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NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:



Questions 1-4 based on the text below.

A man wanted to buy his wife a new dress because it was her birthday. So he (1) ____ to a department store and
(2) ______ around and he was looking for about an hour but he couldn’t decide. Finally this shop assistant (3)
____ and asked if he (4) ______ help. He said he was looking for a dress and the shop assistant asked “Is it for
you, Sir?”

A. walk
B. walked
C. walking
D. walks
E. walkes
A. looked
B. looks
C. look
D. lookes
E. looking
A. comes
B. come
C. came
D. coming
E. cames
A. need
B. needs
C. needing
D. needed
E. needs
5. We ________ finished eating dinner, but you ask to leave this dishes. Why?
A. had not
B. not had
C. would not
D. will not
E. have not
6. I ________________Martha yesterday. Where was she?
A. Have not seen
B. Didn’t see
C. Hasn’t seen
D. Wasn’t see
E. Didn’t seen
7. We arrived at 8:05, but the train _____ already left.
A. Has
B. Have
C. Had
NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:

D. Is
E. was
8. She ... a letter last night.
A. writes
B. written
C. wrote
D. write
E. writting
9. Yesterday, I and my family ... to the beach for holiday.
A. going
B. went
C. gone
D. go
E. goes
10. I ... English since junior high school.
A. has studied
B. had study
C. has study
D. have study
E. have studied

Question 11-14 based on following text.

Sangkuriang and Dayang Sumbi

Once upon a time, a happy family lived in a kingdom in Priangan Land. They were a father in the form of a dog, his name
was Tumang, a mother who was called Dayang Sumbi, and a child who was called Sangkuriang. One day, Dayang Sumbi
asked her son to hunt with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang became desperate and worried
because he hunted no deer. Then he thought of shooting his dog. After that, he took the dog’s liver and carried it home.
Soon, Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer liver but Tumang’s dog. So, She was furious and hit Sangkuriang’s
head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded, and a scar was cast away from their home.
Years passed, and Sangkuriang traveled to many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and fell in
love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, the woman looked at the wound on Sangkuriang’s head. It
matched her son’s wound, who had left several years earlier. Soon she realized that she had fallen in love with her son.
She couldn’t marry him, but how to say it? Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat to celebrate their
wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them one night before sunrise. He built a lake. With dawn just a moment away, the
boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made
the cock crowded for a new day.
Sangkuriang failed to marry her. He was outraged and then kicked the boat. It felt over and became the mountain of
Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.


11. “Once upon a time, a happy family lived in a kingdom in Priangan Land. They were a father in the form of a
dog, his name was Tumang, a mother who was called Dayang Sumbi, and a child who was called Sangkuriang.“
The above sentence as a part of text structure is called….
A. Resolution
B. Orientation
C. Re-orientation
D. Complication
E. Solution
12. “Years passed, and Sangkuriang traveled to many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful
woman and fell in love with her”. The word “her” in paragraph 3 line 2 refer to…..
A. Dayang Sumbi
B. Sangkuriang
C. Tumang
D. The dog
NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:

E. The boat
13. “Once upon a time, a happy family lived in a kingdom in Priangan Land. They were a father in the form of a
dog, his name was Tumang, a mother who was called Dayang Sumbi”
From the utterance we know that the dog was Dayang Sumbi’s…..
A. mother
B. son
C. father
D. sister
E. husband
14. Why did Sangkuriang cast away from his home?
A. He got wounded
B. He got accident
C. He shot his dog
D. He failed to marry her
E. He met a beautiful woman

Questions 15-17 based on the memo below.

SMK Dwi Warna Sukabumi
Jl. Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Sukaharja – Warungkiara - Sukabumi


To : All teachers SMK Dwi Warna Sukabumi

From : Principal
Date : 25 July 2023
Subject : Prepared Competition

To win the sport and the arts competition National level, next month. I hope the Mr / Mrs. Teachers -
should collaborate to help students who will participate in the speech contest.

The Principal,

A.H. Berlianto, ST

15. The above memo comes to…..

A. Neutral structure
B. Formal structure
C. Informal structure
D. Ordinary structure
E. Impolite structure
16. Who will participate the competition?
A. Teachers
B. Principal
C. SMK Dwi Warna
D. Students
E. National level
17. To whom is the memo direct to?
A. Teachers
B. Principal
C. SMK Dwi Warna
D. Students
E. National level

Questions 18-19 based on the text below.

To : Anwar


NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:

18. What does Bernard want to lend from Anwar?

A. a Money
B. a class
C. a house
D. a book
E. a memo
19. I need it because I did not attend the class yesterday. The word “it” refer to….
A. a Money
B. a book
C. a class
D. a house
E. a memo

Questions 20-26 based on the text below.

Here I will tell you about my cats, they are Hero, Mary and Neo. Mary is (20)…………… than Neo, it means,
Mary is the older sister of Neo, but Hero is the (21)…….of all. Mary also fatter than Mario, she also have a (22)
………….. tail than Neo’s tail. Mary have a (23)…………… fur than Neo. They always play together, but it seems
like Mary is (24)…………… than Neo, Mary is more likely to sleep on my thigh, she love lie there more than Neo
do. But Hero is the most spoiler one, but I love them all. Sometimes I tickle Mary’s stomach or rub her stomach. I
love Hero, Mary and Neo, they always be my best friend forever, even when they are died, I still remember how
cute they are. Neo loves to take a nap on the floor (25)…… Mary does. Neo is a fast-eater, he eats his food
ravenous and (26)……………. than Mary does. Mary loves being held, while Neo loves being near my feet.
A. oldest
B. as old as
C. eldest
D. old
E. older
A. oldest
B. as old as
C. as same as
D. old
E. older

A. Long
B. Longer
C. Longest
D. as long as
E. along with
NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:

A. Smooth
B. Smoothest
C. Smoother
D. Smoothing
E. as smooth as
A. Active
B. Activest
C. Activer
D. More active
E. Activated
A. Love
B. Lover
C. Lovest
D. as lover as
E. as same as
A. Faster
B. Fastest
C. Fast
D. As fast as
E. as same as
27. John has ten marbles. Andi has fifteen marbles, but Doni has twenty. Which of the following is not
A. Andi has more marbles than John.
B. Doni has the most marbles among them.
C. John has the least marbles among them.
D. Doni has more marbles than Andi
E. Andi has more marbles than Doni.
28. Lina sings the song beautifully. Winda sings the song beautifully. We can combine the sentence
into …
A. Lina sings the song the same beautifully as Winda.
B. Lina sings the song as beautifully as Winda.
C. Winda sings the song the same beautifully with Lina.
D. Winda sings the song not differently as Lina.
E. Winda sings the song as Lina does

Questions 29-33 based on following map.

NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:

29. My friend asked me to return these to the…….., but I don’t know where it is.
Oh, the ……is on short Avenue, across the street from the fire station.
A. Grocery Store
B. Drug Store
C. Bakery
D. Library
E. City Clinic
30. Pardon me, I’m looking for the nearest ……… Can you help me?
Umm I think the ……is on front street across from the elementary and middle Schools.
A. Video Store
B. Bakery
C. Grocery Store
D. City High School
E. Barber Shop
31. Hi. I have a bad cough. Could you please tell me where the ……is
Sorry to hear about that. You will find the …..on the northwest corner of Border Avenue and Front Street.
A. City park
B. City Clinic
C. Bakery
D. Grocery store
E. City middle school
32. Could you please help me ? My car is missing. Where is the …..?
The ….is on the southwest corner of long Avenue and Back Street.
A. Mc Dab
B. Court House
C. City High School
D. Barber Shop
E. Police station
33. Excuse me, I need a prescription filled. Can you tell me where the …..?
Yes, the ….. is on short Avenue across the street from the Library, between the Fire Station and the Bakery
A. Coffee House
B. Fire Station
C. Bakery
D. Drug Store
E. Grocery Store
NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:

Questions 34-36 based on the text below.

My Holiday at home
Last holiday was my worst holiday because I did not go anywhere. I just stayed in my home.
In the morning, I woke up and had a breakfast. After that, I played with my cat. In the
afternoon, I had a lunch and after that I took a nap. In the evening, I watched until I felt
boring. My daily activities were like that during the holiday. So, I was sure last holiday was
my worst holiday

34. Where did the writer spend his holiday?

A. In the morning
B. In the afternoon
C. In his room
D. In his home
E. In the evening
35. What did the writer do before taking a nap?
A. He woke up
B. He had lunch
C. He watched a movie
D. He played with his cat
E. He had breakfast
36. What did the writer feel about the holiday?
A. He felt satisfied
B. He felt glad
C. He felt amazing
D. He felt annoyed
E. He felt happy

Complete the following dialogue.

37. Ihsan :......
Pedestarian : The nearest gas station is about one kilometer from here. Go straight ahead to the
north. It's next to a car wash.
Ihsan : Okay, thank you.

A.Excuse me, do you know where the bus station is?

B.Hello sir, are you going to a gas station?
C.Excuse me, how far is the gas station from here?
D.Keep driving until the intersection, the gas station is on the corner.
E.Go along the corner, the gas station is on your left
38. Joan : Excuse me.
Police officer: Can I help you?
Joan :.....
Police officer: Did you come from Louise avenue?
Joan : Yes I did.
Police officer: You missed the museum. It's on Louise avenue, next to city library.
Joan : Oh, I didn't realize, thank you sir.
Police officer: No problem.
A. Can you tell me where Louise Avenue is?
B. Could you direct me to the museum?
C. Where is the city library?
D. The city library is next to the museum.
E. Go straight, the city library is not far from the museum.
NSS: 402020625081, NPSN: 20271153
Alamat : Jalan Raya Pelabuhanratu Km. 32, Warungkiara, Telp. (0266) 6329554
E-mail II Web:

39. Alex : Hi, I've been riding around for ten minutes. I'm looking for an ATM. Can you show me
where the ATM is?
Pedestrian : . . . . . I'm just getting off the bus. Maybe the guy over there knows.
Alex : Oh, ok. no problem. Have a good day.
Pedestrian : You too.

A. Yes, please go straight to St. Carl Robinson street, then turn left to Queen street. The ATM is
on your right hand side.
B. Sure, it's over there in front of the bank.
C. Leave me alone.
D. I'm sorry, I'm not living here.
E. Why don’t you find yourself
40. Ernest : Hi Alferd.
Alferd : Hi, where I are you going?
Ernest : I'm going to pharmacy. Do you know where is the closest pharmacy?
Alferd : Yeah, . . . . . Winston boulevard. It's at the end of the block.
Ernest : Thank you.

A. keep walking for

B. take
C. turn around
D. across from
E. go upstairs

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