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In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

"O God, eternal and merciful Father, in the tranquility of this evening, I come before you to offer my
gratitude for the blessings of this day. As the night falls and darkness envelops the world, I seek
your presence to guide me through the shadows of uncertainty.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, in your infinite compassion, you took on human flesh to
redeem us from sin and darkness. As I reflect on the events of this day, I acknowledge my
weaknesses and failures. Yet, in your boundless love, you offer forgiveness and the promise of new
beginnings. Grant me the grace to let go of the burdens of the day and to find peace in your saving

Holy Spirit, gentle and consoling, breathe into my soul the assurance of your presence. As I prepare
to rest my weary body, may your comforting presence surround me like a warm embrace. Enlighten
my mind with your wisdom and inspire my heart with your love. Help me to surrender all my fears
and anxieties into your care, trusting in your providence and guidance.

Triune God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, unite my heart to yours in this sacred moment. As I close
my eyes and surrender to sleep, watch over me with your loving gaze. Protect me from all harm and
evil, and grant me the gift of peaceful rest. May the angels and saints keep vigil around me, and may
the light of your presence dispel all darkness from my soul.

Into your hands, O Holy Trinity, I commend my spirit. May your will be done in my life, now and
forever. Amen."

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