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Computer Awareness MCQs and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI, SBI
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Computer Awareness Questions and Quiz for Banking, IBPS, RRB, RBI,
SBI, NABARD examinations of 2020-2021. Computer Awareness MCQs
for Competitive Exams. GKToday Computer Awareness for IBPS PO,
IBPS Clerk, Bank PO, Bank Clerk and other entrance / competitive
11. Which among the following is not a security / privacy risk?
[A] Spam
[B] Virus
[C] Hacking
[D] Phishing
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Correct Answer: A [Spam]

Spam is any kind of unwanted, unsolicited digital communications. They
are sent in bulk. The Spam today is becoming a serious threat.

12. As a person working in internet banking environment, why you should be

aware of the “Dictionary attack”?
[A] It is used to inject worms or viruses in the system
[B] It is used to determine a password
[C] It is used to access customer’s account by determining other details
[D] It is used for stealing info from the Credit Card
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Correct Answer: B [It is used to determine a password ]

A dictionary attack is a method of breaking into a password-protected
computer or server. It is done by systematically entering every word in a
dictionary as a password. A dictionary attack is used as an attempt to
decrypt a message or document.
13. What do we call a storage device where the access time is effectively
independent of the location of the data?
[A] Direct Access Storage Device
[B] Secondary Storage Device
[C] Primary Storage Device
[D] Gateway Device
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Correct Answer: A [Direct Access Storage Device ]

A direct-access storage device is a secondary storage device. It is the
place where “each physical record has a discrete location and a unique
address”. IBM coined the term DASD as a shorthand describing hard disk
drives, magnetic drums, and data cells.

14. “Internet escrow ” is a term most commonly related to which of the

[A] E-commerce
[B] Software Development
[C] Privacy Security
[D] Database Management
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15. Which of the following comprise the software components of a

[A] Programs
[B] Keyboard
[D] Memory
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16. Which of the following was considered as the world’s first fully automatic
digital computer?
[A] Z2
[B] Z1
[C] Z3
[D] None of the above
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Correct Answer: C [Z3]

Konrad Zuse made the Z3, which was the first fully automatic digital and
electromechanical programmable computer. It was built with 2000 relays.
17. Which of the following is a common property of a computer program?
[A] Terms of Reference
[B] Reference files
[C] Locality of Reference
[D] Line of Reference
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Correct Answer: C [Locality of Reference]

A highly common property of a computer program is the locality of
reference. This basically refers to accessing of the same values repeatedly
and frequently holding these in registers for improvement of performance.

18. Which of the following are related to finding information from the RAM?
[A] Memory Buffer Register
[B] Memory Data Register
[C] Memory Address Register
[D] All of the above
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Correct Answer: D [All of the above]

All three i.e. Memory Buffer Register, Memory Data Register and Memory
Address Register represent a collection of storage registers which are
located on separate chips from CPU. They all fetch information from
19. Which of the following is a single integrated circuit on which a CPUs are
typically constructed?
[A] Microprocessor
[B] Memory
[C] Motherboard
[D] Hard Disk
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Correct Answer: A [Microprocessor]

CPUs are typically constructed on a single integrated circuit known as the

20. Which of the following is / are operating systems?

[A] Windows
[C] Linux
[D] All of the above
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