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No: 01
Create a Cloud Organization in AWS/Google Cloud/or any
equivalent Open-Source cloud software’s like Openstack,
Eucalyptus, OpenNebula with Role-based access control.

Create an organization and configure it with two AWS member accounts. Create one of the member
accounts in your organization, and invite the other account to join your organization. Next, use the allow
list technique to specify that account administrators and elegate only explicitly listed services and actions.
This allows administrators to validate any new service that AWS introduces before they permit its use by
anyone else in your company. That way, if AWS introduces a new service, it remains prohibited until an
administrator adds the service to the allow list in the appropriate policy.

To Create and configure an organization in AWS/Google Cloud/or any equivalent Open-Source
cloud software’s like Openstack, Eucalyptus, OpenNebula with Role-based access control.

The following illustration shows the main steps.

Step 1: Create your organization

In this step, you create an organization with your current AWS account as the management account. You
also invite one AWS account to join your organization, and you create a second account as a member
Step 2: Create the organizational units

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Next, you create two organizational units (OUs) in your new organization and place the member accounts
in those OUs.
Step 3: Create the service control policies

You can apply restrictions to what actions can be delegated to users and roles in the member accounts by
using service control policies (SCPs). In this step, you create two SCPs and attach them to the OUs in
your organization.
Step 4: Testing your organization's policies

Sign in as users from each of the test accounts and see the effects that the SCPs have on the accounts.

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

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CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Evaluation by Faculty members:

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Faculty Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Faculty Signature

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Review Questions:

1. How did you configure Role-based access control within the chosen cloud platform, and what roles and
permissions were assigned to different users or groups?

2. Can you explain any challenges or obstacles you encountered while implementing Role-based access
control in the cloud organization, and how you addressed them?

3. What specific benefits do you believe Role-based access control brings to the cloud organization's
security posture and operational efficiency?

4. How did you ensure that Role-based access control policies align with the organization's security
requirements and compliance standards?

5. Can you describe any monitoring or auditing mechanisms you established to track access permissions and
ensure ongoing compliance with Role-based access control policies?

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Ex. No:02 Create a Cost-model for a web application using various
services and do Cost-benefit Analysis.

AWS Cost Explorer is a tool that enables to view and analyze the costs and usage. Explore your
usage and costs using the main graph, the Cost Explorer cost and usage reports, or the Cost
Explorer RI reports. It enables to view the data for up to the last 13 months, forecast how much to
be likely to spend for the next 12 months, and get recommendations for what Reserved Instances to
purchase. Use the Cost Explorer to identify areas that need further inquiry and see trends to
understand your costs.


To analyzing the usage costs with AWS Cost Explorer

1. Enabling Cost Explorer
 Control access to cost explorer
2. Controlling access to Cost Explorer
 Using the Cost Explorer chart
3. Exploring more data for advanced cost analysis
4. Granular data
5. Understanding your estimated monthly usage summary
6. Configuring multi-year and granular data
7. Using the AWS Cost Explorer API

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CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Evaluation by Faculty members:

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Faculty Remarks:………………………………………………………………………………………

Faculty Signature

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Review Questions

1. Which cloud services did you choose to use in the cost model for the web application, and what
factors influenced your selection?

2. How did you estimate the costs associated with each selected cloud service, and what methodologies
or tools did you employ for this purpose?

3. Can you outline the anticipated benefits or advantages of utilizing the chosen cloud services for the
web application, and how do they align with the organization's objectives?

4. What considerations did you take into account when conducting the cost-benefit analysis, and what
criteria were used to evaluate the overall economic feasibility of the proposed cloud architecture?

5. Based on your cost-benefit analysis, what conclusions or recommendations can you draw regarding
the optimal configuration of cloud services for the web application in terms of cost-effectiveness and

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Ex. No:
Create alerts for usage of Cloud resources.

Create a CloudWatch alarm that monitors CloudWatch metrics for one of the instances. CloudWatch will
automatically send you a notification when the metric reaches the specified threshold. Create a
CloudWatch alarm using the Amazon EC2 console, or using the more advanced options provided by the
CloudWatch console.

To Create a CloudWatch alarm for an instance
1. Create an alarm using the Amazon EC2 console
2. Create alarms that stop, terminate, reboot, or recover an instance
 Add stop actions to Amazon CloudWatch alarms
 Add terminate actions to Amazon CloudWatch alarms
 Add reboot actions to Amazon CloudWatch alarms
 Add recover actions to Amazon CloudWatch alarms
 Use the Amazon CloudWatch console to view alarm and action history

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CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Evaluation by Faculty members:

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Faculty Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Faculty Signature

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Review Questions:

1. What specific metrics or thresholds did you establish for triggering alerts on cloud resource usage, and
how were these determined based on the organization's requirements?

2. Can you describe the process you followed to configure and set up alerts for monitoring cloud resource
usage? Which monitoring tools or services did you utilize for this purpose?

3. How frequently are the alerts for cloud resource usage monitored and reviewed? What actions are taken
in response to these alerts, and who is responsible for addressing any issues identified?

4. Have you encountered any challenges or limitations while creating alerts for cloud resource usage, and
how did you overcome them?

5. What strategies or best practices did you follow to ensure that the alerts configured for cloud resource
usage are both effective and actionable in optimizing resource utilization and controlling costs?

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Create Billing alerts for your Cloud Organization.

Monitor your estimated AWS charges by using Amazon CloudWatch. Enable the monitoring of estimated
charges for your AWS account, the estimated charges are calculated and sent several times daily to
CloudWatch as metric data.

Billing metric data is stored in the US East (N. Virginia) Region and represents worldwide charges. This
data includes the estimated charges for every service in AWS that you use, in addition to the estimated
overall total of your AWS charges.

The alarm triggers when your account billing exceeds the threshold you specify. It triggers only when the
current billing exceeds the threshold. It doesn't use projections based on your usage so far in the month.

When a billing alarm at a time when your charges have already exceeded the threshold, the alarm goes to
the ALARM state immediately.


To create a billing alarm to monitor your estimated AWS charges

1. Enabling billing alerts
2. Create a billing alarm
3. Delete a billing alarm

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CCS336 Cloud Service Management
CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Evaluation by Faculty members:

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Faculty Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Faculty Signature

Review Questions
CCS336 Cloud Service Management
1. What specific billing thresholds did you set up alerts for within your cloud organization, and how did you
determine these thresholds based on budgetary constraints and spending patterns?

2. Can you describe the process you followed to configure billing alerts for your cloud organization? Which
billing management tools or services did you utilize for this task?

3. How frequently are the billing alerts monitored, and what actions are taken in response to triggering
events? Who is responsible for managing and addressing any billing-related issues that arise?

4. Have you encountered any challenges or complexities while creating billing alerts for your cloud
organization, and if so, how did you navigate them?

5. What measures or strategies have you implemented to ensure that the billing alerts are reliable and
accurately reflect the organization's expenditure, thereby helping to control costs and optimize
resource allocation?

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Ex. No:05 Compare Cloud cost for a simple web application across AWS, Azure
and GCP and suggest the best one.

Create a simple web application. Build a static web app that renders "Hello World.", and add functionality
to the web app so the text that displays is based on a custom input that provided.

To create a web application across AWS, Azure and GCP and suggest the best by comparing the
cost among them.

1. Create a web app
2. Connect the web app to a serverless backend
3. Add interactivity to your web app with an API and a database

Application architecture

The diagram below provides a visual representation of the services used in this exercise and how they are
connected. This application uses AWS Amplify, Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, Amazon
DynamoDB, and AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM).

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CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Evaluation by Faculty members:

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Faculty Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Faculty Signature

Review Questions:

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

1. What specific resources and services did you include in the cost comparison for the simple web
application across AWS, Azure, and GCP, and how did you ensure consistency in the comparison?

2. Can you outline the methodology you used to calculate the costs for each cloud provider, including any
pricing models, discounts, or promotions taken into consideration?

3. What were the key findings or observations from the cost comparison exercise? Did any cloud provider
significantly outperform others in terms of cost-effectiveness for the given requirements?

4. Based on the cost analysis results, what factors influenced your recommendation for the best cloud
provider for hosting the simple web application? Did factors such as pricing, service availability, or
performance play a significant role in your decision?

5. Are there any additional considerations or insights that emerged during the cost comparison that could
impact the overall decision-making process, such as potential scalability, support options, or ecosystem
compatibility with other tools and services?

Ex. No: 06

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Explore AWS Cloud

To explore the AWS cloud.

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

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CCS336 Cloud Service Management
CCS336 Cloud Service Management

Evaluation by Faculty members:

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Faculty Remarks: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Faculty Signature

CCS336 Cloud Service Management

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