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that helps us to enter text and manipulate words and phases.

Documents created on a word processor can be made accurate,

giving better look, and prepared and printed in very short time. We
can use a word processor for printing letters, preparing mailing
lists, creating documents and reports and the speed of these
operations is much faster. We can check the spellings in the
documents. We can add page numbers or change margins. a word
processor can store very long letters in computers hard disk. A
word processor can be used to send the same letter to several
different addresses using mail merge facility.


>Microsoftofficeword2007 Or
Start->run-> type WinWord->ok
It displays the screen as below
Office button Title bar tabs Ribbon bar
Horizontal ruler



Status bar
QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR:- The Quick Access Toolbar is a
customizable toolbar that contains a set of commands that are
independent of the tab that is currently displayed. You can add
buttons that represent commands to the Quick Access Toolbar, and
you can move the Quick Access Toolbar from one of the two
possible locations.
OFFICE BUTTON:- The Microsoft Office Button replaces the File
menu and is located in the upper-left corner of these Microsoft
Office programs. When you click the Microsoft Office Button, you
see the same basic commands available in earlier releases of
Microsoft Office to open, save, and print your file.
TITLE BAR:-it displays the title of the document. It is placed at the
top of the document. It contains the office button, minimize,
maximize and close button.
Ruler: - there are two types of rulers such as horizontal ruler and
vertical ruler. The horizontal and vertical rulers in Word are often
used to align text, graphics, tables, and other elements in a
document. To view the horizontal ruler across the top of your Word
document and the vertical ruler along the left edge of your
document, you must be in Print Layout view (Print Layout view: A
view of a document or other object as it will appear when you print
it. For example, items such as headers, footnotes, columns, and text
boxes appear in their actual positions.).
SCROLL BAR: - there are two types of scroll bars such as horizontal
scroll bar and vertical scroll bar. The horizontal scroll bar is used
for scroll the document from left to right. And the vertical scroll
bar is used for scroll the document from top to bottom or vice-
STATUSBAR:- at the bottom of the PowerPoint window is the
status bar. It displays the no of slides, views of slides and the
zoom level.
RIBBON BAR: - The Ribbon is designed to help you quickly find the
commands that you need to complete a task. Commands are
organized in logical groups, which are collected together under
tabs. Each tab relates to a type of activity, such as writing or
laying out a page. To reduce clutter, some tabs are shown only
when needed.
CUT (CTRL+X): - cut the selected text or object and put it on the
clip board.
STEPS- 1:-select the text or object.
2:-click on the cut button from the ribbon bar.
COPY (CTRL+C): - copy the selected text or object and put it on the
clip board.
Steps-1:-select the text or object.
2:-click on the copy button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+C)
PASTE (CTRL+V): - insert the clip board object at the insertion
Steps-1:-place the cursor where we want to insert the clip board
2:-click on the paste button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+V)
FORMAT PAINTER (CTRL+SHIFT+C): - it copies the formatting of
the selected text.
Steps- 1:-select the formatted text.
2:-double click on the format painter button from the ribbon bar.
3:-now drag over the text which we want to apply the same
Note:- to cancel the format painter press esc key.
FONT (CTRL+SHIFT+F): - changes the font style of the selected
Steps-1:-select the text.
2:-then select the font from the font combo box of the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+SHIFT+F) and select the font.
FONT SIZE (CTRL+SHIFT+P): - it changes the font size of the
selected text. By default the minimum font size is 8 and the
maximum font size is 72.
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-select the font size from the font size combo box of the
ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+SHIFT+P) and select the font
GROW FONT (CTRL+>): - increase the font size of the selected
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-click on the grow font button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (ctrl+>)
SHRINK FONT (CTRL+<): - decrease the font size of the selected
Steps- 1:-Select the font.
2:-click on the shrink font button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (ctrl+<)
2:-click on the clear formatting button from the ribbon bar.
BOLD (CTRL+B): - it makes the selected text bold.
Steps- 1:-select the text which we want to make bold.
2:-click on the bold button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+B)
ITALIC (CTRL+I): - it makes the selected text italic.
Steps- 1:-select the text which we want to make italicize.
2:-click on the italic button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+I)
UNDERLINE (CTRL+U): - it underlines the selected text.
Steps- 1:-select the text which we want to make underline.
2:-click on the underline button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+U)
STRIKE THROUGH: - it draws a line through the middle of the
selected text.
Steps- 1:- select the text.
2:-select the strike through button from the ribbon bar.
SUB SCRIPT (CTRL+=): - it creates small letters below the text
base line.
Steps-1:-select the text which we want to place at below the base
2:-click on the sub script button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+=)
SUPER SCRIPT (CTRL+SHIFT+=): creates small letters above the
line of text.
Steps- 1:-select the text which we want to place at above the line.
2:-click on the super script button from the ribbon bar.
Press the key combination (CTRL+SHIFT+=)
CHANGE CASE: - it changes the capitalization of the selected text.
Change case is of five types such as Sentence case, lowercase,
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-select the change case type from the change case combo of
the ribbon bar.
TEXT HIGHLIGHT COLOR: - it makes text look like it was marked
with a highlighter pen.
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-select the color from the text highlight color combo of the
ribbon bar
FONT COLOR: - it changes the font color of the selected text.
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-now select the color from the font color combo of the ribbon
BULLETS: - it adds or customizes the bullet style to the selected
Steps- 1:-select the paragraph.
2:-select the bullet style from the bullets combo of the ribbon bar.
NUMBERINGS: - it adds or customizes the numbers to the selected
Steps-1:-select the paragraph.
2:-select the number style from the numberings combo of the
ribbon bar.
MULTI LEVEL LIST: - it starts a multi level list.
Steps-1:-select the paragraph.
2:-select the multi level style from the multi level list combo of
the ribbon bar.
Steps-1:-select the paragraph.
2:- click on the increase indent button from the ribbon bar.
DECREASE INDENT: - it decreases the indent level of the selected
Steps-1:-select the paragraph.
2:- click on the decrease indent button from the ribbon bar.
SORT: - it arranges the selected text from a table alphabetically or
numerically in ascending or descending order.
Steps- 1:-select the table.
2:-click on the sort button from the ribbon bar.
3:-it displays a dialog box from which select the column heading.
4:-then click on the ascending/descending option button.
5:-then click on ok.
formatting symbol.
ALIGN LEFT (CTRL+L): - it aligns the selected text to the left.
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-click on the align left button from the ribbon bar to align the
text left.
ALIGN RIGHT (CTRL+R): - it aligns the selected text to the right.
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-click on the align right button from the ribbon bar to align the
text right
CENTER (CTRL+E): - it aligns the selected text to the center.
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-click on the align center button from the ribbon bar to align
the text center
JUSTIFY (CTRL+J): - it aligns the selected text to both the left and
right margins, adding extra space between the words as necessary.
selected text. We can also customize the amount of space added
before or after the paragraph.
Steps-1:-select the text.
2:-click on the line spacing combo and select the spacing.
SHADING: - it colors the background behind the selected text or
Steps-1:-select the text.
2:-select the color from the shading combo of the ribbon bar.
BORDER: - it adds borders to the selected cells or text.
STYLES: - it adds styles and formatting to the selected text.
FIND (CTRL+F): - it finds text within the document.
REPLACE (CTRL+H): - it replaces the old text with new text within
the document.
SELECT: - it selects all the text or object or text with similar
the title, author, date and other information.
BLANK PAGE: - it inserts a new blank page at the cursor position.
PAGE BREAK (CTRL+RETURN): - it starts the next page at the
current cursor position.
Steps- 1:-place cursor from where we want to give a page break.
2:-click on the insert tab.
3:-then click on the page break button from the ribbon bar.
PICTURE: - it inserts pictures from an existing file.
CLIP ART: - it opens the clip art gallery and inserts clip art into the
document including drawing, movies, sounds etc.
SHAPES: - it inserts ready-made shapes like rectangle, circle,
arrows, lines, callouts etc.
SMART ART: - it inserts a smart art graphics to visually
communicate information.
2:-it displays a dialog box from which select the chart type.
3:- click on ok.
4:-it displays the excel sheet of the chart data.
5:-now customize the chart data.
6:-then close the excel windows.
BOOK MARK: - it creates a book mark to assign a name to a
specific point in a document. We can make hyperlink that directly
jump to a book mark.
HYPERLINK (CTRL+K): - it creates a link to an existing file in
HTML format.
Steps- 1:-click on the hyperlink button from the ribbon bar of
insert tab.
2:-it displays a dialog box from which select the file.
3:-click on the ok button.
and tables by inserting a cross reference.
HEADER: - it edits the header of the document. Header appears
at the top of every page.
FOOTER: - it edits the footer of the document. Footer appears at
the bottom of every page.
PAGE NUMBER: - it inserts the page numbers into the document
at the specified position and alignment.
TEXT BOX: - it inserts formatted text boxes.
WORD ART: - it inserts decorative text in our document.
QUICK PARTS: - it inserts reusable piece of contents, including
fields, document properties etc.
SIGNATURE LINE: - it inserts a signature line that specifies the
individual who must sign.
EQUATION (ALT+=):- it inserts common mathematical equations.
1:-select the paragraph.
2:-click on the drop cap button from the ribbon bar.
Then select one of the dropped style or click on the drop cap
3:- it displays a dialog box from which select the dropped style,
then select the lines to be dropped.
4:- then click on ok.
SYMBOL: - it inserts symbols which are not available in the key
DATE & TIME: - it inserts the current system date and time at the
insertion point in our document.
Steps-1:- place cursor where we want to insert the date and time.
2:-click on the date and time button from the ribbon bar.
3:-it displays a dialog box from which select the date and time
format. And click on ok
3:-it displays a dialog box from which click on the create new
tab for inserting a new object or click on the create from tab for
inserting an existing object.
4:- click on ok.
TABLE: - it inserts or draws a table into the document. In word
you can also convert existing text into a table. After using this
command other two tabs will be appear such as design and layout.
HEADER ROW:-it displays the special formatting for the first row
of the selected table.
TOTAL ROW:-it displays the special formatting for the last row of
the selected table.
BANDED ROW: - it applies the formatting for the even rows.
column of the selected table.
BANDED COLUMN: - it displays banded columns in which the even
columns are formatted differently from the odd columns.
STYLES:-it applies styles or formatting for the selected table.
SHADING:-it applies shading/back color to the selected table.
BORDERS:-it applies border of different styles and colors.
LINE STYLE:-it customizes the line styles use to draw borders.
LINE WIDTH:-it changes the width of the line used to draw borders.
PEN COLOR: - it changes the line color used to draw borders.
DRAW TABLE: - using this tool we can draw a table.
ERASER: - using this tool we can erase the column, row, cell or
entire table.
PROPERTIES: it opens the properties dialog box to change
advance table properties like indentation and text wrapping
VIEW GRIDLINE: - it shows/hides the gridline after applying
formatting within the selected table.
Steps:- 1:-apply the formatting to the selected table.
2:-then click on view grid line button from the ribbon bar.
DELETE: - it deletes the active cell, current row, column or entire
Steps:- 1:- select the cell, row, column or a table.
2:-then select the appropriate option which we want.
3:- select the cell, row, column or a table.
4:- then press the key combination (SHIFT+DELETE)
INSERT ABOVE: it inserts a row above the selected row or the
active cell.
Steps- 1:-place cursor in the table or select the row.
2:-click on the insert above button from the ribbon bar to insert
a row above the active row.
INSERT BELOW: - it inserts a row below the selected row or the
active cell.
Steps- 1:-place cursor in the table or select the row.
2:-click on the insert below button from the ribbon bar to insert
a row below the active row.
INSERT LEFT: - it inserts a column left to the selected column or
the active cell.
Steps- 1:-place cursor in the table or select the column.
2:-click on the insert left button from the ribbon bar to insert a
column left to the active column.
or the active cell.
Steps- 1:-place cursor in the table or select the column.
2:-click on the insert right button from the ribbon bar to insert
a column right to the active column.
MERGE CELL: - it combines more than one cell in to one cell.
1:-Select the cells.
2:-click on the merge cell button from the ribbon bar.
SPLIT CELL:-it splits a cell in to multiple cells.
Steps- 1:-select the cell.
2:- click on the split cell button from the ribbon bar.
3:- it displays a dialog box in which specify the number of rows
and columns.
4:- click on ok.
SPLIT TABLE:-it splits a table in to two parts.
Steps- 1:-place the cursor at the cell from where we want to split
the table.
2:-click on the split table button from the ribbon bar.
AUTO FIT: - it automatically resizes the column widths based on
the size of the text in them.
HEIGHT: - it increases/decreases the row height of the selected
cell or table.
Steps- 1:-select the cell or row.
2:- set the row height in the row height textbox from the
ribbon bar.
WIDTH: - it increases/decreases the column width of the
selected cell or table.
Steps- 1:-select the cell or column.
2:- set the column width in the column width textbox from the
ribbon bar.
DISTRIBUTE ROWS/COLUMNS: - it distributes the row height or
column width of the selected row or column equally between
ALIGNMENTS: - it changes the alignment of the text of the
selected table.
REPEAT HEADER ROW: - it repeats the header row on every page.
CONVERT TO TEXT: - it converts the table to the regular text.
Steps:- 1:-select the table.
2:-click on the convert to text button from the ribbon bar.
3:- it displays a dialog box from which select the separate
4:-click on ok.
TEXT DIRECTION: - it changes the text direction within the
selected cell. Click the text direction button multiple times on the
ribbon bar to cycle through the available direction.
CELL MARGIN: - it customizes the cell margin and the spacing
between the cells.
Steps:- 1:-Select the table.
2:-it displays a dialog box from which set the margin and
3:-click on ok.
SORT: - it arranges the selected text or numbers of the table in
ascending or descending order.
Steps- 1:-select the table.
2:-click on the sort button from the ribbon bar.
3:-it displays a dialog box from which select the column name
which we want to sort.
4:- then select the ascending or descending option button.
5:- then click on ok.
including colors, fonts and effects.
COLORS: - it changes the color of the current theme.
FONT: - it changes the font for the current themes.
EFFECTS: - it changes the effects for the current theme.
MARGINS: - it selects the margin size for the entire document or
the current section.
ORIENTATION: - it changes the page layout that is portrait or
SIZE: - it is used to choose the paper size for the current section.
BREAKS: - it adds page, section or column breaks to the
LINE NUMBERS: - it adds line numbers in the margin alongside of
each line of the document.
HYPHENATION: - it turns on hyphenation which allows word to
break lines between the syllables of words.
Steps- 1:-select the text.
2:-click on the column combo from the ribbon bar.
3:- select the number of column.
4:-or click on the more column option to insert more columns.
5:-it displays a dialog box from which set the number of columns.
6:-click on ok.
WATERMARK: - it inserts ghosted text behind the content on the
PAGE COLOR: - it chooses color for the back ground of the pages.
PAGE BORDERS: - it adds or changes the border around the page.
POSITION: - it positions the selected object on the page. Then the
text is automatically set around the object.
INDENT (LEFT/RIGHT): - it inserts margin to the left side of the
selected paragraph.
Steps- 1:-select the paragraph.
2:-click on the indent left/right combo from the ribbon bar and
set the margin.
SPACING (AFTER/BEFORE):- it changes the spacing between the
paragraphs by adding space above or below the paragraph.
Steps- 1:-select the paragraph.
2:- 2:-click on the spacing after/before combo from the ribbon
bar and set the spacing.
BRING TO FRONT: - it is used to bring the selected object forward
one level or to the front of all objects.
SEND TO BACK: - it is used to send the selected object backward
one level or to the back o0f all objects.
TEXT WRAPPING: - it changes the way text wraps around the
selected object.
ALIGN: - it aligns the edges of multiple selected objects. We can
also center them or distribute them evenly across the page.
GROUP: - it groups more than one selected object together so that
they can be treated as single object.
Steps- 1:-select the objects.
2:-click on the group button from the ribbon bar.
ROTATE: - it rotate or flip the selected object.
Steps- 1:-select the object.
2:-click on the rotate button from the ribbon bar for flip or
rotate the object.
TABLE OF CONTENTS: - it adds a table of contents to the

ADD TEXT: - it adds current paragraph as an entry in the table of

UPDATE TABLE: - it updates the table of contents so that all the
entries refer to the correct page number.
If you add any heading in page then click on update table.
INSERT FOOTNOTE: - it adds the footnote to the document.
Footnotes are automatically renumbered as you move text
around the document.
INSERT ENDNOTE: - it adds endnotes to the document.
Endnotes are placed at the end of the document.
NEXT FOOTNOTE: - it navigates to the next footnote in the
Show note:-scroll the document to show where the foot note or
end note are located.
Cite a book, journal article, or other periodical as the source for a
piece of information in the document.
INSERT CAPTION:-Add caption to picture or other image.
A caption is a line of text that appears below an object to
describe it.
MARK ENTRY: - Include the selected text in the index of the
MARK CITATION: - Add the selected text as an entry in the Table
of Authorities.
ENVELOPES: - it creates or prints the envelops.
Steps- 1:-click on the envelop button from the ribbon bar of
mailing tab.
2:- it displays a dialog box in which put the delivery address and
return address.
3:- click on add to document.
LABELS: - it creates or prints the Labels.
Steps- 1:-click on the envelop button from the ribbon bar of
mailing tab.
2:- it displays a dialog box in which put the address.
3:- click on print button.
MAIL MERGE:-this option is used to create a letter which we want
to print or e-mail multiple times, sending each copy to different
Steps- 1:-write a letter format.
2:-select letters option from the start mail merge combo of the
ribbon bar.
3:-then select type a new list option from the select recipient
combo of the ribbon bar.
4:-then it displays a dialog box from which click on customize
column button.
5:-then it displays another dialog box from which deletes all the
old fields and enters the new fields.
6:-click on ok.
7:-now enter the records at the appropriate fields.
8:-then click on ok.
9:-place cursor at the appropriate location and insert the merge
10:-then click on edit individual letters option from the finish &
merge combo of the ribbon bar.
11:- then click on ok.
SPELLING AND GRAMMAR (F7):- it checks the spelling and
grammar of the text within the document.
Steps- 1:- place cursor at the beginning of the document.
2:-click on the spelling and grammar button from the ribbon
3:-it displays a dialog box in which it gives some suggestions to
correct the errors.
4:- click on change.
RESEARCH (ALT+ENTER):- it opens the research task pane to
search through reference materials such as dictionaries,
translation service etc.
THESAURUS (SHIFT+F7):- it suggests other words with a similar
meaning to the word we selected.
TRANSLATE: - it translates a selected text into different
NEW COMMENT: - it inserts a comment to the selected text.
translates the word you pause the cursor over into another
SET LANGUAGE: - it sets the language which is used to check the
spelling and grammar of the selected text.
WORD COUNT: - it finds out the number of words, characters,
lines, paragraphs and pages used in the document.
DELETE: - it deletes the selected comment.
PREVIOUS/ NEXT: - navigate to the previous/ next comment in the
TRACK CHANGE: - it tracks all changes to the document such as
insertions, deletions, and formatting changes.
BALLOONS: - we can show revisions as balloons in the margins of
the documents or show them directly within the document itself
changes included. Original shows the document before any
changes were made. The markup shows what changes have been
SHOW MARKUP: - it chooses what kind of markup to show in the
document. We can show or hide comments, insertions, deletions,
formatting and other kind of markup.
REVIEWING PANE: - it shows revisions in a separate window.
ACCEPT: - it is used to accept all the changes in the document.
REJECT: - it is used to reject all the changes in the document.
PREVIOUS/NEXT: - it navigates to the previous/next revision in
the document so that we can accept or reject it.
COMPARE: - it compares or combines multiple versions of a
SHOW SOURCE DOCUMENT:-it is used to choose which source
documents to show. We can show the original document, revised
document or both.
PROTECT DOCUMENT: - it restricts how the people can access
the document.
Steps- 1:- click on the protect document combo from the ribbon
bar of the review tab.
2:- restrict formatting and editing check box.
3:- click on the allow only this type of editing in the document
check box.
4:- select the protection type.
5:- click on the yes start enforcing protection box.
6:- it displays the start enforcing protection dialog box in
which enter the password twice.
7:- then click on ok.
PRINT LAYOUT: - it is used to view the document as it will appear on
the printed page.
FULL SCREEN READING: - view the document in full screen reading
view in order to maximize the space available for reading or
commenting the document
WEB LAYOUT: - it is used to view the document as it would look as a
web page.
OUTLINE: - it is used to view the document as an outline and show
the outlining tools.
DRAFT: - it is used to view the document as a draft to quickly edit
the document. In this view certain elements of the document such
as headers and footers will not be visible in this view.
RULER: - it shows or hides the ruler. Ruler is used to measure and
line up the object of the document.
GRIDLINE: - it is used to turn on gridlines to which you can align
objects in the document.
can use to navigate a long document through small pictures of
each page.
ZOOM: - it opens the zoom dialog box which is used to change the
magnification of the document.
100%:- it zooms the document to 100% of the normal size.
ONE PAGE: - it zoom the document so that an entire page fit in
the window.
TWO PAGES: - it zoom the document so that two pages fit in the
PAGE WIDTH: - it zoom the document so that the width of the
page matches the width of the window.
NEW WINDOW: - it opens a new window containing a view of the
current document.
ARRANGE ALL: - it tiles all the opened program windows side by
side on the screen.
SPLIT: - it splits the current windows in to two parts so that you
can view different section of the document at the same time
VIEW SIDE BY SIDE: - view two documents side by side so that
you can compare their contents.
SYNCHRONOUS SCROLLING: - it synchronies the scrolling of two
documents so that they scroll together. To enable this feature
turn on view side by side.
RESET WINDOW POSITION: - it reset the window position of the
documents being compared side by side, so that they share the
screen equally. To enable this feature turn on view side by side.
SWITCH WINDOWS: - it is used to switch to different currently
opened windows.
MACROS: - this option is used to record the text for future
reference. Or we can run the existing macros.
1: click on macros combo of view tab from the ribbon bar.
2:- then click on the record macro option.
3:- it displays a dialog box in which type a macro name.
4:- click on ok.
5:- now type some text.
6:- then click on stop recording option from the macro combo of
the ribbon bar.
1:-place cursor where we want to run the macro.
2:-click on macros combo of the ribbon bar.
3:- select view macros option.
4:- it displays a dialog box from which select the macro.
5:- then click on run button.

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