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The Phantom was Behind Me

By Ninju

It was a beautiful evening. The sun was slowly setting, making way for the moon. The stars started
twinkling in the misty sky, as it became twilight time.

'Kiara, darling! Would you mind getting some milk from the grocery store, it's only 10 minutes away!'
said mother.

Kiara, who was gazing at the dusky clouds, said,

'Sure, mom.'

She grabbed a bag, and quickly put on a hoodie and her sneakers. She was ready to go get some

Kiara walked through the surprisingly silent streets of her hometown, listening to her favourite beats
while thinking,

'Huh. I thought the streets would be crowded. It's Sunday, plenty of people should be going to the
hypermarket in the next town, but there's no one here. Strange.'

She just shrugged off the weird thought and moved on.

After a couple minutes of walking, she heard faint footsteps behind her. She didn't think much of the
faint noise and continued listening to her music.

As she ignored it, it got louder, and louder, until finally,

'What do you want with me, you weirdo?' She shouted. But there was no one there.

She thought the sound didn't exist, but the way it hit her ears was undeniable.

She plugged her earphones back into her ears and kept walking.

After a few minutes, she reached the grocery store. She bought a litre of milk and tried to go home.

She ran a little. She went 3/4 the distance from the grocery store to home. Then suddenly,
*Pat, pat* She felt a pat on the shoulder. She heard a grunting sound, too, like they were trying to
tell her something.

This time she was really mad. Kiara is the type that gets mad easily and has a short temper.

'Okay, you're playing games with me, huh? I'll show you what you'll get when you mess with me!'
*Turns around*

'Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!' She ran for her life!

What she had to witness was something she hoped others didn't have to see. It was a black,
humanoid figure with souless eyes and swaying arms. She'd wager it was about 8-feet tall as it was
towering over her. Kiara was truly frightened.

A few hours later...

Kiara's friends, Diana, Patrice, Pamela and Rianne were at her house because of a sudden and urgent
call from her.

'What happened, Kiara?' said Diana.

'Yeah, we really want to know. The way you spoke in the phone call, It made you sound frightened.'
exclaimed Rianne.

'Wait, is there some kind of monster in town?' shouted Patrice.

Then Kiara said, 'Haha. I'm afraid there is.'

'What kind?' said Pamela with curiosity.

'Oh, no! Why did you call us here? We could have safely stayed home.' said the scared Patrice.

*Sigh* 'Just listen to what I have to say. This is what happened...' (Kiara narrates what previously
Kiara's friends are all different, but they somehow bond with eachother.

Diana is a pretty normal person. She cares for her friend and often calms her friends down.

Patrice is pretty much a scaredycat. She gets frightened pretty quickly, but that lets her emphathize
with others easily.

Pamela is very adventureuos and curious. She likes to try new things and sometimes bends the rules.

Rianne is a very smart and resourceful person. She is usually the first one to sit down and analyse the
situation, but when she gets determined, there's no way to stop her.

Pamela with a questionable intent, 'Hey, let's hunt it down-'

'Stop! We can't just try to catch it and hope for the best! If what Kiara said was true, what we are
dealing with is dangerous.' said Rianne, causiously.

'What do you mean?' asked Kiara.

'The monster that you saw is called a "phantom brother". Rumors say that they are creatures that go
to houses with young children to look at the child. Then for some reason they have an ever-lasting
grudge on the child they liked. They then try to make the child's life miserable.' said Rianne.

'Wait, so that monster that I saw has a lasting grudge on me? Why?' said Kiara, with a fearful voice.

'Y-yeah, why would that monster want to do revenge on Kiara? I mean, s-she's so nice.' said Patrice,
now a fear-filled mess.

'That, the rumor does not explain.' said Rianne.

'Aww. I really wanted to beat that thing to pulp, but I can't, because I don't have an actual reason
to.' said the now dissapointed Pamela.

'Ahh.. We're glad.' Kiara said, now relieved.

'But what should we do now?' said Diana, confused.

'I've got a plan. We'll have a meeting everyday, at different places. First at Kiara's place, then at
Diana's place, then Pamela's, then Patrice's and finally, my place. Then we will repeat this until we
think the monster is gone.' said Rianne.

'Sounds like a plan!' shouted Pamela.

'Wait, so, we will meet at my place tomorrow?' asked Diana.

'Yes. Today is our first meeting day, and I said that you are second, so we will meet at your place
tomorrow.' answered Rianne.

'Ok. I'm totally fine with that.' said Diana.

'Let's meet at Diana' tomorrow, deal?' said Kiara.

'Deal!' shouted everyone.

Next day

Best Friends Group Chat:

Kiara: Hey, what are you guys doing now?

Rianne: I'm walking to Diana's.

Our houses are very close, so I only need to walk.

Pamela: I'm taking my bike there, because I don't feel like walking.

Patrice: I took my umbrella with me, just in case the monster attacks me.

Pamela: Smart, but I don't think you could do anything with a mass-destruction weapon, not to
mention an umbrella.

Patrice: Hey! Stop teasing me.

Pamela: Fine, I'll stop.

Kiara: Hey, where's Diana?

She hasn't been texting. I'm worried.

Diana: Don't worry! I'm still here!

I was just busy getting the house ready for today's meeting. My sis is making pudding for us.

Patrice: Phew. I thought the monster had caught you and little Dora.

Diana: She isn't that "little" any more.

She became 11 years old last week.

She's only 7 years younger than me!

Kiara: Oh, kids. They grow so fast!

Rianne: I can teach her a few physics formulas now, Diana!



Diana: Aaaahhhh! Hel-

Kiara: Diana! Are you alright?!

Pamela: Diana!

Patrice: Did the monster catch you?

Rianne: Diana! Why did you send that message?!


Diana: Hey! This is Dora! Come quick! Sis is dead!

There's a big spike thrust in her body!

Patrice: What?!

Pamela: Is this some kind of joke?

Diana: No! It isn't! Come quick!

Kiara: We're on our way!

Rianne: I'll call the police!

A few minutes ago

'Hah! They think I'll be caught that easily, by that monster? Nope! No thank you! Nuh huh!'

Diana kept cleaning while saying those words.

'Ok, let's just listen to some music. I'm sure that there's still a few more minutes before Rianne gets
here, not to mention the others.'

She put on her headphones and turned it on. Her favorite song started playing.

'Oh, yeah! I never thought listening to music while doing work is so productive!'

*Pat, pat* She felt a pat on the shoulder. She heard a grunting sound, as well.

'Huh? A pat? On the shoulder? This means- (Turns around)

Aaaahhhh! Help! Someone, please!

She pressed the record button on her phone. Her friends could hear a recording of her screaming,
but she let go of the button in the middle of her "help", so they could only hear "hel".

She felt a piercing pain in her abdominal area. A black spike coming from behind the phantom
brother was thrust into her body, bringing her immeasurable pain.

Dora, Diana's sister, was in the kitchen, making chocolate pudding. She heard her sister screaming
for help and went into the living room to see what was going on. What she saw was heart-breaking,
utterly mortifying.

Her sister, lying dead, scewered by a black thorn.

'Sis?! What happened to you!? You're dead! Who did this to you?!' said Dora, after breaking into

She noticed her sister's phone, laying beside her, and decided to ask for help to her friends.

Right now
'Dora! We're here!' shouted Kiara.

Dora heard Rianne's voice say, 'And I'm here with the police.'

A dozen police officers rushed into the room, inspecting every inch of the place, to find evidence of a
murderer, but they found none.

'There's no sign of a person who could pose as the murderer, sir.' said a police officer.

'That's because a phantom brother is the murderer! Kiara's phantom brother!' shouted Rianne.

'Yes. I even saw it yesterday.' said Kiara.

'Rianne, this death is most likely a suicide or a well-planned murder by a skilled murderer, you know
as well as I do that ghosts and "phantom brothers" don't exist. Stop believing those stupid rumors
and come back to reality.' said Rianne's dad, who is the head of the local police station.

'But can't you atleast believe in ghosts for a short while? Just for this case?' said Rianne.

'Yeah, maybe you might find the answer if you do.' said Pamela.

'Mhm.' Nodded Patrice.

(Sigh) 'Fine.' said Rianne's dad, as he agreed reluctantly.

(In a loud voice) 'Everyone, If you find evidence of a ghost murderer, bring it to me.' shouted Mr.
Pegel [Rianne's father].


'Sir! I have found a piece of evidence that suggests the existence of a ghost murderer!' shouted a
young detective.

'Show me this "evidence."' said Mr. Pegel.

'It's the murder weapon. It's a large black spike, one that cannot be carried by an ordinary person.'
said the detective.

'Hmm. That only proves the existence of an accomplice, not a ghost.' said Mr. Pegel.

'But dad! Who would use a spike, one that can't be carried by one person, to skewer someone? That
in itself prooves the existence of a ghost killer, doen't it?' asked Rianne.

'What, you're still here? You don't have to stay here all day. I'll take care of everything myself. You're
only 17, you can just go and do something with your friends.' said Mr. Pegel.

'Fine, dad.' said Rianne, as she left the room with her friends.
At Diana's room

'I can't believe my sis died...' exclaimed Dora.

'Don't worry Dora, we know who killed Diana, but we can't tell you, or else you might die too.' said


'I understand...' said Dora.

'Dora! I heard your aunt lives next door, so why don't we take you to your aunt's place?' asked

'What about her parents?' asked Patrice.

'Her parents are abroad, and they are out-of-touch with them.' answered Rianne.

'Ohh.. I understand now. But does this m-mean we are next? I feel s-scared at the thought of it
happening...' said the frightened Patrice.

'Don't worry, I've got another idea. Why don't we all walk together? I'll walk with Patrice, and Kiara
can walk alone. I don't think Kiara will get hurt because she would have been killed instead of Diana
if it was going to hurt her.' said Rianne.

'Ok, then, see you at my place!' said Pamela.

Next day

Best Friends Group Chat:

Rianne: Hey, is everyone here?

I know Patrice is, because she's here with me!

Patrice: Hey! I'm here with Rianne.

We're walking to Pamela's together, like we agreed on yesterday.

Kiara: I'm here, too, so you don't have to worry.

Rianne: Is Pamela here?

If we see the hint of her being dead, we gotta stop.

Kiara: Ok.

Patrice: Sure.

Pamela, are you here?


Pamela: Yup.

You don't have to worry about me.

I'm fine.

Patrice: Phew, what a relief.

Pamela: Did you think I'd die as easily as Diana.

Unlike her, I've got some strength and can hold a fight with that monster.

Rianne: Ok, Pamela. We just asked.

You don't have to brag right now.

Pamela: Fine, I won't.

See you guys at my place!

Rianne: See you!

Patrice: I hope you all are safe!

See you!

Kiara: See you guys!

'Patrice, come on, run quickly. Even though Pamela is most likely going to die next, we can't take
chances! Run!' shouts Rianne.
'I'm running, I'm running! You know that I can't run that fast! You're the fastest runner in school, not
me!' said Patrice.

'I know, but you still have to run! Otherwise, the monster will catch you, and skewer you too! Come
on, run!' said Rianne.

'Ok, I'll try to run fast!' (Starts to run)

'Good. I'll run too. You can catch-up to me. Ok?'


(Rianne starts to run)

After a few minutes

'Ah, I'm exhausted. Let's stop for a while.' said Patrice, as she stops running.

*Pant, pant*


'That was a good run, but I can't stop here! Rianne is waiting for me!' shouts the determined Patrice,
as she gets ready to run.

3...2...1- *Grunt*

'Huh, where's that grunting sound coming from?'

(Patrice looks down)

The monster comes from underground and swallows Patrice's body until the neck-base. She screams
for her life: 'Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Rianne! Help! Please!'

The monster dissapears, leaving Patrice's head to leak blood until someone cleans it up.

Rianne hears Patrice's cries of pain from a distance.

'Patrice?' (Turns around) 'Patrice! You're dead! Does that mean I'm next?! I have to run, for the sake
of everyone I love! But first- (Takes the phone out and calls the police) 'Please come to the road
leading to Pamela's place.' (Starts running away at full speed) 'Yes dad, Patrice is dead! Only her
head is left! I won't be there, but you got to investigate!' .... 'Thanks, dad! See you home!'
At Pamela's place

(Looking at all of this from her balcony) 'P-Patrice is dead?! I can't believe it! I thought I was going to
die today!' argues Pamela.

The phantom brother creeps in to the balcony and pushes Pamela without making any noise. Pamela
falls from her balcony, which was on the second storey of her house, and hits the ground, right
infront of Rianne and Kiara, who was on her bicycle.

'Aahh! First Patrice, and now Pamela?!' shouts Rianne.

'Wait, Patrice is dead!? What's happening?!' exclaimed Kiara.

'I've got no idea! But I'm glad that you're safe!' said Rianne.

'Me too.' said Kiara.

'Why don't we ride your bicycle to my place, and then you can go to your place alone, Ok?' asked

'Ok. Sit at the back.' (Rianne sits on her bicycle) (Kiara starts riding her cycle)

They finally get home.

Last day

Best Friends Group Chat:

Rianne: Who should come to who's place?

Kiara: Why don't I come to your place?

That sounds a bit more safer than vice-versa.

Rianne: You're right! See you at my place!

Kiara: See you!

At Rianne's

'Ok. I can't die. No way, no how. I just can't die. Besides, there's nothing here that could kill me.' said

(Puts on a scarf and looks at mirror) 'Hmm. Do I look fashionable or what? .... Maybe a hat would
look better.'

The phantom creeps in from behind, but Rianne spots it because she is looking at a mirror.

'You're here, to ki-' (Suffocates her)

'Gggggggrrrrrrruuuuunnnnnttttttttt.......' [You will pay.] The monster said, with a grunt-filled voice.

(In a strained voice) 'For wha-' (Rianne dies)

The monster doesn't leave the room, but instead hides, like it is planning something.

After a few minutes

Kiara enters the room, and instantly sees Riana, now pale and lifeless.

She falls to her knees and says 'I can't believe it, you too!' (Starts crying)
The monster now sees it's oppurtunity and steps out of it's hiding place.

'Ggggggrrrrrruuuuuunnnnnnntttttttt.....' [Hello]

'You, you're the one who killed my friends! What do you want?!'

'Gggggrrrrrruuuuunnnnntttttt.......' [I just want to fulfill my grudge.]

'What grudge? Why do you hate me?'

'Ggggggggrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuunnnnnnnnttttttttt........' [When I tried to play with you when you were

young, you didn't.]

'What? I didn't know you were there, but, why are you killing my friends?'

'Gggggrrrrrruuuuuunnnnnnttttt....' [If you won't be friends with me, you can't have friends.]


'What happened to my friends? You killed them, right?'


[They aren't dead, their souls are just locked away from their bodies, so they are seen as being dead,
but they are not.]

'What should I do to bring them back to life?'

'Gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrruuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnttttttttttttt..........' [Come with me to play in my home,

but you can't go back.]


'Okay. I shall come with you, but only if you bring my friends back to life.'

'Ggggggggggrrrrrrrruuuuuunnnnnnnttttt...........' [I will fulfill my promise, you can see for yourself, as


A few days later

Patricia is crying, Pamela is too, but she is trying to hide her tears. Diana is standing with Dora and
her aunt Gracia [Dora and Diana's aunt]. Rianne is standing with her dad, and a few police officers.
That young detective steps forward and removes a cloth that was covering an elongated box. In it

Kiara, all lifeless and dead. She had given up her life so her friends could be alive again.

Kiara was watching all of this from heaven, along with her phantom brother. She said, 'Ah. I hope my
friends can live without me.'

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