August Monthly Magazine One Pagers

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August Moulthly Magazine for Quick

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All the Best )
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Dr Shivin
CSE 2022 .
KS puttuswamy

Background Justice Srikirishna Committee

Meity - new Bill, act in 2023


obligations of data fiduciaries
inform DPBI in event of breach

erase data once purpose met

Obtain information about processing.

o Seek correction and erasure of personal


o Grievance redressal.
provides for
o Right to nominate a person to exercise
rights and duties of data principals
rights in case of death or incapacity.

• Data principals must not register a false or

frivolous complaint and furnish any false

• Violation of duties will be punishable with

a penalty of up to Rs 10,000.

Prelims financial penalties for breach

collected in india

applicability prcoessing of data outside india for goods and services in india

personal processing
does not apply
publically available by principal / lawful

essential for lawful processing

withdrawal possible
not required for legitimate purposes

child with disability - by guardian

2y, reappointment

data protection board of India appeal with TDSAT

by center

Volume and sensitivity of personal data


o Risk to the rights of data principal

Features of the Act
o Potential impact on the sovereignty and
based on factors, nominated by CG
integrity of India

o Security of the State

Significant Data Fiduciaries o Risk to electoral democracy

o Public order

appoint data protection officer and

independent data auditor

For notified agencies, in the interest of

security, sovereignty, public order, etc.;

o For research, archiving or statistical

Digital Personal Data Protection
Act 2023 o For start-ups or other notified categories
of Data Fiduciaries;
rights of principal and obligation of
fiduciary (except data security) will not o To enforce legal rights and claims;
apply in specific cases
o Prevention and investigation of offences;

o To perform judicial or regulatory

exemptions functions;

o To process in India personal data of non-

residents under foreign contract.

Central govt may exempt

process data to detriment of child

children fiduciary cannot
tracking, behavioural monitoring, targeted

cross border transfer allowed except for countries restricted

penalties specified

may violate FR to privacy

safeguards inadequate outside india

no compensation - removal of 43A of IT act

Limitations GRM - complicated

RTI exemption

definition unclear
no right to be forgotten / data portability

cross border

data rights
WF correct the limitations
misuse prevetion : define

time specification

read from magazine : GDPR vs DPDPA (page


General, by ECI, Article 324, State and union

Common electoral roll Currently : 2 types of rolls
State election commission, article 243k(1),
Panchayat and Municipality

Aspects of Election Process and Form 26 under conduct of election rules,

Reform, report by DRSC on
False Declarations during nominations
Personnel, Public Greivances, law false info punishable under section 125a of
and justice RPA

Parity between Minimum age of voting and

Revise provisions
contesting elections

Read recommendations from magazine


Revise from Laxmikant, read once from

No Confidence Motion magazine

Defines mediation

Voluntary pre litigation mediation Civil and Commercial suits

minors / unsound mind

Not fit for mediation criminal prosecution

rights of third parties

Territorial jurisdiction of court, unless

parties agree for online mode

120 + 60 days extension by consent

Features Timeline rules of sc / hc

withdraw after 2 sessions

chairperson, 2 members with experience, 1

Establish MCI : promotion, regulation composition
part time member, and 3 ex officio members

Defines mediation service provider :

recognised by MCI, or LSA act 1987

Community mediation

Same as court
grounds : fraud, corruption, impersonation,
challenge : 90 days
Mediation Bill, 2023 not fit for mediation only

Revise Static : ADR and types, acts adopted

in india so far


not adversarial

burden on court
Need for bill think
singapore convention

cost reduction

Mains time saving

Online mediation : digital divide

Conflict of interest with CG being biggest


International mediation not addressed

No liability for breach of confidence

non profit under companies act, 2013

voluntary self regulatory organisation

extension to the Guidelines for Prevention

of Misleading Advertisements and
Endorsements for Misleading
Advertisements, 2022.

Guidelines Department of consumer affairs

penalties under Consumer protection Act

upfront, prominent

disclosure terms between advertiser and influencer

use of terms
Guidelines for Celebrities and For all
Influencers conduct a review
Due diligence
no misleading claims

disclose certification
Provisions Health Influencers
endorsements are not substitute for
professional medical advice

investment advice only after SEBI reg,

appropriate licences

consumer decision making

rising horizon
Mains Need
social responsibility

deceptive marketing

Registrar general and census commissioner

under MHA


Cheif, District and Registrar by states

RBD act 1969 birth or death reporting responsibility

Polity (august) Birth certificate without name of child

concurrent list
Registration of Birth and
Database of birth and death RGI / chief registrar
Amendment act 2023
electronic certificates

linking of aadhar
connect databases

use of birth certificates

appeal within 30 days

issues sole conclusive proof of age

news in shorts do yourself :)

Ordinance in 2023

Background SC case : 2023, 2018

Read from laxmikant : Union Territories

and status of delhi, article 239, 239 AA

Composition Prin.Home secy, Chief secy, Delhi CM

Advise to LG
Quroum 2, Majority functioning

outside Assembly competence

NCCSA decisions
Provisions of the Act Powers of LG

GNCTD act, 2023 peace and tranquility

Delhi relation with CG, SC, states

Ministers must submit matters
dissolution of assembly

LG discretion matters

Secretary duty controversy decisions in notice of LG

CG powers, SC case

Triple Chain of Accountability

Discretion of LG

Various models are available

Domain Demarcation
Way Forward
Decentralised decision making

Enforcement powers to municipality


BNS to replace IPC Timely justice, undertrials

Reforming India's Criminal Laws BNSS to replace CrPC Why? Conviction Rates

BSB to replace IEA Evolving Criminal Justice System

Colonial Legacy

indian law commission, 1834

background IPC, 1860; amended many times

new bill : simplification, relevance.

words, signs, electronics, financing

Removal of Sedition Penalises 3 things
7y to life

Bhartiya Nyaya Sanhita 2023 Major Provisions Terrorism as offence defines terrorism and terrorist acts

organised crime as a continuing unlawful

activity, singly or on behalf of syndicate

subjective interpretation

Mains : issues policing powers

interpretation issues

replaces CrPC

british parliament

Background 41st Law commission, 1973

talks about arrest, prosecution, bail for


Criminal Laws first time offenders : 1/3

undertrial detention
1/2 : release on personal bond
Bhartiya Nagrik Suraksha Sanhita 2023

electronic mode trials

medical examination of the accused

mandatory forensics for punishment ≥ 7


signs, finger impressions, handwriting,

voice from even non arrested person

Major Provisions timelines prescribed

trial in the absense of proclaimed offender

stops political waivers death to life, life to 7 years

FIR regardless of location

Fair investigation : video recording of

search and seizure

increase in detention period

repeal IEA

Background substantive, procedural and adjective law

Admissibility of evidence in legal


Electronic records as evidence

Bharitya Sakshya Bill 2023 Major Provisions oral evidence

joint trials confessions

electronic evidence : better justice delivery


Repeal EC act
appointment, conditions and transaction of
business of EC

Revise EC chapter and article 324 from

Present Process

Committee of PM, LoP and CJI for

Anoop Barwal vs UoI case appointment of CEC and EC recommended
by SC

Appointment by prez on selection

committee recommendation

Selection committee : PM, LoP, Union

If no LoP, then?

Cabsecy + 2 secretaries

Search Committee Will prepare panel of 5

Selection committee can look beyond this


Post equivalent to secy

CEC and other EC bill Features of Bill Qualifications of CEC and EC
Knowledge and experience in elections

6y , 65 age

Term no reappointment

EC and CEC aggregate is 6 years

Salary Same as cab secy

Removal No change, revise from laxmikant

Conduct of business Decided through majority

SC order

Neutrality in selection
looking beyond panel of 5

impartial EC
Removal of EC

Involve all stakeholders including CJI

Way ahead

More consultation needed

Ties to level of strategic partnership

Hon'ble PM given Grand Cross of the Order

of Honour (2nd highest in greece)
Greece in ISA, future : Greece in CDRI

Mobility and Migration Partnership


NSG, UNSC seat

Counter Turkey - Pakistan - Azerbaijan axis

(three brothers) with armenia

outreach to mediterranean

Significance of Greece

access to europe via piraeus port

Piraeus to mumbai

India Greece Part of india middle east europe economic


Mediterranean oil, gas

energy hub
greece sunshine and wind energy

potential for indian export

INIOCHOS 23 - multinational air force

absence of b/l engangements

chinese company COSCO has 60% stake in

piraeus port

low trade and investment

enhance engagement

developmental aid and diaspora

Way forward tourism

maritime cooperation and joint naval

shared indo pacific vision

15th summit, Venue : South Africa

Basic Details
Theme : Brics and Africa : partnership for
all 55 AU leaders and global south leaders

NDB revise from static

Significant initiatives Contingency Reserve Agreement

Brics R and D center

Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi

6 new countries
Arabia, UAE

Johannesburg II declaration

3 pillars of brics

Strategic partnership for a fairer

Summit Outcome international order and reformed UN reforms

Dedollarisation and trade in local currency

BRICS space exploration consortium BRICS satellite constellation already

Inclusion of al BRICS members and AU to


India's Proposals Future ready skills mapping

Big cat protection among 5

Traditional medicine

Resilient supply chains

Revise from mapping : suez, hormuz, bab al
major oil producers and strait countries

Infra linkage : INSTC

Significance of expansion African focus and global south

Brics for global peace - inclusion of middle

east countries

Reformed Multilateralism

China's dominance and dilution of original


India's diplomatic balancing

Egypt ethiopia

International Challenges Intra Brics tensions India china

Relations (august) Saudi iran

No clear criteria for members

Iran sanctions and intra brics trade

minilateralism on the rise : difficult global

collective action

balancing act : quad and brics

check chinese influence

global south leadership

Indian Perspective
indian systems of payment

energy security wih new members

membership criteria

Usually off malabar coast

this time in sydney

Basic Information India, Japan, USA, Australia

Brief background : 1992 to 2007 to 2020 -

Role of China

Strategic Convergence - Indo pacific Quad

Countering Chinese Assertiveness

Geopolitical Importance Glolbal commons and rules based order

Establishing trust in IOR

Malabar exercise
Other initiatives in IOR Revise Static

Development of Strong maritime border sea control and sea denial

Military capabilities and best practices


Significance for India India's Vision First responder

Net security provider

Economic Significance

News in shorts do yourself :)


difference from international trade

Basic information about GVCs participation : backward and forward

South asia, middle east and north africa are

current distribution
least integrated

Economic growth


Significance think economies of scale

technology and knowledge sharing

risks are distributed across the entire chain

capacity of developing and developed

economic gaps : jeans and jets
countries are different

external shock risk : vulnerability covid 19, russia ukraine, hamas israel
Challenges think
G20 generic framework to map inflation linkage
Global Value Chains
Challenges to domestic producers and

voluntary and non binding


G20 generic framework 3 pillars analysis


identification of critical areas and limiting


trust through quality infrastructure

interoperability and best practices

mapping vulnerabilities
Strategy for participation in GVCs : what is
the ideal approach?
clear legal framework

promoting investment

MSME in global trade

Moody's rating for india : BAA3

Risk of downgrade in 2030 : climate change

and temperature volatility

gatekeepers to global capital

Current News other agencies : S&P , fitch Both : BBB for India

political risk


criteria currency values

labour laws

sovereign risk

ES 21 : only for india and china at 5th

Historical Anomaly
largest position

Structural issues : issuer pays model conflict of interest

zero sovereign default

Credit Rating Agencies
Non capture of india's fundamentals forex reserves : 607 billion

Issues in India's Sovereign Ratings high FDI and FPI

developed countries usually get higher

Bias and subjectivity scores, regardless of macroeconomic

Pro cyclical nature

complete regulatory void and lack of


Global regulator of CRAs with participation

from EMDEs

Reducing dependency on credit ratings : pro

Way Forward

Long term ratings


rural SHG women to earn at least 1 lakh per


Lakhpati didi scheme by Mo Rural Development

Training women in various skills

2 crore beneficiaries encourage to open micro enterprises

entrepreneurship skills

finance : micro loans

Economic Sphere
increase female LFPR

Urban rural gap

Social capital

Women's position in society and family

Role of SHGs Social Sphere
SDG 5 and SDG 16

During crises

Political sphere advocate for women's rights

Kudumbashree in
Kerala, Jeevika in Bihar, Mahila Arthik
Vikas Mahamandal in Maharashtra, and
Looms of Ladakh.
Finance lacking

Cooperation lacking

Challenges patriarchy - women only as face

limited definition

marketing poor


Policy making

Gender neutral ecosystem

Way forward
capacity development

improving funding

DBT mission, cabinet secretariat

disbrusements through PFMS

Nodal Agency Aadhar : not mandatory in DBT


Business correspondents
DBT Payments banks

Mobile money


Mains Challenges Read from static and add data points

way forward

Draft National Policy on Official Still in draft stage, so ignore


By Morth

modelled on Global NCAP, by Towards Zero universal adoption of UN MV safety

Basic Info
Foundation standards

5 star scale as per AIS 197

Applicability 8+1 seats, gross weight < 3500kg

Bharat NCAP
Adult occupant protection, child occupant
protection, safety assist

3 tests : frontal impact, side impact, side

Features pole impact (3* and above)

2 separate 5* ratings for AOP and COP

Voluntary for carmakers to offer models

NCAP team to pick base variant through

Testing protocol
random sampling

ARAI to test vehicles in labs

popular (≥30000 units sold)

Authority can select model for testing
MORTH recommends a model for testing

no whiplash test

Comparison with global and euro NCAP no pedestrian occupant safety test

no vulnerable road user protection

Ministry of civil aviation

implemented by AAI

Cheap air travel, connectivity

demand driven model

Economy (august) Concessions to airlines and airport

operators by center and states

VGF to airlines

Regional air connectivity fund : fee per


Budgetary support by govt for development

/ revival of airports

CAG audit report on UDAN in



Identification of eligible airports

absence of rules of RCF levy

Issues Non compliance : 30% only

big vs small airlines

high cost of operations : fuel costs

Feasilbility and better survey

monitoring of RCF levy

Way forward
penal clause for . RCF

Reconcile VGF

CRR : basic concept : revise from static


static concepts MSF

Repo / Reverse Repo/ Inflation Targeting

Incremental Cash Reserve Ratio Cash with RBI

Same as CRR no interest

over and above CRR

Explanation of excess liquidity due to

ICRR withdrawal of ₹2000 banknotes

10% on increase in NDTL between may 19

and july 28 2023

Why imposed? effect on inflation targeting lower aggregate demand

liquidity management

banking resilience : during shocks bank run protection

Age <10 years

type Private limited, regd, LLP

Definition of Startups turnover <100 cr in any FY since inception

Original entity no by split or reconstruction

Innovative and Scalable

Min of Commerce
Startup India
Investor connect portal - SIDBI

Startup India seed fund scheme

initiatives funding mechanisms FFS scheme



iDEX of MoD
Platforms facilitating startups
Meity startup hub

RKVY Raftaar

solution along unexplored pathway based

on new knowledge in science or
Startups in India : Report by multidisciplinary knowledge
parliamentary standing
committee uncertain
deep tech startups

characteristics extended timelines and capital intensive

early stage tech

focus on SNT not business


women empowerment

Impact Think R&D

Democratisation of tech - inclusive growth

new investment

Less focus on agri

Low IPR (11%)

Mains Challenges
Low utilisation of IT exemptions

Infra support

Uncertainty with funding

advanced tech adoption

women entrepreneur focused funds

regulatory cholesterol needs to be reduced

WF (committee recommendations) amend IT act - no tax on ESOP notional gains

Dynamic Testing and certification

Talent gap

Industry academia partnership

section 135 of companies act, 2013 and CSR

rules 2014

Schedule VII of act : list of activities

india - first country to statutorily mandate


2% of average net profits made in previous

3 financial years

Net profit ≥ 5cr

CSR spending in India applicable to Net worth ≥ 500 crore

Turnover ≥ 1000 crore

Trends read from magazine, any 2 facts

Lack of proper enforcement and monitoring

avoiding regulatory liability attitude

geographical bias to economically

Issues with CSR
developed states

Low spending
Low community participation

Non availability of well organised NGOs

Bottom up

Prioritising social welfare

Performance management and program

Way forward

Media incentivisation

Diversification of funds

SDG alignment
Operationalised by NHB

Basic Info Funding from PSL shortfall

On the lines of RIDF

infra creation in states and UTs

they will use 15th FC resources / user

coverage tier 2 and tier 3 cities

based on population of eligible cities

Fund allocation
interest rate : bank rate - 1.5

missions of MoHUA sewerage and SWM

min 5cr (1cr for hilly) and max 100cr

nodal agency finance department of various states

admin expenses / maintenance not in


Housing, power and telecom, rolling stock

UIDF (buses and trams),urban transport, health,
and education institutions are not covered.
other features
Principal loan amount is repayable in five
equal annual installments within seven
years, including a two-year moratorium

borrowing by states : article 293(3) revise from static

100 % govt

NHB Residex index

NHB act, 1987

static topics
Nabard manages
shortfall in PSL to agri sector

SDG 11

urban planning

mains need infra - multiplier effect

urban congestion in tier 2 and tier 3 cities


VLE (udyami) totake fibres to household on

50/50 revenue basis

connect all villages in next 2 years

infra cost by govt, only maintenance and

operations by rural entrepreneur. VLE to
take care of consumer complaints.


facts about the scheme

Indian telegraph (amendment) act, 2003

5% universal service levy on AGR

appendix : read important for prelims

modernisation of villages

agri sector farmer awareness

Bharat Net
medical facilities

e commerce



basic infra

high project cost

Mains Challenges low utilisation

Quality of services

Admin capacity of BSNL

Low private sector participation

participation of PRIs

efficiency of project implementation

Way ahead
pvt sector


Major ports : union list, CG, total 12

Minor ports : State maritime board,

Concurrent list, total 213

Human geography : revise static

Basic facts

Major ports in India

Major port authorities Act, 2021 and Indian

Ports Act

Turn around time : 94 hours to 52 hours

traffic : rise from 555 million tonnes to 796

Functioning of Major Ports in million tonnes in last 10 years
Performance of Ports in India
DRSC report on transport, tourism cargo : 10% increase in handling capacity
and culture from last year

Operating ratio come down to ₹ 48 from ₹53

in 3 years

Financial constraints

Non optimum utilisation

lack of transhipment hubs

Challenges connectivity challenges

infra bottlenecks
less mega ports

inverted tariff structure

montioring sagarmanthan dashboard

tracking sagar setu app

trade facilitation NLP

Mains Efforts monitoring performance sagar unnati

connectivity sagarmala project

cyber security

Vessel traffic management, enterprise

digitisation of ports
business system, RFID system

integrated planning

modernisation and mechanisation

PPP investments

Recommendations Maritime india vision

Port led industrialisation


Port community system

Major CCA > 10000 ha

Irrigation projects Medium 10000 < CCA > 2000 ha

Minor CCA <2000

surface and groundwater

impelemented by state

Centrally sponsored scheme : RMIS

Economy (august) Minor irrigation projects

census under centrally sponsored scheme
Irrigation census
part 2


first census of water bodies with 2017-18 as

base year

95% are groundwater based

UP : largest
6th Census Report on Minor
Irrigation Schemes by MoJS Report highlights most : dugwells

increase in 1.42 million from pervious


97% privately operated and 97% in use

GW recharge by surface projects

Significance cost effective : small farmers

water use efficiency

GW exploitation

tube wells : unfeasible in non allluvial tracts

private ownership and skewed distribution

climate change vulnerability

extends act to J&K

registration is mandatory

establishes Pharmacy council of india for

About the act
pharma education

power of removal from register

penalties for offences

appointment of enquiry commission

prominent global role

Pharmacy amendment Act


includes generic drugs, OTC, Bulk drugs,

vaccines, biosimilars and biologics

China dependence on API

Pharmacy Sector in India Domestic API cost high

Issues R&D is low

spurious drugs

Intellectual property

diversify exports

research ecosystem needed

anchor educational institutions

independent ministry

PLI for pharma sector

Assistance to Pharmaceutical Industry for

Common Facilities (APICF).
Pharmaceutical Technology Upgradation
Scheme for strenghtening pharma sector
Assistance Scheme (PTUAS).
Pharmaceutical Promotion and
Steps Taken Development Scheme (PPDS).

Promotion of Bulk Drug Parks

Medical devices : 100%

greenfield pharma : 100%

Non-schematic interventions FDI
brownfield pharma : 74%

National medical devices promotion council

Amends Offshore areas mineral act 2002

mineral resources in Territorial waters,

Basic Facts
continental shelf and EEZ

minerals from deep seabed at depth >200


Changes in the act

Offshore Areas Mineral

Amendment Act

mineral wealth of india

Utilising offshore mineral wealth

Need of the amendment private sector particiaption

Similar to MMDR act


socio economic
economic viability

privilege to govt entities

New category in visa manual under medical

Ayush Visa

Medical tourism healthcare procedures, elective and complex

Wellness tourism leisure, business ; pursuit of welness

MVT wellness economy

Institutional framework

national roadmap by Ministry of tourism online portal Heal in india and heal by india

National medical and wellness tourism

promotion board

wellness and alternate cures

lesser cost

less waiting periods

Significance comparabe facilities

connectivity boost

demand in aging and underdeveloped


Regional competition

Medical Value Travel International JCI accreditation

Non coverance by insurers

Mains Challenges image of non hygenic

middlemen exploitation

no uniform fees

airport delays


part of diplomacy
Way ahead
supporting infra


MDA scheme

National Ayush mission

IEC in ayush

NABH under QCI

WHO and MoAYUSH organised first

traditional medicine global summit in
Related news
gujarat declaration
Natural sciences, maths, engineering,
Establishes NRF to provide direction to health, environment, health, agri
research in fields of
Humanities and social sciences


Prez : PM

Members VP : Min of education and SNT

Members : eminent researchers

Implement provisions
Governing Board Executive Council
Chair : PSA to GoI

Anusandhan NRF act Anusandhan NRF Salaries, admin

Innovation fund creativity

Will setup funds
Science and engineering research fund

Special purpose fund specific projects

Grants and loans

Investment income

Fund for science and engineering research

Increase funding and involve private sector

Reduce Disparity

Significance Reseach Capacity

Multidisciplinary projects

Socai Science Research

Project funding rather than comprehensive

research block funding

Stakeholders missing : socio - economic

Mains Concerns
ministries and CPSE

Cooperative federalism


Way ahead


Released by Min of Edu, prepared by NCERT

Kasturirangan committee

Revise static : NEP (v.imp)

Curriculum framework of 5+3+3+4

Board examination : twice a year, best score

semester pattern

3 language forula

Flexibility in choosing subjects

Life forms

Highlights vocational education materials and machines

human services

Rooted in India
NCF for school education
Capacity for scientific inquiry


Env. education

Art, PE, wellbeing are focus areas

National Standard Across India

Knowledge based approach

need Quality of teachers

New Techniques

Holistic Growth of Students

Centralisation School education domain of states

Logistical challenges
Mains Concerns

School limitation


Student teacher ratio

disciplinary and exclusion practices

revamp higher education

Static : revise CAG

centrally sponsored

article 41

beneficiaries : SECC

IGNOAPS 60-79 years, BPL, ₹200 then ₹500

IGNWPS BPL widows, 40-59, ₹200 monthly

NSAP 5 subschemes (umbrella scheme) IGNDPS BPL, 18-59, severe disability, ₹200 monthly

BPL, one time ₹10,000 on death of primary


National Social Assistance 10kg foodgrain free per month

Programme (CAG report) Annapurna
Eligible senior citizens remained uncoverred

Monitoring Social Audit by NLM


Implementation demand driven


Disbursement Not fully DBT compliant

Finances idle funds, inadmissible items

NSAAC, infrequent meetings

Monitoring No state level monitoring

Absence of Social Audit and GRM

WF correct the above issues

Revise static CAG

Read appendix : details of scheme (static,


Registration inadequate

Irregular identification

quality and criteria

charging patients

Ayushman Bharat (CAG report) States dont have separate escrow accounts

NHA / SHA non compliant with PFMS

Issues Finances

Release by NHA irregular

Inadequate validation checks

Claim Management
1/2 payment to only 6 states

Whistelblower policy not adopted

Mains Monitoring and GRM anti fraud cells missing

less than 10% grievances in 15 days

Social Issues
Registration : IEC cell

Ineligible beneficiaries

Physical verification
Hospital empanelment
Strengthen Public Hospitals
Financial Management Correct above issues

Claims timely payment after scrutiny by SHA

Correct above issues

GRM and monitoring
District implementation units

Mortality high in tribal women Early motherhood, anaemia, low BMI

insufficient data

Report findings High teen pregnancy

Communicable, non communicable and

Triple burden of disease

Article 342

Lakshadweep, highest percentage

Tribals in India Population : 8.6%
MP, highest numbers


Tribal Health (report by standing Revise static

committee on women Inititatives for Tribals under NHM
empowerment) Read magazine blue box

Language barrier

Reliance on indegenous methods

Challenges of tribal health Geographically Remote

Manpower and Infra shortage

Subsumed in rural healthcare

Correct above issues

Separate Database

Special Drives for IEC

Separate tribal health plan

Integrate traditional medicine

Reform Governance

Narcotic drugs

Un conventions : india is signatory psychotropic substances

Traffic in narcotics and psychotropics

identify, treat, rehabilitate, socially

reintegrate addict
NDPS act
Setup NCB un MoHA

Important for prelims Steps by India for drug abuse

District Deaddiction centers
Multipronged strategy, 2018 - 2025

Nasha Mukt Bharat abhiyaan 272 most vulnerable districts

SIMS e portal seizure cases

Navchetna Programme Life skills and drug education for children

Drug Abuse in India (parl

standing committee on Drug
abuse report)

Mains Death crescent and death traingle

Porous borders

Proximity to sea
Issues in curbing
tech advancements, dark net, crypto

treatment gap

gaps in implementation of existing schemes

Informed policies and periodic surveys

legal policy environment


WF Minimise stigma

District action plans in all districts

Fulfill treatment gap

better border management

Reduce trafficking
apex committee of Narcotics coordination
center (under MHA)

assist country level implementation



first international treaty

Framework convention on Tobacco control legally binding

india ratified

Drought tolerant, hardy and short duration


can be grown on soils where other crops

Tobacco in india

cigarette types flue-cured Virginia (FCV), Burley, Oriental

10 distinct tobacco types in india
Bidi, Chewing, Hookah, Natu, Cheroot, Cigar
non cigarette types
WHO report on Global Tobacco Important for prelims
no smoking public areas

mandatory pictorial public health warnings

COTPA 2003

tobacco sale to minors

Govt initiatives National tobacco control programme

NHP, 2017 Tobacco usage reduction by 30%

Prohibition of E-cigarettes act, 2019

Anti tobacco health warnings on OTT

Prof K. Vijayarahavan committee for
reforms in DRDO

R&D wing of MoD

Delays in mission mode projects

Need to reform
streamline admin, personnel and financial


monitoring and requirement changes

Inefficency in DRDO redundant technologies

bureaucratisation and red tapism

lack of competition

Defense techno industrial consortium involve private sector

harness iDEX

Way forward R&D council in DRDO

Tri service division in DMA for defense


wind up of redundant labs

procedural measures
effective synchronisation

Basic Facts

Security High vacancies

Lack of stress management : many suicide


CAPF Issues faced bureaucratisation and top posts to IPS

in house GRM missing

poor infra and lack of modern weapons

high demand from states

Special Forces in States

Enhancing training with latest tech

women representation
Way Ahead
Agniveers can be included



Andaman nicobar command

Currently ISO Defence space agency

National Defence academy

CiC of ISO cannot discipline / administer

various personnel from the 3 services
this bill empowers ISO officers to exercise
Interservices Organisation Bill control
Defines ISO

Center to constitute

Empowers CiC

Highlights Continuation of existing ISO

Superintendence of CG

Center may notify other forces to which bill


Theatrisation roadmap
CY3 landing point = Shiv Shakti Point

Facts to remember CY2 crash landing point = Tiranga point

August 23 = CY3 landing day = National

Space Day

Soft landing

Successful demonstration Rover

Hop experiment

Temperature Chaste on vikram lander temp of lunar topsoil = 70°C

Sulphur in moon surface

Laser induced breakdown spectroscope
Findings by CY3 Lunar Elements
instrument on Pragyan rover
Al, Ca, FE, Cr, Ti, MN, Si, O also
Chandrayaan 3 soft landing
Langmuir probe
Thin Plasma on surface
Radio waves can easily pass through space

Natural Seismic Activity ILSA

Crater 4 diameter crater

PSLV /GSLV differences

Important for prelims

Science and Tech Indian space Startups

US and USSR space race : read from

India's Space Race magazine if interested

Commercialisation inSPACE

International collaborations Artemis Accords

Trends in Indian Space Sector Challenging exploration

Inflatable aerodynamic decelerator

New Tech
Expand Satellite based Services

Geopolitics : decline of USSR

India as space startup hub

Leading nation for satellite launches

Outer space and national security ASAT

LK 99 does not depict room temperature


zero electrical resistance

meissner effect

only at very low temperatures

Concept Mercury, lead, aluminium, tin, niobium

How does it happen?
Superconductivity Cooper pairs

Josephson effect (nobel)


At room temperature difficult to achieve cooper pairs dont form

high thermal energy

Low cost energy transmission

better MRI
If achieved, it will lead to
Better supercomputers

Rapid energy storage and retrieval

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