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1. The boys in the class are having mean weight= 9.

Standard deviation=1.1kg
Calculate the percentage(%) of the boys in the following:
1. Weight less than 8.4kg
2. Between 7.3kg and 11.7kg
3. More than 12.8
2. Children plays for 2 hours when active with a standard deviation of 0.7hrs . the school class
teacher wants to plan a trip with 50 children. As a situation .what is the probability that the
children will play for more than 2.2 hours.
3. On an average, one day international cricket match lasts for about 500mins.
It has about 300mins of actual play, 200mins of advertisements.
Let us assume that the probability distribution for the number of actual minutes of the
cricket telecast is uniformly distributed from a low of 260mins to a high of 340mins.
What is the probability that the match will have between 280mins to 320mins of actual play?

One sample t-test

In the population the average IQ is 100. A team of scientists wants to test a new medication
to see if it has either a positive or negative effect on intelligence, or no effect at all. A sample
of 30 participants who have been taken the medications has a mean of 140 with a standard
deviation of 20. Did the medication affect the intelligence.alpha=0.05

t- statistics with CI

1. The average weight of 20 student in a certain school was found to be 165lbs with a
standard deviation of 4.5. (a) construct 95% confidence interval for the population mean
(b) determine the EBM for population mean.

Central Limit Theorem:

The average age of marriage is 25 for women and 27 for men in the US. If the standard
deviation of women is 4 years, what is the probability that a random selection of 32 women have an
average age at marriage between 26 to27?

Z-Test CI

1. Scores on an exam are normally distributed with a population standard deviation=5.6. a

random sample of 40 scores on the exam has a mean of 32.

Estimate the population mean with

a) 80% confidence
b) 90% confidence
c) 98 confidence

Ttest CI

1. A random sample of 15 observation has a mean of 20 and standard deviation of 3.5. To

estimate population mean with 95% confidence level. Find the i) Margin of Error ii)
confidence interval.
2 tail independent tests:

A statistics teacher wants to compare his two classes to see if they performed any differently on the
tests he gave that semester. Class A had 25 students with an average score of 70, standard deviation
15. Class B had 20 students with an average score of 74 , standard deviation 25. Using alpha 0.05 did
these two classes perform differently on the tests?.

Paired T test:

A study has conducted to determine the effectiveness of a weight base program. The table below
shows the before and after weights of 10 subject in the program. A) Is the program effective for
reducing weight? B) (use a 5% significant level) construct a 95% confidence interval and determine
the margin of error.

S.NO Before After

1 185 169
2 192 187
3 206 193
4 177 176
5 225 194
6 168 171
7 256 228
8 239 217
9 199 204
10 218 195

Chi-square Test:
A school principal would like to know which day of the week
students are most likely to be absent. The principal expects that students
will be absent equally during the 5-day school weak. The principal selects
a random sample of 100 teachers asking them which day of the week they
had the highest number of student absences. The observed and expected
results are shown in table below. Based on the results do the days for the
highest number of absences occur with equal frequencies? (Use a 5%
significant level)
Mon Tue We Thur Fri
observed 23 16 14 19 28
Expected 20 20 20 20 20

Calculate the Chi-square value for the following data of incidences of water-
borne diseases in three tropical regions.

India Equador South America Total

Typhoid 31 14 45 90

Cholera 2 5 53 60

Diarrhoea 53 45 2 100

86 64 100 250


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