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Received: 2 March 2017

| Revised: 12 April 2017

| Accepted: 17 April 2017
DOI: 10.1002/mmce.21117


Hybrid polarized microstrip antenna for

multifrequency application

Debaprasad Barad | Subhrakanta Behera

School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT

University, Bhubaneswar, 24, India
In this article, a novel single layer, single-fed ring antenna is analyzed for multireso-
Correspondence nance operation in WLAN/Wi-MAX bands. The antenna geometry consists of a
Subhrakanta Behera, School of square patch with a dual square ring enclosure which commit multiresonance charac-
Electronics Engineering, KIIT University, teristics. The antenna is excited using electromagnetically from a separate feed patch
Bhubaneswar-24, India.
placed in between the rings. The impedance characteristics are enhanced up to 18%
using a unique hourglass type feed patch in between the square rings. The suggested
Funding information antenna exhibits good return loss at 2.45, 3.5, and 5.8 GHz having bore sight gain
Science and Engineering Research Board response of ffi 5dBi. Hybrid polarization is comprised with circular polarization and
through the Department of Science and dual-linear polarization characteristics are investigated in this research work. This
Technology, Govt. Of India (DST-SERB). antenna was implemented on Arlon’s substrate with dielectric constant fir 5 2.55
Infrastructure is given by the school of
and substrate thickness h 5 1.524 mm. A good axial ratio is achieved with optimized
Electronics Engineering, KIIT University,
corner truncation.

capacitive coupling, hybrid polarization, multiresonance, single layer, square ring antenna

1 | INTRODUCTION with other RF segments, and easy integration with MMIC

gadgets.7 Use of coplanar capacitive couple fed of the
The modern wireless communication systems like Radio Fre- printed antenna has been discussed in recent days. It has
quency Identification (RFID), Wireless LAN (WLAN), and been observed that, the printed antenna with electromagnetic
WIMAX, much concern concentrates on the design and coupling or capacitive coupling exhibits better impedance
development of printed antenna with having major attributes matching, improved impedance bandwidth and enhanced
of compact design, multiband operation, better impedance gain response, some cases wideband response also
matching, improved VSWR, better polarization characteris- achieved.8–10
tics, high gain response and likewise. Microstrip Antenna/ Several microstrip antennas are proposed for multireso-
printed antennas with circular and linear polarization is nance operations, unfortunately they are concluded complex
required in some of featured wireless communication designs, large size development, or having poor gain
system.1–3 Especially it is more demanded where a designer responses, or poor radiation characteristic.11–14 Square rings
need circular polarization characteristic for propagating the Antennas (SRAs) are having better multiband performance
electromagnetic waves to the free space and in another band than these antennas discussed. Miniaturizations of square
the electromagnetic wave should be propagated linearly for ring structures are more convenient for realizing multireso-
specific security purpose.4 Using this antenna, the wireless nance operation. The Square ring embedded in the square
device can propagate the electromagnetic waves for the dedi- patch structure capable of resonating at multiple frequency
cated or open access user around it and using another band bands is inevitable for modern microwave or wireless com-
he can make group for private access.5,6 Along with this munication.15,16 Especially the compact microstrip ring
great feature, including the configuration of the printed antennas designed to resonate at ISM bands due to its low
antenna in a single dielectric substrate, very less interference interference to the signal.17

Int J RF Microw Comput Aided Eng. 2017;e21117. V

C 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. | 1 of 9

complexity with inspired square ring structure, which deliv-

ers better impedance characteristics with improved band-
width. The polarization characteristics as observed in this
study has not reported earlier in consideration of tri-band
antenna design.



The initial design of the antenna has been carried out using
Hyperlynx IE3D electromagnetic (EM) simulation tool. The
suggested antenna geometry is designed in the single dielec-
tric layer. The main radiator patch is placed on the top of the
dielectric substrate along with the feed patch, shown in
Figure 1A. This single layer architecture makes the antenna
F I G U R E 1 (a) Cross-section view of the designed multiband more compact in size and economically low cost model. The
antenna structure. (b) Conventional geometry of the square ring antenna designed radiator patch is excited by using electromagnetic
(EM) coupling technique, for this a separate feed patch is
Multiband antennas with having both linear and circular designed alongside the radiator patch. The suggested
polarization, added a notable advantage to the SRAs. Circu- Microstrip Square Ring Antenna (MSRA) is designed with
lar polarized antenna is becoming more and more popular in physical dimension of 28 3 28 3 1:524 mm3 . The
wireless communication, because of its more flexibility in MSRA designed using Arlons substrate having a dielectric
Placing a transmitter and receiver without the introduction of constant of Er 52:55; thickness h51:524 mm; loss tangent
severe polarization mismatch between them.18 Which has a tan d50018.
numerous demand on Mobile Satellite System, ISM, RFID, The cross view of the designed multiband MSRA is
Wi-Max, Wireless security system, and many more wireless shown in Figure 1A. This figure demonstrates that the
communication system.19 MSRA is designed using a single dielectric substrate, in
Some of the research work also has been carried out, but which the ground plane is placed at the bottom and the
the outcomes are concluded with critical result and some antenna geometry is designed and implemented on the top of
were having very complex designs for getting circular polar- the dielectric substrate. The conventional square ring struc-
ization.20,21 Here we have presented an extensive work ture is illustrated in Figure 1B. The ring was designed with
towards the development of single-layer, multiresonance an outer length of L1 having ring width of 1 mm. A 50 X
patch antenna with having circular and linear polarization co-axial probe is connected to the feed patch through an
characteristics. The first resonant of the developed antenna SMA connector. The initial feed patch is a rectangular shape
2.45 GHz is having a tremendous application in WLAN/ with feed patch length ðLf Þ and width ðwf Þ. The designed
ZigBee/WPAN/Bluetooth communication standard, second rectangular feed patch is modified to a new shape called
resonance 3.7 GHz comes under Wi-Max band, and the third hour-glass for better impedance matching. The actual physi-
band 5.8 GHz comes under both WLAN and Wi-Max com- cal dimensions of the designed MSRA are quoted in Table 1.
munication systems of IEEE 802.11/IEEE 802.16. This These dimensions are periodically optimized for observing
Antenna offers very good bandwidth at all of the resonant optimum results.
frequencies. The geometrical structure of the antenna is a
transparent one. The impedance characteristics of the antenna
2.1 | Configuration of multiresonance
are enhanced using an hourglass feed patch. The antenna
antenna structure
yields a maximum bore sight gain of 5 dBi with good
VSWR characteristics. Also, both circular and linear polar- The conventional ring geometry eventually optimized to
ization characteristics are realized using this single layer sin- achieve multiresonance characteristics. The final radiator
gle fed antenna module. The antenna exhibits good axial patch is designed using a central square patch with square
ratio at the middle order resonances (3.7 GHz). Although the ring surrounding. Each segment is having its specific values,
realization of tri-band antenna is designed by Chitra et al. which may be calculated using the mathematical equations
using dual L-slot,22 Sami et al. designed using modified I- (Equations 1–3). The feed patch is placed in between the
slot,23 Liu et al. designed using CPW-fed with meandering ring structure with a suitable separation gap, to make the
split-Ring slot.24 But the proposed antenna evades design feed patch isolated from the radiator patch. The proposed

T A BL E 1 Optimized values of the antenna parameter

Parameters Values

Dielectric constant (fir) 2.55

Substrate height 1.524 mm

Loss tangent (tan d) 0.0018

L1 27 mm

L2 16 mm

L3 10 mm

Ring Width 1 mm

Lf (feed length) 18 mm

Wf (Feed width) 2.85 mm

Separation gap in-between 0.85 mm FIGURE 3 Design evolution of hour-glass type feed patch
feed patch and ring (gs Þ
between the central square patch
 and outer ring causes the
antenna is designed to first resonate at 2.5 GHz using a middle resonance fr / 1=mp .25 Where the outer ring is
square patch of dimension ðL1 3 L1 mm3 Þ. Later, the having a mean perimeter of mp1 and inner square ring is hav-
square patch is modified to square ring structure (Figure 1B) ing a mean perimeter of mp2 .
which is optimized to contribute multiresonance operation.    
1 c
The modified structure consists of two square rings; outer fr1 ffi 3 (1)
mp1 冑Eeff
square ring is of ðL1 3 L1 mm3 Þ and inner square ring of    
ðL2 3 L2 mm3 Þ which enclosing a central square patch of fr2 ffi
ðL3 3 L3 mm3 Þ. The modified geometry (Figure 2) for mp2 冑Eeff
multiband operation exhibits a better impedance matching at    
1 c
three resonant frequencies 2:45; 3:7; and 5:8 GHz. The fr3 ffi 3 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (3)
L3 Eeff
design procedure of patch antenna is based on the transmis-
sion line model where the patch dimensions are calculated The polarization characteristic of the designed MSRA
by the given simplified formula. A parametric investigation exhibits linear polarization as well as circular polarization. In
has been accomplished by keeping all the antenna parameter which the polarization characteristic can be enhanced by dig-
constant, where it has been observed that the listed dimen- ging slots and introducing corner truncation on correspond-
sions (Table 1) gives optimum performance. ing patch. In practicability the circular polarization can be
The designed MSRA structure with the hourglass type of realized by truncating the diagonal corner of the square rings
feed deliver better results. The central square patch helps to and digging slot with 45 rotation in the middle of the square
resonate at a higher frequency as its length is lesser than oth- patch. Wherein the corner truncation in the ring develops the
ers ðfr / 1=LengthÞ . The outer square ring is responsible required orthogonal mode which generate CP. The proposed
for lower resonant frequency and the square ring present in- structure as its current form yields right hand circular polar-
ization (RHCP). However, left hand circular polarization
(LHCP) can be realized by truncating the left diagonal corner
of the ring.26

2.2 | Enhancing impedance matching using

the hourglass feed patch
For getting better excitation, improved impedance matching
and gain the feed patch is reformed into a new shape. A tri-
angular cut is introduced at the top side as well as at the bot-
tom side of the existing feed patch. This form a newly
designed hourglass type feed patch. The modified shape of
FIGURE 2 Proposed antenna geometry with hourglass feed the feed patch is shown in Figure 3. In which the light color

T A BL E 2 Optimization of coupling distance

Separation gap (mm) S11 parameter (dB)

Fr1 Fr2 Fr3
g1 g2 (2.45 GHz) (3.7 GHz) (5.8 GHz)

0.625 1.175 217 228.5 215

0.95 0.925 217.5 234 217

0.975 0.675 220 236 221

1.0 0.65 21.5 229 220.5

F I G U R E 4 Return loss characteristic of the proposed MSRA. 1.225 0.625 216.5 225 216.5
NOTE: Simulated jS11j parameter with rectangular feed patch is plotted in
green dash line and the measured jS11j parameter with hour-glass feed
patch is plotted in solid red colored line change in gain response observed due to feed patch reloca-
tion which can be neglected.
triangle shape is removed from the feed patch. This increases
the number of radiating edges, which helps to excite the feed
patch efficiently. As it has been reported that the edge excita-
tion makes the coupling more effective in microstrip anten-
nas with electromagnetic coupling.27 In this manner, the
The designed antenna structure is simulated using the IE3D
hourglass model provides efficient coupling as the hourglass
software. The observational data as well as the corresponding
feed model has more edges than a simple rectangular feed
plots are plotted in this section. Reflection co-efficient caused
patch. Despites to this the model occupies a minimum
by each element of the radiator patch is analyzed and presented
metallic surface which ward off the extra impedance which
in Figure 5. The single ring is able to effectively resonate at one
affects the antenna characteristics.
RF bands, while dual ring yields dual RF bands and the final
The software simulated return loss characteristic jS11j is
composite structure make the realization of Tri-band operation.
plotted in Figure 4. This graph shows that the antenna is first
Then after the diagonal corner of both the square ring is
resonate at 2.45 GHz then at 3.7 GHz and later it resonates at
truncated to achieve better polarization characteristics. How-
5.8 GHz. The observed return loss at each resonant frequency
ever, circular polarization is achieved in the second reso-
are well below 210 dB with improved impedance bandwidth.
nance caused by inner ring and linear polarization is
The first resonance offers 60 MHz bandwidth, second reso-
achieved in first and third resonances. The surface current
nance offers 190 MHz and third resonance offers 50 MHz of
distribution of the designed multiband MSRA is shown in
bandwidth. The return loss characteristic demonstrates that the
Figure 6. Figure 6A shows the current distribution at the first
hour-glass shaped feed patch gives better impedance matching
resonance 2.45 GHz. At this resonance the corresponding
than the rectangular feed patch. This type of feed patch
square ring acquires maximum red color, this implies maxi-
improves the impedance matching by about 18%.
mum current flow occurs in the ring which cause better
impedance matching and enhance the radiation efficiency.
Figure 6B shows the current distribution at 3.7 GHz. This
2.3 | Optimization of separation gap figure shows the corresponding ring acquires maximum red
between feed patch and ring
The discussed antenna is excited using EM coupling or
capacitive coupling, wherein the separation gap between the
radiator and feed patch is an important parameter which
greatly affect the matching profile as well as the antenna
characteristics. In this antenna the feed patch is placed inside
of the radiator patch ring, hence the edge excitation of the
feed patch couples with inner ring and also with outer ring.
The amount of coupling and effective matching may be ana-
lyzed by optimizing the gap (g1 and g2). The optimization of
the separation gap using different g1 and g2 value has been
observed and place in Table 2. However, there is a small FIGURE 5 S11 characteristics using different antenna geometry

FIGURE 6 Surface current distribution of the designed MSRA

color than others. This implies that the MSRA is also having bottom side. SMA connector is placed at the specified loca-
maximum current flow at 3.7 GHz, which causes better tion by etching the substrate.
impedance matching and enhances the radiation efficiency The return loss characteristics jS11j of the fabricated mul-
at 3.7 GHz. The current distribution at 5.8 GHz is shown tiband MSRA is measured using a vector network analyzer
in Figure 6C. In this the corresponding square patch is hav- and plotted in Figure 8 along with the simulated jS11j. The
ing maximum saturated yellow color, this implies the Figure 8 illustrates that the measured jS11j plotted using solid
MSRA having comparatively better current flow at red color line is well agreed with simulated jS11j parameter
5.8 GHz. This causes better impedance matching and plotted using a dash blue color line. The measured jS11j
enhances the radiation efficiency at 5.8 GHz. However, it parameter shows that the MSRA is having good impedance
has been observed that, the proposed resonant characteris- matching at each resonance. The measured impedance band-
tic is realized due to the excitation of respective microstrip width at 2.45 GHz is 2.5%, 5.1% at 3.7 GHz, and 1.1% at
patch and some contribution from the nearby patches. This 5.8 GHz. As discussed above, these operating bands are
effect due to the nearby element or patch can be studied inevitable for RFID/WLAN/Wi-MAX communication.
clearly from Figure 6C, where the central square patch is
excited along with the inner square ring to provide suffi-
cient excitation for acquiring better impedance matching as
well as radiation efficiency.
The designed antenna is fabricated by following photoli-
thography process. The MSRA was fabricated on a single
dielectric substrate. Figure 7 illustrates the fabricated proto-
type. The Fabricated MSRA is more compact with compari-
son to a coin; the comparison was made on the same figure.
Existence of multiband operation in a single layer with com-
pact size is a tremendous research in microstrip antenna
design, which immensely designed for wireless communica- FIGURE 7 Fabricated prototype of the designed antenna for multire-
tion. The ground plane covers the entire surface of the sonance operation

using the three antenna comparison method. It has been

observed that the fabricated antenna is having 2.5 dBi gain at
2.45 GHz, 5 dBi at 3.7 GHz, and 4 dBi at 5.8 GHz.
The VSWR plot of the proposed linear-circular polarized
antenna is illustrated in Figure 10. In which it has been
observed that the VSWR at each resonating frequency is
well below 2. Also the measure and simulated results are
well agreed with each other (Table 3).
The radiation pattern of the designed multiband MSRA
at each resonant frequency bands are exposed in Figure 11.
These patterns emphasize that the MSRA is having the uni-
F I G U R E 8 Measured and simulated Return loss of the proposed
MSRA. NOTE: Simulated jS11j parameter is plotted in blue dash line and directional nature of radiation. The E- and H-plane radia-
the measured jS11j parameter using VNA is plotted in solid red colored line tion patterns of the fabricated prototype at each resonances
are plotted in the same figure. The co-pol. element is plot-
The gain response of the fabricated antenna was meas- ted in solid line which exhibits good 3 dB half power beam
ured and plotted in Figure 9 along with the simulated gain width (HPBW) and coincide near 0 dB scale. Wherein the
response. The gain response of the MSRA was measured cross-pol. element is plotted on the dash line which is well

FIGURE 9 Gain response of the developed MSRA

FIGURE 10 VSWR plot of the developed MSRA

T A BL E 3 Optimized values of the antenna parameter

Resonating Reflection coefficient Gain (dBi) Axial ratio (AR) Efficiency

frequencies (fr) Simulated Measured Simulated Measured Simulated Measured Simulated Measured

fr1 (2.45 GHz) 20 19 2.35 2.5 12 11.5 81% 84%

fr2 (3.7 GHz) 36 34 4.9 5 1.7 1.35 78% 78.5%

fr3 (5.8 GHz) 20 21 4 4.1 8 6.5 90% 93%


FIGURE 11 E- and H-plane radiation pattern of the developed MSRA. NOTE: The E-plane co and cross polarization radiation patterns are placed in
left hand side. Whereas the H-plane co and cross polarization patterns are placed in the right hand side

below 215 dB at first resonance as shown in Figure 11a more desired angle. As the suggested antenna exhibits both
and around 210 dB at third resonance as shown in Figure the polarization techniques, the proposed antenna can be
11c. But the cross-pol. element is too close to co-pol. ele- identified as a hybrid polarized microstrip antenna. The
ment in middle resonance as shown in Figure 11b, which axial ratio at each resonances are measured and plotted in
confirms circular polarization characteristics at the said res- Figure 12. However, a good axial ratio is observed at mid-
onance. The radiation characteristics are enhanced in the dle order resonance as shown in Figure 12b. The AR can
second and third resonance by introducing the corner trun- be also realized from the radiation pattern at the respective
cation techniques and slot in the radiator patch. Finally, it frequency using the co-pol and cross-pol data (Figure 11b).
enables the antenna to propagate and receive signals in The analysis and discussion made above, confirms the

FIGURE 12 Axial ratio at second resonance


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A U T HO R B IO G R A P H I E S Ph.D. Degree from Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-12,

DEBAPRASAD BARAD was born in Odisha, India, in 2011, under the guidance of Prof. K. J. Vinoy. He
India in 1991. He received his Bachelor spent a year as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the GE
degree (B Tech.) In electronics and tele- Global Research Centre, Bangalore. He is currently an Assist-
communication engineering from BPUT, ant Professor in the School of Electronics Engineering, KIIT
India in 2014. From 2014 till now he University, Bhubaneswar, India. His research interest is in the
was JRF of DST-SERB projects, KIIT field of computational electromagnetic and microwave engi-
University, India. He is the author or neering. He is the author or coauthor of 15 articles and
coauthor of 8 articles published in international conferences articles published in international conferences and scientific
and scientific journals. His research interest includes Wireless journals.
communication, RF/Microwave, IoT, WSN, Microwave
antenna, Nano Fabrication, and RF MEMS.
How to cite this article: Barad D, Behera S. Hybrid
SUBHRAKANTA BEHERA was born in Odi- polarized microstrip antenna for multifrequency appli-
sha, India. He received the B.Sc. Degree cation. Int J RF Microw Comput Aided Eng. 2017;00:
from Utkal University in 1995, the M. e21117.
Sc. Degree from Berhampur University
in 1997, the M. Tech. Degree from
Cochin University of Science and Tech-
nology, Kochi, Kerala, in 2004, and the

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