Y12 A Level Economics Research Task

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Research Task

Using a real-life government project that has taken place or is currently taking place in
your country, conduct your own cost-benefit analysis of the project. You will present
this as a group on Thursday 18th June.

In your report:
1. Include an introduction and some background information regarding the
government project (reasons why the government has chosen to undertake it,
when it should be completed by/has been completed, etc.)
2. Show all your data on a maximum of one page (word document or PDF) use
tables to summarise where necessary
3. Make sure to include examples of: private costs, external costs. private benefits
& external benefits
4. Where quantitative data is available, please include this in your report

Some government projects you could consider are:

- Construction of new road/highway, introduction of a new minimum wage
legislation, privatisation of public services e.g. postal services

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