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TIN HỌC MINH LONG Cơ sở 1: 9/8 Hoàng Dư Khương, P.12, Q.

Hotline: 039 940 0000 Cơ sở 2: 91 Nguyễn Chí Thanh, P.9, Q.5
Cơ sở 3: 89 Võ Thị Liễu, P.An Phú Đông, Q.12



Task 1: On the "Student" worksheet, in cell D5, use a function that will take a copy of cell B5
and capitallze all of them. Then fill the fomula to entire this column.

Task 2: On the "Student" worksheet, format number in "School fee" column is displayed
Currency with three decimal places and using symbol type ¥

Task 3: Go to the area "tinhocminhlong " and clear the contents of the selected

Task 4: On the "Customers" worksheet, in the Order Quantity table column, use
conditional formatting to apply 3 Traffic Lights (Unrimmed) to this values.

Task 5: Copy the formatting of the title and subtitle of the Tinhoc worksheet and apply it to
the title and subtitle of the Student worksheet

Task 6: Rename Customer table to


Task 7: On the "Tinhoc" worksheet, in to the Discount column, enter a formula that multiplies
the values in the Price (sum) column by the Ratio named range. Use the range name in the
formula instead of a cell reference or values.


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Task 1: On the "Summary" worksheet, include "Actual" of "Budget totals" to the "Budget
Overview" Chart. Do not change other settings.

Task 2: Locate the "Index" table and update value of the last column of this table without
changing the format.

Task 3: On the "Expenses" worksheet, in cell F1, use a function to get the average of the cells
"Difference" column that are greater than 0.

Task 4: Make a copy of the "Summary" worksheet and color the copied sheet tab to Dark Blue.

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Hotline: 039 940 0000
Task 5: Add Logo.png file in the document folder to the right of the "Monthly Budget" title on
the “summary” worksheet then fill Pattern type “Solid Diamond” to this picture.

Task 6: Change the theme of this workbook to "Slice"

Task 7: On the Summary worksheet, in cel C32, enter a fomula that sums the values In the
"Total1", "Total2", and "Total3". Use range names in the formula instead of cell references or


Task 1: Unhide "Personal Expenses Data" worksheet so that it will be displayed

"Dashboard" worksheet and "Expense Log" worksheet.

Task 2: Move the chart on the "Dashboard" worksheet to its own chart sheet named "tinhoc".

Task 3: In the cell H1 on the "Expense Log" worksheet, calculate total Amount expense of
"Housing" Category. This result will be update even if your expenses are added or changed.

Task 4: In the cell H2 on the "Expense Log" worksheet, calculate Total number of "Fun"
category in column C. This result will be update if your expenses are changed.

Task 5: Locate the "Expenses" table, add a row to the table that automatically calculates
Amount. Use an available feature of table. The result should be shown in cell E23.

Task 6: Set the Print Options that print the entrie workbook in 4 pages only, each worksheet
on 1 page. Do not change other settings.


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Hotline: 039 940 0000

Task 1: Link the image of barcode in the "Report" worksheet to create a new email
"" with subject "Hallo".

Task 2: On "Report" worksheet, add legend to the top of "Expenses by Food" chart. Do not
change other setting.

Task 3: On the "Report" worksheet, modify the "Comparison" chart to show the "Food
Category" on the X-axis and the amount of "Estimated" and "Actual as Y-axis.

cách hỏi khác

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Hotline: 039 940 0000
Swap data of " Comparison" chart vertical axis on sheet "Report"

Task 4: Add a function in the cell G1 in the "Your Expenses" worksheet that will display the
text "tin hoc fighter" if the value in G26 is not exceed $150.00, other cases leave it blank.

Task 5: Configure the cell range B3:H26 on the "Your Expenses" worksheet is the only range
can be printed and show gridlines in print mode.

Task 6: Inspect document and delete all personal information and hiden worksheets. Do not
change other settings.


Task 1: On the "Sales data" worksheet, modify column D to hide column values "Number

Task 2: Locate the "products" table and apply style Orange, Table Style Light 11. Add the
Title text "tinhoc fighter" to the table.

Task 3: Resize the chart on the "Books" worksheet so it covers cells J4:V15 only.

Task 4: Modify a cell Style named "Sam" to make the data is wider than the width of the
column will wrapped to multiple lines.

Task 5: Define cell A1 on the "Books" worksheet to name "Mee to"

Task 6: Add a footer to the center position of the style sheet Page&[Page]of&[Page] (Page 1 of


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Hotline: 039 940 0000

Task 1: In cell B2 on the "Total" worksheet, create a new comment with content "tinhoc

Task 2: On the "Database" worksheet, create a 3D Pie Chart at the right of the column
chart to display Mar's data for all Trails. Change style of chart to style 3 and apply monochome
color pallete
2 (monochrome 2) to the chart.

Task 3: Configure table of the "Total" worksheet to only show all products with value
"Bac" in
"Region" column.

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Hotline: 039 940 0000
Task 4: On the "Database" worksheet, create a drop-down list in cell K9 to Allow people to
pick an item from the list. The source data for this list is the value of B9:G9 Accept all other
default settings.

Task 5: On the Minhlong worksheet, in cell F26, use a function to determine how many
students do not have an “Exam 3” result (calculate how many missing items in Exam 3 column.)

Task 6: Remove all Conditional Formatting from the Total score column on the Minhlong


Task 1: On the "Sam" worksheet, use a function to fill the value of "Special ID" column by
joining the first three letters of "Description" column with the last two letters of "Item number"

Task 2: Configure the "Wired Networks" sheet to show the lines between rows and
columns to make the sheet easier to read.

Task 3: On the "Sam" worksheet, create subtotal for data range A3:G19 at each change in
"Type" field. Insert page break between groups. Grand max should be in cell F4.

Task 4: Change style of cell range C1:E1 on the "Wired networks" worksheet to Title

Task 5: Highlight cells in "ProductID" column on the "Wireless Networks" worksheet so that
contain duplicate values with Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow text. Use a technique that
automatically updates the formatting if the values change.

Task 6: Copy cell range A1:E12 of the "Wireless Networks" worksheet to cell range A16:E27 of
"Wired Networks" worksheet without changing column widths of source


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Hotline: 039 940 0000

Task 1: Configure the "School Things" sheet so that line 9 and the WordArt object remain
visible when scrolling the sheet vertically (Unlock làm ngược lại)

Task 2: Check the attachment for accessibility issues. Fix the textbox by adding "1000 points
target" to the title of the alt text

Cảm ơn bạn đã tin tưởng lựa chọn khóa học – Chúc bạn học thật năng suất!
Hotline: 039 940 0000
Task 3: In the “Students' Parents Association” worksheet, create a 3-D column chart showing
Total Donations by age group. Age groups are listed from baby to adult on a horizontal axis.
Change the chart title to “Parents of VIP students”

Task 4: On the "Students' Parents Association" worksheet, in cell E2, use a function that will
take a copy of cell B2 and lowercase all of them. Then fill the fomula to entire this column.

Task 5: In the "School Things" worksheet, add a axis title for the vertical axis to "Total" and
the horizontal axis to "Article"

Task 6: In the "Debut" worksheet, adjust the height of rows 1 and 2 to


Task 7: On the "Debut" worksheet, merge rows 5 to 11 in the "Item" and "Replace Item"
columns of the "BY MINHLONG range to form a single 7 row-column name "Item". Values
should remain left-justified

Task 8: On the “Debut” sheet, apply picture effect the Glow: 18pt visual effect; Blue, Accent
1 for picture logo minh long

Task 9: Locate the table that has name "Fighter" and change value in the "Age Group" column
of the "Daniel P.Taylor" row to "2.00"

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