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NATIONAL HIGHWAYS & INF 2023_NHIDC_775279_1 Sub: Construction of Twin Tube Uni-directional Azawl Bypass Tunnel of 2.5 km and its approaches of 2.1 km from km 10.600 to krn 15.200 (Package-2) on Strang - Phaibawk section of NH6 i the State of Mizaram on EPC Mode, STRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION NTED 11.12.2023 Amendment No-4 Peterence section] ls.n.| cause no? Existing Provision ecified Provision 1 |__ Para-t of — Threshold Technical Capacity nreshold Technical Capacity Section-7 of RFP [Refer Clause€ 1000 Crore [Refer Clause € 68879 Crowe TD) Paretat We. under ender APPEND SRo_[ Fanci year [Taree (TAY [Sarna yer —[Taraover ny Letter Head of [1 [Fart car aaa 1 [Yor ear the Statutory [> —fyarsanaoo 7 [Wears a ay 4 ‘Auditor of REP Sera aay 3__[Yerraosa [esr canio-03 a [Yeore aoreani shen 3 [ars a aay F [EL FE o7 Dn contr Wie Hara TSE Gv fom he Conair RE ove aang SoS HT om threo, feterence section] Mies Provision “euse no Existing Provision aonexereltans ‘ [he fotonng exretsore and meanings ar asiged fhe vale of be sone: fecyte of wok oe re crplaton oa tage under loving 5 Sehr 1 Roadwonsard Lote wots = Vaio wordnet compo ofa stage web ams Major figs and Sctres (Shel) (©) Price assent for changes in cst hl ep inacatance vith a ona emo VR 085 Re x(PLx(UI~ LO}LO + PAx(Al—AcyO + FAR ‘VFO Px (B1-BOJED + Px -MO}MO «ACs (-cOyeOe 1 (81-S0}80) fais 110 9x0 ea fi VOR= 085 BRx PL x(LI—LOLO + Pax (Al~AQYMO + PE KI FI FoIFO+Puxom-Nojnso+ Po x(cl- coco + PSx S-S0¥s0} = ness fdas inh x fread wont ors dung eo unr consieatin do a changes in hes fr rear poner sed i sara 20 (0, BR = Ieease decreas in test of Mar Bogs and Shctues ung he period ner consideration cto changes in tars fr reevat ponent 5 ed in sub-pgaph) P,P, PM and PS athe pratagesoffunen cea, to, ules ané steleonpenerts incising stands and cables) he alg expressions ae meanings re ssi othe vale of ba oe of Sched 1 Road woteana ote one = Vale of war doef the conpletn ofa age under teens Bigs and Stutsman Tunas Shed) (oPronadistnento changesin costal te pain scorn ith ‘he folowing ome f VR= 085 RW x FL x(LL-LO}LO + Pax (Al—AO)AO + PE (= VFO + Px Bl-B0}B0 + Px (al-MO}MO+ PC (l~CO}CO (81~S0}0) i) VBR= O85 BR x [Px LI -LO}LO + Pax (Al-AOYAO = FE FOVFO » Px ~MO}NO> PC x (C1~ COVED +PSx(81-SO}SO] ne, J/RW= ease orders in tho cst of as okt ers sng rounder constrain due fo change in he ates or reba ners sale ns peogrep BR = Inceaso or decease ithe cot of Nao Brges and Sucre ug Tunak ding he paid under ane uso changes he es forreleranconponors a sae serge) PO, P,P and arth porcantages fume, eet ls, ittes, and steloamponens (ncn stands an ates) foot of work one fr te contin ea tage un then ls. eteronce set ‘lauee no. annexoreftans Exiting Provision ected Provision [esa re San as STORRS P's he peerage of Plant, machin and pes tampon for he flare tem a salod in subpage), PF isthe peeran oful and resist vr ens sed in paragraph). = Tne wales prc index as pubs by he ny of Commerce Ina, Govermen ong rater called WP) for‘Manfote machinery fo mn, qaryng an caer fhe month of he seat. = The WP fr consteon actin fhe month hee mors ico month wich hI les fo = Te oficial pe of biumen athe nares era Hain Base Date = Theol pce of iunen trees Panton the st ayo the month tree mons prt the mov 10 wc he IPC tes he WP! 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RP may beefed ‘The Bidder al Append ih RFP maybe Telered BIDDERS of =P sae ora a wstaucrions To General Manager(T) NOCw om mFRusTAUCTORE SCHEDULES For “Construction of 2-laning with Paved shoulder of Aizawl Bypass including Tunnel (Connecting Sairang on NH-306 to NH-02) in the State of Mizoram on EPC Mode (Package-2) From Km 10+600 to Km 15+200” 2023 National Highways & Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd 3rd floor, PT! Bt ernjozateg | emers oe SINBONDS oy aps peg 29¥epY 10) 9aIUesEND 30} Wo — OU ‘nnuesen9 eg YUL FOUL nureg aygegddy ‘oneoay/ted ous8s0u3 au 0 uosuensa ape pu® 98}90 120 sapuaayep pue spoya0 jo vone>ynDas eds “syusmasby 2meuoy HET “-aNpowPS, 2403 19) sppuers PUR svDp sprepueis ononsue> 1 “sg 99F04 = PONDS anys volo no waudejrag doy soet se0uese wusnosmy:A| OU 207 voanseue3 Josey jo 4B upd oj ate i a4 ‘as 000 HUBWUOD FO SAL Aizawl Bypass tunnel (Phg-2) of NHL 1. Drawings. 2, Addtional Grawings Annex I: Ust of Drawings Schedale- Bn Project Completion Sch 4 2 2 Scheduled Completion te 5 xtensionof time Sehedle= Kernan ‘Tests om Completion snsnnnns 1. Schedule fr Tests 2 Teste 3. Agency for conducting Tests. 4. Completion Cetfcate Sched Pen Completion Cert Sehedle-M a Payment Reduction for Non-Compliance 1. Payment reduction for non-cam 2. Percentage reductonsinlump sum payments on monthy bass its EngNet nn 3 of Authoty's Eng Terms ofReference Appointment of Government enty as Auth Schedule - Insurance nnn ial and physical tes NR vn “Taking Over Certifeate Schedules | Page30f113 erp ysieg | smpeps sainpayps Alaa! Bypass tunnel (Ply) of NILOG Schedule-A, (See Clauses 21 and 8.1) Site of the Project, The site Site of the [Two-Lane] Project Highway shall include the land, buildings, structures and road works as described in Annexl of this Schedule. over the Right of Way to the Contractor are specifi fle, ‘An inventory of the ling the land, buildings, structures, road works, trees and any other immovable property on, or att prepared jointly by the Authority Representative and the Contractor, and such inventory shall form part of the memorandum referred to in Clause 82 @) of this Agreement. The alignment plans ofthe Project Highway are specified in Annex-IL “The status ofthe environme setedtes | Page Sot3 J Pema: =p (an) 8pr2q-rpun peoy gow) sopH4¢-1940 Peon, ‘wiuay | empnns | ampnas Supers ow st sou AID IMeAIY JO 18 (wi) sdsynm | -wdng | gag luonepunos| (0) [on spi _| sueds oro, [—aimpang yo odKr aseumu [s soipg soley Buyono} AH FPP safpun fen sesfione> JN Wo YwOKATY. PIP WIN HON Semotieqne (v8 }s9q) ‘uy sto snojaq paqtnsap se (possossod yyoy wns) pay at sosytdeno> essay fox ‘zanvonszex = A | cisesescee = & vovornssr=x | Levescucr=x | ta 1 ouzest ‘940 OL ‘woH euy | on stoped | ons wis (y21p=ps) [-xouuy ‘wore pagHOSOp age ans up Buwtudoo saumponns Sa at (Senta eH ON iin yo a5 StL. ous rp Buse s yy line)/RUB (road ander ___ Type of Structure Novof Spans | Width [ROW | Foundation [Superstructure | with span rue Tength (nt t™ | Nil Grade separators ‘The Site includes the following grade separators: © | Chainage fa “Type of Structure [No.of Spans with| No Foundation | Superstructare] span length (m) Nil “Minor bridges The Ste includes wing minor bridges ‘No. | Chainage (da) L Railway level crossings Culverts “The Site has the following culverts ‘Chainage | Type of SeNe.| “tad | Culvert Bus bays ‘The details of bus bays on the Site areas follows Chainage (km) | Length (a) | Left HandSide | Right land Side Schedules | Page70f113 re wy ee oN prog | afetazoawen |S spoja_| sBesHeHD SawsEA | so auteN ‘peoy af ayy uo suoReD0| di-png ayy au you. suoge201 da ma, WW ERAT [aya UR wT TUATHA | — RMT RING OUPNT WAG ssnofoy se a posstilig aq 0} pasodoxd suon aes peou Bunsxo op 30 STE99P UL, sossedlg WN wonount | nag | OE way sod Soro 6 a sou OUR JOSEP ML. suopoun{ sou, (peo usta olen ara ‘Seon snes 35 SeosyBTT TUOREN HIN) | (on [on wontoor | 35 weno [wan [ns _[_ HN PO 5 J HARI payerdas | apes vy {mooy se aye suo sun sf 30 SRP ML suompun fey uN (eqomy) (ena) [ ae sire | we | wwe | aan, WoHEOT Lou's ssnoqoy 39 a8 suqesp apIspeoH a4 JO SHEP aL ‘suresp apts pron. WN spispusti nny | ops pucrteT | (uw) Bur | (un)afeureN | ON'S ‘moto Se are sq 40] Yom Jo SpEIOP LL, uw cs Aza Bypass tne Details of Existing ‘The existing utilities are as below: Electrical wa wa 73 6 +2) of NG The site inches the following electra utes: - (@)__ Extra High-Tension Lines (BHT Lines) [St Chainage [Length Gin Km) Conings ——] From) To [400KV | 220K THOKW ORV | aOR [2akV HUKV|66RT Ni on Lines (T/T Lies) * 30, [chain [__Noaf pterafeced | Transformen | From To) KV [ot We | Capacity Tena Gn Kn) Water Supply Tine (b) Bore well/ Hand Pump within RoW - Ni (0 Water Tank within ROW - Nit Any Other Lines: No Other structures] [Provide details of other structures, f any.) ‘Total number ofstractareson the Site fs note below: a) Total No. of Major Bridges b) Total No. of Railway Over/Under Total No. of Minor Bridges 4) Total No. of Pipe Culverts © Total No. of Slab Culverts 1) Total No. of Box Cul 8) Total No, of Flyovers Level Crossings Pedestrian Underpass idges | - Nil - Ni Page 9 of 113 errporaiey | smpaws ssa ponoddy WL Pus 29 ase om eS HALA paHTDNTS SHEP ALL. pins (9) vprans (@) wins pu) Aen joan oe pans ()| yeas (q) yaions () (aap sid) Gon jo aS payed oncest toy, e009¢0L uy @ ‘sapraosd wt yo 3a jury woHt oj poison as no sone sap WO HENLE yz wononasuor jo Sey o ng aptaoud es UO’ aN HIPS Uo SHEP ON, 2407 uoppmnsuod Jo oy4 30 why Suyprsosd 205 Saye] ~ XOULTY (v-smnaps) (0) ggasmeppsod sy) T-xouuy. oo-n 30 (ex) uur sed pnecty Sehedutes | Paget 0f113 empozrtey | sp9es ‘euoc “woze pave wnpuosiio> HELyoRy sad se aouere9t> wouuos!aug axmbox yur sa0p Aes rar-xouuLy Schedule -B (See Chase 21) Development of the Project Highway Development ofthe Project Highway Schedules | rapersorns ertprrstieg | smpas og asad ng oF 0 pods wisp uum agp ag TeYS poods uBIsoP aM, = pods wSpsoc, nue 94 J]OZ HORS BEM souwproave uy ag es See afoul ap o Sounye eIoUD’ pu usp 9N|NIOID repws ssimjeag psoas pue udysoq 24901095, ‘aoqe (0) 1 xglesexed oy aoqu0> es soameay PUCR>s-ssO19 pu KemoBeIAIED posed ayy Jo uipise aup wouoaxiy sup ut popyaond astnsayno se damn, UN [ek | wet | (anysuaor) wrurwonsooy | sp dean aq awe onueyy op uy SuperP 5 pou oy apea aguepsoade ut apis fr (9428) 2] 9 MLL worresapamn aq teas s19poHs pase pla. Kesey pop] UE TINO @ © Sea eae> jo PIAL ‘uci ayn iq pounds ys Sem Polos SLL Geoste Bugysp<3 24) 30 SuNOPEM Borman | Taw oeesIe Tees [peu wina oP] Ls eses097 IsToocLLe oose01 | Pe aai| (Ww) SupuoN | (w)Supseq | aeureyp usa | —_uondwsmq | ‘ayeurP20-05 ALLA ‘UOHE0T orang paforg Jo pu pue wes Jo soveups00, Surue]- mog/oaiy, Jo wondyosaq “1 xouy Ga-arepoes) exouuy ‘oo Hh 30 (2a) toa seg ey Details ofthe Right of Way are given in Annex I of Schedule-A, ‘Type of shoulders @ ;psections footpaths/ fully paved shoulders shall be provided in the lowing stretches: Fally_paved Reference t cross section ind provision of be as per paragraph 211 ofthe Manual learance: The width of the opening at the underpasses shall be as (from kim to km). (om) Ni Tocation (Chainage) | Spanfopening | Remarks | Lateral and vertical clearances at overpasses as per paragraph 2:1 of The width of the opening at the overpasses Tocation (Chainage) | Span/ opening (=) (from km to km) Ni ‘Service roads Service roads shi below | SLNa.| Location of service Tength (kam) of ce road road (from kim to servi ka) sttyooraeg | sees AS MArwone01 punorsish nest ong wo Penner wa ox4¥ 5H wong Sur ordat wey OH] pessoal 0g9491 HOOF nors#eHD wos DARD EATERS noge1 5 weg | peuonDonpman agny HAL AKIN Somaya 9001 F tone ee HD ema eT» UR eezoods, | OSTEHD WOM DeeTL HOH 00540F HD Wows mee z do6eOL 94 av/anuone0r| oh saporeds, | WOEHD Wot Woqs3g [ed —| —SRRTETES wR a “eongT Palo a Jo HORI IN Suysson jo ad, woRDOT Smoqio) se peronaysa0s aes Ssediaa0 /anedaopun worssopad pue ap ssedinso/ssediopun uernsapad pue 9p1e5, PET TBST) BOT poromor|posren | Sonica | (wy) Seon TEPEO OD 50 MK we KeonySin Pafoia aN. ‘weds jo ys) Simms wpeoxdy | pur nquimn 30 UoH>o “nope wong ase siepogaed aysimbar ou MUETY a jexed sad se paptaoad aq tres soum ons payesedos apes) saumpnas poresedos 2p) | Sa) row seed wee (OL) STIViRO INSHEAVE TWOWdAL “1s CalWNOKd 30S WO HL GZ $8 HL wugsT— 29) 55 3rA0-eNS WUNES CUNO OHS SOS Qu uN So af 0-HN 30 (eS) rou sedge aot | ar hin fearnows) “acon 0 nO Lah ie ca ‘oon WT 7 WASRHATOOOEE OL 0000) WHI, o i Amon HD? é 5 a errwztoaeg | spas senedutes | Page 1801113, (1006) TYPICAL PAVEMENT DETALS FORAL PORTION 3 5 Z f TYPICAL PAVEMENT DETALS FOR PORTION (GROSS SECTIONAL VIEW) NOWBOS HOH STVISO INSMENVE WIG TOSOD aanosens ettooraiea | sms erLe0e ey | smPoS Aizawl Bypass tunnel (Pkg2) of NHS Intersections and Grade Separators Tocation of intersection of the existing road be raised in the following sections Sect pee | Tength Nir Pavement Design For Road portion sign shall be carted out in accordance with Section 5 For Tunnel Portion aes. schedutes | Page 2106 13 exozatey | mews ‘agor | wesp sores yee ‘ore | wood Rum x09 cxcest | oopsar or) wor wuraieureyD sad se udp 0) sq pur aoe Burpy UH afeureig 9prsprou. spew, 24 UE eHOIED UBIs9p oF aauEprOS2e UF AemUsIY JO KeoBetssE> ureUE OM ye wowed PINE 20 914POI s9yNP Idope 0} 2915 $1 10}>eNUOD Dad ~2ION ua seg pS po 90-HN 30 a) EU seed [Aizawl Bypae une! (Pkg, 2} of NHLOG Clear Width of Chute | Length of Chute Remarks ‘Type Type2 Types and structures shall be designed and constructed in 7 of the Maral an shall conform to the cross-sectional Wieth ofthe carriageway of new bridges an structures shall be a follows: ‘SeNo. | Bridgeat Kin | Width ofcanagewayand cross-sectional featares™ TH580 “AHS eo ttl width 96128 SK) ili servieesto be ‘canied ‘OFC ond Hecate | ‘OFCand HeticcaTe | jon of the new culverts at Overall wi approaches. emacs Schedutes | Page 2306113, sttpycaiea | sms TORRE TENBTEH usp am 70 se ewan | asaunugjoso Senbopy | woHtes sso se poronnswoox a Neus SuoRED] BeNOR, ap We SBP KUNST ou, pauapiss /parsnnsuos os 04 0} saptag Basix (e) saipog soon ond5 poe sepa Sul wweases ov UF poypads ov oq ys S04 uoRMad 108 | WW. paar TNE FOIA, WHHETOREOT | NTS “sony se unyenpun ag eys sz03mm Buh. sn Jo sym sono! paw Buveoy} Sdered Barrer jo suauoedar/siedoy (2) {uonpans sayy so se unas joka {8 AN sys oR NSNOD Uy Poa}! 9 TE ays Pa H¥ONEDO] B409° AL) ;ON XO8 55a frat txt [__oorst xos20a_| vz ext O50 xoasou | wz ext zat xogsou | Ort exe X08 3041 xT x08 558 XO 238 (os) pea ager amy ur uaa se I Ro ‘WORT paures9q or siredoy, ya Aza Bypass tunnel Phg-2) of NEO clearance, te Ni “Attach GAD (i) Thefollowing narrow brdges shall be wid Cros-sect ‘deck level for widening © [New bigs atthe following locations on the Project Highway shall be constructed CGADs forthe new bridges are attached inthe drawings folder. | Location | pve Name Proposed bridge on Aizawl Bypass ‘Kn | ee eaceea snes ae Span Arrangement | _Carriageway ‘Total width 11580 | Durtlang Lei 1x8 2x1015, 96.428 (SK) 14305 1x10 2x1015, 46.0 ing bridges shall be replaced by crash barrier Location at Km Repaies/ ./ parapets ofthe existing bridges shall be unclertaken 98 ‘SiNa | Location at Kn Rea, aay Drainage system for bridge decks ‘An effective dovinage system for bridge docks shall be provided as specified in paragraph 7.20 of the Manual, Structures in marine environs [Refer to paragraph 721 of the Manual and specify teeatment for protecting structures in marine envionment, where applicable] Raibeood bridges schedules | Page250f 113, ernyoszatey | smes ‘io pa HIRT aq oF TUTTSTARTORS sufedas yo yoyo pu m7eN, (09) asmonas yo uont207 © sumpnns ngno pow sae /soeme940) ‘no paps aq oy TapUATTS/ supedos jo wana pue 2imeN | (Wo) dnw/EOuJ0 woRT>oT Wo pa 9g oy TUTTO iafedaa jo Wa4x9 pue aInIeN op pur armoury pur pout sou st Jo ¢ pu gz sessed up ‘8toy pu 2d apo puesuonesojaxy ye popracad ag yoyssoumnas payers soumpnas pared pes) uN (ayy afeupe4) futssor9 far 30 woHEDO ° (w) a8 pq jo wiSury | (us. afeurey>) Sumss0 foarT jo woo | 1S “porpenesSinowsp yy) 2M sesso 2s Sensonoy nn popHsoed -Aizat Bypas tunnel (Pkg2) of NHO6 2023 [Tunnel Chainage Width of Main a) Canlagemay cit 1600 wc 100 4 Nate: ESCA, BSC-2, E9C-3, BSC-4, FSCS and ESC-6 ws wo vo | i = — | l=) | me |W | Senedutes | Page 270f 113 errmgcatey | smpens mor andey omy ur pareypur sy yauung. jo wiosKs woddag ayy Jo speyaq Crews aL, dns paves angadsos jo yyus] yo Suyumsu0> 178 uOHEAPTSEP. resodosg ado2g Jo a8uey 249 wags 0 paxynbar sy armpayps pou jo yup, uy aBueypropUy oy amp yer}u0> "woRIPE UL 'g-3!NP2H>5 3094040 see 9p sOWyo 0} SHED IPOH 940 HOAy SBE So wy adoag jo 9845 (6 2944 pene9 2) (G03) 9402s Jo 88ue4 se pr seynoqned uy yyBup] wy a8uey> 0} np oH BEND aM Jo a OXdn WopEHTEA a9qsOd Kuy (f = suoppuo» Fuyaoqios or pafqns ours se wore payeory aq eur uur, aM 40 309 a wow. segue 341 249 J0 eT PIV 34p Jo woys4s0xd ap s9pun adore jo afuey se pageon 294 e4s s8ep spor ut uoReHARP 0} anp woysKs yoddns uu Uy UoHEHEA uy -yHOMNY 40 nusuussopse oyp sad se pazedasd usog seq woysds voddns fauury ay) 303 SNP ax04V € ‘1ge au wr pawoREaKE oes oer 30 596 JUDIDITP ide soo8oqe> yoddns [auuny ayy are 953 79 E984 “IDSA “€DS4 "ZA "TISA T 1d se posedaed uaoq sey jou 24 ov aiqes et oan 70(eSa) wun seed pneniy ‘aswel Bypass tna Pkg.) of NHL ESC ESCA | escs wrod wis tor 50-600 wwa-tno | 480-600 Hesding 7 Tiesding 7 Benching ‘Bench Troivaton S 35/63 35/6 Length ui ss Overburder | sone to 600m 13s oto 400m eto 400m dia 35a re | mele @25mefe 2din35m0 Bdusne mle asmele oan 1s 250 exam fe 150450 sub 50 2500 a fe Nie 250 0 0 section) («) FunctionaYSafety Requirements Based on Length of Tunnels I Double Tube Uni-Directional Comm | Five Safety Yes Tight ves | _ Yes fm of Tunnel oh Vent Yes [Long tannel >1500 m Fie extinguisher at spacing of 100 m, Fie safety : rnmunication - Telephone at spacing about 100, ‘Tunnels Lighting as IRCSP-91-2019 Lighting . Cross Passages Cross passages provided at 500 m spocing, 1 Page 29.0613 ertpoeaiea | ems vat ge =O ‘un ot Spy = Sid sod (oun 949 onysoduson quownea PEE | mezexp | aessea ss055 ue ws ont Busey Dae UAL cont 0090 Seay sure SxrHN 30 (224A schedules | Page 320f113 ‘Aizawl Bypass tunnel (Pkg) of NHO6 sm shall be provided for Aizawl Bypass Tunnels in system shall be provided as per the technical specification for Road Tunnels IRC: SP3I- system chosen is longitudinal ventilation w tube, (1487 N Thrust) Fresh air demand can be provided to the maximum airspeed in tunnel (10 m/s accoring to RVS 0202 31), 4+ Fire thermal power of 50 MW, + Thedlefining parameter here power, that depends on inflammable socds, fuels, vehicle fre ee ‘transported through the tunnels, Schedutes | Page 380f113 arypreatey | mmpows 6102-I6ds ‘OU SEER, peo 10} 5 1140) apne nn Sepueos paeoye> og es woes ayy] OT, ‘opede Sony uum.) shes azmmioducy as unt Sug jason pe sso fezmains yo ypBuans aap daoy ov sfneao jooude potwoo fou suo pu Sa oun. suoysAs vonPoroad agp aapsseA_ (1 lupyssadipumys gp so} aes voy pout a, HO iss add puns rary ou Jo KEN joagaesdeo Addn 2d iy aheMOHTE 8 cvs Singsyj3y 20) waqeKs edudpueys ay rau aprsino />pIsu 9 mn ayenbope ype sinsse98nyaq “9 aye Jo il yung Aa 9 a 2oMpaL oO a yo SutysAg uoysaaddns aN sg Supe a (0) damn ny aan29k0 $24 LL sways Suqusey4 pue wopooieg ag ouURL, sHeMIONNY (3) soul, GOK Pus suse sonayur [eu pveqpauar 2g pinoys suowerado jouum ‘wad 9g soxpeos J wonsaSuoo oye Samp wd gor oy de ‘eu ou oy wad gg paso 1 mos [aM >If apISU OD JO UOREALANIOD mL, nya yo isp ss U9 (61 2-3. oow/siz 2.062) Sunes 20 vwonsoup yes any oe] z Bue Aza Bypass tanna (Pig-2) of NHLOS adaptation process takes certain time deporting greater the difference, the lighting love ouside an that inside the tunnel 's practical to distinguish different zones in the tunnel in order to det sgjtinal lighting level at daytime lighting Le. the acess zon, the threshold zone, the transition zone, the interior zone and the exit zone. ‘of the open road immed portal, covering the distance over which an app he access zane begins atthe stopping distance po opping distance, Over the frst the luminance level must be equal to Lthy= 325cd/a. It is mawaeds the lighting level may {ity ie. Laks from 325ec/m to [30ed/ mt, The gradval reduction over the ast half of the thresho. ‘Transition Zone: A zone o enable gradual adaptation "The length of this zone is ‘paged an the minimum tine adapt to the darker tonne smoothly fom 130ed/1? to Exit Zone: The exit zone should be ioccess/exit zone) at both ses ofthe ing shall be provide. Larminaries with 2X28W TS lamps with battery backup for 2 hours (annimm) shall be used for emergency lighting, These lights wi sora remain in “ff” fanemergency ie. incase of ing inthe respective Safety in the event of « fie is of paramount importance ina tunnel. The catastrophe consequence of property butalso concerns of the lack of {nthe road tunnels, Minimum fire protection ssonedutes | Page 380f113 etLpoeatieg | somes Syne 2809 jo AumuopssOD pe Buysoy “woneqTNSHT SuLKdng ‘sue suonenys Susouo 20 ‘saonypuo Sunexade yonsmun ways gens pu Sp ze paste pIMoys SwaISKS ‘urgoons pu doy fuaouans jo an ox wt popusosd og Ptoys sauna} SION suoneaqumno:) oust (4) "ape snoqss 0 a> ‘pony Sung 4a any yo uonefedard wuaaaid oy doy Soup se posrjaud axe spy weap paveds posor> -houpstp ap ssed 0} paronnsuoo aq ey W9AIM Y>vAA PO:BA09 yeHOd 249 ea Tou a Jo feud ayy oF Baypeat eanytess ay soja atazouo> ur papeaoad sae pure paonpamuy 5 yew agolas O}sUURY a apysUy pope sy oea!ICL steupera juny, eam Jo uoneresu 0} Kaessarou svar ay MOpeYS + patois: 29 ous uonesgas wor Syd soso ureut uonems Yons s9pUA “PaBey aq ues exe 24 sep yejes snonupano Su samo ses 9 su09 LL-AMF¥ 97 190 a 30 pos ‘aou2 o.aninos euray Wy} 209 6 Poed 203 pounbar rated Aressaou ap aprani oy weHeys-gas wos} UateAP 9 we Bu Jose 2a "ays seou BusH st uones-qns 97 somos aod Steud ay “popsou ave Josed {2139 s2amnosjuapundapur pu ayeredos wos} 914398 089 "UE Aes Bypase tunnel Pg.2) of NEO each dwelling, exitpoint, pal recording system and monitor/ monitors with camera in the ng of IP based EPABX syste 106-10 gia SFP modules, nduty ws) lation, testing and commissioning of driver face and a plate recording system / recognition system including, hi ra and software set forthe driver face capture and automatic recording (©) Baggage scanner big: computer hased multi energy X-Ray baggage inspection of passing through bogs/ parcels of dimension 940mm (W) x 640mm ight 75Umun-850mm with 2724" LCD Monitor, Input/ Output rollers with frames et as equine )Electromechanieal hoom hari with all accesories upto 6 meter length i) SCADA systems & network devices and ist ding and utility ns for 3D monitoring lng for Tunnel operat Sy tng having or are 237m 1m proposed sper PND Manual Water proofing lation, lighting, deainage et, complete) (n) Energy Supply 2 Nos of 26 MW Substation testing anl commissioning of KV substation comprising 33 KV 5 33KV/11 KV, IL AV HT pane, inter connections, IL KV HT nd cabling to the ubstatons on ring min system, substation csarthing substation safety o 1g cil work component Ais, etposeatey | mpows age sadoys yep annezady 5,4 ‘Sao (py 2tp Jo Sunn sasponuy poked a Sy speog EH 403 wourangnbay erseds owns {EG YSED we AM VAL, our yiduyy (ay) 09 (ary) 03; yprans woRDOT suo} e907 snopsezerT EN - wopesoIOy Aiosfaduno> sas paewogeso] uBis>xye PUPA — (H) yy np 70 raven poprnoud og eysaumanyapspey — armqung aprsproyt seus pews ‘Suaoqs sanooyar amp Jo suoneoyDods ‘gs oxrejuosoe un popysond ag es sft Apes Peo pu sn}. KUIUCD 0 ‘SY10M Ai9pes prow pue s2q49c JonIWO;D 21ye4L, pas 2 Adding soxog Aousu0.0 sual 40m Hap Bunpapur wonesgns Aizawl Bypass tunnel (Phg2} of NHLOS “The minimum quantity of protection works may be taken as below: , ‘Quant SIN =a 7344000 3440.00 1000.00 5000.00] Rim Rm Rm Re ‘meter Fong tel rook Height iam Type lum Concrete Plum Conerte Plan Concrete |) rapeanorns ettjoopsiey | sms pone 29 0) 51 pure sounsedop Suruno San jo sap ayy sod se 09 EUs "hus poe ago sags sto sop yo suoneayTads/ozs upeds ods ou, (© ‘panoyoy pur ajgeaydde ag eys eaanzedaq ud AHN paussDa09 Jo ORY 20) smn yo Tunyso wmuenb ouiedsg Su ods poe spaPpaes af W822 ‘etadoadde ue 01 agepowos uf pawexpuy soqyan Bunspa SuonAGO 30 BANS Aizawl Bypass ta ving forwarding letter on the proposal of contractor/concessicnaze to partment whenever asked by concessionaire. Th ‘owning cepartment shall be onthe contractor /coneessona 1) Thesupervision charge atthe raey/changes applicable ofthe uty owning departnient ‘opy of tility shifting plan is enclosed, of proposed Utilities ‘Waites: Relocation-Plan-and-its-Sehelole-initially-prepared-by-DPR-consultant followed-by-joint verification with P&E and-PHIE- department ia-presence-of NHIDCL officers duly certified detail as shown below: 14.2, Blectrical “Chaimage engi (in Kip Siem | 1 SR ze HRY 1 | 6a No, a Nil ligh Tension/Low Tension Lines (HET Lines) Chainage [_Noof poles afected [Transformers To [askv | uKv | Lr | No | Capacity Ni = (Water/Sewage Pipelines) senedutes | Page at of 113 etrpznatey | Smees jumpsuos your Hse pays 2q 01 TUN = wwe eM ra pueH / Ps a0 dang BIEN ri) iu stan (eS) uum sed pmeary Niza Bypass tame Pkg-2) of NEES Schedule -C others tobe specified ‘ofthe Project Facilities is described below: Project Facility | Location senedutes | Page s3of113 | erpprraiey | empees = pe wos (RLY) wows WoweuNy HAL aueApY 30 BuLwIg AL, (ity) worsig wousdevey supers 3uespy “s staeonde non souesy argue on souemnany azar on ona emus ‘suoneso, 2 0 x] oF wMURUGY) suORRDD| SuEIONEY aN Ye papEroxd 94 YS BuNYERT Sunuiry Kean, seo (9) nN ‘seary 1504 8) eezras Da ape ION osse#tD . S804 HD z | octertt —_ € 06000 1 (op sieupey> pasodoxy | ons | (uo a8emey posodong | ON'S soja uaa suogeodr ve paprsoud ag reys seg Sng oous Sy SKE Sf () iW. T (wp akeutEYD posed as “suonesoy Supoypy ap v8 poprsonl aq eys 5949 Se YONA, sokg-Ser net, 6) osu = 4n04pny yrsvoo pop 1a spuoddy ur papraoid spenp won s08 5015 ory paw ssoneseoads pu sp io Tet/ ee sane en up s03>eU oo HN 30 (eS) uur ssedg yey Bypass tunnel (Pkg2) of N06 sehedutes | PageaS of 13 stLpopstieg | mos woz ys suo HoYs [eos oF pardon og PIMOYS sedojs 30] er oye om ossodar yo aghay “9 eu 08 us ong Jo JOAN FRA Om vwoge8/ Suen aun ua “samy ut poopy ae uisap ajgeuns pu Sapedeo paynods yo sem woqqe® /Sunueya re joa pues Send ap ye onus Huadu az0peR paed {p yon Suyduinp 20j spews usog aay suogssiins pue suonepLouUO>ds Buy {10 Wo ILTISG MAN ‘HONG TVaDNPIE TVNOANLL NID TVNOLLVN AHL camer AM CLINOHS A INN'IOA 5RIOM TINNAL WOd SNOLLVOLIIDAAS TWOINHAL 6102 - 16.35 (ors. YH) SUE, PEOY 20} SUTPPIND pourges ag prmoys 6LUC-ZEIUT DUE RG SF-JS IAL FEMUETY PEPL «pape ag ney aogpe4gAaSnpuy pos “van ou sO 30j Lon vom We SHAN PIG UE Pog 205 WONEDHIGS HL is Jo Sue 209 SP monysue> PE SOM “SEUATEN LY spaepuers uBtsoc uuoponysu03, sprepurig puv suonestsinads, zxm29) -amnpayps ser 11n 30 (24a) orm send seeEy Alaa Bypass tne (Pg.2) of NI schedules | Page 4706 13, ~ [qunwormbar agpods-pelond yoann ‘un yenuasso pasopsu ave Sag J tuo payed a eYs SUOMI Yong a4 Ino Pots ag Teys spuepureys pue suoneey Ms presszoye ap ws} SUONEIA9C 1 HON] ur paodsuBisop ‘unuyy enue pauay e081) sSpapaadsas juounasdy, suuoy oy 4q parmgnsgns aq 1 powoop > Twoysoau05, pus yasuftug. yuopuadap spiepueig pur suopesyypadg ay wosy suonersoqy sooug 6 Aiuoxgny ata jo uonDeyspes 249 03 paidape aq eys ade atsmpUu pos ‘uns you s ose wo} uoRaHEOds aun uBisap ouatioag pue sons juauiusity 20) souyop!N5 0} spuepues ue suoReAH IANS 40 yenueyy ayy 6} wuO;UOD yeys suorzado UONORNSUDD pu SHO ‘SFHOIEWY TY Aas Bypass tunnel Phg-2) of NEO Schedule - E ‘Maintenance Requirements Maintenance Requirements forth in Paragraph 2 of ie inthis bel shall the Contractor. Upon {Special the relevant decent] Repair/rectification of Defects and deficiencies Thea ‘of Maintenance Requirements sh (Other Defects and deficiencies In respect of any Defector deficiency not specified in Annex lof this Schedale-E, the jincer may, in conformity with Good Industry Practice, specify the Engi Ps repaired or rectified by the Contractor w Enginoee, sscneautes | Page 4906113, errieosa8er | pes sagang ayy uoanyog ponte ser a ye saeclos xp ayowopUn oF zopeRUOD axp JoMNBUE Kew AyORIBY BL, FO mown a4 4 uoyez9pun 9g es. cuoppadsuy uoosuow-sog /uorpedsuy woosuow-a4g ‘sinoy 2oqyo Sump own Sue ye soourfu sou roqnny ayy 4 uonpodsut oy uso ag jeys pue scrseNUO> aup fo AporsTo joy aq Tes PAae02 yng “igaads Sour zB se sae e pus eaigg aloe oyenppun ‘rouua sy yoy “Heys JoDENLO> y sopenuoy ow &q wonsedsur 30 (ea) uum seg rwenry Annex -I Repair/eectification of Defects and defici “The Contactor shal rp and ety th Defects and deficonie specified in this Anes of Scadule-E within etme lini set forth in the table below. [Aizawl Bypass tanne! (Phg-2) of NHLOG Bypa (re) of NHL Bona Annex -I (GeheduleF) Pomement Condon Suey ae i Malenance itn for Pavement ameripe Peteme | aersoniry earn | tao] Sonal eces te [sno Kone “cote S| sguptem | ipesanand Dac osha [Reino | Spaesion Desatie| ——Asepatie | nein cnr a Se saraaiaantis) pay, | eR ama | NORE otimito mmm depe| DY | Laer ification 3004.2 ciate, Sst 8 ‘amforeny Sertengin] OMY | THe ot Speciation S043 feting Ni DA TRACENE Be. senetues | PageS2of113 ypeotDisree | Measured Parmeter ‘Aizawl Bypass tunnel(Pig-2) of NOG — Type of Distress ep Assessment Rating Tertiecaed Dp Fortec d> DA ing ite Crs depo so peacpon sn Niortai 2 nai No Action 7 =112- 05 mn, dices Tam saving a set witht dey = 05-15 mm, dei a haan se Sel and shi >t fe>amm. within? aye pe Done iR ‘single Tansverse(or [Dagon cack ior jins fu with of rc ghar pines Nita Roatan api or Dowel or Reta \=05-30mm,diceriblefrom tnt white [tm thn 7 days I ip pa Bee > 61 sully asec with op Not Appia oie ioral racking ne ae fat dep Porton with nor and evictions se Fars single Logie (rack interecting ith lnc mores we wither Te=lengh ef rock dept ofc Ninadieniie Nena fe <5 mm, sce em lw moving wie Sale Bie or dowel fare Ww=05-s0mm.dicenblehom xtweite |x . =30-60. epee >t (756-12 mm analy mail wah palin Hin dys > 12mm vsuly smote withepling, | ll os ecing ner ic depth Fal Der Rew Di i prnorns and spears Scnedutes | PageS3.of13 2023 “Type or Diss Measured Parameter Assessment Forbes €€ 0 Fortbe ose 0> 0A retin thon or SECRET f= 02-05 m- dieri low vce Within ie (= 05-80 score rm ast vehicle 06d) mm pane broken 9.3 Fal dpe epi within 1s ‘eo ma alr pe broken to ore han posts wit day eer Bese i eo a fe <0 mony coe oka ft depth pir Pati Dept (fr Figure Setar) tong n/n} a <5 a [Seumand «Sf m ih ow viet pa] iwi ay [eSna, LeSa/ntand Sloman Simm, 2 3 y/ an detain feat dma area ae nto dna fenloroanet ate ae avelingor Hoc foresee are ang cet seas st (3) = rtm doth [inane aca a fara {isage a abet be an ahs, ‘schedules | PogeS4 of 113, pa an Taiieemed sO] rertietmea DA ~ iting —— yithin 30 days oor sion >aandh> coerce eae ——— ‘type ofDiaress | Measured Parameter | ~ damaged real sre and bie tobe damage Se Wann Not Apts fimege do nay within 5 ay oisned = entare depth sn =o: Surfefclacing penis (smn Grinding fee [4550-10 he 90 mma Ter? Paral dep opr mam : hstommnet pers fh pias seed pe Within 15 days train depth IOS TOT STEEP deh pa =100-300 mms > 100 mint peS® | depth of hr hl int 3 dave ote Rta Not Apptable sehedutes | Page55.of113 ‘Azaw Bypess tunnel (Pg2) of NH-O6 2023 = Deseo Tapa Aa Se] typeceDite | Measured Parmeter] ESS Assn a [_ rere werity ~ ‘For the cave d< D/2 For the cave d> D2 3 fe aanc>tonmara> parser [aide Tai aa | psa a a tw carne Long uonpesiemata ‘ 11 fomesenveoce PEt Fea tion otto anand apa IO ppt joint engi 3 fest water and mapping incompressible eee pein ev San alge pon pat len ks SaaS | 5 frpeesieatrtanneetcompesie fi oie Reston | feet i ST fal movarnstetnd ta beaingstisioe —fomgittepled” | 3 [w= womm tre Fats er eet ppb = * tion (as % joint -— Hatha islys sare _ Sess a Sanday 5 |e asommantt> 35s now eamal 1s Patino Ser0ind b areenectiee! | 2 |toa-omm centro te bs aprpete pee jus ga twikn tye + 12-18 ovo [Raise sunken slab, ace the lab as appropriate) ahi, schedutes | PageSof113 [Afzal Bypass tunnel (Phg-2} of NIG pa r a Sc] typectDiacen | Meare rameter set Rating Rep Acion Tomeandcba | fortieas 02 =e Semen RN sang ees St Ta Tae 0 | pot tae M4 Blowap or Buckling —{isplacement from S ease nate mnemer i inn ay 5 [stnedate esr mor pa Rhee ken 0 [Re dere Reb - 1 [h=5-15 men vee

205s Rete oven [0 [satanic Seem ttm : shee boditeam! [2 hes: om a Tags en Tai frat ae zeae cia poms I [iS Sam 0 EE [sbi sete ese Tarmmrlatnrnd iol 3 |r>tonm vocab Wit a 7 Raat Thea Tea 7 ligation [1 Ipsastom Tce ne Cason Un raw ae, scrmines | Poges7otnta 2023 Torere dR Fortec > DF Riuienane shin ane Repaceinsc one > 15m farm Fal en Ree Rao Short Tem ot ei of shoul f>750 i up shoulber within? Toray Tim arach Recon shoulder ‘Wiki a tough one fomtsand racks Light occas Now €10% Repair cc an thot dl Inept and epi ppl Frouon 10-25% itor ck sb wai 100 rch unin crack devlopent > 25% ingen sb ond bse Replace Pondingon ss fete blckage of Nodacenibepaben Bolg cers in dis botwaie Ihoving faen dina wilin7 Fon quedo sap water marin oundaton whist ing acomloion of wai ison ches, Schedules |) Pagess fuss sypas tunnel (Pa2) of NHIG “Table Maintenance Citesi for Safety Related tems and Other Furniture Hem evelot Serce 105) Monsen Teaing Method Soecfieanone | Avail of iscsi ie oping sight distance shal test Design Spee th Minium Sight Diane) pienso) a Sone io ge veka ‘neo cteciner ec porary Tena of manent trae or design acces Ramarao ssracton/ improvement of tte atthe Speed Resin Bards and sutble ome aiming meemes sch a Ne pnlad ring the pono of analy ssa casas [canto enh ro nt oe fuminos Ra 18/7 ie yer Amare Dperikessans Te=yaitng 1 Delct= Isigh rime is anes eee [nlaland Minima Prema Eel ding igh een | see Tit ee ev {ed Tratal 7 ) Mina “is) | Tvweol ive ara ‘olvewe eikeasans {at ese “within 2 ch ica aha, senedutes | Page $9 of 13 2023 sve Service 108) ] Fegueney of “Testing Method [iba Nan Paton aga ‘ily nse coniton tr Its Re ets: 00 f/m Minit Testo 50 c/a Ital an Mam pvtormane or SK inal ys S30PN ‘i Theo BPN n/t al cond engin he loans he petra cong hat sy basop dete eion Tin hoa hap an Poon pr IR 2012. enbard shoul be dey veo the signspet at the eto vieo/image pete darn ftaatin oe fesurerment Nanay Sis, tonya formato Sens any Cate pee spectiatonsinIRC7-2012 signed ing Retro Retciy Mseuring Devi Im ‘esordace with SSID Seon, ange ond ‘AS hours incase Mandatory Sp Caton en Incest Signe (Siglo Dea! stag) 1 Moet inca of Gantry Caer Senedutes | Page 60of 13 es unnel (Pig. of NHLOS 2023 ‘est ] Pevormance Level of Service (L08) Fregueney of Uasof danse fssng Keb Hight C198 Ker Painting lennon: Forcing of Kerb Daily “al with ie image te Ker Repsinting Within 7-day crams or Road a [Numer and uncom per pects in SPC IMaraIRCAS- Abts unssspstia inschaaie. Counting Ineasans [uns Fein sp o sone etsaton lial [nina Foi Vista ih koma Bes aa Euncoalig:Festoning of nl Trot eae iin aap msm anioning tent Viva ih koe ico iin ae RCSF, Tetroams Fanconi: Fnctoning of Gand Post eae rho Sn read ig sacral estat heqate oo /image icp unis Foting a aly ical wi Nise ine op. oy Sahn [Highway Lite Siem" Ini Lax ilminaion on he od fesse with UphingSytem aA, Page 61 0f113 lawl Bypass tunnel (Pg) of NHOG 2023 not Soniee "re90ene) of | aung ened | , Bom Epstein ‘Type_| Parameter Serie 108) Messerement | 75 Remetial mentes snd Standort Teton BE ore CPs ae I majorite in te ighig syste Daly Ey [Seminrfaiucintheghtingsyten | Monthy Recificaton a ous CSRS TE ohn falar Te iuminaion | Inprovenentin Rous Tore Innes Lar ituminaion onthe road | yyqy freahalte | Lighting Sytem [eanpy Lights [see [Ne moor minor sarin ing Daly i RSPR aoe feces Monty | oa | a ang | iataon | Teak Tncly watering | — Within days RCSPATOTS ea a oa Seer batttiommits | yy [aloo ans Eton nun Bey Tae hiss, sehedutes | Page 62 0f 13, Aza Bypass tunnel (Pig) of NHL 2023 (Se [Teme | ewwsnicon [SSS | mmneen [ae | Tiere | same |" =| Sam] Gaia [is see ae see eum Pi ern ancien pan hana lerossings, Traffic Aid Poss, Medical Aid Posts and other om - saetien Sin RCP oz om fo 1 aa — ans AE at | ere fim” | ksivhotmmttovams | sco prestassmm mneet_| ee | wesang mc notte | maa ‘uate ind vowing [sheen within dayeater | STA0958 and rainy season) |depth of siting and) "tation, Us of | Tair eee. Jara of vegetation, (PARP under barrel ‘iene ee — [oom Crea — Peg tis | sath onsen | any SEE [Fgh | ae” | wcsner9n pos fiiey be [onc wisersome | OM RESP Sting cones nt ne than 0 Detaled Neos oon 7 Lams, FE fmendonsean es ortie csv ypods HA ION Hs BuoTe (4nysosoy poyesspur ou asoyyu>sa) sprepteys-yyt Sle 9H 2809 90159148 TIO ION nome ao ARTELOeT TO ‘worsKs Kioyes ua UUM |) on y SOW FZ y ) simone 0 Sino Fe ‘wants a yo ary afew uy Gunung Kiddng omoa UURL ‘Pon ‘SURpYAp 10 PI}SC JO AMEN pum, Kemi 209 e019 aoueuon og eg Rem ‘auop 0} osye 91 soueuoquseu 05 suosts02d Buymo}O9 Mp PEON 10) 2H0ge.0}WORIPPE LT peo sarge, ssupayn pu soum)oniyg 10) HB} AouRUDHUREN FIG €zoz SxrHHN 10 (24a) uum seg meaty ol Pkg-2) of NIE A.__ Flexible Pavement (Nature of Defect or deficieng ers Variation by more 7 even) days prescribed slope of camber/« be less than the camber on the main carriageway) Bige drop atshouldes ceding mm ven) days ‘a hit) cays Tieven) days 38 (ony eigh) oars Painting of km stone, willing, parapets crash | Avand when aqulned7 Once every barciers year Damaged/missing signs road requiring | 7(Geven) days replacement Damage toread marc ups Tipeven) aye ‘Dbstracion ina minimum headroom ofan 24 ent Fourhours hove carageway or obstruction in visibility of ron signs Removal of fallen es Fam carriageway our hors ‘Deterioration in health of ees and bushes Timely watering and weatment Trees and wishes roquiing replacement 5 ite) days ey 4 Go) houre Ba Qwenty = OT scnedutes | Page 690f113, staat | smpeWS =“ Sunog Gano A 5p Rapa mous Sauere— Bass spHSPUr] Ten ean ie BaRaronaBeWGECL prow IH Tesasien ag Buonnsqo siep (wom) et | __soasmpnns xp Sumaoye woe Jo AOI spung api 0 00175009 sep (Gung) o¢ | __‘sqejsypeoudde ut uonesouoqop 1 aug i oo Bao oy SE saypeordds yo sodoys| ‘so pte #Breoq up 7 Bo Buyreog auouoyseo ut sped jo Bunasoyct ‘aol 1 0 Buggys 0 Sug so8ewsep“woneIO}eA ur owas Sepa ‘sie Bus pur spe wsiyas Sua INGE IOUT ‘woRAe 30 /pue BURNING SuoRepUHO pnd seo sep (uss) Tum. sano (ye 40) spe. PIV [eowpepts804 PIV He ngs 809-59 remysopad ‘speor ypeadde uy afeweg, sprosypeouddy pus somieg tolosd 2810 oct 3 (24) UsMy meg pe encis specified in this Annex of “Time Lit forrepaetifcation ] he his ReNijor Fae Tnwedite NoWijor Faire mms within Thou ‘NoNior Fare “Tunnel ie Softy System Contingency pl involving outing checkup sos tensed Heres somal Anya Fareolieasion ‘No Major Failure ‘sehedutes | Page7Lof113 eriozeatey | smpes suopenord roe009 pe ‘sae aygeonddy s9pun pastnbor ssouenp 10 grasad 24p0 Say urea stouoy 40 wuaLanoD ang puke ses SETA JO VOIR, «dn unos 20) preog jonue; uoanyeg pue syeseyruc, ot ‘yun Suey dn Saye 4 po fsque’ ogo J UENO; rj Sune {én Sum25.0) Guosny quayedo> so4RO 20 sono} Jo eHodSUT WH 2102" ‘nossa aap mou 30% Busesp 2 UDUNUEAAOS aes ep JO VASSAL soso Jo 36020} 281097] ssunysnes you 4 preog or we> vonnyrey pue sexeusueg oBeTA Jo UOISTUIA b wy stapjnog jo uoqbem9 20} oMNUIALON ayes aT Jo LOST ssamay ageoydly j “swe7 atgenddy ayy sopun pantnbos se ureago eys OwENUED Mf, ugaraeonddy sunuuiag ajqeouddy (eo) rp 2 28) a-2mparps orn 3024) 0H soda EA Schedule -G 7. Form of Bank Guarantee Performance Security /Additional Peformance Security] AND WHEREAS we, ‘how branch have agree to furnish this Bank Guarantee (hereinafter called the “Guarantee” NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irrevocably, guarantees and affirms as follows: hereby unconditionally and irrevocably guarantees the due and faithful performance of the Contractors obligations during the [Construction Period Defects Period anal Maintenance Period} under a ve Contract, and agrees and undertakes to pay to the Authority, upon its mere fist written demand, and , contest or protest, and without any reference to of the Guarantee Amount as the rd to prove orto show grounds or erLopcasey | mompoes -sxp sapun qaogpmy ayp yo ays ype ApUEHEAD su Z9PEN UMA OMT YO AOLMY =m a0 puewaop v ssqun pu soja udesSexed ur pourpods potted aut jos amueseny sip pure unOUY ap}UEIENN ax oY PoISENsAK aaEseN na oi0jaqusaoy poureion Sump Sue RUpUSIBLNION 49enwo5 249 s9pun sopeNUED 2tp Jo SHORE ip jo Saw 20 qe yo souemuopied 40/pue aoueiso> “IwOWENY =m 24) Suge so oypadsox ur GqroMNRY > rss 10 sou Suan99 20 ooquesan’l sage ue yo uoRRASGAS UF YoU ue oY LOR “wey ons ae sopun siya se 3018 soagpat Xqnioy yung aun pue a.uerens sup sopun voneBqo pu Suysngor jo 1939 949 98M Uo}|Aoxd sn 20] yHq POM SionTEAENE pasa eS pun wry oasomteyn San 10 s,eu Ro Lue Jo 10 AyOYIN ‘uossuio 20 90 oun8pur ouwrvaquoy soyRO Sue 30 Zo}eNUAD axp OF Af Bu AUT JO uoseor fq 10 presroye sioner oxy oy aoso4 yon Sogn 30 SipoApAYy a 4 aSEIONO {Sav 4 sjuosoud aso sopun aon eijqo paw Sige sf way paseoar aq YOU [EUS YHA 2y pur “Anzoypay ayy ot aygeeae sontuna9s a4 40/puP 2 > suomIPuO? ‘pte say a4 Jo Se Supaops wos ae9qH0} 30 0] “Apomny ox so atojsod 0} 0 383340 949 Pot Jo uw 1010 20 9 agp puays9 0110 forexons sayy sop 30g ogy uy ase regs SuOMINY oqueren5 1p sy queg o4p © Sumuosaad sHajoq sOPERUOD yp ue po20xd cy 20 4 ys Suowny’ ap ‘soqueren 204 3 : pe 21 dump w9sHaq aandeap Ae 20 0 quod ag uo Sp, ps “opun pus Sazanp sa soot sang eg OL UU 94 wo fy aouepsomse Ut pure s9pun suoRe 240 st Surbutioyid spre pu 9 es0dl205) funpnnseapay 3p Seay jo ques ag yoy sopue ‘Aizawl Bypass tunnel (Pkg-2) of NHLOG ig Such notice, when giv ig the notice was posted and a certificate Guarantee s the date specified in para provisions ofthe Contract. guara we SFNS (Structural Finance fessaging, System) platform & s Bank Guarantee tothe signated bank of NHIDCL, detals of which is as under: the RF). The Contractors can submit the BG for periods of wo years at ne ie and Keep sonedutes | Page 750f113 | | errogaBey | emmees eg 34 Jo EHD Ho PE Jog ‘CHMAATIG GN g1Vas‘QBNOIS sin peas poe pouig BOEOODENAS 9S 5920001012005, Rar UA weudaNeg v9 anf UREN | Bypass tunnel (Pkg2) of N06 Annex I (Gehaule-G) ‘ 192) Annex Ii Form for Guarantee for Advance Payment fname of Authority) — adress of Authority] WHEREAS: “ section of [National Highway No. *] on Engh 'EPC") boss, subject to and in accordance withthe provisions ofthe Apres se 192 of the Agreement, the Authority s bearing Bank Rate +3% al to 10% (ten per cent that the the Contractor We, through our branch at (the "Bank’) have agesed to furnish this hank guatantee (hereinafter called the "Guarantee") for the Guarantee Am NOW, THEREFORE, the Bank hereby, unconditionally and irevecably, guarantees and affirms follows: 1 under and in kes to pay tothe Authority, dlomut, reservation, recours 0 juarantee Amount as the Authority shall claim, without the ‘Authority being, required to prove orto show grounds or reasons for its demand and/or for the sum specified therein, A letter from the Authority, under the hand ofan fer not below the rank of [General ‘Manager in the National Highways Authoxity of Inn, that the Contractor as commited Seredutes | Page 7706113 etiogcstieg | =mpes poe payapoy oq qeys sowesens snp pun Ai Sea pun ey if MO -poanMy agp SG Ope fe ssnm pure ong g ydmdeed ut payrads qs souueten) sq pur Hanoy quRTNS aN oy pApUISAL st se Iopan "peg op 3 AINE an “oro pUIUN Kus RuypaersyAON, Dn Sony a poster 0 /pue yuu 24 $0020 FHM HH Pu pucwap sy ug. ap oF SupUBsALT ax0}q sODENHOD at acest containing the notice was posted and a. coe ‘Authority that the envelope was 0 posted Revision ICC Pt ishereby excluded. Paco Name of aneicy ioral Fgh &ntastucre Deveopmert Corporation Lined sosz10To00659 and sealed this. day of, 20. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED sehedutes | Page 790f113 Ce ) querer ay sequin apo> pur uoseutisap ‘sure yp urequo> pynoys aaymereN ye aL (0) ‘SALON (soppy) (saan 2pe0) (woneutisog) sq que Aizawl ypaes tunnel (Pkg 2) of NULOS Schedule -H (SeeClauses Contract Price Weightages ‘The Contract Price for this Agreements Rs Contract Price for different stages of Construction of the Project specified below: ‘Stage for Payment Pareentage Welghtage Grouting) Schedules | Page 81 of 113, ettezesiea | mS ¥ Benoa, Siew 0-15 30 (eu) our sedge [Aizawl Bypass funnel (Pg 2) of NHO6 ‘Stage for Payment Weightage i Tadaground Brevaton & over brain Other tome Baggage canner big ecromeskanical boom Farrer wi accessories upto 6 meter length, THuminated signage ettwrgaiea | sms Trea gu ooqueg PAE yur FORD WSO (ling 5 968) BonpIN poe Boas Ppp0m 20 stingiont sBejemng womsea 0) 8 Aizawl Bypass ‘age for Payment Feceatage | Weightage | 25 mum dia. 3m log tel ek bolts fi) Road works Procedure for estimating the value of road work done shall be as follows: Table 1. ‘Siage of Payment cent | Poet Pere Tait of easement” & Tsay Teng ork up tp of te sub-gade nous Base Conse 40% of weighlage of BD) s neasCoe of Sab grade: 60% of weightage repalraf eens ion and Neve eaves nit of measurement ie TinarTengih ling vad, realignment, Payment ofeach stage shall be mad om eo bypasses: Culverts lenges) kengt ‘carriageway i 100 km, then the eis i bbe 2x 100 kin, Now, I the total length of bituminous work toe done is 100 per kin of bituminous work hal be determined as fllows: Cost per km = Px weightage for road work weightage fr bituminous work x (1/L) Where P=Contract Price is, Schedules | Page 8506113, etLesgatea | mAs PeDTrL —y eeLama wm paws seaq eys 40M SouMoanS pue fuos puny soonyea yy BuReUIASD JO} aIMPSDeIg saumpnig pue poy4 uu, (11) ‘sme -assya uous Jo 85, spa sous oy z afensiow sempasong yond | 986709594 oueg yous FELL, eys sassedinag /sossediopun pue a8piq 20UIN Feraae utr: ayes ayy Sueur 30} sossedioacyjbossediopun pur so8pig sou I Aizawl Bypass tunnel (52) of NHS SN | Stage of Payment Percentage | Payment weightage | Procedure DIB 090% 0%. Za re Fea wc 125% C3 {8268 rca] 4358 cs] 549s E wc] 348s [7 Preset ROC Lapginge MD grade 3 18 Final RCC Linning and Nice for Paling and Cabin Tass his Schedutes | Page 87 0f 113 sroggatey | smeRs re dure uot lands | eT DUES IB £10 rau ap ut ase ge snes pos} / Zid Jp Setsuduos wake suns sys Jo Buwossranios pue Sons uoneenn nsldns | 2 Ore (toss Goandnove Bumper wopswayne Suny suis srivousunse pawn | 9 emg SAT ‘yu we) | 5 00 sce 8 "EAP Pu yuo ED 9 HELO Sacer yuan aI) WHY 3 ‘HAD ou we “Heat OUT 0 ‘ical £5 pe Fayre 11 ope cc fo Buoy eu ens Hae yo. tonao> ou unoufiopan ut eas 190 my aapenag eae aeRO) pean wouikey yox8e15 [iawl Bypass tunnel (Pg2) of NHLOS (p2), aoe Parentage | Payment aN. | stage of Payment age of Pay weightage | Procedure 7 z z a 0 osm 7 compar Tased stem capable oss @ ans ia 17.10% ‘monitoring ox T7_[ Firehyrant, Firewater tank & fens ouipment Tra Nove 4) Incase of innovative Major Bridge projets ke cable suspension/cable stayed/ Extra Dozed and exceptionally long, spaa bridges, the schedule may he modified as per ite -exquitements before bidding with due approval of DG(RD)&SS, MoRTEH, 2) The Schedule for exclusive tunnel projects may be prepared as per site requirements before bidding with dueapproval of DG (RD)&SS, MoRT&H, (iv) Other Works. Procedure for estimating the value of other works done shal b as state in table 13.4 ‘Stage of Payment ‘weightage | Payment Procedure Toll plaza 00% | nt of menturement is cach completed toll lava. Payment of ach fn peo ata bass with respect the oa of al sehedutes | Page89of113 erLmo6%eg | MPAs wousaeunar sje pe ojos go pue ssoreedos =o wissen] & aan ae ‘sous ue Bunge suis pox | (1) sure sxeaponee peer | Seno omiea joaeis €zoz oo ty 39(2 Sa) uu sseig peziy Aza Bypass tunnel (Pkg-2) of NHLOS ‘Siage of Payment «| Erosion Control Blanket 28 1e_| Vegeta bamboo cl wall 22% with weld wiremest) | 412% Iimlongstelsockbals | 08 Table135_ [Sage of | Weightaae | Procedure for estimating the value of other works dane shal tes anel sewage lines) Payment Procedure NA 2 Procedure for payment for Maintenance ‘The cost for maintenance shall beas stated in Clause 14 made in acordance withthe provisions of seneautes | Page 91of 113, ertezease | SiS Tarepaes sn jpouuyy Jo ued powoy supwespypns Ese saputfug s 4uouNnY oy oy sBuEseaD YAS uany pu wad sjdwosd eval su Jo ZO asmeL UT YAO} 3s uOREEYAO aA Jo aE I, sSuynera, sBuymeig, (P52) of N06 ‘Annex -I: List of Drawings INote: The Authority shall describe in this Annext, all the Drawings thatthe contractor is required to Furnish under Clause 102] a » ° a Drawings of horizntal alignment, vertical profile and details ross sections, Draws Drawings of rosearainage works Deawings of Major intersections, Grade Separated Structures, Viaduct. Drawing of bus-bay ane! bus shelters, Drawing of road fumiture including traffic signage, marking safety Drawing of trafic diversion plan. of Authority's Engineer. Schedles | Page 9806 13, eTLMW aed | sms Suxpros9e popuoue uo any 0} poudop 2g {RS afApoHPS UoNAKlwED along aN MUAY osaogsgnoad ah apo cep 03> pe pen 99 At a9 4 86ST oReAdLUE Pornpoups ay uo soups, Polo Presa ay 30 Ne 40 due 70 uoqsueNsS wod aun Jo worsuapsa paprduioy aney joys so}penues ayy ‘a1eq uoReidweD PErAPENPS 24H —HO}e 30 UO, saa poysodly si os Aep 960704 wo sD ME ECL HORDHEWOD POFAPIAPS LL, year uonaydwo5 parspays SESE STONE EP USIHAIRTOS ATT SSE PTO pur 2 ny Suess pofoug, 24) ac pond aut wos Kep [por WORMS rauoIsE, Pole Tirsuors9qHHy pal Ota (aun sd aay Sn) age weep 55 (0) pannagns pu eanygipy Dolor yp jo cononasto> swoon Polond ou EU ayy Jo uno sau uauaieg ng poe Stones pee Simp qn pur Ses yolouy ay jo uortaansuo> pandnunua> aaey eye AeA ap AUCH okK Jo AKIDUANO 3k JOT 3 e905 Fyn o> ainpayps wonarditoy olor, ainpaysg uorayduuos palo, (e019 xs) {-ampayps S0-HN 302 sso mesty Aiea Bypass tne Phg-2) of NOS Schedule -K (See Case 12.1 6) Tests on Completion ‘Schedule for Tests ‘han 10 (ten) days prior to the actual date of Tests, the Authority detalled inventory and particulars of ‘Contactor, determine the dateand time for each Testa notify the same othe A ‘who muy designate ite representative to witness the Tets, The Authonitys Engincer a thereupon conluct the Teste or cause any ofthe Tests to be conducted in accordance with Atte 12 and this Schsle-K ‘Tests check of construction to determine that all works and equipment forming part theneot conform othe provisions ofthis Agreement. The physical sts shall includ [*] Riklng quality test Riding quality ofeach lane ofthe cartiageway shal the hep ofa Network Survey Vehicle (SV ite wit test euipments al the ile roughness for purposes of this Test shall be [2,000 (ewo thousand] mam for Nondestructive Testing Techniques, at to spots ‘the Authority's Engineer. Bridges with a span of 15 (fifteen) metres or more shall also be ted to load testing, (ther tests: The At to be carried a loteriining the co lecept tests. speci ‘markings and road o testing equipment | ragessornis errpesgaey | simp “yr yes 13> wonoq 05 Jo nse jo ous ap a8 poronpues aq eys ASN Jo dlou oUF EON BuNSMp 8215 ose sisi ates ayy soy pouyap fonans.od sy) ak seo yV | _sojauoy AON sis peoy| (woseas ‘s196q ay68 aun 20} pauyop syUoU] (AgTY) HUA HoRDDKsu Soxmsedsy)seaSeasna seq y| 38pua ano Spe (ay) prwopoyea| suowoaed moseanuorseoriy| IBM ‘pSuans| yuowosed| jo ssouyinoy snap] iawioavd jo Aouinssadsy) wax waoise searyV| Aas ——>HoMNN| _shayepbejns| aerey oams wopppuos jo Souanbaig_ |pasnaq oy woudynby) 30594 Sy sequoia ssqpenuo> so asad a as00 ua ay ye quouadmbo Suto yo Ae s9ou8u KUONAY SL Zap Ray jo suoystanrd ayn yee aouepu0o9e UF a,eRIE> uoNaTE UO: Wy 249 ‘S591 Jo uoRapdano> tnyssavons od? ayeoygn29 wonp|dwi0>, Aquowgny 16 Seu se uossad 10 Aousie zoo tons 40 JoouF FUEL isa, Suptpuod 103 Aouady be yn9 poLHE> og a) asneD 10 INO Ase o) oo tin (ea) uum seed pweaty Bypass tunnel (Pkg2) of N05 Schedule -L. (See Cause 12.2), Completion Certificate i as the Authority's Engineer, n terms of the aforesaid Agreement, all works forming part of have been completed, and the Project Highway. day Of 2D Scheduled Completed SIGNED SEALED AND DELIVERED For and on behalf of the Authority's Engineer by: (Signatuce) (Name) (Designation) (Address) Schedutes | Page 97 of 113 ——suoepansyerseiep su suatoe} 5 ‘Surooy Sampad padeuep “oot vogenfox Byres Seam pw Pe ‘oan jo Sugumad ‘gino uoreson Sunpaed pogams alos WOU suonoansqo Burpuod ‘yey ssox0 swenbopeur ‘doxp 384 sopnoug umn amuegua ‘Peo Samy pa yo snd, “wouraaeg/KeaaBeane | aPCAPAMM, NS “wononpox wae op wad poys safewuaoiod Bar woyoy LL s1seq Ayyquour uo syuouased wns dunn uy suoppnpas aBequa219g cg poompar 9 swuurosqnboy aoueuaqureyy 94) EM aouey|duso>-uoW 205 uonompes wowueg soueyidwo5-toN 103 uorpnpay jusUdeg (Got pue zer ‘41 sasteI 95) W-aImpayps, oot 7 (eB) eu sedi yezyy SNe] WenyDafecyDeficieney “(g)__| Defects in Other Project Faciities R= Pfygg X(t or M2)xEL, Where, Pe Percentage of particular item / Deft dine for duction ‘Monthly lmpesum payment in accordance pa ev ofthisSchele “Monthly tampa payment in accordance para .2abowe of thistle [Non-complyng length = Total length of the road, Schedules | Page %of113 etrpqota%ey | IPS nouns Spoyny se ousted so} agp 99 10U NeYS SHOBAY. 4 poqjonjucs 20 pouiso srs Sua pouso-uaumucAog w 3H 14 B pouno-uauor08 © ywodde uonaDsp si ut ao Aaea}uco oy cy Hus RupUeRSLYAHION, snourdug s,Cypouny se Aypue wauruaaon so wounuyoddy . INaIMPADS HOF LAUT HIN OND Sirenuersgas eas (1O.L. 49) BoURUG s.4uoKAY xp 30} aouEsD|A| Jo SUID] HL, aouasayoy Jostusay, IN-anpoaRgsnp jo desire jo sacstaond a a aouep 009" es Ssoxpmy sy“ Mes Sene Jo strseacad x toh Teoquys9] ap yo won ea fo uN 3p nv 4 pons hoy POW aM Jo suorsta03d uz) ssouriiug s,Auouny Jo voN>e|AS spauSug s,Quoymny Jo uoHS2[9g N-ampoups rsa 0 (oa) yr nei meaty 12) of NHS is invite simultane the satus ofbicling of EPC proton tobe nda ‘The TORshall apply to construction and maintenance of the Pret Highway. Clauses and Schedules inthis TOR shall, except where the be deomed to be references to the les of the Agreement, and references to Paragraphs shall be dev to Paragraphs ofthis TOR interpretation state in Article of the Agreement shall apply, mutatis ‘mutans to this TOR, in, Impartial and efficient and Good Industry Schedutes | Page 101 of 13 srrowratey | mows yuo> au oy stuausued Ka pe soyaens0 ap nuns weg mueinssy Saendaupasoudde paw worsar yeysaomtieg sAONRY mL ( -‘suoneAsaauyntopospsy Pe ERED oot ayn Skqpnjouy“evep Sugoddns yt Suoye seyezue> eM &q poysisany suse 2 anode pu sora qos oui spony axa pow HoHONsSIeD =m FUNG, poring woronssue-y ines opuoygne pus son2erd Easel pos uo Bux wokumes pouoseas uy 49 are pu af Sumeouryons fy ronal a 30 wosstaoud Aue uy Moy 728 8 love upatous ayy Suspanion sey ayy Daag ywauIDOARVSIP Sue yo BAYA UL tet apmay sopun adors Jo sua oy pesodeuc ue wo Soper aug ostape pure pre yeys Fg ,SIMOKHY “aL Asn Jo suossnoxd oN yO ouEPHODDE esoudde sod = sou oxy 4 sd HEUL Kueoyos 0 soANE oA ae OP YOUTHS ‘poprsou jue sagnp si Jo uone Ro} ue Jo soweNOD AN nyo 049) so Supoaq ou Josep (42) wn saoUEING §ueKNY aA 4 Pam 2 eS ada yong bua spun Suoouny pu sanNP st 01.90 UE KYBOKBAY Arona ou seo 48 stodax pote epaax yeugns eys osu sO “oars wo Sage EPA es ‘ory pe anoae (p) 40 0) 9) 4) ur paypods yours ype oe Hp Aizawl Bypac tunnel (Phg-2) of NHLOS wit) co) (oventy proposed ‘comments tothe Con ‘of the Project dance w 5 Engineer shall review the monthly progross report furnished by the 4 sed ts comments thereon to the Authority and the Contractor thin 7 ‘The Authority's Engineer shall inspect the Construction Works and the Project Highway ringing out the reslts of inepectons and spect of Defects oF deficiencies. In Inspection Report the compliance ofthe recommendations maul by the Safety Consultant. ‘The Authority's Enginser shall conduc the pre-construction review of manufacturers est, reports and stancland samples of manufactsre Materials, and such other Material asthe Authority's Engineer may quite For determining thatthe Works conform to Specifications and Standards, the Authority's Enginec shall roquire the Contractor to carry out, or cause tobe carried out tess at su time and frequency and in such manner as specifi inthe Agreement and in accordance with Good Industry Practice for quality assurance. For purposes of this Paragraph 4 (), the tests specified in the IRC Special Publcation-11 (Handbook of Quality Control for Construction of Roads and Runways) and the Specifications for Road and Bridge Works issued by MORTH (the "Quality Control Manuals’) or any modification substation thereof shall be deemed to be tests conforming to Good Industry Practice for quality ‘The Authority's Engineer shall test chock atleast 50 (lity) percent of the quantity oF ts prescribed foreach category of type of tet for quality contol by the “The timing of tests referned to in Paragraph (and the criteria for aceptance/ rejection, ‘ells shall be determined by the Authority's Engineer in acordance withthe ‘Quality Control Manuals, The tt shall be undertaken on a random sample basis and of, the tests that may be carted out by the ettprorsiea | smpaes sojpeiun a4 pie wogDodsut Ayqoour quof e yo ue> osodind spp soy pe sumuesfoy aaMeUSWUIYY AqqUOUT 130 voneredd ayy w aopenue; ayy astape pue pre -arnpayps pue 1 apy yosuoysioud ay pt uepseooe UE pue sapuR Pe s Suonny an ‘ain jwuaprut sane re pue (tay) Fydeseze sp sop ano Bure» 40g 9a 358 a 8a} YHINS WoRaKdNe’ e ABS PUP -IAPAYPS UT goods 9. ay eno pouse> ag 04 asne> 20 no Aue eS osu SONNY SL, (HA) yuoqpayy 2494 poxosat oq Sous uotsuadsns yons ou 104944 Supuouuesos “qwey AoINNY Ap oF yodar © ayer pu “aDHoU PHS UIA} Jo sep (aan) ¢ una som popuodsns ay yoodsur poys sou s-AuoNY OM ‘yom yons 2odsur oy ous Azesnny axp sara pue siasn pure SoM popuadsns so Ages aug 9uns05 0} suns espauar Aue yo souse> Jo}esUO> ay EYP AAD 2p ‘payor 29 feu punaroy uopsadsns ap 04 10 -eqnays Surpuounmooas Joqnny aypo} wodos veut pure yHLAYpHO} samNseou ePI ons postu reyss9ou sAtuornny ayy asnseourfqpeNar yo parsed sey sO}ENL uy zayy ‘suemnsopad pur Siasq om yo Aoges ayy suayeANA HOM 3MN FL SHON aT jo ued 0 gjymarp jouosuadsnsdaeunny 2xp oy puouruooor Kew sour s,SmOMINY Tz asnepD or wensind onset st anoyiasy 1e> a svojaq sUBLUMDOP pu splords yoRUED AER sopenue> amy me Jo Adoo e se}aeRue> ayf wos wEygo EHS Bou SAHzONNY a ‘ouptoy so} enue a4 pe ANONRNY ayp oO SHOULD DS pe aUEES A otADE res our sSauogny aap To}esTue> Mp WOH] Hod es uo) “posaqype 24 Teys ay¥q wonDduoD alors ap WPA UNA pouod axp pue ‘ssaiBoud aypadyo ‘0 wager ag or pasexiond sdois ayy sfep (way) St PUT 0} sO} eA. OM ounboe ey yuri upd oun ng egy gees us Sei Pon prourieg sonny: {wp pue uonpnssuo>o ssaoud xy fo sora eye APU ay “souOSENN Yoko ay Jo AME AAORIPY o} SH IOPEUO a4p I!HH IDAD | UT xd news 1Z asner> Jo suoysinond ayy axg paler 90g JO nove uo parimbar yo. ue Jo ase ur ep poprsoad -asaso4po 20 3u9492jqeaasa10juN “tuoproe ue yo asneaag saan “Geo alos Xp Jo og xp 204 pasgnbas Spun 4 xpnn oat Sue ansexa oy aopenuo> ayy sur eur sou SAMOKAMY a, {aseo oy soypenueaxp azar sosjeq Su ysHges9 OL TL srt 90a) row seed weary Aizawl Bypass tunnel [Pg2) of NHO6 inspections at last once every month, ce Requirement Maintenance he Contractor, monltoe and review the rests of by the Contractor in this bo sd to in Paragraph 3 of Schedule-E, the Good Indust Pract, specily The Authority's Engince shall determine the period of Time Extension that sequined to be determined by itunder the Agreement. consult each Party in every case of determination in ‘Authority's Engineer shall- (within 10 (Qon) days of receipt of the Stage Payment Statement from the Contractor pursuant to Clause 194, determine the amount due to the Contractor and recommend the release of $0 (ninety) percent of the amount s0 determined as part payment, pending issue of the Interim Payment senedutes | Page 1050113 ettosor aig | memes = Jo ua fue jo sopesWOD AMP pu SuoRAY aA MAO; YS UREN .AWONNY mL, ‘wav andi Sue yo uous oygeone ue ye urs uy sn snes p09 20 a0}|U0> a4 20 AAO a A He a 4 poysnany 29 yeys ‘woos ssoUNE S.No JO SURUINOD WBE sso xn ey doo e paw “xOL penuoD ayo} soourU 44 u2s syowunsog 20 ujweag ‘SuogSnESur“uauTOD suoRDFUMUMOD Ie 39 A> Y snosust StH qununadily omy ut ny pue sopnp soepo fe wuDpsod oY soOUTET SAHONRMY 9, suoqpums puesopnp 22400 pues eds env Aaa Bypass ‘Contact's Default within one week of ts occurrence. Schedules | Page 107 of 113 styograieg | mms “Sqpoupey ayy oF agendaave wey WUT SUPP SE RDGAS EY LOPEAI MLL ION sofleueg 205 wpe sopenuey —“g sexe Jo uononpop spreney ue 2161 99m sapun aud ur usunsnlpe Bum sou o) amp 2oueuaueur oj youn ‘;uop jou Yuom aueuajueN 6} 5UEHDNPEP aM sown on jo suoisaord ann vee S>uRUBUFEY 10910: uouyeg yoourkeg aueUepUFY AMON popapop sxe, 18 pue‘siapucyadons yo thy 308 ue aa0ge (9) 20) auanbosgns paynsoxa sopig 4025 Joo sep presoroye ay soy sad uy squounsnfpe Sunsoyo4 now susp sey ayy 01 ua basqns (1) € ‘sme ito souepsoave uy poanaaxo S044 31 Jo} yUROWE payeWASS a yes eys SOA 20} MATES wOUIAL ass HL, 0 9s wouBHES TaLse EIS squomayeyg jaurdeg Jo suLi0y « 5 FE SD 295) = 2mparps Son 1005 -SizantBypae funnel (Pg 2) of NH-O6 (ee Insurance Insurance during Construction Period ‘The Contractor shall effect and ma the date of issue of the Compe the following insurances for any loss of Event of Force Majeure, malicious act paragraph Insurance for Contractor's Defects Liability, maximum sums as may ber "Applicable Laws and in accordance with Good Industry Pract. jury to persons and damage to property i) Authority's property arising ve, erijoorrateg | smpows “Guospay atp pur sapenu0> 1p Jo soumeu jutef agp ut ag reys aaoqe ¢ 09 1 sydeuBered sopun aovesnsuy 2X, soureu uyo{ uy 24 03 >uesnsuy SM apamo sapun 9 2 Aiea Bypass tunnel (Pkg-2) of NELOG Schedule-Q (Gee Clans 14.10) Tests on Completion of Maintenance Period Riding Quality est: Visual and physical test: ‘The Authority's Engineer shall conduct a visual and physical check of construction to

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