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Beverly Diane P. De Luna-Angio, MMPA
– Activities that relate to the creation of goods and services through
the transformation of inputs and outputs. Activities creating
goods and services take place in all organizations. In
manufacturing firms, the production activities that create goods
Operations are usually quite obvious. In them, we can see the creation of a
tangible product such as a Sony TV or a Harley-Davidson
Management motorcycle.
– Production - creation of goods and services.
– Operations management encompasses the planning, coordination, and
control of business processes to maximize efficiency, productivity, and
customer satisfaction.
– The Importance of Operations Management:
– Operations management is the backbone of any organization,
regardless of its industry or size. It is responsible for transforming
inputs such as raw materials, labor, and capital into valuable outputs in
the form of goods or services. The efficient management of these
operational activities can significantly impact a company's profitability,
competitiveness, and overall performance.
– Enhancing Efficiency and Productivity:
– One of the primary goals of operations management is to improve
efficiency and productivity. By streamlining processes, eliminating
waste, and optimizing resource allocation, organizations can minimize
costs, reduce lead times, and enhance their ability to meet customer
demands promptly. Techniques such as Lean Six Sigma and Just-in-
Time (JIT) manufacturing are widely employed to achieve operational
excellence and drive continuous improvement.
– Supply Chain Management:
– An integral part of operations management is supply chain
management (SCM), which involves the coordination and integration
of various activities across the entire supply chain, from raw material
sourcing to product delivery. Effective SCM ensures a seamless flow of
materials, information, and finances between suppliers,
manufacturers, distributors, and customers. By optimizing the supply
chain, organizations can minimize inventory costs, improve order
fulfillment, and enhance customer satisfaction.
– Quality Control and Assurance:
– Operations management also encompasses quality control and
assurance processes. Ensuring consistent product or service quality is
crucial for maintaining customer loyalty and market reputation.
Through the implementation of robust quality management systems,
organizations can monitor and control production processes, conduct
thorough inspections, and implement corrective actions to address any
deviations. Embracing quality management methodologies such as
Total Quality Management (TQM) or Six Sigma can significantly
enhance product quality and customer satisfaction.
– Capacity Planning and Resource Allocation:
– Operations managers are responsible for capacity planning, which
involves determining the optimal level of resources required to meet
current and future demand. By accurately forecasting demand
patterns and strategically allocating resources, organizations can avoid
production bottlenecks, manage fluctuations in demand, and maintain
optimal levels of inventory. Effective capacity planning ensures that
companies can maximize their operational efficiency while minimizing
costs associated with excess capacity or stockouts.
– Technology and Innovation:
– Embracing technological advancements and fostering innovation is
crucial in modern operations management. Organizations leverage
cutting-edge technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence,
and data analytics to improve process efficiency, enhance decision-
making, and gain competitive advantages. Furthermore, encouraging a
culture of innovation within the operations team can lead to the
identification of new opportunities, process improvements, and the
development of unique products or services.
– Operations management is a critical function that drives the
success and competitiveness of organizations across various
industries. By focusing on efficiency, productivity, quality, supply
chain management, capacity planning, and technological
innovation, operations managers can optimize processes, minimize
costs, and enhance customer satisfaction. Embracing effective
operations management principles and strategies enables
organizations to stay ahead in today's dynamic business
environment and deliver value to customers while maintaining a
competitive edge.
Product Design
Product design is a critical function that can decide the
success or failure of a product. It is necessary to do
enough research into user requirements before
creating a product. One must also remember that
product designers must be in constant touch with
customers to know their changing needs and make
changes to the product accordingly. It is an exciting
profession for one who is ready to continuously
research and innovate.
Design Process

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