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Over i ew 3 rocess Managtn n

Note Na AL y e Subecl padhna chahta. huun haq

maL ye hofes banana Chata hunfir bhi
Yhe haiMabpovis mt Ye Unt 2 parts ne
QageaaOvryie 0h4 partaur proc.ess
anaq tnneit aQlag

Basic Sructure oaCoputor Sgtn U Us2 3 er

Hard sare inal Applicalion. Se thonreMs
ahuiclusa CEpu
lich wcudt elucheut (empewlil
alew, urilh I0 paubhtala l k System Softoare
(Systcm UlRes +0S)
kuybenndl, uweus nd Omeay (RAM
LENday Nerao likeHDD,SSD)
Hard tware
CPU t lo Peripherals t Memery)
2SotwareS shuelws
enstull Apozih t ib dindd

ApplicatianSttusare ekiun padkag h peawa

BpraAondanud a w
G Me CMMA MG Cpplucaluen NellunN
Camplese WordTedEltrr Spread sheet SIw ete.
Splen Sothare Copli paeghn Aeiay bApual
un a Cevwputysasel was dppiralienk
Lxperatina Sstewn Device Drves UtHty Sottware
Page No
Upersting System a Myplun hnA i

ski lndluy npeslbnc A CEichen


Kere &enpa hth hun a al tnds n a Cpul

Sco Pregpn: Aaghan mecuald wh 0S latu wet a pat
)Apheati renro appuzalunn euna
Windeuws Mac0S, dinux Ardrsd, i0S,efc
upes oOperatina Systans

Batdh Roccessina 0S Jb
10pureina Badthl CPU
w sed m l160s-70s. Toi2 Systen


Owmaunsd i cse an iupt

2 Mtipro9ramal-a 0S P12/2 ie OperahingSysteme
phensanA PALu
Job 2 - 12
wun wLAMAYL 0S eR en Pegha

e 2 128ghawn heeoa P2 uauuhLA mpty SPace
L/0 tun 0g ukhiu BP3 and
Page No


CP Ulpaba CEvAe ak pUMeuA

MolE hsking0S tba pin h ch wlipa par

ClabA , AuspaAe tum in albe (allud TieSharina 0S

l k a UNan 0adlinusH h wed a ouvoROA, An

a t b e l Siyplunbe

5Dstribred05: Malig auibal pmoe L a

ay yw ( a WAN N ulip Stal

Nedia Leuld
6Clustere S: kA MUnAluk vMen Disthuted OS

bedded 0S: in Ma ta paktn boeciu cle hka

aplunWk Qusterd os)

Page No.

Seriices Ihunchans o1 Operatinq Systms

. S0pewsu1 o t
2gra XeCuian ke opexaluMg un D

2hardling To Operatins 0S kades al! typespuh Bupua

Aen apiphnala
SMaplain of hile SystesS deids hosraala heuld
bwawiplalbd and NEALA

Ond phuxkulenall beth o

5Kesource Hocation05 e tepe U a

SUNeLMD nlla b dtiding kuh

6) Acounlig0S wstockb m atLeu al wctemallu

lakuny Nar oyApullu o tnkes

1 Jab Acounina 0S kups Bach o nd ueIs

8) Memora Managemen 05 wowoop, uwohy Momep,

Schadud all phetuunod

pDskmn n/0 GpolieM

rocess Manag bna OS auka o lalia praN Uxu

hale Cenleluy Mecalaa CPU l a pecas
Page No


Device Managemba 0S kup Badh a deit Lenmtisd t

extr durtt kye 0 Cemlhdo dicdia th

9hleManqeaoSRups Aatk whua smalien Med,

bae at lina

DCGarossenortaman.NOS enilera CtMl ysln bualih

theubieetung phzuws
Componpatc of Operatng Systun
2 Hil Man0ge.e
Cawnn.and Iterprctermper.andAie Lrtertoce with hlp Cnd
Sdon Calls
5Sinals(NeHprcess abaut OCcurence t a parhieuler evnat)
6Neork Manager
Securihy Manager
8 oDesiMangger
SeLodary Staraga Manager
to Mainz MMemgy anager
Page No.

struchires of Uperatibuslts

bhuchux an 0S dipando mounly n er

Snaple Shnucture Applicatian froaram

Residet Systee Preges

NAW 2aN walupl
Owd wwid Msluma Iliso

he at MpaAalld lka Caub ROM BIOS Device Divts

(NS DOS Strucdure)

NS-DoSH applizalpn pehams ct Ral

fd yabas Delivers pelli appluualin pAnatL d 6 lata
Lsadlvanlage vey Lplcaled Sp Shuclaae Compkcated
dun budau euda Cospemwla
Aytr N

2 dayered Shnelure ayps ee loay

belem ouo Uah 0) Hardiare
P'age No.

Advawtaae maku dounguqeA daRdim eah

Disad vantegcDeng ua budiuA 9jA Caul pawui
3IMicrokerne Shructure
kwud all we-2oalsl Chspenn Hen
0NrttLailbun hAat oS man wleucesl
Mac 0S

Adyavaa Mak 0S peaad


Disadvanaoe LouANd lArl ew) mbdul Swwwww.calim

Modulay Srhre (Best) Dxice Sche bhulli Ettle

Ph Classes For ats

Copemndt z enimual AeBuuce

Ker nel

ihu duu nun-tint httt un Aandade

Strea Fiie
MoHules IColls syste
Salas is 0S Strvcluye)
ser latur taze
H U o l b l éomunitalen B r QPpralu and
Page o

Dwaddne tertace (cLT): t-bauUI wed h

l d widt wih ta CeMpul CIIs supt np

Cewwhd har A Ualtd lay kuasad ' Cewanand
weRid Cemwmand pAbnp uM un ay u
2)raphic al USer nterfce GU) ba ystuA wsocwe
Nbua CemperweCEmpul
DekumL QUI dusplnayn tlaydb tat iewtyumaua

wbadh ilh n

usten Calls
e n al paaspawaaliu wny wh Compal

Series Iraded Sustn alls

2) cwn
y manoApNNAA

eyta ansluug
5 udum
NJilku ret
Page No

apes of Systan Gl a 5diut caligpu et pinale

Gteary Windowa

recess Covh Create irbcess) tork

ExtPracessl) exit
Watfor Sirgle0bject() waitl)

le Manpltian ree File) Open

ReadTile ead)
WateFilel) ortel)
Clese Handle lese )

3Device Ma pulatien Sellonsle Mode) joctlC

ReadCansaleO fead
Wwite Cansale0 uritel)

onrwation Maimtantnce 4eh Current Prss ID) Qclpial)

STieer alarm
Sleep L) sleepl)
5ommUnitation Create fipe) Pipe
Cceate ale Maypng Shmaet0
Map Vieuat EileO mmapl

6rotecion Set FikSeub) thmodO

Lntialize Sezuvty
SatSecuratyDesiriptarsmup Chan)
Page No.


RNtlianema m UIsJabh y Calla

6UU he MAL Cepln ly Conb durtdu le
Bartha UllAek

File Manggementuy ChinlL dalule ep hwanA

ONMd duNLdn

2Status T.L
nformationi k pami inewwalian ki doll,l n
ONEAW w w e aladlh dusk paek
tluaulud paeeawa, logg nd Bkugug wamalien
Sie Modilkcain lk ae uadte manialaiu

roarammangangunge uppark wtudi levwplba elisphulhd

Tmdusa eunat,eiL ethat

Java,uub Raau a d Pe

5 raaram oading d xeutien Cawut Neadua alealak

leadusa nkane Lalleks ehday
enadia_e ood peudda leadiu kuPagay

6owMunications hay pevtll wthAmbaw ualmg yina


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