Passage Casebased-4

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Passage 2 1. Today’s woman is highly self-directed person, alive to the sense of her dignity and the importance of her functions in the private domestic domain and the public domain of the world of work. Women are rational in approach, careful in handling situations and want to do things as best as possible. The Fourth World conference of Women held in Beijing in September, 1995 had emphasised that no enduring solution of society’s Most threatening social, economic and political Problems could be found without the participation and empowerment of women. The 1995 World Summit for Social Development had also emphasised the pivotal role of women in eradicating poverty and mending the social fabric. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 2. TheCon: | Women’s education has not ition of Indiahadl conferred on women eq rights and opportunities—political, social, edueatio and of employment—with men trations, superstitions, exptoitation and corruptigg ‘The majority of women are still not allowed {0 enjo the rghs and opportunities bestowed on them. One the major reasons for this state of affirs is the lack main instrument through which we can narrow doy the prevailing inequality and accelerate the process gy economic and political change in the status of Women, | The role of women in a society is very importan, Women’s education is the key to beter life in the futur, ‘recent World Bank study says that educating girls | Sot a charity, itis good economics and if developin, nations are to eradicate poverty, they must educa the its. The report says that the economic an Social returns on investment in education of the gin, considerably affect the human development index op the nation. Society would progress only ifthe status oy women is respected and the presence of an educate oman in the family would ensure education of the family itself. Education and empowerment of women are closely related, eliminate poverty, hunger, the national level, Even when we are ¢ Our society till disci their rights and he threshold of the 2 Rajasth; rey oO OF most backward sine #8than all in iene? — ‘ward states as far as female Prevailing cultural noyme rms of wen BESS domes wy roadie nit © affect the education Of a girl, Negative ols, Testrictions on PEE act he gee Povey snd ‘Bitl’'s partic tion in education, q Pn 8 bi boa wih ich gave ge Panchayats, Block he es Weshout the county Was oe women 805 in 992 to act ‘Scanned with CamScanner 7, The educational system is the on can counteract the dee sexes that a Faueation is the most important nt instrument of hum esourve development. The o ci resource development, The educational eter shoud te use] to revolitionise the tradional ative i inculcate new values of equality ] Based on your understandi answer the following Question mone aac ‘most appropriate option. oS a) Even at the threshold (en at the thes argh the 24st century, eis (i) reservation for women (i) discrimination against women (i) positive attitude towards women (iv) early marriages, (b) What has been done to evalu; women’s education? (i) Organised world conference of women (i) Index to check female iteracy (ii) Setting up of committe (Wv) None of the above (9 Women are not allowed to enjoy their rights and ‘opportunities due to: (i) equal rights (i) social changes (i) lack of titeracy and awareness (iv) corruption (a) Women's education has not received due care from: late the progress in "eS and commissions {) planners and poticy makers {il) National Commission for Women (ii) block heads (iv) Indian banks (©) Women's the key to better life. (i) education (i) potitical status (ii) employment (iv) economic status (f) Choose the synonym of ‘dignity’ (i) Decency (i) Rigidity (iii) Clarity (iv) Enmity (g) Female literacy rate was in 1901. (i) 39.2% (ii) 8.6% (ii) 0.6% (iv) 329% (h) The National Commission for women was set up in: () 1995 (i) 1991 (il) 1993 (iv) 1992 (i) The educational system should be used to: A. Inculcate new values of equality. B. Revolutionise the traditional attitudes. (i) Onty A {ii) Only B (iii) Both A and B (iv) None of these G) Read the given statements and choose the correct option. A.Marriage and empowerment of women are closely related. ‘Scanned wih CamScanner B.The Constitution of india had conferred or women equal rights and opportunities. (i) B elaborates A (ii) B contradicts A (iii) A is true but B is false (iv) A is false but B is true (k) Women are: (i) rational in approach (ii) careful in handling situations (iii) want to do things in best possible ways (iv) All of the above ‘Scanned wih CamScanner

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