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MTs As-Salamah – Kelas 8 Ganjil

I am Arinka. I live with my family in a residential complex.

My father and I love gardening. But since there is no area in front or
back of our house to grow plants, we put our garden on the rooftop.
Our garden is not large, but we successfully plant numerous flowers,
vegetables, and fruit.
There are two types of hibiscuses, a jasmine, and two kinds of
roses. My mom’s favorite is the jasmine because of its aromatic
fragrance. My family often eat vegetables from our own garden. There
are four exotic pepper chilies that we grow in medium pots. There are
also morning glories, bok choy, coriander leaves, and spinaches.
Daddy sprays organic pesticides on them once a week. There is one
shady spot where we grow our grape vine. We put chairs and table
under it as a place to rest and relax after gardening.

Text for questions number 1-5

1. What does Arinka talk about?
a. The things in her living room.
b. The things in her bedroom.
c. The things in her kitchen.
d. The things in her garden.
2. What vegetable does Arinka’s mother use from the garden to make spicy sambal?
a. Pepper chili
b. Morning glory
c. Bok choy
d. Spinach
3. “Daddy sprays organic pesticides on them ….” The underlined word refers to …
a. Family
b. Flowers
c. Vegetables
d. Fruit
4. How many flowers does the writer grow?
a. Three
b. Four
c. Five
d. Six
5. Where does the writer rest after gardening?
a. Under the jasmine tree
b. Under the grape tree
c. Under the spinach tree
d. Under the chili tree

Kompetensi Dasar Kl Materi Indikator Level Bentuk Nomor

s Soal
3.6 Menerapkan 8 Teks Menentukan pikiran utama MOTS PG 1
fungsi social, information dari teks dengan tepat.
struktur teks, dan report/
unsur kebahasaan descriptive
Menentukan informasi HOTS PG 2
teks interaksi
tersirat dari teks.
transaksional lisan
dan tulis yang
melibatkan Menentukan rujukan kata MOTS PG 3
tindakan memberi dengan tepat.
dan meminta
informasi terkait
keberadaan orang, Menentukan informasi HOTS PG 4
benda, binatang, tersurat tentang jumlah
sesuai dengan dalam teks dengan tepat..
konteks Menentukan informasi rinci LOTS PG 5
penggunaannya. tersurat dalam teks dengan
(Perhatikan unsur tepat
kebahasaan there

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