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Top story (Page 05)


Markets (Page 10)

A new project in Portugal (Page 15)

On site machining (Page 21)

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 1 04.05.2012 14:21:12 Uhr


Key Figures 2011

Again a new record in all figures:

Order Intake: 2,096.2 mio. EUR
Order Backlog Dec. 31:
3,671.4 mio. EUR
Sales: 1,772.9 mio. EUR Scotland
Employees as of Dec. 31: 7,285 1,000 kW in the waters of the Europe-
an Marine Energy Centre, Scotland.
In December 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO Operation of the pilot plant is stable,
Hammerfest successfully installed and the first power was supplied to
Egypt its self-developed HS1000 tidal the grid already at the beginning of
current turbine with a capacity of February this year.

Norway, UK
and the Spanish utility company
Iberdrola. The company will operate
International technology Group under the name of ANDRITZ HYDRO
ANDRITZ increased its stake in H a m m e r f e s t i n t h e f u t u re a n d i s
Hammerfest Strøm AS from 33.3% a world market leader in technolo-
t o 5 5 . 4 % . T h e o t h e r m a j o r s h a re gies for energy generation from
ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a holders are the local Norwegian tidal currents occurring in coastal
contract from the Egyptian Ministries utility company Hammerfest Energi waters.
of Energy and Water Resources for the
supply and installation of four Bulb
turbines, generators, and the electrical
and hydromechanical equipment for
Costa Rica Russia
the rebuild of the Assiut barrage, the
oldest dam in the Egyptian section of ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded a
the River Nile. contract by the Institute of Electricity
of Costa Rica for the supply and
supervision of the installation of four
Francis turbines, generators, and the
Brasil electrical and mechanical equipment
for the hydroelectric power project
At the end of 2011, AND ANDRITZ HYDRO Reventazón, the largest hydropower
Brazil was contracted by the clients plant ever built in the country.
AES and Votorantim to modernize
t h e t u r b i n e s o f t h e h y d ro e l e c t r i c RusHydro International has signed a
power plant Nova Avanhandava Memorandum of Understanding with
and Alecrim. Early in 2012, ANDRITZ ANDRITZ HYDRO for cooperation on
HYDRO Inepar do Brasil, was se- international projects. Both compa-
lected to refurbish the hydroelectric nies have agreed to commonly devel-
power plant Limoeiro (belonging also op and execute hydropower plants in
to the client AES) and Cachoeira different regions of the world. A first
Dourada, Matucana and Huinco (be- focus will be laid on Latin America
longing to the client Endesa). and Africa.

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 2 04.05.2012 14:21:15 Uhr

Contents HYDRONEWS 03



14 20 33
02 LATEST NEWS 18 Tala, Bhutan
19 Degerforsen, Sweden
04 INTRODUCTION 20 San Carlos, Colombia The 4-stage reversible pump turbine
Tierfehd (Switzerland) with its start-up

05 Favourable winds 21 MMC10

for pumped storage
MARKETS 22 Feldsee, Austria
08 Çetin, Boyabat, Turkey 23 Pirrís, Costa Rica
10 Ten years in Colombia 24 Tsankov Kamak, Bulgaria
12 Bassi, India 25 Kraftwerke Hinterrhein,
14 Success in Italy Switzerland
26 Karebbe, Indonesia F O T O
15 Foz Tua, Portugal 27 HIGHLIGHTS
16 Belo Monte, Brazil

Publisher: ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH, A-1141 Vienna, Penzinger Strasse 76, Austria, Phone: +43 (1) 89100
Responsible for the contents: Alexander Schwab Editorial team: Christian Dubois, Clemens Mann, Jens Päutz, Edwin Walch, Kurt Wolfartsberger
Copyright: © ANDRITZ HYDRO GmbH 2012, All rights reserved Graphic design: Layout / production: A3 Werbeservice
Circulation: 22,450 • Printed in German, English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian language

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 3 04.05.2012 14:21:27 Uhr

02 HYDRONEWS Introduction
New projects

Dear business friends

the world can demonstrate signifi cant

he growth of the global hydro- by the new plants in Brazil as well as a
power market continued un- successes. One of the most active huge number of smaller hydropower
abated in 2011. This positive European markets for new pumped plants such as those in Panama.
development is clearly reflected storage plants is Portugal. ANDRITZ
in ANDRITZ HYDRO’s figures. HYDRO has been very successful in However, there were further high-
this market for many years. At the lights in 2011. After several years of
The status of hydropower in society moment, the new contract for the c o n s t r u c t i o n , t h e w o r l d ’s l a r g e s t
has changed significantly in recent Foz Tua pumped storage power plant tidal power plant Sihwa (10 x 26 MW
years. The increasing cost of fossil re p re s e n t s t h e c u l m i n a t i o n o f o u r Bulb turbines) in Korea, was officially
fuels worldwide, rising greenhouse gas work and is also the fourth major order opened for operation with a ceremony
emissions and the tragic accident in within four years. h e a d e d b y t h e K o re a n p re s i d e n t .
Fukushima, Japan have considerably Based on the flexible mechanisms of
accelerated the ongoing reevaluation ANDRITZ HYDRO has been operating the Kyoto Protocol, an Austrian pilot
of sustainable and renewable power successfully in Turkey for many years, project, the Tsankov Kamak hydro-
generation. a s d e m o n s t r a t e d b y l a r g e o rd e r s power plant, was inaugurated in
such as Çetin (total 500 MW), Tartar Bulgaria. A further special highlight
Hydropower is already a stable and reli- (133 MW) and Pembelik (132 MW) and was the commissioning of the next
able factor in the global energy market. orders for seven small hydropower generation of tidal current turbines,
The continuously rising peak power de- plants. HS 1000, by the Norwegian company
mand, network overloads and the ex- Hammerfest Strøm in which ANDRITZ
pansion of power generation from wind At the same time, a large number of HYDRO has held a 55.4 % share since
and solar energy necessitate continu- projects will be completed or success- 2010.
ous extensions of hydropower as an fully handed over to the customer, such
applicable short-term power reserve. as the Hacininoglu and Alkumru hydro- Due to the continuous development of
power plants. our technologies and the confidence
Also in the past year, more than 6,000 which our customers kindly placed in
highly qualified and motivated employ- For years, the markets in Central and us, we are also well prepared for future
ees have formed the basis for further South America have also demonstrat- challenges.
positive development. All divisions of ed an increasing demand for hydro-
ANDRITZ HYDRO as well as regions of power plants, impressively illustrated With sincere thanks

M. Komböck W. Semper H. Heber

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 4 04.05.2012 14:21:52 Uhr

Top story HYDRONEWS 05

winds for
pumped storage
On the other hand, days with strong

any countries in the world
have announced plans to winds and low demand will lead to
significantly increase elec- oversupply. Several technologies are
tricity generation from fluctuating likely to contribute to meet these future
sources like wind and photovolta- storage requirements. Currently, com-
ics. This development will lead to a pressed air energy storage (CAES),
signifi cant storage requirement for e-car battery clusters and electrolys-
electrical energy. ANDRITZ HYDRO is producing hydrogen are potential
supplies conventional pumped stor- contenders in addition to conventional
age plants and innovative decen- pumped storage. Due to the advan-
tralized solutions using variable tages in capacity, efficiency and overall
speed electrical machines, both of storage cost, large scale pumped stor-
which will play important roles in age will remain the most important
meeting future storage demands. storage technology. However, it can
hardly cover the expected demand
All electrical grids with a significant alone. Since other more expensive and
share of generation from volatile sourc- less matur e technologies will have to
es will be faced with storage problems. help in addressing the need for storage,
Germany, for example, aims 25% of pumped storage systems will be both, a
generation from renewables by 2020, technical necessity and an attractive
meaning that around 150 TWh is ex- investment in years to come.
pected to come from fluctuating sourc-
es. A large share of non-dispatchable Long history of pumped storage
and highly intermittent generation will technology
lead to a need for significant storage As early as 1890, the town of Zurich,
capacity, which will also have to cope Switzerland connected the local river to
with frequent high and fast load chang- a nearby lake with a small pumped stor-
es. By 2050, Germany will need over age plant. In delivering this unit, Escher
100 times the storage volume of 2008 Wyss, now part of ANDRITZ HYDRO,
in order to be able to bridge a 10-day arguably supplied the world’s first stor-
period of low wind. age pump. The company has continued
to provide groundbreaking pumped
▼ Pump turbine Lang Yashan CAD model
storage technology: the storage pumps ▲ Pump turbine and generator of Hintermuhr, Austria

of Provvidenza (Italy, 1949) as well as ▼ Pumped storage Lang Yashan in China.

Limberg (Austria, 1954) were the world’s View of upper reservoir intake tower
largest, at the time of order, and Ger-
many’s largest pump storage plant in
Goldisthal - the first variable speed
pump storage plant outside Japan -
commissioned in 2003 operates with
electrical equipment from ANDRITZ

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 5 04.05.2012 14:21:59 Uhr

06 HYDRONEWS Top story
Project Head Power Runner Speed Country
[m] [MW] diameter [rpm]
Tierfehd (Nestil) 1,066 142 2,263 600 Switzerland
Research at highest level Feldsee 548 73 1,919 1,000 Austria
Today, based on this long tradition, Hintermuhr 518 74 1,870 1,000 Austria
ANDRITZ HYDRO provides a pump Yixing 420 262 4,394 375 China
Goldisthal 338 325 4,593 333.33 / Germany
turbine technology adapted to the
specifi c requirements of each project. Vianden M11 295 200 4,286 333.33 Luxemburg
As a fullscale supplier of all electrical Tongbai 289 306 4,802 300 China
and mechanical components of pump- Lang Yashan 153 166 4,700 230.77 China
Zarnowiec 128 188 6,008 166.67 Poland
ed storage plants, the company designs Baixo Sabor Montante 100 77 4,112 214.29 Portugal
individually developed hydraulic ma- Foz Tua 99 125 4,837 187.5 Portugal
chines, e.g. for the upgrading of reha- Baixo Sabor Jusante 35 18 3,948 150 Portugal

▲ Recent pump turbine projects delivered or under development

Streamline 1

bilitation projects, or integrated systems research project contribute to minimiz-

including pump turbines and generators ing these effects and to ensuring proper
as well as all equipment necessary for synchronization. CFD also plays an im-
automation and control. In response to portant role in the design of non-stan-
the growing importance of pumped stor- dard components, verifying and supple-
age, ANDRITZ HYDRO has established a menting test rig measurements. For the
[ms^-1] Center of Competence for pump tur- Baixo Sabor power plant in Portugal
▲ Pump turbine Vianden M11: streamlines at rated
bines in Zurich, Switzerland, which coor- ANDRITZ HYDRO optimized two pump
operation (pump mode) dinates global R&D activities.

velocity Flow calculations using unsteady com-

© edp
wicket gate putational fluid dynamics (CFD) as well
as model measurements taken from
one of the company’s three pump tur-
low draft tube bine test rigs are essential for the de-
velopment of a modern pump turbine
technology prepared to fulfill chang-
ing requests. Today’s grid regulation
requires fast and frequent changes
▲ Pump turbine Vianden M11: streamlines in the between pumping and generating
draft tube in turbine operation
modes as well as extended operation ▲ Artist’s impression of the power stations
Baixo Sabor Montante...
in off-design conditions. Understanding
unsteady phenomena is crucial in
developing pump turbines that can be
© edp
operated with as few restrictions as

Two main features of unstable behav-

iour in pump turbines are known. One
shows in pump operation as a drop-in
head as the flow is reduced (saddle
▲ Model of the pump turbine Vianden M11 on the
type pump instability of head curve).
test rig The other sometimes occurs in gen- ▲ ...and Baixo Sabor Jusante, Portugal

erating mode at low load off-design

▼ Aerial view of upper reservoir of Vianden in Luxembourg
operation close to runaway conditions
(S-shape of the turbine characteristic)
and may impede synchronization in tur-
bine operation. Detailed investigations
in cooperation with a Swiss university
have increased the knowledge of this
phenomenon. Unsteady CFD simula-
tions in the very low load operating
range of the pump turbine revealed a
▲ Baixo Sabor pump turbine runner during
rotating flow separation between runner fabrication in the workshop
and wicket gates. The results of this

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 6 04.05.2012 14:22:33 Uhr

Top story HYDRONEWS 07

turbines in the higher specific speed

range, one of which is equipped with
ring gates as shut-off devices. A CFD
analysis combined with model measure-
ments made it possible to evaluate both
the forces acting on the ring gates and
the flow in the ring gate area.

During the development of pump tur-

bines, ANDRITZ HYDRO puts special
focus on the aspects of hydraulic tran-
sients which lead to unsteady behaviour
of the flow in the pump turbine. This ro-
tor-stator interaction must be investi-
gated hydraulically and the design of
the components must consider the
dynamic effects on the mechanical be-
haviour of the units. ANDRITZ HYDRO
has fully examined the new pump tur-
bine for the Vianden M11 pump storage ▲ CFD-calculated flow around the ring gate of Baixo Sabor Montante at 50%, 20%, 5% and 1% opening

plant (Luxemburg) using unsteady flow

analysis and dynamic stress calcula-
tions in order to ensure safe and reliable specific challenges of balancing wind Furthermore, this new concept allows
operation in all required load ranges. power, ANDRITZ HYDRO has devel- increasing renewable energy generation
oped an innovative concept tailored to without needing substantial increase in
Innovative concepts future requirements. Small, decentral- the capacity of transmission lines be-
In a grid with a high share of installed ized pump storage plants consisting of tween classical pumped storage plants
wind power, the power produced will standardized pump turbines equipped in high mountains and wind farms and
temporarily exceed current demand, with a variable speed synchronous solar plants in the low lands.
meaning that power has to be extracted generator will be able to provide flexible
in or der to stabilize the grid frequency. local power storage adapted to opera- Compared with other storage tech-
The pumping operation of pumped stor- tion close to larger wind or solar instal- nologies used to supplement conven-
age plants can fulfill this need, but con- lations. With installed power lower than tional pumped storage, such as CAES,
ventional fixed-speed pump units can- conventional pumped storage plants – b a t t e r i e s a n d h y d ro g e n , t h i s n e w
not change their pump input power. a typical unit output will be between ANDRITZ HYDRO concept provides
To follow wind energy’s unpredictable 10 and 25 MW – two to five such units electricity storage which is reliable, in-
load changes, the absorbed power -, will be able to balance a 50 MW wind novative and more economical than
that is, - the pump input power - should farm. its competitors.
be varied continuously. Until recently
this was only possible with large vari- Using a full sized electrical speed con- Manfred Sallaberger
able speed units (double-fed asyn- verter, the pump input power can be Phone: +41 (44) 278 2772
chronous motor-generators), which are varied continuously over a wide range,
rather expensive. Considering the and is then able to follow the load ▼ View of upper and lower reservoir of the Kaprun
changes of the wind farm. The possible pumped storage power plant in Austria
head variation of the hydraulic unit is
large, and the efficiency characteristic in
pump and turbine mode is very flat over
a wide operating range.

With these new standardized pump

storage units, the use of wind power
can be increased in regions where grid
stability would not allow a higher per-
centage of wind power. The combina-
tion of wind farms with local energy
storage allows the local utility to gener-
▲ Goldisthal, Germany, underground machine
ate a much more constant and predict-
cavern able amount of electricity.

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 7 04.05.2012 14:22:40 Uhr

08 HYDRONEWS Markets

Number one market for ANDRITZ HYDRO

▲ After Cetin contract signing

ful tenders were forced back down,

urkey is a fast-developing of hydro power plants in the neigh-
country and, consequently, its when credit lines could not be obtained. boring country of Georgia. Turkey has
energy supply must be in- The state may now try to find a new been a major key market for ANDRITZ
creased ahead of this rapid devel- privatizationmodel for distribution. The HYDRO over decades. It has been and
opment. Turkey has the highest in- Hamitabat gas-fired thermal power remains the key supplier of hydrome-
crease in energy demand among plant tender did not go ahead, as there chanical and electromechanical equip-
the OECD countries, and the second were not enough interested companies ment to Turkish hydropower plants.
worldwide after China. Already in to bid. Turkey’s first nuclear power plant Of the 17,000 MW of installed hydro
2011, direct energy investments will be built in Akkuyu Mersin by the capacity in Turkey, ANDRITZ HYDRO
were over 3.5 billion USD. Russian state company Atomstroyex- has supplied 245 turbine units totalling
port with four blocks having 4,800 MW 13,662 MW (80%); 99 generators
The table below compares electricity in total. Engineering work has already totalling 5,686 MVA (33%); 34,000 tons
figures from 2010 and 2011. As can be commenced. Civil works are expected of penstocks and gates for 53 units.
seen, the state still has a 47% share of to start in 2013. Commissioning of the ANDRITZ HYDRO Ltd. Sti., a fully
the total electricity supply. This is still first block is scheduled in 2019. owned company of ANDRITZ HYDRO
an important factor in determination of in Turkey, was established in 1991. In
free market prices. The Turkish electric- Since 2006, the wind and hydro mar- late 2007 and early 2008, the first
ity market is in a transition period. In kets are virtually privatized with the new localization concepts were developed
2012, is the country plans to privatize investments, except four to five special and implemented. These are mainly
18 thermal and 28 hydropower plants. It projects of about 1,100 MW which will based on local manufacturing of
is expected that by the end of this de- be built by DSI (the State Hydraulic mechanical welded components for
cade Turkey will have a fully liberated Works). It is expected that 20,000 MW Large and Compact hydro projects.
market. However, the privatization of of hydro power and 15,000 MW of wind From 1 January 2009, ANDRITZ HYDRO
the nations distribution and generation power will be developed by the private Ltd. Sti. became a fully consolidated
facilities did not particularely well in sector in the coming years, although “A”-daughter company of ANDRITZ
2011. The distribution tenders were not the license applications reveal much Group to meet rising local market de-
completed, as the companies who were higher levels. Turkish investors are also mand.
invited to sign contracts after success- very much involved in the development
Presence and strength of local ANDRITZ
HYDRO set-up:
2010 2011 Increase ■ Fabrication of turbine and generator
MW % MW % %
mechanical welded components for
Total installed capacity 49,524 100 53,050 100 7.1
Thermal total 32,373 65.5 34,163 64 5.5 Large and Compact units
Renewable total 17,151 34.5 18,887 36 10.1 ■ Local sourcing and contracting for
HYDRO 15,831 92 1) 17,081 90 1) 7.9
Wind 1,320 8 1) 1,692 9 1) 28.2 electrical power systems for Large
Geothermal 114 1 1)
Hydro plants (full system range, sys-
Electricity supply 211 228 8.1
Private sector electricity 50% 53%

% of Renewable total

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 8 04.05.2012 14:22:45 Uhr

Markets HYDRONEWS 09

tem engineering remains in COC‘s) between the upstream Pervari and the
■ Turnkey electrical power systems and downstream Alkumru power plants and
Automation systems for Compact consists of two plants. Çetin Main will
hydropower plants including design have a 145 m high asphalt-concrete
and system engineering core rockfi ll dam, a spillway with four
■ Installation and erection supervision radial gates and a power house which
of Large and Compact hydropower will be equipped with three Francis ma-
plants (mechanical and electrical). chines having a total capacity of ap-
Based upon this strong local presence proximately 405 MW. Çetin Lower has a
and setup with key-component 40 m high concrete dam with a gated
supplies from the mother company, spillway, integrated intake and a power-
A N D R I T Z H Y D R O h a s p ro v e d i t s house which will feature two Kaplan ▲ View of dam site during construction at Boyabat

competiveness following the award machines totalling approximmately

of the Çetin and Boyabat projects. 112 MW. In addition, each plant has
a small hydropower unit for handling
Wolfgang Hofmann the minimum water flow required for
Phone: +43 (1) 89100 3872 ecological purposes. The scope of ANDRITZ HYDRO covers all of the
electromechanical equipment includ-
Çetin ing turbines, generators, electrical
ANDRITZ HYDRO has received an order power system, transformers, 380 kV
from ÇETIN ENERJI A.Ş. a subsidiary of switchyard and control systems. Both
Norway’s state-owned electricity utility power plants are scheduled to start ▲ Stayring and spiral case during installation in Boyabat

Statkraft, to supply the electrome- operation in 2015. This order marks

chanical equipment for the Çetin hydro- another success on the Botan river,
power plant in Turkey. The project will where ANDRITZ HYDRO commissioned cable head yard, a tie-transmission line
be Statkraft’s largest hydropower plant the Alkumru hydropower plant, ahead and a 380 kV switchyard to connect the
outside Norway, with an installed ca- of schedule in 2011. power plant to the grid. The project is
pacity of 517 MW. Çetin will have an being executed by ANDRITZ HYDRO
average annual production of 1.4 TWh, Michael Haslinger in Austria together with its subsidiary
enough to supply electricity to 460,000 Phone: +43 (732) 6986 2722 located in Ankara, which provides sup-
Turkish households. The project is port for the electrical power systems
planned to be constructed on the river as well as all on-site installation activi-
Botan, a major tributary to the Tigris, Boyabat ties. The installation of the E&M pack-
within the borders of Siirt Province in In March 2010, Doğuş Inşaat ve Ticaret age started in cooperation with Doğuş
the southeastern region of Anatolia. A.Ş. signed a contract with ANDRITZ civil site activities in the summer of
The Çetin hydropower plant is situated HYDRO for the supply of an electro- 2011. In February 2012, the commis-
mechanical package at the new Boyabat sioning of the first systems will start.
hydropower plant in Turkey. This plant The commercial operation of the first
is located on the Kızılırmak river in the unit is planned for the summer of 2012,
Output: 3 x 135 MW / 169 MVA
north of the Sinop province, close to the only 27 months after ANDRITZ HYDRO
Voltage: 13.8 kV
Black Sea. It is owned and will be was awarded this contract. Underlying,
Head: 130 m
operated by Boyabat Elektrik Üretim a g a i n , A N D R I T Z H Y D R O ’s l e a d i n g
Speed: 200 rpm
ve Ticaret A.Ş. The plant features a position in the booming Turkish hydro-
Runner diameter: 3,440 mm
concrete gravity dam with a height of power market.
Stator diameter: 9,000 mm 195 m; a 6,000 ha reservoir area; an
One Compact Francis “Ecoflow”: installed capacity of 528 MW; and Wolfgang Köck
Output: 12.26 MW the expected electricity generation is Phone: +43 (3172) 606 3218
1.5 billion kWh per year. The project will
have the highest installed capacity
Output: 2 x 56 MW / 69 MVA
among private sector investments in
Voltage: 13.8 kV TECHNICAL DATA Boyabat
Turkey. The scope of ANDRITZ HYDRO’s
Head: 36 m Output: 3 x 176 MW / 204.78 MVA
contract covers the complete electro-
Speed: 166.67 rpm Voltage: 14.4 kV
mechanical “water-to-wire“ package
Runner diameter: 4,550 mm Head: 125.5 m
including three Francis turbines, gen-
Stator diameter: 8,400 mm erators, transformers, main inlet valves, Speed: 187.5 rpm
One Compact Francis “Ecoflow”: the entire electrical equipment and all Runner diameter: 3,850 mm
Output: 5.05 MW auxiliary systems as well as a 380 kV Stator diameter: 9,930 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 9 04.05.2012 14:22:47 Uhr

10 HYDRONEWS Markets

Ten years
in Colombia
▲ Dam and upper reservoir of Bajo Anchicaya power plant

Hydro and Service & Rehab, giving x 7.5 MW) by AGUAS DE LA CABAÑA;

was founded in Bogotá, continuous technical and commercial Amaime (2 FH x 10 MW), Alto Tulua
Colombia in September support and playing a key role in the (2 FH x 10 MW), Bajo Tulua (2 FH x
2001. Historically it follows over development of new projects. Through- 10 MW) and Cucuana (2 PHD x 28
50 years experience in the Colom- out these years, high stand- MW) owned by EPSA E.S.P., Montañi-
bian hydroelectric market, start- ards in terms of products, services tas (2 PV 13 MW) by COLINVER-
ing under recognized names such and highly qualified staff have led SIONES; Caruquia (1 FH x 10 MW),
as SULZER HYDRO and VA TECH the Company to trade with the most Guanaquitas (1 FH x 10 MW) owned
HYDRO. Over time, the company important companies in Colombia’s by HMV and in the last months Provi-
represented for the ESCHER electricity sector such as ISAGEN, dencia I (1 PH 1.8 MW) and Provi-
VOEST brands. Totally more than CHIVOR, amongst others. Concerning 10 MW) by HMV.
50% of the total hydro capacity Service & Rehab projects, ANDRITZ
installed in Colombia uses equip- HYDRO has participated in the mod- S u p p l y f o r C o m p a c t H y d ro p l a n t s
ment supplied by ANDRITZ HYDRO. er nization of the main and largest consists of Automation and governing
hydropower plants in Colombia. equipment and electrical power sys-
Starting with seven people in 2001, tems. In support, the main, turbine
ANDRITZ HYDRO Ltda. today has Amongst these projects are San Carlos and generators are supplied by
more than 50 employees. Since then, of ISAGEN (8 PV x 155 MW) with new ANDRITZ HYDRO sister companies
the product portfolio and services Pelton runners and turbine governors; in France and Spain. Importantly
have grown to keep pace with the de- CHEC’s La Insula and San Francisco ANDRITZ HYDRO Ltda. does not only
velopment of the market. Today it in- (3 FV x 53 MW), with new Francis run- provide support for projects in Colom-
cludes the design and supply of control ners and turbine governors respective- bia, but also for projects in Peru and
and electrical equipment for new and ly; AES’ Chivor (8 PV x 125 MW) with Ecuador such as San Carlos and
existing plants, repair of Pelton and excitation systems and turbine gover- Carhuaquero IV. Colombia’s confidence
Francis runners (in the workshop and nors; and EMGESA’s Guavio (5 PV x in ANDRITZ HYDRO Ltda. was demon-
on-site), installation supervision for tur- 230 MW) with turbine governors. strated by winning the largest units to
bines and generators, and sometimes During the past five years the Compact be supplied for the Sogamoso hydro
even for the entire installation. Impor- Hydro division has won most of the power plant. ISAGEN S.A’s ambitious
tantly the Company is involved in three important projects such as AGUAS project will feature cylindrical valves,
businessareas: Large Hydro, Compact DE LA CABAÑA’s Agua Fresca (1 PV three turbines (3 FV x 279 MW), gover-

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 10 04.05.2012 14:22:50 Uhr

Markets HYDRONEWS 11

nors and control equipment. In addition La Ínsula, Esmeralda

ANDRITZ HYDRO Ltda. is also respon-
sible for the draft tube production for At the beginning of 2011, ANDRITZ planned to be installed by the end of
this project. All of these projects show HYDRO received an order from 2012. The expected improved perfor-
g re a t p o t e n t i a l , a n d i l l u s t r a t e t h e Central Hidroeléctrica de Caldas mance should be demonstrated during
consolidation of the Colombian market SAESP (CHEC) for two new Francis
that has developed in the medium runners for the Esmeralda and
term. La Ínsula hydropower plants in
Colombia. The aim of the replace-
FISE Fair 2011 in Medellin, ment is to achieve confirmed high-
Colombia er output with new runner designs
From 30 November to 2 December as well as improved lifetime and
2011, the IV International Exhibition reliability due to new materials
of Electricity Industry (FISE) 2011 took and manufacturing processes.
place at Plaza Mayor in Medellin,
Colombia. La Ínsula (two units) was built in
1949 and extended in 1979 with a ▲ 3D-model of La Ínsula runner

ANDRITZ HYDRO’s participation was a

great success. This major biennial
event attracted companies and entre-
preneurs from the United States, China,
and all Central and South American
countries. Importantly the first day
attracted 2,686 high level industrial
visitors, plus a large influx from the
international media, stimulating very
significant promotional activity. The
object of this event was not only a
showcase to promote inter national
contacts and business deals, but
created space for interaction between
different parts of the value chain,
such as manufacturing, government
agencies and the academia. ANDRITZ
H Y D R O g a v e t w o t a l k s f ro m B e a t
Ritschard, Director of ANDRITZ HYDRO
Ltda., and Sergio Contreras, ANDRITZ ▲ View of penstock and powerhouse

HYDRO Compact Sales Manager

France. ANDRITZ HYDRO’s presence third unit. The original turbine sup- the client’s acceptance tests ensuring
did not go unnoticed in an event of plier for the two first units was Baldwin his entire satisfaction.
this magnitude. Lima Hamilton. For the third unit,
Neyrpic was the original supplier with José Fernandez
Beat Ritschard an ouput of 11.5 MW. At Esmeralda, Phone: +41 (21) 925 7751
Phone: +57 (1) 744 8200 the two existing units were built in 1960 by Charmilles each having an
output of 15 MW. All runners have
▼ FISE Fair 2011 in Medellin Output: 12.84 MW
been regularly maintained by CHEC,
Head: 116 m
with available spare runners based on
Speed: 600 rpm
the original designs. Supply of these
two new runners is based on ANDRITZ Runner diameter: 1,230 mm
HYDRO’s latest design development
giving a 10% output increase for each
Output: 16.82 MW
runner. Moreover, the quality and
Head: 171.3 m
life will be improved with the runners
Speed: 450 rpm
being fully forged and not casted as
the original ones. Both runners are Runner diameter: 1,760 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 11 04.05.2012 14:22:56 Uhr

12 HYDRONEWS Markets

A Success Story of Service and Rehabilitation in India

▲ Top view of Bassi powerhouse

over to customer for commercial

NDRITZ HYDRO India has suc- runners, governing system, nozzles and
cessfully renovated and up- operation with increased contrac- deflectors, bearings, main inlet valve,
rated two units at the Bassi tual efficiency and stable, vibration shaft, new stator core and windings,
hydropower plant from 15 MW to free, operation. pole coils, generator bearings, new
16.5 MW. The renovation of the ma- static excitation system, protection and
chines, which were originally built The Bassi generating units had vibration control system, cooling water system,
by other manufacturers, has been levels above acceptable limits and were drainage and dewatering system and
achieved with a high level of perfor- also unable to generate rated output other auxiliaries. With no drawings or
mance and customer satisfaction. and had low efficiencies. The major documents available to manage the
The renovated units were handed scope of supply and services included hydraulic engineering and mechanical
design of the turbine and generator
▲ Model testing
components, a comprehensive study
was carried out after component dis-
mantling. Reverse engineering for pro-
ducing component drawings, strength
calculations and shaft line analysis were
the vital part of this process. A model
test was carried out at the Vevey hydro
turbine laboratory in Switzerland. The
water discharge required for the uprat-
ed output was less than predicted by
the laboratory forecast. This shows im-
proved runner efficiency with the exist-
ing distributor size. The achieved effi -
ciency was better than the contractual
fi gures. Modifi cations were carried out

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 12 04.05.2012 14:23:00 Uhr

Markets HYDRONEWS 13

won its fi rst-ever contract for a
66 MW HIWELD™ Pelton runner
for the Tillari hydropower plant
in September 2011.

▲ Nozzle and deflector assembly ▲ Erection activities at service bay ANDRITZ HYDRO India is a key
member of the Pelton runner club
able improvement in the uprated units. within ANDRITZ HYDRO. This con-
The state of the art dam level measure- tract has arrived fortuitously be-
ment system, using communication cause the management has decid-
with plant SCADA through an RF link, ed to develop the HIWELD™ Pelton
has been successfully implemented. runner manufacturing technology in
This technology removed using long the Indian workshop. India is a key
route fiber optical cables and facilitated market for Pelton turbines. The Tillari
the installation and O & M efforts. hydropower plant is located in the
western part of India housing one
▲ Runner installation The successful completion of the unit in an underground powerhouse.
Bassi renovation was appreciated by The original turbine was supplied
to the shaft and bearing top brackets in the customer. The two units were by CKD Blansko and the generator
order to bring the vibrating frequency taken over by the customer for com- by the former Elin-Union which is
away from the natural frequency. mercial operation on commissioning now ANDRITZ HYDRO. The custom-
day. The successful renovation and er wants to procure this uprated run-
Major modifi cations were done on the uprating of the Bassi units has joined ner for capacity enhancement of their
turbine bearing support to increase its the growing number of ANDRITZ unit from 60 MW to 66 MW, which
stability giving reduced vibrations from HYDRO’s successful projects in the means an increase of 10%. The exis-
the previous level of 300 microns to Service & Rehab segment. ting generator seems to be capable
30 microns with a safe, stable and of achieving the output. Initially the
smooth operation This was a remark- Joshi Brijendra customer’s choice was to go for an
Phone: +91 (1275) 288 508 integrally cast Pelton runner. But
▼ Control room ANDRITZ HYDRO convinced them to
select a HIWELD™ runner due to its
TECHNICAL DATA superior mechanical and structural
Output: 4 x 16.5 MW / 18.33 MVA properties compared with an integral
Voltage: 11 kV cast runner. The Pelton runner will
Head: 332 m be manufactured in the ANDRITZ
HYDRO workshop in Prithla, India,
Speed: 500 rpm
under the supervision and technical
Runner diameter: 1,422.4 mm
support of the CoE Pelton turbine in
Stator diameter: 3,480 mm
Kriens. Supply, installation, testing
and commissioning of this runner is
to be completed within 18 months.
Coating center in India The runner weight will be approxi-
Most rivers in the Himalaya have a mately 7 tons.
high concentration of hard particles
like quartz in their water. These parti- Devashish Sarmacharjee
cles damage the turbine parts and Phone: +91 (1275) 288344
lead to effi ciency losses, short times
between overhauls and high repair-
costs. Due to this, many turbines are ing demand in the Himalaya region,
Output: 1 x 66 MW
protected by a coating, which pro- ANDRITZ HYDRO has built coating
Head: 624.8 m
longs the time between two over- facilities in the workshop in Faridabad,
Speed: 500 rpm
hauls by a factor of 3 to 7. Already near Delhi. Since then, already numer-
Runner diameter: 2,020 mm
three years ago, due to the increas- ous parts have been coated.

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 13 04.05.2012 14:23:02 Uhr

14 HYDRONEWS Markets

Three projects were awarded to

Success in ANDRITZ HYDRO between July and

September 2011: the modernization of
the Lappago and Molini di Tures plants
by SE Hydropower (South Tyrol) – and

of the Predazzo plant (Trentino) by
HDE; all are situated in the heart of
the Dolomites. The time schedule is
highly challenging: all three projects
must be concluded by the end of 2012.
The Green Certificate rules will become
less generous for projects executed
On the top of the Dolomites after the end of 2012. The scope of
supply is almost the same for each of
the three power plants, and includes
▲ Dolomites - Tre Cime di Lavaredo the replacement of turbines, generators,
step-up transformers, inlet valves, auxil-
iary and governor parts and the com-

he Dolomites are some of the
most spectacular mountains plete automation of the electrical power
in the world. This is what system, including rehab of some parts
people say, who have been in front of the HV station.
of these gigantic rock formations.
Compared to other mountains, the Luca Dalla Pozza
dolomites are brighter, more color- Phone: +39 (0445) 678242
ful, more monumental, and seem to
be architecturally inspired.
▲ Lappago

In the 17th century the Frenchman and

geologist Déodat Tancrè de Gratet de are two new joint ventures: “SE Hydro-
Dolomieu discovered and defined the power”, between ENEL and the com-
chemical composition (stratified calci- pany SEL, controlled by the province of
um magnesium carbonate) that ren- Bolzano. Ten ENEL plants located in the
ders this rock so different from the province of Bolzano (550 MW in total)
rest. The new mineral was classified have been transformed to SE Hydro-
as “dolomia” in his honor. The name power. 27 ENEL plants located in the
“Dolomites” was extended to the entire province of Trento (totally 1,300 MW) ▲ Predazzo

mountain region in 1864. While the have been transferred to the “Hydro
landscape of the Dolomites has re- Dolomiti ENEL”, a joint venture bet- TECHNICAL DATA Molini di Tures
mained unchanged for millennia, the ween ENEL and the company “Dolomiti Output: 8.19 MW / 10 MVA
Italian customer landscape has chang- Energia”, controlled by the province Voltage: 10 kV
ed a good deal in the past years, and of Trento. This took place in 2009 and Speed: 500 rpm
it is still changing. At a time when in- 2010, during the renewal of water use Frequency: 50 Hz
vestment forecasting is very uncertain rights, with the aim of transferring Power Factor: 0.85
and difficult because of the economic water use ownership to the local admin-
crisis and the reduction of incentives, istrations. A consquence of this pro- TECHNICAL DATA Lappago
ANDRITZ HYDRO has acquired many cess is the obligation to modernize the Output: 14.9 MW / 17.5 MVA
Italian projects with several clients. The plants. Voltage: 10 kV
most significant examples of changes
Speed: 600 rpm
Therefore, SE Hydropower and HDE
▼ Molini di Tures Frequency: 50 Hz
are two of the most promising clients
Power Factor: 0.85
in Italy in terms of investment potential
– and this potential had already a re-
ality in spring 2011. The two new com-
Output: 10.2 MW / 12 MVA
panies decided to launch the first mod-
ernization projects, which would also Voltage: 6.3 kV

profit from the present generous in- Speed: 750 rpm

centives for renewable energies (the so Frequency: 50 Hz
called Green Certificates). Power Factor: 0.85

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 14 04.05.2012 14:23:09 Uhr

New projects HYDRONEWS 15

The fourth major order for ANDRITZ HYDRO
in Portugal
▲ Contract signature

external consortium partners. The two

p u m p t u r b i n e s a re e q u i p p e d w i t h
runners in welded construction, which
a re m a n u f a c t u re d i n R a v e n s b u r g .
The hydraulic properties were proven
in a model test in Linz. As a special
feature, cylindrical gates will be
provided to serve as an additional
shut-off valve, similar to the previous
order for Baixo Sabor Montante. They
are integrated into the pump turbine
and allow replace by: reduction of
the powerhouse dimensions.

This new order strengthens the lead-

ing position of ANDRITZ HYDRO in
Portugal, which is one of the most
▲ Artist view of dam and downstream site active markets for new pumped storage
power plants in Europe. In total, the
one of the largest of its kind in West- four orders for ANDRITZ HYDRO in

lectricidade de Portugal (EDP)
is currently implementing an ern Europe, with a capacity of 193 MW Portugal include ten units of different
ambitious program to replace and a runner diameter of 6 m. Since type and sizes.
old thermal power plants with re- November 2011 it has supplied environ-
newable energy sources. This pro- mentally friendly power to the Portu- Generally, the focus in Portugal is on
gram focuses on both wind turbines guese grid. low pressure pump turbines, where
- and hydropower plants, which are ANDRITZ HYDRO has gained exten-
used primarily to generate elec- The order for the newly constructed sive experience, also boosted by the
tricity when it is needed (see also Foz Tua pumped storage power plant projects in Portugal.
Hydro News 19). includes two reversible pump turbines,
motor generators, governors and con- Peter Magauer
In November 2011, EDP awarded an- trol systems, the hydraulic steel works Phone: +49 (751) 29511 400
other large order to ANDRITZ HYDRO and a comprehensive package of auxil-
within the last four years. The Foz Tua iary equipment. The pumped storage
project is the eighth of EDP’s current plant will be built on the river Tua, a
Output: 2 x 127 MW
expansion program in Portugal, and the tributary of the river Douro in the north
Head: 96 m
fourth for which ANDRITZ HYDRO re- of Portugal. It will provide a significant
ceived the order for delivery and instal- contribution to the increasingly impor- Speed: 187.5 rpm

lation of the electromechanical equip- tant storage of electrical power. A cru- Runner diameter: 4,850 mm
ment. The reasons for this decision cial success factor was the intense in-
▼ CAD model of spiral casing
were the proposed technical solution, volvement of two important Portuguese
the competitive price and the positive companies to achieve a high local con-
experience in the execution of the pre- tent, despite of the diffi cult economic
viously ordered Bemposta, Baixo Sabor situation in Portugal. The project is
and Ribeiradio. In 2008, ANDRITZ executed under the leadership of
HYDRO received an order from EDP to ANDRITZ HYDRO in Ravensburg, to-
deliver a Francis turbine for the exten- g e t h e r w i t h t h e G ro u p c o m p a n i e s
sion of the Bemposta hydropower plant, Vienna, Linz and Weiz as well as two

ARCHIV_HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 15 11.07.2012 9:50:19 Uhr

16 HYDRONEWS New projects

Belo Monte
The largest Brazilian hydropower plant under construction

▲ Rio Xingu in the province Para in Brazil

in April 2010. Located in the state of

fter 30 years of studies, the The Belo Monte hydropower plant
B e l o M o n t e H y d ro e l e c t r i c Pará in the Norther n part of Brazil will be equipped with 18 Francis
Complex will become a re- in Xingu River’s big bend, Belo Monte turbines with a total capacity of
ality. With an installed capacity Hydroelectric Complex consists of two 1 1 , 1 6 0 M W. P i m e n t a l h y d ro p o w e r
of 11,400 MW, it will be the largest dams and 28 dikes with 32 million plant will be equipped with six Bulb
Brazilian hydropower plant and cubic meters of landfill: turbines with a total installed capa-
the 3rd largest in the world. ■ Belo Monte dam city of approximately 240 MW.
(90 m height; 3,545 m length)
The Belo Monte Hydroelectric Com- ■ Pimental dam Companies involved
plexis being developed by the Brazilian (36 m height; 6,248 m length). As one of the largest projects ever
Norte Energia SA, consisting of Eletro- to be built in Brazil, many important
norte, Eletrobras, Chesf, and 15 addi- Several minor barrages and one large local companies are involved in the
tional parties. Norte Energia SA won intake channel 20 km in length and project. The equipment to be supplied
the competitive auction called by 200 m in width (average) allow ex- for Belo Monte, Pimental and their 20
ANEEL (National Electric Power Agency) ploitation through two powerhouses. spillway gates represents thousands
of tons.
▼ The two locations of the Belo Monte and Pimental sites

The Consortium ELM, composed of

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and VOITH Hydro, has been awarded


the contract to supply most of the

electromechanical equipment for the
Belo Monte site project. The construction of Belo Monte
and Pimental will take place over
the next eight years, with generating
operations expected to start by 2015.

The power from these hydropower

plants will be fed into the National
Pimental site Interconnected System (SIN) through
the existing substations in the region.

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 16 04.05.2012 14:23:21 Uhr

New projects HYDRONEWS 17

Supplies and services for the

ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope includes
three generating sets with vertical
Francis turbines and generators, three
blow-down systems for this plant, as
well as 14 excitation systems for the
Belo Monte powerhouse. For the Pi-
mental powerhouse ANDRITZ HYDRO
w i l l s u p p l y t h e e l e c t ro m e c h a n i c a l
equipment consisting of six generating
sets with Bulb turbines and horizontal
generators, electrical power systems,
mechanical auxiliaries and automa-
tion, protection and control systems

Environmental and socio-cultural

From the beginning of the project, the
Brazilian authorities and Norte Energia ▲ 3D CAD drawing of the Belo Monte powerhouse

SA have been concerned about its en-

vironmental implications mainly regard- The water level of the reservoir will TECHNICAL DATA Belo Monte
ing the local population and including never exceed the normal high water Output: 18 x 620,4 MW / 679 MVA
indigenous communities. level in the rainy season. Based on the Voltage: 18 kV
project redesign, the indigenous com- Head: 87.0 m
In line with strict Brazilian laws and reg- munities living in this area will not be Speed: 85.71 rpm
ulations, detailed studies investigated affected. Norte Energia has been gran- Runner diameter: 8,500 mm
the project’s influence on the environ- ted the installation license to protect
Stator diameter: 22,400 mm (estimated)
ment and living conditions of the indi- the population and the indigenous
genous communities. The results led to communities as well as the environ-
a completely new concept. Instead of ment. The costs relating to environ-
Output: 6 x 39,8 MW / 40.9 MVA
one big power station, several stages mental matters and measures to miti-
Voltage: 13.8 kV
and channels for two hydropower gate environmental impact will exceed
Head: 11.4 m
plants now reduce the reservoir area the sum paid to Consortium ELM for
from 1,225 km² to 503 km² (approxi- the equipment supplies. Speed: 100 rpm
mately 0.01% of the actual Brazilian Runner diameter: 6,500 mm
rainforest area). Certain legal disputes 14 plans have been defined with a total Stator diameter: 8,450 mm
around parts of the project are still on- of 54 programs aggregating 86 envi-
going. The reservoir surface is divided ronmental projects. To guarantee the TECHNICAL DATA Balance of Plant
into 134 km² for the channels and water quality of the Volta Grande do Generator busbars:
382 km² for the Xingu river reservoir, Xingu river the new design maintains a Rated current: 10,000 A
which is exactly the same size as constant flow of water passing by the
the part normally flooded by the river in Pimental hydropower plant and/or the TECHNICAL DATA Spillway
the rainy season. Today, 328 km² are main spillway. Additional ship locks, Spillway – 20 gates
already flooded by the existing river- fish ladders, a sewage system, and a 20 m width x 22 m height
bed. More than 35% of the area to be drinking water treatment system will be
flooded is already affected by human installed. The project will significantly ▼ Section through turbine set of Pimental hydropower plant

activities (forestry, agriculture, cattle boost the regional economy. In general,

raising, etc.). more than 18,000 direct and 80,000
indirect jobs will be created. During the
▼ Aerial view of the Pimental dam
peak construction period more than
23,000 people will be employed to
work on the project.

Jamil Sallum
Phone: +55 (11) 4133 1281

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 17 04.05.2012 14:23:28 Uhr

18 HYDRONEWS New projects

Success with Pelton runners for Bhutan

▲ Tigers nest Dzong

of electricity, an increase of almost 6% runner will consist of 22 buckets and

n December 2011, ANDRITZ
HYDRO won an important contract over previous years generation. The ex- weigh about 18 tons. Two of the four
for the supply of MicroGuss™ hard port of hydropower is one of the primary runners will be supplied in 19.5 months,
coated Pelton runners for the Tala sources of revenue for the government and the remaining two in 25.5 months.
hydropower plant in Bhutan. of Bhutan. But the abrasive water in All runners will be supplied by the
many rivers, mainly during the mon- ANDRITZ HYDRO Kriens workshop in
Druk Green Power Corporation (DGPC), soon period, dramatically reduces the Switzerland. The scope of supply also
owner of the Bhutan power plants, lifetime of the runners. Therefore, the includes conducting and proving the
selected ANDRITZ HYDRO due to fully customer initially decided to use silt performance guarantee parameters
meeting the pre-qualification require- erosion resistive coatings for the Tala of the coated runners through field
ments with MicroGuss TM technology runners to maximize their availability for effi ciency tests. Recently, the custom-
proven runners and having more than generation. After beeing convinced that er has also decided that two of the run-
300 worldwide references without ANDRITZ HYDRO has been developing ners from the contract of 2009 should
accident. At the pre-bid stage ANDRITZ be hard coated with the SXH70™ coat-
HYDRO was able to convince the cus- ing.
tomer that he should not use unreliable
integral cast runners. Through open competition ANDRITZ
HYDRO has secured another contract
The Tala underground power plant is from the same customer in Bhutan to
currently the largest hydropower plant supply a 12.53 MW Pelton runner
in Bhutan housing six units. The plant, for the Basochhu hydropower plant.
which is located near Tala village, was Winning all these contracts has further
commissioned in 2007. It utilizes the consolidated ANDRITZ HYDRO’s posi-
water from the Wangchu river and is ▲ Jumolhari lake and montains
tion in Bhutan, which has emerged
located downstream from the Chukkha with hydro potential of over 10,000 MW
hydropower plant with a capacity of high-quality coatings since 1986 - initi- projected for the coming ten years.
500 MW. Now the customer plans to ated by projects in the Swiss Alps
phase out all old integral cast runners with hydro-abrasive problems related Devashish Sarmacharjee
with new reliable runners. It is im- to glacial silt – and after experiencing Phone: +91 (1275) 288344
portant to note that all operational the proven protection in the Indian
power plants in Bhutan are owned by Himalayan region’s silty water, the
DGPC which is responsible for their op- customer selected the SXH70™ coat-
eration, maintenance and upgrade. Output: 6 x 170 MW
ing: a TC-CoCr coating applied using a
DGPC is also developing new hydro- programmed robot in a High Velocity Head: 819 m
power projects in the country. During Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) process. Under Speed: 375 rpm
2010, DGPC plants generated 7.3 TWh this new contract each hard coated Runner diameter: 3,908 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 18 04.05.2012 14:23:31 Uhr

New projects HYDRONEWS 19

Upgrade of an aging power plant in Sweden

▲ View of dam, spillway and powerhouse

n October 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO E.on Vattenkraft AB owns 80 power workshop in Vaplan. The delivery in-
was awarded a contract by E.on plants in Sweden, with a installed pro- cludes a model test, one new oil-free
Vattenkraft Sweden for the supply duction capacity of 1,700 MW. In the self-lubricated Kaplan runner with six
of one vertical Kaplan refurbish- future E.on is planning to refurbish four blades, new bearings, new guide vanes
ment runner. The power plant is to five power plants each year. Deger- and a new high pressure oil unit. The
equipped with two Kaplan units forsen was constructed in 1966 and the power plant is scheduled to be taken
and the delivery includes an option machines were built by Maier. It is lo- into operation in autumn 2013.
for the second unit. The reasons for cated in the center of Sweden, just
the upgrade are an oil leakage on outside the small village of Junsele, lo- The fabrication of all new parts will be
the old runner and cracks on the cated on the river Ångermanälven only performed on the ANDRITZ HYDRO
Kaplan blades. 170 km from the ANDRITZ HYDRO workshop in Vaplan, Sweden, and the
model test will be done in the ANDRITZ
▼ Main machine hall
HYDRO test rig in Tampere, Finland.
The Degerforsen project also includes
contracts with other contractors, new
automation equipment, refurbishment
of the generator with new cores and
windings, overhaul of intake gates and
one new spillway gate.

Stefan Olsson
Phone: +46 (640) 177 26

Output: 39.1 MW
Head: 24.9 m
Speed: 136 rpm
Runner diameter: 4,700 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 19 04.05.2012 14:23:40 Uhr

20 HYDRONEWS New projects

San Carlos
Colombia’s largest hydropower plant receives new Pelton runners

▲ Runners and spherical valves before installation in the underground cavern

partment of Antioquia, 150 km east factured using the state of the art

NDRITZ HYDRO was the suc-
cessful winner in the public from Medellín, within The San Carlos manufacturing technology of Micro-
b i d d i n g p ro c e s s i n i t i a t e d municipality, near the El Jordán rural Guss™, and are successfully in opera-
by the Colombian ISAGEN for the district. With more than 20 years of tion to the complete satisfaction of
engineering and manufacturing of commercial operation, it is still the larg- customers around the world. Due to the
eight Pelton runners for the San est power plant in the country, with strategic importance of the San Carlos
Carlos hydropower plant in Decem- eight Pelton units and the infrastructure hydropower plant to ISAGEN’s electri-
ber 2010. The purchase order was necessary to install two more units. city generation, the mentioned aspects
signed in October 2011. ANDRITZ HYDRO is the original equip- of operational safety and reliability are
ment manufacturer for the turbine units. priorities in this project. The contract
ISAGEN owns and operates five gener- also integrates a service package
ating power plants, located in the de- Pelton runners are generally subjected including regular inspections for the
partments of Antioquia, Santander and to extreme loads. Centrifugal force and eight Pelton runners over the entire
Caldas. The company has an installed pulsating jet force as well as material extended warranty period. In addition
capacity of 2,132 MW, equivalent to properties regarding fatigue represent the superior mechanical features, the
16% of the national interconnected the most important criteria to be taken new to runners will benefit from the
system’s total capacity, divided into into account in ensuring safety and reli- latest hydraulic developments, increas-
1,832 MW hydro and 300 MW thermal. ability. ing their performance significantly.
ISAGEN is the third largest generator
in Colombia, and therefore is a funda- During its service life, a runner must The runners will be supplied in pairs
mental agent in the country’s develop- absorb a high number of load cycles. In at four-month intervals from May 2013
ment of its energy industry. The San order to archieve the highest level of to May 2014.
Carlos power plant is located in the de- reliability and operational safety on
Pelton runners the ANDRITZ HYDRO Matthias Krause
▼ Underground cavern
MicroGuss™ manufacturing technology Phone: +41 (21) 9257766
guarantees safe operation and a longer
life time for the runner. Fewer inspec-
tions and less repair and maintenance
work decrease costs and increase Output: 8 x 160 MW
the reliability and availability of power Head: 554 m
plants. Since 1991 around 500 runners Speed: 300 rpm
(up to 1,980 m net head) were manu- Runner diameter: 4,068 m

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 20 04.05.2012 14:23:45 Uhr

Installation HYDRONEWS 21

The world’s largest mobile CNC machining center

▲ Machining at Boyabat, Turkey

he customers of ANDRITZ The most remarkable advantages of
HYDRO attach great impor- the MMC10 are:
tance to high quality and ra- ■ shorter installation time since, no

pid implementation of supplies time - consuming grinding works are

and services. In order to satisfy necessary
these needs even better in future, ■ Highest precision up to 1/100 mm

ANDRITZ HYDRO decided to pur- ■ High flexibility in sourcing welded

chase a mobile CNC machining cen- components, since machining is

ter from Miba Automation Systems. carried out at site.

The MMC10 will be delivered to site in ▲ Machining at a stayring dummy

three 20’ containers with standard di-

mensions. Thus, it can be installed extreme high precision is required, are
worldwide. The assembly takes place turned and milled. In addition, drilling
first at the erection bay and second in and tapping can also be carried out
the turbine pit, which needs approxi- with the MMC10. Until now, large sized
mately five days. After exact adjustment turbine parts had to be divided into
in all directions, flange areas, where parts for transport after final manufac-
turing in the workshop. At site the they
▼ Shop assembly in Linz, Austria
were welded together again and em-
bedded in concrete. Deformations due ▲ The main spindle
▼ Welding of buckets to the runnerdisk
to the heat during welding or mechani-
cal loads made time consuming grind- The first use of the MMC10 at the site
ing works necessary in order to achieve of Boyabat in Turkey was a great suc-
the required precision. Now, with the cess. Hence, this world’s largest mo-
MMC10, the final machining of the main bile CNC machining center will be in
turbine parts takes place directly at site. service at many sites of ANDRITZ
These components can be sourced HYDRO, to the benefit of all.
from pure steel construction compa-
nies, since the machining does not have Bernhard Mühlbachler
to be done at the workshop, but takes Phone: +43 (732) 6986 3455
place at site.

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 21 04.05.2012 14:23:51 Uhr

22 HYDRONEWS Site report

▲ Powerhouse Feldsee

▲ Pump turbine set Feldsee 2

Feldsee In August 2006, ANDRITZ HYDRO

was commissioned to supply and
install the abovementioned turbine
parts for the Feldsee 1 unit, which
went into operation in summer 2009.
The commissioning of Feldsee 2
KELAG Feldsee pump storage power plant in followed in October 2008. The Feldsee
Carinthia is now operational 2 unit successfully became operatio-
nal in early 2011. If more power is pro-
duced than consumed at the moment,
pump turbines, spherical valves, the generator will utilize this power

he pump turbines, including
auxiliary equipment, for the maintenance butterfly valve, hydrau- to bring water from the Wurten re-
Feldsee 1 and Feldsee 2 lic and digital speed governors as servoir up to the Feldsee reservoir by
hydropower plants were designed, well as additional auxiliary equip- pumping the water up to 520 m.
fabricated and delivered by ment such as ventilation system,
ANDRITZ HYDRO in Linz. The model shaft seal compressed air supply This water can be used for power gen-
test was executed in Zurich. The and other relevant components. eration during turbine operation to
scope of delivery included two cover peak demands. In addition to the
high pressure, the speed and the enor-
▼ Section through the pump turbine mous speed rise by load shedding
were also technical challenges.

ANDRITZ HYDRO was able to fulfill

all customer requests and maintain
high degree of efficiency, and can enter
another reference unit in the list of a
supreme discipline “pump turbines”.
▲ Spherical valve before installation
Bernhard Kristufek
▼ Butterfly valve Feldsee 2
Phone: +43 (732) 6986 75577

Output pump: 2 x 64 MW
Output turbine: 2 x 68.89 MW
Head: 520 m
Speed: 1,000 rpm
Runner diameter: 1,936.6 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 22 04.05.2012 14:24:11 Uhr

Site report HYDRONEWS 23

▲ Section of distribution pipe lowered into the

turbine pit

vertical axis, including TC1703 digital

governors, cooling water system with
cooling towers and two inlet spherical
valves (1,000 mm inside diameter,

pressure 100 bar), two generators,
powerhouse crane (140 / 30 tons), main
transformers (two blocks with three
single phase pieces, 3 x 26.7 / 30)
and the complete powerhouse control
system including excitation, protection
and station auxiliaries. According to
Power plant handed over in Costa Rica contractual requirements the plant
was handed over to ICE for commer-
cial operation on 26 September 2011
▲ Inside powerhouse after commissioning and a successful
60-day trial run.

he government utility Instituto
de Electricidad Costarricense Alois Zeuner
(ICE) awarded a contract for Phone: +43 (732) 6986 9454
the design, fabrication, supply, in-
stallation and commissioning of
electromechanical equipment on TECHNICAL DATA
21 December 2007 (see Hydro News Output: 2 x 69 MW / 89.4 MVA
No.13 /2008). The hydropower Voltage: 13.8 kV / 60 Hz
plant Pirris will contribute to Costa Head: 890 m
Rica’s grid stability and will help Speed: 600 rpm
to meet future power demands. Runner diameter: 1,980 mm
▲ View from powerhouse to exposed penstock
Stator diameter: 5,400 mm
The penstock contract was executed
at site with its own personnel and, very challenging. The steel liner and
Steel liner and exposed penstock:
therefore, it was an additionally impor- the penstock with guard valve and ac-
Length: 2,390 m
tant experience for on-site fabrication cessories (aeration valves, hydraulic
Diameter: 2,300 / 2,000 mm
and installation. Moreover, the specific and water unit, earthquake measure-
Bifurcator: 2,100 / 1,400 / 1,400 mm
design of the exposed penstock (un- ment instrumentation) was finished
foreseen expansion joints between and handed over to ICE in July, 2010. Material: S690QL
concrete saddles) and the high grade The scope for the E&M contract com- Spherical guard valve:
material (S690QL) made the works prises two 5-jet Pelton turbines with Inside diameter 1,400 mm, 80 bar

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 23 04.05.2012 14:24:18 Uhr

24 HYDRONEWS Site report

3,000 h/year. The realisation of the

Tsankov Kamak power plant included

many Bulgarian companies and em-
ployees in the fields of manufacturing
and installation, thus creating many
jobs and providing income in Bulgaria.
Tsankov Kamak stands for ecological
solutions considering environmental

issues such as:

■ the fish channel, which helps trout

and other fish to migrate up the river
■ the auxiliary turbine unit of 1.3 MW,
which generates energy from the
dam’s natural overflow to provide
Commissioning of outstanding project in Bulgaria ecologically necessary quantities
of water.

▲ Double curve arch dam and spillway Karl Freilinger

Phone: +43 (732) 6986 77797

he contract was signed on Meanwhile Bulgaria entered the Euro-
1 October 2003. The com- pean Community and underwent enor-
mencement date was 1 July mous changes. The customer’s chief
2004, when the brilliant financing executive director changed five times PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS
structure was established which and only one person on the customer’s Location: Bulgaria, Vacha river in the
included the Austrian Kontrollbank, project team remained until the end. In Rhodopi mountains at the border to Greece
Bank Austria and, additionally, sev- the final stage of the Tsankov Kamak Main units: two vertical Francis turbines
eral Export Credit Agencies and hydropower plant ANDRITZ HYDRO with 43.2 MW each, with turbine governors,
several commercial banks from five was able to shorten the implementation main inlet valves, two generators with
European states. The sales agree- period by 2.5 months. Consequently, it 50 MVA each
ment between the Bulgarian and was possible to fulfill the wish of the Auxiliary unit: one horizontal Compact
Austrian Governments concerning Buler, Natsionalna Electricheska Kom- Francis turbine with 1.29 MW, one gen-
CO 2 certificates generated by the pania EAD (NEK), to begin commercial erator with 1.6 kVA and 0.9 power factor
Tsankov Kamak hydropower plant operation in December 2010, shortly
Hydromechanical equipment:
made the finance structure really before Christmas. This early start was
Dam: four sets spillway radial gates,
outstanding in scale and creativity. only possible through the excellent
8 x 6.15 m, one set spillway stop logs
work of supervisors and commissioning
with lifting beam, 8 x 6.2 m
The extreme geological conditions of engineers. Due to them, NEK was able
Bottom outlet: two sets upstream
the Vacha valley caused many delays to realize power generation with a value
trash racks, 3 x 6.3 m, two sets bottom
during the construction of the dam and of about one million EUR. The various
performance tests and fine tuning of outlet conduits, diameter 2.25 to 1.35 m,
concreting of the river bed. The dam,
with a height of 130 m, is the highest the plant were done in 2011. 22.75 m length, two sets bottom outlet
double curve arch dam in Easter n slide gates, tandem gate high pressure
Europe and was built by the Austrian The Tsankov Kamak hydropower plant type, with hydraulic hoist and control
company Alpine Bau GmbH. Planning is a very important part of a cascade system
was done by the Austrian company system situated on the Vacha river Power intake: two sets intake trash rack
Pöyry. The various delays finally resulted because it serves to optimize the panels, 6.0 x 9.24 m, with supporting
in six amendments to the contract cov- water flow in the chain of seven power beams, one set intake stop logs, 5.5 x
ering an extension of time and costs of plants. It covers the energy need at 6.5 m with rope hoist, one set intake gate,
about three years and, leading to a total peak times and thus provides the most fixed wheel type, with hydraulic hoist and
project duration of about six years. valuable energy. It should work over control system, one set flow measuring

▼ Upper reservoir and dam of Tsankov Kamak in Bulgaria

system, pipe burst detection
Penstock: one penstock 4.4 m / 3.1 m /
2.25 m, total length 638 m
Powerhouse: two sets draft tube
stop logs, 2.8 x 3.0 m with rope hoist
Start of operation: 2010

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 24 04.05.2012 14:24:31 Uhr

Site report HYDRONEWS 25

▲ The entire team after contract signing ▲ Francis turbine runner

Total renovation of a cascade of power plants in Switzerland

devices for the pressurized penstocks

ithin a larger project com- similarly equipped regarding the main
prising the complete reno- machines and have four vertical Francis during the main project phase. Work
vation of the Kraftwerke turbines each. In addition to replacing has already begun at the Sils and Bären-
Hinterrhein AG (KHR), headquar- the runners with a modern hydraulic burg power plants with the dismantling
tered in Thusis, ANDRITZ HYDRO profile, the renovation work will include of ten valves in October 2011. Within
plays an essential role as main the complete revision of the turbines. this complete renewal ANDRITZ HYDRO
partner for the mechanical lots. The revision will be carried out accord- will modernize two more Pelton turbin-
In addition to major overhauls in- ing to a condition analysis in which the es at the Sils power plant. These turbines
cluding the replacement of runners individual components are tested inten- serve mainly for the generation of 16.7 Hz
in Bärenburg and Sils (four units sively at the ANDRITZ HYDRO work- of power for the Rhaetian Railway.
each), ANDRITZ HYDRO received shop in Kriens and optimized together
an order for the general revision of with KHR within the scope of refurbish- Martin Haas
all 13 spherical valves, as well as ment. Furthermore, all hydraulic turbine Phone: +41 (41) 329 5354
the overhaul of two railway power governors must be replaced.
machines for Sils.
Work on the two plants is staggered. TECHNICAL DATA Bärenburg
The KHR power plants were commis- Each summer and winter one machine Output: 4 x 55 MW
sioned in 1963 and use the hydropower will be overhauled, starting with the first Head: 338 m
of the river Hinterrhein in three stages turbine at Bärenburg in early summer Speed: 500 rpm
(Ferrera, Bärenburg, Sils), with a total in- 2012 and ending with the last one in
Runner diameter: 2,300 mm
stalled capacity of 650 MW. After about Sils in April 2016. In addition to the tur-
45 years of operation all components of bine modernizations, ANDRITZ HYDRO
Output: 4 x 60 MW
the plants need major investment for has been awarded the revision of all 13
Head: 387 m
renovation and renewal. This applies to spherical valves of the entire cascade of
Speed: 600 rpm
the water flow tunnel as well as to the power plants. The three spherical valves
Runner diameter: 2,070 mm
electromechanical and control systems, of Ferrera, the four of Bärenburg and
which do not meet the latest technolo- the six of Sils will be overhauled at the
gies. Therefore, the KHR has launched ANDRITZ HYDRO workshop in Kriens Output: 2 x 3.5 MW
a comprehensive total renovation, last- and at the factory of the partner com- Head: 387 m
ing from 2011 to 2017. The two lower pany OEMB. After reassembly, these Speed: 500 rpm
power plants, Sils and Bärenburg, are valves will serve as reliable shut-off Runner diameter: 1,945 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 25 04.05.2012 14:24:48 Uhr

26 HYDRONEWS Site report

Inauguration of a hydropower plant in Indonesia

▲ Lowering turbine runner and shaft ▲ Final lowering of stator

he official inauguration was on 20 September 2011. The complete the contract for the upgrade of Larona
held at Karebbe on 11 Octo- installation of the power plant, which including the supply of two new genera-
ber 2011. It was attended by included generator stacking and wind- tors which are currently under installa-
o ff i c i a l s f ro m P T I n t e r n a t i o n a l ing in the Powerhouse, was executed tion. ANDRITZ HYDRO has again prov-
Nickel Indonesia Tbk. (PTI), Vale by ANDRITZ HYDRO. More than 300 ed to be a reliable partner and has
Canada, Vale Brazil and the Indone- employees were engaged at site during strengthened its leading position in the
sian government. the peak time. Indonesian Large Hydro market.

ANDRITZ HYDRO was awarded the Close cooperation and coordination

contracts for turbines, generators and between ANDRITZ HYDRO in Jakarta,
auxiliaries in 2005, for penstocks and Vienna, Weiz and Linz made the
gates in 2008 and for EPS in 2009, and Karebbe hydropower plant project an-
supplied the complete E&M - equip- other success story.
ment (except, main transformers, HV
switchyard and, emergency Diesel),
penstocks, radial and intake gates,
stop logs, powerhouse ventilation and
fire fighting system. Main installation
work began on 15 February 2011. The
reliability run of unit 2 started on 17 ▲ The penstock during construction phase
August 2011, and that of unit 1 began
The Karebbe power plant was the latest
▼ Spillway radial gate in operation initiative of PTI addressing sustainability
and efforts to reduce environmental
impact, greenhouse gas emissions and ▲ Inauguration

dependency on thermal and Diesel

power generation. PTI produces and Johann Lehner
exports nickel mate, but recent changes Phone: +43 (732) 6986 3468
in mining law will allow the export of
processed nickel only to those driving
the investment and development of
Output: 2 x 63.70 MW / 78 MVA
Indonesia. PTI will therefore invest in
Voltage: 11 kV
new facilities, which will further in-
crease energy demand in the future. PTI Head: 70 m

also owns and operates the Larona Speed: 200 rpm

and Balambano hydropower plants. Runner diameter: 3,250 mm
ANDRITZ HYDRO was also awarded Stator diameter: 9,900 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 26 04.05.2012 14:24:56 Uhr

Highlights HYDRONEWS 27

Azerbaijan weir, which is about 6 km to the down- Canada

Arpaçay stream of the power plant. The aver- Forrest Kerr
age annual inflow of Arpaçay is about
In March 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO 450 million m3. The reservoir will be full The Forrest Kerr project is located
w a s a w a rd e d t h e c o n t r a c t f o r in these months and the water in the in British Columbia, 1,000 km north-
the supply of turbines, generators reservoir is released downstream to west of Vancouver. Forrest Kerr is a
and associated equipment for meet the irrigation demand in sum- 195 MW subterranean run-of-river
the hydropower plant Arpaçay by mertime. There is always fl ow in the hydropower plant of Coast Moun-
Girişim Elektrik, a Turkish company. river. The scope of supply of ANDRITZ tain Hydro Ltd., which is owned by
Arpaçay power plant is located in HYDRO comprises three horizontal Altagas, an independent power
Nahçivan, which is an autonomous Francis turbines, butterfly inlet valves producer from Alberta. The project
state within the Republic of Azerbaijan and generators, including site super- was initially planned with two large
since 1995. The Arpaçay Damhas vision and commissioning of the vertical Francis units of 78 MW each
been in service since 1980. It has supply. The start-up is scheduled and two horizontal Compact Francis
been constructed to store water for for July 2012. units of 21 MW each. But after a de-
irrigation of about 17,500 hectares of tailed study of the ramping require-
land. The distribution is made by a Dominique Leleux ments, the project was converted into
Phone: +33 (475) 23 05 08 nine horizontal Compact Francis units. In fact, strict environmental require-
ments on the ramping will be enforced
during operation. The tailwater level
Output: 2 x 8,400 / 1 x 4,600 kW
cannot vary more than 2.5 cm per hour
Head: 63.5 m
under any operating circumstances.
Speed: 428 / 600 rpm Therefore, during a load rejection, the
Runner diameter: 1,340 / 1,030 mm unit will go into the runaway mode
for up to two hours (from 360 rpm to
640 rpm) to keep a fairly constant flow
downstream of the plant. The nine
Indonesia located in Enrekang province on Sula- Compact units will also help the cus-
Bungin I wesi island and the scope of supply of tomer to optimize the water available
HIN comprises of two horizontal Francis during low flow seasons. The 252 m3/s
In March 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO turbines, governors, butterfly valves, river water contains highly abrasive
India (HIN) made the first break- generators, excitation system, auxilia- suspended particles requiring the appli-
through in the Indonesian market ries, control & protection systems and cation of SHX70™ coating on the run-
and was awarded a contract for technical services comprising of super- ners, wicket gates, facing plates and
supply of water-to-wire equip- vision of installation and commissioning labyrinth seals to improve erosion
ment for the Bungin I hydropower of supplied equipment. The start-up is resistance and durability of the compo-
plant by PT. Haji La Tunrung Listrik scheduled for fourth quarter 2012. nents. The scope of work awarded to
Dan Konstruksi. ANDRITZ HYDRO includes the turbine
This being first Compact Hydro project Sanjay Panchal inlet valves with a very specific erosion
of HIN in Indonesia makes it a very Phone: +91 (1275) 288580 resistant design, the turbines, the gen-
prestigious and important project thus erators and the electrical power system
best quality and performance to the full with unit governor, automation and
satisfaction of the client are the key protection. The delivery of the units will
Output: 2 x 1,500 kW / 1,875 kVA
success factors for this project and start in mid 2012 and the plant is
possible future compact hydro projects Head: 70.93 m scheduled to be in operation by mid
that the client is developing in Indo- Speed: 1,000 rpm 2014.
nesia. Bungin I hydropower plant is Runner diameter: 580 mm Mathieu Bertrand
Phone: +1 (514) 428 6866

Output: 9 x 22,000 kW
Head: 86.5 m
Speed: 360 rpm
Runner diameter: 1,800 mm
28 HYDRONEWS Highlights

- Austria necting pipes, inlet valves and Johnbach 2 began power generation
Königsbach and hydraulic aggregates for govern- for ENVESTA with a 5-nozzle verti-
Mödringbach ing. cal Pelton unit made by ANDRITZ
The power stations are located at HYDRO.
an altitude of 1,180 m within the high-
alpine area and are fed from sources in Edwin Walch
different valleys. Water is caught for the Phone: +43 (732) 6986 3473
run-of-river power plants by means of
Tyrolian weir types and via a desilter
and penstocks made from ductile TECHNICAL DATA Königsbach
cast iron supplied to the turbines. The Output: 501 kW
energy of the turbine-driven genera- Head: 227.7 m
tors (400 V) will be fed over the trans- Speed: 1,000 rpm
formers and switch gear to the nearby Runner diameter: 600 mm
30 kV grid. Power plants in such high TECHNICAL DATA Mödringbach
At the beginning of December alpine regions are characterized by
Output: 639 kW
2011 ANDRITZ HYDRO received a very large flow range. After deduc-
Head: 138.9 m
orders from ENVESTA, the public tion of the ecological flow, the turbines
Speed: 750 rpm
utility of the Benedictine Abbey will have less than 5% of the rated unit
Runner diameter: 640 mm
of Admont, for the supply, instal- discharge during winter alone. This is
lation and commissioning of a the reason for the use of multi-nozzle
Output: 575 kW
3-nozzle (Königsbach) and a vertical Pelton turbines, whereby the
Head: 78.2 m
4-nozzle (Mödringbach) vertical technology used is based on model
Peltonturbine, including synchro- testing. Start-up is scheduled for the Speed: 500 rpm
nous generators, penstock con- end of summer 2012. In summer 2011 Runner diameter: 705 mm

Panama each. Monte Lirio is a very similar

Pando and Monte Lirio plant with three vertical Pelton turbines
and the same arrangement of nozzles.
The overall design is the same for both
plants, with slight differences be-
cause of the net head. The scope of
supply in both cases includes the
Pelton turbines, inlet valves, genera-
tors, governor and cooling system,
with site installation works and com-
missioning as well. Start-up is sched-
uled for the beginning of 2013.

As a result of the successful country, like Algarrobos, Pedregalito, Alejandro Santamaría

collaboration between ANDRITZ Cochea, etc., and continues to work Phone: +34 (91) 425 1019
HYDRO and Cobra Infraestructu- with them on further development in alejandro.santamarí
ras Hidráulicas, a key Spanish the region. Pando and Monte Lirio
contractor very well represent- are two hydropower plants located TECHNICAL DATA Pando
ed in the Central American on the Chiriquí Viejo river, in the
Output: 2 x 15,531 kW
market, ANDRITZ HYDRO Spain western province of Chiriquí near the
Head: 252.5 m
was awarded a new contract for border with Costa Rica. Together with
Speed: 450 rpm
supply of the electromechanical the El Alto power plant, which was
Runner diameter: 1,430 mm
equipment for the Pando and also supplied by ANDRITZ HYDRO
Monte Lirio hydropower plants Spain, they belong to a global cascade
Output: 3 x 16,361 kW
in Panamá. scheme for the exploitation of the
Head: 274 m
ANDRITZ HYDRO had already sup- hydraulic resources of this river. The
plied turbines and generators for Pando plant is provided with two Speed: 450 rpm
other projects with Cobra in this vertical Pelton turbines with six nozzles Runner diameter: 1,510 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 28 04.05.2012 14:25:03 Uhr

Highlights HYDRONEWS 29

Pakistan downstream from the Satpara lake, Switzerland

Satpara which is about 6 km south of Skardu Ackersand 11
town. It is expected that the develop-
ment of the Satpara Dam Project can
be used to irrigate 15,000 acres of
land, and to provide 11 million litres of
drinking water per day, as well as
generating 23 GWh of electricity per
year. Start-up for the project is sched-
In June 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO uled for January 2013.
was awarded a contract by the
Wa t e r & P o w e r D e v e l o p m e n t Qizhi Xie In May 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO
Authority of Pakistan for the supply, Phone: +86 (571) 8378 8102 received the order to supply a new
installation, testing and commis- unit for the Ackersand power-
sioning of E&M works for power- plant, replacing two existing tur-
house 3 and powerhouse 4 of the bines which had been in operation
Output: 2 x 1,180 kW / 1,475 kVA
Satpara Dam Project. since 1909 and 1917 respectively.
Head: 69.8 m
The contract’s scope of supply com- The customer is Ackersand I AG
Speed: 750 rpm
prises two sets of Compact Francis and the two power plant operators,
Runner diameter: 611 mm
turbines with generators for power- EnAlpin AG and Mattmark AG, are the
house 3 and powerhouse 4 respec- share holders. The power plant is lo-
tively. Inlet valves, powerhouse cranes Output: 2 x 692 kW / 865 kVA cated in canton Wallis, a half-hour’s
and EPS equipment are also included Head: 41.9 m drive south of Visp on route towards
for both powerhouses. Satpara Dam Speed: 600 rpm Saas Fee, and converts the water
Project is located on the Satpara river, Runner diameter: 663 mm power of the river Saaser Vispa and
several of its side waters. ANDRITZ
HYDRO is the leader of a consortium
in which Elin Motoren, as our partner,
Germany head applications Moosburg. The utili- will supply the generator. Our supply
Wittibsmühle zation of an existing weir system and a comprises design, planning, manufac-
fish passage, as well as the selection turing and delivery, as well as installa-
of an ANDRITZ HYDRO “Belt Drive tion and commissioning of the com-
Bulb Turbine”, were key success fac- plete machine set. It also includes
tors in minimizing overall investment electric switchgear and the control
and ensuring an economically and system. In the ANDITZ HYDRO ma-
ecologically viable project for the chine concept the customer require-
Wasserkraft Wittibsmühle GmbH. The ments regarding power, efficiency and
scope of supply for ANDRITZ HYDRO flexibility are best met by a vertical
comprises one “Belt Drive Bulb 5-jet Pelton turbine from the Compact
Turbine”, a corresponding hydraulic program, with a water-cooled genera-
power unit, stainless steel piping be- tor. Commissioning will be completed
There is a growing trend in Com- tween turbine and high pressure at the end of April 2013, and a three-
pact Hydro’s lower power range oil unit as well as installation and month trial operation period during the
toward utilizing belt drives to hydro commissioning services. The plant is peak months of May through July will
turbines to their generators. The scheduled to be in commercial opera- follow. On 31 July 2013 the plant will
ANDRITZ HYDRO belt has a power tion as of November 2012. be handed over to the customer.
output of approximately 600 kW,
and is a cost-effective solution avail- Martin Reisser Stefan Geiger
able for low head applications. Phone: +49 (751) 29511 489 Phone: +41 (71) 929 3639
There is a growing trend in Compact
Hydro’s lower power range toward
utilizing belt drives to hydro turbines
Output: 508 kW Output: 14,795 kW
to their generators. The ANDRITZ
HYDRO belt has a power output of Head: 2.86 m Head: 710.7 m
approximately 600 kW, and is a cost- Speed: 192 / 500 rpm Speed: 750 rpm
effective solution available for low Runner diameter: 1,950 mm Runner diameter: 1,415 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 29 04.05.2012 14:25:10 Uhr

30 HYDRONEWS Highlights

Italy Switzerland
San Giovanni Bianco Löbbia / Castasegna
The Zurich 04 Municipal Electric
Utility has charged ANDRITZ HYDRO
with revision of the Löbbia and
Castasegna power plants.
With the joint revision and moderniza-
tion order the two major power plants
will meet the future needs of the power
market. ANDRITZ HYDRO’s scope efficiency increase of more than 1% is
of delivery covers the revision and achieved. All runners are coated with
renovation of unit 3 in Löbbia, the de- the new SXH TM7X method, through
livery of four new Pelton runners with which a significant edge on life exten-
SXHTM7X coating and a pump runner. sion can be achieved. The delivery
The modernization of the combined will take place between October 2012
In February 2011, ANDRITZ set of units leads to an increased and April 2013.
HYDRO was awarded a contract output of approximately 5% while im-
to supply the water to wire equip- proving the optimum efficiency by more Christoph Bütikofer
ment for the San Giovanni Bianco than 2%. Key criteria for awarding the Phone: +41 (41) 329 53 72
hydropower plant from SMI Group, contract to ANDRITZ HYDRO were not
an Italian company leader in pack- only the economic improvement of the
aging machines production. power plant, but also the longstanding TECHN. DATA Löbbia M3
San Giovanni Bianco is located in Val know-how of ANDRITZ HYDRO in the Output: 8.83 MW Pelton / 37 MW
Brembana, North Italy, near the town field of rebuilding and modernizing Output: 7.36 MW pump
of San Pellegrino, well known for its of hydropower plants. Due to the TECHN. DATA Löbbia M3 / Castasegna
thermal and mineral waters. After exchange of the Pelton runners, an Output: 37 MW / 2 x 26 MW Doublepelton
almost a century of operation the
three existing Francis open flume
units will be replaced with one verti-
cal CAT turbine. The close collabora- Poland
tion between ANDRITZ HYDRO and Januszkowice
the customer’s technical advisors
allowed for smooth and efficient
integration of the new unit inside
the existing building. On the invest-
ment side, the proposed solution F O T O
has maximized production while
minimizing civil costs. The scope
of supply of ANDRITZ HYDRO com-
prises one vertical double regulated
CAT turbine, oil hydraulic unit, cool- Rehabilitation of a Kaplan turbine petence of ANDRITZ HYDRO and
ing system, including installation and after a bearing failure. the client’s satisfaction is that the
commissioning of the supply and ef- ANDRITZ HYDRO in Ravensburg rehabilitation and moder nization
ficiency tests. Start-up is scheduled received an order from the Polska of the second unit is expected in
for November 2012. Grupa Energetyczna for the reha- 2012.
bilitation and modernization of a
Stefano Rizzi Kaplan turbine for the Polish Janusz- Jürgen Dietrich
Phone: +39 (445) 678247 kowice power plant. The relevant Phone: + 49 (751) 29511 613 criteria for receipt of the order were
our professional appearance and
the successful rehabilitation of two
Output: 1,300 kW Output: 2 x 700 kW
bevel gear Bulb turbines after flood
Head: 9.5 m Head: 2.6 m
damage, which has been realized
Speed: 333 rpm to the client’s satisfaction. Addition- Speed: 428.6 rpm
Runner diameter: 1,600 mm al evidence for the technical com- Runner diameter: 2,360 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 30 04.05.2012 14:25:17 Uhr

Highlights HYDRONEWS 31

India Turkey
Automation in India Protection solution
Within the past few months,
ANDRITZ HYDRO Automation has
successfully increased its lead
in the field of electrical protection
solutions for small hydropower
2011 has been an excellent year Especially for the booming Turkish
for ANDRITZ HYDRO in India re- market, electrical protection solutions
ceiving a number of Automation for 15 hydropower plants were deliv-
orders from this highly competitive ered. The delivered systems consist
market. of DRS protection devices for gen-
The year began with an order for two erator, transformer and wire protec-
static excitation systems for the Ghat- tion. The advantage of these solutions
aprabha power plant in Karnataka. The is based on the high degree of stand-
most important contract, for supply of ardization in small hydropower plant
four static excitation systems for four of applications. Due to the simple opera-
Neyveli Lignite Corporation’s 210 MW tion of the systems, extremely short Turkish market and is well prepared
lignite based thermal power was won delivery times are achieved, which are for future projects.
against fierce competition in July 2011. a significant cost factor in their reali-
This power plant is located in the zation. By providing these solutions, Bernhard Mayrhofer
southern part of India. By executing ANDRITZ HYDRO is continuously ex- Phone: +43 (1) 811 95 6940
successfully this contract, ANDRITZ tending its business activities in the
HYDRO will further consolidate its
position in the automation market. In
winning a July 2011 contract from
NTPC-Sail Power Corporation Ltd. for Peru Santa Teresa is situated in the region
the supply of digital static excitation Santa Teresa / Machu Picchu and has a total ca-
systems for two 60 MW units at Cerro del Aguila pacity of 98 MW. For both plants the
Durgapur, ANDRITZ HYDRO made in- famous NEPTUN concept is used,
roads with two key customers: National After the successful commission- containing the power plant control
Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC), ing of the Peruvian power plant system, electrical protection for gen-
the biggest thermal power utility in Chacayes, ANDRITZ HYDRO Auto- erators and wires, excitation sys-
India and Steel Authority of India Ltd. mation again secured major con- tems, control station system and a
(SAIL), the largest steel producing tracts for the control equipment Voice-over-IP system. Thanks to pre-
company in the government sector. of two hydropower plants. viously completed projects, ANDRITZ
Therefore, this project will serve as a End of 2011, ANDRITZ HYDRO Auto- HYDRO was able to re-qualify for
key reference for other projects in mation received orders for the con- both projects and to increase its
future. ANDRITZ HYDRO also receiv- trol equipment of the hydropower presence in South America success-
ed an or der from MSPGCL for two plants Santa Teresa and Cerro del fully.
210 MW units for the Nasik thermal Aguila in Peru. The power plant
power plant. We have already supplied Cerro del Aguila will be built as an Clemens Mann
previous contracts to this customer subterranean caver n power plant Phone: +43 (1) 811 94 6884
and convinced them of our successful with three 134 MW Francis turbines.
performance. Apart from the above,
there were also some smaller orders
received for Automation products.
Engineering, assembly and testing of
Automation products for all of these
contracts will be carried out in the
ANDRITZ HYDRO workshop in India.
Adesh Mehra
Phone: +91 (7480) 400483

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 31 04.05.2012 14:25:28 Uhr

32 HYDRONEWS Highlights

Germany Due to increased operational demands,

Erzhausen and in order to ensure the availability
of the machine, the hydroelectric units
Rehabilitation of one hydropower will be rehabilitated again. The last over-
unit of the Erzhausen pumped haul of unit no.4’s pump and turbine
storage plant. was about 20 years ago, and the last
The Erzhausen power plant consists repair of the spherical valves was about
of four horizontal hydropower units, 13 years ago. ANDRITZ HYDRO in
each with a turbine, pump and start- Ravensburg received this order from
ing turbine, as well as an upstream Statkraft due to a good concept which, services on their own account. React-
spherical valve for pump and turbine. amongst others, includes the client’s ing with a very short time schedule
and potential to react quickly with our
own know-how in case of additional
challenges during the execution satis-
fied the client supported by our good

Jürgen Dietrich
Phone: + 49 (751) 29511 613
Output turbine: 4 x 63 MW
Head: 290 m
Speed: 428.6 rpm
Runner diameter: 2,340 mm

France turing of six new Pelton runners of 21 net head power plant are remarkable:
La Bâthie tons each, and the rehabilitation of power output increases of 18% (from
twelve injectors, including a reengi- 496 MW up to 618 MW in total) and
EDF has awarded ANDRITZ HYDRO neered design. Over the next six years, efficiency increases of 1.6%. This
an order for six new Pelton runners these new runners will be manufactured project is another important success
for the La Bâthie hydropower plant using two technologies: MicroGuss TM
in the French Alps. within ANDRITZ HYDRO Switzerland for
The commissioning of Roselend- the first unit, which will enable short
La Bâthie took place in 1961, making delivery time, and with HIWELD TM XL
this year its 50th anniversary. During within ANDRITZ HYDRO Mexico for the
this important milestone, ANDRITZ next units, in response to the opening
HYDRO will provide EDF, under its of EDF to non-European manufactur-
scope of work, with a model test, en- ing. The technical achievements offer-
gineering, procurement and manufac- ed to EDF for this impressive 1,112 m
with EDF and we are optimistic re-
garding our continuing and positive
future collaboration.

Quentin Seringe
Phone: +41 (21) 925 77 23


Output: 6 x 82.7 MW / 6 x 103 MW
Head: 1,112 m
Speed: 428 rpm
Runner diameter: 3,250 mm

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 32 04.05.2012 14:25:31 Uhr


Groundbreaking in Linz
New assembly hall for large turbogenerators

▲ Good mood during groundbreaking ceremony

for mid 2013. This is an important mile-

he official groundbreaking
for the construction of the stone for the future strategic orientation
new assembly hall took place of the turbogenerator division in order
on 7 November 2011 by Members to expand its portfolio in terms of high-
of the Board of ANDRITZ HYDRO er outputs.
( Wo l f g a n g S e m p e r a n d H a r a l d
Heber) and the heads of turbogen- Jürgen Holzer
erators (Jürgen Holzer and Karl Phone: +43 (3172) 606 3416
Schlögelbauer), as well as the
directors of the company Felber-
mayr. KEY DATA:
▲ Director Felbermayr at opening speech Product range:
After concluding a contract for supply - large turbogenerators up to 600 MVA
of heavy hydrogen-cooled turbogen- The assembly hall will be used for stator Assembly hall:
erators it was necessary to build a stacking, winding and final assembly of - size: 80 m x 40 m x 20 m
new assembly hall. Due to weight and the new heavy generators. In addition, a - total area: 3,208 m²
dimensions, transport of such genera- test field for prototype tests will be in- - crane capacity: 300 tons
tors from the Austrian manufacturing stalled. The electrical key components (extendable to 600 tons)
site at Weiz is not possible. The new (laminations, high voltage insulation) - additional two cranes at 20 tons each
hall is located near ANDRITZ HYDRO and the complete rotor will be manufac- - crane hook height in assembly hall: 14 m
in Linz, with dedicated access to the tured in the Weiz workshop. Completion - testfield: 5.5 MW
Traun / Danube heavy load port in the of the hall is planned for late August
former VOEST area. 2012, and delivery of the first generator
▼ A turbogenerator ready for transportation
▼ View of the new assembly hall

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 33 04.05.2012 14:25:45 Uhr


World Asia

Oct. 17-19,
Important event for


1• z Malaysia
Prague / C

NDRITZ HYDRO participated
successfully in Renewable
E n e r g y Wo r l d A s i a a v e r y
important event in South-East Asia.

HYDRO2011 In 2011, it took place in Kuala

Lumpur, Malaysia, from 27 to 29

Prague, Czech Republic Renewable Energy World Asia is the

region’s most important conference
dedicated to power generation and
“Practical Solutions for a Sustainable Future” transmission and distribution from

utumn is trade fair season
and from 17 - 19 October
2011, the „HYDRO 2011“ in-
ternational conference and exhibi-
tion took place in Prague, Czech
Republic. More than 1,200 partici-
pants from 77 countries participat-
ed. As usual, the conference focus-
ed strongly on the needs, priori-
ties and plans of the developing
countries of Africa, Asia and Latin turbines as well as electrical simulation
America. results. The white-blue cubic booth
design offered excellent opportunities
ANDRITZ HYDRO participated with six for information exchange between all
technical paper presentations and a visitors and ANDRITZ HYDRO. Monitor
booth, highly frequented every day. presentations and HD-movies supported
Technical papers of ANDRITZ HYDRO the technical discussions.
covered topics of Pelton and pump
Presentation of a new 3D simulation
tool, used for research and develop-
ment, was a special highlight at the
booth. As in previous years, HYDRO
2011 was an important and very suc-
cessful event for ANDRITZ HYDRO,
underlining the position as one of the
leading suppliers of hydropower equip-
ment worldwide.

Jens Päutz
Phone: +43 (1) 89100 2675

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 34 04.05.2012 14:26:04 Uhr


/ Brazil
Sept. 20-22
Booth 204


11 Ja
• Rio d e

renewable energy sources. Co-located
with POWERGEN Asia at the KLCC
Convention Centre in the heart of Kuala
Lumpur, Malaysia, more than 7,000
power and renewable industry profes-
sionals visited the event. Brazil 2011
ANDRITZ HYDRO participated with
two technical paper presentations
Successful participation of ANDRITZ HYDRO
and a booth. The Managing Director of at the first HydroVision in Brazil
ANDRITZ HYDRO Malysia, Mr. Michael
Moggie, took part in a podium session,
discussing chances and opportunities

y d ro Vi s i o n t o o k p l a c e f o r equipment, this event was a good op-
for renewable energy in Asia. It was a the very first time in Brazil. portunity to demonstrate ANDRITZ
good opportunity to present ANDRITZ Because of the strong market HYDRO’s strong position in the Brazilian
HYDRO as one of the leading suppliers position in Brazil ANDRITZ HYDRO market.
of hydropower equipment in South- participated successfully with tech-
East Asia, especially in Malaysia. nical papers and a booth. Jens Päutz
Phone: +43 (1) 89100 2675
Jens Päutz HydroVision BRAZIL is designed to in-
Phone: +43 (1) 89100 2675 t ro d u c e h y d ro p o w e r d e v e l o p m e n t opportunities within Brazil and Latin
America to the rest of the world, as well
as to serve the needs of the hydroelec-
tric power and dams/civil structure Hydroenergia
sectors in Brazil and Latin America. 23 – 26 May 2012
More than 650 attendees representing Wrocław, Poland
33 countries took part in this first event.
Powertage Zurich
ANDRITZ HYDRO participated with two 12 – 14 June 2012
technical paper presentations and a Zurich, Switzerland
booth. Mr. Sergio Parada, President of
ANDRITZ HYDRO Brazil, worked on HydroVision USA
the organizational committee and co- 17 – 20 July 2012
chaired a session on “Evaluating and Louisville, USA
Making Hydropower Projects Feasible”.
Based on the global layout concept of HydroVision Brazil
ANDRITZ HYDRO, the booth design 25 – 27 September 2012
plus large scale HD video monitors, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
touch monitors for individual presenta-
tions, and a model of a Bulb turbine of- HYDRO 2012
fered perfect opportunities for commu- 29 – 31 October 2012
nication and new contacts. As one of Bilbao, Spain
the leading suppliers of hydropower

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 35 04.05.2012 14:26:30 Uhr

Large Hydro
Pumped storage meets the peak

The pumped storage power plant Lang turbines / generating units and a total

Yashan is located about 300 km west- installed capacity of more than 650 MW
wards of Shanghai in Anhui province and supplies electricity during peak
in China. The large underground power times.
sta tion is one of the largest instal- We focus on the best solution – from
lations in the region with four pump water to wire.


Penzinger Strasse 76, 1141 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (1) 89100, Fax: +43 (1) 8946046

HN21_ENGLISH No_21_(APRIL_2012) 4c_PRINT.indd 36 04.05.2012 14:26:45 Uhr

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