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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (2010) 107–113

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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p e t r o l

Preliminary management and optimization of a gas reservoir in central Serbia

Vesna Karovic Maricic, Dusan Danilovic ⁎
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Djusina 7, Belgrade, Serbia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Management of hydrocarbon reservoirs is a dynamic, continuous and complex process. It is applied from
Received 5 June 2008 reservoir discovery to its abandonment, with the objective of achieving maximum profitability by using a
Accepted 26 October 2009 recovery process with minimum capital investments and operation costs.
The goals of modern system-engineer' approach to hydrocarbon reservoir management are: managing
Keywords: efficiency; adequate and on time decision making; increasing reserves, and oil and gas recovery factor;
production increment; risk reduction; investment efficiency; minimizing costs and environmental protection.
gas reservoir
The gas reservoir “M” is the gas reservoir discovered in central part of Serbia. It was not put in production yet,
underground gas storage so it is important to apply reservoir management concepts from the beginning of the production process.
economic evaluation Based on production characteristics, this reservoir belongs to a group of smaller gas reservoirs that characterizes
most often the Serbian exploitation area. Also, this reservoir fullfils most of criteria for using it as an underground
gas storage reservoir. Thus, the analysis of possibilities for conversion into the underground gas storage after
certain production period was also considered.
The management of gas reservoir “M” has been analyzed by two different approaches. The first one refers to the
management of the reservoir as a gas producer during the whole reservoir life. The second management approach
considers gas production for a certain period of time, followed by underground gas storage (UGS). In this paper,
economic and financial evaluation results are given for the presented options of gas reservoir management.
A decision analysis has been applied to select an optimized gas reservoir management approach.
Adequate management of this gas reservoir would contribute to further development and reform of Serbia's gas
energy sector that is characterized by great dependence on natural gas imports, and a lack of underground gas
© 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction According to criteria (Stancetic, 1995) for using gas reservoirs as under-
ground gas storage (UGS) reservoirs, it fulfills most of those require-
Influence of world market, current transition process, and restruc- ments. This enables an analysis to consider turning the reservoir into a
turing of Serbian petroleum company points out the necessity for the gas storage reservoir after a certain production period.
application of a reliable approach to oil and gas reservoir management, This reservoir does not produce yet, so it is important to apply
for improving managing efficiency and effectivness. reservoir management concepts from the beginning of the production
General and comprehensive reservoir management implementation process in order to achieve optimal efficiency and recovery (Thakur,
on the basis of system-engineering approach (Kalu, 1990), considers 1990).
influence of ecological, social/political, regional and human resources Moreover, most of oil and gas field in northern Serbia have recovery
factors besides technical, technological and economic factors. factors of approximately 90%, and great part of those reservoirs need
The goals (Satter and Thakur, 1994) of modern system-engineer's application of “EOR” (Enhanced Oil Recovery) methods. That makes
approach to hydrocarbon reservoir management are: managing effi- the gas reservoir “M” management analysis by different approaches
ciency; adequate time decision making; increasing oil and gas reserves even more significant, since emphasizes the perspective (Prstojevic
and recovery; production increment; risk reduction; investment ef- et al., 2002) of further exploration of southeastern part of Panonian
ficiency; minimizing costs and environmental protection. basin in central Serbia.
Reservoir “M” is the gas reservoir discovered in central part of Serbia; In the frame of management planning, the proposed strategy
based on production characteristics, it belongs to a group of smaller (Karovic Maricic, 2006) for gas reservoir development and exploita-
reservoirs that are most often seen in the Serbian exploitation area. tion is using two different approaches. First one refers to managing
the reservoir in case of gas production during the whole reservoir life.
⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +381 11 3219 189; fax: +381 11 3235 539.
In the second management approach the gas is produced for a certain
E-mail addresses: (V. Karovic Maricic), time period, and then converted into an underground gas storage
(D. Danilovic). reservoir. This is illustrated in the decision tree scheme (Fig. 1).

0920-4105/$ – see front matter © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
108 V. Karovic Maricic, D. Danilovic / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (2010) 107–113

Therefore, the second approach to gas reservoir management,

should have an advantage comparing to the first one. Moreover, fa-
vorable geologic/technological criteria for this gas reservoir rec-
ommend it as a storage reservoir. These criteria comprise the
analysis of: reservoir drive type, its petrophysical characteristics,
Fig. 1. Decision tree of gas reservoir development and production strategy. geometry and tectonics, reservoir depth, gas composition, storage
capacity and location.
Reservoir description. This reservoir is located in the central part
Both presented approaches are important. Since Serbia is importing of Serbia, where, is very important to solve the problem of gas supply
large quantities of natural gas (approximately 88%), each newly for households and industrial consumption sectors. Consumer centers
discovered reservoir that can substitute some part of imported gas is and the transporting system is at a distance of 50 km from the possible
significant. On the other side, Serbian gas distributive system lacks storage (Fig. 2). This implies that social factors may be important for
an underground gas storage on its territory. Data about natural gas this gas storage field, from a regional point of view.
consumption structure points out an unfavorable situation from the The considered gas reservoir is layered, anticlinale reservoir type,
aspects of exploitation gas pipeline system, and conditions for providing partly tectonic stuctured, with small depth at 681–691 m and with gas
import gas. Large part of gas consumption for heating needs requires expansion drive that is most favorable drive for conversion to UGS
a way to settle unequal consumer necessities at conditions of equal (Fig. 3).
gas delivery from suppliers. The natural gas consumption structure in Reservoir rocks are made of small grains, well-sorted, low cemented
our country is unfavorable due to its distinctive seasonal unequality sandstones and according to values of porosity and permeability have a
(winter/summer consumption ratio is 4:1). good petrophysical characteristic. Testing results from drilled wells have
According to the “Strategy of energy development” (Ministry of shown a good quality gas reservoir.
energy and mining, 2005), and present energy policy in Serbia, a By composition, the natural gas from reservoir “M” is a dry gas
significant increase in natural gas consumption can be expected. Thus, with increased content of N2 component.
UGS represents a basic solution for the uneven gas consumption Since economic criteria are crucial for project management
problem, and assurance of gas supply security. evaluation, the question that needs to be answered is: “What

Fig. 2. Reservoir location and gas pipeline system in Serbia.

V. Karovic Maricic, D. Danilovic / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (2010) 107–113 109

Triang function has been chosen as the most adequate, because it

showed best matching with real data.
Results of applied Latin Hypercube risk simulation are presented
using probability distribution histograms (Fig. 4). The most probable
values of gas in place and productive gas reserves attained from these
histograms are 233.08 millions m3 and 201.80 millions m3 (Karovic
Maricic, 2006).
Calculated values of gas in place probability occurrence rank gas
reserves to category of proved according to SPE reserve classification
and categorization (15th WPC, 1997).
For determining the critical risky variables, i.e. factors with greatest
risk degree in gas reserve calculations, a sensitivity analysis (RISK,
1997) has been done. Results (@RISK, 1997) of sensitivity analysis by
using regression coeficient are shown in the “tornado” graph (Fig. 5).
It was observed that the effective reservoir thickness had the most
influence on the value of calculated gas in place (its regression co-
eficient is 0.97); it is followed by porosity, water saturation, and
Fig. 3. Geological structure and gas reservoir “M” profile. reservoir area.

3. Gas reservoir management options

economic effects will be accomplished by these two different
management approaches”?
The first gas reservoir management option is gas production
during the whole reservoir life.
For determining a future gas production, the value of most prob-
2. Calculation of gas in place and productive gas reserves
able gas in place calculated by risk analysis was used. Gas production
dynamics from three wells that produce 50,000 m3 per day was
The gas reservoir “M” was discovered at the beginning of 2001 year,
calculated by using QCODPK software (QCODPK, 2000). Results are
in Sarmatian sediments of southeastern part of Panonian basin in
presented in Table 2.
central Serbia. During 2003 and 2004 five more wells have been drilled
Forecasting the future gas production was done without being
for delineation of this reservoir. The three of them are completed for
concerned by uncertainties. These uncertainties are: oscillations in
production (M-1, 3 and 5) while M-6 is dry well and other two wells
daily production that should define most possible daily production
(M-2 and M-4) have been drilled in other reservoirs (PIS, 2005).
values, calculation and changes in number of working days during
Calculation of gas reserves has been done using the volumetric
operating year for most possible yearly production determination.
method (Boone, 1988). Input data and results are shown at Table 1.
For determining the range of future daily production values, an
Calculation of presented reserve values did not regard risk fac-
analysis of daily production for wells of “PIS”-Naftagas gas reservoirs
tors, existing of possible uncertainty in petrophysical and physical
(Karovic Maricic, 2006.) with volumetric drive has been done.
reservoir characteristics values such as: porosity, water saturation,
On the basis of analyzed production trends from 2000. to 2005., the
effective thickness, area and volume. Determination of most possible
range of possible values for future daily gas reservoir “M” production
values for gas in place and productive gas reserves as an output
was calculated. The average deviation of future maximum production
variables, i.e., its probability distribution, has been done by risk sim-
is +7.027%, and for future minimal production is: −7.51%. Con-
ulation with application of Latin Hypercube metode (RISK, 1997).
cerning this values, risk simulation is done for determining the most
In Latin Hypercube simulation, (@RISK, 1997), the following in-
possible future daily production from gas resevoir “M”.
put parameters and their defined ranges of uncertainty are consid-
Also, to estimate values of most possible yearly production, the
ered: ϕ = 27.7–33.2%; Swi = 19–25.7%; haver. = 2.47–5.734 m and
number of well′working days for gas reservoir “M” was determined by
A = 3,613,882 m2–3,678,632 m2.
analysis of working days considered by “PIS”-Naftagas' gas reservoirs.
Changes in defined input variables ranges have been simulated
It was calculated tha the average deviation is five working days during
by Uniform, Triang and Lognormal probability distribution functions.
the producing year.
Using Latin Hypercube simulation for defined ranges with TRIANG
probability distribution functions, the most possible values of daily
Table 1
Calculation of gas reservoir “M” reserves. production, and yearly production for 7.42 year (7 years and 126 days)
production period were calculated. Risk analysis results (@RISK, 1997)
“Recoverable gas reserves program”
are given at the Table 3.
Gas reservoir “M” Overall, the most probable gas production from reservoir “M” was
Relative gas density 0.612 198 238 004 m3, for an exploitation period of 7 year and 126 days, or
% N2 10.00% 193 709 150 m3 for a 7 year economic estimate.
% CO2 0.00% Second and third gas reservoir management options–underground
% H2S 0.00%
gas storage (Karovic Maricic, 2006): a) production and gas storage
Condensate 0
Reservoir temperature (Tr) 51.3 °C for storing variant that is equal to first phase of USG building; b)
Initial reservoir pressure (Pri) 71.15 bar production and gas storage that includes first and second construction
Abandonment pressure (Pa) 10 bar phase of gas storage.
Effective thickness (haver.) 4.03 m
On the basis of estimates, analysis and gas reservoir production
Area (A) 3,645,840 m2
Water saturation (Swi) 22.33%
dynamics it is ascertained that the conversion of the reservoir to gas
Porosity (ϕ) 30.44% storage can be done after 4.5 years of gas production.
Gas in place (G) 229.004 Mm3 The value of most probable gas production at 4.5 years, obtained from
Producive gas reserves (Gp) 198.27 Mm3 the probability distribution histogram (@RISK, 1997) is 9,994,400 m3
Recovery (I) 86.58%
(Fig. 6).
110 V. Karovic Maricic, D. Danilovic / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (2010) 107–113

Fig. 4. Probability distribution histograms for the gas in place and productive gas reserves.

Fig. 5. Sensitivity analysis results.

On the basis of calculated yearly and cumulative gas productions The power of one compressor unit is 550 kW. At the first phase
for 4.5 years (Table 4), a possible capacity of future USG would be one unit should be provided, and two other in the second phase.
151.4 millions Sm3 (@RISK, 1997). Unit dimensioning has been done by taking three working points
Underground storage, according to world practice, will be built in in calculations that cover the range of possible operating condi-
two phases. In Table 5. basic reservoir data and storage capacity are tions: a) injection: 19 bars/44 bars/360,000 Sm3/day; b) injection:
given (Tek, 1987). 16 bars/31 bars/250,000 Sm3/day; and c) production: 20 bars/52
In the first phase, the overall storage capacity was estimated at bars/360,000 Sm3/day.
57.6 · 106 Sm3, with daily injection/production capacity of 360,000 Sm3/ On the surface, two production lines are planned; a first line
day. This value of capacity is defined on the basis of maximum possible constructed during the first phase, and the second during the second
injection/production per well (120,000 Sm3/day per well), for the pur- phase.
pose of a reduced building storage investment. In this way no new wells
should be drilled. The three existing wells are completed with gravel 4. Economic estimate of gas reservoir management options
packs for possible sand production problems.
The second phase of gas storing has the maximum storage capac- In this paper, an economic-financial estimate (UNIDO, 1998; Yugoslav
ity of 151.4 millions m3 with daily injection/production capacity of bank association, 1988) for three management options of gas reservoir
945,000 m3/day. In this phase, six new wells will be drilled and “M” is done:
completed with gravel packs. Table 6. shows the parameters (Karovic 1) gas production for 7 years with 50,000 m3/day/well; 2) gas
Maricic, 2006) of the first and second phase underground gas storage production for 4.5 years with 50,000 m3/day/well, and after that
construction. storage with daily injection/production capacity of 120,000 m3 per

Table 2
Production dynamics for gas reservoir “M”. Table 3
The most probably values of yearly and cumulative gas production.
Time Qg/year Cumulative Qg Pr Pwf
(year) (m3) (m3) (bar) (bar) Production year Future yearly production Future cumulative production
(m3) (m3)
0 69.92
1 43,821,002.5 43,821,002.5 57.97 56.97 1 43,914,220.0 43,914,220.0
2 37,621,022.5 81,442,025.0 46.60 45.60 2 37,714,240.0 81,628,460.0
3 32,320,922.5 113,762,947.5 36.66 35.66 3 32,414,140.0 114,042,600.0
4 27,284,082.5 141,047,030.0 28.15 27.15 4 27,377,300.0 141,419,900.0
5 22,768,580.0 163,815,610.0 21.00 20.00 5 21,625,016.7 163,044,916.7
6 18,426,180.0 182,241,790.0 15.15 14.15 6 17,282,616.7 180,327,533.4
7 14,525,180.0 196,766,970.0 10.50 9.50 7 13,381,616.7 193,709,150.1
7.42 5,013,030.0 201,780,000.0 8.89 7.89 7.42 4,528,850.0 198,238,004.1
V. Karovic Maricic, D. Danilovic / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (2010) 107–113 111

Table 7
Review of investments — first management option.

Number Investment type Value ($)

1. Well drilling 2,104,835.25

2. Mechanical equipment and installation 356,722.92
3. Pipelines from wells to collecting gas system 18,379.16
4. Land 26,315.62
5. Collecting gas system 37,144.29
6. Measurement and regulation system 19,047.50
7. Cathodic protection construction 10,860.41
8. Supervision, control and acquisition system 17,376.66
9. Electro equipment 19,2145.83
10. Fire protection measurement 5,777.73
11. Gas pipeline 2,872,222.22
12. Other investments 67,460.93
Sum: 5,728,288.52

Fig. 6. Production probability distribution in 4.5 year.

well and overall storing capacity of 57.6 · 106 Sm3 during 25 years capacity to 151.4 million m3 during storage operating life. This would
of storage, and 3) storage with capacity of 57.6 · 106 Sm3 for 4 years involve drilling of 6 new wells.
(same production as in above options), and after that, increasing

4.1. Economic estimate elements of gas reservoir management options

Table 4
Elements of economic evaluation for first management option
The most probably values of yearly and cumulative gas production for 4.5 years.
are: productive gas reserves — 201.802 millions m3; gas production
Year Production per year Cumulative production of 193,709,150 m3; gas price of 0.232 Sm3 valid at the moment of
(m3) (m3)
calculation; investments in project (Table 7); financial resources
1 43,914,220 43,914,220
2 37,714,240 81,628,460
3 32,414,140 114,042,600
4 27,377,300 141,419,900 Table 8
4.5 9,994,400 151,414,300 Expenditures review — first management option.

Number Type of expenditures Value ($)

1. Material 26,078.19
Table 5 2. El. Power 14,540.26
Gas reservoir data and storage capacity. 3. Own gas consumption 542,028.35
4. Maintenance of surface facilities 293,099.19
Reservoir data Unit Value
5. Maintenance of wells (workovers) 766,996.65
Reservoir pressure bar 70 6. Salaries 249,532.50
Wellhead pressure, static bar 70.38 7. Surface facilities amortization 1,662,732.30
Wellhead pressure, dynamic (testing) bar 69.80 8. Well amortization 2,104,835.30
Reservoir temperature C 51.30 9. Amortization of other investments 67,460.93
Depth m 680 10. Royalty 2,009,815.20
Storage 11. Exploring costs 1,082,188.80
Gas storage capacity 106 Sm3 151.40 12. Other production costs 123,644.49
13. Corporate costs 291,666.67
Sum: 9,234,618.83

Table 6
First and second phase parameters of underground gas storage construction.
Table 9
Parameter Unit I phase II phase
Gross revenue and its distribution ($) — first management option.
Capacity 106 Sm3 57.6 151.4
Gross revenue 45,152,196.30
Injection cycle Total expenditures 9,234,618.83
Gross profit 35,917,577.47
Injection period Day 160 (Apr.–Sept.) 160 (Apr.–Sept.) Tax 3,699,510.47
Daily injection capacity, max. 106 Sm3 0.360 0.945 Net profit 32,218,066.99
Daily injection capacity, min. 106 Sm3
Minimum reservoir pressure bar 25.89 25.89
Maximum reservoir pressure bar 42.2 70
Pressure at gas pipeline, min. bar 15–18 15–18 Table 10
Pressure at gas pipeline, max. bar 42 42 Review of investments — second management option.

Number Investment type Value ($)

Production cycle
1. Well drilling 2,104,835.25
Production period Day 160 (Oct.–March) 160 (Oct.–March)
2. Land 26,315.62
Daily production capacity, max. 106 Sm3 0.360 0.945 3. Suface system for gas production 3,529,676.76
Daily production capacity, min. 106 Sm3 4. Suface system for UGS construction 6,648,888.88
Maximum reservoir pressure bar 42.2 70.0 5. Other investments 67,460.93
Pressure at production facilities bar 51.0 51.0 6. Gravel packs 291,666.66
Temperature at well head, norm. °C 8 5 7. Existing cushion gas 10,914,265.40
Temperature at well head, beginn. °C 10 10 Sum: 21,478,274.25
112 V. Karovic Maricic, D. Danilovic / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (2010) 107–113

Table 11 Gross revenue and its distribution is calculated first for a 4.5
Expenditures review — second management option. production period, and after that, for storage between 6th to 25th year
Number Type of expenditures Value ($) using the same prices as above (Table 12.).
Elements of economic evaluation for third management option
1. Material 214,487.10
2. Fuel 2,558,026.23 are: gas production for 4.5 years of 151,414,300 m3, storage capacity
3. Lubricants, water, diesel 605,328.20 of 57.6 million Sm3 in 6th, 7th and 8th year, 100 million Sm3 in 9th
4. El. power 80,679.15 year and from 10th year until the end of storage 151.4 mill Sm3.
5. Maintenance of surface facilities 446,5091.11
Gas prices and financial resources are same as in the second option.
6. Maintenance of wells (workovers) 1,798,508.13
7. Own gas consumption 341,994.22 Project investments are given in Table 13. and they involve drilling
8. Salaries 891,188.21 of six new wells in the 8th and 9th year. Expenditures for this option
9. Amortization 12,642,529.17 are given in Table 14.
10. Other production costs 316,276.81 Gross revenue and its distribution are given at the Table 15.
11. Exploring costs 1,082,189.42
12. Royalty 1,574,668.11
13. Corporate costs 1,041,667.63 5. Results and Discussion
Sum: 27,612,633.49
5.1. Economic evaluation results for management options of gas reservoir “M”

(internal of “PIS” — Naftagas); expenditures (Table 8); gross revenue Based on defined economic estimation elements, the evaluation of
and its distribution (Table 9). analysed gas reservoir management options was done using dynamic
Elements of economic evaluation for second management option economic methods.
are: gas production for 4.5 years of 151,414,300 m3; gas storage Within the dynamic estimate, the cash flows (Karovic Maricic,
capacity of 57.6 millions Sm3 from 6th year until the end of storage 2006) are calculated for three options, and that was the basis for
economic life. Fourth and fifth year are planned for gas storage con- profitability evaluation. For estimates of profitability (Table 16.) the
struction preparation. Gas price and financial resources are same as in following methods with discount rate of 8% (that value is using for
the first option. Project investments are presented in Table 10. project evaluation in “PIS”-Naftagas) are used: 1) net present value-
Existing cushion gas of 46,823,704 m3 is evaluated at a price of NPV; 2) value investment ratio VIR = NPV/total discounted invest-
159.6 S/1000 m3. ments; and 3) payback period.
Expenditures for this option are given at Table 11.
5.2. Decision analysis application in the management of gas reservoir “M”
Table 12
Gross revenue and its distribution ($) — second option. According to last years' statistics data in oil economy, Net Present
Value has become a prevailing criterion for economic estimate of
Gross revenue 92,337,417.47
investment projects.
Total expenditures 27,612,633.49
Gross profit 64,724,783.98 Fig. 7. shows a decision tree (Evans, 2000) of considered gas
Tax 6,595,455.49 reservoir management with economic effects (Net Present Values)
Net profit 58,129,328.49 for analyzed approaches of management strategy. The second main
branch of the decision tree has two lateral branches that refers to
storage options. It can be seen that the recommended optimal, and
Table 13 most profitable gas reservoir management option can be the appli-
Review of investments — third management option. cation of underground gas storage with second storing option.
Number Investment type Value ($)
6. Conclusion
1. Well drilling 5,771,501.91
2. Land 26,315.62
3. Suface system for gas production 3,529,676.76 A decision analysis has been applied with the purpose of selection of
4. Suface system for USG construction 11,287,222.22 an optimal gas reservoir management option. By comparing the results
5. Other investments 67,460.93
6. Gravel packs 291,666.66
7. Existing cushion gas 10,914,265.40
Sum: 31,888,109.50 Table 15
Gross revenue and its distribution ($) — third option.

Gross revenue 169,225,966.57

Table 14 Total expenditures 44,149,858.45
Expenditures review — third management option. Gross profit 125,076,108.12
Tax 12,632,686.92
Number Type of expenditures Value ($) Net profit 112,443,421.20
1. Material 472,776.87
2. Fuel 5,634,603.33
3. Lubricants, water, diesel 706,448.35
4. El. Power 144,927.41 Table 16
5. Maintenance of surface facilities 9,197,085.37 Economic evaluation results for gas reservoir management options.
6. Maintenance of wells (workovers) 1,798,507.68
Method Criteria Production Production + storage Production + storage
7. Own gas consumption 341,994.07
(I storage option) (II storage option)
8. Salaries 891,187.50
9. Amortization 20,947,528.50 Dynamic NPV ($) 23,311,642.32 22,284,272.58 35,393,775.82
10. Other production costs 316,275.91 VIR 23,311,642.32/ 22,284,272.58/ 35,393,775.82/
11. Exploring costs 1,082,188.79 5,728,289 = 21,478,274.25 = 31,888,109.50 =
12. Royalty 1,574,668.00 4.070 1.038 1.110
13. Corporate costs 1,041,666.66 Payout First year First year First year
Sum: 44,149,858.45 time
V. Karovic Maricic, D. Danilovic / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 70 (2010) 107–113 113

Fig. 7. Decision tree of gas reservoir “M”management.

of economic evaluations for the presented management options, the Boone, D., 1988. Recoverable Gas Reserves Program, Version 1.1.
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storage variant along with additional investments, increases the stor- SPE 20797, 35–52.
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exploitation process, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Belgrade, Faculty of mining and
a considerably greater net present value. Besides economic reasons, geology, Serbia. (in Serbian).
using the gas reservoir “M” as an underground gas storage has a social Ministry of energy and mining, 2005. Strategy of Serbian Energy Development,
significance, by providing gas supply security for the household, and Republic of Serbia. in Serbian.
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industry sector, and for further gas distributive system development
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in the region. oil and gas exploring strategy in Podunavlje region of Serbia. Proceedings Gas 02,
An attained and planned level of gas supply system development Yugoslav association of oil and gas, pp. 35–43. in Serbian with English abstract.
QCODPK, 2000. Software. Petroleum Industry of Serbia.
in central part of Serbia needs an increase of gas supply reliability, and
RISK, 1997. Guide to using @RISK-Risk analysis and simulation. Palisade Corporation,
solving the problem of distinctive seasonal consumption unequality USA.
(winter/summer consumption ratio of 4:1). Satter, A., Thakur, G.C., 1994. Integrated Petroleum Reservoir Management—A Team
Part of this problem will be solved by the underground storage Approach. PenWell Publishing Co, Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. 335 pp.
Stancetic, P., 1995. Selection criteria of underground gas storage construction: DIT-
“Banatski dvor”, currently in construction in northern Serbia. Since this Association of engineers and technicians, vol. 23, pp. 57–63. in Serbian.
underground storage will not be able to satisfy future, growing natural Tek, M.R., 1987. Underground Storage of Natural Gas. Gulf Publishing Company, Houston,
gas consumption, neither to completely solve uneven consumption USA. 389 pp.
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considered gas reservoir “M”. Yugoslav bank association, 1988. Guide for application of joined methodology for social
and economic project evaluation and feasibility of investment efficiency, Belgrade.
in Serbian.

Importance of this article is in defining the optimal approach to

gas reservoir “M” preliminary management from the technical and
economic point of view. Also, it presents the possibility of solving the
uneven gas consumption problem at central part of Serbia by under-
ground gas storage construction. This underground gas storage would
contribute to increasing of gas security supply and to further devel-
opment of gasification process in Serbia.
We thanks to Petroleum industry of Serbia-“Naftagas co.” for
technical documentation.

@RISK, 1997. Risk analysis and simulation software. Palisade Corporation, USA.
15th WPC, 1997. Clasiffication of Petroleum Reserves. Reviewed and forecast paper 5,
World Petroleum congress meeting, Beijing.

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