DBD - Interview

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Dead by Daylight: Interview

An NSFW Dead by Daylight Fanfiction by u/YuriPetrovitch

Be aware that this fanfiction contains sexually explicit content.

If you are interested in my content there is an author’s comment on the last page

Kate rubbed her eyes, warily stepping one foot out from the backseat of the black
Rolls-Royce that had picked her up from the airport. As she brought herself to her feet,
Kate starred out at the Los Angeles skyline. The image was like a mirage in the hot
summer sun, wavering in all its unreal glory. Pennsylvania, home, felt so far away.

“Is that America’s newest country darling?” Asked a voice both genuine and
self-aware from behind her.

Kate whirled around, curly blonde locks splashing against her skin as she did.
Before her stood a rather curvaceous woman in a white dress shirt and pinstripe pants.
The latina’s style, body, and image was immediately recognizable. Jane Romero,
daytime talk-show legend.

Jane wore a friendly expression, and stood poised with her arms outstretched.
Kate moved towards her, attempting to echo Jane’s effortless smile. The older woman
took Kate in her arms and pressed her close, throwing her guest off guard.

Jane released Kate and continued, “I can’t even begin to tell you how good it is to
see you!” Jane spoke as if greeting an old friend.

Kate’s fingers trailed through her hair, and her eyes searched the pavement of
the driveway, “I’m so glad you invited me out here! I’ve never been this far west.”

As she trailed off Kate felt the gentle nudge of a finger on her chin. Jane guided
the singer’s eyes back to her own.

“You look nervous,” Jane’s finger lingered ever so slightly, “Please, I want you to
feel at home here.”

Kate took a step back and marveled at “here”. The Romero Villa was a large,
Spanish-style building overlooking LA. Even the yard on the drive up to the place was
well-manicured. Such a massive place must have cost a fortune, especially here.

“Do you like it? I don’t actually live here most of the time, but I do ever so love
bringing ​special ​guests over.”

“Yeah, it’s really nice,” Kate found herself unsure of what to say.

Jane took Kate’s hand in hers and began to lead her inside, “C’mon inside, the
camera crew is going to be a little late so there’s no use standing around in the hot sun
all day.”

Jane flung open the doors with Kate in tow.

To follow along from Kate’s POV, proceed to page 4

To follow along from Jane’s POV, proceed to page 15


A blast of air from the AC hits you as you stumble through the villa’s front doors.
You find yourself inside a large sitting room, with an array of sofas directly in front of
you, a kitchenette to your left, and a flight of stairs to your right. Directly ahead of you is
a large sliding door through which you can see an outdoor pool surrounded by long
beach chairs. The pool itself is of an impressive size, and the sun’s reflection dances in
the clear waters.

“Want to go for a dip?” Jane turns around, now silhouetted by the afternoon sun.
She partially unbuttons her shirt, which does nothing to hide her bust. Just as you feel
your eyes slipping towards her breasts, pushed tightly together and contained by a
barely visible red bra, you remember you have a question to answer.

“I- I don’t know...” No one said it had to be a good answer.

“C’mon it’ll be fun! What else are we gonna do anyways?”

“I don’t even have a swimsuit with me...” A faint heat begins to fill your cheeks.

“No worries!” Jane places both hands gently on your hips, the heat becomes a
hell of a lot less faint, “My sister comes here all the time. I bet you two are the same

Without waiting for you to say yes, Jane moves past you and to the stairway. It
would seem you have no choice but to follow. As you ascend, your eyes are level with
her ass, which bounces with each step.

What am I doing? ​You ask yourself, ​I shouldn’t be thinking like that.

The two of you make your way into a dark hallway with countless doors lining the
walls. Jane leads you to the end of the hallway and into a surprisingly small room. Light
streams in from two windows on the far side of the room, one overlooking the pool and
the other looking out at the skyline. A closet sits to your right, and a well kept bed
directly in front of you. A paneled privacy screen sits a few feet away from the bedside,
and a mirror sits in the corner between both windows.

Jane ushers you to take a seat on the bed. As you do, she moves to the closet
and opens the door. You can hear the sound of hangers clacking together as she
searches. Finally, she turns around and motions for you to stand up. You obey, and she
presses a turquoise bikini against your chest.

“I think you’re gonna look great in this,” Jane sing-songs as she places the
hanger into your hands. She sits down onto the bed and gives your ass a small push
towards the screen.

You move to the other side. Upon further inspection the screen appears to be
somewhat thin, and you can see a faint outline of Jane reclined on the other side.

“Just toss your clothes on the ground, we can come grab them later.”

With a slight shake in your hands, you pull off your cowboy boots and peel off
your socks. The thought of Jane on the other side of the screen raises goosebumps all
along your skin.

What is it about her? Not even celebrities make me nervous, but Jane…

You unbutton your denim shorts, then freeze. Your heart’s beating fast. It feels
like you’re undressing in front of a million people. That warmth begins to grow in your
cheeks again.

It’s not like she’s watching.

You take a deep breath and slide your shorts down to your ankle, stepping one
foot out and using the other to toss it aside. As you hook your thumbs into the
waistband of your panties, you feel something creeping up in your gut.

You can’t recall the last time you felt this nervous. Your first big concert, your first
small town bar, your driver’s test, senior prom, all of it came easily. You’re Kate Denson,
after all. People think you’re pretty, and talented, and charming. People are drawn to
you, they ​should b​ e drawn to you. Why does Jane Romero make you feel so different?
You’ve been on a million daytime talk shows. They love you. Why do you feel the need
to prove yourself to her?

“Hey, are you stalling for time? Don’t worry I’m sure it’ll look great on you!” Jane
spoke at a normal volume, but those two sentences felt like a sonic boom from behind
the screen.

Another deep breath. You close your eyes and slide your underwear down,
pressing your thighs together as if Jane were watching from the front. Your hands dart
for the hanger, fiddling with supple fabric of the bikini bottoms. Eventually, you wrestle
them off, bringing the bottoms up your thighs and clamping tightly around your waist.

They feel tight. As you trace the line where swimsuit meets ass you can feel a slight
protrusion of the flesh. You swallow hard, this tight of a bikini would get you banned
from the public pool back home.

There’s no turning back now. Your top comes off easy and is tossed onto the
floor along with the rest of your clothes. You reach around for the back of your bra,
undoing it and letting it fall to the floor. You bring the bikini top around your neck, fitting
it into place around your breasts. The fabric is cut just past your nipples so that the
maximum amount of cleavage can be shown.

Is this really the one Jane had to pick for me?

As you reach around to tie it, you feel a slight resistance.​ Too tight. Y
​ ou attempt to
maneuver your arms into a position that’ll bring both sides together, but with no luck. No
matter how much you strain, you can’t seem to get it to fit.

“You don’t need help, do you?”

Yes, you do, but you sure as hell don’t want to ask for it. The thought of Jane
coming up close behind you, her hands gently brushing against your bare skin. To be a
slip of the finger away from bearing it all to her… the thought alone makes you shudder.

“Yeah…” You nearly choke, “Can you help me get this?”

Jane slides into your peripheral vision with a kind smile across her face.

What’s she smiling at? Me? Do I look cute to her? Does she think I’m funny? A

Jane grabs at the tassels with surprising force, squeezing the breath out from
your lungs. As you gasp shallow breaths, you can feel Jane’s own breathing on the
nape of your neck. It sends shockwaves throughout your whole body. Even though
she’s only tying a knot, it feels like her finger tips are reaching deep within you.

“I was right, you look really good in this.” Jane finishes tying and reaches an arm
around your neck to the side of your head, directing your gaze towards the mirror.

The Kate in the glass looks nothing like the Kate in the pictures. Your eyes seem
cloudy, as if searching for an answer not easily found. Your mouth hangs ever so

slightly agape, and your knees are buckled together. Jane places both hands on your
shoulders, but they might as well be around your neck.

As she steps away, Jane’s fingertips gently brush against your bare thighs.

“I guess it is a bit tight… Still, it’s just us here, so that shouldn’t be a problem.”

That’s exactly why it’s a problem.

Jane continues, “How about you head on down to the pool and I’ll meet you after
I finish changing? I’ll only be a minute.”

You absentmindedly. You wander downstairs as though in a dream. The door

slides open and the heat of the sun coats your mind in a fuzzy haze. The only thing
keeping you grounded is the rough concrete against your bare feet. Gingerly, you lay
back on one of the reclined beach chairs scattered along the pavement.

What’s Jane gonna look like? God, I bet she’s perfect.

Your mind begins to wander. You see a pair of tits barely obscured by a tiny
bikini. You see Jane diving into the water, barely making a splash as she sinks deep
into a place you can never hope to be. You see her return to land, water droplets
running down her bouncing ass and thick legs. She stretches out in the sun. you and a
million other pairs of eyes wonder what she must be like under there, what the taste of
her lips is like, what it would feel like to give yourself over to her, what it would feel like
to have her hands explore every crevice of your-

A cold jolt on your stomach brings you back from the dream. As your eyelids
scramble back to their positions, the real Jane stands over you. Her hair is let down to
her shoulder blades, like a thick curtain on a game show set concealing a brand new
car. Her dress shirt is still on, but it now sits fully unbuttoned and lamely to the side,
making way for a black, strapless bikini that just barely holds everything in. Below the
cover of the thin white shirt her legs extend graciously to the ground. You can almost
feel your face being pulled towards her inner thighs.

Jane holds a bottle of lotion in her hand, which appears to be the source of the
clear glob sitting just below your navel.

“You looked like you were going to fall asleep,” She laughs.

You murmur some sort of refusal.

“No it’s fine!” She waves the tube of lotion in front of your face, “But it’s not good
for your skin. We wouldn’t want a nasty burn screwing with that ​adorable ​American
sweetheart thing you’ve got going on. May I?”

You want to say no. You want to beg her to spread the lotion all over your body.
You want her to keep her hands off of you. You want her to own every inch of you. You
want her to keep her distance. You want her deep inside of you.

“Yeah, go ahead,” You shudder.

Jane lifts a leg up and over you, sitting down so that she straddles you. A
squeaky gasp escapes your lips as her skin rubs against yours. You think you see Jane
flash a smile.

Jesus Christ, control yourself!

Jane’s hands dance seductively in the air before diving down into the chilling pool
of lotion. She starts with a slow, circular motion in an attempt to cover your entire
stomach. At first touch, your stomach flattens itself as you suck your breath in and hold

“Sorry if it’s a little cold, but doesn’t feel ​so good​ against your skin?” Jane

You mouth the word “yeah”, but nothing comes out.

Jane works her way up to the bottom of your ribcage. Each inch she moves up
your body subconsciously squeezes more breath out of you. She brings her right hand
up, squirting a dollop of lotion onto her finger tips. You watch as her hands extend
towards your breasts, sucking in a deep breath as you press yourself against the chair
with anticipation. Instead, her hands move past your boobs and towards your collar
bone where she begins to rub the lotion into your shoulders and neck.

Did she just fake me out?

Another squirt from the bottle and Jane begins to move towards your chest, this
time from above. She works her way down from the collar bone, and you feel your
pelvis push up into her as if to compensate for the weight.

Jane brings her fingers down to the center of your chest, working a fine line
between both breasts. Ever so slightly, a finger touches against the exposed flesh. The
feeling is electric. Gently, she strokes with the pads of her fingers. As she massages
your breasts, you feel your eyes drawn deep into hers. Neither of you can break eye
contact. The world is completely silent. Even the sound of traffic fades away. You
breathe. She breathes. Every cell of your skin tingles. Who even are you? You’re
Jane’s. You want to belong to her. You want her to own you. You want to be her friend,
her servant, her little toy, her girlfriend-

Nope, that’s enough of that!

You jolt upright so fast that Jane actually gets off you. For once, she seems

“Is everything okay, Kate?” She sounds genuinely worried.

“Yeah, I’m alright, just getting a little… uh, hot.” You lie.

Without another word, you dive deep into the pool. You descend further and
further away from the surface, away from Jane. At the bottom the sun seems like a tiny
star in the watery sky. It’s cold down here. You begin to feel the weight of the water all
around you. It’s like a million tiny hands feeling you down. None of them are hers. You
desperately wish they were. You want to feel her hands slide down your chest and past
your bikini. You want to feel every ridge of her fingers against your clit. You want to let
those fingers slide deep into you. Your head breaches the surface.

Jane stares as you pull yourself up from the water. As you stare up at her from
the poolside, she squats down to place a finger and thumb on your chin.

“How do you feel now?”

Before you can answer, a man’s voice echoes from the interior of the villa, “Jane,
we’re here!”

“We’ll be right there!” Jane answers as composed as ever, “Kate and I were just
in the pool. Give us a few to get ready!”

Jane turns back to you, “There’s a bathroom with a shower across from my
sister’s room.”

It’s only a statement, but the command couldn’t be more clear. You follow Jane
back through the sliding glass doors towards the stairs. You’re soaking wet, wearing a
bikini dad would be furious if he saw you in, striding past a group of guys with cameras,
and none of it matters. Your eyes are on Jane’s back, and the familiar shake of her ass
as you both ascend the stairs.

You find yourself in a tiled bathroom. The floor and walls are made from the
same warm, brownstone tiles. There’s a toilet and sink directly before you. To your right
is a large sheet of translucent glass, though which you can make out a large shower.
Opposite the translucent glass is a floor to ceiling window that faces the pool.

Jane drapes her arms around your shoulders from behind and brings her face
dangerously close to yours.

“Finally, just the two of us. You can’t run from me anymore…” She whispers.

Something inside of you attempts to recoil, “No, this isn’t right, I’m not- er…”

Her lips lock with yours. A tingling sensation fills your whole body, and an almost
magnetic force makes it near impossible to leave. Still entangled, Jane slides both
hands down your bare back and beneath your bottoms. Both hands clamp firmly down
on your ass. You stagger back, a few steps at first, before feeling yourself backpedal all
the way to the window. All the while, Jane plays with your butt, fingers ever so slightly
brushing against the lips of your pussy.

Finally, the two of you separate. You desperately gasp for air, still pressed
against the window as Jane makes her way to the shower knob. Steam begins to fill the
room as warm water erupts from the head. Jane’s dress shirt drops to the tiled floor as
she waltzes back to you, planting either hand near your head against the glass and
drawing herself within an inch of your face. Being this close to her only causes your
panting to grow audibly louder.

“We can do it right here, Kate. Don’t you want this?”

You swallow hard, afraid to admit the truth. Sensing your hesitation, Jane traces
over your bottoms with a feather’s touch. Your legs shake, and something wells up in
your throat.

“Say it, tell me you want me,” Jane presses her full hand up against the fabric
guarding your pussy. Slowly, she drags the hand up your midsection to your chest.
There, she grabs at the center of the bikini top, nonchalantly pulling it towards her. You
stay pressed against the glass. As Jane releases the top, it falls limply off of your
breasts down to the ground. Instinctively, your arms cross your chest to guard your tits.

“Let yourself be mine,” She whispers.

You can only murmur a weak refusal, unable to even look the larger woman in
the eye. A shudder tears through your entire nervous system as Jane places her lips
against your ear.

“It’s just the two of us here,” She croons, “No one will ever know. You have
nothing to be afraid of. ​You’re mine now.”​

“We shouldn't,” You whine, “Everyone’s waiting downstairs.”

“Who cares? You’re the only person here that matters to me.”

Your arms grow slack and lower so that they clamp around your waist, letting
your boobs hang freely. Jane takes the opportunity to fondle them softly, gently
brushing a thumb over one of your nipples. This elicits an involuntary gasp.

“I love it when you sing for me,” Jane whispers before sliding down to her knees.

As she descends, Jane’s fingers hook into your bottoms, dragging them to fall
around your ankles. She brings her face as close as she possibly can to your pussy
without touching it. Then, gently, her lips clamp down around one of yours.

Your earlier gasp escalates to a full moan.

Slowly, Jane’s tongue slides between both lips, dragging itself along your clit.

“Mmm! Ah!” You can’t help but cry out.

Jane wastes no time getting started. You can feel her deep inside of you, moving
her tongue as if lapping up a bowl of water. Each slight movement of the tongue sends
you soaring on a wave of ecstasy. As Jane works, your chest heaves, struggling to
replace the breath sucked out of you. Each exhale sends another moan out to echo
within the tiled room, an audible manifestation of pent up sexuality.

Jane stops to plant a kiss against your soft flesh. As she does, she pulls down
part of her own bikini. Her left breast falls out, fat rippling as if shook by an earthquake.
That bikini must have been good at hiding her size; she’s much bigger up close. A hand
clamps around the large areola, squeezing with considerable force as Jane constantly
squirms against the bathroom floor. In the heat of it all, she seems to have lost that
professional composure.

Jane stands upright, flinging the rest of her top off as she does. You can’t help
but stare as water droplets slide gracefully down her large bust, clinging to her perfectly
tanned skin as they trace her beautiful outline. Your lips lock once more, and you can
feel Jane press her still-clothed pelvis into yours. She grinds slowly as your lips slide
against one another, and as she pulls away, drags you down to your hands and knees.

Jane lays on her back below you, occasionally darting a quick, tease of a kiss
against your neck before pulling away. She grabs at the back of your neck, bringing
your face down towards her boobs. Without warning, you’re forced between them. It’s
tough to breath down there, especially in the heat of the shower.

You’re finally let up for air. In a single move, Jane brings her hands up to your
shoulders, pushing you backwards. Suddenly, the tables are turned. You watch as she
brings a hand around to the back of her bottoms, yanking them down the knees. She
then slides one leg between yours. Gently, she inches forwards until your pussies grind
up against one another.

Her hips move like a dancer’s. With incredible precision and form, she gyrates
against you, unleashing a pleasure you never thought was possible. You attempt to
follow suit, but your movements are sloppy and inexperienced.

Fortunately, it seems to be enough for Jane, who lets out a series of huffs and
moans as she picks up speed. The feeling of sensitive flesh on sensitive flesh is
electric. You can hardly see Jane’s tits bouncing between squinted eyes.

“You feel so good!” Jane moans.

After a moment more of scissoring, Jane pulls away. With you still on your back,
she brings herself to lay her imposing weight on top of you. Gripping your shoulders
once more, the two of you nearly roll so that Jane is on her back.

Jane grabs your wrist, bringing it close to her pussy, seemingly instructing you to
insert yourself into her. You press two fingers close together, and slowly push them

“Ah!” She cries out.

Her lips grip tight against your fingers as you slowly work them in and out.
Another wave of pleasure slides through you, it would seem Jane is returning the favor.

The two of you lay there, pressed up against one another’s bare chest, fingering
away. As you continue, you can feel the pleasure mounting, first in your groin, but soon
working it’s way up through your body. You feel ready to burst.

“J-Jane! I think I’m gonna-”

It’s too late. All at once, you tense up, your eyes clamp shut, and your entire
body begins to shake. You lay there for a moment in ultimate bliss.

When it’s all over, you push yourself up slightly. Jane sits opposite of you, chest
still heaving.

“What did you think?” She asks slyly.

You attempt to vocalize an answer, but can’t. It doesn’t matter, Jane already

You watch as she picks her nude body up off of the ground. Every inch of her
bounces as she moves to turn off the hot water. Without even a glance at you, she
begins to towel off.

You stare as she rubs a soft white towel across her body, your mind still lingering
in the past. Jane seems to notice your hesitation.

“Well? C’mon girl, you’ve got an interview to get to.”

“I don’t know if I can, that was… uh…”

Jane simply smirks, “Well, you’d better get used to it. I think we’ll be seeing more
of eachother soon enough.”


You lead Kate into the cool interior of your home. You watch her eyes as she
marvels at the large living room. They dart from the sofas directly behind you to the
kitchenette on your right, to the stairs on your left. Finally, her gaze strays past you
towards the large sliding glass doors on the opposite end of the room, no doubt her
attention has been caught by the sparkling pool waters.

“Want to go for a dip?” You ask innocuously.

For added effect, you unbutton the top of your dress shirt. Even in the dim room,
you can see her inhale slightly as you do it.

She’s so cute…

This was supposed to be a normal interview, but there’s a slight problem. The
way the light dances in her curly locks, the loose slip dress covering her energetic
frame, the way her shorts cling to her silky thighs, the way she falls apart when talking
to you.

And only me.

Those were the problems.

We’ve got time, and the camera crew knows how these things go. If she’s into it,
she’s into it. If not, business as usual.

“I- I don’t know...” Kate averts her gaze.

“C’mon it’ll be fun! What else are we gonna do anyways?”

“I don’t even have a swimsuit with me...” You can see her ears begin to grow red.

“No worries!” You place both hands gently on her hips. Even that innocent of a
touch seems to make her squirm, “My sister comes here all the time. I bet you two are
the same size.”

You sister might be mad if she found out you were using her as an excuse to
disrobe attractive women. That is, if you had one.

Without waiting for an answer, you stride past her and up the stairs. You can
hear Kate’s footsteps following you as you begin to move to the second floor. You

accentuate the shaking of your hips ever so slightly as the two of you ascend, hoping
Kate gets the hint.

The two of you make your way into a dark hallway with countless doors lining the
walls. You lead Kate towards the end of the hallway and into the ​special ​guest room.
Light streams in from two windows on the far side of the small bedroom, one
overlooking the pool and the other looking out at the skyline. A closet sits to your right,
and a well kept bed directly in front of you. A paneled privacy screen sits a few feet
away from the bedside, and a mirror sits in the corner between both windows.

You motion for Kate to sit on the bed, her innocent blue eyes watching you the
whole time. You move to the closet door, careful to hide its contents from her. Inside sit
countless hangers, on which a wide array of women’s swimwear and lingerie hang in
various sizes and styles. Your hand moves instinctively towards a turquoise bikini. It’ll
look nice on her, if a little small. You whirl around and press it against her chest.

“I think you’re gonna look great in this,” you sing-song, placing the hanger into
her hands. You take her place on the bed, giving her butt a little push towards the
privacy screen. The sensation of your fingers pressing into her supple ass lingers long
after Kate’s gone.

Kate moves to the other side. A crisp outline is visible through the screen thanks
to the sunlight from the windows.

You watch as she bends down to remove her boots.

Kate’s getting naked on the other side of that screen… Why do I tease myself
like this? Still, that girl.

You remember her lush thighs, the slight sway of her breasts when she turns.
There must be a million pictures of this girl online. There must be an army of computer
nerds working day and night to find a leaked nude pic, a single nip slip, anything.

The only one who gets to see that is me.

You hear the sound of denim shorts being unzipped. Kate’s silhouette bends
forwards, kicking something off of her ankles. There go the shorts.

You wonder what’s under those panites she’s wearing. A second pair of lips
between her legs. What’s been inside of them? A cock? Her own two fingers?

To think of something violating that perfect girl is inconceivable. That’s why

you’re gonna have the first honor. You begin to picture your own fingers sliding down

I wonder what kind of sounds she makes…

You shake yourself back to reality.

Almost got carried away there.

Through all this daydreaming, you notice Kate’s stood frozen in place on the
other side of the screen. No matter how often you take those panties off mentally, the
real Kate still has them on.

“Hey, are you stalling for time?” You call in encouragement, “Don’t worry I’m sure
it’ll look great on you!”

In a scrambling motion, Kate slides her bottoms off. As if panicked, you watch as
her silhouette fiddles with the hanger before sliding the bikini bottoms on with a
satisfying spandex ​snap. Y​ ou watch as her torso twists slightly, hips turning to give
herself a better look at the bottoms.

With little hesitation, Kate throws her top off and into the corner with the
rest of her clothes. You hear the familiar ​thump o ​ f a bra landing gently on the carpeted
floors. You watch as she turns to the right slightly and bends over to pick up the top.
Even in silhouette, the sight of her lean, young body stretching to grab that top is
intoxicating. The way her waist comes together, the way her arms stretch gracefully out
to the ground, the way her hips twist to balance the shifting weight of her breasts, each
and every part of her seems to be carefully designed. If there is a god, she is proof.

You watch as Kate brings the strings on the back of the bikini together between
her shoulder blades. She tugs once, twice, a third time. No matter how hard she pulls,
the two sides won’t stay together.

“You don’t need help, do you?” You ask with a sly smile spreading across your

“Yeah… Can you help me get this?” Kate’s voice quivers as she speaks.

Lifting yourself off of the bed, you stride to the other side of the screen. You stop
for the briefest of seconds to stare at your interviewee. Her bare feet shift uncomfortably
as she glances vulnerably over her shoulder at you, face crimson red. Her booty shorts
have given way to even more skin, allowing your eyes to trace the full length of her
toned legs and thighs. At the pelvis, turquoise fabric digs in against her soft skin, leaving
a particularly visible indent around her ass. Said ass hangs the slightest amount out of
the bottoms.

The tassels of the bikini hang loosely against Kate’s skin. You take one in each
hand and, without warning, force them within tying distance. You watch as Kate’s back
arches from the pressure, almost jutting her ass out towards you. As you tie, you bring
your face closer towards Kate’s neck. It’s only a inches away, the urge to plant your lips
against her milky white skin is almost too much to resist. Almost.

“I was right,” you murmur, “You look really good in this.”

You place a hand on Kate’s cheek and direct her gaze towards the mirror in the
corner. The bikini does wonders to frame her cleavage, which is packed tightly against
her by only a thin layer of fabric. Kate carries herself with a slightly dazed expression,
and her knees almost buckle as you place your hands on her shoulders.

Another woman’s never made her feel this way before. She doesn’t understand
what she’s feeling yet, but I’ll get through to her.

“I guess it is a bit tight… Still, it’s just us here, so that shouldn’t be a problem,”
You continue, “How about you head on down to the pool and I’ll meet you after I finish
changing? I’ll only be a minute.”

Kate exits the room, and you watch as those exquisite legs carry her down the
hall to the stairway. You close the door and sit back down on the bed. Your shirt buttons
are undone one by one, and the whole thing is tossed aimlessly onto the pillow. Next
you slide your bra off, letting the lacy red fabric hang on the top of the privacy screen.
You sit there topless for a moment. A wandering finger pushes gently against one of
your nipples.

I’m already excited…

Off come your pants and the matching red pair of panties. You venture a hand
down there, already slightly damp. Your whole body tenses as you slide a finger up and
across your clit. It feels wonderful.

Wait, that’s Kate’s job.

You shake yourself back to reality and grab a black, strapless bikini. After you
finish dressing, you grab the dress shirt back from the pillow, throwing it over your
shoulders less so for practicality than for effect.

As you breach the glass doors leading to the pool, you can see Kate reclined on
a beach chair. Her eyes appear to be shut, and her chest rises and falls with a steady

You could seal the deal here. You could get on top and tear off that bikini. You
could close in when she can’t see you and lock lips. You could bury a hand beneath her
bottoms and insert a finger or two.

So sweet and vulnerable… No, it would be a shame to rush things.

You retrieve an unlabeled bottle of lotion from a small table near the doorway. It’s
nothing special, just sunscreen, but in times like these it can be an invaluable tool.
Uncapping the bottle, you approach the sleeping beauty. A short but firm squeeze of the
tube sends a small glob of the clear substance splashing down just below her navel.

The shock jolts Kate awake.

“You looked like you were going to fall asleep!” You laugh.

Kate scrambles to find some sort of excuse.

“No it’s fine, but it’s not good for your skin. We wouldn’t want a nasty burn
screwing with that ​adorable ​American sweetheart thing you’ve got going on. May I?”

A visible shudder envelops Kate’s body as the meaning of your words dawn on
her. The same fantasy plays out in each of your minds.

After some hesitation, Kate manages to say, “Yeah, go ahead.”

You lift your left leg up and over, straddling the young girl. As you place your
weight against her, a gasp escapes Kate’s lip. It’s a sweet, melodic noise, and one you
intend to hear again.

Unable to wait any longer, you place your fingers into the puddle of lotion against
her skin. Making small, circular motions, you rub your fingers gently along the stomach.

Kate’s skin is smooth. Like a down pillow, even the lightest touch against it
invites the other party to press down further. She feels flawless. It’s as if she’s never felt
pain in her life. No matter how unlikely a reality, it’s unfathomable to imagine a break in
her skin. Between your legs sits a goddess. As those crystal clear eyes gaze helplessly
up at you, you can’t help but feel awed by her beauty.

You watch as Kate’s stomach instinctively flattens itself as she sucks in her

“Sorry if it’s a little cold, but doesn’t feel ​so good​ against your skin?” You whisper.

If Kate answered, you were too absorbed in her body to hear it.

Your hands trace her silk skin up to the bottom of the ribcage. You can faintly feel
the bone starting just above the stomach, like marble set by an artisan, designed to give
structure to a masterpiece. As you climb this trophy, you feel Kate’s breathing grow
shallow. Short, light, quick breaths manage to barely escape through her slightly agape
mouth. You wonder if she’s even recognizing what’s happening, or if this is all a blur to
her. You wouldn’t blame her if it was.

As you ascend the rib cage, you begin to feel friction between your fingers and
Kate. The lotion must be running thin. You reach up to squeeze some more onto your
fingers, eyeing your next target.

Kate’s tits cast an ever present shadow over her body, always reminding you of
their presence. The way they must feel … just the thought sends ripples of anticipation
through your body. You extend a lotioned hand towards them. As you do, Kate’s
breathing halts entirely, anxiously awaiting your touch.

Still too early.

Your hand moves past her pillowy chest and up towards her collar bone to the
familiar downy touch of her skin. You work downwards this time, saving the best for last.
Although your touch is light, Kate pushes her upper body back into the chair. Like a
seesaw, her pelvis juts out in the same movement, pressing both of your lower regions
closer together.

You work down towards the center of the rib cage, fingers playing along the
central bone. Try as you might to avoid them, the turquoise bikini presses Kate’s tits too
close to avoid. Your finger passes gently along the inner side of one of her boobs.
They’re soft, inviting you to dig in closer. Like a well-made cake, they’re light and fluffy,
full of boundless potential. Slowly, you begin to stroke the inner sides of her breasts,
careful not to go so far as to ruin your masterpiece.

Eyes locked, your face drifts towards her as you work. A brief mental image of
her bare chest implants itself in your head. Your hand muscles twitch, as if longing to
squeeze her. You can almost feel your body pressed against hers. You long to make
this girl yours.

Your mind slips into a dream. You see yourself returning from a long day at the
studio. As you step through the doors of your home, Kate’s there. She’s wearing only an
apron, and stands above the stove cooking something delicious. You approach from
behind, moving your lips slowly towards hers, careful not to damage her fragile beauty.
You feel the slightest touch of Kate’s lips against yours-

The girl jerks upright suddenly, sending you staggering to your feet at the side of
the chair.

“Is everything okay, Kate?”

Did I do something?

“Yeah, I’m alright, just getting a little… uh, hot.” She murmurs.

Kate takes a few large strides forwards and dives into the pool. A smile crosses
your face. She’s yours. You watch her figure as it glides through the water, each muscle
intelligently designed for grace. You crouch against the edge of the pool, waiting for her
to return. In a minute or two, you’ll have her. Her body will be yours to admire, to use as
you see fit.

As Kate breaches the surface, her eyes lock with yours once more. You place a
finger and thumb on her chin, ready to lead her like a leashed pet towards your desires.

We could go back to the chair, or we could head inside and do it on the couch.

Wherever you wish to go, Kate will follow.


“How do you feel now?” You ask, still mulling over your option.

Kate opens her mouth to respond, but isn’t given the opportunity. A man’s voice
echoes from inside the villa, “Jane, we’re here!”

That voice belonged to Al, head of the camera crew.

That limits our options, but that only makes the decision even easier.

Your voice echoes back to him, composed and cool, “We’ll be right there! Kate
and I were just in the pool. Give us a few to get ready!” Your attention then turns to
Kate, still waiting expectantly in the pool, “There’s a bathroom with a shower across
from my sister’s room.”

Kate seems to understand the command, and she rises out of the water to follow
you up the stairs. On your way, you pass the camera crew setting up in the living room.
You give Al a knowing wink. He simply rolls his eyes.

You lead Kate to a tiled bathroom. The floor and walls are made from the same
warm, brownstone tiles. There’s a toilet and sink directly before you. To your right is a
large sheet of translucent glass, though which you can make out a large shower.
Opposite the translucent glass is a floor to ceiling window that faces the pool.

You drape your arms around your new trophy, bringing your face within an inch
of hers.

“Finally, just the two of us. You can’t run from me anymore…” You whisper.

“No, this isn’t right, I’m not- er…” Kate stumbles across multiple different
excuses. Deep down, you can tell she doesn’t have one. Even as she stutters, you can
feel her body press closer to yours.

You lock your lips with hers. Slowly, passionately, you explore each other.
Starting from her shoulders, you bring your hands down the milky surface of Kate’s
back, sliding both hands beneath her bottoms and grabbing on tight. Her ass is soft, and
feels as if you could bury your hands into her skin forever and not reach the other side.
As you play with her ass, Kate takes a few steps back. You follow, a few steps at first.
Then, you find yourself pressing against her body, now backed against the poolside
window. As your fingers dance along the soft flesh of Kate’s ass, you can feel the tight
lips of her pussy.

You finally pull away. Kate keeps herself pressed against the window as you
cross the tiled floor to the shower knob, starting the hot water. As the steam begins to
rise, you drop your dress shirt to the ground.

“We can do it right here, Kate. Don’t you want this?”

She stares at you, fear of the unknown welling up in her eyes. If she goes
through with this, she won’t be the same person anymore. She knows she can’t just
walk away from you after what’s happened.

To ease her hesitation, you place a gentle index finger against fabric guarding
her pussy. It dances across her body, training the indents of her lower lips. Even in the
hot showers, Kate manages a shiver.

“Say it, tell me you want me,” You press your full hand up against her pussy.
Slowly, you move the hand up towards Kate’s tits. You hook around the wire connecting
both cups, and pull it towards you briefly before releasing. The bikini falls limply off of
Kate’s tits. With nothing to support it, it drops to the ground. Still afraid, Kate crosses her
arms, stubbornly blocking your view of her nipples. Her face grows a fierce scarlet color.

“Let yourself be mine,” You whisper.

Kate lets out a useless whimper. You feel your lips press gently against her ears.

“It’s just the two of us here,” You croon, “No one will ever know. You have
nothing to be afraid of. ​You’re mine now.”​

“We shouldn't, everyone’s waiting downstairs.” Kate’s voice pitches up an octave.

She’s not denying it anymore.

“Who cares? You’re the only person here that matters to me.”

Your words cause Kate to drop her guard. Her arms clamp around her waist.
Finally, Kate’s perfect tits are yours to use. You place both hands over them, using a
thumb to gently push one of her perky nipples.

“Oh!” Kate gasps.

“I love it when you sing for me,” You whisper as you slide down to your knees.

In that same sliding motion, you grab onto her bottoms. They fall to the floor with
you, leaving Kate completely defenseless. Your eyes trace the lines left by the too-tight
bikini, the only blemish on her perfect body. Your blemish. You bring yourself face to
face with the tight, pale lips of Kate’s pussy. It has the same sort of appeal as fresh
snow, waiting for you to be the first one to disrupt it. Gently, your lips press down on

Kate lets out a moan.

You slide your tongue inside, slowly dragging along her clit.

“Mmm! Ah!” Even for a singer this girl is vocal.

You’re unable to wait any longer. Sending your tongue deep inside Kate, you
work yourself into a rhythm. With each stroke, you can feel Kate’s entire body shift and
shake with please. No one’s ever eaten this girl out before. All the while, Kate gasps
and squeals for air. The guys downstairs can probably hear here, but it doesn’t matter,
they know the drill.

You stop your liking to place a soft kiss against Kate’s pussy. The heat in your
chest is growing to an unbearable inferno. In an attempt to relieve it, you pull down part
of your own bikini, grasping at and playing with your flesh with a ferocious intensity. It’s
no use. As you squirm against the bathroom floor, you realize you’re going to have to
get more intimate than this.

You bolt upright, filing that damned top off to who-knows-where. You and Kate
embrace against the window again. The kiss is sloppy this time, and as you pull apart, a
string of saliva bridges the gap between your mouths. Your pelvis forces itself towards
hers, grinding against her with an animalistic ferocity. Finally, you break away, pulling
Kate down to the ground with you.

The girl sits above you on hands and knees. Those curly locks from earlier are
now lashes of blonde hair, sticking stubbornly to her wet face. Even like this, she’s
unflinchingly adorable, watching you intently for instructions. For a brief moment, you
force her face into your tits, pressing her warm skin against yours. Then, you push her
onto her back.

Now that the tables are turned, you free your pussy, sliding the bottoms down to
your knees and onto the floor. You slide one leg onto either side of Kate into a

scissoring position before inching yourself forwards. With an electric sting of pleasure,
your pussies connect.

You move with a speed fueled by lust, and precision fueled by experience. As
your lips press and grind against one another, ecstasy tears through you like an
unchained animal. Kate attempts to follow suit, but her attempts are sloppy and
inexperienced. Between thrusts of her pelvis, she shudders and quivers with pleasure.
Even with her sloppy movements, seeing her perfect body service yours is more than
enough to send you on a wave of pleasure. You ride it, grasping at a bouncing tit while
the hot water pours down, trickling an outline of Kate’s sculpted frame.

“You feel so good!” You all but scream.

The scissoring is good, but you long to be closer to your new treasure. Her body
of gold, her platinum figure, her skin richer than any horde. You pull away before rolling
form your knees so that you lay flat on top of Kate. You then roll the smaller girl over so
that she lays on top of you.

Skin to skin, you share warmth once more. She’s like a pile of feathers, or a
blanket of lace. Even if you weren’t fucking, just having her near you feels orgasmic.
You guide Kate’s hand towards your pussy, nearly shoving her fingers in for her.

You cry out as she enters you. Those virgin fingers explore inside of you, unsure
of what quite to do, but it doesn’t matter. Just having her inside of you sends you roaring
closer to the brink of cumming. You return the favor, feeling her entire pelvis shake as
you do. She’s not gonna last much longer.

After a few more seconds pressed up against each other, Kate’s trembling grows
to a violent peak.

“J-Jane! I think I’m gonna-”

Kate closes her eyes and tenses up. Her entire body vibrates and shudders
below you as she releases all of her sexual energy in a final pleasured moment. She
lays there for a while, shaking and quivering.

Just watching makes you want to cum with her. You sit back on her midriff,
shoving three fingers deep down inside your pussy. A moment more, and it all comes
falling down. You fall back onto your ass, tensing up as your moans reach a climax.
Your vision swims, and as the tsunami of pleasure fades you find yourself back on the

floor of the bathroom. Kate peels herself off of the bathroom floor, watching you come
back to your senses.

“What did you think?” You crack a wry smile.

Kate’s mouth moves but no sound comes out.

You pick yourself off the ground, striding towards the shower knob and shutting
off the hot water. You grab a towel off the rack and begin to dry yourself off.

You notice Kate staring dumbfounded at you from the floor.

“Well? C’mon girl, you’ve got an interview to get to.”

“I don’t know if I can, that was… uh…” Kate heaves and gasps for air.

You simply smirk, “Well, you’d better get used to it. I think we’ll be seeing more of
eachother soon enough.”


Author’s Comments

Welp, there goes the “quick little project” I was going to scratch out before I set to
work on the next CYOA. Anyways, this was a fun change of pace.

Writing from a female POV is something new for me. As you might have
guessed, I’m a dude, so I don’t have an intimate knowledge of what it would feel like to
be these characters. For this reason, I’d like to extend a special thanks to all the ladies
out there who read through this one, please, please, please let me know what I can
improve in the future. It’d be boring to just stick to a male POV all the time, so if you
folks can point me in the right direction I’d be much appreciative.

Finally, I want to extend a huge thanks to everyone who read and left kind
comments on my last piece. Whenever I get writer’s block, or wonder if this is really
something I want to keep doing, seeing your kind words always reinvigorates my love
for this stuff. There were a ton of awards on that last post too, which is probably just
because Reddit is giving those things out like candy now, but whatever. Even crazier is
the fact that I’m up to 30 followers, which is nuts to me. Thank you everyone for your
continued support.

I think next up is gonna be a pretty in-depth CYOA with Yui. I don’t think our girl
gets nearly enough love, as she’s one of the cooler survivors in my opinion. Plus, I get
to weeb out a little since it’s going to be set in Japan, so that’ll be real fun. Like I said, it
might end up being kinda long, so bear with me for the wait, I’m still getting used to the
work-life-school balance I got going on.

Anyhow, that’s all from me. Remember to consume porn responsibly, respect
women, and make sure you let someone in your life know how important they are to

‘Till we meet again,


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