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Mr. Nishant Chaturvedi Mr. Harshit Singhal

Assistant Professor Lancer Counsel Services Pvt. Ltd.








BATCH 2020-2022
BATCH 2020-2022


I take this opportunity to thank LANCER COUNSEL SERVICES PVT. LTD. for giving me
the opportunity to work for this project and I would like to express my sincere thanks to my
external guide MR. HARSHIT SINGHAL.
Mr. Harshit Singhal and my Internal guide Mr. Nishant Chaturvedi (Assistant Professor) who
helped, inspired and mentored me and without their help this project report would not have
taken its current shape and no amount of written expression is sufficient to show my deepest
sense of gratitude to them.
A special appreciative “Thank you” in accorded to all staff of Lancer Counsel Services Pvt.
Ltd. for their positive support.
I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards my parents and
member of my family, who has always supported me morally as well as economically.
At last, but not the least gratitude goes to all of my friends who directly or indirectly helped me
to complete this project report.

I have the pleasure in certifying that Ms. Naincy Negi is a bonafide student of 4th Trimester
of the Master’s Degree in Business Administration (Batch 2020-22), of IMS Unison
University, Dehradun, Roll No. IUU20MBA200.

She has completed her project work entitled “IMPACT OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL
LTD.” under my guidance.

I certify that this is her original effort & has not been copied from any other source. This
project has also not been submitted in any other Institute / University for the purpose of
award of any Degree.

This project fulfils the requirement of the curriculum prescribed by this Institute for the said
course. I recommend this project work for evaluation & consideration for the award of
Degree to the student.

Signature : ……………………………………
Name of the Guide : Mr. Nishant Chaturvedi
Designation : Assistant Professor
Date : 21st August 2021

The following report is based on the topic “study on the impact of performance appraisal

system on employee productivity”. It shows that how an employee working in an

organization gets appraised and how it leads to their development goals. It shows how an

employee gets affected when they are appraised or not appraised in an organization.

The first part of the report consists of the general information about the organization that is

being collected from the company’s website.

The second part of the report deals with the main objective of the project that depicts how an

employee remains motivated and how they get appraised in the organization for their

development goals.

The data was collected through a questionnaire which covers both the positive and negative

aspect of the employees working in an organization. The data was further analyzed and

compiled them in respectful analysis.

Lastly, the report deals with all the interpretations and findings from the data being collected.

Sr. No. Topics Page No.

 Executive Summary
 Objective of the study
 Introduction
 About the Company
Literature review

Research Methodology
Statement of the problem
Research Design
Tools for collection of data
Method of collecting data
Method of analysis

4. Data Analysis & Interpretation

5. Findings

The objective of the questionnaire is to obtain employee’s opinion on performance Appraisal

(PA) system in their organisation.

The questionnaire prepared for HR survey comprises of two parts:

➢ First part illustrates the “demographic” of the respondents asking their name, gender,

designation, qualifications and department in the company, their tenure with the

organisation and total experience.

➢ Second part of the questionnaire is prepared with “quantitative and qualitative

statements”. This part comprises of how the employees get appraised in their

organization and how it leads to their organizational and development goals.


From ancient time, man have been continuously assessing his capability with others. This

forces him to do better which has resulted in continuously evolution which is vital for his

growth. Performance Appraisal (PA) is one such tool that helps to measure the

performance of an employee. Employee performance Appraisal is one of the effective

ways to determine the performance of the employees working in an organization.

Performance Appraisal (PA) helps to determine the wage increase, promotions, transfer

and layoffs, termination of services & training and development to the employees. It serves

as a tool to determine the future of the organization and visualize the career growth of the

employees that helps to his developmental goals.

Performance Appraisal (PA) is normally conducted by senior executives and the senior

manager in the organization to appraise the performance of the employees and also to find

out difficulties while meeting goals. During this period of carrying out the process the

appraiser faces difficulty in rating the subordinate/employee/peer and sometimes they may

rate their subordinate wrongly, which will hinder the whole purpose of the performance

Appraisal system.

From user testing, the traditional performance Appraisal system founds to be efficient in

the issues like: it helps to evaluate the true abilities of employees, help employees to

understand organizational goals and provide fast and effective feedback. The users found the

system easy to understand and were more satisfied with the overall effectiveness of the


The main focus of the study is to identify the areas in Performance Appraisal System that

would help in the organizational development. Every organization have made it mandatory to

this Appraisal done once in a year so as to measure their employee performance. Hence,

there should be well-defined Appraisal procedure which can be properly used to evaluate
employee’s performance. This project report aims at covering all aspects related to

performance appraisal.

In order to make this report comprehensive and more reliable sample appraisal are also

provided. This study was conducted at Lancers Counsel Services Pvt. Ltd.

Performance Appraisal: -

What is Performance Appraisal?

“Performance Appraisal is the objective and systematic way of determining the ability of

the employees or relative worth in performing their appropriate task so as to improve their

developmental as well as organizational goals. Performance appraisal helps to identify who

are actually performing their assigned tasks and who are not performing and the reasons for

such performance.”

Modern Appraisal and Employee Productivity: -

Performance Appraisal System may be defined as an organized formal interaction between

a subordinate and supervision, that can take the form of a periodic interview (annual or semi-

annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is scrutinize and discussed with a

view to examine their weakness and strengths as well as the opportunities for improvement

and skills development.

In many organizations not all appraisal results are directly or indirectly reliable in

determining reward outcomes. The Appraisal results is used to identify the better performing

employees who must get the majority of available merit pay increases, bonus and


By the same time, Appraisal results are used to identify the weaker performers who may

requires some form of orientation or in uttermost cases it can leads to demotion, dismissal or
salary cut. Organizations must be aware of laws in their country which might restrict their

capacity that can dismiss employees or results in decrease pay.

Performance Appraisal in terms of employee productivity: -

1. Identifying employees for salary increase, promotions, transfers, layoff and

termination of services.

2. Determining training needed for future improvement in performance of


3. Motivating employees by indicating their performance level.

4. Establishing a basis for research and reference for personnel decisions in future


Goals of the Performance Appraisal System in terms of employee productivity: -

For supervisors, the process of performance Appraisal system is one of the most important

leadership responsibilities. The performance Appraisal system have three primary goals: -

1. To provide a formal means of constructive, open and honest communication

between the employees and his supervisor.

2. To enhance employee’s development growth through performance feedback and

through the identification of future professional development activities.

3. To measure and document job performance as a basis for making promotion,

compensation and other personnel Appraisal decision.


Lancers Counsel Services Pvt. Ltd. was established in the year 1 March 2019. It is a
private company which is located in New Delhi. It is leading professional recruitment service
partner to organizations worldwide. It strongly believes in the fact that the world is changing
too speedily for the students to just rely on classroom education. In order to develop the
skills and mental growth of the students to be battle ready for the Service after college, a
sustained mechanism is needed which would educate them beyond books. The need of the
hour is experiential learning, thus it born the central idea of the story which is to help
students and make a successful story for themselves. It aims at promoting education by
providing industrial visits to students which enables them to understand what they are
studying in the real world. This also aware them about the current happenings of the
industry, thus bridging the gap between the industry and academia.

Internship at Lancers: -

The main purpose of the Internship is to give the students an idea of what they will be doing
after studies because so many students end up doing jobs as they dislike it. So, internships
can help the students to just not only rely on classroom education. It is not compulsion that
theory will match practical knowledge as we all know that facts are more persuasive than
assumptions. One must be aware of tricks and tips to gain maximum output from the input in
the given time by maintaining the grade of the work according to the prescribed standards
and that can be learnt during the Internship period. So, in order to secure better future growth
and to gain confidence of responding in interviews without any difficulty by getting the
required experience and skills, one must go through Internship Program which will be
conducted by Lancers itself. Under our precise guidance, one will be able to formulate their
own strategies to gain the best output. One will be provided with a gist to how the clients
would react to various products and the way to convince them to buy products. Also, we help
the students to get an insight of the complete cycle of Appraisal profiles that will enhance
their vision of the corporate world.
Global Immersion Program

It strongly believes in the fact that the world is changing too speedily for the students to just
rely on classroom education. In order to develop the skills and mental growth of the students
to be battle ready for the Service after college, a sustained mechanism is needed which would
educate them beyond books. The need of the hour is experiential learning, thus it born the
central idea of the story which is to help students and make a successful story for themselves.
It aims at promoting education by providing industrial visits to students which enables them
to understand what they are studying in the real world. This also gets them to aware about the
current happenings of the industry, thus bridging the gap between the industry and academia.
Lancers have divided international industrial exposure into three parts – pre-visit, post-visit
and on-visit.
As we all know that the field of educational travel is challenging, dynamic and exciting thus
offering great business opportunities and subsequent rewards.
We at LCS believes that there is no greater satisfaction than making a righteous impact in the
society from one’s living!

• Williams (2002) identifies globalization, increased competition and the increasingly

individualistic rather than collective employee relationship as some of the major drivers
contributing to the increased visibility of performance Appraisal systems (PMS). With
this fast moving and competitive environment, companies are continuously searching for
unique ways to differentiate themselves from their competition and are increasingly
looking to their “human resources” to provide this differentiation.

• The research paper of Mohammad Tanvi Newaz (2012) provides an evaluation and
analyses of the job role performance Appraisal system in shaping psychological
contract at Sainsbury’s UK through a case study. Sainsbury’s adopted performance
Appraisal system to evaluate the potential of the employees but fortunately result of
data analysis showed that line managers have failed to achieve the objective of the
performance Appraisal system. This research analysis illustrates that how the line
managers and supervisors of Sainsbury’s focus on short term goals i.e., financial
success instead of long-term goal.

• The article of Javed Iqbal, Samina Naz, Mahnaz Aslam, Saba Arshad (2012), offers
a survey of numerous selected literatures on performance appraisal system. Its main
purpose was to identify key themes that govern the topic in the contemporary turbulent
economic and business environment where employees are extremely uncertain because
daily, they faced issues of downsizing, volunteer retirement and “golden hand shakes’’ to
get rid of them. Under these circumstances it is worthwhile to look into the ways by
which they can be motivated to work under such harsh conditions. It is found that
performance Appraisal processes, work evaluation, its impact and factors are key themes.
Researchers apply popular research approaches for data collection analysis and
communication to evaluate employee performance.

• The paper of Akua Asantewaa Aforo and Kodjo Asafo-Adjei Antwi (2012) shows
that academic libraries have a performance appraisal system comprising of setting goals,
feedback, participation and incentives for performance. This study aims at evaluating the
performance appraisal system in the KNUST and GIMPA libraries in Ghana and give
recommendations on improving this system. Questionnaires were randomly administered
to 46 staff members of these libraries for analysis of this study.
• There are, however, several models which have attempted to explain how HR policies
have an impact on firm performance and one such model adopted as a conceptual
framework is the “People Process Framework” (Gratton 1996). This framework
focuses on individual performance linked to organizational performance and is design
to deliver short term business objectives as well as long term sustainable success.
The model clearly illustrates a set of HR practices that has been designed to link
individual effort to the overall objective of the business and also strikes a balance
between achieving short term goals and preparing the company for its coming future
long-term goal and success. The major focus of the research is on the processes which
contributes to the short-term business success given their direct relevance to PMS
and the crucial role of line managers in their implementation. These short-term
processes are very crucial to the overall success of the business as they provide the
foundation to encourage sustained performance through clear identification of
objectives, continuous assessment of performance against those objectives, reward
strategies and appraisal systems that emphasize the required behaviors and the
provision of skills and training that will improve performance. If implemented
correctly, these processes should enhance the individual’s confidence in themselves
and their company creating an environment where employees “want to” perform
rather than feeling like they “have to” perform.

The research methodology refers to the way the researcher carries out the project. It
incorporates the systematic steps which are followed for preparing the report. The data is
collected by collecting the responses of employees currently working in the company. The
primary focus of the research is on the result that will fulfill the objective. The main aim of
this research is to determine the impact of performance appraisal system on employee

The basic objectives of this project report are:

❖ To find out present performance Appraisal system used in the company.

❖ To find about the employee’s views for the system adopted by the company to
appraise their performance.

❖ To determine the impact of performance appraisal system on employee productivity.

a) Statement of the Problem:

Every business organization whether it is large or small spends huge amount of money on

Human Resource. It is therefore necessary to find out how they are performing in order to

design their future of the organization. It may be to develop the employees or to correct the

employees or to utilize the employee’s strength. This study is directed towards probing

Performance Appraisal system as a tool for employees at LANCER COUNSEL SERVICES


The other research problem is that the respondents don’t read the questionnaire properly and

fill it without reading which leads to biasness in the results.

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Research Design-

A research design is the framework of methodologies which is used by the researcher. It is

the researchers’ choice to use the design he finds the best. Data collection, measurement and
analysis are the basic types of research designs.

b) Types of Research-

There is social research in HR Survey with particular reference to Performance Appraisal as a

System for employees at LANCER COUNSEL SERVICES PVT. LTD

c) Sample Design:

It is random sampling technique where the samples were designed based on the nature of
work, qualification, experience, etc.

d). Sample Size:

56 Employees Respondents.

e). Tool for collection of Data:

PRIMARY DATA- Structured questionnaire is used to collect the data. Copy of

questionnaire is mentioned in the Annexure of the project report.

SECONDARY DATA- Secondary data is the information gathered from primary sources
and is made available to other researchers for reference. The secondary data was collected
from published papers and websites.

Method of Collecting Data:

The questionnaires were provided to respondents through Researcher where the data was

collected and returned by HR Unit.

➢ Method of Analysis:

1. The collected data were tabulated.

16 | P a g e
2. Percentage of respond was worked out.

3. Analysis is based on percentage frequency.

4. Weightage is given to high percentage in response factor.

5. Evaluation is made based on the analysis and the presumptions inherences are used,
where every data is ambiguous. Definitive evaluation has made every data clear.


1. AGE:

To carry out any project Study, personal data needs detailed analysis because it is the

basic foundation to understand correct profile of the respondent which shows their

knowledge, mental status and maturity. Educational background is important to

understand the topic of the study so that they can be related to age.

Interpretation: -

From the above pie chart, it shows that 96.4% respondents are under age 18-30 years and 2%
respondents are above 45 years.

17 | P a g e
2. GENDER: -


The above pie chart indicates that 50% of the respondents are male and 50% of the
respondents are female.

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3. Qualification: -


The above pie chart depicts that 60.7% of the respondents are graduate and 10.7% of the
respondents are under graduate.

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4. Years of experience: -


The above histogram depicts that 14.3% of the respondents have above 6 years’ experience
and 3.6% of the respondents have experience between 0-2 years.

20 | P a g e
5. Do you get appraised in your company?


The above pie chart depicts that 73.2% of the respondents get appraised in the company and
25% of the respondents do not get appraised in the company. For an employee motivation, it
is very important for them to get appraised in their organization. It shows that more than
average people get appraised in their company and are therefore satisfied.

21 | P a g e
6. Is the method used in appraising performance in your organization


The above pie chart depicts that 73.2% of the respondents are satisfied by the method used in
appraising their performance and 26.8% of the respondents are not satisfied by the method
used in appraising their performance. It illustrates that most of the people are satisfied with
the various performance appraisal techniques that is used to appraise them in their

22 | P a g e
7. What is your impression about your present performance appraisal?


It depicts that 44.6% of the respondents feels good about their present performance appraisal
and 8.9% of the respondents feels poor about their present performance appraisal.

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8. Is employee promotion in your organization based on the appraisal?


The above pie chart depicts that 73.2% of the respondents are satisfied with the employee
promotion in their organization based on the appraisal and 26.8% of the respondents are not
satisfied with the employee promotion in their organization based on the appraisal. This
means to get the promotion it is very important to be appraised again and again in the

24 | P a g e
9. Performance appraisal leads to employee’s


The above pie chart depicts that 44.6% of the respondents agree to the fact that performance
appraisal leads to employee’s development and 21.4% of the respondents neither agree nor
disagree to the fact that performance appraisal leads to employee’s development.

25 | P a g e
10. The appraised performance contributes positively to your organizational goal?


The above pie chart depicts that 48.2% of the respondents agree to the fact that the appraised
performance contributes positively to their organizational goal and 23.2% of the respondents
strongly agree to the fact that the appraised performance contributes positively to their
organizational goal. This means that if the employees are always motivated or if they get
appraisals in their organization than it will lead to their developmental as well as
organizational goal.

26 | P a g e
11. The present lack of appraisal in your organization negatively affects the level of
employee performance.


The above pie chart shows that 37.5% of the respondents agree to the fact that the present
lack of appraisal in their organization negatively affects the level of employee performance
and 26.8% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree to the same. It means that more
respondents think there must be appraisal system in their organization for their positive
development. The more they are appraised the more they will remain positive during their

27 | P a g e
12. In order to have high performance, is it effective to motivate employees involve at


The above pie chart depicts that 48.2% of the respondents agree to the fact that in order to
have high performance it is effective to motivate employees involve at workplace and
12.5% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree to the same. This shows that
employees motivation plays an important role for the growth of the organization than
only their organization could expect high performance from them.

28 | P a g e
13. Do you always get the expected results of the performance evaluation whatever you
are expecting?


The above pie chart depicts that 35.7% of the respondents do not get the expected results of
the performance evaluation whatever they are expecting and 32.1% of the respondents get the
expected results of the performance evaluation whatever they are expecting.

29 | P a g e
14. Giving more responsibility and increasing the authorization for employees is
effective to increase their performance?


The above pie chart depicts that 50% of the respondents agree to the fact that giving more
responsibility and increasing the authorization for employees is effective to increase their
performance and 10.7% of the respondents strongly agree to the same. It shows that in a
work environment more responsibility given to the employees and trusting them with
those responsibilities results in their development of performance.

30 | P a g e
15. Are you involved in decisions which affect your performance at work?


The above pie chart depicts that 53.6% of the respondents are involved in decisions which
affect their performance at work and 10.7% of the respondents are not involved in decisions
which affect their performance at work.

31 | P a g e
16. Increase of performance may be seen if managers observe the talent of the
employees and direct them to improve their talents?


The above pie chart depicts that 58.9% of the respondents agree to the fact that increase of
performance may be seen if managers observe the talent of the employees and direct them to
improve their talents and 12.5% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree to the same.
This means that managers must keep an eye on the work of the employees and direct them to
their negative as well as positive aspects so that they could improve their performance. And
also motivating them for their good results will lead to their better performance as well.

32 | P a g e
17. Do you get feedback of your evaluation?


The above pie chart depicts that 76.8% of the respondents get the feedback of their evaluation
and 8.9% neither agree nor disagree to the same. It is very important for the employees to get
the feedback of their performance then only they could know about their strength and
weakness related to their work performance and hence they could improve it. It depicts that
majority of the respondents gets their feedback evaluation.

33 | P a g e
18. How do you feel when you get the results of appraisal?


The above pie chart depicts that 73.2% of the respondents feel happy when they get the
results of appraisal and 23.2% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree to the same.

34 | P a g e
19. If appraisal is removed in your organization, do you think performance of employee
will be affected?


The above pie chart depicts that 39.3% of the respondents agree to the fact that if
appraisal is removed from their organization, performance of the employee will be
affected and 17.9% of the respondents neither agree nor disagree to the same. This
illustrates that for the developmental as well as organizational growth of the employees it
is very crucial to be appraised and to be motivated, if these situations lack than obviously
work performance will be affected. Majority respondents agree to this fact.

35 | P a g e
20. When employees are rewarded, they seek for the tools and processes which may be
beneficial for the organization and so the performance and interest on the work


The above pie chart depicts that 48.2% of the respondents agree to the fact that when
employees are rewarded, they seek for the tools and processes which may be beneficial
for the organization and so the performance and interest on the work increases and 21.4%
of the respondents strongly agree to the same. This shows that if the employees get
promotions, bonuses, holidays, appraisals they will continuously give their best
performance and so their interest will always increase on their work and this will
automatically lead to the development of organization as well.

36 | P a g e
21. Social activities such as company picnics and travel organizations make close
relationship between employees and this provides more success for the employees?


The above pie chart depicts that 48.2% of the respondents agree to the fact that social
activities such as company picnics and travel organizations make close relationship between
employees and this provides more success for the employees and 19.6% of the respondents
neither agree nor disagree to the same. It illustrates that despite of the work pressure
employees must get additional enjoy activities like tour, holidays etc. so that they do not
always feel pressurize. It will relax their mind from the work load and could give a fresh start
to them and it could build close relationship with other peers/ members as well.

37 | P a g e

38 | P a g e
Conclusion: -

Most of the time Performance Appraisal (PA) for determining compensation increases and

whereas training need identification and for promotions. The Performance appraisal system

have delinked itself from being an instrument of evaluating performance of the employees in

an organization. Application of performance and bringing about better performance appraisal

practices that enables organization to improve their performance and bring in a performance

driven culture is the need of the hour rather performance Appraisal only.

No Doubt without the commitment of the top Appraisal it would have been very difficult to

bring this sort of change. Therefore, it calls for a cultural change where in emphasis is not

only given to the outcome or the end result but also on the process and effort made to achieve

the result. While discussing of the process & effort we need to focus on the leadership style,

approach of consulting others, ability to learn, approach as a team member, effort in planning

days and week, and overall orientation for subordinates’ development. All this really calls for

a different ball games wherein the concerned supervisors are able to emphasize with sub-

ordinates and is really above to understand emotional world.

In this era where every individual is competing with each other and where very tight

schedules are drawn without much scope, there is every probability that conflicts are going to

become a common affair. As such it has become more important that a supervisor makes all

his effort to understand emotional world of the sub-ordinate in terms of his hindering and

facilitating factors in terms of achieving his goals, what help the person growth and his own

ambition in the next 3-4 years, what is happening on his family front.

39 | P a g e
All this can only be possible if the sub-ordinate is able to see value and a genuine concern in

all for this. For this what can be done is that once in a month an effort can be made by the

supervisor to sit with his sub-ordinate and must have a face-to-face interaction in a non

threatening atmosphere. What I have personally observed is that it changes the motivational

level of an individual and also in fact the employee makes all their effort in achieving their

organizational goals.

40 | P a g e
Bibliography: -

1. V S P Rao, Human Resource Appraisal, Anurag Jain for Excel Books, New


2. Dr. K Ashwathappa, Human Resource & Personal Appraisal, TATA

McGraw-Hill Publishing Company limited, New Delhi.

3. Prem Chadha, Performance Appraisal.

4. Google Engine Search.

5. www.

6. www.performance-

7. Wikipedia -An Encyclopedia.

41 | P a g e


Part A:

1.Name of the Respondent: ______________________

2.Age: ______________________
3.Gender: ______________________
4.Qualification: _____________________

5.Level of management in the organization.
a). Top level Management b). Middle level Management c). Lower-level management d).
Other: ______________

6.Years of experience. ______________________

7.Do you get appraised in your company?

a). Yes b). No c). Other: ______________

8. Are the method used in appraising performance in your organization satisfactory?

a). Yes b). No

9.What is your impression about your present performance appraisal?

a). Excellent b). Good c). Fair d). Poor

10.Is employee promotion in your organization based on the appraisal?

a). Yes b). No

11.Performance appraisal leads to employee's development.

a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly agree

12.The appraised performance contributes positively to your organizational goal?

a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly agree
13. The present lack of appraisal in your organization negatively affects the level of
employee performance.
a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly agree

14. In order to have high performance, is it effective to motivate employees involve at

a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly agree

15. Do you always get the expected results of the performance evaluation whatever you
are expecting?
a). Yes b). No c). Maybe

42 | P a g e
16. Giving more responsibility and increasing the authorization for employees is
effective to increase their performance?
a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly agree

17. Are you involved in decisions which affect your performance at work?
a). Yes b). No c). Maybe

18. Increase of performance may be seen if managers observe the talent of the
employees and direct them to improve their talents?
a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly agree

19. Do you get feedback of your evaluation?

a). Yes b). No c). Maybe

20. How do you feel when you get the results of appraisal?
a). Happy b). Sad c). Neutral d). Other:

21. If appraisal is removed in your organization, do you think performance of employee

will be affected?
a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly Agree
22. When employees are rewarded, they seek for the tools and processes which may be
beneficial for the organization and so the performance and interest on the work
a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly agree

23. Social activities such as company picnics and travel organizations make close
relationship between employees and this provides more success for the employees?
a). Strongly disagree b). Disagree c). Neutral d). Agree e). Strongly Agree

43 | P a g e

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