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Education is the process of bringing about desirable change in the behaviour of the is a
continuous and never ending process of development of one’s innate power. Continuing nursing
education is the process directed towards the personal and professional growth of nurses,while
they are employed by a health care agency.Continuing education helps in updating the
knowledge and practice of is not only applicable to nursing field but certainly it
has valuable impact on other professional fields too.The rapid development of medical/nursing
knowledge and the numerous changes taking place in methods of delivering health care have
made the continuing education of health personnel an issue of critical importance. And being
influenced by this rapid changes,the scope of nursing practiced has widened the role of
nurse,thus now the role is expanded and extended. This in turn, demands nurses to work in
specialized areas of nursing practice. Further, the public demand for improved health care has
placed a challenge before the nurses to work-up to the level of perfection.

Only few nurses get an opportunity for further study. In most instances neither institutions nor
nurses feel the necessity of in-service education. Somehow a notion prevails that "Nurses are
polished practitioners and can be deployed in any area of health care, even in super specialized
units after obtaining basic education in nursing. This is not only affecting the quality care to
patients but also the professional status and image of nurse practitioners. in this regard
continuing nursing education has a potential and vital role, by virtue of its nature.

The word education is derived from the latin word “educare” which means to “lead out”.This
denotes “growth from the within”.Thus the root meaning of education can be given as making manifest
the inherent potentials in a child. According to Dr APJ Abdul Kalam (2006), the education system
has a tremendous responsibility to transform a child to a leader- the transformation from 'what
can you do for me' to 'what can I do for you?' The most important part of education is
inculcating in the students the spirit of 'we can do it'. Education is an endless journey-through
knowledge and enlightenment. Real education enhances the dignity of a human being and
increases his or her self-respect and universal brotherhood in its true sense becomes the sheet
anchor for such education. According to Dr. Kalam, Education is a fundamental right of every
Indian child.

• Education is the all round drawing out of the best in child and man, body, mind and spirit.
-MK Gandhi
• Education is self-realization and service of the people.
-Guru Nanak

Nursing Education:-
Nursing education is a professional education that is consciously and systematically planned and
implemented through instruction and discipline and is aimed at harmonious development of
physical, intellectual, social, emotional, aesthetic powers and abilities of the student in order to
render professional nursing care to people of all ages, in all phases of health and illness, in a
variety of settings, in the best or highest possible manner.

Continuing Nursing education:-

Continuing nursing education is the process directed towards the personal and professional
growth of nurses and other personnel while they are employed by a health care agency.
Continuing education: Includes all of those educational activities or learning activities that
occurs after an individual has completed his basic education. -Cooper

Continuing education consists of planned learning experience beyond a basic nursing educational
program. These are designed to promote the development of knowledge skills and attitude for the
enhancement of nursing practice, thus improving health care to the public.

Importance Of Continuing Nursing Education:-

Continuing education in nursing benefits the health care industry as a whole and is an important
element of a nursing career for several reasons:

(1) It helps you stay updated on current industry trends:- The health care industry and
consequently the field of nursing is constantly evolving, developing and improving. Continuing
your nursing education is the best way you can stay abreast with the latest trends, especially in
the specific domains and specialties of your interest.

(2) It helps you maintain your nursing credentials:-One of the top reasons to continue your
nursing education is to maintain your nursing credentials, and license, which can allow you to
continue to practice as a nurse in a clinical setting.
(3) It helps you strengthen your existing clinical skills:- Continuing your nursing education
gives you an opportunity to review your existing health care knowledge and improve your
nursing skills, which can allow you to update your protocols to align with the best practices for
the duties you perform regularly.

(4) It helps you learn new clinical skills:- Medicine is constantly changing with new
discoveries. Fulfilling continuing education requirements can help you learn additional clinical
skills and better nursing practices, such as new procedures, which can enhance your professional
competence and help you better perform your existing job duties.

(5)It helps you learn about new treatment regimens:- Newer medications and treatments
constantly enter the market and continuing your nursing education gives you an opportunity
tolearn about new strategies or new indications for existing treatments.
( 6) It makes it easier to adapt to technological advances in the industry:- Continuing
education can allow nurses to learn about changes in the health care industry, such as advances
in medical technology, which can help you provide patients with the best care available.

(7) It may give you a higher earning potential:- Another important benefit to fulfilling
continuing education requirements is the potential for higher pay commensurate with advanced
nursing skills. Continuing your education may qualify you for a higher position or a higher
salary, as it demonstrates your dedication to your profession.

(8) It can reduce legal risks to you and your employer:- Continuing your nursing education in
accordance with state laws can help you avoid putting yourself and your employer at risk of
violating health care laws,which may help you performing job duties with greater confidence and

( 9) It helps to increase the quality of care patients receive: - Continuing your nursing
education equips you with the knowledge and skills necessary to provide a better quality of care
to patients.

(10) It recognizes you as a trusted resource among peers:- Continuing your nursing education
enables you to learn more and advance your knowledge, which can position you as a trusted
resource and leader in your field. You can thus serve as a role model to those new to the field,
which can strengthen your position at your workplace.

(11) It increases personal satisfaction and that of patients and employers:- Knowing that
your employers encourage you to pursue continuing education can increase your job satisfaction,
which can lead you to deliver your best care to patients,which in turn can benefit your employers
as it positions them as a trusted health care establishment.
Current Scenario Of Nursing education in India:-
Nursing education have expanded considerably post-independence. University education in
nursing brought about changes in nursing education. The type of nurses required today is an "all
round personality". Education brings changes in behavior of the individual in a desirable manner.
It aims at all round development of an individual to become mature, self-sufficient, intellectually,
culturally refined. Socially efficient and spiritually advanced.

Indian Nursing Council is a national regulatory body for nurses and nurse education in India. It is
an autonomous body under the Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
constituted by the Central Government under section 3(1) of the Indian Nursing Council Act,
1947 of Indian parliament.

Presently the following nursing education programmes are being conducted in India, approved by
ministry of health and family welfare, government of India__
Non University /State Examination Board/Nursing Council Conducted Course(Diploma)

Post Basic Diploma In Nursing( specialties)

University Programme

Basic Nursing

Post Basic Nursing nursing
Nurse Practitioner Course

Number of Nursing institutions in India:-

ANM 1962
GNM 3360
Basic .B.Sc.Nursing 2241
Post Basic 815
Post Basic Diploma 236
M.Sc.Nursing 720
Nurse Practitioner (Critical 62

(Source:-Indian Nursing Council, Annual 2021-2022)

Need for continuing education in nursing:-
 To ensure safe and effective nursing care.
 To meet health needs of the population.
 To update the knowledge of the nurses and prepare them for meeting the challenging roles.
 To help in career development.
 To develop wise leaders and competent practitioners.
 To recognize current social changes and to foresee the future ones.
 To help the personnel to acquire specialized skills and meet technologic adjuncts.
 To develop clinical specialists for direct care and for teaching and consultative role to help
students and staff nurse to reach higher levels of competency.
 To prepare the nurses for research.
 To ful-fill the requirement of a high degree of skill, knowledge, competence and educational
 To aid in additional preparation for the position that the nurses are already holding or to
prepare them for other positions.
 To provide and prepare faculty who see continuing nursing education as a personal
responsibility as well as professional and university responsibility.
 To develop the practicing abilities of the nurse. To recognize gaps in the knowledge of nurses.
 To improve the communication between the participants, faculty, community and health sector.
 To test the participants ability to do formal academic study.
 To shape or support university education policies and practices.
 To ensure the quality of education. To maintain academic standards.
 To meet educational requirements.

Features of continuing nursing education:-

• Unified approach: All the institutions agree to a common definition of continuing education
• Relationship with other systems: Multidisciplinary approach from all fields of health care
should be made available for best results
• Comprehensiveness
• Relevance in planning: Well planned and organized
content of course
•Appropriateness in implementation
•Evaluation of program effectiveness and participants growth
•Competent people handle the responsibility of conducting the program.

Functions of continuing nursing education:-

•Leads to improved professional practice.
•Aids in updating knowledge and skills at all the levels of the organization.
•Keeps abreast of the latest trends and development in techniques.
•Equips with knowledge of current research and developments.
•Helps in learning new knowledge and maintain old competencies.
•Develops interest and job satisfaction amongst the staff.
•Develops sense of responsibility for being competent and knowledgeable.
•Creates supportive environment with opportunities for growth and communication.
•Helps in adjusting to change.
•Aids in developing leadership skills, motivation and better attitudes.
•Encourages in achieving self-development and self- confidence.

Principles of continuing education:-

•Provision for school and nursing faculty involvement in planning and teaching the continuing
nursing education courses tends to maintain high educational standards for the program
•An adequate staff is essential to planning, implementing and evaluating a program which is
based on learning needs and which has an impact on the quality of nursing care provided.
•Staff services are required with sufficient qualities and numbers to implement the planned
- Advisory
- Secretarial
- Administrative
- Supportive
- Assistance with research, publicity, evaluation, tools, data analysis and computer programming

• Continuing nursing education program maybe decentralized (i.e. faculty of an academic

department would initiate, plan, implement and evaluate its own program of continuing
education) or centralized (i.e. a separate department or extension division is responsible for the
continuing nursing education program for the entire university) or maybe a combination of both.

The philosophy of continuing nursing education recognize the

•Teacher/Nurse education.

As a person as a nurse and as a citizen, thus continuing nursing education is seen as a totality a
sound philosophy of education recognizes all three aspect of lifelong learning.Diversity is a part
of learning process and contributes to the development of the individual.The learner in his life
plays many different roles. e.g.: adult, family member, learner, friend etc. for every aspect of life
there are some continuing nursing elements. It aims as a self directed learning.

Teacher/Nurse Educator:-
•He has to accept the concept of lifelong learning and his responsibility to encourage nurses to
recognize the values of participating in different type of educational activities.
•Educator must be aware of source of information about related continuing education activities.
E.g. self directed individual study, in service education.
•Teacher should act as a role model.
•The skillful teacher has to aware of difference in learning, what is already know and
encouraging exploration in those areas yet to be discovered.
•Creative teaching is essential.
•Guide and counselor to the learner.
•Motivator and an encourager for the students.
• Producing instructional materials.
•Select and evaluate materials prepared by others.
• Administrative role like planning, directing, budgeting and evaluation.

Forms of continuing nursing education:-

Formal and Informal
• Staff development programs
•Short term courses related to the professional areas
•Recognized forms of post secondary learning activities
• Degree credit courses by students
•Master degree in the area of nursing expertise or a doctorate.
•Under degree career training
• Work force training
•Formal personal enrichment courses
•Experimental learning as applied to problem-solving

• Self-directed learning
• Online certification programs
• Case report studies

Adult l;earning is the practice of teaching and educating adults at work place during inservice
education programme.the field of adult learning was introduced by malcom Knowles.

Principles of adult learning:-

•Needs assessment.
• Safety in the environment and process.
• Sound relationship between teacher and learner and among learners.
•Sequence of content and reinforcement.
•Praxis, which mean action with reflection or learning by doing.
•Respect for learner as decision-maker.
•Involve cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of learning.
•Immediacy of learning.
•Clear roles and role development.
•Team work and use of small groups.
•Engagement of learner in what they are learning
•Accountability how do they know

Assessment of learning needs:-

•To enlarge the cultural span of the individuals.
•For healthy recreation and relaxation. Properly planned program of social education will
• Political consciousness and civil participation.
• Social efficiency and cooperation.
• Economic betterment and self-sufficient.
• For promotion purposes.
•For skill development.

Scope of adult learning in nursing:-

There are rapid scientific and technological changes which have greatly affected the learning
process of individuals. The purpose of adults learning is improve one's competency and
knowledge due to the following factors:

Changing social trends: As the trend is changing at a faster pace it helps to keep an individual
updated with the new technology.
Population mobility: It helps the migrating population to adapt themselves with the new trend.
Changing roles of hospital: The hospitals are not only concerned with the providing medical
treatment they are also engaged in other activities like research. This helps the individual to take-
up new challenges and roles.
Health statistics: Adult learning helps in updating an individual's knowledge regarding various
health related aspects, e.g. mortality, morbidity, crude birth rate, specific rates, and other rates
and ratios.
The scope of adult learning in nursing practice is very significant and nurses are committed for
life long learning to themselves and it needs to be continued throughout the professional life. If
the nurse lacks motivation in learning new concepts, she will continue practicing the old trends
in nursing practice which are Suppose to change with time and social trends.

Importance of adult learning:-

•Too many people think that because they have attained a certain age, they are too old to be
educated. This is not true; as long as you are alive, there is still a lot that you can achieve.
Studying might be tough, but many adult education programs take that into consideration.

•Getting a higher education is never a bad idea. The latter years still count for something.

• By the content or complexity of an adult education program, you can tell if it is something you
can do or not. However, if you are the type who really wanted to do that course, you would not
let it make any difference to you if it were complex or not.

•Sometimes your lack of a diploma/deegre/masters/doctoral, can hold you back professionally, at

that time adult learning is very important or mandatory.
•Adult learning helps in updating the knowledge. It helps in improving professional growth and
also in productivity.
•It helps in maintaining the interest during the work period.
Factors/elements that influence the adult learning:-

• Preparing the learners: If the learners are well prepared for the adult learning then it will be
easy in conducting the adult learning.
•Climate setting: The environment and the physical set-up should be appropriate, so that it can
be done effectively.
•Mutual setting: Sometimes for particular learning topics help of other department is also
needed. So in that case it should be managed properly. For example, if the learning program is
decided to taught on projector and by use of other machines, instruments then there should be in
the collaboration br of the technicians.
•Identification of learning needs: As the aim of adult learning is to improve the knowledge in
that field in which learner is no efficient but need to be efficient, and learning program is
provided on any other topic which is of no use in one's profession. Then that learning is not
fulfilling the objectives of adult learning.
•Formation of learning objectives: Before the adult learning there should be setting of the
objectives so that effectiveness can be maintained.
•Learning plan design: Learning plan of teaching makes the teaching program fruitful, and
decreases the chance of time wastage.
•Learning plan execution: For every making learning plan execution is must, because it shows
that learning plan is appropriate or not. So that after implementing the plan there should be no
hindrance in learning and teaching process.
•Evaluation: Evaluation is done in for checking the effectiveness of the teaching-learning
program. So if it is not performed properly, then it is difficult to assess the extent of learning by

Programme planning:-
Nurses identify most closely with planning for client care, but the principles of planning apply to
a wide variety of situations various approaches maybe used in planning for continuing education.

•Establishing goals with the purpose or philosophy of the organization:- Purpose gives
direction in planning. It identifies the reason for existence. Purpose is based on the learning
needs and societal needs, so it has to be reviewed from time to time and estates as appropriate.
•The planning formula: It provides a framework for program planning:
--What is to be done?
Get a clear understanding of what your unit is expected to do in relation to the work assigned to
it? Break the unit's work into separate jobs in terms of the economical use of men, equipment,
space, materials and money you have at your disposal.
--What is it necessary?
- When breaking the units into separate jobs, think of the objectives of each job, this may suggest
alternate methods or the possibility of eliminating parts of jobs or whole jobs.
--How is it to be done?
In relation to each job, look for better ways of doing it in terms of the utilization of men
materials, equipments and money.
--Where is it to be done?
Study the flow of work and the availability of the materials, equipments and best suited men for
doing the job.
--When is it to be done?
Fit the job into a time table schedule that will permit the maximum utilization of men, materials,
equipment and money, and the completion of the job at the wanted time.

--Who should do the job?

Determine what skills are needed to do job? Successfully, select and train the man best fitted for
the job.
•Establish goals and objectives: Planning moves towards goals which are significant and
realistic, which can be attained. An objective is specific, it is a desired end or accomplishment to
be sought.

To assist the nurse in identifying and meeting current learning needs and those needs generated
by changing professional practice.

To encourage the nurse to identify and influence societal changes which have implications for
nursing and to modify practice accordingly.

To promote the development of leadership potential for nurse.

To identify nursing problems and in seeking solutions to them.

To develop varied teaching methods for extending nursing knowledge and competency.

To facilitate return to practice.

To assess the health needs of nurses, hospitals and community to plan, implement and Devaluate
educational programs in hospitals hotel and health facilities.

•Determining needs and priorities (the course of action required to meet the specific
Assessment of needs will be done by survey, through mailed questionnaire, interview formal and
informal discussions with participants (feedback) and checklist. After assessing the needs
prioritization of needs has to be done.

•Assess the available resources for establishing the program:

--Careful assessment of ways and means to meet the established program goals. Faculty, finances
and facilities maybe seen as the major resources required for a continuing nursing education

--A broad survey of the major resources are necessary to the total continuing education program
and a more detailed assessment for any specific course or activity.

• Plan the budget appropriate for the program: Separate budget is required for each specific
activity and each individual offering is expected activity and each individual offering as expected
to be self-supporting. Budget requires ascertain all the anticipated costs of the offering.

•Selection of resources: Resources are categorized as financial resources, human resources,

facilities, equipment and supplies.

Implementation of the Program:

The program must be implemented as per the set objectives and the resources available:
--Develop the agenda
--Prepare correspondence to guest speaker

-- Conduct the education program

Evaluation the program:-

Evaluation must be done at the end of the program to identify the successful implementation of
the program. This maybe done by using rating scale, interviews, attitude test, observation of
skills, questionnaire, pre and post-test and audio or video tapes.

Definition of evaluation:-
•Evaluation is the process of finding out how the development or training process has affected
the individual, team and the organization.

• Evaluation is a value judgment on an observation, performance test or indeed any data whether
directly measured or inferred.

Types of evaluation:-
 Formative evaluation: Evaluation that is used to modify of improve a professional
development program is called formative evaluation. Formative evaluation is done at
intervals during a professional development program. Participates are asked for feedback
and comments, which enable the staff developers to make mid course corrections and to
do fine turning to improve the quality of the program.

 Summative evaluation: Evaluation to determine the overall effectiveness of a professional

development program is called summative evaluation. Summative evaluation is done at
the conclusion of the program. It is collected at three levels: educator practices,
organizational changes, and student outcomes.

Levels of evaluation:-

 Reaction
 Learning
 Behavior and actions, and
 Results

•Reaction: Measure how those who participate in professional development activities react to
what has been presented? Although typically characterized as 'the happiness quotient'
participates need to have positive reaction to a professional development activity if information
is to be learned and behavior is to be changed.
•Learning: Measures the extent that professional development activities have improved
participants knowledge increased skills and changed their attitudes. Changes in instructional
behavior and actions cannot take place without these learning objectives being accomplished.
•Behavior: Measures that takes place when the participant completes a professional development
activity. It is important to understand, however, that instructors cannot change their behaviors
unless they have an opportunity to do so.
•Results: Measures the final results that occurred because an instructor participated in
professional development activities. Evaluating results represents the greatest challenge in
evaluating professional development approaches.

Evaluation Method:-

What to evaluate:-
Evaluation should cover_
Growth and satisfaction of participants
The outcome course and the whole program or activity
Effectiveness of faculty members
Transfer of knowledge
Effect on the system
Procedure for evaluation
Pretest and posttest
Attitude test
Observation of skill
Audio or video tapes
Evaluation design
Focus of evaluation- what do you want to find out
Devise the instrument-collection of information
Organize the information- coding, organizing, storing and retrieving
Analyze the information
Report the finding
Re-assessing the goal
Updating, modify the plan periodically based on needs
Evaluate the design for validity, reliability, credibility, timeliness and pervasiveness.

Reaserch in continuing education:-

Nurses who continue their education in the field enjoy marked professional advantages. Usually,
continuing nursing education means obtaining certification in certain nursing specialties.
Certification validates nurses' expertise and enables them to provide patients with more
comprehensive care.An increasing number of studies are evaluating the effects of continuing
nurse education on practice. Researchers investigating this relationship have traditionally
adopted qualitative non-experimental research designs.Recently, however, a small but significant
number of studies have adopted the classical experimental approach. This paper will consider the
significance of this shift in emphasis from both a epistemological and methodological viewpoint.
The relationship between research methods and the development of knowledge is explored by
comparing the research orientations of two evaluative studies investigating the same issue. This
comparison acts as a backdrop for the methodological critique of selected studies. The paper
asserts that while not without its challenges, the experiment can make a valuable contribution
when evaluating the causal relationship between continuing professional nurse education and

According to the "Journal of Nursing Education," nurses who diversify their professional skills
contribute directly to improved patient safety.
Continuing nursing education enables nurses to develop strong expertise levels for the benefit
of patients.

Barriers of Research In CNE:-

The problem of implementing valid research results in nursing practice is well known. Despite
an accumulating body of knowledge about the effectiveness of some nursing interventions, a gap
often exists between what is known and what is practised.

Continuing professional education has been promoted as one way to bridge the gap between
research and practice so that patients may benefit. Davis et al described continuing medical
as the longest educational phase in the career of a physician, and this probably applies to other
health professionals also. The term "continuing professional education", however, often conjures
up images of traditional lectures by "experts" in dark theatres. A more encompassing description
might be "any and all ways by which (health professionals) learn and change after formal
training is completed"

This editorial will summarise what is known about the effectiveness of continuing professional
education/behaviour change strategies, and make suggestions for choosing appropriate activities.

A taxonomy of interventions to improve practice has been developed by the Cochrane

Collaboration on Effective Professional Practice (CCEPP). This is an international group of
people interested in preparing and maintaining systematic reviews of the effectiveness of
interventions that influence professional practice. A complete description of CCEPP's scope and
methods can be found in the Cochrane Library.

Setting research into practice_

Getting research into practice is not as simple as choosing an intervention and hoping for the
best. Aside from the intervention itself, mediating factors include the characteristics of the
patient and the practitioner and the desired behaviour change. Getting practitioners to start doing
something new, such as routinely asking patients if they smoke, may require a different strategy
than that used to get practitioners to stop doing something they do frequently. Furthermore,
administrative or financial policies may exist within organisations and settings that act as
disincentives to improving the practice of individuals.

Interventions should ideally be tailored to an individual's stage of change, and should address
administrative barriers where appropriate. For example, health professionals might already be
aware of the need for cervical screening and may not require an educational intervention, but
they may need a prompt on the patient's chart. If, however, practitioners lack information,
awareness, or skills, then strategies such as educational workshops that involve a high degree of
interaction might be effective.

Planning for improving practice :-

As professionals, we need to develop systems of scrutinising our practice with a view to self
1. An initial needs assessment can be accomplished using strategies such as self reflection,
reading, and discussions with respected peers. However, two studies have shown less impact on
performance if clinicians choose their own topics for further learning, and more impact if lower
preference topics were studied. It may be that practitioners tend to choose topics in which they
have the greatest interest and are already quite knowledgeable.

2. The next step is to choose a learning activity, and there may often be a discrepancy between
the health professional's preference for a style of continuing education and what might be most
effective in actually improving practice. Tassone and Speechley found that Canadian
physiotherapists preferred short courses, while Covell et al reported that physicians preferred
reading. Yet, poorly designed courses and reading alone may have little impact on practice.

3. Reading materials can be useful if they are evidence-based. Secondary sources such as this
journal are ideal because they only present high quality research, and provide a commentary on
each abstract by a clinician. The Cochrane Library is another important evidence-based source of
information and should be available in medical and nursing libraries. Although short "courses"
are popular, practice is likely to improve if lectures are minimized and a high level of reflection
and interaction is encouraged.

Evaluation of behavioural change strategies

Several systematic reviews of a broad range of interventions to improve health professional
practice in general, and nursing practice specifically, have been conducted. Although most
reviews reported some improvement in practice, the importance of the change was not always
clear.One systematic review has focused specifically on the effectiveness of continuing nursing
education, and covered complex interventions as well as traditional activities such as lectures.
The author concluded that overall, continuing education was effective in improving practice,
although it was not possible to ascertain the importance of these changes from the published
review.Other reviews have focused on specific interventions such as audit and feedback,
educational outreach visiting, and computerized decision support or a specific targeted
behaviour, for example, immunization, or a particular practice setting (eg, primary care). A
recent "overview" of systematic reviews concluded that passive dissemination of information
alone (even information viewed as important) was insufficient to improve the practice of
physicians, although it may increase knowledge or create awareness. Behaviour change
strategies which have shown an impact on practice include, prompts on patient charts and
workshops that include interaction among participants.

Distance education in Nursing:-

Distance Education_
Distance education is a method of indirect instruction, life long education or continuing
education. It implies geographical and emotional separation of the teacher and the taught.
Distance education has opened the portal of universalisation of education, as education ha made
accessible to all respects of financial, social, psychological condition. It's primarily self learning
based on part time or whole time basis. He achieves goal by himself sitting at home or in study
centres with the help of printed material, visual aids and other media. It is cost effective.

According to Dohman, "Distance education is a systematically organized form of self study in
which student counselling the presentation of learning material and the seeing and supervising of
the student success is carried out by a team of teachers each of whom has responsibility.”

Nature of Distance Education_

1. In distance education, an institution teaches. The teacher prepares the learning materials from
which he himself may never teach. Another teacher may use the material and evaluate students
2. The goal of linking learning materials to learning is at his centre of the organizational
3. It gives new meaning to the concept of the independence of the adult learner.
4.Management skills are essential.
5. The constant processes of writing creatively for distance students, whether alone or in a course
team framework, poses problems to staff causing depersonalization.

Scope of Distance Education_Distance education is aimed at teaching, guiding and supporting

the students in all location through well designed lecture scripts supported by teachers, personal
contact programs, response sheet assignment and electronic media.

Distance education is based on the philosophy that, learner is the active and self directed agent
who makes choices, takes decisions, directs the process qualitatively and assumes responsibility
for all this. He is a self-monitor, self-evaluator, self-feed backer and self-improver. It is therefore
non-conventional and non-traditional teaching- learning programme, which focuses on self-

Aims and Objectives_

1. It aims not only in providing certificates and degrees but also helps in personal growth and
training for better job prospects, job enhancement and in-service education.
2. Brings changes in attitude and knowledge.
3. Provides flexibility of time to enable students to pace their studies.

4. Makes education socially more relevant.

5. Promotes habit of life long learning among teachers and thus establish a learning society of
6. To impart latest information and skills in the field of education.
7. Provides opportunities for self enrichment and professional upgrading.

Characteristics of Distance Education_

1. There is little face to face relationship between the teacher and the learner.
2. There is little oral instruction.
3. There is no fixed classroom or lecture room.
4. Learning is on individual basis.
5. It involves use of multi-media approach, postal coaching, and education through radio and
6. Learning is on part time basis.
7. it's now applied for teacher education programme.i.e., for in-service education of teachers.

Distance Education Technology_

Distance education is said to be a multimedia system. In distance education, counselling, radio
and television broadcast, audio video counselling computer based information and use of
developed communication technologies should supplement the print materials. As a substitute for
face to face classroom teaching, these technologies support media- mix services as termed as
student support services (SSS), which is the essential component of this system.

The first generation of technology in distance education started with using of mail able materials
and audio video cassettes.

Education through air (broadcasting and telecasting) was referred as second-generation aids.
Third generation was computer-based education usingsoftware packages, CD-ROM, multimedia,
and Internet.The beginning of fourth generation is two ways- audiovideo (video conferencing)
and virtual classrooms.

Development of Distance Education_

It is said that distance education started in 1840. Holmberg gives that the date when Issac Pitman
offered tuition by post in short hand to students in England. In 1856, Charles Tousaint and
Gustavo commenced language teaching by correspondence in Germany.Today a listing of
distance institution would embrace most countries of the world and all levels of education. The
first Open University was established in 1969 in U.K.In India, first Open University was started
in Andhra Pradesh (1982). Later, the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), one of
the biggest open universities in Asia, wasestablished in 1986 which offers now more than 39
courses to about 4 lakh students.With the establishment of 5 other open universities in the states
of Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh andGujarat, the system has got more
encouragement.At that movement the states of Karnataka, Tamilnadu,and Kerala are actively
considering the establishment of their own Universities. The term 'correspondence' was changed
to 'distance'.Presently IGNOU is offering post basic Nursing(3years),and post basic
certificate and diploma courses in various nursing specialities in collaboration with various INC
affiliated nursing institutions in india.

Pillars of Distance Education System_

The Pillars of distance education system are:
1. Study material known as lecture scripts.
2. Personal Contact Programmes.
3. Student assignment. 4. Electronic media.
5. Study center.
6. Personal guidance.

Role of Distance Education in Development of Nursing_

Distance education can provide opportunity to:-
1. Those nurses who are working in remote areas and have no facilities of higher education.
2. Those that is unable to join regular courses due to various reasons.
3. Those that are already working and cannot be relieved from their duties by their institutions
because of shortage of nurses and other reasons.
4. Those who feel that they cannot cope up with regular courses within specific time.


Mi Young Jho. J Contin Educ Nurs. Et al..


This study investigated nurses' perceptions and persisting challenges with continuing nursing

Data were collected from 17 nurses.
at least 2 years of work experience who had completed at least one continuing nursing education
program at three university hospitals in South Korea, Demographic questionnaire data were
collected and a prepared interview was used to lead focus group interaction. Phenomenological
content analysis was performed immediately following each interview.

Three main themes of continuingnursing education perceptions emerged: Feelings Toward
Completing Continuing Nursing Education (Burden And Ambivalence); Perceptions of
Completing Continuing Nursing Education Programs (Perceived Benefits and Problems); and
Continuing Nursing Education- Related Educational Needs (Relevance to Practice and
Reflection of Participants' Needs).

Conclusion: A regionally and institutionally expanded study was proposed to qualitatively assess
nurses' experiences on completion of continuing nursing education.

Continuing education for nurses helps them to be professionally competent, develop leadership
qualities and to adapt to the changes taking place in their immediate environment.Continuing
nursing education consists of systematic learning experiences designed to improve the
knowledge and skills of nurses.consisting of its principle,need,scope,functions,features,priorities
and resources.the continuing nursing education programme has its own planning implementation
and evaluation process.the component of continuing education are adult learning
programme,research in nursing and distance education.

Nursing education have expanded considerably post independence. University education in
nursing brought about changes in nursing education. The type of nurses required today is an "all
round personality". Education brings changes in behavior of the individual in a desirable manner.
It aims at all round development of an individual to become mature, self-sufficient, intellectually,
culturally refined.Democracy without education is is education and not freedom
that makes a nation great.thus role of continued education in nursing for the professionals play a
vital role interms of professional growth by means of development in scientific knowledge and

1.D.Elakkuvana Bhaskara raj, Nima Bhaskar.Text book of nursing educationsecond
edition.mahalakhshmipuram.Bangalore.EMMESS Medical no-311-323.
2.Jaspreet Kaur Sodhi.Comprehensive Text Book of Nursing education.First edition.New
Delhi.Jaypee Brothers medical publishers(p) no-316-328.
3.Basavanthapa BT.Nursing administration.1st Edition.Jaypee brothers Medical Publisher(p) no-516-518.

1. Nursing | The SAGE Encyclopedia of Economics and Society - Credo Reference". Retrieved 18 February 2022.
2.Freeman, Veronica. "The role of nurses in our society today". Retrieved 31
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