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– it involves the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. You are understanding
someone’s feelings as if they were yours. It allows you to connect with others emotionally, and not
just that, you get to the root of the problem, thus, you respond with compassion.

– It involves feelings of empathy and kindness because you are concern of the well-being of
that person. You can show it by respectful, listening to that person without judgement.
Encouraging other people. Apologizing for your own mistake. Forgiving, accepting for who they
are, lending them a hand, and there are many ways to show it.

Altruistic behavior involves acting for the benefit of others without expecting anything in
return. It reflects a genuine desire to help, support, or contribute to the welfare of others,
regardless of personal gain.
These three are often collectively referred to as PROSOCIAL BEHAVIORS
– it is a voluntary behavior intended to benefit another. You are doing
something for other people without expecting anything.

Empathy Compassion Altruism

“ Hi miss!”, “Sexy!!!”, “Hi babe!”, those are the words that are used for
catcalling, but first of all, what is cat-call or catcalling? It is when someone whistles,
shouts, or giving sexual comments to a woman passing by. A lot of women are
experiencing this problem nowadays.

I have a friend who always encounter this kind of situation. Based on my

interview with her she said that, “I experience that especially when I’m walking
alone. Most of the guys always whistles or wink at me. Sometimes they’re also saying
hi to me while looking at my chest even though I’m wearing decent clothes. And it
creeps me out because I don’t even know them personally… One time I also
encountered a tricycle driver who touched my hand while I’m on my way home, he
approached me and said “Miss!” then he held my hand again before I got out of the
vehicle. I was so shocked that time that’s why I wasn’t able to do anything about it.”

This is just one of the examples that women experiences when they were
being catcalled. Based on the interview I conducted, I learned that catcalling should
not be tolerated by people. It’s not healthy nor for fun, hence it causes women to be
scared. This issue needs enough attention for it to stop.
-Gwyneth Fernandez
1. As a man, how can this experience serve as a tool for understanding
and empathy?
After reading the text or story, men can see how women perceived their actions
and understand that cat-calling is not flattering. Then men will develop greater
empathy and compassion as they are fully aware of its negative impact on
women. Men will most likely reflect to their actions and interactions with

2. As a woman, how can this experience serve as a tool for

understanding and empathy?
As women, if they have the same experiences may find understanding and
validation after reading it as it mirrors their experiences. Not only in cat- calling
but to other challenges as well. Both men and women who might have
experienced a great challenge and when they know that they are not the only
one, they will feel that what they have gone through is valid. It will make them
feel that they are not alone in facing such problem.
What is Testimonio?
The story that you have just read is an example of testimonio.

Testimonio in Spanish term is called “Witness Account”. The word testimonio is directly translated
to the English word “testimony” but there are important differences between these two.

Testimonio is s a literary genre emerged from Latin America in the late 20th century and is not
bound by the same legal obligations to “truth” which are equated with “testimony”.

Testimony Testimonio
Testimony refers to a formal statement or declaration given under oath, often in a legal or official
Meanwhile, testimonio is a first – person narrative of injustice.

They both state truth and facts however, testimony is something you are obliged to do so
because you can help the victim to win the case with your statement and put the suspect behind
the bars.
While Testimonio is to give awareness, question the societal norms, and speak for justice
just like in the example.

Therefore, the people who can write a testimonio are the people who experience oppression or
abuse, or inequality like racism, discrimination, classism, genocide, and more.

However, testimonio is not just sharing, it has goals and that’s why testimonio has classifications.
The classifications of
Tripartite combination of a first-person narrative of injustice.
First-person narrative: This means that the story is told from the perspective of the narrator,
using pronouns like "I," "me," and "my." The narrator directly shares their personal experiences,
thoughts, and emotions with the reader, providing a firsthand account of the events described.

Narrative: This refers to the way in which the story is structured and presented. A narrative
typically includes elements such as characters, plot, setting, and theme, arranged in a
sequence to convey a particular message or idea.

Injustice: This signifies the central theme or focus of the story, which revolves around acts of
unfairness, oppression, or violation of rights. The narrator's firsthand experiences of injustice
are at the core of the narrative, driving the storytelling and shaping the reader's understanding
of the issues being addressed.
The classifications of
An insistence that the subject’s experience is representative of a larger
It suggests that the storyteller or narrator believes their personal experience reflects the
experiences of a broader group.

The storyteller aims to raise awareness about systemic issues and advocate for change on
behalf of the broader community affected by those issues.

An intent to work toward a more just future

When someone expresses an intent to work toward a more just future, they are expressing a
desire to actively contribute to social change and promote equality.
By listening to the stories of others,
readers or listeners can develop a deeper
understanding of different perspectives
and emotions. This empathy can lead to
increased compassion and a desire to
support individuals who have shared their

The role of altruism is to motivate

individuals to engage in acts of kindness
and support for others by sharing your
experience not for your own sake but for
the other people who have the same
As per Gugelberger and Kearney, you are
“voice of the voiceless”

you don’t share your story so you can

leave the past behind and feel a sense of

but you are telling your story of injustice to

speak for the people who can’t be heard
because these people may not have the
opportunity to speak for themselves or
people who are afraid because of how
the society perceive their experiences.
Unlike standardized essay formats like the three-
paragraph essay or the traditional academic essay,
testimonio in creative nonfiction does not adhere to a
rigid structural template.

Testimonio is more fluid and adaptable, often shaped by

the unique experiences and voices of the narrators.
While there are common elements and principles found
in testimonio narratives, such as first-person narration,
authenticity, and social context, the format can vary
significantly depending on the specific story being told
and its intended audience.

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