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eee ee rete aten ) AI RightsReserved Cee ae oreo memento eas ieee et oe Beperies ements ei Cee aan IeoiArs Enertoinmery Company. Aa Me CR) its Angeles, CA"90068 Neep More Heir? CCAILJVC'S 24:HOUR TP INE: 1-900-454-4NVC (USAY, 1-900-451-5IVC (Canada} 75e each minute. Ifyou ore under 18, be sue to get @ parents permission before caling. Requires 0 touch-tone telephone and is only covailable in the U.S. and Canada. Call length determined by user; coverage lenghh is 3 minutes. Messoges subject change without notice. INC Musical Industries, Inc., Los Angeles, CA 90068 “INTRODUCTION \, ) \ Grab your trusty whip and slash your waiy through all three Indy classics in this no-thrill-barred blockbuster adventure! If it happened in the movies, it happens in here...the giant boulder from Raiders of the Lost Ark, the mine cart chase from Temple of Doom, the Three Trials from The Last Crusade, Rene Bellog and Colonel Vogel... fs three times the action, all on one fully loaded game pak. pos ae <6 ¥ he, i é rn CONTENTS STARTING THE GAME... NAMES OF CONTROLER PARTS ‘MODE 7 LEVEL CONTROLS MAIN GAME MENU, MAIN GAME SCREEN WEAPONS LEVELS a 10 13 STARTING THE GAME 1, Turn off your Super Nintendo Entertainment System by sliding the POWER bor away from the Game Pok slot. Plug ‘© game controller into your systom. 2, Insort he Indiana Jones’ Greatest Adventures Game Pok, label facing fron, in the system slot 23, Turn on the system by sliding the POWER bor toward the ‘Game Pok slot. | do: When the Tile screen appears, press the START Button to - ‘ein Tit rt pettiea } , Fay f ny { . Nanee OF | CONTROLLER Parts To 4 Press a eh Pad in comes 1, To Paust Game: Press the START Button. Ws To Turow & GreNADe: \s Press the X Button, To Use Cunent WEAPON: Press the ¥ Button, / To Jumes, sor “6a i 4 fi Tet ee a Y | ceed Pa ET or | wi To Rou: ’ Hold the Contr Pad ‘ond press ot To Puncu: Press the Lor R Button To Creu THrouch Press the SELECT Button. = MODE 7 LEVEL CONTROLS ‘Snow Rart Conrrois ) TO STEER RAFT: Press the Control Pad LEFT or RIGHT. TO sump: \ e* Press the B Button, ‘Mine Cart ContROLS oy TO POSITION GUN SiGI Press the Control Pad in ony direction. TOFIREGUN: Press the Y Button, TO FLY PLAN! 1 | Pres the ContolPed in any crecion. TO FIRE GUN: Press the Y Button, Main Game MENU ‘To make a selection in the Main Game Menu, position the cursor, wih the Control Ped and press the START Bution fo enfer your selection. The fllowing is alist of what oppears on the Main ‘Gome Menu, ‘Start Selec ths to begin play Password Enler your password here by positioning the arrows by pressing the Conirol Pad LEFT or RIGHT, then make your letter selection by pressing the Control Pad UP Gr DOWN. (Posswords ore assigned every ther level.) Me Options MENU } iE To toggle between the various oplion setings, press the Control Pad LEFT or RIGHT. Here you con adjust he difcly sting (easy, normal, hard}, play in stereo | or mono, listen to the different B bekicround jeuesc eects one reconfigure your corral satin. Main Game SCREEN 1: Lire Meter Displays how much life you eurrenly have in green, yellow ond red indications. j 2: Score Displays your point fot tcllied so f. 3: WEAPON TyPE Displays the type of weapon you are using. 8 \ WEAPONS ‘Along with your fists, you hove several weapons available to you. But you must find them First. Weapons con be found in saicels or lay pots scattered around the game. To pick up a weapon, simply walk ino it. Ifyou fail to complete a level, when you begin agoin, you wil lose all your weapons—excop! for 0 grenade (you always start with one grenade), Pistou: Fires 0 fast single sho. Grenave: ‘Causes a lost tht desioys every enemy on the sreen, You begin wih one grenode. fp I porta Wu _ Perfect for slshing foes and helping you swing over lava pits, piranha pools and other seaminay impossible obstacles. i LEVELS Raivers Or THE Lost Ark Indy ison o hunt for the Ack of the Covenant. Your journey will begin atthe Chachapoyan Temple. Your goo i to retrieve the idol, but ike inthe mee, it's B| ot going to be easy—espacally with Hlowgurshcting ncn, Wika ens cand the giant boulder in your way. ‘Survive and your travels will lead you tothe Reven Bar (Nepal's hot spol fo find Marion end the Medallion; te Cairo where youll moot ‘Arabian swordsmen and kiler monkeys, ond toke the hay ride of ‘you life; to the Tanis dig sight, and eventually to the Well of Souls, ‘where the Ark awaits your orrival. And unforknaiely, so does the devious Bellog, Good luck, Dr. Jones! Tempte Or Doom First stop: Club Obi Wan. These ‘mercenaries have their sights on you so you'll need fo use your Indy intuition to survive this one. From here you'll find yourself using awnings as trampolines and dodging gunfire on the streets of ‘Shanghai; racing down an icy cliff in o rubber rat searching forthe secret slaue in PonkotPolace: ‘eciping love weterfals ond slashing ress natives in the Temple ‘of Doom. F Then finell, it’s time for some hia Indy theaticsin.o no- holds-borred bate royal with Mola Ram, fis in @ runaway mina _ cart hen on the rickely rope bridge miles above the earth, The Last Crusade will be your true test as the road to the Grail is jammed with danger. You'll begin your final adventure in the catocombs underneath the ‘cathedral. Here you'll need to use your ‘rusty whip to leap across deep water pits ‘ond eanyons. Survive and ifs off to the burning Brunwald Coste to battle German soldiers and bold mercenaries, oreo the final ‘clues fo finding the Holy Grail be, + From here you'l Yoke this battle fo the cir, fein in Zapp tn in the biplane, where youll go gunning agains! some high*lying German sls. andro pice and prepare owl Cae Vogel—oa top of his tank y Your crusade will cuinate atthe site ofthe Holy Grail Unfortunately—but not surprisingy—somebody ese wants the some thing you do. Now all that ge from your destiny. the skeleton of Donovan. g Eli sca | OPT h Dr. JONES’ JOURNAL {me | we A ‘Inp1ana Jones’ Greatest Agen i CREDITS h Factor 5 Team: % Adio Don by hones El ose ond Wil Backer Programmed by Thomas Engel aN \ ‘Additional Programming by Holger Schmid and Jens Peteiom Nh | Eee * | ledy nimation by Jon Knoles. {| Fist po Maat Bt ie |] Assistant Producer Wayne Cline es, Graphics by Fronk Matzke, Andreos Escher, and Ramiro _leod Tesing by Bret os et Music & Soundeffects by Rudolf Si ve Producer Keloni Streicher ee Testing by Willi Bicker hl ant by Julian Eagnbre sai gual IgM by be oe a 7 | he gé Design by Viveros and Assocites, he Thanks to George lucos i , pS 90 Day LimITED, WARRANTY {NC Musical Indore, ne, warrants the orginal prchauar of his IM aotere prec! hat the medium on which his computer program i oceded is hee rom elcome ond werkmonship fo pido inet (90 doy rm ae dete cf purchase, This IM sofware progam is cl es” wiht expresso implied ‘waren of ony kind, ard JM snot ible for any lenes or domages of ony kind ‘ealing fem the se of his rogram. IMI grea or 0 pain of int (90) days 19 either repoir ox replce, at is epions, fee of charge, ny Il sofware prodot, posoge pld, wih pool of date of purchoe, fl Factory Service Centr The warony it not aplicele enor wear ond ier This worraty shal not be coppice and shal be void the del inthe J solwove prod a ren ‘trough abuse, vreasorcble use, misc’ or nog. “THIS WARRANTY ISIN UEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND NO OTHER AEPRESENTATIONS OR CLAIMS OF ANY NATURE SHALL BE BNDING ON OR ‘CSUGATE I ANY IMPUED WARRANTES APPUCABLE TO TS SOFTWARE PRODUCT, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FINESS FOR | PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE UMITED TO THE NINETY (90) DAY PEROD. DDESCRBED ABOVE. IN NO EVENT WL IMI BE LABIE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM POSSESSION, [USE OR MALFUNCTION OF THE J SOFTWARE PRODUCT Sem ste: dona alow lintations is show lng oh implied warranty le ‘nd/orexcsion or lined or inden or censeqentl domeges othe cove limtoflens ender exclsins of bly may nt opp) Yo you. The wareny gives {yeu spedierighs, ond yeu my aio have ober righ which may vary om sce VC Musical nde, ‘3800 Baton Bovevrd, Suite 305 \ los Angeles, CA 90088 1 900454-4VC

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