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RM Bridge V8i
October 2013

RM Bridge Professional Engineering Software for Bridges of all Types

RM Bridge Contents
Installation I

This document is an integral part of the program package RM Bridge. Duplication and
dissemination is only allowed with explicit permission of Bentley Systems,

© 2013, Bentley Systems, Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

RM Bridge Contents
Installation II


1 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 INSTALLING RM BRIDGE-APPLICATIONS ..................................................................................... 1-1
1.2.1 Installation ........................................................................................................................ 1-2
1.2.2 Updating installations/Adding new applications .............................................................. 1-7
1.3 LICENSE INSTALLATION .............................................................................................................. 1-7
1.4 STARTING APPLICATIONS ............................................................................................................ 1-7
1.5 DIRECTORIES AND RUNTIME ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................... 1-8
1.6 INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING THE EMBEDDED “PSPAD “ EDITOR ............................................ 1-9
1.6.1 Installing the “PSPad“ editor........................................................................................... 1-9
1.6.2 Configuring the “PsPad“ editor ....................................................................................... 1-9
1.6.3 Using Print functions for RM Listfiles( .lst) .................................................................... 1-10
1.7 INSTALLING AND CONFIGURING THE “TEXTPAD “ EDITOR ......................................................... 1-10
1.7.1 Installing the “Textpad “ editor ...................................................................................... 1-11
1.7.2 Configuring the “Textpad“ editor .................................................................................. 1-11
2 UNINSTALLING .......................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1 UNINSTALLING RM BRIDGE SOFTWARE PACKAGES .................................................................... 2-1
3 TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................ 3-2
3.1 3D GRAPHIC INCOMPLETE ........................................................................................................... 3-2
RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-1

1 Installation
1.1 System requirements

RM Bridge applications are designed to work on Microsoft Windows-based, Intel i386

compatible personal computers with the following minimum configuration:

 Intel Pentium, Celeron, Centrino, XEON, Core 2 Duo/Quad, Core i3/i5/i7 processors
with a minimum speed of 2 Ghz
 AMD K6, Athlon(K7), Opteron(K8), Phenom(K10), Bobcat and Bulldozer
processors with a minimum speed of 2 Ghz
 Minimum of 1 Gb for Windows XP (3 GB for Windows 7/8/Vista/2003) of RAM
 At least 1.4 GB of free hard disk space for program files.
 Microsoft Windows-compatible graphics card and monitor supporting at least 1280
by 800 resolution and high or true colours.
 Microsoft Operating Systems for RM Bridge V8i :
o Windows XP( SP3 ) and Windows XP x64( SP3 )
o Windows 2003 (SP2) and Windows 2003 x64(SP2)
o Windows Vista(SP2) and Windows Vista x64(SP2)
o Windows 7 and Windows 7 x64
o Windows 8 and Windows 8 x64

Recommended configuration for standard and medium projects:

 Intel Core i5 4x 3 GHz
 4 GB RAM memory or more
 Hard-disk with 7200 rpm or more
 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 32 or 64 bit operating system.
 Fast graphics card and monitor with 1280x1024 pixels and true colours.

Recommended configuration for very big projects:

 Intel Core i7, 4x 3,4GHz
 8 GB RAM memory or more
 System SSD disk
 Data files on hard-disk array raid level 0(striped) or 10 or SSD disks.
 Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64 bit operating system.
 Fast graphics card and monitor with 1600x1200 pixels and true colours.

1.2 Installing RM Bridge-applications

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-2

The program systems are shipped on CD-Rom or as download over the Internet. The
CD contains the RM Bridge Prerequisite Pack (BaseWin), one or several program
packages( e.g. RM Bridge V8i ) and additional tools.

The common part of all program systems RM Bridge Prerequisite Pack

(BaseWin) must be installed while setting up the primary RM Bridge

On default you will download the RM Bridge Prerequisite Pack (BaseWin) and the
application from the SELECT Server or a request a CD-Rom for both packages.
For installing these packages refer the RM Bridge README , section QuickInstall.

With updates of applications also the basic package will be shipped. Be aware to install
the basic package updates for general improvements (e.g. printer access, plot file
viewing, ….)!

Updates of the basic installations will generally support also older applications!

1.2.1 Installation

The RM Bridge Prerequisite Pack (BaseWin) must be installed at the first time any RM
Bridge application is established. It contains the common files for all RM Bridge and
the Windows System Prerequisites.

On default you download RM Bridge Prerequisite Pack (BaseWin) and the application
from the SECLECT Server or a request a CD-Rom for both packages.
For installing these packages refer the RM Bridge README , section Quick install.

1) RM Bridge Prerequisite Pack(BaseWin) and RM Application installation:

The SELECT Server download or the requested installation CD-Rom’s contain only a
single package. Start them one after each other, beginning with the RM basic
installation package.

Read the End User license agreement (EULA) and click on <I Agree> to start

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-3

There is no security device (hardlock) required for RM Bridge V8i and RM Bridge
RM2006 ( Select v08.09.xx, v08.10.xx ).

But due compatibility reasons to older RM installations( RM2006 9.x.x,

RM2004,RM7,… ) the hardlock driver will be installed on default!

Windows XP/2003/VISTA/7/8 :
Users need sufficient operating system rights for installing.

Windows Vista/Windows7/8 :
You will be asked to continue the administrative installation.

Please stop all running RM applications before installing new software releases!

The setup will check the user rights. An error will be displayed, if the logged user has
too less rights. Abort the installation and login as administrator or as a user with the
appropriate rights:

Installation Options:
Enable or disable the desired applications, but let always the basic installation enabled.
© Bentley Systems Austria
RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-4

The hardlock driver item will be automatically enabled, if the installation is required!
The option “Install for all users group” is available, if you have member of the
administrators group and installing under Windows2000, Windows XP or newer
operating systems!

Press <Next> to continue:

Installation directory: Choose the desired Bentley RMBridge root path and press
Please always use the same path for both the basic and the application installation!

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-5

Hardlock driver (optionally if selected):

The hardlock driver component is being installed after all other components.
The installation is done without displaying a dialogue.

An error will be displayed, if the logged user has too less rights. Abort the installation
and login as administrator or as user with the appropriate rights.

Install the RM Bridge application accordingly as described before for the Prerequisite
Installation. Please choose only the products you have purchased.

3) Setting up defaults (Editor, language, …) :

Start the setup program “RMConfig” from the Windows main start menu or inside of an
RM Bridge application with the setup icon (see left side).

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RMBridge  RMConfig

If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7/8 you should start the RMConfig as
“Administrator” in the Windows start menu to get the appropriate user rights for setting
registering the editor.

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-6

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RMBridge  RMConfig as Administrator

Choose your preferred dialogue language for input and output languages by clicking on
the flags or language radio buttons.

You can install your favourite a text editor for editing the scripts and output files.

The PsPad editor is the default editor and will allow to Syntax highlighting for TCL
scripts. It’s automatically installed into the RM Bridge “res\Pspad” folder. If you have
installed your own PsPad version use the <PSPad> button to register it.

Alternatively you can use any editor by selecting the editor path. Also the external
editor Textpad (Shareware) is recognized. It can be chosen, if the <Textpad> button is

For connecting the RM standard file extensions to the user defined editor use the button

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-7

1.2.2 Updating installations/Adding new applications

Be aware to install the basic package updates for general improvements ( e.g. printer
access, plot file viewing, ….).

Newer basic installations will support also older applications!

The updating process is shown in chapter 1.2.1 Installation !

1.3 License Installation

In order to run RM Bridge RM2006 and V8i products a user must have a valid Bentley
Activation key for this product. See detailed description in the README document.

Older RM products( RM2006 v9.x.x, RM2004,..) require a hardware device (hardlock)

and a license key for the proper usage.

1.4 Starting applications

Start the programs from the Windows start menu. The programs can also be accessed
directly from the desktop using the automatically installed icons.

For RM Bridge V8i

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RmBridge RMV8i V08.xx.x.x

You will find the standard RM Bridge V8i application as entry:

RMV8i V08.xx.xx.xx

For RM Bridge RM2006

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RmBridge RM2006 V08.09.x.x

You will find the standard RM Bridge RM2006 application as entry:

RM2006 V08.09.xx.xx

RM2006-GP V08.09.xx.xx

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-8

1.5 Directories and runtime Environment

All the new program systems and sub systems (resource tools) use a relative directory
structure to find resources (fonts, icons, ..).

Environment structures (PATH) are no longer used in the customer installations.

New program structure is as follows:

path\Bentley\RmBridge\ … Installation path (e.g. path=“c:\Program

..\RmBridge\res .... Resource tools(tdvcrt, ..) and initialization files
..\RmBridge\res .... Resource tools
..\RmBridge\res\fonts .... Resource fonts(*.fnt)
..\RmBridge\res\templates .... template files
..\RmBridge\etc .... User configuration and license files
..\RmBridge\etc\templates .... User template files
..\RmBridge\rmv8i.version .... Applications including version
e.g. rmv8i.

Special files :
..\RmBridge\res\tdv.ini .... Initial set-up for global configuration
..\RmBridge\etc\host.ini .... User configuration file
..\RmBridge\etc\select.ini .... SELECT licensing configuration file

Old hardlock licensing files :

..\RmBridge\etc\*.lic .... old License files
e.g.: Hardlock 5258 -> tdv5258.lic

Sample path structure for font and license files (hardlock 5258):

Installation path (RmBridge) =C:\Program Files\Bentley\RmBridge

RM V8i path =C:\Program files\Bentley\RmBridge\rmv8i.

Font files are in =C:\Program files\Bentley\RmBridge\res\fonts

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-9

1.6 Installing and configuring the embedded “PSPad “ editor

The new embedded default editor is a freeware product PSPad (

It’s installed by the RM Bridge V8i Prerequisite Pack.

It supports native TCL Syntax highlighting. Our additional embedded configuration also
adds the TCL commands from RM Bridge.

1.6.1 Installing the “PSPad“ editor

PSPad is installed by the RM Bridge Prerequisite Pack in the “../RMBridge/res/pspad”

directory. It will be automatically enabled as default editor, if you haven’t activated
previously a user defined editor in your RMSetup.

1.6.2 Configuring the “PsPad“ editor

->Start RMConfig in RM Bridge:

RM Bridge V8i : Click on the setup Icon RMV8i

or over the windows start menu Start menu:

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RMBridge  RMConfig

If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7 you should start the RMConfig as
“Administrator” in the Windows start menu to get the appropriate user rights for
registering and configuring the editor.

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RMBridge  RMConfig as Administrator

-> Click on the button “<PsPad>“ and click on <ok>

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-10

-> You will be asked for registering the RM file extension with the editor. Click on
<OK> to acknowledge.

-> Stop RMSetup and restart RM Bridge to enable the updated new editor path.

-> Start PSPad over the desktop icon, or on the Window Start menu

If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7 you must start PsPad as “Administrator” in
the Windows start menu to get the appropriate user rights for registering the editor.

You can configure the editor in the PSPAD main menu->Settings->Program

Settings. There you will also find the options “System integration” to integrate the
editor into your Windows operating system.

1.6.3 Using Print functions for RM Listfiles( .lst)

PSPad Editor will not support printing the page breaks of RM list files as many other
editors. But there is possibility over external scripts to print out files inside of PSPad
correctly by using TDVCRT functions.

-> Start PSPad in the RM Bridge main menu and open a list file(*.lst) :
-> Choose from Main menu>Scripts>RM Bridge->Print current file

You can alternatively also print directly to a printer or convert list files to Pdf.
These scripts will use the same functions as you can use inside TDVCRT tool.

1.7 Installing and configuring the “Textpad “ editor

The editor Textpad is a shareware product and not a component of RM Bridge. It must
be licensed directly at Helios software .

You can download it from:

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-11

1.7.1 Installing the “Textpad “ editor

Click through the installation and let the options box “Yes, I want to view the
README file with Textpad” enabled. That is necessary for the proper system
registration of the editor.

1.7.2 Configuring the “Textpad“ editor

->Start RMConfig/ TdvConfig in RM Bridge :

RM Bridge V8i : Click on the setup Icon RMV8i

or over the windows start menu Start menu:

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RMBridge  RMConfig

If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7 you should start the RMConfig as
“Administrator” in the Windows start menu to get the appropriate user rights for setting
registering the editor.

Start menu  All Programs  Bentley  RMBridge  RMConfig as Administrator

-> Click on the button “<Textpad>“ and answer with <ok>

-> You will be asked for registering the RM file extension with the editor. Click on
<OK> to acknowledge.

HINT : If you use Windows Vista or Windows 7/8 you must probably start the
RMConfig/TDVConfig as “Administrator” to get the appropriate user rights for setting
up the editor syntax files path.

-> Stop RMConfig, restart RM Bridge to enable the updated new editor path.
© Bentley Systems Austria
RM Bridge Installation

Installation 1-12

-> Start Textpad over the start menu or with the editor icon inside RM Bridge V8i
-> Close all opened files Main menu->Files->Close all
-> Click on „Configuration“ in the main menu bar and choose „Preferences“.
-> The configuration window appears. Click on the + of „Document classes”.

->Enter “TCL” in the right window and click on <Apply>

-> Click on + of the “Document Class” tree, then on the sub tree “Tcl”.
-> In the sub menu on the middle define a new entry “*.Tcl”.

-> Click under “Tcl” tree on the left side on the ‚+’ and choose “Syntax”.
-> Select the already file ‚ tcl.syn’ and confirm with <OK>.

-> Click <OK> for storing the configuration

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Uninstalling

Installation 2-1

2 Uninstalling

2.1 Uninstalling RM Bridge software packages

RM Bridge software packages can easily be removed from Windows.

Select: Start menu  Control panel  Add/Remove Programs

Windows XP/Vista/Windows7/8 :
The user needs sufficient operating system rights for uninstalling.

The setup will check the user rights. An error will be displayed, if the logged user has
too less rights. Abort the installation and login as administrator or as a user with the
appropriate rights.

Choose the desired RM Bridge application from the display selection in

“Install/Uninstall” and select <OK>.

© Bentley Systems Austria

RM Bridge Troubleshooting

Installation 3-2

3 Troubleshooting
3.1 3D Graphic incomplete

RM Bridge applications are using the OpenGL-3D graphic interface of the Windows
operating system. Sometimes the 3D graphics may be incomplete or damaged under
Windwos XP, due the performance optimizing of the Windows driver.

You can improve the graphics quality over the Window troubleshooting menu in your
display properties:

e.g.: Windows XP English:

 Click with right mouse button onto an empty area of your desktop and
select <Properties> or open the control panel and click on display.
 Choose register <Settings> and click on the button <Advanced>
 Choose the register <Troubleshooting> and reduce the hardware
acceleration step by step and test it until you get the desired quality.

e.g.: Windows XP German

 Klicken sie am Desktop mit der rechten Maustaste u. wählen

<Eigenschaften> aus oder gehen Sie in die Systemsteuerung und
klicken Sie auf <Anzeige>.
 Wählen sie die Registerkarte <Einstellungen> aus und klicken auf die
Schaltfläche <Erweitert>
 Wählen Sie Registerkarte <Problembehandlung> aus u. reduzieren die
Hardwarebeschleunigung um eine Stufe und testen sie die Grafik. Stellen
Sie die Hardwarebeschleunigung so lange herab, bis die entsprechende
Darstellungsqualität erreicht ist!

If you can’t solve the problem, try to get the latest graphic card driver or a generic
driver for your card.

© Bentley Systems Austria

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