Áp dụng tập quán và thói quen giữa các bên theo Công ước Viên năm 1980

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AP DUNG TAP QUAN VA THO! QUEN GIUA CAc BEN THEO CONG UGC VIEN NAM 1980 Dinh Thi Tam! Tém tit: Trong quan hé hop déng ndi chung, hop ding theong mai quéc té ndi riéng, cdc bén bi ring bude bai tp quan ma ho da théa thudn va bdi cée théi quen da duoc xéc lap gitea ho. N6i cach Khéc, tép quan va thoi quen duoc coi la nguén ludt diéu chinh cdc quan hé d6.Bai viet phn lich hai cén cit dp dung tép quéin va théi quen gta céc bén tham gia hop déng mua ban hang héa quéc té theo Khodn 1 va Khodn 2 Diéu 9 CISG. Thc tién dp dung céc quy dinh nay thong qua viée nghién cttw thyc tién xét xit trong dé téa én, trong tai dua ra quan diém cia minh vé can cte dp dung tap quén, cing nlue céich thite xée dinh thét quen ciia céc bén dé tra nén cé gid tri ring bude. Tir khéa: Tap quén, théi quen gitea cdc bén, CISG. Nhdn bai: 10/11/2020; Hodn thanh bién tap: 10/12/2020; Duyét ding: 21/12/2020, Abstract: In contractual relation in general and commercial contract in particular, parties are bound by practices mutually agreed and habits established between them. In other words, practices and habits are considered as legal sources regulating those relations. The article analyzes two grounds to apply legal practices and habits between parties entering international sale contract under Clause 1 and Clause 2 Article 9 CISG, reality of applying these regulations by studying trials including courts, arbitrators giving their viewpoints on grounds to apply legal practices as well as approach to find habits of involved parties to. become binding. Keywords: Customs, practices between parties, CISG. Date of receipt: 10/11/2020; Date of revision: 10/12/2020; Date of approval: 21/12/2020. 1. Mot sé khdi nigm lién quan Tap quin li mot thuat ngtt c6 thé duge hiéw theo nhiéu céch tiép en khéc nhau, Theo Tir dién ‘iéng Viet, tp quan la: “thdi quen da thinh nép trong dai séng x hoi, trong sin xuat va sinh hot, ‘thuéng ngay, duge moi ngudi cong nbn va lam theo”. Tir dién Luat hoc dinh nghia tap quin la: “nbting quy tae xir su duge hinh thinh mét céch ‘ phat Iau ngay thanh théi quen trong dai song x3 hOi hode giao lim quéc té, dang tin tai vi dduge cée chit thé tira nbn nbu la quy tie xir sw chung”. Theo Khoan 1 Diéu 5 B6 lust dan su nam 2015: “Tap quan la quy tac xt sy c6 ndi dung r ring dé xa dink quyén, nghia vu ca e& nhan, ph4p nhan trong quan hé dan sy cy thé,

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