Speaking Group Company Overview

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Company Overview

Sky High Tours is a local travel agency which mostly handle Asia trip. Sky High Tours was
established on November 28, 2002 by Erick Agung Yohanes as a chairman of this company. This agency
has been running for almost ten years and stand still as a dependable partner of travel accommodation.

Brief history

According to Mr. Erick, he was interested to travel business since he had experience on travelling
oversea. However, he found that having a trip to other country was quite expensive at that time.
Therefore, he decided to make a travel agency that can be affordable yet gratifying. This company was
only an inferior agency at first. During the time in 2003, this company didn’t even have its own working
space. Moreover, Mr. Erick mentioned that he worked all by himself through his smartphone. He also
designed his own website and advertised it among his acquaintances. In between 2010-2015, the
graphic of Sky-High Tours’ earnings was drastically increased since both Korea and Japan culture spread
rapidly to Indonesia. People are interested to take a trip to either Korea or Japan due to movie or
cartoon they watched. Henceforth, Sky High Tours accomplished decent performance which results
several achievements of honorable awards.

Core business

Sky High Tours offer various trip packages that are considered cheaper and far more affordable for
everyone. The core of our business is to give accurate accommodation regarding Asia travel destination
without taking any inappropriate advantages.

Main strength

Sky High Tours always prioritize economic in every situation. Therefore, we always offer a variative
destination with lower price. However, customer can freely choose their packages based on their
preference. They can choose either economical package or exclusive package with a lot of convincing


Currently, our main office is located in Bandung. However, we also have branches that spread in Jakarta
and Garut

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