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Now why am I talking about this?
Syempre, related siya sa topic ko. The
central instrument for colonization that
Before I officially start my topic, let me
the Spanish used was their Military.
paint you a picture. Imagine a kingdom,
there’s a castle, a king, the people. A king
• conquest and expansion
is someone who rules and leads his
• Maintaining control
territory. They are usually in charge of
• fortification of defense
shaping the political, social, and cultural
• Encondomia system
landscapes of their respective societies.
• suppression of resistance
• cultural &. religion influence
But what do you think gives them power?
Is it their crown? Is it the fact that their

Is love and respect enough? Emotions

The term "Regimientos Fijos" or "Fixed
are fragile, they change all the time. One
minute they can be happy with their king,
- specific type of military units that
then angry the next. What do you think
were established during the
stops the people from stabbing them
Spanish colonial period. Intended
from the back and taking the throne for
to be stationed permanently in a
particular region or colony. The
term "fijo" in Spanish means fixed
The answer is POWER. Military Power to
or stationary.
be exact. They are the one who carries
out the will of the wants, they protect him,
The purpose of these regiments was to
they serve him, and they punish those
maintain a stable military presence in
who wrong their King. It’s their duty.
strategic locations, ensuring control and
order within the colonies. (safeguarding
Being a ruler means you automatically
Spanish interests, suppressing potential
have access to the military, it’s one of the
uprisings, and defending against external
chess pieces that they are allowed to
use. It’s just how it is.

Regiments distinguished them from

It’s power. They are able to instill fear in
more mobile military units. Symbol of the
people, to make them obey.
Spanish Crown's commitment to
maintaining a standing military force.
The city of Legazpi in the Philippines is
In the context of the Spanish military, named in his honor.
particularly during the colonial period,
regiments consisting of indigenous
soldiers were indeed referred to as
"Indígenas." These were military units
composed of native or indigenous
individuals recruited to serve in the
Spanish colonial forces. The term
69th (Iberia) Infantry Regiment
emphasized their indigenous arity with
- The Iberian Peninsula is considered the
the terrain, background. homeland of Spaniards. The Iberian
Peninsula is located in southwestern
- need for local manpower, familiar Europe and is shared by Spain and
efforts to integrate indigenous Portugal
populations into the colonial
administration. The Indígenas regiments The Iberian Peninsula has been inhabited
played a role in the defense of the for thousands of years, and its history is
deeply intertwined with the development
Spanish colonies and were part of the
of various cultures
broader military structure.
language, traditions, cuisine, and

The number of fixed regiments in the

Spanish military varied over time and
70th (Magallanes) Infantry Regiment
across different regions of the Spanish
Portuguese explorer Ferdinand
Empire Magellan. Magellan is well-known for
leading the first expedition
68th (Legaspi) Infantry Regiment
- named after the conquistador who Magellan's journey greatly contributed to
claimed the Philippines for Spain, Don the understanding of global geography
Miguel Lopez de Legaspi. and the vastness of the Earth.

actually the squad who killed Rizal

- played a crucial role in the Spanish eight squad of filipino riflemen
colonization of the Philippines in the 16th iisa lang ang may bala
century to make it a part of their Empire.
He was the first governor-general in the december 30, umaga
philippines after successfully exactly 7:03
establishing the spanish city of manila.
Jolo is an island located in the
southwestern Philippines, part of the
Sulu Archipelago in the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM).
Here are some key points about Jolo
71st (Mindanao) Infantry Regiment Island:
Conflict-ridden" refers to a situation or
place that is has ongoing conflicts,
disputes, or tensions. In the context of a
region or area being described as
conflict-ridden, it implies that there are
persistent and often unresolved issues
leads to violence 74th (Manila) Infantry Regiment
was where the now City of Manila began with a
population of 250 after its foundation on 1571 June
These conflicts can manifest in various 24 as the capital of the Philippines, after which the
forms, such as political, ethnic, religious, capital city was honored by the King of Spain with
a coat-of-arms and a grandiose title "Insigne y
or socioeconomic tensions. Siempre Leal Ciudad" or "Distinguished and Ever
Faithful" or "
historical, cultural, or political factors
contributing to a state of instability or
unrest in the area.

They were supposed to stop crimes,
handle uprisings, and protect what Spain
owned in the Philippines. However, some
people didn't like them because they
72nd (Visayas) Infantry Regiment sometimes used too much power and
named after the group of islands were seen as harsh, especially during
occupying the central Philippines known times when Filipinos resisted Spanish
collectively as the Visayas. rule.

The Guardia Civil in the Philippines

became known for their tough reputation,
often seen as the strong arms or
enforcers working for local government
officials. Their actions gained a kind of
73rd (Jolo) Infantry Regiment legendary infamy because they were
seen as the muscle behind those in
1896 the armed struggle began in Manila and power
quickly spread throughout the country.
Aguinaldo defeated Spanish forces in several
battles and rose to become the leader of

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