Material Issue

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Material term- black streaking

Black streaking issue (high possibility caused by poor material quality):

1. The streak only can be seen after clear anodizing. Black streaks along the part, especially on extruded part, are results of
impurities embedded in the aluminium. For example, the streaks run in the same direction as the extruding can clearly show
that. (Hence we need to check with supplier on their extrusion direction)
2. Another possibility can be due to presence of copper and zinc in the raw material.Normally 6061 and 7075 materials behave
like this and only can be seen after anodizing.
Solution possibly be supplier clean their equipment to prevent dirt or oil becoming embedded in the wire during extrusion.

KWPE Plan:
1. Conduct SEM test on the material block before and after anodizing to prove that the streaking occurs due to poor material
quality (based on actual studies conducted on aluminium testing and the exact parameter).
Sample prepared with no visible
streaking on aluminium block without

Sample prepared with visible streaking

on aluminium block with anodize

1. The SEM micrographs can show us the difference of grain size or the distribution of scalloped regions to be different
between the areas without streaking and with streaking. The grain size on the streaking is expected to be smaller and
weaker structure. Hence it can be proven that the material extrusion process is not ideal for anodizing process.
Plan B : EBSD Mapping (colored orientations).

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