Brevet Ch5 Circulation Notes

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Grade 9 Biology Notes: Chapter 5 Circulation

BLOOD Circulation: double circulation is the pathway of blood two times through the heart.
1- Systemic circulation: big circulation between heart and body organs
From left ventricle to right atrium
Function/importance: -Supplies body cells with oxygen and nutrients.
-Removes carbon dioxide and wastes from the body cells.
Path of blood: left ventricle aorta organs vena cava right auricle

2- Pulmonary circulation: small circulation between heart and lungs

From right ventricle to left atrium
Function/importance: To enrich the blood with oxygen (oxygenate blood) and remove carbon dioxide.
Path of blood: Right ventricle pulmonary artery lungs pulmonary vein left auricle

Heart: organ formed of a hollow muscle called myocardium that pumps blood to all body organs. It is
considered a double pump since it is made up of 2 halves (right heart and left heart) that don’t
communicate and are separated by a thick muscle internal septum.
Each half is made up of 2 chambers/ cavities: Atrium (auricle) and ventricle.
4 Chambers/cavities:
- Upper chambers called auricles which receive blood into the heart.
- Lower chambers called ventricles which pump blood out of the heart.
- Auricles have thinner walls than ventricles since:
auricles pump blood through a shorter distance (into ventricles)
Ventricles pump blood through a farther distance (to lungs or body organs).
- Walls of the left ventricle is thicker than that of the right ventricle since it pumps blood to body organs at
a higher pressure for long distances. Whereas, the walls of the right ventricles pump blood only
to the lungs which is at closer distance to the heart.

Blood vessels:
- Aorta: carries oxygenated blood away from the heart to all body organs and tissues.
- Pulmonary artery: carries deoxygenated blood away from the heart to lungs.
- Pulmonary vein: carries oxygenated blood to heart from the lungs
- Superior vena cava: carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the upper body parts.
- Inferior vena cava: carries deoxygenated blood to the heart from the lower body parts.
- Coronary arteries: supply the heart/myocardium with oxygen and nutrients.
Valves: Set the direction of blood and prevent its back flow
1-Bicuspid/Mitral valve:
Location: located between the left auricle and left ventricle.
Function: Ensures that blood flows in one direction from left auricle to left ventricle and prevent its

2-Tricuspid valve:
Location: located between the right auricle and right ventricle.
Function: Ensures that blood flows in one direction flow from the right auricle to the right ventricle and
prevents its back flow.

3-Right Semilunar / Right Sigmoid valves:

Location: located at the base of the pulmonary artery (between Right ventricle and Pulmonary artery)
Function: Ensures that blood flows in one direction out of the heart, from right ventricle to pulmonary
artery and prevents its back flow.

4- Left Semilunar / left Sigmoid valves:

Location: located at the base of the aorta (between Left ventricle and Aorta)
Function: Ensures that blood flows in one direction out of the heart, from left ventricle to aorta and
prevents its back flow.

Tendons: supports the valves and prevent their opening in the wrong direction.
Important note: tendons and pressure of blood ensures the opening and the closing of valves.

Cardiac Cycle is one heartbeat (electrical activity).

Cycle takes 0.8 sec= 0.4 contractions (AS + VS) and 0.4 relaxation (GD)
The cycle includes 3 phases: 1- Auricular systole (contraction of auricles)
2- Ventricular systole (contraction of ventricles)
3-General diastole (relaxation)
Auricular Systole AS: Duration: 0.1sec
1. Auricles contract simultaneously
2. Tricuspid and bicuspid valves open
3. Sigmoid valves close
4. Blood is pumped from the auricles to the ventricles.

Ventricular Systole VS: Duration: 0.3sec

1. Ventricles contract simultaneously.
2. Tricuspid and bicuspid valves close
3. Sigmoid valves open
4. Blood is pumped out of the heart ventricles into the aorta and pulmonary artery.

General Diastole GD: Duration: 0.4s

1. Auricles and Ventricles relax
2. Tricuspid and bicuspid valve open
3. Sigmoid valves close
4. Blood starts to fill the auricles and slowly flows to the ventricles.

Electrocardiograph apparatus/machine that measures electrical activity of the heart.

Stethoscope: a medical instrument for listening to the action of someone's heart or breathing, 2 sounds are heard:
Lub (dull and thud) followed by long silence
Dub (brief and sharper) followed by short silence

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