or
something rather than destroying the wall...”
‘At this point, he should say something.’
In the endless silence, Theodore stopped his words and looked at his superior.
Edwin, the commander of the Kustan army and the leader of the Central Knights. He was
sitting in front of a round table in the barracks. He is staring ahead with his face lightly
resting on his clasped hands. Standing on either side of him, who seemed to be deep in
thought, were several other Kustan knights who had participated in this war.
Theodore shut his mouth quietly. Why? He was a man with a beautiful appearance, but
somehow he felt creepy.
The feeling of facing a ferocious predator who has taken the apex of the food chain.
Theodore flinched at the sight of Edwin overpowering the presence of the outstanding
knights all at once without any effort.
Even in the middle of a long war, Edwin’s appearance did not fade. No, since he was
standing in the middle of a wild and promiscuous battlefield, it seemed that he stood out
more than before.
He was as beautiful as a flower, delicate and sophisticated as if he had escaped from a
painting. People whispered if such a description might refer to a person like Edwin.
Perhaps that’s why? Edwin tended to hide his appearance whenever possible. In a place
where there were a lot of people’s eyes, he did not even take off his stuffy helmet. Because
of that, most of the Kustan soldiers, except for the high-ranking knights, did not even know
what their commander looked like.
Only a knight wearing black armor, like a terrifying demon.
In public, Edwin was often portrayed as such. In addition, strange rumors spread in some
foreign places that he had an appearance no different from that of a hideous monster. Of
course, it was deliberately spread by someone to incite hatred towards the enemy leader.
“There are seven children known to have inherited the lineage of the current king of
Velicia. Among them, only three were officially given the title of prince.”
Edwin, who had been sitting motionless like a plaster statue, opened his mouth.
“One of those three was killed in battle at Butron, and the other is a young boy only 11
years old...”
His blue eyes, which were staring into the empty space, held a cold light.
“...The one on the other side of the wall must be the second one.”
Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt
The second prince of Velicia and the only legitimate son.
When the current king of Velicia asked for a royal marriage from Brimdel, the card they
held out was Bernard. A troublemaker of the royal family who was said to be bad news.
King Brimdel, who could not bear to send his beloved daughter to him, offered a fake
daughter to pay for the marriage instead. And the scapegoat caught up in that absurd
scheme was none other than Harrieta Mackenzie.
Edwin gritted his teeth and suppressed the anger that seemed to explode at any moment.
It was a clumsy ploy. Even if the opponent was an idiot, they would know. Even if they got
lucky and cheated for a while, the fact that Harrieta was a fake princess would have been
exposed to the world one day.
If so, what would have happened? Harrieta, who deceived the royal family of a country, as
well as the king of Brimdel, who allowed and promoted the plan, would not be able to
escape responsibility.
‘But it probably didn’t matter.’
Edwin thought.
‘Because they didn’t intend to keep her alive from the beginning.’
Harrieta must have decided to shoulder everything alone for the sake of her loved ones.
What did she think the moment she got on the carriage heading to a strange land, to
become the false bride of a man who was rumored to be unpleasant?
Edwin’s expression darkened like the bottom of the abyss.
The last moment when she was attacked by an assailant and died.
The moment she realized that no one was coming to save her.
What was Harrieta thinking?
“It doesn’t matter which way.”
Edwin said in a low growl.
“I want to see his face.”
Harrieta, the last light of his life.
He deeply hated everything in the world that had taken her away.
The battle continued for three days and three nights. Kustan soldiers have been attacking
the fortress every time, and each time the Velician soldiers have blocked their attacks quite
Although there was a difference in the size of the troops, thanks to the structure of the
Siqman Fortress built for impenetrable defense, the Velician army did not have much
difficulty dealing with the Kustan army. In particular, the location of the fortress against the
cliffs was of great help to them.
Those who try to cross the walls of the fortress and those who try to prevent them from
crossing the walls. The two groups with distinctly different goals engaged in a tight battle
with the walls between them.
And so the night of the third day after they had fought.
The Kustan army, which had been attacking recklessly, stopped for a moment.
Chapter 130

Late hour with the yellow full moon.

Even though it was long past bedtime, Bernard was still awake. Finding something so
unsettling, he walked around the room with his hands behind his back.
After wandering back and forth for a while, Bernard stood in front of the window. A scarlet
light was twinkling in the distance on the land where pitch-black darkness fell. He already
knew that it was a fire from the Kustan camp.
When he opened the window, the cold night air flowed in, and he heard the cries of
unknown insects somewhere. It was a quiet and peaceful night that made it hard to believe
that this place was in the middle of a battlefield.
Even so, Bernard did not loosen his tension. It was because he did not know when and
where the Kustan army would attack again.
‘They must be looking both ways.’
Bernard thought as he glared at the enemy camp.
‘Otherwise, there would be no way that only a small number of troops would be deployed
like this.’
Although it was a rough guess, Bernard knew that the Kustan army had about 8,000 troops.
However, the number of troops attacking the fortress was only 1,500, at most 2,000.
Are they doing it on purpose? Most of the troops consisted of cavalry, so the Kustan Army’s
movement speed was very fast. They marched to the fortress on horseback, provoked the
Velician soldiers waiting on the wall. Then they pulled back into the Kustan Army’s camp as
soon as they saw the momentum for a full-scale battle. Occasionally, siege weapons were
deployed, but they were used only twice.
Thanks to this, even though three days had passed since the battle began, neither side was
yet to make any clear results. Obviously, it feels like they were still walking in place even
though they have fought several times.
Bernard narrowed his brows.
‘What the hell are you up to? I don’t think they would get anything out this way either?’
This type of strategy was often used to drain opponents, but judging from the current
situation, this did more harm than good to them. And unless the commander of the enemy
country was an idiot, there was no way he wouldn’t know this.
‘Is it just a useless worry?’
Bernard, who was rolling his head to determine the enemy’s intentions, sighed.
‘Maybe it’s because I’m getting anxious as things are going better than expected.’
In fact, looking at it, this situation was a perfect situation for Bernard. To lure time as long
as possible while minimizing the loss of his forces. Because that was the ultimate goal he
wanted to achieve in this battle.
If they continued in this so-called ‘hit and run’ action, he would be able to achieve that goal
more easily.
‘It must be a good thing for me.’
He had the uneasy feeling that he had missed some important clue. Bernard made various
hypotheses in his head. Then, another long sigh escaped his lips.
There was a small knock on the door. Harrieta, who was sitting on the bed and preparing to
go to sleep, raised her head. She glanced at the clock on the wall, and it was already nearly
midnight. Who would come to see her at this late hour?
“Come on in.”
Harrieta brushed back her long loose hair and gave permission. There was a moment of
silence, and the door opened with a click. Carefully opening the door, a person entered
through the open gap.
“Your Highness?”
Even in the dark with only one candle lit, Harrieta immediately recognized who the guest
was. She got up.
“What is Your Highness doing at this hour?”
Bernard hesitated at the door without entering the room.
“I was wondering if you were okay.”
“What could be the reason for me not to be okay?”
Dumbfounded, Harrieta laughed.
“Would you like to come in?”
“No. I only came to see your face for a moment.”
Said Bernard, shaking his head.
“I’ve confirmed that you’re fine, so that’s enough.”
“You came all the way here and now you’re just going to leave. Don’t say anything you don’t
mean to say.”
Harrieta walked over lightly and took Bernard’s hand, who was standing by the door. She
then led him into her room.
“While you’re here, rest for a while. No matter how busy you are, you can give that much
Harrieta looked up at Bernard and she invited him again. Her eyes are as warm as the
spring earth. Bernard, who was staring at those eyes, nodded his head helplessly.
The two of them sat down in front of a small table placed against one wall of the room.
“If you had come a little earlier, I would have served you a cup of tea.”
Harrieta grumbled, tilting the water bottle and pouring water into the glass.
“There is a slice of lime, so it won’t be very plain.”
Harrieta handed Bernard a glass of water. But even after accepting it, he didn’t think to put
his mouth on it. A face that seemed to be immersed in deep thought. His expression, looking
down at the teacup without a word, seemed somewhat weak.
“DId something ...happen?”
Bernard has become visibly emaciated over the past few days. Harrieta, who was looking at
him, carefully opened her mouth.
“You don’t look good.”
Bernard glanced at Harrieta’s worried words. Eventually, he let out a small breath.
“It’s because I have a lot to think about.”
“A lot to think about?”
“Did I really make the right decision? Did I overthink the situation prematurely? Those
kinds of thoughts.”
Bernard replied.
“My judgment will determine the future of many people in the future. Even if I regret it
later, a decision once made will never be undone.”
“I didn’t pay attention to that until now, but for some reason I felt a little strange yesterday
and today. My heart is heavy, and I feel stuffy as if my breath is blocked.”
Chapter 131

Bernard frowned. He put the glass he was holding down on the table and pressed the area
around his chest with his other hand. Uncomfortable feeling roaming around his chest. That
unpleasant feeling never went away.
“Is it because I’m nervous or something...It’s unlike me.”
“Maybe it’s not because you’re nervous, but because you’re responsible?”
Harrieta quietly sneaked in her point of view.
“Everyone is praising Your Highness. They say that you have excellent insight and excellent
leadership skills, and that you must have been born with the qualities of a king.”
“What are the qualities of a king? To be locked up in the fortress and doing nothing.”
Bernard snorted and muttered.
“You see, Harrieta, I hear that you’re showing great performance and I heard plenty of
Harrieta widened her eyes and pointed at herself. Bernard nodded his head.
“Yes. You gathered volunteers and established a treatment place so that wounded soldiers
could receive proper treatment. Not only that, but you also devise a delivery system so that
soldiers on the frontline can procure the items they need on time.”
Bernard couldn’t see Harrieta’s face often because he was so busy after the battle started,
but he heard stories about Harrieta from time to time.
She is a young unmarried woman. In addition, the story of a woman who was known to be
from a foreign country with her sleeves rolled up to her elbows and running around in all
directions for the sake of Velicia’s army caught the attention of many people.
At first, some people looked at her disapprovingly, saying that her behavior was suspicious.
However, it was only a temporary thing, and as time passed and the number of injured and
dead increased rapidly, the way people looked at Harrieta changed.
She was not a strong woman, and at least not a citizen of this country. Harrieta is far from
the image of a hero, and even at first glance, Harrieta is not much different from anyone.
Because of that, her performance would have come more effectively to Velician people, and
they would have been deeply impressed.
Even such a woman works so hard for someone that was not from her country.
The number of people reaching out to help Harrieta grew like a snowball. And that number
exceeded thirty in just three days. The situation was not intended at all, so it was
something that surprised not only Bernard who heard the story later, but also Harrieta,
who was the starting point of this incident.
“It seems that it is you, Harrieta, who have excellent insight and exceptional leadership
skills, not me.”
Bernard said.
“I really think you are great.”
It was pure sincerity, not mixed with a single lie. He was born as a prince of Velicia, and
unlike him, who had been given a lot from the beginning, Harrieta was a stranger here. The
fact that she had won so many people’s trust in such a short amount of time was amazing.
Despite Bernard’s sincere admiration, Harrieta was silent for a while. She didn’t show off
nor deny it, she just stared at him sitting in front of her with clear eyes.
Before long, Harrieta, who had been sitting still like a doll, opened her mouth.
“You still don’t know? It was none other than Your Highness that made me move.”
“Me to you?”
Bernard made a slightly surprised face after hearing those unexpected words. Harrieta
nodded her head.
“Yes. Because you were the only one. The person who willingly reached out a hand to me
standing on the edge of a cliff.”
It was still clearly drawn before her eyes.
‘I, Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt, the second prince of Velicia, will help you, Harrieta
Mackenzie of Brimdel.’
The image of Bernard, who had promised her help without hesitation, to her who fell into
the abyss of despair.
Harrieta cast her gaze downward.
A sip of water obtained while wandering in the desert is sweet, and the flower blooming at
the end of the abyss is so beautiful that it brings tears to her eyes.
But Bernard wouldn’t know. How much help and comfort the words he had casually
uttered had helped her.
“So, Your Highness, I want to help you this time. Even if I repay you for the rest of my life, I
won’t be able to repay even half of the grace I received from Your Highness.”
Harrieta said with a soft smile.
“Did you say that I am amazing?”
“Then Your Highness, who made me move like that, must have been even more amazing.”
Bernard stared at Harrieta in silence for a while. The image of her past was superimposed
on her sitting under the moonlight.
Sitting in the moonlight with a fragile figure as if she is about to break. The woman he
thought he should protect, was no longer to be found. Like the moon, no, being brighter and
more beautiful than the moon.
Bernard thought that at this moment, the Harrieta in front of him looked more solid and
stronger than himself.
Anyone can see that she is physically smaller than and has a slender body than Bernard.
“What if I’m just a coward?”
Bernard asked, tilting his head.
“What if, contrary to what you think, I’m just a pitiful coward?”
“A coward? Your Highness?”
Harrieta asked, widening her eyes. After a while, her cheeks swell, laughter came out with a
puffy, deflated sound.
“What nonsense is that? You, a coward? Even a passing dog would laugh!”
Harrieta said with a laugh.
“Yes. If you are going to say such nonsense, please tell me that I am the most beautiful and
elegant woman Your Highness has ever seen. That would be much more credible than the
absurd hypothesis that Your Highness is a coward.”
“...are you not?”
“Aren’t you the most beautiful and elegant woman I’ve ever seen?”
Chapter 132

Bernard asked with a straight face. Serious eyes with no hint of the slightest joke. A strange
heat that could not be easily expressed in words spread in his eyes. The smile that spread
across Harrieta’s face gradually disappeared.
What. Harrieta narrowed her eyes. Is she tired that her head isn’t working? What Bernard
was saying to her, she couldn’t understand.
Harrieta is bewildered by it, but Bernard calls her quietly.
“Do you think I can win this war?”
The question was heavy. Even without raising his voice, his voice came clearly as if it filled
the room.
Was he looking at her? Or is he doubting himself as well?
“You intend to win.”
Harrieta, who was staring at the man with the greatest power in the fortress, said.
“So, Your Highness will definitely win.”
There was no hesitation in her answer.
At the same time. A small meeting was going on within the Kustan military unit encamped
in front of the Siqman Fortress. A large barracks was built in the center of the camp. A
number of high-ranking knights sat quietly around the table inside.
They gathered together under the command of the commander, Edwin, and not from
anyone else. They were wondering what was the reason for using an ineffective strategy
without clear results. Can they hear an explanation from him today? Although they didn’t
show it outwardly, in their heart, they were expecting it.
Before long, there were signs of presence outside. The cloth at the entrance to the barracks
was lifted, and Edwin stepped inside. When he, the most powerful man in the group,
appeared, the soldiers who were sitting in their seats automatically stood up and saluted.
Edwin ordered bluntly. WIth his permission, the knights took their seats one by one.
Edwin strode over to the seat prepared for him and sat down. Lionelli, who came in after
him, also took a seat next to him.
“Is everyone gathered?”
“Yes, Lord.”
One of the knights who had checked the number of people in advance nodded and replied.
Edwin leaned on the back of his chair and glanced at the faces of the knights sitting around
the table.
“You must be wondering why I summoned you here at this late hour.”
Edwin said.
“I don’t want to talk too long, so I’ll just go straight to the point. I received a report that all
preparations for the fortress invasion were completed as of today. So we will now attack
that fortress in earnest.”
The knights were agitated by Edwin’s declaration. Ready to invade the fortress? A full-scale
attack? So, what are all the attacks that have been launched so far?
“Dame Lionelli.”
“Yes, Lord.”
Edwin’s call was immediately answered by Lionelli, who was sitting next to him. She was
only slightly limping on her leg where Destrude had struck, but her other minor wounds
were completely healed.
“Did you find the waterway leading to the fort?”
“Yes. As Lord expected, it was to the west. We have completely blocked off the passage, so
they will probably be able to notice it by tomorrow morning.”
“You can’t let the water get too shallow.”
“Of course, Lord. I ordered the soldiers to watch the water flow carefully and shut off the
passage on the other side when the proper amount is left.”
“Lord, are you trying to cut off the water supply by blocking the waterway?”
One of the knights who had been listening to the conversation between the two cautiously
opened his mouth.
“I heard that there is enough water stored in that fortress for three months or so. Surely
you don’t intend to wait here blindly for that long of a time, do you?”
“That period was calculated based on the average capacity of the fortress. Now that the
number of troops has suddenly increased, they won’t be able to last for more than 15 days,
let alone a month.”
15 days!
The knights’ eyes changed in a much shorter period than expected. In order to gain an
advantage during a siege, the enemy had to be lured out at all costs. But to be able to do it
in just 15 days instead of 3 months. The word would make their ears prick up.
“So you’re saying you’re going to open an all-out war with them in 15 days?”
Edwin immediately denied it.
“Tomorrow morning, around dawn, the entire army will participate.”
A short moan and a rapid inhalation followed.
“Tomorrow morning? So why did you block the waterway? Wasn’t it to mentally pressure
the Velicians to get them out of the fortress?”
“Of course, there was something like that.”
Edwin grinned and muttered. Then he glanced at Lionelli.
“What about the solvent?”
“That, too, has been prepared as Lord commanded.”
Lionelli answered Edwin’s question immediately.
The knights’ faces who had tilted their heads at the unknown word gradually hardened.
A knight sitting to Edwin’s left gulped and opened his mouth.
“So you intend to use solvent to set fire to the inside of the fortress?”
It was common sense that it was impossible to set fire to water. However, except when
using special colorless liquids and solvents.
Water from the waterway flowed into the fort through dense iron bars. If a large amount of
solvent was mixed in it and set on fire, the raging flames would spread freely into the fort
along the waterway. Furthermore, the fires made using solvents could not be easily
“There’s nothing like arson to catch the enemy’s eye.”
Chapter 133

Edwin opened a document on the table in front of him. The structure of the fortress was
drawn with great precision.
“Judging from the appearance and structure of the fortress, this fortress must have been
built based on Milde’s technique. That said, obviously here and...”
Edwin pointed to specific parts of the blueprint with a long, straight finger.
“...It’s going to be a lot less structurally solid here than anywhere else. So, in order to break
down the wall, focusing on these two areas would be the most correct choice.”
With Edwin’s words, the knights hesitantly looked at each other. They had no way of
knowing what Milde’s technique was, as they had held swords all their lives. However, their
confident commander’s theory sounded quite plausible.
“We’ll have to aim from pretty close range to break down the walls with siege weapons.”
The knight sitting at the far end of the table quietly gave his opinion.
“They have a relatively large number of archers. Before we can bring our siege engines into
range, their arrows will pierce our throats first.”
“Of course we will. Especially if they notice what we are trying to achieve.”
“That’s why we have to divert the attention of the Velician army so that they don’t focus on
the soldiers marching into the fortress.”
Distract? The knights shook their heads.
“By kindling a fire through the waterway?”
“That is one of the ways. But that may not be enough.”
“That means...?”
The knights were bewildered by the increasingly cryptic words. In response, Edwin put the
blueprint aside and unfolded the map. Then he took a handful of chess pieces lying on the
“Divide the troops into three.”
Edwin began laying chess pieces all over the map.
“The first of these forces advances into the fortress, catches the attention of the Velician
army, and plays the role of attracting attention. The second force will move the catapults
from behind the first to this point, and then focus their attack on the two parts of the
fortress that I mentioned earlier.
Also, attack this castle gate here using a battering ram rather than a catapult. At this time,
there are 15 catapults to be shipped, and 6 battering rams. However, there is a high
possibility that many of them will be exposed, so we will prepare 8 catapults and 3
battering rams here and around just in case.”
Edwin’s hand, which moved to explain the strategy, was unstoppable. Each of his orders
was clear enough to make them wonder if it was not the first time he had come to Siqman,
and it naturally led to the next development.
One of the knights looking down at the map in silent admiration suddenly noticed a piece of
chess lying on the table. It was a chess piece that Edwin hadn’t picked up yet.
“Lord. Then what role does the third force play?”
The knight pointed to the last piece of chess left and asked. The eyes of the knights who
were looking at the map focused on Edwin.
The back of the fortress was surrounded by cliffs. Therefore, the positions from which they
could attack were limited. They couldn’t figure out how Edwin was going to send that third
force to the battlefield in this situation.
Edwin silently picked up the last chess piece lying next to the map. Then, with sluggish
hands, he carried it over the cliffs surrounding the back of the fort.
Tak. As he put down the chess piece, surprise spread across the knights’ faces standing in
the tent.
“No way...!”
While watching the situation with bated breath, they noticed Edwin’s intentions belatedly.
“Are you saying you’re going to send the third force over that cliff right now?”
Steep cliffs are just cumbersome obstacles to fighting a war. They never imagined that they
could use it as a stepping stone to victory.
That’s what happened.
The knights once again analyzed the positions of the chess pieces on the map. Even if the
catapult was roughly rolled on top of the cliff, it would be able to effectively hit the fortress
in half. Furthermore, the height of the cliff and the fortress was quite different. That’s why,
no matter how hard the Velicians pulled their bowstrings, the bows they shot would never
reach the Kustan army.
“If you have such a plan, why don’t you say it in advance?”
The knight, who liked Edwin’s strategy, said with an excited face.
“We have to hurry up and get the catapult and other necessary things up the cliff...”
“There is no need for that. Because everything is over.”
“I said it earlier. All preparations for the attack are finished.”
Edwin leaned over his chin and said it again.
“Do you think the reason for sending soldiers to the front of the fortress in the past few
days is to cause unnecessary fuss?”
The knights blinked their eyes at Edwin’s meaningful question.
‘Unnecessary fuss...?’
Before long, the knights’ faces stiffened. Carrying heavy carts over a cliff must be quite a
hassle. No matter how careful they were, it was difficult to completely avoid the enemy’s
Unless they give them another prey to steal their attention.
Edwin smiled crookedly when his men belatedly figured out his intentions. The chess
pieces to be played on the chessboard are now all ready.
“This is to clearly show them what kind of lightning falls from the sky.”
Looking at the fortress drawn on the map, his eyes shone as cold as ice.
Chapter 134

It was a truly hellish day.

Hot fires erupted from all over the fortress, and huge catapults rained down from the sky
like burning meteorites. Soldiers hurriedly ran to the waterway to extinguish the rapidly
spreading flames. But for some reason, even that place was engulfed in fierce flames, so it
was not easy to approach.
Bang! Bang! From the side of the castle wall, a loud sound came without rest. Every time
that happened, the ground shook precariously as if they were about to collapse. It had been
a long time since the inside of the fortress had become a mess due to the shouts of soldiers
and the screams of civilians. There was no rule or order to be found. There was only chaos.
“Your Highness! Your Highness Bernard!”
In the midst of that dizzying chaos, a knight came running in a hurry. It was Jonathan, who
was guarding the gate.
“The eastern wall has fallen! They...! They’re like a pack of dogs...!”
No matter how urgently he ran, Jonathan breathed heavily and could not finish his words. A
stream of red blood ran down his straight forehead.
Standing in the center of the fortress and commanding the soldiers, Bernard quickly looked
in the direction Jonathan pointed. Beyond the haze of smoke, he could see the walls of the
castle, which were smooth beyond it, get sunken down.
‘Damn it.’
Bernard groaned lowly. Even though they were lacking in many areas compared to the
Kustan army, they were able to endure this much thanks to the wall that separated them.
He knew very well that the moment the Kustan army crossed the walls of the fortress, the
tide of battle would turn in the direction of the Kustan in an instant.
He had to stop it at all costs. By any means.
“How long will it take to repair the collapsed walls?”
Bernard, who was quickly rolling his head, shouted at Jonathan.
“If I give you time, can you fix that wall?”
With Bernard’s question, Jonathan looks bewildered.
“Repair the walls? I’m sorry, Your Highness, but that’s impossible...!”
“No! Don’t say it’s impossible in front of me!”
Bernard coldly cut off Jonathan’s words. He strode over to Jonathan and grabbed his collar.
Then he brought his face close to Jonathan’s.
“Listen. It doesn’t matter if you use a stone or a tree, as long as you can get your hands on it.
Sir has to rebuild that wall no matter what! If the Sir can’t fill that hole within the given
time, we and Velicia will collapse in front of Kustan. Got it?”
Now they had no choice. There was only one way left to survive. And Bernard conveyed
that fact clearly to Jonathan. It may seem coercive, but there was no time to explain.
Jonathan, who was a little surprised by Bernard’s rough appearance, soon hardened his
expression. He nodded his head slowly. Seeing this, Bernard took a rough breath and let go
of his collar.
“How much time do you need?”
“No matter how fast the wall is filled, it will take an hour.”
An hour. Will they be able to survive that long? Bernard gritted his teeth.
“Alright. I will take 4,000 soldiers.”
“Is Your Highness participating directly?”
Hearing Bernard’s declaration, Jonathan was startled.
“Nonsense! If you leave the fortress like this, you’ll be swept away by the Kustan army right
away! Rather than letting Your Highness participate, I’d rather go!”
“No. I must get out.”
Bernard said firmly.
“If I, the prince of Velicia, go out myself, I will be able to fully capture the Kustan’s attention.
While I attract their attention, you remain here to repair the collapsed walls.”
“But Your Highness! If you do, Your Highness’ life may be in danger!”
“If we can’t repair the wall, we will die anyway.”
Bernard paused his words for a moment before adding.
“If we’re going to die one way or another, shouldn’t you at least try?”
Jonathan opened his mouth wanting to protest Bernard’s word again. But no words came
out of his parted lips. It feels stuffy like swallowing a handful of dry cotton.
The master he had sworn allegiance to had long since made up his mind. Jonathan, who was
looking into Bernard’s eyes, which radiated firmness, clenched his fists tightly.
“As soon as possible...I will complete the mission as soon as possible.”
This was the best answer he could give back at this moment.
It was just before going out of the fortress. The horribly disorganized space, Bernard made
a final check, examining the soldiers he was going to lead. Arranged in a hurry, they of
course had sloppy points here and there. He had no time to pursue perfection.
Before long, an apprentice knight approached, pulling a horse. It was Bernard’s horse.
At first glance, the pedigree horse seemed to have undergone thorough training, and was
not disturbed by the relentless roar of bombing. It stood there very calmly, only twitching
its ears.
Bernard, who had been handed the reins of his horse by an apprentice knight, ran his palm
gently over the horse’s neck. The horse seemed to like his touch so much that it leaned
toward him with a soft thud. Without knowing what thorny roads might unfold for it in the
“! Wait!”
Bernard was about to change his position to get on top of the horse when a clear voice
came through the busy noises.
“Move aside! I’m coming through!”
A voice that doesn’t fit in the slightest in this place where everything is distorted and
chaotic. Bernard casually turned his head to look in the direction the voice was coming
Before long, surprise spread in his eyes.
Bernard shouted almost in a scream. He was very surprised, he didn’t even have time to
pay attention to the gazes of the people around him.
“Harrieta, why are you here...?”
Chapter 135

He checked several times to see if he was mistaken, but it was definitely Harrieta. He
quickly approached her. The soldiers who saw him approaching opened the way like the
parting of the sea.
“Why did you come here?”
Bernard, standing in front of Harrieta, asked. His eyes scanned her up and down.
“What is this outfit again?”
After the battle, Harrieta would wear a skirt or riding pants that exposed her ankles for
ease of movement. But not now. Standing in front of him, she was wearing neither a solid
skirt nor riding suit. Instead, she wore the same armor worn by Velicia’s soldiers.
Bernard narrowed his brows.
“Why are you armed?”
“I want to go too.”
“I will also join the battle with Your Highness.”
When Bernard asked back with a look of doubt, Harrieta once again vigorously clarified her
intentions. Hearing Harrieta’s answer, he looked down at her in silence for a moment. Soon
after, his complexion suddenly darkened.
“You want to join the battle? What nonsense is that?”
With a sharp shot, Bernard snapped his fingers and called a nearby knight. The knight
immediately ran to the call of a man like the king here. Bernard nodded and pointed to the
knight and said.
“Follow Sir Maxwell. There’s a place to hide under the fortress. It will be safe there, no
matter what happens.”
Harrieta’s expression hardened at Bernard’s words. She frowned, perhaps not liking his
“I heard that the number of troops is far too short. Are you saying that I should get myself
away in such a situation right now?”
“You are not alone. Other women, as well as children and the elderly who could not fight,
were ordered to evacuate there. So you should go there before it’s too late.”
“I can fight alongside you! Even if it’s not as much as a skilled knight, it can be of some help
to Your Highness!”
Harrieta strongly protested.
“When I was in the capital, Your Highness told me that I needed to practice various martial
arts, and I followed that. Believing in Your Highness’s words that I have to be fully prepared
so that I can seize the opportunity when the moment of need arises.”
“Your Highness, think carefully. Right now is the moment Your Highness spoke of at that
Harrieta pointed her hand around and said. Bernard slowly looked where she pointed. The
walls collapsed, the constant shouting and screaming, bleeding wounded soldiers and
corpses strewn on the floor. Hell on Earth. Nothing more, nothing less it was the scenery
that unfolded before them.
“So, Your Highness, please give me a chance. Please allow me to fight against them by Your
Highness’ side.”
“...That won’t do, Harrieta.”
“Your Highness!”
Harrieta raised her voice at Bernard’s obstinate answer. Then he raised his hand and
interrupted her next words.
“Do you not know how dangerous this situation is? You could die.”
“Please! You don’t think I’m still afraid of dying, do you?”
Harrieta put on a frustrated expression. Bernard looked down at her speechless. A person
who looks young and soft, but at the same time has a strong and intense light. As he
enveloped her in his eyes, ten thousand emotions crossed his mind.
Bernard’s neck moved.
“Even if you don’t, I’m afraid.”
“If anything happens to you, I will never forgive myself.”
His voice sank heavily.
At this point, he can’t guarantee whether he will be able to come back alive, and whether he
will be able to face her again. There was a lot he wanted to say, but the time given was
“Harrieta Mackenzie.”
Bernard quietly called Harrieta’s name.
“If you come out of the fortress, I won’t be able to properly look after the situation because
I will be worrying about you. But that doesn’t mean I can’t fully take care of you.”
“I already know that you are stubborn. And as you said, you will definitely be able to help
He held her in his arms. Then he whispered, burying his face in the nape of her neck.
“But please. Please follow my will this time.”
Bernard’s prediction was correct. The Kustan army, which had been fiercely attacking the
fortress, changed its target the moment his troops appeared out of the fortress.
The catapults that bent their bodies against the fortress walls, the battering ram that
exposed their sharp teeth in front of the fortress walls, and the soldiers who endlessly
moved forward to cross the fortress wall all stopped their actions. Then they turned and
started attacking the Velician soldiers who fearlessly marched towards them.
Bernard ran madly and swung his sword at random. He didn’t have time to decide whether
it was an enemy or an ally standing in his way. He was given only 4,000 men, and his enemy
had twice as many men.
And that wasn’t all. He had commanded subjugation operations a few times, but this was
the first time he had commanded a battle on such a large scale. On the other hand, the
commander of the Kustan army must have fought countless battles. Not only in the size of
his forces, but also in his experience and skill as a commander, Bernard was markedly
inferior to his opponents.
If the bard had been here, he would have described this moment as the ruin of Velicia.
Chapter 136

The Velician army was quickly surrounded by Kustan soldiers. They were distracted as the
attacks were literally pouring in from all sides.
“Your Highness, if we continue like this, our rear will be blocked!”
A knight wielding a sword beside Bernard shouted urgently. Bernard, who had cut the
Kustan soldier who charged at him, hurriedly looked back. As the knight said, he could see
the Kustan army moving behind the Velician army that was led by him.
Bernard spat out a low curse.
He never thought he’d be able to win in the first place. However, if the rear was blocked, let
alone victory, the only opportunity to retreat later was lost. The future of the army
surrounded by the enemy in a circle was no different from annihilation.
“Don’t let the rear get blocked! You have to stop it no matter what!”
Bernard shouted.
“Sir Billyhem! Can you take over the front?”
Bernard asked the knight who informed him of the situation in the rear. The situation in the
front wasn’t very good, but somehow they had to prevent the rear from being blocked.
Understanding his meaning, the knight nodded his head.
“Of course, Your Highness!”
As soon as he heard the knight’s answer, Bernard turned his horse’s head. Then he ran
quickly through the crowd of soldiers stuck together.
Half was alive, half was dead. The earth, which had been tinged with yellow, was dyed a
dark red color. The results of the devastating war unfolded around him. A stench he could
not normally tolerate stung his nose, but he was out of his mind that he didn’t even notice
He ran and ran. The horse carrying Bernard had just reached the rear.
Suddenly, chills went down his spine. It felt as if the temperature, which had become
sweltering due to the heat emitted by thousands of soldiers, had visibly dropped in an
instant. It was as if someone had put a sharp knife to the nape of his neck.
An intense distinct murderous energy!
Bernard pulled the reins, almost unconsciously shifting his weight back. Then he turned his
horse’s head to the right and looked around him.
Not far from Bernard. There was a knight riding on a huge black horse. He was armed with
black armor all over his body like the dark horse he was riding.
The sight itself was strange. In the distorted chaos, everyone, friend and foe alike, was
fighting for their lives.
In a battlefield where dust rose white, rough breathing, screaming, and wild metal noises
were rampant, that black knight stood tall, motionless like a rock.
Everything in the world seemed to pass him by. Only the space around him seemed to exist
in another dimension.
There was a calm and strange atmosphere around him, like he was the only one unaffected
by the passage of time.
“...Are you the commander of the Kustan Army?”
He knew it instinctively without anyone informing him.
A cursed evil spirit said to have been summoned by Kustan.
A black knight from Kustan who accomplished what was considered impossible in a short
period of time.
And for Bernard, an opponent he must defeat no matter what.
Bernard tightened his grip on the handle of his sword.
“My name is Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt. I am the son of the King of Velicia, Roman
Egilei Cenchilla Pascourt, and the commander of the Velician forces here.”
Bernard didn’t budge and revealed his identity to the enemy who was still watching him.
“Black knight from the west. What is your name?”
“Say your name.”
“...The commander of Kustan doesn’t even know how to be a basic knight.”
Bernard growled at the continued silence.
In any country on the continent, when two knights clashed their swords, it was a basic
principle to speak their name. It was because it was a kind of ritual, expressing that they
would acknowledge and respect the opponent they would soon cut or who might cut them.
Therefore, ignoring the principle without following it was tantamount to openly insulting
the other party.
“Black knight. I will give you a final warning.”
Bernard raised his voice.
“Leave the soldiers you brought with you. If you do, I will allow you to return to your
country without harm in my name.”
“Without harm.”
The Black Knight who was sitting on his horse like a statue opened his mouth.
“It looks like you haven’t grasped the situation properly. Who is warning whom now?”
Perhaps Bernard’s words were quite funny, the Black Knight’s calm voice was imbued with
a twisted laugh. He slowly rode his horse towards Bernard. Clip, clop. There was the sound
of the horses’ hooves rolling on the dry floor, which was unusual.
“Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt.”
The Black Knight, who had stopped right in front of Bernard, slowly repeated his name.
“Who am I...Did you say you were curious about my identity?”
The Black Knight asked quietly as if talking to himself. It was a boring voice with almost no
pitch. What was it? There was a suffocating menacing, eerie atmosphere about him.
“My name is Edwin Benedict Debuer Redford.”
The Black Knight revealed his name to Bernard.
“For the one who was my only lord and breath of life.”
He wiped away the dark red blood stains on his longsword. The moment his sword exposed
its sharp silver teeth, an uncontrollably strong murderous force erupted once more from
his body.
“I will kill you right here today.”
Inside the helmet, his eyes glowed eerily.
Chapter 137

The confrontation between the two men was much more heated and fiercer than initially
expected. Every clash of their swords in the air caused sparks, and a sharp sound of iron
reverberated through the dry air.
The actions of the Kustan and Velician soldiers who were fighting like crazy around them
gradually slowed down. The murderous energy was so prevalent that it was difficult for an
ordinary soldier, not a knight, to handle.
The eyes of the soldiers naturally focused towards the sound of metal hitting. Realizing that
the confrontation that was happening was none other than their leaders, some of them
even let go of their hands and watched the two of them.
When one strikes the other with a sword, the other adequately blocks it. The same was true
when the direction of the attack was reversed. Like they had expected it, they bent the
angle of their sword and easily parried the opponent’s attack.
Like the sword movements had been planned in advance, the two’s movements were clean
and precise. In addition, it was so fast that it was difficult to follow.
The two men clashed their swords dozens of times. At first glance, it was so tense that one
side could not be said to be dominant.
In terms of skills alone, it’s not that bad. More than anyone else, the ones who were most
surprised by that fact were the Velician soldiers.
It was Bernard, who was known as a playboy and scoundrel. After his coming-of-age
ceremony, he is the troublemaker of the royal family who has not been able to achieve
anything worth mentioning. It was just a surprise to them that he could fight the notorious
Black Knight on equal footing.
‘Was he that skilled?’
The mouths of the Velician soldiers naturally opened at the completely incomprehensible
‘Has he been hiding his sharp teeth all this time?’
Bernard was the only legitimate son of the royal family. No matter how imperfect his
character was, if he had been known to have that level of skill, he would have been greatly
recognized by the king and his ministers.
In fact, the soldiers who saw how easily the former crown prince, Siorn, fell at the hands of
the enemy during the Battle of Butron, did not have high expectations for Bernard either.
But that turned out to be a completely wrong idea.
Even though Bernard and Siorn were blood brothers, they did not resemble each other in
the slightest. If Siorn was like a gentle spring breeze embracing everything, Bernard was
like a rough wave crushing a hard rock.
And now, the leader they needed was Bernard, not Siorn.
Little by little, hope began to dwell in the eyes of the Velician soldiers who had been filled
with despair.
Bernard clenched his teeth. When he first started the confrontation, he thought that the
Black Knight and him were equal in skill. The Black Knight was as strong as he had been
told, but not so much that he couldn’t be matched.
If he’s lucky he’ll be able to cut the Black Knight first. If so, it would not be very impossible
to reverse this dismal situation. Bernard had such positive thoughts.
Unfortunately, that idea didn’t last long. As time passed, and the more their swords clashed,
Bernard gradually began to realize.
Although it was subtle, there was clearly a difference in skill between the two men. Not
strength, not skill, not even the speed of movement. The Black Knight had a slight
advantage over him. And unfortunately, the difference became even more pronounced as
the showdown progressed into the second half.
He was starting to get short of breath.
The accuracy of attack and speed of defense. Everything was collapsing little by little. In
contrast, the man in front of him looked no different from the beginning. He wasn’t out of
breath like Bernard was, and he didn’t even look tired.
A bad, foreboding feeling.
Just as Bernard was thinking about that, the Black Knight attacked again. A blade struck
slanted downward from the left side. As soon as a silver arc was drawn in the air, the wind
split in two.
Bernard quickly moved his hand holding his sword.
The two swords collided with a loud sound. It was close, but he was able to manage to
block the attack. But that wasn’t the end. Bernard unknowingly let out a small sigh of relief,
but the Black Knight’s blade twisted.
The loud sound of metal scraping against each other.
The Black Knight’s sword glided over Bernard’s. The Black Knight’s blade, which moved
very smoothly as if it was moving on an ice sheet, rode Bernard’s sword in an instant, then
turned and flew into his chest very naturally.
A short exclamation escaped Bernard’s lips. Recognizing the opponent’s intention, he
quickly dodged his body backwards, but his movement was slow. Without missing that
opportunity, the Black Knight’s sword rushed into Bernard’s chest. Then it cut through his
Red rain fell where the sword passed. There was hot blood pouring from the long cut in his
armor. It was then that the excruciating pain came.
Bernard gritted his teeth and groaned. As he stumbled backwards, the Black Knight struck
him hard on the shoulder with the hilt of his sword. With a dull sound, Bernard lost his
balance and fell from his horse.
It took a toll on his mercilessly thrown body. He hit the ground and his body seemed to
bounce several times.
His mind went blank, and at the same time his eyes went dark. Did he fall off the horse and
hit his head on the ground?
Bernard closed his eyes hard to try to come to his senses, then opened them. As soon as the
color returned to his blurry vision, a black shadow was cast over his head.
“Only you.”
The Black Knight got off his horse and stood by Bernard’s head, aiming the tip of his blade
at his neck.
“She might have lived if it hadn’t been for you guys.”
Bernard blankly looked up at the Black Knight’s incomprehensible murmur.
Chapter 138

“If only you had gone out to meet her properly.”

“She wouldn’t have died in such a ridiculous way.”
The voice was full of sadness. It was like he was mourning something.
Bernard’s eyes widened. He thought the Black Knight was simply attacking himself to get
rid of the country’s prince. But now, he felt more than hostility from that Black Knight who
pointed his sword at Bernard.
“What were you doing when she was attacked by them?”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Where and what the hell were you doing while her body was hacked up and grew cold!”
The Black Knight raised his voice abruptly. The tip of the sword aimed at Bernard’s neck
was trembling faintly.
Bernard looked at the menacing tip of the sword, then raised his gaze back to the Black
Knight. He opened his mouth slowly.
“Do you...know me?”
The head of an enemy country and the prince of a belligerent country. Something more
than that boring relationship.
“How could I not know?”
The Black Knight, who understood the meaning of Bernard’s words, smiled coldly.
“Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt.”
The Black Knight repeated Bernard’s name once again. Perhaps he was suppressing the
boiling emotions, he said Bernard’s name one syllable at a time.
The Black Knight’s hand holding the sword slowly rose.
“Everyone who took her from me, including you, and caused her to die in the end.”
The Black Knight paused his words for a moment. Then he saw Bernard lying at his feet.
He was the one who had the opportunity to get what he really wanted without much effort.
He was the one who lost that opportunity, but in the end didn’t even know what it was.
To Edwin, she was like a unique jewel in the world. However, to Bernard in front of him,
she would have been nothing more than a mere stone rolling on the street.
The blue eyes in the black helmet froze as cold as ice.
“I hate and curse deeply.”
The Black Knight’s sword moved down quickly.
“Please come this way.”
The knight called Maxwell guided Harrieta into the fortress.
“Miss Harrieta. Come on.”
Seeing Harrieta hesitating, Maxwell urged. It seemed that he didn’t have much patience left
because of the situation. After hesitating for a moment, Harrieta let out a small sigh and
followed him.
As she walked along with Maxwell, Harrieta fell into deep thought.
‘Even if you don’t, I’m afraid.’
What Bernard said to her seemed to echo in her ears.
‘But please. Please follow my will this time.’
If Bernard had insisted on saying no, she too would have insisted on fighting with him to
the end.
But at the last moment he asked her for a favor, not a command. With eyes so earnest.
Seeing him like that, she couldn’t bear to be stubborn any longer.
‘I’m sure he can come back.’
Harrieta took a slow, deep breath.
‘I’m sure he’ll be able to come back here safely.’
Like being swept away by a rapid current, Bernard’s back as he headed outside the castle
wall surrounded by soldiers came to mind. That was the last time she saw him.
He suddenly decided to leave for the sake of the collapsed wall’s repair. So it seemed that
neither Bernard nor his soldiers were fully prepared. They seemed sloppy and unstable.
Harrieta bit her lower lip. Come to think of it, she couldn’t even wish him luck.
‘Because His Highness is strong.’
Harrieta tried to erase her sinister thoughts.
‘He said that with his own mouth. He was called a master of swordsmanship when he was
It was at that time that she was trying to force herself to think positively, recalling his
The cheers and exclamations of soldiers could be heard from beyond the walls. The sound
of shields and swords, or spears colliding with each other, followed by chaotic and raucous
Whether it was the Velician soldiers, the Kustan soldiers, or both, she did not know.
Harrieta stopped abruptly. Her heart started pounding.
“Miss Harrieta!”
Maxwell, who was holding the arched door for Harrieta, called her urgently.
“Miss Harrieta, hurry up!”
Maxwell, standing on the steps, motioned for Harrieta to come quickly. Harrieta looked up
at him blankly. Hearing the shouts, her expression darkened.
Her eyes looked much more anxious than before, as if the enemy might come over the wall
at any moment.
‘His Highness Bernard!’
Bernard’s face passed before her eyes like a dream.
Harrieta turned her body and started running toward the wall.
“Miss Harrieta!”
She heard Maxwell’s voice calling her from behind, but she didn’t turn around. She was out
of breath, and she almost fell in the middle, but she didn’t stop.
Harrieta climbed up the wall at once. Then she hurriedly looked out of the fortress walls.
A vast expanse of wilderness. More than 10,000 troops gathered like a swarm of ants. The
gap was so dense that it was impossible to tell who was on whose side at first glance. But
even so, she found who she was looking for right away.
Harrieta widened her eyes.
Somewhere close to the fortress, the soldiers of the two countries were entangled. And in
the middle of the space, two knights on horseback were exchanging swords. Every time
their swords clashed, exclamations and sighs erupted from the surroundings at the same
time. Everyone seemed to be cheering for their own side to win.
The armor of one of the two knights was pitch black. She couldn’t see the details, but
Harrieta could tell at a glance. That he was the commander of the Kustan army, whom she
had met several times before.
If so, that meant only one thing. Harrieta’s eyes turned to the knight the Black Knight was
fighting with. The knight in silver armor who was receiving the attack from the Black
Knight was none other than Bernard.
Chapter 139

‘Please please.’
Sweat began to form in her clenched fist at the tension.
From a distance, the two knights’ skills seemed on par. Both the attacker and the defender
were showing perfect swordsmanship, without any flaws.
Harrieta was well aware of how powerful the Black Knight was. A person who single-
handedly slayed a pack of gray wolves. She was greatly surprised and admired Bernard
who was able to stand up to him on an equal footing.
‘Then, for His Highness Bernard, there might be some possibility...’
Harrieta was trying to hold her hopes out, rubbing her quivering heart. The posture of one
of the two knights who were in a tense confrontation suddenly got noticeably disturbed.
Harrieta screamed unknowingly.
The balance collapsed, and with that, the Black Knight’s fierce attack continued that it
seemed almost one-sided.
‘No. No.’
Harrieta watched the scene without blinking, her eyes fixed solid as stone. Her brown eyes
flickered dangerously. Even the slightly parted lips trembled as if they were in the cold.
Harrieta stopped her breathing as the Black Knight’s sword drew a long curve and cut
through the knight in silver armor. And the moment she saw the knight, who had stumbled
precariously on his horse, fall to the ground, her heart also plummeted into a deep abyss.
It felt like her eyes were dazed and her blood was flowing backwards. Her circuit of thought
was suddenly cut off.
Her body moved before her head. Without realizing what she was doing, Harrieta had
descended from the walls and ran towards the gates.
Next to the gates, the walls collapsed by the catapult were visible. Many Velician soldiers
were busy repairing the walls.
“Huh? Miss Harrieta?”
Jonathan, who was leading the soldiers, recognized Harrieta.
“What are you doing here...?”
Jonathan asked with a puzzled face, but Harrieta did not answer. She passed Jonathan
without even a word. She then picked up a helmet and a sword, as well as the bow and
quiver, which were scattered on the ground nearby. She then jumped onto a horse, which
stood free beside her.
Seeing this, Jonathan’s face was greatly taken aback. No way, the moment his suspicion
crossed his mind, Harrieta, who had put the helmet on her head, kicked the horse hard with
her foot.
With the sudden command, the horse neighed loudly, raising its forelegs high. Then it
started running forward at high speed. Drap, drap, drap. The sound of horse’s hooves
echoed across the hard stone ground.
“Hold, hold on!”
Jonathan, who belatedly grasped the situation, hurriedly ran and tried to block Harrieta’s
way. But it was impossible. No matter how fast he was, he couldn’t keep up with a galloping
“Miss Harrieta!”
Jonathan shouted Harrieta’s name as she passed by. Unfortunately, his voice did not reach
her and only echoed in the air.
The horse, carrying Harrieta, jumped over the collapsed walls and disappeared into the
chaos of the battlefield.
Harrieta rode the horse through the battlefield. Could it be because of the fighting spirit
and the struggle of the soldiers who risked their life? The atmosphere of the battlefield was
extremely hot, and the heat that filled it was as hot as in the desert.
Crossing the middle of the battlefield, Harrieta kicked the horse’s side once more. It was a
strange thing. Even though she seemed to be blocked in layers, she had no trouble running
her horse. Even though there seemed to be attacks from all sides, not a single arrow came
Everything on the battlefield looked black and white. Her hands holding the reins, the legs
holding the horse’s torso, and even the lips exhaling quickly. It all seemed like it wasn’t
hers. Thousands of soldiers were tangled together to kill each other, so it would be noisy,
but the only thing she could hear was the sound of her own breathing.
Not too far from the fortress, there was a dense group of soldiers. They enclosed the center
of the space. It was where Harrieta was supposed to go.
As she neared the destination, Harrieta did not slow down her horse. She drew an arrow
from the galloping horse and put it on the string of the bow.
The soldiers fled in astonishment when they saw a rider on the horse running towards
them with terrifying speed. The path opened naturally, and the two knights’ figure could be
seen between them.
A knight lying on the floor and another knight about to stab him with a sword.
There was no reason to worry, no time to think.
Harrieta threw her arms back and drew the bowstring. Then, without hesitation, she let go
of the bow the moment the arrowhead was aimed at the target right in front of her.
Edwin watched Bernard lying on the floor with cold eyes. As he fell off the horse, his helmet
came off, so Edwin could see Bernard’s face.
He had jet-black hair and a calm, masculine face. He didn’t look as lighthearted as rumors
had it, nor did he look like a drug-ridden addict. A blaze flowed from his eyes, which Edwin
expected to be blurry, and from his tightly bitten lips, he felt strength, not weakness.
Bernard did not shy away from Edwin’s gaze. Even with the sword pointed at his throat, he
showed no sign of fear. No. Far from being frightened, Bernard looked rather proud.
Even if I die soon, I will never bow down in front of you. His straight eyes said so.
‘What did I expect?’
Edwin laughed silently and self-deprecatingly.
‘That this man, Bernard, would have an ugly face like a monster? Or that he has the pathetic
and ugly impression like the circulating rumors?’
Bernard looked straight at Edwin, as if he had no shame under the sky. Edwin’s heart was
twisted at his gaze.
If there’s a terrible, hideous monster out there, it’s you, Edwin. A cunning voice, now
unknown to whom it belonged, whispered in his ear.
‘I will pierce that neck once and for all.’
Chapter 140

Edwin gripped the handle of the sword tightly and raised it upwards. Then he moved his
arm to strike it down hard.
Bernard, who was lying where the blade was pointing, took a short breath. He must have
foreseen his end.
Something hard and sharp penetrated something softer and more tender. There was that
unpleasant sound of raw flesh.
Edwin looked down at Bernard with his sword in his hand. His stiff, rigid face turned white.
Perhaps Bernard himself was quite surprised, he was staring at Edwin without moving.
Drip, drip, drip.
Drops of red blood fell on Bernard’s neat face. Like red petals that fell on the snowy field.
The sharp smell of blood in the battlefield grew stronger.
Edwin, who was still watching the bloodstain, slowly turned his head to look at his right
shoulder. A metal-like weapon with a pointed blade protruded from just below his
shoulder. He couldn’t see it well because he was wearing black armor, but a large amount
of blood was oozing from there.
Edwin ran his left hand behind his right shoulder. A weapon shaped like a round, elongated
stick. It didn’t take long to realize that it was an arrow.
“Get away from him.”
Someone behind his back gave the order. It was a sharp voice.
“Don’t think of doing anything stupid. If you do, I will cut your throat first.”
He felt a light murderous intent. It’s weak to say that it belonged to a skilled knight, but it
wasn’t so much that he couldn’t notice it.
‘I must have been careless.’
The dull pain, which had been spreading, became sharper and more intense. Pain as if his
arm would break. If it had been aimed a little more to the left, Edwin’s heart would have
been pierced. His hand holding the sword trembled slightly.
Edwin stood up. Hearing the voice, he looked in the direction it had come from and saw a
Velician soldier sitting on a horse aiming a second arrow at Edwin. The taut bowstring was
Not even an apprentice knight, but a mere soldier. It was so pathetic that it was absurd.
Edwin’s aura rose wildly.
“You said you would cut me the next time you ran into me.”
He growled and tried to stop his opponent when the soldier cut him off.
“So cut me. If you can.”
“My arrow will pierce your neck before that.”
The soldier’s voice, determined to provoke him, was not unfamiliar.
You said you would cut me the next time you ran into me. Edwin, who was pondering the
soldier’s words, hesitated. At the same time, he realized that the soldier’s voice was not that
of a man, but that of a young woman with a husky, nasal tinge.
His eyes narrowed.
“You’re ...”
Once he listened, he noticed immediately.
A woman he encountered in a shop in Balesnorth. A woman named Ciela whom he had met
by chance in the woods.
When he saw the Velician mark on the dagger, Edwin had expected her to be no ordinary
She might have been a spy sent by Velicia, he thought. Although Theodore’s claim that he
should catch her and examine her closely was actually right, he let her go. He owed his and
Lionelli’s life to her, and somehow it was because of his stupidity that he did not want to lay
his hands on a woman who kept reminding him of Harrieta.
But even so, he never imagined that he would encounter her once again in the middle of the
battlefield in this way.
“Why did you come here!”
Bernard, who was lying under the tip of Edwin’s sword, yelled at Ciela. His face crumpled
from shock. As expected, Bernard too knew who she was.
“I told you it was dangerous here!”
“I’ll listen to your scolding later, so get up first.”
Ciela said.
“If I hadn’t come, Your Highness would have already belonged to the other world.”
Her voice trembled faintly. She tried to pretend to be calm, but it seems that she couldn’t
completely hide her fears.
“I’m fine! I’m fine, so you go inside the fortress right now...!”
“Stop it!”
Ciela sharply cut Bernard’s words.
“Your Highness...I can’t leave Your Highness here alone!”
“If we live, we live together, and if we die, we die together!”
Her firm words left Bernard speechless. And he realized.
No matter how much he yelled at her, he couldn’t break her will.
There were various emotions in Bernard’s eyes as he looked at Ciela. Impatience, anxiety,
anger, affection, gratitude, guilt, and more. The most intense of these was fear.
It was strange nevertheless. Even when a knife was pointed at Bernard’s throat, he did not
lose his courage, but when Ciela’s safety was in danger, he became visibly frightened and
Could they be lovers? Or a strict master-servant relationship?
As Edwin watched the two of them, he felt his heart grow cold. He could see that the two of
them were very close and was able to sacrifice for each other.
A woman who jumped into the battlefield to save Bernard’s life, and Bernard, who values
the safety of such a woman more than his own life.
...And Edwin, who burns with a twisted revenge and tries to separate the two people who
are deeply affectionate.
‘I am.’
Edwin gritted his teeth.
‘I became a monster.’
Edwin turned his gaze back to Bernard. Perhaps he didn’t care about the enemy trying to
kill him, Bernard was looking at Ciela, not Edwin.
An unknown emotion welled up in the depths of Edwin’s heart.
‘After that day, I became such an ugly monster. Not a care, as if nothing happened.’
‘Like that.’
‘Like that...’
“Don’t even dream.”
Did she sense the murderous intent getting thicker and thicker? Ciela quietly warned.
“If you move a little more.”
Instead of finishing her words, she pulled her bowstring tighter. The sharpened arrowhead
glistened in the sun. If she would even accidentally let go of the string, it would
undoubtedly pierce Edwin’s neck.
Chapter 141

Edwin was silent for a moment.
Was the injury worse than he expected? He felt his vision blurring.
“The moment you let go of that bowstring, you will die too.”
Edwin slowly blinked his eyes.
“You have no idea how many people here are trying to kill you.”
Around them were several Kustan knights, apprentice knights, and soldiers. Now that she’s
thrusting her arrow at their commander, they’re not rushing to attack her. The moment
they had no reason to hesitate, she was sure to become a target.
If she could see, there was no way she wouldn’t have noticed it either.
But if her mind is properly set.
“I don’t care.”
However, Ciela responded coldly as if ridiculing his thoughts.
“Even if I die, I will be able to kill you before then.”
Edwin, hearing what Ciella added, turned his head to look at her again.
She is sitting on her horse and pointing a bow at him. She certainly had thinner build and
small stature compared to the other soldiers. Still, he had to admit it. That her spirit was as
lofty and intense as any other knight’s.
Edwin, who had been watching Ciela quietly, spoke.
“It may miss.”
“It won’t miss.”
“I can stop it.”
“You won’t be able to stop it.”
Ciela immediately refuted Edwin’s words without hesitation.
“I don’t know about anyone else, but never as much as you.”
A deep resentment lingered in her low, muttering voice.
Why? For a moment, Edwin wasn’t sure. The color of her emotions was unusually dark to
say that it was simply because Edwin was trying to harm someone dear to her.
Suddenly, he saw a Kustan apprentice knight standing behind Ciela. Hiding among the
soldiers, he was carrying an arrow carefully on the string of his bow. But Ciela didn’t seem
to notice it because she cared about the man in front of her.
‘In the end, it’s you, not me, who will die here.’
It was just then that Edwin was awaiting the last moment of the ignorant woman with a
nonchalant face.
The wind blew from the south. A wind so strong that it raised white dust on the dry land
and made the soldiers stumble.
Ciela’s brown hair, which hung down under the helm, blew in the wind. Her thin hair
seemed to dance sky-high with the wind.
Edwin’s expression, which had been frowning at the dusty wind, slowly stiffened.
Is it because he shed too much blood in a short amount of time? Or is it because of the dust
wind that rose like fog?
He was familiar with the woman’s figure through his blurry vision. As Ciela aimed her bow
and deathly glared at himself. On top of her figure, another figure appeared.
Even her fluttering brown hair. The posture of pulling the bowstring. At least the overall
body shape.
Edwin’s eyes flickered dangerously as he looked at Ciella.
There’s no way that could be possible
His heart, which had been frozen solid, started beating.
He knew that could never be possible.
As if his whole body had been paralyzed, he couldn’t breathe properly and stared at Ciela,
but he sensed a movement behind him. The Kustan apprentice knight was drawing his
bowstring towards her.
The bow that bends flexibly. The bowstring pulled taut.
The moment the arrow pointed at Ciela, Edwin unconsciously took a step in front of her
and reached out his hand towards the apprentice knight.
The apprentice knight was taken aback by Edwin’s urgent order and loosened the string of
his bow.
But it was too early to be relieved. It was because Ciela, mistaking Edwin’s sudden
movement for an attack, accidentally let go of the string of her bow that she was aiming at
The arrow that had left the bow flew powerfully through the wind. Edwin quickly tried to
hit the arrow with his sword. However, an injury sustained earlier slowed his movement.
He felt the burning pain of the raw flesh being torn along with the dull hitting sound.
A moan escaped from between his pursed lips. A stream of hot blood ran down his forearm.
Thanks to a quick turn around, he was able to avoid an arrow stuck in his neck.
Edwin unconsciously looked at Ciela even as he stumbled and lost his balance. Realizing
that she was all right, he was relieved inside.
He had threatened that he would cut her throat if he ever saw her again, but he was
relieved that she was safe.
Even to himself, it was ridiculous.
Drap drap drap.
The sound of horse hooves came from somewhere. Perhaps not just one or two
cavalrymen, there was an intense vibration shaking the ground. The soldiers who had
surrounded the three people were divided into several groups. From the direction of the
fortress, the ranks quickly began to collapse.
“Your Highness!”
A Velician knight who could be seen among the soldiers raised his voice and shouted.
“Your Highness! The repair is almost done! Quickly retreat to the fortress!”
Although it was fleeting, the sudden appearance of the knight succeeded in catching
Edwin’s attention. While he quickly turned his head to confirm the identity of the newly
appeared knight, Bernard, who had fallen on the floor, picked up the sword that had fallen
beside him.
Bernard quickly stood up and swung his sword at Edwin. Edwin, who noticed it belatedly,
hurriedly blocked the attack and stepped back. Kaang! The two blades collided and slid on
top of each other with a ghastly sound.
The moment the gap between the two opened slightly, Bernard turned his upper body and
reached out his hand. Then, perhaps waiting for that moment to come, Ciela quickly rode
her horse and grabbed his hand. Bernard jumped up and soon landed behind her.
The horse carrying the two people ran forward without slowing down.
“Stop! Stop them!”
Seeing that the caught fish were about to run away, the Kustan knight hurriedly shouted. At
that cry, the Kustan soldiers scattered around and rushed to one place. Some recklessly
pointed their weapons at the two, while others hurriedly drew their bowstrings.
Chapter 142

But it was already too late. The Velician soldiers desperately blocked the Kustan army’s
path and secured a way for Bernard to escape. The Kustan soldiers tried many ways to
break through the defense, but to no avail.
Edwin stood still and watched the two people’s backs as they walked away.
If he chases after the two of them now.
If he breaks down the walls once again.
Edwin could no longer hold out and knelt on his knees, sitting on the floor. Lionelli, who
was nearby, hurriedly ran to him.
“Lord, you’re injured...!”
Lionelli’s complexion darkened noticeably as she supported Edwin and checked his
condition up close. A pale face, a cold body, and his right arm and shoulder in tatters.
It was amazing that he had been standing still holding a sword.
His injuries were much more serious than she thought. The ground was covered with his
Lionelli clenched her teeth hard.
“Medic! Where is the medic!”
Her voice, full of anger, echoed across the battlefield.
Edwin slowly closed and opened his eyes. In his blurred vision, he saw the horse carrying
Ciela and Bernard entering the fortress.
Like he was possessed by something, Edwin stared blankly at it and soon lost his
Bernard was sitting alone in a large room that served as a conference room. Burying
himself deep in the back of his chair as if he was half-lying, clasping his hands together,
staring into empty space, just like that.
Bernard’s expression, immersed in deep thought, was infinitely dark and heavy. He was
recalling the conversation he had with Jonathan earlier.
‘What is known about the commander of the Kustan army?’
Jonathan was rather puzzled by the sudden question.
‘Well. He is a mysterious figure of whom little is known about except for the fact that he
suddenly appeared in the capital and joined the central knights, and took the position of
commander of the knights in an unprecedented speed.’
‘When was it known that he joined the Knights?’
‘Probably around the end of last year.’
‘Last year.’
Bernard pondered over Jonathan’s answer. Judging by the timing, it happened after
Harrieta came over to Velicia.
‘If it wasn’t for you, she might have lived.’
‘If only you had gone out to meet her properly.’
Another voice came in his ear.
‘Where and what the hell were you doing while her body was hacked up and grew cold!’
The voice was boiling hot like lava.
‘Everyone who took her from me, including you, and caused her to die in the end. I hate and
curse deeply.’
Blue eyes shown in a glimpse through the hole in the pitch-black helmet.
The commander of the Kustan Army, who exuded an intense murderous energy that made
his whole body go cold just by looking at him. That very person acted as if he would not be
satisfied even if he ate Bernard whole on the spot.
Why? Bernard shook his head that was full of thoughts. As far as he knew, this was the first
time Bernard had ever met the Kustan commander face-to-face.
‘My name is...’
Right before the confrontation, the image of the Black Knight reciting his name like giving a
final notice flashed through his mind.
Come to think of it, what was his name?
Bernard frowned. Was it because he was so nervous? Memories of that time were
indistinct, like water droplets dropped on ink.
His name...
Bernard’s expression, who was frowning and searching for memories, disappeared.
‘My name is Edwin.’
“Edwin Benedi...’
No way.
A name with a somewhat familiar tone. Thoughts that had been scattered in various
directions began to come together. Bernard’s eyes widened.
No way.
The door to the meeting room was thrown open, like they were going to be ripped open.
“Your Highness!”
Then, through the open door, a knight hurriedly entered. It was Jonathan Coopert, a knight
of Bernard’s guard.
“Your Highness! You should come out for a moment!”
Jonathan shouted, breathing heavily showing that he had run a long distance.
Instead of asking for permission to go into the room, Jonathan cut out all the explanations
and came right away. Known for his taciturn and calm personality, this behavior did not
suit him at all.
“What is going on?”
“The Kustan army...! The Kustan army...!”
Perhaps in a hurry, Jonathan stammered twice. Eventually, taking a deep breath and
managing to calm himself down, he delivered the news that had made him so excited.
“The Kustan army is now withdrawing from the fortress!”
The order from the central government was very simple.
[All the Kustan troops who participated in the war against Velicia, as well as the troops
stationed in various places in Brimdel, must return to their homeland, Kustan right now.]
The news came belatedly that the king of Velicia had joined hands with his allies and raided
the capital of Kustan, while most of the Kustan army went to war with other countries.
There were only 3,000 troops remaining in the country, and most of the knights who were
considered competent for having skills were absent due to the war. In the meantime, when
the allied forces attacked with a huge force of 15,000, Kustan did not have the time to
withstand their attacks.
The defense wall was easily penetrated and eventually collapsed. In this way, the allied
forces entered the capital of Kustan without much difficulty.
The news of the allied forces’ rapid advance towards the capital greatly frightened the king
of Kustan.
Even if they succeed in invading a foreign country, what use will it be if the country itself
perishes before that? No animal, no matter how strong, could survive with its head cut off.
After a brief meeting with several high-ranking ministers, the King of Kustan decided to
recall all the troops who had gone to war with Velicia. It didn’t matter what the current
progress was or what the military situation was like. It was only important to recall as
many and as quickly as possible.
Chapter 143

That’s pretty good.

Edwin read the letter that had just arrived this morning and thought with a grim smile.
He thought that if they can’t win the battle, they’re definitely going to win the war.
Despite the many children the King of Velicia gave, Bernard was the legitimate son. Edwin
found it a little strange that the capital didn’t send reinforcements even though Bernard
was cornered.
Only then did Edwin realize why Bernard had led him here.
Bernard must have wanted to stall time. In the meantime, this will allow the allied forces to
attack Kustan.
Edwin crumpled the letter he was holding in his hand.
No wonder Bernard seemed to be full of confidence when Edwin faced him on the
“This can’t be.”
Theodore, who had brought the letter to Edwin, murmured angrily.
“The high ground is just around the corner, and they want us to come back now? It is
“The central government couldn’t help it either. The castle is on the verge of being
captured, and all the troops capable of stopping the allied forces are here.”
Lionelli, standing together with them in the barracks, defended the central government.
“Isn’t there an old saying? Extinguish the most urgent fire first.”
“But in just a little more time, we should be able to capture the capital of Velicia!”
Theodore expressed his dissatisfaction in a fit of anger.
“If only I could capture that Prince hiding like a rat in that fortress.”
“What if you catch him?”
Lionelli asked, frowning.
“Does catching him change anything, Sir Theodore?”
“Well. For example, we could make a deal with the king of Velicia by using him as a
“A deal? You don’t know what kind of person that Prince is?”
Lionelli sneered at Theodore’s suggestion.
“He is the Prince with the reputation as the biggest nuisance of the royal family of Velicia.
Even though he was born into the direct line, he did not inherit the rightful heir position.
Under these circumstances, how much do you think Velicia will bend for him?”
“That’s something you won’t know until you try.”
The two knights started bickering and arguing. Edwin, lost in thought for a moment, quietly
raised his hand to stop them.
“I’m sorry, Lord.”
“Lord. Go ahead and give us orders.”
As if the two never even quarreled, they turned to Edwin and politely bowed. They don’t
know about other places, but in the military, they had to obey their superiors absolutely.
Heavy silence fell in the barracks. Edwin stared blankly at the crumpled letter in his hand
for a while. Then, he quietly opened his mouth.
“The orders of the superior are absolute.”
The voice was nonchalant and monotonous, like reciting doctrines that were in the heart.
Edwin slowly opened his palm and dropped the letter he was holding onto the floor. It was
an important letter stamped with the pattern of the Kustan royal family, but now it was just
a useless piece of paper to him.
“Tell the entire army to return home as soon as dawn breaks.”
Behind the barracks was a wide, flat rock. The time was past midnight and approaching
dawn. Edwin sat alone on the rock, looking up at the night sky.
The night was clear without a single cloud and the moon was shining exceptionally bright.
An endless blue sky. On top of it, there were innumerable stars that glittered like jewels.
Is it because it’s late? There was no sound except for the occasional roar of the wind.
A night of breathtaking silence. A disturbingly peaceful night.
If they hadn’t known anything, they wouldn’t have easily believed that a fierce battle had
taken place here just a few days ago.
The sound of a person breaking the thick silence came from behind. Even though the
person was wearing military boots, the sound of footsteps was a bit fast and light.
Edwin did not look back. He didn’t have to look to see who it belonged to.
“Lord. It’s late, but you’re still awake.”
The bushes parted and a knight of Kustan, Lionelli, appeared. She was not too surprised to
see Edwin, perhaps knowing that he would be here.
“The days seem to be getting warmer. It really feels like spring has arrived.”
“Do you mind if I stay by your side for a while?”
Edwin answered Lionelli’s cautious request with silence. Knowing that silence means
acceptance, she sneaked closer to him.
Lionelli stopped three or four steps from the rock where Edwin was sitting while raising
his head. Then she followed his gaze and looked up at the sky he was looking at.
A clear night sky and bright twinkling stars.
Was he looking for a constellation?
Lionelli questioned herself inside. She knew that Edwin often spent the late nights alone
looking up at the sky.
What a strange thing, Lionelli always thought. Her superior was a man who was cold as ice
and had a dry sensibility like a desert. But he has a hobby of looking up at the night sky like
a sentimental adolescent girl. Who would have imagined that?
“Are you preparing to go back?”
Edwin broke the silence and asked Lionelli a question.
“It’s all finished. I’ll bring as many items as possible, but I think we’ll have to leave large
items like siege weapons here in order to move quickly.”
“I see.”
“Well, that doesn’t mean the situation is all that bad. When we come back later, we’ll be
able to use them again. We can see it as an advantage not having to drag those heavy things
Lionelli laughed lightly as she made a joke. She knew very well that those things would not
be left where they were in the distant future, which may be years or even decades later.
A cool wind blew. Lionelli brushed back her soft, flowing hair.
Chapter 144

“I think that the human heart is very cunning. In the past, I thought I would wish for
nothing more if only Brimdel was successfully captured. But now it seems like it would be a
great regret to turn around like this without being able to capture Velicia.”
“This time I turned around without achieving my goal, but next time I’m sure next time it
will succeed.”
Lionelli smiled thinly and turned her head to look at Edwin.
As always, Edwin’s profile in the moonlight was very beautiful and charming, even though
he was not wearing any common jewelry. It made her sometimes forget that this entity is
the notorious Black Knight of the battlefield.
“And even then, I will ride by Lord’s side.”
Lionelli quietly spoke of her will. Then Edwin, who had been looking up at the sky in
silence, said,
“Dame Lionelli.”
“Yes, Lord.”
“I will not go back to Kustan.”
Edwin said. In a very monotonous tone, like he was talking about what he ate for breakfast.
Lionelli, who inadvertently nodded her head, belatedly grasped the meaning and stiffened.
The smile that had been hovering around her lips disappeared like melting snow.
“That...What are you talking about?”
“You’re not going back?”
Lionelli asked again in disbelief. To her, the words were a bolt out of the blue.
Edwin turned his head to Lionelli. Unlike her, who was terribly horrified, he had a very
calm face.
“I still have work to do here. So Dame, you can take my place and lead the soldiers back to
Kustan tomorrow morning.”
“But, but Lord.”
Lionelli objected, stammering.
“Leaving the military without permission from the superior is a felony. You do know that,
do you?”
“No matter how much you’ve done, the superiors won’t let Lord go.”
“I don’t care. I have no intention of going back there anyway.”
Edwin’s answer left Lionelli speechless.
What the hell does this mean? He has no intention of going back to Kustan. So, does that
mean he’s going to seek asylum in another country?
Several thoughts ran through her mind in a flash.
What should she do?
As a knight of Kustan, as someone who inherited the blood of the Bahat family. Can she just
stay still when she knows that her superior is about to leave the military?
Lionelli’s neck moved.
Does she have to convince him not to do that? Should she stop him using force?
Or, tell the superior about this as soon as possible...
“Then I will stay here too.”
However, what came out of Lionelli’s mouth were completely different words.
Edwin’s eyes narrowed as he looked at her. A look of uneasiness spread across his face.
“You’re going to stay?”
“Yes. Whatever the Lord has in mind, I will help you achieve it.”
“You’re talking nonsense, too.”
“It’s not nonsense.”
When Edwin dismissed it as nonsense, Lionelli shook her head resolutely.
“Do you remember? My oath is to follow Lord’s will at the cost of my life.”
—’Even so, I will be with you until the end.’
When Edwin asked Lionelli if she would follow him even if the Kustan army was
annihilated because of him, Lionelli answered that way after pondering for a while. And
now that time has passed, her mind still hasn’t changed a bit.
“Yes. There was once a fool who said that.”
Recalling his old memories, Edwin lowered his head slightly and smiled.
Lionelli Bahat, who showed blind faith and loyalty. A knight of Kustan that Edwin felt very
similar to his past self.
Maybe it’s because he’s been through so much. He felt as if an eternity had passed, even
though it has not been too long.
“Dame Lionelli.”
“Yes, Lord.”
“Dame, lead the soldier back to Kustan tomorrow morning as planned.”
Upon hearing Edwin’s order, Lionelli’s voice grew stronger without her realizing it.
“Please think about it once more! I am really confident that I can be of service to the Lord!”
“Even if you’re in a recovery phase, Lord can’t even lift your right arm properly! How could
you act alone in that state? I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve, but it won’t be easy!”
“So I, I will be by Lord’s side helping you...”
Lionelli’s voice trembled faintly as the words came out rapidly.
One way or another. She has to convince Edwin one way or another..
“Lionelli Bahat. This is an order.”
Edwin said quietly but firmly.
“I will be grateful for Dame’s heart. But wanting to help and being helpful are
fundamentally different things. Can you imagine how great the uproar would be if both
Dame and I were to leave the military at the same time? If the news is known to the outside
world, it will only unnecessarily complicate things.”
“So Dame Lionelli, you lead the soldiers instead of me and return to your country. Conceal
the fact that I was away from being noticed by the superiors for as long as possible. Later,
when the truth comes out, Dame, you just have to say that you did what I told you to do.
That you didn’t know anything else.”
“Lord, I...!”
Lionelli opened her mouth to protest once more. But Edwin interrupted her.
“If you really want to help me, return to your country. That is the only way Dame can help
Edwin said so.
“This is the last order I give to Dame as your commander.”
Hearing the words that he added softly, Lionelli bit her lower lip.
Last order. As she repeated the words to herself, her neck moved.
She didn’t bother to ask him what he meant. She didn’t even ask what he planned to do in
the future. She knew intuitively that he wouldn’t answer if she asked, and that even if she
did, she wouldn’t be able to change his mind.
No matter what she says or does, the results will not change.
Chapter 145

When she realized it, she was overcome with emotion.

“Can I...see you again?”
Lionelli asked, trying hard to keep her face from collapsing.
“If I wait, will you come back someday?”
She forcibly squeezed out her voice that was suffocated.
Edwin turned his head to Lionelli.
Like wearing a mask, there was an indifferent and blunt face. Her tearful face was reflected
in his blue eyes that had lost their light a long time ago.
“It’s foolish to wait for someone all the time.”
Edwin said quietly, like he was talking to himself.
“But isn’t Dame a wiser person than that?”
A bitter smile spread across his lips.
Like a soft spring breeze blowing from afar, a friendly and familiar voice tickled Edwin’s
It sounded like it held a smile. It sounded like it swallowed a cry.
Like breathing in. Like sighing.
Like the white snow that fell on the tree branches at dawn, the friendly voice hovered
around him for a while before disappearing without a trace. The desire to get even a little
closer to the owner of the voice came. Edwin, who had been so hesitant, was about to take a
The voice that seemed to be coming from afar was clear this time. Just as if it were right in
front of him. Edwin, who had been lying languidly with his eyes closed, suddenly opened
his eyes.
The first thing he saw was clear brown eyes. His surprised face was reflected in the eyes
under the light. Blink. Every time his eyelids closed and opened; the long eyelashes
fluttered like butterflies flapping their wings.
Edwin slowly looked at the figure in front of him, Stiff and rigid like a dazed beast. A rather
pale and slender face. Concave features. Long brown hair hanging down the sides.
A woman in a neat dress was squatting in front of Edwin.
It was a woman Edwin knew well.
Edwin, who jumped up, called Harrieta’s name with a half-confident face.
No way. It can’t be.
Edwin couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Bathed in the beating sunlight, Harrieta sat
with a calm face.
It was the same as how he remembered it before.
It was the moment that he had hoped for so much. It was a landscape that he longed for.
Still, he couldn’t be happy. Like someone had decided to mess up with his head, he couldn’t
think properly.
How is this possible? How is she here...?
“Were you here all morning? You don’t know that I’ve been looking for you for a while.”
Harrieta, who had been staring at Edwin blankly, looked sad and raised her voice.
“You’re really too much. The last time I accidentally fell asleep here, you nagged me saying
I’ll catch a cold.”
“Anyway, it’s pretty cool here, isn’t it? The windows are large and it faces the south, so
there is sunlight in the afternoon.….”
Harrieta looked around and had a proud face. But she couldn’t finish her words. Edwin,
who was sitting like a plaster figure, hugged her tightly.
With a small rebound, Harrieta’s curly hair was disheveled.
“Ed, Edwin?”
Edwin’s sudden action shocked Harrieta greatly. He, who was much bigger than her,
eagerly clung to her like a frightened child. She didn’t know what to do.
“Ed, Edwin? What’s wrong? Huh, what’s going on?”
“Did you have a bad dream?”
“Miss Harrieta.”
Edwin muttered her name as he buried his face in Harrieta’s nape.
“Miss Harrieta.”
“Yes, Edwin?”
“Miss Harrieta.”
“Miss Harrieta”
Edwin repeatedly called Harrieta’s name like he was chanting a spell. It was because it
seemed that if he gave even a moment’s chance, she would disappear before his eyes.
“I…..missed you.”
Edwin whispered difficulty. There were many things to say to her, but only one word came
out of his mouth.
“ much...”
“Edwin, you.”
Harrieta, who was quietly cradled in his arms, giggled. She gently hugged him as he clung to
“If anyone sees it, they’ll think we got reunited after being away for a very long time.”
“It’s okay. Don’t worry, Edwin.”
“I don’t know what nightmare you had, but everything will be okay. See. I am standing next
to you.”
Harrieta gave Edwin a light pat on the back.
“So stop taking drugs like Longo. I, Harrieta McKenzie, would be far more effective in
restoring stability more than anything like that.”
Harrieta made a joke with a mischievous grin. Edwin, who had been accepting her touch
like a beast tamed by a trainer, hesitated.
A green leafy herb with a nerve-calming effect.
Edwin slowly pulled himself away from Harrieta. Then he grabbed her shoulders with both
hands and looked at her face.
Two eyes twinkling like stars.
Two cheeks full of vitality.
Red lips with raised tips.
There was no sadness or pain, and she seemed happy. It looks like she came out of a scene
in a calm and peaceful memory.
Edwin’s neck, as he managed to squeeze out of his voice, moved.
“Everything will be fine with Miss Harrieta by my side.”
He tried to forcefully lift his lips, which kept trying to go down. It felt cramped, as if a heavy
stone had been placed on his chest.
Chapter 146

Harrieta tilted her head, finding it strange. Then, as something had popped into her head,
she opened her mouth.
“Ah, Edwin. By the way, listen. Hugo, that troublemaker. I’ve obviously warned him not to
come into my room ...”
Harrieta talked about what had happened with a warm face. As always, with exaggerated
gestures and ridiculously imitating voices.
Edwin sat by the window and watched Harrieta in silence.
It was a warm spring-like day. Outside the window, birds chirped like they were singing,
and white sunlight was pouring down from behind. In a space that seemed empty yet full,
she, who could be called the everything in his world, was standing very close to him.
Everything was harmonious and peaceful.
It was a perfect, beautiful moment without any flaws.
“This is already the third time, the third time. No matter how hard I scolded him, it seems
like it only works for that time...”
Harrieta, who was talking with a pouty face, looked at Edwin and blurred her words. Her
eyes widened.
“Are you...crying now?”
Harrieta asked in surprise.
“No, why all of a sudden...?”
“I’m happy.”
Edwin struggled through his trembling breath.
“Miss Harrieta. I’m just happy...”
At least, he had a secret he couldn’t tell Harrieta. The first time Edwin took longo was after
crossing the border and arriving in Kustan. Therefore, there was no way that she, who got
separated from him much earlier, could know that he took that drug.
So this is just an illusion. It’s just a dream, like a mirage, it’s not real.
I love you.
His feelings, which he couldn’t convey to her even in his dreams, hovered in his mouth and
then dispersed like fog.
Edwin dropped his head helplessly. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks and fell to the
It was still early morning when he opened his eyes. A world in a dim light. A quiet and
desolate landscape, not much different from before he closed his eyes, was spread out in
front of his eyes.
Edwin, who had been lying still for a while, sat up slowly. The thin blanket that was
covering him slipped down and the cool morning air caressed his exposed skin.
Edwin, who was staring into the distance with unfocused cloudy eyes, soon lowered his
head powerlessly and buried his face in his hands. Two wet cheeks touched his cold palms.
As expected, it was a dream.
Edwin calmly accepted that fact and took a slow, deep breath.
How many times is this really? After Harrieta died, he dreamed of being with her every day.
To go back to those days when they stood by each other’s side in Philioche, a peaceful and
small rural town.
At first, he even appreciated that. He thought he would never see her again, and he was
delighted that he could meet her even in his dreams. Despite it being an illusion of his own
making. There were times when he took strong sleeping pills to lengthen that time.
But that’s only for a moment.
No matter how desperate he was, the time given to him was always limited. After all the
sand in the hourglass had flowed, he had to return to reality whether he liked it or not.
When he opened his eyes, the illusion built on lies was shattered. And he was alone again.
Knowing how beautiful and sweet the world would be when they were together, the world
he faced alone was more empty and lonely than he could have imagined.
There are many people in this world, but there was no one in Edwin’s life.
They said that time heals everything, but Edwin’s life only became more impoverished as
time passed.
There was no salvation. There was no hope.
Even if he struggled hard, there was only endless pain and terrible loneliness in front of
After realizing that fact, Edwin couldn’t stand it any longer. He had already reached the
limits of what he could endure long ago. He was so exhausted that it could not be simply
expressed as being tired.
‘It won’t miss.’
It reminded him of a woman who glared at him so fiercely and boasted.
‘I don’t know about anyone else, but never as much as you.’
The woman of Velicia who kept reminding him of the dead Harrieta, and that made him
suffer all the more.
The dead could not come back alive. So all of this was just a foolish delusion born of his
futile longing and hopeless hope.
Mistakes of the past, repeated many times. Through those mistakes, Edwin compromised
with reality. No matter how much he wished and hoped, Harrieta could not come back to
him. So now he has only one option left.
It’s time to finish everything.
Edwin got up. Changing his clothes and packing up the things he needed, he slowly began to
prepare for the future.
‘Black Knight from the west. What’s your name?’
He remembered Bernard, who confidently asked about his identity without being
intimidated in the slightest, even though he was in an inferior situation.
‘...The commander of Kustan doesn’t even know how to be a basic knight.’
A man with strong charisma who can subdue opponents in an instant by slightly lowering
his voice even though he hadn’t raised his voice.
He knew he was looking at Bernard with a distorted point of view. He also knew that his
mindset was wrong. He had no reason to assume that a foreign prince, who had never met
Harrieta, should be responsible for her death. Besides, even if he knew it, Bernard, he too
might have been just a victim of a political game.
Edwin laughed dejectedly.
Now, what is the point of judging right and wrong? It had been a long time since his fury
that spread like mad burned all reason that was already imprinted in him. He has already
come too far to look at the situation through the eyes of a third party and argue about right
or wrong.
There was no way back, no place to return.
Edwin took the sword that had been set in the corner. His open wound throbbed, but he
didn’t care. The pain on the outside and the pain on the inside would all end forever.
Edwin, having finished all his preparations, threw a black cloak over his shoulders. Then he
walked through the barracks door and went outside.
Far away, over the horizon, he could see the sun rising. It was probably the last sunrise he
would see in this life.
The sky is slowly turning red. Edwin, who was staring at the sky in silence, took a step
towards the end that was soon to come.
Chapter 147

Bernard stood in front of the fireplace set up in the study. Flare, flare. The hot roaring flame
burned the dry firewood. The expression on his face as he looked down at it was quite
Knock, knock.
There was a light knock on the door. Bernard turned his head and looked toward the door.
He already knew that someone would visit him, so he gave them permission to come in.
Soon the door opened and his expected guest entered the room.
“Did you call me, Your Highness?”
Harrieta asked, tilting her head slightly to the side. She looked at him wondering why he
hadn’t shown up all day and suddenly called him at such a late hour.
“What’s the matter?”
Bernard turned to greet her.
“Don’t just stand there like that, come sit here. I have prepared your favorite tea and
Bernard said, pointing to the leather sofa. As he said, simple refreshments were prepared
on the table.
Harrieta obediently followed his words. Seeing her sit on the sofa, Bernard strides over and
sits down across from her.
“What kind of tea party is this in the middle of the night?”
“I just wanted to have a chat with you once in a while.”
Bernard answered as he poured the tea directly into the cup.
“Here you go.”
“Thank you.”
Harrieta accepted the teacup he handed her. It hasn’t been long since it was brewed, hot
steam was still rising from the clear tea water.
Harrieta, who was drinking the tea while being careful not to burn her mouth, glanced at
Bernard in front of her. He was wearing a stiff, angled uniform. Perhaps it was because she
had only seen him dressed in armor for quite a few days, his appearance felt a little strange
“How are you feeling?”
Harrieta asked. Then Bernard, who was picking up his teacup, raised his gaze and looked
up at her.
“Much better. You?”
“Well, I...wasn’t injured from the beginning.”
Harrieta shrugged her shoulders and replied, shrugging it as insignificant. Then Bernard
“That was lucky. You could be seriously injured if you did something wrong. It may have
cost your life.”
“...Did you call me to scold me again?”
Harrieta let out a deep sigh.
“I have told you several times. Even if I go back to that time, I will make the same choice.”
If Harrieta hadn’t run into the battlefield that day. If she hadn’t attacked the Black Knight, if
she hadn’t barged into the duel between the two knights. Bernard, the son of the king of
Velicia, would not have been able to sit here now. He would have become a cold corpse and
be buried somewhere in the cold ground.
And that’s a fact admitted not only to Harrieta but also to Bernard.
Bernard, who was lost in thought, called out to her.
“What kind of existence am I to you?”
She thought he was going to nag, but Bernard threw such a question out of the blue.
Harrieta narrowed her eyes. What kind of trick is this again? She said as she narrowed her
“Arrogant, profligate, spiteful, stubborn...”
“Don’t joke.”
Bernard stop Harrieta’s words with a mischievous face.
“I want to hear your sincerity.”
Bernard said with a rather serious expression, without a single smile. The mischief faded
from Harrieta’s face when she realized that he truly meant it.
After pondering his question for a moment, she answered.
“You are a good person.”
Perhaps surprised by Harrieta’s answer, Bernard raised his eyebrows. She nodded her
“I don’t know what about the other people.”
“You are also a very precious person to me.”
Harrieta said with a soft smile. She couldn’t put a specific name on the relationship
between the two. Still, she wondered if the word ‘a precious person’ would be enough to
express her feelings.
“A precious person...”
Bernard quietly repeated her words. A strange heat crept into his eyes.
“More than the person you said you must find?”
Bernard asked implicitly. In a tone that wanted to unravel her inner thoughts.
He didn’t say the name, but Harrieta knew at once who Bernard was talking about. The
completely unexpected question took her by surprise.
Harrieta hesitated without answering. Then, Bernard, who had been looking at her,
lowered his gaze down and let out a small sigh.
“No, that’s fine. You don’t have to answer.”
A voice full of bitterness. It seemed that he had given up, and was lamenting.
The air in the study became heavy. Feeling guilty for some reason, Harrieta fiddled with the
More time passed like that.
“You must have heard that the Kustan army retreated, right?”
Bernard, who had been silent, spoke again. Harrieta silently nodded. How could she not
know? Because of that, the whole place has a festive atmosphere.
“As soon as the matter here is finished, I will go up to the capital again.”
Bernard said.
“A lot will happen in this country in the future. From the royal family to the central
government and diplomatic relations with neighboring countries. The winds of great
change will blow. How well we overcome that will determine the future of Velicia.”
Although they did not perish like Brimdel, they were unstable in many ways. Furthermore,
as the crown prince, Siorn, was killed in action, a dispute over the succession to the throne
would arise once again.
If they see it as an opportunity, it could have been an opportunity, if they saw it as a crisis,
it could have turned into a crisis. Depending on how well they used this situation in the
future, Velicia could prosper as a great power within the continent, or they could decline as
a small country and disappear into history.
Bernard clasped his hands together and placed them on top of his legs. Then he inhaled and
exhaled slowly.
“Until now, I had only tried to run away from the duties and rights given to me. If I stay still,
everyone will be able to live in peace. I can avoid unnecessary disputes. I thought so. I tried
to think so.”
Chapter 148

Bernard paused for a moment. He met Harrieta’s gaze.

“But now it is different. I won’t run away any longer.”
“Do you become King?”
Harrieta asked cautiously. Bernard, who was looking at her blankly, then nodded.
There was a firm will in his eyes.
Harrieta realized. That this is not just an impulsive decision. Bernard must have thought
about and struggled with this for a long time. He must have been troubled on his own until
he made a decision like this.
Bernard, to be the king of Velicia.
Harrieta drew a picture of him in her mind.
He who kneels before the throne and inherits the crown, blessed by all.
The era of the new king, which will be recorded as splendid and wonderful.
“Good idea. Your Highness will surely become a good monarch who will go down in
“Even though I feel a little sad that Your Highness seems to be going farther and farther
Harrieta smiled lightly, but Bernard called her.
“Go up to the capital with me.”
Harrieta was taken aback by Bernard’s sudden suggestion. He nodded and continued.
“I hope you will continue to be with me.”
“I want you to stay by my side and watch me grow.”
“Your Highness...”
“I know how much you suffered and struggled because of what happened in the past. I
know what you have been enduring to achieve.”
Bernard got up. Then he turned around the table and walked over to Harrieta’s side. He
stopped her from unwittingly moving out.
“It’s a pity, but I don’t have the ability to turn back time that has already passed. But I
promise you this much. I can’t help the past, but in the future, I will protect you with
everything within my power.”
Bernard bent down and took Harrieta’s hand. Then he pulled it slightly.
“Harrieta Mackenzie.”
Bernard, who was looking at Harrieta, lowered his head and kissed her hand lightly.
“I will make it so that no one can ever be reckless to you again.”
The conversation between the two didn’t last long. It was because Jonathan had come to
the study to meet Bernard. Entering the room, Jonathan saw Harrieta next to Bernard and
looked slightly puzzled. It was quite late, so he must have assumed that Bernard would be
Bernard asked what was going on, but Jonathan hesitated, unable to answer. Seeing his
unusual appearance, Bernard thought for a while and then went out of the study with him.
Mumble, mumble. Harrieta could hear their conversation through the door. Perhaps it was
quite serious, Jonathan’s voice, which had been calm, became a little heated.
Eventually, the door opened and Bernard entered the study again.
“I’m sorry, but we’ll have to talk later. I have urgent business to deal with.”
“Is something wrong?”
Harrieta asked softly towards Bernard’s darkened complexion. Bernard shook his head.
“I can’t explain right now. I’ll tell you later, when things are settled.”
His expression looks urgent and anxious. What happened?
Curiosity crept up. But Harrieta didn’t ask more and just kept her mouth shut. Although she
was curious, she did as he said, because the situation seemed urgent.
Harrieta put the teacup down and got up. It was late for her, so she thought that she should
go back to her room, but Bernard stopped her.
“Harrieta. Don’t go straight to your room, go to mine first.”
“Your Highness’s room?”
“Yes. It’s not a big deal.”
Bernard muttered, looking around. Before Harrieta could answer, he called an apprentice
knight who was standing guard nearby. Then he ordered the knight to take her to his room.
“I’ll explain everything later.”
He really looked like he was in a hurry. He left with Jonathan, who was waiting at a
distance, without leaving a single word. The two people were discussing something
seriously and moving away.
Harrieta, who was looking at their backs, looking slightly bewildered, soon followed the
apprentice knight who came to her side and moved away.
Bernard’s room was not too far from the study. The apprentice knight tilted his head after
arriving in front of Bernard’s door, finding it strange. It was because the sentries who were
supposed to be guarding the front of the room were nowhere to be seen.
“Probably because it was shift-change time, they were away for a while. Shall I go and find
out what’s going on?”
“That’s okay. They’ll be back soon.”
Harrieta passed it by without a big deal. Setting up a sentry in front of the door was only
nominal. Since the war was over, they didn’t consider the inside dangerous enough to have
a guard at all times.
The apprentice knight, who had completed the given mission, gave a short bow to Harrieta.
She too gave him a thank you and entered the room.
Inside the room, it was pitch-dark. It must have been left empty all day, and the inside was
filled with a cold chill.
‘It’s a bit chilly.’
Harrieta, who was wearing thin clothes, wrapped her arms around her body and trembled.
An open window came into her view. The wind outside was quite strong, and the curtains
hanging by the window were blowing like waves.
Was Bernard very busy in the morning? Why did he leave the window open?
Bernard was sensitive to cold. Unless there was a special reason, it was very rare for him to
leave the window open. Knowing that fact well, Harrieta thought that this scene in the
room was a bit unnatural.
But that didn’t last long. Thinking she was overreacting, she walked to the window. Then
she stretched her arms out and closed the open window. The wind that blew the curtains to
and fro, stopped and the room became quiet.
Chapter 149

She should’ve asked for a lantern.

Harrieta regretted it belatedly, but felt something sticky on her palm.
What is this?
Harrieta lifted her hand from the windowsill and checked her palm. Soon, she was
Red blood was smeared on Harrieta’s palm, spread out under the moonlight.
She hurriedly looked around the window and saw that there was blood on the floor as well
as the window sill.
How the hell did this...?
Harrieta was extremely confused looking at the sea of blood spreading in front of her, but
she felt a strange presence behind her.
A gasping breath. The sound of clothes brushing.
No way.
“The owner of this room...Where is it?”
Breaking the suffocating silence, someone spoke to her.
“The Prince of Velicia...Where is he now?”
The voice was full of hostility, without the slightest hint of goodwill.
Harrieta slowly turned around. And there was a man standing right next to the door.
Her whole body stiffened. Her heart started pounding and throbbing.
Hiding in the dark, the man’s face was invisible. Only the vague shape was visible. Even so,
Harrieta was able to recognize him.
The commander who led the Kustan Army.
The Black Knight who aimed his sword at Bernard.
It was that man.
Hadn’t the Kustan army all retreated to their homeland?
Harrieta rolled her eyes, trying to calm her quivering heart.
Did he come under the cover of darkness to assassinate Bernard?
Was it all a lie that the Kustan army had retreated?
The questions running through her mind came one after another. She looked around the
room, but it seemed that there was only that man, the intruder.
Why? She didn’t understand at all. Kustan clearly had an advantage over Velicia. They were
able to press Velicia well enough without using such an extreme method.
Even if this man was confident in his skills. But to think of jumping into enemy territory all
alone? It’s like...
Thump. With a heavy sound, the man took a step towards Harrieta.
“You there.”
He spoke to Harrieta once again. Surprised by that, she reflexively faltered and took a step
back from him. Even so, she remembered the dagger she was carrying in her arms and
quickly tried to pull it out.
“If you just...answer me...I won’t harm...”
His body trembled as he spoke sparsely in a murmur. Kaang. His sword plunged into the
floor with a dull sound. It seemed that he intended to use it to support his body as he was
about to lose his balance and fall.
But that alone was not enough. He swayed precariously and eventually fell to the floor,
collapsing. The sword in his hand also fell beside him, making a loud noise.
Harrieta was very taken aback by the unexpected development. Why did the man who was
standing still suddenly fall down? She wondered if he was playing a clever trick, but she
soon realized he wasn’t. His rough, irregular breathing came into her ears.
Splat. Harrieta stepped on a puddle on the floor. Unknowingly, she lowered her head to
check underneath, and noticed that it was blood, the one she had seen earlier. Her gaze
returned to the man lying on the floor.
Then this blood is of that man’s...
Only then did Harrieta realize.
The reason why Jonathan urgently came to Bernard at such a late hour.
The reason why Bernard sent Harrieta to his room, which was heavily guarded.
The reason why the man who broke into the fortress collapsed on the floor bleeding like
It was as if the scattered puzzle pieces were fitting into place one by one.
She should call...someone.
Harrieta gulped. By now, many Velicia soldiers, including Bernard, should have been
looking for this man. So she had to go out and let them know that this man was here.
Harrieta’s eyes darkened as she looked at the man. Only his hard breathing and suppressed
groans could be heard intermittently. He lay helplessly limp on the floor.
Will there ever be a better opportunity for her to get revenge on the man?
Because of the soldiers this man led, her younger brother died on the battlefield.
Because the soldiers this man led reached Brimdel Castle first, she lost the chance to
avenge her family forever.
Because the soldiers this man led were not satisfied with that and crossed the border of
Velicia, her benefactor’s country was trampled mercilessly.
All because of this cruel, unscrupulous man who fell before his eyes.
Harrieta gritted her teeth.
She knew that her way of thinking was wrong. He and she just met in the wrong way at the
wrong time. As a knight of Kustan, she knew that he also had a position of his own. It’s not
that she doesn’t know that.
However, a hot fire was burning in Harrieta’s heart. A fire of hatred that cannot be put out
without punishing someone. Now that the target of revenge has disappeared in front of her,
the hatred that has lost its destination has spread wildly like an uncontrollable wildfire.
And now, at the end, only this man in front of her remained.
If the Velician army captured him, all decision-making rights for him would fall into their
If later, through trial, he becomes a slave.
If his limbs are cut off.
If he gets a death sentence.
If so, will she be satisfied with the result herself?
Harrieta wasn’t even sure of it herself.
After thinking about it for a long time, she took out her dagger and raised it. Then she held
it in her hand and moved her steps cautiously toward the man who seemed half-fainted. As
she approached him, little by little the shadowy outline of the man became clearer.
The man was wearing a mask. Perhaps in order to melt into the darkness as well as
possible, all other parts except for his eyes were wrapped in black clothes. He had long
sword scars all over his body, probably because he had already been attacked several times
while he came here.
The man was gasping for breath as if he would stop breathing at any moment. The stench of
his blood stung her nostrils. Harrieta frowned at the man’s condition, which looked much
worse than she thought. It was amazing that he was able to come this far in this condition.
Chapter 150

With each step she took on the puddle of blood on the floor, there was the slapping sound
of wet water. Still, the man gave no reaction.
He couldn’t have not known that she was approaching him. Rather, it seemed that he didn’t
even have the energy left to open his eyes.
Slowly, very slowly, Harrieta knelt down beside the man. Raising the dagger she was
holding and aiming the tip of the blade at the man’s left chest.
Her heart thumped. Her mouth was dry and her fingertips were shaking.
She felt guilty about attacking an opponent who was lying defenseless without even the
slightest ability to defend himself, but she tried to ignore it.
All she had to do was drop it like this.
Grab the hilt of the dagger and drag it down. All she had to do was stab the man’s heart as
hard as she could.
Harrieta’s breathing became rough.
It was a simple thing, nothing complicated. It was a golden opportunity that would never
come back to her.
At that moment, the man who had closed his eyes like dead opened his eyes. The thin
eyelids lifted, revealing the pupils hidden within them. Empty eyes that have lost their light.
The eyes that had lost their way and wandered in the air soon turned to Harrieta, who was
trying to kill him.
The moment the man’s eyes met her, Harrieta was seized by an unknown emotion.
A man who seems to have completely lost his will to live, and her who is trying to end his
life. The person she blindly hated while dreaming of revenge seemed to be the same person
just like she was for a moment. It felt like the line between good and evil had become
She has to kill him.
The man narrowed his eyes and looked up at Harrieta. Harrieta, on the contrary, stared
down at him. A strange current flowed between the two.
She has to kill this man no matter what.
Her hands that were holding the dagger trembled. The tip of the blade aimed at the man’s
chest swayed precariously. Dozens and hundreds of times she imagined stabbing the man’s
heart. She fantasized about escaping this terrible vengeance that had clung to her.
If she could just go a little further here.
Before long, a sigh escaped from Harrieta’s lips. Even if she tried to push herself, she just
couldn’t bring herself to stab the man. Accepting that fact, she finally lowered the dagger,
which she had been holding up menacingly, down.
“I made the wrong decision and I’m sure I’ll regret it later, but I can’t help it right now.”
Harrieta muttered in a grumble.
“Look. Your condition is very serious. Treatment, whatever, I think I need to stop your
bleeding first.”
“I’m trying to help, so don’t attack me.’
She wondered if the man would obey her just because she explained why.
Harrieta hesitated for a moment. She was a little worried that she might be hurt by him
after making this hasty choice.
As Harrieta approached like a frightened animal, she cautiously brought the dagger
towards the man. Then watching the man’s face, she ripped off his top.
Riip. With a fine sound, the sharp blade cut through his clothes. Under the faint moonlight
streaming in through the window, the man’s body was exposed.
Harrieta covered her mouth with her hand. The man’s body was like a piece of rags. Big and
small wounds, as well as scars that look like it has passed the time. As she looked at his
ragged body, she could understand why he was covered in blood.
She thought she’ll be able to properly check the condition if she could just wipe off the
clotted blood.
Harrieta thought as she bit her lower lip.
She was about to get up, thinking that she should get the bed sheets as soon as possible, but
the man grabbed her hand.
Harrieta looked at the man’s face again. A light shone in his blurry eyes. The man looked at
her anxiously. It was that look in his eyes, as if he had something he wanted to tell her.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not leaving you. I need to stop the bleeding...”
Harrieta, trying to reassure the man, lost her words. As she watched his face, there was
something surprising.
“Are you...crying now?”
It was dark, so she couldn’t see clearly. However, she could tell that the man’s eyes were
getting wet.
She couldn’t believe it.
This man was not an ordinary person. He was a legendary figure who succeeded in
invading Brimdel, which everyone said was impossible. He led an army that attacked this
far to Velicia. In addition to that, he was known in other countries as a bloodless and
tearless monster.
For he was now in tears made Harrieta even more confused because he didn’t seem like
someone to be afraid of death.
“Haa, haa.”
A face distorted in agony. A trembling body. The man gasped, as if he would be out of
breath at any moment.
Harrieta, who had been staring blankly at him, suddenly came to her senses. She has to let
him breathe properly!
She picked up the dagger, which she briefly set down on the floor. It was to remove the
mask covering the man’s nose and mouth. But the moment she reached her hand toward
his mask, the man grabbed her wrist impatiently.
“The mask...”
Harrieta tried to explain her intentions. But the man looked at her and shook his head
Beneath the mask, the man’s lips parted. Harrieta’s face was reflected in his eyes, which
were consumed by pain.
Tears poured out of the man’s eyes as he uttered just that one word.
At that moment, Harrieta’s heart sank. She felt that something was very wrong. She felt a
vague uneasiness, as if she hadn’t seen through an important clue that she shouldn’t have
Why? What?
The door was ripped open. Bright light streamed in through the wide open door.
The light hit the man’s face that was in the dark before. At the same time, the lines of his
features hidden under the mask were revealed.
Bernard hurriedly entered the room and called out Harrieta’s name. However, Harrieta
could not reply to him.
Like under a spell, Harrieta and the man looked into each other’s eyes.
It was a short moment, about the blink of an eye, but it felt like an eternity. It was a bizarre
moment that made her wonder if the wizard of time had played tricks.
Blue eyes like the sky and the sea.
Harrieta knew someone with eyes like this. A man who cared for her and gave for her more
than anyone else in the world.
Chapter 151

Edwin knew long ago that the person who entered the room was not Bernard. Due to the
thick darkness that sunk in the room, only the shape was blurry, but it wasn’t too difficult
to tell that it was a woman and not a man.
Edwin held his breath. At first, he thought it was just a maid who came to tidy up the room.
However, he heard the sound of a conversation outside the door and realized that the
identity was none other than Ciela.
What business does she have to come to in an empty room without the owner?
No. More than that, why did he come across her again?
The two had already met several times before. Beginning with a store in Balesnorth, the
encounters came repeated enough for it to be bizarrely coincidental. In their previous
encounter, Ciela shot a bow at Edwin’s right shoulder as he was about to kill Bernard,
which rendered Edwin still unable to properly use his right arm.
It must be because of that. The reason why Edwin, who was regarded as a superior knight
than anyone else, was beaten by a group of apprentice knights who does not yet have an
official title, let alone Bernard.
It wasn’t unexpected. Although he could wield a sword, he had no strength left to wield it.
He could move his arms, but the range and speed were very limited.
Moreover, he has not yet fully recovered from the injuries sustained on the battlefield. Even
in such a state, he jumped into the enemy’s lair alone without anyone accompanying him. It
was no less than choking himself.
Edwin hid his presence as much as possible. For some reason, he didn’t want Ciela to notice
his presence. He hoped she found nothing wrong and quietly left this room.
Ciela kept reminding him of Harrieta Mackenzie. Although he knew that she was not the
same person as her, he did not want her to see him miserable.

But Ciela found bloodstains that he had spilled on the windowsill when he climbed in. She
got startled and backed away. Under these circumstances, it was impossible to keep his
presence hidden. Inevitably, he took a step and staggered towards her.
“The owner of this room...Where is it?”
“The Prince of Velicia...Where is he now?”
He tried to act as nonchalant as possible, but it was terribly difficult. His vision was getting
blurry and his head was spinning. A large amount of blood was constantly flowing from the
wounds where he got stabbed and cut by a group of Velician knights.
As time passed, his hands and feet grew cold and the throbbing pain started to dull.
“If you just...answer me...I won’t harm...”
He gritted his teeth and tried to hold on, but he could no longer.
Like something thinly that has been connected in his head snapped off, his eyes turned
white. Round and round. He couldn’t tell if the world was spinning or if it was him who was
It was only after some time that he realized that he had lost his balance and fell to the floor.
He struggled to open his eyes and saw the figure in the dark, looking down at him. A hazy
sight, like water over wet paint. Suddenly, Ciela came closer to him.
He could feel a murderous light in her eyes. He couldn’t see her clearly, but he could tell
that what she was holding in her hand was a weapon that would end his life.
Does she recognize who he was? Or does she think he is simply an intruder trying to
assassinate Bernard? Either way, she had every reason to want to take his life.
Edwin looked at Ciela with his still blurry eyes. If he was to block her attack, he would be
able to stop it. But what for? He would lose before having the chance to cross swords with
Bernard at this rate.
He was exhausted.
He had reached the limits of what being exhausted is. ‘Exhausted’ alone could not fully
express his feelings. His festering life is irritating. What is right and what is wrong, what is
good and what is evil. He was no longer able to judge.
Harrieta McKenzie. Will she really smile as brightly as in Edwin’s dream when she sees the
person he is now?
He has changed into a shadow that doesn’t suit her, who was like a bright sunlight.
His chest throbbed. He gave up being human and became an incarnation of vengeance, but
in the end he achieved nothing.
He wants to end everything now.
He knew this was the result of his weak mind, but he didn’t have the strength to fight any
longer. He no longer had the will to live.
After swimming alone in the open sea for a long time, he finally gave up moving his limbs.
The spark inside a man who gave up on life went out quickly. He closed his eyes helplessly.
“I made the wrong decision and I’m sure I’ll regret it later, but I can’t help it right now.”
Ciela, who had hesitated for a while, let out a deep sigh as she murmured. The murderous
intent he felt from her a little while ago was gone. At the same time, the sharp sword that
had been pointed at his heart moved away from him.
“Look. Your condition is very serious. Treatment, whatever, I think I need to stop your
bleeding first.”
Ciela whispered carefully like speaking to a child.
“I’m trying to help, so don’t attack me.”
Edwin felt a sense of wonder even amongst the consciousness that seemed to die down
anytime. She had been spewing murderous intent as if she was really determined to kill
him just a little while ago, so he can’t believe that she suddenly offered help now. He
couldn’t understand the sudden change in her attitude.
Edwin struggled to lift his eyelids.
A shadowy figure among the darkness. It was still so blurry that even her features were
unrecognizable. Riip. His clothes were torn by her careful touch.
Edwin looked up at Ciela blankly and slowly blinked. The fog that had been covering his
vision seemed to be clearing. The blurry lines became colored and clearer. The long, wavy
hair swayed like waves whenever she moved.
The darkness that filled the room faded as the moon, which had been hidden by clouds,
appeared. At the same time, the face of the woman sitting next to him was revealed more
Chapter 152

Edwin’s indifferent expression stiffened little by little. His gloomy eyes grew larger and
larger. Ciela’s face was reflected in his eyes, which were regaining light.
The two must have known each other, but he did not know the specific features of Ciela’s
face. He just vaguely thought she was a young, immature woman. Not once did he take a
closer look at her face.
Of course, there were several opportunities to check her face. It’s just that he gave away
those opportunities. It must have been because she was reminiscent of Harrieta Mackenzie
in many ways.
No matter how much he prayed and prayed, there was no way that Harrieta, who had
already passed away, would appear in front of him again. He didn’t want to repeat the
terrible process where he had hiped and despaired hundreds and thousands of times.
That’s why he has been avoiding her so far.
Edwin’s eyes as he looked at her began to tremble violently.
He thought he was dreaming again. He thought he was seeing an illusion in front of his
open eyes. Perhaps on the verge of death, the boundary between reality and dreams
become blurred? Perhaps this was the last mercy from death that came to take him to hell.
Harrieta, examining his wound with concerned eyes, bit her lower lip. She lifted her head
and looked around, trying to get her body up as if she were going to leave this place.
His body moved before his head. Edwin took her hand. Illusion or whatever, he couldn’t let
her leave him. Even if he was being selfish, he wanted her to stay with him a little longer.
Harrieta looked at him with a startled face turning her head. He felt the warmth of her skin
in the palms of his cold hands.
It’s an illusion. It’s just an illusion drawn by a vain wind.
Edwin’s lips trembled as he looked at Harrieta.
It’s impossible for her to be alive.
She had a much more mature face than the last time he last saw her in Philioche. It wasn’t
the innocent and bright face he had always seen in his dreams, but rather a thinner and
sharper face. It was so realistic. If Harrieta were still alive, she would look like this.
If this is really real and not a dream.
What has happened so far flashed past like a panorama in front of Edwin’s eyes.
She was also the woman who sang familiar songs in the shop in Balesnorth.
She was also the woman who helped him deal with the pack of gray wolves.
She was also the woman who helped the wounded knight, Lionelli Bahat.
She was also the woman who recklessly jumped into the battlefield to save Bernard.
All of that was her. It was none other than her, Harrieta Mackenzie.
The strength slipped from his hand that was holding her. His heart pounded, and his breath
was caught in his throat.
“Don’t get me wrong. I’m not leaving you. I need to stop the bleeding...”
Harrieta, who was in a haste to explain her intentions, lost her words. Her lips parted. Her
puzzled gaze lingered on Edwin’s face.
“Are you...crying now?”
Harrieta asked cautiously. Just like a few days ago when she asked Edwin the same
question in a dream.
Edwin looked at Harrieta in silence. He didn’t even realize that he was crying. Is this a
dream too? Will he soon wake up from this sweet nightmare? Now he really doesn’t know.
After accepting the fact that Harrieta was dead, the tender emotions he had sealed deep
inside him exploded. His suppressed breath gradually became rougher.
Edwin let out a breath.
He just wanted to call her. He just wanted to call her, touch her, be with her by her side.
Was he expecting too much?
Did he want something that he shouldn’t have?
The weight of irreversible time and irreversible sins came crashing down on Edwin like a
landslide. It felt like he was going to run out of breath at any moment.
Harrieta looked at him quietly with an ambiguous face. Before long, she picked up the
dagger again, which she had set down on the floor. She then stretched her hand towards his
Edwin, who suddenly came to his senses, quickly grabbed Harrieta’s wrist and stopped her.
“The mask...”
Harrieta tried to explain the reason, she stuttered as he held her wrist. But he quietly shook
his head.
He knew that Harrieta wasn’t trying to hurt him. Not only did he not feel a murderous
intent towards him, but the direction her hand was directed was to his face, not a vital
Perhaps he was trying to cut off the mask he was wearing to help him breathe easier. He
did not stop her because he didn’t know that.
Edwin begged, pursing his lips. Her eyes filled with tears contained only Harrieta.
He didn’t want Harrieta to see his face. He didn’t want her to know who he was and what
an ugly, terrible monster he had become.
Even if this is a dream, not reality. Even if she resents him to the end, thinking of him as the
head of the enemy army. Even if that’s how he gets killed by her ignorant hands.
It didn’t matter if everyone in the world knew.
If only one person, Harrieta McKenzie, didn’t know that.
The tightly closed door opened violently. Bright light streamed in through the open door,
illuminating the two people who were locked in darkness. Harrieta’s face is getting clearer.
The woman he had longed for so dearly was looking down at him with a stiff face.
Surprise. Embarrassment. Shock. Fear.
Harrieta sat like a rock without even the slightest movement. His figure was reflected in the
brown eyes that had once been kind and warm, like the spring earth.
‘Remember, Edwin.’
Like letting out a sigh, Harrieta whispered softly and quietly.
‘No matter what anyone says, you are the most precious person to me.’
Velician soldiers rushed into the room. Along with the sound of rough footsteps, he heard
Bernard’s voice calling out her name urgently.
Chapter 153

It was a short enough time to be called an instant, but Edwin thought about how he and
Harrieta would appear to them.
He is a wounded enemy general lying on the floor and a woman from a foreign country
sitting next to him.
If she tried to make excuses, she could come up with any number of plausible ones.
However, Edwin knew Harrieta’s character very well. She might be perplexed by the
constant interrogation, and she might accidentally say something wrong, such as trying to
treat him.
It was a felony to benefit the enemy for any reason. Even if her actions were harmless, if it
was revealed that she was trying to help the enemy, especially the enemy commander,
Harrieta would be severely punished.
If she got unlucky, they may be suspicious of her and she may be sentenced to death on the
Edwin gritted his teeth.
I will always be by your side.
It was the writing he carved into the tree. After meeting Duon in the capital and returning
to Philioche, Harrieta, who was lying leisurely on the field, suggested an impromptu joke. A
large maple tree that was finely colored. On top of that, he jokingly carved his heart.
It was a peaceful day. The sky above his head was blue, the fluffy clouds were pure white,
the grass that filled the fields was soft, and the sunlight and autumn breeze touching his
skin were warm and cozy.
Harrieta, who had been lying in such a perfect landscape, pulled Edwin towards her. Seeing
him angry at her for doing something dangerous, she giggled as if she was having fun
She was so beautiful that it took his breath away.
Recalling that happy moment, Edwin put more strength into his hand that’s holding
Harrieta’s wrist. Then he moved it.
He had no hesitation.
Through the dagger in her hand, it felt like something was being ripped open. Hot liquid
flowed out and soaked the back of Harrieta’s hand.
Harrieta, who was staring blankly at the man’s face, slowly lowered her head. Even in the
darkness, the silver blade, which had a cool light, could no longer be found. Instead, she
saw the blade of the dagger resting just above the man’s abdomen.
Harrieta’s gaze moved to her hand holding the handle of the dagger. The skin that should
have been white was dyed red.
The man was holding Harrieta’s wrist firmly. A hand large enough to hold her wrist
Before long, strength drained from his hand. Slip. Like falling petals, his hand fell helplessly
onto the floor. At the same time, his blue eyes that were looking at her became cloudy. The
eyes that had been struggling to keep open wanting to capture her figure until the end,
trembled and soon closed completely.
The closed eyes did not open again. There was no movement anymore.
The whole scene passed slowly before Harrieta’s eyes, like in slow motion.
Bernard ran into the room and held Harrieta from behind.
“Where are you injured?”
He looked at Harrieta with worry. But she couldn’t answer. She couldn’t even think, let
alone talk.
“Miss Harrieta! You’ve defeated the enemy general!”
Jonathan, who had followed Bernard, exclaimed in admiration as he saw the scene
unfolding in front of him.
Harrieta slowly repeated Jonathan’s words in her mind.
No. She didn’t kill the man. It wasn’t her who stabbed him. It was him, not her, he was
stabbing himself. He just grabbed her wrist and moved it, making it look like she had
stabbed the dagger.
It was definitely his will, not hers, that moved her hand at the crucial moment.
Harrieta looked down at the man with a devastated face.
Why would he...?
Velicia’s soldiers surrounded Harrieta and the man. Bernard gave them some orders, but
she didn’t hear them. She felt like she was floating in the air without being tied to the
ground. The strange feeling of being there but not being there.
Harrieta, who had been staring blankly at the man, reached out her hand toward his face.
Bernard, who was holding her in her arms, tried to stop her, but she ignored it.
Before touching the man’s face, Harrieta hesitated for a moment. Bloodless pale eyes. Lying
with his eyes closed, he looked like he was sleeping peacefully.
It won’t be. She doesn’t think so.
Even as she said that herself, tears were already starting to form in her eyes. Her hand,
which had yet to reach him, trembled.
No way...
The mask covering the man’s face was removed. Rustle. Golden hair flowed down his
straight forehead.
Harrieta looked at the man’s face. She couldn’t breathe. Her heart stopped.
Her expression contorted into a mess.
Her world has collapsed.
Bernard was sitting in front of the fireplace. A roaring flame burned the dry firewood. He
stared at the scene in silence and snapped the thin twig he was holding in his hand.
“How did it go?”
Bernard asked quietly.
“Is...Redford still alive?”
“Yes, Your Highness. He’s in a precarious state, but they say he’s still breathing.”
Jonathan, who was standing three or four steps away from Bernard, answered.
“I had the medic treat his wounds as you ordered, but his injuries were so great that it was
difficult to treat. He probably won’t last long.”
“Because it’s strange that he’s still alive in the first place.”
Bernard laughed and muttered.
When he first saw the two of them in the room, Edwin’s face was horrendous. Not only was
his entire body drenched in blood, on top of that, a dagger was stuck in his abdomen.
Everyone present thought Edwin was dead. So, what a surprise it was when they found out
that he was barely breathing.
What kind of regrets does Edwin have left in this life? Bernard thought that way
Chapter 154

“What about Harrieta?”

“That is...”
Jonathan couldn’t answer Bernard’s question so easily and paused his words. Bernard’s
complexion darkened.
Harrieta, who trembled from the great shock, passed out in his arms. As soon as she was
conscious, she had already been briefed enough of where things were heading and what a
commotion had happened in the process.
“Your Highness.”
Jonathan cautiously called Bernard.
“Does Your Highness know? That he is the very person Miss Harrieta was looking for?”
“...I wasn’t sure.”
Bernard answered softly.
“When we met on the battlefield, he told me his name. At that time, his name sounded
familiar. I thought so but...”
Bernard stopped thinking and meaninglessly moved his hand. Then the pieces of twigs he
had broken into small pieces fell to the floor.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“What do you mean you did something wrong? Your Highness, that’s ridiculous.”
Jonathan hurriedly shook his head to Bernard’s remorseful murmur.
“Miss Harrieta said she was looking for a slave from Brimdel who belonged to the
Mackenzie family. But who would have imagined that the slave would become a knight of
Kustan, not Brimdel, and then invade Velicia?”
“Sir Jonathan. In fact, I have recently suspected that the two may be the same person
several times.”
Bernard said with a bitter face.
“In the first place, people with the surname Redford aren’t that common. On top of that, the
time when he was known to have appeared in Kustan and the time when the Mackenzie
family was said to have fallen coincided. Even though I thought it was a ridiculous
speculation, I couldn’t shake off my suspicion.”
Bernard interlaced his hands and rested his elbows on the armrests of the chair. Then he
leaned back on the back of his chair and looked down. He recalled the past that had already
“The day Redford infiltrated the fortress, I intended to inquire more closely about who
Harrieta was looking for.”
“So did you ask?”
Bernard silently shook his head to Jonathan’s question.
“No. In the end, I couldn’t ask. I asked her if he was more important than me, and she
couldn’t answer anything in the end.”
Harrieta was visibly taken aback and was at a loss of what to do. It was only for a moment,
but that moment’s hesitation she showed was enough to break Bernard’s courage.
“It was really petty and selfish, but I couldn’t ask. If he was really the Redford she was
looking for. And if she finds out. Will she choose me over him? Would she stay by my side
instead of him? I was not sure.”
“Do you...regret it?”
Jonathan’s voice was filled with sadness that could not be hidden. Bernard glanced at the
honest knight.
I regret it.
Bernard murmured with a shy, self-deprecating laugh.
“Sir Jonathan. You know what? That day, Harrieta couldn’t even let out a small scream?”
Her body trembled in his arms. The feeling of her body, which had been limp without
strength, was still vividly lingering throughout his body.
“How can she scream so desperately that she can’t make a sound and collapse again?”
Bernard looked at the pieces of twigs that had fallen on the floor.
“People’s emotions are so wide and deep that their range is unfathomable. Like an abyss.”
It was something that he broke. Through a thoughtless, inadvertent action.
The shadows of the torches shimmered on the cold, damp stone floor. Drip, drip. There was
the sound of water dripping over a puddle. Since the passageway to the outside world was
limited, there was a heavy layer of stale air that would have stayed in one place for a very
long time.
A prison that can only be reached by going down two flights of stairs. Currently, only one
prisoner is held in it.
A young general who destroyed a country and immediately attacked the next country in
succession. Despite his relatively short period of activity, he was already quite famous in
the Western Continent because of his unusually aggressive tactics.
Harrieta was standing in front of the prison where that man was being held. A face that
seems to have lost all motivation to live. She stared blankly at him lying dead on the floor
with wide eyes.
Why are you?
Harrieta reached out and grasped the iron bar that separated him and her.
Why are you here when you should be far away?
She looked at Edwin, holding down her trembling breath.
It didn’t even feel real. Even though she was capturing his image clearly in her eyes, the
man lying in front of him, barely breathing, felt like a stranger.
Maybe she’s still dreaming. She could still be trapped in a terrible nightmare.
Harrieta unknowingly tightened her hand that was holding the bars. Then the feeling of the
wet, cool metal traveled through the palm of her hand.
Harrieta’s desire to see Edwin again was sincere. Just when she thought everything was
lost. When she decided to end her life. It was Bernard who stopped her from jumping out of
the window, but at that moment, it was Edwin’s face that appeared in front of her eyes.
The simple but happy days, monotonous but happy days.
It didn’t have to be brilliant. It was nice not to have to enjoy lavish wealth.
If only she could meet Edwin once again.
If only she could live the same life with him again.
She thought that if she could do that, she would give anything.
Edwin, who had been drooping, trembled like he was having a seizure. Seeing that,
Harrieta’s face suddenly darkened.
She didn’t want to reunite with him this way. Even if it took longer than this, or if she ever
saw him again, she didn’t want to see him again in such a miserable state.
Harrieta, who had been rock-still, slowly moved her steps.
Chapter 155

Sensing what Harrieta was up to, the guard stepped forward quickly to stop her. But
Jonathan, who came belatedly, blocked the guard.
The guard looked at Jonathan, puzzled. Jonathan silently shook his head. What Harrieta
could do in this situation was very limited. So, Jonathan decided, it wouldn’t matter too
much if he waited a little longer to see what she was going to do.
Harrieta opened the bars of the prison where Edwin was being held. Far from escaping,
Edwin was almost at death’s door, so the guards didn’t even lock the door.
The rugged bars opened, and Harrieta stepped inside the prison. The sharp smell of iron
stung her nostrils. She couldn’t tell if it was the smell of the rusted iron bars or the smell of
blood from someone.
Harrieta walked over to Edwin and sat on her knees. His weak breathing sounded
irregularly, like it would stop at any moment. She looked down at him, then slowly reached
out and gently tucked the hair over his face.
A pale complexion with no blood. There was the impression that it was a little thinner and
sharper than she remembered.
There were things she couldn’t understand until now.
Why did a competent leader suddenly take over the Kustan army, which had been in a state
of panic for a long time without producing any results?
And why did the newly appointed young leader of the Kustan Army push and attack the
Brimdel Army so fiercely that it seemed like he was blinded?
Why did he not stop at making the country a vassal state, but went further and destroyed
not only the royal family of Brimdel, but also several noble families such as Duchy Rowani?
It felt like the thick fog around her was slowly clearing. The moment she saw Edwin, she
was able to understand the clues from the things she had thought incomprehensible one by
Harrieta called his name softly.
“Edwin...Open your eyes.”
“Stop pretending to be asleep and open your eyes.”
Harrieta’s throat moved. At one glance, she could tell how precarious his condition was. In
the palm of her hand, the cold touch she felt when she stabbed him with the dagger was
still vivid.
“Edwin, please.”
As she grabbed Edwin by the shoulder and shook him, wanting to wake him up from sleep,
a small object fell from his arms. Harrieta’s gaze automatically turned to it.
A silver locket necklace with a rugged design. It was something very familiar to her.
Harrieta, who was staring blankly at it, slowly picked up the locket necklace. She hesitated
for a moment then pressed the small device attached to the side of the locket to open the
Faded golden hair. In return for cutting his hair, she secretly took it and put it in the locket,
a precious treasure that she kept secretly.
It was lost in the woods near the border when she was ambushed by a mob led by Shawn.
By the time she realized that, it was already a long time ago. She was deeply discouraged,
thinking she would never find it again.
But why is it here now?
Harrieta’s eyes twitched. She looked up and saw Edwin.
She suddenly became curious. What kind of life has he been living since he parted from her
in Philioche? What kind of thoughts did he have while carrying the necklace that must have
been nothing but a memento to him, and why did he come all the way here?
He gasped in pain and muttered meaningful words. Even when an arrow was stuck in his
body, he stood firm. But the moment he saw her face, he shed tears, collapsing in the
My star. My most precious person.
She couldn’t let him go like this.
There were so many things they couldn’t say to each other yet.
Tears poured from Harrieta’s eyes.
Inside a closed room. There was a man and a woman in it.
“Your Highness, please.”
Harrieta knelt down in front of Bernard and begged. A low posture with her head bowed so
low that her forehead touches the floor. Like kissing his foot if she needed to.
“Please...Please save Edwin.”
“I can’t be without him. I cannot let him die.”
Tears flowed incessantly from Harrieta’s eyes. It was amazing how, after crying so much,
there were still tears left to shed.
Bernard, who was staring down at Harrieta with a complicated face, finally spoke.
“Redford, is the man who led the army and invaded my country. As a result, many Velicians
had to participate in the war and lose their lives on the battlefield. Loyal soldiers. Noble
knights. Even...”
Bernard furrowed his fine brow. The wound that he thought had dulled was throbbing
“...Even my older brother, Siorn, who was the crown prince of this country.”
A man who had no doubt would be a good monarch in the future, and had a more
benevolent character than anyone else. However, the times forced Siorn to pick up a sword
rather than a pen. Then he, who could not bear the weight of his given fate, eventually
disappeared into history as a handful of ashes. As a result, Velicia lost their crown prince,
and Bernard lost the older brother he loved.
“But now you want me to save him.”
Bernard let out a short laugh, as if he was full of tension just thinking about it. His darkened
eyes turned to Harrieta.
“Do you think that makes sense?”
“If you have a mouth, speak, Harrieta.”
Bernard demanded an answer again.
At first glance, one might think that he was just getting angry. But that was a mistake. He
was deeply hurt by Harrieta’s actions. He always thought she was on the same side as him.
So this time he couldn’t calmly accept the fact that she had chosen the enemy instead of
Chapter 156

Harrieta closed her eyes tightly. Even without looking at Bernard’s face, she could imagine
what kind of expression he was making.
“I will not make excuses for Edwin’s crimes against Velicia. I wouldn’t even dare to glorify
him in Your Highness’ presence. Whatever the reason, he led soldiers into this country, and
it is true that many people lost their lives as a result.”
“From Velicia’s point of view, I can fully understand how reprehensible and unforgivable a
sinner he would seem.”
“Then why the hell are you asking me to do that?”
Bernard asked. His voice was a little more heated than before, as if he was trying to
suppress his overflowing emotions.
“Why do you ask me to do that when you understand that so well?”
“Because I love him.”
“Because...I love Edwin, Your Highness.”
Bernard was at a loss for words at the answer that Harrieta gave him. Her words became a
mace and struck him on the head, and it became a dagger that was thrusted into his heart.
It wasn’t something he hadn’t expected at all. But when he heard those words directly from
Harrieta’s own mouth, the aftermath of the shock was beyond imagination.
Bernard stood there blankly and looked down at Harrieta.
“If someone has to pay for their sins, I will pay for them instead of Edwin. If you order me
to do whatever you ask me to do, and to die instead, I will gladly do so. So please...Please,
Your Highness.”
“Please save him. You must save him.”
“Are you...going to die instead?”
Bernard asked with a dejected face.
“Is he that precious to you? Enough to give up your life so easily?”
“...If he dies, I die too.”
Harrieta squeezed her hands on the floor tightly.
“I cannot live in a world without him.”
Bernard bent over and took Harrieta’s hand. Then he slowly raised her up. Her face was
tear-stained and messed-up. He carefully wiped the tears from her face with his thumb.
“As I said before, I want to be with you for a long time.”
Bernard looked straight into Harrieta’s eyes and said.
“If you’ll give me permission, I’d like to have you sit next to me who will one day ascend the
“I want to give you all the wealth and power given to me, and even this heart of mine,
He tried to speak calmly, but his voice visibly trembled. This was the first time he had these
feelings for someone. It was exciting yet heavy, sweet and bitter. He thought he knew a lot,
but he was ignorant of how to control his emotions.
“You don’t even know what feelings I have for you.”
“So please.”
Please, Harrieta. Choose me, not him.
Bernard’s breath trembled. He knew he was practically begging her, but he didn’t care. If he
could turn her heart, he was willing to be on his knees before her.
Harrieta looked up at Bernard. His face was filled with pain. Her vision was blurry because
of the constant flow of tears.
“Even if I have all the wealth and power in the world, it is useless without him.”
Harrieta answered, swallowing her tears.
“I’d rather have a life with nothing than a life with everything in the world but without
She knew that her words would scratch and hurt Bernard’s heart. But she said so. She
couldn’t lie to him. Her throat ached as if she had swallowed a handful of sharp thorns, but
she had to tell the truth.
Like a soft ground at the edge of the cliff collapsing, Bernard’s straight face slowly
distorted. Like the last remaining hope had disappeared, his eyes were full of despair.
Bernard went silent for a long time. He glared at Harrieta with a darker face.
“...Redford’s condition is critical. It’s amazing how he’s still breathing.”
He said again.
“Even if he receives treatment now, he probably won’t live.”
The warmth that had touched Harrieta’s face disappeared. Bernard took a step away from
“Harrieta. If I do what you ask, you will never see me again. By complying with your
request, I am abandoning my duty as the prince of this country and as Siorn’s younger
Bernard gritted his teeth and said again, emphasizing each word.
“I will never be able to forgive you for making me that way. I must not forgive you.”
For the rest of their lives, they would have to live considering the other is dead.
Living like she had never existed from the beginning.
Bernard clenched his fists. He was also hurting and suffering even though he was the one
speaking this with his mouth.
“One way or another, he’s going to die. Even if he manages to get out of here, there’s little
chance he’ll survive. Still, for that small, unknown possibility, are you going to ask me to
help him until the end?”
“Even if you give up everything with me?”
Bernard asked further.
I don’t think I can do that. I think it would be difficult. He hoped Harrieta would say that. If
she wouldn’t argue with him and just say that...
But Harrieta said nothing. All she could do was look at Bernard through those watery eyes.
Eyes that sway violently like a ship caught in a storm. She looked precarious, as if she
would collapse at the slightest blow.
Before long, Harrieta bit her lower lip. She then gave a small nod as she helplessly dropped
her head down.
Seeing this, Bernard tightly closed her eyes.
“Harrieta Mackenzie.”
He covered his face with his hands. His heart ached like it had been set on fire.
“Now that I see it, you are so heartless.”
His heart, which he wanted to dedicate completely to her, was shattered in two pieces that
Chapter 157

The news that the commander of the Kustan Army had infiltrated Siqman Fortress and was
captured by the Velician Army quickly spread across the continent.
The Commander of the Central Knights of Kustan. The Black Knight who destroyed one
country and drove another into a crucible of fear.
His execution was carried out much more quickly and secretly than people expected.
There was Bernard Cenchilla Shane Passcourt, who will be instated as the new crown
prince of Velicia, his guardian knight, Jonathan Coopert. And three Velician knights.
Thus, only five persons were present at the execution site as witnesses.
The method of execution was beheading. It was the most common punishment used when
executing knights.
His head was cut by Bernard, the highest ranking member of the witnesses Even though it
was an enemy, Bernard showed that he had no intention of tarnishing the last honor the
enemy had left.
Some criticized Bernard for rushing the execution, saying that he made too hasty a
decision. There was an opinion that even if there was no formal trial, at least he should
have waited for the king’s decision.
But Bernard didn’t blink an eye.
‘He was in such a precarious state that he would die today or tomorrow even if he was left
alone anyway. I hoped that he would pay the price for the crime he committed against Velicia.
If I ever go back to that time, I will not change my decision.’
Bernard never gave up on his will. People whispered that he was arrogant and stubborn,
but as time passed, that atmosphere gradually faded.
The Black Knight of Kustan.
He was the one who caused a major event that marked a milestone in history, but not much
was known about his death. Where was the execution held? How was the execution carried
out? Where was his decapitated body buried after the execution ceremony, and so on.
Most of the history books, as well as the records of Velicia, only briefly stated that he died
at the hands of the 17th king of Velicia.
Jonathan Coopert, a knight who attended the execution, later wrote a memoir about his life.
In his memoir, he briefly described what he witnessed that day.
‘He was an enemy who deserved to be condemned, but the way he accepted the end of his life
aroused admiration from all of us.
As he knelt down, eyes closed, waiting for the blade to cut his neck to fall, he looked reverent
and calm, like a priest praying to God.’
― Excerpt from ‘On the Beginning, History, and Fall of the Velician Empire’
Bernard stood at the end of the watchtower above the fortress. Late hour when the sun is
setting. A golden twilight fell over the vast expanse of wilderness.
Bernard stared blankly at the wilderness where the twilight had fallen. Where his gaze
landed, the rider on the horse was galloping without hesitation. There were no obstacles to
block the front, so the speed of the horse getting out of the wilderness was also quite fast.
Are the seasons changing? A cold wind blew from the west and gently tousled Bernard’s
black hair.
“Are you okay, Your Highness?”
Jonathan, who was standing behind Bernard, asked quietly.
“Am I okay...”
The rider was so far away that it had become a black dot. Bernard took in and exhaled his
breath slowly, keeping his eyes on its last appearance.
“The answer will depend on the meaning of the question.”
“You didn’t even say goodbye properly.”
“Did you hate her that much? Enough to not want to see her face one last time?”
Bernard, who had been staring at the wilderness for a long time at Jonathan’s question,
turned his head and looked at his knight. Bernard’s expression was ambiguous. He looked
like he didn’t know how to respond to Jonathan’s question.
“Did it look like that to you? That I hated Harrieta?”
Bernard asked with a laugh. Then, slowly, he shook his head.
“It must have been a misunderstanding. It wasn’t because I hated her that I didn’t want to
see her. It was just because I wasn’t confident in myself.”
Jonathan’s eyebrows raised at the unexpected answer. Bernard only nodded his head with
a bitter smile.
“Yes. I was not at all sure if I would be able to control myself the moment I see her again.”
“I would be clinging to her. Even though I thought to myself that it would be pathetic, in the
end I would have begged her not to leave my side.”
“If you had felt that way, you could have refused her request.”
Jonathan muttered with a subtle expression.
Bernard was of the royal family of Velicia. And the one who is said to be the most noble
next to the king of Velicia.
Although the throne was still vacant, no one doubted that sooner or later it would be taken
by Bernard.
He is the man who will be the next king of this country.
A man who will rule the world above everyone else’s head.
It wouldn’t be that difficult to achieve what Bernard wanted. Just by saying a word, many
things would be accomplished and given to him.
Bernard himself couldn’t have not known that fact.
“You mean to break her wings and forcibly lock her in a cage?”
Bernard asked with a wry smile.
“I owe her a pretty big debt for that. No matter how selfish I am, I can’t repay my lifesaver
that way. Furthermore...”
Bernard stopped for a moment. His eyes darkened as he paused to organize his thoughts.
“...How can I say no. To the woman who said she would give up everything in the world and
only have that one thing.”
‘...If he dies, I die too.’
Harrieta whispered while swallowing the tears that poured down her cheeks.
‘I cannot live in a world without him.’
It was very difficult for her because she knew that the words would hurt him, but she
eventually told him the truth.
Chapter 158

His heart ached; it was throbbing. It was followed by pain, as if it had been struck with a
kindling stick, or as if it had been crushed by a shoe.
Bernard let out a deep sigh. He wanted to forget. Yet, he couldn’t forget. Like those were
imprinted deep in his heart, Harrieta’s image and the scene of that day came to his mind as
clear as day.
“I asked myself once. If I had been in the same situation as Harrieta. Would I have been able
to say so confidently that; I would give up all of myself and choose the one I love. Just like
“So what answer did you come up with?”
Jonathan asked cautiously. Bernard just shook his head slowly.
“I couldn’t tell. So in the end, I had to understand her.”
He had no choice but to let her go. He didn’t dare stand in her way. He wanted to say that it
was a wrong decision, a wrong choice no matter how. In the end, he couldn’t. He knows
very well that she didn’t make that choice because she didn’t know about it.
Love is such a strange thing. It was something that could make even the smartest and most
logical sage in the world a fool in an instant.
“Anyway, it’s a little surprising.”
Bernard murmured as he had suddenly remembered.
“I don’t know if it’s anyone else, but Sir Jonathan, I thought you would object to my
“I didn’t expect Sir to agree with me so easily.”
When Bernard told his knight about the decision he had made after much deliberation, he
had expected strong opposition. For letting the enemy commander go. On top of that, the
enemy commander who killed Bernard’s own brother. Anyone would say that his decision
was insane.
But contrary to Bernard’s expectations, Jonathan silently followed his decision. He only
asked ‘Are you sure?’. He did not try to dissuade Bernard or accuse him.
“No matter what anyone says, Your Highness is my master. Furthermore...”
Jonathan didn’t continue. And he thought about something for a while, and then spoke
“...Like Your Highness, I owe her a debt.”
He vaguely knew that Harrieta had a lover she could not forget. However, he never
dreamed that that person would be the commander of the Kustan Army. When Jonathan
first found out about it, he too was enraged. But later, when he heard about what had
happened between the two of them, he sighed deeply.
It was a pity that the two people’s relationship was messed up in front of fate. A man who
became a terrible monster only to avenge the one he loved, and a woman who did not
recognize him who had changed so much and eventually tried to kill him with her own
Everything started because of love, everything got tangled up because of love, and
everything ended because of love.
In the end, they were just ordinary men and women who dreamed of love. They were just
ordinary men and women who wanted to love more than anyone else, giving everything
they had to protect the one they loved.
“I can’t agree with all of their choices, but I don’t want to blindly criticize them either. No
matter what anyone says, it is true that they too are victims of politics.”
Hearing Jonathan’s murmur, Bernard’s face turned strange. Bernard, who was looking at
him blankly, said.
“Today, you’re being unusually emotional.”
“Since I had been serving by Your Highness’ side, I think I am starting to resemble Your
Highness unknowingly.”
Bernard laughed as Jonathan answered his silly joke with another joke. And as the smile
that spread on his lips faded, he slowly turned his head forward. His gaze turned once more
to the yellow wilderness.
In the distance, the rider, who had looked like a small dot, was no longer visible. Even if he
looked far and wide, he couldn’t find even a trace of it.
Bernard, who was looking at the empty wilderness, spoke again.
“Sir Jonathan. I will become the supreme power of this country.”
“The supreme power?”
Jonathan asked in surprise. The supreme power must mean the king. This was the first time
Bernard had ever declared that he would seize the throne himself, even though others had
talked about it.
“Yes. I intend to achieve all that I can achieve, and have all that I can have. Whether it be
power or wealth. Anything and everything.”
Bernard replied, nodding slowly.
“I will make Harrieta realize what a great man she had abandoned. I’ll make her regret the
decision she had made in the past. Even though I have no intention of accepting her back
“If you set goals and run to achieve them, time will pass. As time passes like that, no matter
how strong the emotion was, it will become dull, and no matter how precious the memory
is, it will fade.”
“You will be very busy from now on.”
Jonathan nodded quietly. Bernard smiled lightly.
“Yes. I plan to be terribly busy. I can’t afford to think of anything else.”
Bernard removed his hand from the castle wall and brushed back the hair that flowed
down his forehead. Then he turned and looked at Jonathan who was standing behind him.
“Will Sir continue to join me?”
Bernard asked. Jonathan looked at him and narrowed his eyes.
To join him. Before long, a soft smile spread across Jonathan’s lips as he understood the
meaning of his master’s words. He vigorously nodded.
“Of course, my King.”
Edwin was surrounded by deep darkness. The surroundings were so dark that he could not
see an inch forward. It was so quiet that it felt that the sound of a needle dropping could be
clearly heard.
Edwin looked around him slowly. There was nothing he could see. He waved his hand out,
but nothing touched his hand. A strange space that extends infinitely without bottom or
end. He stood alone in that strange space.
‘Where is this place?’
Edwin narrowed his brows.
‘Why am I in a place like this?’
Chapter 159

[Where do you think this is?]

The confused Edwin heard a voice in his ears. A strange voice, clear as if whispering right
next to him, yet felt like echoes from afar. Edwin, who thought he was alone, got surprised
and looked around him in vigilance.
“Who’s there?”
He growled low into the darkness.
“I said who’s there?”
[Well. Who do you think it is?]
The owner of the voice laughed a little as if finding the situation amusing.
[Even if I told you, you wouldn’t believe it.]
“Show yourself.”
Edwin ordered.
“Show yourself before me at once.”
[If you want.]
RIght as soon as he finished speaking, a light bloomed in the darkness. The light, which had
been faint like a haze, grew brighter and brighter, and soon took on a certain shape.
Edwin’s eyes widened as he silently watched the scene.
“You are...?”
Seeing the shape formed by the light, he lost his words. His neat face was visibly contorted.
“You are, what on earth...?”
[How is it? Do you like it?]
The figure asked, tilting its head slightly to the side.
[I think we look pretty similar.]
With the same face as Edwin.
Edwin’s eyes were wide open as he gazed at the figure identical to himself. The figure’s
appearance, as well as the outfit he was wearing, were perfectly the same.
Clang. Edwin quickly drew the sword that he was wearing around his waist. Then, without
hesitation, he swung his sword at the figure shaped like his own. A long sword line was
drawn with the whooshing sound and the wind getting cut.
[It’s useless.]
But the figure was not frightened in the slightest. Rather, it laughed at Edwin as if it was
ridiculous. The shape where the sword passed was slightly crushed for a moment, and was
soon restored as if nothing had happened.
Edwin, who had been staring at the bizarre scene, opened his mouth.
“Is this a dream?”
[It’s not a dream.]
“Then am I looking at some mirage?”
[No way. You are clearly looking at it properly.]
The figure deliberately exaggerated and answered generously.
[You really don’t know? The place where you are standing now?]
[If you think about the last actions you took, you can roughly guess.]
‘The last actions I took?’
Edwin frowned at the figure’s meaningful words.
‘Come to think of it...I was heading to Siqman Fortress.’
Edwin rolled his eyes with a serious face.
‘Surely I infiltrated the fortress to meet him, Bernard.’
Edwin’s expression hardened as a blurry scene passed before his eyes. It felt like the thick
fog that had covered his vision was slowly dissipating. Memories he had forgotten for a
while began to return to his mind one by one.
Edwin withdrew the Kustan army that was stationed in front of the Siqman Fortress as
ordered by Kustan’s upper command. After completing all his preparations, he infiltrated
the fortress single-handedly to take revenge on Bernard.
He had already been seriously injured on the battlefield. There was no way he could win
against a thousand or so Velician soldiers. On top of that, against Bernard, who was in
relatively good condition.
Still, he went ahead with his plan. It didn’t matter if the plan went wrong anyway and he
would not achieve his goal. After losing Harrieta, he had been wandering in the depths of
despair, and it made his life so burdensome that it was difficult to breathe.
He had nothing more to gain or lose. A world without Harrieta Mackenzie. There was no
salvation for Edwin in that world. There was no rest. And unfortunately, that fact only
became more apparent as time passed.
So that was why. The reason he didn’t answer Lionelli’s question when she asked if she
could see him again. He went to the fortress without hesitation to carry out a mission with
a very slim chance of success.
In fact, from the moment he planned all of this, he had no intention of returning alive.
‘But why?’
Edwin’s jaw tightened.
‘Why was she there?’
Everything was going smoothly as planned. No, he thought so. Until someone other than
Bernard entered the room. Until the person he had believed must be dead appeared in
front of him.
‘Why is she there, not anywhere else...?’
The moon, hiding behind the clouds, appeared and at the same time the face of the woman
sitting next to him was revealed.
For the past year, it was a face he had never forgotten for a single day. The face of the
eighteen-year-old Harrieta that stood under a tree that swayed in the wind and stared at
She was looking down at him as he fell to the floor, with a more mature face than the same
Harrieta had remembered.
With a fully terrified look.
Throb. The moment Edwin recalled the look in her eyes as she looked at him, he felt
suffocated inside. He felt the pain as if his stomach had been hit hard with a fist.
It was ironic. She was the woman who Edwin wanted to protect no matter what. Yet the
reason she was so terrified was none other than Edwin, it was because of him.
Tang. His hand lost strength and the sword he was holding fell to the floor. He stumbled a
little, and unknowingly took a step back. Haa, haa. He could hear the sound of his own
breathing, which became a little rough in his ears.
[You must have remembered. What have you done?]
The figure that had been quietly watching the scene said so.
[Then you can guess where this place is and who I am to some extent.]
“...Are you saying I’m dead?”
Edwin, who was catching his breath, asked softly.
“Are you an evil spirit that came to greet me?”
[Evil spirit?]
The figure frowned as ‘evil spirit’ came out of Edwin’s mouth.
[Why do you think so?]
“Because hell is the only place that will accept me.”
There was no need for a long explanation.
It was something he was prepared for from the moment he gave up being human for
revenge and became a monster under a human mask. Edwin knew very well how heavy
and serious the weight of his sins was.
Chapter 160

[Yes. Definitely...Your sins are not small.]

Upon hearing Edwin’s answer, the figure nodded and agreed. At first glance, the way the
figure let out a sigh, as if feeling sorry for him, seemed sincere.
[Isn’t it a bit unfair though?]
[Yes. After all, the reason you became like this is because of that person, Harrieta
The figure said, narrowing his eyes. Edwin frowned.
“What kind of nonsense is that?”
[The fact that you betrayed your country and went over to the enemy country. With the
blood of the one who was once your king and the one who was your friend in your hands.
The fact that you took the lives of countless people while walking on the battlefield. Didn’t
it all come from a misunderstanding that Harrieta, that person was dead?]
[You threw away everything for that one person. Right?]
All of his beliefs and values, as well as the smallest dignity he had to protect as a human
[But that person is going to live very well as if nothing happened. Quickly forgetting the fact
that you, Edwin, existed by her side once.]
When she has ruined you as much as you can be ruined.
[The place where you stayed will soon be filled by someone else.]
Like nothing had happened in the meantime, everything is just fine.
[But are you really going to say that you’re fine until the end?]
The figure tilted his head slightly and asked. As if trying to find out Edwin’s true intentions,
in a slightly slow and pretentious tone.
‘Forgotten in her memory.’
Edwin repeated the words to himself.
‘My place will be filled by someone else.’
Harrieta who had looked at him frozen in bewilderment. And Bernard, who hugged her
tightly from behind her back. Bitterness spread in Edwin’s eyes as he recalled the last scene
he had seen before passing out.
The second prince of Velicia, Bernard Cenchilla Shane Passcourt. It wasn’t hard to notice
that he had special feelings for Harrieta.
Bernard, who hurriedly rushed into the room and saw the scene unfolding in front of him,
had a pale face. The first action he took in front of the enemy commander who attacked his
country was not to punish the enemy commander Edwin, but to embrace Harrieta.
He held her in his arms and glared warily at Edwin, who was lying on the floor.
At that moment, Edwin noticed. How much Bernard cherishes Harrieta. How much he cares
for her.
It was no different from Edwin himself.
[See? At this rate, it’s too unfair.]
The figure who saw the cracks in Edwin’s expression said quietly.
[So be honest with me now.]
“What answer do you want from me?”
Edwin cut off the figure’s words and asked bluntly.
“That I didn’t do anything wrong? That she was the culprit behind all of this? Does that
mean you want me to shift all responsibilities to her? That I hate her? That I resent her? Do
you want that kind of answer?”
There was a hint of coldness in Edwin’s voice as he asked back. The cold eyes that don’t
match his disheveled appearance a while ago. He regained his composure quickly.
“If you want me to blame her, that wish won’t come true. If I want me to hate her and
resent her, that will never happen either.”
“She is the trigger. But, I was the one who grabbed the sword and swung it. It is I, and no
one else, who has committed the irreparable sin due to my own misjudgment.”
If Harrieta is to blame, it is to teach him love without realizing it. She only lit a fire that
could never be extinguished in his heart. To him who had been indifferent to others as well
as himself.
Who in the world would throw a stone at her?
“It’s okay if she forgets me. It’s okay to forget me and live by relying on others. No. It’s
better to forget about my existence as soon as possible, since remembering it will only
cause pain.”
[...Is it okay for her to forget you and fall in love with a man other than you?]
The figure laughed off Edwin’s answer in disbelief.
[Even if that person is the second prince of Velicia, Bernard?]
As the figure flicked his fingers lightly, a scene made of pale light unfolded before Edwin’s
eyes. Harrieta and Bernard sitting on the grass in the bright sunlight. Harrieta looked at
Bernard with a smile, and Bernard also caressed her cheek lovingly.
The two people’s appearance was as beautiful as a painting.
A strange and secret time of lovers where no one can intervene.
Edwin’s jaw tightened. Unknowingly, veins stood out on his clenched fists. A feeling of
tightness in the chest, like swallowing a large lump, and a burning pain in his heart.
As he watched the two together, he weakly lowered his head and smiled.
“That’s all the more fortunate.”
“Yes. He will surely care and cherish her wholeheartedly for a very long time.”
The public opinion of Bernard was not very good. People said that he was promiscuous,
irresponsible, pathetic, and even violent. And that he was deprived of the throne by his
older brother, Siorn, even though he was a legitimate son of the royal family.
But that wasn’t true. Bernard, whom Edwin met in person, was the exact opposite of the
rumors. A man who is responsible, wise, upright and even bold. He was a man who had all
the elements needed to be a great leader.
So Edwin could be sure. If it was Bernard, he would surely love Harrieta for a very long
time. That Bernard will be a strong support for her who has lost her family as well as a
hometown to return to.
As long as it was for Harrieta’s well-being, nothing else mattered. Whether Edwin’s heart
was charred by jealousy or torn to shreds, it didn’t matter at all.
Chapter 161

[Really...I cannot understand humans.]

The figure shook his head and murmured.
[You were given a chance to pass on the responsibility, but you still refuse to do it.]
“I’m just stating the truth. She had done nothing wrong in the first place.”
Edwin calmly corrected the figure’s statement.
“If there was anyone to point a finger at her, I will challenge them without hesitation.”
[...What if the world says it was her fault too?]
If everyone, if the world says so. Then what was Edwin going to do?
Edwin grew quiet for a moment. The figure’s eyes at him were rather unusual. Sharp eyes
that seem to penetrate the other person’s heart. Edwin gave an answer after a brief
“Then I will rebel against the world you speak of.”
Upon hearing Edwin’s answer, the figure made a sound close to a sigh. A vague emotion,
whether happy or sad, passed across his face.
[It would have been possible if I had given you a little more time.]
Edwin’s face was reflected in the transparent glass-like eyes. With a firmness that the
answer will not change no matter how. The figure’s expression that was looking at Edwin
slowly became disheveled.
[Really, I can’t.]
With a sigh-filled murmur, the light surrounding the figure grew stronger. The lines
forming the shape seemed to be swaying, but then they collapsed in an instant like
breaking ice.
Whoosh. The figure, which instantly transformed into water, began to fill the ground at high
Surprised by the sight, Edwin took a step back. Water splashed in all directions at his
It was overflowing. Like pouring water into an enclosed space, the depth of the water
deepened at a terrifying rate. The water passed through Edwin’s ankles, knees, and waist,
and soon rose to his chest. It happened literally in the blink of an eye.
Edwin instinctively looked around. But now that he was covered in darkness again, there
was nothing he could see. He could not latch his hand at anything. The water that had risen
to the bottom of his chin soon swallowed his head completely.
Hrrrr. He opened his mouth, but his voice did not come out. Only white water bubbles
formed and then disappeared.
Stretching his hands upward, he swam, but he was still below the surface. Moving on and
on, he was still in place.
All around him was darkness. Edwin’s body began to be crushed mercilessly by the
tremendous water pressure. His splashing legs lost strength, and his heartbeat, which had
been beating like crazy, started to slow down.
Edwin, who was floundering in the water, slowed down little by little.
Did he need to struggle to swim?
He thought as he watched the air bubbles rising upward.
Everything is over anyway.
There was nothing he could go back to now, and there was nothing that could be undone.
Edwin clenched the hand he had reached up into a fist. Then he stopped waddling.
Edwin’s body, trapped in the still water, began to sink slowly, very slowly. With that, the
last spark of hope that remained in his heart also died out.
He couldn’t tell if it was because he was choking, or if it was for some other reason. It’s just
that the terrible feeling of loneliness, like being left alone in the world, comes like a tide.
‘Miss Harrieta.’
Edwin, who was staring at empty space with wide open eyes, called out the name of his
precious person in his heart.
‘Miss Harrieta.’
He knew that despite his calls, Harrieta would not hear him. As always, there was a gap
between her and him, a distance that was impossible to cross.
‘God, everything is my fault and I’m guilty. So please...’
Edwin prayed to the Creator with the last of his strength.
‘...Punish me please and look down upon her.’
He could not afford a splendid prayer. There was only a longing heart. There is only one
wish that he sincerely wants to come true. He could only barely wish for that.
Having exhausted his last stamina, he slowly closed his eyes.
So, the complete end has come.
So, everything was over.
Until a sound came beyond his fading mind.
At first he thought it was the sound of waves. The sound of bubbles melting into water. But
that wasn’t it. The sound grew clearer, accompanied by a low buzzing ringing. It didn’t take
long for him to realize that it was someone’s voice.
A soft voice, like a whisper in a dream. The owner of the voice called Edwin’s name with
infinite affection.
[Edwin, don’t give up.]
[You must not give up.]
[I will not forgive you if you leave me. If you leave me, I will never, never forgive you.]
He wondered if she was trying to encourage him, but at times she raised her voice angrily
and threatened him. But that didn’t mean she was really angry. She was afraid that he
would leave her side, so she was just acting clumsily.
‘Miss Harrieta.’
Even though Edwin couldn’t see her face, he could see it vaguely. That Harrieta was holding
back tears with all her might. That she was forcing herself to pretend to be strong for him.
He wanted to reach out to her and comfort her. He wanted to comfort her so that she
wouldn’t worry, that it would be fine. But that was impossible. He tried so hard but he
would never be able to reach her.
[No, you can’t. I can’t let you go like this. There are things I haven’t been able to tell you.]
Harrieta’s voice became more urgent, as if she knew Edwin’s precarious condition, as if he
would stop breathing at any moment. Touch, he felt a warm hand on his head.
[I love you.]
She whispered.
Chapter 162

[I love you.]
A warm breath touches his cold cheek.
‘It’s not real.’
It’s just a false illusion that he unconsciously created because he kept constantly yearning
for it.
‘It’s not real, it’s just fake.’
Nothing more, nothing less.
‘Even if it’s real, I can’t turn back now.’
Edwin clenched his teeth.
‘It’s already too late.’
His flowing tears flowed together with the water that swallowed him. Because of that, he
didn’t even know he was crying. There was a sharp pain in his frozen heart.
[So please, Edwin.]
The dulled senses began to revive little by little. Little by little, his limp limbs gained
strength, and his fingertips twitched in convulsions.
A soft touch fell on his lips. A nostalgic scent like the fresh scent of spring tickled the tip of
his nose.
He really wanted to live with her.
[Please come back to me once more.]
If Harrieta allowed him, he wanted to share his life with her.
A fire was once again kindled in Edwin’s heart. And at that moment, someone grabbed his
hand. The power that lifts him to the surface.
Edwin, weighed down by the weight of an eternity, slowly opened his eyes.
Edwin opened his eyes and took a deep breath. Like a man who has been submerged for a
long time and could finally stick his head out of the water.
The first thing he saw was the light. It was dazzling enough to make him frown, and white
enough to make his head sting a little.
The cold air hit his skin together with a buzzing in his ears. He felt a tingling pain, like his
paralyzed limbs started to have blood flowing in it. It felt like needles were prickling him.
Edwin blinked slowly. Could it be because he stayed in the thick darkness for a long time?
Everything around him seemed hazy and foggy.
Where on earth is this again?
“Oh dear, that bachelor over there has woken up!”
“Oh my God! He has really woken up!”
“What? He’s not dead?”
A bustling sound came to Edwin’s ears as he lay there blankly and breathed erratically. It
wasn’t just one person’s voice, there were of different genders and ages.
“Ah, what a relief. The maiden can take a breather now.”
His blurry vision gradually became clearer. One, two, color was added to the objects that
were blurry, and the outline came to life. Edwin soon realized that someone was standing
beside him. The moment he turned his head to see who it was, she carefully cupped his
cheeks with both hands.
Flutter. Long hair like thin willow branches flowed down the side of his face. A faint tremor
passed through her hands. He did not reject the touch and turned his head slightly to the
side as the other person led him.
Fine eyes, nose and mouth on a white face. Wavy brown hair.
Edwin looked into the eyes of the woman sitting next to him. His image was reflected in the
dark brown eyes that shook with anxiety.
Tears welled up in the woman’s eyes. The watery eyes were so transparent that they
looked like clear marbles. The woman’s face was distorted in a mess, on the verge of
bursting into tears at any moment. The moment she realized that Edwin was looking at her,
her expression slowly began to change.
The corners of her teary eyes curled and became a pretty crescent-moon shape. The
corners of her mouth lifted, revealing the neat white teeth hidden beneath her red lips.
Like leaves budding in the warm spring breeze on an early spring day. Like a butterfly
flapping its wings after hibernating under the frozen ground all winter long.
A soft and warm spring flower bloomed on the woman’s face.
Yes. Just like the very first time he fell in love with that smile of hers.
“Welcome back. Edwin.”
It would not be an exaggeration to say that Harrieta was his everything. She greeted him
with a smile more beautiful than anything else in the world.
A small kingdom in the southwest of the continent, Anarran.
There was a village in Anarran. A village that is not marked on any map, is nestled in the
middle of a remote forest. It was unknown to most travelers, even many Anarrans were
unaware of its existence.
It was a very small village with only eight hundred inhabitants. And most of the residents
are natives of the village, who have settled and took roots there for generations. Having
been together for a long time, their bond was bound to be deep.
What the neighbors had planted in their backyard this year or the condition of the farm
equipment stored in the shed were, of course, essential information for anyone to know.
Someone looked at them and called them rotten water. It was because they did not go out
of the village at all, and they did not tend to communicate actively with other people.
It wasn’t like that on purpose. It’s just that they haven’t felt the need to communicate with
the outside world since they had been living isolated in a remote place for a long time.
Occasionally, there were people who were dissatisfied with such an idea and left the village
to go to a bigger city, but it was a very small number. The people of the village, whose way
of thinking about life were so simple that it seemed strange, were content to live in the
place given to them.
Like their parents, and their parents’ parents, they were born in the village, grew up, built a
family, and died there in time.
It was a peaceful life at best and a boring life at worst.
Then one day. As always, there was a big story between the villagers who lived a small life.
It was for the first time in a long time that two outsiders came in from outside the village.
They were a young and beautiful couple. Although their origins were unknown, the couple
had a noble and hard-to-reach atmosphere.
The couple made a very strong impression on the villagers. The villagers were impressed
by their sculptural good looks, especially on the husband’s side. But what impressed them
even more was the way they treated each other.
The husband loved and cared for his wife very much. And the wife also seemed to respect
and love her husband a lot. They were so enamored with each other that the villagers
wondered how the couple came to love each other that much.
The villagers unanimously said that ‘inseparable relationship’ would be the term used to
refer to a relationship like those two.
Their relationship was like a model of the perfect couple that would appear in textbooks.
Such a relationship that receives the envy and jealousy of many people.
However, there was something a little strange about them who looked perfect. The most
notable among them was the title the husband called his wife.
Her husband called his wife by adding ‘Miss’ to her name. Also, he showed respect and
courtesy when with her. As if he was standing lower than her, rather than looking at her
from an equal position.
He faltered at his wife’s every word, and would give his heart and soul all if she wanted to.
Perhaps, they might be a noble lady and a servant who secretly ran away from the family
due to forbidden love. Or maybe it was a knight who gave an oath of allegiance to a noble
lady who caused trouble in society.
The villagers made many guesses about the relationship between the two. But in the end,
no one was able to figure out what the truth was.
This is because the couple was kind and friendly, but did not cross the line, and were
sincere and honest, but did not reveal their private lives. Even when someone couldn’t
stand it and asked directly how the two were related, they just smiled silently.
Time passed just like that. A day passed, a month passed, a year passed. One year, two
years, and three years.
Even after the couple settled down in this village, time continued to flow and the years
piled up. People thought that the couple would leave the village within a year, but their
expectations were wrong. When asked how long they plan to stay here, the couple laughed
and replied, “A very long time if possible.”
There was a small house on the eastern outskirts of the village. It was a house built by the
two people to make it their home after coming here. A large zelkova tree in the yard. The
two of them put a long wooden chair under the tree, which provides cool shade in summer
and creates a spectacular view with the tree wearing white snow clothes in winter. Then,
from time to time, they would end the day sitting on that bench and watching the sun go
The sky is finely dyed with golden twilight. A twilight light gently fell on the heads of the
two people who were sitting still with their bodies attached to each other.
The wife lying in a comfortable position on her husband’s lap, and the husband caressing
her hair, as if the wife couldn’t be more lovable than this. The deep affection towards each
other was felt from the way they held each other’s hands tightly.
The villagers no longer called the couple outsiders. Instead, they jokingly teased them,
saying that they were a very good couple with a good marital relationship, or that they
were an unusual couple who were blinded by love.
And the teasing continued for a long time. Because in people’s memories, the two were
always, always together.
Chapter 163

Autumn had passed and winter was coming. Leaves hanging from the branches fell one by
one, and white frost fell in the early morning. As a result, the villagers worried that this
winter would be exceptionally cold compared to other times. They started preparing for
the winter in their own way.
Harrieta and Edwin were no different from them. As for food, Edwin could easily obtain
them at any time by hunting, so they didn’t worry too much. But fighting the bitter cold of
midwinter was another matter.
The house they lived in was large enough for the two grown men and women, but the
durability of the building was not very good. Especially in heating and keeping warm. They
felt like they had to fix it. Harrieta began to knit eagerly, and Edwin focused on chopping
And that day was the same. After waking up early in the morning and eating a simple
breakfast, Edwin went out to the front yard and started chopping firewood.
Chop, chop. Every time the ax was struck down, the firewood split in half and a loud sound
rang out.
Wiping the sweat from his forehead while holding the ax head to the ground, Edwin turned
his attention to one place. There was the swinging of the fence door surrounding the yard.
“Brother, I’m here.”
A boy with red hair and face full of freckles entered the yard.
The boy’s name was Dellan. He was the only son of the couple who lived next door, and he
would occasionally visit them out of nowhere.
Edwin was a little bothered by his existence, but he persevered because he knew that
Harrieta cared for Dellan a lot. Of course, if Dellan came over too often, he would secretly
gave an unspoken pressure.
“Where is Sister Harrieta?”
Dellan, who came close to Edwin, looked around and asked. His voice, which had yet
deepened, was pleasant to listen to.
“She had something to do, so she went outside.”
Edwin asked again.
“Are you looking for her?”
“No. Not really.”
Dellan shrugged his shoulders. He seemed to want to ask more, but Edwin ignored it.
Edwin had a kind side to him too, but only in front of Harrieta. When interacting with
people other than her, he was blunt.
Edwin picked up the ax that had been set aside and began chopping wood again. Chop,
chop. With each swing of his ax, the firewood block split neatly in half.
“Brother. Can I ask you something?”
Dellan, who was sitting nearby watching Edwin chop wood, spoke quietly. He said it as
insignificantly as if passing by, but that must have been the original reason he came here.
Edwin expressed his acceptance in silence.
“Why did you and Sister come to this village?”
Dellan asked cautiously.
“As you know, this is just such a rural village. Nothing special, an old-fashioned village that
has fallen behind the times.”
There was emotion in Dellan’s voice as he spoke the word ‘old fashioned’. The frowning
eyes and the smug voice. Just by looking at his expression and tone, it was visible how
disapproving he was of this village.
“I heard that the people in the city are all incredibly sophisticated. The house is luxurious,
and the food variety is very diverse.”
“Isn’t it much better to live out in a bigger city than to live in a rural village like this?”
“Why do you think that is better?”
Edwin asked, not stopping what he was doing.
“Don’t believe the rumors. Especially such one-sided accolades.”
“Of course, I don’t think that everything will be true. Still, it must be some rumor that has
some truth in it.”
With Edwin’s rather sincere advice, Dellan mumbled an excuse and spoke again.
“Besides, it is clear that there are many more opportunities if you go to the city.”
“A chance to succeed. You can get things like wealth and fame.”
Things that everyone would be happy about.
“I don’t know about Sister Harrieta, but it would certainly be possible for Brother Edwin...”
Even in the eyes of the still young Dellan, Edwin looked great. A talent who will somehow
succeed even if he was dropped in the middle of a wasteland with zero pennies. And it
wasn’t just Dellan who held him this high.
Edwin’s appearance, intelligence, physique, behavior, and so on. Edwin was so perfect that
God seemed unfair. In addition, he had a not so easily approached aura. Even if he speaks
simple words, he looks dignified. Even if he does simple labor, he looks somewhat well-
rounded. It was only natural that many boys and girls, including Dellan, admired him in
their hearts.
Edwin, who read Dellan’s thoughts, snorted.
“Well. Because there is only one thing I want.”
“What is it?”
“You know that.”
Edwin spat out those meaningful words. The only thing Edwin Mackenzie, the perfect man
in the village, wants. Dellan, who was chewing on Edwin’s words with his eyes wide open,
“No way...Are you talking about Sister Harrieta again? That you want to stay by Sister’s side
and make her happy?”
When Dellan asked, Edwin smiled silently. Not speaking is another way to express
affirmation. It meant that Dellan’s guess was not wrong.
“But, Brother. That’s too easy. Sister Harrieta is already into you.”
Dellan, who was very disappointed, murmured.
“Besides, it’s not great at all.”
“Who defines whether that’s great or not?”
Edwin asked, cutting off Dellan’s words.
“Is it great to accumulate wealth and become a wealthy person that everyone recognizes? Is
it great to conquer a country and become a power that no one can ignore? Is it possible to
say that I have accomplished greatness only when you are famous on the continent, or
when you leave your name in history?”
“It is definitely difficult to acquire wealth and fame and gain recognition from people. But
winning people’s hearts is harder than that. Unlike the first case, in which hard work yields
something, no one can predict what the outcome will be when it comes to the human
It was a duty and belief that one could not fulfill even if they worked hard throughout their
That’s why Edwin would give his whole life until the last moment when his breath stopped.
Only for Harrieta, for her.
Chapter 164

“Tsk. You speak like someone who has experienced it. Brother doesn’t even know.”
Dellan, not knowing about Edwin’s past, pouted while saying sarcastically.
“You know what, Brother. My dad said this. Brother is a talented person with a great
personality, good brains, and good use of power, but there is only one thing that Father felt
sorry for.”
“What is it?”
“You can’t even say anything at Sister Harrieta and live in a tight grip. He says that you live
so tightly that even a mouse in front of a cat wouldn’t tremble as much as you.”
At times like that, Brother looks like a fool. Teasing him, Dellan added a comment.
Whatever the intention, it would surely offend the listener. Especially if it is a person who
is far superior to others like Edwin.
Contrary to Dellan’s expectations, Edwin wasn’t offended at all. Hearing Dellan’s answer,
Edwin wanted to raise one eyebrow, but then he just laughed quietly.
“I’m glad you see it that way.”
“You’re glad?”
“Yes. So be sure to tell your father. Thank you for looking at me that way, so please don’t
change his mind.”
Edwin said. It wasn’t sarcastic, it was something really good.
The puzzled Dellan looked at Edwin. He immediately understood what Edwin meant.
Dellan shook his head.
“...Dad was right.”
Dellan sighed heavily and muttered to the man who had been his idol.
“Brother Edwin is the world’s greatest fool.”
After a brief wash, Edwin checked the time while lightly brushing his damp hair with a
towel. Tick tock. The hour hand of the wall clock pointed to the number 11. Eleven o’clock
in the morning. Soon it would be time for Harrieta to return to the house.
Edwin put his wet towel in the laundry basket, poured water into the teapot, and set it on
the stove. Then, while waiting for the water to boil, he took a tin of dried tea leaves from
the shelf in the kitchen.
Black Rotien. It was a tea that Harrieta, who likes milk tea, has been drinking lately.
Edwin knew Harrieta’s tastes better than his own. He skillfully took out an appropriate
amount of tea leaves from the barrel and placed them in a teacup. Then he cooled the water
that was just starting to boil and poured it over it.
As the tea leaves were brewed, the unique fragrant scent of Black Rotien spread softly into
the air.
Edwin checked the consistency of the tea with his own eyes. He thought that he could let
the tea leaves steep just a little longer, but he heard footsteps outside.
A familiar step that is light and airy, giving off a bouncing feeling. Glancing out the window,
he saw a woman pushing the fence door and entering the yard.
‘How did you come back just in time?’
The moment he looked at Harrieta, a soft smile spread across Edwin’s lips.
Edwin quietly looked at Harrieta’s face. Her condition after returning home seemed
strange. Sitting in front of the table without taking off her cloak, she was lost in thought, not
even receiving his greeting.
What happened outside? In the end, Edwin was unable to contain his curiosity. He put the
teacup down in front of Harrieta and slipped a question.
“Is there something concerning you?”
“Miss Harrieta?”
Harrieta, who had been sitting blankly, raised her head to look at him. Blink, blink. As she
closed and opened her eyes several times, she gave an awkward face.
“I’m sorry, Edwin. What did you say?”
“I asked if there was something concerning you. You are so quiet, unlike usual.”
“Aahh. No. I just have something to think about.”
Thank you for the tea. Realizing belatedly that he had made milk tea for her, Harrieta
thanked him. Then she scooped a spoonful of sugar from the sugar canister he had
prepared in advance and poured it into the warm teacup.
Tink, tink. The teacup made of bone china lightly touched the teaspoon made of metal,
making a small sound.
“Did something bad...happen outside?”
Sitting across Harrieta, Edwin asked cautiously while staring at her.
“You look pale. Something must have happened out there.”
“No. Nothing happened.”
“...Not even a seven-year-old would be fooled by such a clumsy lie.”
Edwin smiled incredulously. How can nothing happen when her face looked like she had
shouldered all the worries of the world. A passing dog would even laugh.
“What’s wrong? I might be able to help, so please tell me.”
“Miss Harrieta?”
“What about Edwin?”
The rattling sound stopped. Harrieta stopped stirring her tea and looked at Edwin.
“You seem to be in a good mood. Did anything pleasant happen while I was gone?”
“Did I look like I’m in a good mood?”
“Yes. You’re smiling. Very brightly even.”
Harrieta said, pretending to pull her lips up with one hand.
“I think something really good happened...right?”
“Well. Dellan made a short visit in the morning, but nothing else happened.”
“Dellan is here? For what?”
“Did that child ever come only for a special reason? He seemed to just be bored. He didn’t
say much and quickly went back.”
“That’s too bad. I wish he had waited a little longer and left after seeing me.”
Harrieta picked up the teacup with a sad face.
Unlike Edwin, who was annoyed by Dellan’s visit, Harrieta, who adored the child, was very
welcoming of his visit. Knowing that fact, Edwin never paid attention to him, even if
Dellan’s presence bothered him.
Still, it would be nice if she was a little less welcoming. How can he be jealous of even a
snotty kid who was only 14 years old.
Realizing his own wish, Edwin’s feelings became complicated.
Chapter 165

“Anyway, that’s strange. You seemed to be in a very good mood.”

Harrieta tilted her head as she sipped her milk tea. Oh, today is very delicious. She smiled
Edwin, who was thinking about something while watching her, leaned his body forward
and put his right elbow on the table.
“Come to think of it, I have one reason to feel good.”
“Really? What is that?”
Harrieta asked as she took another sip of the milk tea. Edwin cupped his chin with his right
hand. Then, looking at Harrieta, who was sitting in front of him, he said,
“Miss Harrieta.”
“Isn’t Miss Harrieta by my side?”
The soft and steady low-pitched voice.
“If I seem to be in a good mood right now, it must be because Miss Harrieta is sitting in
front of me.”
Edwin’s lips curled up strangely as he whispered something that gave off an intimate
feeling. Harrieta, who was looking at him, gulped dryly without realizing it.
Could it be because of his position where his chin was slightly raised? The sight of him
languidly looking at her with his eyes slightly lowered was breathtakingly enchanting.
A man who is so beautiful and perfect. It’s been a while since she had been with him, so she
thought she had developed some immunity now. But that seems wrong.
‘I fell in love with that appearance at first sight.’
She was fifteen years old. Those days when she didn’t understand the meaning of loving
someone yet. She had acted clumsily, blindly putting her feelings first.
‘The appearance was just a small part of him.’
There were things she didn’t know back then. She thought that the real Edwin would be
perfect in every way. He would have no flaws anywhere just like his perfect appearance. To
be smart, cool-headed, gentlemanly, and classy.
However, as she got to know him, the truth and the image she had in her imagination was a
little different.
He was smart but sometimes swayed by emotions rather than reason, he’s cool-headed but
infinitely devoted to his people, gentlemanly but able to wield a fist when necessary, classy
but collapsed endlessly in the face of desire.
For a man who seemed perfect, he had many imperfections that she didn’t notice before.
Yet, it was strange.
As those imperfections make him more and more perfect. The more she gets to know him,
the more complicated it becomes to explain why she had loved him.
Harrieta, lost in her thoughts, finally spoke while looking at Edwin.
“Yes, Miss Harrieta.”
“What kind of relationship do we have?”
The ease in Edwin’s expression was erased from Harrieta’s unexpected question. He
checked her expression to see if he had heard it wrong, but she just stared at him quietly.
Sensing that the atmosphere was strange, he straightened himself up.
“What do you that...?”
“I met Lauren and Marianne on the way. You know them, right? The two daughters of the
Minne family, who run a general store on the main street over there.”
Harrieta started with a calm tone.
“I heard that Lauren is pregnant this time. She has only been married a little over half a
year now, and they had a baby much sooner than everyone expected. She also looks quite
surprised herself.”
“Nevertheless, she says she is so happy right now. That she had a baby with someone she
loved. And in the future she will be able to raise a child and start a family with him. She was
so happy that she couldn’t ask for more.”
Lively eyes and cheeks red like apples. A woman of Harrieta’s age who smiled shyly as she
stroked her stomach, which had just begun to show.
Harrieta smiled bitterly as she remembered the woman.
“When I heard about it, I suddenly had a question. What kind of relationship do you and I
“What kind of relationship does Edwin and Harrieta have?”
“...Why are you thinking about that all of a sudden?”
Asked Edwin, who had been listening to her in silence.
“Do you really need to define what it is?”
“Can’t you just accept it as it is?”
Just like it has always been.
Edwin’s voice tinged with faint anxiety. It was more like a plea than a question. Harrieta,
who was looking at him, shook her head weakly.
“It’s easy to turn a blind eye, pretending to know nothing. But that doesn’t make the truth
disappear. No matter how you wished for it, you cannot cover the sky with your palms.”
“Edwin, don’t get me wrong. I’m not like this all of a sudden. I just don’t want to lose you, so
I’ve been putting this off. But I don’t think that’s going to be the case anymore. It’s not right
to forcefully tie you to my side for any reason.”
Edwin, who couldn’t stand it any longer, jumped up from his seat. The chair he was sitting
on fell backwards and made a loud noise, but he did not blink an eye. He turned at the table
and approached her at once. Then he bent over her and sat on one knee to meet her eye
“Miss Harrieta, I’m not forced to stay by Miss Harrieta’s side. I want to be by Miss Harrieta’s
side, so that’s why.”
“Didn’t I tell you once before?”
‘Restrict me more, oppress me more. Miss Harrieta, if it is by you, I will gladly accept it.’
“My feelings have never changed from then.”
Edwin took Harrieta’s hand, which was on the table.
‘I acknowledge you as my only lord, and the reason for my existence. Please do not hesitate to
wield me, your faithful sword and servant.’
His eyes on her were as sincere and strong as when he recited the knight’s oath to her.
How dare anyone doubt his sincerity?
Chapter 166

Harrieta sighed slowly. A complex and subtle expression with various emotions
intersected. She turned her body to face him.
“Do me?”
“Tell me, Edwin. Are you really in love with me?”
“How, how can you ask me such a question?”
Edwin asked, his breath became short. He must have been shocked by Harrieta’s words, it
showed by his blue eyes shaking violently.
“When I lost everything, when I got it back, when I stood at the crossroads of life and death,
I only wanted you. All I wanted was to be with you. I’d rather die than live in a world
without you, so I sincerely think...”
Edwin groaned softly. The emotions that had been suppressed for so long came to the
surface and overwhelmed him. Unconcealable pain welled up in his eyes as he remembered
the days when he believed he had lost her.
“Miss Harrieta knows best how I feel toward you. So how, how could you ask me such a
“But Edwin, it has been almost a year since we came here together. It’s been almost a year
since we’ve acted as a good couple in front of other people.”
Bewildered by Edwin’s distressed appearance, Harrieta hurriedly said,
“You have always been kind to me and cared for me beyond measure. It’s not that I don’t
know that.”
“Then what is truly the matter?”
“That, Edwin. That is the problem.”
Harrieta’s voice raised a little in her frustration.
“On the surface, we are a perfect couple. But there is an invisible line between us. And
you’ve never once tried to cross that line.”
“I am already twenty-one. I am not that young to know nothing. I am also not a plant in a
greenhouse that must be protected.”
Her words continued in difficulty.
“For a grown man and woman to be together all day and nothing happens, there must be a
good reason for it.”
“You haven’t had the slightest desire to do that in a year, I can roughly guess what that
Edwin slowly put the pieces together.
“What you’re feeling right now mean a desire for physical intimacy?”
“I am not blaming you. What can I do? I can’t force you to feel that way.”
When Edwin directly mentioned it, Harrieta blushed. Her other hand that was free from his
grasp, crumpled her skirt.
“So be honest with me now, Edwin. If the reason you stay by my side is not because of love
as a woman, but rather compassion, responsibility, or guilt.”
Harrieta was unable to finish her words.
Edwin had stood up first and scooped her up with his mighty strength. Her body floated
upward like a paper doll, and before long, she was in his arms. WIthout giving her a
moment to ask what he was doing, his lips touched hers.
Surprised by Edwin’s sudden kiss, Harrieta floundered in his arms. Edwin had no intention
of letting her go.
When he noticed that she was trying to push him away, he hugged her waist tighter and
pressed her closer to him. At this moment, he couldn’t allow her to get away from him even
a little bit.
Harrieta’s hand, which had tried to push Edwin away, gradually lost its strength. Her body
was hot.
The hot breaths of the two intertwined with the unfamiliar feeling of their lips meeting. A
strange heat that could not be easily explained in words spread throughout her body.
Harrieta shuddered, trapped in the heat.
She wondered if she would be completely swallowed up by him like this. Every time she
flinched and faltered; he immediately came for her. Edwin had always been gentle and kind
to her, but there was nothing of it now. Each and every action of his toward her was
breathtakingly persistent and passionate.
Time passed. Edwin, who had laid bare his desire for Harrieta for quite some time, finally
let her go.
“To say I don’t feel that way towards Miss Harrieta. Everyone will be laughing.”
Edwin smiled cooly as he looked down at Harrieta, who was gasping for breath.
“I am not as pure as you think. Did you really believe that I would really have no desire in
front of the woman I love?”
“Ed, Edwin...?”
“It’s just that Miss Harrieta doesn’t know. What was I thinking of whenever I see Miss
Harrieta? How to hold you and make you mine...You really don’t know anything.”
Edwin slowly confessed his feelings as his long fingers caressed her cheek.
“If you realize how dark and lustful I am inside, you would be horrified. You might hate me
and even despise me.”
The dirty and clingy desire that was too excessive. And a breathtaking possessiveness
towards the woman who likes him without knowing anything about him.
“I was scared.”
I was scared you’ll be disappointed in me.
“So I hesitated.”
That you’ll be scared of me and will try to run away from me.
“I didn’t want to lose you after rushing at you due to my greed. No, I don’t want to lose you
again in any way. I know how terrifying it is to live without you. I know that fact engraved
to my bones.”
“I know it will sound like an excuse. But believe me on this. The reason I’ve restrained
myself from doing it in the meantime isn’t because you’re not attractive.”
Edwin’s neck that was explaining, swung down. Harrieta lifted herself and put her arms
around his neck to pull him down to her.
Chapter 167

Once again, the two people’s lips collided. Edwin widened his eyes.
The kiss was clumsy, different from the one he had just given. Still, he couldn’t resist her.
His mind went blank and his whole body stiffened at the fact that she had kissed him first.
The fragrant smell. The sweet touch.
Is he dreaming? Or is he having delusions in broad daylight?
It was as long as eternity, yet as short as a flash. Harrieta slowly moved her lips away from
him. Stunned for what she had just done, his face hardened like a stone.
Harrieta rolled her eyes at Edwin and scolded him.
“I hate you? Despise you? How could you think of such a stupid thing?”
“Miss Harrieta...”
Edwin looked down at her with a blank face. She just laughed at him.
“Since I was fifteen, Edwin. From the day I first met you at the ball in Lavant when I was
fifteen, until this moment, I have never stopped loving you. Really, I have never once...”
Harrieta paused.
How different have things become? Because they did not fully understand each other, the
two came a long way back.
“I guess you didn’t know. How great is my heart for you.”
“You will have to be prepared for the future. Even if you push me away saying you don’t
like me, I will never let you go.”
Edwin’s eyes grew flush as he listened to Harrieta’s words. His arms tightened around her,
and his breathing quickened as he inhaled and exhaled through his slightly parted lips.
“Miss Harrieta...”
The man who had the courage to confide all his feelings to the woman he loved was saved
by her love. With a sense of relief, tears were welling up. His watery eyes glistened like a
lake sparkling under the sun.
“You’re here.”
Harrieta, who was looking into Edwin’s clear eyes, whispered gently.
“You’ve been here the whole time.”
Just as she had been waiting for him, he had been waiting for her, standing in the same
place. Waiting for the other person to approach. Hoping that the gap between the two
would narrow.
Harrieta burrowed into Edwin’s arms. Then she gently closed her eyes, listening to the
sound of his beating heart.
“I finally reached you.”
My knight, my lover.
“I love you, Edwin.”
My one and only beautiful star in this world.
Berlin Mackenzie was the girl who was rumored to be the prettiest girl in town.
Lustrous brown hair down to her waist and blue eyes like sapphire. Skin white and fair, and
perfect body proportions. Despite her young age of only twelve, Berlin evoked admiration
from many.
That wasn’t the only thing. Berlin was a smart child. People who were taught one but knew
ten were called geniuses. She was far more clever and mature than children her age. People
praised her, saying that she was a gift from heaven.
There were only two reactions from children of her age to Belin’s extraordinariness that
were so overwhelming that they couldn’t dare to overcome.
‘Berlin, you must be very happy. You were born with everything without any effort.’
‘Berlin, in the eyes of a perfect kid like you, ordinary kids like us must look pathetic, right?’
Half the children were blindly jealous of her.
‘Berlin, you are amazing. I wonder how the world you see will be different from the world I
‘Berlin, I want to be like you. As pretty and smart as you, and loved by everyone.’
The other half blindly admired her.
The reactions were polar. But Berlin’s impression of them was only one.
Berlin clicked her tongue as she watched the children arguing with each other. She couldn’t
understand why they cared enough to argue over such a useless thing. No matter how
much they argue, this is her life after all.
Berlin, who was annoyed for causing unnecessary feuds, deliberately acted on her own,
keeping a distance from the village children. Still, her name was constantly on the
children’s lips.
Berlin Mackenzie was a special and unrivaled girl that could get people’s attention whether
she wanted it or not.
“I’m home.”
Harrieta, who was making something in the kitchen, raised her head and greeted Berlin as
she entered the house.
“You’re back? You came a little earlier today.”
“Class ends quickly.”
Berlin replied with a shrug. She did the test questions so quickly that she could leave school
much sooner than the other children, but she didn’t bother to say that.
“What about Dad?”
“He’s out for a while. He will be back soon.”
After briefly exchanging words with Berlin, Harrieta began to concentrate on the work in
front of her again.
‘What smell is this?’
Berlin, sniffing, tilted her head.
‘Something smells terribly sweet...?’
Berlin strode up to Harrieta. Then she looked over Harrieta’s shoulder to see what she was
making and froze.
“ this?”
“Uhh. Your dad likes rhubarb pie. The next door gave me rhubarb today, so I’m trying to
make it.”
“This is...rhubarb pie?”
Berlin asked with a puzzled look.
Wasn’t the recipe for rhubarb pie a layer of thin pie stacked on top of each other with
purple rhubarb cream inserted between them? The appearance of the food Harrieta was
making now was far from the appearance of the rhubarb pie Berlin knew.
“Why is this brown?”
“I poured more sugar than usual to get rid of the sour taste, but it must have burned a little
while cooking.”
“I think it tastes good, though. I checked it from time to time while making it.”
Here, you try it. Harrieta cut off the end of the pie with a fork, and handed it to Berlin.
Chapter 168

Berlin wasn’t very willing, but she couldn’t refuse the food her mother gave her. She bit off
the pie on the fork.
“How is it? It’s better than it looks, right?”
Harrieta asked innocently as she did not see Berlin’s face contort for a moment.
‘How is this better?’
Berlin couldn’t even chew the food in her mouth properly.
‘This isn’t a pie, it’s just a lump of sugar!’
Even if Harrieta likes sweet things, this is clearly overboard. It was too sweet for human
consumption. Berlin’s tongue was tingling.
Perhaps finding it odd that her daughter was silent, Harrieta tilted her head and looked at
“Mom, to be honest, this is really…..”
Having barely chewed the pie and swallowed it, Berlin was trying to explain it with a
tearful face. But before she could get to the point, the front door opened with a click.
“I’m back.”
The man who had just arrived home announced his arrival in a soft, courteous voice. The
mother and daughter turned around at the same time to the man entering the house.
Harrieta and Berlin greeted Edwin with bright smiles.
Edwin took off the cloak he was wearing and hung it on the hanger before coming toward
them. Then, in a natural order, the first thing he did was lightly kiss Harrieta’s forehead.
“Dad, what about me?”
Berlin, standing next to the couple, whined with a sulky face. Edwin smiled and stroked her
“You’re back early.”
“Class ended early today.”
“The class didn’t end early; you must have finished quickly.”
Knowing Berlin well, Edwin quietly corrected her words. The father and daughter had
many similarities, enough to understand a lot about each other without exchanging many
“What are you making?”
“Rhubarb pie. Edwin, you like this, right.”
Harrieta said, her face seemed to say ‘can’t you see it?’.
Berlin glanced at Edwin’s face. The father and daughter had quite similar tastes. Just as
Berlin didn’t like sweets, Edwin didn’t like sweets very much either. Especially foods with
such an unknown shape.
“Ah, I wonder what smells good. Turns out it was the smell from this pie.”
Edwin smiled softly and nodded. As expected, Berlin rolled her eyes. As she had expected,
Edwin rained praises on the mysterious food Harrieta had made.
“It must have been troublesome, you could have waited until I’m back.”
“That’s true, but sometimes I want to make something for you and Berlin.”
Harrieta said with a bashful smile.
“It may not look like much, but I think it tasted quite okay. Right, Berlin?”
Their eyes turned to Berlin. As the one who had tried it, Berlin was slightly taken aback.
Harrieta’s eyes were shining bright with anticipation, while Edwin’s eyes, filled with
unspoken pressure for her to carefully choose her words.
‘But this isn’t a pie, it’s literally just a lump of sugar...!’
“...Yes, it’s very delicious.”
But the words that came out of her mouth were different from what was in her head.
Hearing her answer, Harrieta smiled widely, and Edwin gave her a good job look.
The question probably has a fixed answer from the beginning.
“How odd. Berlin is drinking that much milk.”
As the little tea time in the yard came to an end, Harrieta muttered in surprise looking at
her daughter sitting at the table.
“You normally don’t even drink one glass, but today you drank three.”
Do you want to grow taller? Harrieta tilted her head. Berlin laughed inside as she emptied
her third glass.
Am I drinking milk to grow taller? No. As if. There was another reason why she had poured
so much milk into her mouth.
‘If I don’t drink something, I won’t be able to swallow it!’
Even before she put the pie in her mouth, she was dizzy by the pie’s sweet scent like a
whole bag of sugar had been poured into it. She was proud to have somehow managed to
finish a cut of the pie that Harrieta gave her.
This should be enough. Rinsing her mouth with the rest of the milk, Berlien let out a sigh of
relief as Harrieta took her empty plate.
“If I knew you would eat this well, I would have given you a bigger cut. Berlin, can I get you
some more?”
With Harrieta’s words, Berlin barely prevented the milk from spewing out of her mouth.
“It’s, it’s okay, Mom! I’m already full!”
“Are you? Is it because you’re worried about gaining weight? It’s okay if you gain some
“No, no! I’m really okay!”
Berlin shook her hand and refused.
“Just one piece is enough! I don’t have to eat any more!”
“If you’re that worried, just eat this and come out with Mom. The other day, your Dad made
you a new bow and arrow to practice with.”
“Mom, I really can’t.”
“Then, Miss Harrieta, can I have some more?”
Edwin, who had been quietly listening to the mother-daughter talking, asked.
“I think one piece is not enough.”
“Would you like more? Then I’ll bring a big piece especially for you. Oh, and while I’m at it,
I’ll make some more tea.”
So just sit here quietly. The excited Harrieta stood up with a hum. She walked into the house
with Edwin’s plate. Berlin, who was watching Harrieta leaving, swept her chest in surprise
only when Harrieta’s figure had completely disappeared.
“Are you okay?”
Edwin, observing Berlin’s reaction, asked in a whisper. The question, which seemed simple,
actually contained several meanings.
“Yes, thanks to Dad.”
“You endured it well.”
“The same goes for you.”
Berlin shrugged her shoulders.
“By the way, will you be okay, Dad?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, Dad. I think Mom will bring you the biggest piece because she’s so excited.”
Chapter 169

Berlin was genuinely concerned for her father’s wellbeing. He should have drunk three
cups of milk and chewed the pie roughly before swallowing it. But he only drank one cup of
tea. Moreover, throughout the tea time, his expression, not even his eyes changed.
Edwin raised his eyebrows. Then he leaned back against the chair and crossed his arms.
“Isn’t that a good thing? I love the pie your Mom made for me.”
“...Dad, I really can’t stand you.”
Berlin shook her head in disgust towards Edwin’s nonchalant response.
She had forgotten for a while what kind of person is the man sitting in front of her. He was
the kind of person who would be willing to lie on the floor and pretend to die if his wife,
Harrieta, wanted so. His unusual love for his wife, as blunt as cut out of a rock, was already
famous in town.
“Dad, I have a question for you.”
Berlin said, straightening her posture.
“Why does Dad always lose to Mom?”
“Like before, even when the two of you have different opinions sometimes, in the end Dad
always follows Mom’s opinion...To be honest, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Dad say anything
unpleasant to Mom.”
In Berlin’s eyes, Edwin was a very remarkable figure, not because he was her father. Not
just his appearance, but the knowledge he possessed, the extraordinary ability to turn
heads, and his physical abilities, made him distinctly different from other people.
Sometimes she wondered why such a man with such outstanding abilities was letting his
talents rot by living in such a small town.
Edwin, who had been quietly listening to Berlin, shrugged his shoulders.
“That’s of course, because your Mom is right.”
“Not once or twice, always?”
“Then I guess your Mom is always right.”
Edwin gave a simple and clear answer without much thought. Berlin looked dumbfounded.
“It’s not just that. Dad always spoke respectfully to Mom.”
“The same goes for your Mom.”
“That’s true, but Dad uses extremely respectful titles for Mom. You sometimes call Mom
‘Miss Harrieta’.”
Calling his wife with ‘Miss’. It was strange no matter what. Especially since Edwin was older
than Harrieta.
“There are strange rumors going around town.”
“Strange rumors?”
“There are rumors that Mom and Dad are actually a noble lady and a servant who fled from
a distant country.”
Hearing his daughter’s words, Edwin laughed out loud.
“Well. I don’t think it’s a very wrong rumor.”
“Dad, please!”
Berlin, thinking that Edwin wasn’t taking her words seriously, rolled her eyes at him.
“I really want to know!”
“Berlin, what others say, what your Mom and I have done in the past, they don’t matter.”
“They don’t matter?”
“Yes. Because what matters right now is the present.”
Edwin nodded and said.
“Look, Berlin. You, me, and your Mom are living happily together like this. Could anything
be more important to us now?”
Berlin glanced inside the house to Edwin’s question. Through the window, she could see
Harrieta busily making something. Did she feel Berlin’s gaze? Harrieta lifted her head and
looked out. She smiled as she saw her daughter looking at her.
“Life is like going on a journey. An endless journey with the process of finding what is
important to you and what is precious. Through that journey, you will gain a lot of
experience, and build up various opinions and judgments. But be sure to keep this in mind.
If you pay too much attention to the useless things, you will miss out on the things you
should cherish in moments that truly matter.”
“So always remember. What is the most important thing in your life? What things do you
want to cherish?”
“Then, is Mom the most important thing to Dad?”
Berlin asked, feeling the emotions welling up in her heart.
“Yes. Not just your Mom, but you too, Berlin.”
Edwin turned his head to see Harrieta through the window. Almost ready, sending a signal
through her mouth. The love that could not be hidden seeped into his eyes as he looked at
“Berlin, your Mom deserves respect.”
Edwin said without taking his eyes off Harrieta.
“I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for your mom. So do you, Berlin.”
“She is everything in my life.”
Edwin’s expression was as serious as it could be. Words with all his heart poured in.
Berlin looked at him blankly and smiled silently.
“They say couples look alike, that must be true.”
Hearing her murmur, Edwin asked what it meant. Berlin held her chin, resting her elbows
at the table.
“Mom said that too before. Dad is everything in Mom’s life.”
At that time, when her daughter asked what Harrieta liked about Edwin so much, Harrieta
shyly replied that she couldn’t just point to one thing. Despite being together for more than
a decade, the two are still passionate and genuine towards each other.
“You two look so alike that people might mistake you for twins.”
Even Berlin, their child, would be jealous.
She grumbled, pretending to be sullen, but a loving smile bloomed across Berlin’s face.
She hoped that one day she would be able to love like her parents.
The twelve-year-old girl sincerely hoped that her wish would come true.
If one were to choose the greatest king of Velicia, the majority would choose the 17th King,
Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt. Becoming king at the young age of thirty-one, he
contributed greatly to the development of Velicia into one of the greatest empires on the
Listing the achievements Bernard had done during his reign would be endless, It would be
difficult to go through them all. However, his life, which was admired for being so great,
was not always smooth.
To give one example, he had a history of causing a lot of controversy by living a prodigal life
in his younger days. As a result, despite being born as the only heir to the royal family, he
lost the position of crown prince to his older brother, Siorn Violetta Shane Passcourt.
As the head of a royal family that values succession above all else, having a successor was
one of the essential responsibilities he had to fulfill. However, he was also the only king in
the history of Velicia who insisted on remaining unmarried until his death.
Numerous ministers objected to Bernard’s decision and tried to persuade him. However,
his stubbornness was like that of a bull, and in the end no one could break it.
In the end, after a long-standing dispute, the crown went to Bernard’s nephew, Eubillion
Lecid Shane Pascourt. In the year 4766 of the Hermannian calendar, Eubillion succeeded
Bernard as the 18th King of Velicia.
There have been many speculations as to why Bernard insisted on being single.
Chapter 170 - END

Some say it was because he was so bold and free-spirited that he couldn’t be tied down to
one woman. While others said it was because he had so many things to do that he didn’t
have time to play love. Some even argued that it was because he liked men, not women.
However, Bernard, the person itself, did not seem to care much about this. He did not get
angry even when people were saying something out of the ordinary, saying that he was
lecher or liked men. Instead, he ignored the situation with a generous smile.
Considering those circumstances, perhaps his character that was once known as the tiger
of the Western Continent, was in fact much more gentle and softer than what was known to
the world.
― Excerpt from ‘On the Beginning, History, and Fall of the Velician Empire’
Year 4752 of the Hermannian Calendar.
It was the 15th year since the 17th King of Velicia, Bernard Cenchilla Shane Pascourt,
ascended the throne.
That day, green leaves began to sprout from the scrawny branches. A young woman whose
name was unknown came to the castle without a message. With her beautiful appearance,
she dared to ask to see the king, claiming that the king’s old friend had sent her here.
It was a period of instability shortly after the Western Continent was unified. In order to lay
the foundation for the still unpolished empire, the king had spent many nights busy
without having time to rest eyes. His schedule was so busy that even nobles from
prestigious families could barely see the king’s face.
Yet to ask to see the king in such a situation? The sentry guarding the castle gate snorted at
the woman, saying that she was crazy. But she didn’t give in. She took a dagger out of her
chest and handed it to the sentry. It was a dagger with the coat of arms of the royal family
of Velicia engraved on it.
The sentry, who recognized at a glance that the dagger was genuine, was startled.
Possessing such a valuable thing meant that the young woman was not an ordinary person.
They took the dagger given to him by the woman and rushed to where the king was.
The king was in the middle of discussing political affairs with several ministers in his office.
He looked displeased that his meeting was interrupted but that was fleeting. Seeing the
dagger shown by the sentry, he took back that expression. He looked very surprised, like he
had seen a ghost in the middle of the night.
The king immediately got up. Then he ran outside to the castle gate.
The woman appeared in front of the king who arrived at the castle gate, breathing heavily.
Seeing her, the king was silent. He just looked at her blankly, embracing the various
emotions that he couldn’t pinpoint.
But even so, the woman was not surprised. As if she had already foreseen that things would
turn out this way, she maintained her composure.
‘A pleasure to meet you. The great King of Velicia.’
The woman bowed her body and gave a slight curtsy towards the king.
‘A long time ago, the king made a bet with my mother. It’s a little late, but my mother sent me
here instead to decide the outcome of the bet.’
‘Your Majesty. Would it be all right if I stayed here for one night?’
The king seemed confused by the woman’s bold request. However, he immediately grasped
the situation and straightened his face. Then he nodded towards her and gladly granted her
The aura of spring was very strong that day.
During the short time that the woman was in the castle, the king concentrated on spending
time with the woman’s company, leaving all his affairs behind.
The two of them strolled through the beautiful garden and wandered around exploring
every nook and cranny of the castle. Afterwards, they headed to the sunny parlor, where
they had refreshments and long conversations until the sun went down.
Laughter bloomed in full in the king’s face for the first time in a very long time. Whenever
the woman said something, the king burst into laughter, and listened to her with a happy
smile all the time.
To think that the king known as the tiger of the Western Continent was able to smile so
softly. Everyone who witnessed the scene was deeply amazed.
‘How is your mother?’
The king showed great interest in the life the woman had led, especially her mother’s.
‘Did she still throw her head back when she laughed heartily?’
‘Did she still frown her eyes and touch her hair when she’s thinking?’
‘Did she still brag about being the best archer in the world?’
‘Your mother...’
‘Is your mother still...’
Like he was curious about something, the king would bombard the woman with questions
about her mother whenever he had a chance. The woman also answered all his questions
wholeheartedly, not confused by the king’s attention.
‘Isn’t she being too heartless? She said I’d never see her again. But she might come to see me
once in a while under the guise of it being a coincidence.’
The king, who was sitting on the terrace watching the sunset, spoke to the woman in a
‘She always disobeys my words, yet she really sticks to that word like an iron fist.’
‘She said that she highly respects all the achievements Your Majesty has accomplished. She
considers it an infinite honor to have been acquainted with a noble person who will remain in
‘She had no intention of coming to see me.’
‘She would always wish for Your Majesty’s safety and happiness even though she’s far away.’
The woman’s answer made the king lost in deep thought. After the woman arrived, the king
always had a smile on, but at that moment, he couldn’t show a smile. Upon his noble face,
shining under the twilight, there was only unknown longing and sadness.
‘There is a long gap between her and me. A gap that could never be narrowed even if I wait
Then the king sighed deeply and said,
‘In the meantime, I have achieved and got my hands on many things. In the end, it was all for
naught. It has been quite a long time since I sent her away, yet the part of my heart is still
empty and barren.’
The king’s face clouded. The wrinkles around his eyes looked much deeper than usual.
‘I truly envy your parents who were able to give up everything just to get one thing.’
The next morning, the woman said that she would go on her way as she had foretold.
Despite the king’s offer that she should stay a little longer, she stood her ground to the end.
The reason was that someone was waiting for her at home, so she couldn’t stay longer.
Under the clear, cloudless sky, the king personally escorted the woman to the gate. The
king was so gracious of the woman that he had his subordinates give her the best horse
owned by the royal family, and gave her many treasures of gold and silver in spite of her
fierce refusal.
The king showed great regret when the woman left him. Even after saying goodbye to her,
the king still looked hesitant and eventually tears showed in his eyes. Because he already
knew that after this visit, his last link to his old friend would be severed.
‘Tell her. The bet we made that day was, it was my victory of course.’
The king said,
‘When the bet’s time is up, ten years ago and now, and even ten years from now. I won this bet
every time.’

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