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JRL JRL of the Faculty of

Commerce for July 2015,Vol. 52 No. 2

Scientific Research.
Dr.Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administra-
Lecturer in Productivity
and Quality Institute, Arab
tive Reform: Organizational Chart-
Academy for Science, Tech- ing in Egypt
nology and Maritime Transport

Abstract: 1.Introduction
This paper is a qualitative single Accountability for a government is
case study that describes the importance an aim that needs to be reached espe-
of public administrative reform through cially in democratic governments (Mul-
introducing a problem that is faced by
gan 2000); it has been investigated that
the Egyptian government due to the non
existence of a well defined organiza- accountability has a major role in the
tional chart. It reviews the Egyptian sit- initiation of a revolution (Islam 2013).
uation, the organizational chart and str- In order to reach public accountability,
ucture existence in Arab and Non-Arab governments need to ensure several as-
countries; then finally proposes a rec- pects such as performance management
ommendation for ministries and an or- and control. Governmental performance
ganizational chart that may help in the
management is important for govern-
stability of the governmental system.
The paper shows the effect of organi- ments as it helps in presenting and ad-
zational chart reengineering and thus dressing the issues of accountability
illustrates the effect of having a formal and transparency (Swee 2012; Newco-
documented organizational chart with mer and Caudle 2011) while the more
defined ministries on decreasing admin- control a government has over public
istrative costs and reaching more accu- servants, the more accountability it has
rate information about ministries‟ per-
(Mulgan 2000). Moreover, several ex-
formance. This leads to a more effec-
tive governmental performance man- amples in countries showed that acco-
agement, accountability which results untability cannot stand alone without a
in the stability of the governmental ad- wider perspective of the whole gover-
ministration and governance which will nment in order to help increase organi-
consequently increase social stability. zational learning (Greiling and Hala-
chmi 2013)
Keywords: New Public Management,
Now after two revolutions (as will
Organizational Chart, Egyptian Rev-
be discussed in Section 3), it is time for
olution, Accountability, Egypt
Egypt to catch up with other governme-
Article Classification: Case Study
nts that started their public sector and
governmental reform through „New Pu-
blic Management‟ (NPM) (Cope et al.
1997; Kloot 2009).
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

New public management and acco- ence of ambiguous organizational str-

untability are strongly related (Osborne ucture.
2002; Denhardt and Denhardt 2011)  Pointing out the effect of the „many
and according to Hansson and Longva hands problem‟ that may face gov-
ernments and reduce accountability.
(2014), accountability is the possibility
 The importance of documentation for
of holding the public servants responsi- organization chart and details of or-
ble for their actions. ganizational structure for improved
Denhardt and Denhardt (2011) stat- accountability.
ed that the public sector‟s initial aim is 2. Research Problem
to reach public accountability which NPM is „characterized by the adop-
can be reached through measuring and tion of private sector management con-
managing performance. This is empha- cepts and styles, the introduction of
sized even more through 14 key ele- quasi-markets and contracting process-
ments that are essential for governmen- es and the application of explicit stand-
tal performance measurement and man- ards and measures of performance‟ (Gl-
agement (Islam 2010). One of those el- ynn and Murphy 1996); accordingly,
ements is about precisely knowing the one of the basic functions in manage-
responsibilities of each one in the gov- ment is having a well structured organi-
ernment in order to identify rewards zational chart that facilitates managing
and punishments that consequently bu- an organization (Plunkett et al. 2013;
ild accountability in a country, which Ebert and Griffin 2013).
helps in maintaining control of public Previous literature concerning NPM
servants (Mulgan 2000). Sections 2 and showed the importance of the existence
3 will investigate to what extent Egypt of such a managerial trend in the public
lacked this element and how the lack of sector, moreover, it revealed how acco-
this element increased political and eco- untability can cause a problem in some
nomic instability in the country, espe- countries if not combined with close
cially after a revolution broke out in performance management and measure-
Egypt. ement. However, the researcher found a
This paper intends to clarify several lack in resources revealing the impact
aspects in the context of public sector of the inexistence of NPM in a govern-
management; these aspects are: ment on both political and economic
 The importance of existence of well stability of a country. Accordingly, the
defined organizational structure and research is investigating Egypt as a case
organizational chart in order to ach- study.
ieve a higher level of accountability. Taking this into consideration and
 Showing the results of the inexistence
based on a previous research that inves-
of organizational chart and the exist-
tigated the governmental performance
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

management in Egypt (Islam 2010), the oblem in Egypt in the years from 2011
author noticed that several interviewees until 2015 because of several changes
commented negatively on the perfor- in the political and governmental life in
mance measurement element discussed Egypt as will be shown in Section 3.
in Section 1 concerning „identifying ea- Accordingly, Egypt is starting now a
ch activity in the organization and as- new administrative reform strategy that
signing its responsibilities for more pu- aims to reach high public accountability
blic accountability. through transparency, professionalism
Not all interviewees agreed that and justice to reach citizen happiness
there is a well defined organizational (MOP 2015). Nevertheless, the MOP
chart in the Egyptian government. Most (2015) did not mention anything about
of them ensured that there is an organi- having an organizational chart for the
zational chart in the ministries but not country although organizing through a
for the whole government. structure and a chart are essential ele-
The interviewed Member of Parlia- ments in any organization (Ebert and
ment (MP) (of the Education Commit- Griffin 2013), and if Egypt is aiming
tee in the Local Parliament of Alexan- for public administrative reform thro-
dria-Egypt) stated that the non exist- ugh NPM it needs to take organizing
ence of this element made it „difficult to into consideration.
know where a complaint can be prese- Therefore, this paper starts from or-
nted or to whom a recommendation can ganizing in order to show the impact of
be given or even who can be accused of the inexistence of a well defined organ-
corruption or irregularity when it hap- ization structure and the inexistence of
pens‟. The MP also added that organi- organizational chart on a country when
zational structure in the Egyptian gov- there is turbulence in its external envi-
ernment is present but inefficient. ronment and proposing a solution for
The Assistant Secretary General for the problem.
the Ministers‟ Council stated that alt- This research is a qualitative, deduc-
hough the organizational structure in tive and descriptive single case study
the Egyptian government is present, it that describes the problem in the Gov-
is ineffective in creating accountability ernmental Egyptian Case and aims to
as „it is known only by the intelligent propose a solution. For the purpose of
and the elite level of society‟. this research, data was collected using
Moreover, after the research was documentation from official websites of
conducted in 2010; a revolution started governments, official video websites of
in Egypt in 2011 (Fadel 2011; Nick and News Channels and literature review
Siddhartha 2011; Islam 2013) which from latest published researches in the
made governmental accountability a pr- field of study.
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

Purposive Expert sampling tech- President Hosny Mubarak (Islam 2013;

nique was used for the validation of the Barsoum 2013; World Bank 2014) and
proposed Ministries and Organizational starting a new era of political instability
Chart through the conduction of semi as he stepped down handing over the
structured and unstructured interviews. rule of Egypt to the Supreme Council of
The unstructured interviews were con- the Armed Forces who faced much in-
ducted with Egyptian government offi- stability because of inadequate govern-
cials, while the semi structured intervi- mental performance from the public
ews were conducted with senior aca- citizens‟ perspective (Al Ahram 2011;
demic staff members in the managerial El Aiady 2012). This continued until
field and experts in the legal field. Aca- the year 2012 where presidential elec-
demic staff members interviewed were tions were conducted and President
selected to have a minimum of ten yea- Mohammed Morsi was elected (The
rs of experience in the managerial field. Of-ficial Site for Presidential Elections
Governmental officials are experts in 2012; World Bank 2014).This could
the practical governmental field who have been the beginning of a period of
spent not less than two years in the gov- desired stability, but soon everything
ernmental managerial field in order to changed as the new president did not
be qualified for validation of the minis- satisfy the political and social needs of
tries‟ proposed names. Experts in the the revolutionary youth and citizens
legal field of no less than 10 years of who found out that his policy was re-
experience with knowledge in the new placing the Egyptian moderate and pe-
constitution were selected to help in aceful identity with a new different id-
validating the location of „Independent entity that was refused by a large nu-
Establishments‟ in the organizational mber of Egyptians (Masress 2013; State
chart. Further details about all the inter- Information Service 2014a).
viewees will be presented in Sections 5 This situation initiated a revolution
and 6. in 2013 which caused the Egyptian Ar-
2.1 Egypt from the year 2011 until med Forces and the Civil Police to side
the year 2015 with the public in order to prevent the
Since 2011 Egypt has been passing country from slipping into civil war
through dramatic political changes that (Altahrirtvchannel 2013). This contin-
made it important for researchers to in- ued with an agreement between several
vestigate the effect of those years on the national parties (youth, women, politi-
governmental performance as well as cal parties, Islamic parties, the Egyptian
several aspects of life for Egyptians. Church, and other political icons) that
In the year 2011 a revolution started there will is a road map consisting of
in January ending the 30 year rule of main four milestones; first, nominating
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

the Head of the Constitutional Court as and discuss the effect of the non exist-
a transitional president; second, amend- ence of a defined organizational chart,
ing the constitution of 2012 which had this section shows these governments
many pitfalls and was one of the rea- and the amendments done in each of
sons of 2013 revolution; third, electing them. The source of information and re-
a president; and fourth, electing the leg- ference for the governmental structure
islation bodies (ONtv 2013a; State In- is presented below each in a table; wh-
formation Service 2014b; World Bank ile the amendments column is the au-
2014). thor‟s own analysis.
All these political changes and in- The author started the analysis from
stability in addition to the lack of well the last Prime Minister in Egypt before
defined practices that help in managing 2011 revolution and who started being
governmental performance were refle- responsible in 2004 (State Information
cted on the accountability between citi- Service, 2014d). The analysis will be
zens and different governments and this shown in tables showing the date of the
was shown in the vast change of gov- government and the amendments done
ernments within that period as will be by each government in changing its fo-
presented in Section 3. rmer one:
3. Egyptian Governments  The last Prime Minister in Egypt be-
Several governments assumed office fore 2011 revolution is Dr Ahmad
in Egypt within the period 2011-2015 Nazeef who had to construct two go-
vernments (Egyptian Gazette 2004);
(State Information Service 2014c) as
the first was from 9/7/2004 until
discussed earlier and in order to analyze 30/12/2005 Table (1).
TABLE 1: Dr Ahmad Nazeef’s first government from 9 / 7 / 2004 until 30/12/2005
Ministries 9 July 2004
1. Defense and Military Production 2.Tourism
3. Military Production 4.Public Works and Water Resources
5. Interior 6.Electricity and Energy
7. Foreign Affairs 8.Foreign Trade and Industry
9. Finance 10. International Cooperation
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Planning
13. Local Development 14. Justice
15. Administrative Development 16. Investment
17. Religious Endowment (Awqaf) 18. Supply and Internal Trade
19. Agriculture and Land Reclamation 20. Transport
21. Civil Aviation 22. Health and Population
23. Communication and Information Technology 24. Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities
25. Culture 26. Petroleum and Mineral Resources
27. Information 28. Consultancy (Al Shoura) Council Affairs
29. Education 30. Public (Al Saab) Council Affairs
31. Manpower 32. Youth
33. Insurance and Social Affairs 34. Higher Education and Scientific Research
The second Government was 31/12/2005 until 29/11/2011 Table (2).
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

TABLE 2: Dr Ahmad Nazeef’s second government from 31 / 12 / 2005 until

29 / 1 /2011
Ministries 31 December 2005 Amendments
1. Defense and Military
2. Manpower
3. Military Production 4. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs
5. Interior 6. International Cooperation
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy  Changing the name of Ministry
9. Finance and Insurance 10. Education of “Insurance and Social Af-
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice fairs” into “Social Solidarity”
13. Planning and Local  Changing the name of Ministry
14. Transport of “Finance” into “Finance
and Insurance”
15. Religious Endowment
16. Health and Population  Combining two Ministries
17. Agriculture and Land 18. Housing, Utilities and Urban Commu- “Planning” and “Local Devel-
Reclamation nities opment” to be “Planning and
Local Development”
19. Civil Aviation 20. Petroleum and Mineral Resources
 Combining two Ministries
21. Communication and
“Public (Al Saab) Council Af-
Information Technol- 22. Public Works and Water Resources
fairs” and “Consultancy (Al
Shoura) Council Affairs” to be
23. Culture 24. Social Solidarity “Legal and Parliamentary Af-
26. Higher Education and Scientific Re- fairs”
25. Information
search  Cancelling Ministry of
27. Administrative De- “Youth”
28. Tourism
29. Investment 30. Foreign Trade and Industry
31. Supply and Internal
 Dr. Ahmed Nazeef made limited amendments in his second government on
27/8/2006 as presented in Table (3).
TABLE 3: Limited amendments made by Dr. Ahmed Nazeef
Ministries 27 August 2006 Amendments
1. Defense and Military Production 2. Manpower
3. Military Production 4. Legal and Parliamentary Affairs
5. Interior 6. Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy
9. Finance and Insurance 10. Foreign Trade and Industry
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice  Re-separating the
13. Local Development 14. Transport Ministry of “Plan-
15. Administrative Development 16. Health and Population ning and Local De-
17. Religious Endowment (Awqaf) 18. Supply and Internal Trade velopment” into
two Ministries
19. Agriculture and Land Reclamation 20. Petroleum and Mineral Resources
“Local Develop-
21. Civil Aviation 22. International Cooperation
ment” and “Plan-
23. Communication and Information ning and Economic
24. Social Solidarity
Technology Development”
25. Culture 26. Investment
27. Planning and Economic Develop-
28. Public Works and Water Resources
29. Information 30. Higher Education and Scientific Research
31. Education 32. Tourism
 After the spark of the 2011 revolution a governmental change was conducted and
the prime minster was Dr. Ahmed Shafiq who constructed a government from
30/1/2011 until 11/2/2011 (State Information Service, 2014d) as described in Ta-
ble (4).
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

TABLE 4: Dr. Ahmed Shafiq government 30/1/2011 until 11/2/2011

Ministries 31 January 2011 Amendments
1. Defense and Military  Introducing the title of “Deputy of
2. Manpower and Migration
Production Prime Minister”
3. Military Production
4. Legal Affairs and Public  Changing the name of Ministry of
(Al Saab) Council Affairs “Manpower” into “Manpower and
6. Water Resources and Irri- Migration”
5. Interior
gation  Reseparating the Ministry of “Le-
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy gal and Parliamentary Affairs” into
9. Finance 10. Trade and Industry two Minstries “Legal Affairs and
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice Public (Al Saab) Council Affairs”
13. Antiquities‟ Affairs 14. Transport and “Consultancy (Al Shoura)
15. Religious Endowment Council Affairs”
16. Health  Separating the Ministry of “Health
17. Agriculture and Land 18. Housing and Urban and Population” into two Minis-
Reclamation Communities tries “Health” and “Family and
20. Petroleum and Mineral Population”
19. Civil Aviation
Resources  Introducing the Ministry of “An-
21. Communication and 22. International Coopera- tiquities‟ Affairs”
Information Technology tion  Cancelling Ministry of “Adminis-
trative Development”
23. Culture 24. Social Solidarity  Cancelling Ministry of “Supply
and Internal Trade”
25. Information
26. Higher Education and  Cancelling Ministry of “Invest-
Scientific Research ment”
 Changing the name of Ministry of
“Public Works and Water Re-
sources” into “Water Resources
and Irrigation”
 Cancelling Ministry of “Local De-
 Cancelling Ministry of “Educa-
 Cancelling Ministry of “Tourism”
28. Consultancy (Al Shoura)  Cancelling Ministry of “Planning”
27. Family and Population  Changing the name of Ministry of
Council Affairs
“External Trade and Industry” into
“Trade and Industry”
 Changing the name of Ministry of
“Housing, Utilities and Urban De-
velopment” into “Housing and Ur-
ban Communities”
 Changing the name of Ministry of
“Finance and Insurance” into “Fi-
Source: AlOula (2011); Egyptian Gazette (2011a)
 Dr. Ahmed Shafeeq made limited amendments in his government on 13/2/2011
after the stepping down of President Hosny Mubarak (State Information Service,
2014e) as presented in Table (5).

Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

TABLE 5: Limited amendments made by Dr. Ahmed Shafeeq:

Ministries 13 February 2011 Amendments
1. Defense and Military Produc-
2. Manpower and Migration
4. Legal Affairs and Public (Al  Introducing the Ministry of
3. Military Production
Saab) Council Affairs “Migration and Egyptians‟
6. Water Resources and Irriga- Affairs”
5. Interior
tion  Cancelling Ministry of “In-
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy formation”
9. Finance 10. Trade and Industry  Separating the Ministry of
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice “Higher Education and Sci-
entific Research” into two
13. Antiquities‟ Affairs 14. Transport
Ministries “Higher Education
15. Religious Endowment
16. Health and Population and Education” and “Scien-
tific Research, Sciences and
17. Agriculture and Land Rec- 18. Housing and Urban Com- Technology”
lamation munities
 Changing the name of Minis-
20. Petroleum and Mineral
19. Civil Aviation try of “Social Solidarity” into
“Solidarity and Social Equal-
21. Communication and Infor- ity”
22. International Cooperation
mation Technology
 Cancelling Ministry of
24. Solidarity and Social “Family and Population”
23. Culture
 Changing the name of Minis-
25. Migration and Egyptian 26. Higher Education and Ed-
try of “Health” into “Health
Affairs ucation and Population”
27. Scientific Research, Sci- 28. Consultancy (Al Shoura)  Recalling Ministry of “Tour-
ences and Technology Council Affairs ism”
29. Tourism
Source: ONtv (2011a)
 This Ministry did not last for long as the Supreme Council for Armed Forces
(SCAF) nominated Dr. Essam Sharaf to be the Prime Minister on 3/3/2011 until
30/11/2011 (State Information Service, 2014e) as presented in Table (6).
TABLE 6: Dr. Essam Sharaf government 3/3/2011 until 30/11/2011
Ministries 7 March 2011 Amendments
1. Defense and Military Pro-
2. Manpower and Migration  Reseparating the Ministry “Higher
duction Education and Education” into
3. Military Production 4. Tourism two Ministries “Higher Education,
6. Water Resources and Irri- Scientific Research and Technol-
5. Interior
gation ogy” and “Education”
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy  Recombining the Ministries of
10. Industry and Foreign “Higher Education” and “Scien-
9. Finance
Trade tific Research” into a new Minis-
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice try “Higher Education, Scientific
13. Local Development 14. Transport Research and Technology”
15. Religious Endowment  Recalling the Ministry of “Local
16. Health and Population Development”
17. Agriculture and Land 18. Housing, Utilities and  Cancelling Ministry of “Migration
Reclamation Urban Development and Egyptian Affairs”
20. Petroleum and Mineral  Cancelling Ministry of “Legal
19. Civil Aviation
Resources Affairs and Public (Al Saab)
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

21. Communication and 22. Planning and Internation- Council Affairs)

Information Technology al Cooperation  Cancelling Ministry of “Consul-
24. Solidarity and Social tancy (Al Shoura) Council Af-
23. Culture
Justice fairs”
 Cancelling Ministry of “Antiqui-
ties‟ Affairs”
 Changing the name of Ministry of
“International Cooperation” into
“Planning and International Coop-
26. Higher Education, Scien- eration”
25. Education tific Research and Tech-  Changing the name of Ministry of
nology “Housing and Urban Communi-
ties” into “Housing, Utilities and
Urban Development”
 Renaming the Ministry of “Trade
and Industry” to be “Industry and
Foreign Trade”
Source: ONtv (2011b); Egyptian Gazette (2011b)
 Dr. Essam Sharaf made limited amendments in his government on 21/7/2011
(State Information Service, 2014e) as presented in Table (7).
TABLE 7: Limited amendments made by Dr. Essam Sharaf:
Ministries 21 July 2011 Amendments
1. Defense and Military Produc-
2. Manpower and Migration
3. Military Production 4. Tourism  Introducing Prime Minis-
5. Interior 6. Water Resources and Irrigation ter Deputy for “Dialogue
and Democratic Trans-
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy
formation Affairs”
9. Finance 10. Industry and Foreign Trade
 Recalling the Ministry of
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice
13. Local Development 14. Transport
 Introducing a new Minis-
15. Religious Endowment
16. Health and Population try of “The Public Busi-
ness Sector”
17. Agriculture and Land Recla- 18. Housing, Utilities and Urban
 Changing the name of
mation Development
Ministry of “Higher Ed-
19. Civil Aviation 20. Petroleum and Mineral Resources ucation, Scientific Re-
21. Communication and Infor- 22. Planning and International Coop- search and Technology”
mation Technology eration into “Higher Education
23. Culture 24. Solidarity and Social Justice and Scientific Research”
26. Higher Education, Scientific
25. Education
27. Information 28. The Public Business Sector
Source: State Information Service (2014e)
 This government was changed after that where Dr. Kamal El Ganzoury was nom-
inated as a Prime Minister and conducted his government on 30/11/2011 until
2/8/2011 (State Information Service, 2014e) as shown in Table (8).

Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

TABLE 8: Dr. Kamal El Ganzoury government 30 November 2011until 2 August

Ministries 30 November 2011 Amendments
1.Defense and Military Produc-
2. Manpower and Migration
tion  No Deputies for the Prime
3.Military Production 4. Tourism Minister
6. Water Resources and Irriga-  Recalling the Ministry of “A-
tion ntiquities‟ Affairs”
7.Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy  Cancelling Ministry of “Soli-
9.Finance 10. Industry and Foreign Trade darity and Social Justice”
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice  Introducing a new Ministry of
13. Local Development 14. Transport “Insurances and Social Affairs”
15. Religious Endowment  Introducing a new Ministry of
16. Health and Population
(Awqaf) “The Affairs of the Public (Al
17. Agriculture and Land Rec- 18. Housing, Utilities and De- Saab) Council and the Consul-
lamation velopment tancy (Al Sho-ura) Council”
20. Petroleum and Mineral  Reseparating the Ministry “Hi-
19. Civil Aviation
Resources gher Education and Scien-tific
21. Communication and Infor- 22. Planning and International Research” into two Ministries
mation Technology Cooperation  Cancelling Ministry of “The
23. Culture 24. Supply and Internal Trade Public Business Sector”
25. Education 26. Antiquities‟ Affairs  Changing the name of Ministry
27. Higher Education 28. Information of “Housing, Utilities and Ur-
29. The Affairs of the Public ban Development” into “Ho-
(Al Saab) Council and the using, Utilities and Develop-
30. Scientific Research ment”
Consultancy (Al Shoura)
Council  Recalling the Ministry of
31. Insurances and Social Af- “Supply and Internal Trade”
Source: State Information Service (2014e)
 Presidential elections were conducted in the end of June 2012 and a new govern-
ment was selected under the management of Dr. Hesham Qandeel as the Prime
Minister from 24/7/2012 until 15/7/2013 (State Information Service, 2014f) as
represented in Table (9).
TABLE 9: Dr. Hesham Qandeel government 24 July 2013 until 15 July 2013
Ministries 24 July 2012 Amendments
1.Defense and Military Pro-
2. Manpower and Migration  Introducing a new Minis-
duction try of “Sports Affairs”
3.Military Production 4. Tourism  Introducing a new Minis-
5.Interior 6. Water Resources and Irrigation try of “Potable Water and
7.Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy Sewage”
9.Finance 10. Industry and Foreign Trade  Recalling the Ministry of
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice “Youth Affairs”
13. Local Development 14. Transport  Recalling the Ministry of
15. Religious Endowment “Investment”
16. Health and Population
(Awqaf)  Changing the name of
17. Agriculture and Land Ministry of “The Affairs
18. Housing and Urban Communities
Reclamation of the Public (Al Saab)
19. Civil Aviation 20. Petroleum and Mineral Resources Council and the Consul-
21. Communication and In- 22. Planning and International Coop- tancy (Al Shoura) Coun-
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

formation Technology eration cil” into “Parliamentary

23. Culture 24. Supply and Internal Trade Affairs”
25. Education 26. Antiquities‟ Affairs  Changing the name of
27. Higher Education 28. Information Ministry of “Housing,
29. Potable Water and Sew- Utilities and Urban
30. Sports Affairs Communities” into
31. Youth Affairs 32. Scientific Research “Housing and Urban
33. Parliamentary Affairs 34. Investment Communities”
35. Insurances and Social
Source: ONtv (2012); Egyptian Gazette (2012)
 In 30th of June 2013 a revolution initiated in Egypt and the government changed
where now Dr. Hazem El Beblawy was nominated as the Prime Minister from
16/7/2013 until 24/2/2014 (State Information Service, 2013) as shown in Table
TABLE 10: Dr. Hazem El Beblawy government 16 July 2013 until 24 February 2014
Ministries 16 July 2013 Amendments
1. Defense and Military 2. Manpower and Migra-  Assigning three Deputies for the
Production tion Prime Minister.
3. Military Production 4. Tourism  Separating the Ministry of “Plan-
6. Water Resources and ning and International Coopera-
5. Interior
Irrigation tion” into two Ministries
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Energy  Introducing a new Ministry of
9. Finance 10.Trade and Industry “Transitional Justice and National
11. Environmental Affairs 12.Justice Reconciliation”
13. Local Development 14.Transport  Recalling the Ministry of “Social
15. Religious Endowment Solidarity”
16.Health and Population
(Awqaf)  Cancelling the Ministry of “Insur-
17. Agriculture and Land 18.Housing, Utilities and ances and Social Affairs”
Reclamation Urban Communities  Cancelling the Ministry of “Pota-
20. Petroleum and Mineral ble Water and Sewage”
19. Civil Aviation
Resources  Cancelling the Ministry of “Par-
21. Communication and 22. International Coopera- liamentary Affairs”
Information Technology tion  Changing the name of Ministry of
23. Culture 24. Supply “Supply and Internal Trade” into
25. Education 26. Antiquities‟ Affairs “Supply”
27. Higher Education 28. Information  Changing the name of Ministry of
29. Transitional Justice and “Industry and Foreign Trade” into
30. Sports Affairs “Industry and Trade”
National Reconciliation
31. Social Solidarity 32. Scientific Research  Changing the name of Ministry of
33. Youth Affairs 34. Investment “Housing and Urban Communi-
ties” into “Housing, Utilities and
Urban Communities”
 Recombining two Ministries
36. Administrative Devel- “Planning” and “International Co-
35. Planning operation”
 Changing the name of Ministry of
“Antiquities‟ Affairs” into “Antiq-
Source: State Information Service 2013; ONtv 2013b; Egyptian Gazette (2013)

Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

 A new government was formed on 1/3/2014 until 9/6/2014 where Engineer Ibra-
heem Mahlab was nominated as the Prime Minister (State Information Service,
2014g) this government is shown in Table (11).
TABLE 11: Engineer Ibraheem Mahlab government 1 March 2014 until 9 June 2014
Ministries 1 March 2014 Amendments
1. Defense and Military Produc-
2. Manpower and Migration  Introducing a new Ministry of
tion “Transitional Justice and Ho-use
3. Military Production 4. Tourism of Representatives”
5. Interior 6. Water Resources and Irrigation  Combining two Ministries “Y-
7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Renewable Energy outh Affairs” and “Sports Af-
9. Finance 10. Trade, Industry and Investment fairs”
11. Environmental Affairs 12. Justice  Combining two Ministries “L-
13. Local and Administrative ocal Development” and “Admin-
14. Transport istrative Development”
15. Religious Endowment  Combining two Ministries “H-
16. Health and Population igher Education” and “Scientific
17. Agriculture and Land Recla- 18. Housing, Utilities and Urban Research”
mation Communities  Changing the name of Ministry
19. Civil Aviation 20. Petroleum and Mineral Resources of “Electricity and Energy” into
21. Communication and Infor- 22. Planning and International Coop- “Electricity and Renewable En-
mation Technology eration ergy”
23. Culture 24. Supply  Combining two Ministries “Tra-
25. Education 26. Antiquities de and Industry” and “Invest-
27. Higher Education and Scien- ment”
tific Research
28. Information  Recombining two Ministries “Pl-
29. Transitional Justice and anning” and “International Co-
30. Youth and Sports operation”
House of Representatives
 Changing the name of Ministry
31. Social Solidarity and of “Antiquities‟ Affairs” into
Social Equality “Antiquities”
Source: State Information Service 2014g; ONtv 2014; Egyptian Gazette (2014)
 Egyptians conducted new Presidential Elections in 2014 and consequently a new
government was formed on 17/6/2014 until 5/3/2015 and Engineer Ibraheem
Mahlab was nominated again as the Prime Minister (State Information Service,
2014h). This government is presented in Table (12).
TABLE 12: Engineer Ibraheem Mahlab government 17 June 2014 until current:
Ministries 17 June 2014 Amendments
1.Defense and Military Production 2. Manpower and Migration  Cancelling Ministry of “In-
3.Military Production 4. Tourism formation”
6. Water Resources and  Assigning Deputy Minister
Irrigation of Education for Technical
8. Electricity and Renewable Education and Vocational
7.Foreign Affairs
Energy Training
10. Industry, Trade and  Changing the name of Minis-
Small try of “Trade, Industry and
and Medium Sized Enter Investment” into “Industry,
prises Trade and Small
11. Environment 12. Justice and Medium Sized Enterpris
13. Local Development 14. Transport e” and separating it from
15. Religious Endowment (Awqaf) 16. Health and Population “Investment”
17. Agriculture and Land Reclama- 18. Housing, Utilities and  Changing the name of Minis-
tion Urban Communities try of “Planning” into “Plan-

Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

20. Petroleum and Mineral ning, Follow-up and Admin-

19. Civil Aviation
Resources istrative Reform” and sepa-
21. Communication and Infor- 22. International Coopera- rating it from “International
mation Technology tion Cooperation”
24. Planning, Follow-up and  Separating Ministry of “Lo-
23. Culture
Administrative Reform cal and Administrative De-
26. Supply and Internal velopment” to be “Local De-
25. Education velopment” only and cancel-
27. Higher Education 28. Antiquities and Heritage ling “Administrative Devel-
29. Transitional Justice and House opment”
30. Scientific Research  Changing the name of Minis-
of Representatives
31. Social Solidarity 32. Investment try of “Social Solidarity and
Social Equality” into “Social
Solidarity “
 Introducing a new Ministry
of “Urban Development and
Slum Areas”
 Changing the name of Minis-
try of “Antiquities” into “A-
33. Urban Development and Slum ntiquities and Heritage”
34. Youth and Sports
 Changing the name of Minis-
try of “Environmental Affa-
irs” into “Environment”
 Separating Ministry of “Hi-
gher Education and Scien-
tific Research” into two Mi-
Source: State Information Service (2014h)
 Limited amendments were conducted on the government on the 5/3/2015 in Eng.
Ibraheem Mahlab‟s government as presented in Table (13).
TABLE 13: Limited amendments made by Engineer Ibrahim Mahlab:
Ministries 5 March 2015 Amendments
1. Defense and Military Pro-
2. Manpower and Migration
3. Military Production 4. Tourism
5. Interior 6. Water Resources and Irrigation

7. Foreign Affairs 8. Electricity and Renewable Energy

 Separating Ministry of
9. Finance
10. Industry, Trade and Small “Health and Population”
and Medium Sized Enterprises to be “Health” only and a
new one called “Popula-
11. Environment 12. Justice
 Introducing a new Minis-
13. Local Development 14. Transport
try of “Technical Educa-
15. Religious Endowment tion and Training”
16. Health
17. Agriculture and Land Rec- 18. Housing, Utilities and Urban
lamation Communities

19. Civil Aviation 20. Petroleum and Mineral Resources

Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

21. Communication and In-

22. International Cooperation
formation Technology

24. Planning, Follow-up and Adminis-

23. Culture
trative Reform
25. Education 26. Supply and Internal Trade

27. Higher Education 28. Antiquities and Heritage

29. Transitional Justice and
30. Scientific Research
House of Representatives
31. Social Solidarity 32. Investment
33. Urban Development and
34. Youth and Sports
Slum Areas
35. Population 36. Technical Education and Training
Source: Egyptian Gazette (2015)

From the analysis of the sequential system of any organization and has sci-
Egyptian Governments in the period entific steps to be implemented effec-
from 2004 until 2015; the author con- tively (Petrozzo and Stepper 19-94;
cludes that the non existence of an or- Chan and Peel 1998; Plunkett et al.
ganizational chart for the government 2013). The Egyptian case showed
results in severe and/or major changes floundering in the construction of es-
in the Egyptian State which decreases sential ministries needed for the country
public accountability and increases so- which was left to the vision of the Pr-
cial and economic instability (World ime Minister and not based on a con-
Ec-onomic Forum 2014). The changes sistent strategy and/or goal of the whole
that existed in the tables above (Table 1 political and strategic vision of the co-
to Table 13) were due to the non specif- untry.
ic phrasing of the several versions of Based on this analysis; the author
Egyptian constitution [1971 (WIPO aims through this research to present a
2014); 2013 (State Information Service proposal for the set of the minimum
2015) and 2014 (Constitute 2014)] as number of ministries essential for the
regards to the structure of ministries in government of Egypt and an organiza-
the governments. The phrasing men- tional chart that, if documented and
tions the existence of ministries and the formalized, will help in reducing gov-
reporting, reward and punishment sys- ernmental costs and increasing social
tems in the executive br-anch of the and state stability from both economic
country without specifying the needed and political perspectives (Yetano
ministries. The ch-anges in an organiza- 2013,) this is also a step forward in
tion–in the way that took place in Egypt reaching higher level of accountability
as shown in Section 4– are called „Or- through organizational learning (Greil-
ganizational Reengineering‟ which af- ing and Halachmi 2013). Section4
fects the whole political and economic shows the global adoption of govern-
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

mental organizational charting and the about ministries „classified‟ and needed
extent of organizational charting reen- a username and a password to have ac-
gineering in different world countries. cess; South Sudan (2011) which did not
4. The Global Adoption have an official classification of minis-
In order to emphasize the impo- tries; and the Republic of Lebanon
rtance of the organizational chart in (2014) that had a confusing website
conducting governmental accountabil- where all ministers are deputies in other
ity and transparency as well as in facili- ministries.
tating the role of accountability as a 4.2 Non-Arab Countries
mechanism, the author conducted a re- Since this paper is mainly about ac-
view of governmental organizational countability and transparency, the au-
charts in Arab and Non-Arab countries thor used the „Corruption Perceptions
through the official websites of the Index 2014‟ (Transparency In-ternat-
governments analyzed in Sections 4.1 ional 2014) in order to ch-oose which
and 4.2. countries to review. This Index shows
4.1 Arab Countries the highest and the least corrupted
This review is conducted on all Arab countries in the world and as stated by
countries except those with high politi- several authors (Bovens 2006; Shah
cal instability (Yemen, Libya, Syria, 2007) the lower the corruption, the
Iraq and Palestine). It was conducted on higher the accountability.
Oman 2014, the United Arab Emirates Accordingly, the literature review
2014, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2014, will refer to five countries of the top 20
Qatar 2014, Bahrain 2014, State of least corrupted countries as listed in the
Kuwait 2013, the Republic of Lebanon „Corruption Perceptions Index 2014‟.
2014, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jor- These countries are: on top of the list
dan 20-14, South Sudan 2011, North „Denmark‟, the tenth on the list „Cana-
Sudan 2012, Tunisia 2014, Algeria da‟, the twentieth on the list „the United
2014, and the Kingdom of Morocco States‟, and two randomly selected (the
2014. fourteenth on the list „the United King-
The review of Arab countries re- dom‟ and „Germany‟ the twelfth on the
vealed that there were no organizational list).
charts (just like the case of Egypt). i. Denmark
Several governmental websites provid- Denmark does not have an organiza-
ed sufficient information about the or- tional chart; it has a list of deta-iled
ganizational and the sub organizational ministries on its government‟s official
charts, while other countries did not website (Denmark, 2014a). On the oth-
have sufficient information such as Al- er hand, Denmark (201-4b) shows a list
geria (2014) which kept the information of all previous Danish Governments
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

since 1848 divided into three eras (from iv. The United Kingdom
1848 until the change of system in The United Kingdom (UK) has an
1901, from 1901 until the Constitution- interactive organizational chart that he-
al Amen-dment in 1953 and from 1953 lps user to find the needed information
until today), which shows that the gov- easily. This organizational chart shows
ernment structure only changed three the roles and salaries of members of the
times because of dramatic amendments government and parliament (Public Ro-
causing a reengineering in the whole les and Offices 2014; UK 2014). In the
political system of the country. Having government‟s archives, the government
few changes in the political system thr- en-sures the importance of governmen-
oughout the Danish history since 1848 tal organizational charting and provides
maintained stability and improved ac- organizational charts for each depart-
countability and performance of the Da- ment. The whole government‟s organi-
nish government; this made it the first zational chart includes salaries for each
on list as the least corrupted govern- group of employees (Directgov 2010a;
ment in the world. Directgov 20-10b). Furthermore, for
ii. Canada educational purposes the UK govern-
The Parliament of Canada provides ment posted a simplified organizational
an interactive and educatory website to chart for the British Government and
explain everything about the Canadian Crown (British Government and
government history, the government‟s Crown-Chart 2014).
organizational chart, the Parliament act- v. United States of America (USA)
ivities and the Canadian political sys- The United States of America has a
tem (Ministry of Public Works and document of a governmental organiza-
Government Services Canada 2012; P- tional chart that was constructed upon
arliament of Canada 2014). the American constitution (The United
iii. Germany States Government 2013; Office of the
Due to the Federal nature of the Ge- Federal Register 2013).
rman Government (the Federal Gover- 4.3 Summary of Global Adoption
nment 2014), it has an organizational The author can conclude from Sec-
chart in the Federal Chancellery (organ- tions 4.1 and 4.2 that most of the least
izational Chart of the Federal Chancel- corrupted countries in the world have
lery 2014). According to the Federal an organizational chart to help docu-
Chancellor (20-14), the chancellor has ment the ministries and the relations
the right to choose the members of the between governmental agencies in addi-
ministries and not to restructure or re- tion to facilitating the identification of
engineer the nature of them as present- each activity in the organization and
ed in the Federal Government (2014). assigning its responsibilities.

Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

Moreover, Egypt is proven to have previous Egyptian Ministries in Section

the largest number of ministries among 3 and names of Arab countries‟ minis-
all Arab countries, a fact which does tries from Section 4.1 (because of shar-
not help in assigning responsibilities ing a similar Arab culture) to determine
clearly and consequently it becomes the best names that refer to the content
difficult to build public accountability. of the ministry as required. It is also
Accordingly, for the purpose of this proposed that Ministries of State need
paper that aims to increase the Egyptian to be cancelled, as they are only admin-
government‟s accountability, the next istrative like the current Ministry of
section is a proposed organizational Environmental Affairs which has no
structure and chart for the Egyptian executive powers. The following are
government based upon the information the proposed Ministries:
in Sections 3 and 4. 1. Defense and Military Production
5. Proposed Ministries and which exists in the current govern-
Organizational Chart 2. Military Production which exists in
Based on the information in Section the current government
3 about previous Egyptian governme- 3. Interior which exists in the current
nts, the author proposes that the Egypti- government
an government should have a formal 4. Foreign Affairs which exists in the
documented set of ministries that do not current government
5. Finance which exists in the current
change except when a drastic change
takes place, such as a change in the co- 6. Environmental Affairs and Water
nstitution. According to this proposal, Resources: the Ministry of „Water
the author introduces a set of ministries Resources and Irrigation‟ is pro-
that can be adopted in the Egyptian go- posed to be split and the „Water Re-
vernments and an organizational chart sources‟ is added to the Ministry of
that is based on the Egyptian constitu- Environmental Affairs as both are
closely linked together.
tion (State Information Service 2014i;
7. Agriculture, Land Reclamation and
State Information Service 2014j; Con- Irrigation: the Ministry of „Water
stitute 2014) which is the case in the Resources and Irrigation‟ is pro-
countries enjoying public accountability posed to be split and the „Irrigation‟
as reviewed in Section 4.2. Those coun- is added to the Ministry of Agricul-
tries start their governmental structures ture and Land Reclamation as the
and charts from their countries‟ consti- three are closely related and com-
plementary to each other.
8. Planning and Administrative Devel-
5.1 Proposed Ministries opment: after the 2013 Revolution,
In this section the author proposes it is important to ensure the real
names for ministries according to the managerial and administrative re-
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

form in the Egyptian Government 17. Social Solidarity which exists in the
and clear goals, strategies and plans current government
need to be consistent with this man- 18. Manpower and Migration which
agerial reform. For this reason, it is exists in the current government
proposed that the Ministry of Plan- 19. Electricity and Renewable Energy
ning become Ministry of Pl-anning which exists in the current govern-
and Administrative Development. ment
9. Religious Endowment (Awqaf) whi- 20. International Cooperation which
ch exists in the current government exists in the current government
10. Tourism and Antiquities: Antiquities 21. Justice which exists in the current
are among the most important tourist government
attractions in Egypt and in order to 22. Transport which exists in the current
reach tourist satisfaction from An- government
tiquities, it is proposed that the Min- 23. Health and Population which exists
istry of Tourism and Ministry of An- in the current government
tiquities are merged. 24. Supply and Internal Trade wh-ich
11. Communication and Information exists in the current government
Technology which exists in the cur- 25. Housing, Utilities and Urban Devel-
rent government opment: urban development plays an
12. Culture and Youth: after the 2013 important role in housing; hence the
revolution, several cultural aspects author finds it beneficial to be
need to be built in the youth psy- merged with housing and utilities
chology which necessitates merging that are needed for fine housing.
both the Ministries of Culture and 26. Petroleum and Mineral Resources
Youth. This is also found in the which exists in the current govern-
government of the United Arab Em- ment
irates (United Arab Emirates, 2014). 27. Sports Affairs: sports are not only
13. Education and Higher Education: for youth and they are needed for a
since education is a continuous pro- healthy and productive society.
cess, it is proposed that the „Ministry 28. Livestock and Fisheries Develop-
of Education‟ and „Ministry of Hi- ment: new projects in Egypt are now
gher Education‟ are merged. aiming to increase both livestock
14. Industry and Foreign Trade: like and fisheries; the extended produc-
past governments as „Small and Me- tion of both makes it important to
dium Sized Enterprises‟ can be a have a new ministry that is mainly
department or unit inside the minis- concerned with both fields. This
try. Ministry is also found in North Su-
15. Scientific Research which exists in dan (North Sudan 2012) where it is
the current government called „Animal Resources, Fisheries
16. Parliamentary Affairs: there will be and Pasture‟. However, as Egypt has
a need for this ministry in new gov- no much „pasture‟, the author rec-
ernments after the new Parliament ommends excluding it from the Min-
starts working. istry‟s name. Also the author rec-
ommends th-at the word “develop-
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

ment” is added as the ministry is not  Several establishments each in a sepa-

only responsible for administrating rate chapter similar to that of the main
and managing animal resources and authorities. Those establishments are:
fisheries but also for developing th- the Supreme Constitutional Court, Ju-
em. dicial Bodies, The Legal Profession,
29. Investment and Economic Devel- Aides to the Judiciary, The Armed
opment: investment mainly aims for Forces and The Police Force, The Na-
economic developme-nt and for this tional Elections Commission, The Na-
reason the author recommends that tional Media Council, National Coun-
the Ministry of Investment is rena- cils, Independent Bodies and Regula-
med as „Investment and Economic tory Agencies.
30. Civil Aviation which exists in the
It is not clear whether „The Estab-
current government lishments‟ are independent or follow
one of the three main authorities (Leg-
Note: Local Development: is pro-
islative, Executive and Judicial). This
posed to be canceled and the minister‟s
ambiguity is because all the establish-
duties can be carried out by conserva-
ments except „The Supreme Constitu-
tives who are chosen by the Prime Min-
tional Court‟ report to a member of the
ister and appointed by the President and
executive authority, such as a minister,
who are accountable by local councils
the Prime Minister or the President. On-
and the House of Representatives. The
ly „The Supreme Constitutional Court‟
governor is responsible for its gover-
reports to no one, its chief is elected
norate development and coordinates wi-
from its members and he makes the
th the Minister of Planning and Admin-
official oath in front of its supreme bo-
istrative Development and the Prime
ard; while chiefs of other bodies make
Minister in regular meetings held every
the official oath in front of the Presi-
three months at most.
5.2 Proposed Organizational Chart The author proposed a pilot organi-
While analyzing the Egyptian Con- zational chart and conducted semi str-
stitution (State Information Service 20- uctured interviews with four experts in
14i; Constitute 2014; State Information the legal field of not less than ten years
Service 2014j) for the purpose of this of practical experience in order to vali-
paper, the author found that the struc- date where the Establishments can be
ture is ambiguous as the „Egyptian Rul- placed in the organizational chart. Fur-
ing System‟ consists of: thermore, the author conducted another
 Legislative Authority (House of Rep- semi structured interviews with four ac-
resentatives) ademic staff members in the managerial
 Executive Authority (The President of field as they can validate the organiza-
the Republic, The Government and tional chart clarity from a managerial
Local Administration) and administrative perspective.
 Judicial Authority (General Provi-
sions, the Judiciary and Public Prose-
cution, the State Council)

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6. Findings and Analysis scientific research to reduce the number

This section is about validating the of ministries, taking into consideration
proposed ministries and organizational the required autonomy of universities‟
chart in Sections 6.1 and 6.2 respective- Concerning the „Ministry of Culture
ly. and Youth Affairs‟, the former Minister
6.1Validation of the Proposed Min- of Education was surprised of the com-
istries for the Egyptian Govern- bination stating „the Ministry of Culture
ment: takes care of tens of cultural centers na-
The proposed ministries were vali- tionwide, theaters, cinemas, music, bo-
dated by five governmental officials as oks, ...etc. and I could see no point in
mentioned in Section 2; they were as- combining youth affairs with this par-
ticular ministry, something that has
ked to validate the rationality of the pr-
oposed ministries. Those officials are: never happened before!‟.
„The former deputy of Ministry of
 The former Minister of Education
 The former Consultant of the Minister Transport-Former Chief of Maritime
of Transport for Maritime Safety Af- Transport Sector‟ was also doubtful ab-
fairs out the „Ministry of Culture and Yo-
 The former Deputy of Ministry of uth‟; he wondered „Does it exist in any
Transport-Chief of Maritime Transp- other country?‟.
ort Sector In response to this doubt by both of-
 The Assistant of the Minister of Pl- ficials the author defended this combi-
anning, Follow-up and Administration
nation depending on the fact that it is
 The Advisor of the Minister of Plan- actually implemented with positive re-
ning, Follow-up and Administration sults in the United Arab Emirates (201-
Reform for Economic Affairs „The 4) and on the importance of developing
Former Minister of Education‟ stated the Youth through exposing them to
that the „Ministry of Environmental more refined cultural aspects. Previous
Affairs‟ has different duties than that research and theory on socioeconomic
of the „Water Resources‟; also that the
development emphasize that cultural
„Ministry of Irrigation and Water R-
esources‟ is needed in this time par- changes happen due to political and ec-
ticularly for several problems con- onomic aspects in addition to the aspect
cerning the River Nile. of „modernization‟ (Simadi 2006). Mo-
He also ensured that the „Ministry of reover, in accordance with Sections 2
Education‟ and „Higher Education‟ sh- and 3 of this paper, it can be noticed th-
ould be separated and he resumed by at several political and economic events
saying that „Since 80% of research ma- occurred in Egypt, resulting in a need to
npower is located within universities, develop the Egyptian youth and to re-
we might combine higher education and connect them with their culture in order
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

to promote the prevailing cultural taste ment and hold the same name. The
once again in Egypt. „Advisor to the Minister of Planning,
„The Former Deputy of the Ministry Follow-up and Administration Reform
of Transport-Former Chief of the Mari- for Economic Affairs‟ gave an example
time Transport Sector‟ continued about of having the „Ministry of Local Ad-
the ministries‟ validation and said that ministration, the Supreme Council for
the Ministry of Transport has many re- Local Administration and the Secretari-
sponsibilities and recommended split- at of Local Administration‟ which do
ting the Ministry of Transport into two exist and play the same roles, which is
Ministries „the Ministry of River and considered a cost to the state and con-
Maritime Transport‟ and „the Ministry stitutes an obstacle in the way of the
of Road Transport‟. He stated ‘This will workflow.
make the fisheries development the re- The „Advisor to the Minister of Pl-
sponsibility of the Ministry of River anning, Follow-up and Administration
and Maritime Transport, while the live- Reform for Economic Affairs‟ said,
stock development can return to be the „Why don‟t we have one ministry co-
responsibility of the Ministry of Agri- ntaining both „the Ministry for Electric-
culture and Land Reclamation‟. ity‟ and „the Ministry for Petroleum and
While the „Former Consultant of the Power‟? If they are combined in one
Minister of Transport for Maritime Sa- ministry, they will unify the goal and
fety Affairs‟ stated that regardless of reach the best utilization of resources‟.
the ministries‟ names, the whole system The „Assistant of the Minister of
of the government should be resettled Planning, Follow-up and Administra-
after the revolutions in Egypt. Howev- tion Reform‟ wondered about the simi-
er, in accordance with the scope of this lar responsibilities between the Minis-
research he stated that this can be a first try of Higher Education and the Su-
step in the governmental management preme Council of Universities.
reform. This conflict of responsibilities be-
This opinion was agreed upon by tween several agencies and ministries is
both the „Assistant of the Minister of called ‘the “many hands” problem‟ ,
Planning, Follow-up and Administra- according to Bovens et al. (2008), wh-
tion Reform‟ and the „Advisor to the ich is a severe problem as discussed by
Minister of Planning, Follow-up and him stating that it affects accountability
Administration Reform for Economic and is considered a challenge to schol-
Affairs‟ who drew the author‟s atten- ars. In order to ensure the existence of
tion to the fact that there are several mi- this problem discussed by almost all
nistries which have conflict in job spec- interviewees, the author researched ab-
ification with agencies in the govern- out the governmental bodies mentioned
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

by governmental officials causing inad- the Ministry of Defense and Military

equate performance in the administra- Production, the Ministry of Interior, the
tive body through the non specification Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Minis-
of responsibilities. The search resulted try of Finance and the Ministry of Jus-
in ensuring this redundancy (The Gate tice.
to Egyptian Government 2015), but th- 6.2 Validation of the Proposed Or-
ere was no sufficient data that can help ganization Chart for the Egyp-
the author to develop a new proposal tian Government:
for ministries. As discussed in Section 5.2 there is
6.1.1 Conclusion of Governmental some ambiguity in Section 5 of the Eg-
Officials’ interviews yptian constitution concerning the „Rul-
According to the interviews con- ing System‟ (State Information Service
ducted with governmental officials, the 2014i; State Information Service 2014j;
author concludes that further investiga- Constitute 2014). In this section, which
tion and research to solve „the “many defines the organizational structure of
hands” problem‟ is needed through in- the Egyptian State, the chapters from 4
depth interviews with top and middle to 11 have no clear relation with the
managers in the Prime Ministry itself to three main authorities of the country.
understand the rationality behind this For example, the Head of „The Su-
redundancy and to understand and in- preme Council of Police‟ is the Minis-
clude the whole structure of supreme ter of Interior, who is one of the execu-
councils and agencies in Egypt as they tive authority members, „The Legal
are not presented in the official Egyp- Bodies‟ are subject to laws of the judg-
tian government websites. It is recom- es and the judicial system which are
mended that the government mentions subject to the Judicial Authority.
the agencies of each ministry on the of- In order to clarify this ambiguity, the
ficial website of the government just author conducted semi structured inter-
like what is done in several Arab coun- views with three experts in the legal
tries as presented in Section 4.1(e.g., field as discussed in Section 2. The in-
Jordan 2014; Bahrain 2014; Oman terviews asked the questions:
2014) and all non Arab countries as di-  Are the establishments in Section 5
scussed in Section 4.2; taking into con- starting by Chapter 4 until Chapter 11
sideration a minimum number of minis- completely independent?
tries to reduce costs and conflicts of re-  If they are independent, isn‟t there a
sponsibilities. conflict of authorities? Please explain
Only five ministries surely will exist in
 If they are dependent, why aren‟t they
the government as they are named in mentioned in the three main authori-
the constitution; these ministries are: ties?
Dr/Alia E.Islam Towards Governmental Administrative Reform : Organizational….

The three interviewees agreed that  Do you think this organizational chart
the „Establishments‟ are fully indepe- is clear enough to show the relations
ndent and that this has no conflict what- between different authorities in the
soever with the other main authorities. state?
 If it is not, what are your comments
One of them stated, „There is no con-
and recommendations for more clari-
flict; you are right… they do intersect fication?
with the main authorities in a way, but The academic staff members agreed
that does not mean there is a conflict. upon the validity of the organizational
They are independent; no one can tell chart and the only comment was that
the media, for example, what to say and the arrows showing the relation be-
what not to say, also no one can tell the tween the executive authority and the
Forensic experts what to say in a crime. ministries were not clear enough. This
They are all Independent‟. comment was taken into consideration
Furthermore; the proposed organiza- together with the comments of the legal
tional Chart in Figure 1 is validated by experts and the conclusion of govern-
four academic staff members in the ma- mental officials‟ interviews in Section
nagerial field who were mainly asked to 6.1.1 in order to conduct amendments
validate the organizational chart as a on Figure 1 and reach the final pro-
part of their expertise. posed organizational chart for the
Semi structured interviews were con- Egyptian government as presented in
ducted concerning the following ques- Figure 2.

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7. Conclusion mended that ‘due to the cultural aspects

Public administrative reform is an in Egypt it has been a difficult issue to
important aspect for Egypt now in the change the managerial system in about
light of the new strategy adopted by the more than 60 years now. These cultural
government. Accordingly, this paper re- aspects need to be researched for pro-
veals the importance of the organiza- posing a new blueprint of a governmen-
tional structure and organizational cha- tal system.’
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