Places and Non Places

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Gründerzeit: 1871

Reperations cost, paid by france to germany after the Franco-Prussian war. Used to Build up
the outer quarters of Berlin.
`Mietskasernen´ were built

Basic tenancy of modernism, form follows function

Computer has had an important impact on architecture. Made design of shapes possible that
have not been possible before.

For anthropologist: Places are specific and non movable

Interessante plaatsen
- Hansaviertel platgebombardeerd, daarna heel veel modern art

- Cubism in architecture basically just happened in Prague.

- Chicago nice place for modernistic architecture

- Building in NYC not allowed to stretch over the street, just allowed to drop back

- Postmodernism: lot of buildings not adapted to the environment: ´fuck the context´
- Kreuzberg tower
- Guggenheim Bilbao

-Galeries Lafayette

Springer buidling koolhaas berlin

Dutch embassy
swimming pool berlin

2. focus op goed bereikbaar zijn. Centrum niet meer perse om center voor bewoners zijn
maar vooral voor toeristen.

More things are moving to the home.

Computer in je pocket, meer connected met elkaar.
´Smartphone now is home´

Auge introduction

- Private parts of towns, only accesible with right connections

- Satelites and aerial views romanticise the view of a city
- Distinguishments of physical and cultural frontiers
- Even if building projects have different meanings, quickly captivated by tourists

Seeing the city as a landscape allows reengagement of biological management strategies

Interest in biological function

Light construction, MoMa

x: decontructivism.

Rather: deconstruction is an inspiration for postmodern architecture.

1980s architecture, focused on Museums. Architects wanted to compete with artists

´Buildings are supposed to have meaning in themselves´.
Light Construction: focused on neutrality and light materials.
Translucency: Let the light through but not the shapes on the other side.

1990s: Super modernism: airports (globalisation: people come and go.) Design of airport
does not show on which airport you are.

Airports (compete with the city) bring tourists: have their own environment (green spaces,
spice up the periphery, their own conference center, (also local flavoured) shops).

Classic modernism: focus on transparency

Heterotopia: interesting way of looking at parts of the city nowadays



Grew up in Hamburg, saw his city completely destroyed.

Since the railway, car and electronics have exploded the spatial limits imposed by the
muscular capabilities of human beings and animals, the city has been extending almost
without restraint into the countryside. (p1)

- Compact city and Human cultural development go hand in hand (p1)

- City wall, safe, but less open free and connection to the countryside (p1-2)
- Modern big agglomerates ´ they have the shared feature that they have almost
nothing to do with the relevant local pre-industrial urban traditions. ´(p2-3)
- ‘It is becoming increasingly obvious that the residential environment is becoming
more and more decisive for where we live and no longer, as in the past, the proximity
of the workplace`(p5)
- the triggers in many cases are motorway exits, major shopping centres and, for
several years now, major office complexes on motorway intersections (p5)
- After a phase of rapid urbanisation, accelerated by migration between country and
city, there is usually a slower phase, in which the surplus birth rate is normally the
main cause of growth. In still later phases, as is apparent in Western Europe, the
annual growth of the city falls to below 1 per cent, and the rate of immigration
increases again. (p5)
- Comprising more than 20 million people, perhaps we should regard the increase in
areas of concentration in European Countries as one single Zwischenstadt. (p6)
- Tucholsky. combination of pastoral romanticism and the comforts of the city. (p7)
fit in well with the ‘primate nature’ of man.
- For this purpose, however, they must largely give up or restrict their political
existence; but this cannot be expected from them. (p8) feeling of city identity
- The city area of Mexico City (approximately 20 million inhabitants) is the same as
that of Berlin (3.5 million inhabitants).13 (p9).
- Zwischenstädten unterscheiden sich
- These developments are causing a further expansion of, and the segregation of land
uses in, the Zwischenstadt. This could have the effect that the resulting urban
structures due to their major transport costs, consumption of resources and mono-
functional, unilaterally determined land uses – can no longer adapt to a profound
structural change caused by an ecological crisis. (p10)
- Is quite strict on the importance of selfsufficieny for zwischenstädte: The urban areas
in the Zwischenstadt must also meet all the requirements of an ecological balance,
since there will be no other areas to offset any imbalance (p11)
- The fate of the Zwischenstadt is shared by all humanity, and in this regard no country
has an ‘inborn’ advantage. Every culture can learn from the others. (no?, p11)
- In the foreseeable future, the borders between poor and rich will no longer be
between north and south, but across all the cities of the world, and Europe will not be
- The Zwischenstadt does not have an independent identity either in the imagination of
its occupants or as a subject for politics. The living space of the majority of mankind
except fair uses permitted under U.S. or applicable copyright law. (p11-12)
- • The shaping of the Zwischenstadt can no longer be achieved by the traditional
resources of town planning, urban design and architecture. New ways must be
explored, which are as yet unclear. (p11-12)
- • Last but not least, the fascination of the myth of the Old City clouds our view of the
reality of the periphery. (p11-12)
- In energy terms, the densely packed city is very favourable because of its relatively
small surface area given its large construction volume (p12)
- However, we should be aware of the fact that the love of the Old City is a relatively
new phenomenon which dates back only one generation. (p12)
- adjusted to/merged with the landscape (p13+14)
- Sometimes to much influence to individual commercial interests. (p17)
- we cannot imagine a city which we know, indeed not even our own city, without its
historical centre, although the inhabited area outside the historical centre may be at
least ten times as large. (p18)
- we find that the Old City becomes more and more like the shopping centres of the
periphery. The competition with ‘green field’ shopping centres and high rents have
the effect that essentially only branch stores, chain stores and high profit services
can afford to locate in city cores. This means that the Old City, by selling bourgeois
culture, has been more and more deprived of day-to-day features of living,
handicrafts and trade as well as the special, the striking and the one-off character
which it once had.
This leads to their destruction. if we want to protect the Old City, residential use should be
strengthened by all our resources (p18)

Berlin also an example of an archipelago, with different cores in different centres
End of walls, cheaper to live in cities. Allowance to spread. migration from farmlands to
urban areas (because they can not live of the land anymore)
Walls, mostly attract tourists nowadays
Zwischenstadt -> multiple city centres. More options, also regarding nature.
Zwischenstädte not sustainable, because distances to big.
But lessons from Zwischenstädte should be learned
- knowing your neighbours and feeling connected to a neighbourhood

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