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of the EIA of Civil Engineering Projects (CE2010D) carried out for partial

fulfilment of the award of the degree in Bachelor of Technology in Civil



Amrita Rajan B200565CE

Anamika Sinha B200607CE

Department of Civil Engineering


NITC P.O., Kozhikode – 673601, Kerala

March, 2024

1. Introduction……………………………………………………… 1
2. Regulatory scoping and its compliance………………………….. 3
3. Statutory requirements and legal aspect…………………………. 4
4. Baseline water environment data…................................................ 5
5. Water Requirement………………………………………………. 9
6. Impacts on water environment …................................................... 10
7. Mitigation measures ……………………………………………… 12
I. Wastewater management………………………………………………12
II. Rainwater Harvesting…………………………………………………. 13
III. Storm water management……………………………………………... 13
IV. Drainage pattern, density and frequency……………………………… 15
8. Monitoring methodologies…………………………………………19
9. References…………………………………………………………..20



As per the EIA notification of 14 September 2006 and its latest amendment, airport projects are
divided into two categories as mentioned in Table 1.1.

Srl. No. Project or Activity Category with threshold limit Conditions if any


Note: Air strips which do

not involve bunkering/
All projects including
7 (a) Airports All projects airstrips, which are for
fuelling facility and or Air
commercial use.
Traffic Control, are

The purpose of the study is to integrate different environmental factors into project planning and
decision making by studying probable changes in the various socioeconomic and bio-physical
characteristics, which will result from the proposed expansion so as to achieve sustainable
development. This will lay base for an environmentally sound project, such that the benefits shall
be observed at all the stages of the project starting from conceptualization to planning, design,
construction and operation.



Project site Kilkotagiri and Thirumbady Plantation Estate

Location Thiruvambady, Kozhikode, Kerala

Site Area 724 Ha

Access Road Mukkam Thiruvambady road

District headquarters Kozhikode

Nearest town/city Kozhikode

Nearest Railway station Kozhikode main(Calicut)

Nearest Airport Calicut International Airport

Nearest Seaport Beypore Port


It has been informed that this new airport is envisioned as a modern hub, catering to cargo,
passenger services, maintenance, and aerospace manufacturing. Its development is expected to
attract a significant portion of both international and domestic visitors to the Kozhikode region,
enhancing connectivity and economic opportunities and development of the airport will facilitate
25% of International and 5% of domestic visitors to use air services in the Kozhikode region.

Land use map of the study area to 1: 25,000 scale, based on recent satellite imagery of the study
area delineating the cropping pattern, waste land, forest area and built up area prepared.

Fig 1: Remote sensing image


Since the development covers an area >50 ha., the proposed activity falls under „Category 7(a)
under the EIA Notification of 14th Sept. 2006, for which prior Environmental Clearance (EC) is
required. Accordingly, the project has obtained environmental clearance dated. 25th March 2024.

The Standard ToR published by MoEFCC has been referred to for carrying out the EIA study
and the compliance to the same is shown in the following table:

Sl. Terms of Reference Compliance


1. A copy of the contour plan with slopes, drainage Drainage pattern is discussed in
pattern of the site, surrounding area, and any section IV of chapter 7.
obstruction of the same by the airport is to be

2. Examination of the water bodies including the Nearby water bodies are discussed
seasonal ones within the corridor of impacts with baseline in chapter 4.
along with their status, volumetric capacity,
quality and likely impacts on them due to the
project shall be carried out.

3. Baseline data of ground water including data of Physical and chemical data of
pH, dissolved solids, suspended solids, BOD, ground water is discussed in table of
DO, coliform bacteria, oil, fluorides, chlorides, chapter 4.
heavy metals etc., to determine the quality of the
ground water is to be estimated

4. Baseline data on location sources of surface Baseline data of water bodies nearby
water like water bodies, lakes, their dimensions, is discussed in chapter 4.
present quality and their utility is to be provided.


The relevant NOC‟s and licenses will be obtained from the statutory agencies under the
following Acts, Rules and amendments and Airport Authority of India will adhere to the
guidelines specified in.

AAI will comply with the prescribed limits laid down for air, effluent and noise emissions for
protection of the environment under the following Acts, Rules and amendments:

1. The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974

2. The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981

3. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 which is also called umbrella act or legislation

4. The Environment Impact Assessment, Notification, 2006 issued under Environment

(Protection) Act 1986 and Environment (Protection) Rules 1986.

Issues Applicable Legislation

The Water ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and

Water amendments thereafter

The Environment Protection Act, 1986 - Standards for liquid


Compliance to State Rules and Notifications will also be ensured.

Fig 2: Proposed site


Drinking Water and Sanitation:

Untreated Tap Water Supply all round the year and in summer available. Covered Well,
Uncovered Well, Hand Pump and Tube Wells/Boreholes are other Drinking Water sources.

Closed Drainage System and Open Drainage System available in the village. The village is
covered under total sanitation. Community Toilet Complex available in this village. There is
system to collect garbage on street. Drain water is discharged into sewer plant.

Rivers Near Thiruvambady

Iruvazhigi Puzha – At about 2 km from the proposed site


Poonur Puzha

Fig 3: Iruvazhigi Puzha Fig 4: Thiruvambady estate

Population data table

Census Parameter Census Data

Total Population 28820

Total No of Houses 6771

Female Population % 51.5 % ( 14832)

Total Literacy rate % 85.5 % ( 24629)

Female Literacy rate 43.8 % ( 12618)

Scheduled Tribes Population % 1.3 % ( 365)

Scheduled Caste Population % 5.8 % ( 1673)

Working Population % 39.8 %

Child(0 -6) Population by 2011 3278

Girl Child(0 -6) Population % by 2011 48.7 % ( 1598)

Water Analysis Report

● Source of Sample: Open well

● Sample Container: 2L Can

● Type of Test: Chemical and Microbiological

● Period of Analysis: 4 days

e limit as
SI No Parameter Unit method Results
IS 10500

Physical Examination

1 Colour Hazen 2120 B 1 5

2 Electrical conductivity µS/cm 2510 B 60 -

3 Turbidity NTU 2130 B 0.4 1

4 Total Dissolved solids mg/L 2540 C 33 500


5 pH 4500 H'B 5.8 6.5-8.5

6 Total Alkalinity mg/L 2320 B 32 200

7 Total Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 2340 C 32 200

8 Calcium Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 3500 Ca B 24 -

9 Magnesium Hardness as CaCO3 mg/L 3500 Mg B 8 -

10 Calcium mg/L 3500 Ca B 9.619 75

11 Magnesium mg/L 3500 Mg B 1.944 30

12 Chloride mg/L 4500 cr B 24 250

4500 SO4
13 Sulphate mg/L 3.8 200

14 Iron mg/L 3500 Fe B BDL 0.3

15 Ammonia as NH3 mg/L 4500NH3F BDL 0.5

16 Nitrate as NO, mg/L 4500NO3E 2.6 45


17 Total Coliform cfu/100m 9222 B Nil Nil/100ml


18 Fecal Coliform 9222 D Nil Nil/100ml

19 E. coli 92221 I Absent Absent

The lowest detectable limit of Iron and Ammonia are 0.05 mg/L


pH of the water sample is lower than the acceptable limit. All other tested water quality
parameter are found to be within acceptable limit as per IS 10500 drinking water specifications.

Fig 5: Nearby areas from proposed site Fig 6: Water body at 2km proximity


The development phase would involve water requirements for the following activities:

 Site preparation: Involves levelling for infrastructure development.

 Water is required for dust settlement, consolidation, compaction, and curing.

 Construction of building infrastructure involves water for construction activities and

domestic and other water requirements for labour and staff onsite.

During the construction phase, water will be required for construction purposes. It is also
proposed to adopt the techniques and equipment‟s, which will further help in reduction of water
demand during construction. The construction water requirement would be temporary in
depending nature of construction activities. The construction water requirement will be sourced
from the existing bore-wells or sourced through authorized tankers. Therefore, the impact on the
water resources during the construction phase would be temporary and variable in nature.

Taking into consideration the water conservation criteria, as per this EIA report, after expansion,
the fresh water requirement will be 60 KLD which will also be fetched from bore wells. During
the construction stage, water will be sourced primarily through tankers arranged by the
contractors as per specifications.

Sl. No. Description Water needed in kLD

1 Domestic water requirement 60

2 Industrial Water requirement 500

3 Total (1+2 ) 560

4 Flow to STP 448

5 Consider 20% additional for STP capacity 540

6 Treated water available from STP 513


● Pollution from construction run-off will affect surface water.

● There will be increase in turbidity and suspended solids due to soil erosion. Blocking of
natural drains and existing nallas due to deposition of construction materials is a likely
impact. This problem will be more aggravated during the monsoon season.

● Soil compaction caused by site development and the expanse of impervious surfaces,
such as roads and parking lots, produce storm water runoff containing sediment and other
contaminants (eg. nutrients, vehicle fluid leaks, and mechanical equipment waste).

● Increased storm water runoff can overload pipes and sewers and spoil the water quality in
the surrounding environment.

● Waste pieces from construction run-off is likely blocking of storm water drains, nallas
etc. due to deposition of construction materials is a likely impact unless regular cleaning
of drains is carried out.

● The waste generation from the labour camps may find its way into natural water bodies
thereby polluting them. The pollution can extend beyond the immediate vicinity of the
labour camps, impacting downstream ecosystems and communities that rely on the
affected water bodies for drinking water, agriculture, and recreation.

● The repair and maintenance of construction equipment /transport vehicles and washing of
vehicles on-site may also generate wastewater containing oil and grease (though only in
minimal quantities as normally these activities are not undertaken on-site).

● Construction activities can generate noise and vibration, potentially disrupting aquatic
species, such as fish, and affecting their behaviour, breeding patterns, and overall well-

● During construction activity in rainy season, the water quality is likely to be affected due
to the construction work and loosening of topsoil. This is likely to increase the suspended
solids in the run-off during heavy precipitation.

Environmental Impact Matrix

Table below presents the Impact Matrix for identified environmental parameters. The following
rating scale has been devised to assess the severity of impacts:

A- High Beneficial (positive) Impact

B- Low Beneficial Impact

C- Low Adverse Impact (localized nature)

D- High Adverse (negative) Impact

(N) : Indicates no conceivable (neutral) impact on the environment.

Sr. Environmental Pre- Construction

Construction Phase
No. Parameter Phase

1 Water Environment

Receiving water body - -

Drainage system C C

Water availability - -

Ground water availability - -

Ground water quality -

Above table shows that no significant harmful impacts, on the surrounding environment, are
anticipated due to the proposed project.

During pre-construction and construction phase, there are a few parameters that need to be
considered for mitigation of adverse impacts (such as air pollution/ noise levels, health hazards
for labour, ground water depletion and overloading of existing local infrastructure such as roads,
water supply, etc. However, the impacts of this nature will be controllable and of a short
duration, if proper mitigation measures are taken as recommended.

Therefore, the impact on the water resources during the construction phase would be temporary
and variable in nature. The overall impact on water resource during construction phase is rated

Impact Rating Land use Pattern

Significance and Natural of impact Adverse

Duration of Impact Long term
Impacted Area Localized
Likelihood Occurrence High
Severity of Impact Medium
Significance of Impact Medium


Prevention of construction runoff

● Construction work to be carried out before monsoons

● Construction materials to be stored in enclosures

● Cleaning of drains on regular basis to avoid blockage

● Provision of storm water drains with silt traps

● No accumulation of stagnant water on site

Wastewater management

● All debris and wastes from the expansion of airport site will be collected and disposed-off

● Labour working on the site will be provided with adequate sanitation facilities like safe
drinking water, toilets etc. Temporary arrangement of drinking water will be made for

● Sanitation provisions such as washrooms, toilets, dustbins for waste and other packing
material brought by workers will be made available during the period and capacity will
be adequate for the workers.

● Construction area will be isolated and care will be taken to divert the run-off to storm
water drainage, so as to prevent pollution. Also, subsurface work will be carried out
only during non-monsoon period.

● A storm water management plan having limited impervious layer, will be implemented to
promote infiltration.

● Precaution will be taken to ascertain that no waste materials such as cement, paint and
solid material like iron rods and any other material are dumped into storm water System.

● No accumulation of stagnant water will be allowed within the construction area.

● Blocking of natural drains due to deposition of construction materials is a likely impact

unless regular cleaning of drains is carried out. Regular maintenance of storm water

● A sewage treatment plan of 540 KLD capacity based on SBR Technology is proposed for
the project considering the generation of wastewater generation. During the construction
phase, waste water will be generated, which will be discharged through soak pits and
septic tanks.

● Tracking of consumption and installing water meter at any new water abstraction source.

● A sediment trap will be provided to prevent the discharge of excessive suspended solids.

● To prevent contamination from spillage of oil, storage areas will be made by cemented
floor, bunded and will be cleaned at regular intervals.

Rainwater harvesting:

Rainwater harvesting system will be constructed to minimize the impact of the additional
withdrawal of ground water due to the project on the rain water percolation in the project area.
Out of the various techniques adopted in India, and approved of by the Central Ground Water
Authority, the following are the three main classes of rainwater harvesting systems:

● System that collect direct roof run-off for storage and then reusing for various purposes.

● Systems that use in-field or adjoining surface catchments to collect run-off and then
impounded for irrigation, horticultural, recreational & domestic purposes, after treatment.

● Systems that utilize the rainwater run-off from various surfaces including Terrace and
Roads and green areas etc. for re-charging of the underground aquifer, through various

● In this system, the catchment from roof/terrace areas is further segregated for direct
recharging of aquifer through filter media.

● The catchment from surfaces of road/paved/park/lawns etc. is segregated and then taken
to underground, through de-silting chamber/oil and grease separator etc.

Storm water management:

Storm water is defined as precipitation that does not soak into the ground or evaporate, but flows
along the surface of the ground as runoff. As land is developed, storm water becomes a bigger
and bigger concern. Many of the environmental impacts from storm water runoff come from
pollutants being carried into surface waters. An important strategy for reducing the
environmental impact of storm water runoff, therefore, is to keep pollutants out of the storm
water. Any pollutants that are carried into surface waters by storm water come from automobiles:
particulates from exhaust, dripping oil pans, leaking radiators, zinc oxide from tires, heavy
metals in lubricating oils and brake linings, etc. Most strategies for pollution source control relate
more to management practices than design and construction. But a few pollution-avoidance
strategies can be influenced through building design, siting and construction:

Avoiding landscaping strategies that rely on frequent fertilizer, pesticide, and herbicide

Avoiding soil compaction because compacted soils are less able to absorb water and this lead
to increased storm water run-off.

Dry detention ponds are a common feature of storm water management systems. They
temporarily hold storm water during periods of heavy rainfall to prevent flooding downstream.
Storm water is channeled into the pond, and an outlet structure provides for gradual release of
the water during and after the storm event. Most detention ponds are designed to dry out
completely between storm events. Because of the short water-retention time, dry detention ponds
are not very effective at removing pollutants. Extended detention ponds that hold water for
longer periods of time are generally better because more sediment can settle out and because
downstream flooding will be reduced during and right after storms.

Filtration systems are sometimes used in storm water management. The primary function is to
remove sediment, but they also remove some pollutants that adhere to sediment particles. Sand
filters are most common. Sand filters used for storm water filtration must be carefully built and
properly maintained to continue functioning properly.

SI. No. Environment Without project Scenario With Project scenario

Air quality may get impacted during

construction of the Airport and also
during operation phase, air quality
the stations may get impacted due to
Increased GHG emissions may increased vehicular movement near
affect the the stations.
temperature profile and rainfall
pattern of the Water environment may get affected
area. as water will be required for curing,
construction and to meet the domestic
Further for expansion of roads, water requirement of staff and
tree will be construction workers. But since there
required to be cut which have is minimal chance of leakage of
impact on the air fuel/lubricant in Airport project when
quality. During construction of compared to road vehicles, chances of
1 roads, emission of contamination of run-off is minimal.
pollutants will result which may Further to manage storm water, it is
affect the air proposed to have dedicated storm
quality of the area. water management system in the
premises and RWH recharge pits
Soil environment will continue to is proposed to recharge the collected
affect due to the storm water. This will improve the
project. Soil quality may get ground water aquifers of the cities. To
affected due to inflow prevent contamination, desilting
of the contaminated run-off from chambers and oil traps will be
roads into the provided with RWH pit.
nearby agricultural fields. Also
large quantity of
There could be impact on soil quality
during construction phase &
Operation phase due to erosion and
contamination of soil. During
construction phase soil is required to
be excavated.

Drainage Pattern

The overall terrain of the project site will be changed by the construction of additional buildings
and this will bring slight change in the existing pattern of surface drainage. The change of
surface drainage will lead to increase the run-off water during monsoon season. Mainly, the
impact will arise from the creation of impermeable surfaces (roofs, pavements, etc.) which
results in reduction of percolation. Proper slope and storm water management system will be
provided at the site to maintain natural drainage and runoff movement at the site and surrounding
areas. The drains will be kept sufficiently away from the taxiway /runway.

Mitigation Measures

● Slope and storm water management shall be provided to maintain drainage and flow of
runoff in the drain.

● Drainage at the site will be maintained as per drainage counter at the site; therefore, no
flooding will be occurred in and around Airport during and after expansion of Civil
Enclave building and allied works.

● The construction of the drainage network and the grading concept will be in line with the
Storm water management plan

● The drainage system is designed by identifying distinct catchment zones, thereby

discharging into the parallel drains and are supplemented by box / pipe culvert wherever
required. The runoff will be properly drained through external outfalls at boundary wall.

● Rainwater from the airport premises will be collected from the identified catchment zones
and stored in proposed rainwater recharge pits at suitable locations to store rainwater.

● Silt ponds are proposed near every outfall location to prevent the silt getting into the
receiving water bodies.

Drainage Density:

The running water is very important geological agent in effecting transportation of the
weathering product from an elevated area to lowland area.
Drainage density is defined as the ratio of the total length of streams to the total area. High
drainage densities are indicative of impervious strata, high rainfall, little vegetation and active
stream incision all of which may be associated with mass movement . In Thiruvambadi GP

maximum number of landslides (65 %) are associated with drainage density class 1- 1.5,
followed by 1.5 – 2 (35%). The total area falls under these categories were 82.82% of the total

Fig. 7: Drainage density map of the study area Thiruvambady

Drainage Density Area (Km2) Area (%) No. of Events

0 -.5 0 0 0

.5- 1 7.75 9.23 0

1 - 1.5 25.85 30.79 13

1.5 - 2 43.71 52.05 7

2 - 2.5 6.66 7.93 0

> 2.5 0 0 0

Fig. 8: Drainage frequency map of the study area Thiruvambady

Drainage Frequency

The number of drainage lines present in each grid is counted which will give the drainage
frequency value. The study area has been classified into four types based on the number of
drainage incidences. Most of the landslides are associated with drainage frequency class 2-3 in
Thiruvambady GP.

Drainage Frequency Area (Km2) Area (%) No. of Events

0-1 0.16 0.19 0

1-2 22.74 27.08 0

2-3 47.86 57.01 19

3-4 13.2 15.72 1


The quality of ground and surface water is influenced by surface and sub-surface environmental
conditions. The quantity and quality of water entering the underground regime is another
important parameter which influences underground water quality. Water sampling has been
conducted to establish baseline water quality in the area. Water analysis was carried out for
physical and chemical parameters as per the methods prescribed in IS and “Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater (American Public Health Association)”.

Environmenta Duration/
l Source Parameter Standard Nos Frequenc
Component y

Physical Parameters:
pH, Temperature,
Turbidity, EC,
Chemical Parameters:
Hardness, Alkalinity,
Ground Sulphate, Fluoride, As per Six
1 Water Quality as per IS:
Water Sodium, actuals Monthly
Potassium, total nitrogen,
phosphorus, Phenol
Heavy Metals:
Fe, Zn, Mg, Mn, Cd, Cr,
Bacteriological parameters:
Coliform Organism & E.


 Project proposal of greenfield airport at Thiruvambady

 Final environment impact assessment report for expansion of vijayawada airport in respect
of construction of new integrated terminal building & allied facilities at kesarapally village.

 Environmental impact assessment report amendment in environment clearance for non-

operational area development of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport and
construction of six buildings.

 Draft environmental impact assessment report for the proposed expansion of civil enclave of
Bagdogra International Airport to enhance the passenger handling capacity.

 Eia guidance manual -

 -

 Thiruvambady village details:



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