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FEB 2021
February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]


General Background......................................................................................................................................................3

Objectives ......................................................................................................................................................................3

Scope of Work ................................................................................................................................................................ 4

Service components .......................................................................................................................................................4

Materials and Methods ..................................................................................................................................................5

1- Study Site: ......................................................................................................................................................5

2- Methodology: .................................................................................................................................................5

2.1. Fixed vantage observation points:..............................................................................................................5

2.2. Observation techniques and routine ...........................................................................................................6

3- Survey points: ................................................................................................................................................7

3.1. Birds inside airport area: ............................................................................................................................7

3.2. Birds outside airport area:..........................................................................................................................8

4- Weather observations ....................................................................................................................................8

5- Timing and duration of vantage point monitoring activities..........................................................................8

6- Daily observation period ............................................................................................................................... 9

1- Data collection and analysis..........................................................................................................................9

The observation team.....................................................................................................................................................9

References.................................................................................................................................................................... 10

Independent Consultants | General Background 2

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]


Al-Jouf Domestic Airport, is an airport serving Sakakah (also known as Al-Jawf or Al-
Jouf), a city in Al Jawf Province, Saudi Arabia. It was Established in 1974. The nearest airport is
Gurayat Domestic Airport. The airport resides at an elevation of 2,261 feet (689 m) above mean
sea level. It has one runway designated 10/28 with an asphalt surface measuring 3,661 by 45
meters (12,011 ft × 148 ft).

Al-Jouf airport unique location at the heart of several important bird migration routes,
among them the Eastern Flyway connecting Eurasia and Africa. As migrating birds travel across
the region, south in the autumn and north again in the spring, they must cross challenging
environments such as deserts, steppes and open seas. Finding suitable habitats for resting and
refueling is critical for their survival.

Birds are a serious hazard to aviation. A bird or a flock of birds that suddenly rise from a
runway or surrounding areas may collide with a landing or departing aircraft and cause it to crash
and may cause human loss (Godin, 1994). Bird collision with aircraft is commonly known as.
''Bird Strike''. Collision with mammals while occurring much less frequently can also be serious
(Centre for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota, 2002). Damage to aircraft
results from a collision with the engine and/ or fuselage. Although most bird strikes do not result
in crashes, they do involve extensive structural and mechanical damage to aircraft. This makes
bird strike a serious economic problem.

On that background, extensive monitoring on migratory and resident birds will be

conducted following the International EIA guidelines. The monitoring aimed to collect baseline
data on migration trends, how dangerous aircraft is to migratory birds, and how to avoid such a


The study goals proposed in this document are to conduct follow-up seasonally extensive
monitoring of the Migratory Soaring Birds populations mainly (storks, pelicans and raptors
(“target species”)), roosting and local birds, which pass the Al-Jouf airport, Saudi Arabia. On that
basis, the potential impacts caused by the Aircraft can be identified and assessed and appropriate
mitigation measures minimizing impacts can be defined. Also, to modify mitigation measures, as
well as to judge whether the mitigation measures applied are working properly.

Independent Consultants | General Background 3

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]


The Scope of Work follows the International regulations and guidelines. As part of the full
EIA study requirements for this project, conducting an ecological study of the airport and its
vicinity. The study should determine which species of birds one involved, what attracts them,
abundance and peak use periods and special hazard zones. It should include control,
recommendations to reduce the frequency of bird occurrence at the airport.

• An assessment of whether these impacts can be mitigated or whether they require

restricting or eliminating Airport.
• Determine the necessary mitigation measures and environmental and social management
(ESM) requirements. And the
• Assessing the impacts of potential mitigation and environmentally sound management
measures regarding the overall feasibility of developing an airport.


The implementation of the consultancy service scope of work as follows:

1. Performing a comprehensive review of available historical data in the airport Area;

2. Evaluate the potential impact on migratory and residents’ birds using an approved and
accurate standard methodology, this includes the migratory paths across the entire project
area with a description of the main characteristics: species composition, variation in
numbers, flight altitude and flight directions;
3. Collection of all data required for any numerical Analysis;
4. Assessing all other relevant impacts of significance;
5. Preparing the full and comprehensive impact assessment report in light of all data collected
and anticipated impacts including the ones concluded from the modelling exercises;
6. Submitting the report and its revision by Client, carry and carrying out any additional work
as a result of comments received.

Independent Consultants | Scope of Work 4

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]


1- Study Site:

Al Jouf Airport is a domestic airport serving Sakakah, a city in Al Jawf Province, Saudi
Arabia. It was Established in 1974. The nearest airport is Gurayat Domestic Airport. The airport
resides at an elevation of 2,261 feet (689 m) above mean sea level. It has one runway designated
10/28 with an asphalt surface measuring 3,661 by 45 meters (12,011 ft × 148 ft).The airport began
a new expansion project on 21-Nov-2018 led by Saudi Arabia's General Authority of Civil
Aviation, with aims to accommodate one million passengers p/a when complete.

2- Methodology:

The proposed methodology herein follows the international guidelines approved by UNDP
and Birdlife. The standard methodology for bird census is being implemented using the Vantage
Point (VP) technique according to the Scottish Natural Heritage guidance (SNH 2010a), and in
accordance with the methodology described in Sutherland (1996) that has been broadly used in
ornithological assessments internationally. According to these guidelines’ preconstruction
monitoring within the Bird migration Path should be intensive in nature due to the critical
importance of the area for migratory soaring birds. The intensive approach was recommended to
include a one-year monitoring-program, which must be a combination of high-level radar-
surveillance and high-level standardized visual observations for the entire spring and autumn
migration seasons.


In order to adapt the standard methodology to what the study area requires of tight coverage
to monitor the movement of migratory birds through the study area, a field visit will make to the
study area to define differently the perfect scenarios to obtain adequate coverage for the area. The
study site would be monitored through four fixed vantage points. These will be utilized to conduct
stationary observations at the project sites. The proposed monitoring locations will be established
at a central location within the perimeter of each of the plots with a visual radius of roughly 2,5
km, which is a distance within which birds can be detected and identified with a good level of
confidence, and covers the whole area of airport (figure 1).

Independent Consultants | Materials and Methods 5

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]

Figure 1: Show the airport location in addition to the vantage points with its coverage.


The most appropriate scenario was chosen for monitoring techniques and routine: The
observations will be conducted during daylight hours on a daily basis for the entire duration of
each of the two migratory seasons, spring and autumn. Two teams of two qualified ornithologists
will conduct timed observations. Every VP is surveyed by one field observers comprised of senior
ornithologists. Hence, at least four observers will survey the area on a daily basis. Field
observations will take place basis on two shifts for 8-hour, one starting at around one hour after
sunrise and ending at noon and the other starting at noon and ending at around one hour before
sunset pm. Variations in the length of shift times could be made according to sunrise and sunset
times and other field conditions.

Observations will take place daily at each of the four vantage points within two shifts, two
vantage points in the morning and the other two points in the evening, which shows a seven-day
weekly cycle within which each site would be observed once in both morning and evening

Independent Consultants | Materials and Methods 6

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]

sessions. Thus, during the course of the spring and autumn study, each site would be monitored 7
times during either a morning or an evening session per week. The distribution and timing of
observation sessions are designed to maximize the spatial and temporal representation of the entire
study area.

Observers will make regular 360º scans of the sky with binoculars to detect any soaring
bird movements. Two sets of observations will be made: one of the birds flying within each project
site (2.5 km distance) and another of birds flying near and around the site (but not entering the
project site being monitored) to the maximum possible visible range (probably about 3-5 km
according to visibility and size of species, etc.). The detailed observations of birds entering the
project sites will be used to assess the predicted collision risk to birds within each project site and
the total volume entering the risk zone.

3- Survey points:

There are 4 potential survey points Covering all site ranges in addition to the buffer zone
area around our site. Observations of the wider context of the project site will be used in assessing
the total volume and pattern of migration in the area at large and the relative significance of the
study area to the migration in the region.

3.1. Birds inside airport area:

Birds detected entering this area are identified, counted, timed, their orientation and flight
altitude is documented on 15 second intervals during their passage in the airport area.

The following data will be collected when birds are observed inside the project site and its
buffer zone:

1) Time
2) Number of birds
3) Bird species
4) Direction of flight
5) Altitude at 15-second intervals during the bird passage in the project site.
6) Behavior (e.g. direct passage, resting, feeding, roosting, etc.)
7) Photographic documentation whenever possible

The observation point should be equipped with a cell phone with tow Mobil networks
(Orang and Vodaphone), which will be used to inform the team coordinator of any interesting
observation of soaring birds or difficulties faced during fieldwork. This will allow the field team
to have an enhanced capability to follow soaring and to achieve the best accuracy of data

Independent Consultants | Materials and Methods 7

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]


All visible birds detected in the vicinity of the project site from any direction will be
identified, counted, followed, and their flight direction, distance from project site and altitude
estimated. And also, birds that were first detected outside the project site area and then enter the
areas of concern will be documented on both forms and identified as such.

Data will be collected in Every quarter of an hour interval. The following data will be collected:

1) Number of birds
2) Bird species
3) Time
4) Direction of flight
5) Altitude (using visual estimate)
6) Behavior (e.g. direct passage, resting, feeding, roosting, etc.)
7) Distance from vantage point (using visual estimate)

Field sheets will capture this and other data, which will be entered into digital storage on a
daily basis. All observations will be documented in standard forms that are delivered to the team
leader at the end of each observation day. Observers will be equipped with a 10X40 binocular and
spotting scope.

4- Weather observations

Weather observations will be made at the start of each hour observation session, including the

1) Wind speed (using Anemometer or Zephyrus wind meter, android application,

in smart cell phones)
2) Wind direction (using compass)
3) Visibility being assigned to four categories: 1) < 5 km, 2) 5-10 km, 3) 10-15 km
and 4) > 15 km. using land scape and/or stationary ground marks)
4) Special weather conditions (sand storms etc.)

5- Timing and duration of vantage point monitoring activities

The spring study period will extend between 15 February and 15 May (90 days), and the
autumn study will extend between 15 August and 10 November (88 days) in order to cover the full
extent of both the autumn and spring migratory seasons. According to methodologies developed

Independent Consultants | Materials and Methods 8

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]

by Birdlife International, it is necessary to cover the whole migration seasons at the airport. This
is important to account for the possible seasonal variability in the migration pattern at the study

6- Daily observation period

Observations will begin monitored on a full daily basis, 7 days a week for all 4 vantage points. the
monitoring starts one hour after the sunrise to one hour before the sunset. Daily hours monitoring
per day (for each shift morning and evening) will be adjusted according to the length of daylight,
while providing an adequate sampling of the whole migration season, to cover as much of the day
as possible (migratory soaring birds only migrate during the day, with very few exceptions). This
study there will be no assessment of nocturnal migration and all focus will be given to diurnal

Frequency of monitoring

Monitoring will be carried on a daily basis throughout the designated season, including on

Accidental observations

Opportunistic observations outside the monitoring locations e.g. in route to the site or in areas
adjacent to the site can be valuable as well and will be documented as indicated above, noting
location with GPS.

1- Data collection and analysis

Data collected by the field teams will be entered into an appropriate digital format. GIS and
statistical packages will be used to describe and summaries bird migration patterns in the site and
assess risk levels to birds along the general approach adopted by other previous studies in the


It is proposed that two observation teams composed of 4 ornithologists each will carry out day-to-
day field observations. In total 2 field ornithologists will be needed at any one time during the
study period.

One senior ornithologist will coordinate the monitoring effort by the team members and ensure
that observation methods are applied properly and in accordance with agreed methodologies, and
will be responsible for collating data, reporting and data analysis.

Independent Consultants | The observation team 9

February 28, [The Migratory Birds Monitoring Technical Proposal for Al Jouf Airport, Saudi Arabia]

The team leader will be responsible for the daily management team members, coordinating their
allocation and movements when necessary (if rest or other activities are needed), and will be
responsible for managing data entry, quality of data to ensure uniformity of data.

Team composition

Observers: 4 ornithologists will be selected from the available pool of local experts.


Bing Zhao, Nuo Wang, Qiang Fu, Hua-Kun Yan, Nuan Wu (2019). Searching a site for a civil airport based on bird
ecological conservation: An expert-based selection (Dalian, China)

Al-Hasani, I. K. (2019a). Bird Migration Study for Ras Ghareb Wind Energy S.A.E BOO 262.5 MW Wind Farm at
Gulf of Suez. Draft report prepared by Green Plus for Regional Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy
Efficiency (RCREEE), on behalf of Ras Ghareb Wind Energy S.A.E (RGWE), Egypt.

JV Lahmeyer International GmbH & ECODA Environmental Consultants GbR (2017). Strategic and Cumulative
Environmental and Social Assessment Active Turbine Management Program (ATMP) for Wind Power
Projects in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt.

Scottish Natural Heritage (2010a). Survey methods for use in assessing the impacts of onshore wind farms on bird
communities (revised December 2010).

UNDP / Birdlife / EEAA / NCE (2013). Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines and Monitoring Protocols for
Wind Energy Development Projects along the Rift Valley/Red Sea Flyway. Migratory Soaring Birds Project

Independent Consultants | References 10

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