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7th grade

I. Put the verbs into the Past Tense and Past Participle:

Become……………………………..……….., begin………………...…………………………,
break…………………………………...…….., blow………………………………….………..,
Catch………………………………………….., buy…………………………………………….,
choose……………………………………..….., come………………………………..………….,
Do…………………………………………..…., draw……………………………………..……..,
fly………………………………………….…, forget…………………………………..…………,
give…………………………………….……, go……………………………………………….…,
keep……………………………………..……, know……………………………………………..,
leave………...………………………….…….., lend………………………………………….….,
meet………………………………………….., sell………………………………..…...…………,
see……………………………………….……, say……………………………………………….,
Run…………………………………..……….., sing…………………………………………..….,
sit…………………………………..….…….., speak………………………………..…………….,
stand………………………………………….., Swim…………………………………………….,
take……………………………………………., tell………………………………….……..…….,
write……………………………………………, read………………………………….…………,
wear……………………………………………., think…………………………………………. .

II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense:

1. When Sue…………..…….(come) to the office, four people………………………(wait) for
her outside the office.
2. She……...…………(have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock………………..(ring).
3. We………..…………..(drive) home in the middle of the night when we…………….(see) a
flashing light.
4. Dana………………………………………………….……….(love) reading a good novel.
5. You can’t disturb them. They………………………………………(play) a game of cards.
6. I ………………..(create) websites for a living. What …………………………..(you/do)?
7. She……………….(live) in London, but she…………….………………(currently/stay) with
some friends in Scotland.
8. My mum………………………………..(organize) a party for her best friend once a year.
9. This car…………………………….……….(be) in our family for more than eleven years.
Father…………………..(drive) it for the first six years, my sister…..……………….(use) it
for the next two years and I …………..……………(have) it for three years.
10. Harold…………..…………..(book) the hotel room yet? Well, he………………..(write) to
the hotel ten days ago, but they………………..………..(not/ answer) him yet.
11. If my brother………………….……(go) to Bucharest, he will visit the Village Museum.
12. Tom………………………………………..……..(learn) French, if only he had the time.
13. The room…………………….(not/look) so dark, if she cleaned the windows more often.
14. I would be grateful to her, if she ………………………………….(not/ ask) me anything.
15. Grandma …………………………………..….(not/ be able)to read if she lost her glasses.

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Nu am putea trăi dacă nu ar fi oxigenul din aer.
2. Dacă va fi frumos mâine, vom merge la plimbare în parc.
3. Ce se va întâmpla, dacă parașuta nu se deschide?
4. Anul trecut ați vizitat Londra, iar anul acesta ați vizitat Parisul.
5. Peter a venit de la școala la ora 2, iar acum vorbește la telefon de mai bine de 10 minute.
6. Turistul tocmai ne-a explicat că a luat trenul ieri după amiază și că a ajuns aici în această
după amiază.
7. De cât timp patinează fratele tău?
8. Tatăl meu nu se uită niciodată la televizor duminica.
9. Nu-l deranja pe tatăl tău acum. Tocmai îi telefonează Președintelui.
10. Pentru că ploua, copiii se jucau în casă.

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