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mechanism, it can be quickly solved (with a computer) for all positions. If you want
information for more than 180 positions, it only means you will have to wait longer for
the computer to generate those data. The derived equations are the same. So, have an-
other cup of coffee while the computer crunches the numbers! In this chapter, we will
present and derive analytical solutions to the position analysis problem for various pla-
nar mechanisms. We will also discuss graphical solutions which are useful for checking
your analytical results. In Chapters 6 and 7 we will do the same for velocity and accel-
eration analysis of planar mechanisms.
It is interesting to note that graphical position analysis of linkages is a truly trivial
exercise, while the algebraic approach to position analysis is much more complicated.
If you can draw the linkage to scale, you have then solved the position analysis problem
graphically. It only remains to measure the link angles on the scale drawing to protrac-
tor accuracy. But, the converse is true for velocity and especially for acceleration anal-
ysis. Analytical solutions for these are less complicated to derive than is the analytical
position solution. However, graphical velocity and acceleration analysis becomes quite
complex and difficult. Moreover, the graphical vector diagrams must be redone de novo
(meaning literally from new) for each of the linkage positions of interest. This is a very
tedious exercise and was the only practical method available in the days B.C. (Before
Computer), not so long ago. The proliferation of inexpensive microcomputers in recent
years has truly revolutionizedthe practice of engineering. As a graduate engineer, you
will never be far from a computer of sufficient power to solve this type of problem and
may even have one in your pocket. Thus, in this text we will emphasize analytical solu-
tions which are easily solved with a microcomputer. The computer programs provided
with this text use the same analytical techniques as derived in the text.

Geez Joe, - now I wish I took thqt progromming course!

l.i 1o*rnztY-r'c- P.-*!11

sr\q .o"t + cosoN sr\nb

si\^(o +b) - J sMar sixb
cas (oT u) = co34 t

tornor T t" o

€an(o4t)' \J t-anct ' 4'o''^ t

+ #coso\ .5 M a
>\v"La" =
sb,(^o ^) = jl"?'c"tq
sr\a1 'cosc\
S ih 2"r =2
Sih a1. S in ol.
#Coso,\, GSol\ - H
C"t rin o\ (r)
Cosl'-'A'- -
^-' - \- s'\aor
-+ o..
\! z (3)
.o3^+s'rn2a'r=\ \- c,,|

M t' \{)
S u^.br ri!'.-r l&
Co: /dt =
{-- o,'Ls\ 's
\ cos


t -
!\ v\' -)-'

Cof L,,t
.- -\ + crt

.t\ -te^ crt +ry

€*^ )-ot ' L,o,nLA*a,) -- a"'kad
\,.'- .Lon

J=an 2o\z
\ - J-dfot
[\^f I o{.', 7V iA' {i ti-ea
a (or9=1
th-m <io9-= ')
6+. s''1
4o^,t} -/

9 L


Meosurement of ongles in the fourbor linkoge

of link 3, and an arc of that radius swung about the end of link 2 (pont A). Then the com-
pass is set to the scaled length of link 4, and a second arc swung about the end of link 1
(point Oa). These two arcs will have two intersections at B and B' that define the two
solutions to the position problem for a fourbar linkage which can be assembled in two
configurations, called circuits, labeled open and crossed in Figure 4-5. Circuits in link-
ages will be discussed in a later section.

The angles of links 3 and 4 can be measured with a protractor. One circuit has an-
gles 03 and 04, the other 03, and 0+,. A graphical solution is only valid for the particular
value of input angle used. For each additional position analysis we must completely

Grophicol position solution to the open ond crossed configurotions of the fourbor linkoge


A two-argument arctangent function must be used to solve equations 4.2g since the an-
gles can be in any quadrant. Equations 4.2 can be encoded in any computer language or
equation solver, and the value of 92varied over the linkage's usable range to find allcor-
responding values of the other two link angles.

Vector Loop Representotion of Linkoges

An alternate approach to linkage positio_n analysis creates a vector loop (or loops) around
the linkage as first proposed by Raven.tgl This approach offers some advantages in the
synthesis of linkages which will be addressed in Chapter 5. The links are represented as
position vectors. Figure 4-6 shows the same fourbar linkage as in Figure 4-4 (p. 182),
but the links are now drawn as position vectors that form a vector loop. This loop closes
on itself making the sum of the vectors around the loop zero. The lengths of the vectors
are the link lengths, which are known. The current linkage position is defined by the in-
put angle 02 as it is a one-DOF mechanism. We want to solve for the unknown angles
03 and 0a. To do so we need a convenient notation to represent the vectors.

Complex Numbers os Veclors

There are many ways to represent vectors. They may be defined in polar coordinates,
by their magnitude and angle, or in cartesian coordinates as x and components. These
forms are of course easily convertible from one to the other using equations 4.0a. The
position vectors in Figure 4-6 can be represented as any of these expressions:

Position vector loop for d fourbor linkogb

Polar form Cartesian form

R@ ts rcos0i + rsin0i
rcos0+jrsin0 (4.3b)
y vector component direc-
Equation 4.3a uses unit vectors to represent the -r and
notation for a position vec-
tions in the cartesian form. Figure 4-7 shows the unit vector
tor. Equation 4.3b uses compiex number notation wherein
the ent

is catled the real portionandthe I direction component

is called on'

This unfortunate tetmimaginary comes aboutbecause

of the use ep-

resent the square root of minus one, which

However, this imaginary number is used in
value. Figure 4-8a (p. 186) shows the c
the X-directed component of the vector
the Y-directed component of the same vect
has no7 operator is an x component, and a7 indicates a y component.
Ra by the operator.l re-
Note in Figure 4-8b that each multiplication of the vector
sults in a
Rs =yR4
rected alo
ion, Rp =
represent planar vectors
one advantage of using this complex number notation to
comes from the Euler identitY:
* jsin0 (4.4a)
etjo= cos0
polar notation on
Any two-dimensional vector can be represented by the compact
function to differentiate or integrate,
the left side of equation 4.4a. There is no iasier
since it is its own derivative:


Polar form:

lno | @/e-
Cartesian form:
RcosO i Rsin0i

Rcos 0 i

Unit vector nototion for position vectors

Polarform: Rrj0
Cartesian form: R cos Q + TRsin 0
Imaginary R=IRAI

Rc = izR=-R
7R sin 0

RD = i3n = -in
Rcos 0

(o) complex number representotion of o position vector (b) Vector rototions in the complex plone
Complex number representotion of veCioii in Tne aone

We will use this complex number notation for vectors to develop and derive the
equations for position, velocity, and acceleration of linkages.

The Vector Loop Equotion for q Fourbor Linkoge

The directions of the position vectors in Figure 4-6 are chosen so as to define their an-
gles where we desire them to be measured. By definition, the angle of a vector
is always
measured at its root, not atits head. We would like angle 0a to be measured at the
pivot 04, so vector Ra is arranged to have its root at that point. We would like to mea-
sure angle 03 at the point where links 2 and 3 join, so vector R3 is rooted there.
A similar
logic dictates the arrangement of vectors R1 and R2. Note that the x (real) axis is taken
for convenience along link 1 and the origin of the global coordinate system is taken at
point 02, the root of the input link vector, Rz. These choices of vector directions and
senses, as indicated by their arrowheads, lead to this vector loop equation:

R2+R3-R4-Rr =0 (4.5a)
An alternate notation for these position vectors is to use the labels of the points at
the vector tips and roots (in that order) as subscripts. The second subscript is
tionally omitted if it is the origin of the global cooidinate system (point o)):

Re +Raa -RtOo -ROo = 0 (4.5b)

Next, we substitute the complex\rumber notation for each position vector. To sim-
plify the notation and minimizethe use of subscripts, we will denote the scalar lengths

of the four links as a, b, c, andd. These are so labeled in Figure 4-6 (p. 184). The equa-
tion then becomes:

orio, +beiot -rrioo -deiat =0 (4.5c)

These are three forms of the same vector equation, and as such can be solved for two
unknowns. There are four variables in this equation, namely the four link angles. The
link lengths are
1 is fixed (atze
we will control
4 to be found. We need algebraic expressions which define 03 and 04 as functions only
of the constant link lengths and the one input angle, 02. These expressions will be of the form:

0z= f {o,b,c,d,02} (

0q= g{a,b,c,d,02}

To solve the polar form, vector equation 4.5c, we must substitute the Euler
equivalenls (equati,on 4.4a, p. 185) for the eJo terms, and then separate the resulting
cartesian form vector equation into two scalar equations which can be solved
simultaneously for 03 and 0a. Substituting equation 4.4ainto equation 4.5c:

This equation can now be separated into its real and imaginary parts and each set to zero.

real part (x component):

acos}2+bcosO3 -ccosO4 -dcosO1 =Q

but: 0t = 0, so: (4.6a)

acos}2* bcosO3 - ccos04 - d -- O

imaginary part () component):

jasin92+ ibsin03 - icsinOa - 7dsin0t =6

but: 0l = 0, and the/ s divide out, so: (4.6b)

asin92 +bsin03 -csin0o = 6

The scalar equations 4.6aand4.6b cannow be solved simultaneously for fu and 0a.
To solve this set of two simultaneous trigonometric equations is straightforward but te-
dious. Some substitution of trigonometric identities will simplify the expressions. The
first step is to rewrite equations 4.6a and 4.6b so as to isolate one of the two unknowns
on the left side. We will isolate 03 and solve for 04 in this example.

bcosO3 - -acosl2+ccos04 +d @.6c)

bsinO3 - -asin02 +csin04 (4.6d)

Now square both sides of equations 4.6c and 4.6d'and add them:

b2(srn203 +cos2 er)= (-asino2 +csin0a)2 +(-acoso2 +ccosoa +d)2 (.7a)


Note that the quantity in parentheses on the left side is equal to 1, eliminating 03
from the equation,leaving only 0a which can now be solved for.

62 =(-asn02 +csinO a\2 +(-o"os02 * ccosla+d)2 (4.7b)

The right side of this expression must now be expanded and terms collected.

b2 = a2 + 12 + d2 -2adcos02 + 2cdcosla -2ac(sin02 sin04 + cos02 cosOa) @.7c)

To further simplify this expression, the constantt Kl, K2, and K3 are defined in
terms of the constant link tengths in equation4.Tc;

2 o2 -b2 +c2 +d2
-ac Kz=- K3= (4.8a)

K1 cos04 - K2cos02 -r K3 = cos02 cos04 + sin02 sin0a (4'8b)

If we substitute the identity cos(02 _e+)= coS02 cos04 +sin02 sinOa, we get the
form known as Freudenstein's equation.
K1cos04 - K2cos02t K3 =cos(e2 -e+)

In order to reduce equation 4.8b to a more tractable form for solution, it will be use-
ful to substitute the hatf angle identities which will convert the sin 04 and cos 04 terms to
tan 0a terms:

sinoa=ffi; coso4-#fi] (4.e)

This results in the foltowing simplified form, where the link lengths and known in-
put value (02) terms have been collected as constants A, B, and C.

n- C*--i'.s&"' + Q-r t
t*,2( %'l* r,*(.ll")+ c=o
qt'"*\ \\.--- \2) \2)
7a-e- t hz o\JAi --,.-.--

A = cosOz - Kr- K2cos02t K3

B = -2sinOz
C = Kr -@, + 1)cos02 + K3

Note that equation 4.10a is quadratic in form, and the solution is:

-B+ n2 -4AC



Equation 4.10b has two solutions, obtained from the + conditions on the radical.
These two solutions, as with any quadratic equation, may be of three types: real and
equal, real and unequal, complex conjugate. If the discriminant under the radical is neg-
ative, then the solution is complex conjugate, which simply means that the link lengths
chosen are not capable of connection for the chosen value of the input angle 02. This
can occur either when the link lengths are completely incapable of connection in any
position or, in a non-Grashof linkage, when the input angle is beyond a toggle limit po-
sition. There is then no real solution for that value of input angle 02. Excepting this sit-
uation, the solution will usually be real and unequal, meaning there are two values of 0a
corresponding to any one value of 02. These are referred to as the crossed and open
configurations of the linkage and also as the two circuits of the linkage. In the fourbar
linkage, the minus solution gives 0a for the open configuration and the positive solution
gives 04 for the crossed configuration.

Figure 4-5 (p. 182) shows both crossed and open solutions for a Grashof crank-rock-
er linkage. The terms crossed and open are based on the assumption that the input link
2, for which 02 is defined, is placed in the first quadrant (i.e., 0 < 0z < nl2). A Grashof
linkage is then defined as crossed if the two links adjacent to the shortest link,cross one
another, and as open if they do not cross one another in this position. Note that the con-
figuration of the linkage, either crossed or open, is solely dependent upon the way that
the links are assembled. You cannot predict, based on link lengths alone, which of the
solutions will be the desired one. In other words, you can obtain either solution with the
same linkage by simply taking apart the pin which connects links 3 and 4 in Figure 4-5,
and moving those links to the only'other positions at which the pin will again connect
them. In so doing, you will have switched from one position solution, or circuit, to the

The solution for angle 03 is essentially similar to that for 04. Returning to equations
4.6, we can rearrange them to isolate 04 on the left side.

ccoso4 = acosg2 + bcos93 - d @.6e)

csin04 =asingz+bsin03 (4.6t)

Squaring and adding these equations will eliminate 04. The resulting equation can be
solved for 03 as was done above for 04, yielding this expression:

K1 cos03 + K4cos02 -r K5 = cos02 cos03 + sin02 sin03 (4.11a)

The constant Kl is the same as defined in equation 4.8b. Ka and K5 arc;

,2 -d2 -o2 -b2

- b' K5= (4.11b)

This also reduces to a quadratic form:

D""'(+).r""(?)+r =o
where: D = cos0z - Kt+ Kacos92+ K5
E = -2sin0z
F = Kr+(Ko-l)cosO2 +K5

and the solution is:

e3r,r=r-"r^l#) (4.13)

to the crossed and

As with the angle 04, this also has two solutions' colresponding
+-5 (p' 182)'
open circuits of thelinkage' as shown in Figure


pure pin-jointed foulbar can be applied to

The same vector loop approach as used for the
a linkage containing sliders. Figure 4-9
shows an offsetfourbar slider-crank linkage, in-
extended does not pass through
version #1. The term offset means that the slider axis
slider-crank linkages shown in
the crank pivot. This is the general c
(The nonoffset
Figure 2-13 (p.52) arcthe special cas
position vectors, R2, R3, and Rr, but
tude and angle. It will be easier to us
parallel to the axis enc
R4 are orthogonal ition vector R, from the origin to the slider'

Ra will be zero and R1 - Rs. The vectors

pler's position vector R3 is placed with it
'q This
poirrtB. nt of position vectors leads to a vector loop equa-
ti,on similar to the xaml le:

Rzo'u t'
\ d

p ior o fourbor slider-cronk linkoge

q \r.^erl


Gr 9r-

t+,VV t,+t^ 'i&-r '^rlto

(M 9- ('l^>

\"-'o" sme'-
\.n - r.,--
L- -,o XI:l;,:-;^

a -o
gn -t \/
Lttr So\--- +l* ',016"'^ 1"uJ'otl< ?'w\t}%^

A: B'- 9Ac

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