Education of Rizal

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According to BB King “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world”. And
where do this education start? HOME, wherein parents act as the child’s first educator, then teachers will
be the ones who extend that education outside the home. This is mostly true among all households,
including Rizal’s.

Jose Rizal started his education at home and attended different schools, inside and outside the country,
until finally becoming a doctor, and earning the title Dr. Jose Rizal. And today, we are going to peek into
the 6 stages of Rizal’s Education.

Early Education in Calamba

Rizal being a part of an ilustrado family received an early education characterized by the 4R’s, which
stands for: reading, writing, arithmetic, and religion. Instruction at that time was rigid and strict. Pure
memorization method was implemented by the Spanish Elementary Education System. But despite this
defect, outmoded and backward system offered by the Spaniards in the Philippines, Rizal acquired the
necessary instruction preparatory for college work in Manila and abroad and become an intellectual

1) Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos

- Mother of Rizal and is simply known as Doña Teodora, was the hero’s first teacher. With her
helped Rizal learned the alphabet and prayers by the age of three. As his educator, Doña Teodora
was patient, conscientious and understanding. She was the first one to discovered Rizal’s talent
for poetry.
- After that discovery she encouraged him to write poems, not only because of his talent of it, but
also to enlighten the monotony of memorizing the ABC’s. She also like to relate to him many
stories in order to stimulate and broaden his imagination.
- But as he grew older, his parents employed different private tutors to give him lessons at home.
He had a total of 3 tutors.
2) Maestro Celestino – became his first tutor
3) Maestro Lucas Padua – became his second tutor
4) Leon Monroy
- Then lastly, is Leon Monroy, an old man and a former classmate of Rizal’s father, became his
tutor. Monroy lived at Rizal’s residence and had instructed him in Spanish and Latin.
Unfortunately, after 5 months, he passed away.
- His death led Rizal’s parents to send their gifted son to a private school in Biñan. Thus, started his
education outside home.

Education in Biñan
It was Sunday afternoon of June, 1869, when Rizal left Calamba for Biñan. He was accompanied by his
older brother Paciano, who also acted as his second father. They rode carromata, most popularly known
as kalesa for one and a half hour before arriving at their destination. Upon their arrival, they proceeded
to their aunt’s house where Rizal was to board during his study in Biñan.

That same night Rizal, along with his cousin Leandro, roam around the town, but instead of enjoying it,
he felt homesick and uttered the words “I remembered my home town, my idolized mother, and my
solicitous sisters. Ah, how sweet to me was Calamba, my own town, in spite of the fact, that it was not as
wealthy as Biñan”, before going home and start his first day at School of Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz,
accompanied by Paciano.

1) School of Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz

- It was a school that is actually in the house of the teacher. It was a small nipa hut about 30
meters from the house of Jose’s aunt.
- After Paciano introduced Jose to the teacher and departed to return to Calamba, Jose was
immediately assigned to his seat and was questioned if he knows of Spanish and Latin. He then
answered that he is a little good at both language, which made Pedro, the teacher’s son laughed.
Though all noise was sharply stopped by the teacher and began the lesson of the day.
- That same day, in the afternoon Jose had his first brawl.
2) First Brawl
- Jose met Pedro, who made him angry for making fun of him during class. He challenged Pedro
into a fight, which Pedro readily accepted, thinking that he can easily beat a smaller and younger
boy. However, that was not the case, because Jose defeated Pedro in wrestling, with the skills he
learned from his athletic Tio Manuel. His victory made him popular among his classmates.
- But his first day didn’t end with that, because after school, his classmate named Andres
Salandanan challenged him to an arm-wrestling in the sidewalk. And because him having a
weaker arm, he lost and nearly cracked his head.
- So, in the succeeding days, he had other fights with Biñan boys, though he was not quarrelsome
in nature, he never ran away from a fight.
3) Juancho
- Juancho is an old painter lived near the school of Jose, and was the father-in-law of the school
teacher. His loved of painting lured Jose to spend many leisure hours in the studio. The old man
freely gave him lessons in drawing and painting, and was impressed by the artistic talent of the
Calamba boy.
- Jose together with classmate, Jose Guevarra, became apprentices of Juancho. They’ve improved
their art and became “the favorite painters of the class”
4) Best student in School
- When it comes in academic studies, Jose beat all Biñan boys. He surpassed them all in Spanish,
Latin and other subjects. This achievement of his made older classmates jealous, and wickedly
squealed to the teacher whenever Jose had a fight, and even told lies to discredit him before the
teacher’s eye. Consequently, the teacher had to punish Jose, thus Rizal said “in spite of the
reputation I had being a good boy, the day was unusual when I was not laid out on a bench and
given 5-6 blows”

Jose Rizal’s schooling in Biñan ended before the Christmas season in 1870. He received a letter from his
sister that the arrival of the steamer Talim would take him from Biñan to Calamba. By reading the letter,
he had a premonition that he would not return to Biñan, making him sad, prayed in town church,
collected pebbles for souvenirs, and regretfully bade farewell to his teacher and classmates.

After one and half year of schooling in Biñan, he left on Saturday afternoon, December 17, 1870, riding
the streamer Talim for the first time. On the way home, he was accompanied by a Frenchman named
Arthur camps, friend of his father.
Ateneo Municipal
4 months after the martyrdom of GOM-BUR-ZA and with Doña Teodora still in prison, Jose Rizal was sent
to Manila. He studied in the Ateneo Municipal, supervised by Spanish Jesuits. This college was formerly
known as Escuela Pia (Charity School), which is a school for poor boys in Manila, established by the city
government in 1817. It was later became Ateneo de Manila, and acquired prestige as an excellent college

Paciano accompanied Jose in Manila on June 10, 1872. Though he took entrance examinations on
Christian Doctrine, arithmetic and reading, at the College of San Juan de Letran and passed, his father
who wished him to study there changed his mind and decided to send him to Ateneo instead.

Thus, after going home, and returning to Manila, Paciano again accompanied Jose to matriculated at the
Ateneo Municipal, but encountered a problem. Father Magin Ferrando, the college registrar refused to
admit him for 2 reasons. First is that he was late for registration and second is he was sickly and
undersized for his age, which was then 11. However, he was reluctantly admitted when Manuel Xerez
Burgos, nephew of Father Burgos, intercepted.

Jose was the first in his family to adopt the surname “Rizal”, for their family name “Mercado” had come
under the suspicion of the Spanish authorities. During Rizal’s time in Ateneo, he boarded on Caraballo
Street, owned by a spinster named Titay, who owed the family P300.

In Ateneo, students were divided into two groups: “Roman Empire”, consisting of internos (borders) and
the “Carthaginian Empire” that composed of the externos (non-borders). In each group, 5 best students
are given titles: Emperor, Tribune, Decurion, Centurion, and standard-bearer. In this system, any student
can challenge any officer of his “Empire”

1) First Year of Rizal (1872-1873)

So, Rizal started his first day of class in June 1872, and being a newcomer and knowing little
Spanish, he was placed at the bottom of the class. He was an externo, hence he was assigned to
However, after a week, the Calamba boy progressed rapidly, and by the end of the month, he
became “emperor”. As the brightest pupil in the whole class, he was awarded a prize, which he
was proud of because it was the first prize, he ever won at Ateneo.
During noon recesses he took private lessons in Santa Isabel College to improved his Spanish,
and paid 3 pesos for it, which is worth the prize. In the second half of his first year, Rizal did not
try hard enough to retain his academic supremacy because he resented some remarks of his
professor. Although he placed second by the end of the year, all his grades are still marked
Latin I…………………………………………………….Excellent
Spanish I………………………………………………..Excellent
Greek I…………………………………………………..Excellent
2) Second Year of Rizal (1873-1874)
Nothing much happen during his second year, except when he regretted neglecting his studies
during his first year, simply because he was offended by the teacher’s remarks. So, to regain his
lost class leadership, he studied harder, and once more became the “Emperor”
At the end of the school year, Rizal received excellent grades in all subjects and a gold medal.
With his scholastic honors, he triumphantly returned to Calamba by March 1874 for his summer
Latin 2………………………………………….Excellent
Spanish 2……………………………………..Excellent
Greek 2………………………………………..Excellent
Universal Geography……………………Excellent
During this summer vacation, he visited his mother in Santa Cruz, who is still in prison. There he
interpreted his mother’s dream of her being released in prison in 3-months’ time. This prophecy
became true, which made Doña Teodora ever prouder of Jose whom she likened to the youthful
Joseph in the Bible in his ability to interpret dreams.
Also, in this summer vacation Rizal began to take interests in reading romantic novels. His first
favorite novel was the The Count of Mont Christo by Alexander Dumas. As a voracious reader, he
read both fiction and non-fiction, and even persuaded his father to buy him the Cesar Cantu’s
historical work entitled “Universal History”. This work was a great aid in his studies and enabled
him to win more prizes in Ateneo
Later on, he read Travels in the Philippines by Dr. Feodor Jagor, and was impressed because of 2
reasons: 1) Jagor’s keen observations of the defects of Spanish Colonization, and 2) His
prophecy that someday Spain would lose the Philippines and America would come to succeed
her colonizer.
3) Third Year of Rizal (1874-1875)
Despite hearing the news of his mother being released from prison, Rizal did not make an
excellent showing in his studies, though his grades remained excellent.
Latin 3……………………………………………………………..Excellent
Spanish 3………………………………………………………..Excellent
Greek 3…………………………………………………………..Excellent
Universal History…………………………………………….Excellent
History of Spain and the Philippines……………….Excellent
Arithmetic & Algebra………………………………………Excellent
This school year he only won one medal- in Latin. He failed to win the Spanish as he was not
fluently sonorous.
4) Fourth Year of Rizal (1875-1876)
After refreshing and a happy summer vacation, Rizal went back to Manila to start his fourth year.
On June 16, 1875, Rizal became an interno in the Ateneo. During this school year, Rizal was
inspired by one of his professors, Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez, to study harder and to write
poetry. Fr. Sanchez became an admirer and a friend to Rizal. On the other hand, Rizal had the
highest affection and respect for him, and considered him as the best professor in the Ateneo.
Inspired by Fr. Sanchez, Rizal resumed his studies with vigor and zest. He topped all his
classmates in all subjects and won 5 medals by the end of the school term.
Rhetoric & Poetry………………………………………………Excellent
French I……………………………………………………………..Excellent
Geometry & Trigonometry…………………………………Excellent
5) Fifth Year of Rizal (1876-1877)
On his last year, Rizal’s studies continued to fare well. He excelled in all subjects and become
known as the most brilliant Atenean of his time. He obtained the highest grades in all subjects,
making him graduate with the highest honor of his class.
Philosophy 1………………………………..Excellent
Minerology & Chemistry………………Excellent
Philosophy 2…………………………………Excellent
Botany & Zoology…………………………Excellent
During their graduation on march 23, 1877, Rizal at the age of 16, received the degree of
Bachelor of Arts, with the highest honors. Though, he was not just a mere bookworm.
1. Rizal was an active member, later secretary, of the religious society “Marian Congregation”.
2. He is a member of the Academy of Spanish Literature and Academy of Natural Sciences.
3. He cultivated his literary talent under the guidance of Fr. Sanchez.
4. He studied painting under the famous Spanish painter, Agustin Saez.
5. He studied sculpture under Romualdo de Jesus, a noted Filipino sculptor.
6. He developed his body by engaging in gymnastics and fencing
With Rizal’s skills in sculpture, he carved an image of The Virgin Mary on a piece of batikuling
with his pocket-knife. This work of him caught the eye of Father Lleonart, who asked the young
boy to sculpt the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Fr. Lleonart was supposed to bring back the
sculpture back in Spain, but forgot about it. And so, the Ateneo boarding students placed it on
the door of the dormitory, where it remained there for years. This image later played a
significant part in Rizal’s last hours at Fort Santiago.
As mentioned before, Doña Teodora discovered and the first one to encourage Rizal to write
poem, but it was Fr. Sanchez that inspired him and opened his mind to the enriching influence of
the world’s literature. And so here are some of the poems he have written during his times in
1. Mi Primera Inspiracion (My First Inspiration), which is dedicated to his mother on her
2. Through Education Our Motherland Receives Light, which is about the significant role
the education plays in the progress and welfare of a nation.
3. The Intimate Alliance Between Religion and Good Education, which showed the
importance of religion in education, because to him education without God is not true
4. To the Child Jesus and To the Virgin Mary, are two poems that expressed his devotion to
his Catholic faith.

Universidad de Santo Tomas

Rizal’s medical studies started at the Universidad de Santo Tomas. After graduating with the highest
honors from Ateneo, Rizal had to go to the University of Santo Tomas for higher studies. Both Don
Francisco and Paciano wanted him to pursue higher learning in the university, but Doña Teodora
opposed to the idea because of what happened to Gom-Bur-Za. Though that doesn’t stop Paciano in
accompanying his younger brother in Manila.
In April 1877, Rizal matriculated in the University of Santo Tomas, taking the course on Philosophy and
Letters, for 2 reasons. First is that his father liked it, and secondly, he was still uncertain as to what career
to pursue. Unsure of the career to take, he asked advice to the Rector of Ateneo, Father Pablo Ramon,
who in that time is in Mindanao, and unable to gave advise to Rizal. Because of it, during his first-year
term in the Universidad de Santo Tomas, he studied Cosmology, Metaphysics, Theodicy and History of

It was during the following term that Rizal was able to received the Rector’s advice to study medicine.
And so, he took up the medical course, enrolling simultaneously in the preparatory medical course and
the regular year medical course. However, that is not only the reason why he chose medicine for a
career. He also want to able to cure his mother’s growing blindness.

Although Rizal was already studying at Universidad de Santo Tomas, during his first year he took a
vocational course leading to the title of perito agrimensor (expert surveyor). As usual, he excelled in all
subjects in the surveying course in Ateneo, obtaining gold medals in agriculture and topography. At the
age of 17, he passed the final examination in the surveying course, but could not be granted the title
because he was below age. So, the title was issued to him on November 15, 1881

In the year 2879, the Liceo Artistico-Literario (Artistic-Literary Lyceum) of Manila held a literary contest.
It offered a prize for the best poem by a native or a mestizo. Rizal, who was 18 at that time, submitted his
poem A La Juventud Filipina (To the Filipino Youth).

The poem won the first prize which consisted of a silver pen, feather-shaped and decorated with a gold
ribbon. This prize-winning poem is an inspiring poem of flawless form. In exquisite verses, Rizal
beseeched the Filipino youth to rise from lethargy, to let their genius fly swifter than the wind and
descend with art and science to break the chains that have long bound the spirit of people. This poem is
a classic in Philippines Literature because it was the first great poem in Spanish written by a Filipino,
whose merit was recognized by Spanish Literary authorities, and because it expressed for the first time
the nationalistic concept that the Filipinos, and not foreigners were the “fair hope of the Fatherland”.

In the following year, 1880, Artistic-Literary Lyceum opened another literary contest to commemorate
the 4th centennial of the death of Cervantes, the famous author of Don Quixote. Inspired by his poetical
triumph the previous year, Rizal entered and submitted an allegorical drama “El Consejo de los Dioses”
(The Council of the Gods). Then again, Rizal won the first place, and despite all objections to him
winning, the prize was awarded to Rizal, which is a gold ring on which was engraved the bust of
Cerventes. Aside from these 2 prize-winning works, Rizal, although studying medicine, produced other
poems and a zarzuela.

Just like in Biñan, Rizal participated in student brawls but this time, against arrogant Spanish students,
who were often surpassed by Filipinos in class work and who insultingly called their brown classmates
“Indio, Chongo!”. Owing to his skill in fencing, his prowess in wrestling, and indomitable courage, he
distinguished himself in these student skirmishes, and was the Champion of Filipino Students. In 1880,
he founded a secret society of Filipino students called Compañerismo (Comradeship), whose members
are called “Companions of Jehu”.

Rizal spent his days in UST unhappy. He found the atmosphere suffocating and for reasons like: 1)
Dominican professors were hostile to him, 2) Filipino students were racially discriminated against by the
Spaniards, and 3) the method of instruction was obsolete and repressive. Because of the unfriendly
attitude of his professors, Rizal, the most brilliant graduate of Ateneo failed to win high scholastic
honors. His grades in his 4 year medical course were not impressive.

1877-78 (Philosophy & Letters)

Cosmology &Metaphysics………………………….Excellent
History of Philosophy…………………………………Excellent

1878-1879 (Medicine 1)
Natural History…………………………Good
Anatomy I………………………………..Good
Dissection I………………………………Good
1879-1880 (Medicine 2)
Anatomy 2……………….Good
Dissection 2…………….Good
Private Hygiene………Good
Public Hygiene……….Good
1880-1881 (Medicine 3)
General Pathology…………………..Fair
1881-1882 (Medicine 4)
Medical Pathology…………………….Very Good
Surgical Pathology…………………….Very Good
Obstetrics…………………………………Very Good
Because of his experienced in the UST, after finishing his 4 th year of medical course, Rizal decided to
study in Spain. He decided to finish his medical studies abroad, where the professors were more liberal
than those of the Universidad de Santo Tomas.

Universidad de Madrid
It was June 16, 1882 when Rizal reached Barcelona. And after a few months, on November 3 of the same
year, he enrolled in the Universidad Central de Madrid (Central University of Madrid) in 2 courses:
Medicine and Philosophy & Letters. Aside from his heavy studies in the university, he studied painting
and sculpture in the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. He took lessons in French, German and
English under private instructors. He assiduously practiced fencing and shooting in the Hall of Arms of
Sanz y Carbonell. For his thirst for music knowledge, he visited art galleries and museums and read books
on all subjects under the sun, including military engineering.

In 1882, Rizalm joined the Circulo Hispano-Filipino (Hispano-Philippine Circle). Upon the request of the
members, Rizal wrote a poem entitled “Me Piden Versos” (They Asked Me For Verses), which he
personally declaimed during New Year’s Eve of the Madrid Filipinos in the evening of December 31.
1882. In this poem he poured out the cry of his agonizing heart.
On June 25, 1884,Rizal was invited as a guest speaker in a banquet was sponsored by Filipino community
to celebrate the double victory of the Filipino artist in the National Exposition of Fine Arts in Madrid
(Luna’s Spoliarium) (1st place) and Hidalgo’s Christian Virgins Exposed to the Populace (2nd placed).

Speaking in sonorous Castilian, Rizal held his audience spellbound. With his magnificent speech, he was
greeted with wild ovations, for seldom did the Spaniards hear such an oration from the lips of a brown
Filipino which was almost peerless in nobility of thought.

Finally, Rizal completed his medical course in Spain. He was conferred the degree of Licentiate in
Medicine by the Universidad Central de Madrid on June 21, 1884. On the next academic year (1884-
1885) he studied and passed all subjects leading to the degree of Doctor of Medicine. However, since he
did not present his thesis, required for graduation nor paid for corresponding fees, he was not awarded
his Doctor’s diploma. This is his grades in the Medicine Course.

5th year (1882-1883): continuation of Medical Course in University of Santo Tomas

Medical Clinic 1………………………………Good
Surgical Clinic 1………………………………Good
Obstetrical Clinic…………………………….Fair
Legal Medicine……………………………….Excellent
6th year (1883-1884)
Medical Clinic 2……………………………..Good
Surgical Clinic 2………………………………Very Good
History of Medical Science…………………Fair
Surgical Analysis………………………………..Good
Normal Histology………………………………Excellent
He also finished his second course, Philosophy & Letters, with higher grades. He was awarded the
degree of Licentiate in the Philosophy and Letter by the Universidad Central de Madrid on June 19, 1885,
which was his 24th birthday, with a rating of “Excellent” or “Sobresaliente”.
Universal History 1………………………Very Good
General Literature………………………Excellent
Universal History 2…………………….Excellent
Greek and Latin Literature…………Excellent (with prize)
Greek 1……………………………………..Excellent (with prize)
Spanish Language………………………Excellent w/ a scholarship
Arabic Language……………………….. Excellent w/ a scholarship

At long last, Rizal completed his studies in Spain. By obtaining the degree of licentiate in Philosophy &
Letter, he became qualified to be a professor of humanities in any Spanish University. And by receiving
his degree of Licentiate in Medicine, he became a full-pledge physician, qualified to practice medicine.

Jose Rizal as a Doctor

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