First Lecture+ IMP QUESTIONS

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Domain Requirements:

Definition: Domain requirements are specific to the application domain or industry in which the
software system will be used. They reflect the unique characteristics, constraints, and regulations of the


In the domain of healthcare, a requirement could be:

- "The system must comply with HIPAA regulations for patient data privacy and security."

Functional and Non-Functional Requirements:

Functional Requirements:

Definition: Functional requirements describe the specific behaviors or functions that the software
system must perform to meet user needs.


For a banking application, a functional requirement could be:

- "The system must allow users to transfer funds between accounts."

Non-Functional Requirements:

Definition: Non-functional requirements specify the quality attributes or constraints of the system, such
as performance, usability, reliability, or security.


For the same banking application, a non-functional requirement could be:

- "The system must process fund transfers within 5 seconds, with a maximum downtime of 99.9%."

User Requirements:

Definition: User requirements represent the needs, expectations, and preferences of system users. They
focus on the features and functionalities that users want from the software.


For a social media platform, a user requirement could be:

- "The system must provide a 'like' button for users to express approval of posts."

Software Requirements Engineering:

Definition: Software Requirements Engineering (SRE) is the process of eliciting, analyzing, documenting,
validating, and managing software requirements throughout the software development lifecycle.

Example: In the development of a new e-commerce website, SRE involves gathering requirements from
stakeholders (e.g., customers, marketing team), analyzing these requirements to determine system
functionality and constraints, documenting them in a requirements specification document, validating
them to ensure they meet stakeholder needs, and managing changes to requirements as the project

Business Requirements Engineering and BRD:

Definition: Business Requirements Engineering (BRE) focuses on understanding and documenting the
high-level business objectives, goals, and processes that the software system is intended to support.


In the development of an inventory management system for a retail company, business requirements
could include:

- "The system must accurately track inventory levels across multiple warehouses."

- "The system must generate automated reorder notifications when inventory levels fall below a certain

BRD (Business Requirements Document):

A BRD is a formal document that outlines the business requirements for a software project. It serves as a
reference for stakeholders and provides a basis for software development activities.

Characteristics of Good Requirements:

1. Clear and Unambiguous: Requirements should be easy to understand and leave no room for

2. Complete: Requirements should capture all necessary functionalities and constraints of the system.

3. Consistent: Requirements should not contradict each other and should align with project objectives.

4. Feasible: Requirements should be achievable within project constraints (e.g., budget, schedule,

5. Testable: Requirements should be verifiable through testing to ensure that they are implemented

6. Traceable: Requirements should be traceable to their source and to other project artifacts (e.g.,
design, test cases).

7. Prioritized: Requirements should be prioritized based on their importance and impact on project

8. Modifiable: Requirements should be flexible and able to accommodate changes as project

requirements evolve.

Problems in Requirements Elicitation:

1. Incomplete Requirements: Stakeholders may fail to express all their needs, leading to missing or
overlooked requirements
2. Ambiguity: Requirements may be unclear, vague, or open to interpretation, causing confusion and
misunderstandings among stakeholders and development teams.

3. Inconsistent Requirements: Conflicting or contradictory requirements from different stakeholders

can make it challenging to determine the correct course of action.

4. Changing Requirements: Requirements may evolve over time due to changing business needs,
market conditions, or stakeholder priorities, leading to scope creep and project delays.

5. Unrealistic Expectations: Stakeholders may have unrealistic expectations regarding the capabilities,
cost, or timeline of the project, leading to dissatisfaction and disappointment.

6. Lack of Stakeholder Engagement: Insufficient involvement or participation from key stakeholders can
result in requirements that do not fully address their needs or priorities.

7. Technological Constraints: Limited understanding of technology constraints or capabilities may result

in requirements that are not feasible or practical to implement.

8. Scope Creep: Continuous addition of new requirements without proper prioritization or impact
analysis can lead to scope creep, causing delays and budget overruns.

9. Dependency Issues: Dependencies between requirements or external factors may not be adequately
identified, leading to delays or conflicts during implementation.

10. Poor Communication: Communication breakdowns between stakeholders, development teams, and
other project stakeholders can hinder the elicitation and validation of requirements.

Roles and Duties of Business Analysts:

1. Requirement Elicitation: Gather and analyze business requirements through techniques such as
interviews, workshops, and document analysis.

2. Stakeholder Management: Identify and engage with stakeholders to understand their needs,
expectations, and priorities.

3. Requirement Analysis: Analyze and document requirements to ensure clarity, completeness, and

4. Requirement Prioritization: Prioritize requirements based on business value, urgency, and feasibility
to guide project planning and execution.

5. Facilitation: Facilitate meetings, workshops, and discussions to gather requirements, resolve conflicts,
and achieve consensus among stakeholders.

6. Documentation: Document requirements in clear, concise, and unambiguous language using

appropriate formats and tools.

7. Change Management: Manage changes to requirements throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring
that changes are properly evaluated, approved, and implemented.

8. Communication: Serve as a liaison between business stakeholders and development teams, ensuring
clear and effective communication of requirements and project expectations.
9. Risk Management: Identify and assess risks related to requirements, dependencies, and project
constraints, and develop mitigation strategies to address them.

10. Quality Assurance: Ensure that requirements meet quality standards and align with business
objectives, facilitating user acceptance testing and validation.

Interface Analysis:

- Description: Examines interactions between components, subsystems, or external systems.

- Purpose: Identifies interface requirements and compatibility issues.

- Process: Identifies interfaces, analyzes data flow, assesses compatibility, resolves conflicts, and
documents requirements.

Joint Application Design (JAD):

- Description: Collaborative workshops to define system requirements.

- Purpose: Accelerates requirements gathering and promotes stakeholder consensus.

- Process: Prepares, facilitates workshops, defines requirements, validates, and documents results.

Quality Function Deployment (QFD):

- Description: Translates customer requirements into product features.

- Purpose: Ensures customer needs drive product design.

- Process: Analyzes voice of the customer, identifies needs, creates matrices, prioritizes requirements,
and plans implementation.

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