The Preparation For The First Written Fifth

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The Preparation for The First Written

1) Complete the sentences with present Simple of verbs.

1 I ____________ (play) football with my friends on Saturdays.

2 I ________________ (not/watch) TV in the morning.
3 __________ you ________ (help) with the housework?
4 He often ______________ (chat) with his friends at the weekend.
5 I sometimes ________________ (wash) the dishes after dinner.
6 Mark usually ________________(do) homework in his bedroom.
7 John _______________(brush) his teeth every morning and night.
8 __________you ___________ (have) lunch at school?
9 We sit on the sofa and _____________ (play) video games after school.
10 hat time __________he___________ (go) at night?

2) Complete sentences using comparative and superlative.

1. He is ___________________________ of all of his neighbours. (rich)

2. Elisabeth is ___________________________ daughter of the family. (old)
3. These kids are ___________________________ than the average student. (smart)
4. She feels much ___________________________ now than yesterday. (good)
5. Mary is ___________________________ than her sister. (tall)
6. Dogs are ___________________________ than cat. (intelligent)
7. This is ___________________________ restaurant of the city, I hate the food! (bad)
8. My brother’s room is ___________________________ than my room. (tidy)
9. I think Chinese is ___________________________ language in the world. (difficult)
10. My father is ___________________________ than my mother. (talkative)
11. This doctor is ___________________________ person I know, he works all the time. (lazy)
12. This is ___________________________ meal ever, it’s so delicious! (tasty)
13. My bed is ___________________________than the bed in this hotel. (comfortable)

3) Read the definitions. Write the words.

1 This bird can’t fly, but it can run very fast. o________
2 This animal is black and white. It comes from China. p________
3 This is a small animal. It eats grass and other plants, and is not dangerous. r________
4 This animal lives on land and in the water. It can jump a long way. f________
5 This animal is very big. It lives in the sea. w________
6 I often i________ friends to my house at weekends.
7 When does she v________ her grandmother?
8 Do you ever g________ presents to your parents

4) Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

drink survive fly grow move jump hear kill swim climb
1 Cats usually ________ milk or water every day.
2 Without water, most fish can’t ________ for long.
3 Some whales can ________ fifty kilometres in a day.
4 Snakes don’t have legs, but they can ________ fast.
5 Elephants can’t ________ because they are very heavy.
6 Most bats sleep in the day and ________ at night.
7 Gorillas can ________ tall trees.
8 Eagles sometimes _______ rabbits and eat them.
9 Some octopuses can ________ to four metres long!
10 Cats have good ears. They can ________ very well.

5) Read the text. Then write short answers to the questions. (10 marks)

Canada Day is on 1 July. Every year on this day, Canadians celebrate the start of their country in 1867. There are
celebrations in every town and city in Canada. It’s a holiday, so people don’t work on Canada Day, and students don’t
go to school.
The day usually starts with a big breakfast. Later there are parades and dancing in the streets. A lot of people play
sports on this day, too. In the evening, people don’t usually have dinner in their houses – they have a barbecue in their
gardens. At night some people go out to city squares or parks to watch fireworks or listen to music.
Canada Day is an enormous celebration of Canadian history and culture. A lot of people call it ‘Canada’s birthday’.
Like a birthday party, Canada Day is usually noisy – but it’s also a lot of fun!

When is Canada Day?

1 What do Canadian people celebrate on Canada Day?
2 Do students go to school on Canada Day?
3 How does the day start for most people?
4 Where do a lot of people eat in the evening?
5 What is another name for Canada Day?

6) Writing. Choose one topic and write your essay.

a. Write about birthdays in your country. What happens on a person’s birthday? You can use some of the
words in the box to help you. Write 60–80 words. (10 marks)

b. Write about an animal that lives in your country. Use the questions to help you. Write 60–80 words. (10

Paragraph 1: What animal is it? How big can it grow? What colour is it?

Paragraph 2: Does this animal live on land or in the water? Can it run / swim / jump / fly? What does it
Paragraph 3: Is it rare or common? Is it in danger? What problems does it have

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