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3 Global Perspective
Different states and international agencies hold varying perspectives on the Israel-Hamas
conflict. Certain nations endorse one faction, but others push for a two-state resolution or a
peaceful accord.
Numerous nations and international organizations have voiced their alarm over the
violence and asked for diplomatic efforts to bring about a peaceful conclusion. In order to
reach a two-state solution, the European Union, the United Nations and individual nations
have frequently urged Israel and Hamas to display restraint, end hostilities and initiate
communication. For instance, Morocco has expressed its grave concerns about the state of
affairs in Gaza and demanded an early end to the aggression and an end to peace. The nation
emphasized the value of communication and bargaining as a means of achieving a two-state
resolution. Additionally, the President of Colombia emphasized that in order to achieve a
two-state solution, Israel and Palestine must sit down to negotiate. He made historical
analogies between the current state of affairs in Gaza and earlier tragedies.

However, different opinions have been voiced by different countries in the

international community. While some have strongly backed the right of Israel to safeguard
itself against dangers to its safety, others have emphasized the significance of resolving the
fundamental problems and injustices of the Palestinian people. For example, the Canadian
prime minister referred to the violence as “utterly unacceptable” and “strongly opposes the
current wave of terrorist attacks towards Israel”. The nation was with Israel, he continued,
and we fully backed “their rights to safeguard themselves”. Furthermore, New Zealand also
supported Israel and stated it is their rights to uphold itself.

International reactions to the 2023 Israel–Hamas war - Wikipedia
Which countries have criticised Israeli attacks on Gaza? | Israel-Palestine conflict News | Al

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